1 usual bration showed real means of a series it was more a results, mean errors 1 ... 2 urn. measurements we found out that instabil than of else. of the tests 2 .. 1 The stability was started in 1984 .. Since then seven test sets of one to two weeks have been carried out with our Kern DSR- .. In order to the stabil of , the other five instruments were taken with in 1986 Their lasted one week each, that is with different combinations of variables the test set should have been in order clearer conclusions of the results, but instruments in can be taken off from their every use e In order to e measured every coordinates of several are with different half an hour over a time of one an affect to the combinations of variables was to observe the coerinstabil The dinates of each and interest over the test set to follow how of we measured were ates since there was some doubt that the the movement of ates with four al marks for At sion fiducial In order to have a good was measured five times so that automatical and moved away from of After these five the coordinates and the mean errors were As a criterium for and the mean of the five the deviation had to be less than 1.5 urn. The measurements were done both and order to see if direction of movement had any results .. One test in the set consisted of individual tests 1 that is 8 hours, to two or even minutes coordinate measurements were done in every the first two hours after the power on and thereafter in every minutes .. As in work the carriers are most of the time, it was decided to test if this had any influence on the results.. So the carriers were either not at all 1 between two successive measurement times, or tical from a to the fol one, there for two seconds and then to the next on in a over the minutes The DSR-1 has an with function buttons and a just in front of the instrument. The operof luminous material and very hot to To if it had any influence to the some tests were done with both the P3 and the switched off in HUT. one week, recorded .. Also was inside the Kern DSR-1 of nine different were recorded with calibrated sensors .. seen that It was the but inside the instrument varied in time between different the difference at the same time was never more than 1 .. 5 oc short, the variables used in were order of the - duration of the test movement of the carriers and on or off ( in DSR-1) .. 2.2 Instruments used in the tests We used instruments in the Kern DSR- of the HUT, another Kern DSR- in Hel Finland - Wild BC-2 in , Finland, - Kern DSR-llB in Karlsruhe, - a version Kern DSR-11(with linear encoders and large carriers) at the Kern in Aarau, Switzerland, and Pl in FRG .. of some of the test series were because of failures in the or in the , but even then one could an idea about the stabil the instrument .. Also, it is to be noted that in these tests was not the same person but the situation was tried to made as similar as error of the five less than same size of mark as also of 3 In every tested instrument some kind of instabil was to be found. There were coordinates the first hour as as ater are less 2 urn it can as noise, usual were between times and over the to 5 urn and from 3 to 0 urn, instrument was di and therefor it would not be justified to compare the instruments with each other, and also the for each instrument was so short General can be said that the behavior of the instrument in four coordinate axes differ from each other.. E .. g.. in one the maximum difference was about 3 urn over the whole in the another one the difference was to a difference of about 10 urn. In the fol the results are factors found to effect to the most Time It is seen that in most cases is not stabilized in 15 . 30 minutes after power on, like manufacturers The usual take ace the first and settle down a bit, after six hours can occur a on and on .. often on the fol after power on in the but carriers not coordinates are not usual the same as on the can be of order of 3 ... 7 urn In case next , one should remeasure some to see if the in coordinates can be difference if carriers have been if have one The time the coordinates is different to each one should let the instrument carriers move at least 1 ...... 1, 5 hours on. And if the carriers have not , one wait for about 5 ...... 2 hours before measure the coordinates. ( 1. ) In repeated tests with movement of carriers between times, the behavior of the instrument was very similar each axis and in different of the carrier.. But when those results to the ones when the carriers had been in one (not between the measurement times), the behavior of the coordinates was very much different.. That is most 1 due to the effect of the movement to the carriers or to the ( 2. and 3. The direction of the axis does not seem to make any difference .. clockwise and anticlockwise does not have any remarkable influence on the coordinates in any instrument 4 and 5.. ) " ( i f the stabil of To an , the first results of the Kern DSR-1 at HUT in 1 showed as 12 urn differences in one of the coordinates between successive measurement times and very often there were crescent in the coordi ates dur the e ing peri n the insulation was made more efficient new ventilators were installed and electrical wires were , one could see a in the stabil The effect of is also to be found in the results of the tests with the P3 The are more axes when the P3 is off than with the P3 on. Further, when one could see cases the room that in one the Test results show that the coordinates with time non-linear and of upon the the measured ass ate .. effect should like a scale factor but that is not to be seen in the results, at least not ( 6 .. ) with linear encoders the in coordinates seem to be less or more in instruments with When we started these tests with the DSR-1 in 19 sometimes there jumps', 10 to urn in one of the coordinates between two measurement times ( difference of minutes). That is very difficult to otherwise than as hardware or in of In the Kern DSR-1 tests to see if there are ses 'lost' when carriers However, the results did not show it to . When the Zeiss Pl there also similar kind of effect without any in the test situation 4 We were to see that the stabilities of are not what one could results of calibrations or to the statements of the manufacturers and users work when coordinates of new the stabil if the It is micrometers accuracy. The results above are the first results and will ished later Also, it be that the and the numbers are material of more than 100 tests. What should be that based on these tests, it is still not easy to draw conclusions of the reasons of the found lities several are taken into account, it is difficult to all the influences from each other. Much more difficult, if not it is to find a linear model to correct these lities. More tests also with new kind of factors should be taken into the before one could define the model of the stabil of an 5. thanks to Mr Jan The authors want to express their Heikkila for all his work in the course of the ect .. /1/ Jaksic, z. Makarovic B .. uc-r-r''l::l", L .. H.. Evaluation of Functional Characteristics of and Structural Plotters. ISPRS for Evaluation of Commission II WG 1 Procedures ters .. ISPRS for , Rio de Janeiro, 1984. the differences in the four the d of the drawn in picture.. Also the maximum differences in each axis are MAXIMUM DIFFERENCES 1 2 6.0 4.0 dx left: 5.0 3.0 dx left: right: dx right: dx 10.0 9.0 9.0 5.0 5 DX 1 ~fjt DY ltft MEAN DIFFERENCES 2 3 1 3.0 1.7 -2.2 3 6.0 5.0 10.0 4.0 1) 2) 3) COORDINATE DIFFERENCES (UM) are ate is and mean .9 1.7 1.3 -2.7 -5.0 -7.1 -.8 .0 -2.5 after time 0 between 2 successive measurements after 1/2 hour -- nx rin hi- -·- ·-· DY rig h : - - 4 3 2 1 0 -1 ~···!1' ~ -2 \ 1\ I -3 ...... r ! -5 :--...._ ;_......- """-><: ,...,.....-:.----- ............ ~ I T' \ ;_......- ~ ;_......:-._ ~ ! -4 \I ~ I \I ~ \ --.:--.... :-._ i I I ..... ... ~. \ "/ ...... :-·-· -·- ;.... :-._ ,__ :-·- ><" -- . ~ ~ ;....- \ ~ _.,.. ~ ------\ ;....-- '"~'I ::ms ( / 2 3 1. 4 5 6 7 8 \ .. f\ i V. \ \= v1 :~ \ ... i5A HOU RS > i 1 ~\ ~ -~ ... tf\ 'IME OF -lOO ... \. I __....__....~ ~;....- -9 .. -· :-·- .. -· \ I ~\ I \ I \IV l - -8 """- :--.... .~:· ~ -7 ~ ~ ...... / \; j -6 .- \ ~ ~ I I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MAXIMUM DIFFERENCES left: left: dx right: dx right: dx dx 1) 2) 3) 1 2 8. 0 4.0 4. 0 4.0 4. 0 4.0 3.0 3. 0 MAXIMUM DIFFERENCES MEAN DIFFERENCES 2 3 6.4 1.1 2.5 1.1 -1.9 1.4 .1 -2.9 •8 1.9 •8 3.1 4. 0 4.0 3. 0 4. 0 1 dx dx dx dx left: left: right: right: 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2 2. 0 2.0 1.0 2.0 MEAN DIFFERENCES 2 3 1 . 9 1.4 1.5 .4 1.1 .5 •8 . 5 -.6 3. 0 3.0 3.0 2.0 .8 .7 .7 1) after time 0 2) between 2 successive measurements 3) after 1/2 hour after time 0 between 2 successive measurements after 1/2 hour COORDINATE DIFFE:RENCES (UM) COORDINATE DIFFERENCES {UM) lO,-·-·:D~X.:···l:·e--f~-~t·:························:·················:··························:····················:····················:: 10 DX left DY left !'lY ~; nh~ 1 -- • • • DY right 3 I \/ ~I l II ::w 1\ ·-\ I ___y 2:- v ~ J -1 -2 ············-·····:······ n ....•. ·n·········· .• _·:: -- DY righ -- • /" (\ / I ~! • / \ I \I ~I / / """'/ ""/~\\'.. //'···,., )' \ -3 / '·. ··,.,_ ~ v ,/.// / \ \ \/1' v 3 4 • 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 OF OBSERVATIONS ( HOUR~ TIME OF OBSERV'ATI.ONS .( HOURS ) ) -1 0 0 -1 0 0 Figure 2. Example of results when the photo carriers had been moving between measuring times. BC-2, measuring anticlockwise. ; l Figure 3. 2 3 4 Example of results when the photo carriers had not been moving between measuring times. BC-2. MAXIMUM DIFFERENCES 1 8.4 3.6 left: dx left: dx right: dx right: dx 1) MEAN DIFFERENCES 2 3 6. 7 1.6 .2 -1.3 1.3 -1.8 -1.1 .8 .6 -. 3 1.2 3.8 2 4. 3 3.5 3.3 2.2 5.1 3. 0 1.5 3.1 2. 3 5.1 after time 0 4.3 3. 0 3.3 5.2 MEAN DIFFERENCES 1 2 3 5.4 1.2 2.9 -1.7 1.3 1.2 .5 1 .1 -1.3 -.1 1.2 3.0 after time 0 2) between 2 successive measurements 3) after l/2 hour COORDINATE DIFFERENCES (UM) 10~------------------------... ---·-----------------------------------,----------------··---------·------ --------------·-----·-·······----------------------------·-------·------·--- ... DX left DY left fll( ri DY right .~ DY left -- mr ,.;""+DY / • / \I s--------7 4 lO·,·------·D·X···l··.,··f--t··---~-,_----·······----·-------------,--------------------,--------------------,-------------------------------,---- ... --.................. --- ...... . -·-·- - / / j 3 1) dx 2) between 2 successive measurements 3) after l/2 hour COORDINATE DIFFERENCES (UM) ...... ...... dx dx dx MAXIMUM DIFFERENCES 1 2 left: 7.3 2.8 left: 3.0 3.4 right: 3. 3 2.4 right: 5.2 4.6 7"-V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ -;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '- - - - - - - - - - - - - -·- ·"- - - ·- ·- - - - - - - - - - -·'- -·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 2--------~ /.....,.-·-·-·· )"· ~ " 3 /~ 'j 1 1/ / / n __ ~ ·~------_v--""Y.~ :-l~=~··,----.-:::::· . . ._1 . .~· ._. ·-·-·/ -~- - -. . .-.;-. - - ·-/ - - - - ·-'·- _~._-_._-__·__-._ _-_,_ _· _~ - - L! ~ ------_;_,/ v ............................ "' ··................ ............. _____j ____ _______ ..........L.....___·-__._ -__·__•_____________ __ 4~----s;~------- .......... ; .... -- .......... :• --·--------'-------------------- -6~-------------·---·-·c•----·------------ ------ .;.....................; ......................... ; .................;....................... , - --- ----- -------;------------· ------- .. ,............................. , ......................, ........................ . ···-·'•--- -----------"-----···---------'·--····----·----------·--·•··· -7'~-----·---·----------------i·--·-------··-----·--·--·-····----------- - --·-----·----+·---------------< -~--------------------··----···-------------·------i----------····--·--------·----i----------··----------------' -8~----------·----------··--"·--·--·---········----·--···---------------------'---------------·--·-----··--·---------··--·----------------'·---------------------------------'-------------------------------~ .................. ; ..................... ; ................. ;.. 5;~-----·--------·---------''--------------------·-··'-·····--·--------------~--------------------' ------ -----·-----•-- ·---- .. ; '---·----------------------•-------------------------' 6~-----------------------------··<·----·--·---·-----------·-··-- ----------------; ............................... ,................ , ......................; ......................... , -1'~-----------------------------'-------------····-----------•----------------·--······ ........................: ............................ :...............................; ........................... . -8~--------------------------·----'··---------------------------·•------------·---------------~-----------------·--·····----'--·-------------·------·-------i ............................: ....................... ; -9~-------------- ...............,................................. ;...................... ; .........................;....................... ;............................... ;.............................. . • TIME OF OBSERV'.ATl:ONS ( : HOURS ) TIME OF Ol'!SERV'A!"l.CJNS (. HOURS ) 1~--------~------~~------~------~~------~--------~------~ Figure 4. 4~---------·-------------------·----------- ............... ; Example of results when the moving clockwise. Planicomp carriers had been 1~--------~------~2------~;~------~;------~--------~----~ Figure 5. Example of results when the photo carriers had been moving anticlockwise. Planicomp Cl30. In the following figure~ the changes in the coordinates of four points in the plate are presented in the xy-plane. The big black spot shows the location of the first measurement of the day and the smaller black dot of the last. ~Y Left stage i i II li i! i !' l ! i ! i . ! ! ,. i ll i I i l I i l i l =t=r==r]::=r[~t=x=ll::=~--:l~:r=-r=-~:r:.~~r:~tl~cr=r:: I I i i I I i ' I ' I ! 1 I l ! I ' I i ! I 1 i i i i ! i I ! ' : I : ' • •••~•,..••loooooo-UO!U-OoOOo•l••••oUhoo.f.•n-oo•-f••-uooooJooouooooooiooooooOoooo~ooonooo•oo•~.-••••o-oo!.,_.ooo-oooloouooo•ohJOU••oo•oooioHHoooooo!ooouoo•ooo~ooonoHoOoloouuooooJoooOoo-•••!o•ooooooOoo!•o-ooooo••ioo.oooo•ooo . . I I I I Right stage . . ~--}. . . .l. . . ~. . . . !.-.! . . . t. . . . .l . . . . .l. . . . ~. . . .~. . . . }. . . .,. . . . !------l . . . . .l. --.t----+----l----.1 l I I ~----I . 1 1 . . . . . .1. . . . . .t. . . . . r. . . . .~'"___. t. . . . . l. . . . . I. . . . . l . . . . . !. . . . . .t. . . . . .t. . . . . 1. . . . . t"-..-r·----i. . . . . .t. ·-···r·--.. ,. . ---~,----,-!---- 1----.. i ! ! i i I ! I I I ..........t........... ~ ..........~...........+........... ~ ..........~ ...........t...........~..........~...........~. -.....+..........~. . . . . . f...........!. . . . . .~ . . . . . .~--. --.J..__..,t . . . . . .t ..·---·+·"'""'' ! ! I ! i l i i j i I l I I I I 1 l l l ! 1 1 l ~ i ! I I ! I ! 1\) Q) (() L--5-.~---~--~--~--~~--~--~--~~----------~--------------------~~--~~ I'"" Figure 6. I i ! Example how the coordinates changed on the left and on the right stage during one test day. DSR-11, measuring clockwise, photo carriers moving between measuring times. I I i I ! 1 l