SAH College Committee Meeting – Minutes October 29, 2004

SAH College Committee Meeting – Minutes
October 29, 2004
Present: Kenny Hunt, Adrienne Loh, Andrew Matchett, Jennifer Miskowski, Marc Rott,
Dan Sutherland, Robert Wingate
Absent: Kim Harbst (excused), Mike Jackson (excused)
Meeting was called to order at 11:03 a.m. by Dr. Rott.
1. Minutes from 10-15-04 were revised and approved.
2. Dr. Rott distributed a proposed weekly schedule for review of CSAH
departmental/program assessment plans. It was noted that it would greatly facilitate
review, by this committee and outside agencies, if the same format was used for all
reports in the future.
3. M/S/P: Individual committee members will not participate in the discussion
regarding their department/program’s assessment reports, but are encouraged to be
present as the dialogue might prove useful to their departments.
4. M/S/P: The final report detailing the College Committee’s review will be qualitative
in nature with no quantitative assessment of each department/program.
5. Dr. Wingate announced that the Department of Geography has submitted GIS
Certificate Program information to the CSAH office, and he requested that the
committee inquire about the status of the proposal to give the department an idea
about timeline.
6. The committee received a charge from Dean Nelson to review the Major Goals and
the Focused College Responses of the CSAH Strategic Directions document and
make suggestions regarding additions, deletions, or modifications. A report is due by
02-01-05. Dr. Rott asked the committee to independently review the document and
make notes for a later brainstorming session.
7. Dean Nelson requested that a member of the College Committee join the CSAH
Planning Committee. Dr. Miskowski indicated some interest if there were no
scheduling conflicts.
8. It was decided that Dr. Rott would check with the CSAH General Education
Committee members about the letter sent from the College Committee last year
regarding Gen Ed science requirements.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:58 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Jennifer Miskowski.