SAH College Committee Meeting –Minutes October 15, 2004

SAH College Committee Meeting –Minutes
October 15, 2004
Present: Kim Harbst, Kenny Hunt, Andrew Matchett, Karen Palmer-McLean, Jennifer
Miskowski, Marc Rott, Dan Sutherland, Robert Wingate
Absent: Mike Jackson (excused), Adrienne Loh (excused)
Meeting was called to order at 11:02 a.m. by Dr. Rott.
1. Dr. Rott stated that the established meeting time for the Fall 2004 semester is 11:00 –
11:55 a.m. on Fridays. Dr. Sutherland has a slight overlap with another meeting, but
will arrive ASAP.
2. Dr. Rott announced that Dr. Rafique Ahmed has agreed to take a leave from the
committee this semester because of a scheduling conflict with the only possible
meeting time. Dr. Wingate received the next highest votes in the College Committee
election and is willing to replace Dr. Ahmed this semester. Dr. Ahmed reserves his
right to rejoin the committee in Spring 2005.
3. Minutes from 9-24-04 were approved.
4. Dr. Palmer-McLean met with the committee to issue a specific charge regarding
assessment. In light of the upcoming North Central Association visit, the SAH
College Office has requested that the committee review assessment reports submitted
in 1998, 2001, and 2003 by all departments and programs within the college. Each
committee member received a copy of the reports along with a rubric developed by a
campus-wide assessment committee to guide the review process.
5. Following a discussion about the review process, it was decided that each committee
member would independently review all documents within the next two weeks.
Subsequent to this, the committee will discuss each department/program during the
course of the semester, and ultimately produce a final, written report.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:57 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Jennifer Miskowski.