The response of vegetation zonation in Rocky Mountain ecotones to climate change ID: GC23E-0685 1 Foster (, Adrianna C. 1 Shuman and J.K. H.H. 1 Shugart 1. Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4123, USA Model Validation Introduction 70 Biomass (tonnes C/ha) Forests in the Rocky Mountains are a crucial part of the North American carbon budget (Schimel et al. 2002). However, disturbances like insect outbreaks, fire, and windthrow, along with climate change, threaten the vitality of these important ecosystems (Joyce et al. 2014; IPCC 2007; Bentz et al. 2010; Rehfeldt et al. 2006). It is difficult to predict how vegetation will respond to climate change alone. Vegetation is able to respond to variability in climate over moderate time and space scales (Holling 1992) with mediation in the form of stomatal closure during drought conditions, or differential allocation to above- and belowground tissues (Katul et al. 2012). Over longer time and space scales, climate change may cause shifts in the species composition of a landscape, as species migrate into optimal climate zones (Shugart & Woodward 2011). The Rocky Mountains have several vegetation zones (Figure 3), typically a result of changing temperature and moisture up the mountain (Peet 1984). These zones may shift with climate change, and tree species at the top of the mountain (the subalpine zone) may not have an optimal climate zone. Climate change is also predicted to change the frequency and severity of disturbances (Joyce et al. 2014; Bentz et al. 2010). Because of this, it is important to analyze how climate change, both alone and with changes in disturbances, will affect the vegetation of Rocky Mountain landscapes. Gap models have been successful at investigating the response of trees to temperature and disturbance and in predicting shifts in species dominance due to changes in climate (Lasch & Linder 1995; Shuman et al. 2011; Bugmann 2001). The University of Virginia Forest Model Enhanced (UVAFME) is an individual-based gap model that follows the annual growth, establishment, and death of individual trees on independent patches of a landscape (Yan & Shugart 2005). Each patch is equivalent to the size of a dominant tree crown (0.08 ha), and the average of several hundred of these patches simulates the average biomass and species composition of a forested landscape through time. In this study, UVAFME was calibrated to field sites in the Colorado and southern Wyoming Rocky Mountains and validated against expected species zonation. The model was then run under a climate change scenario to determine what effect climate change might have on these forests. 60 Pseudotsuga menziesii Populus tremuloides 50 Pinus flexilis Pinus ponderosa 40 Pinus edulis 30 Pinus contorta Picea engelmannii 20 Juniperus scopulorum 10 Abies lasiocarpa 0 a. Biomass (tonnes C/ha) 25 1900 m JUNIcomm PINUpond 15 PSEUmenz 10 PINUcont POPUtrem 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 0 Year b. ABIElasi PSEUmenz PINUpond 50 PINUcont 40 PINUedul 30 JUNIcomm 20 PINUflex 10 POPUtrem PICEenge 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 Biomass (tonnes C/ha) 2200 m 60 ABIElasi Year 20 c. 3200 m 18 Biomass (tonnes C/ha) Subalpine zone 16 PICEenge 14 ABIElasi 12 PINUflex 10 PINUcont 8 POPUtrem 6 PINUpond 4 Subalpine fir Lodgepole pine Limber pine Upper montane 2700 270 00 m Lodgepole pine PINUedul 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 0 Engelmann n spruce PSEUmenz 2 Limber pine Douglas fir JUNIcomm Year Quaking aspen Lower montane 2400 m Figure 3. Schematic of typical species present in the Colorado/southern Wyoming Rocky Mountains at different elevational zones (Veblen & Lorenz 1991; Burns & Honkala 1990; Peet 1984). Ponderosa pine b. Juniper 1800 m 1000 960 920 880 840 800 760 720 680 640 600 560 0 PICEenge 520 ABIElasi 10 480 Year POPUtrem 440 c. PICEenge PINUflex 20 400 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720 760 800 840 880 920 960 1000 PINUflex 0 JUNIcomm 360 PINUcont 30 320 5 PINUedul 280 POPUtrem 40 240 10 PINUpond PINUcont 200 PSEUmenz ABIElasi Year 30 3200 m climate change starts 4°C 15% precip PICEenge ABIElasi PSEUmenz 20 PINUcont 15 POPUtrem PINUpond 10 PINUflex 5 JUNIcomm PINUedul 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720 760 800 840 880 920 960 1000 Biomass (tonnes C/ha) 25 Year &!! &#! &$! &&! &(! '!! '#! (!! (#! ($! (&! ((! )!! )#! )$! )&! Conclusions )(! "!!! significant decrease in biomass significant increase in biomass no significant change Table 1. Significance, based on t-tests (p = 0.05), of changes in biomass between non-climate change runs and runs with climate change included for every 20 years of simulation. Each 20 year step in the climate change runs was compared to the climax condition biomass (year 500) from the non-climate change run.. Species with biomass lower than 1 tC ha-1 across all years and in both runs were considered negligible/nonsignificant. • The UVAFME model appears to accurately simulate the vegetation zonation that exists along an elevational gradient in the Colorado and southern Wyoming Rocky Mountains. The changes in species distributions in Figure 1 going from low to high elevation correspond well to what is typical of a gradient in the Rocky Mountains in this region (Figure 3). Further validation will be conducted once disturbance is added to the model. • The climate sensitivity test conducted (increase in temperature of 4°C and decrease in precipitation of 15%) indicates an overall loss of biomass at both 1900 and 2200 m (Figure 4 a & b). The species composition also changes at 2200 m in response to altered climate, with significantly lower Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir), Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine), and P. ponderosa (ponderosa pine) biomass, and higher P. edulis (pinyon pine) biomass (Figure 4b). • As these climate change runs were conducted without disturbance, their results may change, PSEUmenz 50 160 PINUpond 15 %(! Future Work 4°C 15% precip 120 4°C 15% precip JUNIcomm 60 %&! particularly for the subalpine zone (3200 m), where disturbance frequency and intensity are predicted to increase with climate change. climate change starts 2200 m 80 20 PINUedul 40 Biomass (tonnes C/ha) climate change starts Biomass (tonnes C/ha) 1900 m %#! Pinyon pine 70 0 25 %$! '$! '&! '(! at 3200 m. This increase was also accompanied by a change in species composition: a decrease in Abies lasiocarpa (subalpine fir) biomass, and the introduction of P. menziesii. Pinyon pine Climate Change Results a. • There was an overall increase in biomass with increases in temperature and decreases in precipitation Quaking aspen Juniper 0 • Species biomass output (tC ha-1) for runs with altered climate change was compared against that of a mature forest (year 500) for runs without climate change using t-tests (Table 1). PICEenge 70 0 • Model was run for 200 independent plots in a Monte Carlo style simulation at elevations from 1600 m to 3600 m at intervals of 100 m for a minimum of 500 years. • A climate sensitivity analysis was then conducted at three elevations by increasing temperature linearly by 4°C and decreasing precipitation linearly by 15% from years 500 to 800, after which climate stabilized at these altered values (Figure 4). Figure 2. Simulated mixed species biomass dynamics (tC ha-1) for a field site in southern Wyoming at three elevations of : 1900 m (a), corresponding to a typical pinyon pine (PINUedul) – juniper (JUNIcomm) system; 2200 m (b), corresponding to a Douglas fir (PSEUmenz) – ponderosa pine (PINUpond) forest; and 3200 m (c), corresponding to the typical subalpine zone (Engelmann spruce (PICEenge) and subalpine fir (ABIElasi)). PINUedul 20 PINUflex • Nine species and corresponding site and soil information for four sites were added to the model to represent forests of the Rockies from the lower montane to the subalpine zone. • Biomass of each species at year 500 for each elevation was compared to realistic curves of biomass up an elevational gradient (Figures 1, 2, 3). Figure 1. Simulated biomass (tC ha-1) at year 500 of nine Rocky Mountain species at different elevations for the Glacier Lakes Site (southern Wyoming). UVAFME was run every 100 m from 1600 m to 3600 m. Disturbance was not included in these model runs. Elevation (m) Methods • UVAFME calibrated to field sites in Wyoming and Colorado using data on species composition, climate, and soil parameters from the US Forest Service, Burns & Honkala (1990), and local weather stations (NCDC 2014). Statistical Tests Figure 4. Simulated biomass output (tC ha-1) from model runs with climate change for (a) 1900 m, (b) 2200 m, and (c) 3200 m. For each climate change run temperature increased linearly by 4°C and precipitation decreased by 15% from years 500 to 800 at which point climate stabilized at these altered values. The spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis (Kirby)) is an important mortality agent of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry ex Enelm.) in the subalpine zone of the Rocky Mountains (Bebi et al. 2003; Bentz et al. 2010). Spruce beetle outbreaks have caused widespread tree mortality across the northwestern United States and Canada. With increasing temperatures due to climate change, the frequency and severity of spruce beetle outbreaks are predicted to increase, further endangering the future of western subalpine forests (DeRose & Long 2012; Bentz et al. 2010). Future work on this project will involve developing a spruce beetle disturbance subroutine to add to UVAFME. This subroutine will calculate the probability for spruce beetle induced mortality based on several environmental and climate factors. Along with other disturbances already included in the model (fire and windthrow) UVAFME will be run with the added beetle subroutine and climate change to determine the impact of the spruce beetle – climate change interaction on western subalpine forests. Acknowledgements We are grateful to the NASA Virginia Space Grant Consortium and to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for their support. We are also grateful for advice and much-needed in-the-field help from Jose Negron. References are included in hand-out version.