New measurements of particulates in glacial snow and ice in the Cordillera Blanca mountains of Peru 1 2 1 1 3 4 John All Carl Schmitt Aaron J. Celestian Melinda Rucks William P. Arnott Rebecca Cole 1: Western Kentucky University, 2: National Center for Atmospheric Research, 3: University of Nevada, 4: Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research Introduction Heat capacity measurements Filters are held above a constant temperature background. An infrared thermometer measures the temperature of the filter. When the light is turned on, the particulates on the filter absorb light causing it to warm. The temperature increase after a set time period was used to estimate the relative light absorptive power of the particulates. Layer sampling on Vallunaraju The 2011 snow samples from Vallunaraju were among the dirtiest. In 2012 we sampled 15 ice layers in a crevasse. There were no significant trends with depth (age) of sampled ice. Two particularly dark layers (6 and 8) had low black carbon content (>1.2 um) indicating that the darkness was not from local biomass burning. Lower dark layers are likely drought related. % Large black carbon 0 2.5 5 Relative absorptive capacity 7.5 surface wavellite (phosphate) layer 1 very little hematite layer 2 layer 4 lots of thomsenolite (calcium aluminum flouride hydrate) arzakite (mercury sulfide), jarosite (iron sulfide), brookite (titanate) layer 6 albite feldspar, ktenzasite (hydroxy cupper zinc sulfate) layer 8 some albite feldspar hematite layer 10 layer 11 layer 12 2012 santa cruz Llanganuco Ishinca Vallu Quilquay Mineralogy determination Non-destructive mineralogy was determined using a Thermo DXR micro-Raman spectrometer, operating in confocal geometry using a 780 nm laser at 500x mag. Below are mosaic images taken at 100x mag. for the mapped areas. Vallunaraju summit 2012 Pisco summit 2012 lots of hematite, thomsenolite layer 5 layer 7 2011 Heat capacity of filters (scaled 0 - 100 individually each year) was averaged for filters collected in each valley. The lowest altitude on each mountain was eliminated as it more prone to contamination from local dust sources. The Ishinca and Quilcay valleys and Vallunaraju are located near Huaraz and several mines and are likely contaminated by local pollutants. Unique mineralogy 10 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Relative absorptive capacity In the dry season (June-July) of 2011 and 2012, the American Climber Science Program conducted scientific expeditions in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. We sampled particulates on glacial surfaces through snow collection and filtration. Over 150 samples of glacier snows were collected by volunteer climbers and scientists along the entire mountain range from 4800-6700m. Snow samples were kept frozen until return to basecamp at which point they were melted then immediately filtered through 0.7 micron PallFlex tissuequartz filters. Particulates captured on filters have been analyzed for bulk heat absorption properties, properties of individual particles were determined through X-ray diffraction for bulk mineral identification, and chemical mapping of minerals conducted using Raman microscopy. Preliminary results indicate that snow age, altitude, and geographic location (with respect to urban areas and local mines) all play significant roles in the amount of particulates detected. Several locations were sampled in both 2011 and 2012 as well as at different times during the season and sampling will continue in future years. 500 microns Abundant: quartz, hematite, unknown brown mineral. Other minerals: many small spheres of unknown composition (~10microns in diameter); anorthoclase. Notes: many colored fibers present. Pisco summit 2011 500 microns Abundant: quartz, micas, hematite. Other minerals: none observed. Notes: most grains are fine (<15 microns); possible old betacarotene; dark areas are mostly biotites with some BC. Vallunaraju summit 2011 leucite (zeolite) anatase/brookite, very little hematite 500 microns layer 13 500 microns layer 14 Abundant: large quartz (> 50 microns), muscovite, biotite, anatase Other minerals: none identified. Notes: low abundance of total minerals. layer 15 layer 16 hematite Support for this research was provided by the American Alpine Club. Huascaran National Park and the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de Mayolo kindly provided logistical support and access to research sites. We thank Ricardo Villanueva, Julio Palomino, Martin Salvador, Edson Ramirez, Chris Benway, and the many climber volunteers who made this project possible. For more information on this study please contact Carl Schmitt: For information on the American Climber Science Program contact: John All, Director: Abundant: quartz, micas, hematite. Other minerals: possible some millerite. Notes: most BC is less than 2 microns, much of the material is fine grained (< 10 microns)