Worth looking into ·~ · - g • ' lt.ut~ted HOuse, f1rat Baptist Church, 1141 Cburc b Street , lpOIIIGnld t., Sleftal hint Jlmlor w-•'1 Oub, lhd¥enity Playen, =r:.=. ~~~~ to UNICEF. UAB FUm : JEREMIAH JOHNSON, 7:30 p.m . f'nllram BMq.aet Rm.-uc. UAB Coffeeboale, •n rm Coft'eettou.-uc. t.lnlvenity FUm Sodet)' prweata NIGiff 0P THE UVING DEAD, t :30 6U :30pm . Prqrram Ban~ Rm.-uc. I.Adurel : .,,,, • pn . Quaid GJ111·FWdboule. Arta 6 SltiiiUy, Neor-Mr l UWSP PoiaWn n . Rh'• Pan. tPareaW O.y), 1:30 pm. Goerke """· Scubii6SkiaDlvlna0ubiJhoe•t Dl'ril'al..ate. ':~~=~= • 'pm. f"roonm ..... Room· uc. tfuDUIW aauc. 7;»to rmCIIIMP o1 Nahn1 ~ 0e1r ..._,,,.,_._a 'l'brre•re-m~aboul the ·~ge l.lrian movemmL A Vf'l~naa NIJIIO.,_torHih,bdJtvi"'INttll(' et~tl ng of animals Is klllin& us.. or thto animals. or the 1t.rvlq ellewhn?. tor all lhroto. :~::'~="::.;~.':!;=;:;: r Thtl.:lckdUpoiiUOft by the ldilal l' ainur le:l•·e mt at no KIIII•IIU s~~~·::· thai 1M M N th.l sbrenrwmftl the numbrr~~~~r aUM ol elllll:ff, for m&IIY rra-. eamnocm~c rema~ hllrmcnn; ,.,.. &ivtft 10 anlm~~b. C.ncw niiiMIIf; iwle d IIUCh • film. e.·tnlhaulhap<&tlatla,andatloudl)' a~Yietnam.tidesunnwdiatrlybf&ln fonnulflthaiel)"ff'''inla•'OI'd"'l\lirrd Milium nltratern.kesmut rfd lni'CIIor ne-d flesh Ns rn.ny times mllr'l' . . andyOUt iJilled~hbrn l P,blhll•·eyetiO and veaetables beeaUM an IIUIIIII ('OOI('ent notesODT. dieldr\n. chlorda,.., ttc . In his tiuves. The a~rra~t . ~~~~~~~~~~ ==::t~~ .mic>de~ntnitfd l nltttuonlnull sway lnt'. You're livi,. in a pill d ye11rbooband ltt ter l,.·t~~~ trn. In Ins ~ \HIN: Wrkunle Ill \he Sta &rd Sevrnties. Adml\tfd, " II NrU and Mi. ." Wll I Nlf·lta n ·rdproduffion: tM NU'ciiTK' dfaslatal,....olutioclaeyheroes.r.rn thouJ h 1My pe rpetra ted horrart tlwnDelva.andlinleauration•·upaid the Amennn f~G!te mo•~mt~~t·but •·l'lallheyrt<'Oiniu.i,and ... hat )'IIU IIM.'Itea ter'l hel rtbutls7Zpermln.~k, wsst lar • vecn..riln. Thebatlrr~o~ill mot u dud •rirn.ll an 1111mbrr aJ .. J h ll~li lion percai!~mU~ti perttnt food poilonir«fallht'" ) l'lf ly. KllllqliM' ..I. . ta Sbugh~rhouae auffft'illl il hMiclrw fTliiTI III. In MidilonW IIc. IIDO ppu hour•re,~ded ontoconveoyorbttll wilhlhotklnarodl. VegNrian~ brl~r•• ttuotltlswrorwtotluteaulferini(UdiO kill Cllbn' aftturel for our lpPf'\1\rt, that It 111 form of humlln chauv1nu.m. An•malle~~nnotspeak, bul theyiUfl'tr Th e s hort hil h s hr ieks 111 a sbulht~ live e....._ d • tmsiveaul fft'inr.. KIUiq 11M' 111nU1 Mrat rames from Kn ln waste. Onr powldolrntatresulll fnm 21 pt~~~ndld foodaivenlhe l nimal Ollil)' prOillctl requlre•loaollto 4 poundl:of .,.alll perpaundofdll ry. Pniltptrli(Tf'hll mmTY TWO limes the yidd ~~ ll llimlll protein h... Th lrl y , ... fNilllria .. unliveonlheumellfl'llllll' ~mlabellh~rale in.iJihedrllrf'ttll ., ,.·hlchthty rt~:Ofnited.lnd"·hatyou_ IHdrn. And that is,..~ the Sugfd ~~~~+!it~::~~: Gf'der from the ' rilhl and wiUIIUI thl'*in& lromlhfldt ila llabaul ill naP! to.~rM 111 ,rt S.l ~¥«~. 1 Itt d laiO'S that would rru.b dkU tarshlp ...... And a,.·tft altrrf'ordp•·r h;,"l won'\ mtt~tloo Squraky In my antt. crime lpt«h". ROC'krirlltr sue hiJ "u'ltre-~ damtstk: in~lli~tnce ;, nrcesuey" discwrw. A twple of mono. "''' S.ra J allt M ~~~~H "'lllnt~ieoo'rd 1111 KPt'A in S. n f'rlnllkll. and llle t.aard of havtna beftaant' BIWarrrwr t ulfJhe,..rre dollt l and r mpN.Hml the Weer d lnc:rratrdllll'\~llla nc1'. Nawhetsholl t the l'f'l"'idtnt will. of C'IIUrw. bfi111 uoneh8vy tne~tmter. Ou rorpnb •lionila -profii iJGUP mwhidl peaplewortfwSS a ,..ert, and roam a nd board. We are lodti~l« ~~lllrian activilll. If you arr In· tl'fft ll!d 111 helplna, or ' wantlurl""r informatiall !If' free ~,et.arian ~IP" ,..ri ~ Amt rica ll Ve~lllria M It 8011 :lout Akron. 0tUo .Ut3. abou \ 1Mrt~~ sfd5Urvei llalll'e. Ande~r :=::..~~ 7 ...... .......... S.Dqlllt RID.~ ~ ~..; Te ~ l'olnloff, • Tbepalltil:allndphi ........l iuuel tnUIIJitd in the film " li N t tli and ~l lndl". and ta a hiptr cksr«', the lll«~~~~ITK'ntooit. f"riilaJ, (k..... Sl .....,.......... . on alternative pointer bodmouthed Talllf t•oolall'r. a!.s-: Trip-New • Pnbelleolc Couaell Houn of "lhooua~,HOpm . - ' - u c. RHCIIorie : Bl.U!:WA.T'Eil. WRITE DEA111. I Jllll· Oebot . ,....., . ~. UAB '1\rk lnnllldoul Art Show, t a.m .4 p..1111 . ~-uc. Unlvenlty P"Bm Sodet7 preleQt.l P'ELLINI'S SOMA. 7 6 1: 15 p.m. Pn&ram ...... Rm ..UC. RHC Moorie : BLUE WATER, WHrTE DEA'nl, I p.m. Aneo • ·w__,.,, *".....,.' Univenity FUm Society preMnt.l . THE DAY THE EARTH SI'OOD SflLL, 7 p.m. and THINGS TO COllE, t p.m . Pro&ram ~ Rm ...UC. Arts 6 Led...,.: AMERICAN CHAMBER BALLET, I p.m. Jenkia n.;tre-nne Ar11. T!u'ldly, Nootemblr • wander "'"Y the I!. Ovtr~ment provoeurun who killed Popeye Jaduonfor beillgalliriormtrlelhrr·an aclmillfd lnlonntr-li~ af~ r the Kl"t'A brwdcut! lltrlllillianwunotyf't _,... U. Wlb-. D. Jaal. N. Slarin r. M. K•n:• 8ombin11•nd •Hiinp "'tre rtpartrd lnSeatllelnretalliatian lar thelltara\ lnftl I n \he Mille d the G-.,e Jackson Bnpdr, u lhoulh he wwld hlv ~ a ppro ve d s u ch a n 1 nti · who's to bla me? ~lllutionaeyac:LAnd.il'l(llrioullhll lhet'81foundt,..oloothil!,h mari}utrw ~ inthe llarrita panlnt'IIIIIIC'tlhe arrat of Pally. 1i~ Cannibis S. t1va Ta llltf'ool•ur, Saine of the lnunediate re-ctionl to :'~:'~l:'~':n~',;l: :!': ~e · ~·;Yn'f:;;·:ti~thM~;; ~n";lleca:them around w11h her t:'~i~ 0w~':=t.:~7~~;; rou~:e-:_:~~). :~=J':ra~'::~i t.7=:'t~,.;:':~:Jl ~:~;::av:.7 :;~ 1\.,:UK~:e~wue~:,.n:e 1=.!: Many •ccvlll i - made with ltlllr " ' : ~~=!~~':o.!:..=:~ht ~~~~ =~~·~m~~~~~:::. .:!,t:: ?~~~~:. Y;:..~~u:.n:~ ca~ :::::.~ lhml,:lth1 = ~ ~~!:'en::!.~~i,:v:,:i!., ~;!,'i::,:; ,::v:.,::.*.,!~ :,.,~~ ~':!e1~~~!'\J7ul!:~ac~:!'.:a~:.~'fn'".!!:',..':; :1? :~::. :":'er:~~· ~~,~~~~r.~ maybe you' re fu~an«d bJ'IheC:IA I I an ~~~~~=:-:111. m:::e:!=':;,~:;.a'n!':!:,! l t re now to be r«e~nlted ~nd ltiHIK'II ~~?nc~:V!~. ~. ',':!~ :.:;~ ....... ..__..ndaNTM. 1t Is mo-t unfonurw tt that ""' ~lmcsloeam tllt w•y we dt, buill ducky rubbers hlll hiiP!lffltd.IOfet'II II IN!re intbt rnwrnin&. We mull apply to ~ 11tua1iall \he ratioraliu.tlon \hal ,. lnhenontl nhllhtrecllcllion•ndlllt broth«hoodenmpllfledlnlht!Sia)ffi wpnlu. tion. n.treila need rorhumln rapeon. WeneedtoJoveandhtlp. r!GI · hlnderanddftJ.raf, UAB PU.m : 11lE WAY WE WERE, it p.m. Protram Banquet Rm.· ( t On ·the c:Over good old boys? greek to me Telllel'lb"". T• 1M PM&«, Tbultten vl Alpha Slpa Alpha, one Ill the Grefck Orpniutioal bert on tamp.~t, fdt II - . a r y Ia infc:rm aU of )'CIU lAtus pray ••• Thenffln ~~~~~r:~~~~orJ~~~~,:'~ draped in c!Hnkin ·- drenchedlnbftr atop it ~mut C:.::". ~re~mi~!lt,·=~ aNI O¥W the crou pllceapoiDtedluiL Ltt. us.U filldCOII\fort in thit uttennce equali1111 thlil rJ.PI.Lrote, Eidlm.t.nn. andthtc*akibo)'s .a81.lffy't. KariGan.on tumta•-~onehu Pf'Oblcml, people wllo lihlaltttin¥CIIvedwlthlilt. Pled&l~ mtaa GrKk OrpnizaliOD is DGt whtn we malteyau.theP'edle,doactlv"ltlotiiU..I ..-auldtmbarnuyou«us,bul rathef" lhe =~~~r~:~:~~~~!~~ =~~::=~:!:"~ ~ttontendtoaU. Ctttok,_.a Cfftl t.fore)'OU ~lieve lhe stereotype pull on !be wanL 1'rvat y~. naC wblot othtn tdlyau.. Some Ill us Wfff! anU-Cndl. IIJIIU wt - atom izedTallie P llalon': People:&roupinatccetbertalllabclut pricstolaU~eommoditlml,bul esperilliJthe~cott.oldedric:IIJ'. Just.~iftcdoeul'tdomudl..butlt'aa brKUWrc. =:~~~~~~"F-;E:~~ lcgtthl!r . "J1o4o Sb!HS of AtpU SiiiU Alpb ~y EWmr:ity! In April "7!. W.-Jn I.J&hl Co. .enta no~~ Poww and kl.s.ti~IPSCbearinp..-btna ~I rille: irlcl'tlllte aDd chlnclu: rate tdwduln will be C'ODSiderML" The lnlth Ia now applnnt. pe:r Wiscoula R.apid.s Tribune • · 11·7$. ''Uti.litJ rate bib ap&.IDed." (Rapidly JltOCiudlw IIUf.._r po"'!!': risU11 nuckv lwl ~ ~ Vet . 1tonielolly, In April '75, Public Service Clapp ..lei tha (OIIIdn't Comm~r ha pp en ; "U n ltaa wa caD aatdlyiiUnltlvmthatltlldelrtll'ler17la ::.zc=-.~==~ o1 tncn.W~& dedr~ ntn far U. nut »,:S,::::;.;;.., note"'* to HnM ; pu Dodd :.u.-.. Publichmrinpwillbe-ed ~- wm you be atiMH bearklp! You are PEOPl.E POWER, with an optioll IOUMINtatrcn&th- UtititlnwouldlikeaU~II;ofthrir nuclear power nat1.1ru publldy PREPAID thnlu&b f'iKtf'k Ute raiNs andt.uu. nw, llbouida'tt:.eallowed lo izltludeillralehiktslheeallsoftoaAlnlo:Wteru:lelr plaatJtiOl;ret Ill ~=~,!::-U:.e~:,".~~ enerp that doeta't _yet EXIST, toc:vura&autilltintoupallll.I!Mdedor ..._ W\lc(Nia Lepl.atla'e ha peMed a COI'Itn~Wnialnuclearpowerplant lltina: biU. Locala.~ttolwasMCri!ked. Three P\lbllcSt~~u"tbl! final ..y .. ODdedrie111k~­ GotreJ" IIOI' Llluy appoU!ted thew c.n.ru.uonen. It il: i n - belt iflterlsl, with a nudfoar pci'IO"ff' plant propoeed lor Rudolplllal!dolhn'Wileonsinarea.a ) kl ~~-=:.~~~~~~~~ bathef"lhem. BullttiU. _.-cn, lac:ta.llnaMa. andyou, ucariD&Pf!OPk.laWJftS. ---"""~ .. pnvnt 1ood-..;,u, ~mimtion and :::'~~r':':Xtsa!.r~.bNtinp Write fc:r ~£•erybody'1 w-,"; AuWmn '7S, Bo1 4lll , ~- WI., ~!:,c.Mttat>....wto. OD tbetp0rt1 ,.._ ......... ,.,..tol tM late~~ e«an. by tbe-'-W~udGIC!Knllllllllhnaol the~. OUr 'IDtro,._....... ~.u.arta,.... I .-c:-a.-:::n.;..dill-===-.::.=:-.= . ,.. ............ . ..... .,........ ,._tdut.ab:lr. ~afaa " ltlterimfbtelncreaM t Eift:\ridtyt7..21ps-C'tllllilllheFona olaSurdlllrae:vantrdbytbePIIblic: Srrvice: Commlaion, Man:b 11, '75, Doc:ktc a-u.-.. na doc:ket it aubJ«t mcalatift& totW ol Under the cover soda l arpniutlan. EKII of the G~ .-pnlulianl line a withaPKIOJ1ll more on Sun-Saver Tetloe Pill•"" .-.u...-.. Wroact .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u. . ~ .... i1Uiilinreprdlolhelcttft"abou1Sim Savn-. Inc . by Bob Rouda La thl! Oc:L M Fintrnay l sayU..tl~witlllfto.tot AU.Of'ft8AND..U: .•.. wtll.l Mr. RGUOI "1S- I 6e-plare !be ~Ave. a~dl used in tbl! 54111 Savn-prtttrloLitlan. ~lactaand twiltitrC..ItatemelllatoMi&lllenlheimale ol one'a own produtt -.ld lawn- !.hat ot ..._. =td~ e:C.~~ !r:~:; The attac:k on ''paptr'' lcientiiU wu ptrhapa unwarranted. Ulldtrtakln& Ill)' prabltmwitllollt~tholehton dnip.~ . -itf~t)", ttc. ~~~;-~~r~~"':.:."!~ paptr r-rdl can abo be twisted and misleactin&- Wltnas many ol tile " propaPftda" type rdeuet olthl! AEC lA r«entye.rsaplllll.thl! ltNibl.llty olaalar tnon"JY. And' rse~n:h 1s just pla inwrona w"'-ddnn onlybebomeout b)' practica l application to tht prob~- Tbe -u- t•oa~- ~andprac:tk:al, -I'*Piraillt. Tbe paiD! il, that -mac will diM&~ until -tlli~Npptt~~. lbf.Ue-v-t,attll.lt pOint lntirM.t.hatwblo t -needbac:tlon! 'nib c-an take tht form ol t lt.lla" paptr rcsnrdlorprac:tka l aperimentatlcrl, bVI It hal to happen. I personally do naC llawt the m.wy c:r property to lnvnt In a aalar i..ulla tionblat l willecntlnue toGo -..·llatewtr Inn bt)'ond that lo futthtr Itt doft- · nYtlttter.ltlnaowayia~uan attadlonMr. RoudaOf"llilicku«ac:tionl l!":.: =~:::!..t~~e ~;! solarfu.mac:em•ynaC be the moat tf. fidtnturitpoMibleanditmayevtntolt him ll'l«t' economleally than 1o blovt mntlnuedwltllecnvtntlonallltat ; we6on't know yet. But his Installation baa and will mntlnue to ~-ave fcui.l 1.. 1 merv and poooridls a •Oftite madtl fc:r tumiMtlon and ll udyfc.-Gllwn. l , lc.- -.ama.tad Mr. S«Ur hu taUt! the ini llatl•e lo act inalatle•ay onlllacommllmeftttaiiOiar .... ~. Series 9, Vol. 18, No. 11 Classical Music Sunday's Sam ti ll noon at 90 FM are Special Music noon till 3 3 till 7 The Country 10 till 2 Casanova The Doe 7 tilllO r-·---·-·------- DENJM JEANS ALL SIZES IN STOCK! LEVIS: LEE: SMALL BELLS BIG BELLS BUSH JEANS SMALL BELLS (PREWASH & REGULAR ) WRA~L~R: WHER_E?(j MEDIUM BELLS ,______ + CLOTHES FOR MEN . Un-boobing the tube llyS. uyNanJ Minority tastes in Central Wisconsin will no longer have to l't'ly on comm~dal networks for television vie wi ng . A new channe l h as come to town. This last 'A'ffil:tnd (.llannel 20 on the UHF dial ~gan tran· 0 .smitlingregularprograms. This channel ..,;u orovicle the local medium for the programs produced by the Public Broad· i4f!Y ca.stingCorporationy.ohic.h isfunded by the e e fede ral gov ' t , These programs are especially aimed for minority tastesandhen.:edonot a ppu l to mass audiences . Howt\'tr , there aN! program s for enr ybody a t lust once or twice a week . e Allotrnaleviewlng ThouaP the channel de~·otes its da y to prese nting progra ms primarily for schools, its eveni ng programs provide a divftSity ol vie wing which can bes t be ~ de:scribl.-dasanalternate tothe commercial telly . The evening segmtntoltheeducation.alchannel , as it is popularly known , commences at .f pm . F'rom !OUT to e\e\·en the channel affords its viewersalooltatthemaglcal world oftribtsinthe ''TribalEye", apeep into the life of Jenny Olurchill , mother of Wins ton Chur chill. maybe an open• oo some nighl5 and a symphooys tillonothers. Theatre isnot ignored sooocea v1eek the channel will provide free accns to some of thegreat.est shows in the Masterpi«e Thu tre series. Why the name educational televQion? l askt'd the spokesman at Madison. "This ls amisleading name••,.e. got when the ft'deral act wa s pa ssed." ' he said . The spokesman assured me that this channel .,.,.ould be anything but educational . " We provide so many entertaining programs that it would behardtocalluseducationai." But the name.sticlu a nd many people are still under the impression that they would be constantly subjected to a thoroughly boring analysis of the latest political developmenl5. As I pointed out earlier. they would be wrons . But they could be right to a51Ume this on some nicJits. Silent TV Public affa irs ia indeed one of their pet programs. They range from the spicy a nd witty "Fire Une " ho&t.ed by none other than Willia;, Buckley, to the Captioned· ABC Evening News for the hard-«- Other programs auch as " Book Beat" and "Soundstage" provide a diUuent Insight Into hwnan civilization. MontyPylhon Lovers of comedy and laughter are not ignored either. Mont y Python appea rs· r egula r ly on Tuesday at 9 pm. Monty Python, originally rrom BBD, is now one of the world's best known comt'dians and prOYides humor not often seen in this country. The station. as I mentioned earlie r. iaontheUHFdial, whichis below or nex t to the rqular dial. JustswitchtherqulardialtoUand adjust the other dial to 20. Lo and behold, you a re watching onl! of the many sh~'S on wh ich you may ac tually !cam somett!iq. Howeo.·er. if still you do not re<:eive the signal then you donothave the r lghtantenna . F"or UHF reception you will need a separate UHF antenna. Within 25 mlles of Rib l\10Wltain only an indoor antenna will be required,butbeyondthatanou tdoor one may be neceu.ary. We ha\·e beenasauredthat thisp.u-chase ~~oill not deprive you of more 0 ~::n~~ ih:rr:eh~~":~sbt~d.....~ich you will be e~posed. OnuWe•The Teltron cable TV operation locally tells us that they have made plans to add channel 2D to the seni~ they prOYide. ChaMel 20 'would replace channel 10 (also an cducational station ) onNovember9 if final approva l is receivt'd from the FCC. hearinl~. l nthisran ll,evouwilll"inda large repertoire of news shorts whichnotonlywillboreyoubutalso help you learn something and ~orne perhaps. a more informed dtiz~ . There are even several programs which would pertain to many stud ents' m ajors or interestl directl y. For example. the ltltion a irs " Mainstreaming the Exceptional child " on Monday at ~ : 30 · pm. This program deals with cla:<sroom te<:hnlquea for an exceptional child and how to auess and teach this type of child in academic areal. Several other programaofthiJnatw-eareairedin the morning starting at hair past se;e~enta not interesled or turned on bv educational programs need not des~ir. Or. Jacob Bronowskl lx"ingsyouaweeklyprogram ?nthe "~I of Man" and In eacll sea:ment he deals with one specirlc ar~ofrnan 'a cultural evolution. TuNiNG IN Tl..t.Ut-r; IN OWfEL 20 IS SHfl.. E IF YOt..R SET IS EQJJPP£0 WITH A l.liF RECEIVER (ALL SETS SOLO AF1ER APRIL, 1961+, ARE). a-.1 YO..R SET YOJ SH:lULD SEE A LHF TI..Nit-G DIAL FOR OWf-.IELS l't83 tEAR THE 'MF DIAl (QioWI!El..S 2-13). SOP-'E TV SETS I"AY KA.VE A DIFFERfNT ~ FOR lHE LHF DIAL QIQ: YOJ 1 VE fOlH) lHE DIALS, SET 1lif 'MF DIAL ON ''U'' (USuALLY f'£XT TO "2") . N:1r1 SLOWI...Y 1\.RN TI-E l.tiF Tl.Nit-G DI AL. UNTIL YOU GET A P ICTURE AT THE OiAN'EL 20 POSITJCN . M:>ST SETS HAVE A l.tiF "Fit<£ T\.NI~ .ADJUSTMENT" WHIOi stfJUlD BE TLRNEO SLOWI...Y TO GET THE BfsT PICT\.R.E/SOlU> C()o'BJNATICN . ( a-1 SOPE SETS, n-E BEST P ICTlRE MAY co-£ IN AHY'Wt-£Rf FRCfol IS TO 25.) Where ·your dollars go The student activity fee by JUIIJavrnqt Have )OOU evu ,.·ondered what )'OW' Activity Fee ns and how it is s pent'! Uyou an a full -time student you are ~barted SotS a yur. The fee po~ys for campus len'i«S and ac tivities. The Student PlaMina Pf'oCram Bud&et Analysis Committee (SPBACI determines how the fee money will be spent . The Artivity Fee.Budget for the fiJcal year TS-741 lsetat SlOI,OOO, an IDCJ"U~~tof $tUOOov« lastfikalyear. The bud&tt Is dlvlded Into five majorarus ; IIF'tneArtl·$71,000, 2) Athletics - $11,310, Sl Co m munkallon&· Me,S30, 41 A.etlvltles and Entertainment · US,UO, S) Student Government Activlties136,~- The Polat.u It a division of the Communications area . The PoUlter's ButinHI Manager. Jl.m Wanta, explained to me what the Activity Fee aMYl for . 1be Pilla~ opn"ttes on a bud&et or 160,000 !that Is the total amOWII of money tbe Polal.tr is allowed lO spendl this year. 135,000 comes from Student Activ ity f'f'H . 1be Poin\.er is ex· pee ted lO make 525,000 income from advtrtisi.n&. ll.lblcriptions, etc . Jim said be thinlu lhe Polatef' &bouJd mU.eoverJ::JO,ooolnadvtrti.llna thls yur. JimalloaaidthatthePolalotr mabs approximately $900 from advertilina: each iuue. To &et an idea of how the money is actually s pent, and awroxlmately how much is spent, l'leH 1.a tut year's bc'eakdown ; Sludent Wages $11,100 ........... 126atudent employees ) DupUcaling $171 1:; $4(11 Food $4tl OrganU.Jooal Meet $U 3•FREE lEER . . I! . PMO The Poi•lf'r wiU publish 33 iuues th is year and Bonanza A Bounty of Golc*l Bat1llf Fried Gulf Shrimp GARDEN GREEN SALAD c:hoiot of our homemadl dressinp ~ 5 ~ You can a\ao submit a StJI8Hilon .s:r:; i! into one of the Plli•l~r IU&&HiiOII few locations in town for u cents a copy . Seven htmred and firty toples are mailed to subscribers lral.e.JS.SO ), highsehools, a f• 'N c:olleges,cily otrtcials, and alwnni. boliH in the uling centers or the Union . Tile Pointer staff would , greatly appreciate tome ,feedback. I . i aooo copies will be :;~~e~~~~~p~ lfiC~IE KOSZTWE•~::: ~ Shrimp ~ the Pointer or sugaestioru u to how the Poi11~r could RrVe you better", stop In the Poill~r office . I30Gesell . Printing IPVint Jownal Co.>$3t,441 Photo SUpplies Postage S610 Prfz.et, Awards $1 I?~.ta Proct~~lng $21 - .... ...... . Total Tnlvd $2015 Subscriptions UltCe .&. maguines ) Membenhip Dues $S3 Mlle. Sef'vica 161 • • C .. t,OIIIIIA ' i l"I G UT L"W SCHOOL WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW OF ORA NGE COUNTY AH ACC .t fOilfO lAW SCHOOl OFFERS A PROGRAM OF FULL -TIME LAW STUDY TO BEGIN IN JANUARY CHOICE OF POTATO baked, h.sh browns or gokSen french fries HOMEMADE BREADS WISCONSIN GRADE A BUTTER- ( t • ten~Jf~ac~ts~gr::~:rs f~~.!!: lifted in lett~ sent by Olancfllor l..ft S. Dreyfus . Additional funding fromthestatefortheuniv~ity's base budget and an Improved t'IU'ollment make their retention possible, Dreyfus said. The new action af fects three members of the geognphy department, L.awrence Br andt , Marshall Parry, and Donald .. ~~:!re;· ~:~~e~~~/fP~': Mertz and TerTy Wick. In the spring of 197~ they received official notirlcation of layotrs tha t were scheduled to t.tke effect one year later. H~er . thisspring ,the action wasdefei'Ted for~e more year. They were amona se veral professors who v.·ere ini tially in· formed of being laid off, but the total number that ac.tually took eHect was three which included one half·time faculty member. The other layoffs were averted main ly because of reassignments, faculty retraining , persons taking relocatioo lea\'e5 wh ic h earried severance pay equivalent to one yea r of salary, and some early retirements . .... Juemla h Joh nson, sta rring Redford will be shown F'riday, Oct. 3 1 at 7:30pm in the Program Banquet Room. Robert Redford pla ys Jeremiah John.son. a man who becomes a lfgend in his own time. Jeremia h setsouttobecomeatnpperinthe Rocky MotUltain Wilderness . In venganceof hiswife'sslaughterby the Crow Indians. and for mere sur~h·a l , he becomes a mystical character known as the Crow Klller . Redford handled much of the film's pr'oduction. He attempts to erase the romanticism of the v.ildemess with ils very rea l raw beauty. A good portion of the film was shot on location in Redfon! 's t;.ackyard in Utah's Rockies . Get to Jert:m iah J olulsoo early. All shows last ynr. including the utra 11 pm showings were sold-out. Robert After correcting organlt.ational problems, WWSP·TV is back oo the :bl:~:~~~~~~m;.'! television organlution will broadcast fr om Teltr on Cable Olannel 3 in Stevens Point and Wausau on Tuesdays from 9 pm to 10:30 pm and Wednesdays from 1:301010:30. 1\lesday's programs will include " Media Watch" aDd " Fanfare." Wednesday 's programs will include "Sports File," "This Wednesday," and "Panorama ." WWSP·TV wtl l be broadcasting live from the Uni\·ersity Center both of these nighls, and weleomes anyooe to be a p.art of the on-tlle·air audience. The Universi ty will best three Campus Prt:view Days t his academic yea r for pros pective studenlsandtheirparents,andthe first will be held Sa tu rday, November a. The events run from 1:30am to 2 r:e~~i':rl~'/!~~~~~f::f:e~= s ugge s tions ·to persons com · templatirw a collegiate calftr in St~vens Point by a student leader . andarepresenUiliveolthecareer coUnseling and placement olllce. There are sessions at whic h professors speak Indi vidually with lhe campus vision about academic programs ...a campus toul", en· tertainment by music groups and dis plays and demonstrations by st udent organizations. News Notes The University of Wisconsin Regents voted last v.·eekloallow24 hour visitation In system dor· mitories but the action won't be im pleme nted he re beca use of another committee's action. The Cou ncil of Chance llors decided earlier this month to leave the decision of 24-hour visitation implementationuptotheindividual Olancellon;. . Chancellor Dreyfus has indicated he is happy with the present visitation policies, citing possible " unacceptable social, security. and ec:ooomic problems" which might result by thenewall-day visitation policy. Dreyfushasstatedprevioustothe regentdecisionthathewollldhave to have concrete reasons from students, faculty, and ad · ministraton before he changes his visi tation stance. Al Pauli, chairman of the UWSP President's Hall Council said a question~ ire is being distributed to dorm residents this week, and that depending on the resulls, a wri~ten ratiornde would be submi\l.ed to the chancellor ~ing him to adopt or • reject the 2._hour visitation. The state's college·attending American Indians will gather het"e Saturday to make plans for ac· tivating an organiution that was putonpaperthreeyearsago. The Wisconsin Native American Studenls Association has gaintd a 1 C:.~C::·~heh~r::r ~~a:i~t~~ mittee and at their meeting will how elect two new eo..ehairmen, a secretary,andatreasurer ,as'A-ell as discuss issues of concern to them . The stale group was chartered v.iththepurposeoCassistlngNative Americanswithmattersoffinance, helping them slay In school once they started a col.lfge career, promoting awareness to Native American peoples, and to chann.el information . ' Initially involved we r e UW campuses in Stevens Poi n t, Oshkosh, Milwaukee, Madison, Eau Caire, Green Bay, Superior, Stout of Menomonie, River Falla, pillS the private schools or Marquette and Mount SenM-io. These and several othtt""II'IStitulionsareexpectedto have representative• at the meeting. The Univ~ity Film Society will present Fellllli 'l Rom s on Tuesday, November 4 , at ?and 9: 15pm in the Program Banquet Room ol the Universi ty Center . Frederico Fellini calls Roma the 5toryofacity.ltisthat,butonlyas abeginnil18 . 111salsothesloryof memory, the story ol reality , the story offantasy,a ndnotleast,the story of a man and a rtist- Fellini himself. These confli c ting a nd complimentary themes are \\'OVen around a description ol the dlrec· tor 's personal encounterl with Rome, as a boy in Rlminl to whom thecityuistsonlyi nimagination, as a young man first coming to the capital,andfinallyasanobserver of the contemporary city-physical eootactswtuchinthefilm become exultant nights In the past a nd the Cutureaswell . This 1972 film stars Stefano Majore, Peter Gonzales. and Britta Barne:s. The task ro rce investigati ng st ructu~l problems at Sentry In· s u r Dnce's new international headquarters has as yet been unable to determine just what is :fo~g·U::~~":prt~xi~~:~Y V::;; people are still working at the cOnstruction site even though eN."Ctionolstructuralsteel hasbeen tempora rily ha lted. lie also said that no fu rther difficulti es have been encountered since Caults were found in a number of the large eoncretebuttresscolumns severa l woeks ago. Al l students and facult y film cnthusiaslsarelnvltedtoroom t:l!l A and 8, University Center, on Sunday, November t, from 9-!0 pm roUowingtheshowingofFrom n ~:~~ e toTi mbuklu.for areac tion ses.sion Donna Nelson and ~glish department members will initia te-stimulate discussion. on the film . Pachyderm politicking by Pe~r Ut~r5ld Yeah,weldndoffdtoutolplace, bl.lt Teny Testnlin and I thought it might be fun for a couple of who ddlnl!ely aren't Rt-publiuns to 'cover' an open ~porttn meeting of the Stevens Point Young Rt-publiuns. Olher than a few starts and apprehensive leers, we ~e Martily welcomed to the meeting. The group &athered in the basement of Papa Joe's for free bnllaod beft" plusclllt~Mt 1111ith the two II.Mi!Sll of honor, atale Senator Walt« John Qlll.an CR. tottrriU and Stevens POI'nt Mayor Jim Fdgdson. M01Uy the wnator and mayor chatted between themselves. The setting provided astute ob- servus with an odd dJe:hoeomy because the bar upsUiirs wu filled cooslruction workers who with .,..~re among ' tbose who dldn'l filre too well in our recent receuion. These men are IIIIWki"l now but 1 doubt that they C11Uld be conslderf'd Republican sy mpath lt.ers . Meanwhile, Terry and 1 wtn ptheringwith the falrly well~o-do downstairs, some of whom jUit looked like money. The guy who Invited us In the flnt place was Karl Worth , a UWSP poli tical science ma,tor and avid SteVflll Point Republican , Karl was veryaracious as a host and when we wanted to approadl Chilsen to squeeze in a few quettionJ he ' qukkly introduced ua and then returned to spealr. with some of his cohorts as they drank toasts !Osuch notables as Goldwater, Herbert Hoover, Spint A&new. and every good mother 's son. AI Terry questioned Walter John onvariousstatelsiUH~senator p.1ffed on a greenish cigar 1•rhich produced some povo·erful, povo·erful smote. Terry ol»erved later, " He's lilr.ethemacllinety pepolltician,the gruff face. ciaar. and the ever presentlqisl.at.ivealdeathisside to make sure he doesn't put his root In his mouth ." Suprisin&Jy, I never heard any conversations &olll& on about our present executive administration and all the close calla ataett.inarld of it lately. The only time I heard references 10 " Ford" wu when two guys struck up a debate about the bestcarmade:hiJplcturewuon OAi< Sl-IO?PE [ITJ. 1000 M1in St. • Stevens Point, WI 54411 MEN'S WEAR 1000 LOWER LEVEL NEW WITH THE LOOK OF WESTERNEUROPEAN& CASUAL by LEEFARAH& H.I.S . /lln~~flflfl • Oc.-w Sl , ltJS thewallbuthisnamewasn'tonthe tonlues. · Locally, the' Republicans ha1"e had a history of !lard struggle without many results. As Mayor ~;ru,~ !f.~t~n;~~t'~.~t t'! (eave, gott.a go fool some other people now.· Just remember this, I'm the lint Republican to win in this county 1irw:e De""~Y beat Tnunan baclr. in 'U.." It kind of seemsoddthatln~lastmayoral elections no one rememben any candidate byilll claim to any partlcularpa1tyaffiliations. Mler a..,·hile much of the con\"trsat.ion became very repetitive I decided Terry and I we~ definitely 01.11 ol place when 1 overheardoneauyaay, "Yeah, l"m drinking tG-Hlg.h and seltzer, they just don 't have any Jim Bt.:tm Regula r ." ! mean,hell , l don"t know the ditrerenc:e between Jim Bt.:tm Regular and any other Jim Bt~m . Jet alone drinlr. it . ro---. a Steak Bonanza g ~ Every Sl.l nd-r Night! :;i :g CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK ti a a i!! TEXAS TOAST .HO~~~~~E0~Ni~~A~NGS ~h:;~~;~~~7c;~o~~-;:-~;;;~~ $395 ; FREE BEER! tl 3!: a Allyo.candrink..-jlhyournlf.t :!! SUNDAY NIGHT DANCE anunm i'nm;~nm me ~ ~ $ g ., Campus charac;,ters The lady ·behind the chancellor by DtneCarlsOD I wande r ed Into the COPS cafeteria last week, pen in hand, photographer by lide, with the vaaue assignmentof talking to Mrs. Lee Drey f us as a· Campus Otaracter. Never havl~ seen her belon!, thephotographft'andlwf'f'e nolquitesurewewouldseeher today. The bo5s had mumbled Drama and dance are Mrs. Dreyfus's real loves. Drama was her major when she attended 1\tadison : throughout tligh school she was acttve In debate and forensics, and was leading lady in seve1111l plays . Now she Is with a communitygoup, ''111eShoestring :~~=~:~· o:~~~~e~~!r ~buS::~ something about going there in Stev ens Point, and, this yei r , several other communities. Her part in this year's play, ''The Rabbit with the Lopsided Ears.·· involves some dancing, which she really likes. But. ''I'm having troublewiththesecondact. I don't have my lines m~mori:zed." anytimebetweenii:OOandi:OOany day of the week and wt would find her. "JU$l ask uyo.te who she Is, they 'Uknow." Wedld , andshewu. Talking to Mrs. Drfyfus Is like talking to a composite of Betty Ford andlheladynext~ . It was easy and ln!Hestlng. Joyce Dreyfus was born in I come In here sometimes and !riends help with lines, but I have thina:s to memorlte for drama Mllwaultee. an only child". She and l'ler husband both attended the same gradetc:l'lool,andlater, Washington High . Were they c h ild h ood sweelhurts? "No," she said. ''more like mutual enemies.·· "Ever sincl! I un rememOO " she continued. "l.ft Dreyfus ~~ been In my life. As kids v.-e fouP!t together and I remembeT In High School, when he was president ol the student body, I said toone of my ll;irlrriendl, 'WeU, here's old llan- nelmoulhagain." They started ~!.lin& during her two years at UW-Madison, artft' ~~o·hich she quit and they married. ~ - Dreyfus said that a t the time , ''School just didn't seem as . imoortant as a home and children. " Now that her two children are grown, Mrs. Dreyfus is ma kjn~ . ~~~ ~=Y.11b~;.o:;:.~~y;~ is time to punue a carea-. She Is a senior majorin& In Intermediateupper elementary education, whicb :a~bv'!t!.t=~~~i8~~ a15o has a Drama miDOI', which she taldn.l. tScredits,participatingina play..ctiiiJ group, as well u entertaininJt and attending social !unctions as the OlanceUor's wire. ~k~ '!~!e~~~~~,~~~~~~ feels "is a good thin& to know and UH in teaching children of that age." love It and wouldn 't be happy any ot.het- way. I love being !he Chancellor'swi!e." SAND PAINTING LEARN TO MAKE YOUR OWN ART & LECTURES PRESENTS AMERICAN CHAMBER BALLET WED., NOV· 5 INEXPENSIVE AND HIGHLY DECORATIVE SAND PAINTINGS DURING OUR FREE DEMONSTRATION THIS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 1:30 to 5:30 P.M. AT 8:00P.M. JENKINS THEATRE MAIN STREET MEN'S WEAR TICKETS: UWSP STUDENTS 11 .00 WITH 1.0 . GENEHAL PUBLIC $4.00 DOWNTOWN STEVENS POINT PHONE 348-41N lo)'Pd•UIIftV.I What'sa mattn- Bunky? You say your honey left you and your roommate gets off on chewi ng hil toMails and then smokln& them! And you don 't know wha t you can do about it! Well lhtt"e'a someone who ean help. The Couns.ellnc Center , oext· doorneigl'lbortolhehealth«nter in the basement of NriJon H.all at the nor th end of campus, is in business for just such reuon1 . The cen te r is J ta ffed with counselors li ke Dennis Elsenra th , lhe . director. who are anldous to ~!l!r!~:~·~:'~~e~O::~ cuidalk'C! and advice to help people learn about themselves. All ser· viefl are offered with the strictest confidentiality assured. m~~~~~'f!sCC:;!i~s : e::n: which i n clu d es p erso n ,a l , e ducationa l , vocat ional a nd multip le-reas ons co un seli na . DRN"alh stresKd that In prnnna1 counseling the staff members wiU work with anyone who has a problem but they prder to wor k in pnventive cwn!ldin& ralber than v,,thcrisis problems. Anothe r co u ns e l or , Robe rt Mos.ler . ~aid " Wedon't like to dwell on people's past proWems, rather on what we can do to help them !urn aboul the mselves to avoid luture problema ." Throughout my meeli n&with some ofthestaffthey al l s tressed lhe lmporlalk'C! of lea rn ing a bo ut one's self and work ln& on the prevention of potenllal personal problems. Group coullii!Jing il offered in anas like sod.J and personal arowt h , ca r eer and vocational goals, weight control and cigarett-e avoidance activities . The «nter is also responsi ble for the forelan studen t a dvising progra m which is run by Dr. Marc Farw . Th~ cen ter also operates as a Gei. Turned On ross Countr;Y -~\\ng ~-l:he. PERTS at 1n ting services area on umpu1 and 1M ~Jon maintain a vocational a n d e du ca t iona l 1'60W'Cfllibrarywithint hel r ol· "C:·oth e r Im por t a nt ser vice provided by the Coun~or:linR Center is the Learning Stills Procram v.·hich il conducted tl\rough the Rcadiogand Study Skills Centtr in - U!e Collins Classroom Center and through Ui'e PsychoiCJiy Depart· ment. Throre are live ful l-lime staff member~ at the l'ounsell ng Cen ter {~~'in~':: ~~~~~'i!~ th:,d~~~':i dir ector Rober t Moairor, r~&n s t ude nt a d Yi sor Ma r c Fan&. counselor Robert UttmaM , and tilt newest co unselor Ms . Maril yn Scamman . Pa rt -time counsding positions "~ ld by va rious resi~nce hall di r ton from cam pus "''ho ha\-t their stersin counselina. So if need IOIOMwelght .cpt ci g a r e tt es, re s oi Ye urlou problems wllb your roommate or just get something orr you r ehnt while someone actuall y Plfll II· tenlion to you then maybe you should walk a block or two out of your way and drop In on tilt Ca mpus CowlteUna Centtr. LA TEST FASHION EARRINGS WITH SURGICAL STAINLESS STEEL EARWIRES •• ''"" ' 3.00 RecenUr dnaloped concaptls Jut\ nowa.a11able • Non·allerganlc aurgl ca t statntan t iNt aarwlres rld~ld dangerof lnlactlon • Sater to Wh r 11\an 14kt Ot tiki go4d wit- H •Latell lashlonstylas l • Hundreds to choose !tom Non-Allergenic Pierced Earrings GRUBBA JEWELERS MAIN AND THIRD STREET BACKPACKING TRIP DURING SPRING BREAK (MARCH 12·21) oft6A1f)zATJONAL MEETING FOJ('SMOKEY MOUNTAINS l'lostel ~~oppe, Jfi±O. 1314 Water St.r..t Strte~H~~~n;.,!~~s~~ 054481 PtUWr' Oo:...,_. )1 , lt7J (CHATTAHOOCHEE NATIONAL FOREST) NOVEMBER 4 - 7:00 P.M. ROOM 129 A & B, U.C. FINO OUT ABOUT EQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR MAKINO FROST LINE KITS ,aiJt II I t , 1J[Q)CE lDl~JLrD~[DlR}[t. Trick or Tre~t? [f.J~DlDl\I~~lDl No cents a t all Halloween 75 Top n~m e• announced Warm and cozy again here at UWSP The report from Stevtrll Poi.nt"s UWSP UuJ yNr Is '"wl rm andcw.y'" asfar u houslna;isc:oncemeod. " 1'11~a~ju$15nllQet lha!l•bu& J nan.~g .'" said AssisUnt 10 the .-\Mi$tant Dir«tor of the Advisory Spokesman for the: UOU$.i,._ • Ol'rlt't', Krlly Bafl,e.. The univer.>ity this yfl!r i1 nporli!ll an abund.a~ of ~gllly lll lilflt'dltiKienll c:onlingtoB.arge. One ofl·c:ampus lludent t plc::tured here l eammented on the n«<lent owortunity oflft"t'dtoltudentswhoare interftted In ROTC. ROTC "'Becauseofthehoulinl ~ituat ion r.·rbftn able 10 aet t:1tr.1hours ofcarnping in 1010-a rd my ROTC major.'' ~~~~~ ophomo r e Bar r y Bclwf'b: has bee'lliv lngon the tria nglrbonlered by Monroc.andDivilklnSt.reell si ncelateAugUS(. Hesayslbe uv:ldt:nt hal pnwickd him ,..,thin educatio!W vdlide ·· unequaled in Hope and mqnitudlt u fir u •nte llectual g r owth Is con· t'rf'llftl. "" " The c:or.stant company · provided by hotroddlnJ tHragen and ear-plen:irc eight·,.·heelen lela me OOU' into 1 nice quirt sleep ni&hUy ..' he uid.. "'And beslclts," he tcldrd.. " l"m J!llinl indtpr:ndent awcly in survinltedlniques.'' aboutthelrielllbheh.a~m~~de in the dormitory. Matt EU t,.. unlvenlty oiTICULblhltsomeofthem..t rewardingfrifndship~hehal ever~c:lopedOCCI.Lrl'tdu the T8ult of the rec~ nt campus"~ emereency hOIUilnJ meuurs. Eu •as statiorlrd lnthebuementof-ofthe UWSP 's 14 dormitories •ith 37 othoer ~~~ew fr8hmen. camtra•.lhe~~l lor rtlld off the n.amnoltlxR lortunate ' "Top:IO" wbowltl now mO\'e on lO rtgi~ l and ho~ l ul\y Museum 10 houH a proi'W· ho rn ed ante lope 1nd 1 JOiha,.·lt. Both animab were r«n~ltedbythe unlvenltyfor UH In rtiOivin& an identity crilil in tbemLIIWDI. " I've Jovt'd my NIOCialian with thne two l h1t 1 n lma ls dearly.'" sa;d Brmdl. " I }u$1 and'Smits',wlthiJrandlotal ol 11. Comtrc in w1lh a dear cut u: tcand place wu ' John son','Johnston',and ·Jol'll50n' not !'dated lO the . bilbypowo1itrlwilh59. TIIird place went 10 'Milltr' and 'MlRilcr'. 11lera~ forlourthwu1 lilhl one but 'Pedenen' , 'Pederson', 'Pet~·. 1nd 'Ptttl"$0n' edged out 'An· derwn' and 'AndofrMn' bv a /'(Of'f::of:fttoSBwill'ISchuUUt not fa r bdlindatlS. Nollcubly ab$mt from thil year·a tistollistslalhename of 'Joms'wblchhubftnon 1 downwud Lnnd htre In Point. But, according to the rec<wd books It waa ·Jornes' who led us 10 thole back·tobadln~~tion.aldampionshipa wl&haornedly l wlllbeablr lOtellwiiLdloneiswlucll. No doubt the finet'ducalion I'm I'K(ivin& here 11 UWSP will IC!meday enabl~ me to Jl'SI the test,"shradMd. 11lt whole 1111"1 of contentment and pleu ur e s urrou nd loJthehoul n& 51tuttian has permeated IIlLo thetanltloltheu nlvenity'l adminbtratlon. A hl&h r ltlking admlnlll r llor On)'f~U, Challt'!llot of ~~e~~ ca!':tve':t.r~ 0~~ t.~.!:.:n~a:==t!!~lt ~ l c:ouklhardlybelievelt."Dreyfwaddrd. Dreyfus.who11id be hid " n lloltiile•' •Oft away from the: Stft'ena Point CJLmJllll, cou ld noe be .-.died ~=h ~~': ~e,,:;.. ~~~~ struct~~ff.alladel~the:Cha o­ cftlor'sowa d fke, which be baa btftl ~nto¥iJitonhiiJtopt inStev­ P""'- "" Atfint.when l drovebythrcampua, and 11• thlt Old Msln wu COl"!'- f wu Jl.ld.. l k-iiWIIpiiiCiobttor\ dDwn and .tu-t IllUmed tN t the wortt . . linishedahead ol tche:GIIe. Bill. wheft l hraniU.t a firehad dfttrvyt'd it. myjayqulekly rrTOdecl" D~fus ukl rt)' Ca rt CIL.I III ..I I AdvotaUnc a 1trong need foractlveJUtrillar<:<llop. the UWSP En vironmental c-nci i i!WICIUIIerd today !hiLt Wy nelte "G reasy" F'ro hm had been ntmt'd ma111&1n& edllor ol tbrl r bl·•tekly news l etter , E c e- T l~ . " After aU.'' the:CM ncdkltnoted, "we ~~~ 'H!:'.~ ~~~~"!! 1 l pl'nd a pmny of IL" . TheChallt'!llor'•fintconcem, I ller leolrnlng:altbebllze.•aa fortbeufety d his teer'flll'}', Mn . LWIBums. '"Did Lu ll lei a.L t~". he liked. "She' a not 11 :::.~~ane~!:r~~~~~- TheS\e¥ensPolal f"ire:Man.haU 11110 ln/IOUI'IC'ed thedilcoftry ci " MWflt:\.1" e~~r~ttrftn&theblar.e:whkhleftledthe Stevena Poit1tllnd mart. The Mln.haU '"tiL ltd tha t )lit belen the llre broU outa,ll.nitornotlc:rd'"alanctfl'ld.._lll filltd•ith paciinelinincthet~~lirrfint n.thallway." HeallanoCedthatone dthebuckttaofpadi~~~ewn " boillnJ furiou:aly'"onwla t w•bdleved tobta hotplate. r«~nUyanniiUIICed IU "Vo'hy I UkeUvina ln Rusonable·Prlced, Weli-Krpt llouling" ' contest. nw winner~ will be ...-ardeda..,plicateofthe world'1 flnt tlect.rlc:blanket alldaJupper dltewitht'tlb.: the: Cat. The contest invoiYes ltlting,._-e.t.remeplruure and contftllment with you r houlin.glituatklnltiZwordll or leu. GTeasyFTohm elected! Old Main destroyed Lee Sherman national com - petition. Luding the pad! for our school will bel group of lllllmeswhlchlncludes'Schml t dl CUUI It )(!I','Smldt ', ditionll~.'" he uid. Brenda had a room of her OLO'n thG 111mmrr. At the beginnlrcof the.emesuor the manaJemrnt moved th ree room;n.atesintoBrt:rd.a"stbedroomlpartmeatulllhe practice. ''Tivooflhethtft were rut animals.' " sai d Brenda. She w.un 't kiddirw eithrr. Zooaput.rnenll had contracted with thr Universi ty'• Natural Hiltory llrlil c:onl'en!nee In 11'«11 ol TV uni•·rrsity to facilitate ad· N~wfrio:..U .....,,._ U l ilorlhel:ilhyurinlrow. This mornln& a t a ,.-erc: a ctu.ally shn~~~kby the 1.ooap~~rtmentsnt:arcamllf4. AnotherUWSPstl.ldent has a 51 mila rly eajo)oable tiLie UWSP hu anllOUne\'d il'a Top :10 MOlt Common Nama ""ln.,.,·rrknewtlatpeople hke Wit e~~ilted.'' said Eg l boutlmW! ofhb temporary roommates. ""At first I just lhoughtthattheunivtni ty hold rttruited a bunch of midgelltomHtfederalrqua\ e ducation 1tandard1 or .oomethlng. Butllterllound out that1~ of my room!TIItts ""They must ha.-e rraU)" pic:k r d up wei rd hbill bec;11ne o f th e whol e proces~.''~oa ld Eaa. "" It isn"t e>"etybodytholteanpopin a nd out of a shroudolmlstatwlll. 'f"heMo guys lave got da11. l"m gladl"mJoingtoxhool hl'rr. lf nothing r ise. lor the opportunitytomeddi!rtn:'nt kind5 ollolks.'" htaddled. One off-carpf'4 Jt\ldotnttold ho~a•ng authorit ies Wit sbe has ~~~evc·r brl«e bftn 110 plnsed with her hou si ng si tuat ion. " I'm ~arn ing and ltJ"O"'""C n a human belr-c and u an aspiringacademic mostlyb«..l*ofmyhoulilli si tuation .' ' sai d Brenda lt ofl va nnu. Brendil is a junior from Beldonville major\111 i n an i mal ma nagement. She joyfully ret.ate"s htrsiruation at the both an and offampwac· lly FntLa'l\lrh)' MI . F'rohm, a lo reu r y maj or from Sacramento, Calllomla, w.ua unan\I'D(IUI choKe lor the position. 1 nd c:omn to thll campw with H\letal lm prenlve Yictoriel llreadybehlndher. AcCUHd ear liu this fall of tr yl n J to uuulnate President HitTY f'iard, lohe waa •cqulted ol aU cha ras whenh)'pll(llb revea.ledibe la d been brllnwashed by ";:. lhtet redwood lrand 1 ja.ckpine. Othercnaraalinkin&her with the bombl nJ d three too t hpick factories were dlsmlued when the f'toHaiUon'• dllef wllllft.ll ..-ll faundpeckedtoOtathby ac:nled woodpecker. MI. Frohm. in outllnifC wla t ahehOJl'dtododurirc Mr editorial term . llid abe Wlln~todoiOII\ethlnl•bout the: growinJ number oftermlles lnthedormltories t not tobec:onluaedwithcootla. htroo"e:Yft'l. u wtll u lnvUIIIIte the recent de•·tlopmenu north of the UWSP c.amllUI. bllcltinl95:»1. Thill y~r the r~ioult are ~~~n~nd • ~eNI;:,?::i 1 ct..m.- •ill thm t.ke a tnin to Keokuk, l crwa for the llil.tionllls. Atthiapointllwre 1\itl ill no worldwide com· prtitioninthe'"Top30Conlftt""mainlybeca~noont riH ia fooliJh enough to compete in lhll on such hlgb ....... F'or thole who are unfamlliar with the prcadur8 forNitionoo l eompelltionhere is a lhort JUmmary of the IJOnly lullyaet>redt~rour ""'" year lnatilutloNI t meat.l « educ:ationall •~ a llowed to .-rtlcl.-te. 21 No apecial r«n~IUnt: is a ll owed wit hout a n y Jcholanhipo lfen belnJ clu r t'd by the ReJional Commhlo n en first. l i Scori"i is U... ; udl nam~fromrac:htop thlrty llst of each Khool entered II ruor de d by tha t name's ptr~t.ge of 1M ac:hool't total earoltment. Then the name ' s p erce nt aJe ia multiplied the number con· verxtothen.amts'lpositkln onillxhool"slll.t texampM : •fthenameisfou..U.ina tiltof thirty , then Ill multiply!.. lacl.«numberis27l . The pr~ is curledoutforeadl name an~chKhooi"J iistand thm eadl sc:hool's xores are atladdedandthe:xhoolwlth the h l1hut tota l wl n1. Anewfutureofthllyur'a tou r nament Is a aecond compet ition fgr the ''11'11ny Ltnt Common N1mes On Ca mpua ." '" Ketp up with future-cvpiesoftheN aO.. I Pol•for resultaallhe ~ioulandnat.lonalcontesta .I~Jdrinkii'I1Ht.lbli.sl1ment. 11le10U~wo.aldnotre¥ol 1M e-act loeation ol 11M! turmbutdid~vralthlltlt FBI In\"CSUptonand~al hlod•biJ:boat•bovriiM!bar. .uthoriU8ha•-ednWll.lticht neve-r-miMI Brrmmrr Ulkl rtparltl"llhatl.rmottliktly wiU ""rr 1M race u • R~lican~llllt, aJheput it •· ... I 've •lrudytrltd •"Orti~thi"OI~&hdsannellill \-.!ilolll«fft)'Jroundthe rtftlll d!Jco\·rr1 .lllt&fd to ha ve betn-rthedintht s.diet' waWoom d a Clart Nn- Prnhklllb.i CIDIIIUtt' A new tTII r y into the It'll Prtsidrntla!Sw~LikN II St~I.IVftll. Aulhorltlet•rrdo•e-lipped about t.he matler butiiOmUII obnoxious short shots concrrnin1 Min Hearst Kl"ibbkd approxirutely two> and·J ·half lnrllm below eytle\•ellnthela\OIItclr)'olan llnntCnll.n,..P Patty lle.rt.t 1pent JOme time in Slevtlll Point while tludini•"'B i qtnl.laccordi,. to a "lop-sec r et" memo cbcoven!d In • downtown bv.1tary. rxpectfdtomttf"hb hat Into thtrinJhere •'rlday. Tbtundidattittcllecluled reportinJ tett.llqutsh.avr~a to mUe tQ eKKI political few le.U In the bllu.-oom aprr. A rttiab'e -n:e tGki lnttnt.ioMknooo"tllt.lumpus r.~llybtina'9JiftiO"'db)'lht ~alhatthtFBI•·aJalledln Vttl for Pe.ce.. wheft•nundtrtovrrnsrratic:t agmt dileowerfd • meuaae Thlrty•IWO-t'NfokiArtyU · the Democratic party 1nd didn't&rtan)""iw re.·· When 11-kfd b)' a local ~terlfDrt'mmrrholdany apedn~ rotor~~ for ••ntine tobel"rtsldent,he~plled." t wasn't " " .1bout my pWll ~ ...·eelr. wllf!IINW Rollllkl Ruaan on I n old ,..,.tilly )lult Tum Borax rrrun. l justiNtanUyumeto the ~oncluslon lhllt Americ• donn '! need lllyiTICII"e aolt IK!til -pen." B~mllltf"'l .lniiOUI!ottmmt """ill be madtwilll thrUM of SUMMONSTOtiOUSINC ltunrandl!IIQir.ltionbvLedZenpellnl (wonk.lndlpoJotiesbyRldl l v~l videoupe. lleiscurrHIUy in~:ltnnttdforhuntlrcout Of Tbtrt'l l wiqher"t th.lt'lwrt IJ"Uiilbtstwbftljt'I JOid Andthty'rebo.l.)'inaa~toHousirs&. And •"hm lht')'Jet therethty' ll f1nd LNif&rtn'a f.~r, fufromkhld Altdlle'lll•v•thtmwb.lthtthlnbtht)''veallltdfOf. There"• • alan on thew111 tthtyWIIItiObeiUI"t C.Uit you know IOnlttlmel wunb hne two m~ lnaroomnN.rtbephone llltre'a110me people wbo've bkrwn their minds A.llollhrirthDuchtsaremll&.lvfll.. Tbtrt'a .lfteli.n& l letwbftllloa.ktotatWe:st And my spirit itttyift&forle•vln& f"romouu.idt I have_, rinpd1malr.e throu!lhthtlla"et:lll . And the voKes ollbolf wbo Iii le.ISOII , IAwKnaerJaUHI T\JCSON. ARIZONA -NP I· "1M Lone Raft&rr, a masktd ridtrktiO"'"IIWOII"Jd.widtfor 1U prrsryn""lntt in fi&htinc cnn>t, II brirc btld her-r for m-. An'Otdilll to "T\Ic:$On ofthe maske-d min. fi~lal•. ,.hoM' tr11t idrntity wu not discioud. Will jaile-d on TUMiy for atlraedly kiUin& IQ Indian companion, Tonto. ln.lal.ltemtllll~lnMdbyhll 1.1wYer, lht Lone R1n1tr Mattei th.ltlledidkill TOtllo, bot piudtd"ratmu.llinJ circumst•IIC'I'S" . Btn Oovrr. the Lone ftarojCrr"ICOUl!Cii,Aid''l'onto Md bttll ullin& my ell-tnt 'Krmoubt' for many yun. ud it b r oke thf Lone Ran~ter"l heart whtn he discovered thlt Krmonbe mt'ant 'llhit htlld" ." Amother Smell Oil Presentation \ _ . the buycenntenial flaih Th e Pori'a&e Co unt y Hisl«ical Sodt'ly In ((Ill: junctlonwltha •pllifactlollol the Allleriun Ouhl .U.OCUtian, will be INIIIii'C 1 limllfcl numbtr of plutk ~:::nr:.. ~!~~~~·~ P"rtofaBictatennlalprojc:t tommem«atinc lhe htroie de«<solWIK«wln'afOWiding faiMr. Ul.lo rles de LIIIJ.lade. t:..rh tODih .,.-m bur •n inKriptlon on l.an&l ade'a appro•i~te blrthdate and ,.i ll arriH arriully WT11pptd In I Ytl')' NMll ~ of :'~~~=:::. for~ fll you ..UU wonder1n1 who the hell Charlesdel.on•'•""'"'- he enemlu . 11 wu ~~:~~~~~": r.,c:.-·::::: on Gtner.at BraddiX'k 'a m.rchin& militi. rn m~te to fortl>uqUfiWW. hiltOflll .. , thlshv:~nt ...'U moreU..taCiteofloimplelltl:· And it'S whilperfd that _ , tf.,.-ewyafter"t. . and- run . Immediately af. !«Ward, t1w ~isn oltlHn weredrqal!dbldltonmp. mutit.ted, ad JefTI!d ..,-itll And pi'Obatlon will daW!I forlholfwtoost.aytdkq_ And the offoc:e will echo with lllu~t~ter. m~~ke. American coloni.Jtl lmaJintd tht'm Bu t detpite lhe drlk:atr ntlli&tnce of tntbo ok bon&lnJ. 1lot Oinrtor will lt.ld w to H-inl And it wu tJu,t lanl&hlrd , IIIII· breed tlnnibll who bfttan n~trc and deYourin& lhf Britisnumleslon&bdotethf 101ntthinc 1-lhan rrmdl tul1lne, tl..-.n&lade et al me"''JJIdd!,r bfll"l"l tNt an t~~t~t~r"• llrtnl lh co.ald be ~d II,· hi• ne~hl . By the 01\Jott o1 tllr ttthrre"• aliloul.UI.I•trourdoor.IO, dDn'lbt•l&rrned~ comuml~ lt'ajUII thtAD on .I bultln&..-et Yesthere:aretwopllhayo.ac:.lllpby And JOU hid beJt r\111 Tllere'al\.iUachlneedNrunni.n&hlm. Revol ut ion. W.n1l.1de had devtlopecht•trlor t'Oionbu Y~ :::: ~h=~~nd It won ' t andlpet~lmo&lolhittimt r«n~ltln& 'atherlndlantribet to•ldnoneothtrtlw!lht J& Britilh eaUW:. Duri~ lhrw ~ar~heilmo&tflmousfw­ Toomudobetrdoelth.lltonec-y- lhe Mllw.1ukee Dol •·rail, a type ol pop fell dmi1Md II ~uladydidyoumillthetimelo And did you know Tile only WI}' 01.11 II the window then. aro~~~e thetri.bes'III"C!Aion. throup 1M ll.lughlrr tnd mmmunlon ol.1 dol"• ,....,. heart . · Althou!Jhnotyow-tJl*'ll And I f Wf IUIUtr dowD the b.IU Our htlllb ~~from the fo1 Ttlert'l thtDlrec:torwelllkmw 1:~::-.::.r:=:;~r:.'! "lD ..... tobri&ht ·IGdw•atatolhow How evec-ythin& wu meant .11 told And if fOol Ull't r\ln VtrJ f..t The bull will catdo you aU atlatt IIVJiflelldtr, and-ollht flnt ltltltrl to brtnl ch•lllllllo n to thb aru l..lneiJide County 11 namrd 11ftrr him. Yes. lludentJ of Vt'hen•ll.~reuUJhtandthatlaall And yo.ar RA will be ll•IL And they're bu}'iq • IUmmom to llowlnJ. ..,_. IUdomtwrn- Stevent Point. th.... y1111r htritop. f t , the sub-terranean carnival The Element of suprize "" J.U ··Pud" Roady Thisyur'sedllionolm~~dl Mont~ Py t hon 's football tum Ia ft9C'('.ia1Jy bizarn. The Steveu Point Ral tlesnaktJfeatureanotfense n ic kna med "Th e Subttrnneln Carnival.'' The ll't!lkyoffenselsbuiltuound bf!U.u than t~tr I and ln splte.llfhtr dtn~Jndl f~~req~~<~lrl&h!S.lns.plltllflady po~rwiththtbo)'li. When I arrived with my male HCOJ1, there Mark surprisoedhos.tt'SS. "--thou&h Mary Kate parti~ traditionally have ~.~t'male \ineuplntbesholgunfor· maiM:.. with Gtrde!lla ~Jhl ~1~~GO:~':~v=~ ueel\e nt though ull conventlonl l throwing motion. lie throws with a cin:u.br underhand motion like a solll:a ll pitcher. lliJ pauesnrelytr;ndhigher tllatalootofftheground. SornetimtSinlact.histhroln lkim the grusbladK lor lO }"'lu·' CisatatimeuntiiGcN.'I alfaiis.norteof theladi~_,-.fdtoob}ft:ttot~~ltnd's squadf«threeda)':l. lie mmeblllckthough .andthinp an back to normaL GettiniC back to your Ql.l"'tionaboulw~t&OI'$on in the huddle: .,ell. you know about We-ed's pr-obltnl, $11 1 1\155lmnttllyou. llehna $1MTl!l o:ornpartment in hif, thi&hpads-..·hertbtk~ 50nlt}oints. 8t'lweenplay.he t..ka a few hits. At fii'Jt evuyone diu pprovtd 11nd tdlifthatd;unnballGartllellia but now e•·n)-bodY lakes a quit'ktokee:o:ctpllllC': if my mnthu found out l ht 'd Cine oiGardl'nia's favorite tricUiJto faketheO\'t'l"hoond pus t he~ throw ovrrNnd oecuionallyl,andtben,.·hip the ball underhand bmeath the outslffleh arm1 of 1M dtf-ivelinemen. Gardoenll, who IDvtl ID grow Oawrn t he allo keep11 pet rat\lesnat. Ia hifo darmiiOf)' room l. commenll'!d. •·whene~r my arm h\II'U I Otjike The party wu already wdl underway when we arrlwtd, 1rod we quickly lot lntothelwin&nfl.hlnp. I had uptded that my esmrt wouldbehenpecktdir~toutterdej«tla-1. but this wu not Toothy bolt~V.'e-tdrtaU~ the prey. Rriuee tJuvws toumts lht ground or not. I hate refrlnl !he Rat· lien' games." ~~l~!'::.~~=~c::;,:rt~~t'lla ha ve an went btrstrk and ltft the ~alyt.aklnsarrive:tosiiOIIch ~ Coolic:k wu ~eduuying,··wshardto were sevtral raiJordey~butnoout rightpr«eu.aswegreett'llour ''Ratll~" )'ll rdsbehind~ter. Hehls 8 Ulllimitrd bi:l~s. fill' uamplel, I had e-xpected that moP l('fTiales would N!al:t violenlly to men dmlandin& 1lmi!M fi&hll andprivileltlfrom -..·omell. 8ut, happily, lwaswron1. Totatmyl.heory, l hadlnvitedamale friendtoattendaMary Kate Coanetks party. 'nleJNOrtY wubeir~lheld In ththomellf a young woman wmse · husband had ara~:loully CJffered to remove his maiC\IIIne prnenee fmm the household for tht' evening and play IOllle ~':'~~~\~~~~nf!. tbe &ck!tchers jot keys and telephone (l)mpany llr~ewomm. 1nd l11splte of bold ftnlllts who crnh tnditioaally " malet-Only" JNOrties t ~kJ ceiven are: O..C Orooger. Bill Ou rbouse . Rich (II Nicbls, 1nd -Ninin& bath M~. v("'\ by Jol:UmGnuodhan:ll. I mup admit, I'm quite 5UI'priHd 1nd pleased with the American woma11. the not da y:· Ganlmla ~. "II justticka me off lhlt they - · t allaw Toothy on the andhiJ iavorlter~ver:Jifi CN•Nol Gou. HiJ otm ~ Dale Flur r y Powder puffs triedtnfanthe~moteaway. probablyt.top~yir«mrtuit · ion. l'mrNIIyv.-orriedabout this whole affair. A rtftrl'e just about buste-d us Jut 1amt. but lueklly Wee-d a tuhed the joint and f!\'tryontheldln ltltir!IIJloke untiltheyreadlfdthelineol Krimmase ." When l alkfdC~chPython why h.iltum tn~ploys J.U(h unus1131Uoctic:sheretorted, ju:stltt TDDlh y t hifopttsn~~ktl si,. 1U fanp Into the Slll't " What other tum use• $Ubtlelies likt """ do~ My llt'A'e5tidNsl.hifo)·mrare : m"*le. Tbm m,._ arm feels puttlllllvenomundemt.lthlhe :~~~!~to~rr'~~~-=~~=bl•. eventllin11out Monty ~~c::~=~~r;:..= ~~t=-=:tth~e:t:'~~;~~~~..:neinm.::~=~~~~t~=·~::!ni"eG tn wu dilute-d 10 u not to be -..,th &ood reuon.. 'nit team Tbtholteat,lnaflne&st~Weof~~evenallowedhlm tr!Nl! and lla>in& G•nleni.a mucot. an lmpor'lt'd ra t- tohelp herOpenapldlltj.lrwlthatoo-ll&htlid. communicate the sip is to tlesMke from Ariti!M, lilt E~ had •&ood Ume.lncludln& my frltrod, who l'ft<'ived the offense at 'the line of IOOM!inthest.ancbdurin&tht a fa<ialand50mtfrteumpl~.aloncwlth louCJfaUentlonand sc: r imma&e by Jhakinl a home Opl'lll!'r •nd bit three the utmllllt ill c~~n~ldu~lon. ratllt atuched In hil •nn." .~le. The mucnl 'l My filth Ia tht lntf&rity of tht Ameriean wvm•11, who is " ll"sthe dtmtrotofsui"J)I'ile keeptr is IIOW llndri'JOIOI ~lnamoreandmorellberateduehday,waJrutoc"f!d. my boy.'' uid the heM menU! lrntmtnt 11 Win- Artduwewereleavlfll,ontfintladylnvitrdmyfr lo!ndiOI!ft S!\11~=~:::-~ out badly for ::~~ ,:~ci:.~"~U.'rite~ UWSP thi 5 HISOII. The R.attlen lnolkebitten In 1M fii"St four 'pmes. Jlllir« them by a combined total ol thlrteen pnints. Since t hen ho-..:f\'tr 1M ''Snakes" have r«<iled~strvdl.backwith three slnlight victories. But alas, theylot;tloOihkoshlaP weekt'nd. P ython wu rtportedly fumlnc ,,.~~~he dilc:ovtred -..·hat was COi .. on in 1M huddlt'. ''The offenae drdared, makln& 11011u lik e a -..-.....wnlf. Toothy ,..ould pulf up, and and rully aet 14'Jel. lb LS IUf looll.ed nuts, • fOU .kDOW--aaty , like he wu )-e•r. Toothy.'' "I T\lpperware rrty. haltd that &uy they ~~~~ to Wi~go. He made lhlt sn~~kt viciout •nd then ddlbentdy tlrllfd it IOOIIt'. WhtnltooliToothyout fill' his nightly .-Hher, we would atways 1ft thiJ Weirdo In back of llytr Hall J:Us. :s~~~:!!r,~:~ c:::~ · ·= the editorial section Letters To The Editor Meetin9 events told You tiddlysl A Jmellyktttltoflluraeon. 'l'bt' nnt meeii .. ol 1M i~. I rder. of ~ne. to Wanted? MIIDCouiiCU ,..11 ~ld on the uocakulable disc:ourtesy October 16th Gvest spn ker Jhllwn by lhlt no doubt well Steve l:rlc~ll, came 1,.j meani n1 moron who dlctates Campus officials 111d Stntn Plli 11t Pnllct are lootin& for idiot pictured ~·~~~'f~'::~'"!: =~'!.e ":!~ :i~ ~ -·· absencefrorntheBullwlnkle ~theseaU-halJoo.o·t'IIOOt Shaw wiU result in a wetk'a twu:e<UI"$ord ~&fl. , louolviliutloowuc1 rriecl Ever y 1ent l eman I A formal complain t of crtatinl a public nuWnce wu ilsued urly this week W~ll the Allpeel !'fill nude down Main SIJ'ftt lhoulir«. '"'nnelky t. f.Uinc. Tbelk)'if. l&llir«!" Tbe individualmalt caumslan, $'t", us pounds, bow·le&&t'll with planterswattJOIIIt'ftlittlt' tot-ldt the downtown aree aft.er two tours of 1M bnineu di$trict lhouti .. hiswamir«. He was '"""' _ . at 1M St'll!ry Insurance Complet whu.. invatipton t.beoriu he may have had JOme em· pioymtntCOIIII«don. ~ors;.~J' .:~~~ ~ ~:~:~!=~~ :n·r:.:~:,o~~ ;:~ ~::::.:' p~~~ ~'da: coent Khobnhl p to Wha i.H fill' Rocky J . Squi rrel. ' Sec: rt'lary MilD ,\ lr. Pubool 'tbe WU(.'Urtiy told th.lt no one You con two enlt'nwholln'ta St'nlryVP. Alterlo!awir«thcC~C~a~pler. thclllb.lectmllll"-'vefdtlhe d'feet.lll a.tt Autumn tem· ~::~ ::ti~.~'c.~ w.!~=.:;:nw:.::~!~ ;~~~:!;F~ :::::e~~=~ inc:luiSed~e. ~~:.~i;:.:eoo:~ ~·~ C'fflaLnly must know . 8ut oo ~:,: b~~··=~·7=y~ =r..~ih~~~.::~~~~ individualrtport.edlylritdto llillltttu lo lbt silt, but :~==:='J:.C~ = rirltco-tdtofilllnthcbll,. sport of tlddlyw lnkl. has "Bull-..·ir*Jeifoa--: ! received•~s5hl re~kudo& You U ll IIIII If\ Pf"'llollll ~tt.aklnaoff y-un• OOC't'. The JUbjeet is bd~t'll tobec:apabk-ofviolenc:e. Polite are cht'cki.. t.c:k records and finttr prillll which may II'* 1M sub}eel to ~ seriet ol eanoe piddle in· cldent. stiU LPIOIVed in the 0nt ¥iloaKM'•t S.n f'rancilcoare.. ~= ~thl!e!"':!e!": ,..lll'd ol conlidtntloo! So. Nary a n article. I 5« ollly contracepliYt'ad•·mifement. and revi..,..soltrarohymulie l call upon all ristot-think i.. gentlt'mtn. and upon you, ~110. dear editor, to rl&htthll W'lt'OMCionable -..·rona. 'od lift the pu iw ol m1nkl~•· favorite past ime to LIS rilhtful an d n a turslly preni lmgpOlitioll. \'oolfslwtlddty Tho. Satlrt. Tlddty..-ldlu C•c h Wee try • Insurance Everything but the kitchen sinks "There'• no reaon why an arrorant intarance company doan'r hauc to act GrfOI'ant"' ( t [ ~~~~] .. " 1 cia aot prtleacl to be tlptt'l e-P,tonyt.lultllucll-u,_.,- lt ufe wUI.atltlt\UIIIaft. h t l da u-tUl. .. tht sla k.-1 iavGtvM are u:ctHIIIJiy lll&ll. aacl tllat If we •allea•ls takt,thtclbutercauld btallll•lbtyoncl n ..,prehe•i•." !Rep. Obey I WII , De<. It, !tTl I .,T...,T....... Fighting the nuclear giants • Edltcn aa&e: Jdf Uttlejohn bas been a studotat for fift yean at UWSP, is manitd , resides in Stt-vens Point and has been working with the Envtronmenlal CounCil for 3 yearS. Chairman of the CouDdl lutyur, Jdf l:s a.nou&spotencrilic ol Nuclear Power: be Of'laniU!d alternative lifestyle, energy. al)d educaUon wor~. and was 1n thefordrontolthe battle to stop the Michipn AftDut Extension. Jeff has . bad occasion to meet Ralph Nader, Barry Commoner and other It-aden of the national struuJe to rrinslitute a people-'s democracy smaitift to the delkacies ol the environmttll. He sbares with them a se.-.e ol dedicated optimism · in the stru&&le to work out the probl6ns we all face . ll ow well llu llle feder al gr~emmeatdtaltwit.b th e uer11 c-risl• a11 d the aac lear power q-.nli~~t~1 The admln.istntion fll,t out said tNt they want 200 nuclear plants by t~. tNII'I their position. Ford thinks that will Mllve our e~ crisis. nte FEA CF'edetal Eouv Admlnistnlion ) Is a pawn of 1M administntion, it's part of the e:xeotutift branch and f'rank. Zarb, thedirector,wuappointedby Ford ol ~ course, with tbe intent of romotlna nuc-lear power. This ollows down 1.o the Office of Nuclear Affairs when U!e guy Is a utility executivewbohas ~n in· volved in nuclear power. r. OurC'GDIJ'Uiisalittlediff~t . There'a a JfOWiq conc-ern and a ~tffoft in Concreu to pass notHu~elear power lt&islalion , which appr11pri.ata more money for alte rna tive ent r& Y so urces . Kaowever, It 'a still not enough. The majority ol tbe money is still &oi... to the nuclear ~~ector . So fi&ht now, the executive branch is pushina: nukes, is c:oatemplatin& them , and the American public Is very concerned about it and are llor\1111 ' fiaht it. eonare- ~t-:,:::,.a~:!,~~:e:::a::.r:;; Ia rt(alat«y ,..Ill••· becnse ol tlttlec:llalcaUyc- plea:aatareof Da ,... bet'"t lhll .,..o... NJ~I1 No, ldon'tbuyitatall. lbat's like te ll lna me th at my elected ~live or the cllancdl« of th1s unlnrtlty t bould dic-tate ev«yt.bl tJI tbat OCCW'J at this university without any public Input. That's like a r e presentative .In &oYernmenl 1 ay l na out 1n Washinlllon, " I'm the ex:peTI, I . w..MNeaa..._ Two bald eaak:s, wounded by shot11 un blasla In east-<:entra l w~ durin~ the first weekend ol October, bave been nowu to the Univenity ol Mimetota's Colkje ol Velainary Medic:ine whm: they are beina nw.ed beck to health. AccordlnJ to Conser•atlon Warden Tom Hardson , char&es of shootl.na an animal on an en· dancered list have been filed in Fond du Lac County Court. Tbe =:x;~c:'n=J'.~~O:J:;~rse know what's going on in the JO\"ft'nmtat. I know the political wheeli,.: aiM!. dealing, yoo're not experts. You 're a lay pHtOn and your sugestions and criticams ~·tvalid" . Is it moral to go abead with the technological "advance" when it's goingtoresultlnlhe•cquisltlonof ~:~y'e!;ti;~~hbrt ~::! time our nuc lear fuels wiU be gone- ;;:~:~ ~o ei:"tif~~~ wutn genenttd by theseplants? Otherdangenarelhe r;~dioactive Jow level radiation maissions, lbe pas&ibility ol nucleu ubotaae and lhelbritolnucleariiUII«ials. BtUionsoldollatsole~pitalare being ~kenoutoflhemarket for productlonoftl\iskindofenerJY. That iJ the r eason why the premise lha t "justupertshavetheuyand they 're 1onna make the decisions" is not ri&ht at 111 . 1be people must detlde. 0. you t.Wnk tile utility c-plales J.ave Wt• " - ! . wi!JI U.e PHPJe! No. To give you one eumple, Saul Bemstrin came ap to Rudolph , W'lSCOIUin two years ago and told tht people that nuclear power was JOOper«nt u fe . WewereiOidthat there. was no chance ol 1ny problems or accidents which recent events h1 ve proven to be untnle. Duringthecourseofthisiuuelhty seem to be witholdingl nform ation lhat wu pertinent but might make them look bad. 111e %3 million doll;ar interim ~te incrule which the Public Service Commision a.nnted the Wiscor.in Electric Power Comp;any. was due to the ac:alali"l COiU ol nuclear INDUSTR.IAL FORUM !bat 1Wi C'lllmt iiiiCI.-:ar power Is cllup aad n fe ! Thls Is really a very deceiving technique that the Atomic ln· dUitrial Fonun and, for example, Com . Ed. of New Yort state are uslfll. 1n the past when they referred to nuclear power as bci,. powtr . 1blsrateincreasem~ansthat cheaperlhananyothes-~.they li~ullarttblll'tcOIDlni•I.Ukttht were rderring specific.a.Uy to the coM ol nuclea r fuel. 1be costa Wft"e down at tremendously low ralt:l, ca usedbyartiflcialprices. Nowthe eo&taaretltyrockeUna. What they don 't point out to you is that the capital cost of nuclea r power is arou nd 30percentgreater tha n it is for an equivalent size coal plant. For exa mpl~. a n estimate wbkh was printed in the NtlO..EAR POWER ALTERNATIVE, (a special~ by the Investor ResponsibUity Rese.arcll Ceater. lnC'. in WUhi"llorl l pointaoutthat the coM of a tOOO mepwatt nlldear power plant as compared wltb a co.l plant of the same size wi ll cost on a capital baaia 1811 million, and that or eo~! saa miUion. 'Ibat'a a20percent cost di fference between nuclear and coal. peopl~ are &oi.lll to be paying electric bills of Sl7.l:l now u compa red to 116.03 a few monlhl ago, an increase ol U percent. Another &ood exam ple ol why thneratesaregoing uplstheC05t olnuclear futlforthe proposed Koshkongnong plant . Wben they first proposed the plant at Fort Alldraon,theyestimatedtheeo&tol fuel for this ru:kar plant would be 3 cents per million 8TUs pc-ocluced. II wulatet"revisedupto44cenlaptr million BT1Js and ~Uy lhe)' have estimated the cost to be at 11.10 per miUion BTUs . Tbe cot! ol nuclear. fuel is ac:a la ting tremendously, and 1t appears to be &elling clORr and cloiertothecottolcoal . · ttow wautd yoa u plala tile L_ What the utiliti es and the Atomic Industrial Forum ar e doil!l. Is senU. out pure &arbage! They twist statistics. Wllatw...U. yoa•-a:nt tbata pen• lr - Ule UWSP c-••rdty do to 01111 -.c:ltar power! Put on the bcWn& &Jolles ! As an individual, it's difficult . I think convincin& Congress, or C'Oflvlnc:tna someone In polltieal life depends upon a c:onc-erted aroup effort. So, what I ~est you do , is 1el to~etbtrwith eltistin&~.suc:h ::.n~s~n,.!~t t:euc~~~ vironmental Council. You could research, or disseminate public Information. You can abo woril: individually by writing l~tters to your elect.ed repretenta li ves,exp r essl n&yo ur conC'ei'TI about the Issue. Be well· rud, lry to absorb as much in· formation as you can on thlt Issue. A&ain, I JUiietl that peclple cooc:uned about Nuclear Power, ~~~~an~ f~ ~o ~';' slatted as a small minority, but today, lthin k it'sgrowi"lintoa t trqmajori tyorthepeople. Envlroamutal lmpacl· Sialt mCIIl Eco Briefs C•~UYa ti•Vada& R~~s fttry US. A b:'ukdown ol how senators nd~tiw:Yotedon majorC'ORICn'alionisluesln 1974is available for $2 from the League or Conservation Voten. l24 C Stretot. S.E .. Washin&ton, D.C. ZOOOl. __j M•llOae~r f-"orty must oxen are to be- captured in Alaska and airUft.ed to Si6e:ria beca~ae the animals have become e:xtinct in Ruuia. The action is pitt of the U.S.·U.SS.R. Envi r onmenta l Protection Agretoment of 1972. Pr~h.vironmental Council will hokS a worilshop on the Pf"OCeSJ or citiun input with the State En· vironmentallmpact Statement law. Lyle Updike wiU lead disalalon ~lating l.o: Wlsconlin policy and it's background: r~ ol the curT"t:ntE ISprace<lurt ; analysis ol proposed chan&es and •~as for individu.l group action. The worUhop will be held In the Green 1toom or the University Center at 7:00pm. N~mber 6lh. ' The Circus's home byGin~nBdorinJ Tomonvw alttTnoon at 1:30, the Pointerfootb.llteam will taltethe field fOf' il) final home aame of.,. the se11son-against • tough River F'alls~QU&dateotrt.ef'H!Id. Goerke Field has ~~~ the site ol many excilin&sports a c tivi ti es thfOU&houl Its 46 yr:ar exiltence, and tomorrow will add yet anolher · ch:lpter to Its long and colorful history. II was on Octobet' 15, tm, that the Vft'Y fii'SlJame was played on the football playvound lnvolvina the normal~ehool from E:.u Caire'. Stevens Point dominated and won that iriitial contnt 26-6. The prospect of a new football fieldwasP.Dfki~forsomet!mein -~:~=!~: berrudf. The new area, whkh later cam e to be known as Goette F1dd, was immec:tlate.ly north ol the original campus, and lhis alte bad been known for yea(l as the Stevms PolntOtyF'IirJrounds. That familiar title, Goerke Fldd, beume accepted when ciiJ aldermen voted to name the pull in honor ol a Steven~ Point woman who had made humble finandal contributions in earlit'f' years to help develop recreational facilities (Of' youth. Mrs: Amandll Goerke contributed financ;. J lifll to both the dty and the univenlty during htr lifetime and throu&h htr will at do-ath. Since that time, thousands of )'OUOI men have made uae of her genei"'Oity andthefield,bothon the hi&h school and college level. One of the moat exe:ltlns years ever registered at Goerke wastt65.. Oo Nove mber 5th aaalnst St . Norb«ts ol De Per-e, Stevens Point ~..l!':~n!r.:r~~\~~s~~ conference tit le In a n excltina of· rensive show wlllcb &aw Stertn~ Point on top of a 45-21 score. n.t sameyi}ralsouwGoert.eF'ield supporttheleague'siCOf'inl~ . pc:aessing the second best nabin& total in natjonal small eoUep competition. This man was Norb«t "Nubt»" 'MWer. I'IOWa member ol the Pointtr .HaD ol Fame, and C:UI'T'ei1tJyanassistantC:OIIe:bunde:t Monli!Cbarle.tbisyear. It was abo on the turf at- Goerke that the Pointers arodue:ed their second biue:st w1n In history, a 53.(! romp oYU" Nortllla'nd Colleae In 1933. Of coone Goerke has bolted ilS g:rayertimestno. perhapsthema~t ilh.alf-ative belna just tllrte years qo when Platteville dealt the Pointer-s llltir JeC:Ond wont defeat ever, an embarnssina SJ.O lou. But Goerke has had m•ny, many memorilile moments. IM and 196t Wft'e / cbamplonship season~, as WHe 1933 and '34. In 1962 Sonny Ret:ldeu s tunn ed a hom etown e:rowd withaae:boolrecordiO-y.JTd =keret~d ~e •:oJ:tts u! larJet ror some 11M Pointer boottn IUC:h as Pat McFaul , Pat Robbins, Super Sports Quiz ·No. 1 Br RandJ Wle.,.l, Tim Sulllnn Halloween speciaU! * and Mlh Haberman 1. Who was the leading .corer for the Pa-c:kera' In lhelr BASKETBALL game u . Mlnne.ota March 13, 1175? A. Rich McGeorge B. Hanhome Wingo C. Larry Krause D. Curtis Perry 2. Who holds IM ICan. .a Cit)' Chleta .. alOft r - d tot moat points after touchdown? A. Mike Mercer 8 . Hank SZram C. Jan Slenerud D. Tommy Brooker s. On Octobet 1, 1133 Ute Pec:kera held tt.e New YOfk Qlna to •ro ftnil down•. Whet . . . 1M ftNII .JCOfe? A. Packers., •2.~ G i anll 0 B. Packers 10. GlanlS 2 C. Giants 10, Packers 7 D. Pec:ken 1, Giants 0 l15. inn lngs) 4. Who • • naMed NFC Spec! .. Te-• Pl.,..- ::= :;.:-,:.~::::;.une• com· A. Noel Janke B. Mickey Zofko C. Leon Crosawhite D. Bobbr Bryant 5. Who wa the ..,.,. **"choke ..,. ta"en by U..lluft. . . .? A. Josh P. Duffy 8 . Butty Suttle C. Blrlho Amokt o . Boomer Shipe . Odolkorll.l111 I . Whet lattMI l'lk:kl'l- ot D. A. Phillip•, head coec:h of IM Ollera? A. Turkey B. Bum C. Chrome Dome D. Speed ,___ 7. Which -ot theM men haa not bean Indueled Into IM! Pec:ker Han ot Fame? A. Bernard "Boob" Darling B. Jug Earp C. Curly Lambaau D. Walt Patulakl I. TM r8dio woke of tt.e Chlefa Ia? A. Fred Farkle B. ~ay Seoll C. Bill King ~ • D. Harry Caray t . Wh• Selma rookJe "'imed lhe opeNng llJckoft M rwda tot a TD 'ttj New Or ..an• that r~ulatM..oft~~ Nn? A. Obert Logan B. John Gilliam C. O.ke Slayton L\ ~ D. Oiivie~n 10, Wh.. D. . . Cowtlop COKh Ia feMwed In a beer CCifiNMI'cl .. tot Ute? A. Tom Landry B. Lance Rantzel C. Ernie Slautner 0 . joey Healherlon and ou r curnnt Polnler Bob HoH· man, who e:Ouid be the best thai Goer ke Field ba"ever seen. Goerke Field ha~ undnaone some chaDies since It was orilinally built more than~ years q:o. MON! seat.ina capacity has been provided as the intuest In the football program ar-'· Bul it lw ruDy not e:han&ed all th•l mue:h. llslill has its exe:itinJ pmn and the pmes that the tans would soon like to roraet. Satuniay anernoon, when the final 1un has IOU.ftded, anolher chapter will be dOled oo lbe loni and colorful hisl.ory of Goerke Field. Foosball Freaks 1'be 1m Foose-Ball toumamenl wa1 played Thursdly, Ocl.ober 23, fn lhe Universily Re-e: realional Services Center. In doubles e:ompeUUon a lolal orsevenleen teams pil rt ie:lpilte d . The doubles elimination finals piUed Rusty Hale and KeMeth Upkowslr.i 1plr.t Bob Leon and Steve Georaef!. Hale and Lepkowski dom inated the e nti re doubles tournament , culmlnalinl thei r succeu by winnlnJ the rlnsls In two strai&ht games: 6-4, 6-1. Even llxluah It appeared that Hale 1nd Lepkowski won easily, when Hales wu asked to ~om ment on !he tourn~~ment , be lr~lca: ':f~i!; ··~r:!:e~~i players fOOied~f. The competition in !his bracket wu severe, Clrt Parker and Dive Wrilht went the , 111 ~~~M~,,:"uy ~~~=t ~i: . ~ird 1ame. Scores were : 6-2, 6-3, 6- Ernle Wooster , auhta nl manager of Recreational Servk:e. and town~~ment coord.INitor, ...as plu.led with the tournament. He said, ' 'The level ol e:ompetiUon alona with the number ol entrants was ~omme ndable ." Wooster lhouldbeilvenalotol~redit !orall the lime and errort he donated to U!iJ event. The Auodation ol Colle1e Un ions lnter natlo n•l loumament IACUI) b; the nal reaularly Ktleduled umpw Foo.Ball tournamen l. Althouah the ~cl date haa not been determloed, • •twlll beheldsometimelnJanaary. Pickers spoof spikers by Randy Wievel, Tim &l.llivan, and Mike Haberman The following incident could ver-y v."tlllake place a week from Sunday at Three Rivers Stadium in Pitt· ....,., Houston's Billy " ""'hite9toes" JohnSOn. having just run a punt back 73 yards for a touchdown agaiMttheSledersandalsohaving spiUd lhe ball . goes into his nat· footed, leg-wiggling vk:tory dance. As usual, he concludn his little 4splaywith thespUts. As Johnson is doing his thlna. the :::!: ~~d!~~i::t!ehl~~~.~~:: Lambert and Mean Joe Gtffl'le Packer- !Ins also can recal l their own Dave Hampton Ia rew yurs ago) returning a kick-oH all the way and then , gasp , dropping the pigskin bdore he Cf'OUed into paydirt . Luckily , the officials didn 't catch !Iampton's gaffe. But lhe dumbest spike ol all time gotstof«merSteelerOanlterDave Smith !emphasis on the former) . In a game against Kansas Oty In 1971 , Terry Bradshaw found Smith all alone O\'er the middle for an appa.rent 5COI'e. Smith had no lrouble catching the ball and all he QdtoOOwasrunintotheendzone, si nce the closest Chid was somewhe!'e near Topeka . explode into action. Greene grabs Johnson by the riJht ankle while Lambert damps ontotMJen. Totether ,theylirthlm About the five-yard line, Smith slartedto rai.setheballover his ::~.i~i~~:!r~~t!J, 11 ~~~ie'f:~t !'t~~- as Smith W&tcbed in horror. Touch· Nck, ~<anus City! Lf-t 's hope the spikina ritual doesn'tspreadtoothersports. Can )'OU imagine Kart-em Abdu!Jabbol r doing cartwheels do11m the noor after si nking a free throw! How about Fred Lynn doing t he Hiahlandfliqonhomeplateaner ' lashing a homer over the Gree11 ~leprettymadtoo. The art ol splkln& the baU is Monster ~ But , on the other hand,· seeing Olrissie E\·ert doin& th e f'rua at Wimbledon's centercourtmightDOt beallthatbad. All spiltlng and other related nonsense aside, the Super-picker-s hadanother &oodshowtor~tror Week Six . We caUed (en pmes correctly and missed a mere two. Ours:»~~oinsand l1los5esbr~M.Whtlll to the .76-4 percentaae mark. TossupwiR, Sullivan is s-1: Wle-vd ralls to 4·2: and Haberman ~mainedinthecellarwithhis2-4. Here is the way the Superpicken figure Week Seven will come out : Sports Shorts ... ,, lbePotntersthree-gamewinning llrult was ended by the Oshlt01h Titans lnt Saturday at Titan Stadium,l7-ll. The Titan1 came Into the aame withal-4conf~cerec:on1anda t.freconlover-... u . lbe)' were eiJI!t in lhe con rer-enee In total orrense and -.-e eomi n& in wit h a disappointin& 2:1-7 lou to Sl. NorberU But Oshltwh picked off five puaa and recovered two Pointer fum · bles. The Titan's John Meyer also ltlckeda otOyardfield &oal lnthe final period to put lhe pme out of reach. Quarterback Reed Giordana had a rough day . He completed only 26 ol 70 puaes. He wu ln~cepU<I rourUmes, thela.stonewith;.tat41 IK1Inda ldt In thee game on the Olhkoah II yardline. The Painters out-...ined Oihltosh lllof Points yardage ca me thnlugh the air . Titan quarterback Bruce King ll4yardstota1oHen~eto298. ~~ort~~r:a: ran ror the QahlOih touchdown. ltwaslhee{aht strai&htyurthe Titans have beatm the Pointers in the ion& time ri valry. The Pointers still lead in the aU-lime aries :J%..»7 _(i or tus Qnd and bounced crazily out ol the end tone dropped out pernicious smile, "'Malte a ..,ish, Jaclt" ' and soon " White Shoes" becomes a wishbone! The~asoa thatsuehan rpisode mi&ht occur is that the act of spikina the ball and-or enp&in& in 10me 10rt of dance does nothin& but infuriate the ddensiveteam . Not only that, it maltet the defensive always run ror the spike!- but can also be stupid . Ohio Stolte probably Jolt last year's Rose Bowl because olaspiltin&inrr..etionag.ainst Neal Colzie tnow with cnkland) which nullified a near -cntain IN::keye touchdown . In the Packer-saints &arne. nmnin& bolck Andrew Jones helped blunt a New Orleans drive by spikin& the ball arter a stort run. This might te:ll you somethina about the Saints, because Jonet didn't e~o·en score. The only thine the act accomplished was lettin& the v.wld ltnowlhattheSaintsonceag.ainhad a ' 'Spke" Jonet. PI TTS8UROII 0 \' ER C I N· CINSATI-U this was baseball, v.-e'd take the Reds. But it is n't baseball, so...,·e1\ta)l;ethePiratts .. .uh,make that Steoelers. 11IC Bengals have been having too easy a year . Belie\·e us when ....-e say Pittsbursh is better. Steelers by3. IIOU&'TOS OVER CIII EFS-When the season sta rted , one or the few teams ...,-e didn't know anythini about was HOU!Iton . Sure ~ Pastorini rang a bell , and BurToughs has al....-ays been touah. but that was about it. Except ror Billy " \llh\te Shoes" Johnson, wt!Jtl ll don't know ""'hoelseis playlnarorthatTeus outflt,b\JttherestolthOieguys -must be aood. whoevn- they are. We11llketbe0ilersby 14 and lry to figure out wh~ they Jot . The Pointers tao.tiUver Falls In a keyconferencepmethsSatuniay at Goerke Field. The Falcons are tied fCKserond in the WSUC arter Nivingvpaet Whltew111ft" last week KAMS O VE R E AO L t:S-T h e Monday Ni&hter. Philadelphia has ~u~~~~~n!~'i: all-pros. Y.'hkh means the Eaglet areonlyUotherplayersawayfrom belnaa&ood team . 'The Rams are nolhiiiJ spedal, but they don 't ha\·e to be with the pow.-en they play against eac h week . Los Angeles by NEW YO RK G I AN TS OVER CUAROERS· This is another ~::!~~~it~,~~p~~~ ~~~~~ the Polo Grounds or Ebbets fjeld . The Giants are a haphaurd outllt first or all don't know v.·llere they play and secondly don't know ~~o·hen . It's their S«<nd strai&ht Saturdayaameoutolthe\astthl'ft llo'Celts lthf! other one v.·as on Monday l. Doein't reall y matter-, however , since the Giants could JWay San DieJO on Tuesday m«· nings in Siber1a and st1ll win by 7. NEW ORLEANS OVER ATLAl"OTA· The whole ....-orld anxiously awaits the outcome of this NFL thriller . We suppose It's the Saints by :t HU t"t' ,\ LO OVER J E TS-TOu r statistics show that Namath th rows a lot more interceptions than O.J. Simpsondots. The "Juice,'isa ~ betterruMer-thanJoeWillieistoo. Bills by 14. CO LT S OVE R B llO W N · s- -Oeveland always has trouble Wnh Baltimore. In fact , they also have problems with Cincinnati, Minnesota, Pittsburgh, Houston , and Denver. Heck, why' sln&Je anybody out~ The Browns ~an·t beat uy team . Baltimore by 10. .....,0 10. OA KL AN D OV ER DENVER· cnlt.land never IOSH at home. This one's In Denver, and Qaltland seldomlosesoverthere,either . nw Silver and Black beJin their annual mid-season surge.• Raiders by 13. MI NNESOTA OVER GR EEN BAY· Gotta te:ll it like it Is. When the Packers win, everybody starts talkina about crut upsets. V.'hen the Vlkinp win , ever-ybody kinda yawns since they expect the Vlltings to win . We can't see Minnesoc.a losln&· this one. Vikin&l by tO. RE D S KI NS AGA I NST CO W80 YSThe weekly tossup. Haberman and Sullivan side with Washington, beuuse Haberman hatH pk:kina aaainst the Redskins and Sullivan hates picltl n& with Dallas. Wievel took the Cowboys because he's always liked Dallas. Ot;T il O I T O VE R U E I\ S. Haberman s~~o·ears his t yltem has Sin F'ranelsco wiMin& this one. A cardulexaminationOCHaberman's desultory tossup record makes it easyrorustoplclttheU~IJr'· This isn't our touup aame ... Just good logic . MI AM I OVE tt CIII CAOO-Thls should be an ext~mely close aame, but we 're aonna go way out on a limbandplclt the Dolphins by 31. YouQ\·e totaltechancesoncein a while . sr. LOV IS OVER PATRIOTS-This one can go rittw:r way. Either the Cardinals will win It, or New England wi ll lose. We shlluld be ri&ht both times. St. Louis by 17. 77-6. They boast lhe . conftrenee's best rustling offense and the best passioadefmseand~ei n tothe pme with a 5-1 conf~ce fftOI'd and ;ue 6-2over-.11. F it' ldbO(Itf)' UWSP ouueored UW- Oshkosh 21, October 23. Sue Bropard ICOred both points for the Pointers. On ()clobtf" 25, UW-Rivff Falls ~at UWSP by the narrow margin of 1~. UWSP meets Fox River Valley Oub here, on November 2 at noon. Volleyba ll Thewomen'svol leyba.ll team won one and IOit ooe October 25. UWSP defeatedUW-RiverFalls t.S-l2,16ll, t5-12 ; butcarthlgetopptd Poin t 11 ~~~0ppcu. Unive rs ity of Wi.co n ai n Po~nt P~f::!/f,R .t • UW· SP vs . RIVER FALLS (H) Saturday, November 1, 1:30pm C'£%clu s i vel y- oq UWM at Oshto5h, WI CDS in sterea eonrerence Oai~ t :xt l . Stevena U~/J> -~ Novembtr L Ten .Us Marcy Mirma11 won the slate championsh.ipatNo.lliflllesatthe Slate: meet in OlhkOih, October 14-25. C-arol Weston·Mary Splitt placed liec::Otld in No.2 doub&es. Natalie Andrews won her consolation match at No.laingle:s. As a team , Point placed fourth wlth25pointsbehind IACroue 15U, UW·Milwaukee u:u and UW-Eau • 'wooco-OUi u.~u • ..•v••• - •• ... for •II of Centr•l Wisconsin 103.3 FM 103.3 FM ...Intra -please · by Jill Unvenlll UWSP ha s bun blessed citementofprofessiooallife, but the excitement \ssuc ha s ma\1 part , I was willing to &ive it up. I want to establish some roots. Going to Pard and Rome was exciting but afterawhileljustfeltlike I was Stockholm . Flveye•npriortotNit away from home instead of he was balle t master of the traveling. I wu homesick for Am erican Thf'atre In New York America and especially to s peak aty . my own language.'' Moore has been dancing, ll ngina. M oore also mentioned that the and acting since aae five a nd bas S\lo·edish company was run under a cho reograph~ for Br oadway , democratic system. " AI much as I television. nightdubs, reviews and believe in democncy, it does not Industrials. Moorehas~a pbelong in the arts , In theatre pointed to the theatre arts faculty especially. There has to be one htre to teach intnmediate and point of view-one man rw~ninJ a advanced dilnce. c:unpany. That way you can Acc«'din& to Moore, St~'mll achi~·e s uperior quality, whftoeas, Point has been a bleuina to both have rive pHple tryinc to when you him and his family . '"'111is is what decide what to do it is impoulb\e to 1'\'e always wanted," Moore said. achi~-e anything but mediocrity. ·-st~~M Point is lailor-made' for " I've aone at far as I can go," me . It h.as a nke navor, a wa rm Moore said. " I've worked with two quality. In Sweden tht pt(lple are l 'm utlafied. wrycold." • balletc:unpaniesand Now everything I've always wanted M(l(lre, hls wife Unda (a form~ is here. I love to tuch dance and ac trtU), and his two son1, ages four I'm working with a YOWIJ depart· and sill, live on a farm just outside ment that haa a future. I can help in of Polonia. " We live In a 75-year-old hou5e surrounded by' small rolling ~~yd~~~ei! •,:: ~~h ~~ff:~t hills. Thtre is even a lar&e pond on than what It was In Sweden. our band that we look forward to Ice Howevff , the Bureaucracy drives skaUncon . Mywirelsvtt)'happy. In fa ct, she often thanU me for with t h e pre se n ce of a r emarka ble pertonality . He is Jam es Moore, former director of the Royal s ...·fdish Ballet In ______J ~~"f~"'~he~e~ ~:r:rt;; spring she want& to sta rt nisina horses ," said Moore. JamaMoorewasu kedtoc:une here by Susan Hunt and SUsiln llughn lol the University Daru Department) when he decided to ~a,·e s~. '"nldr delaiption of the a tmosphe~ here, and their enthusiasm~ likejult wtlat I wanted. I had off«S from the Am~n Ballet Theatre in~ York and from C.lifornia , but I did not want to live In New York again. We also wanted to live In a climate that had four distinct s.eaams. I was raised in Rockford , Ill. a nd I wanted to be back in thd area.'' M oore said. M oore uys he d not a fraid of &ctti n&bortd here. " ltlavea lotol things I wa nt to do for my own utisfactiOtl . Su~ I mlu then· meupthewa\la ttimes. !want to teach a nd l &etannoyedwhen l am di ve rt ed with admini s trative memos a nd such." Mooresays he feedhewouldlike to stay a t UWSP permanently . He seems very happy with the people hereandhiswork. The university is very fortunate to ha ve James Moore and I know I will be looki ng • forwonl to the upcoming dance concert in January . ·1776 is coming tonight " t771 ", the prin wi nnin& Massachusetts aristocrat, and his Broadway muaical of America 'a e ffort s to pe rsuade the bi«n~l. will be performed a t concressiMal deltgllet: to declare uwsrtonlght.Thesbowbe&lns .atl ~mea free from &itiah . ruie. pm tn the Quandt Cymnastwn Wtth the hel p of J3ton f'ranlr.ltn, he Fieli:l.house and f eatures a___.,ta Thomas Jefferson to ...,Tite a prolessional New York tourinl Declaration of lndepmdenct!, and company. ItisthefiBtlnaserlesof by compromise and cajotery, the concerts arnnged by the Arts and thr« convince th e mor e conLectures pfOiram . lef'Vative delega tes to aettpt the 1be play, written by Peter Stone Ideas In the cb:ument. with music: and lyrics by Sherman Starring in the touring produc:tiOtl Edwards, has w«1 the coveted Tony as John Adams will be Don Perkins who, like thethancterhtportrays, Awanl and the~ York Drama Q-itic::s' Orde Award as the best comes from Boston . And his musical of the yur . · . Ben <:apturirc the wit as well u the by se r iousness of th e f'oundina Both Fathen, the play's action centers On John Adam s, th e flinty Universi ty of Pennsylvania which F'ranlr.lin founded , Kreaan has served as Philadelphia's official areeter, eo&tumed and bew\J&td, e ver since he Im personated Franklin a t hd :zsuh bi rthday celebrati on In 1956. Poetry reading .,. JeilltMHO..•ill There will be an Open Poetry Reading on November I a t 1:00pm in 129AII8of the University Cen ter. f'or those ol you that have neve r bet1l involved In a n open readi na perhaPI an explanation Is In store. An open readin& Jives you an opportumty to have an audience lOt your work and a c]lance for a bit of feedback In a rap seulon af· terwanl.1be readl na also Jives you the opportunity to aauae the Impact of what you h.ave written 011 the listeners. 11le Universi ty Writen have a format set up lor open readln&• · Usually two or three ol the mem· bets of the a roup open the readlna so as to warm up the audiencc...a bit and~liev ethetenllon th.ataholus Ptoiootn Ot'*"Jt.1S .. II .. IS feel when n:iblting our work. for the first time. So. whtthtr you want to read or jUStwant toliaten,stopby. l forone am looking forward to read lnc for ~cti:!,~arin& and aetlnJ your ' [~] C~-p~~~-- f!l... from lho college press _.., installer hu to put ln a DeW pbaoeor c.buce ita k~Ution or do lll)'lhlrw but breath after be walb ln the doar, you can mentally sublnct IDOther DO to MO from your Milk boot. This b one &ood reuon to bne the people who prevlaualy lived ln your apartment tell the pbooe com~ to lelve the phoM LD wben they move out. ~:t!ti~cana~tu.ekuCC:U:.s~l~::- NrJ time you are charted a desx-lt for phorle ~UV!ce , uk for a breakdown ol ' - the amount "'" arrived at. Phone I~Y not allo.ed to uae anythlrw othtr than thdr own r«<rdd t.o cbeclr. your Cftdit ratinl. U you·~ never bad a phone, you're often cbarpd double y - estimate of one month 'a lana: distance toO. ph• double the loeal monthly char&e. So when you're ulttd how muy dollan of lon&diltanceyouUiu.llyrinaup,it't bHttorecallyourle.an · t..loeu bol.n to make Ioiii dbLai'ICe c;a11s wltbl.n the state. Studtntsbave attesa: to the line from I to lam aDd lpm to midnight for calls of up to five mlnuteaucb. ThiatetmJUke a ~UJUY.ble requst to make of any administration. especially at private a:boob where students are akeady p~.ylnc mucb ol the WATS ec!lt Lbrol.cb tuition. companita ..re monthsforou.bUcreconl. Altoukifyou'repayinj:adeptlldtor a''pcTpayrnmt.'' asy federal law, phone companies mUll PlY lntert:lll on dtpl»ita and return tMm if yov've ktpt up with yotr payml:flts for months to a yea r . Some Bell affiliates, howevw, hiiVe been r~irinl · ~y~ts " of up to two monthl estimated phone Sft"Yice tlorc dist.an<:e and local) from which they deduct your nut billinp. The pr~yment xhemes also allow them to U5of your money for two monlhs wilhout PI riD& youin~l . Outaideol}olnlncthe~plreaksinthelroever~rw battle to dectronicaU,. rip oil the phone company, lhe only ru.l way to protest rate lncreues lJ ttwouP the public utilititaCCJ!21milllonin)'«<l"lltale. Oneltrat.t&Jiorstudenl vou.- toproteltratelncreuellsoutlinedlna bookJet putout bylheNewVork PublklDtereJIReaearcb~. Although it deals wilh New Vort laws. it'• a aood model for ycv own ~fforts . For a copy tend OM doUar to NYPffiG, 5 Beoekman Sl .• New Vorl!, NV IOOSI. T'beNoDtpo.Jt. Allbou&hKf'VicertpSwillnevn-voluoteer the Information , lhn'e are ways to aet around payinaa depal.it . F'irsl. if you 've j ust moved from another state where you had phooc ~UVitt. your credit with the Btl! company there sbouklm.ab ackpaei tunl'l«'tShl)'. tr thelft"Yice l'qlrtHntaUves you tal k to hedge. ask to c.lk to their supervisor. Second. in mwt arus you don 't have to pay a depolit if somf:Qnt elst with worklnc phone sa-vi« anywlwrr in the country will agrtoe to blck you up if you default on your peymenta. 1.sk lor a "letlerol parantee" form and have you r credi table friends or relativts fill it out. Partnts a re usually a goodbetfO!""thls. npecially if youpromlsetocall home more often . Th e JU~ Rue . N you problibl)' know If you've ordered a phone bdore, il"s very essy to uy you want the cheapest ~ pollfbleandendupwlthasupertoucht.onePrinceu fn decwator colon with thrtoe matching extensions. Unethical as It sounds, some phone companies ciw"ge you a n extra amOUllteachmonthllyour phone b lll)'colorex«pt black or hasane:ttta lone cord., evn~ ifthat 'a theiny It was when you moved in. Always ask I! these thin&J mean an n:tta monthly cn. rge,ane:ttrainJtallatloncharteornoclwl!e. ln addition many phone companies oiler rates below the staDdardooe'p~.rtytlatrateforunl.imitedloc31calb. Apin you mUll ask for thne special rates : the JUVke rep won 't tell you abovt them. Oftenforabouthalfthemonthlycc:.ty«~cangetS«nethirw ca1Jed ' 'me:aluredor ''melef"ed '' IC!I"Vke under which you P.-Y a flat ch.arle for about &0 outwa rd c.lls and an unlimited nw-nber ol Inward ea111: Every outward call alief" EO If charted at five to rilhl centa per c.U (~rw on )'0&1'" phone C'l:lrllptoy). Thia usually mean~ that you can make almoat 120ealla lna montbwithout pay irwu muchu the flat rate. U you jUit wllll a phone for emer&mciel. you can . ~~~;;~~~f'!=~~~,r.yaneven by Marl& D11U011 The following are a group of bills that are in the le&islatlve process in Madison. Thty an! of lnt~rat to the vete rans in Wisconsin . Assembly Bill Numbtr 8, principle author--&nsenbreM~r . Subject : to reduce residency requirements after service for v~tj'!rans who did not enter military service as a resident ol Wisconsi n from 10 yean to J yean for eligibili ty for direct first mortgage home loans. The curTent s tatus of this bill Is that it is in the committee on Ve ts and Military Alfai~ . Senate Bill Number 77. princi ple authors- Theno & Many OtM n : Subject : the reintroduced "liquor t.u bill' ' to a ppropria te 50 :;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:c=~~~~~~a~ Hom~. loa ns , gran ts and the veterans pref~rence rate a t University Hospital. The c urrent s tat usol thls bill ls ttlatitis in the J oi nt Finane~ Committee. Com me nta s hould be sen t to the committees dealing wit h v~teraus . V~tera nsa nd Military Alfairs State A.uembly State<..a pitol !'tladlson, Wis. S3702 Gove rnm en tal and V~terans Affa irs SlateSe.u te Stille Capitol Madison, Wis. S3702 FREE STUDENT CLASSIFIEDS $1.50 per line for commercialllflttaru RELIGION Ch r istian Science Organization Meeting 6:15pm UnivCenter Dodge rm every Thun. Fint Olurch of Olrist Scientist tMinnesota&Maincorner).church se rvice llam ,Sun schooi.9:JOam. Trinity Lutheran Olurch. comer of Oa rk & Rogers s treets. Pas tors Jim Oliver & Dan Lilzer. Sun ...,'O rshipservicesat8: JOamandll ~~i :;r~,ll y recorded message ,... The Evangelical Free Church Rev Fred MOON!. Pastor 3-11..()013. 9:30 a m college clan : !0 :30am worship. Metts downstairs YMCA 1000 N. Dh·ison St. Al l a r e welcome~ Basic Inquiry Class Nov~ at 7:30 pm Newman Campus Ministry Center 211* ~lh A\'e. For those interesled in finding out more about Catholi~ism . Call :wG-+148. I\ ___. ___.- NOTiCES UCM Pn!-Marriage Seminar . Sat Nov 15 8:15am · 4: 15pm at the Peace Campus Cenlef', cornu ol Maria Drive & Vincenl St. Please caiiJ..1.6-.4«8for morel nfo. · College of Natura l Hesources Scholarship Applications are now avail.inRml07or l36. 1nfomaybe obtained from any instructor or student society. · Newman Olapel · Massa • ~ & 6 pm Sat.alsoSun lOam : Ooister Chapel · 12 noon & 6 pm Sun. Applications are now being accepted for a s tudent manq:er posillon s ta r ting Nov 16, 1975. All app l icant s mu s t be fullli me st udents and must have a minin\wn of three stm remai ning on campus. AppliCa tion forms are avail a t the Campus Info Cen te r . Deadline for accepting applications will be Thes Nov oJ. Weekday Masses Tues thru F'ri 12 noon N""man Olapel . Sa t. Nov 1 Feasto!allSaints - Mass wi ll beF'ri6pmN~'I'TlanChapel& Sat 4 & 6 pm Newman Olapel. Lutheran Student Community Peace Campus Center • Service with Eucharist Sun 9:30am. ~~:t~on M,i~~,',:H ~~~~!~rPe ~ informol sho ring ond discussion Sun evng • 1 pm Newman Campus FOH SAt..E ~ji'sNewest · GrandeCompeSlde· Pull brakes. tubulu tires, com· pletelyh.and·madeframe,suntour deraillers under 500 mi . Was SS25 now $3~ Call 3-11·3-116. Cross country skis. do....11 jackets & VHts , hiking boots, back ~ks, camping equip. Contact Jim 337 Hansen Ph . :J789 Best prices in Point: Weathered barn wood and posts. Will c ut to r easonab l e sp«incations. Cai1Timat:WI..t837. There wi ll be a meeting of the Central Wis An:haeoloclcal Society, Mon Nov 3 a t 7 pm in rm D-31 4 of the Science Bldg. The s peaker will be Douglau Price, Prof ol ArcheoiOI)', Modison. Coffee and free pa rkin& avai l. The Me taphysical BooltstON! of Ea u Caire has selec tions not avail anywhereelseinthearea . Sf:nd.for our booklist today and receive a free copy of "As a Man Thinketh" by James Al len · The Me taphysica l Bookstore ... Box 164 Eau Caire, Wis. 5470t. The controvenio l authority, Dean Wambock from the Univenity of Montana will speak to SAF Monday November 3. Ills topic wi ll be RussiM conservation and fores t management.1'hlslsasptclal talk preceding his Wednesday CNR Colloquium Series speec h. Beer wi ll be served follo...,·ina lhe 7:30 ta lk in Roo~ 129 A&B in th e Univer&ity Center. Oo Novem be r 9 Phi Alpha Theta wi ll hold Its Initiation In the green nn ofthestdtunionat 7:30 pm. This is an international historlcalsociety open tostdtswhohave hada tl east t2c r . ofh is tor)\&haveatieastn3.0 grdept in his to~nda 3.01 in two· thirdsoltherest ircourses. lf you ' feel you qua ify for mem bershi p see R. Nelson 406 COPS. ..... WANT~D Ampex reel to ,reel tape recorder . WasS350...,illsellfori150. Coulduse some minor repairs. Dave at :J..tl62+4. StudenLy'IYlodel for art classes. Morn ings, afternoons, evngs. Male & female Interested? Apply at Art office, Pine Arts Bldg. <You wm be paid ). We wan t to sell entire 2nd Sl'm . coupon plan, S300 for $27$. Contact Kama or Barb, 427 Roach :J..t6-l7i6. Shotgun • will trade good bow & accessoriesifin te r es ted . lnexpensiveotherwise. DeMis:WI-5095 after5pm. People needed to sublet for spring sem. 4 openings left In large house for six. Rent r easonable & includes all utilities. Cal1341-4337. Housing avail. for one or two gi rls for ~d aem . Large spacious bouse, 2 fuJ I bthrms ; plano, fireplace : across from Nelson Haii'222SA Main Phone 341-6259. ® 27 MODELS IN STOCK I. Write an epic poem no shorter than 247 pages long using the following 5 words only: cactus, Gold, lime, Sun rise, Agamemnon. 2. Read Milton's Paradise Lost. Explai n why you liked him better when he was on TV. 3. Translate a map of Mexico into English, leaving out all the consonants. 4. Disrega rd all of the above, make a pitcher of Cuervo Margaritas, and invite all your friends ove.r. ~SHIPPY SHOESMA ·POOR HENRY'S BEST SOUND IN STATE OJ FROM WWSP PITCHER BEER - $1.00 . APPY HOUR-4:00 TILL 8:00 1 SH~TS & BEERS 35' COCKTAILS 50' ONE FREE DRINK TO EACH LADY Till 10 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT HALLOWEEN PARTY BEST COSTUME $10.00 FIRST PRIZE FREE POOR PRIZES CALL 341· 5144 AFTER 4:00P.M. • . WE INVITE YOU TO HAVE A GOOD TIME! ' Octt~Mrll , ll"'5 ..... of lhir drinJti111 ability! Why else would we laugh at the Chautauqua ~taew!':t!IJ~'1:'~ra~ ::~1 out to that penoo Sadl y ~qh, we must now come to grips willl the realiz.ation that a lcohol can kill. If lhe" Dea th Mardl"of the SiaserishullltenltstoU, Ihenwene-edtofacelhattoll . lt iJ timethatstudefltsre-naluatelheactivtt)'ol driDidn&. Sbould we be looldn& at it in the liM ola penon's " abilit7 '' todrini or in th;e line of a penon's ''responsibility! " A Pointer regular feature by Robert Bonld Becaw;e today is Halloween, and esp«i.Uy I~ illtlf to the occasion, I would like to &pt'lld some time di.sc:usslng two ~teventsolb~rn~andmeatality , a.swellutheir pclUible JOda l ramJ(tcations. n.. first concerns the somtwhat sarcuine practice of «ow mutil•tion . ()y~ the pu t year, in an area ranging from Ttxu to the mid-Wftt, including WISConsin, someone or 10mething hu been killing cattle, removin&on death tbtir ears, Upa, and sexual orpns. Stvtf'al carcasses have also betn found compk-tdy drail'led of blood. No one is quite certai n how this was done or even bow lhe ca tt~ were killed , aiUJouab ps ha.s tw AI sa..~k ltdidn 't surpr lsemeonelota. Mamatlef'of fact I nodded· otr in the middJe of "''hal wa1 1upposed lobe the climax. =:~:e~ ~~th~~~~ ~ b~~ts!n~>'!~~~~:~ Monday afternoon the Advisor)' Housi n& Committee convened todiscuu the 'houslna: problem .' I You may recall that done it. I've beard every thing from UFO a to a wide-ranpng utank cult blamed. with m011 people~ to Cf'edit devilwonhippers, myself indi.Jdecl. 1be authorit ies, of course, have tried to play down the more sensationalistic aspects of the case. But I don't think tht'ir ~ase and natura! j)f'tdators theory is a particularly inciiJSive one. And that 's whllt seares me. lf people are s ick mough to back up COWl (creatures not partkularly wellknown for their magical properties ), whirs to stop them from carvinaup thei r fellow human beings'! Not mu.:h, l'marrakl ; recent atory in the Mil~aultc-e Journal seems to lluppor t ~~:!:~Ja\~~l~~!ea:~:! ~~':'==~ availability. ) c~~:,::.t~~::!t~~ti~~rt!.?~IC=:ri:~ days ea rllu and lhen canceled with last minute notice. Until the mc-elina got underway 1 had high hopes that something cwcretewaagotn& tomateria liz.e. 11000 fouod out that miracles rarely happm in e«nmittee me-etings. "' 1be commi tte-e chairman, who serves as assistatlt hauling director, neatly clusiried the problema Into four groupa. There were problems wilh code CcondltiOill ), problema with ::::a For S3XI, acc:onlina to the story , you can see a porno fik k in ""'hich an aclr'fss is actually m~ and dismembered bef- your eyes. lbeatre ol the Grotesque, so to speak : the Grand Gui&nol taken to its me&l lunatic extffme. Now granted , cows are one thing and actresses another . I don 't se-e a whole lot ol gradation betw~n the sickneHH invoh ·ed with butcherin& up ei ther one. And that to mt is • scarirr than any hobitoblin or ghost. 'J"hto othereventlwant~to ta lltabou tis ""·hat ! call the MOleS II C. per : a man a.nda ....·oman promising to lead twenty or so people to a si te where they "'·ouldbepickedupby a fiyi ng 5aucer and taken to anothu galaxy. Various pieces of the ~;;c:ac!,~~~e;t t{{; J~7ot~~ =n~if~"~de;~~ have yet to be resoh ·ed It's known the leaden of the group h.ave crim inal records. But theirmollvesas ...-ell aslhecurrentloca tion ofthegrwp are unknown. ~ leads will hoperull y turn up the inrormation ne«SS;~ry to complete the pic ture. But ~·en If it dotsn"t. lthinJt..,-ecan tea m 50me-thi ng : tha t eveninourra irly Klphistica ted Micietythn'!arepeoplesodespera te fora cha nge or fed up ..,·iththe "'<Qrldlhat they 're ..,illi ng to give up all their ear thly posst'55 10fiS cappa rently. the only req uirementn«essarycojointheg rou p lll nd chaseoff ll ftera drea m . lt 's unl i k elythei r exodus~~<•ill e\·er ta ke them to their promiscd~tuwt ion. But looki ng at the ....-orld as 11 sometunes is. "''ilh Its madnesaa nd its eha OLS, I. for one,can'thelpbut ""i \em the best of a ll poulble journeys. an)-way. Open Channel A week ly from student government On October II, Stucient (iovullmet!l voted to Lem!X!flrily suspend recognition the SiaJdis as an cqanir.atiOn of UWSP. This action was lllwl not only in response to the ot tragedy of Homecomln& wedlend. but to address a largu Issue : that of initiation procedures or " ALL" oraaaluUoas prew:atlyrecocnlud . For the Sla.sdt orpniution, lhose procedures wu-e CJt>. viousty d:l ncerws and have for some time't.ft quesUoned by the Uni~enity . But we m~at not be led to believe that thl1 is the only oraanir.ation in whic:h this could be lnle . When • ltudent make. the dedDon becomiqr a member of an cqanb.aUoa , thatpersonaboukl be ruaranteed his safety and ot ~u-l.ion~hSto:l:n~C:.~t::'::CtentNs~tk.n~ i~JVeltlpte all ini tiation pi'O«dures. lt iJ time we realize that although a n oraanization may be designed for ~«.Ia! ac· tivitie., thole ac:tivities defined as Jocill could be quite the ~t:artkutar incident also gives r ix to another ~- As at~ a t UWSP we are all awaft ollbe very prom~oant activity of drinkifll . We have, for some reason, also bhndly acftpted the \Jioe of akoholand ill evrr·lncreu!nc over-we. Rather than condemnlna . ""-e have C1)ndoned 11. f'or w~at other reuon would a student announce to a group how tn· Iodated be wa1 the night bdore'! Why else do studmll boast IT:'j~;~ :d~t!:t ~~~tao! =h~tic!«Jn~~~ lhesefourcatetorie:s. • 1be answer has got to come from us - the studenta affected by the housin& altuation. We 've !Tied all the channeiJ provided by the 1overning bl.a'eaue:racy - nothing cwcrete materialized !! 'The only way for us to avoid &ettinc ripped-off by moaey huTCry slwn lords il to form a tenanta' union. Tenant unl0111 have existed on college campu~n for ypra. Etsentlall)' they provide housina for studenta on a Collective basil , The housing coopt in Madilon are an example olstudenta bandi ng lA . tocethertoavoldthe hich~trip-<l(fs . lfyouaddupthedoUanandceflls )'OU11find that it iJ much cWper these days for a student to buy a house than it is to rent. U this is so, why are we allowing ourselves to be gouged? Whydon 't wegroup tosether andgetthe bestconditionsfor the best prices! Sure, not everybody can function under a pla n like thiJ, but "''hosa ys ""'e want everybody involved? If you're Interested in coopet"ative housing or in the for· ma tion of a tenanLS ' union contact the people In atudent government. They 're busy now gettirc lntormalioa on the SYccess orfailureoflheseventuresinotheruniversitytowns. They need help gathering the info. Help them, help us, help yourself !! movies Roller Mil United Artbt DirK:ted by Norman Jewison RevlewN by Rokrt .,_.lr.l Rollultall iJ the lr.ind o( movie ~!e~ivt:s acience (tctioa 1 ~d 8 Based on a aeries ol atories by William Harrison, lhia Norman Jewison vehicle e:on«m~ tbe pU&bt olontJonalbon E ,a~perjoe:koltbe future. Jonathon's 'POrt Is roller· ~11. a mishmuh ol roller Rrby , l.Krc.e, aDd lr.torp away, e:omplete with mOCoreydesand 10me 10011 old ultraviolene:e. ' Jonathon II the s o -called O.ampion of the HOUlton ltlm , and thtrefon: hl&h In the esteem ol the public, who arooves oo rollerball, the current opiate ol the maaes. 33~500.000 Unelabned Sehola~ships Owo..$3J,500,000 uncl..med ld>ol•.tlipa. .~nts • .;m, and leUCWirll'liPI ,.,.,. from S50 10 SIO,OOO. O..rrtnt lin o l thew 10Ufetsr-•dlfd"eompi11dMOISipL 15.1975. UNCLAIMED SCHDLARSHI'S 11215~1U A.,..,l01 ~i~tu;e~e~a~ ~ An91'1t.. CA90025 0 I 1m tntlo..i.. S9.95phn$ 1 .001ori)OS~ 1nd hPidl ing. -------------·--PLEASE RUSH YOUR CURRENT LIST OF UNCLAIM ED SCHOLARSIP.I SOURCES TD: c;,, 1 I JI Suh___.licl_ !Coolol _ _ _ .,...__h_\h.l Texas Instruments electronic calculator I futility ol indlvfJua1 dfort" !the world at this hazy point In Ume iJ being run by Big Bl.llil'lt:ll, ~tb DO room for htnlel ol any variety), Jonathon E hu l:ftn u lr.ed to retire. Dedicated athlete that be is, however, he refuses, tries to find. out why tbe " utaltlves" ol tbe " Corporationl" want him out o( the picture, thrashes hb opposition, and ernetJel vk~in the tad. Throw lD a r- w~ aequtftC:'el and that pretty mud. coven the p&oltinaolthlsflklr.. Asforlheothrrdimenlionaolthis turlr.ey, It's bud to uy ao)'tHa& :~~~~e~11~· ~~edac~:J· o~~~ SR- 51A di mensional. J ames Caan Ia . ~:::::=.:;..-:;~.:.::::=n~-. ~"::~- .-. • e\'eryaM t:lle Ia reduc'td to pl8)'in& stereotypea, nota bly joe:lr.s and executive biawf«a. But.thecbiefflawsetrnStotmter · ==--~~~=:- . --.. ""-oor.........,lll_.ot~ol*l--a,_.onoc.,......_ .• =.eno;;::::~~~·-;-=......~:.!..~:...::=: .. u-se~an~oc~r.-or"-.-.vOK-POM'C _ ''ld'!lo!S ~W:,d~~ua.ro-n ~9-999999999•1o- :;t!te.:~~~r.~.iaw~ :r::e:~:s~C::'!:~~= sequencea, R oll er~a ll ploda methodically alone, evolr..lrc more yawns than anyW.. dse. Given 1 chance to uy aomethlna constructive about aoe:la lly· ac«pted violeace, be It football , bo:llina , h oclr.ey, rollerb a ll , whatevft', Jewilorl alr.irts the laue completely, optirc for lilence In advent ol his falh.l'e. live music SUye11a Pobll Sympboay Ot"rbn&ra CINrel C.urt Od.t1, 1t'JS · Beer ,snaclr.s, and soft lightinc set the mood for tbe Stnem Point Symph ony Orchestra 's Cabaret Con«rl bdd a! 8:30 pm , Friday, Ocl. %4. The Coliseum Room of the Holiday Inn set the ~Cent for the C.ba~t in which a variety ol music entertained a lafle, tn lhuslutlc audience. The Symphony , directed by Donald Gree ne , UWSP music ~:l!:r~;::!.rh:~iran~ re:;1~r~ ~ular tunn. t1asak~ f':e\·-=-~e~;,;.~.• ~,: See You Agaln ", a nd Scott Joplin's '1be Euy W"IMfft'' wue popular tunes performed by tbe Symphony. 1be UWSP Jazz BaDd , dirK:ted by Oon&ld J . Hildebrandt, aDd the " Mid Americans", formerly the University Slnfl:en, (tincted by · Keayard Smith, added color and movement to lhe C.blrtl. 1be udtvMnt o( thoH b:1 II· ttndanre was mlected by the enthusiastic responses to the ~tile music, aood apUit& and Intimate atmos phe r e of the ~t .wi~be s:n~·~ ~~ 1 ~:~n Ha~ ol the Fine Arts ==:===...~~~,;.--:~":'fo":""' ~_,_-"ooo ___ __ ~==.:!:-'.;-'""""""'lkl'll••"-'•5w.J.aoon ..,_ ,...,__.., ~t~M~e< ~ ....... ..... ~--­ ~~ ONE OF THE MANY MODELS AVAILABLE AT UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE CENTER plee:ea !~~~m'f~ecF~c::iv~'!\ ~; " Emperor Walt1"', and Schubert's " Rosamunde Overture ". Two UWSP mu a ir faculty , Diane Slotnbach and W"dliam Madaeft vocally accompanied tbe Sym: ~,.,_,· if!- - 1t.IJ. 7 .& 9:/S 7J11t - 11 ~ books the theatre n.e Na t!ONI Thulre of Ole Our ~vluo~ byJudyDa llky Did yw know many ol the major figuresofhistorywt"redeaf '! Yes, l saki dtaf. llearuy'! A CIA coverup '! A Commie plot'! A ndical historian's look at the past'! Wrona on all counts . U you happened to be in St~-cns Point last Friday and ~h.-:kyenoughtogetticketsto ··Parade'', a production of the National Thealft of the Deaf you "A'OUid have luld a most enjoyable a nd enlighteninl uenln& . "Parade" is a satirical look at history's past, !M"tsent and future through the eyes or the deaf. The National Theatre of the Deaf tNTD l was rounded in the late 60's and receives its fundina from HEW. along with contributions from fo u ndations and pri va te Individuals. The :\'TO uses sicn langu.age, pantornime.gesturesaDd vocallutlons in the i r performances. To date, the NTD 1\as made two films. appeared in ovtr t.ZOO performances in ~states and In 13CQUI\tries. The NTD has also appeared on "Sesame Street" and was the rnson for OM woman's anendance atlhe Friday night's pm-ormance. The NTD tas performed such pieces as S.p FT1IIII Milk wood by Dyla n Thomas. Moliere's Saaprd~. GUga mHII, Micllael ~~:~ ~~:~~~:~~~~;: was adapted from the opera by Ciacamo Puccini . to 113me just a ·~· IIOME OF nt E BRA VE WriUe ab7 AMbtl r LII ureaU otr~ led lt7 o... w J Kas""'• 1 ut in the Studio ~atrt and waited for "Home ol tbt Bnve". to a~mmence . Tunes o1 the tomes could· be hurd coming from somewhere backstage. I I'Kalled how u boys my friends a nd I qaaed In imqinary batlles ol the J«<nd world war. ~'ben we got shOt .,..'t counted to len and got up again. It nevtf' occured to us that thet'e was an emotional aspect to wM" . 1n " Home o1 the Bnve" the emotioa.al aspect of war Is tbt focus. n,e emotional aspects ol war :ft~=~ ~n~o~ !,:Una~et':: carrytbelrprejudiceseveryw~ they ao. ln "Home ol the Bn.\ 't this habit brings about a senous probi~ . All thePfOP.Iethattvtr lnthefallollt71,theNTD putit.s first original performance of My Thlrd Eye. Since then they have added other original pie«~ to their repertoire , the last bei n g " Parade". " Parade" is about a grand man:h to Wuhh~ton . OC, to fight for rights of the deaf. The play makes funolhearin& peooplein a nlceway. lntheplay.itislearnedlNitJesus wasdeafandwascrucifiedwithhis arms outstretchtd so he could not sign the wont of Cod. Other hisloricaJ fipres who Wet't de.f included Quistopbtf' Columbus and the first settlers to the American west . Nathan Hale was ~~~~ ~=t ~ileou\~~:~t. (iavily'a Ralabow By J elro n Ganta tr ::d ~~urt:!i hands to give for his country." It was learned tha t Joan of Arc and Abe Lincoln were also deaf. If you question tbt fact that Abe Uncoln ""-as deaf loolr. at his sUtue intheUncoln l\lemorial. lnhiJieft hand he forms the manual alphabet letter " A" a nd In the righl hand he forms the manual alphabet lelltf' " L". The play also pokes fun at oralism as the IOie means of communication for«d upon the deafbyhearinclnstructon. " Parade'' was nota toaUy silent production. Thecast iscom posedol ele•·en memben of whieh nine are deaf. l1le two heari ng member's ac t as interpreten for the hearing a udi e~ . At time. it was difficult l.ol.tll""'hoamong the cut wu deaf and who was not. The play was both anauralaswellasavisu.alartfonn offering someth~n& f« all . ~tedCoenlertt.hei r marltsonhim . Al\tf' a lifetime of verbal abuse Cotn has Ci)me to leoti dirt'erent from the other guys. Under the dirtctiiMI of David KaJKf'l the rJmif~eations ol ths prdllem art brou&ht to li&ht. • . Castine makes the whole thing credible. T. J . Everitt comes off as the loathesome pinnacle of hatred in man. Ftnch almOit has ~ou believi~ that there are loving people until he too snows the un iversalcapacltyfortlatred . 111e performance of coen could be dHcribed as brincin& the meanin& out of tbt shroud of hatred irl.lhil situatiOQ tTom aU that transp.res, Coen rinJUy realius that he is juat like evtt"yontelse. ll'ssad that he finds !.his through some human weak~eun . 11 ._.. a pal!'ful realiution for toft~, and a pa•ntul comment on mankind. NEXT WEEK! 'The Way We Were~' ROBERT BARBARA REDFORD STREISAND NOVEMBER 6 & 7 7:30P.M. PROGRAM BANQUET ROO~ - U.C. A UAB FILM Re~·~ ~Andla~:::eone Is going to wrll.t about a character .,..;th the combined traits of a Sam Spack, Youarian , and tbt Marx Brothers, who lalla dO'I>Ti a rabbit ho l e and meet s the sado · masochistic queen of spades and the paranoid mad hatter. They all aet stoned and trip throu&h every fairyland eve r conceived . Reviev.-ers wiU then be able lo compare It 1.o C ravlly's RainboW. As for now, no oae writes like Thomas Pynchoa .lhouch many art going to try. This book has everything ·mul tiple subplots, sevtf'al in-depth cha racterlutions and a plot like a detec:tivethrilltf'. AlUmesltseems like a five rin& ci~usaone benertl.. How about an aerial duel between an airplane and a baUoon armed with cusl.anJ pies? 'Jbe balloon wins. All of this takes place d~rinc the ~ri~fd'\~~or~.ancl~~~=~ have been droppina their \' ·2 nx:kets on £n&land and the aWes ~;!~,:~eg:!~~~~~~ general n a h for the nx:~ets aod the · people who made them. One or thole Involved irl the search for the rocket is Tyrone ha~ ~=:~~~~~ :hnod because there is a group o( alli"" psychiatrists trying lo mani pulal.t him . He Is very paranoid, rtlerring lo his pUNiutn as " them". He is an engineer with a somewhat obscw'e lnttf't'Stinlhenx:ketanditsvarious components. He goes driftlng around Europe having IWOI'I.td lurid and erotic ndventurH. He crosses paths wilh parts of the nx:ket, « thole who have had something to do wit h it, but he eventually gets so spa«d out that he seems to lose lntl!ftlt and just fades out of the story. In this book we see tile rocket as an Icon of our l.tChnolotY wor· shipping age. 11le rocket Is a symbol of fertility, male In oature, thn.llllng into the llty. There is the imagery of the rocket 's trajec tory, fo rm ln~ curve or parabola,like a rai n . Pync hon, thr ouahout the boo • deftly colors the nx:ket religious, RXUOIII, and spi ritual, without loalng :"- ~~ ~ftt!t: :·~~:i~~ is 1 ~1t~~~ beautiful or as ugly u thole who Cf'tlted it. .:~~b!t,~wri~~d even that would be Inadequate. losl.tad, I IUUesl you read it carefully and let it t~rn your head around. in steree TONIGHT! oc~; 3~1st PROGRAM BANQUET ROOM $1.00 .A UAB FILM 1 I I ANNOUNCING The first ever Point Special Beer Photo ·Graphic Contest Here's how it works: • Before December 8th you 10 to work compilinr a visual depiction identifyina Pomt SJ!OCial beer (photos, ITapbic:o, or whatever) . • Deliver your contest eniJy or entri.. to the POINTER -Rm. 130 G...U • Alter December 8th the people at POINT PoU.t Speciat and the POINTER will select the twelve top entries. OVER TWO THOUSAND OUNCES OF PRIZES WJN: . of Point (first prize) 3 quarter barrels (second prizes) 4 six packs (third prizes) (Coaloot eDCia Dec. 8-all become the pr<lp<rly of Point SpedaJ to be uoed lor promolional-) ·