OH-oompus 15 cents ~18,1975 ' Guns' blasted Tal/It Polall'l': Corottmlt~~lbrt\'ollt'lth'larticlein theStpltmbei-lll~olttRPtbk r on "Th4iGunsM Autumn", ! feel he and a fewotbl'rhuntentblluJdbeSflltnll&bt lnthefttlitlpolra~.tluntns. ln lhenneplKe, ,.·e-theiiOII.ftunten · •~notatupkl! v.'t, julltlikethebunter, Nove the mentality to tell fad from fitlion.IOtdl""llty fromfanlll)'. Yo'e know what we ww whm ..-e Wllld eel ''The Cuna ol AuhaiM ", We kMw that .......... \lieNwa"bllncholllctln4ivkllab ... a lot oldHd and IUffrrln& animals" . Tbe fadthat"'·eart--b.mtendoet not mean ltult weare non-lhinllert. don IIDimUIIWi!(IIIIIOI!ell thettl.l thfroma lie. FortuNIId)', ltonUIIOII~'7 no!Hiunterean ''llndn'ltandwllere !8llnlthll~". . T'biiUnottouylha t '"TbeGwwol ' AUIIIIM HWUIIOtiVIIuable"-IOput 011 leltvbion. It ..... txltf!Miy val~Uoblt! Atewenotara~olpeople tlwlt tUe priOe: In alway• le.tTiift&, always enmuntmrc new KSe.s, and alway• kllowlllJaU lkhs ,ol a story! Wttlbertwehaft il '"Tbe Clllllol Alltwnn''~lfdlsilklhar.moflol utllluiXIllftni.aaudldtpthbdort.lf II all. Tbt procnm .,_eel 111 llw the~saga tUI!qil.,tQIIMthkal lasfarMihe lluntrrethicilo:on«!'Md l, bulbtociUM iliiYnt'tllk:al.areweDOCio~eek,loat leut be..,..b!tedwiththefadthataU killenarenottthkalt.lnl«s!Atewe notto evenkllowthat~hpbcft:uthe m~Uy dD oill! pna Ianna in Tnu TetJoe Pel• &n. '1\botbebtU k runnlllctht t&!dMte Oft c1mpw! Who"t lflhnt Ill • our buc:U! Ceulnly not loll, bKIIIMI · tudlape~~t latheGridl,...._..,.'\tuJ ..popular TheU:::.=: ~::~r or:='~~IO~ uprn11ta ..,.. economic I'Litlon"-lhlt.,.-.mustp~~ymorelo liof now. But , Clll 10meon• ttllmt plUM •·hy m11511heq~.~~~li typlummd•!Ble ltol prlcerilelf Thl!foodbelrii'NI"Yed in thtGrid l dltllalhtJ. The brutfut l9frill I purdwtedlhlsmomln&,..uldt OII llil pllte'ntulyuntouchedlndhardl1 rllll tbeheacllnaol"ap«lal " r.~~~ln&tppiW lnlbenfllll"-· I've .,.·orlttd In m.anyctltlffla"ll)'lt food""'" opa-1Uonl ~I m.,_lll" tha tlbe-lrsledtM wonl...-lbta cullnaryhlvtw~~plredlohm. Sllllkoll wtlo remtln tonlftll If 11111 cwer-pric«t. .......IUyfood~n• lUIIty 11 u- who tent II. Lei Willi come to upect Uld lftt'tPI tudlliiiiMI u.~toOM'I\_MIIIf ..,., beci-Uit)' lr-. olllffd. H!&flpncl: altlflowqyaUty.a:tptecflntlw~rl tonvet'-lhouldtMIIMntePIID IIIIf nottbendt. Da~vea&flvor. Spendlllll'l tlme • .-,_,..PadlllundlrtdiM cliff~"ne.. M . tty .. J•H•M !!Ilk•• Kd\11 W. Kn"' ...d """••DHH~· blasted again Te\llf f'"'•lfr. I r!oto;:~~=-~~~"-~~:::~ :s~::~~~~~~ women's lip Housing Office· replies more minorities ToOle •••ter, Teth Pelai.H": l'banltJ'IIUforr-f'l!eftll.olfa-lo Givt lht mia.ority students more reeotnitlonin lhtpapti" I "Tbeylr1!1a· ~~.:=:e·.::~ ~ol•edaroundumpul'lndW'IIIWdllh edition. ~epublldtyat.o. Colltrat')' to tbe im~tmeraled in tile lueS pAtqr8pha. wt ll•IJM4 - caeniu.ntaiiCIHftllll\ltlOtMCioiiT'tflt lbortqe of a~eal-t)'lle ttudtnt holaitllirltbelllwn:ntn.nct. C... runed ·lllllnrtlty aflic:lalt birds bungled 1110'1: w-dlllil:~tfdtyla~ media intenltwt, inc:l udlna ap- prarancaOI'ItbetwoWaUNIIInetwart atri!Utes. radio au.tiGD WSPT and 1M Alttrtwoyeanof retlctolcelhlve finiUy deddrd 10 wt a few thinp Stn~ Poillt Daily J~. The pDiAI. · -pMitlaDir.ltbftapublicallddur. Enauah tMn for Mmantb. I would abo like 1o t'OITKt the·~ p.ll'fti printia& en-or wben I &Ill porpo!'ledtoh.ne!OldtfNrrepiii'Ut stnl(ht. N\Unbt!ront,iotbeM~~~e~.~mof Satural lllatory tht-re:artKYtral error~ inthelabeliJI& ofblrdl,wi tbtbebigtat mi:o-vpbetWftDtwonadd)'cb:bl!lda ma~merpnHr. Aktatrelanda !hat'' ,. .lt\ldentslhouldno~rom""'inol tandlonbnotkftplnalbeirprvpert)'ln &ood Wpe." in fKI. I lt&ted jl$ tbe oppoailt. The "-illc...Dffoc-t wW coatizlue to llen'e ttudenu n • clartn& houM and rft'«nl l&mcy- thllt they Ull aet anioft,.Mn~~fi&htsan riolated. We havebeomdoina:lhlsrora ..... time and I mcaunae ratbft than • mertin were mb.td IIDI!Id an immatun tD~Mwt Wll eel a Cooper's hl•-t. I'CIIIIIbn-tW'O,InC.J. Puffer's &rUde oa ~Wop m ~ ~- ~ PeD&tr l lbe mntlontd pronahorn anttlope. A Jlf'OIIIhomlaiiOllllanttlopebutillnl "btl dullby itMI.f. Ttdtmisuotewu&lao made in The M~~~e~.~m of Nitural Historywhert!a~'astlll.til tabtUtd " ptOII&bomant~"· dixow"aae&udladion. • ane lhizl& 1 ao cliscour1oa• 1s u. pt'Ktb of - e t fr cam..- students And nnaUy, while rid.irc bloc:lr. from oblerTinlpniriedllet-•tButna ' bKaUM &udllacllitie. are dlupand 01' lhne birds wer. far from lht DM.rftl ~~~=~j·=r:or~ ~~tdM:Ur:"K=.I~::.~ rndllyavtilabte. ~harran,c-ts lore~tUtouklhlvelndlcattdlhattbly with unKrupulou• land!Prdt per· ''rip-otr m.,.n. ""bile oftftl tl'Ut were not JO'hlwiU. That btl'lll wtre manh I cntaillly balle \bat UU. penon hun't bftn retponalble ror all ~arem.~depoaibMia~rtby d~tde lo ,.tronhe tbcoM this area. pd!WIIetskun~lnlakalt)',tbt lllis .Wine houl;n.The:respclftM!hatlbtf't,.~IIO otlwnptlcm&lhilf&U.whlle..tlitenll)' true,il fadll&llf-ellmlnatestbe non ·lp.~rtment.typef....Ulllet. ForbetteTo.-..-.moMpeopletre t.:Maed •. ~'bft1!. What now! What COIIAtruc t lu ideu elMs the have to advancw! Studmt IIIII"' ,...,tff ~!':'!lo:r~~-~~ simplywilltheperiodichoulllll~ •••ayill llllrulilltle \lollale\'n-hJppmed IOtheStr.dtatCo. up~lhatwuJudlapapular COIWenA\ion pi~ I ftw ,YtoU'I bloct! If hi....._ the r~tfdlightlnpof"llllhawU"In PlfNI~t._areallaimpllitnWS, butlbel~lheyc:ouldbt.quilt misiNdint and cenfll:lint: to- who il just ~IMina to team the IIAmn of tbtse:aa.lnalll. a.layliiCitatthat som-.COlftct ihnet!mlfSMd c:11«t fcw~ l lntbtmuteum l lhatlm•:r lllvtmite«l."Tbl.nk·)IOII. •A~. Net., : w., llau H~~la""c,tH Cllarln t.-a . ., • ..,". •••t•klrat.. • •••••H WrH. u.. h ll•·ett~ 1 atbla. •••lh IJ!l • ·u ..... ....._Ute o\111 1'•11• f..--.H ... there is tnii.YQIY mGMJin thtbaualftl martet. tbenperhlpsiiJ'oupolstudeDI: n~~ mlaJII: eonsider chhln1 .n0111heopentloa.tAaamatteroffxt, more names ~eofourlandlon:ltare:.--!1 lti.lderuotthl8u.tlt~loD I . ToYiew witb allrm miJ be aJood f'lrsltlepbutaft•thet,wt.l! We wiD eoatlnuetollddrtMtheprobiemand ~~~~t,~ On5epc.tmblfltlle:AieDdated f>r-. •• o:amedallorynatJDIUIII~hld ti.II'Md 1)110 sir,dtat:IIWI)' • 110 hou.inl IG~haJis.()n Seplembt!rll: tbe ,...,.,... uniaS a fulw't a.c:curatel.r dc:Kribll'lltllenlnlto wtlid!StevPoiat6ll"ftcbeditlelfilllll"dertoawld bavtn& to tum lt:l student& away. The temporvy houala& pktuttel In )'OUr future ... opt*tal lothert-ponry lanlllitanbttdoffcampua•tlldiWft"l! available 011 1 wett·to-wett bult lor tla.e studmta awaithc I ptnnMiml ~~~ - ~ · '-ever, opted to ...... =--~n!;%'.Zw~~ barncb! - II.IIoft~Wily l• l ) riA If A"lkt11U!1 TeUit P.,_.ter, lnotlctdlnyovrlWplembt!r s ~ '* .u lb.lot of )'0111' Iliff wu pictured andlhlt)'OIIrsllffhtlcl l~lil ;-.,p~ttt:, Series 9, Vol. 18, No. 5 I e&mt aero. lhls when I wuloollJn& for my fritnds ' 1 - . I wu 6etply di:wppointeclto- U..t )IOII~ed ~t!oflbelepeople•hotoqllllly ~el"t<<pitioa. •.:...s•: ~- .... n ".,.,,,.,.,..k ,.., ~-­ .•,.(,.il•klu.n •kiii.Hilr.at • It Hken ... Jorl-ary (....,.....,.. ....141 H IM:I. .H !:a 'Tile llll nu 1'...,1,... ,nm.... • 1M r •tn'. n.r ~~~~~ WM:' • IU k .,..~>ioN , .. ..... ..,!Vti. Hpd•ll)'.ilyU.ItluM. II •• kn t .... Mil)' a . . ltiM111K., !lotio• SttQ•~~« 11. 1n s Paat s Pointer • r-------------~C>NEo~vTE~~~-----------1 i ! I ~ : I I I J ; ~J STUDENT ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS ~ II I SEPTEMBER 23rd REPRESENT YOUR ·COLLEGE: FINE ARTS-2 & SCIENCE-S NATURAL RESOURCES-3 PROFESSIONAL STUQ~S-3 . ~LETIERS l I I SEATS OPEN SEATS OPEN I SEATS OPEN I SEATS OPEN PETITIONS MAY BE PICKED UP AT THE STUD~T GOVERNMENT OFFICE THEY .MUST BE RETURNED BY 4:00PM SEPT. 19 . : : : L~~~.:~~!-~~~~~!J~-~~~~~~~~- __j TOP NEW RELEASES $4 81 Best Pyrex end Shock R:esislonr Plastic Bong Selecti~n in Central Wis $27,000 in small change by E liott! Lytle m~J:i:';'t!:~~~~~ and a hpli plUM ) did you ever stop to wonckr where your money end. up? Some secret aCCGUOt available only to people wllh the password! Not this time. By decree of 1M ao.nt of Repnts aU ~ta from Vftldir!l machines Joeated on lhis ·campus are to be spet~t on the campus. Money fr om the machines in boullrc aDd the University Centtn lotS directly into their budgets. MOtley from machinu located in IUdemic buildioJS (meaning ())lli.ns, COPS. etc lis to be apent on "edueltlorW ~~~=fr:~J:nO::ams. The machines In audemlc =:tctot=-.:u:~~s:: has been allowed to accumulal.e over the past thrH yHn. This July lhebal~stoodatappro:d.mately $27,000. UWSP's Adminllltltive Council, wbkh has <:<x~lt"OI oyft' the fundi has now m~ to commit $25,500totwo .nas. Sl,.$00 to the D1a.. Pnc:enl•J Data proce11lng II prnently j,:Wr!~~~ew~~ul~d!'i~~u~ COWill ol ~faumt~~~:n~~ ::r:: ~= ~~ftth.f~rbeol~u: Chancellors Hotpltalily Aceount• and U4,000 to Instructional Data At &J.anee boe:pitaUty .:eomputen may not look likethetypeof lhiop that are going to aUect you, but they do. The bolpitali ty account Is lilcd money is available to take him our. to lwdl alq with • ltudent and instnJdor. lt'a 1-.d in the same wa7 for people on campul for Artl and Lectures. Rdreshmenll can be fumllbed to p11rmta and Jtuclema on cam~ for Open Houae:1t Is also _,. _,....._ areas, wbk:h will make It pou.lble for 'people to write and nm com· puter programs , wbl~h will be connected to the main eomp11ter in Student Servl~el . O n~e the Unlversil)' 1\u this equipment it il hnped that a computer ~elence minor aad eventually 11 major wW possible. ........... rar:st ,.... explained ltslmportsncebysaylni:. '"''bae PeoPle are Wl(llld coaJulta.nts. They've bH-11 nice enou&h to pay for thelr own IU, lake time off from their iobl to come up here. It'• the leut we ~.n do." Now 1 rulbe r.Mre. may be a lliXIeat on ump.a wbo a .) hu never anmded Arts .net t.«tures. b I never been In a clau with a pe~t IJ)e&ker, ~~ never enrolled in the School ol ~tiOQ., or d) never eatencookltt andpunchcowte~y ol the Ql.ancellor. Don't WOIT}' , all )'046 quarters wen:uot ln valn . TbeUWMlintol the instruc:tionti dat.t proceuinl fa~illtle• ue 10101 to a fre~t everyorie, even If you don't UM: used to provide meals for aDd principals tblt a~pninlendanta come oa camp111 to advlee the School. ol Education on I'- pract.l~e te~W.:m8oda:et P\amilll. / I be Oai)'Ule~ nus I• only. the ~ · Mr. audeml~ oUI~eJ could mean. Imagine JOmed.l)' ~ertna filbt in the re&IJtntloa office and~ the ~omputer fi&ure out your JChedule and resolve a ny confi lctJ. ff;m:.~::.m= ~e::!n":'~~~~~ morerunnlngarwnd to try andJ'Ind ~~:n~~:e::Jt: ~~J.:·. And all for piUUinla pop m~~ehlne . The battle over PE ·10 1 ..,. RkiiC!pt 1be Facult)' Senate Ac•ckmie Affain Committee iJ expecU'd to vote .ou~ on a Student Government rnol ullon ullin& for an end In mandatory Pbysl~al Edu~atlon IPEi c:lUMS. Four")'UI' Jtwlents at UWSP mllltetrftlltl)'t.tU ffU credltsor PE 101 to m eet dea r ee requirementJ. Tranlfer JtudentJ must t.tU one credit ol PE 101 for -eac.byearoladloolha'e. The hiJtory of the propouiJoel bacllto early Jprin& of lhil)"'lr. S ome members of Student Government received objectkms to lhe PE policy from studenll. ()vel' 1500 Jt pntl were JUTveyed in March. 'with eo percent of the raponderllJ favoring tome e:hange in the requirement . The Student Academl~ M ain ~~= ~~edg~ · Government April 1. It propoRd that the PE requiremen t be, aboliJhed. The bill moved on to the fac:ulty level, where It wu llbled in late April' uld Bob S.cbinlld . Stuclerlt Gov-ernment president. be·~~~ei.%~ ~r.::. the committee dlalrman 111 the time , laid one of the quationJ on the questionnaire wu ' 'ridie:uiOIIII)' prejudiced. That louaea ~ your whole cue ," be claimed. After thoae objee:tioal, the swvey was e:alled an information~)' item , Badlinsld laid. BefOC'e the faculty committee vote& 011 the Student Government • rHOi utlon , there will probably be a ::~:!a,~~~ ~~!J.rS:d· linJili llid. ' lhat would 1Jaue ~everal months." deJa,. the .t:::WU:!n~C~!: thia; laue. ''Other requinmentJ were ~haoced In the put without a • review of all of thtm," he uld . "One faculty mtmber wa nted to know why P E wu ~ed eM for dwlle ," he uld. s.hlnlllf b · plained lhat PE hu not been reviewed for a kin& time , and that other ~rementJ were reviewed inthe recentpaJt . lf accepted by the faculty comm illee, the bill must pau lhrO\Ch the Fac:ulty Selulte, and lhen be a ppnwed by !he OWK:-ellor . " U it aeu eM of Academic Affa ln , it •Iandi a aood ~hance lri Fac:ulty Senate," Badzinlld uld. " llh lnll the bigett huale will be the 0\llncellor. He once wanted a ~uirement of dJht creditJ of PE. He thlnU you become physl~aUy fit In lbOH c:laua," Bachlnald said . BadDN;Id questioned the amot.mt that a lludent JeU 0\1. of PE claua . . bee:-r:'u:!~:~~:!;;~i~Uf~ lateruredoesn't apply , BadlinU:I laid . " l'm"SUre every dqlutment ~an jllltlfy at leu! one COUI"'e of theirs for ~arryover value." If the Fa~ulty Senate approve~ themeu~e . and if lhere!J very JltOCII Jt l)dent and fiCul t)' aupport . Badlinalq uid he &!Vet the IMI.Ie I 5-0·5-0 ~ han~e with Cha n ~ellor OHyfUJ. -Comparative shopf1ing ttY .leba Rc.dy Jnou.rrtnttwoeditionsweprk-ed basic Meds lilr.e acboolsupplles aDd menswur. Anolher necessity tNt cannot be overlooked <espeeially In StevensPoinl)istheflltl whichour town seems to run on • aleobol . rr!:"~~~~ ~~~~~ didn 't talle the prices of any Gallo wines ln lleepln& with the n.alioa wide boycott of all Gallo produtta. This report is not lnteoded to en- courage drinldnJ, bat aaly to Inform you of the difference ln prices. Four stores were selected within ~·djr::':':r:c pl: o:~ Wliversltyltuckntspatrclnbe lt. 'lbe names of the nve storel and their loca tioN are :' Olarlit'l Beer and :;~:~~~~~~~)'~ ::: ~~ block from J&:R), Pa pa Joe'a Bar ( ri&ht acrosa the llreet from Red OwU, and The Unique Bar on Third 5t.ref$ <downtown, two bloeb from the aquar~. A case of Point Beer (w ithout the deposi t lcos t 13.Uat01arlle's, $3.55 at J&:R, $3.38 at Red Owl, S3.7~ at Papa Joe'a, and $3.~1 at the Unique ""· A sia-padr; ol Point ,..-ent foc $1 .3Sat01arlie's, $L3Sat J&R , 11.35 at Ray 'a Red Owl. Sl.SO at Papa Joe's, and Sl.30 at the Unique. Rhine wine wu prelly evenly pricedatalmosteveryplace. It sold $1.99 for a botUe at Olarlle's, $1 .99 at J&:R, J U9 at Red Owl, Papa J oe'• didn't carry it by the bottle, and The Unique sold it for SI.8S a bottle. 'rhe brand name used was Taylor (with the exception of Red Ow]). Wisconsin Cranberry wine was lagged $2.09 a bottle at Ola rlie's, S2.29 atJ&.R, S2.39atRedOwl , Papa'-""'Joe'sdidn't cwry it, and the Unique had it for $1. 19 a bottle. tr nothing else, youshou.ldbuythlswlneforthe bottlealone. · J. Bavet lkandy cost S$.29 for a qua rt at Charlie's, SS.Oil at J,R, $$.29 at Red Owl, $S.35 a t Papa's. and J4.9!t for a quaJ:t at The Uniq~. ""•FREE B E E.R . P1WO MIC MIE ~ 3 ~ KOSZTWE•~ m ~ . Shrimp i ! Bonanza ~ ~. : Ev.ry Tuesday Night ~ cr ABountyafGolden S.tteJ. FriedGulfShrimp GARDEN GREEN SALAD dloic. of our homem8de dre:al.Ap ~ WISC~~~~~M~~!o t!~~TTER 8 . $~ Biking fine 5&1. Sankey of the. SPPD traffic bunau tells .. . that Wlli~ bicycleswillbeticketedintbene.ar future. Sanlley upla.l.Ded that the actionistaltenlolu.ata.nleeapinlt bicycle thefts loaJiy. He reports u ma.nyu&Oblkelreportedal.olealn a one month period. Sankey uraed ~ thbi=~~~b~a:tli~k. 1 . Steven.Pointli«nSescost si.2S and are valid u.ntil December 31 or 1971. They are sold at the police station In the lower level or the ~~tyto~!~:Ra d~d~~)rcie license could C05I you $21 and court costs lo Stevens Point. ~ Non-residents who have a valid license from thei r home town are exempt.. from fines . r.y~ ~H~O~., A FREE 12 oz. BEVERAGE WITH ANY I I· FooD PuRcHASE oF soc oR MORE AT THE GRID IRON-UNIVERSITY CENTER BY SEPTEMBER 21 , 1975 YOIJ CAN . I I . Dissolve1 This Coupon I I anc:l Jlr;ink It! I I. I I But why drink a hard drink when you can have a free soft drink? Dtuolvlng lnetructlone: _ Tear Into ~ · squares . Soak s;qua:res in rancid prune juice (8 days). Sell prune JUice to local radical cell. Wash squares in detergent, rinse. Soak in Castor OU (4 days) . I I I t·;~;·;·: ;.1 ~ CHOICE OF POTATO baked, hash browns or golden frwnc:h frin * 2 oz. jose Cuervo~quila * juice from one lim e (or l tbsp.) * I tsp. sugar * 2 dashes orange bitters White of one egg * A glass is quite helpful, too. · * ~ ~ 1 - Remember wben JOW moth« weal out In the woodahed, not In a mluion to discipline yow- Uttle brotha-, but to make a batch of soap! Uyou're.U)"'W''U30or35, you may remember that lbe cld that a few tlmseacll year, and her eft~~ ~ !ii-ni::'\:h~in!' tine Rap that wave lrl froot ol Old Main. The poUcy reportfd.ly wW save state taxp~~yen more thaD Sl,ODO anoually. • William Helbach, a UWSP xcwity otrtcft", haa received a commt'Ddationii&Md by GoYemor Lutey for the plan. Until HdbKhugnted a cban1e in procedure, two aauity off~ came a t dayli1bt and da.n to rallc a nd lower the Ualted Statu, Wisconsin and UW..stevftll Paint nap . Helbach thcqbt there could beabetterway,npeda.llyo.a r~~ley days and in the dead ol winter c:old chilla. • [4hts ftf'e &hi.Dio.J au niaht. anyway, forKCUrityreuona on lbe front ol Old Main. So, He\bach suggested tb.t they merely be nipped to atune on lbe nap. lf1ag News Notes WiKonsln 's. bow and ~ rrow for deft" opens S.buday the Department ol Nalural Raou.rcet. The bow aod arrow deer seuo.a will end November 16 and resume (rom Oecanber • to December 31. Bow h~mten are rftninded that they ea.DDOtearrya bow a half IMK.- - IUSO.D KC«dinn. to &':': ':e'T.tfea~ cll»inn time unless it Is unsb'ulll « endoeed In a earryina ease. lm· mediat.dy ana- lakin& a deer, the dt't'S" tag m.,.t be attached to the gambrel of the h.ind leg. ir' :J::~:~~~~na~: 1 all olthetime. ) HelbKhol2309 Fourth Ave. and a univer,Dty . employee nearly four ~an, submitted hiiiUI&estiOII to the WlSCOriSin Mt'rit Award Boan1 forwbkh he received a ca-tifk:att' si1ned by the aovtornor a nd presented by Chancellor Lee Dreyfus. Tht' University Film Society ,.,;u present PLA VnME abt 1\le:ld.a.y at 7 and t : IS in the Pto&ram Banquet Room ol the. Univen.lty Cj~~ Tali, one ol France's masters ol comedy and satire, takesaimattheim~lsttel· and-tlass 'modern' civtliz.atioalhat more ,.-oriel. In the pde ol hit celebratt'd creation, Mr. Hulot, Tali is p-adually ~lacin& a human taknhisown,almoatsurreal,look at modern civilization u hejour· neys throu&.h Paris. The filmis a comedy classic whkh ''deli&hta the human ,Prit and ls a feast for the t')'H as well." Do you have dlfriC\IIty saying no toufll'UIOI\I;bier~madeby ~ rooma te or friends! Can you conlfortably express love and a f· fectlon to people for wbom you care! Wheo you have decided that you no longer wish to datto someone, do you have marlled difficulty teUinl tbepersonol f041 d«ision! lf a prof~ has gaveo >:OU what you cGnlidl'r to be an unlau 1rade, can you initi.att' a diKus:lion about thesillalion! Auertive IJ"ainiftg lf'OUPI wiU be offen:d through the University Coumelina Cmter. Studmta who · would like to learn to mO« d · feclivdy lUnd~ for lbemselvn witbout undue ..uidy, to exprep tht'mwlvn clearly and d.iffcUy without unreasonable fear of others' reactions, and in gea«al act IWit'l'tively in t.hrir own best in· !«est are invil.ed to participate. ' Contact the counseling RrVkl' for moft information. :!e~ ~~:Csu=-:!.': bu,yatlbestore. Demonstrat i on s of how hol.aewives ol bycooe days made that cleaning aaeat and douos of other thinp will be featlftd In a " Htori!aJe Dly" ptO&ram fTom ltlril.m . to 4p.m. SUDday, Sep;. 11 in Albert Manville: a &raduate s tudent s peociallt.inl In wildlife biology a t UWSP wu awarded~ fr om tbe Daniel Boone Con· servalion League, lnc:. ol West Allb . The scholarsh i p awa rd Is preeented to a student on the basis ol hllh academic achlenment and contributions to the nekl o1 con.servalion. ~~~~!:Un!lo~tbe~~~ The Pmtq:e Col.a'lty Extension Homemakus and 4-H C1uba are sponsorlftltheevmtuoneof thelr contr ibution s to th e com· memor•tlon locally of the nation's bicenleflnlal. All~ will be open to the public w\tbout charge. pr:~at!f:n~e ~e;terot a:S,JJ; · break, UWSP~ateswith sister ~iversitles In a tour to the Soviet Union which !uta about two weeka. 'Mille the: enUre UW System croup of200travelstothe USSRto&ether, once there, Rnaller arou111 are formed for traveUr:c and a flnt h a nd introduction to Soviet his to rical monum e nts. social ft'aturt'S, and peoplt . 'nils )'t'&J" the UWSP IJ'OUP will vlall. tentatively, Moacow, Lmin&rad. and Vilnius in Uthuanla. The cost wlll be about ~ A cheaper and more nutritious bre•d may be available in the grocery stores soon. Sclentista at the Drpt. ol A&riculture bave :::~'rtin~ w~ ~:~ the bakin& lime to little over an hour. 11le new recipe calla for In· creued yust and s ubltitution of some wheat Dour by fC1 flour and ll(lll(at mllll: IOUcb. II wUI abo contal.nthrice•smud'llyslneasthe the conventional bread. The lclentista claim thla bread wUJ have so J)aftDt more protein. u well u moce taste. amalsolnvolvesa eour~eCtaU&btlnlbesprin&to ~rethestudefttstomakethe most of their uperit'nee. Since there are waitln& lbta for participation, l.nten.ted .tudenta are advised to see Pt«'euor Roba-t l"'rice ot the Department ol Foreip unaua1es and, Comparative Uteratun: foe h.-lber information as soon u poulble. lnddeatall:r. many participant. in the Soviet Seminar have felt at leut a rant year's knowledle of lbaalan wu a tremead01.a help In lhelr experienct" with Soviet s tudeata and dthens. VoumayaddRLIUianiOtattollherl or llAM. Sex 'otrean 1n Calllornia no klnler bave to wilber away lbdr :':e~~tr~!t~~= Woodwnrtb of caurorma claims 1a a cure for 1udllaw of. fenders. However it Ia diUlcult to find doctors who wlll perform thlt operation because they fear future legaJhassln. no~ You Guessed It We Hne Many Mofe To Choose From - You Can And Quality and . Friendly Service at Thurs 1!. Fri , Sept 18, 19 7:~ SEI ERT'S ~- Who will be the next in line? ~Mar,. Deft A woman officer is alwayz called In to question and advise the &iris According to Pollee Detective Audrey Ree-va , the typical rapist II pauive penon, an lntTovert, Ill immature child. " You woa't find regardlesaof the time of day . Her job is to acta 1'\111 down of just what 11 happened, a de~eriptlon of the asaailantandmollofalltooffer the victims sy mp at hy a nd un · deratandin& . Declive Audrey tam in lpOrtl, joining dut., or even e~~ !~~~~· .":;:,:. lhe rapiat wu over-proteded by his mother« riduled by aunll, older ~0: -J::,:r"'J:."i~ ~J~~~~ Iitten, M matronly te.aditn." The victim is ottea selected accord.ina to 10me resemblance abe euminalion. Mn. Reeves assures all &iris Uult the h111pital staff is v.'Cil trained to deal with sud! matten and will provide all the emotional support lhty can. No nosey questions aTe asked. ~er'U~it~~W::::~ fou&bl for ·~ and fOUDd :J= · ~bt.to~ In addition. poUce orr.cen under&orape ~UTe !111tna:tion u a part of their law enfor«mCII.L,. trainln&. Theyknowwhattolook lot' and how to 10 about checking sllSpects. They've had very &ood success In the past here. Olief Kulu also contacted the Police f'owaclation of New York and Is now In lht pro«~~ of lnstlgaUn& a procram hen In town baled on the New Yortt Cty model . ~ bate rallm' than an act of pualon . Statlstkallyspe.akina:;70pe!:'C'elll of . aU women aU.cked are vk· limited by bouet , rebllvea , teacbn's, or agressive dates. OQiy 30 per cent involvM rlpel by s trqen. Tbe majority of npesln both ca~orles occur after 10 p.m. in • hOUJe or parked «~r. HHchhiktn are the lead.iq type of victim . Many men COftlidet sudl airls"fair&ame". 'nleyauumetbe girt is uJd~ for it. Here 111 Sleveos Poi..Dt, leVftl rapes have occurred Dear campus = Local cltiuns alto dnerve ttedlt for their actioa . Women Againlt Sexual AuualV:W,as recently ¥ orpniud to dta! >wilh rape and the antiquated rape laws. The · com· mltteeboarddealawithpreventlon, education, an d counselin& for victims. The members are com· pJSed of both men and women from all waits of life. Some of these members aTe womea who ha ve been throtch a traumatic hpe experienc-e thenuelvea and are best able to empathize with rec-ent rictims. W.A.S.A.I!nCOiragnany wom14 who is raped to prtii«Ute in ordertopnllectlbeol.ha-membl!n of lhe o:xnmunlty and to act the rapisttothetherapyheneedl. ~~in~~'V:,ora!:;ul~~ weapoaa : a knlh •ad a ler'eW'driver. ltl '7S, IOI;,De 40 on- campus lnc:ldeoces of Indecent u:po~ure wen brcJu&hl to pollee attention. An elderly u lesman Wlf apprehended and b now redntftl Intensive ps)'t'hlatrlc bdp. Mrs. <lola Ween•. representative of the Slate Qime Lab estimates that only 20 per C'ftlt of aU rapes commltled are reported. Sbe bues UU. on a re«nt leal IW"Yey . Statewide, rapes, have~ lD the lut dtcade,JO(natrom 124iD ttMto507 In tt'Jt. Bill No. 332 Is presently up for vote. II recommends many dlqea In the standard proceedinp of rape lrial..l. Under this new law, 1 woman's put sexual experiences Pollee chief Raymoud Ku.l.aa emphulua the need for public educatlOQ. The Police Deputmeat holdl varioua procn.ms few acbooh and area cqaniuUOftl ccwerin& common mytba about rape, ways a woman can pc'Otect benelf, aod what to do lmmecUatdy afllr a rape occurs. He advises all rictima of aeaual uaault to report to the Jtatioa befcn an)'lh.lac die. u m«Cbf:¥1deneecanbePf"CCC'W"'!dat , the time of tbe cioeun'eDce, Jbe tUY never have to testify at tbe trial. FREE couldnotbebr~tupandu ­ ploited. llnder the current system , many womln hesitate to report a rape because of the embarrassment th.atitmi&htbrlftlt~lhem . Even apr<:*tllutehastheri&hl to clw-Je rape.Anothl!'rclai&Hwoulda!low a ;:'~~~'::w;~ . · Joe Cocker Eric Clapton YOUR ·. (\ ~~,sr9 ,'; ~~ In terms of prevtntlon, lhtn are no foolproof solutions. Wha t workl !none situation may not work in another. Screamln& iJ effective only when the attacker il approachina. Some ofOdals suuest &harppens . m ace.ora -.11-pl.a~ kick . rredtric Storaska. noted autho r and lecturer. believes eommunkation to be the best an swer, '"The btst dtfense Is to treat himwithunderslandingandresper:t and try: to diffuse the violence lhl; attac ker ftds fOC" his victim. I've seen 1 case where the woman prevented a rape by l.alkina: to·him and then sta rttd dating hi m . Later they married." In any event, rape an and does occUTlnevtrycity,llf'8eorsmaU . Dnplte the heavttlt polke aa· veillance, the actual respontibUity rests on the indi¥idual. Women aDd men . too, with the pusaae ol Bill ~a~tions~d~ke.ba~ a rape lhould actually OttUr. ART & LECTURES STUDENT SEASON TICKETS (CONCERT SERIES} ALBUMS Bad Company Led Zeppelin send us some ot the state's outdated discrim inatory laws sum u \he statue declarina that a woman la the property of her hUiband . · slogan ideas~ :.-- '_ ··__ ' ';@ '1I and listen to US... . _ 7 ' ;, for deta ils ..:....!._>. • --z..: orrlered through Student Government during summer N .ow ·Ready PICK UP: ARTS AND LECTURES OFFICE FINE ARTS BUILDING ROOM 8109 MON .-FRI. 9:00A.M. to 5:00P.M . phoCO by Roa TIIIIQII Sidewalk Revenues . ( loy Rkll ("lad Nearly 30 penon1 were brought into PorU:geCounty Court last week for offenses atlqedly committed on the Publk Square in Stevens Point. 1be arrests within recent weeks were for hitchbikirc In the road· way, littering, loiterin& in the r oadway and pouesalng open conU:ineraol"into:llic.tntsonapubllc· WARNING: Possession or Drinking of Malt Beverages or Intoxicating Liquor on Public Ways Prohibited. - Thefinesfortbeseoffensesrange """''· from to jail term ol aix It shall be unlawful for--any penon to have in his posassion any open Cln, bottle or other container containing malt beverages or intoxicating liquor, or ~o drink from the Slme on any public wr(. public street, sidewalk, boulevard, parkway, safety :zOM, 111-v or public parking lot, or on and/or in any motor vehicle park_. on a public way, public street, aUty or public parking lot. The exception being, that at such tim• and such ~aces as may be s~ifically exempted temporarily from t ime to time by the Common Council. $17 SIOO. A the persoa wbo does notp.ayhisfine. Prompted by bottle throwinl;. litterin&. debris and a hazard ol broken glass on the Square, the city months races ~:ti~n·-=:~~nrin:: ot malt beverages or ini.01icatina liquor on public ways," accordln& tocaplain Len Hucke of the Stevens Point Police Department. Hucke said that the ordinance probably would not have passed if people hadn' t littered and lhrowD bottles on the Square. Anyone caught with an ope:n container of alcohol on the Square is subject to arrest and fine. Although an officer has the discretion of warning or citin& an olfe~. t.he best thing is to keep lhe liquor Inside the downtown bilrs, Hucke PENALTIES: Any person violating the provisions of Section 17.02 (A), upon conviction shall be punished by a forfeiture not exceeding $100.00 together with cost of pro~ta~tion, and in default of payment of such fine and costs, by imprisonment in the County Jeil of Portage County, for a period not exceeding six months. Published through the courtesy of the Tavern League of Portage County. sa~ ordinance applies to but all . .~ ........................ ~----------------..;;;..1 public street. In Stevens Point, Tavern owners are cooperating the vast majority or arnsU are madeontbeSquvt'. Huckesaid. He explained that the large numbet' of people in the Square a rea .c:c:ount for the violations. Hucke said rnfon:ing the Ot· dinance isn't really a problem. "Students an pretty darn good," he Nid,a~tha tstaientsarm't the only ~iolaton. , , During quiet nights, one f~ ol(t«r patrola the Square .. part ~~~:==e: ~re, ht~-very fewstudenta ~":~S:~i ~;c:;e~e'!!n:UJ! ~.'i: :id. w with the police by p:~~tlng doonnen, he said. They will try to keep aJc:ohol inside the t.r, and u a result, save someone from arnst and the expense of a fine. Hucke w d some people were being arrested tOt hllc:hhiklrc on Cark St He ulled that practice very dangerous, especially a t n1&ht Hitd~nkins Ia legal only If the pnson is on the a.rb or sidewalk. Violators c:an face • m fine. .::~:e~t!w~~=~ kllledwhilewalklnsinthero~~dway. :,e.~:.~= ·~etr'~r ~o'?i: Special Section Stoffer$ toke a ride - pages 10 and I I Square Squoks • pages 12 and 13 Opinion-page 13 Raymond Kulaa. kpl.~mbt'l' 1• . ltTS Paae • Pointer One n1ght on th~ ~quare by Buell Barnefeldt . Glenda Melonandlherestofthe 'Pointer' staff. It was to be a nile to remember . Strange senutions rumbled thru my viscera , my palms were becoming slightly moist from anticipation and I wa lked unnaturally fast. My crotch Itched. The total sensation wasnotunlllle &ttfor'sBar Puff and Terry get carded at tilt door . FTOm the looks of the cr011'd lhueisareasonforclosecheckilli. Many staff en concur that somehow a lot of jailbait has found its way past the preponderate prtsen~;e s t the portal . Ma les a r e outnumbered by females by about 2:1. The music is awful - alternalillJ be tween bubblegwn and polka hit.. It was like a junior-high part)· in your parents basement. Points are 3Scentsandserved in plastic cups. Dtsplte it all , ever)'OOUetms to be harm lessly hav\111 a good timt . ~: t:~h ~~~d ~!\:'ncfo~ virginity . There we v.'ffe sitting in a college ghetto apartment making our plan or attack on none other than TilE SQUARE - Stevens Point's c rude answer to the Sunset Strip. The rest of the staff was sitting a round talking smart and s moking riff-cut tobacco out of a bamboo pole. l think they called it bombing. Ironically a James Bond nick was on the tube. It gave me the courage lneededtomakeit thf'OU&h the nite . All Ihadtodowas f'l layit cool like old '007' - )'1)U know , look relaxed and not talk too much. I was the chosen one. V.'hen the straws ~we drawn I came out on the short end and had to be the c hronicler of the nile 's ventun into the realms of · participatory )l>u:rnallsm . We ambled cardessly toward our destination . tlliit;:{ Th eOfflcelb r I r~.-u A sOrt .of uptown atmosphere with the best burgers available in to~n . crowd was reservtd and fairly well atti rtd - everyone sits at this t.avern, no leaning on the bar. They've got a patio In bac k they push as 1'he f)-ench Quarter' . Ron says lt.remindshimofthepatioat · Ourry·s.a bar in Anjong-ni , Korea . Thirty.fivecentsbuysyoua Point tap here \very coldl. A coke costs youtheumeanditinc\udes alotof I I ~n2. I~ •.. I , I -- - - I / I Huffy's Lamp - There'saline' toget intothis~­ The Jiltnt majority 's stompill& ground. You see a lot of frattrnity andVet~ahirtl . The crowd is having a good tiroe being j1.111t that. It looks lik e this, is the place to be a regular lf you rt Nut hlnf'a&cy The newest addition into the college-orientated downtown pub c\ub. Thisplaceusedtobecalled 'The _ Cozy' , which adequately deicnbesthed~ . Prices are slightly high with "ihorty" Points going fOf 30 cents. Cokes are 25 Ct)ltsandeasyon theice. illere '~ sawdust on the lloor. a good s tereo lyatem !free ) a nd a ~ern ~otlf includin& wrOUJtht · 1ron utensils and a wood s tove. The c rowdlsrtlaU velysedatefOf a downtown .tavern. in~~=~gf:w~~!-I know. I don' want them to blow iny co~er so I head acrou the street . TheBicMoonS.lI starttowonder lf thea lcoholil knockirc~f twai n cells faster thlll ~~:r£~w~d~:.~~::;•~~~ ~~~=tJy':~b~=~rt:c~r~ street for a n occasional bi t exercise between gulps . Unpretent iou s Is an un - derstatem~t. Burnouts abound. B«ause of my state of mind I feel ~fortable he~butoot e· thatU1is Gr:rtyandKay"t Closed. Ray got busted so much fortrustingminorsthathedoesn't even bother opening up nitts anymore . Too bad. Ray , complete withdimebeersandtrulyc:olor ful clientel, used to offe- the l ast glimpse at what the squa~ wu )"ea rs ago. ISoottheldndofpl~)-ouwantto start feeling too comfortable ln . Good sterto, some excellent folb andalotofspac:e c:adets. lt could be Ya-Ya c:ity if you Itt this plal!e bec:omeal\abit. Borsldsuggeststbe . word moribund. There's a giant ship noating aimleuly above I~ bar and I'm told the johns Wled to feature some Th\uarmony g~a lgraffiU . Grin an d Sea-It Crowded . People have got that 'meat-market' glint in their eyes. Eve-yone seems to be shopping. Double foosball tables jam you into a triple line at the bar. Everyone is watching the llide shGw\ike they wtte listening to a Jac:lde Vunon routine. I'm either getting bored or dnmk. Odd's Wow ! This place has &ot a bowling game. It sticks out like an Edsel afttt all the foosball tables we've seen tonite. Borski and Thums look like they're dancing wi th lhe jukebox. n.ns out they lost three dimes trying to he<l r Ronstadt's newsinale. 11leRJ11 Bame:feldt babbles about polka mlllic:anda~nvlnce:stherestof~ I U18rcton~JIII ', 1 Joe's 811" A shor-t visi t. Baseball teams and fritndsarecelebrali"' but f« some ruson their looks are .omewbat short of 'happy'. 1bere'n 'Hodag's are Horney' bumper stick« and a tot of post-beehive hairdo ladies. .;1 LDoks like a lot of people 01'1 tbe make here abo. Nlc:e front window. Good piSIIing view of the Friday nite zoo patrol. The only drapes on the square. .,_ J,.&;NY. !._, ... , ; ' - - - - - ,·~,(' .. .. - .. Ed . Note : At 1JIIt poi.al "'lde.Uy tbedrapesarepaJI"oa Bar.efelctt. ne rest Df 1Jie aartaUve Is eoatllltleilbyotbetlt.alfera. Tile Kluck Slop • tohlttheRitz . Offering a true picture of Stevens Pointatitlbest the plac:eremlnds you of a Polish wedding. ~e are rrienclly - howevu at least one woman is DOt pleued with Barneleldt 'a a ttemps at Poilu. Test oli n 1s told lha t "Polka Ia an art not to be scol'fed at:• « attempted by inebri atn. tile end ~ - - ..I~ I '\ I This place. uke an lncreaaing nt.rnber of ol.ber downtoWn ban, is undef"newmanagement. ltwasthe sc:ene last St. Patrick's day ol a kamikaze attempt Polish style. Kind of mmdane tonite. ,I /\ , .... -' t' /,. - ' \ ' ·' k.W.•~~oorr-,.,,75 Pare 11 Pointer Why d-o you go to the square? Interviews by Jill Unverzagt PhoiO by Jim Tenvb years that's usedtogoto the music but outgrown that now. time anymore because work." Mary Kobllek • cook ai D;ebot ~P&er " l haven't been to the square yet this year but I did go there when I was visiting last year. · I ' ve been too busy with homework and wing-parties . When I was down ~· 1 had fun talking to ~ople . I' ll · probably be going down there when I don't have so much work to do." · Ann GalJ.frabman majoring elemtntary edue.tUon ~· t go to the square because the~'s nothing else to do. It's habit-forming. I've been going lc! the square for four yean now and. I do get sick of it. I usually go to the YAcht Oub and just sit there." Hllcly Nehop • unlor In down ~-.,. ia " I ustdtogo to the aquaceilot and, have a pretty good time. t don I go there much anymore beeause I've got alot of studying to do. I've also gotten engaged and have better lhlnp to do." K~ren Pagel · senior maorinJ In poUttu l sc:jenc ., much at all lived far away. going lher'e but I parties. I'm living to the square this year so maybe I 'll be going there more olten." Tom Hyland . junior majoring In blotogy Mullarkey Genevieve Bukowski • cook at Debol Ct:Dkr " It's the place In Stevens Point where people sociali.t.e. lt'a the big place around Point. I personally don' t hit the square very oRenjust when I feel like lt. In the dorms, 1 think people are forced to go to the square but I WGUid rather go to parties at the homes of my friends.'' Jalla Ooh erty -10pbmore majoring ln socio)IOJY Out of the F KnT)' Crai& wu a k"eshman at C:SU when be met Diet Schi"'tdtr and the two, alq with a aullar player, began playing bluqrass around Fort CoiUna. Tbe ar~ kept -....expandil\1 and chl.lllirc unlil tht prt:lftll UPH! p of five memben; wa1 establilhtd. Today Monroe Doctrine is well known from Colorado east l.o Ohio. 1bey ha~e played In clut. and universities throu.ahout themld-westd\rinalhe put couple ol yean. Quite a swittb from the early d.lysol Holiday Inns in Fort Coi.Una. Fort Collins is sup por ted primar\1}"-b)) lht Kodak plant a~ ColoradoSlateUniversity. ]t WUID a history dau at CSU that two memtben of a local biUieJI'U.S band then railed ''T1le Country Blue · Boys" came up with the name " Monroe Doctrine" . ltwudurl.acthoeeeariydaytlhat ·Stne RMdtried bltchhilted to Fort C»llins from Madl10n to see his old friend Dicit Schroeder. t..ndfried WUIO lmprt:Ued b)' the IITCIUP that \ . ·' OZARK MOUNTAIN DAREDEVIlS BACKED UP BY DAN~Y. ~ AT QUANDT GYM UWSP SEPT. 24 8:00P.M. . TrCKETS: $3.50 UWSP STUDENT ADVANCE $4.50 NON-STUDENT ADVANCE $5.00 DAY OF PERFORMANCE ADVANCE TICKET SALES- STEVENS POINT -« UNIVEfiSITY INFORMATION DESK . " ALLEN CENTER " DEBOT CENTER -> WESTENBERGER'S . he returned to Madison and llnfd up -,r,:uet!r: ~r r.~;,::so: bualneJI manaaer . S.ya Land· fried ,"People who had never hr:ard bluearua bef ore thouah t th~: combination of lnltrumenta was inlerestifW ." . .••" p ~ • o and info ·the Point money you can spend leu time on the road.'' So far that hu worked in justtheoppoalteforMonroe ~­ trine. !bey have become more popular and find themsdva on lhe road more. Eric Cta pton'l " Wlly Doa Love Ha ve to bf, So Sad?" with thei r peadiar arnnc:ement. "When we do a tr~ditional blutaraa number •-e try to c:twlnge II a bit 10 thllt Oespitetheheavy~na tbe: people will be tble to recog:niu: It 11 Monroe Doctrine mUiic:. M we ~lt.e mw-e and more originll ma !trial we are developina a I~P has not Jlagnated. They I:OIItinue to arow muai.::al ly u new members are added and 11 members mature u mlllldans and SGaJ writers. lndividuall o1 dlffere~t musical bac:tgrounds and ~y les bl~ lolelbft' to fonn what ~~~ disWJctive Monroe ~~~c~~~-·~e ro:~'~f:' bo'll' ~r~t It Is to take a rod: and roll sona and do it with bluqrau lnttr ument.s. An uprlabt ban donn'tM.velheelfectofltlelf!Ctric one. A INindol ln can not l"ttCCNNte like an d«tric pi tar. We bave Mod to develoo our own JOUnd." It doesri'tappe.r ••lhou&h all the Ume spent oa lbt ro.d haa affected the eroup's ability to be cruUve and innovative. " We're doina: 50 percent dilftf'ml material than we Today the 11'"'4» is ttill based 1D Colorado but they spead les and lesl ume lhere: • tbek popularl.ty ln· (nasa. They're onl)"lble to spend about three months at borne with the r81 ol the time betncspent on the road. The corwta.nt ODHU&bllers an! strenUOUI but not unbearable. weredolnc a month aao,"conllnues Chi&, " that Ia In j*rt due to the addition ol Rex and his Ideas Into the musk. Whenever there Is a c:hanp II afrecta tbe millie but we have always continued 1o wort on " Welllle tobeliefttbemyth,"sald Sdlroedrr, " that •• you beccme more popul.aT and make DIOfe .new matm.l." Crail ac:ll u :t:e;:;: ~~~tie.:i"'ifr;'!ta::: =~ ::r:z:.~~= mandoUn to the JI'CIUP u well as some contempor.ry sonaa 1nd ThatiOUnd, K'COI'dini to Crq, is the a ppllutlon of tradltloaal ~uqrass i111tnunenta to a mere .::on temporary mutlc. On thei r album they do the old eaUes· IOn& "'Ao1th Love From Me to You " and arranaements. Dick Sc:b.Toeder llrltes ,pl.t:ys bujo, and sinas. Sc.broeder learned to lire c:ounlf}' In bls~dayslinainalnmore ruralarus. " When ranchers woWd ::,~ ~~tYJei:'.'U~~ and uy 'do country western' you did it real fast." From lhb nlldeul has come the Monroe Doctrine ....... ~ The &roup hOpes to r««d a neW album in the near fut ure but II 11 difficult to find enGU8h time to aet It done. As for tbe fut ure, Oaia uys, " My&oal is to get ll&oodas we.::an as Monroe Ool:trine. K«op In· teantl ng more .::ontemponry must.: Into our t tuff through our own writinJ and other 101111 and ll~ working on perfecting the Monroe Qoc:trlne IOUnd." Whpt good Is It? brDrnnis Breitzman,.... Thinking .o f Tomorrow Tomorro~ River Is a ~rkJing blue ribbon of wa ttt that The twists its way throu&h central \\~tJConsin , riully mera:in& w\tb the Waupaca and Crystal river systems. It is a picturesque ri~. sopriffiitiveinspotslhatapersor! walking along Its banks fully expects to~ th at Hamm 's Be« man and his bear come rambling round the nex t benc1. 1n lhe sprtns of t97t It wu proposed by the Department of Natural Resourcts (ONR) that approximately fifty mUtt of the Tomorro.,•; be chemically treated for the remo ..·al of rough fi sh. primar ily carp. After a summer?£ protests and legal battles. ending'"· lhestateSIJ preme Court, the DN_R was given the 10 ahead. and m September ,the treatment began. The .river , includin& ever y tributary from Nelsonville pond to the dam at Wey auwega, was flushed with antlmyacln, a powerlul poison prepared from a species of fungus . E~ryfishlnthi.lstretchof the river , neept some trout and a few otbef' species sah•aged by lhe DNR before the tnoatment, was killed . Some people . praised the tnatment program, catlin& It Jood fisfl man a·aemenl and st r eam reha bilita tion . Others called it poUutionofthe ...,wstltind ,ancl the murderofan«G~ystem . · What I set out to do with this report was to find oUt what the river Is like today , and determine ~rr notthetreatmentwasa; What I found Is, althqh the treatment Is over and the river has cha naed. the lsaues a re the same today as they were in IIJ71. Some people feel we are obliaated to manage our pubUc waters for the bmefit of the fisherman , while others are of the opinion lhatwe should know enough by now to be managiq the entire ecwystem , not jl,ast the pme species. To explOre the lattef' point of view, I visited a lectl:lre and revie'ftd the papers of Pr. George Becker . bioiOJist and CUrator or Fis hes at this university . Dr . Becker did hd Pbd . work 011 the Tomorrow, owned Pl:opef'ly a1ona the river. and was a leader of1he oppoaitioa to the chemical treat- mf,~:=;j':;,, Or. B«kef.. with the aid of his students, has been canch.cti• a yearly survey of the fish in two sections of the Tomon-ow Ri~~ · Becker pointed out that bdore the trealmenl, sb:ty«~e species ot·ra h had been found in the ri ver.nlisismorelhanhallolallol the types of fish found In WIKonJin. ~~nr~ba:eJ~:?a ::C,;w~ ecoiOSY is that stability is foooci In divenity. Soitlftfmlhatwith aq n:treme spedes ... diversity, the TomorTOW river was a healthy, nat u ral l)'ltem before it1 reb.lbilltat.lon. Not all of the 1b:ty--one species reeo'Yered after the treatment . At leastfourspeciesinonelocatlon, and five In the other, have not reappeared, and seve ral other species seem to be slippina. 1 teamed a few other rather dilconcertlog facts from Dr . Becker . For one thing, the DNR did not even do a proper survey oa the river before decidin& to poi10n it. Mr. Zimmerman told me that the :t~~ :::r~:'~~~~~~~~= he in vited me to Ia& along the next day when they went out to shock the stream . The next day found me ll01hlng around in the Tomorrow Rive-r nea r Nelsonville, witnessing the fiah census for myself. Despite hl&h. fast and muddy walef' due to btavy rains, it didn't tt.ke and I wu ~l:t~~~y~e~e~~~~-= the program was Initiated. .,!:S ~!~a~:!,:~~~~~t~ the rtvft' , the areater redhone aucite'r , has since been put on the mdangeredspecieslist. Utewise, a populati011 of western sand darters , the only known popul~lhis apecies in the Great Laies drainqe, wu presumably JOlt to the poilon. The praence or both 01 t11ese populations had been brouJht to the a ttention of the DNR before the treatment began. Finally, I found out from Dr. Becker that, even thouJh the DNR had attempted to save the trout present in the rivt!'by lraosporting them to hatcheries where they were stored until after the treatment, it halbeenesUmatedthat as manyu five thousand trout were ldlled by the antimyadn. Some estimates co u high as elaht thousand. ARer leavln& Dr . Becker'• lecture, I hunted through the library trying to lind the post-treatment ~of the DNR. I _could find Ions. convi~that,inthemindloftrout fishermen and fis~ manaaera, the program would~ considered a · success. The lrout wer-e numerout, al though not overwhelming, and in fo~ c;:t~~i~~~ot~a~:'t::d rumors that they had reappeared In lhelai'Jtrpondathefirstyearafter treatment.AJso,anwnberof yOirll trout were captw--ed, indicating that na tural reproduction i1 taklna place. 1 1upposethepartofthe1urvey thatdisappointedmem01twu the fact that only trout were consldt_red.a ll other flsh ignored. The fee:hn& prevailed that the minnow• r!d~::f,:;~~~:~·~c them . • Th inking alona thil line, 1 remtmber a quote from the euaya of Aldo Leopold , the fa ther of modern ga me manaaerilent. From the library I went to tbe telephone. I contacted Mr . Jack Zimmerman , the area fish manager, located In Witconsln Rapids. Mr. Zimmft'man wa• very CflelperaUve, 1nd ~me that foUOW upi41rveys hadbeendone. He saidthalaspot.cbeckru.d been done In 1!12,acompletesurveyin 1973, and 11 just 10 happened that another survey is belna conducted at the =~:~ii'!c;:!!~~.:'~:e':f centuryisnottelevilion,orradio, but rather the complexity of the land organism . Only tboae who =.:~::!le 1~~!:U:/t 1 The laat word in lanorance Is the man who 11)'1 of an anima l or . pl~~~:e~W:i:t~ :.~r -~orun 1 ~ th"rouah m y tryi ngtoseethe ai tu.atlonfrombolh pointsofview , l caneasllyuewhy the controversy over the TomOI"TTW ru ver program 1UII exlata. The program seem• to have been a 111«ess as far a1 the majority of trout fisherman I tt. lked to were concerned , and ' a• a disutef' to mostnaturallla. In a ll honesty I must openly admit that, even tbou&h I enjoy trout nahlna, 1 find myaelt agreeing with the naturallm. I wondft' I! we can. at thlsstaaeof the1ame, alford to continue to manipulate the environment for our own pleasure, and to sim ply remove those elementa which we doa 't . nnd desirable. I am reminded of a paper' entitled " A Filh Eye's View of EcoiOI)' ", by Dr. Arthur , Hulft', a' briUlant limnoiOiist at the Univenlty of Wlaconsln . Dr;. Huler uy1, " Whatever. the c:a1.11e, we should unite In correctlna tbe view lhat chemlc:als alone can solve our. probl e ma . Eco1y1lema are too complex to 111ume that a null&nce or1anism can be mana1ed b)' pourina on a chemical. Thl• li m· pli1Uc solution ol aa ec01ystem protMemisuntenable. " At lhe same lime, I think It Is all tooea1yfo.:: 1M! to1ltbackand blame :~e~~ n!:rm~:r11 iolof~~~ and public aaency that , J m!Mit follow lhe dictate of the people. Therefore, If the dedaionJ Clltnntly ~n1 made are not U.. COI'Tect ones, It II up to IMI, the public, to make our voices heard. Maybe I have Jtuyed a ·lone WIY from the Tomon-ow River luue, but I doa 't thi nk ao, because it Ia bla« than that. Wha t, 1 am uytnc !1, make up your mind a1 to where you Rand on these luues, and then aet involved. To quote Dr, Becker : · ~ ii no aec:ond chance . ~ Ia no other alt.ernat.lve." ~lleve, STEVENS .POINT AREA FOOD CO-OPERATIVE IS ALIVE AND. WELL THURS.-FRI. 12-8 SAT. 10-4 Rumor hu it that Danid Traintr, Dean of the College of Naturl! ResolftHat UWSP is among those candicbtn beirc consideml as secfftaryolthe Slate. Dtpt . of Natunl Resources . Lester P . Voight who wat ousted from his position as head of the DNR last Mar . because of management diffH:ultin , wiUbes~b)' oneoffourtoslxfinalundidates. lnaStevensPotnt Journal In· te~iewOI!anTrainerdescribedthe job u "a real interesting op· pcwtunity .. and admitted that his "name is in the hat", but has declined to make any com· mittmentson whether he'd talle the joboc-notifitwasoffered . WE CARRY WHOLESOME NATURAL FOODS, TE/jS, HERBS, BULK FOODS, CHEESE, ETC. CORNER PATCH & WELSBY 2501 WELSBY 341-1555 r in sterea . Earn Extra Money Employment For One JV!onth Potato Harvest · Male and Female No Age Limitation · Transportation Available 4:00P.M. to 8:00P.M. 344·6524 PARAMOUNT FARMS, INC. P.O. BOX 92 STEVENS POINT, WIS.- 54481 You'D be glad you've got a llllilg BOot tlisgood ••• ~ What's P•olnll OIIlllltd•tlgned 1nc1 ca~•h.llly conwudtc~ lor-~c~ QUQN-QUON??? lnoJ-hlluong ..lfl ......... ;:'!:: O:t~l 12£,~:':i 1 it •s new, it's at ~he ~ivenit) store S.I&. II(0) ..1f.W(EE).I5. pottery! · • it '• ,,.,dural ciay. glazed, .and with ar ---- f W l'th0U t pia n ts UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY STORE CENTER· · 1715)346-lQI 20~/o OFF .All Bibs and Dungarees This Week \lnly MAIN STREET MEN'S WEAR OOWMTOWM STEVENS PIIIIT SAVE 30% TO .50% ON · CAMPING GEAR AND ·DOWN CLOTHING · MAKE THEM YOURSELF FROM PRE-CUT KITS! FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE · ARTS-& CRAFTS CENTER· LOWER LEVEL - U.C. by Who are those guys? ...-n ROIIdy ibe life of •loac liltaoee r'\ldMI' =e:J!!:'!:u!"! g:.~~(J ouadoan • but what about the physical torture! What mak es someooe want to tDI:hre so mud! tem~inalywmKt:SUry" hard work! To &ct the answen to these, and :.:=ke": =an~::~ Don Buntman a bout their fed inp CUIHnlina m::u-country n.minJ. Amiot added that he will have hit ~:;C:{!hc!~ ~~~e~!'!!s,Wr;t!..ou:! the month, beca~~~e, u be saki, "I don'tthinkit'triahtto bumtbekicb out ript IWiy. They miaht n1n a few good uces at first , but in the long run they'll ti re out . t believe In ~s~ .!ces~. n:~::u=!in~ :J tung ca pacity." 0 1 He takH the ~earn out to Standin& Zabanke u.id he' rul'll •imply .. Rock5 Park to n1n the hills once 1 b«ause "I ;..t like to run." AI far week, sinc-e many of the away m~ts are held on COUZ"5ee wi th frequent ind inet. Beside that, out of btd and · run four m iles." r unnina hills il an ex.efllent conBuntman added that runnlna with ditioner foi an)' ol' kind of athlete. IOffleofle in the momlng m..de it Coac h Amiot sees it as a grea t betler. '' We've become a da&e· ad \·antqe cw.ching both o...u· knitbunc h runn ing toge ther so country -and truk. This way, he explaint!d, he can cO«'dinate the muc:h," said Buntnwa. ZaborskealldBunlnwlrunmcn falls()onassortofa~teto for ruscw. of enjoyment and sdf track in the sprif18 . His nmners utilfactlon, rather th a n good from the crou<OUntry tum come to track practice p~ beca~~~e health. Good hea lth a nd physkal l'itnHa an a bonut, instead of bd~ they have an idea of bow Coach a mai n g011l like it is for most Amiot wa nts them to tra in , runners and m~ _Amiot figured that the kleal build Knowing how p eo pl e take for a distance runner is & n. I ln•. pleasure in huslirc iaf1e pad:s of t&Oibs. More importantly, thou&h. crou-countl')' runners, 1 asked Rich he felt that grHt desi re and if lbis so.-t of abuse bothen: him. motivation are the key ingredients "'No, I'm IIHd to it," was bit reply. 1n a good runner's emotional malr.~· A crou-country race is just what up. it IOUndl like. ~nding on the Coach Amiot Indicated he Is rumber of teams compel!na, )'0'1 lookil18 forward to Saturday's meet wi ll uauallyseealarsema u orwlry at Whitewat~ . '" A(ter that! abould have a good 1dta or who can go out bodies line up at the sta r ling lint. ~n thegun firts,a largewaveof and r un qnder press ure ," he chw-l'ling anns and It~~ shoot spea~lated. fonr.•ard toward the fint tum. Last yea r 's team was strq, 11lft"e Is a set route to follow of takinglnd in the conftffnee meet , rourse t marktrS are po1ted' at 2nd in the district competition, and points alona: theCO!.UW I Over hills 17th in the nationals IN AJA ). t'rftQ, bridcel and r~ terTain' The Pointers were up against they co: thei r n'uhy sa tin uniforms some excellant oppolition, like UW· in sharp contrast with nature's Madilon, Chlcq:o Track Club and comparatively mod est hues . A Olhers . This ye~ r ·s sc~ule IOQks as the early morning workouts co. he said, "JI'Itoughtodra&yourwlf rJvc:':tl'!.~t , by the way, is I asked Co.ch Don Amiot how he C'OOichethis team. He said that his hanitr~ a re $UppCIRd to run five mila on their own in the rnomin& l ~tU• lbei r own pa~ l and l- t2 miles at tbe daily wotlt~t. ~~d£~;~~l~~ but word is UWSP ba.J improved overtastyeard ~toastronagrou~bl' incomin& frelhmm. La er- s c hampionship . team has every member retum1 • . Ev idently , other people are A breakdown in the defensive le'CODdarycOitthePoint« football team a big win last Saturday . u they lOll to lt'74 w .s.u .c . Cocha mpion Wh itew ater a t Georte Pa~~,'~~k qua rterba ck, Ric k Murphey, threw two ~a u ti ful touchdown passe~ . 'l1le f1nt ca me wilb one second ldt on the doc:k , In the fir5l half. Murphy lolled the paN to spUt end Ron Mallory wbo was aU alone aft« a mix up in the J«Gnda,ry. The play covered 31 • aware of the Polnten' potential: ~rAh;:!:!:~~;:by~~~; returnin& lettermen lncll.de : Oc.l Buntman of Green Bay, Rich Zaborske a nd AI Gamroth of Mllwaukee, Joe You• ol Vesper !former "-11. Rapids standout! , John FUsinatto of ~. OJ ., Milte Simon of Hudlon a nd Stu Pule or Amherst Junctkln . Arnie Benson or fairc hild, Mike Demb r w1ki of Oconto , and Paul Nie haus or Ma rshfield also retum to bolster --· The new frtshmeft brine some Impressive credentials in with th em . Dan Buntmao , younge r brother of Don, took 11th last year atlhe s tatea-ou-country meet. and ya rds and made the ICCII"e IW . The Pointers ntvft' fully reccwt«d. 0:~!:7qh~!~n:;rhar:::i.!d T.D. pautoclinch the win. The Pointers did have IOITie briJht spots. though. On defense , middle linebacker, Joe BerJhlua startina only his recond game a t ttis J*ilioo, looked like a seasoned veteran. Cc:Jmerback AI Drake also tlad a fine pme in'ercept irc two ....... was sta te c: hampioo in the sao yard run. Newcomer Mark J oh1110n of Mahomet, W., took second in lhe mile run and third in the two mile evmtatlastsprirc's Illinois state track meet. Rk h Kellog o1 Green Bay placed a mong the top 20 at the lu t state a-ou-countl')' meet. Mark Sc:bol.1 of Grttham , was Wisconsin'smlleand two mile track champion for small tc: hooh last year. AccordJna to Amiot , tJUsyear's bigsurprisecould be diminutive Jay Sch-lckle from Marshfield Col umbus. 'l'lo·o home meets are slated for tbe Pointers. on September 20 and 2'1, with· a ll home meets bttlnnlng at II a .m. at the WisConsin River Cou ntryOub. On offense, J im Beter , sla rt ln& his fi rst pme, ca uaht live passa; for f7 yards and a touchdown . The n.ashi na pme a lso showed 11gns of Im prove ment. On the Pointers s.ecol)d touchdown dri ve, Da le Fleury, J oe Pllecky , and Reed Giordana ga ined SJ ya rds before Gio rd a na hit Bill Newhouse crouinJ OVff the middle for the touchdown . The Polnten travel to De Pert to take on St . Norberts In a non· conference pme. Swlmmlns : ~' ive r et urn ing swimmen form the nucla~! of the 'II'Offien's varsi ty swim team, which ope ns its Je11111n Wednesday, September 24. at lJW-oshkc.h. L.ynn Blair , coach ol the men 's team for lhe last tO years, is also C'0.1ch ol the women's team this year. Who are those girls,? -, Elai~ 5ache ln case you are wondning what lh~airlsnredoinaonlheinsldeof 1 =yi~;~·~alkf'r ii-J~~~~~- F'ield hockey Is a n utremdy vi&orous aame pl.1yed by el~·ea peopleonafootball-tiudfield. lt is a fast movin& aame much like soe«r, but the equipment used is different . lnltead of the Jarae ch«kered ball assoda tf'd with soccer, the team memben ~ae a stkksimilartoan Ice hockey stick ~ ~~e~~~ ~~t!~:;~·~: equipment, they try to move the ball and score in much the same way one would In SO«et'. Howevl!!'. there is no body contKt and the ball cannot be played off of an In· dividu.al. The girls wear klltland lhirll, in colors, foe' a uniform . Very lltlle proteclivuquipmftllla worn. Some ~~"~t,:~-~~;:s' ~rerm~~ inhibitmovement. lno.ll ,itmakes fiK a fut , exdtlng game. Thls yea rthef-eare twttltygi rls out !Of' field hockey. Only . ~Ieven ol these girls wm ever play 1n sny one game, excq:K in cue c1 Ml injury, because no substitutions a re allowed. Retumint letter win!Wfs, from a team which went 17-3-1 last ~ a re B«ky Sc:hatzb, Mary Etnott, Karen Snydn', Kris LabuUIIe, Dl!e . Simon. caru Hill , Sbrila 9\oulden and SUe Brogurd . Kart~~ Snydn-, a junior &otlkeeper from Drud Hill , Pennsylvania, is the leading retl.ll'l'lee. Snyder was claen to the North Central Sectional team lut yea r and played at the Nationa l Tournam,ent. 'Jbe UWSP field hockey IUrta Ita foiJl"teftt pme ~ehedule Saturday, September 20, aslinlt UW· M.atbon and UW-Piatteville at Madl1011. They mum borne for a pme asainst the Fox River Valley Qub at noon on September 21. \'oll ey bat t : Th e Pointer \'olleyball team also lra\•ds to MadtsonooSaturday F'oor teams tU W·MOOison, UW·MilwaWcee and UWSPI .,..ill play ina rNKI robin meet . Mar y Jo Mullen is the new head coac h for vo ll eyball . Prolpe<:ts look· good 'lli th four lettc.-....·iM~rs !e!~ ~n g . girls ha \·eneverplayedfield~key before joining lhe UWSP team and then· ability to learn the gnme and tov:~llatit . isfantastic . If you are looking for an exciting time, come out and watch the UWSP Women's field hockey team . It's well-...-orth the effort and the girls would enjoy ha ving the spectators . And it"s F'REE ! Tmb te Te nn is: t' r ee lesso ns coached by members ol the Sle,•ens Point table tennis c lub every Wednesday and f"riday from l-5pm In the Univers ity Center Games Soccer byPtlt:r~ rd September 7 marked the opening ol the UWSP Soccer season. nus Year's squad enjoys the necessa ry advantage of a well-organized program-due in no small part to the enthusiastic attitude and IU pport of Diek Hack , Point 's new In · tramuralsdirKtor. Pla)'ina in front of an ' 'Uiuslon goalie". Point made good on five occasions . llead coaeh Dave G•rrett rmt.ained conc-erned even though his talented gentlemen ~~:~· ~~~::~e~h~~ scdrdess. Gan-elt suqested that the fullbllck aod rnidfidd lines were "somewhat lackina" in regard to movements C1*'dinating their about the raeld. "'Then: needs to be more communication among all the players." " H.1ving one" for the Pointers Wft"e : Marlr: Stoiber, Etane Sarwe, an old sty~ player; and Jim Cocallas,altet"he took a breakaway pau from Mike Fer"O. Rlc:h Ltmke had 2 goals. one a free kick, the other real. Mr. Garrett extends his personal and penonable invltaUon to the stuclent.s and faculty for attendance and support at home games. The next game will be Sunday September 21, against Michiaan 't«h. at :Z p.m. on the varalty baseball diamond . .... t-l tld hockey: The women's field hockey team . coached by Nancy Page. tra\·els to UW·Madlson for two games on Sat.urday , September 3l l UWSP will play UW·Madl10n and UW-Piatteville l. Sunday the ~~:,m~a\rl; ~uhbo,.~:~~~':~ ~r!e~~ on Colemon Field. Tilereare eight returning letter winners from last yea r 's squad . ll()()f1 Room."'"" Sports Shorts r Teonil : The women's tennis team und er new head coach , Rosy _ Taylor. wlll host UW-Milwaukee and UW-Eau Caire In a double-dual meet Jtartin& at I pm, Saturday on the campus courts. lbere are four women from lui year's vanity team backth.isseuon. Saturday, Sept. 20, the Pointen will ·~ an open croa COWitry meet at the Wi~eonsln River Cowltry Oub. BeainnU. at lt am , four lepU'IIte 8J"«<PI will nm the toWW. An 11-25 ase divlllon, a:z.35 1 ~~·~jd~ora:'en"."!u~ ! ;~e!t~~wi~be~~- A ~ tling : Allmeninterestedin ing who did not attend the or g italional meeU ng, contact John Munson in room 113or cali:M&- "'''· The Central WI.ICOf'llln Flyers Boo&tet" Cub will bold Ita fint Annua l Flyers Welcome Back Dance Friday, Septembu 19th a t the American Lealon in Stevens Point. Slrie:Uy Country will be providin& live ~tertainment from I to 12:30 .... Refreshments will be anil•ble. ncket.s are bein& sold by al l Boo&ter0ubMembers forf1.50or call Cleryll West •t 344-13111. ............ ~ta~:rhi~·~~~':tt.~ good. Only fotr Also. the girls are ~thusiastic and ha\·e improved 0\"er la~t year. She feels that they can equal or better lnt season"s i'«<fd. Many of the Bowllnt : The Cllm~ Bowllna Leq:ue ls opm to all UWSP Sludmts, Fac:ul ty tand spouses ). Bowling is at the POint Bowl on M~day, Wednelday, or Thursday, startin& at 4:30p.m . The first afternoon or bowling will be Sept . 29. October 1. or 2. dependifll upon which day of the 'II'C!ek you choose. Cllr pools will be set up. Sifll up by Sept. 22at the Student Acttvlties Office in the University Centet". StirU'rl Wft"e JOlt: SOUTH POINT BEER & LIQUOR 2100o.:HURCHJT., HWY. 51SOU'Tlf, nEVE NII'OIHT OPEN DAIL Y TIL 9: 00P.M. • !loy Ttaa SU.Wvu, Rudy Wlevd, •DCI M!ke l.l t.Hraa . . By way ol introducttoo, we are ~~,!~t~cu~t: each week's Nittional Football lnpe laJntl wW. be. Thb wiU bOt bean easy la.sk, becauaeaone olus •ctually know anythina: more about pro football llWI you do. BALTIMORE OVER CHICAGO · 8oth ol these teams are now 1n their tlth yearofrtbullclin&. Neitherone oflhtrnahou.Jdaetmore than 100 ~~bl~a=::~~=e~: :oo:,d ~u!lr:~'"':: :=dtt:~o{!,~!u~~Y~:r ~~lhe 'n!cti:r~ ~~'=I ~=~t:libeen in penalties. WeteetheOJIUby:Sin a thriller. ~~y~.~~h~[~:.~~~~ H OUSTON OVER NEW ENGUND · Last season, the Oilers On.ished llnq: and the Plltriota nnished period. We11 t•ke the Oilers by 4 since they haven'llolt any reauiar season a.ames yet. 1uesa!D& on the outcomes o1 pn1 footbaD aaml!l ror· the put five '.'IICC~r•cy. Never, in 01r entire history, have we misft.lld the schedule. Never. We alwa,. have the~teanuplayingeacll "'""· ct Unfort~natdy . that's about aa far as our acc~racy potential ~Qet . We are DOl too IWirt when it coml!l to pk:Jdnc winning teltftJ or, for that mattn- ,l01ln1 team~ . Some weeks, we aee a lot of tbe cune. rllbt. Other times, we1tt • bunch of them 111Ton1. It will be )'OW" job, ahl)ljd you aC'Cqlt the aaigprnent or rudinc 01r column e:w:ey week. to fi11n out wbm we're &ivinc you our beat choices and when we're liYift& J0U a bwn $leer . Laat yur, the Superplchn slum pedblcly. We had an attw-acy •venae of about 10 per cent. J1151 PITTSBURGH O VER SAN DIEGO .. The last time lbe SM Diego O.araen were iD a Super Bowl , Gtorae Wa ll ace was president of the United StatC!I. We11 JivelheSCeetencredit for a "bye" lhil week. fttUblqb by ll. OAKLAND OVER M.IAMI • The Monday Nlghler . £\lery time we • talte the Raiders in lbeir openlna ::=.err:.! ~n:~~ ~d h~ from Antl&o, WI.KOalin beat us with • 75 pes- cent. We know, b«ause he t~ua . " Tbis~Ua«~, ow- number one goal is to Oniah ahead of the Jdd. f'ort~.aatdy , tbe Nn.lldltdule malrrrs 1ave 111 an eaa,- nne weet to wort with. Wereai.Jybellevewe'regonna ~ =:!.1!ttt:firSt0:WMt~ GREEN BAY OVER DETROIT • rtStan-wiUfindawaytoknock 01 the Uona . He ... touch 011 them r u a player <u wu Hawa HanDerl and Detroit II DO better offnowtban ~k~~~p.~'~= ndd crowd wiU make the dlf· ftf'me'e. Paleke'aby 7. LOS ANGELES OVER DA,I.J..AS • MOlt people wou.Jdtend totaltethe Rams in this one, and we're not ~bo~' ':':t:om~~YU:Cen;!'~ with ill multiple foat~~tlona Mould put the Kama in excellent field position •11 arternoon. l..oJ AntJ;eiC!I by 17. Sf. Ld'UlS OVER ATLANTA • TheCiniinaltshould'lrinthilonelf they_...c;an 1teep Lou Brock and Ted Simmons healthy. We figure the FatCOIUI w!U .be mathem•tlcally eliminated rrom the pi•)"'lf• in • month or 10. St. Louia by 14. .Q REDSK I NS OVER NEW OR.LEANS • We nipped a cola for th il game •nd It came out wtth the Saints winnlna . Natur•lly we nipped •a•lnuntll ltcuneout right . Skl.nabyl7. So th•t't the way the Super· pickers tee NFL WEEK ONE. By the way, CU"aae, the all-knowina, all«dnj: IOolhlayinJ saae from Saudi Arabia will alto be on hand thityear to alve the Sllperplckers East. 10me •dvlce from the Far Carnac'a record for 1174 wu • spukllnaiiH>-tuhe~melnwlth all8.73 . camac is still in • raae ovn''mluia&" ooe g.a.me Jut year . He precticted a 8rQn(o uplet over fttltburah and the two team• Ued. · Camtc clalma he never mltaed a a•me In the past twenty years and was hi&hly lrlted when we let the ~J~~~-hat he had to settle for ... ~ JETS OVER BUFFALO · A real dandy heh. Namath loves to pau, and mott of Buffalo'• tt.artlna defensive bllcldleld is racked up already, simply because two ol their all-pro~ totalled themsdYC!I while crabbing interceptklns. On the other hand. O.J . loves to run , •nd the Jet cSefente hal been known to watdl a lot of extra-point •t· temptl. New York by • · • To Itt back at 111, Camac wrote hit first week'1 predictions In ~?t' ~ FOOTBALL Point vs. St. Notben's {T) Sa turday, Septembe< 20, 1<30 p.m. for •If of CBntr•l Wisconsin 103.3 FM ~~~~~emh:;::, our headquartnt Jut month. We !~ct!/!V: ::!t :i:f!t ~~t!~:' how the lhelk did. Judstaa by his past performt.nCft, we think It's safe to uy t.he turban terTot will be 13-G aner Week One il OYft" . CAMPUS·BOWLERS Enter a team in one of our FUN·FilLED campus leagues NOW • 3 to a team·alt teams handicapped. O'l. WI8S in steree ......... ---·--103.3 FM ~ PHILADELPHIAOVERGIA!Im; Gi~~~~~l.J7Y~~r',or.;!~ '::"c!t": lhrir tlartina pl•yen h"om last season seem healthy. Crail Morton c•n expecl many visltJ from Bill ~ey and his pals. Eqles by 10. aeasong.ame (whiehisevery yearl, the "silver •nd black" lose and m•Jte us look like foolt. FortWlltdy for us, they'replayin& the Dolphlna wtaoaremfuina:key "no~es " and Nf'L defector-a. The Raiders, a ~ Bowlehoic:rolOir"lri&ht now. will win by 20bi& Ol"IC!I . POINTER ~xc/u sir c /J" . 103.3 FM • Your choice of daysMon.·Wed. or Thurs. at 4:45 • Trophies & special awards • Information and s lgn·up sheet at the STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE IN THE UNIVERSITY CENTER Symphony Review by K~:At A. dDn not onen Jet to bear a botn sololat perform with a major or· ' chestra - orwlthanyorcbestra-u often aa, aay, vlolln,IJta, due to the inherent treacheries of the In· atr um ~:nt , makloa amooth execution of any exteaslve work difficult , to aay the leut . The Una! .election was Beethoven'• Third Sym phony. Their performance sfM»red- that they could play Beetbovm aa well u any other symp~y around. This wo r k was written by Beethoven before he went deaf. It renects the thou&hts of a happy, pl ~:ased young mu, The a.ud.ience was evidently pl~:asedu well, and indicated their ·ecstaUc 1tate bet· y,.oeeneachmoveme)tollheplece. At any rate, both on:heslta and audience fared well. We shall be looking forward to the return ol thi1 accomplished symphony orcheatra . Pd~d _ lt'a too bad that the Milwaukee Symphony didn't play loa full bouse l"uesday night. The program the orchestra presented in the Quandt • Music Uall was well v.oortb the wblle of anyone • it wu pleulng and easily understandable. '--------------'-.../ oJ'o~!t·!P~~elg~~:O~·~ One couldnl h~:ip · but be aware , instanUyoftbevtrtuoeic calibre of the orcheatn . Th~:y maintained themselves well under the direction of John Covelli . As far u sound goes,itwassuperbconslderlngtbe poor conditions. The blend was excellent and close attention was paid to every miml&e detail - neither note or nuance of any degree was missed, mulling in a 1rand opener forthestartofourconcertsea.son . Homlst Paul T~:rvelt was the featured soloist who performed lhe StTauss Hom Concerto No. 1. Mr. • Tervelt and the orchestra llrned In ~=~ ~! :!~~u:;:c~ Tll.blllhbi::J!IIII,.nruare.liew~fw asolldperformanceofthls~:arly, 'Artl alld Ll!~ .. rn u d .U.er mukal - yet gorgeous.'Stuuss llr'OI'k . One ~ Special showing Goebbels staaed tbe most spec· tacula r propaganda rally lhe world The UnlveJsity Film Soel~y presutl three special showinp of TRJUMPII OF 111E WILL Sunday, September 21 and Wednesday , Septvnber 2-4th in the ProgramBa nquet Room , and Monday, September 22 in the Wisconsin Room ollhe University Center. 11le films will be~ at 1 and t:IS ever seen. This was a giJantic extravapnza involving the eff9rtl o( hundreds ol thousands ol J)tople. 1be film begins With ' 'Der Fuehrer'• " descent from the cloudl, hll plane casting ltl shadow on Nurembers like the black eaJ)e,symboi of the Nazi party. This two-hour el(Jifesaion of a fanatical devotion to lhe " Fuehnr" has eventocs. Season ::--·-.-.,- - be ac«pted for ~:!fl!~:h.aper~~e m~!~~ , any other document ol the lime, ex~ the ptychology eltbe Third Reich. AT OLD-TIME ,._.. PRICES ALL PANTS AND SHIRTS 98 •n~ le:.l FIRST QUALfTY BRAND NAMES $.6 TOPS and PANTS - ~ -------- Chautauqua A"'9<'1orl'o;n""featvre By Robef't Bwa.lll U I were a dance major, with a minor in sodokJsy and :wanted to dNcribe ~ «~mplo: _pattern ol bioloeical and mterpenoNI rhythms mwlved With an •~~age ni&ht down on the SQuare, tbe term I would be most likely to invoke Ia the Gnat American Bum..uut Boocle. Practice-wile, I'm ~...-e you know ~~oilat I'm talkiq about · .I n'ftl lboulh it 's buk&Uy tdf-upreuion , with form subor: dinated to !WICtion, this is the one we all hne come to love and learn not on ly f« its choreography, but also its ob)ec:tive Or if yau11 permit me... · ... let uuay it'a been a plue' ola wett. You 've blown a tnt In ICbool. Pft'has-. or the Pft'SOI'I you 'r e In·lOft with has told you to stay oiL Maybe your classes are JIKft borina than you think you ean handJe, or yow- ntw roomate hu turned out to be what one can only call a latent homosapien.•lt could be any numbrr ol things. So keeping In mind you 're short o1 funds and wouklllke very muc:h to 1et aw1y , what do you do! 1be answer II aimPe : you.go down to tbt Square and 1\ani one on. Nothitl& ism vuy Wllllualabout that. ol ccuw: as a toda l pbtnlxamon, iD Stevena; Poirlt, aetting rwac:ked runs I«''O''d'lo r10ne . Obviously, thrre'ssomethina to be said about a ronn of entmalnmMt tha t Involves no apecial equipmtnt, no talent, DO pnu:ti«. no rules , and ultimately no thinldng , in that anyone who 's willina: to make a snall lnvestmer~t in time and money can play . So why put it down! Well , 111 tell You. &it nnt . Ia order to do to, I have to put ~ Square Itself iato perspective. Dependina on how v."i!ll venedyouareon locaJhistory,you m~y or may not mnem~ that the Square wu ori&iDIUy establ:llhed as an open marketpla«,aconceptt»aedontheagoraof~ncientGreece . Vlt111t it involved a century 110. howevtr, is still invol ved todly : and on any momin& from 1\-lly to late Octob« you're llill likely to see !he local farm folk out hawkina their nii"WffS, frults, and~etables . But wha t moat people fail to realite Is that this same !MrdwldUin& continues after dark , only with different products aDd rates of exchqe. Coasider theM commodities : diversity , friendship , conversation, faoaball . m~ ic . the ambience of crowell, the c:amaraderleotone'speen. You can rmdthem In every one of !he ban that con~teUate the Square: as many &ood re:asoo~as you 'd ever need to ao t~. Unfortunately, in t.bulatin& their neaalive COUitefpartl , you can rtnd jult u many ruaons for not aoin&- But the:le you lea rn to accept !! .you're patient . Ught , after all. could-not exist wltbout darkness to define II. So I'm not about to en· couraae you ~ to convert to oranje jui«. I like a drink mysdf now and then , and no one is immune to a bruls.ed soul, There Is i» p·a I answer I can &ive you but can Dilly respond that it is what you, each olyou, mate it . lt is IJOl justa ('(q)le of individuals spoutlna ' 'word~ of wisdom" but every wiUina and motivated student at UWSP. Don't ~nk back a nd uy ' 'no, I can1 have anything to do with that ; for you, Ilona with all other s t\ldents help define what Student Governmer~t is . You deiine what Student ~mentis through your awareoessof)"'U" University a nd butcally, your COIK:em cwemot only your education but aU st~ts ' educatloafortbenut-tofouryean . ' . ~~h we can llrive to brina: the isaues to your doorste-p , 11 11 ultimately your decision to USC! them u a doormat or to plct them up aDd famWarbe y_oundf with them . This brina:• ~to~ po(nt thatsttJdents upre:ued acre.t C'DnCft"n for In the questionnaire. 'tl.ben aU:ed. " DoH Student Government communjcate effectively with students!' ', oae promlnant mnaa&e wu&lven . NO. Now, inst.ntaneously, people look to one of the two parties to pl.ce the blame. SUrprWngly enoueh.lt is 111uaUy the ''Other IUY'I" fault and definitely not your own. In lhll PBtUsuJarcase, J don't believe it Is a question of who Is ri&ht on or;k.'~-::::~::::t~~~~wayltl'ftl. You do not have commUnication wi thout both a rtftiftf and "a communicator. In uytn.a that Student Government does no ef. riCienUy commmlcate with ltudenta Is thm admlttina: that lludenta do not comm!lllcate wllb Student Govemmmt u well . • Thd - This. DOint was also expi.JciUy W"Jed u 1 desired actomplishment oflthe yem- -to end the aap between students and Student Governmer~ t. Aa one studeflt put 11 ''to do the impoaible, destroy apathy ." llnt.erpret this to ~ean on both the ll\ldentl' part aad Studerl.t Goverument 'a! Not pretendi_na to ha.ve the solution to this problem on the tip of my nngera, I leave It open to you. Suqestions were pven u to how we can beain counter-f'eac::Unc. the rather down-troddtrl path ofapathy,but I believe each one of uacan =~~~~&I;! aJ~~ acante aotutlm, for the aotution lies We don't DHd to go hunting down other SOWftS to fmd the answer ovet commun.Jcatora. We are all capable of expreuioa our viewa and tistenina. We only need to find the initiative and motivation within oundws to act - the initiative to admit that I am a atudent a nd what aoes on bft-e c1oet a/feet me and wba.l.l do. a:;'f~ ~~:i.=~-Y~~~~e~;~c:m~:~ the Editor column, you lrill see that many ideas Wft'e lfven to Student Government and that moat will be cOIIIideftd u priorities, if poulb~. tl~ec~·!rtwo:;!:~~~=e~O::;:',~~ greatly appreciated. Yes, even thDie that neaatlve. You see, we asked for li ! wen completely ~ ~t~~~a~~~~=~~f:'n~a~;~~~ of it not -a (Tiuchasthe placewher"e I IDittome peowje to broken lives, empty bottles, and !he grim spectre of akoholiJm but ratherasthe pl.cewbere lmaybemadesome friends, ret'ruted to on w«ktndd, and used tD wur a smiJe. My ooe qLMStJon : whkh wW It be! Open Channel Vet's Corner News for compu$ vets M1rt o.tc. Due to anoverpaymmt In the advance G. I. BW, from Aua. 2$, 19'1S, you may be recdviDJ 1 reduced V. A. check In Qc. ~y Iober. nllaappllestofuU time•udents. Foreumple: Vet· $27.00 deducted from )'OW' cbect . Vet - $32.10 deducted from )"'U" check. This II onJy for thole wbo pkked up advlne4! payment checks. Thole vets oalhe-continUOUI p.~~ymC!flt plan will not be affected. Sinal!" Married su~encb!:r~ = ~~~~~::wa: ='f,~ m~r~~~~~~:d~c'::ir~at'~ or a reduced , supplemental check, contact Tom Pn.anb, V. A. Vet. Rep. Ue is located in the Admlulons Oflice, at the Sl~Hient 5ervkn Buildin• . Alao. 1f durinalbeaemester have c:hqe o1 addreu a c:hanae in !he n~m~ber of dependents, han that noted with Tom . "l'he soonerthislsdone · the leaa of a hiSIIe wllb f~ure c hecka. II you want to talk with someone about a problem you mi&ht have. contact Art Harria.l*-llal, Tom Pn.anb , J4&-M41 or Marl Duuon , .)41-azt. you a or HOW ABOUT A SATISFYING AND TRULY DELICIOUS MEAL? COME ON OVER TO . BURGER CHEF . CORNEA OF FOURTH AND DIVISION AND YOU'LL KEEP COMING BACK ~ Steak Bonanza ~ ~ ~ EverySun<t.yN~t l ~ fl CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK jt TEXAS TOAST tt HOMEMADE ONION RINGS CHOICE OF SALAD )"'Ill ~ =~~;.;~-:;== $395 ~ ; aill FREE. BEEAI !l AllyiMinndrinkwlthyo.r .. ul' :1\ ::1 It and.c~~~a~~h l s c ::i uu1un tn tntntn 1-n ill i!! SUNDAY NIGHT DANCE t: ::i Featuring $ ~ -· LIVE ENTERTAINMEin ~ InTurn Fbi- staffets take by ROfl 1\.ms A Predi~t ably , bikes have never been much more than toys for Amtriun !~try. M bite tales doubled In the past five ~f~m~'!r=:~or::l~ ~:o:re:b '!:n~~~~ ~~= Tb•m• lllstbetaskoflhemfdiatoinform, amuse,andedurate :~~~:-,::~~::: ~'::~!!:~~~~~~ Stnice announcemmls. ~thlnctheleads_h..veillcunmonis thate.Jch , lftbftr advice is followed, will flld up benefiting Ill all. Or so they c:Jalm . This includes everything from brushing our tetlh to pr~nnUnc fOfftt -:tres.MOI_ t of them an innoruous mouab, tome are even informath·e, but otben, cklpite their Oltenllbly good inttlltlon.~, are downtf&ht lnfwiatina. .Such Is the cue of one PS spot c~nUy get~ conslde!'able play on camp1.11 radio, WWSP. ThiaOQe con«rns the perils ol hitch-hiking. In it we are told ol10me law tofwcement IJtntlwho routinely atopped and lnvestipted ev«r tbumbtr on a c:fftaln hi&hway over a several month =-We are to:d that they managed to app~md fh·e youlh'fulcr:~.~ ~:!r~~~:~~~~s!~ vlttcnen. market. So desperately, in fact, tlult most of them just slapped a denilleur, hand bnles and thf! "wd "racer" on thetroldcluntersandcrossedthei r finam . So you don't lulve to crou youn when )'Oitbuy, herearesorne basic Ups : de~a~~~~! :,:: assem bled -usu after he blew up rep! a~ the brake =~n-speeds found at 111Je c hain Y made h well aa inexpertly Slock boy rl&ht needed to lust about ' ' · i:."'venJr "udparta collect some str•lllle lOGb ,Jlrecise workmanship. ~ and uk to 1ft their bicycl:S~J!.!!t~~lmentstore t.LIIUedframnare~lntheSIOO - S200 rqe,,.,1nci11J for Mt'nlioned almwt as an uide wu the fact that also ap- where yoo should stay Rlr your first bike, look a Juag«< frame : tNt is, one in which the steel tubes are connoected by "known criminals"'? l\'h.:Jt a utomatkally brands them as ~C:~~;:=:!:~kjU:e~~~~~:~r~:.!';:~i:~~~ ~~ ':-:;~ .~~-=cx![ye ...!~~:'"u ~!?n.:.! ~werehundredsofinnocenthitdwrs . H~! How can they lump runaways and AWOL'S with thrir suspec1 : uaserloustlln-attothe..afetyofothen! Anr- t un !lf011~ te MOUgh to Sft some of the US Army anti<Ommie propaganda films narrated ' by J ac k Webb in the 50's could fK'Oinize and apprf'Ciate the tone or this anti.JUtchi,. spot. Jtitt hin& is a time~~ means of transportation and a trlpinitself. Hitl'he.n, alonJwithbic')'distsa retheonly people doing somethln& about tht illl'r~ible >~·:aste ol in· lerna! combustion p:r.·~ private transportation. By llliliJ.ina vdlldes ""hose p,ath is alrudy chart~ . they are abletoconse-rvetMirmoney , andourl"initert'SOUI"Ces. But toappro~Ch the advlntaJes ol hlkhhikutgsolely from guessed,mostun l uu~tramesaremadeintheU.S . 3. AHNd ovtrlappiiiiJearl. Unltnown to many: not all ten· speed bikes have tm spMds. The combination o( five rea r and tfllo(rontgears,orJprotkets,cancreate tendiff~ntspeeds ::~j~~: ~~~::~~w;y~~:'7:n':~=~~h1 ~~~~ most often doesn"tl, the: overlappin& aears will result In the feeling that you 're shifting but nol doinaa~)'thifll . ~on~oltberoad.-uanex~th.ltcan Une other thine: tor ooce•rowid-thf:~ usage three speeds will serve you aa well as ten , but 1 five•peed bike is ' usually a b.d deal. flley toll only SIO 120 leu than a tenspeed, a re no leu complex and don't ride much better than a three ... peed . The Upet-ienca and tales that :are uchana«< in the brief driver-blt&Mr rebtlonshiparetherealre,.,"Vdolhitchlna, orolpickinaa th...nber up. To glean the attitudes o1 Olhen and l.t.k.e in a f't'P~Iative ttoss-sectlon of fellow are Dr:railtew Hkyde Repair IXYZYXCorporation ) and , for more esoteric jobs, n e c - pltW Book of Ricyc lhtl! by Eugene A. Sloane !Trident Presa ). antc«H~mkltandpointwould~misstncthepoint. F'orll is then:~alontofthumb-tripping>~"hicltshouldjuUify itst'OI\IInuatlon. Thell"ll'redibleff'dingoffreoedom,ofnear t.ota l l~.yetparadoxically , lhejUJtasl.otal neverberoliJ.~bythalewho ' "'playitufe " ' . Americansshould~requr~bythe Univen l ty.uthebest and moll pnctkal Humanities t'OUI"SC availa~ . Fortberadioltalionolauni.-enity tpurporttdl ya pla« to ~•m and experitlll't' l to work •sal~ these ends is in· ~11tls~~:.t:ebu~::rb·:~~to"= ~ ~ 1 1 the fences that ~eparate 1a1 from the rest oltbe workS. It lhores up an intttuint distrust in others, while the op· poi:lteabould bestTived foc-. This PS lpOt warns Ul " You wouldn'tlell strarcer into =~~'1;!'~=:-~~=~.r:=~ S P . •o, • W oW ff. Con-Pro ~ ~ news from lhe oollege press """ice to ba~~a!~[:,a~or:~:L~~U:f;rew;~r~~:f~!: movies re~lewed ' by C. W. Petrkll By now almost every wallet or purse in America has beep bitten mtoforthepriceofaticketto ..Jaws.'' " Jaws" is not simply a moYie, it is a phenomenon. But what Oicktn ICTOSI the silver scr~n is no reason for peoople to line ~ for blocks to wat.cb the adventures of a very hungry shark. " J a\\'1" suffers cold and rrom ~~~~~~~t ~~~~~heto=: millions by scarina: Uw. hell out of the audience. The viewer- is milked for every vicarious thrill possible. He is cunningly set up. But the audlence is, prepared for almost every jOlt it gets, which removes the element of surprise from the tenw. Steven Spielberg's direction does not grow Ute Hlt.chcock's,rather It il blarinc and looms oYU every shot. The audience il never lulled into complacency ; they know an attack wiU take place every time t~tc~~-;.·t~~~~~':r~:· of the direction gets in the way. Tbe DON'T MISS THE stiff sometimes. In fleshing out the roleof$1erifflkocly. Robert Shaw mumbles throu&h camera takes some beautiful pictures, the· result il that the viewn-'s att.entlon il focused on photography, not on the mood the camerashouldhelpcreate. There are momenll ol true tenw tholllh. '!be audience Is taken totally l,a'll!xpi!Ctedly by the first . sight of the huge hungry jawa of lhe ~n~~~=~~~:oJ:'re!Js faUing ol the mOvie i& to provide a Bood reuon for Quint's maniacal obsesii9C1 with tilling the shark. As a result Quint Is an lnacceulble eharactu. =~~c~~r:'atwah~~e ~ Roy Scheider abo ut letting ' 'Hoopu (Richard Dreyfuu) throw this shit In the water." · Acting in two of the three ma\or roiH is ex~!! tnt. Richard Dreyfuss wiU dbervedly be nominated for . Best Qlpportina actor. He fins the bearsled char.icter of Matt Hoooer But the f9l star of tbe movie Is the rubber and sleel IJ'tal white shark which chews people 11(1 and quite admirablY throughout. 'Jaw;' is a good, not great vie. It certainly will win Iota of Atademy Awards and m.Jke loll of money, but that doesn't put It in the league with "Citlr.en Kane" or "Birth of a Nation." Just wait Ull it 's on .TV. - 'S: \\ithdevlllshen~ywhk:hmakes thecharactuveryrNI. tt.oy ~beidu Is e:redlble. U a bu Re-.m of tbe PlU Paz~lilrr UaUM ArUsts Db'eckd by Blake Edwards Rnlewed by C.W. Pelrlc:ll STANTON GIVEAWAY ONLY 12 DAYS LEFT TO Register for a FREE · Gyropoise Turntable Complete Wrth Stanton S81EEE . - ~art~ leave Your Name By Sept. 30, 1975 ·! \ - AND YOU ..., UAIIO'ON'I GRHT MEW Q'I'JtOPOISE 1404 Strongs Awe. · MAY WIN Peter Sellers and Blake Edwan:ls have got~ loldhtr aaatn for a ~:~e~!!nk~a=~ are a great way ol diging every bit of gold from a successful movie Idea . Sequels have betil around since "King Kona" and are generally not too hot . "Return or the ~nk Pan· ther" Is no exception. At times It succeedsand atothertimes.wtll it fallslntosiUine,.s . . Maybe batk In the good old days of the mld-.httiH the lOft of poor man 's Mar~-0\aplln·Doris Day humor was really funny . But ,.today.~lllnl.othetophlstlcated and sexy seventies, it ian'! very funny at al l. _ Continuing jokes about Pct.u Seller's French accent are· oc· caslonally funnf but aner a ~pie hours they lapse into bad ta&tl!. As a matterorfact , theentt'removieiJ something of a lapse. There is none or the unbellevability of a Woody Allm or the zaniness or Monty Python . " Ret urn or t~e Pink Panther" Is sty liltically a th r owback to the pl e·sll nalng , ;!:i~;~T, ~=~~. that we can Petn- Sellen once again proves that his prime Is past. He Is In a ""Warmed over version of a bumbler more suited to a tele.-ision sit-com thattoamovle:' Aia matter of fact · tbe entire movie looka like It woUld work better for television. There is · none of the lushneu of opulence thanc_pu.ldhave m adethefllckm~ "' dauling. Instead It seem• designed for the small, cheaper tooklna, TV KTten. Owl TV some of the actions would look leu ludie:rous and perhape.funnln-. To be fllir, there- Ia a nifty burglury acene at the bealnn.ing of the movie that features a 191 of intrie:ate planninc and workl well . ·~~e:ru~a!: ~;:.~e:::;i~r.~f 1 fa~~ steps back to be an observ«, and a borin& one at that. Geo(fry Un· swort h Ia a n excellen t dnematosra~. l;lut hi& work In "Rehrn" Is nbt up {o "Cabaret ." Also, and maybeudly, one of the best parll of the film 11 the. title sequence which fealuru - th e ani mated Ptn.k Panther ~ know arid love. EVen If II didn't ntlnto the tone of the movie it wu beautifully - " Return : of the Pink Pantber" 11 a movie to take in when tile Deed to ~~r,~!dt:fq&;~ot~ it GIANT PAPERB-ACK SALE .PRICES Y3 OFF You can buy West8ms , Mysteries. Rom~flces, Biography, and Current Fiction 1or cheap (lrt many cases less t!lan a buck Is a neat trick lhese days). UNIVERSITY STORE . UNIVERSITY CENTER iii records rn&twed by Grtswy MalT ''MOIU'oe Dlctriae" by Mocuoe DoelriM • F.U. RIYtr Recwd.a FR •:r:tl There are Uterally hundreds ol small rtrcon:ting compa.nies In the Slates. Some are tit-Her lmown than OlMtl and u a fe.ult tlldr performers are better llnqwn , Some com~nles · are m1de famow by ~p~r~~~~~ ~·&~~~ the Allma.o Brothers and Monument ~w\thKtisKristoffe~ . FaUt Ri~ Recotdl with Monroe Doctrine C'OUld tusr. be another in thefutlft. " Monroe Doctrine", the album, "u ~ In Otqver with Les 1bomp.oa produdn&. flve ol the elevensonas areori&inals, four wrlttto by voealllst and b&Djo player Diclr. Scbroeder . One, "Timbet'line" , was .-rilten by fiddler Kerry O'al& 11lrft 1001• LUTHERAN STUDENT COMMUNITY are old, rec:oanbab!e -ana• put to bluegrass arrana:ements. pleannUy, almO&t equals "'nme 'lbealbumbeli•witbtheBeatlea song "With I..Dve From Me to You". Love Have To Be So S.d " and the =:1: .,:::ur~7:! t!ee~ ons mn~yaroundthem . Thenut toni is wh.lt I feel the nnest on the album . II was written by Stl'lrwdenndcaUed '-nmeandlhe River f'10WinJ " . It's buically a llow ballad about a iove for tbe mountains suna by Schroeder. Roa :::,e~;;:P~!;"~y~ :~!u~,.~~~:O~= Thele two strike me u the wukneues o( the albwn. They are donewdlbutdon'tst.ndupnutto the other material on the album . " Ruby " and ' 'Oialk up Another One" are more traditional bl~rU& t~me~ aod 10me fine :r~~~~~~W:~-: ~ni;: ':/:~: B:n'!:eW vocaL rnpectivdy. The other Schroeder com 1bey have devdoped an unusual posltionsstandoutabove the rat . A sound, putUna mote contemporary ud ballad about a danoer and a one IOfiJI and lyrics to bluqra.u lnni.&ht affair , whk:h doesn 't end too Rr\lmenta that should Jlf'O'IIdesome · moreeajoyablemush:inthefut\n. Gna Mnr .-.a ... • '-'-J«.kly at ...,. .. ~,., .. ,.,.ne-....a .--... HeatMa.... .o.t,.....•a al"C wllll 1 few elll.J..._ ,ar«<.•• Marr"l a•WU. .. lUI h .. -eW17 •..S. H•Wr a. ..,._,.__ r Sunday Services • 9:30 a.m. Open House 6:00 · 10:00 p.m. Sunday Thru Thursday A BIKE IS NOT COMPLETE W~THOUT A MEDALIST BAG at the Peace Campus -Center-Lutheran Comer of marla Or. I VIncent Street Wtsl of Tempo Parking l ot THE RED LANTERN Stop in · we're open at 11 a.m. daily & serve all after· noon. THIS WEEKS WINNERS OF A SMALL CHEESE AND SAUSAGE PIZZA ARE: Beverly A. Balerc Mark T. Napholz Mary C. Sander Thomas A. Jacobs Barbara A. Edlebeck Sold Only at the ~ oste( ,~oppe, ~1314 W..Wsv..t St.v.'!'H~~Cn;l~=~o54431 Look for your name In the next Issue. EMMONS • 601 north division • STUDIO LIGHTS cuual lighting for your room floor models & track lights $16.25. $33.50 mon.-th urs. 8-5 fri. 8-9 • sat. 8-12 phon e 344·4911 An emergency hotllne on campus 911 Is now In operotlon on all CQ1'T1PUS phones. Just dial "9" or "8" first. os you do lor any local call Then d ial 911. That's 011. 911 comects you with on em8fgency dispatch ~the County Sherttrs ~rtment. whefe vou can Qet help f0$1 from r;dlce. fire deportment. sheriff or ~nceseMce. 911. Irs short. eosv to remember. Off campus. dial 911 from phones with 34t 344 01 3d6 runbers. From other phones. use 1he emergency rv.xnbers listed In local directories. Remember 911. the 24-hot.x emergency hottine on campus and In the Stevens Point telephone exchange. -.