SERIES VII, VOL 18 UW-Stevens Point, Thursday, November 14, 1974 NO. 13 Hamilton urges support for lower tuition proposal byllell Kcrblec• Hamilton called for lbe ten member s tudent ~un!"::!f.'•tx!tut1~io! ment's to mOUlt an mediate action , United ,_.,. IOYUII - im· lo be IIC'UWed by the mediate campaign to pin • IOYmot" urue. wt take Im- acceptance of tbc tuition "-eoln& ' ' I doa1 tbiDit tbere are Council W C> Presidem. Jim 'many atuclenla wbo C8D bear HamiltOII said S.turday. HamUtoa, presklll!ntoltbe the antkipated hi&b« CGib UWSP attlllerlt aowmment OYer the next three or four *t)'9l'",wuspntiiJCola years ," sa id Hamilton . propoul written b)t the uw ' 'Somdml& bas to be done ••• Central Adminiatl'alion wblc:b calls for a rMK:tloa ol inHe said that if anmt state, ~Ce tuitklll trmds coaliaue, tuitioafr om :25 percent of in- fees for~ may be stnlctk:II:W eoet to l2.5 per- ova' the lower tuitioa prapoeal. But , GoYerncrPatrict~ bas repeatedb' apotBI out qainlt tbe propoul, ealling it inflal..ioDuy ' 'p&e irl tbesk)'." ' 'TbepernarbuDOt~eo ate~ • copy ollbe propaul,'' said Hamlltoo. " 1 think his dec::isioll to .....:oaclu..aDy rejerlitbabit)Jftmature." Ham.iltoaNidlbat~ ~fedl.ucey.t-ped ........ On the inside poge Student Assembly retained Margaret Mead comes to UWSP 4 "Gvten Tog" from Munich 5 Preview of "Gypsy" Rose Lee's life Tallest 88 team ever coached by l<rveger 12 Cross country team on to nationals 15 Headline miskoding J7 to readers Page 2 TH E POINTER November 14, 1974 Assembly ~ to be retained studentinterestJroupswhich encompass the entire colltee ThestudentSenatevot.ed to community , retain tbe Student Auembly in a resoluUon paued with Debate 1fter Wojo's final athree-fourlhlvoteon&.lday, proposal w•s limited w 30 November 10. · minutes. It bad been brought up Alter weeks ol ~iberaUon anddebate,the~blywl ll earlier by Lyle Updike, be composed ol 16 members president of Student d«ted proportionately rrom Government, that the student o1 the mmrr bill oftbe~ou~~t!:"f~ teetion IJ!ves studrnts the riihl to orpnhe their IOVftnmiMII stnlclw'elintbemaMet"lhey that wil be ~~eated . determine . This he lped The vote as 1~1 ·1 T1w rt:IOiution came as a clarifythepointolieplltyof representation wllich wu in 1 doubt, said Senator Ja ck Committee ollhe Senlte tblt Ellincu. llwuaiaopolntedoutttllt the Assembly In some way be restructund to be better the Assembly be required to representativ-e ol the student hat~e strict atleodance polktes. 1be Semite will vote body. Sena t or Tom " Wojo " on tbe by-taws whieh include WojcioedlowUJ ,cllal.rmanol tueh stipulations later in the tbe C:C:..tltutioaal Revision Constitution revision.. Other action taktn Included Committee, came pt'tJ)&Hd Sunday evenlnJ with pa11ln1 a resolutio n that Supreme Court rullop: and would entiUe any Individual. ,. sl.nlctured poi nts to prt:Mll wit hd rawing from thewdverlity after the rdund ~:y t!t.U::~.tbe period to purchue a spedal He cited u.-ee c.,es whkh actlviUes ID. were all upheld by the This ID would be v1lld for Supreme Court when the student admission to the nne quesllon of leaallty or Arta and Leclw'el Stries, representation ol the group sportl events, movies, plays was In que stion, and and concuta. The ID would not be valid paraUelled them to the cate at UWSP. for ltrt~lca ol the LearnlnJ RHcM.a-ca Center <LRCI, t_he He also cited rour majoi- Games Room and Unlvtn~ty re.uonsrorretentloaolthe Assembly : cbecb and t.lanca on the Senate are all o~her normal student Important ; each studeot · oa Plrticip.Uon activities Involv-e the Ule of unlwn1ty owned property and equl~ sena ton and one allem· bly peraGGI phtl tbe orp.niu· cited November 11 Uonal representation ; the org anlullonl provi de a marked amOWit ol campu~ zer-G tu.lUon increase and a leadtT&hip and abould be represented and 1tudent orpniuUons are not private intenlt JfOUpa, but rather ~:~I :!.~,the total bySallyDiastlr • ::!h N<h~cqanb.aUon ~~s ti~u~l!:r":te~fsi~ ~~~~r~~~a'ltlle~f:!:J ::r:..~:.~ m~~e Student Government will be launchillll:intoanalloutlettnwriting carnpli&n. Students. P':rents,otherschoolsandall •nterested people should take II upon themsel\·es to compole a lettu to Governor Lucey In support ol this proposal. In addition , 1 unanimous vote ot the Senate palled 1 raolution which sUits the Student Government of UWSP rndones 1nd appl.audes the Board or f\te~mts mthtir 'supportfortuition •~bilq.Uon and tubsequent reductionolthetuitlonpaid by the studrnt trctor in WIKOOJin. In other business, United Representative, Council Steve Steam, rrported tbst 4,000persons wrre contacted durin& the vDttr reiJ!stration c1mpaign. Hr said that ir anotlltr campaif:n .,-ere to be held he llo'ould like to - a move to mobile stations so that contact with and rqistr1tion of the student could be made stone time. United Council is prmntly investiptini the pouibility ollncludinc a computtr card ='::a'!:e"'= ~~ vote r Ulhlrstlon In · formation, Steams added. A. joint committH was 1ppointed to discuu the :!~! :;~r b:-:m~: ~U.~~i:!,ck=~ =~~ ~."Theltac= millet will meet Nov 14 Voting turnout I ighf byJo"-R.Penl• "Siudtnllwerecllsutisfif!d ;;':,~~t~.~~=·;-=~:: i~Wn°:J 1lo u!:ft·~~ &i:r:. St~~~!.~r'!:'"!~ylini ~~~tra the recent modest student JumoutatthepollslnUahtol previousrrporll that tt:ettina out the Jtudent vote this November Wll to be 1 " major project" of Student . Government . Lylr Updlkt, president ol Stude11t Government, agreed with Stielvater 't useumen t. " Other than LaFo llett• ;~!ke~::ts .:!:~~~ candid1tet," he said. Both Updikr and Stiefvater em· ptwiud, howevff. thalli the time ol Uiis interview · they had not yet fully analyud ~tionmulll. Neithe r Up d ike no r Stle!v1tet" uld the)' were dtscaura1ed abo ut wba t st ud e nt turnout for tbia dteUon mJ&ht iDdlcate for the city dec:Uoa aext ~PN&. "Hopefully. the lmmtdiaq ol ~ ~~~~~ ...~.. b~ SUefvlltr, Updike had been quoted ln the Sept. It tditiOD ol the PeUila' u sa)'in& U.t the people dtcted ln the aprtna will be "aware ol ttuden l needs." He till not lbandoned that po~ltlon. Studentl are startin( W realhe thdt potenti al and they will organlte around luues like the Mlchlaan An . n · tl'nsion,hea:pl.atned. " Another eump&e II the z.rro tuition propoul," be, said . If ·tudenta were mobiUud,~.o.ey could hat~e a :t:t~teef!etlln thi11rea ,be Registration time, announced Rrc.~stntioofortbe,aecond semeater ,lt74-75, wW be held oa n-day, Dec . 3. Senlon al'ld jwl.lon may pick~ thelr rq1.JtuUoa materialllD the Reclltratioa OUke oa Mooday, Nov. 11; topbomores on Tuelday; and fr es hmen belinnlni Wed·, Noll. 20. Q-edita belen tbe cur r ent umuter (flrtt llmlftter 1 determine Ienior, junior, etc. status. Sludentl who wish •hould aebcQdeanappoi.ntmentwlth their a dviser sometime between Nov. 11 and Dee. z. dependinc on wbeo they are ,l!ick up re1islratlon materials, Studentl will be permitted to pick up their own packell only , It wW be neceu.ary to 1how atudent JD'1 when pk~~~':;.,illionto ~lstntlon will be according to daulnc:ation, and wllhln clusUlcatioobyfirstletlet"of thelutname. TheclaulticaUonorderiJ &raduates, senion, juniors, sophomores llld !reshmrn. The"fintlettl'rolthelut name"orderwWbeA.IoZ (i'l the tbree pr ev i out ~istraUons it't been A.· K ~ Z.L ; K·A. al'ld L-Z; and z. tool," Stldva1: Updike explained tllat 1111 loo n to be UIJblisbH Houllna Policy iood example ol intttased 1 Board", :,~;t =~nA.I wtr,~ students and they will Ifill policy c:oncernln111udut dorm life . The board's recommendations .;u 111 tub}ett only ot the llmilltl ttate law and R~ ap­ proYal. lmplemrntatioalt ex p ected fOr lite tb la sematerorrarlynnt. uld Updike. StlefvcalerandUpdiktlill :s=~r:.:~~~ in tbe area• of the Sbdrll Dbdpllnary Code, fillllldlt aJdl1nd student r.auty. The dlsdpl.lnary code, wblch hid Mea cu.ner.fd bu a vi olation of studtnt c•· stltutlonal rllh ll, 11 praenUy heine m\ad uW SUelvater. *~~n,s::~~- ~~ testify beforr the HiPtr Educational Aids~ Ia MMbJ.Jon about financial aid abuHI,ihesaid. AlfarufacultytvalualloD It conurned " the wbolt diJi r lbutive and aulf$11 pro ce dur e has bru revamped,"uidUpdiir. "''l't hope we have learllfd rr. ou r mlttalles ud nc· ceu-n:,"beuld. Upd.lke and Stlrfnltr IWIU'I\Iriz.edbyu yina:O.t Iince belrw elec:ted the r~ oltbeireffortahavebreail Where does Student vo&er retJstration, Dltfl« Governme nt fit Into this Im p lementation , cu· pictw-e1 stitutlonaJ revision, c'llll1t "Studtat IO¥emmentl la IDd fiCUity n-al\lltloa IIIII past have not &~~«ted a are~t deal of lnnuence," ~=·indicatfdltal \1JM!ike said. '"The bll dU· tbeyputinlbout.OI!Nipl' frrence now is that we have weak In th ei r ortid1l more statutory authority." capac:IUes. :~~~e r~ o~ •::d~:.~ st~t'S:r:a:::J~·=~~t~ the: !:.~SUnda~:- :,: 1 ~~ "lt'sahappy~ · • we ~- time tblt :.:N.::.••:.:•:::m::;be::.'-...:'..::•·c..l:..:9.:_7<.:__ _;Tc:.H:.:E...:PO..::.::lNT..:.:..:E:::R'--- , - Poge 3 \- Proxm ire speaks at UWSP Educatlbn should be top priority A. " You thin cats 1re always answer seulon hdd In the rr~~~~i :·!~~ J>rosram Banc)otl Room ol timespentinachoolandwith bySaiiJDuttlr ~Jcome," Mid Olancellor Lee Dreyfta. s. That direcled William visit to s l1 ttme nl wa1 loward U.S. Senator Prcwnlre aflef' his UWSP on Friday, Nov. L Pnwnlre was in Steve. Point for lunch, a campus tour, a news conferenre and 1 ~loa and answer HSSioa for s tudmtl on a stop over betwern Fond du Lac and Tomahawk. " My l ntere a t a are primarily In the economic areas, however I am also on lhe Banlr., HOUiiflllnd Urban • Durin& the quesUon 1nd the Unlvenily Ctflltr <UC ), studenu had the opportunity to qul:r.lhe .nator on various subjects. · One student opened the RISion with a question 1bout possible cuts in fedenl apmdina. Wedoo'thlvtllotoloption tocut in many areas, bec1use most everythln1 fa con · tracted , uld Proxmlre . P'rognms WC:h I I Social ~rity can 't be cut easily, he said. Military and forelt;n aid spending c1n be c:ut by hol.dina down the number of as much overall satisfaction In their a«upatlon, be said. Any type of environmental controls that crou'state lines are the federal&ovemmenl's responsi bility , said Prox· mire. In r es ponse to a question about lnd use «~ntrols Proxmirestattd that wetreamobilecounttywith a nat iona l Inte r es t In preserving our environment. However . the federal government should try to 'Notk wel.l-espec:laUy In view keep as light a hand as or the long term effect on the possible wi th a n a t~mpt to people, he added. leavelandusecontrobtothe disc retion of the itate, he Special intemt wts ex· ad~Ow can we justify ~~!~~ ~: !~~~ :n~~~ ~~~G~?~='i:e~ ~~d~':r~c!'ta~'::: question about the al leged that the bull could get there Centrallntelligeoee Aaency'a He now runs ten miles a day !CIA I Intervention in Chile. and cited the added benefits of ruMina. You save au ; wearonlhecar : youareable to eat mote and people say you might lift IO!llff, said Proxmire in conclusion . ~.aid that hefel tanoverall VJew ol the CIA's record shows that II has been co unterproductive . The prOJrams don 't a ppe&r to Tuition may affect teachers Affairs Committee a nd Sena te Appropriations t:roop1 we have staUoned by Ctrol M. MarLin Committee." uld Proxmite. aroundtheworid,huald. Ht 1\lition stabiliu tlon and " Feel free to a1k me anyt.hin& you ha~e !Dtft'C!It ~-:,.~ ~~-J~:~a reduction may affect ~acher in," be added.. 1tren1then our troo ps by compensations for the next Durln1 the D-1 con· reduclnJ our widesp read biennium, said Carol M&rion, terence, qunliotll dulinJ vulner~ble commitmeot," he assi5ta nt to the Vice Chan· cellor. Forthefint timethe salary ~~=~le:~'veea= u;::mtary spe:ndif18 could be budget and the operational surtax and Jenera! revenue cut in three areu, he said. sharinc plans wer-e ara'A"t«d The number ol t~ could budJet , whic h inc lud es negatively by the senator. He be d«reasoed, and the pur· tultion, are being presented to said he felt that all ol these chase ol some new carriers the governor as tep~rate prOJrams were unreal is tic, and bomber~ could be denied, packages and we hope they.11 be ac~ on separately said una«:eptable and that he is he said . Ke lch , di rector of against them · U they-are Proxm i~aiJosaidthatthe Paul presently betna considered. budget could se-e cuta in the BudJ'"I P ltn nin& an d 1 Questions on housina: were areas ol hl1hway building Ana lysis. Even thou&h there Is no asked in bolh the new~ con· and the 1pace program . Financial aids cuts ~~o·ere necessarylinkbet~~o-eenthe !ere-nee and the question and answer snslon . Proxmire the subject ol in~rtst to two the legislature wUI not said he felt there would be many students. When asked separate tbem ,lt wW loot at little or no aovernment about the poss.ibiUty of tuition assisted houslnJ projects this increases, Proxmire said he )'ear. This is pnmarily due to felt education s hould be the the!actthati nterestratesare- top priority in addition to up an d that borr owers health. He .aid he felt that our borrowina at high rates are fewer In number a nd the system ma y be ptoduclq too housina b111ineu is being many Ph. 0 .'1 in one area . It mll!'dft"ed, he said. might be adyisable to try and theent~budfl:etuawhole , said Marion. Ttlere Is surplus In this year~ budget whkh would be available for teacher compensation or tuition reduc tion, said Marlon. But ifbolhare accepted It is possible that the state taxes will have to go up to support theincreases,shesald. Studeatt the need for teacher compensations and are not against paying for good faculty , said Lyle Updike, praiden ~ Student Government. However , 10me s tudents have ex prnsed oppnsilion to ~acher com· pensationabec.auseoltultion, saki Marion . So far The Association of the University ol Wisconlin Faculties ITAUWF) Ia the only faculty group that bas ~~ /or a~~~~et!u~. 1 said Marion. The governor has &!ready exp_reued his oppc::.ltion to tultionrt'ductlonandhecould rriak.eitaneilher-orsitualion , said Kelch. Also, the governor feels Stla ry compensation Is or greater concern, said Marion. The legislature will lake up the budgets In January and going by past performances the final ac tions will take place in July, added Marion. Activities budget may be reduced by Baney Umem Declinins enrollment may dz"op the activities l:ludlet by fees for expanaion or the l'le'WipOIIper . He l."llplained that wi th ~::or~';:-•;:~~·s.n ..'idrc~ !'~:wl~ se;r:i~'':i:~ Bad:dnsltl,student controller. would make the P«•ln go !&pages twice a ~~o·eek, bqin· The F i n an c e an d ning nut sprlna. In this Allocation Committee (FAC), way,lhe Poln~r wou1d carry has received a nd pl ace d more state and national news priorities on such provams that would benefit students. that offer the motl bendlts to Also, F AC haa s tarted the mtjority or UWSP looldq Into the pouibility ol st uden ts . P.brg lna l a nd extendinJ the s tudent 10 dupllc.a te pro1ra mt with program . In the new unnecnsary spendinc will be proJTam, the IDS would be reduced or e llm inaled, valid for two or four yean depending on available instead of the present one amount of r...-.<S.. yea r , thus C\ltllna down c01t on the ptrt of students. Budget ac t ivi ll u are Phil Uageman and Debi ~ ~~a!~.~~~r ,~~~~ ':i/:~ ~~~~(-.~d:1~':'~ athleliCS ente-rtainment and activity, commun ication and Studen t Government ac· tivi t ies, aaid Badlinski , chairmln of FAC. Atitl meetin1. Wedne:tda y, Nov . f. FAC a pproved a 13,100 c~IJital purdaase for the Pllli•kf'. Bob Kerbiec:.k, the PoUt- ::,i:!~.~,;::~ux:: Rqistration. lnvestiptiftJ the technicalities Involved tn the new propoul. FACalsoa pproved, onneed basis, travel allowances for att»etksforbolhrecionaland national meeta. . The nut meetin g Is scheduled at 7 p.m . Wednesclay, Nov. 1:1, In the Rf'd ~: Unive rsi ty A worm 's eye view of repair work being done on the smokestack. Photo by Bill Poulson. Page 4 THE POINTER November 14, 1974 From Student Government st~en~!'teN~. J~~ Covernmtnt.......,assed an amen dm enl on ita con · stitutlon by a 15-t vote. The amendmen t calls for mid-year elections for one· hal! ol its members. The day ofthese:dectionllslobe the Decembtr regiJtration day . Thi s m uns that ten senator~ will be elected on Tuesday , Dec . 3. Those elected on that day wiU serve a full calender year. Studentshavebeengranted the ri&ht to &0\'ent them· selves in the Merger lm · plementallon Law. Thll, bw.·evff does not mean a ~ing_ U you do not act to Senator~ · 4,000 affected by • • voter reg1strat1on \ byM~~~~ • &0\'em yourwh·es. Just as the ri&ht to free speech muns nothin& if you only spe;akfrt'dytothe~~o"all,)'OUT ri&ht to aovern yourself mellns nothing if you only exerdseltbycomplainln&to your roommate. VoucaMot be certain that your views will be ~tedasyou~~o'OUid yourself present thtm unless r.ou run your5e!L Your next beltchanc:eolhavlngyour ~~.::t:::!~i~htoli~= \'in-s is elected . Nowawordtothosfoof you ~:e~~:,~~r!~:'ss=~~ lhoseolyouwhoonlyw;antto " WestarcectworiDnaonuus ao to class, study,lleep, eat ha~tercao~~!i~eef~~ ~':!t'!:~.,:~~~ ~o~=~n~.~~tisa'!~~~:J; UWSP student~, 1aid Steve Stea rns, United Council ~tative. SO::=:=::= of Incorrec t Student Senate and Student myolved In _a ·fi&ht to ~aft Asse:mbly, he said. we got this .1 . conhn~ possibility. most a( our help £rom the 1\utionbpro)I!Ctedat~to :;:~~U::, c;:: ;:,'ill ~~er'wt~ea~~Yoe ~~i 1 addresses or WTOI\I pMne nwnben, said Stc.arrs. I am very happy we got our own .. added n ses, a failure ol student Stearns • earnlnapo~~o-erto kerpupwith " As f~ u doing the can· ~hue cos t s and the We did run Into one bil problem studentl wbo ;,•e:.':;'hey s hould ," said ~'71hm~i~c~g :C ~h! · currenily enrolled. freshmen and IOpbomores. Thi.J b you. Margaret Mead, observer of change In our time, will be on ca mpus Nov. 15. :!.~~c!~~heol.::rtl ;:-u~~lnCc!::~~ d!:::urn:::==~~~y · 1 1 filled out the wblte canis :;-s~~~=~ ficlally r ealstered , said Stearns. c~~so::e:::~ "United Council Student ' Government wanted to abow JO\Iernment ofricials that lltadentl can tum out in srut numben,"ISJdSteaJ'ni, "Ua G~Jdberg pr~anlr~~n~~ to speak on math ~!~~;.t~trc:!~n;~: sc;:orm:~!- portion ol academk: coats vote Nov. 5, 1M &over-nor feeb no political need to A crusader seHin& IJ'Htet" conskier student needs. application ol mathematiC:IIn One ol the best and easiest theiOCiallclencnwilldttall waystoconvincehim thathe !t~~~e ~e:!';·~~ :::%~~~;::~~::: ==~~fnou~ tU c::omtiluoeni'y lie wUI be UWSP. more Inclined to listen to the . Samue l Goldberg '• ap· stldmt voice," Steamlu.ld. pearance on campus will be part ol the cart N. Jac::obl ' 'The ptJl"JJIM ol the white Lee t ur e Ser ies 1 n card wu to 'find out tbe Matbematica aoc1 will be in lla tiB'ollheell&iblevoter. room , Ill ol the Collqe of Wethentoolttheappropriate PtoleulonaiStudiesBuilding ac tion to 1et the voter properly reglstered, u the (COPS). v-oter was PAl to abaentee vote we would the proper forms for him or ber. U the =~a reception for voterwunotreailtetedln A m em ber o f the his or bet- ward we would leU them where to N-gilter,' u.kt mathe m atics faculty at Stearrs. aec Dr. Mead to speak here Friday Student Government elec· Uons. This gives us a c~ible level of backlna: in a!'lulng the case for student needs. You are also desperately encouraged. to write a letttr to the aovernor. St~!:untdo a":~~~~~~~: tbe~~U:O::U~:O~ ~!!~en~t!, ~-; b!~t~ :~rmyourself.Atanyrate, by Shdtey Hosea On Nov. 15, Maraaret Mead will bespeaking on campus. 4 ~~~ed!;~:! Univenity Center (UCI. She ::r:e~~t!~~~:.':~n~.::: " What we need to do next year b cet more peopk in· volved In the can vau ..-oce-," saidSieanla. ..We lbould 'de ei!J~ pbooes' in ow- na:t c::aavM a.nd _., ''mobile unitl" muned with deputy reptran. ln tb1a fubionwecanmaltea face to face c::oat.ct that will lend !:!r~m~/~v~ OODikler llliq: unlta to handle spedfic YOlft' status Problema lUC::h u aba.eatee voUa&," sai d ,-~ Atameetin&lastweektnd the Executi ve Bo1rd Unil.ed Cowlcil CUC) voted. to l;a lr.e t wo cues ag1i nst cha.~UOI"'inlheUWSystetn to court. The UC b thestlte reprt:sentative tor ten uw Goidberl boldl a Ph.D. ltudentaovemments. fr1lm c:o.-oeu UDivenity Uld hu been vii!Uni profeuor at _With Saturday'uctJon , UC will~tsiudetlt&owrn. ~~i:Or ~:;!o~ menu at UW Milwaukee and th e Londo n Schoo l of UW. Parklide In liU&alion Economics and Political llllnst the ChancdJon there "Ha ' -·appearance il IPOD· Tbe UW Mill"autee •tudtni IOVemment claims It should 10red. by a lecture ser ies have the rl&h t to appoint fUDded by Sentey ln5unnce lludefttl to jol.nt ltudm t· of Steven. Point. faculty committees. ln the -). :u-~~~~:r::u;: oi She Is an anthropoiCJCilt, ~~h~I:J 1 ',!rt:!:.c~ 1~ topic:: is "llwn;an Identity and Soda I lnl.eraction... This is a free wminar. All p.m . in the Mk helsen Concert Hall of the Fine Ar1l Center ,aheissc::heduled for a 11 1 1 1 done exten1ive s tudie1~ in the Pa~ifl~ and ~~o·ritten numerous books on ber st udies . Mea d hu aiM WT!tten and narnted. various films. Amore Mead 's many in· 1 " Popul ;allon a nd t-'ood O'isis." Admiaion will be charged. Me;ad was born on Dec. 11 1901, in Philadtlpbla, Pa. ~ rt<:elved her B.A. dqree In 1923 fron1 Barnard Col~e and her M.A. dqree and Ph.· charce and the study ttl t.Jman selllementl • elr.istict. Mead was a toundcr of the 1 World Society for Ekistics ol which shewu prtsidcnt from 196& to J971. Mead has held o ff ices with ma ar oraan\zationl. :t'~ 1 ~ ~e~e'"'!J'ff cb~ :~~~e ~r:ild 1':.. ·~rr\1.1~ """"""""'"•Ohl"""' Two student governments ::s'~e '!,~~~~ 'j:t ~U!nU: ~'=":J take administration to court the Mathem atical Social Sdeoce Board. 'lbe project b an extensloo o1 bis own effort. to create Jreater unde n tandi n& of orobahlllty and difference 1 D. from Colwnbia University, 1 Mead has 11 hononry dar· !orates., thechal'ftllortberehu exercised that power. The UW ParUide atudalt aovernmen t , which wu ~ovr:tz':=bod~ .:ontesuna theclalm by tJ,d; ch.ancellor thatlt isnot the lqitlmate ri!JiretentaUve ol UW ParbicSe students. Debate series set November 14, 1974 THE POINTER Poge 5 Gern:any greets UWSP students "TosomeextentourtOUTII limikd by funds. Also, I feel students may aain more from the trnd•tud)' lf they ao fewerptacesandstaylnthese places for lon&er periods ol time,"said Isaacson. Students also r«elved a tour ol the Radio Station Sender Freles Berlin, while they were there. Time II allowed for stude1!ts toconduc:t their own sightseeln& trlp1. 1bey maycboosetoResuchplaces as the Charlottenbur a · Palace, the Relchstq, t.he Spanda u Citadel, Wil me r sdorferstraSie !shopping street)orlhetDO. Some of the other clUes the t974-75 &roup vlsikdon their lrave l-studytou r lneluded Sahburg, Cologl'lt' or Koln, and lrtt~Sbruck . "Some or the cities we choH to visit were recom· mended by the German art teache!'. She fell that If could..see some of the a rt and ardlltec:ture of suth cltlel 11 Koln , the thldeats woukt be able to relate more to her lectures," added Isaacson. Perhaps J ahn swnmariu d the semestft-ln Germany the bat, ' 'This tri p is the best experience I've had In my entire life. Every day brlnp somethlna new, I've learned so mueh in 10 many different ways." Sharincthese~otalitneatlll Michael Kroenk e, a lso a member of the 1174-'7SJroup in Germany. "IIIIVff)' goodformetobe here in Germany and to meet aU these new people. It allo has liven me a c:hance to see formyselftbela ndpractices of this hi&lliY lndustrialited nation," wrote Kroenke , a naturalresourca major, lna poslclrd to Isaacson. 1be Baruchl added these thou&hts in one ol thei r k!tten to Isaacson. " We just have been so b~Y . It lt'ell'll we hardly have ~ti me to do everythins we would like to." "A worklhop or this type byS.IIyO.Utlr should octurannually on this ' 'The idea II to ucnanae cam pus." sald Erdmann. It ideu throu a h p ositi ve waa the first conference of criticism,"uidEdErdmann, lhistypci n c:entral WiloCOI"IIIn a member of the UnivtTSity and probably the first In the Writers. n.e r.nt AM~Y-1 C..imlr SUite sdlool system, be ad· wn~ ·s WorUhop writers were compolt'd was hekS Nov . Hat UWSP. ofThe anyone interested in Thirty writers from writing on the professional or Wausau, Medford, Olhkoah, non-professional level. uid Latroue and Steven~ Point Erdma nn . 1bose present over plhend here to exchange lheweekend heardabout the poem ~ ' they have wr itte n throuah poets who and ..Titlque them during workshop ha ve read Mre and In some worbbops htld on Saturday. C:I.St'l their s tudents, In adFr i d ay eve n i ng a n dition to word ol mouth, he orga niu Uonal welcome: was uld. heklpriortoanoptt~poetry " I am deligbkd wit h the which a &e t-to- workshop." said Erdmann. ltnow~ch«her receptioa " Wehavealotoflntelll&ent was held in the Gr idi r on people here who repretotnt a of the University Center wide range ol writen," he IUC). Jim Wojcik, 5)f't'Sklent of ~~jutt lbo-nthat there the \J'Iliveni ty Writers, at- really are people who care about makln& an lnteiiJaent .... " We were located r1&ht in the middl e of Europe . Whtoevtr taot a c:han« to 1 would travel around. Some of thec:ountriesJ&O(toM't'Wtre Autria , Netherlands , Norway, Dmmark, and Germany," add«l Learn. Student~ In the German ~~~Of~~rri~ in Munkh for their Rmatft- ol st~y In September. 11re travel-s tud y tou r COillistl mainly of the Cenr'"le areas in Europe. :!:~ ~:!t~-=:~~0~ overall coordinator of the! weekend event. ~~J~ ~mr,-·;rws:.~~::~ UWSP. Poge 6 THE POINTER November. 14, 1974 t,ARTSIE~TERTAINMENT u POINTER -, 'Gypsy' .opens tomorrow Musicians ethos questioned WE PROUDLY ANNOUNCE THE APPEARANCE OF DAVID WRONE & RUSSELL NELSON (Members of the UW-SP History Dept. Faculty) AT THE BOOKSTORE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, AUTOGRAPHING COPIES OF THEIR NATIONALLY KNOWN BEST·SELLER WHO'S THE SAVAGE The critically acclaimeo story of the white man's mistreatment of the North American Indian. STOP IN AND MEET THE AUTHORS AND HAVE YOUR PERSONAL COPY AUTOGRAPHED. ,. Friday, November 22, 9 A:.M. - 11 ·A.M. THE pOI NTER November 14. 1974 'South Africa' lly Mike Vamey A ~esentative audience • -:i;h":.' ~ndvli-:! w::=~ Calde r 's A S tate. A Slalemc-•1, A Sla lco mateSolllh Afrka ,inthe Fine Arts Center courtyard. Jt. used moiler n poetry, darx:e and music to convey a country that has t9 miUion blacks an d four million whiles ,wi th the whites in control olallasoectsol lifeln this separate and unequa l society. calder' who doubiC'd as p r oducer and dirco c tor, decided to stage this production a rt e r he had witnessed apa r theid while spending the summer in wilhgoodvocalluUon,Jtron& mental statementa aod black colored all wtlleh proWced &ood elfecl. succ~s5ful -scenario and white 15 white. Peny Rajskl, Nancy Nusba um , Lynn Garvey, Roseanne Gruenll:e, Kathy Klnney and Dena Green all performed In the above mentioned capacity. Being not an expert on 1 thought· this to be the best of the dance numbers, not so muc h in pure talen t, but In total e ff ect. The choreography done by Laura Stondall and Jane Hanneman choreosraphy. Moder n Sou th Af rlun music supplemented all the dance routines. It's a form ol jnz developed from folk wasg~a t . The m~ment Sam EYo took us closer to South Africa than anybody withhlssin&ing of ' 'TheSong ol a Soulh Afr ican Black," which he sang In Efi k. He composedboththewordsand music for this song. was very nuid throughou t. The one . J'mnotanenthustaStofit,l white dancer spelled out will attempt to keep my ' 'Symbolism" in contrast to analysis ol wha t happened therestcladlnblack. The second dance team thlft diff~nt limes during Soul.b Afrka on my level. conlliSted of Unda Kullman hopinc you will understand Suutt e Za r uba, Gregory lhis in your sc:ru tiniut ion of Ergen and DavldRellly. They performC'd well also. Sharon the wriUen word bere. Partall:inginthe firstdanc:e Feay did lhe choreography . were Bobbie Boedet-, Amy Stelnkellne r , Mequa nlnt fo;!: t::;:st Ta r d:e&n. Debi Brooks, herself. Of all the dan«rs she Karen Pintar and Jeanine seemed m o1t ta le nt e d . Greene also did her own darx:e,whlch ~n 'tmean ~':':atn"Y Johannnbura as a member Calder of an acting company. He made the contacts in LoDdon d uring UWSP's semester Their s t agi ng and abroad ~ram there. evuything abou t them was The poet r y reade rs, or very sim ple. In itself It was a 5hould 1 call them r«itut, ~flC"Ction on South Africa in helduptheirC'fldoftheshow lhesense tha t black Is black ""'· ....... The slghlin& and so und wasn'tperfC"Ctthenig ht lwas there: Timing aeemed to be off a Jlttle In a few places. My corwratulatlona to this senior student, Calder from Concord, N.C.; for he has discoverC'd whateducatlon Is all about. Flicks show Sex hongups, Brondo, Citizen Kane !-i \'e melts are available for viewing enter tainment lhis ~~o'H:k on eampu:s. Wba t Do You s.,. to a Nabd ta dy'! will show • just as Hearst did in real life. Kanefindsryoungoperasta r and makes her into a star, just as Hearst discovered the dancer Marion Davis aod ~~~:~~~ 7C:~;m(Ub~_ t';: m~d:n':."sintou!::::~ r able lhis movie Allen F\mt takes hb candid camera to an X.rated movie. It is a facetious, insitht!ul look into our society's sex han&14"1· Wh8t would you say when a lady emeras from a n elevator wearing nothing but a pune? ~flC"Ction of lleanl's life ~valves around three abst ract themes of wealth, power, and love. One fanal fact clinches the arsument for parallelism, Hearst attempted aod ,.,.. ~hi t successful at surpresslna: the film's distributioa. The Edna carlsten Gallery FOR THE OIIE YOU CHERISH esta bllahedm t966 a l hi;~i~~~~n~da;il! 1 ; Ka~u!!~li~~';~~ ~aJ~'C:~~on'sthno;4t n g ~~:!reFi:; 1 1 :1 ~ ~4'~e ,!~ ::-~a= The_ film can be ,.tc~ on~~~~~=~ be ~~f.:~~~etion :;;!~~:~~ ~~; theOMEyed.JacoUC1mlp\ets motOf"CYcle &an& movies. the double feature . Brando teams with Karl Malden in lhis film . ll is one of Branda's few westerns and a ~ powerful film . The double feature starts at 7 p.m. in the UC. On Mona.ay tnt Residence Hall Council will be JPOnsoringtheir rilthmov ieofthe semester. O.mllo can be viewed a t the De Bot Center at 8 p.m. and at the same time 1'\lesday at the Allen Center. )• The classic film,CIIb u Kue, wiU also be offered Tuesday, Nov . 19. Some criUabavedistingulsbedthis fil m ubein&thebestofall time. Maste rm ind Orso n Welles, at age 25 ,.,., given carte bl anc he a nd un -. :~rl;t~n~~od~o;tyoo~ a;:~ editinc. Cha r lea Foster Ka ne , played by Welles himself, ctc.lyp..-allelltheUleol William . Randolph Hearst. newspaper tycoon in the early 1900's. Kane buiktlan emplre of newspape rs, tele1 rap~s and l'le'WS aervke In the m!Mt :.n =**** **** **' '"""" "********************** ****** ,:aencl~lnr.!~J~ Walerrolor WISCOnSin was ::n~ held annua lly *NOW OPEN* ~ S&J Palace. Restaurant 1 059 MAIN STREET Piua : * Steaks *: Spagh~Hi I ..i I · i a : i 1.~~~~-mrn.. . . .~ ~OUTDOORS POINTER -Gov't. to study endangered species Sl•ty -ooe apecl u or po u lbly endan&ered or tbreateoed mollusks and cru ataceanl will be the subjectollntenslve atudiel by the federal &O'tmUDeat, II s t a te l a nd the Di t lrlct of Columbia. lor~t'= ~.S~ca~ W"lldllfe~odet.nnlno om1a the stabs ol, 35 ·mktw pearly musSeb and len Central AUantic crustacean~ . / owderbu~ns .,,· and , backlashes by Joel C. Guenther Imagine, if you will, a frosty morning silent with a late November chill. The stars are bright as It Is not yet sunrise. Everything is just righf .. lfttle or no wind, the stand Is set, lunch Is packed, coffee Is hot and the rifle stands ready. Yes, all Is just right for you've prepared well for the openlrJg of the deer gun season. Surely those long hours spent scouting the area for rubs, scrapes and trails will pay off. You' ve actually picked out the buck you want .. a nice, fat ten pointer. Nothing can go wrong . Finally it' s shooting time and you're tensed. Any minute now.-A twig snapsi .You wait a moment to 'be sure of the target. There he is, just as anticipated I It's the buck I You raise and fire--one shot, a clean kill. Now imagine yourself In a hospital. The only ones present are you, a state trooper, the warden and a woma n with three small Sde ntilts believe theu children . The two men are talking to you but ~ique abilities can be used you can't hear them. All you see Is a as modeiJ for the developflash ... and the woman with the kids. The ment of ayn~tk dntgs. kids are playing while the woman just stares, stares at nothing. A door opens and a tired looking man The Endapcem:l Species Act of 11173 d ir ects the appears only to shake his head. There' s a Department ol the Interior, moment of numbness and then a scream, loud lhrougbtbeFishandWlldlire and piercing . A scream to last forever. Strvice, to cond uct a revl~ of thO&e species which a re A woman In white helps the other from the "thr ea te ne d " or " e nroom. The children fe~rfully follow, cry ing da!lltm:l." A notice of this rev iew was publis hed in the for their mother ... and their father. The Federal ~&Is ler and will warden and trooper try to help you up but affect t9 1tates lncludin& your legs, your whole body has no feeling . Wisconsin. The F ish an d WildiHe Everythi ng has gone dead. Serv ice has noliried th e All you can saY Is "There's the buck! " govemon ollheleiUites and Editors note : Hunt safely. You niay save a themayorofthe District of Columbia oflhilreview. life ... maybe your own . ARE YOU IN THE MOOD TO DANCE TO SOME ''LIVE'' MUSIC for a change? On Nov. 14 at 9:00p.m. \JAB Presents TrUe IN "A DIRTY OLE SOCK HOP·, MUSIC FROM THE 50's & 60's 2nd CNR colloquium tonight ,om ;/; /m iii jl[ ~~ !2: ~ ID,111 ALLEN CENTER $1.00 - $1.00 - $1.00 - $1.00 Theltoeond presentaUonol the Colleae of Nat ur al Reaources tCNRl fi!Uoqulwn aer les w1Ubeheldtonlg.ht111 ~ .In room 112 or lhe CNR ... ~Pot!, su pervilof of Boundlry W1 ter1 and Grtal lAkes , Wl1cOn11n Deput· ment of N1tural Resourm. will be talrr. l n& about " Planning !or Better Grta t • La~=::;~ the second prnentaUon IJ J•ck u~aton Professional Hair Sty11ng Men & 'oriten .R.K. Prbducts 2100 McCulloch '344·5493 November 14, 1974 THE· POlN-l=ER. ...... Poge 9 f"'>v People .w Students exper.i~nce on the pe¥!c~~~U:i~ ln plant ecoloay . plant taxonomy, ornithology. forestey , JOI.Is, mammalOI)', summes- cam p andothtrcou.rsesareuRdto draw up the proposed m~n~~ement pl1n. ''The course Is benendal becauseitlssimillartowhat they would be dol~~& If they were a v.ildllfe rnanqer. ldtaUy. it lldesiJned tomalte them thlnlt about how land can be m1111ged to lnaeut the wildlife population," uld Lyle N1uman. a prolesaor for '1bey don't get a lot o1 =:k:~•'ir!!:1!eUita~ plan Is designed to be the culmination or wildlife trainin& ror wildlife majors at environment by Jeff Lltttejohn CPYirman, Envlronmeritill Counci l It was encouraQing to see the large turnout at the M ich igan Avenue-Oreyfus Lake Forum. It was especially heartening to hear the concern voiced in ma intaining the north campus woods as a natura l biologica l system . The Environmental Council has always opposed plans that we fel t would prove detrimental to Its delicate wetland state . However, it is .imperltlve that efforts be ..... made to dispel beliefs that the whole roadlake Issue has gone beyond the point of constructive citizen Input. The decision has not been made. We do have a say, but to offer rational discour se at the discussion table, we must have first reached a decision as to what our priorit ies are going to be. Do we want development north of campus such as housing complexes ; food franchises and additional roads and park ing lots Infi ltrating the area? Do we want to emphasize intensive recreational use of the area (an 41t;~~so;'~B~!t~inp~: a==p~re~~ ~~~~~ laboratory, 'with adequate provisions for recr eation? The latter Is the one most preferred by the Council . We do have the opportunity to put it all together: The r ecent legal decision requi r ing a complete Environmenta l Impact Statement will assist these efforts .. It would appear that Individuals of position have vested Interests wh ich may hamper their ability to make a rational, objective decision concerning this whole affa ir . They are presently ski mming over via ble alternatives. Hopefully, with the addition of your comments, suggestions and opinions we can counter th is tendency and retain the north campus property as an Invaluable resource area for researc h, study and en vironmentall y sound recreation. UWSP. As part or the course requitema~t for Wildlife 4$1, students must se:lect1n area: analyte its veae tal lo n , ktenlify the plants, shrubs, draw up a lllt species o( lnlmals present, utim•te population levels ol .species by CQUIIIiDJ U'~U. """"""'· legislation review His sweiy area Is the teo acre AmbrO&e F1 rkus farm which Is located about five miles north or UWSP campus on Rese~e Sl. Each student In Fred Baumprtner'a wildlife clau fa differ~! sectlora ol the same course) work on a 40 acre tract of land which Is Department of Natural Resources (DNRl land. On a detailed map, theY plot animals and 1nlmal signs. Attheendolthesemester,all information Is put to& ether on one big composite map. ''To me, the moet lm· portant thing Is that If one Is golngintothefleldofwlldlife man~~eme11t, he must hive a good undentandh~& ol why wild animals are fOI.Rld In certain hlbltats. H they don't have a 1ood understandln& of exactly what the 1nimall needs u far 11 life requirements, food, shelter and water, they c.aMOt do a 1ood job o1 makina cha~~&es in a habitat wbk:b will result ~t:1e':""~~ .U:,~m~~ Baumgartner said. SAF vses gift Environmental The Society of American Foresters ISAF) cut about 25 cords of red pine in October wit h two of three new chalnuws donated to them . The foundation, a separ ate orJaniratlon from UWSP wh!ch operates for the sup· port and bendit ol UWSP, donatedtbeuwstotheSAF, acco rd l n1 to Will iam Vlekerstalf, special aalstant to the ch..ncellor. lnstnlmental ln obtalnln1 the saws for the SAF wu Leona rd Gibb of the Development of Alumni Rel1tions at UWSP , H.R. IIIII, tilt Bureav ol Lnd Mln.&&tmtol Or&llllt AC1 . hu come under Sen-etary ollnterior.~MortoD'a lenlllny. Mortonlnalettn- 10 JamnHaley. "-l&tlrior Committee c:halrnuft, propoMd amendmtaU to allow the uc retary to utsbllth O::.:~~~e;•: Smale In tm. Is pr-ll.)l .wJed In tbe HeMe wbtN It hu bem for four yur1. X-COUNTRY SKI TOURI 5 DAYS - DEC. 18-22 • through 'plan 1Wdlnce from me. II Is a learning experience of their own w~e they tear:a to depend on the i r own Clpabililles. l dora't telllhem v.:hlt kind o1 a veaetallonal analyliltodooriOOUt In the field with them," said Naum1n . His cla11 must ~~elect an area with diversity and Include lhe· lhree major hablla t types suc h 11 wetlands, f orest and cropland. It cannot be an 80 acre cornfield . • · "ltlsachalltfllebecause the ma111gement propoul Is noalmplethl n1, but rather It Is a complex plan which In· eludes soil types and use mtrk:tlons, economk: and llmellmltatlons,rHtrlctlons and.or allowances due to specific nora ty~ ol the area alkl rHiriclionl to ftl· sure little disruption of the ecoiOSYolthearea,"said Bill f'rtundorf, a senior enrolled In the course. " It allo lues tbe .tudents abUity to not only apply his wlld iHe m a na1e men t byKatberioeK-aiJki A wildlife man1gement Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park -COSTFood • Transportation • Camping Equlp.-$20 .00 EXTRA: X-Country Skis, Boots, Polos-$7 .00 EXTRA: Snow Shoos-$6.50 . SIGN UP THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 14 UHtVERsrTV C£HTEA- YAH HISE ROOiri 7 P.M. ForFurtherlnfo.: JM:It~t....U Rest And Activity n Is OUf' dill)' •aper~ th•t rnt ls th• PfOCedura lor lncr•aslng physlologlctl 11Ucl• ncy •nd •llec:tlvenell. ln•fflcl•nt lunctlonlng ol th• ::::~f:~c.'J''!~ ~~[~~~ t::d ·:~lrn"...s.•a•r~ lrt nslormed ltvough th• mec:h1nlc:s of th• s iMp atst• Into •fflcll nt phyalologlcal functioning ••P«i~ed •• U••Unns 1nd clarity of mind. This ::..~ ~Y~~-=~Ioneff~let:;,.sy;,':::'sc!~~::'a~ Medh1Uon wwta by the nm• n•tur•l prlncip(• , lnc:r•as lng phyllologlcal growth through r•st . BecluM TM oroduces •n ...,., ~ rnl lhlln PMp, tM QfOWih of phyaloklgk al etUcJ.,c,. and eftKti•WI... Is grNUy through TM, •s l~ttld by the WNtth of sc:leniHk: r•narch on TM. For further lnlfoduc:tory Information ther• wilt M an: LKtufe on TAANSCENOENTAL =:~;,.=~ ~~= ::~~n~~ 5473. Page 10 THE POINTER No.embe<14,1974 ~OUTDOORS CONT. POINTER Power lines called pollution source CNR to host lands Aeonfermceon ''Tbe Role ol Uee Value Tuatioa la na•lronm~nt.ll lalereslfi, otbtr~dtiz.enaud ~~~~~llbtin& aU~et1 Proanml to Preaer•~ lePJa~ an opportWllty to A&ricultural a11d COli · dilaiU their probleml and Rf"UC)' La.adl" wW be bdd views with -=b otber. Coolermce apeakers wW oa Satun:lay, Hoot . 11. at tbe CoDe&~ ol Nallnl ~ dilaiU Mw arrent tauUoe Power lines IUCh as these near Mitdlson, have come under flre for possibly being environmentally unsound. Photo by Roger W.. Barr. eonrermce ................. md~WlleOalin . 1be ag r ic ultural and undevdoped laodl wllldl .,.. _ ipCIQI(Ir'ed by tbe Wllconain Natura l Beauty Q:lundl , lbe UWE:ml:llioa,tbeLacueol Women Voters ol Wilconl!n bu been under preaw-~ rrom urbl.a deYelopnmt, ml&ht be wed to proled u-e Landi rrom ~rbanaprawl. Aaembly st-ter Norman ~larm,..tuud Arts & Lectures Presents Friday, November 15, 1974 MARGARET MEAD 4:00 p.m. Rm. 119 University Center · {Flee) Senina~ on lfuman Identity, Social lnleraclion, and Changing Sex IIGies Open 8:00 p.m. Michelsen Concert Hall flnnal Ucture - Teplc: l'lpla1lon and Food Crisis Students soc & UWSP 1.0. for formal lecture 346-4666 2 Floon of Muo1c • •• rce SEE CAMEL DO .ITS THING WITH CLIMAX AND SPECIAL GUEST UNICOR WED., NOV. 20 in QUANDT at 8 p.m. Poge 12 THE OOINTER .- Novea~ber 14, 1974 Pointer:s pla·n better finish ~y R.anllyA.Pellata 1UC«S1 wUI depend upon jult The tt74-1S UWSP Pointer basketbaU team Is wwkin& hard in prep.,ina for lhe upcomina: auon with a aood chilra ol lmprovina ~ rear's Wiaconlin State Universit y Conference how fast our freshmen can adjust to lhe style we play and help the older men out. We-must handle lhe ball; lastyear -hadway too many turnoVerS. The bil question with a youna: team ia a..t ~~n: be~~ how Bob Kruecer, ''Thla Is tbe tallftt team I've COICI'Ied since I've been here and However. the bead, we 're out to win some ,_ in his twelfth season, remarted: "We do have the aamea." qukkness and be!plh that Ia ollen needed. There ls 1ood (\l,~teio head ~~=~t=" and thi a year 's team At •, lhe Pointers will add t ...'O ma« players. They are 6'7" Mike Me· Daniels and Larty Sterno. nw pair will transfer fnxn Flori da Tech and UW Madison ~livdy. f~,;~;:1bi~~ ~~: peded to upun lhe team, saki Krueget". Aaistin& the head lhis year are freshmen Coach Jerry Gotham and an ex· Ste-o-ens Point standout Bruce Weinkauf. This season ~ Krueger gave defending PoleflliaUywebavethe ldds, champion Eau Claire lhe nod It just ckpenda on the ad- to repeal , trith '1\'h.ltewater and LaCrolle both poalng u stment of the younaer tough competiton. Yff'8 alld some luck." .:n,:nr:::, Winter teams • ready for seasons The live winter sports teamJ at · UWSP have all pnctked at leut a week DOW and Ill only another week the Poin t er swimmers will lnlliatethenewlr:aiOtl. Swim Colch Lynrt " Red" will pit the IIIWimnten and four dlvera out for hia team apinst each othu In an lntra4QU1d meet a t 2 l!.m., 9J.nday in the Bill Gelwlcka Memorial Pooi. 'Ibe foUowina two· aame home urlel aaalnst Chlcaao S l ate Unlvenity, Alllntra~pmela schedult'datlp.m. Nov. t~ln the Tce odrome . An U · ~na.d~~::r~: RUlon with the audience wUI prt'Cfde the daah. Admlllion will be charaed. All kids In displays mort: siu and depth :,v:~C:Cu~ r~:.ld•llon lhan many tuma I've teen. Thlrty. two akaterl are We1lbe stroncer this year." F'riclay they11 ldckolf the Last aeasoa the Pointers M:asoo with a home meet vylna ror 11 varsity apota, finished with t-16 seasOn lncl udlna 17 freshmen , "I wilbthetheory acainst UW Eau Qaire. F'lnaUy Krueger stressed recont andpve up nearly 76 that the team which «~ntrob Blair said ll'l'lfreabmen and BJanche said. Worllouta have ..._ pointape:rpmewhileK<Irinl the boards controls the tbelm~offansupport ten returning lettermen make centered on what Blanche calla the basic fundamentalajust OVel' 70 thfmaelvtS. One aame," alated Krueaer. for bis team. ''To have a ak atlliJ , allck handllna. of the facets Krufler em· " Reboundlna la very, very succeu ful t eam, " he said,"you must win at home, six days swlmmlna: about 225 Pl•ina: and poaiUonlna; and phaslud for lhla yur fa Important," he a~. and to do lhls, fan suJIP(Irt Is lapaa day per man. there'a beoen a limited amount reboundlna. ..enUal." oi'Krlmma&in&· Offer.lvel)', Pointer fans ''Thereiamoretalentaiwl can klok lor lhe team to run a mentioned Steve Menzel and "Our paU1111 and atlck '1'bere will be a freshmen deplh on thla tam than any p.~llem offense with aome Uoyd Thorton u two iU)'I pme on Frida}', Nov. 22, other team I've had, "· Blair handllns wa1 rotten when W1! breakln& when It provea who tan )Imp a lld are quid:. a&inst Fox Valley Extensioo :!~~labtoglnnlnahlatenlb ttarted but It haalmptOVed," helpful. Also Hendt Tom JaMRII of and on S.lurday. Nov. 23, he said. '' I'm mott lmpreued SUn Prairie wu depicted as fa11.1 can pt their lint look a t " We have several In· with our development In '1bere will alao be aome the '74 Pointers Ill an Intra· dividualatrilhlhepotenUalto potiUonlnt. lt'saU d.lsclpUne experlmentlnJ 1o1 n1 oo," ~::!d~~u~roo;e the squad pme to be held In be conference event winners and we're comlna a l q." ' Krueaer saki. '"'be players tranaler Paul Woita, a ~ndtl)'m . andlthinktbeteamha.aa must be able to play JOl!d defenalve playe r 'lbePolnterbasketballand chilncetowln the conference man-to--man defense as fttl ceUentsbooter, wlll meet," be said. wreatllnc teama will both u combi.Dadona ol the trap, begin play Nov. 215, OMich Bob Blair 1w half<OW'I or fuU«<~rt man· Krueaer'a caaera host1n1 t1>rnan preu." be said. WlnonaStateandColch Dave :e~:r~::r.era tnvellna ~~:.-=~~n~:~ a~l::!t~h"!'!d • All lnlra-equad basketball pme la scheduled for Nov. Zl. ''Thirty wrestllna hopehila have~ llflln1 W'fi&hta, runnlna and worklnJ on fund amental mo¥ea ," Stewart saki. Included are five lettermen, 15 frt:lhmen andei&htout4•laters. " We're wortlng on foot work a lot." Stewart aald. " We have to be better on our feet for taktcSowr.. Collece wreaWn& fa 1nalnly bued on takedowns and escapes." of"~'o:~;:t~= We're weak In lhe ll&ht· wt'iJhla," he 11.,1d. The Pointer l)'mnaata have the tonaeat walt for the season to bealn. Dtap\le atarUna pnctke three Wftks aco. their first meet isn't until Dec. 1 at home a&alnJt Northern Mktd&an. Sixteen lndhtlduala are out for the team, aald MW Coach Paul DeChant. Four are • ~~re~ta'::: who've~ competed ln the aport before. "We're worldna two houra r,.C:~·::act;r·~,on~ "We ' re not dolna ao)' =~::w :u=-.::: onthealdUaoleacbe¥ent. We need fduc:ated m\lldl," • -:· '\·•.- r--•· ni£ POINTER , Poge 13 'i<O'" Pickers stink while W_o ody burns ~'ltas.ahu.Mlllc HaWr•aaHIIIear..c "We would have doae • alright if it wasn't ffX' the be sm&U, but they're abo Ums by 11 . . . .. Pttu-..p wn- Clevd. .. : Cu Cree PN!tt do It! Docs =~~~ ==-~:~=~~ the bieep! " Glenn Edwards! nus doquenlst.temerat by Oblo State Coach Woody ~~:':: ~ ~~~ perlecUy delcribel the way the Su perpl c lren felt followin& SUnday'a disasteR In the NFL MIADeseta wa- ~ S.y : Broclrinaton '• '"one yanl and a su of mud" oae.e 1s hoDelaa. Purple Gq by n ~he 'sreplacedbyeithe­ RuMin' Randy Walker OJ' Eric Torlrt:lson. Oaltl111d .,ve kales, thanks to the crrorts and non-efforts ol: Joe Namatb, Mack HerTon, Jeac F'rcitas, Joe FerJUI(In. Glmn Edwards and Ken Andcnon, 0\l ft' Saa Die1a: Saa Fraaehca ••er Qicqa: 11le ocly ofJtnslve RlPP<ri the Bears' Gary Hulf Jets Is from bls own jockstrap! &n by two. New £a1l••• ..,er NV J!t1 : Patrltts by 17 as Rkhard eu~u ceta oilftl. ""' KC: 1bc GD1J Denver Qllefs mJ&bt beat Is Johl. ~ by ll!¥m . Wfa'- at Mlaa.l : To lbe wiJlMI'&oe~UDdispu-.tfU"'t place in tbe AFC Ealt. l&.mJ huweaastraJ&btlDibe Where to eat with the elite ~Jt. ..y~~el Ali I tpee:W aervice to UWSP fans who follow the Pointer ath l etic teams It's gonna be lights out for throuahout Wisco nsi n , we Din Fouts u the Raiders win by TKO In the ninth. U ..,"'New Ork1111: 11le onlytimctheSainiiiC'Ofcis on Saturdly night. Rams by ol:fer this suney o1 ldect.ed eating spots ffX' each o( tbe nlneconferencedtie.. Eaeh of these eateries hu Soml Ul redln& to a 7-$ IC«'e . been taste-tested by an Iron· Ooly C&mac'a spollftl 12..0 nine. wiUed member of our staff. dayltcpt the week from being Ratings are based on the Wulli.act- our DaUas : stomach tablet tt) and lbe a total I -. Our yearly r«0rc1 il now 76- WelibthcSitinsbythrecio maries can range from JH , which Is rathet' dim th is wild card collis ion tablet to four. llerc'slhcsystem : C'omparfd to Carnac's 117.0.1. becaU5C Rogu Staubach calls By the way •.Caraac's weclrJy audiblninthcbuddle. srl«tka; be beard over • Not bad unlca you're O.duall ""' Hont.oa : U Radio Free Arabia C'lffY tbeOiluscan win , tbey1lgct GubamK= ...ltain'tlheJUtz,but... Friday follawln& evening a Colton Bowl bid. It 's our llps<etollheWeek u • ·eaee anai:rliftelkkaeu prayer. Oncy wiMilll by teft . o..rntstopll : Wcd;tn : Sl. Louis over Pldlly : Ssm · a Sapc r Scr•lcc AUaala ..,.er S.lllm-: Ali There1l be fealhm aU over faraswe're~.thc thcpjacc u tbnetwosquare Colli a re a ll ICidlnas. ol:f, but we lhinlr Roman i5l 't ... uotil t - hours after Falcons by feu . Glbriclwill run afowl of the you 'vcca~ . Drtralt ..,er NV Gl111t1 : Big Reel dcfcnac. cards by lkm~bcr. the Gianll may four . ... ·-· :::::.o::~o!~ ~r~= IEB'?F&$'4f ~I f'ltESEI..TSito cotCEaT CLIMAX BLUES BAND UtUCORN QUAifDT fiElD HOUSE UW-STfYffiS POIIIT THE POINTER Noomnber 14, 1974 Football . scores .t, sPORTS CONT. wsvc Wblttwater 32 Olhkoab 11 LICN:al: • Stout 7 PlatteYUJe 20Eau Clalre:t Rlvl!l' FaDs 21 Stevent Point 14 Northland Z2 Superior a! POINTER BIG TEN Wlxulsln 21 Jon u Mkhlgan State II Ohio State " Alichi&anl4Winoit6 Norlhwntern:l41ndian.22 Minnesota 24 Purdue 2ID ~~a31Miuouri0 Alabama 30 LSU 0 USC :MStanfonl tO SMU 11 Texu AUf 14 Georiia 17 F1orida II North Carolina Stale 12 Penn State7 Baylor 34 Tens U Brigham Young 21 Arl10na Slate II KenWclty 31 Vanderbilt l2 Aubw'n 24 Mississippi State 211 Oemson 54 North C.rollna 32 Slate 13 Marylaod 4l ViUai'IOYa 0 F1oridaSlate21 Miaml (Fla. ) Nebiasb 23 Iowa . Oklahoma State 29 Kansas StateS Texas Tech 21 TCU 0 Arkansas 25 Rke I . UCLA 21 <ngon 0 Tennessee 34 Memphis Slate · Qallfornla 52 Wuhlqton 26 Colorado 17 II Miami 101 19 Kmt Slate 17 Army t7 Air Force t1 Yale 37 Penn 12 AriJ:ona 3-4 Cohwado State 21 Tl'le 1974 women's swim team consists of from left, front row : Beth DeWitt, Julie Jesse, Kim Fletcher, Captain Linda Burch, Cindy Sater, Marlt Clzmas, Karen Sla tte ry Pam Bla jesk l. . Second row : Rene Campbell, Missy Jones, Liz Smith, Ga ll Ski Touring is for everybody and Guzman, Robin Van Olen. Top row: Ba r b Sm ith and Sarah Pierr e. Photo by Rick Clgel. A__ ....._..,_., THE FCII lEST • ---. ... _ ST. lOUIS JAZZ QUARTET ¥loll with !Dslol.5lta!tlle. lld. , JEANNE TREVOR Mon.: Nov. ·18.,....... ............. ....... ,,_ ... .......... s .... _, Program Banquet Rm. (U.C.) n.n.. .... n : 1:21iJ& T-.., .... a,l':llr.a ................ ..... ,........._ __.....~ ........................ ,_ ................. ._. .......... c... ........ _._ ...... 'MAKE$100 ld, $1 .00 - STUDENTS $2 .00 - NON-STUDENTS Tickets AYallabla at Information Desk (U.C.) Sponsored By U.A .B. PERFORMING ARTS 6 U.A .B. COFFEEHOUSE . - Falcons claw Pointers, 28- 74 / llyRMI Sc.U. Uocll The UWSP football team ended a very dlsappolnUng sea~«tonaJOUrnottuRiver Falls ran over, lhn:lugb and around Paint's defense en rouletoa2:1-t4vktory. The Pointer's defense wu defenu lus aaain1 l t he Fakons &round pme as lt'a wlshboneattac:lllmalled353 yards on the lfUW!d. Headina the wu ll&hlnlnJ quick llalfbacll Keith Cobb. Cobb 'l outtide dashes earned him 12tyardlln only nine carries. U It wasn't Cobb ::;u:f,:~'ctruW:~en:,~ Roaers or Dave Barlow plowlnathelrwaythrou&hlhe middle of the Poi nter line. Quarterbaclllnc the Fakoo o f = • ~;"e:; onlymanaaedt4polnts, R.Hd Giorclanahlton29ol48clarts ~WI~ Jf:!·w~or:j~~ terceptlons. Glordana's ends had another field day u Doug Krueaer led the way with ten AlltrPolntcouldnotmove the ball, a shor't pv~t enabled t h e F a l cona t o h ave poueuion In Potnl't territory and Falls moved 47 yatdl for a nothe r scor e with Cobb lkirting the end for 22 yards and the toucbdown mallin& theiCOI'el3-7. Point lben bepn Ita only scorlnJ:drlvecllhe flnt half by getUrc tbe ball at the 25 yard line. Giorda.Da moved the team down field and hit rnerve split md La Valley for a 22 yard touehdcnm. However, ..Falls proved Ill offm&ive tqhne. u they slowlygr<IUndtheball up- field . Six minutes and 72 yards later Barlow ended the drive with a 2 yard dive lor the touchdown. ln the second hair, one or Poinl 'sfourtumovers led to another River Falls touch· do\lln as IUver Falls took ~on~":':~:= thedrive. Thistime hissprtn t wu lor 21 yardl . Pol nt'a 1111 dr ive wa1 RiverFalll&oton the board hlghll&hted wi th two Glrw· firat as end Randy Taylor. dana to 0\artler pas~~~ . Joe cauaht a I yard p-.. from Pii«:llyearTleatheballln Weyman late I.Q the flnt tnxn tbe tmee y ard Une to qtatter. The dr lva was end the ICCirizle . bi&hlighted by Cobb's Sl yard n,. Pointft'a end the MUon jaUIII that set up the loutb- UlntheWSUCCGdfll"fttCe dowo . and :J-7 overaU. ~tiona . aooct ·' THE POINTER November 14, 1974 Page 15 .c..c. team earns trip to_ _Nationals by S&cvea Sc hlllt& Saturday at carthage the UWSP Crou Countey team sevel\th place, follo..'ed by Rick Zaborske ;~nd Dave Elger , with eleve nth a nd " Had a be;~uti!ul race-he's had two great races back to back,"" said Amiot . 1 event h _and nInth, the Conference Meet a week ago and was not at full strength-"Pat hadn't run at all since Moaday ; be ran the las t two miles on pure determ·i nation a nti was completely exhausted at the end of the race," said Coach places ; . Mike Simon, :U ; Don Buntman, %2; John Fusinatto, u and RW1 Luethe, 35. Amiot 1ees Nationals as being very tough in temu of lhequalityolrunoerthatwiU be there. ILa1t fe&r the three teams from District 14 ; ticip.atlna:. "We've got a team there now and e verybody is depending on everybody else," said Amiot. Lookingbackonlheseason, Amiot sai d ," We ' re real respe«:ti~-ely.l All told , there will be about ~ifh~~~'j~isJ! th~~~~;des~ti~~Yr~ at fi~!dm~~~e ofr!'Jio~1!; !'!,;h~o re~;;s::~· ~~~ Dis trict 14 Meet. The Meet's top runner was Lucian Rosa or Parkside ,.·hose time or 24 :39 was 33 seconds ahead of the nearest runner Joe Hanson o f · [..a(:ro5se. t-'lnishing first in the Meet ;!'n:-a!!~~~~~in~ ~~tr, Parll:side, third , 80; Plat· teville, fourth, 14 ; carthage, fifth, 108 and Ri ver Fa U.s placed sixth with 125 points. In a race that sa w its top threeteaJTUandfirstfifteen Individuals qualify for the Na tionals, Point nosed out Parkslde by eight points and Pla ttevUie by 12 to qualify. This is the first lime that Point has sent the whole team to Natioa~ls, Instead ol just certainindividuals,socbas last year when Stevens Poin t sent three runner.~ . The top ruMer for Ste\•ens Point was Pat Timm with who finished 13, 1 ~~~x~ ct;:;~ ~ ad,·er tisea recentmovie. lnstead, theseanbutafew top nam e ""'esUers to SPE captures, by H.obScballock ~~~~~...,o:Si:; at ~ yard double pass from Mike Der-rertoMikeOaleytoMark Rosedy to get the touch· down. Hansenscoredtherirs t of his points as he ca ught a l.)ierrwaerlalfortheextra poin t. With two minut es remaining lD the haU DefTer again hit Hansen, who was open in the middle of the Vets wne dde-nse for a touchdown. SPEthea point to J ivemade e:lllratime This Ro5ecky corn.mandinJ tltoOhallllme lead. At this stage the pme looll:ed like It could develop into a rout. = ~[:,:~o~~a:::ea tone and scored again as quarterback found Hansen in the end lOOt . With about five minutes to go in the game, the Vets \loTapped up the scoring IS Nash hit Arnie Laesing for t he Co u ch down . Doug Olristianson added the extra point . Taking advantage of two key Vet penalties, SPE controlled the ball for the remaining minutes to ice the gamea ndthechampionslilp. t:.dltonnott- : T he Sig ma Phi E p1ilon fr;oternlly,holdenoflbe lt1~ int r am11ra l football Ull~apparenllyhaveLOforfelt all of their samH beca11H they ue d an loells lble player. Al:cording to Jan ll anua, a member of the fralefllity , Mike Derrer was tht playu lnvol>'td . Ap parently the VeiJ knew Dtrrer wu ineligi ble and playtd the &•m~ 11ndu pc-otnt.. This IDikH the Veil, oapaP'f'r at ltu t.thelootb•ll thaiDpiOIII. ~e~~~~hi~t~~~~~~~~ p::~ willfeaturefour matches. Four bouts had also been featured. last semester. Geoff Portt, who last semester defeated his op. pooent, will open the action. PorU, at ~ pounds, will g rapp) e 235 pound Jim BrunzeU, a native ol White Bear Lake, Minne50la. In contrast, the KCQnd bout wiilfeatureatagtnmmatch l'l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!!!'lll FOR THE SIGOOT & BEST HOT SANDWICH IN TOWN TRY A p.JII(romO.veNasbtoGary BILL'S PIZZA ~- • LAY-IT-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS A SMALl DOWH t ATMfHT WI LL HOLD • T1 LL WANTID Wrestlingpt"ogramwillgoto the UWSP Athletic Depart· ment and ita programs. All seats are reserved. nctetl may be obtained at the Sport Shop or Coach Don Amiot'• omce. Stuclents may call 34&-3677 for tkkets or further information . ITALIAN IIOASI BHf SANDWICH The SPE continued to exploitthemlddleoflheVets RINGS I SHE WILL ALWAYS · CHERISH pounds. The duo v.ill wresUe against Billy the Kid , a 4'3", 99 pound grappler, and Sunny BoyHa'y es,a t4' 1",a t02pound Ca nadian. lvan Putskiof Poland, who according to the "Eau Claire Specta tor" hu "arms that lookliktlhi&hs transplanted from a normal human being," will challenae 265 pound German Baron · Von Raschke. Thursday's main event will fea ture Superstar Billy Graham agai111t Milwaukee's Crusher. The Crusber wu . abJe to overcome great odds, brass kn,.:kles and a profusely bl eedins forehead last Februar y while defeating Iva n Koloff. Superstar Billy Graham has built up a natioa wl~ reputation as a cheater, hair ..::.,"':,,~·~;;•:.~:.:. :f:v-:c::!nr~~k;!~ country Natioaals before as a team and that's Important. I think th a t will help with our r«ruiting," said Amiot. " Overall,lthas beenagood season," he concluded. Engagement appear Thursday, Nov . 21, ln ~~~=~~~, . h.1p ,:;~;~~:'~.:"!~!~:;'; Ioses champ10ns Sigma Phi Epsilon CSPE I behind two touc:hdo-.o.-ns by Jan HanKo took an early lead and held on to beat the Vets 22-l41ast Tuesday in the intramural foo tba ll cham pionship. Going into the game, both teaJTU had imJ)f"eSSive playoff ~redentials . The Vets had OY ts~ored three previo us playoff teams by a combined scn« of60-0 !Sims n-o. BSC 3Hl, tS Knutzen 18-o) while SPE routed 3N Burroughs 280. 4E Pray :zw and nipped the Wiz.ards 6-G. '' Our c ross ~~~~m~=k ~! 1 gto11 ~f; ~:~:~:!: n~iihed~(ou:th~ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Pro wrestlers to make UWSP appearance by Jim Habeck With names like BiUy the Kid , Baron Von Raschke and Superstar Billy Gr aham pka~-wlth-ow- seuoa and v.-e have accomplished most of our goals . FROM &i\• ~ "I:OtOTI: .. I:O OIAMDHO II IH OO GRUBBA JEWELERS YOOR DWIOIII ' GIFT CfiiiO WE STAY OPEN SATUADAYSI "Diamonds Our Specialty" . lffPWf, COWMBJA & OWGf BLOSSOM DIAMOND 11161 cHEcK ouR PRicEs _....._, .. & THilD ST. ~~ii-~i"' ii~i'iiiiiii"i"iwi'*i"i"iiii~:~~~--:--::"_:~~~--------l P()J:le 16 THE POINTER November 14, 1974 Students fail to vote Now, I'm s uu we've au ' Thf:ir only attem pt at higher Letter, On Nov. S, the re:sp<~Mible people of Stevens Point tumedouttovote in a major fac~ts describing the But . then, _you're only a e lection . The involved Watergate sy ndrome, the college student and why students of UWSP also turned apathy of students, and the should you know. Well, the 1ecture Is over and out but twcDy In record return to more simple times. numbers. As a matter of fact, we :u:!e~u~"":~~~~~ ~C::bly ':~YIW~e~~ euphemisms of the day and read I~article, Nld voted on probably had mllf1! student. tum out for lhe tricycle races face r eality . What we' re No\&: . S. For-lherest,lguessit in the union tha.n did tum out really llying Ia today 's would be too much to n-en atthepollsto vote. Butyou're college Jtudent Is luy, expect them to be able to only a collq:e student and Irresponsible , imma ture, read, much less comprehend, the issue. what do you know'! stupid and borlng. Their only ttmm~ with lhe The major issue wu not If I sound blUer, it Is what will be governor- c:r age of majority Is how many because I am. When higher Conjns.sman or local st.te lhots they ca n pour down at tuition comes a l q, maybe represent.tive, but whether theSquare. Theironlyleftlof you11bebltteralso. Butthen, by Bob Kerksieck st udent.s a re responsible llwol:vementlstolitlntbeTV you'reonlyacollegeatudent Should cur·rent trends contlrlue, tuition and --.. eooug.h adults to exercise lounge and blteh because and you11 nevu know. fees for UW undergrads will rise to Sl,OOO their rights a.nd duties as d lilens. Quite obviously, annua lly in less than four years. they're not. · The Board of Regents of the UW System The real Issue in this ~ Votui!W-tol atadeata have approved a proposa l to reduce UW campaign was the tuition Ncw.S. tl'74 tuition by half. Such a movewoulda ld tens of reduction proposal that will Voted Registered Percent ~a ~./~~nd~~~tn~ ~ =~a~:!!t=~~r::.~ :~~!!o~o;.~~~ J!!~ · =:~::ol:ler =:: : :: =:,;dt.~~w:.:~a:: ~ ~iJ! :?ui.~:i!~,;~ ~~~!v~!;~~!E~ ~:oho ~:C~ erkJe ~ ~ Smith you know or Village 34 l7S TOTALS m 2120 Off campus (esl.) S6!f(esu 2845(est) TOTALS !M4 4965 ~y.stma - __ ....... ...,_.iclftcr--. -....-.......... ,..,_.. ~ ....,......,, .,.., bllneryootlG>OA ..-..~ ,_,.. ~ -.-loouof-.-y 28 ~ : :: 13.1 ~~ :~ : Nitroc~n dioidde is one o( W"IS(() n~n's r!Ajol' ai r poilu· IIIII$. It il arcddllh.ODnp· brown&_U-:J tha~nt odOf . IISIIUOJUI!IOUictJIIC the. automobik . powtr pbnts. chc.mial pbn11111d refineries . Nit rotr n dlodde I;:IU!IeS eye, noKandthrOit irri tationand AUfiCI:I. I!d(o trrior:ltn rubber, fibres and dycsandandam~&e¥~11· lion. ~3~t ~:i i= !;'e 1' : : students and aay,"l don't :u~~~~·i:~~y~ ~~ ~:! ~! 13.6 17.8 20.0 19.01 Let's have 3 instead of 4 . ........~. The prTlepects ol an ad· dillon to the Lurnlo& ftesow"cts Center (LRC) are looldna brighter and brighter. However, let'a only ask tor a three story 1ddition and Ult the remlini11J funds to staff the bul.lding. Students might thenbeabletomakeUitof lhefacillty. Siacrrely. MarkDn-1• JaDCU... City thousands of Wisconsin- students and the ir ·fa m ilies. (See the front page story for further Information on the tuition proposal .) Governor Patrick Lucey has publicly opposed the tuition reduction proposa l, though he has not even seen lt. While at UWSP last week, UW President John Weaver ~ld that Lucey said he had not ·received a sing le letter suppor ting the proposal to lower tuition. We ask you to remedy that situation and write the governor today, urging him to su pport the proposal to lower tuition. WRITE TO: Honorable Patrick J. Lucey, Governor Executive Office State Capitol Madison, Wisconsin 5l701 Faculty member strikes back Dtar Mr. G11ealber, dirty laundry, to hlnJang InyouredltorialintheNov. themselves out on a limb? Seems to me you should be grateful that we are cal.llng your atte ntion to th ese s erlona envi ro nmental Now It's your turD ~r:~1e1~~e~r o1 ~a.g~o~:: toproblema. gel with them a.nd do ~nyUUnJ'!" something about lhem, ,It Is What glves you the idea hightlmethatatOOentabttetbe that professon lhould suUy buUet. tMmselve~ by nghtirc big You're just damn luclty business, stale and fedet-al that you 've got 1.11 around to 1genciea which are anti · cue you ln. lll&lrll)'aaUarted, Geor&e Becker 7 P"'n~r you.tooktotasktbe professors ol this univtnit)' wt\en you asked " Where were they and why weren't they r--------------, =~= ~Y:U.,;an~ U. A.B. Fl LMS "'m"~u.,............ "' Thurs., Nov. 14, 7:30p.m. ALLEII AJNT'S X.fiATBI CAMilli CAMBIA SHIPPY SHOES MAJN ATWATER =~ Democracy in error ' What Do Yoo Say To A Naked Lady!" ••,.. ,.,..,., Fri., Nov. 15, 7:00p.m. ~w:~~c~~;.~~~: Subject:c:On-ecuoo of 11-7· Brandt DOUBlE future ~=~j,~umn four . second "THE WI,!D ONE" "ONE EYED JACKS" S.::.~:~='!":!;:C':'I!~ A Marlon ~~;~':d!':"~.~t'::~ Am , (U.C. ) ~'J.!~tea~t.S:~Irman _I~ _Program ...;._Banq. _....;..;._;-J. This if In error. All Showing In ~--....; Bloloey The eollectlve barplnlng document acce pted by Faculty Senate in no way :a~~; :'!~:-;:; department chairman. Tbe age ol reU~t la beiDJCDnlideredinaaub~mittee, and wu reported as such at the November 3 Student Senate merttnc. ... ... ..., _ '· · _ .. ...,.,, November 14, 1974 ; , • ·~··· ,'-t THE POINTER \ ec Page 17 Affairs of the area To the Nit«', bySba.ronltolcoaiuSJo.. Schru Relatin& to last v.'ftk'l arUde involvin& school work and its prtuures. we thqht It would be 1ppropriate to talk depression this week. Just as thC're arc- many · variations of depression. thC're a re rnany definlt10f1!o. The view ~~o-e will be usln& will dHCribe depreu1on IS ana« turned Inward. (Henry Undgren - PsyehoiOCY ol PersoNol Devcolopment; 1•.1 In olbef- words it is • ~U- 1be cam~lp to A\"e lht ear lh is (inWwd. Run its ~ut that's whit some would have us believe. Fortunately this \1 far h·om course. At bcinglbr ~about cue. =~~, ~~ ~o*J~""~'!:;u'!j,~~~~~~oc-~~~~i lhrou&h depra.&ion. f'int , feelingfrust.rateclwlthcourses, K hoolworkandthe way you've been hancUina lh\a frustration oc- anxiety can be a main sour« of depression at Oil Ume of the' yea r . This type or depression can beeootrotlC'd to a p-eat cox tent by you ~JBL!if:,~~~,.:a:nse=u:a::u~:!: Yt'a\lowing In anxiety due to the" unknown. Money Is another 1001« ol anxiety foe- many ol us. This involves • dirtM'ellt type of Mpreulon as there is mot"e extema1 control. A Jot ol times there is lltlle you can do to (attea ~ a pancake slu wallet. lllondlin& this kind of depreulon Involves atteptance, pet"ha!J5 a ltennc a prewnt life sty~ And maybe pultillJ more or an emphasis on the be~~~ndof~:-~~~ mos; common kind afdcopreuion Invol ve~ what wco would broadly tum as your view of yourself. A poor mr..fma&e lar&ely exemplifies an anger turned Inward <l.e. Jbec:omeancry atmyselfbeca~&e I am penon.>The feeUn& of nO!Hicceptan<:e ol ae1! II usually brou&Jlt oa by a reaction to an outside souroe : the endin& of a relationship; a poor livin& lituation; a bl.d relationship with an autbority f!.JW1!; or a fedin& of l'!'jcction by s-rs. Again,ln order not to be suckC'd up by these anxieties It is OC"«SUI')' to pinpoint the lOUtH and deal with It~ talldn& ~~a~':!'1J~«doin&aome nctoset not an ok Headline misleading to readers ,.. u.e edll«, 1 fiod )'Our headline " Democracy not always the best," attributed to me on paJe seven of the Nov. 7 NMn' misleadlnc. My full quote, U5C'donl)'lnpart inlhe \eltd line of the article wu · ·oemocracy Is not necessarilythem~tdfM:ienl form ol aov.emment, nor lhould it be." The remart was dirC"Ck<! at the debate~ from our attempted I'!"VIaion of the Studf:!lt Gover nment Constitution. That debate. though lea&thy, has been excdlent. Senators. 'lisiton (rom the' Aaembly, and the stuc:itnt bodya tlargehaveall con· tribu.tecltolhediseussionon th is issue. No one has been denied lhe opportDnily to ...... Allyfina laetion ca nonly take place with a three· qua rtcor majority decision from the Senate, who 1\a.ssole authoc-ityoverconstitutiona1 mattrn. It is my opinion that no SeNotor Involved In this isluoewillcuta capricious votco. They will vote thar conscience and the Senate · 111ere are three Uinp we have been tT)'in& to empbulu will act a««tiln&IY. · In any case of dqnslian: that it ill n«'esSatY to realile Democracy may not be the your reeunaa. tey to locate the sow-« and attempt to deal most e Uieient form of with the anxicoty in a constructive way. f~~~~~~:ij~~ ~~n:eto:J:e~t!,~:~':~t'~~a~~i~r!:: the Senate a ft er th\1 uhaustive debate and analysis will be in the best intemtsolallthestudentsof this institution. RelpC'CU•Uy ..tuaiUed, Ly~ D. Updike PTnlcknl of Stadent Govei'IIIBUI Lucey asked to support proposal H•enWC"Pa lr~kLIIc::ey thC'rin.ancialcapabilityolthe Eunt.lve:Ofrk:e: · State C.pi\411 M..lsM. WlK•dJI I am sendin& this letter in 1Upport Of the tuition .U.blilhation and l'!'duction :~~:O~~'i:n ~ ~ylby~d~e~ Jn•titut i on• rnl iu d sl &nificant increase in enrollment . Analys is has shown that this JncreUC' wu nat drawn from other post xcondary Institutions. Tbey we:re citiun~ who had been den ied accns to hi&her education for financ i al l'!'asons. 'Ibis il a lituation I bel ieve the people of ftelenLL'ntlllltbekey '-uoe bdot"e you today rdatinc to po~t seeondary education . lmp&emeataUon oflhia policy ahould be vi-ed u an en· douemeot or the com · mltmeat, of the state ol Wlseonsln to true Publi~ F.dueation. Tradillonall)', we have acctpledthepoltUanthatthe educational l'dOUr'Oel of our atate sbouJd be aYallab&e to all ita d~. repnleu ol ~nm~a~::J!oo~: bem eroded b)' our dected olfkla1a over the put few ,..,.. You bave tbe opportuo\ty to renrse this trend aDd reaffirm )'Our IUppOrt ol ftCCIMI t.o tbe ~~=~t~ of ovr soclet)' . ~t:~mf:!lta no lqC"r Present tuition le\·ell now serveasadet~ttoa number" of students. At Fond du Lac: and Rke Lake, tuition ra~e~~~o·C'f'C're"du«dandboth Wlxonsi n '"' uawillin& to accept. lllf'IC!: YOUtoiUpportlhe tuition pcapasal as endorsed by the Board ol fle&enll and !'!'affirm your commltm~t _to ~cru~.C'ducaUonforaJI Rdpt'Clfllly )'Mrl. Lyle 0 . Updlke S t •dea l C•ve r ameat ......... I UWSP t:.DITOR'S NOTE: OUier ltudcoaa. maywilbLiwrlte to u.e CevC'I'.., IIS\.111 die •k-fe: addrC"Mlftbeywlatltoe:.;- pr UI II •pla l•a &"l•t taltl... COME TO TORREY'S RESTAURANT TO GET A M.EAL LIKE YOUR . . GRANDMOTHER USED TO MAKEI . IT'S POSSIBLE TO GET A CHEAPER MEAL IN WISCONSII . BUT •. • IT' S IMPOSSIBLE TO GET A BEITER MEAL! other. F'rlendl, teachC'n and the counselirc c~ter ca n al l be helpful deoendiDg on wllh which source you feel m~t comf«table . Yd,Udlmaybeoneoflhem~tdi(ficulttimcos to seek othen. It meant admlttina a weakneu and expo~in& yourself, not only to others bu t to yourself as well. F1naUy, we would like to NY that depression II not .omethinJ we need to try to snap out oflmmC'dlately. 'Tbat feeliaccrutea C'ftll more arutlety. But by leamin& to cope on a day to day bull, worldna towards a constructive end, we should reach a comfortable point and we will have learned aomelhin& more about ounelves. Ihursday, Nov. 14tn JOHN RUSSO AND THE ORIGINAL DIRT RAG DIXIE LAND BAND WITH: JEFF EBEL TOM DELLINGER & LYNN STEWART -SATURDAY November 16th PAUL BENTZEN AND THE Safety last Strino Band (BLUE GRASS') · WITH: JOE EBEL & MIKE DOWLING ALL AT Poor Henry's November 14, 197.( THE POINTER _POAe 18 Bob/itch t6 be assistant leader No problem at lucky_'s last senion, minority William Babllich CDSteveMPoinl),electedtothe Wisconsin Senate two yean will be auistant Senate byJayne L. Jiubacher what was wr itten In the mt.jority leader when the story a nd that he will go ttl l ealslatur~ reconvenes In " We aren 't having any jailifnecessarytoprotecjt January. He- wa s chosen when problems right now," .uld hlssour«S . Jim Fulll"r, manager of Mr. Nick Schneidu, manaau Democratic hol dovera and Lucky'• Night Cub, in a of-ltr. Locky's at thetimeof senato rs-elect caucused re«nt lnterview. the s hooting threatened Friday in Madison. Senator Fred Risser ' CDKrrlaleck with a Ubel suit Fullu wu lntervfev.-ed as a . which, as of yet. has not Madlson l, th e form e r minorlryleader,.-aselected followup to an article that materlallud. Senatepres\dentprotempore 29 ar':c'i: " lftbey~edlhat ln· and Senator Wayne Whittow concerned what appeared ttl cident wu true In any part, tD-MIIwaukee l, moved up bebulletholesinlhefront why didn't they go through fr om assistant minority door a nd In the middle with the libel case they Jeadertomajorl ty leader . panels on the east side ol the thrntened me with?," .uld The Democrat&, who will c:ontroltheSenate for thefirst Kerksieck. buildinJ. If the artic:Je had not aptlmeln80years,areplanning --.. peared in the paper then the Schneidu said that the rule danges which Bablltch said are Intended tostreamline operations and save time. the shootinc or who was in- :flm ilnymore and to hlm the But the Asaoclated Press volved wltb IL. said Fullu. ease is d05«1. IAP I speculated today that • :!~eu~~~n~~!!tgt~ ~~~ :b:.~ u time limits pn . Willow said he !avon a stronger committee syatem so bills reachirt8 the noor can avoid ti m e-cons uming amendments. Risser said a committee staffed by three Dtmocrata and two Republicans would schedule bills for each day't session. (Bablltchlwsald he expect& to play a key role on thecommlttee.l • The Senate, .uld Risser, would not rrcesa unUI action had been taken on all listed bills . . '1bere Is nothinc In these rules that will impede run discussion and debate on the Issues," BablJ.tch said, ''TherecaMot beanyclaim that we a re tUning the !f':ere::n~. A~ ~"::f:or~~.::;~ho~ sh':':h:t ~r:.t ~ Variouscllyofflciallbave~'Tbereisnoofflcialreport commented that cert<~ln aspecta ofthestory.werenot true. ·' e,"saktCaptainLoomls Stevens Poi nt Poll« Department. '"I don't know wheN= your Bob Kerksleck , author of editor got his information," the ilory aod Polatcr editor, said Loomis, ''but I 'IW't said that h~ stands behind would like to ltnow ." of 2 MORE DAYS lt!fllord _Robert ; ~iah nson'' - wto became a Tt-em.111 Ieger<! Tt-efolm destred tobea dassid P-·-·-t.cwco~or·..... ___ -:-;;:.:: o PMI'# • f3 :,.~o;uu:~ SATURDAY - SUNDAY KIDS SHOW ·~.~" Hosman to on campus be SANTA & tbe 3 BEARS ;;::."'"..'i! COOL It AU€C STYL€. Church announcements Richard HO&man, assistant t.othedeanoftheCollegeol EzagineeriDJ, at UW Madison, Newman Uahenlly will be on cam pus Monday, Parl1h, Newman Chape l !basement of St. Stan's) Nov. 2S. He will be available to Ooister Otapel , 1300 Marla eonferwlthpre-en&lneering Drive studenta, particularly those Weekend Masses: Satur· who plan to transfer to the day, 4 and 6 p.m ., Newman Madison campus to finish Otapel Sunday, 10 a .m .• Newman their engineering course. He wiU have lnror·maUon on Otapel availa blecu:rricula,careers, 11 :30 a .m., Ololster Chapel job opportunities and syn· 6 p.m .• Colster Olapel chronizatlon of COUJ'Itl on Weekday : Tuesday this campus with courses In throu1h Frida y, 12 noon, Newman Chapel the engineutng college. His headquarters will be In Conftuions : Saturdays, the Blue Room of the 5: 15 p.m., Newman Chapel. Unlvtn\ty Center IUCI from F"int Ba ptist Cb ur c~ 10 il.m. until noon and from I tAmerlcan l 1948 Church St., to 3 p.m., Monday, Nov. 25. SUnday ServicH at 10 :45 Students wishing ap - a.m .. and 7 n.m. pointment& In advance should Puc:e United Churc:h of rttistrr with Roland Trytten. Ch ri st, 1748 Dixon St ., room Dl42, Science Building. Sunday service at 10 a.m. Fra me Presbyterlall Churtll, 1300 Main St.'; Stin· !:.!.ttrvlce a t 9:15 and 11 St.Paal'sUnltf!CI MP.Uiodlst Churc:h, 500 WllsJ:!ke Blvd. 1 Sunday service a t- HI a:m. Lu th eran Stude11 t Communlly, Peace Cam pus Cent er, Corner of Marla Drive and Vincent St. ServlcewlththeEuc:harlst, Saturday, 6 p .m ., Peace Campus Ce nter Sunday, 10:30 a .m .. Peace Campus Center The Eva nJe llca l F ree Churc:b YMCA Bulldin1, 1000 N. Division, Worship : t0:30 a .m .• College Class : 9 :30 a.m., ~astOf" Fred Moore. News briefs Student electiOfll will be heldonregistrationday, Dec. 3. Then! will be ten seat& open for student Senate and I& seat& opea for MHmbly. If you are interated In s:::!':f· 8!wu::~:, b&cri~ as soon as pouible. lbe ruct nomlnatlonprocedu:rewillbe · announced on Monday, Nov. 18. Notice :· Student evaluations o( coursa are being conducted through Nov. 22. "Tbe Putect~~tal youlb of northeas tWisconsin~llon will be coming to SteveM PointonSaturday,Nov. llifor a " Praite and Preaching" Fellowship Rally. · MZJ:!:7t:,;;.,;bt>;:~:r!ofri Psychology Majora will be held on Nov. 1~22, and Nov. 25 in room 0236, Science ~a'!!!:l~i .!~:-: ::·~~: up at the "Psychology The shxlerts and faculty of Station" atrqiltratlon on UWSPare invited to join In 1\Jesday 1Dec.3. 11leyw\llbe theevenlngworshipat 7p.m. Jil ed under the s tudents lntheJeffersonSchool.gym, name. 1800 East Ave. C/assifieds IU·F'I BUYER8 111 Buy The Frt~~eh <.1wb invites your favorite stereo com· Two mauadvbing sessions fOf" all Collqe of Natural studentaandnon -studentsto . ponent&atzo..60percentoffof Resources ICNRI majors will a Thanksgiving parry on Nov. sto re prices . All mtjo r be held NIIY". 19 In the 20 in the Formal Dini ng brands, and full lines of Program Banquet room of r oom In the Unlvenlty product& . Beforeyoubuy,see the Unlvenlty Center CUC). Center (UC I. · my low prices and othe1' 1befirstseslionltfrom 4-41 benenu 1 offu. Remember. p.m. and the second 5e5~ion " I just .don't try to beat my from 7:30 to 9:30p.m . All Frenchfoodwlllbeserv~ competition, I make II !!" CNR ma jon must attend at betw~n 5 and 9 p.m. and a Peace . .krry. _150 Knutr.en, leastonestS~Iont.ohavetbelr French prog ram will be rttlstratlon cardl signed by a prtlt'nled. A f~ will be faculty member. charged and any money left Reg.lattation materials and over will be used for a tri p of For S.le: 19'10 Triumph, a time table are needed fOf" lludenta to a French contest GT--41, 211 mPI, 1ood condition, the session. on a national level. tt500. can 3ou.c718. ''"· November 14, 1974 Stevens Pond The Student Nomf . by Taurus S. t Locum by 'PUS' All I am ..... . Too mud! work and I can't """" and In my nec:k there forms ''""· My mind is IPinnirc, I'm oo the brink. \ 1ckdde riJbt then, ao bave a drink. -..... !Mtead ol atudylng for ucl! orwOIT)'ingwbdberl'U fall ~ I winll and smile at eacll cute l&A andtdltbebar\endertonn my &lau. My lelle:her aaya I'm a low down slwnlt. My roommate thinb tm a little punt. • I don't listen to all this But ....... For ......_ all lam is plain dd ........ FRIDAY OJo&.ln.r - z.J-ot. .. .._teM-~--· -w okoa-4 .,._ 4t.ol ... b t . JOOO, .UI u -1 •r.-loall..- on _ , _ ........-.. u.. w...-,...,,., ~a_ ,..., _ ••'- .... oo • - • U .. u.. • - A<U..tu ... oru... •• ,._, ....... o• lr -rloo.U. - • - • __ __... ._. ....... ___ .... 11-ri· . -.-.U.ol..- .U.I ..,._, - lo._o, ,rt- ...• -RMn · lllol""""-•'•Moa~o- ori do M """"·~-.a,. .OCUrlolao DII1... 1 ....... oo .... ....._._latloocd. . . . . . . . <o. 10- ~ 14 IS ~ "':.!.t;:'i.., - =~a:.'="":;- ca.u... ==~It ~-~D~, • :cr-~un ~c..!!::"::;·.':'~~~-~--- - -- ..._U,,IMr... ~~~ . : . . -. ' . ... (I) . . .. Ale) Cloll-, ~-~ ~-····· '"""' ., --~ ftDC, t ,. o. UIC'I ,_ , ?-:-;...... !'!·-·1 'j"-..,--•...e:.. ""'.. ' "· --. . .... -- SATURDAY 16 ~~·~· ·"'=-~--· . . . _ . . , r-Q.oln , , •• , . .. (a)