VOL 17
On The Inside :
Godspell Spells Very Good Vibrations,
- Page 2
Winter Carnival Festivities He ld, Page 3
STudent Shortage, AnotMer Crisis,
Page 4
Words, Page 5
Campus Calender, Page 6
Grid losing Over $1000 Every Week,
Page 7
Dreyfus Explores Possible Exchanges
WiTh Poland, Page 7
let1ers to the Editor, Poge 8
(Superpickers) Sports in '74, Page 9
Sports, Page 10
Superpickers Hit Century Mark ,
Page 11
A New Road for Geseii-The End of the Road for Old Main
prepared by the univenity
system ' s cente r adminlstrationstatl'S :
" The pre s ent Main
convert the Stevms Point Building at Stevens Point is
campus' GeHII Institute for obsolete and has bun
the Study or Ea rl y Childhood ~mended for raUng by
or AdEducation into a com · the Department
recom muniulioo study «nttr and ministration ··•
remove Old Main, rqllactng it mmdatioa fully CQI!Curred in
with a new. smalltr ad· by the university . ThU$, the
minlstntlon bulldlnl on need to relocate functions
flOW housed in
the Main
Reserve Slrftt.
The two-put proposal. Building is hig.hly urgent. The
urrytn& a $2 .6 million building, comprising 50.000
pricetaa. will be made by the aquare feet of s pac e.
UW Centra l Administration. presently houses the campU$
Buildin& plana for seven administ ration and support
campuses.,.ill gobd'ore U!e functions . general classroom
retmts and thf: one for space and olnce space for the
communication departmmt.
Because of code and ~afety
the list.
The rli"St two are a ph)'llcal haurds. the top flOOl' of the
education bulldin& for Green buildinghasbeotnclosedto
Bay and a dormitory CCifl· active use.
'1bi1 proposed IOiution to
versio n into a science
buildlng a t Platteville. Lower the r~a cement of the Main
on the report are remodeling Building reflects a careful
at Stout , heallna plant con· reevaluation of potential use
struction at Plattuille, of existlna facilitil'S and the
build1n1 rl!model ing and changing projection of
enrollment po~~tterns at this
CQ~~vertion a t Milwaukee and
Main Buildlng ~modeling at campU$. The over-all cost of
the project is roughly half
Ea u O aire.
P r ojects that su r vive t'lat propo&ed last year. TIM!
regent review will go to U!e conversion of the Campus
State Bulldina Commisaion School for the communicallon
department will make ef·
ea rl yint974.
In part , the aummary ficient use of an existing
System's Board of Regents
wtll act on rerommencbtlons
today and tomorrow to
facility rather than new
c1.mstruction . Howeve r . no
to the C'OCISinlcllon of new
space to house the campus
adminis tration. 1be razing of
Old Main will reduce the
space inventory' "'' hereas the
new administration building
will add 2$,000 square feet ."
A recommendation "'ill be
made that Sl .1 million be
allocated for an Old Main
replacemmt and $900,000 for
conversion of the Gesell
Plann er
Raymond Specht said that
Cam pus or Laboratory
Sdlool ) can be easily CQII·
\'t'rted for use by the communication department
ficesandclassrooms therein .
The UWSP educational radio
station al~ady is located in
the building , as science
laboratory on the third floor
has water hookups that can
be ut.illted in a photography
dark room • nd the gymnasium lends itself "''ell for
the development ' o f a
television studio.
The biggl'St cost "'ill be for
the studio constru<:tion and
~uipmenl .
Meanwhile. the Gesell
lnstitutew'ilJbeC1)fltinued in alternativu to new con the College of Profl'Ssional st ru ction have been
Stlldil'S Building but on a developed and po11rt of the
more limited Kope than is originally proposed program
now provided in the current for new construction will now
fadlity . Among the areas of be shifted to relocation In
emphasis to be pursued are existing buildings - either
special learning disabilltll'S presentacademlclacililiesor
in children.
vacant dormitories. Of the
Worlr. on the conversion of total protram proposed, in
the ctuTent Gesell Institute lact, fiveofthese\'t'nprojec:ts
buildin& could bq:in much Involve the conversion or
sooner than the Old Main r emodeling of existi ng
replacement, il both projects facilitll'S In order to makt'
are to be approved. Specht them function usefully for
notedthatitwouldtakewell new or changed campus
over a year to have an ar· protram requirements ,'• the
chit«t's drawina completed ~port added.
aDd bids let for a new ad·
In several cases. some
ministratioa building.
...arller recommendations f~K
c:onstru<:tion ltarts are being
ConsequenUy, regardless of dropped enti rely .
thedecision, OidMain'slifeis
assured by the state for at
In Stevens Point , for
least several more years. example, an early proposal
'The s lteproposedforthenew wutoconstructanOldMain
structure is across from the replacement that wou ld
present Science llall .
house administration offices
Delayed about a yea r ago, and t he communication
thevariousbuildingprojects department under one root.
systemwide being recom ·
Tho modification was
I'Qended for re,.ubmlulon to pouible here because, in a
the Sta te Building Com · budget saving move, it wu
mission"havebefllmodified dec ided to phase out many of
and reduced in Kope nad the existing programs In
cost ." a report from the Gesell Institute and ~move
Central Administration the remaining activities to
sta tes.
the College of Professional
" In several ins tances. St!Kiil'S Building.
Po"'g'-'e_ 2____
T_H_E_ P:::_
_ T_ER
ec:...e_mber 6, 197 3
Godspell in review
Godspell Spells Very Good Vibrations
b) D:n r Gnrlnr
I ser1ous ly d oubt that
a nyone left las t Saturday 's
performa nce of Godspell v.1th
a feeling of d1sappomtment
The audtence was a m1xture
of people rangmg from Mr
Busmt.'Ssnum . out for u mght
of culture . to the s tudents .
who dl'C !ded that Gods pcll
had m ore to offer tha n the
bar s
As could be ex pected,
t he Jt.'Sus people w ere there
w1th silver crosses d a ngling
fr om chams a round their
necks and " Are you sa ved '!"
b u tto n s
Th e who l e
aud1e n c e a p peared to
thoroughly e njoy Godspell
tn and out of
v.•as a differ ent
If they would have
the doors sooner . the
pustung and sho\•lng
culture ~ k ers wou ldn 't have
had the chance to assem ble m
the lobby No one car ed to
st..lnd outs1de Quandt m the
mob of
cold mght a •r But we had to
wout for the hawkl'n tu ~~ up
the1 r wares.
" Ge t ye r G o d s pell
progra ms Only a buck and a
h a H "( ' You ca n ' t tell the
aposUes apa r t withou t one .' I
" For another $1.50, you ca n
have a genu ine Godlpell T ·
shirt." !' Consider t he lili es of
the fie ld .. .'I
Th e pl a y lt se lr was a
th oroughl y e nj oyabl e ex ·
perience Al l the acclaim that
critics have g t\'en Gods pell is
J~ U y deserved Tile ac tors
-.·ork hard m the play . 11M!y
have to work hard . It 11 a ll
ac tion Then a re no s tagna nt
scenes m Godspell
T he
s t.age vtbrates wt th activtty .
but 11 ts not confined to the
stage alone . it goes out mto
Bruce Connelly 1 nd The Comp1ny sing
" We lkseec h Thee" in <1 scene from the
National Touring Company or GODSP ELL, the hit mu.stcal based on the
the a udience a s the actors suy , so much as how you say
Lravellhrough the aisles We 11 The gos pel ts proc latmt'd
ar e made aware tha t this tS With mgenw ty and \lo'lth JO) .
only a play . not reali ty . and much tn the -.·ay I suspect 11
the director a ppears on stage wa s ortgma lly procl aimed
rem inding the ac tors to follow The ac tors nmta te l' \'eryone
the scri pt.
fr om Uoll )-.ood 's finest
Tile scnpt ts the gospel llumphre) 8 oga rl . J a mes
according to St. Ma tthew In Cagney a nd Dona ld (Juck , to
Godspell , 1t's not what you WashmgtOfl 's -. ors t lhchard
························COUPON ............ ;......... .
One FREE Quart of BEER
with purchase of any
14" or 16" pizza
One FREE Quart of BEER
with purchase of any
2 - 10" or 2 - 12" pizzas
OHer Good Frj., Sot. & Sun., Dec. 7, 8 & 9
NO LIMIT - Coupon must be presented
-------------------------------------2900 CHURCH ST.
Gos pel Accord ing to St. Matth e w .
Godspcll was well rece ived by the
aud 1encc m tJUandt Gym las t Sa t uraay
~u; on
T hese a nd o t he r
htla n ous um tat tons permeate
The onl~ part of Godspell
that fe ll shorl \to as the openmg
o,cef"ll' The "'To-. er of Babbh.- ' •s s upposed to be con·
fU!;tng . but 11 1s made too
con rusmg \lo hl(·h defeats 1ts
p urpose T h e tndt \' td u a l
ph ll osophurs -. e re fu r t he r
h..lmpercd m thts scene by a
...ound hmtta t1on The sound
crt•-. mtght ha\'C gott en away
.,.,1th t h e m• c r o ph o n e
plat·emcnt m a theater In
Qu~ndt . the ftrst SCl'ne was
1-"ortumttely, the SUCC(.'S ~i"e
.!>Ccncs (jUtck ly m ake yo u
forget the opemng scene 'Ole
!>uun d com es on s trong .
l'SIH.'C mlly music
We\· •hea rd " Day Uy l>ay"
many limes on the radio , but
most or the other mustt:al
numbers ar e just as good and
some ttmes bette r . 1lll' pla y •s
exc tllng Costum es a rt• ,., tid
a nd bright The props a n •
m tn1ma l a nd eHl'C tl \'e What
more couJd one ask " Therl' ts
e\•e n enough sym bolts m to go
a round You can lhmk all da~
about the mea n ing of Omsr ..
cr uca ft:c ion on a c h:u n hnk
fence . Godspell 110 a ttn·.tt
play (I ts ma gtca lly op
ttm ish c .
F o r t hose o r yo u .... tw
massed 11. too bad We ha H•n t
had a nyth ing li ke lhts s ux·t·
Hai r was here t wo ycn rs a~u
In my opinion . l hur wa.,
s l 1ght l y better i n some
res pects , but Gods pell 1s not
rar behind .
Now if we ca n only get a
roc k concert. .. '!
Youths Aid ):lderly In New 'Store
A ne,. store downtown
gtves Unl \'e r sll y s tude nt s
another place to shop for
ll1n stmas presents . and local
old e r re s 1dents an o p portwHty to earn money to
s upplement fi xed tncomes .
The store ts the flolly
Shoppe . where residents ov~
the age of 60 ca n sell things
they ma ke
The Holly Shoppe. located
a t 1332 Strongs Ave ., is opt>n
fr om noo n unt il 5 p m
It is s ponsored by the
Sen ior Youth F ellowship at
several area c hurches and
the P ortsge County Com·
m it tee on Aging . Members or
the lhllted Ca mpus M.lnislr)'
also are wor kina on the
projec t
"' (ric.,
YCN'Ye .._,., ' .._t tL MOW'
~ It
laM ......
t• 701U"MU.
H's Only $1.50 plus 25c post, & lllldllaa
P. 0. lOX 4357 .
December 6, 1973
Poge 3
Winter Carnival Festivities Set
by Lorralaelloul.lb.ao
With old m•n winter here
Last yea r Winter Carnival
ove rl ap pe d -...· ith mid-te rm
exams and many students
were unable to att end the
Univeni ty Activi ties Board festivities.
t UABI and DeBot and Allen
Winter Cl m ivalaames will
Programming Boards will begin Janu~~ ry 22. 'There a re
present Winter Carniv•l to t2&ilmtsin a ll and some will
the UWSP campus J anuary be K heduled a fter classes.
Thunday the n"d has been
There ha\·e been a few designa ted an all-tame day.
chana:es in the Winter Car· Someoltheaamnthat will
nival fesli•itiesthisyear, One behelddurinJihHesi:~ da)-s
of the sianiflcanl di fferencn offestuities -...i ll beaco-ed
lS Winter Ca rnival will be
tug of ..·a r . women's hairdo
sc heduled i n Jan u a r y, contest. hot calls and sac:k
wherea.sinpreviou.syears It races.
has been c~ l e b r ated i n
If none of these games
F'ebrua r y . Th is change , sound tooin teresJi ngthere is
dlscuued by the Wintl.'.r al ways the pipe smoke . In
Ca rni va l Committee, will thi s game, the contestants
allow mor e s tudents to are each given a gram of
pa rti cipate i n activit ies tobacco and !lave tosmolle it
because it is during a ti me for aslonga.spos.sible. Tryto
-...·hen 1tudents aren 't that be;~tla:Uyear 's recordofu
prnsured with school work
minutes Maybt' joining in for
~~~u~~~ i ~ e:~d~~ct ~~~~
Alcohol in Dorms
Closer to· Becom ing
a Reality
ehosen by Olancellor Dreyfus
to sei"'·e on the com mittee.
The transler pa rking
proposal was de fea ted by the
Senate Studenu ,.-ho ha\·e
parking jM'tm1ts for lot J
would ha\·e bt'en allowed to
pa rk m lot W il the proposal
ltt'SI~e llaiiCounc: il
Th-e resoiut1on stated that
1twa11 feltbysomethatthe
~st~~n~~~!~7d 0 ~a~! ~~~~ ~~~f~!111~! ~~~~~r ~~~=
wo uld
un ·
n~ma rychaM
public hearing on the
held Dec 17 at the Ci ty·
Count y Building . Studenls a re
urged to attend the hearing.
Supp ort s hown by the
student body could ha\·t an
effect on lhe C(ty Counc.il's
final decilnon. ~aid Sen Tim
Scanlon, chairman of the
comm untt y relations com mtllee
Students ,.-ere WJed by
Pres1dent Hamilton to wr ite
letterstoGov Lucey opposing
the user's fee. 1be final
on Locey and student in put
could have a hand m the
dec1sion he ma kes
UndsayandK;~riRusch -...·ere
i! plrlm e nt
~::::!~"~~~~~::: ~::
and -...omen . l. ow rlt el .
C'O\It'Je C:ou rt. %1 11 Dixon,
:Jti ·J IOI.
f-'aulty female needs /w' tp
,.·lth m und a ne hou ~ ework .
Once a""'" · day ' ;~nd hours
flt',lbtt' . {'all l ll · tiNt after I
' t art tmmt' diate ty : NiJ ht
hlft tt -4. Vrlvak' uboot. coroom aNI Nard. p~1iblr
•a~. ~ milt">
f'oinl on
1~ St. {'onlac-1 {... uc-k Fw·
t' lh l f't'non nt't Oirector l,
Tumurru .. \' uulh ~ hoot .
Huutr t. Ko\ ct I, Waupaca .
\\I , O t :>- :~1140] 1 .
W,\ :'\Tf: l) Ttl St-; 1.1•. l'alr of
Hut t ilt ~kit', Nevrr lft't'd:
,.....,t "
on ly c r eate
cl ass ified
:i:de~~ ~frr:.·h~= ~~~ ~
~r~~t. POnse~i~~~ s:~n ~
particular ac ti vi t y isn' t
scheduled. coffeehouses will
be planned . The possibility of
havin& .• roc:k dance is being
loolted tnto.
January 26, Leo Duscagha.
sponsoredbyR HCand De~t
and Alle n Programmtng
Boards, will spe;~lt on the
theme of love. He creat.ed
the love tape which has been
:ind queen of Win ter Ca rnival
-..·m begin J an uary 9. nus
activi ty is much more liberal
than in yea rs before. For
exam ple. in previous years
students interested in being
king or queen had to luove a
2.5 grade point average, bu t
now that is irrele\·ant . Also,
all so ci a l standi ng
requ irements have bftn
eliminated. In other words,
any s tudent s wa nting
" kingship" or " queenship"
are eligible for the po~ition .
Pic:tures of the cand idates
-...· ill be posted in lhe
Classroom Buildina during
E c.
1ipeakersbutatthis timeitis
not for certain.
Ca me lot will be 11hown
January 20, 21. Z2 in the
WiSCOII5i n Room. A major
concer t will also be shown
January llO but • tthi! time
the group's nam e has not
been disc losed .
Ca mpaigning for lhe king
After all actlvltits are
com pleted trophies will be
distributed January '(1 to
winners of the men 's and
~omen 's divisions. HojM'ful ly
the trophies will be displayed
.in the Clau room Building
before the ca rnival.
The greatest ac hie•·ement
ol Winter Carnival Is the
1111incation of programmina
boards on ca mpu~ to &ive
s tud ents the entertainment
lhey -...-ant lhem lo h1ve.
Winter Ca rnival Chairma n
Shelley llosen Mid, " Winter
Camtval has become a many
Club ~~e!!~or!f ap~~':m~1~~
Off ice rs~i!i::den'r~e:~th~u!l.
V o te s N e w
by Diane Pteuu
The !lome Economic:s Oub
held thei r annual Christmas
party and btainess meeting
Monday night in the COPS
cafeter ia . Thet-e ..·as election
of officers and a c:a ndleli&ht
installation ceremony.
The new officers an :
President. Marilyn Hennan ;
Vice-President .
~~~a~~ -==ibl;m:e; ~a~!~r,:: ~~~=~~~r ~a~,~~
by Krl • Moum
lntheir linalme-eting ofthe
st'mester. l)rrc Z, Student
Go vt-rnm e nt endorsed a
resolution to allow alcohol 10
the dorn11tories The
rt'SOiut1on was sent to the
St-nate by the Un1ted
author lt )' to all ow alcoholic
be\'C r31!l'51111Xl\'e5perei'nt !
m the dor rmt ortes on thetr
ca mpuses
In other ac tion. P'r61dtnt
Hamil ton sa td tha t UWSP has
the second lowest funding
le ve l Ill the UW System
UWSP rectl\'tl 51i61l per
studtnt per p~a r . acrortting
to enrollment figures UWSP
per st udelll than money
recewed 11 enrollment drops
A resolutiOn opposing our
fundlngle\•el Wi ll be dra-...·n
St udent reprt5ent.a th·es lor
the Sea r ch an d Screen
eo m m 111 e e f o r V 1c e ·
Chancell or of Academtc
Atfatrs ha\·e bftn chosen
Geo r ae 1-'r~ c ke . Ma r sha
the night c:hariot races with a
track lighted up by nam ing
torches . or building sno-...·
scul ptors in thes untti;~lwould
interest othe r lndh•idual s .
15 " A Sa lute To Old Man
Winter " but snow sculptors
can be done in ;~ny theme
desired. Ther.ewillnot be ice
scul ptonthisyearbecauseof
high t'051s and the omoun t of
danger invol\•ed.
Winter Cl m lval is not only
compoloed of aames but also
corrrehouses , s~akus and a
major co n ce r t. E ve r y
Monday thru .friday from 1
Klemp : Uis torlan , Che r yl
Hanson ; Repor ter , Linda
Blanke , and Parliment.:lrian.
F'ollowin& the meeting
Santa Oaus distributed gll\.5
and r ef r es hm ents we r e
.sen ·ed .
The next llome Economics
Oub mee ting Is scheduled to
behelda t& :JO p.m ., Ja o. t5.
t'174 in the COPS cafeteria .
I think that workiqwith RHC
and t he othe r commlt t ~s
within UAB is a step In the
right direction in bringing
unity to our campus. In the
past, programming boards on
ca mpus ha ve felt a rivalry
betweeneacholher. Ifeelthis
riva lry is tone at present."
Tbel'elnlrriS I It'l'Ondclau
universi t y publlu t lon,
publi~ed -..:~ kly during the
sc- hoolynrl n Stevtnll'olnl,
Wisc:onsinM-III.I I II publllhed
undt-rlhcauU.orlt y lranttdto
theBoardof HqentsofStale
Unlveraltles by Sec:tlon 37. \1 ,
\O!'isc:onslnSI.Itute.. Publln tlon
o:o:~uarel)llid by the State of
Wiseonsin unde r contucts
awudtdbylheSta tePrinting
Section, State Depllrtmrnt of
Admtn iltration, u provldtd in
St are Prlntln11 0Pt"rationaJ
Bulletin~2~o1Aullllltl, tm
Piay Gets Excellent Rating
by l.ydla Abell
Paul Zindel's prize-winning
pla y. ' '1lle Effect of Gamma
Jbys on Man·ln -'Tbe·Moon
!'tla r igolds ," was given a
prod uction by the UWSP
Studio Theatre tluot was equal
' "'Oit-atre-m ·lht-...-ou.nd "
ser vedasane(fecliv rvehic le
for thiS intima te drama of
frust rat ed " ha lf -lives . "
Director l.ynda L. Andert
achieved ma,Umum audience
tn\'Oivement with her sensiti\·e directin&. The thunder
scene tm·olving Rulh and
Beatrice was es pec ia lly
1be al l-female cast was
headed by Na ncy IIMm ;~n in
t he d e m anding r ole of
Beattice. Miss llosma.n did
anadm irablejobofc:apturing
the desolation of a middle·
aged-...-oman ,.-ho recogntt es
her wasted life.
F'reshman Alison J ones
was st~ru ng as Ruth , the
epileptic daU8hter given to
sluttishways . Mi u J ones has
··s tagepresence ."'as -...·ell~
ta len t and beauty Dena
Smith.alsoafreshman , gave
;~sen siti veportrayal ofl'tllie .
lhe shy. brilliant daughter
Theat re audienc:es can look
for wa rd withp leuure tothe
futureappearancnof these
two talented fr eshmen .
Undy Scrog:ins was very
her umeo ap·
pea ranc.. as Janice Vic kery ,
the ca t-s kinMr . A special
commendation must ao to
Julie Barras in her non spea k ing roleasNo ~~r~y . M i!ll
Ba r ras was su p e rbl y
deertpil .
'' Mar igolds , '' prese nted
Dec:. J..5, ...,11receivei ts last
performance tonight , Dec. 6,
at a p.m in lhe Studio
Sreded : I .male \.D 111blet an
:.IetTy Chrb tm.u :t.d West :1:n:::."~\'.~ tj':. \'illaae. Call
Sc hmt'eckt e from l.lada Rooms for I clrtl to •hare
and Donna ,
apa rtment. W per Jir l. All
For n te :
Maple " PIJeo~t·u l.i l il.ie$ includ-ed . 13-IS Mai n
hott'"\)"pt duk . Call J.U~·U8 St . Phone :J.II ..fH-1 day1.
Two male cheerleaders !W.rack ta~~ for sale.
needf"d fnr ucon d w mesk'r. Large ~election . Pup·
,\ 11y one internte d may utar a roup 1. Call Ke n
con tact ~I rs . Rouli11d Taylor Heom Jet Watson-JOlt.
apartmt'nt to ) ublet • One tu ~h..li re furolthed 1wJouM for
ma lt' Shldt'nl . Ca ll tht' wcond ~e m nter . sm pe
\ 'illage. l ll ·: t!l.
""mt'Sit'r , ]~ l ·IUI .
\\ a nl t' d : P AP f: KD AC KS~ ltnckr)of SWvrnl l'oi nttoke
..:~ pHially Science Fit-lion. note : \"hi t Waa~o~u 's only
Front lr r a nd !'tl ys ter y U.'> ed papt'rbatk book 1lnrt'
·al um"' fur tht' 1. \((. J;\I C Buy for •1 prit'e or tn dt' fnr
p:IPf'rbao:k tf'ndl ntt library. ~omf' )ftU ha•·rn 'l rn d: th·rr
l'lr:. ~ r tu • r )lOut duna tiun.~ ~OOO t ittes to fi'I<I<"O!'t' frum. Th•
at lhf' t.IU' mJ> in dnk 11r ~ 1 5 !look t: , o: han,.: ... :n lth
't'l~n11 \l;olt,
Slrl'f't, W:>u~ a
Page 4
De<:ember 6. 1973
· Student Shortage, Another Crisis
by La·. ne nce Wils on
Another crisis to be de alt
wtth in the immediate future
IS the serious shortage of
sluden l5 at UWSP.
Gary \!linters , s tudent body
v •ce· p r es•dent . said t he
projected cuts for the '74-75
bl enn lwn nlCiude 20 to SO
faculty m e robers in addition
to the 70 te achers we have
alread y lost to budget c uts.
The College or Letters and
Sc i e nce a l o n e face s a
r l-d uc tion or $100 ,000 just for
next year , he said.
" It 's a s pir a l-type thing,"
the Wltvcrsity . The second
way is to get the UWSP
s t udent s activ e ly invo l\•cd
follo wing )'ear . which in turn . v.·ith rccruitmg ne v.• s tudents
m e ans a lower budget . more
Winters feels the un:h•ersity
programs being eHm ina ted r ecrwters we ha \'e ar e good .
and a higher cost for all but Ihe peopl e 14ilO can r eall y
s tude n t s re m~in i ng " push our c a m pus are the
We can face this pr oblem in s tuden ts thems eh·es .
two ways, sa id Win ters . First ,
One or the W3)'S to actl\'ely
by rec ogn iz ing c~zrtp ete nl pa r tici pat e 111 r ecruiting, he
fac ul ty . He suggested for · said . iS jus t to gQ home o ve r
mlng n fac ulty eva lua tion vaculion a nd talk to old
frie nds and o th e r s w ho might
be interested in com ing to
are that would best benefit Po int.
he sa id , "wher e each c ut
r esults in fev.-er students the
~;~~~~~ w;oh ~~ te~~h~~
1hr toll••" '" lt u n1pu1 f• rt ~ h rf't
" 11 .. prr p• rll'd b~ ~ t udrnl
Info rm
1,,n .. rnm r n t
p r o\ Jif'(' lh f' ~t u drnh :~b o ut
··s ~ mt•s t t r · brealt toun to
lla ¥ou u , An pulco and G reeee a t
l1f1l't'1i one ca n a fford, through
the UAU
l h d •ov .. no.... ,. hau•:
const'rv a tl on schoo l tn the
w ith
cert a1n
1 \\ ~ t ·
.. prol{tiUII .. hert.' )OU can
~tud) " st-11\t"Sit'f abroad at
l 'a mbr1dj:t'
L: nl\ e r ~ ~~~
t-:ngland, Itt t;ermao) or tn t-'n r
t-:,ISI IIt ll lllllllnlUI ('OS( l " tl h 3
tour nf lht· ~·ontmcn l t h ro ~~o· n 111 1
..... l'ulp and P apt' r m a jOr
.. hu:h tws I JObs fo r t•ve r y
.:radu.11t• at S\1 .000 a yt'.a r
.. t:arlln~
shdt• and mo\ tt' proje<"lon.
l>Ch' \'11~ . 1'/l)!ot'llt' tt'COrdt•r i
a\;ulotblt·lor ~ ludm t USl' m our
!'>tudent \ t'I1\1IIC"S Ufftct'-·l.: C
1.. 111 , ,ludiOS on campo.~
.. n ,\ qualll' ltt'St'a rch Ulb
on l.tlllt• I'IO\t'r to st ud~
ll~ht'Tll'' .. nd .:tquall t' t' tt ·
\1ttJnmt•nl 111 ,1ddl11011 In
•o~tSittl~ trotrhtn~ and rrsearch
111th1 ...1tt'.1
,ku u ~ ,11 lhb ~t oon tam onl)
311 llllllllll'' .... 11~
ml'r !51.•) dlfft•r.-nl t'Urtt'nl
tu• .. s papt•r ,
JOUrll.lh ,1\ :lll;1blt• In I. Jtf
100.1 pt•rt'l'ttl pl.l~'t'lllt'lll 111
th1· lwlcl ul vur llunw t-: c
f-:dlk' .. l1tHI 'tUdt'111'
.1 l!ft•a l dt••l uf our ~atural
ltt'"Wl.lrc•• l.1eull~ ha!> h.:Jd br (t.ld
t'\ ll\'tll'nt"t•~tour ktn tt .. 11h1n their
f•t•ltl not JU't m .li.'.ldt'nllt:S
. .1 11.1 ~ t ',l rt• ('t•n t ~·r for
(' htldn•u uf uur )!udenh al . 1
lt'tlUl't••l H 'f) •t•ductod ra ljio
nul uuh ~otn• a t outdoor lah
,on•;l ... llll,hl lll':1t l'ollli!IUS hUitt')
r o•:ll h do'l't'lll lnr hUn l m ~
.o ruu ml ho·n• JU'I .1sk ...0/ll t' of
lho• ll,U~' ~tohu 1:111 llll'lt but· k,
"Opua t l oa Wh ee lc hair " rol11 Ia to
the c ha ncellor's olric r with a petilioo for
wheelcha ir ramps to be coostrvct.ed
around ca m pus . Sigm a Pi Fratern ity
sponsored the d rive for the ramps and
presented the petition to Chancellor
Dreyfus las t week .
,.~ H~~.eeS.
Wishing You
,r .. rlt"d
lt·.. ltwrtttllt-~ott•mii!H
h.ld llatr on c ampus t~a. o
.tl(o a nd foUov.t'd "lth the
, _
\ ork loorttt£ cut o(
'G<Mh pt'll JUSI last "n'k
ltt'lllt'f\Uou' opportunn ldi
torh'..trho•r t'O<JCht''mall fields
·• n""' l'o.l('htnJ( mmor ht're
mt•r l-51 ~.11011 hooks .. nd o•cr
tloo.Uilh'l11 ' 11\lht• l.ll('
,, c •lllt't•1\lratrd ~ lud1t' !>
l•ru~r.un 111 ~t.hll'h ,lodcnts take
ft\o • rou t ~·, a' U!>Ual. but ta kt•
unt•.lt.llllllt'ln l"t~k).('$SIOn l
Il l oou
IIHH~po.·foru!>t• tn t hrnt'14
('ull · ~··
of 'atural ltt"SOUrct"
t h•• lo!..tmf'' roorn ·- 1.: C
"h~t· h "'" .til tht.· u rnpm g.,
~ k un..:
ruek c hmbtnjt .
hat k oack1 n 1L
!o n <•~'~ ~ h ot' 1 n R
sc uba ,
o·qUI JHno•n t )uu nccd .. at a
m•rumnlr t•ttl.ol ros t
·'' ' tudt·nh the lo(rf':t test
nmlrut <H I'r tht· d1~Jl('rsemrnl
of lht· .. IIKio•ul fund!> of JUSI
Ol t"JOUI iiO) ~:hoot tn the s ta lf
' 1\t'r ;s dt lft'rrnt sl ~nt
o r~t .. mu t Klfl~
~a.h 1ch studenu
l'iln bt' tnvolvrd w 1th
.a ~trill 1\H"d lor (;rneral
• • • l't: c rt'dtt for claurs
l'ort«rnrd 141th honrmansh 1p
181 " MaiJit• nea rbyl, skung.
) kllltnK .ond btl hards, 10 a d ·
dl 11on lo IJ;Idnunton, Pll"ll pong,
""t'IKh tl lfll ttl( , IOC ia ( da nci ng
ami ma nyolht•rs
· ·thc oldes t a nd l_u gut
prottra ms h k e WlldJife ,.,hlch
an· the largest 1n the nat1on
- a good food sen •kt' ! II yoo
look around. the quahty of tn·
food w flf be about lht•
lJut how many other
schools ctl!l otrt"r you unllm lll'd
:-r t•nnd!i on the mn in count'S,
!o i1IUIIOnl11
Mtlll t'
s.1lntls u d dt"SSert.s and sllll
ha n • the \'Briety ¥o'e do ~ Not
··n n ''Ar n al Circus'' offenSt'
It'd b) confc r rnC't' a nd K'hool
l't"CCrd·brea k•ng quarter back
~ l a r k Olejrucuk .,.htch v. lb
,.,nkf'd ~d m the nation m
total offt'rac I NA JA I this year
- p3pers from a round thl•
n.J t ton and t ht• ,., o rld on tht·
l't•nodtca ls floor of the LRC .
··· h ad 111 n:c e!nl yean .
through 1\ rts and Lf.>ctures, sot:h
t' H'II t!> as lh t' New York
l' hi lha r montc Or c h est r a , Uw
l'uhsh, Stbertan , MoSC0\4' and
\ u~tosla\· la n IJance Com paruts.
ct ..~~•ca l I!Utlan st Chrts toph('r
l 'arkcmmg. Marcel Ma rc rau
. .. «1 .. 1mrd tht• .,., orld's g~att"SI
t.:tntonunust t. Tony·al4·a rdl'd
pia) '"Sin.tth ," Ber h n Concert
Ch01r, \'teruw Symphon y. and
dolt'rt!> or no trd othrrs, :~II at
t"O!>I of ~ c ents o r less 1m
nnnpanson. a t1ckct to see tht•
\' o rk
Plu lharm ontc
u rcht'1itra 1n Nc14' York nor·
lll:t lly 14111 1'051 f7 · 101 . And IlK>
'tnta• llussmn IJo nce Com pan ~
t ost Sol !JO:. ltckcl :II I014'a Statt'
l l n t vc r s lty Th r ou gh
't udt•nt At' IIVI(It'S fe-es )"OU an•
gt·ltm~ tht·m cheap-a pprectahthem
dub sporb 1n $0C'C't't, t:t blo•
Judo. ka ra te, frncmg
actl\l l tr~
th r
llutldmg 141th Monda)' mghts
on l ~ for the g1rls They haH•
total ~ o f thr b&skettgll ,
\O II yba ll . bad m tnlo n a nd
tmddlcball courts m addtt1on to
U!un.: lht• other gym fa c thlt"'
,o nd the JJOOI.
" tt rt'tll job o ppottUIIIIIel Ill
tt'lall manogrment and sa lt'S
a nd a good market for busmru .
111ath and rtOOOm iCS g r•dual t'S
·-k1ds ....-ho Jovr thr outdoors
t .aUNt thr Trrppers. who hur
I(Ont· bac k · p ac k in g t o t ht'
l'urcupmt'"l , rod.-t'hm bing .. t
Ucvtb l..ake, canoring do14 n
dotcnJ o f rt \'ets a od 14111 bt
s now·$hoemg . and l kiing no~to
lha t 14"tnl t'r has a r rived.
.... Umon addition 14hich
do ubl es lhr lite or o ur
bookstor e, loungr a rea, mreltnR
too m 1pace. ga~
m aod
G r id llht' 1111 o f
1c Ills an
..t r ea ~a. h lctrt"atr
as a
qu1e1 coffeehouK area I.
·- 2. -t, 6 and &-ma n ttnts to
rrnt out.....(famn Room-U.C
More infor mati on a bo ut
givmg tours can be obta in~
a t the St udent
Office on the second fl oor of
Uni versity Cen t e r . F or
making rooms available for
prospective s tuden ts contact
Bob Taylo r In the Ho using
Offi c e .
__ .
Gleaming Gadget Gets
Grid-users Glances
Th~ :re::~rz ~=:~er
subm1t them .,.ithout charge.
The Pentax camtra and thf'
film canbecheclt:tdoutfrom
the Student Acth·itiesOffttt,
~atd Busch.
has~ c-ontracted to
~~;~':J is~~ r!(KsJid:
UWSP Voted
or.~~u:"~'~!~the slides GLACURH Head
\loill show art value or an·
by Tony C'tlartes
A rece-nt conference of the
orJaniutional events," said
Themeuenger is equipped
v.ith a standa rd rarousel and
80 slides can be pf<OKrammed
('On tinuously,hesald.
The Electric Messenaer Co.
pays the center 110 a month
Great Lakes Association of
College and Universlly
Reside nee
H a lis
tG LACURH I voted UWSP its
rTgional director. This region
Includes five or six mid·
The campus represen ·
tath•es also r eceived an
award for tla\·ing the largest
delega tion at the conference.
UWSP is planning a
workshop for rt $idence
pf08rammen -.·hich -.;11 be
coo~rned only with UWSP's
M'C'ds. EnLLUtd "Let Us Get
It Tocethtr" ILUG IT I. the
11oorkshop is scheduled to run
Jan 6·1. c ...·en Nel!on.
residence hall program
director.upects60 people to
parhc1pat~ Staff and faculty
.,.,II ~··t tn•·o]l'tment durilll
" buzz" sessions
oneyear.sald Busch. As part
of the agreement, the com·
pany can UH tome of their
slides in advertisement.
tw said
'The SlO a month Is being
used to purchut film for
students or orpnilations who
group 's activities or ad··~tile "ents.
students or oraaniutioos are
any st udents or
on Ch r is tmas
Chr•stmas •snot packages.
paptr . tinstl. turkey . or
Chnstmn IS not football
gamH, parties . .,..rt'aths or
Chr•stmas · IS · remt'm·
benng why a babt 1n
Bt'thlehtm 1\' liJ bo r n--and
died lor YOU
Chr1stmns IS lo•·e
that lo•·t w1th all you r
of thanksgivi111.
135 PAIR
Woof•- Acrylic llend•
Sl ~tn
SAVE 25~o
SAVE 331f3~o
on ctmstmas
)la)· youktepChr•stmuall
thtt"Omil'll)'ea r
l nsllvtrth readsof~a~ .
W~ th a httle faith
one can do a lot ,
onecandoalm~»t anythin g .
... .. .......
S to 13
w:shlnJ yeu :all u~ blnsi111
:at ... llyJ.•.
,,,, ,., ,
Open 9-9 Weekdays
Satur4•y 1-S:OO
S..ndoy 1-4:30
• Campus Co lendar
Thursday December 6
COS CE RT CIIO IR CONCERT: 8 p.m., Mjchelsen Hall ,
Ftne Arts BWlding . Directed by
Donald rupplinger
-TUDIOTII EATR E : 8 p.m ., 8 -201 Fine Arts Building. ' 'The
Effects of Gamma Rays on Man.tn-the-Moon Marigolds.··
F ILM FOR UM: Channel 6 Teltron Cable TV .
SKI Cl UB MEETING : 6 p.m ., Marquette Room,. U.C.
CII E MISTR\' COLWQU1UM: 7::.:> p.m., Room A-121,
Scu~nce Building . The Centra l Wisconsin Section of the
American Olemical Society and the UWSP chemistry
department will jolnUy sponsor the colloquium . The
speaker fo r the evening will be Dr . Don ald Warner of the
Hypersensitivi ty Disease Research Group, The Upjohn
Company. Kalamazoo , Mich. 1be presentation is entiU ed
"Protein Conformation Studies with Molecular Models."
The colloquium is open to the public and refreshments and
discuss1on .,.iJJ!ollow Dr . Warner's taJk .
Friday December 7
~I AI>HIGAL DINNER : 6: 30p.m., F'ine Arts Cour t.
for masses : F'riday , Dec . 7, No 11 :4Sa.m . mass in Newma n
O.apel. Friday , Dec 7, oi :4S and 6 p.m ., Mass in An ·
11c1pabon of the Holy Day , Nev.man 0\apel . Saturday , Dec .
8, Holy Day. Masses a t 11 :45 a .m . and o1 and 6 p .m ..
Ne,.man Olapel
Saturday December 8
~lt\Oit i GAL
DINNE H: 6 :30p.m .. Fine Arts Court.
Sunday December 9
DINNElt : 6 :30p.m .. Fine Arts Court.
I'LANI-.:TAR IUM SE iti ES : 3 p .m ., Science Building . ' The
Ouulrnas Star ... na rrated by Bob Valiga .
Tuesday December I I
UN I\'1-.:ItSITY f' IUt1 SOC IETY: 7 and 9 : 15 p .m ,
Auditonum . Main Building . " Mr. Smi th Goes to
Washington .'' one of the greatest political commentaries of
the century The first showing for second semester will be
Jan IS and the nlm wiU be ''Slaughterhouse Fi\'e ."
COM MUNAl. P ENANCE SERVICE : 7 p .m ., Newman
Sunday December 16
2 p .m .. Quandt Gym , Fieldhouse .
ATTE!\'TIOX : G UAI>l.'t\TI:\'G SEN IOHS : Graduating
semors ha,·e JUSt lO days arter the end or the se m ~ter to
turn 10 work for courses m wh1ch they have rl"CCIVed an
mcomplete . and wh1ch are reqwred for the degree . Th is
deadline also ~ppht>S to c3nd1datl's fo r December
gra duation who nrc Inking courst'S th1s semester lh rough
some other unl\'crsll)' U the grade for the incon.•plete , or
the transcript from the other Wli\'Crs1ty as not on ftle by J an
IS, no d1ploma \A11l be awarded
LRl' ~1 A.Tt.:K I A I.-'i H t.lt: R~ : All LHC maten~l charged to
Blaze Gut~
. by Tony Cha rlrs
as:,•~t .• nt
A ftre gutted a room in that
Smith Hall F} iday , Nov . 16. No• en'd 11OUsu
one was InJured .
dam:• •~ 1
,.,~~ 1
The fire , which occurred at sur(' "ho \
about l~ p .m • was on the o1 ~!':Jtnt:s V. tt
North Willi of Smith. No
~~,~~-~~da~:31~~~~~~ ~~~~,-~·~~::~~:··: 1: . ~~~~c~ n~~u~~· a~~ dnll \Aas n;
After Wednesday all unsettled acrounts w•ll be turned over Sa fe ly are looking fnto 11
to the Castuer 's Office for collection
J ack O'Brien, r esident
ca~~. ~~~:~
CUMME~ C EME~T : seniors who expt•(' l to gradua te In UtC IIOURS FOR EXAM WE f'K ·
December w11l find com mencemen tmformation available
F'riday, December 7
3'lll 1,
at the lnformalion Desk . Uni\'erslt\' Ct-nter . Rl'<'ords Of·
After Houn
12 ;0J ~hcbut;
f•ce . S.S .C., or Student TeaChing Office. COPS . Sa turday, December 8
9·00 a m S
TEXTHOOK HETU HN: SDturday , De-c 8, 10 a .m . to ol :30
After Hours
5:00 p 111 .g
p .m , Sunday , l)e(: . 9. C1osed : Monday and 1'\lcsday, Dec .
~undny, Dcccmbct 9
2:00pm t2 l
10, 11 ,8a .m . to 4: 1S pm .: Wednesday . Dcc . l2. <Reading
!tt~~ H~~~ HoW's
12:00N11011 •2
?:.Ya';~~:·~~·';:;:~~;~1\. ~~~:~ f{~~~6'}!· t';:~:o
p m AU books must be returned by the last day or finals . A
S3 fee will be charged for late books
1-'lltST BILl FOR St.:~I ESTEH II l~('l U DED IN
TUt ETt\BLE : Please note th.lt your first b1ll for second
semester is mcluded m the timetable on page 39. Your full
payment or pa rtial payment >Ai th Stgned credit agreement
must be received in the Cashier 's Office no lat er than Dec.
31. 1973: otherwise. you will ha ,·e to pick up your textbook
packet in the Cont roller 's area If you h:l\'e any questions
regarding the computation of your bill. pleasf.' contact the
b1lling office
LRC lli SP Lt\ YS : MISS Mildred 03\'IS. Professor Ementus.
ts displaying her pen and ink sketchmg and a collection of
eggs decorated 111 \'anous mediums 111 the lobby of the
lHC. Also on displuy are student projects done in Art :W2
<Crafts of the Amencan India n I a nd Photography 23 1. Mrs
Jeanne Lou Truitt also has se,·era l cra fts on display
and Ptstol Club "'111 not meet for the remamder of th1s
semester. The next m{'('li ng will be 23 January 197ol, 6 :30
p m . downstairs lobby or the George Stem 8UIIdmg
t C~m pu_s Sccur1t y I Training will take pl:•ce at the Stevens
Pomt Rifle and Pis tol Oub m Whitmg
Monday, Decem ber 10 Thursday , December 13
After Hours
tTiday, Oec:ember 14
After Hours
Saturday, December 15
7·JO ~ m . 11
12:00 ~lldmtt
7:30 am 9 c
9 :00pm -1 (
9:00am -:u
The Con troller 's of!t cc has dec I~ a one percent d1v1dcnd
on the No,•ember . 1973 balances m ~ udent faculty
Orgamzallons accounlS m the cus tod) or Accountmg Scr-·
\' ICes at thiS Uni\'Crslty
The last I percent d1v1dend was pa1d on accoWlt baJances
or October . 1973
Student Organiz.at10ns are encour aged to usc the Student
Faculty Organizallon structure for thc•r com•emence in not
having to maintain checking accoWltS. buy checks and pay
servtce charges Y.thy not ln\'esllgate tht- bene!•ts of letting
Accounting Servtces mamtain the accounts for you at no
cha rge and get dh•1dends 1n add111on f or details . see Mr
Troyanowski m Accountmg Sen·1ccs . lfoom OOJ. Par k
Student SfO'J('C Crnter
Dr. Wrone Attends Seminar
Dr David It Wr onc .
assoc1ate professor of has tory
a t UWSP. attended a nat1onal
semma r entitled " J)(ocade of
Assa ssinations '' November 23
and :M · 111e semmar held at
Geo rgetow n Umversaty m
Wa shington, D.C .. was ca lltod
by Bernard Sensterv.•ald . a
noted Washington . DC at·
* BSR 310/X WITH
LIST PRJCE $344.90
Wrone ha s published a
12 . 000 \A o r d annotate d
btbhography and gwde on the
Jf' K a ssass mahon literature
wh 1ch ap p are d 1n the
lh story li e a lso as an
authonty on the assassmation
of Martm l...uther King , Jr
oo. .
c-hilo ""''..
l "·n-ooi~cM. M'"'~~~:~
Wloot 1o ~-1 eto4 whyl A• "'
A lmdir "''-'·
.U.r th• qutsltOI
,Ayailoble for
· 1t.might be 1n 1·974·
:. •
by 11M Ham Jr., Dave G~, BM Ji:en.lecllaDd Maahd
tile wa.ler doll.
June 4-Mib Ryko, Olleaio OaUy News columnlat, holds • Over the · past several
a river water drlnlting contest. 'l1le Wbcoosln River ties tor
months, s!IJ!Ienta have ,
· In lteepU. with one ol the Jons•tandlng traditions of the
sec:ond place as the moat polluted river In the world.
many chances taltill8 place at ~ •_
Pailllel', we~ our predlc:llona-ol- the- news itema-~ June.II-'-Ar.ecordln8.atlat.named.LittleRichardreleaaea_ OUr universitY 11.nd_ 4 !
tor 1974. ·Our dMik:ated staff ol news gatherers and news
a hit record In WUhlngton D.C. It Ia entitled "Sham" and
presumably there · wW be ·
analysts devoted many hours looldng at the present world
!eatiaea eighteen ~utes or electric typewriter bum aDd
many more chan&• before
Intensity lamp buzz.
the acbool y~r- la over. Some
situation In order to make these predictions.
JW!e 16-Nixon becomes ltlng.
ol these chances have been
JW!e 17- The Uncoln Monument resigns Its position In
beneficial , but many have not
January t-Teacbers and students ~e classes at 7:45.
been. We liave, !or Instance,
The administrators "offlclaUy" begin claslea at 8:00.
June 1&:-Klng Nixon nominates the Richard Nixon
seen a tri.Jevel tuition which
January 11-A study shows the UWSP administration to
Monument to fill the position.
requires s.tudenta to pay more
have the largest budget ol any college administration In the
J1111e &-Thomas Jefferson rolls over In his grave.
· as .theY "progress" through
. World. .
July 1.,-A hOI'Ie dies In his stable at the Point Brewery.
the claas ra~. but We have
J~nuary .1!>-UWSP creates six more top administrative .
seen no subatanclal lncrease
July 2- The brewery announces' s temporary halt In Ita
po&tions With six secretaries for each new administrator.
beer production.
In financial aids for the
January 1&-'lbe Placement and Counseling Office anstudents who are required, to
July 5-Ten Siasefi memben check into the Health Center
nounces that they have recently !ound jobs for 42 graduates.
with delirium tremons.
pay more. We have Ren
February. 2-ROTC cadets take over the Gridiron
July &-Budweiser announces that one or its Clydesdales Is ·
declining eiU'Ollment whlcb.at
ftrst glance would a~ to
demanding that the camplll be moved to more strategic
July 7-The Point Brewery resumes production.
be beneficial to students
February 4-UWSP is moVed to the west bank or the
july 15-1974 "Spring " Graduation Ia held.
becauseor!l !esseratudent-toWisconsin River and is prompUy renamed "West Point."
~~~~t~~:~ b~':ed ~
July 22-'lbe centerrol~ or Cosmopolitan reatures ~anFebruary 14-The AntJuwo!OIIY Department• finds conCJ!.Uor Drey(111 clad only tn a red vest. Dreyfus says this Ia
many of our moat-Innovative
crete evidence that man descended !rom ape alter ob·
part or his recruitment program .
nd ·05 1 · "" t
serving primitive behavior at Lucky's.
July 29-Bebe Rebozo is named Secretary or the Treasury . . ·a
! P nng eac era are
February 23-Central Adminis tration announces another
July 30-Howard Hughes purchases the United ·states ror
thrown out like garbage after
budget cut. The only remaining UWSP course wW be beld In
an undlacloaed stim. The purchase is financed through the
a party · We have seen the
a onH"OOm schoolhouse In Plover.
cost or our educatign become
Key Biscayne Bank.
February 24-0iancellor Dreyfus reatfirma his a~ of
Increasingly more burAugust 1-Campus Planning announces that they have
the merger and or Central Administration.
jlllt bad a brUiiant idea. They Intend to construct sidewalb
densome .
-.-t· ;. Edifl
- Orll•at-p
. age
guess._,. ........
where the architects
we se.e c 11 ~r=:ns
-· . - - -deteriorating-an
ng.... _ _
more irrelevent than ever ·
August !&-The city council passes an ordinance against
before . We see obsolete
aU parlting by college students anywilere at anytime within
grading and testinc aystema
the city limits or Stevens Point.
wh i ch become mot.r..,
e _ ____,
~ilitl'a:=caJIIp111 ~ ng o
capr c ous
additional six parltln& Iota.
with no alternatives even
being considered.
August It-Protection and Security announces that a
parltln& sUcker wiU coat three mUUon dollars per~~ . · · 1 believe In the case ol the
September 1-Monte Olarles announces that tit!• year
university that change can be
~al Clrcus has a new Improved shotgun formation to use
initiated from within but 1 do
1n their first game.
not advocate thlli course ol
September 3-Tea members or the UWSP !ootball team
check into the Health Center with powder bums
action !or all students. I
November 7-Lt. CaUey wins the Nobel Peace~ tor bts
would urge all students to
exam i ne , In their own
contribution to "peace with honor" In Vietnam
November 111-:-First Lady Pat Nixon announced.today that
capacity, the reality or
she is In the proceaa or having the President's stomach
education at thla university
and the concept ol education
lining .redec:Grated at a coat to the taxpayers or $1 500 ooo
which they reel is rlaht. After
November 11- 'lbe Ameilcan Medical Aasoclatlmi warn~
that people who live lonaer generaUy show more advanced
signs ol old age than thoae:wbo die YOIIIII·
whether be should remain In
November 13-'l'hls morning when that sadistic professor
or sarcasm, A. • oung, wai ~ the process or berating an
s chool and ln~tltute the
Innocent student a little birdie came along and sbat on his
change '!Vhich he believes Ia
necessary or whether he
Nov~ber '15-1be people at OeBotbave finaUy come up
should drop out. By droppin& ·
wlthawaytomakethe lcecream taste lousy.
out the -consumer, ln thll blil
December Z..The Soviets bave devised a !oolprool method
bus.lnesa setti~,la ~ the
tor converting propaganda Into atomic explosives. They are
~ness that the proiluc:t
stinks and untO It is c~ed
presently considering the dste on which they will destroy
the known universe.
be will not buy it. Again It 11 a ·
' December 4-Bob Keraleck announced todsy that he bas
decision which each student
passed up a 40,000 dollar a year job as Edltor-In-Oiiet or
m111t arrive at by using bla
The New Yor!Ler, to work as 3rd asalatant staple boy at
own criteria. I foroaewW be
Mad magazine.
back next semester; It you
December 25-Dave Gnelaer announces his retirement
will be back please helP.
He wW retire to a monastery_and spend his twUJgbt y~
change the thlnp you don t
plaglarlzlnc the Bible In God's name
believe are rlaht, but It you
·December 30-Mr. Lucky's announ~ today tbat, due to
don't return you have already
~ stricter safety coelea; dancing on the ceUing wiU no
beChl~tmachall8e thiJJII. Merry
lqer be permitted. ·
s a
Happy New
-Oecember 31-Bob Ham Jr., In the belief that the pen Ia
mlghtter-than-lheiiWOI'd, fallsonbtacrayonand.dies.
-~~~-~muiM-• -:::-- •• .. ·
August 2-Hell
PQ ~N l
February 28-Stullent Government announces that, due to
lack or student Interest, Mareb will be cancelled.
April 1-UWSP migrates to F1orlda since March was
Aprill-The Soclolotl)' Department annOimCes ''the fight
or the century" . Erica Carle and Or. Arnold Maahs will go
1Sro1111ds In room 125ol the aa-oom Center.
April 3-'lbe Bualneu Department wins the WWSP
Trivia Contest.
April 7-Student Seliator Tom M8nnia pro_poaea a
publications board made up or one peraon ; himself.
Aprii14-Student Government paaaea Mannis' proposal . .
ARriJ 15-'lbe PubllcaUons Board names Tom Mannis as
the next Polaler Editor,
- - /'
April 1&-Membera or the Polater starr are banded a -Dew
set ot crayons by the newly-formed media board.
AprU 20-Red Chinese medical authorities have announced a major breaktbrougb. They believe they have
dl8covered a direct connecU011 between aexual lntercoune
and the overpopulaUon problem In that ,country.
AprU 30-Francia Schmitz wins the neopbyte letter writer
ol the year award to be presented by reporter Keith otis.
May-2-A rock coocert In Quandt G:ym Ia sold out at $10 per
bead. Oleetab is acheduled to play old TarDn calla on a
· gramophone while cbewinc bubble gumc
May l~News Service reJeuea Ita first article containing
bad news on the university.
May 11--John Andenoa is replaced by Mary Popplns as
director or News Service. She pledps that all future news
releases will be tair, accurate and contain a ..,_rw or
Ma1 12-UWSP reports no graduates tbla year.
May 21-Dr. WlUiam Oementa, director ot inltituUonal
retearcb, requests a six mlUion doUar grant to study noaepicltlng on cam.U:-:- """' ..
-· - -- · -·
~student Norman
by Taurus
Letters To The Editor
u /P
Greeks Earn Vest
To lh" rdhCN' ol the I'O INTt: H.
Thl!' WWS!;' C h rlatmas
Telethon aJtain this year was a
success Thl• yu r , a ll the
organitalions on un1pus
dtcldfd not to C'Om~te for
Chancellor Dreyfus' red vest
The TEK~ have ,..on the red
for donatlnw the
money toward thr ttlethon for
thr last four years and appar~tly agaen Uus year The
df'CIS!On was made thas year
tt\atthfo TEKES ,.,·ouJd oraanh.e
all thto Cr~ks on campus In
,.,orlung lot~:rlhtr uasing money
to,.:ard the telethon We h.llve
follo,.,·f'd through As our t>Hort
toward the joint Greek cause,
:1lumni and friends of TEKES
did not know of oor joint l!'f!ort
and donated i n the name of
TEKE and therefore recorded
towa rd the running for the vest
by IH!tty Eckert's crew.
The TEKES ,.·ould like to
thank all the ot her Gr eek
organ1H tlonson campus for the
fine job Uu~y did In collec ting for
the ttl~thon and .,.,~ accept the
vest in Ul~Gr~ks ' nam~ u V.' f:ll
Jolla \ ' an
Hybrae k
Tau Kappa
t; psllor~
Rural Murals
To thr t•oinl~r .
I agrH, to allevtatr- the
pr~ t flnaneu11 51tuat 10n at
IJ WSP more stud~ts nt"t'd to~
RUI I hnd ~lr
Tterne)•'s suggHiion of bam
m urals to It'll UWSP an u ·
trrmely poor proposal
typt' of gaudy
display wems
to somewhat contrast the
oper:at1on of a moral t'duc:allon
systl."m, v.htn at the sam~ tlmt'
he proposes to improve the
phys1cal appearanc:t' of thto
campus proper
In " per1od of t'nvt ronmental
awa rmt'M tht'Se "m urals' ' a re
anotht'r form of dq radation.
The state of Michigan has
rK't'fltly classified thto1r bam
mu rals as b1llbouds and as
such they art' tlltogal under the
1972 H11Iboard Control Law On
frt"t'v.ays and primary roads
that a r c !l ubject to these
rt'ltrt~ttons, the State Highway
Depl . 11 repain llng these barns.
Si&nrd :
ltlcha rd ~mro""''
. - - - - SPKW - - - - . . . . ,
CHAMPAGNE ... $1.99 up
UWSP Instructor Praised
o'car Si r :
Sow and then somr out ·
standlngly commendable deed
comes to our au muon. and v.·e
reali1e that1t 11 all too easy to
<tllow such a genuinelr humane
ua to pass unnotu~ ed and
without comment That Is why I
am writt ngth isiellt'r . l.ct me
tell you :~n internllng story
lnt963, Mikeille lewlcxwasa
senior student like any other at
UW ·Stevt'nS Point. lie was
happy , energetic:, interested in
d rama :~ports . and acti\·e in his
frat e r nity .
In ' thai yea r .
ho""'·e ,•e:r, he: suffered a severe
mjury wh1le sw1mmlng. and
this left him almost completely
cerla lnly ,
e veryone thought
withou t
mut'h posstbility of finish ing his
AUer a period of
C'Onvales«nce, howe\'H", M1ke
began to show coruldenble
tmpto\·~enl. his recovery ""'' as
em otionally
mentally as ""'·ell as physicallY
Put plainly, his spunk ""''at
remarkable_ lie found a way to
type w1th the eraser of a penc1l
stuck into a mectutnlcal devlcf'
v.hich he v.·ore on hi.S arm , and
he learned to use anolher de"'ICe
to hold a book open as he read ,,
M1ke fought n ·ery d1Uicult mch
of his way bAck to a semblance
of normalcy Tbough h~ could
not walk. he was ag1lt' mentally
and, bec:~USot' of hiJ; destre to
le:3m, he felt a great loss that
he t"'Uid not cont1nt.W as an
acli.,·e sludent This brtngs me
to the point cf this letter
It v.·11s Dr Pauline lsaac110n
Com muntcation
Depa rtment and D~rec: l or of
International Programs ""''ho
lea rned of M1ke's desire to go to
school agatn and came up ""'' lth a
v.ay 100\'t'rcome the thfficulty
HWY. 51
(We Will Be Closed Christmas
Among man)' nKessary jobs,
Dr lsant'son spen t cons•dernble
lime gelling M1lte regis t er~.
roundmg up books v. hen they
~~oe r e not re<td1ly available, and
cajolmr.t profHsors mto the
tue h· by · rt'mOI e·e lt' CI ron ics
This IS not to
1mply tha t many of Dr
Isaacson 's collegues d idn ' t
meet ht'r rather unusual
propos 1tlon v.\th enthuSiasm
and 1nteres1 Many hrlptd. but
W made 11 posslbl~
ex tra ord inary
arrangement continued for
almost6 ye;~rs. and ~t1ke looJted
UKttly agam toward the day he
v.ould ftntsh h1s 1 nterrupc~
n fter all
cumulallng one course a
:'-ione of U.!i can
t-sllnlatr the hope v.hJ('h Dr
dfort s
brou8hl to ,\l tkr I knov.· per ·
sonally of Ius: ~ r:ttttudfo
Unfortunately . M1ke's drum
of 110me day hav1ng tht degree
he began so long ago will not
nov. be reali1ed
ditd s udden ly and .
unt' xptetedly in Wausau . That 's
v.hy 11 is appropriate at this
ttme to bring :~ttentlon to Dr
l s:~acson's :~dmi rabl ee ffori.S for
M1ke. I could not be-gin tc tell of
:til that she did. She cert ainly
did not go the hundred cx tru
miles fo r :~ny promise of
compensation or r«ognltlon,
but simply becnuse it was un ·
('Onscientionablt' to de nothing .
Walt Krllyoncehad PCIJOUy,
" We are surrounded by In·
surmountable opportunities. •·
Paulint' lsnacson Is one of those
teachNS who gr as ps those
,ru;urmountable opportunllies
""''th dete rmination, vision and
Sometimes in our
:~udt m1c u r~rs . ;~s students
or as teachers, v.·e are lucky
enough to came ac ross an
t'dueator v.ho IO\'H stu~nts as
-...ell as teat'hing and who feels
thttr pam as ""'·ell a.s their joy
Pauhne. )'OU are !hat kind of
teacher I suspect that Mike
""'oold ha.,·e wanted me to Sly to
)OU . " Thank..s fer be:tng an
rxample for all of us "
\'f'r} ,lnu rrly )OUrl ,
llr. William t\rlley
Uf' parlmtnl cf Co"\mu nlcallor~
l nlv nslty of Wisconsin
~lf'\f'nll !•oint , \\ luonsln SHit
Campus Thefts
by Ka th y O'Conne ll
The following items have
been repo rt ed stolen ac ·
cording to UWSP Ca mpus
;\ ) oys ' 26 inc h. 10 speed
Glfbne bi ke wa s taken from
the lo1wn neur P r ay ·Sims Hall
November 13. The btke was
locked to a bike rack at the
A gold<olored T1mex wrist
watch was s lo len rrom a r oom
111 Knutzen Hall No\'embcr 15
The ...·atch band was not
A s mall black leather
z1 pper pursette was s tolen
November 16 The pursette
w.u lcrt on a s tud ent's c hatr
at Old Matn Three 20-dollar
btlls and c: redtt cards were tn
11 at the ltme
An attem pted th e (t occurr ed
November 16 when a purse
was lett unallendcd a t a book
cubtcal at Dc&t Center It
was later dtscover ed 1n the
women 's washroom
A wallet was taken rrom lhc
r e ference read1ng room 111 Ihe
Learning Resources Center
November 18. The wa lle t wns
!crt unattended at the Umc
and was later found in
a st ud y
booth .
Novembe r 20, a boys' 10
s peed, aqua blue Schwinn
bike was taken rrom ncar a
bike rack at R oach ll all
where 11 was locked at the
,\ boys ' 26 inc h . three speed
red Pilot AM F' bike was take n
from the a rea tn rront of
Tempo November 23. The
s tudent ·s btke "''as not locked
at the time
'rofnaionol photograph., n..da an ettractit·e girl for rftodeting . 'art-tirft• work at
excellent pay! Strrena
'Gtnt ar•e .
Write: I. G. Corp.
los 100, M~OM•,
Mich. 49151
11 no
\ urmount:~blt' problem to takt'
tht' mountain to ~l ohammed
~like, at th•s tunc, v.:~ s conrined
to a ~~ohe-el chair in a nursmg
home 1n Wausau Therefore,
Pauline a rranged for him to
take ('Ourses by telephone
hookup ....,.ah hill d:~.ues m
Stevt'ns Point . An)'Cne who h:~s
1111 inkling of how a unh·ersity
runs cu n tell yo u this a lone Is no
small administrative problem .
Sports In '7 4
II)· Tim S.Jih·u
aM ltalld)
!Notlfnhad. Thft'eJtiU"'·iUbe
tllr~atrmncllrU:nanda Workl
a$upet"8oWI ; I~NC:Il{oulJ
aad the NBA pbyotrs. shon~ndfd
11111b and the St1nlty
t.'u.p We're sure lluotliU ol !Ms.
!hlftCS • ·ill be "'ith 1&11 IIIUI
individ ual I(' •
and pflrtiNlu
hta hhgh·u , ,.-ell. those a re
ralf'jtorinthat•·ecan onl)
~UHIII I Ho.,.ever. lOt had a
gamrs. so
realn•um~,.· hy,.·elhouldstop
'Yl'lerdon, .,.·e
...,... subm u to the l'elnter
n11&ht luoppm In the .,.orld o(
•ports on 1974.
3 - Pttt' Hotrll~
ll<'fuddltodb)' l po•·torfa•l"'r"
'" hlriltndtdthrAFC IHir gamt•
bc110'!1ft! M IIml:lnd l'l!u.burJ)l
tna \717\lt,announc:flill'llllhr
h.b o"Ommtssooned 1M
athlf'll<' dar«ton to ,..,.,. \<1
do>('ode •hlch t ... m ~lluuld
rrpri'Wfttthe At'C mtheSuper
JAS ~ - 1lw 81g Tt11athW11r
dor~on ~ tlw llou6ton
Url~ to~tt,..At'C
JAS 5 - Mo•mo ;~nd 1'111·
>bUrKII ,0111 tht
l'ohtnd't f;~IIM'd track ~tar,
bt'C'omf'!l tht• hnt ll'llm h11
~trytodolht'mol .. mllftder
llo•u·u ,
lnlt'fn.ltiOIUITrackand ~·lf'ld
ofll(lab rtm;~on unimprfaed.
ntatnly bf'cauH' Globslr.l was
1oi A\' lO - llt'fmtt' ·~ pe>ed"
\\rtk$ · ·tns tbco Indy soo ...-,_
~riloltlwotbe r :t!can l.n!
rec-all~ b) Uortroit ®nii(Cthe
JU~" 11
N'aturr 10\'"
~: ...u Gobbons arrn.tfd during
Astrodome "hm h<' ttlound
~arrof<l ""~) . Gobboll!i uttrrf<l.
'Somt' ~tb nl.' C'dol»t". ) '011
knu"' "
E~ol 1\no...·<'l
J UL\' I SU<'niSIUU) }Untpi ~1'05> \ht•
:o.nakt' ll tHr l'an~·ooo n htlJC'I ·
cyc ... but loho•horror, un·
dl.'rnll!n:otn !he "'"d ~n d
bncb on dov.niO>OIIl1<'•<'1and
'ld rath,.,. otrv"ot'd," ltlh~
Alt: 1- l'obnch otl~mp!('
~"omnun~ \ca m arti\C'>
\II.LIIIt'h lor rM lr.:! Sum"'"'
,\ L(;
" ll;o
l'umt ''
December 6, 1973
~l etropol itln
St adouno on Bloomln~tton,
,\llflftftOUI Thu; iJ llOI""orthY
3 - Jethro " F'in&t'f'l"
a• a ~rHime blimp
AUG • - O.!C'f niKh Sid
Gillman pr..cbc: \5 1 ,.·,nrung
to ll.ruol l'n- offld.als claim
SlaM · -n Jllllty of meeal
OCT D - '""' llinnftota
Ku~r Com~ll)' lures f>e5C'h
, _ Oolt'l' C'Oith Sod
rntrn llouston'a
:O.Iental llospota\ lor cMckup
SEPT t - GfCN"'Ct Allen
ell~ a desire to enln
SE I'T l - l'rt'lldtnl Slllon i1
•m peadlf'd
SE PT 20 - Atl;~nta ~·a ltON
theyha•·tnoonttnlillllo fmoling
tiM:'Iranc:ht5tloMd"' • uhC'
S"PT u - Tbt ,.-tf:I<..W
,\\ol,.·auk~ t'alronl annountt!
""a- t!C'keta are now 1111 Jo&if'
OCT ! - 1\;~nk "Solly" Tood.
,.,-ardC'n ol San Q\lmtin , Ill·
noun«'d tod.l} tht' si gnong of
Jcthru " Fingeri'' Slade to a
,,...,....,., noculn~nt rKt Toad.
f'latc<do•erhllllt"'o' ltqwtlltllll,
-t~ tl'd hf' pocltt'd up SlaM "on a
~te;~l " and •ddc<d that hll draft
nght¥1D Jt·throl'ftuhl!dfroma
"A's" for~·bumlln M illt
...~t;lr~~ ~"t. ......G~:d~;~r~~
Page 9
Davis 1fter lumina he llld
traded lo lheO..kland
SlaM, alar nanker on San
QUO'nhn 'l "Cf'Ubloclt A " on·
NOV . 12 - t:ueU Glbbont,
r«mtlyoutof}lil,iltr ulfd
ror Dutdl Elm dist'ue after br
..-;~s ~~~ miiiiC:hln&fNII
~ta. lp<"OS\ dunn&U...Cbarttr·
Faleon htlltimt. Gobbont, ill
olwious ~'"· mumbl~. " It's
n;Jot ur al
fC'fllindedmC'ola•·ild tuc:kory
trt't' Nobody told""' il ,.....
madcol'iron "
N'O\'. II - In \Mn¢h<'$1priZC1'
loghtonh!Rory , llt'dsklnboldout
Bobby Moac• knKh out
~muy C<al.llls In Ito.. tlh
rMNtdbelor..lOO,OOO iantinL.A
DEC S - lm peatlll"<l bill
unshakPn H.·l"residmt Siaon
:OMUI\ ();I & ..-1 pi\ting Ull·
' bt'at.m llf'HI ;~aainst wonlet.ll ,
butdetermontd, t:aypl
7 - t914ilbroughttoa
littmg tlimu "' htn J lno
~kKay. C'O ''"'"It tile Inter·
mountain ·chmblng
~atn<"l for •\HCin Sapln,lllly,
slips 1111 ;~frozen spike and
ptunas ontoanC'Npllng Mount
Boaniof H ullh~reestodrop
C~flt"'a«USin& TlliiNI' fin.t·
but'man ll•rmon Kolltbrew of
mans lauahtn The cha r gn
ttnnmed 11'11111 tto.. allt'&N fact
thlt , In ;I \;Jolt HUon &•me
aplnst HoitGfl, K.illt'br~· lined
a doublt c~o>o·n the ltl'l-fif'ld
banhtll.', u~~;~war<' that tum·
ma t<' Mod C• r<'w wu at·
tt"mpbng to Stn l homC' on lht'
same pltdl. llarmon '• official
Jround ·nlil' double "'II ltlnd,
l:aolfd to tommf'nt
N'O\ ' 1 - Maider quarterback
L.l.ar)·leLiononluW..-a" pla)'
mr or lrade mt'" Ihnat to
Kl.'neral rllliMgtr AI On!~ prior
to the O~k l and · Phlladelplloa
SO\' 1 - t;a.R.alder qu.ar·
trrb.lck !)aryl Llmonic;~ fila a
f...X.ral antl·tnut ' ult ~galnst
~=::'~~":':;~ma~· ~......,......,.._....._._....._.........._.....,
UC1' tl - Tbtl'WL'I " IIOW
Moilumort' Colts lor~C'Ito iho"
upfortht'lr~meaponst lhto
:O.Ioanu DolphiM on \1.11\1....,..,
" Th~y
do not love
thlJt do not Jhow th~ir lovt."
C•n;~ dol n
JA:O. 1: - NBC nitli 01'1 Uw
unalqw rll'rofllwSullft"lloW\
!MC1nc;~go&o;~n .lto0 Tlllf.
.. ;~~ doM m order to pc'f'M'I\t
1'!w H""urn of Httdo ''
JAS tl - 1llco matn 5"'11
• r·:o::: '\t~ ~:::::-:.:.. ~
ttlt'phonr c;~\b, 111 rountlnl
lr ~\r fwtball II IIS dem•nd to
~ .. .,,.
"h)' " II C'odo " wa1n 't
s~~o ..·n t"·o monutn altC'f tM
JAN :Ill - 'th.t unu.l l1WL
dulL lnlW'n 111 21 lMtn>
.... l~long fitldg!Nilkocktrslrom
~:uro pe
ll" ltm•n Trophy
"'IUJ('f John Cappellato from
l'mn St;~tt •• th" lint non·
\I~UIIII\M i91.hround
l - ABC't
Ke rpsakeGuar,.ncu
usu ruaprrfett
suprrb<olor. Thc reiJ
nolin~rdlamond nng .
Cb ro o
~kt'l chel!rlullyiC'fff\Uan
"~•.u:rolt MYt;~r "
~· "a 5 IUy Scott. Jo m
Don Mw.dith, CUrt
,;.,,.·dy , Jun Wnt . Jack
llnc~. ViiiScully . MIIIIt"
.\loort-, J•diBuck,lluryC.ray
~nd Kyl" Kott- aU AnllOWiet!
IIIUnt diUt'
~lnnwhllt, Howard Co•tll
HoaneAI'It'dgt~IAH II George Allen,
!J'Iocked by U!t retornnmt of
Son ny Juq,t'nltn ...d Bill y
Kolmu, declun th•t the
ltftbkons will embilrk upon 1
MAR %l - TIN! Wui'Lincton
or frt't' agent qu•rttrback
Hobby RIQI.
Af>lt t - Ct.lbvettr•n Emit'
ll.anb ~•tl!'f that he detmll
AI' R. $ - ROU!IIta!IIW)UII(tll
theyu r uOetroltiWIPIIfl...C
• :=, ::.nd~=r~
amaunt of caM 10 th.l New von
.lt'UioraXtror.ed copyof J oe
Sarn.th'taddrma book
APR It - Olympk .U.ndout
)lark Spiui8~•t
...ntn ~Mrina with hit
lllpt"r<huged tJn.om.tk whUe
IO&killghbflncenln;~ .. lblol
p.u\~l&td nWk.
MA Y IS - J._ Globd!l,
UVS1oU Df..IUoiOI"D ao6GS,
lOX ""
Ill. Y. Ullll
ugvp-----------POINTE .R
Pointers Edge St. Nv:Jry's, 69-66
by Jim llabeck
The UWSP P~u nter basketball
team , 'AIIh Bruce Weinkauf's
SC'onng and a tenac1ous 5e'COnd
h.111 defense, beat Sl Mary's of
Wmona 69-66 f'riday night's
contest a t Quandt Gym saw the
Pomt~ ra lly from u much as
IS potnts do~n to pull tM game
ou t m the wnning momenLs.
t-.:arly tn the game, with the
srore t1ed f.l, St Mary's scored
Sstra•ght pomts. then tncrused
lhe1f lud to 7 ~rlly aftrr .
W1th Ius th3n a mmutes gone,
the P01ntrr had C'Om mllted 6
turno \·en, h.alf thetr game to~l.
The POtntt'n ...,~re able to cut
the opposttton le;~d to ZJ-20
before falhng \'lc t1m to deadJy
St :\1nry Vlooh ng The Min·
nesou team put on a 2fH
SC'Ortng 5purt that left the
Pointers Oomdering 43-28, with
only 2 minutes len in the hall.
Sl Mary's vrent 1n at halltime
com for tably leading ·43·30 .
Seruor forward Tom Peppe~d
poured in 19 poinLs.l ndudlnga 9
for 13 per forman~ from the
Roor lie and his teammates
won all S first h3lf jump ~ails .
com piled n S7 percent shooting
average and outrebounded the
Pointers 13-6.
But the Potnten were not to
be denied B11 by bit they
chopped the Minnesota lead
do'A'n until, with IS straight
poi nts. the UWS P team had
pull«! aheJtd <U-43.
Sl Mary's ""'as determined a
Pomter w1n ""'ould not come
easily. A 3 potnt play by Tom
Pepp« put them ahead 46-U.
The lead then vadllat«f Ml·
"'tom • I and 3 pcunt St Mary's
Gridders Given Awards
edg«' unUI , w1th only 2 :36 ldt ,
Polntrr Cf'nler Matt inuth was
Sm ith 's 2 free thro'A"S put
WSP m front IS-6' and t~
Pointers soon regained the ball.
Semors and freshmen earned
tht! eight postseason footba ll
awnrds at UWSP , a ft e r a
l'ampalgn m 'Ahich \'eteun a nd
)outhful tah.·nt combm«f tor thf
!>t'hool's best rt't"' rd, <~-e. since
W1th less than 2 mmutcs left, St.
~tary ' s Kuard Ed
1ntrrct'ptrod a P ~X nter pass and
KOI'"t'd an t'.IISy layup, putting
St ~J ary ' s aht'ad li6-6S
Arirr rt"gaining !'Onttol, St
Mary 's foW'Id them.seh·es uo~ r
pressurr oncr more- The
ro.nter press fo rct'd yet
anothr r turno\'rf', 'Ahtrtupon
fr eshman Uob Omehna dro,·e to
the mtddle or the free throw
lane. stoW«! and swished a
M ory's had one more
chance to win With 6 seconds
ff'm alnlnK. an t'rrant Pointu
throw allt'mpt was
and quickly passed
Po1nter guard
Bruct' Wei nkauf was watting
and lnttrcrpttd W1th no timr
ldt hf' made 2 free thro,.,-s,
br1ng1ng h•s pointtotalto 26,lhe
rinal scare to 69-66 a nd the
UWSP record to 2·1 We1nkaul
offu t St . Mary's forward Tom
Pe~ , who had J2 points for
the bt!st 1ndh'idual sconng.
llr:ad Coach ;>.lonte Charln
announeed th:at he chose ~niors
lt obb•ns a nd :\lark
OltJmcu k as the tm hononry
capcams The l)omter mi!Tltor
abo reYuled thr results of the
SIX other honors ""h\ch the
players themSC'Ives \'Oied on.
not1ng that the balloting was
\'t ryeloutn raC' h
Bobbln.'l, u thr ee )'ear stand·
ou t a t defemlve sa fety and :as
k1ekrr ,
dis tmgu•shed ...,.1th the most
prestig•ous hono r. the most
n luable pla)er a ~·.ard 1be 6foot ·l. 180 pound senior ~·as atso
Singled out as the mMI valuable
deftnsn-e back of the )'ear
Hobbtns ' talmts 1n the S«<n·
d:a ry arr r-umpltfi«f by hiS 1972
school reco rd season in·
terceptlon tol:l l of nine and his
t'ar~r sum 'AhKh nears 20. The
\Ctsalllc !lemor also has boot«!
an a ll· lime Pointer rccord ol 19
caH't'r fit•ld ~o;~l s ltobbins
M"ored 3~ pomts m 10 gamn for
tht' Pomtt'rs thts yea r , the
t'lub ' 5 h1 g he s t 1n ·
dl\'ld\UII total
O l eJn l cuk · ~ d! sllncllon IS
\ Upportt'd by many notable
ach1e\·ements lie set 12 school
and nmr WSUC pau1ng r«<rds
dunn~t h1s thr~ )'ear Pomter
ea rroer, nc:c:omph~mg most of
them th•s sea50f'l The 6-foot· l,
210 pound ~se r also brought
national rrcogn11 1on to
U W S I' by furni s h
1 n g t h (' I' 01 n 1 e r s the
rece1vinR records as does the
scvt'n TO cu tches in one season.
li e ne-eds only two more touch·
do...,n rrt:~ptions and 336 ya rdll
nut yetar to toe l i~Zt Stevms
J'o1nt 's ca reer r«elvlng totals
1n the t'A'O eatr-gories.
Da ~· e IJre~·er was slngi«J out
as the team 's most valuable
deftnsn·t lintmu of the year.
~h•le J oe P~ll nskl earn«! lhe
offf'nsh·e rquwalent. The two
stn•on were both noted tor
consistency Instead of standout
accomplishmen ts .
Brewe r
excelled frnm the defensive end
and Pepl inski from the of·
posi t ion .
l'eplit11kl was honor«! earlier
durmg the grid season as the
firs t redpimt or the aMual
f:d du~
Schola rship
brcause of his SC.'holu t ie and
a thlt'tit' ae hit\'emtnts.
The ftnal post-season football
award ,.·ent to freshman Doug
Krueger, 11 11 aggrtssive 6-foot-1 ,
I I$ pound rtoeelver regarded as
the most Improved player of tM
year Krueger ranked directly
behmd <:osn m the pus cat·
t hing department. hauling In 28
lliiSin for "!14 ya rds nnd three
touc:hdo,.·ns Most of his action
eamt a ftrr the fifth game when
ht- first eu~ a sta.rting job.
One notable trtbute to the she
1ndmdunls Aonort'd is that each
~as stngled out a t lust once
durmg tht tm eampalgn as
STI!\•ens !"oint's player of the
""f'tk, on e1ther offense
:l:d~ss~ ;:a :;:. :na;~
productnK thr nahon's runflff\Jp
tndJvldtW i totab m pau1ng and
Total Offt'IUC' ~ r 1c tl y a passer.
OleJmcu k 's 168 yards lost
rush1n1t th1s yu r a r t tm Prt"ssu·ely O\·tnhado..·t'd by htS
2..9'J yards ~tamed passmg ,..htch
1ndudes 19 touchdown paun.
lie n l~ totalrd the Pointers'
fourth ltadm~~: sum of poma
~ ~~p~C'mc-ntm~~:
;~~:~~~~~~~~e ~~~v~~ea~:~:~~~
:~e~ ~ 5 and ,,~or~hr~o:r :~~~~
1st Place Winner
2nd Place Winner
3rd Place Winner
Just register al
l'om t \l, omt>n ' ' g ym nastiCS
tram placl"d !lth 1n the ltegiona/
\lrrt , thrf'e of thr hve UWSP
glrlll quahf1rd for s tate com ·
Tuquahfy for the State Meet a
.,:yrnnast must he m the top five
m any t'Yt' ttl
M:try Willems
OleJmcu k's
effortsth•syea rwnsG- foot· l , l80
.md Ca rol Kra utkramer w111
pound fn'!lhman Jrff Gosa. the
eompelt aT th~ mtrormediate
npt 10r1a l :.nd compulsory level
team '5 lr:.dm~ rrct:wer ,.n.,
~as chosen by h1s teammates
all around All·.around consists
a5 lht' most valuable offens1ve
nf C'Om Jlitttng mall four event.s·.
back of the yroar
balan« Mam , unn·en parallel
displayed h1s pass ·catch•ng
bars, vaul tmg nnd noor exer Jblhty on Sl occasiOns dunng
CIM' SOt' <:•gantt· r«eiv«f a 2nd
Thrcampalg.n , \lohKhrnultedln
and tst tn .11dvan~ uneven
696 ya rds Kn tned and sevm · parallel b:u s compulsory and
TDs In ont' l(amr GMa grabbed
upt1onal resr«tlvely
11 p3Sst'S, I(3tnt'd 19 1 yards With
ltobyn fo:v,1ns placed 8th m
Mo i" end Di.i.Hwt
t: v~n th ough thr Stevens
Mary llenfeldt
r~;;;~~~ .
$1 .00 TO $10.00
. ~
Downtown Mo ln ot Strongs
Your Molter c.t.o,...
~~--~~---~..- - - -........Iii$
Decembe r
6, 1973
Superpickers Hit Century Mark
b 1 T'im:ti!IIIUOI.J~ Bu rh ,and
,.h1dJ arr u~wll} about u
,,.·route J~ Our)·\ l~momc;a's
1,,.,..,. , th,·Sup.'tJllckcn.,.·l•nt
1. 1. ,\
u ,. •: n
..,.,.,.tht·too-•.-onm;~orklhts )t:3.r
th"''''"r.ufc ,.·~keptJCSrtmmn
..,umpr~-d . uthr}' fi~tured
Uallas b);
'"' •hau ld 'n• r"acht'i.i the
n·ntur~ k•u•:l about t"'o ,.rftls
~I!O ~··•crthei!'SS, .,.·e'n· qunr
proud of wr
magiC 100
t.•rau.-o:"·••fft l-.·e now hw•·t99
nurr '"ns thlln IM 1\0I.I!i\011
IHI\'1'5, Sll"' hal mortnn one
r•oall~ a>Jt for~
\It• "~''"damn lu<:k)' to
lo.•S<') \luH;~o\o swamped
\tiJnla as OJ appu"'tl)'
,. 3 nt..dtogammore)'ardi than
tht· t'~I<:Ons did Wc ctrt:unly
dodn't '"'"1M \ 'ik1n« · &-neal
o:;.mtb)' much. Talr.ea ..·ay til<'
M><.•Gobrun OnAiw's
\\' ~II) ,l'tulhps
" AI>t.ls lt aroldJ:.ck5on
,.,.,d m tht:-lugur•"
Gobronn'l)hed," :>;o lthlnk.\ltl
Hnrw:h of Oakland tS luttr"
Sot had, \'OfiSidl'l'inll Bt~nch's
fintnamt•o,;Chff A~prob:lbl)'
thmU G~r) Huff os :actllol\1)'BIII)' \\'atk Ltonsb)i
11,\1\L,\ ... IJ 11\'t:K 1\MO: S.\ S
nn· · ThiS g3mt ll ;~nnuall)'
pro foolball'o ~UHall"nl tu
World \\'3r Ill Hoth trams
lh•nt~ t'trlillll ~bout ol '"tht hTil'
of prl'dol'tmgo.st hatot 'llbra
bn.Hllll)' eonto\...:1 bloodb.uh
slartmg quarh.'l'b3cb .. on 10;'
aruundatthrend nu~ ltanirr
lllol'l gaml' •s played on
Saturda~ "'IIliich ao O.:okland
.,..,,...b) · ~ pomt
~ ••~~k~n~!~~::~~~~= ~
\\ r.,.<'rrqu o teplta~"'lth
l'hobdclphuo·s ptrformanl't'
•o~Joru.t San Fnncisc:o. r•·f.'ll
ttKough bolh Plu\l~· and us lost
tht· garnl' At onl' tlmt' tht•
~:.q:les '"t"ft lowng zt4. and
l'!l oladdphoa shw ld knO'IO' b)'
"""'th:l td 'IHI'}'dl fl lcultto
"'" ~ pmt whm )'W llrl'
bc'htnd b~ lour touchdOII'ns
l••forr halfllmt llov.-t•·er . thto
~.:..Itt~ o;";unc cha rg1ng bad<
-n:andonl)· lostbyten,so "t
tiM- t:::agl..s' comf'tu1ck
o ,\
\\',\S \1\ 'I;t;T!I.'
Th,• l:O\Ibo)'~
no."•.'d lh•• ~::• ml" more, and
t,.•sttlt-• Staub.lchhasthr\l'oln
pla~· ~rs Tht• lll<dskms h.l• .. n't
W:u.lm~gton 5<'ottd 2~
:.~n~~~~ ;;1:::.~ ~";~
prtdo<:tt'd Good ol' Jurgen501\
~:arn .. throogh ag• 1n And thr
11•••:t'bnd 8ro.,.·Td rellll)' tookus
<~I 1hP hook ..-·oth '"'0 qu ock
twchd<J,.-nslatton U... fourth
oruHter aaamst t ht Chiefs
llddl~cnough,S HCant'lllllnttrJ
Curt t,;o"dy and AI Dr ltoga\15
r-~•...:lonandonabout holo·Crtg
l"ruollu•·..dthrg:an•e lor tllr
tiro""' TNt, PNo!tclldsc:ort a
r rw:,al iOU(hdo "·non a lgng
1W1 buttt\I'UIICiu;iil)' tighl
t'fld Molt Monn ..-IH,o tied tllr
.:..mt 'IOo th a lrtmtndous """
.oft<'l'llr nughl a lhort p.lSJ
!rum Vhlpps
~:.u ;u;s ,\ GA IS ST J t.:TS ·
l1lr .,.·ft'kly touup Sull,.'lln
takt'S Pl'nladrlphia bro:;au~ hr
~n't g,.-e a
damn about
~""<>PI' anymort
ll aberman
tak..sthr Jeube<'aus.ehe'sbftn
a 1ona tomc f.:menoo Boour
andShrrmanPiunktUfan JOI'
llurkl' also tallfS U... J<!'l5
bt'('a Usc il'l ru mo r l'd that
llurlr.e once saw Jot Willie
'l;amathwanathlmdur il'ogl
s.~wr; tuolf.umr skit at Got'rb
l\A.\ ! S 0\'E K GIA.'IITS · Tht'
\iond.ay:'<>igh terneedsnoto<·
pl:uno rc !UrN by 11
MOW! 7 :15 &. t:lO
·, E~__
uu., sun:H n•: \ K.i · \'ou
.Jw.,., la•t "l'l"k.
;~:.k~'\1 .
I' ITT:" Hl ' ltr. ll
U\'t: H
1\0l:STU ' · Thr onh possot:H
\lay tht· Ooleo moght "·on IS 1!
lhtSt~ltt10fadtosh,...up, and
''''tn thrn Houston "'ould
prob.;lbJ)' 1oM- l'oll by H
ATL.A ... T,\ 0\'l:K .'>'T. L.O lliS
lllt Cardinals ' feason,. "<'·
tually o•·tr nght 0011' Mtan·
\l' hllt' , thrF;~!com; ' )·nriSJUSI
begonnong. t.Hxauseoflhe)'l'\'tr
$lop tOR'.llhU'I\,tht)''dkno...
thrm Atl.an\3 b)' \3
\'11\ l,\ tOSO \ 'l:ll i',U' K Thli
<> al"' on S:ttunb) lllt Pack
"'3> b~r~ fl!r lho:.'>anll>. bullht•
\·okonp m~rch to 3 doffcrml
:~~~~~:~;";~:·• :~t~~:;u~
doc• m1 11ant
to .eo.· h1o "''"~d gu flat befor••
tht•) l!<'lmtupb)oll:.c loon Wr
It'll ot hko· ol ~~ Anolhrr !P'I'al
~o~"'.;,·.. ~:~g;.':~ ~':1\~oki"ll~
.\11.\\tt un:II II.\I.T I.\IIIIIt; .
Cou ld ~ o.er b) h3llhmt
IJGipluru;b)· i'!l
n•:M:.u.s un :n ltllo\\'S S .
Altho.Juch Cle•-rl:lnd lltlpt>d u~
la>l"<'tkb)·pu!hnt~outa t le
\llththt-l1toth,,.-tflndotabwluM~· omposs1ble to root for
llltm durtnJ!t thrir gamts Wc
an)lhongSpl'CI.li! Htnpls~· I O.
Hl 't 't ".\ 1..0 o\'l:: lt P,\ nti OTS
· l11\"Hollsmusth:l•·r10111etlung
ll'l.'dodn'tkna..-· about if lhey
I'OUidlwlld Atlantato six points
11on Wtodokno ...· Piunkrnhas
bi'rnscormt:a tonofpoin\J
lattl)·,~ llrntonandS<mpson
..- o ll tompl)' ha''t' l~orethto
P~ts b~· 10 pooats
~~~; !\' \' E ll 0 \' ~: 11 S,\ S 0\ Et;o
w.. ·w bl'l'n t:lkma Orn•·tr
laid) bt't:a u,..-. Ch3rlir J ohnson
~nd no)d l.mll' s.:ud on CBS
th.:ollhl'bns "ollbl·S<"'!illl: tiK·
S ,\ S ·· ll o\SC ISCO 0 \' ~: K
SA I:O.IS · If)'OU·,·r bernrudJng
~.~..':';~~ ~·)'$P!~:~rl~k~~
tu tho~"''*" D<m•·er b~ 11
l'ro llf'por l3 0ye~r. )ou'llkno"''
"'":are taking the
~C\0' Orleans
~r\~~~i1 ;:~~·~ :.c~~7,1k~
l'rosco b)• 10
Harriers Place Second
tn•<·lrd to,_. of the ..-on·
n1n1:~">1 ~tatu.' quO• !n thr
,port 's h1U11r~ at l! I\'S P durong
lh<· rrtt•ntl)· enndud~d 1973
On tho·cholly mornon~; of the
\\Slit' t·hamp!OnSI'up race at
MeOOIII(IlliO' 's 1\'akaud:a !'ar k,
st ..nn~ !'oint hustll'<l to tht>
5C'<'Ond pl;."'-' te~m dosl onl'hOII
,, •H't'k lawr ~~ t~u Clllltt'l
Ca~ l'llrk. in tilt ~A I.\
IJJstriet 1~ Ml"et. thr Pointrn
p.:~ct'd In
tht• fifth POSiloon
among 1 1 squa d s
" lf"·o·gotolhl'WI"''O ra«$.
,.h,ch "'' aro: th<· most con·
o:ernt'd ..-oth, "'l' ano rUlL)
hnpt'~ •••oth thil yeJr," Jl'·
rnrdmgtu t!M-club'$11<'a dcoa.cch
liOn ,\moot
S!.t\'....S l'oont also gamed
nallonal rceognitlon t h!s
srason Oon T r lebiato,.·s ko
crussedtht'hnishlo nt m the
~AJ,\'s nalional ch1mpionship
ract m an lmprfSsh-e 38th
place. Frtlhmtn Joe Young
l \~7th
placto l and !lock
laborske U96th pl:ICt' l ~ndtd
~mongthetaphalf ofthrnearly
.WONnntrs thtrc.
Anothrr tspeci11Uy ucuing
otemrela lcd lnthisycar 'scross
me ll o~roftho·tal .. ntrd l'oinlt'l'
ti\O]\'\'OUJ1inforth\• J91~.M':UOII
.. xperltl>('t'ga'ned
b)' thc 1'7J undcrdaum~n
l!~•·tslhe l'ointers'st rongdrpth
to bo.' con lcndcd "'ilh nt'XI
eam p.1 i1tn
" l couldn' t ll3 •·.. been mOl't
uftll<' strongtstdistrkU~r~tM
cnunt r y,"
co ntin ued
l'ulntl-n'lhrtt)'l'll r •·ett'l'an
c\lath "I dodn ' l hvt t o
motl\'311.' lhll learn to run
morn ong
a fte r noon
..-orkouu And they an "'antcd
tach 0\Mr to b•..,. succeu. It
Sl'ol!rn~'i.i the toogllcr thf' mr.:t
tha t ~hallrngat lht'm ,.-u. ttl<'
loughcrt hl'ytllll ,"
"We had much bet ttr freih·
men athl~l~ lho s year ," C~·
pla1n..d Amiot, •.,..ho hid bftn
natr ltvr l high sch.... l com·
prt\101'$." Nineoltht' Pointen '
regu lar pa rt ici pan ts \\'ttl'
" 'o\'talsohada lotorr~~r~th is
year," said Amiol . "And this
s e~son'•
pe r fo rm a n ce•.
esp«o allyt~JoM,o fthe frelh·
n•en, provi de an uce ll tn t
ree ruit ingtool forlhe rutur t
Don't let the price of
a college edUcation
T ho: pr ice of:~ college education is iik yroc ket '"1:· F onunalo:ly rhl' Ai r Force h:~ d do~e som e!hmg to catch up with it. For the firs 111m e , t he
6500 A1r Force ROT C Scholarsh ips i nclude
tho: ~ -year progr:Jm. for both men an d women.
If you can 4uJiify.1h•· A •r Force will. p a y for
the remamJer of your college ed uca u on. Not
only do ROT C 2·)·ear . college schola rs hi ps
CO\'Cf fuJitu it ton. bu t rctmburscmcnl for t eU·
boo k ~. lab and inddcn tJI fees. as well as a taxfrcc mon l hly a ll owa nce o f
T o cash m on all t his jusl a p p ly, q ua lify, an d
enroll in the A ir F orce ROTC
It might be
by Bob Jbm Jr., DaveUnelur , Bob Kululec:k and Manfred
the wonde-r dog ,
p:O~e::~": :,!~:eo~~~~~=n0, i:edi~C: ~:e~~
for 1974 . Our drdicated stalf of news gatherers and news
analysts devoted many hours looking a t the present wor ld
situation in order to make these predictions .
January9-Teacher3 and st udenlS resume classes a t 7:45.
The administrators "officially " begin classes a t 8:00. · ·
J a nuary 11 - A study shows the UWSP administration to
have the largest budget of any college administration in the
world .
J anuary 15-UWSP creates si x more top administrative
positions with six secretaries for each new administrator .
January lfr.The Placement and Counseling Office an nounces tha t they ha\'C recently found jobs for 42 graduates .
February 2- ROTC ca~ts take over the Gridiron
demanding that the campus be moved to a more s trategic
location .
February <t-UWSP is moved to the west bank of the
Wisconsi n River and is promptly renamed "West Point. "
February 1-4-The Anthropology Department finds concrete evidence that man descended from a pe a fter ob·
servmg primitive behavior at Lucky 's .
f'ebruary 23-Central Adminis trat ion announces another
budget cut. The onJy remain mg UWSP course will be held in
a one-room schoolhouse in ~ove r .
February :N- Olancellor Dreyfus reaffarms his s upport of
the mer ger a nd of Central Administration .
Editorial Page
t-~ebruary 28-student Government a nnounces that , due to
lack o! student mterest, March \loill be cancelled .
Apnl 1- UWSP migrates to F1orida s ince March wu
April t-·The Sociology Department announces "the fight
of the century " Erica Carle and Dr. Arnold Maahs 'Nill go
15 rotmds in room 125 of the Oassroom Center .
April 3-The Business Department Vo'ins the WWSP
Trivia Contest .
April 7-studen t Senator Tom Mannis proposes a
I>Ublications boord made up of one person : himself.
April 14-Student Government passes Mannis' proposal.
April 15-The Publications Board names Tom Mannis as
the next Pointer Editor .
April 16-Members of the Pointer staff are handed a new
set of crayons by the newly-formed media board .
April 20-R.ed Oline.se. medical authorities have an ·
nounced a major br eakthrough . They believe they have
discovered a direct connection between sexual Intercourse
and the overpopul ation problem in that country .
April 30-F'rancls Schmitt wins the neophyte letter '-NI'iter
o! the yea r awa rd to be presented by reporter ~th Otis .
May 2-A rock concert in Quandt Gym Is sold out at $10 per
head . Oleetah is scheduled to play old Tarzan caUs on a
gr~;'t~:~ ~~:~~b=~~ ~~ -article containing
bad news on the university .
May 11 - J ohn Anderson Is replaced by Mary Popplns as
dir ector or Newa Service. She pledges that aU future news
releases will be fair . accurate and contain a spoonful or
l\otay 12-UWSP report! no gradual~ this year .
May 21- Dr. William Oemenu, director of institutiona l ~
research , request! a si.x million doiJar grant to s tudy nose·
picking on campus .
the student Norman
June +-Mike Ryko . Olicago Daily News columnist, holds
a river water drinking contest . The Wisconsin River lies for
second place as the most polluted ri\•er in the world.
J une ~A recording artist named Uttle Richard releases
a hi t record in Washington D.C. It is entiUed "Sham " and
features eighteen minutes of elect ric typewriter hum nnd
intensity lamp buu.
JWlC: 1&-Ni.xon becomes king .
JLme 17- 1be Uncoln Mon ument resigns Its position in
Washington .
June 18-King Nixon nomina tes the Richa rd Nixon
Monume nt to fill the position .
June 19-Thoma s Jefferson rolls over in his grave .
July 1- A horse dies in his stable at the Poin t Brewery .
July 2- 11le brewery annoWK:es a temporary halt in its
beer production .
July 5- Ten Siasefl members check into the Hea lth Center
...,;th deliri um tre mons.
July &-Budweiser aMOW'ICes that one of its Clydesda les is
missing .
July 7- The Point Brewery resumes production .
Jul y 15- 1974 "Spri ng " Gra duation is held .
July 22- The centerfold of Cosmopolita n features Cha n·
cellor Dreyfus clad only in a red vest . Ortyfus says this Is
part of his recruitm ent program .
July 29- Bebe Rebot.o Is named Secretnry of the Treasury .
July 30- H ~·ard Hughes purchases the United Slates for
an undisclosed sum . The purchase is financed through the
Key Biscayne Bank .
Augus t I..Campus Planning annoW'ICCS that they have
just had a brilliant idea . They in tend to cons truct sidewa lks
"'here the architects
guess they should go .
August 2- Hell freezes over .
August 16-The city council passes an ordin ance against
a ll parklng by college students a n)'where at a nytime "ithin
the city lim its of Stevens Point
August !&-Campus planning announces the bui lding of
additional six parking lou .
August 19- Protection and Security announces thnt n
parking sticker will cost three million dollars per semester .
September 1- Monte O.arles announces that this yea r 's
~e~~~~i~fJ~~ ~: .new improved ~un formation to use
Septe mber 3-Ten mcmbcn of the UWSP football team
ch~~:~t::e~h7e_~,e~l:::ti~ ~~~~;..~:;:i·ze for his
con tribution to "peace with honor" in Vietnam .
November tO-First Lady Pat Nixon announced today that
she is in the process of having the Presider.t's stomach
lining redecorated a t a cost to the taxpayers of Sl .500,000.
November 11 - The American Medical Associa tion Warns
that people who live longer generally show more advanced
si gns or old age than those who die young .
of~;~~~~~~ ~~~o::'~ ~~n~':~:d~~t~~;~~C:~~
mnocent student . a little bir die came along a nd shat on his
tongue .
November 15-1be people at De Bot have finally come up
with o way to make the ice cr eam taste lousy
December 2-The Soviets have devised a tool proof met hod
for converti ng propaganda into a tomic ex plosives . 'They a re
presently considering the date on which they will destroy
the knOOATI universe .
Oecembc!r 4-Bob Kersieck announced lodny that he has
passed up a 40,000 dollar a yea r job as Editor·ln-Ol ief of
~:d ~;giz'rn:~r. to work as ~ assistant s taple boy at
Ove r the past seve ral
months, s tudents have seen
many changes taking place at
o ur un ive r sity and
preswnably there will be
ma ny more changes before
the school yea r Is over . Some
of these c hanges have been
beneficial. bu t many have not
bten . We have, for instance ,
seen a tri·level tuition whic h
requires students to pay more
as they " progress" through
the class ranks, but we have
seen no substanclal incr ease
in financial aids for the
studen ts who a re required to
pay more. We have seen
decl ining enrollment which at
fi rst g lance would appear to
be beneficial to st ud e nt s
because of n lesser student-to·
faculty ratio, but instead the
ratio remains the same and
many of our m ost innovali\'e
and inspiring teachers a re
thrown out like garbage after
a party . We have seen the
cost of our ed ucation become
In c r easi ngl y more bur ·
densome .
We see c urriculum s
deteriorati ng and becoming
more irrelevent than ever
befor e . We see obsolete
grading and tes ting systems
whic h b eco me more
caprici ous th a n objective
\lo'lth no alternatives even
being consi dered .
1 believe in the case of the
university that change can be
Initiated fr om withi n but 1 do
~~~ i~~v~~tea l~hi!t~~:n~: . 0 ~
would urge all students lo
examine. In t hei r ow n
ca pacity · the reality of
education a t t his un iversity
and the concept of education
which they feel is right. After
!~n~n s~fdmi:kti o~l'm~~
whether he s hould remain In
school and Ins ti tute the
cha nge which he believes Is
necessary or whether he
should drop out. By dropping
out the consumer . in this big
business set Una. is telling the
business thai the product
s tmks and unHI it is changed
he will not buy it. Again it is a
decision which each student
:,~ tc~~~:. ~tfo'(
back nex t semea ter ; If you
December 2$-Dave Gneiser annoW'ICes his retiremen~wlll be back please hel p
He will retire to a monastery and spend his twilight years
c~nge the tlylngs you don't
plag.iariting the Bible in God 's name .
beh~ve are nght, but if you
December 30-Mr. Lucky 's annowlced today tha t. due 110
n t return you have already
new stricter saCtty codes. dancing on the ceiling will 00
tll:l~ change th.lngs . Merry
longer be permitted .
CAn stmas and Happy New
December 31 - Bob Ham Jr .. ln the belie f that the pen is
Yea r .
m1ghtier than the sword . !alls on his crayon and dies.
by Taurus