the uwsp D rointcr NO. 10 SERIES VIII, VOL 17 FEATURE . FINDER: Grad Meeting--page 3 Calendar--page 8 Placement--page 4 Record Review-page 13 leiters to the Editor- A member of Slama Pi 10eial fraternity occupies a mock nagpol e In Memorial Forwn (the Sundial I diVIng the "Opera tion Wbetlchair" cenmonies. 'n1e program was set 1411oraisemoney for the handicapped . -page 6 Campus Fashions-page 10 Comm Dept.--page 13 Genetic Symposium-page S Academic Bankruptcy-page 12 Robert H. Krurgcr. basketball coach. tSee basketball season preview, page 141 Thf, Pointer ''dog" outf}l was 11 ..;t~ to tM Po.n~rs· 11· 14 upset OYtT Plattevtlle tsee story, paget51 Kruqer isalaodi rectorolalhletics '111ia "experiment in off umpus houslna·· wu built from construction site t~ies and pine trees which were cut down.tStory, page 5). Page 2 THE POINTER November I, 1973 EDITORIAL An Explanation by Dave Gne.IH:r We someti mes recei\'e complaints as to why an article didn't appear in print. One of the primary reasons is our budget. We on ly have fWlds to print a limited number or pages. Within those on the challenge Great th10gs arc done when men and moWltains meet 011 bemg humble cBlake t Pr•de comes and then shame But ~udo m 1s -.1th the humbh.• t Pro\'erbs II 2 J on friendship You may not need to thank a friend ft~r h•s helping you . Po ss ibl y. yo ur friendship ~o~.1t h him 1s 111 and-of·1tself a way or :.a yang than k you t Ooremusl pages. ~o~.•e attempt to strike a balance between news , feature. opinion. sports and hwnor·articles . . on preJtXhcc Pr c juda ce LS a \'agrant If we should ' go over our budget in order to print C\'et)1hing, we would not be able to go to press every week . We ha ve set deadlines for the material to be printed . U the :~~~~~~~~ \' ISLbl(' mean s of support t Am brosl' Bu:.• rcrJ matcn al comes in late . we si mply do not have the time necessary to set the copy . We have only limited access to . the machines that print the columns of type. If one or our starr cons•stently misses his deadline or otherwise fail s in h1s duties . he 1s summarily fi red . Somet Lmes the reason an event isn't covered is that we find out about tt too late or not at aJI . In both cases we are not abll' to assign a reporter to the s tory . The on ly ~·ay ~·e can ser\'e )'OU better Wlder our present lumtatwns . 1s for you to respect our polici es. ...on friendship When a friend as ks . there is no tomorrow tunknown ) on overana lysis Frogs. humor and love can all be dJsSC<' tcd but 111 the procl."SS all arc destroyed . 1 E Sherw ood " Wood y'' B1 shop 1 •• on your goa l We nrc all oneborn in to this rich earth 111l o the human experience We carry a dream , n s pecial \'Is ion inside, and when the load gets heavy, we can reach for that drenm n~rough it. life Wlfolds and we find s trength , faith , IO\'e . l l< cnny n a nkin ) Peace, Doremus --------------"') The l'olntr:r a second class I ~~~17s~~ll~:cck~yubJ~~~~~oJ:~ I IS ~=~n~~a~~~ ~~e~c~b~~~ : under the authority granted to : ~~~,~~t~C:f ~:e~~~o~f ~~\~ I WLsconsm Stat utes Publica tion cost.s are pa id by the State of \\' LsconsLn under contracts a-.·ardtd by the State PTinling Sec:tlon, St<lle ~pa rtmcnt of Admmast ratmn , as provided in Sta te Pfln t ing Ope r ational Uullctm 9·24 or August 16. 1973 . ' .... . .... .. ···- -· ...-~~ - ·- The " Power to all the oppressed" slogan painted on a construction building remains from the "radical era " Is radicalis m necessarily dead ? What kind of control is there over those who litter and cover the campus with the posters like those covering th1s sign'! Edit.or : WE WANT YOU Robert Ke r ksieck II you'd like to be a Reporter lor the POINTER Paid Positions Are Available. Come On In and Talk To Us. POINTfF OFFICE. 2ND FLOOR U.C. Assistant Edilon : Pal Di Ulio . Dave Gneiser and Terry Witt Ads: I Ondy Kaufman and Nancy : Repplinger 1 I Busineu Manager: I Diane Evenson Would you buy a used car from this man '! I Photo Edllor : I " Step right over here folks and 111 make you an offer you I can 't refuse . Now I realize that Pierce Agnew I sold you an Roger Barr I 1968 wasn't such a good deal .·· said salesman Dick "It certainly wasn't," sai d John Q. Hardright and Bill : " How was I to know that it would cheat on its m1leage and Paulson I I guule extra gas ?" pleaded salesman Dick Sporta Em tor ' I " Not to men lion polluting a lot of air ." jested Norman Jerry Long I Farlert . I " Well.l 'vegiven the new model a lot of cons1dcratwn It 's Sports Writers : I the pick or the lot. At first. I thought I might sell you tha t Sue Anderson. Joe BW"ke . I yellow Connally over there . It 's a nice ca r that has bet.-n Dennis Cox. John Fritsch , I driven in Texas , but it often tends to s~itch s1des of the J im Habeck. Diane Pleuss : road ," sai d Dick . and Mike Yauck 1 " I could see that to be a problem ," satd Ha r\'ey ~lid · dleroad . G r , phluo Salesman Dick continued . ' 'Then I ~· as gomg to sell )'OU Dellnis Jensen - I that long . green Rockefeller behind us . But it IS expensi\•e to I run and in view or the gas shortage I had my reservatiOns Writcn : I When I round out it ~· asn't responsive to my handling Lydia Abell. Mary Budde. ~ during a test drive. I ruled t.he Rockefeller out " Tony Olarl es. Bob Ham . jr .. 1 " Just what have you selected" " asked Hardnght. f'arll'ft Debra Hil l. Laura Hinz . l Lorrame Houlihan . P erry 1 and stm ultaneously Dick smiled and pomted at an older model F"ord bus J e well. Mar i Kurszewsk i. J "You're kidding, .. sa1d Farlefl Mary Lemberger . Mary Anne I "Now it is a very nice used Ford that had been m s torage Moore . Kns Moum . Kathy! O'Con nell , Ke i th Otis .: on Capitol Hill for 2S years ." countered D1ck " It's only got one large bucket seat. " sa 1d ~!J ddleroad Roberta Pear son. Don 1 Reeves , KaUue RossmiUer . 1 Hi·lr.a;~i;~ Y;aurf:/, -.·hen you spend 25 years on cap1tol Mark Vollrath and Lawrence 1 " It handles well , has been dnven conser\'aii\'CI\ and has Wilson I · I lots of miles left mit. " sa1d Dlck hopefully " Alter bemg driven so conser\'all\'el} . the head 1s Tech : I Penny Gallman . Chn s Kroll , I probably full of ca r bon ." sa.Jd ~tJdd lc:road and mutterl-d as Path Morz.ent1 and Shirley : he wal ked away. " F"ord IS not a better 1dea '" SpJtUemeas lt'r " But Its mtenor IS s potless and the pamt 1s wlt houl 1 blem1sh : ·· protes ted salesman Dick " I would rather h1tch-h1ke ." sa1d Parlett as he stormed S«r<lari<S o : Debb1e Den so n Ruth! off . " and I don 't h ke that German 1m port m the State Granger . JudJ Guth . L.mda 1 Department eather ' .. Molitor and Jane Th1el I " Well . ,.,u you buy 1t" " sa1d Dick turnmg to ll ardnght I ··w e can finance 11 through the Key B1scayne Bank " · I Advisor : " I might as ~·ell You 've been tak.Jng me for a nde all these years ," lihrugged Hardn.ght Dan Houlihan ~::os~~~~!~n sta ff l ! Point Blank by lktb llamjr . " TilE .\ ;IXUN STATE~1 ENT··TII£ HO NEST TR UT II nn: JI ,\\'E Til E FAl'TSI ABOUT WATERGATE . TA P ES, SAN CLEMEzr--'TE AND SPIIW ( 'A~1BOOI A. TilE MiSE\\"' " Tossmg as1de all fanc y phrases an<t dascombobulatro foolishnL-ss, and getting right down to the nitty gritty .lei m<· :.a) th •s about that I '4ish to make this aJI perfectly clear Make no m1stake about that. In all probability, you ha\'l' already engaged m some general specuJaUon as to what I am ~.tomg to S<ly However . while Lhere is no doubt in m)' mm~ that you know what you think I'm going to 8<1)', I don t thmk you realize that what 1 going to aay and ~· hat )OU t huu~o:ht I wasgomg to say may not be what I meant at all In fact , 11 may be enlirely different. •m E,·en when you've hea rd what 1 have to uy, whal you thmk I Ill(· ant . a nd what I actually dJd mean may not agn"<' In such a case I would be forced to deny ~~saying it. Not that I v. ouJd ever deny saying what 1 meant Mlen J said 11 . ~~~~ ;:~~~~;~·~~~~t~ ~r:Ct ~~~~o:, ':;~,~ 7ae:~ ~Jth lhl.'1l , II would seem to me that there Is no use in m y :.aymg an) thing, masmuch as you aJready have prrcon : CCI\'l-d notmns as to -.'hal you think 1 will say, and will take 11 all V.Tong a nyway when I aay it and then proceed to dcfamate my cha racter and dest~y my olherwiJC un · laml shed reputalion with foul misquotes and visdous slander . C\'Cn though you may mean me no Intentional harm Yottcan understand my position under such a strain . Thcre!ore, to protect my clean record and to protect you r~om makmg a foul, viscious, a nd JJandering fool out of h':f~~~~~~~~ .! mtat abstain from any further com!Jlenl. • • November 1, 1973 THE POINTE R Grad Meeting November 13 Public reaction to a revi~ 5 published immediately a ft er calling Dreyfus' offi ce !7 1:'. ~:r.a~~P m!~io~ ~~~~~ lh~Wsp Tuesday. No\' 13. at a hearing on campus. ~ session will run from 1:30 to ~ : 30 p.m . in the Mic hel sen Concert Hall of the Fine Arts Building, and .,.,;,u be conducted by UW ~t'nts John La vine of Olippewa f alls, ~tis . Howard V. Sa ~~.!fin or Ashland and Mn . Mary \l.illam of Ste\·ens Point. La\·ine ~~oil\ be the cha ir · person. UW ~ tral Administration will be represented by Adolph \l.l lburn. R.A. Greiner and David Stewart. The hearing is one of 23 to 34 ~~!~ 0\anctllor Lee S. >Ai ll bt called on Drey ha ....; u ~ tht first to in the order in 11•hi<: h they offer testi monyatththearing on his campus. He !las en· cou ra ge d part ici pation by members of the public who ha\·e personal interesu or represent organizations with mterests in the future of UWSP's academic core. Drey fus i~s ued so me gu idelines for person~ to use as they pre pare for the hearing : ~rsons ~~oishing to offer testimon y are required to register thei ~ a ntici pate d participation 1ft ad\·ance of the hearing by ~~oTiling or regis tered . Speakers are rtqi.K"!lled to prese nt presiding officer s ..-.ith a wri!ten copy of the oral testimony . Persons interested in of· fering only 'ATitlen testi mon y forththearlngrecord may do so. Personswhoareunableto attend may mail thei r testimony to the Qlancellor's office . Attendance will be open to any interested person as long as available seating permits it. t-'re e parking will be Poge 3 Sailors Organ izing pro•·1dl'dinmarked lotsnear the t'me Arts Building. A UWSP Sailing Cub is in the proce ss of be i ng "Thchcaring~~oil\not last orga niud . longe rthantilreehours. It ,..;n mee-t e•·ery other Interested persons unable Tuesday at 7:30 p.m . The next to attend th e hea ring in gathe ring will be held Nov. Ste•·ens Point are invited to 13. p11rticipate m a gene ral Meetings will consis t of hearing in th e UW·Madison Ca mpu s' Vila s Co m - beginning a nd advanced mumcation Cent er between ms truction lceboating,.•illbe 10 a .m . and 5 p.m . on included in the presentations and act ual ice .tailing will be Dt-cembe r 15. Dreylus s.1id the hearing is attempted during the ~~oint e r intended for "users of the m onths o n Lake Duba y . un l••enity .,..ho "ish to e x· Satling regattas will be held press opinions on how they ea rly nex t s pring and see the mi ssion of this in· thr oughout the s ummer . stitutionandhowtheywantto Community r eside nt s and use the un iversi ty in the anyone interes ted a re eligible to join future .'" 1 =m;O:':f~ec~...t!!: .!:~ utt. Monte Charles Commended hase1 t ~two-yearordegree ~~~~:~~ ~~~!~tidtru;-a~.i ~~ controveniesdevelopingover plans to alter academic of· ferings of many ol the UW sc hools. particularly in the a rea of graduate st udies. St.:~ff memb e rs in the univer sit y system's headqua rte rs at Madison and c hancellors of the various camp uses have pro•·i ded mput mto a fin.a l mission draft.expectedto luwe rq:ent ac tion at a meeting of the boa rd on Nov . 9 and be By Student Government byKril l\1oum A resolution com mending UWSP Fo o tb a tl Coac h Monte 0\arln for his fine ,..·ork was unanimously ap· pro•·edatthe0ct . 28meeting of Student Go•·ernment. The resolution re.:~ds as follo""S : Tile UWSP Student Sen.ate and Assembl y would li ke to comm e nd Coac h Monte Carin for his fine work as football coach thus far . And es pecially we would wi s h to commend the hard work of the Aerial Circus offensea ndthe s uper -5topper defcnseinitsvictoryo•·erth e prev io us l y undefe ated Platteville Pointec>rs. We. as re present.ath·es of the shldent body, strongly voice s upport for our Pointer teamandurgeall s tudentsto dollke~~oise . Four in a row Point Backers and team need your support to win your fourth straight victory! Show your spirit and come to the AERIAL CIRCUS PEP RALLY at •1:15 on Friday, No•·ember%.1913. Meet on the bleachersoutsideofthe footbaU practice field . tln case of rain we'll move to Quandt Gym .l Controller finishes housing study byMar y AnnMoore S tud ent Gove r nment Co ntrolle r , Rob e r t Ba d · z.ins k1andtheStudent Affa irs Committee hav e r ecently finished thefirs tphaseofa unh·ersity hoU5ing study . The purpose of the s tud)· wasto determine ifunh·ersity housingfacilitiesareac:t uall y competing on a level with off campus fa ci lities, Badziruskl said . A comparison s tudy of the cost of rent and utili ties yielded the following in · formation : Reside nce halls--S67 per month lbasedonactualdays of inhabitance! pl us SJ I'O)rkingpermonth . Whiting ll otel--S60 per month includes parking . Key aj)O)rtments-$65 pe r month in cludes pnrking. \'illageapa rt ments-S7Spe r month includes parking. The goa l of the s tudy is to f"Stablish some a•·enue for student in putandcontrolof the housing budge t . Bad%ins kl said. One way this may be ac· com pli s h ed u to hav e r es1dence hall repreun tatives form a committee to \Oio rkw ith the budgeting. Philosophers Assemble The .,.,~ISCOnsi n f'tlilosophlcal Associatio n w1\J hold 1ts annual meeting this S:lturday. M.-ember J . m the t-' retght Yard l...o\mge of the Allen C~nter Ptuhophers from pubhc and pn '< ate col lf"IH m \loi sconscn ,..,.u hearpapenontop~nrang1ng from the poss1b•\lt~ of a1.enbsng hie to machmes to thenat~andfunctionof rehg1ous language .W UV..SP faculty and s tud~nts are ~~oelcome to attend and to partJClp:!.le 1111' schedule IS as follows I Nine Coed• at UWSPare5trvlng this year aa " Porn Porn gi rls" for th-epurposeofstimulatinga udl enceenthuias m at pa rades and athletic eve nts. The participanls an from center right . Clockwi51' : Alv a Mesman, Candee Koehn . Jinny "iles. Sandy Kowa lczyk, Mary Woru.lla. EJien Hubler . ~·ndie Matson. Unda ~la.ssand De De Muzi . II 00 am ""Are Some Machines Already Al a •·e~ ·· JtonaldCordero UW-osh kosh t · ~ p m • "" Y.'hen Acllons are Causes·· John Vollrath UW-Ste'"ens l'om l J · t5pm · ··unhlockmgthe Sp1r1t "" Rita Gross UW·Eau Oa1re Commentatou from u w . Gr..-en Say. H!pon College an d UW · Madi so n will respond The papers a re de5igno..'<itobe ofbroad and general mterest to persons in d1ver 5oe academ1c disc1plines as well as topht losophen The W Ph 1l osoph ~rs 1 sc on sin Assoc ia tion. in its 4th )·tar . founded by the Unh·ers1ty of Wi sconsin . Philo so ph y 0epMtmen\ 1n 19i'O .,..u no~~o• Junk ma il discussed b~ 1\ n~ \l oum The !11'\11ng of 51:udent ad· dr~ to com i'O)m es not conce rnedwllhlheunt\"erSlty " "asd1scussed attheO.:t Zll :~:ing of Student Go•·ern· llousm g has sold the li.!i l oncetn thepa st threeyea rs. s.·udPri'S1den1J1m llamilton Thl' list wa s sold to an in· ~urancl' company. "·ho gave SZOOO 10 the Student Foun· dahon Bc-causest udentsaresllll recetvmgmuchjunkmail.the S(>nate,..,ll co ntinuctolook mto th equestion. A me:~tles.s food line be msti tuted at th e cen ters. Saga will also be reins t.atmg the sandwich line. ,..; u Page 4 THE POINTER Campus Fuel Shortage Likely November I, 1973 Far East Semester Opens by Ma ry Lembergu Tht t~ar East overseas program is now in its second year . It will continue to be orren..-d each second semester '41th departure in January and ~turn m early May. The semester in the Far East is open to second semester sophomores and aU juniors and sen 1o rs . The In · ternalJonaJ llr<tograms Office . 11 3 M:un Building , is c urr ent ly acce pt ing ap · phcat1ons for next semester Dlrector of International Programs Pauline Isaacson s.a1d that students acceyted for the program select the courses wh1ch will be offered. Since thr group members come from many majors . they deliberate for some week$ on their selections. Several student.s have done spec1aJ mdependent study in the•r majors A student ma y earn 12· 17 cr edits. l..a st )'ear, the 20 UWSP stud en ts liv ed in Mal aya thr~ months and attended the Umvers1 ty of Malaysia . The courses they had selected '4-erc taught by Malaysian professors and Marcus Fang , tnp chapcone . According to Fang . the students exposed th emselves to va r 1o u s as p ects of Malaysian life . Some of the exoc rience s en lilz ht e ned them and othe r s conf used them . said Fang . " It Ulkl>s a lot of discipline and courage to spend a semester tn the Far East. You brcome a member of a mmority It 1s an emotionaJ type learmng experience," s.a1d Fang In ad d1t1on. Fang s a1d many of the students were apprehe:nswe about going . J-lo'A'C\'er . they very surpnsed and pleased with themselves and enjoyed the b~ Kathy O'Connt'll He wen t on to say that one she developed 11 \'cry close " WhCther or not there 'ol.i ll semester for our students in relationship 'ol.i th most of !he the Far East is worth 10 students semesters at Stevens Point . After the three months m tht• Sl'\"t.•n ty of cold tem It is a ppl yi ng classroom pcratun•s ." u 1d 1Hr11m learning to actual experience . Malays1a. tht' students speont K.r c~ . po' plant super one month on a study tour Pat Wysocki . one of the before returmng home They \'l!lor UWSP IS 1n an 1deal students who participated in tr<weled to Bangkok. T:uwan . the program last semester , Japan . ll ong Ko ng and S~tuahon because the power said, " We learned so much London . Also . due to the plant has tht.· capac1ty to burn about th'€!"" co untry . We popula.nty m mternat1onal thn'<' ftx•h. . 10cludmg natural traveled the way ordinary study, lhrcc students chose gas . fuel 011 and co11 l, said Mala ysians travel . We ate not to retum w1th the rest of Krebs W1th the growmg energy the things Malaysians eat. the group . This is the way we got to know l'riMS, C'onscrvation of fuel is Ma ny of the students 11Cl't'SS.1 ry Ill C\'Cr)' form thei r way of life ." Miss Wysocki added that the people enrolled in a b.1tjk10g course c;o,•emor Patrick Lucey voereextremely friendly . "As There is an exh1blt 10 the ha s d..rccted the Departmen t soon as they found out who we Lcammg Resources Center of Admm1st rat1on to pursue were . they invited us into 'A1th some of the students " the goa l of energy con · \1.-ork Pat Wysocki has an St·n·atlon 111 state fac1 ht1 es. their homes." she said . exhibit 10 the COPS Buildmg "'The stUdents became \'Cry 'ol.ith a few examples of her lnclutk-d m th1s are measures such 11S S<'thng temperature close. and we felt like one big work m11x1mwns a t 68 degrees family ... said Fang. It was a Fang sa1d a film IS be1ng dunng the healing seru;on and \'er y good opportunity for the students to achieve a better processed by t..-o of !he cooling to a mmtmum of 78 students who participated m dtogrces, tummg off lights in understanding of themselves. 1 unoccupted a r eas. and Kath y Chop, another ch~kmg for proper main · student in the program , said month . ICIIallCl' of t.' quipllll'lll. It has been noted that some of the rooms 10 the Physical Ed ucat1 o n Bulld1ng are hl' atcd to unbelievab le temperatures nus IS not !rttrlcll y a mallcr of heat rcgui;II IOn , s:ud Krebs . Many of tht.· rooms arc designed w1t h J>oor vt~ ntllntion sySI L·m ~ To agg rcvatc the cond1 tiOII more . many rooms art• " o,•crust>d " Krebs a lso sa1d that 'ol.hcn a room IS in !<tll'mly ll'ie, the elcctric111 hRhtmg m1d the body hea t ~cllc r lltt'd by a large group of pt• o pl e con tr1bute SJgm fl cantl y to an mcrease m roorn tt•rnpeorature Mos t UWSP class rooms '4t'rt• d es1~n<"d to be used 75 per c.·cnl of the t1me and prcM:ntl y soml' of the rooms an: uM-d 95- 100 per cen t . he ~e~dyn;:;~~blic ~ie~.f~dne~l ~ud ,..ere Another factor mh1b1tmg thl' cu•n regulahon of heat is the fact that many rooms ha\•e a thermos tat that nuctuates accordmg to the 1ndl\'1dual controller If there 1s a fuel shortage th1~ \1, 1nter . the f1rst step t.lkl'n '4ould be t o lower all room temperatures across ~~bsU WSP c ampu s. sa 1d expen~ce Fang sai d the MaJ aysians don 't realne the size of our counlry 1be students, to some extent . "'ere able to con-ect these misconceptions, and broaden and expand their mmdsabout the United States. according to Fang. A bottle of the com eros tokes ploce an Malaysian streets . sand/and seminar set F1ve ses51ons have been sche-duled as part or a " Cen tral Wisconsin Sand Country Land Usu Stminar" to help minimize co n · troversles that have emerged 111 recent yea rs between agrac ultural, recreational and public interest groups. The sesalons wiU be held on Thursday nights from Nov . l until Dec . &. with the ex· ception or Thanksgiving night CNov 22 l The 7:30 p.m . lectures will be in the audi torium of the new UWSP College 0( Natural Resources Building. l'' e d e ral r undlng was aUocat.ed to UWSP professors Dr . Raymood Azldenon and Or. Byron Shaw to bri~ land 1.11e spec::ialnl.s to campus u a penny to heat per yea r . at·· ~.:ordi ng to Krebs . The cost of :~ISaWfl~l~~:~~~!)~~~n~:,:~ :~mr~,:~~e:::~ $~~~~ public suvice to property ownen . The Nov 1 program wiU I n clude f1ve per sons discussing "Current Status and Future Pl ans for Land Use . " Harr y Isherwood . Donald Dorr , L o nn ie Krogwol d , Bruce Bru thorf and Mrs . Ruth Ritzow will be the fU'st speakers . Future pr og r am top1cs include " Understa nding The Basic Resources " on Nov 8: Nov 15. " Available FaclS About Controversial Issues ;" Nov . 29. " Present Laws And Trends Toward Future Land Use Regulations ;" and Dec 6, " POMible Solutions To Problems ." All or the programs a re open to the public without charge . E\'cry cub1c foot of each c;unpus bwld1ng costs one $1 7 per year. said Krebs Ughting in the same size room cosi.S about 4~cen ts per hour . Each of us can help con serve energy by turning out lights when not in use and b' not wasting hot water and steam. said Krebs . e Grad Interviews All gr adua tes are urged to take advantage of th e following inte r view s b~ contac ting th e Placem ent Center , t06 Main Building . at the1r earliest convenience Litera ture co nce rn ing th e ~~:r:~:Sinli~~ p~!~;e~~ library and should be read m pr epara ti on for yo ur In terview. November 6. Aetna Ufr and Cas ualt y ln s ur ancr Co mpan y, Appl e t on , \\"lscon ln . All ma jors for sa les and sales management pos11ions . Noc.e : Only wish lo mt e rview Qecember t9i3 gr aduates at this time. November 8, Connt'cllrul Mutu•l LHe ln s ur anrr Compan y, M adison , \\'lsconsln . Al l majors fur sales !only ) positions Nuvembu 15, Burrough~ We ll come Compan y. t\11 ~~jo~,ar~~~~~ti:~rre;~~~~ positions . e November%~. Fflle-r al ('hil Srnlce t:n trance Exam \Iolii be gi\'en on campus at 8 :W a .m . to 12 :00 noon in tht• Sc tence Building , Room A 121. All interested student ~ please sign up for the test 111 the Plac::emnet Office , t06 Main Building , and pick up th e necessary applicat iOn form . CNotcst will be gt\"Cn m December , the next tesl \Iolii be on January 26, 19'H 1 Nove mber Z1. Jnt f' r n;~l lk \·enue Service, W• u ~au . Wlu:onsln . All majo r s es p ~ci ally account1 n~ busineu and liberal arts. for audit position) Nove mber !1 thr ou gh Nove mber 30, U.S . Navy. Ali majo~ interested . gov~rnm enl CAMPUS COULD BE ... Natural Resources Showcase Th1s campus could become a natw-aJ resource showcase . accordmg to Peter Crawford. president of the Knut zen na n Counc1l Cr awford sa 1d the re IS money app r op nat e d fo r l andsca p ing Knut zen, Thomson . Burr oughs and WaLson llalls This money is not CWTently being used , but IS froz.en 10 Madison " Why ca n new academ1c butlding.s be landscaped by the university grounds crew whe n 5 -yea r ·o ld dorm grounds are being negJec t.ed" " Crawford asked Knutz.en Hall res~denc.s are curr ently wo rk 10g on a proJect to 1mprovc the bowl, Involved in stmUar project s. or " ptt ". bet ween the four said Q-awford:-11ie Nat ural dorms Tiley would also like Reloll"cea Dept . would t>e to pl ant trees in front of the very helpful in instrum enting dorms special akillJ . Students who work could possibly obtm n Two problems have been cr edJ t through independent encountered, said Q-awford . or a s pecial course . study The plans are in Madison and housing can't seem to get All native species or tr ~ them back . There Is a lso a for this climate c::ould be delay 1n the exact amount of planted aroood the dorms money being appropriated . rather than the small variety Wh1le Knutzen Is NMing the now present. SUch action mete the campus :t :r,o~; ~~:~ey belongs to would "natural resour ce showcase ." Crawford added It is hoped that the land· that studenla could studY scaping project will spread 1 ~~e~nt r;::,d c ampus - wide . The Presiden t"• 1~1 Council will trips . It -.Jd be an excdlenl attemot to get a ll ~'!'• recruitment device. :J[.!::: I ~ovembe r Genetic Symposium Offered Next Thursday • • I De~~etm!'n~ ~~d Bix~!~IJ Edwin La rk in, M. D . , M.P.H.; Asst . State Heal th Services pre:s~ts the sym· Officer : Division of Health ; posium .. Genet i c Dept . of Heal th and Social Manipulat ion of Ma n.'' lt v.i ll Science ; Madison , Wisconsin . be presented November 8, J im O p l t ,, M . D .: from9 :00a .m . to !O:OO p.m . Pediatrics and Neonatology : in the Quandt Gymnasiwn. Dept. of Pedia trics : Ma r· The schedule for the S)'m· shfield Oinic, Marshfield . posiwn is as follows : Pa ul R11msey, P h . D. ; 9 : 00a .m . -~stration . Harrington Paine Professor 9 :4S a .m . Welcome Gordon Haferbecker . Ph.D.. ~iv~re~~~:~fnc~~~ceton Asst. Chancellor, UWSP. Sheldon C. Reed, Ph.D.; 9:50ii .m. ·lntrod~~: t ionof Di rec tor, Dight Institute foe Speakers Go r don E . Human Genetics : Professor , Gefteman, Ph .D.. Biology Dept of Genetics : University Department. UWSP. of Minnesota. Minneapolis. Al l facul ty, students and employees of UWSP who are not taking Biology ~90-690 seminar credit will be ad· mi t tedtothesyni~M»iumfree of charge by P"esen ting the ir unh•ersi ty J.D. Concer ning th e genetic symposium, Vice Oiancellor Haferbecker has announced, ;;! C:si:xe:el~:n~~:J~n~ experience and would en· courage the instructors to take their classes to the symposium ." P~:~~~~ii~t~~r· SCi!~~~~· GRAMBLINGITES 1 Manipulation of Man· James . . New Scientiric Genetic Techniques and Their Im pac t In Public llealth · Edwin Larkin. M.D. ll : ~S.l : OO p.m . · Lunch. Afler twdv~-...·eeJtsatUWSP. 1:00 p.m. · lntrod~~: tion of Speakers . Donald Fullert on, M.D.. Marshfie ld Oinic. I:OG- 1:50 p .m. Gene tic Counse lin g an d Hu man Values . Sheldon C. Reed. Ph .D. 1 : »2 : ~ p.m . . Uses of !Iuman Genetics in Oi nlcal Pediatrics . Jim Opi tz, M.D. 2 : ~2 : 50 p.m .. Break. 2:50p .m . . Introd~~:tion of Speakers . Joseph Woodk.a. Ph . D.. ~an , College of Gramblingites Art Benjamin andJohnArviehaveon lyone major complaint about this campus. "lt'sjusttoocolduphere," moaned Arvie. " I like warm wt'ather ; this cold cli ma te just isn't for me." Arvle and Ben)amin are Louisiana na tives attending UWSP th issemesterasapart of the Nert h-&ut h Student Exchange Program with their Alma !a1ater : Gram· blin& Collfle. ''/ F. 1 ?";; 1~5D' a .m Le~~~l~~~ ~.i:Ce: ~=~i tS • /USf f00 CQ by Terry Yt1tt 111id Coordinator Eri(' Kun. "designed to or ient whi te s tudents to the black culture and black students to the whi te cul ture ." Students vol unt ari ly ex· ('hangeon a one-IO-(Ine basis for a semester at par· tic.1pating collfles. Tuition Is patd by the home school and the studen t is techni('a ll y registered at his home school while attendin& the host C'(IJiege. AIIcreditseamedat the host collqe are ~ ­ credite-d to the student s regula r t~ anscr.lpts . . ~ram~h ng , hk_e UWSP. IS prtma n ly a libe r al. ~ r ls 8:20·9 :-10 p .m . SUM· MARY : Panel of all pa r · lici pants . The panel wi ll answer wr itten questions turned in during the day to Both schools have been m•·ol\·ed wi th the ~xchange prog_ram for about t-...o years. Madisonand\l.llitewa terhad the same type of proaram Harris. Ph .D .. Modera tor . Biology Depa rtment. UWSP. Participants in the sym· posium Include : Alexander Capron . L.L.B. , Asst . Professor of Law ; The Law School : University of Pennsylvania . Phihadelphia . James F'. Crow, Ph .D.: Bascom Prof. of Genetics. Dept o f Genetics a?d ~~:=~~~~~i-verSity Wilma Scott Heide : Pres i dent of N . O . W. 1Nat1ooal Organiution for Women). Richard ll ul l. Ph .D.; Ass\ Prof .. Dept . of Philosophy : State University of Ne w York. Buffalo. THE POINTE R /d Up before it began in Stevens Point. UWSP is represented by Irene Buran! an d Dennis Kenealy in the ellc hange pr og r am with Gr ambling . ArvieandBenja min are their counterpa rts on th is campus. Art Benjamin Is a fresh miUI Jiving in Bw roushs Hal l ; his major i.s pre-law. Benjamin Ir byDa veG nelter Someti111e duri ng the past months, seve ral individua ls emba rked on an experiment in off -campus housing. They bui lt two s hacks in the woodsnorth ofcampus . T h e shacks were disco\·eredby men from the maintenance crew after they extinguishedaarass fire near one of the shacks. The first shack folllld was built of plywood. Concrete stuck to the pl ywood indicatedtha t thematerla l was ~' ~I h ere,'' Is a freshman economics maj or also living in Bwroughs Hall . Benjamin said that he has excellentprofe:ssorsinallhis classes, blll their methods of testingaredi fferentiJlan at Grambli ng . "At Gr ambling tests are give n weekl y," said Benja min. "That way the 'M>rkloaddoesn 't pile up and I I a~!~~~!s a~~c1~1-IJ As pects of Gene t ic Manipulation · Alexander Capron. L.L.B. 1 : ~ : 20 p.m . . Connicts Between Scienti fi c a nd Humanistic Views in Genetic ~gineenng · Ric hard Hull. Ph D. -1:20-S ::ZOp.m . · A Feminist Perspec:th•e of Manipulation of Woman (Woman Includes Man 1 • Wi lma Sc~t Heide. IJII M S: 20-7 : tSc.m. - Dinner 7·1Sp .m . lntrod~~:tion of Speakers -JohnP Zawadsky, Ph .D.. Chai r ma n, Depa r t· men! of Philosophy, UWSP. 7: ls-3 : 10 p.m . . Morality of Genetic and Re prod uct ive ~~~~eering . Pa ul Ramsey , ~:::.:::..~ ..~:::~~:.;:: t1me allows Joseph B. I, 1973 s cho~ l emp h al!~t n _g =~d~}~ocn~~~h~~~=~ IS Poge 5 Pines Killed By Shack Builders I taken from a camcus con· structionsite . Alter fu rther investigation, a seco nd s h ac k was discovered. This 011{' was made of plas t ic sheeting st retchedo\·er a wood lattice frame and covered wi th pine boughs. F'irty yar ds north of thestructurelayapinetree stripped of its br anches. Several other trees in the vidnity-...-erealsotoppled . Aplasticbag, ful l of empty bee r cans, swayed from a branchi n frontoft heshelter . '1'heonly thi ng I can say for them is tha t they didn't lit· ter," said J erry IWllns kl , aro unds super visor . ' 'Theyt theshack bui ldersJ certain lydi d very llt Ue for ecology," said Hiram Krebs. physica l p lan t di r ec t or . Krebs said they were tryi ng toiden tify thebuildersof i:Jo( h structures, but were polr· ticular lyi nterestedin findi ng those responsib le " for des triiCtiv~ly rui nina trees." He said that it was apparent eac h shac k had more tha n one bui lde r . "An individual couldn 't have done the wor k alone," said Krebs. " We're no t certain the ply wood sha ck was con· st ruc tedbyUWSPsludents," Krebs said , "but the second one "'·as built sometime In the lu t t\ll·oweeks . Theplne pitc h hadn't )'etst't in the branches cove ring the structure." Iwanski noted Ula\ con· st ruction on the plywood !~ ~~ft!r ~t!!to(~\y:~s~:d been added si nce the (i re. ~ ~;dt~u~~ - e:~~~~YjaS::~; ;; Art Be n jam in a nd John Arvie said his major reason for comin& to Point was \(1 experience the whi te culture. "Some people have un reasonable prejudices," said Benjamin. "And It 's probablybeeausetheyhave neve r expe r ienced oth er cul tures." "It's cer tainly a di fferent envi r onmen t than Gram bling,wtlichisanall ·black C'(lllege," added Arvie. " But you get used to it and after a "''hileyoumakefrifllds, and it'sa lot easier." John Arvie ha d been abandoned on the noorinsidetheshack. The university has decided theentiregradedoesn'trest to disman tle the shacks , on a cou:pieof tests. Whereas according to Krebs. l1lere is at UWS P tests are given ahighris k offl reinthear ea. infrequently and al l the tests The forest floor is carpeted occur in Ule same week. -...;t hpineneedles . v.'hich makes it a little dif· Fe lli n& trees wit hou t ficult."' per mission is prohibited on Arvie and Benjamin both sta te-()wned proP.!rt y. Krebs agreedthat thesoc:ial llfeat said th e area w111 be posted Stevens Point was very good, wi th signs designa ting the and it wasa lsoqui tegood at a r ea a s s ta te-ow ned to Grambling. Tht di fference is prohibit furt her destr uction th at Grambling is situated in Since the area is withi n the a perish l cou n ty l i n city limits. Kreb!l noted that l..ouisianathatprohlbltsthe hunting and dischargi ng a firearm are also prohibited. sale of alcohol. Maynard Ferguson Coming Nov 6 • Maynard 1-"erguson.a high· note trumpet player who somejnl fans predicted 20 )'ears ago would "blow his bralnsout infiveyears."will appearinconcert wi th his }an orchestra at UWSP oo Tuesday , Nov . 6. s~::t~ · ;b~i~n\!:e!~~ Activities Board, wiU be held in Ule Quandt G)-mnuiwn of theF'ieldhouseat8p.m . Hls hits of "Hey Jude. " ''Theme f1om Shaft" and "F'ire and Rain" will be included in the program . Advance tic kets are being sold at the Univers ity Center info r mation desk , Westenberger's, Bob's Musica l Isle in Wausau and Olurch's Drug Store in Wisconsin Rapids The '"-year-old Canadian began his musical training at the age of four when he star ted learning the piano and violin. He enrolled in the French Cons ervato r y of Music in Montreal at nine v.'here he studied all instruments of the saxophone familyaswell astheclarinet and slide trombone . He finally sett led for the trwnpet. Ferguson for med his (irs! bandwhenhewas !Sand was possiblytheworld'syoungl'!lt bandleader. The a\'erage age ofh issidemenwasnboutlO. In t!l-17, he started wor king int heUnitedSta tes,firs t wl th Boyd Raebu rn's Big Band and then with Jimmy Dorsey and Ola rlie Barnet. Later. Ferguson moved on to Stan Kenton 's Orchestra. staying \llithKentonuntiii!ISoJ"'·hen he went to llollywood to become the first-call trwnpet man for Paramount Pictures Ferguson went on the road •n t9S6andhas since trav eled -...i th various musiciana on tours to Sweden , lfolland. Germany . Italy , Belgium. /lungary. Crechoslovakia and Yugoslavia His past th ree tours of the U.S have ta ken Ferguson to su('hjan roomsas Paii$MaJI in Boston . Mr . Kellys in Chicago and Br andi's in Philadelphia . Ferguson has bec!n said to have been almost everywhere and done almost everything. " All J'veeverwantedwasto be mni.H'nced by everythin& m lifethatturnedonmy_loy centers."'headmita. "AII my life. I've just wanted to play my own pleasure game. I'm serious about medita tion, bu t notearnest . Wsap hllosophy of joy" ~cmbe~l,__! 97~ THE POINTER letters to the editor Athletic Dept. Thanks Pointer SDS seeks members An t)pt'n l,t' ttf'r To TIM- l't'Oplr To thr t• otnt rr ~ t a n : On bt·haU of tht• UW · Sll'\'t'n!> Pomt r\thlt•llt' Department I -.ould hkt• to t-lllt"nd our thanb for a )Ob \lot'll dont" I ~r~lly ft-rl that )UUr C'O'erage lhts ~car . .,.,nlmjt and photography, I ¥~ould also hkt' to congratulatr our student body. ch~rleader" and band for thrtr '!tupport Ont' of the ad\·antagl"S of pia) 11111. :11 home IS the cn- t·ouragt"mt-nl )OU rKene from ha~ ~~~ your fans through thr1r t'hl'crtng , stng mg and t'X l'olntf'r prt•SSIOII Of K h oo\ Sp irt! t"ltl't•llcnt Th1:s year·~ IS :111 excl' lh•nt toul. and t'hmmatn tht' posstbthl)' nf eoach(!S at other school !> ustng 11 to d iscouragt• athletes from at u:ndmg Stt'' t•ns l"omt ll.lo rur,.,. :'lh-t•t. ami ~o\1 enjO}t'd a su~· t't'S.<;ful )t' .Jr Uut .... mtt·r !>purb team!> a rt• pn•p<•rmg for tht••r uJX·ormng M·asons and t•arh te.lm tl> dt-dtc;atmg th e mM'ht·~ to a !>UCcnsful ~ear \\ilh )OUr t•ontmut'tl 'upport . ""'' ft't'l our team!> ""'II makl' ~ou ft't.'l proud to bt.> a " l'omtl'r .. n~ru1tm11. h :tp~nt"d 111 thl' past Our pla~ed ~oWlg a footb.111 tram has \ ' tr) mterestmg and t• xclltng brand of football , Cro55'<'0\,lnlr) IS bulldtng up for tM all Important Confen'flce ,\ 1er~ -.mcere thanks to and your ~tuff ~ou llob Kr ur jCf'r \ th lf' tlt' ll irf't'tor Use Your Noodle When You ·Doodle o..a r E d ltot : Are ""t• gum~ to school ""tth a bunch of ktndt•r11:arten ktds"' fhat 'stht• .,.nyillook.s liNe ~~oe .~n· .,..,th a ne.,. Collegt• of '\atural H.-so urces buildmg . somethmg I I t' ., te-d long for I ~~oon ' t ....:111 tt's a beauuful butld•ng . because It 's not. nt'lt'rtMin5 tl ts new snd a far bt.•tter butldm~ than Old Mam Any .... 3y . us I \o\'3S gewng kltle<l for 3 dnu m tht' IKturt• room 112. I looke-d oo..·n at my dl'Sk and ble"" m) mtnd Here -.ome hule lud had scnbblc<l a fe"" ltne!!t of nonsenk. and doodkd ~""'' mo re. and as I look~ around I sa~~o other such r htldtsh dra .... mgs. tn mk I mtght add I can ~t't' ~~ohere somt' It'<'· tures m3) be.> qut te bormg and nugh t d nn• a person to doodlt•, but for hc:wen's sake at least use \OUr noodle .,.,;hen you doodl(. Doodle ""here your notb \o\OUld be. or tf you don' t hke to ""astt• pa~r. doodlt' on )Our h3nd. If )OU don't hkt' to get )"uur hand dtrly Uk )UUr neighbor's , and """hen he hils you back mta)'be h~·n knock som(' H'Mt' tnto yo u and you'll realu.r- that doodlmg any\o\hert' t$3 v.asteofttmt' If you can "t s tand the lcc:ture . get up nnd leta\'t" Do somethm g f~t~ ~uc~~e c!l~'pup;ck~~~~~~ anotht't' stor) Get your heads A •mall down payment will hold it on LAY - A - WAY PICK IT UP WHEN YOU CHOOSE togeth<r people. t'ngag~ br:un before puttmtt IX'" mto gear I n d rrJI lli~IIU~ I . nr st .. Hn~ t'ulnt : ,\ n altt·rn:ttl\' ~' to a p:t th )' t5 bcu~ t•s tabhs ht-d m St{'\'eii.S l,omt If you 're tt rcd Of Sllltng on ,-0 ur :.ll>!> \o\hl'fl you .... ant to act "oo ~our bdtl'fs. or ttrt-d of bLot~ told \o\h:ttto do ~~oht•n ~·~ havcldt'!IS of )Our o111n. tht•nt t s tm w for \"01.1 to do sonl('thmg about II . • Stud<'nts fOf" a Dt•mocra tlc :~~t%t·n~:'flt~~c!d n:~rr.~~;~ 11o1th an) natton:tl org.anttalton Wt• an• n·ady to act fOf" the IK't'tis :md bt.•hefs of ·our constttut•nb :'ll('l!lbt>rshtp is open to l:WSP ~ tudcnts. facult) . s taff and prop!(' of the commumt)' .... ho arr- v.1lhng to dc\·t'lop_an t-duentlon31 and ~tal aet1on ocganllatton dedtcated to the cr<"atton of 3 fH"<' and open sbl'il'l)' 'sCperpickers praised Df'.a r t:dltor : I rrodthe Poin tert'l'('ry 1\eck because my cous1n brmg.s 11 O\'er to lht• house. \'our r(.'('ent a rt lc:le on the World St'n es b)' Joe Burkt' . HOilndy W1evt'l and Tim Sulli\'an was outsUndmg lllnd I would ltke to congratulate lUndy and Ttm for pred1ctmg lheex.act outcome I fed sorr)' for J oe llurke because I was rootmg far the ;\lets too Stnce I am a hockt'y fan I y,ondt.>r tf you mtght persu1ttk these ""r1tcrs who mw>t han• J-;SP to tell us who ts ~01ng to wm tht• Stnnley CUp Kn-p up the ~Ju.·t'llcnt reporung , ~our paper ts a ddtntlt' Improvement Olt'f the last f~·w )l',lr5 \"rr) trul > )ou rs. Mikt' lt oj~.od r ln~kl Former Student Likes POINTER To th r t:dl tof: I r<"all)' can' t express tMJ~~o moch lm)o)' lhe t•otntt'f'. Your of fat rnc ~s m publtshtng ll•tlcn lhat art• donot(atoc)· m na turt• ~;:;:~~~~.': ~;~~~e t~t·~ :J'a:l'l~~~\~~~ ~~~~~~C~~~~'·ea~ qutte ob\'IOU5 """tth e1·en the ftrst t5Sue that )OU are carT)1ng out )Our goal of malung tht' l•ointl:r a ""Student papt'r for s tude nt rrodcrs" The ISSIK' whll"h I rec:"ei\"ed 1\ IU \'t'r)' tnformatllt' I v.ould llllso hkl' to congratllt.le )OU on )OUt ~ n'><' they h.l1c a pia«• m all " s tudc.-01 pubhcOtltons Th.1nk )OU l'('r)' much for mcludm~ lih' 111 )OUr Ctrcu lalt011 and t'OIIIlllUt'd IX'S! WtSht'S Sintt'rt'l~ ~oun•. 'llth:arll' r;lri\bf.rg Siasefi gives belated thanks To lhf' Edi tor : The mrmbers of S IA~I::n not be•nl( kn o111 n for t ht' tr prompcnt'S~ . \o\ OUid bt'latr-d l) hkt' to thank all thOS4.• ~~ohu hdpt'd to 11101 ke uur :ruth Ann t\"Crs ar y a ho .... hng suct't.'"' lnchKied art' :'!I rs Sut' Kramer and ;\ln Sbaron S1mon1s of tht- Uffu:.- ul Alumni and l~velopme"ntlor a ll the1r ha rd ~~oork and all tht•1r help m hononng SIASI-: F J .u thiS )l'ar 's home-conHill{ .1r 11\' IIJI'S We are tndebtr-d to them a nd to the Alum m l llf tct• for all t h~) dtd for us Ur John l'r-arson for ht'lpma to gt't U) orw::•nu.ed to go out on thefit'ld nt hlllfttmt' l lt•l(all)' l for sprttal rNognltton The s lllff of St :'llichat-l"s ll os ptt~l fo r un nl( for our \o\ OUnde'd Grubba Jewelers YOUR DIAMOND & GIFT CENTER "Diamonds Our 'Specialty" KEEPSAAE. COLUMBIA & ORAII6E BLOSSOM DWIOIID R1116S DIAMOIID IMPORTIRS CHECK OUR PRICES MAIN AND TKIID STI.IIT Tht• Str,~n s Pocnt Oa•l) Journal for •I s .-xcl'llrnt CO\'eraJ(!' of JlomeconHn)t t•ants •nd the S IA SEt'l reW11on 11nd John Anderson o1 !he l"\\ SI' :O.ev.·s Ser.tct' for all the pubhcll) Phil .~e l don of Ftll's Rar on Patch St for the dona tion of ,, halfb.arrf'l ofl~et-r 1lw 10. ondnful paradt' JUdgh .,.ho 1oted us il Jrd place trophy for our bt'.aut tful noat SIASEFI alumm 3nd a c tu·n for donat1niC over $600 to tht· ,\l umnt Uff tct'.,..hlt'h 10.cl1gomto a kholarshlp fund We •lso ""l&b to thank the v. tvt'l ""ho :~~~any MQlng on our btg Co:.ach O•,u l t· ~ and tho• tt'3m tor f( t\tn K u~ a \IC IOr) to ct"le br;Ht• •ul courSt' ""t' dun"! c• n•d -•n} ~ pt"fl31 ~·;n1.w tu n~lehr .• tt· • Tht• \t"! ~ l"lub tS:ifJ' !!.J lor t ht• u t." mt lo(r.Jtulat!On ~ .and lr tbutc• du rlnlt tht• gamt• U ut t ~ lt .u .tcr an'd )larKt' Jas kw for ma kmg our 1\elcome a lumm h:tmtt•r The ~~'CUrti ) fnrn-s .1t the ~o:anw ~<hu kept u' ~bt•r by the1r dth~t·nt •IIIII ' IIIU&ghllj( URI • p:ugn Tht• n• .. n •~ c mt· nt of the llohdll) Inn for not pushmg thtP'JOIC button tht'Tllhe)' found out ""ho ".I' tu bot• honored at this lt•:~r · ~ homt•t"IJII11ng Our :'l l onl!l and Dads lor l'fl· ~our a l(tniC U) to go to t"OIII'1(e a nd tl'll tnio: U!!t ""Son . don 't ~ pend .11! " ' )Our ttmt' tn the hbrar) ,\ lt't'l som.- guys w1th S1m1lar mtt•rt-sts and have a ltttlt• fun "" Wl' all follo\o\ed our pan'flts" adl'lt"t' )lost of a ll , thanks g~ to the l'ointf'r for prinling our thank you lellr-r and for g!Vtng us a ~~ohole line of type m announcing that \o\t' won 3rd place 111 the float t·onh•st Wealsofet.•lth<Jt it is Urnt! for us to thank the Bpard of ltegt'flb and lllll other oHkio~ls for butld1ng us such a fine lrt'rla tn ""h1ch lo hold our pledge o;ktts Wr ft"t'l the money was well-5pent and prom ise lo L1'ie tl fait hfull y for a ll tim~. \\ith dt'f' p 1lnc..rlty and lhanb to all, .. ~:,ez;::" ~'rk llt', J'rnWt-al SDS st.'t'ks to promote such an t'n,·cronment through lhe aclh·e !:~~~~~~t elk~~~ tO:': th:r tnJUSiiCt' In local, national" and global arta1rs may be achievrd through con«rted , non·\'iolent social ncllon. If you a re .,..i lling to PM· ticipa te in s uch a movement , and par luke full y in selling such a course of action, ca ll us nnd t.aik · Rob Kf'ilh ~5-ZISO , Rm . Z011 ll )t' rlla ll : l'a ull'tl u tln 3~6-ZI$0 , ltm. :OJ ll)"e rlla ll : 1\11-.: " l. rr 3-U-nu. llt J Hn\o\lt')' St . Film Sociely Explains Ticket To thf' t-:dl lor : On bt'half of the UnivcrSII) !'tim Societ y I would hkr lo tha nk a ll the students ""ho cooperated tn making lhe hnt annual UWS I, Ftlm Society a success Without student \'Oiuntt-t•r help W(' could not ha\'e o~ra ttd . ""~~~h~a;:~~~'!'Y.a~:O~~= that d epa rtm e nts can gel together to sponsor a wo rth · wtu le ~\'en L Their help is also grea tl y app r~iattd . l "m sorry thaltt b«amt' 1uch a co nlroverslal lssul." th at s tudents had to pay for a ~ason ttckct m order t o~ any fil ms Th1s was the ar ra ngemcnt ""'' madt• with fo'ilms Incor porated m order to get the film s ht'fe for soch 11 rusonable cost \\ l' ~·ould not hne sponsored 11 an ) other " ' II)' Thank )OU, Hojl.f'r llu lll' Anonymous Goy Writes Tu thr l "\ \ S I' IIIUdrnb : E vt·n thuugh UWSP s tutll-nt:. prtdl· thcmseh·es on bt•tn~ ... pontant'ous and frten dl~ . M>xually libt'rattd peoplt• h:IH· round thts campus a nlher bum tnp Gays tn part icular hncl 1h1s t:a mpus to be a n exerclM' tn roll' playmw Som e th ing hk t• llov.· to convince your ' frtt'llds" and classmat~ that you'rr a' ·straiKht " as themseh·e:s 11M.• premut' of this IS tu ~uggt'S t to the gay brothers :.nd s tster!> of th is un iv~rslt) t·ommurut y that we need th•· benc ht s of o r ganizallon Accordcng to Kinsey st.attstcc thert• should be 320 gays on th1 ~ t·ampus t 4 per«nt x 80001 Wr art.· not the mic r oscoptl' mtno nty that the s lraillhls th1 nk we are Yet the dividends of our uniqu<' frl'l.-dom loving lift lit)'lt' an• beinl( diulpattd by tht• ·spontaneous a nd friendl y' atmosphtte here at UWSP Gay lib has come a long way from "Gay is Ang r y" to " Cay Pride' . If you' re unhappy with the wa y things Mrehtteyou ' re not alonl' The adva ntaaes of org•nlllnK must nol be tanored. Pro~ uUon lnc i~Kks the fonn•tlon ol a gay drop-ln cmter, a py " Jim l.lnt", ga y counselling, Inti com munity educ1tlon to expose the falte lm presskms of tht' homoae:x u1l s tereotype. The first o raan lu llon•l mt"ellng wiU measure whether I here Is s uffklen t interest lo get things ll.rted . The first org•n l:utlonal m eeUog will be It Pacltd, Z215 PrtJ. St. INW corner of St. Mlchati 'J H01pltaU, Thundty, Nov. IJI , t:lO p.m . For tdcUtJonll In· formation Clll SU.m7. Ll!ners to the editor must be signed , typewri tten a nd doublespaced. The POINTER will withhold names from publication upon request. Letters should be limited to no more than JOO words In length. The editor reserv es the right to edit all letters. The deadline is Monday noon. November 1, 1973 Page 7 THE PO INTER Disagrees • Hettler Schools Out Specials With Hamilton Tutl1e t :dllur : Thosleu~r ·~ ~ rt'Sponse co chi' 5Llo lrmerus madeb~ lh~Sh•dc:n! .:ienaa p ro."udent. J im llam11too. ina rcc:eot P oin ter , .\lr ll<lmiltoo des<"lbed "·hat hl' l~ltwunlackof cooprr~Lioo 11\e IIOII•UIIIV('r5ll)' phystCIIII!SinStc•·cnsf>oont 1 b)' 1~1th.1t!hethr('fphy~k•a~ol lhelleallhServl"'areprob;Wiy themostcap.ablelndl\·iduals to e•·atua t r th~ dtjlr<"C of cooprration whtch ..-~ cn_toy from the local phys1rians 111 St ... ,·cnsPolnt I mu.:ld!$!1grw ~;~~~~~~::OSIIIOOS taken by ~l r lnthep.:o st)•a rlha•·e<"n JOYe-d a close "or k1 ng rclallon5hiP "'llh most of th<" physictamonto,.·n Whl'nlh.:i •·c found i! ll('f("$$11)' to rrfe r st udml~ tuspo:t"i~list.s there has bt•en qu1l'"k an d r el 111bl e '""~- We are fortunate to hancompeten t coverage 1n lh e [)cor· lollo,.·mll- Spi'Ct;thtes nlatology.t:ar . IIOS<';~.ndthroat • • ObS INII U and G)'llet:o logy, Oral sw-gery, Ophthalmnlogy, Radoolou· n rt ho ped1C S Su rgl."ry a nd \ ' rology We also;o hav<" the ~l arshheld Clmk ,.·ith tnahl.lfhou r 'sdm·etha l ,.111 prm·idr more s peo::•alized u relflllln"'-....S!<.II rJI lnmy nper1ence the ~la rshfirld t>lin1e has b~en e ~tr rmt ly coope rative m pro vidon~ a~s•~tan-..1n the s ub--spe<"oa\\le'l that ~rt· not r<'presemed on Th<'problemof difficultywithnoghtcallsfor 'tud~nts has not e~ •sled sin"' n>)3rroval last5<'plember Dr tohnwn. Dr Num~n ~nd I ha\"<' :lrr311\il<'d our no~ht call ,.o)·era~e so !hal "~ t"ltl"<'r ••rtu:>l\yallthenlghl:ldurong tlwtutws that sc:hool1s on ...ss1on Th•~C<>Irteides woth the 111111'S ihallht ll ~althS..•n· 1cO'Ili Stt•\"l'll!l'uml "JM'II Tluo ha~ bo-cn the Sllll3IUNI dur1ng lilt- p;o~l )t'3r Man) of ""' ' tud<•n tsrequorethescr '"'"' uf •·annu~ s pl."coa l b! ~ oluronglh<•stehool)ear lf<'t'l tha t the gro ss ' trnnjtl) J,:.-nerah>aunns madP by !llr llom1lton ~hould !)., t"ltrT<"<:lr<l .tnd I ha•e rommumtall'<l Ill}' f.,., lm~t l"''"""all~- to him All !llentoonl'dprevoousl)weha•·e d.-•·.-lnp<"d a ~""d "or k1ng rel<lllonsh tp ,..,.h the non · Ulll\"1'"11ill~ doxtOI"$ Ill ln,.-n If do:f1tle!l<"ll'S C~I S! Ill tloe pr<•s.o.-n l S)'Sttm lor prO\'Idtng nwd•ca l ca retn our sludents. ,..e,.ouldappri'CI3tethatt h ~ dci l <:",.mt~<~·s be brough t tn ou r 31\ <'II!IOII III"'"flllllg!l(lthOIL"''t' n m rr"!lpond 1n an ~pproproMe noanMran d"'or ktororrn::llhe dtlicM'n<'tes 1 bellr•·r"·ecan IX'more r ffecti•·.,t hansludents ~tlmn~tn~ about ony n~ o·hango•throughooras.soclallon "'1lh th e non-univl." rSIIY ~~:~c1an1 3ank )"Oil •·try lli iiii.U IPr.'l.ll l "nh·pr•H' ll nUh So-,.-IN• Tutors needed w e need I~ coll ege student s to help in a tutoring program fo r elementary and secon· dary Indian s tuden ts 111 the Bowler a rea. Transport ation .,.;n be prov ided as noted · Every Tuesday e~ce pt duri ng •·acation or exams.· Lea•·e : !>:45 p.m from Maintenance Build ing Pa rking Lot: 6 :00 pm . in front of Collins Class room Cente r R~tum : 9 :30 p.m . with con,.enien t <:c ampus s tops To sign up. or for fu r ther tnformat ion. conta c t the PlU DE Office. LC6 Old :O.tai n ! l-16· J828l . AT ~Iti;iat - FIGHT ;;;; BUY INFLATION NOW and - I SAVE ~rei BODY SUITS IF YOU NEED A TOP FOR JEANS OR SLA.CKS - COME AND SEE OUR GREAT SELECTION! WE' VE GOT PRINTS, FLANNELS, KNITS, TURTLENECKS & BUTTON FRONTS. Reg. ' SALE $ 8.00 . $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $15.00 $ 6.00 $ 7.44 $ 9.00 $10.44 $12.00 PANT SETS FOR THE HARD TO FIT JUNIORS WE HAVE THE JR . TEEN SETS AND REGULAR JUNIOR SIZES. COME IN WHIL! THE SELECTION IS BEST. Reg. SAlE $13 .44 $15.00 $19.44 $28.44 $ 18.00 $20.00 $26.00 $ 38 .00 BRAS Sl. ?S per per son FAMOUS BRAND NAME IN BRAS - MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM, WE HAVE THE " X" RATED, SOFT CUP, AND PADDED. IN PINK, GREEN, BLUE, BEIGE, WHITE, AND BUCK. SIZES 32-36. Go lden· Deep Fried fish Crispy french f ries Creamy Cole Slaw SALE $3.00 $4.22 $4.44 Reg . Homemade Loaf of Br ead&Butter PlusSpa r k.ling r-k.t s ical Comedy En tertai rvnen t rUghtly in the GAL LEON LOUilGE II'' *~~ Of St"e"' Poiot $4 00 $550 $600 BUY l AND SAV£! FLORAL BIKINIS u:·u s $1 .19 ·"~-'· ...._.,'!OnTY..D c:oum...; NOW 99c ucH I Opaque PANTY HOSE :t~o SALE $1.00 )tA.."V A.."--)) icn:o oo•..ous Page 8 THE POINTER November 1, 1973 r-------------, ~-------------------------- !Water Beds! I 1816 Church St. I I modern s~;.:: :::!':t 1 1 111nter1ors ~= 1 Inc. Mon.-s.L s-a 1 IL _____________ N iles 'UI _t ~ -6 campus calendar thursday, november 1 sunday, nove~r 4 SKI CLUB MEETI!I:G : All interes ted persons are invited to attend. tonight at 6 :00p.m . in the Van ~tise Hoom .C. LUTII ErtAN STUDENT COMMUXIT\' : Pepc<' Ca mpus Center'. Mana Drove and Vin cent St . Ser 11 cc with Euchansl , Saturday, 6 p.m . and Su nda~·. UA!l COFFEE IIOUSE : Hoya l, ts ingle folk singer l. 9-tt p.m .. Allen Center . Free popcorn . ST DENT SENATE CA ~IP US PLA!I:NING MEET I!I:G: i p.m .. Basement Study , Burroughs Hall . The Student Senate Ca mpus Planning and Development Sub-Commillee "'ill meet. Anyone interested in changing the a ppearance or the campus is welcome to come . F ILM FOHUM: Walch Film Forum lor news and re,•iews Of film on campus and in the area. 6 p.m . on Channel 6 Cable TV . LIVE! ! Satlonal ON STAGE Oompany Tou.rln& CIIHI STIAN SCIENCE COLLEGE ORGA!I:IZATIOI\:: 6:15 p.m .. U.C.M. Cen ter (corner College and Fremonl l. Do you know where to turn• Find out at our weekly testimony meeting. All visitors are warmly welcomed . LONDON BACH SOCIETY : 8 p.m ., Quandt Gym. Fieldhouse . Sponsored by Arts a nd Lectures Series . "A THEATRICAL MIRACLE!" ~·-''" '". ~ '"' "'~" Q:> -life Magazine SAT., DEC. 1st - 8:30 P.M. QUANDT FIELDHOUSE UW-STEVENS POINT ALL SEA'ni RESERVED $6-.M · $6..&0 • $4.60 UW~NS POL'OT STUDENTS 50c OFF a~-.Jlable at UW Student Center, InlonnaUon Booth, West=bftTer'a, Stereo Shop, S&e•·ens Polnl. Church Drup, Wlaconoln Rapids. Bob'a MUAical Isle, " 'auu.u or order by mall: Send your cheek and se-ll· ~ otampm envelope and mall 10 eo.pell , UW (.'enter Propwn, U\V.Ste\·ens Polnt. S&c \·ea• Polnt, wu. M481. Tlrkda friday, november 2 AERIAL CIHC S PEP RALLY : ~ : 15 p.m., meet on Ihe bleachers outside or the football practice field . UAB F ILM : 8 p .m .. Wisconsin Room , U.C. " The Sterile Cuckoo ." saturday, november 3 FOOTBALL: 1:30 p .m ., Goerke Field. Eau Oaire. l.'AB F ILM: 8 p.m ., Blue Room . DeBol Center . ' 'The Sterile Cuckoo ." U!I: ITED CII UHCH OF CHR IST : m K service at 10 a.m . • 1 ST . I'AUL'S UNITED MET IIODil>l'l'l l l 'ltl'll Blvd . Service at 10 a .m. FHi\ME PltESBYTERIAN CII L:It!'ll : Sunday services al 9:15 and 1 0 : ~5 a m CIIUilCH OF TilE INTERCESSIO.\ 01urc h . Sunday masses at 9a .m . and s · t5p m FIIIST CIIUitCH OF CHRIST SCIE:>:TIST : nesola and Main . Sunday school 9 :30 a.m. service 11 a .m. NEWMAN UNIVEHS ITY PAHISII Chapel (Basement of St. Stan 's l: Cloister Maria Drive . Weekend masses . Saturday 4 Newman Chapel ; Sunday , 10 a .m .. 11 :30 a .m . and 6 p .m ., Cloister Chapel. Tuesday through Friday , 11 :45a .m and Chapel , Confessions , Wedn esday,~ p.m.,, :-lcwJn;., DIVINE WORD LUTHERAN Clll' Sunday services a t 10 :15a .m . and 6 p.m. f or ~ar1Soc1na uon call 344-lUBS. PLANETAHIUM SERIES: 3 p.m .. Science Lucky 01' Sun" narrated by Mark Trcuden. ARTS AND LECTURES SERIES : 8 p.m. Fine Arts Building. "Speculum Musicae." 2lllh century music . PLAYBOY 1973 "BEST JAZZ HORN IN THE NATION" Hey Jude - F1re & Rain - Ell's Coming - Aquarius and otbers fill tbe biU for • . . MAYNARD FERGUSON HERE in the Berg Gym Tues., Nov. 6 - 8 p.m. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT TilE INFORMATION DESK (UC) STUDE?oo"T MANAGERS (AC & DC) ALSO AT THE DOOR A~D Scientists on (~~ISS~ l over the appearance of preli req1> capa Badz men I Th FUIIT TUIWIIC • f AA ~ Fl.l'-KT $OtOO\. • ~ ,.~ V£TDLt.a5 TUIJIUI< • I ISn\IIIOIT • UISTIUC:TOA • M ULn-~1[ • .t.UOUnC TltAJIIK STATEMENT APPLIES TO YOU? pow~ thes lor a L FLY BO!IIE KA'J"'IEB TJIA.N HASSLE TBAFFIC. ~ GET· A UCZSSE TO ~CIIIEYE N O. L S. GAL" INTEBEST wrrB AEBlAL FlEU) TlUPS. 4- \'A TRADftNG IIEYOND PBl\IATE CERTIFICAnos . .S. ALL OF THE AJIO\'E. FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE CAL, BAY OR CUFF OR CALL OOLLECI'! WAUSAU 842-4000 OR MOSINEE 693-6111 We aeed your ldeul CENTRAL WISCONSIN AVIATION <::EN'mAL WISOONSIN AIBI'OBT - MOSil\'EE, WISOONSL"'i ·n. ww: SHIPPY SHOES ~EB" Apply by Nov. 2 SeJecUoa Nov. 6 Appllc:&Uoaa at UAB Offtce, u4 floor U.C. November 1, 1973 STUUENT ORGAN RECITAL : 8 p.m .. Trinity Lutheran Omrch. Manko Oku . UA il FILM: 8 p.m .. Wisconsin Room University Center . ' " Elvis, Tha t 's The Way It Is ." • monday, november 5 1m pus ~~o1th .1nday Ish ire n St. WOMEN 'S INTRAM URALS : Open facilities lor all women m gymnastics, sw1m ming, racquetball courts. and all gy mnas1ums lor volleyball tournaments . Bring your own sw•msu1ts and caps . 6-10 p .m . WILDLIF~ SOCIETY LECTURE : 7 p.m .. Wright LoWJge . U.C. The W•ldhle Soc1ety 1s presenting its first lecture in its seminar series lor this term. Dr . Charles M. White wi ll be giving a _talk and slide presentation on the life history ol the wh1te-tailed d~r . Soc1ety members planning on deer taggmg later th1s fall should attend this seminar . All other interested individuals a re welcome as well . STUDENT TASK FORCE MEETING: For protection ol grad programs . 9 p.m ., DeBot Center . ' h St. Minl urch .1nan 1300 p.m .. and SSCS, E1r1Me• 11¥ Iller HI Ill .... 111 nerseas 1n111nu for tile session slartlnc hll. 1974, the Europun Medical Students Placement StrYice, Inc. will mist •••lllld American students In cainlnt admission .to recocnlzed nernas me.dltal schools. And tllat's just tile beclnnlnc. A UAil FILM : 8 p.m .. Allen Center Upper . " Elvis . That 's The Way It Is." tuesday, november 6 Since the lln&uJ &t b11 ri e:r conshl utes the 11 week mt<hu t and .S . I: "That dent w•ll attend mtlhul schooJ. by Roger Barr UWSP News TEXTBOOK P URCHASE : Nov . 9 is the last day Lo I purchase textbooks and pay STUDENT RECITAL. 3. 45 Mi h . · lor lost textbooks at the 20 per . . · . p.m ·· c e1sen Hall , Fine Arts cent discoWJt. No texts sold Bwldmg . after Nov . 9. POINTER RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB : 6:30 p.m .. downstairs lobby. George Stein Building . Training mll take place at the Stevens toint Rine and Pistol Club in Whiting. CONTIWLLE R'S OFFICE PROGRAM ON RACE, SEX DISCRIMINATION : 7:30 DEC LARES DIVIDEND : p.m .. Wright LoWJge , U.C. The UWSP. Wisconsin Division The Controller'• office has ol Health Program " Understanding Our Prejudices" llo111 declared a 1 per cent dividend have its third meeting . The topic lor this session llo111 be on the October . 1973 balances in S tu dent Fa cuI t y " Race and Sex Discrimi nation ." STUDENT DUO RECITAL : 8 p.m .. Michelsen Hall , Organizations accounts in the "ldi J Ra " · h 1 · t d custody ol AccoWJtmg Ser Fi ne Art s BUl ng. · •m•sc · c anne an vices at this University. Dennis Svendsen . percussion. The last t per cent dividend was paid on account balances UA B COFFEEHOUSE: Zack and Friends. The Grid . 9- 11 or September . 1973 . p.m .. free popcorn . Student Organizations a re Contributions to Campus Calendar must be encouraged to use the Student Facult y Or ganization typewritten and doublespaced. The deadline is structure (or their con · Monday noon. If an activity is not listed in Campus venicnce in not havi ng to Calendar, THE POI NTER has not been properly main tain checking accou nts. buy checks. and pay service notified. charges . Why not investigate the benefits of letting Ac- Wednesday november 7 Hall. 1g in •i WWSP Plans To Increase Wattage "fhe campus radio station The s tud ent controller 's WWSP ha s been granted office is also beginn ing an preliminary approval of its inqui ry !Jl to graduation costs . request to increase wattage Some students have voiced capacity. according to Robert Badzinski , student govern - concern over the fact that students not partici pating in ment controller . The request lor increased grad uation exer cises a r e power must first go through required to pay the same lees the student controller 's office as those who go through the lor ap proval, Badzinski said. ceremony . said Badzinski ~*** WORK OVERSEAS .' I* ~~ *** ** ** ** ~*** AU trades, sldlls and professloM Students and GraduaU!I MaJe Eu= Female ffi&"her pay, no ""'""- tnv.J to Australl&. So. and Oentnl America, Afrtca and So. East Wrtte for our broehure: Worldwide Student Opportunities P .O. J11oX 1!611 lt'l5 OunJno F1ofte Tl>ouaaad Oalul. calli. t13611 convern honal l.lnt UJ&t count, mandatoty tur-111 stUdents. f1'tt hours da ~l)' , the COUflt Is c•ven •n the country where the stu· UN IVERSITY FILM SOCIETY : 7 and 9: 15 p.m ., Auditorium , Main Building . "The Big Sleep, " starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall . at ion ditflculty '" succttd · t lso lmludu '" •ntensl ve STUDY GROUP : " WHO DOES JES US SAY HE IS?" 7 p.m .. Steffen residence , 2009 Main St . ;man a pel. pu~pondente Ina 11 1 foftitn school, the Euromed UAB SPECIAL EVENT: Maynard Ferguson Concert. Berg Gym , 8 p .m . Tickets a t Info Desk <UC I and Student Managers ol Allen and DeBot Centers . coWl ling Services maintain the accounts lor you a t no charge and get dividends in addition . For details, see Mr . Troyanowski in AccoWJting Services , Room 003. Park St udent Service Center . ln th1t p.uticular country serrinc U.C. M. PRE-MARRIAGE SEMINAR: Thi s Pre Marriage Seminar on Nov. 17 from 8 : 15 a .m . to 4 p.m . at Peace Campus Center is for anyone contemplating marriage . II you wish to attend . please call the UCI\1 offi ce as soon as possible and pre-register . This seminar llo11J be limited to 12 couples on a first-eome, first-serve basis . UCM In ldd•hon , the Europun Med ic:JI Students PIJCttMnt Sert•U provides students with 1 12 wuA ,,;tensin c:ultuul orientJt•on course, w1th Amer· lun students now studyinc med•dnt counselon. Senior Of lftdlllh students currently enrolltO in 1n AtMrlc.n unin rsily •• tliaible to PJrtlc i p.~te In the Euromld PI'Offlm. For epplla tlon end further lnlorm•Uon, phone toU tree, (800) 645-1234 or write, EUROPEAN MEDICAL Stl .. m - " ' Stmce. ,.._ t Jo o.._c ... trr ~tN4 MYIHIJ , N.J . 11501 of,:li;c:e.:34:6-4~44:8~·-!::::,~---' FULL WINE SELECTION PARTY NEEDS THE· BOTTLE STOP LIQUOR STORE 2326 Post RoaCI Whiting November I , 1973 THE POINTER Page 10 Almost anything goes in current campus fashions Raising Funds for CARE • • _, Your Help Counts Most YOUNG PEOPLE CONCERNED ABOUT THE POOR AND NEEDY OF THIS WORLD FINO FUND-RAIS ING FOR CARE THE ANSWER . CLUBS AND GROUPS HAVE C:AU PROJECTS. INDIVIDUALS AND FAM ILIES CONTRIBUTE. BUSINESS FIRMS LEND A HAND. AND NOW YOUNG i)EQPLE FINO CA RE PROMOTIONS ARE THE THING TO 00- PARTIES , FAIR S, SALES, DANC ES, BENEFITS- IDEAS THAt PAY OF F IN FUN , EXPER IENCE . AND THE REWARDS O F HELPING OTHERS. t ··---.:.:~--- -- --- --- ~ LW~ hc lou4 liSE Wo l1o St 11l•••• f, ,..j I too- "''""""'•" . . . . .... --- ------ --- -- ----- -- '-4 10WEST :!:UiiC NAL ' " ""' • • "' • - ~ • • • O~~ICE '-'•1-• wh o fo• C A!I I w., 51JOJ ' " CIC AGES •1.. , ••• -.., • ., .... . .. • Overpopulation of pets , creates a problem by l.a•.-r~nct' \\1h;oa .. The biggnt problem todayofcrueltytoanimalsis over-population ." said Mary Ann Krueger , ex-director and one of the primal)' founden of the Stevens Point ll umaneSociety . ~cording to rliures from the Humane Society of the United Slates , MOO to 5,000 dugs and cats are born each hour in th e country n com~M!dto.U.5prn;onsper hour This sludy also shov.:s that the pet population ex· plosion 11 cos tina: the Amen ca n lallpayer about Stoo million annua ll y to execute unwanted animals and another S2SO million for the openlion of animal shelters and dog pounds. M~peto"l'let'S,sa!d~l rs KI'Ul•ger, do not reah :te the part th ey pla y in this problem t'igures from the Portage County Humane Society show that one un - spayed female can, tn the per•odoftl!'nyears.•ncrt'~ thfo ammal _pop.liatJon some ~ m•lhon by lk'foret972abandolledand stra yanim:llsmtheSte•·ens :;,:a from autom~ile The nl'""' a11imal shel ter located at BUkolt Park, said :ll rs Kruel(er. pr ovides beltercareofstra)'anlmals. more animal control and a more humane form of eutha~sia One of the di rectors of the ne\to· s helter, Mr . !la y L.eonarduidduetothein· c~a:wng ~t population tx· plos1o n, th1s shelter may become very crowded in anotl!erycarorso. CUrrently, he utd. the c:apacity is ap· proltlmately.fOtoSOanimals, dt>pending 011 the size or the P'Ointarea ..-~ kept,nthe ell)' dog pound, sa1d Mrs. KrUl'&U It ""'as a small Wlhe>~tf'li bulldmg "''ith a cap.ac1t y of tOto 1~an1mats, man~· of wh1ch were kept outs1de She furthl•r !'It · pl:mw.'CI that the method of Mr Leonard explained "putlulfl t~m to s l~ " ,.as tll.:iot.lltt'OrdtngtoState Law, by ca rb on monolflde ananlmalhastobe kfptfor St'\'endaysafter ills foundto de-termine if 11 has been abandoned Aft er this lime it befiln1estheproperlyofthe Cltyanduleltherputup for adoptlonorputtoslt'tp Lut pui'J)OSH, hi&her lictnSC' fees year, ana\·erageofforty.fin• for unsterilized anirr.als, an1mals per month were stricter laws to encourage euth:Jnized,saldLeonard. better control of pets by pet Accordmg to the U.S. o....·ners and stiffer penal ties llumane Society and other for abandonina pelll. organizations for anima l The city of Stevens Point \to'tlla~. some solutionlf to has now passed a ne\1.' or· these problems a r e : dinance 'lo'h\ch included all or stMhzattOn of all dogs and these tdeas in an effort to cats not kept for breeding soh·e the problems in our city "'" t and to help cut the cost of animal control. Mrs . Krueger said , " llopefull y the laws will cut down on the idea tll.:lt a pe t Is just another thina to lire of and 5oon becomes n casualty inour 'throw.away'society" lf you ha\'t any questi~ please ca ll the Anim ai Shelter , :J.H-6012. Smoking not allowed? ... by KPithOtl• 'Or. Hermon tronslored his book from clossico/ Sanskrit UWSP Prof Publishes Philosophy Text by Kathy O'Coeltf'll ttus anc1ent book lfe u1d he ...·as~m& hls translallon as the text book tn some of his philQ109hY classes. Her man u1d he belie~o'H in lheplulosophybroughtoutby the book, and has 1 personal commitment to this pfniQ109hy He Solid one has to be able to .wparate the sense from the nonsense IIerman uid he the ~aderu~~o'dlas forstudents book gives devot1onal of phil010phy and religion. meam111 to lhe hfe of con· 'lbt' book hu been called the temporary man New Testa ment o1 Hinduism Herman started to tran· The Glta relates a «<n· slate the book from classical Arthur Herma n. a UWSP philoso phy profeno r , has recently published a book. The Bhaaavad G lta , A Trntlalloo a ad Cr fllu f C.:Mnl!leata ry. The Bhaaavad Glta was \toT1Iten as a n Introduction to I n d ian r elig io n an d phi1010phy for the general ~!ks~~~: ~:!e!~pro;e:~~ ::.~~~~r~':t~o~e~r,! man in India's ancient put. Some say the book attempb to show aU men for all time the stral&h t a nd su~ way to knowledge, liberation and happineu, said Herman. Her man aaid that there ~~o·ere no lood translatiON of State Research Commillc>t The book. published by the Olarles C n-nas Compa.ny of Springfield. Ill . ra1ses question~ concern1111 du th , Immortality, happne511i, sin and vi r tue and othn' religious matters concerning man " Smok1n1 by students. faculty and staff is not allowed in univ e r sity I I is th e rnpons1bl lll)' of the in· structor to 1nsur e that smokmg is not permitted in h1s clas.snlOm or laboratory seu1on. Smokina IS 11o01 a ll owed 1n academic bu1ldings elfcept in certain designated s mokina areas and fa c ulty and ad · mmtS!riUI\"C Offices " This regulation. ~t ated m thtoUWSPcataloc.appeusto ~taktnqwte l ightlyby the majontyofstudents. facult)' and st;~ff of this university. Result s of smokina in public bulidincs Colli, be 'ftn nearly e\er)"'·here. althouch the Wn;consin Administtati•·e Code specirlcally designates areas "''here amoking may occur ··s mokin& is prohibill'Ciin thedassrooms. labo r atories . rest r ooms , store rooms and corridors of uni\'trllty bwldings except,·ertently used as ash trays ~~o·hich "caused a htue smoke", Go\·ernor Lucey st;:ated in December 1971 : " It ts the lega l and mo r al respon · t.ibllityolall stale agencies to mam tam a u.fe erl\'ironment for state employeotS. in mates. pat1ents and for the public who frequent state proper· ties.' ' In thi s statemen t th e Gove rn or '<~'a5 referring specifically to the "Safe Pl111ce St111t11te " !Stat ut e 101.(161 which reads : "E\·ery employer shall furnish em· ployment..,.·hichshallbesafe forlheemployeesthereinand 5hall furm llh a place of em · ployment ~~>'hich shall be ufe for employees therein and for frequenlers thereof and shall furni sh an d use s afety devices and safeguards. and shall adopt and uw methods and proceues r easo nabl y adeq uate tn render s uch employment and places of employment soafe, and 5hail do e••ery o t her thing reasonably necessa r y to protectthelife,health,safety and welfare of $uch em · ployt'l"S and frequenters . E\'ery employer and e~o·ery O\O'ner of a place ot em· ploymentorapublicbuildinR noworhereafter coos truct ed 5hall soconstruct , repairor maintam such place of em· ployment or public buildi ng .uto rendcrlhesamesafe " Not only does smokina present labor an d sa fety probtem~.butitalsopresent s health.andcomfortproblems. Some non ·smo king in · d.ivi dualsa reWleasyabout smoking b)' thei r peers in classrooms. and when the mstructordoesthesamelhis 11tua1ton i5 com pow~~ . The smokina regulations can not be enforced on a securi ty level They must be obeyedbythepersonsthat use the fac llihn Only then ca n cloudleu harmony prevail ~~:~~t~:~r~~~~~rfe~~ Dreyfus Receives Award custochalserviceoncampus, ·•14·o..dd like to see smo!Dna proh1biled entirely . " buildinRS genente txtr.a labor This rC$Uits from l1le dam111ae. which requires ~n::~~ ~; d,;~~a x~~ cups. whic'h are onen used for ash t ra ys . Although smokifll in past yeanhasnotpresentedany ma)Or safety hazards, Mr Vo'alki&Sh has. on oecuion, heard or waste containers Olarw:ellor Lee S Dreyfus has received an award from ~~~;:e..""~~«~~~ :at~ ~~rd A~~~ exec utive sec retary. The Council of Tr ust.e-es of the AUSA selected Dreyfus to rece1ve the President 's medal for 1971. It is the second highest award prewnted by lheC"OWK:il . The meda l was awa rded in recotnilionn of OreyfiiS' &upport of the U.S. Army and the ROTC Prosram in p;~rtkula r , f'Titzuid. Thec::Oirlctl presented the awa rd to Dreyfus lithe annua.J IWlcheon in Wallhlngton, D.C. Page 12 November I, 1973 THE POINTER A way to Iick the 'bad semester blues' by PerTy Jewell There may be a way to lick the 'bad semester blues' . The proposed syste m . ca ll ed academic bankruptcy , consis ts of l\lt' O separate programs which. a.llow the s tudent to el •m •nate a se mester or a part iat · semes ter of unsatisfactory work from his transcripts. In the fint plan. both grades and credit! fo r an entire semeste r a r e dropped giving the student the opportunity to r e take the complete semester . The second plan would pcnni t elimination or only the undesirable grades and credi ts or any given semester . Bot h plans include provisiom for repetition of those courses . It must be pointed out , however, that rf.e two plans are mutually ex· elusive and would not be In eHect at the same time . Man y s tudents ( p ar · 11 c ular ly freshme n and sophomores 1 find personal problems . work conflicts and· or f1n a nc1 a l wo rr ies s o overwhetming that grades s uffer cons iderably . Wh y should they be penalized for this'? For some time now t h e re ha s bee n some discussion on this subjec t, in om attem pt to rind an alt er· native plan . The idea or tota l ac ademi c bank ruptcy has been discussed as a possible remedy for the problem . Th is plan "'-ould mean that a student would lose an entire semester . both the time and the money E\'en though tHe semester would not count tOONards graduation it would sllll apptar on the records and would be available to prospective em ployers and to graduate schools . Currently , many employers and grad schools either ta ke a bad semester mto considerati9n or rev1ew only the last two years of s tudy. The idea of gelling rid of only the bad portions of a 5emester is by fa r the most feasible plan , giving the student the oppor turUty to drop a bad grade <or grades 1 a nd retake the cr edits. To totall y d r op a bad se m es ter is a ple asa nt th ought but it is not academica lly sound. Who is to say tha t a s tudent with a 3.0 g r a d e ave r age a nd ten dropped c redits is the equal of a student with lhesamegrade pointbutwi thout anydropped credits'! Would this be fair" to either s tud e nt'! Another factor to take into con· sider alion Is what eHect this system would have on the over ·alJ grade poin t average ifthe s tudentwereaUowedto use thi.5 procedure every time he recei ved a bad grade. The grade point ratio of the average st udent wou ld probably climb and inflation Zulu . by Tony Oaarl u Two housing conferences ~i ll soon be held , said Gwen Ne ls on , r eside nc e h a ll program director . · The Association of Col lege and Universi t y Hous i ng Off i cers t ACUHO l i s scheduled to be held Nov . 2·3. The conJerence "'ill meet a t So u t h D ako t a S t a t e University . It includes the upper -midwest region . Three students and four advisers from UWSP will n tt e nd . The y a r e 1\tary J acquim , the s tudent com · municalions coordina tor for SAYS HILPERT by Lydia Abell " A good job as a programmer -analy s t is r eadily ava il able to the UWSP graduate who minors in compute r science ," said Frederick M . Hi lp e rt , Dir e ctor of Academic Computing . Compan ies th at previously had to train thei r own pr og ramme r -a na lysts are eage r to hire trained g r ad uate s, acco rd ing to Hilpert . "Computer '4'0rk is increasing In colleges and is seen more and more in s mall businesses." Most s tudents who become programmer·ana lysts major in math or business, and minor in computer science . Computer Science 106, the introductory course . does not req uir e a bac kground in math . 'The course deals with the rudiments or the skill . " By the end or the semester , students can wri te si mple programs, " sa id Hil pert. Com puter Science 106 has dropped from s ix to four s ec t ions th is · s emeste r . Hilpert believes tha t this drop The London Bach Society was founded in t!H7 by its pr ese nt cond uc to r . Paul Stei nitz. primarily to perfonn the works of Bach in a manner as nea rly authentic as possible . Under Stelnitz 's direction . the society began its ca ntata project In 1959 The conduc tor ha s since decla red that it is part of his life 's work to give all 200 or the church cantatas m London . for they contain some of Bach 's fmes t music . In the last 10 ye:ars. the choir ha.s given about 100 cantatas . S1nce 1ts first public recitals In London , the en· semble has been a malnstily of the English musical scene as well as perform ing In Germany , brael and the United States. renects competition from a si milar course , Business 320. rather than reduced s tudent interest. Th e computer scie nc e fa cilities are presently limited to one term ina l which ti es i n to a large computer a t UW· La Crosse . " We a r e attempting to obtain tenninal ~:tr:b~.,.\e~:~::~:~~ the Nationa l Association of Coll ege a nd Un iversi ty ltesidence Ha lls CNACURH) : Mike Streb, co~hai rm an or Knutzen Hall ; Ge rold Bour bonnais, vice-president of Pr ay ·Sims Hall ; John Timcak , director of Baldwin Hall : Mel Karg, assistant director of hot1'5ing : Fred Le a fgren , director o f housing ; and Gwen Nelson. ACU HO Is a proCessional orga nizatio n desi gned to im prove communicati on . Sessions there will be con· cemed with research a nd hou.slng, business, recruit· mcnt or students , community re la tions a nd innovative . programming. said Nelson. Another similar conference will be held Nov . 9-11 at In· diana State Universi ty. This conference Is of the Great Lakes Associa tion or College a nd University Resi dence llalls ICLACURII I. Good Jobs Available For Computer Science Minors London Bach Society To Perform Here The London Bach Society, a group of 80 i nstrwn~talis ts and vocali sts specializing in Bach and modem British composers . will perfonn In public concert at UWSP on Thursday , Nov 1. The 8 p.m . performance will be held in the Quandt Gy mn a s ium of the F'1eldhouse Tickets will be 10ld at the door and in ad· vance at the Arts and Lee · Lures Box Office. The SOCiety wiU perlonn Joseph Haydn 's ' "Te Deum m C; " Cantata No. 78 · "Jesu. der du meme Seele" and Suite No. -4 m D·major by Johann ~ba5tian Bach : and Stanley Gla~r ·s "Tbe Chameleon and the Uz.ard ." a choraJ entertainment performed in wnuld be the end resu lt . Some restrictions would be needed as to the number of Urnes th is sys t'!m can be used . At the present lime the issue of academic bankruptcy has fairly well died as a major issue . It was brough t before the Academic A/fairs Commi tt ee for discussion earlier in the semester but the need for such a sys tem was not con3idered grea t enough to warrant a change in policy. A s tudent s till has to a nswer for his academ ic performance but there at leas t has been a reasonable a tte mpt made to help counter things like 'bad semester blues' . Housing Conferences Scheduled For November serve s tudent s- fr om the Between 200 and 300 UWS P region who have s tud e nt s a re expected to already worked with com · participate in this part icular pulers in high school, said conference. UWSP Is sending lUI pert . 28 stude nts , represent ing Many people are afraid of each hall. and accompanied co mputers , which is not by Gwen Nelson . necessa r y, Hilp e r said . GLACURH is designed to "COm puters are stupid. They ar c marvelo~ data banks , bette r communication , im · but they must be program · prove programming and med ." upda te policies, according to Ne lson. The con fer ence will feature " buzz" sess ions on s l a ff an d hall co unc ils coordinating bette r co~d halls. special programs and 1nclude ente rt ai nm ent showcases . will be special sessions tor advisers . . GLA CU RII is a Gr eat L.akes sub-conferenc e of t NA C U RII . NACUR H is i! nalion -w;de and meets during t the summer . The current 1 GLACURII co-cha irmen are E !!~:~n Spence a nd Shery Two Rouault Prints Given To UWSP A Milwa ukee J ournal copy editor who has a hobby of coiJecting Rouault prints and then giving them away has donated two of the aquatints to UWSP . Leonard Schell~ com piled a collection of 200 prints by Georges Rouault in the last IS years and has give n most of them to colleges and universities throughout the United States. Th e vete r a n newspaper · !War )" series of 58 artworks, are con.1idered the greatest works of religious art of the twentie th century . The French artist did the series after 15 years of In· ter millent labor between 1916 and t931. Ue fused together the two themes or compassion a nd war Int o a s ingle anguished commentary on modern civlllz.ation. ~df~~:t~Mti=r~~!~·l.5~~~: entitled "No. 4-Take refuge in your hea rt , miserable vagabond " and " No. 7- We think ourselves kings ." The a qu atints. now incl ud ed among the un l vu s ity ' s perman~t art collection , will be on display In the main lobb y of the Alb e rt son Learning Resources Cen ter. His gifls to UW.stevf!llS Po int have an es tim a ted combined worth of 1950. 'The aquati nts, as p a rt or R ouault ' s " Mise r e r e CCompasslon ) E t Guerre n;borah Saito •lewed two trfJlul RouWt prUUthlt have • been donal<d to the permanent a rt <oiled ion of UWSP by Milwaukee Journal copy editor Leonard Scholler. Tile· newsman has a hobby of collecUna worb by the French arUst and giving them to coUegea and unlyerlltlea. ' RECORD REVIEW November I, 1973 Page 13 Goats Head Soup Watergate implications_offered By The Stones l"roftsSOrS at UWSP ano • developmg a new .::oune forma.- 111 a ··"Y ton& tunt and11'11hrkindott.tulf"'·e'vt " GOATS U£AD SOUP" TIIEROUJNGSTONES «~melo"l~tfromlhr St­ ODe 1111111 be carri'ul "''hm diK\1111111 the Rollin& S t - 1M ftSd whm lhn-e Is a Jau«· Not Is " 100 \ 'urs Aao" ,.-hidlls~tydu.llllllllllllf'lr and their m~nk. Their loiJo"'·en are IIQOCII 1M ~ toyal...and fi.!Uitkin w ...·orld. ranklna just a noU:II below South Ameritan soe«r faru On the 1uif1ce teo·el this Is a fairly JOOd album. The mutlc: rocksyoufnmtimetour.~eand al"'"l)'l •hm - 11 flow\ni. 11'1 only triplt-tratk·vacal 0\.lt lasts for a lhllrt t1me befon- w blftd Jumps into a dri-in& filldh '"Comln& eo.."" ,.,..... Ul •·n-y ..tow and uninterfttilljl Qcrpt for a briri ~Uduet that almost pulb tM ,.·hole thine otf "Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo 11\.artbnaker!" tomt"' vn-y rloH 111 bcmga 1110d 501111 but 10ft bmcatll the - the plel.ldo-hc.avy wa·wa & IW"f~ thatthelhal.lovo·neuot alld the lou:!iy mdody ot the the reconlinc Is mea~. and 1 mtin •·CJWS dr•l 11 da"'n don"l ICC how any Hlf· I"'"Jpechn&~f....lkl'Ould be•"fftlllilrlfd "'"lthlt ()n(e upon a time Roll~ Stonel IO'CN! the IJ"Citetl RICk ,.ndrollbandinlhe"'·orldlnd Mock Jauer made it a pomt to let~oukr1Dw1boul il. Althou,dl not Min&JrCIIInno•·•con in tMtnoe-oflhe,.-onlthey ..-ld Uk~ nbtin& lOili formtl •bluet, r«kand roU. ctr. land .Wniop tMm 10 1 level only drramC'dolJ)rTiloualy l11thelr ~a~ I B.rclan8aDq1oct, ~lt H~. Get YCT Ya·\'1'1 Out. SU~ky f'l111erl l tht 5\0IIel m1n.a1C'd to lo"'""" the Bc1tln 10 serond plare on tile rock ~•n1dom lmagme the lhodl ,..,,."" 111.11 ,.-rnt lhrou(h LM t• s aft,.· ,.·er:taaaowMnllw band lpp.-lrccl un n11101111 tt'lt'VIIIOII LIP·SYNCH I~G theor~hkt th<'fONIHs pupp.-toc:u ,.·tuc:llhavt'vacC'd • ;~.~~=.::: ••hkehtarin1 1 famoliar hint bo-onJ tun& 111 1 forel&n lanr;ua&t'. you krlllw 11'1 lhl· fCTI'n\butltiOUTIIbaolamlhlr Tht' SUNin" mutk hu l imply stopped pros.rtuing AI thr ;:.::',~ ~h,cwo -rC"'on't !roublelllhltthet..-olreaort yf contradictory f"int, and '"'.utl1kely. n"lpou.obll'th.atth<' II....,Phatber:omt'IOOnc:h•nd laty,.lldlostln)'dsiti'IO,.«k at ~,.... tile bat noe HrOftd S ol too m11d!"' 10 bcllodabout"Afi&IC"C..,.,C ttuu 11"1 probably the s.-· IO'ont linJl• SI/ICC w1y-bKk· then IO'hftl ll'lt)" lh'e US ttuff hlue " D.andelion" "Sih"ft' Train" open~ s~ '"'"0 .rld~Salm~5tasbadasJotlnny WintCT·s,-..,.,.ton " lhde Your Lev•" .a11d "Wonter" a.-.. bot!! prell)' a..-lul t'l«pt forloOm••·n-yfiMIUilar ..ort tmosl hbly b)· Mock T1ylor l Japer't voc:aJ,.·ork ontMIIIIerOJresUya~oniO l111tm to but ~Rit on Uocr.o. folks · Uun&S set 11.-llft' "'Can \'ou lku the )JIISIC" ,. arlu.ybltol.-..glt-roc:kll'Lit brOUCht m~ around and madr mt tbmk I m11ht have llt~rd•heprc---H)Id ltullontht ,.·ronjl lnmt of mond or 110mt'lhon1 The only dnwbfo"lht'sonJII»I'Ith.:ollt'llbl\loo lon«f«alototpeoplt' ~·~j~~~~ Qnt'Uunc tokooep1nmllld 11 that any su.r- .album 11 10rll .,.Of'tlltMuslod)..udonoCIIonc butlllt...,loU...drum troc:t Ooarlie l'o'a111 •• t111l - of tht' ~t Unfortunately tilt' limP ~r:;:,: ~~~~~\~n~~~~:~ pu~enll,illtoliOdo'"·nonrork ho)tor) I> pertuopttlwii«''OId betleadJwWduot"·er tafll'r tho-Allman Btotutcami. Kt'1tll llochard and"m n~~~tml ..-,til lnt'l'elyalln-rYtor• ~bliii)'Uitllcy ,.,-uh to~Q bt'(..-eoe~~Jcad;andrloylllm IIIUIIC that II I pi"'\'nl '"'""'' on the lllel charta Surky "' iqen and Eoule on \111n St Wf re the band'l DIQftt lfllen C'ter and thr n•uso~ on theH luL albwnl 11 Llr"tly lnterchan&able from <NICIOIIICKIIct' Mo!Mr lbouihtlhll I can't •t-tout olmymindil 1M SIDM:IICCrrlt.obeJivUL& int.o Althoulh pla~1njl; prt-tty IO'f'll. Tl)'ior h~a abo )t'l to r.ach1t'-f lht' br~tloanc• ht nhobotl'd on M.ayall's "Barr Worcs" I!Kk tn · 61 To Jum 11 all 11p Musoc for thll! body" Somrtomtt: Music' fortllt"Mad" \'flY..rtdom \Oitll outaide pi"HAII'"non~IO avtlld~y :u~•,et.::..~x:;::.,~ tM covcr-pflotofor tlleatbum ~~~:t!J:'t:10...: ; :.=,:; Ill In llimllar move, 110111 on&LIIIllyentilll'd "Star ·rer" •abbreviation mlnel hu turned up 11 "'S tu Stu... Ate tbne l,..ldhnc aut~ Tbat ,..y bal botllf"OI:ll bla.lhl'iraetloonlara ltlcat.t a bit queatlolllbloewbcn )OU contlder!hefiCithattbe Roll~~ ~thrirown reran:~ label and 10 lllouldlo"t ~~=n~c~~c:.,:~~~~~ft: cl!Wibut.or,ls &Jvlactllemany huale llle)o~nnd...-.r ··~ G'NI.IIIu4S.., ial fairly lood album. No time it wasted ~~!:U:r~-~ thr .now. 1b1a Is aimpl)' J111er'a belt .-ocal per- entitled " Implica tions of Wa tergate" lt"'·•UbegJvmduringthtspnng semester for one credit on a pass-fall basis through the UWSP Dl\ision of Educat•onal Ser vices alljt lrvlovati\·e Programs 1be polll•cal science professors "'-no ""'•li tuch it are expeel •~ some membt:rs of the public "'·•llbeenrolllngfor oon-crC'dit. Use of telephones, •e· cordingtotestimonygl\·enon the scandal to date, played •mportantrolesinthe alleged Weekly 7:Hnlnute classes p olit 1c a l es pionoge ""illbeginlnJanunry andrun s urro unding Wate qfDie . on Tue:~day e\•cninp. Miller said he p-opcl!Kd AppropriJ~tely. lhe Slevt-ns Point coune plaMco:n are ··wat~ate" because some consi~inglo~ thcdevlcH of this students expreued intheircourseas ~~o·co:ll interest In taking a political Edward Miller, assistant science C1Nrse that ~Hoed ln pro feuor or polfhcal ¥ienee whowill coordinatethewr ies lectures. said arrangements will focus on constitutional , :nerica~m~~~- ~ur~ areinthe~~o·orkstohs\·e thc pr esident Ia ! , a nd e le.::tlon cour5eairN over the s tate congreulonal f ina n ci n g educational tel e phone net· c ampaign ""'O!'ksopersonsuntakepart problems cr eated by events ln every county by tuning in ~t~rroundina the 117:1 cam· at lis t eni n g centers in paign plus discunions on general de mocratic values. courthouseJ. Coffeehouses to have room byRosleSiatkry UAB Corff!!houses will ha\·e theirO~~oTiroom~~o•hcnthe addition to the Union is complttf'd. !-' or s tudents. the cof· fcehouse wilthen become a placeas..-eUasasoun-eol good, lh·e entc:rtamme nt in a ~!axed atmosphere. " Wilhthenew fac ....,JJbC'possibletoiC"fveappk c1der v.1tll a jug band per· formanceor contractlhe food service to~dltacos,"stated O..rlene Rcadel , clulirman of cofft-ehouse commit~. The r~ev.· room w1ll adjoin the Grrdiron Bt.-er ~~o·rii ("Ontinuctobcsold a nd frl't' popcwn will be a nrlablev.·hcne•·er posaible first became popular dun~~~~: the bealllik eraoftheliO's. lt ga\·earti$1$ theupenenceofpcrforming heforeah••eaudienceand audlences tlx' r h.:Jnce to listcn to a varrtll y of good e n· tt-rt:unmcnt UWSPcoffl'cllousn featu~ professionals on a performing c1rc u1t and local s tude nt t.lcnt Most of t~ outs1de perfo r mers ha \' e a lre11dy bee-nconu-acttdbutmanyof lhe studentcoffeehouHS have yet to be booked 8t'causcaf budget cuts.~: %5 centcovercharge hss been t'llfotetd v."henoutsrdc-talent groups perform "This wasthe onlywayto kl'<'p the same type of good entcrtatnmcnt as was con- SAYS CHRISTOPHERSON lrKtN other yean," said and respond to the artist ... MiM Readcl •aid . Miss Reade!. This year only s tude nt are free , According to Mlu Reade!, ilff held in lhe Gridiron. thecommitteetries to select Hcc11use o f the need to uvarietyofmuslc, from blue c harge. all ot her per· grass to country and jau. rormanc-es are scheduiN 11 Jam sessions a r e also De B o t , Allen or the planned. where musicians UnivcrsityCenter, dtpending come to exchange Ideas and qn what's av~:ilable. ' "The oUlers come to listtn. UAB Wudiencuarea'tasJ~r~e but provides a p.a. system and those that come listen well lighting. coffeehouses.~~otllch Cable TV Officials To Hold Conference Here Nov. 7 Seven! n t tion s ll y p r o minent offici~:ll a nd 5p«1alistsoncable television tCATV I will be at UWSP Wednesday. Nov. 7, to s peak lllll 5eVC11-hourinforma tionlll co nf e r e nc e on c ab l e teleYision, particularly as it relates to cduc~:tion . The program.sponsored by the State Depa rtment o f Pubhc Instruction and the Wisconsin Educational Commurucallons Board. has 1n its lineup of lecturers Stt'phen Effroc ol the Federal Com munication 's t F CCI CATV Bureau. Ellen Roberts oHhcFCC CATV Information Centc:r . and David !-'ost!!r, presidtnt ol the Nttlontl Cable Television Association. Orancellor I.« S. Dreyfus of UWSP and Lawrence Uchty of UW-Madison, who u e cha•rman a nd staff coor· din.ator for tht &0\-ernor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Cable Television, will 11lso be 5peaking. Barbar.a Thompson, state s uperintendent of p ubl ic instruction, will open the programwith awelcomeat9 a .m . rn the University Center EHros and Mlsa ltoberts will discuss "'Federal RtguJ.at1ons and Practices" a t t : IS a .m .: Lic hty ...., u speak on "Slate De\·elopments in CATV" at ll : ts a .m . foos~ on ' "The Cable Operator'• Point of View" at \ : IS p.m .; a nd Dreyfus on " Educa tors. Get With It" all p.m . lnaddition, ascriesofcase studies on CATV In education will be given at 1 p.m . by Lowell Wilson, Cra1g Vogt and Duane Radeke Thesessionsareopentothe public. Comm Has High Quality Programs lfllicklhr albu.mjlorltdlsanftl"iel2b,l12 IIIChJ)idLII"I'Of iCi uldronfiUC'd • THE POINTER The undergraduate and graduate programs in the UWS P Communi c at ions Department a r~ o f t~e highest quality s.a•d Myrv1n Qrristopherson. department ~ !: "does the UWSP communictlions PI"Ofl.l"am. es peciall y the graduale program. compare to other tc hools? Is the r e an)' 5ignificantrcc~111tionoflhe program? To ftnd the •n· awets to these quest ions communication professor• and studentsloi!C're •nterYM:..-td Thisll"'" hatthcyblld to say · " The Communications Drpartment •s of lhe highest quality," 5a1d Vent Kcnas, 1 1 UWSP g nduate 1tudent. "'UWSP compares fa•·orably agarnst otht r universities." MaryAllnoeMoore. another graduatc:studcnt,Sllid that in comparisontooUlerachooLs. the UWSP communications procram was found supcriOC" •nstructional staff 11 com· pared to oUlcr universlti~ has more Pb.D. professors than anywhere In the s tate: ucept for M1 diaon . The program 11 s uperior to M.Haon in that MadiJon is not intcgratN "' William Work , executive "Our graduate proaram hasdefimtcvalucbecaldotit ~«retary of tht Spc«:h and ll UIIUJUC in the state," 11id CommUNCalions Aslodatton Ro ger Bullis. I U WSP in New York. sent a let~ to communications professor UWSP C h ance llor L ee "At Madiaononecan'tgeta ~man Dreyfu.ln which he gtner.aldt'gree lt hastobe s.aid. "'UWSP graduate 11nd Wldergraduatc programs a re mo~spcclfic. " " At UWS P there il a de.igned in li&ht of the superKW &raduate pr~am." educ:llional needs of today satd Willit m Dav tdson . and tomorTow, effeclln& a tno ther U WS P r om · syntheJIIOftheoreliCIIInd munications prolusor """fbe .applitd studies relatln& to human communicat ion. It ~ms tome the arcttltectaof your pl'"og r am haY e re co gni1ed well the l imitation• of academ ic ;cfu',~-~enLaliution and In another letter sent to Dreyfus, Ron a ld All en. professor of Comm~r~icaHon AtU at Madison, said, " I ~:.~::: %~~~ b;;!Ju'!:~ program in communicationa. II ~eem~ to me the depart- :n~~: to~ oX~'~ seeondaryteachert. Jlopethe winds of c hange will not l1y waltetheexn-Uentworildone by you and yourcollcq:ue~at SleYCJU~nt." THE POINTER Page 14 November I, 1973 Krueger begins 11th year Vcoteran baskt'lball ('Olllch Bob KrlWJer luis ~un his lith ~uon at the helm of the UWSP basketball team w1th u can· dldates ~·ng f<N' oprruna Enlund. Ptnl Jt'rg. Bob Ramlet and :\tan Smith Smith •s also a ao pcnnts a ~eamf' . Je\'enth in thfo wsuc mtombft" of the \&r-Sity footba ll team KrutKf'r 1n«hcates that a pr~ se... son ('valuation a d.JlficuJt bKause of the unurta.ant)' an the malr.eup of the squad IIO"'' "''tr, help will be n~ed ~rom 1ncomlnK freshmen 01 transfers before Point ...ill be able to Improve in the WSUC. Sconns wasn ' t a major problem last nason The Pointers' 16 9 avenge , second only to Whilcwater . but defensively they yielded about dnlll Tht Po1ntrrs are com•na oH a d1u ppomtmg "-12, to•&hth place flnash m the Wi~onsm State Unlvenil)' Con ferenc:t' 1WSUC I last season , but Krtwger has some experuenc:fd ~rsonnel MAN FOR ALL SEASONS? rt'turmng that he beht'\'e5 ...,. ,II f<H"m the nuclt"US of a .squad tMt can 1mpc-o' 't' on that record ~lost promu~nt among K'-'m rt'tu rnang lettermen IS All · Con fertn« guard Ca l Kuphall. ""ho fmashed second m league -.c:onng last Kason wllh a 17 3 average At SolO Kupha\1 g1ves Krueger consistent Koring and ludtrstup from the badtcourt AI§O returning m lhe backC"'UTI will be ~teran guard Bruce We•nkauf who presently 11 st.aruns end on the Pcxnter football team Other retununa ~termen are Roler Busa. Tom by Jim lb b«k Se,·eral reasons v.·e r e prnented 1n exptan.1tlon ol the nre One player felt Platteville had ca~ the blowout . This was refuted , however, whtn It was rememWed that Platteville's entire team had been " nat" that day ' Another poss1b1hty suggested was that Po1nter runn inK baclr. Ben Breese had eaten too much for suPI)tr that night The final, and accepted, explanation stated that tM bus wu out ol Wpe a!ld had become " tirtd " OUI Thr hero on the spot proved to be auistant coach Norbert "Nubbs" Miller, who replaced the fron t·llne tire with a n acceptable aubstilute. This was done with the help of a passing bus driver. who offered such v.·ords of advice as "ya, huh" and " uh huh " When asked how he felt the subllltutc lire would perform , Coach Miller 1s rumored to have uid, "It looks lilr.e a Good Year !" Local BoY. Tim Sulh\•an, a \972 graduatt• or UWSI, . re«ntly had an article published 1n Sport one of the leading monthly sporu majllu.JnH 1n the country The article. pnntf'd tn tht' ~o\·ember tssue of ~por t , descnbes how 3 local bas.rb.1ll ran. Uob " Ma " Pt'Sch,setan all · tim(' record for eaung the most br nt,.·urslS during a nlne-lnmnl( majo r league game at Mdw aukt'e County Stadium PHCh 's feat was .. 1tn~ by Sul11van and another UWSP alumnus. Randy Wte\'t'l, now a local rre-e-lance ,.,nter !'port also published an action photo of Pesch taken by Doug Wojcik, A Ste,·c> n ~ Point llali)' Jou rn• l photographer and UWSI) student The Sport a rt icle Is not Sullivan's first succus In national publication When SuJiivan was a UWSP senior. The Sp«1inJ Sews published hls article expla.inlng how to catch foul balls at ma)or leaKue ~II parks. sports shorts lee McPhail was named to succeed out-going Ame r ican League president Joe Cronin . Cronin has been named chairman of the league's board of directors . Yogt Berra signed a three )'ear contract to manage the New York Mets . Berra's new contract is estim ated to bf wort h $75,000 a year . Scc rclarl at won the last start of hi s ca r eer n t lhc Canadia n International Championships. " Big Red " won lhe $H2.000 event by over six l e n g~ Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn has fined Oak land AthJetJcs owner Cha r lie Findlay for his behavior durtng the 1973 World Senes. The fine is reported to be as much a s SIO,OOO Groundwater s«plntc from the edge of 3 northern \\1sconsm samtary landfill is sampled by solid waste spectaltst Dav1d Martin of the Department of Natural Resources . Laboratory analysis '4111 disclose how seriously th1s liqu•d tS polluting a creek that passes along the tree line and tag alders tn the backgrolUld. Untreated raw domestic sewage has a biological oxygen demand between ISO to 200 parts per million . Seepage from landfills sometimes exceeds 50,000 ppm . 11us e ntire low a rea has been flooded within the past year by fall rams and spring runoff , but the landfill llC\'er ceases to pollute the WtSConsin River watershed even dunng dry pertods. J .C. Snead v.'On the Australian Open Golf Olamptonshtp with an eight wtder par 280, t'o''O strokes ahead of fe llow American J erry Breaux . Snead nett ed S6.000 for his victory Caule Russle . star forward for the Golden State Warriors. is playing out h.i s option . Rus.sle says he wtll never negotia te with the Warrion again . ............................................u-: : :• J O BS ON SIII P S: No pericnce r equir ed . Excellen t: pay . Wor l dwide trav e l.• ,'t:,eO : r\O':r~' ,...Q.S : '-' formation . SEt\F't\X , Dc'pt,: :,T EREO EQU IPM El'tT ~ ALE ::::eer~t S:~;'~-~ J~~ 1~ V 1-~ 0R ~:el=~~\..·a~:~ng:::'.:.or: AT WIIOLESALE ;.:::fyESG~~r~r~r::;n!i~~ 1hscounts from ~~e~~· 34~~~if)(te 20 to • Ad\·er t i!olng sa iHman v.·a.n ted: 60 f o r E 1.• E (' T It I a call , • : Lost : Red stoC'kJnl( hat of > ntlmenl.a l ,•a lue. )londay :m orning Ocl. ~2 on sec:on d ;floor of CC. lias the .,.-ord :- ·couh " Hv.ed on II. PluH • elurn Lo P€Hnter office . C: ~~~~~!: ~~~~: ,;r~~ler~:t':J st'nd brld h·Ue r to Tom : )l asl n . Univers ity J"rog rams: Corp . S5 E . )lonrcM" , Chicago • Ill . 60603 or n il l12-71Z-9fi l6. : fJKtric )IHSCnler Is lou ted: in the Studen t Center ,lnfo on. uniltan ~obtai n~ fr om ;\lT : ~::r•d•:f!:::~ • • • • •• • • • ."~ • ~::: !.~:~::·. •••••••: SS Squad Wins by Jim ll ab«k A pov.errut SS team exhibited a " Kurth )' OU Sia Tau '" a t· wude, mabhnK them to rop the chamtnonshtp game. 14-<1 Russ Kurth found himself at the rece 1v1ng f'n d of a sco re · producing double pass. lhen mtercepted a }lass to set up the second S."' score A bomb to IJahlkt', followed by 3 Dahlke catch ror the convt'rslon completed thr sconnK . Sronn .. II first hair point~ provf'd 1-noug.h ror 2 South Bald .. ,n 'Aarson 's2 Eastcame back v.llh a touchdo..,-n 1n thfo .wt"ondhaU. but dt'n1ed the tv.o po1nt corwersion and a poss•Dh- ovt'rttme contest v.hen J. Sooth hrld on to w1n 1-6 WtMmtt b«ame a habit for ~• gma Tau Gamma this yt'a r , a<~ they J)ruved to Wa~Mn 's 2 F:.18t m :1 14-0 drubbinK quarterhack Jim Pleuu con· nec:tt-d .. 1th llll·star ends llarry Babcock and Jakf' Hefner ror '>Kond halt KOrea. v.h1le the defenso· st;a lled a prevuxaly potc>n t \l. ut!IOI'I orrense An ofrente -o rlented semJ · rmals match-up ended w1th SS ~tK~~n~Z ::r!e~~~t: for all Z2 pointa In lhe nrst halt as Kurth . with teammates GoLomsk1 Hd Hughes, look k Mo es Good advantage of 2 Sout h tlefcnllh'e Hut l Squ th 'JI m is takes Chnstoph, staging a one nu.n show. was not ras1l)' dnut"d Thr~ llmf'S ht' p1erced the SS df'IPnM" ror touchdov.ns, onl) to be halted on the ccwwrrsuWI a uempt5 \..omp•l1ng the top 1ntilv1du11l aurmpts round ~ f-!.1s1 l)ray ch3mp1ons of punt. p;au and k1ck compelltmn . The t'h:unp!' wert• s pearheaded hy ~~•rd;;~c:;r~!l:::~~:.l~:,~~ Manthe)•'s total~ f-·tnshlng Sf'('()nd, onl) :!1 feet shy , "a tson 's 2 Eut , placmg Stt\'e lle1n ;~nd J1m Ervan amonJt ttMteadf'rs Lelld 1ng md1v1dual dforts v. ere made by 1nd1vtdufll champmn Carl Barnowsky, Ken Porter, Tim Bate, J im l,leuu and Eric PinKie. Uarno ..·sky's total for lht' lhree events Will 4621fc.-et Cross -country root race cnamp10n for the nnal nut.nlng Burrough's Mike 1~. With 3 time Of 6:07 l Overall cha mpton waa kOTC't Pat Ttmm , after being (,Joclr.ed at s·.-t. Hode Rn1ahtd with the second, firth and eleventh beat tlmn. while Jdf Kelter of Smith captured third , and KarroU Uohns.k of Burrot.Wht co pp ed f ourth place . Tim Sullivan The a rt icle was based upon actual game experiences by Sulliva n, Wievrl and Pesc.h. The response to Ttlt' Sport in1 St''.-s art1clt' prompted an NBC affiliate radio station in Pitts- ~:~~tO....,i~U: t:::;~:v:: Po1nt meri about catchl nB baseba lls. "The inltn'iew wu :u~d 1n Pittsbu rKh im · nlt'di3tely prior to tht Pirat~ · openinK day at Three Rivers \ · Stadium A free -lance writ e r and formt-r sports ed1tor o1 UWSP's t'olnter, the 2!.-yea r-old Sullivan has had st-ve r al a rt iclet published 1n s tate - wi d e newspapers, lndudins Tbe \lllw• uk u Sentinel, The lt11dne Journa l Tim n, and P•ckerland After Dark . Cu rrently, Sullivan and UWS P g r adua te Mike ll abcrman are writing a weekl y column for Pro llrporl , ex· Green &y Packer Ray Nit-, sch ke's professiona l footba ll ~~;:::-:J~m:.~j~ c~~~~e;; \) the l'ointer. predict£ and ex· plllms the .. l"'rkly pro football l<'m"' Sull l\·an's tmnu."(tialt' Koal 1s to ach1eve tht' Triple Crown of <i portswntlnK , 1n which a v.nter's 3rtlcles are published IJy Thr :;oportln l( :\'rw• . Spor1 . and Sport mu,tnlrd. Should he hul v.1th t~ latter publication, Sullivan noted that he'd be ha ppy to count ,\ bd ~hl(a a lne as an alternat1vt' lletwcen wrl llng aulgn · mcn ls, Sulhvan Is employed by the Stevens Point ltecreatlon llt'partment as a Youth Ctnter \ taft member and supervisor of \'lllnous softball and basketball lragut"S lie abo 11 the Uulletin f-:d1tor ror the YMCA 's Men's nub Team To Fly To Hawaii Don Amiot, UWSP traclr. and fiC"Id coach and Jerry Gotham , tmnis C03ch, aMoun«d today the1r teams wll1 be fly ing to llawail during sprlns break, March 2-1-:u , to tra in and com~e. Contesu have been lined up with ttama from the !!:~~~·~~:rea%-;!!! fr~ ~~i~~~f~ta inve.ttd in the tr ip will be nnanctd enti rely by each athlete On the l<jUlldl. There will be approximately 70 openlnp on the night !or ttodenta plua a ff iliated penonp,el and thdr families. lntensled people han beft1 u lr.ed to c::ont.act Amiot at S4f. Jll77 or Gotham at Mt-4111. \ ) November I, I 973 THE POINTER Page 15 . DEFENSE STALLS PIONEERS Pointers Upset Plattevi 1/e, 77- 74 • lly J I•Iblled. 'o\'Mntbeloin&gtl.l tough. liW touCh cet aoina. t.asl •••rtkend. on the 09pontn1 '1 fitkl.theS!tvm.Pollll. l'ainlffl drm-ttated~toughlhey ~'Golly ,..tre. Tbe Atrial Cirtl.lf c:~me thrDU&b .-it h • 11·14 drmohtlon ol pnv\w&ly un· buttri P t..Ueritlt,knockincthe l'"lolll!"eMiouttl. llmplact. 11•-.M K\'er ha.-e lup,.-nc-d. Platttnllt entered tht pmt • ·ith a S.O. I tonfl'rtN'I" .-d.fil""llmiM5Landinp. ;mdalidtr.tlhalh.:ldallo,.·IICI :an•,·er~ gtol bul71 ~ yardl and 1 7 pom!S per game 1br tram~ had given up a TTm"e t ,- ~ rds per pun! r~urn \'~ that was hoW ot all JU.rted L.loyd Jones. I'Ointtr TftUTnsped.alist.p~•n tht ~~~me's Lnt\1&1 punt at h15 ""'n.U,$poltedanoptnongand l!(~mpered )"1-nb to the l'bUf"\"Lilt II Se\•era\ pby. lal f"l" , ,.,th 1:: 14 ~ma.n1ng on 1M hnt quarter, Pal RobbLM boolftl a field goal from :!! ~ ~rds a,.·a y ~ 3-e lead •·u e nt tht Poon t trs ntv e r rclonqu1sh<'d """llltdri...'""wU J- OIIJ"UI."' ro mmta t'"d C••d• Chart .. . t::ar) Starunlki proved him njtht on the followmg .enrs * •htnhelnter~ted•Systrom ~lio5and retllr"M<I•t U y.udl Cn;~blt !0 K<ll't , IM Poon ter oll1!115t''""ISfarced!Oiil"tUP lhr bill! Staninski w w th~t I'I•Utvtliedidthewmt. Ontlw bst pi•Y of the first qu•rter hi' r«"tWtred•~lumbleon th~l::ntgle~ wuted 1111 tt mton!M$K"OIIdqtlartt'l'" "' In 1M btlm,.nc:· rNtftl lfllot .... dOmnyt:skri tt ."'they ..~e pla)OIII me pretty dOK and I t"llllld£Oion&onlhem "' lledod JUiil , •nd Olejnicu k . brhondllr on& offen11ve bloo:k1ng. hit E51tntt "'' th • 39 >;ordpasa "" We ·~fired up," s;o od ufh.·n~w YC:kle P•ul N~r "Tocby ,.·ee~~me to play "" On tht quu ter"sseeond pl •y Ul~Jnoc-uk provid«< e'~" mor~ tnc .-nl""e lle spottedJ.,ff GONI ontltloclur•ndMiledh•m" ~poo;tiiN"-perftd21i)'lrdtoudl· do·••np;oss l'llllt•·111e. ••fartuaa oel y, '"••aol.)tlol.nd.~Plo:lneoers r.a tMba(k...,tha,.·ei iH ecuted dr •~t. leawrinSa :Jty;ard pau te sp!:ftty MiU Per1Hte bn Un rd down. P1on«r qun lt'l'"t..d. Nystrom hit h" to&hl end J~ bdoay. on the .. ounter 2 Rad ouy , hot '''""alltiY. tumbled. but 1'\at· to-.·otle ~ined~on,.·hen IM-baLI$k iU"redoutolbounlb ll. o!h fourth down •nd leu tMn ~yard to1o. Plonl'!f:r roac:h Gil K~l" rdencS..dnot!O~IIempt 1h<-field ROII Nys\rOm fakedto 1M moddle. lhen rolled to tiM' n (htandlohbedaKOI"i118Jl-IIY to lullb•c k P • ul ltinl(ten l'bttf"\o\Le.down only!O.l. wu 1\lrkonthrpme . .,_,. rMtn !hire toda y was th:.l,.·r ktp~ourpoise," Yid .., IITliDS ki A J .. n , l h" l...,ntrn t.epn moYIII8 'o\'ilh 1\urd dovm •ad indoelt: .a his a•n t o, Olejninak pu ll ed <if an old Bart Starr pLay lie p;i~!oftl !0 l.tghl end I~ KNqH , wbo hurdled • \;Iodin-. lnd l\lddtnly fOifti lltmiol'll~nthedor Wtrnhe .,.4 finally traged Oo:roo-n. thl' l'oint..,..Md•fint•adtmon llw- 1 '\att~olle\5 yardllne The P01nt<!rs swept left md f..- 4~•rcb Tben. wilhthlrd and "•.0\eJIIinakh.anded offto Jot l"'led; yonanolh«•pparent s•eqJ Tolhl'utonoshmentol Pla Urvtlle drfmders. l'o~ky 11rppt"d up and wmpk-tl'd • ~kn~ap;u.sto•Mir-open l...akt , • 5ot yard punt D)' •Lithe P01nttn ~rm '"II ne-oded to ma.tnt;oln a 17·7 ya rd ~ '" The y em ptoyc:d a11 umbrdb hb delmw,"' stated OltJnttnk , '"wll h theo r lo~ckento>~onc thrflaas .. TllePoonerrdrf""se'"'ent toll ok-t'pt'r1011~ t\1Mti•~lyo:utlmg p;o~~o~. d!th.. ...... \'rt\htStr-·trli i'Oi ntdelense h;o\1\otM \Nd '"» evt'n motI' dfecti'"" .:. rl)" • lull pr<Odw"' .. uth•clprt•klu•lyhHIIsn • ~~1\~ .. ,,· ~nof..-lltn ..u Pollll . "'It LIM K3n1~ 1 ,.u up to tho! ~andgoallrumthe­ onWtlurdq..,_rter, ,.·olha Til• ·:,•:;::i·;to'i::~lb~:.:."';!.:!~ ..-.ould1t09Liwm"' "'Wt,.erc: In !he holt more th:onu!>U.'ll .'" wmmtflledCo.Jth Char ln !o.lnk .\ndrr~on. l'olnl<'f offrtmVt' JL13rd, put 1\ ~o~mpl)' "'Utt .,IPII•P tooJ~!'CI .. ::;.n'"~r." ":f 11ac1 10 pia} Al>areo;u\!, t\w i'MIII rnlound tl14'mlith·n 1"16\llnt: oftttl ;ond -.·lorn p;o»OIIIt Hlr)ruC:lak ·~~ able t ot"OfWM'<"IononL)-o( ''"''hr pa,..,... for " mo.'t'" 1 l'oinlf"l"2y•rdlone. J>Laue,,\Je nulnrni"'trfhurk-dhlcltlhr~ •·onse,·utlvr tim es 111 lh~ ptot't'SS, I'IaUf'O·i l\eusedN.·o tom~o~\li In a futile • ttc:mptto soh"t' l\'le-l'olntrr~frnM' l'l~lt t'l o\Lt wa a soo n In bu"ncs.a~:;~o~nl>a.-e .\leundr r onhlrn-ptl!daddlect ~l•ointer :.ot-r oa.t to put 1M Pionren ~ on 1'01n1rr lrrntory As il in noodrr) 1M Pointers' Moltr Du-rcltfollo,.ll(!auoton tlrnnl pL.) tnteretp(in& a Platte••\1\e ;orr~alon lltsl>'" n l 2 Tllef'OLnten" ludt then ra11 out Alrurodt-f . •ho had 10 r ......-1111} pbgued liW Poonltts go Ifers en d season b) Ml~ ~\" •u~k Tht P otnltr 11,olf tum flno..,_,d tts 1973 .e~!>(tn m ~ shad~ ol douppoontmcnt Ouuandon~ \t a rn ptr form~nt'l"l . hnktd '"'lh nr,.· ae hool rrcurd •. seemed 10 •mpr"u th~ .,mnt t r tom JN'I.tllon\'tr)" llltle Tht' !Nm opencsL..ols con· ft"l'"~t golf ~Mill a1aonst l'L:aue•ollt and K••~• •·•lb oo St'pttt~~ber\OinltutlmHIIbe l'ottllft"115t'llnc"'"Khoolr«ord of311 stroll.s."olhtumop- unnl>rnnliSIJ"OIIKj,tlllnJ•n ondovodu111.-dofa-undl>:r p;orll Stronghu~nthl' mOl-l I"'Gflllslent iolo ·scoreo" tho~ ~ot•-andoneoftill't>UI · t ULndmg pl:o)ft"11 on lho! con· L«efti'P "!1W-upf"llri"IX"~~'·t'dto Ill!" an ondiCIIIOII uf 1hedosap- poonlmttlt'"·h~eh ptajt\K"<IIM"73 !I('IIWI! as the I'Olnlc n look !i«<ftdplaet"tohOI-Ion@: l'\al li'YIIIe In tht •t'tolld troan&ufar tonle r tntt mtrt held al Qoihlllll'l . W P oonl.<!n loll Ill ~kalih "s ;mibullli!"atill'a•·•l)· r•nk td 'o\'hole,. • ttrby t,.·o wc~tao•·•th•mtoc.&i ""r-rt liter. on !he P oonten<" ham.turf. U'A'- t:au t."la ort ,.hlli!Led \he n C\or)" IUM ntrdonK ~~ ~­ bull.. UW-Supn">oor ~· t.~~ stroll. l'll and Stl''"'""" l'01n1 ~ n&ht "J"tMo fourlh •nd ftnal lrt•nlular .-onfn•nre mH"I hos!Cllib)· U'o\'Stout ..ndl-d '" 'th a-dpll~tOI:lloftO!ofor the l'oontt-n; bf-tund l 'III'· U e r os'"" ••th an omprtu l\·r total o1.:ra In IOW"IIalll<'fll ~ctoon tht nnw determiii3I!OII ,.htt'h o:ur tt'dlhf l'olnttnUoro~tht it' U80 n .... e••Ld l'n l hUI pr<Lduc"fll mar~t~lliOI ..-,uiU l'oo nt"s forst UVo' ·SI'" '"t'ni Opf n Golf T ou rnamrn t cvmpc"toltlln hom '"" ~•toe• arowwiltwl\:olf" l ' lll' .o.hkosh pl• )o.. brtUoa.nlltolf,.·onrtrst pbn-honOI"•"''h•wt:aL oiJI!6 •trolrt.~The l .... ntf'T'>•Lt~h ;.p:orked~:Ontnd,.,du;>\ lo,.uf "l'ilb)l)t"ftfi"SI,._. ..... td~ m:on:or;·a....,tt~lhtol;ored.:!:! ~....._soul of tiW le:od , •., ~·:.-~ ~.;<·~~.~~ :'t~ pl.l,...,.,1h"HI '"" •:aulborr •nd W h Lit,.~ to-r "''"'~ twd fnr fourlh p\~l"t' ••th lOll 1'\~t '"~otlo· .. :o~ ~"oh ,.,,h 10:1 l'ark J td~ ~l a"!U<1te r t!;hth '""ilh ~ ll . runlh n~ and SIOUI la~t ,.t lh 43~ ,..,\h '"'lhhosmtft"trptoon. g•vethe l'bttevolletl.fen5tabooottlle sn.1bbed a N)"Strom p.aa; on lint and llftem. and ,.·ormed lou; ,.·ay to the POint"' 10 On lhord and CO>Ll from Ow 6. ,.,_,. quarterb;ick N~strom hot Gt'ne Blhuionaquodttumitl. \Uilt S:OI•t.illrt•atiOIIIJiatiwUtlrd lh• ..eweb«• ••IT·14. Ste-·.,..s Pain! 's drfrnw " ' " on the: f'Oill', but bl.'pn th.-ongaf.,..· punchHaltlrtr 11'\0"11 Pat llohbill!i intcr~ptL<d hliii«<ndp;oual thegam"al \h(' mtdf~ ld S ITIJ)l' "'' lhoth 10o y l111er« pt t.l~ nmt •bpn lOP •ue In a •Oflt."' nplaln!'CI ttobbln •. "' l ju.• llllppt"ft"loiM" ia lhrril!ll1pl•r.."' Tune,.·asno,." t"\IMnln&oul foor Plattn•i\le They mar<:hed dov•ntotbe Pomter4yudhne ...,.n.... befonbnncfaced,.otbalourth doWII and onl! 10 \U~tion T\'ot f'lonftndected!O&ofoorll..bul a ...-.rmong ddrnse lor«d 1 quarterb.aek fumble on the Ofilion pia)' S• fel y 1to1e r \'oiO>·$cltrecO<eredontM6to Women's lntromurols b y ~bryJol)opp Th~ lint Floor Folliai of m!r~~·;;~~~~ 1r~~~:·;:;; ~-~:-, u~~~ ~c:;:!rtrdth~~~ lt'mPft"3t~reJ ,.·uhe\dlllhe J poonshopb)• defuhnllhtthlrd UCrosseC~tryCiub.arodwu 110 e....-eptoon to !he Oislppoonllnotl ,.,.asen The P oinlen pb<"t"d hfth on 1 field o1 right c-on1nlanU,.IIhateamtlll.lltl. toli ~rokn La CrOIM' ,.·on thro r on•olltoon•l•"llh J7l fol\o-.l'd ~· ""~r t'&lli ,.·olh • · Plluf"'"ille .. ,thm. li'A'· !toltl,.aukt>e -.·1t h :JM. U11h~no1y oiVubuque,.·olh •n. Stout,.·olh ~andW•non••nlast ptx.. Wtth the uu.on r•pidly t'Dmtii3IG I c\oie . .. Ointer dc-lft"mln.lhon •·n at l!Spe;it k as lhttr•mtra,·eled!OC rftft for tlw WiKOIII1 n State un ..·enit) Confc:renn Golf Tllllrnamentlnd NA IA Dlitrlo;t H Ch:ompoonlohtps The lhTte da)·. s-t-llolesolli nlltv"'t'"·as!O marklheendtl.liW13HUon =~~:!~'::onw:,~~~f~ :uodlhest..rppia)·•nJaboh!yol thr t•o•nlers • ·u ffiOII&h for on\)a!tthplai-elillllb. l ' \1 (bhkosh '"'•Lkrd •wa)· ,. ,thhBt placthollan"•tha '"""'loU\ ol TT1 W"OkH and pl;>l't'dthrt>emc:non \twl.optm fono,.hen.l>""'A'Who1.r<ll·•ter"slop ltolfrrStf"'tSba ,. . l4Yrkt'Cih,. 1Nmi•M'ftlt"dp\Ke'"1th711 Mroke!> ... holtl..1CrOSH•·•• thord '"olh j'jl(i P\aL\c:~,Jie Nt•le St1n in thetr c.h• mpl ons hip &•me The hll1n took !he c:Mmplon~lnp by a 12-& Kon! D\"c:r !he surs • In 1M tftlnls>nt&. J• ne Brt'"erdemonstnt!edtM tJ..stP'ing•ndlookthelin&\H dlampoonstnp Barbllatlume 111• notcbbeh1ndtoUke1"nd tb~ Jo.Jn V•ad""tie and N.aney \'obonlt;y dmoonstnled some lone t~mwork to become lhl'doublftdlampions. kill 1M bal Pb ttevdle lhrNI " Vo'ecouldM•rourpeopleupin !he st•n d s," eomm.,nted drftMol"eendDne81Tt".,... " II re• lly h!!lpl'd " Wt\h '""O mon11te1 le ft. ~kritt pWOied to GU)" Ne\lan Xebon, upon t•tc:hinl the b.all. ,.·astut ,.·•lha~m•shongla~;kle by Cuy S!.lniniki llld lost lhreoeyards o. f011rUt •nd tno. atwl Sl.anln~ki hroU vpadnpPr•tkn p•)•t• '""'•ttlw l'oln on o· i~ t ..-y. The vo~ l ory mnkfll tht' K"bl•• !i«t~ndW11St'CIIt i\"I''""Hkthll! l'ol nt ershaddt.ofult<l•former MonteCh:arle~> ..oached sc:hool . Thi s wu Coac:h Ch., lu" thinlrth ,..,n in 1M WSUC. Odrnsl\·epby«ofth.,,.·m. dutlohlssuc:erudelend.i"' .:OIIIMI lhll! run . , mid,U., (tllllrd JerTy H.aedrr The ollrn.siu pl•)"trn:omiiCiwasOrie S)Obu&. starhn& •t eoenter Uo !he-f""livthllf' TlltPollllt" n.onHt•:.a•: aslr t ~0\~C:O:.,r:; ~~eld 11\b Salurdl y, GRID SCORES wsuc Stevt'lll l'oont17 , .. t.ttevil\e 14 ""hile'<"'• ter \3, EauCiai~7 I..II Crotae U .Uihko~l7 !Miperior 1), Kover FalbO W•IIOI\•&l. Stoull-1 HIG II WoKON>n JI , Indiana7 \1hllllt5110. 11>'"10 ~hchog.., .:M . MtnM$01•7 ~!~~ri:r,·c~::.fT:~· ~hdnsanSt.att It, Purdue? NATIONAl. Notre l>•m•U. USC H Alablm• n , Vir[ltn,. Te-ch6 Okl•hom• 51. Kansu SUte n l'f"nnSt• le&:I:. WntVil"ll no•H UCI..A 6\ , C• hforni• 21 Coloradol7 . ~hsaouro \l Ntbras\t.l 17, llklahoma St.,r 17 ~!•nfonl ~s. w.u.. n8 too St.sw R~choes, Groovy Chieks and Arotona 42, Ut•h21 S..•~ ral tams are vyln1 for lhr t ham pt o,..hip of lhr volle)·ba LL IOU...,.m~nts lln· =" " -"'· :·: :.: :Too Erno!Re Roorn pl~<'fdfourth,.·Lthl0'1 , 1h ttl~ str,.l.'lllhnclofS\f"\"trliPo•nt"s s:.'lltot:.l t::.auClatrtand lh•·er Fatls bt'tam.,the \"M:tonu.d a ' "' lor ~~~ lh ttlate ,..,th Ioiiis Ill .:such uw ··• placed l"lll,hl h ,..,th tht~r tO'an1 IOUII of mandS tout •a~ last -.oth 17~ ,.j r . . ~ •·or COOK'h r>rlr K•saon ~nd WStt'\<'fl)l'oont galftum . tho! •r:O•UII "a~ l ltl!hll)' do •~P P""'"ll l"hl- ..oonttn plarftl M"'enth 1n lrllnlul~r .-on lnentt tnfl'b and fifth on tu11rn~mtnl ~euon Thr1t ..t:ond.o rd u1 Jlb>•I"C ••~ a n-t1r111. holllht' oppc»oo i Hin .oJ .. ~) ~ -trlf'd lo pl;o) ~~~"" , . . t•oontt"I'"LtOiftum '"a• f•r from l•tk•nfl on uolml . bul tlwor .... ~..,.. .-ndtMt t>nl) coo lormon~ t hr dl'~pputn1nornt •llorh trouhk-d 1M t<'am from FREE BEER WITH DINNER Crisp Tossed Salad Homemade Loaf of Br ead & Butter U.S . Choice Juicy Top Potatoes · Of St evens Point Dinner Rese r vations 341· 1340 Page 16 THE POINTER November I , 1973 ------~~~--~==~~ Superpickers Mauled On Sunday by Jw &rh, Tim SaUin.a, aftd ~1iblllkrm~a The Su~rp•chrs had a rtbtinly easy IJme bomtMng out las t week, as the National f'ootbaU League conspired to proclu<:e sh measly v.i ns, fi\-e lousy loues, one thankless tie, one Irrelevant tossup, and frantic scun. The five losses s tatistic: is the ~~•I one ever ybody Wlli be won· de-nng mbout , so naturally we' ll h.wto to do some explaining to gl! t ourMivt'!l out ol this mess. 1\f.·o of our ma55e5 ..·ere simply rl3gnnt ~s The Eagln sho..·ed total lack o( resproct by creoamut& Dallas, 31).16 'Thftl the Satnls ,.ere nu:e enough to g1ve Washington an unim · pr essl\'e field goal before slammtng the Sluns 19-l Y.'hat .,.,H"e .. e supposed to do. pick :~ g:un s t Was h t ngton and Dallas• S ext ('arne the Detroit Lions, .. hom 'olit had hoped ,..oukt show up Sunday in e1ther Toronto or WIM tptg 1n time to be-gin action '" the Cana d1an League Xaturally the Woos remained tn Dttroil a nd hlrely slipped past Meanwhile, Md Gray was goinK berRrk behind our bnc.ks with his three touchdown catcllrs, and that ~•ouldn't disturb us too much except ,..e ...,·ere dumb enou8h to pick tM Giants o'~r Gray and St. Louis. Our fifth lou wasn't much of a surprise as Minnesota beat the Rams, 10-t We knew one ot \he preYious onbeatens had to lose, but we simply hldn't countl'd on the Rams and us being 1M lo!Kn. Cr~ Bay, 34-0 The Chicago Burs were the only team that really helped us out last ...,.m. although it took them the entire Kame to do It Otiqgostumbled around in the Swimmers Lose To Titans The Stevms Point women's ' ''"'m team ...,as dtfe~ted by Oshkosh on Oc:tober 24, desplte LndJv1dual bnJiance by Beth Ot'W1tt The f1no~l score was 91- ,. Miss ~WLtt. a freshman from Mount Horeb, c.aptW'ed three hn13 Ln the 100 yd badstroke, !10 yd backstroke W the 400 yd freestyle. Sht also planO second tn the 200 yard ff'ffStyle. accounting for Ill of Ste,·ens Point's 24 points " Ovn-powcring and unusually IarKe," 11 ho~o~o· Coach Und:l B1rch dncr1bed Oshkosh She 3oz. W1TM TANGY T.UT.U SAUCE attributrd part of the Pointers' problem to lack of depth, since thffe are only eight s...,·immers competing on the Stn·ens Pomt .....d Also conlrlbutin& to Stenns Point's toea! ...,·ere U1 Smith lea the 100 yd. individual medley, !tobin Vandien in divin&. along with Marale Neu beurer and Rene Campbell. Coach Birch 11 optimistic about the coming WWIAC Stale ~leet tn Madi.ton, November' 9 and tO. She said , ' "The in· dlvidual tlmu have been coming down, and should reach their peak at the lime of the state m~t BREADED COD Here are Weco:k a·s prrdic· lions, e;li.sily the toughest of the tntire year. H UF I-~ A L O OVER SE W ORLEA.' iS · The Sa1nts are still on their cloud by knoc:lung us off each ...,· tek, but ...,.e·~ still n01 goMa gi\·e In to them We don't know who they're Ll!ling to get 1111 thOH wins, bot we said we're pickinK against them aU 10 that's the way 1t will remain. Buffalo by tO RA)1S AGAISST FALCONS . The weekly touup, with both Super-pickers sharing a crazy fondness for the wild and unexpected way s of the Falcons. llaberma.n thinlu the F'alcons will explode while the Rams are down from the Viking lou. Sulliva n thinks the Rams w11l be ready for Atlanta ...,.•th a few explosions of their own. OES\ 'ER o n ; tt ST. LOUIS · Anocher fun game to pick. We' ll L3ke the Broncos because the Cardinals don't hnve a Floyd Uttle. Th1s nught seem like a n Wlsubstantial rl':ason. bot wait and~. Oen\·er by 7. COLTS OVER IIOUSTOS • The OiltrS k~t their string alive by los•ng their 18th in a row They rea lly must want next year's number one draft pick. But 11 isn't all that easy peking agniMI llouston this 11me Alter all, the Colts aren't exaclly he;liding for the Suptr Uo~o~o·l etthff Look for B~ltimCir'e by a single field goal. M I N St-:SO T A OVf-: tt t' U : vt:LASO . You kno...,. we <ktn't think highly ol CJe,-eland lrc;liuse of the Bro...,ns' anoonl «'asy schedule, lind you also know the Vik.ngs have won !lr\'en straight. CJe,·eland will be number eight for Minnesota. Vik1np by 10 Ot:TROIT OVER UERS - U the Uons could look u &ood as they did against the Pack, they should roll ovn- f" Btsi<b, the >Ckrs wen easy plck..ina for t\1/nnta. Should be OctroU by 10. f'OWBOYS OVER BESGALS • We don't have any reason whatsoever. We simply shook a p:~lr o1 dice and they came up Dallas. so ...,.e'll Like tht Cowboys by cne point ltAIDE RS OVER GIANTS • Oakland's oo the move towards u division title. The Giant's are on the move in a different dirt-cllon. Blanda and the boys EAGU:S (WElt I'ATRIOTS . by tO. lklln·e 1t or not. th«' f-:agles are touKh Not danaerous, but., MIAMI OVE R J ETS • We finally Rot an easy one. do~o~o·nnght tough. Nev.· England. Dolptuns by 20. on the othff hand. is relatively I f'nsy Philly by 13 Kt'\.I'•l SAS CITY OVER SAN Olt:GO • ~·o years aso the Chiefs would've killed San D1«"go This time the Oliefs also "Ill ,.,n, but not by a heck ol a lot Chief's by 7. Harriers Outrun .Oshkosh, Whitewater by John J.' rltuh The UWSI' crou·countr y team had a bi& w~kend. The team ...,·on the dual meet w1th a 27 ~ch~;ee....a~~r a n.d30a ;;_~;; v~etory over Oshkoa.h Don Trubiatowskt placed first with a time of 21:2.4. Second place went to an Oshkush runner. Dave Elaer or Point was third 1n the m~t. AI Gammroth and Don Behnke both of Point ...,·ere the thu·d and fourth runntrS resp«tively The Pointer harriers fim.shed up the regular seuon with a re-cord or six wins and t...,·o loues In dual m~ll. The ovn-all seaaon proved to be the best season in recent )'ear'S . WIOI 5e'Vftl Wins and t"'0 los$n lbe Pointers finished s«ond m the Titan lnvttallonll, wert' SIXth m the North Central l n vit;~ttonal and placrd fourth 1n the flarkslde meet The runn1ng this At:ason all comes to the final mt'tt on Sovember lrd Th11 me-et. th«' 12th Annual WSUC Cross Country Meet, 1s the b1ggest meet of the year Tht! team Is in the best condition ever " There ~o~o 11J not be: any excuse for a poor rae~ . slx other teams ful the same way," sa1d Coacll Amiot. ~race w1ll C'Over a tivf'mlle course 1n .\ lenomonie's Wakanda Park The course IS h1lly turatn and w11\ pro,·e to be 11 challenge for e,·er y team. The host school w111 be UW.Stout, wuh Doug StallsmLth the d1r~tt1r and host of the m~t l.aCroue and Platteville are the ce>fa,·ontn as the ntne teams gather on Saturday PACK 0\'t:R BEARS • 1be l'flw,·d In Soldier's fo'leld gave (;ory llulf a slandJn& ovation last week when he mined the Oiler game. and HOUlton's John Ma tunak prompUy pve lh.d'f a ~~~~~,t~~~:\15~~~~~ ~ the qua rterback a !IItle late, the Pack defense should a rrive on lluff or Douglass just about on time We' ll let the Pro Report ...,. nten e:.:platn the Pack's olferal\'e ...,.ocs. as this game should end up +-2, with Green nay's ddense scorlna two 5afeties and Chicago's scorin& .... lt EOS K .IN S O VE R STU; U~ RS · Pit taburgh beat lhe Bena:als, but Bradshaw is out wtth a broken collarbone. llowever, the only reason we're Inking Washington Is be<;ause the Redskins never lost a Monday Nlghler yet. and we don't think they'll start now. Sluns by 7. l)on' t bet on I!! just because we're battina: around 700 This ,.edt could~ us back to minors. We wculd be happy if ldx of the~ games wn-e ne\·e r 1.Sayl'd and-or forfeited. 0 T CAMPUS CINEMA - HELD OVER- 2nd WEEK ON TOASTFD lliH With ,.Uttuco & Moltocl Chooao SOc - lint quarttt against the Chien, Fompt1ng an NBC com · mentator to say, " U the Bean continue to play like th11 I bad I, I'm leaving In the thi rd qunr· ter ." Fortunately for him and the Supup1ckers, Chicaao scored lS poinu 1n bd"' ttn thr~ separate fights and hwtg on for the . .,.,n. "JFSUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR" Family Restaurants -.,.,.,.