• • '[ht Jeotnttt SERIES VIII, VOL. 17 UW.STEV£NS POINT. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1973 NO. 9 -COMMITIEE TO SELECT REPLACEMENT Vice Chancellor Haferbecker Resigning by KrltbOtil a.sU lhat one ste:p out of Dr. Gordon H.lfert!Kta-, major jobs at the lit ol 6S. If Vtee CNncdlot' of Ac•cle:mic that person has rank a.ad a Affairs and Professor of teachinl assi&nf'ltnl be may Economic• at UWSP, is continue to teach till the plilnnin& on retirina from his mandatory rtlirflnent age of position July I, 1974 . 10 Is reached. Haferbeclter will be 62 years Dr. Uaferbt<:ktr stated that old next summer and il in his retirement h·om the Vke eighteen t h yea r o f ad· Chancello r of Academic ministration a: this univer· Affairs po~ition wu his own sily . decision. He will remain with Haferbeckeristhechidof this unlversily , however, the facult y persoMel oHice teaching counes in the areas which handiH such tllinp u of labor problems, soda! salar ies. hlrins. promotion insurance , an d family and retention of faculty . He is timan~ . As Haferbed:er said, a member of the Faculty " I e'njoy tucllin1 and ha\·t members nom ina ted by various cam pus sources and picked by the Chanefilor . ~ Search and Screen Com· mittee will then oraanize in November and advertise the position .,acancy on and on cam pus. They will sd up a dud line for applications 1011lich will probably be in March . HaferMcker lin· ticipatH that <Wei" 100 un· didate5willbenominated for this p:15tiion. lA undidate m~y nominate himself. I Outoftheseapplicants,the Se~rch an d Screen Com· milteewillnominateapoolof from three to five candidates 11ndpresent thiallst ·totbe Cha ncellor for hb Clnal choice. No IIIHP can be made 11 yet u to who will be In- =· ~~- f:~ .~ere:~~j office will be In Old Main he usumes that he will be "ca ll ed on for advice 10metlmes". :~~~~~Y ~~~:b~~~n;n0~ ~~:t 1 ~ ':...!~~:.~ Hters the Academic Affa i r s Commillee . lie Is also a member o f the Ad · mmistnttve Council which llaferbtcker 1~1en t on to say, " I plan on teaching 70 percent of my time and the other 30 percent I am ::n~!tio!~~~~ f~~ct~~ ~s: ;,~~d ·~ t'/t~re~atri:~ duties he meets with the deans C\"ery other week an d represenu the Chancellor on Min orities . " This title is tncluded in his present job and inv.ol.Jes elimina t ing ~~~c~~~~~Y .~:a,::e a~~~~~'i :~~~r~!na:~~loy~~~r~i:i~ CC!ncemingretlrement.thls Wlll"ersity has a policy v.·hlc h unh·ersity. As an au:ti liary function of DNR Charged ce!IOJ" ~~:re;:~e~c=~~m~ ~C:: v.-hen Dreytus is not By Bablitch ~~:ti~neiha tthewt~:·erth;! 1 MADISON·Senator William Bablitch tO-SI:C\·ens Poino. chaf1ed the Department of Natural Resources IDNR I .,.,th delayed enforcement of pollullM abatement . Bablitch chugK the DNR "'1th f<llling to take action agllinSI 11n 11\qal solid waste 51t~ opented by the Occ~n Spr~y Q-a.nberry Company in Babcock. Bab.Utch issued a statemf'lt saying that the DNR ordered Ocean Spray to abandonlhesiteon0ctobe:r3, 1972 lind took no action for filler' ll year lifter Ocean Spray failed to comply acting president. from Januar y to October tn 1967, when Mr Albertson was lulled in Vietnam ~iaile ~ a tour He relnsnt IUs po51tion v.ith the arrival of thf cw~t Chancellor Dreyfus on OcIober I, t!lf7. In order to find a succeaor for ll~ferbacker's position. a Su re h and Scr een Commillet is bein& appointed. No OM on the comm tttee may be a ~inee for the position of V1~e ~ h an~e ll or for Audem~e: Affa•rs. The commi ttee 111'111 consist of from seve n to nine House must OCt first CONGRESS CONSIDERING IMPEACHMENT in,.!.~.P.;~,C:~"~;:~!.m,....m ..,Nixon bows to court pressure rn olutlon by a si mple majori ty. Tile Sr.ule 'a verdk l a her ll"ial req_ulrH agreement of twcHhlrda of t.he -.e nators. The Coestltutlon clvn t&e I I - the rHfHNUilblllty La lnilla tel mpudame ntofa pruldenl, lbeSea.at.etoacllla juryaadt.hechldjullkeofllleS..nmeCocrt lo serveaa prtl"lidlnJ oHker. .vtlc:le II otllw Com~Ut11tl011 statet: '"Be prnldent. tlle vice prulcSut and all oclter civil offkert of the Unlttd SUIIH aball be removed ITom oftke on lmpeachme.ol fw . and conviction of , ernsoa. bribery w OCher klaJl cr imes aad misdemunon." Co n vlctlo a mea111 r emo .. al from off ice a.od dbquallfk•ll- frora fvture oftkn. Aay 111baequeat pe•lltJ.narea~oHUe4uadntbe_.._._.tudlda l proceuof indk:tmutaM trial. The ot~ly lm puchmenl .ctto. lwOUJbl • l •lnst 1 prnMk•t. Aadrew Joll11:1on Ia 1-. fell vot.e loll«! ol sp~D¥al I• lbe SeNile. WASHINGTON . President Nixon llgJ"eed '1\lesday to comply in full with the U.S. Co urt o( Appell ls ruling directing him to give thf White House tapes to ll federal judge. Nixon's announcement was made to U.S. District Cour t Judge John Sirica by Qla riH Alan Wright , lll wytl" for the President. Theani"IOIA'IC"ementshocked s pec t1 tors In the pllcked courtroom. They hlld bfton walling to M ar how Str ica wo uld r ea pond to the Presiden t 's propou l to swn muiu.o the tapet lind havehiuummaryverifiedby a senior member of the Senate. Wright told Slrica thai the President had hoped tluit the com promise he liMounced t-Tiday night would end the conslitulionlll crisis. "" E..,entt over the weekend made it very apparent it did not ."" said Wright. 11\.eani"IOIA'IC"ementcame•s the IIOUH began preliminary 1mpe~c hment proceedings. HOU$e Speaker c.J-1 Al~t sent the Judiciar y Committee all Impeachment rHOiutionJ . The committee's chairman, ltep. PeterW. RodinoJr. ID· N.J . ), said, "'Eventa of the past few days leave us with litUechol~ellt tllistlme but to move a head with prepllralion f or Im p e a c h m e n I proceedinJs ." Albert cautioned against any hasty or reckltu action . Rodino described hh committee's task as bein& "the preliminary stage to Inqui re whether or not there is evidence to establish an Impeachable off~ . " Page 2 TilE POINTER Thursday , October 25 , 1973 Editorial A Shadow Over The Balance Of Justice by Bob Krrkslec:k who ha d previOUSly s upported For the firs t ti me in over one hundred years . the House lhe Presadent . Those who had decided that the President mus t be 1mpeached becam e m or e r eso lu te in th at has begun preli m in ary m· \'est igation mto whether the Pres •dent should be 1m · peached Last weekend . :0:1xon fired the special prosecutor he ha d h t r ed to • nves t 1ga t e Watergate . Ther e was only ()fl(! immediately discem able reason for the firing. 11lC speci al prosecutor was domg exac tly what he was supposed to do , only doing it too we ll . Nixon 's own attorney general res1gned in apparent disgust O\'er the m a tter . 1be action this ,.·eekend cha nged the minds or many shown for the constit ution and for the people of th1s count ry. Nixon's claims of overall exec uii \'C pn vilege ha ,•e pr ove n a n msult to the Now, Nixon has agreed to legls la ti\'C a nd jud 1cia l hand over the tapes. Yet the branches from which he was specm l prosecutor was fired tryi ng to USW"J) power . for as k1ng Nixon to hand over Nov.· Nixon's clai ms have the tnpes . Tha t turnaround by back!U'ed . He may prove to Nixon has done little to stem be guilty of a number of disa pproval . cr im ina l ac tions Mos t of the Ni xon may feel he had nation distrusts and di slikes every constitutional reason to him . fire Cox . He a lso may not The only a lternative I sec is have had anything to do with any illegal activities . But to impeach Nixon. and rid our even 1f Nixon should be nat io n of thi s cons t a nt vmd lca ted , he must answer shadow which threat ens the for the disrespect he has ba.Jance of justice. deciS ion . editorial Essential Wisdom From The Okeefenokee Swamp b) Ua H Gm· l ~ rr C.artoonist Wa lt K<'ll)"' dll-d one \WCk ago In his ca rt oon strap , P ogo . Kl'l ly ort c n sa ll n zed thf:> pohllcal hap· penmgs of the day One of the more po"' erful statem t'nts to come out of I'Oioto wa s . " We ha ' '<' met thl•enemy and he 1s "' Man has proH-d that he IS h1s own .... orst en{'lll)' . All tht.• fo rces of natuu· ha \·e not tunned nHm as much as he has hurt h1mself Man fouls h1s o"'n nest lh.• spends countless hours and momcs to perfec t me thods of ki lling other men. Other men perfect th e1r met hods of killing h1m Only .,.., ,h the ad\·enl of the at omic bom b, d1d man beg m to reahze the thrt'a t ht• posed to Iu s ow n existe nce. Slowly !lungs h:l\'c begun to t; hange . t In recent months , thnt change hu s ga thered momentum . No"' we ha\'e begWl to take a M." ri OUS look at those who h.1 \'C lied to us . We no longer toltr a tl• lhe corrupt politicia n .... ho leads us into war a nd is bought by corporations . 1l1erc 1s still not enough be111g done about cleaning up the pohtlca l sys tem . Some pt.">()plt.> ~hmk tha t pollution :ab a te m e nt a nd e n · ''lromn enla l standa rds can be postponed . The re arc !'oU II\l' who s ay we s hould foq::ct a bout Wat ergate and Agnew lr we do, soon af . tt.> rwa rd we will join the :ancestors of Pogo on the bott om of the Okeefenokcc Swa mi' · by Taurus S. c editorial Are we being respected? Universities across the na tion are suffering the effects of declining enrollment. One of the measures they are taking to boost enrollment is the recruitment or high school s tudents . What the universities don't reaUze is that recruitment wiiJ soon lead the m into problems . lt is 1980. Recruitment bas failed to bring the universities an aJI .votunteer student body . Strong opposition to the in · duction of young people Into college has caused riots and demonstrations . A group or demonstrators has surrounded the Admissions Office shouting , " Hell no, '<11-'e won 't go! " A newsman from station WSKI approaches the leader or the group : " Exc\15e me , could you tell our lis teners why Y~w=e~~~~~ ;~~~o~erc:,:~ to go to college. Draftees are being forced to Uve in dormitories under the command or an R.A . They are deprived or their in· dividuality and stripped ol their privacy . '!bey have no choiee to eat anything but lousy college chow . Tb.at 's just baSic training . Now I u k you , is that any way to treat a human being?" " \l.'h.at happens after bas1c training '? " " Alter r igorous tra.m ing In ma ny required Phy. Ed. courses . the draftees are sent to the front linea. In the combat zone they a re bombed with tH ~ and s trafed by questions from proreuors ." the demonstrator says as be bums a college catalog. " ls It true that many atrocities are committed on the front? " " Perhaps the worst atrocity happens when a professor lobi a blue book right in front of the draftee . The poor k.id is usually totally aMihi.lated ," says the demonstrator as he melts hi.s student J.D. ca rd . ' ' lan 't there JOme way you can avoid being drafted ?'' " Well some or us are classified II ~ . That 's a soldier dtfennent, but it 'a difficult to get. Besides . In many ways the army i.s ju.sl as bad as college ," and the demonstrator curses as he folds , spindles, bends and mutila tes his permit to regi.sW' . ··weU, thank you very much fM granting us this in · ~let=~}~ there anything ei.Je you would like to tell our .. Yeah , college l.s beU !" by Hob Klrlul«k 4 st spnng our elected representatives 111 Ma dison ga ve thcmsel"e:s a pay 111· crease which Will ma ke them among the highest paid sta te official s in the nation. Tha t increa:~c was pa ssed as part of the bud&et for the next two years . Th e leg is lators agreed alm os t unan imous ly that amending the bill at that time m i ght hav e pr o \' o ke d problems, but they "''ould certa inly cut the increase th1 s fall . Now 11 seems tha t many of those sa me legislators have convemenUy forgollen the1 r prom ises , or . m some cases . are wor king to k~p the m· creases All of th em have not their promises Two bills have been 111trod uced to cut those ra1ses llowever , those b1lls had to be approved by the Joint fo"'inancc Com· m1tt ee Th a t com mitte e defeated both bills by votes of 8-6 In both cases, a ll the Democra t&on the comm1t t.ee voted to keep the1r ra1ses . and all the Hepu bhcans on the comm11tee voted to cut the ra1ses Perhaps they deserve thOSe pay increases IJ that a.s the ca.se,they should ha ve openly ~ pported 11 Jut spring , and g1ven reason& for thei r fo rgott~ n support But .... hat I resent , IS tax p aye r s ar e s o a d · the assumption. seem mgly dle bra med they will forget a made by a nwnbcr of our dul y prom1se In a short period of elec ted represent,1 Li vcs , that tm1e from the president No Student Input On Housing Costs lnrecentwee:ks l ha\·emadenumerousreferencestothe S86increaseinthecostofrentingaroominthedormitories. I h:n•e made my remarks, some iMuendoand half truths to dramatizeonestunningfactandthatistha tno studen t inPut IS sought when budgets, im·olvlng student monies. are made ordiscUSSC'd. Tltissituationisnotexdush·eofthe Housin g Office. Quite the contrary it ls the rule rather than the t.'ll«ption inallareasofthecampus. .-. Aside from the fact that the Housing OHice recently remodelled its offices without asking the students if it was OK to use their money to do so. the administrators of the Uni\·ersity Center have made virtually no attempt to consult with the students O\·er the proposed purchase of capit<ll items. which will be paid for by the s tuden ts, in the new :~ddition to the University Center . Certainly not since m)' :~dministrationtookofficehave"'·eeven been gh·en a printoutofspendinp:todate letalonea nyopinions asto voh3tnextyear'sbudgetshouldbe. lt shouldbepointedouthoweverth:ltthechancellorh.as given virtua ll y tota l cont rol over the areas of student ac tiviliestothestudentgO\'trnmentwhichhas:~ nnualreview of each organization 's budget. I would stand on the ad· ministration and past record olthe organization usi ng student acth·ity funds to operate their pc-ograms to submit that students ha•e act~ more te!iponsibly th:ln many administrators have usina our money. Student Go\-ernment for inst.anceoperat.es under an annual budget of S3500. From this sum we pay the salaries of four people and all supplies and other operating upenses which a~ nca:ss.ary to operate effici enUy. I cannot possibly believe th:lt if Student Govemmt:nt wanted an air conditioner for its office that the students would stand for iL However, student mont>y is used. without our conse:nt, to purchase air condi tioners, carpets. expensive wooden desks. ornate lamps and the like. for adminstrative offices in the Univf'rs.ity Center. twas told by the chief administrator of the University Center th:lt he did not feel he could operate his office efficienUyifhe.,.,·eresubjectedto the samecondillomwhich UAB are forced to work wtder . I would wtwlleheartedly ag ree: 111ith that statement ye t nothlna has been done to rectify the situation which UABisfotftd~lain . Student Government is launching an intensh·e investiaation in all of the areas where student money is used and where student input Is denied . We all act as te!iponsibly as ....-e are tested. recogni z:ina areas ol expertise and hopina togainfromth.a t expe:rience. Signrd. Jim llamillon Thursday, October 25, 1973 TilE POINTER Page 3 pointer podium Questions or th e wee:ll: What do you think of the present hours of the Learning Resources Center? a. Would you like to see them changed? b. What would you like to see them changed to? c. What are your reasons? ~nio.- 11 is my opinion that the LRC should be available to the shldents to a greater degree. I myself use the l ib r :~ry and the 10 p .m . curfew interrupt!i my work. I questionthehourstllatthe Union is open compared to thelibrary . Ifthelibraryis lo!ss Important then the Union, perhaps the school should be reevaluated . KATIIV fo'LEJ\1SIIEK Sophomore The hours a r e suitable dtJringtheweekbecauseof theafterhourstudy :~rea . On the weekends , the hours s hould be extended, espeocially on Sundays " ·hen it doesn ' t open till 2p.m . RITA M . BRAVER Spedal l thinkthepresenthoursfor the majority of people are quite adequate. For myself tbouah. the only day I'd like to see changed is Swtdayfrom the present 2 p.m . to maybeiOa.m.-aslworkfull· time from 2 :»11 : 1$ p.m. Impeachment Rally A public protes t ove r Re-Dedication Progn1m"' policies of President Nixon, I non-partisan) on the steps of particularly his firing of the City-County Buildina Specia l Wat e raat e tcourt houst:l whe~ a folk DAN CAIII LL Prosecutor Archibald Cox singin1 group will perform Freshman I am satisfied with the and scandals surrounding the and the Rev . Samuel Buffa! of presentlibraryhours . l use nationa l administration, is F r a me MemorIa 1 the library facilities oflen. sched uled for 10 a . m . Presbyterian Chu r ch NOVE MBER I , STATE OF and It's open when I need to Saturday In front of the will be the s peaker . WISO)NS IN· BUREAU OF study there . The only change Stevens Point Post Office. PERSONNEL, MADISON, I wooldlikeistoopenea rlier It will be followed ta t "Theeventwillbesponsored WISCONS IN. All majors who on Sunday . Many times I've aboutiO:olSa .m. l with a "Day by the Portaae County are interest~ in employment needed the library on Sunday. of Re-Dedication . Democratic Party . ll is open with the Wi sconsi n State and to walt Ull 2 p.m . ruins ltwillbefollowed ta tabout to the UWSP faculty and Government . Note : Only wish h:llf the day. 10:-lSa.m . l with a "Day of student body. to interview December 1973 araduates , grad u ate • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • st ude-ntsandalwnniatlhis • lime • .. .on contentment • There is a silence ...on discovery • November 1. Aetu Ufe and ! born ol love The area test unexplored area ! JOB INTERVIEWS Allgraduatesareurg~to take advantage of the fo ll owing inte rv iews by contacting the Placement Center . 106 Ma in Buildina at thei r ea rliestconvenien«:. t..ite ratur econcerninathe companies listed below is available in our placement library - ndshouldbereadin r:r~:!-~tion for your In· OCTO BER 25.R . J REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPA..o'IJY. GREEN BAY. WISCONSIN. All majors for '"baccosalesp:!Sillons. The Fed~rat Civil Service •~ntranceExam will be given on campus on Saturday. October 'Zl. 1973 from 8 :30 a .m. to 12 :00 noon in the Science Building, Room A· t2i.Alli ntemttd students please sign up for the test in the Pla«:ment offi«:, 106 Main and pick up the nte:es.sary application form . !Future dates for the exam areas follows : Novemberl-4. \973 and January 26,1974). . ~:~;.al!{pp~.:~a~~e~:: .wo rds All majors for sales and sales ...on the initial tou.:h of love Love comes quietly... graduat.!s at th is time. :::d the~:i~ ~:::~ore WISCONS IN. All majors · es pecially business ad ministration for sales trainet" ~~~a~i:el . ( s erv ice Sovember Z7. Inter nal ft.e•·en ue Service. Waus.u. M IJ <' QIISID . All majors espt:c 1a lly accoun ting , So\·ember U. Burr oa&h• businf'SS and liberal arts. Wtikome Co. All majors • s cience preferred · for Novembe r Z1 thr o u tt: h pharmace uti cal s ale s Novembe r lf, U.S. Nav,. All pos1tions. majors interested . ~~~~~=Alfiero:ies under your !lat. i~~~;:nui · · .on soli tude . . ..on the tree 11 ~~:~~::e~:::~::~; ::!J=.k=~e~:~- Is tt~re. gtT~~~~ 30 R};~~~ • . ..on leellna ufe ~::t~~~~~~~- ~~..,.~~~~~~=~~::;tone f':;~~ i~~~st~~k ~~h~~ 1trust entirely. ~-~ : : Ule branch and the. : While wom:~n 's the blossom • theleafandthe fru it. • . .on love Love begiM she sinks into your ;::~e;:::efr'':on~~i~alone ar~~en back together aaai n. tunknown l : • andends withyourarms inthe sink. Wnki'IOWn l l.ifei~life like a beaver colony one dam thing after another tDoxtator's Wall l ..on the wrongness of killing Solongasitis considere<lacceptableforthegovernmentto kill hundredsofthousandsfor no reason at all. individuals will consider it aJriaJi t 10 kill just one person whom they l'eace wi th in you ... and ~a'!!'~ whal they consider very much to be a \'ery good hopefull y soon within the " 'orld;oiso. l>oremus tJamn Simon Kunenl : • • • : . ! • • • ... ············································•!... A sea r c h and s c r ee n comm ittee w1ll be formed to eva luate applicant s for the pos111011 of Vke Otancellor for Academ•c Affair s. Dr Gor don Hafe r becke r . the presen t \ ' ICC chancellor . w11l res1gn m the spnng The chancellor requested that the facul ty make a r ecommendat ion for the st ruc ture of the committee . li e r e qu e s t e d tha t the r e c o mm e ndation be i n co njun c t ion wit h h is phil os oph y or s h a r e d governance between students and fac ulty . Faculty ..SCna te passed a r eco mme n da ti on , Oct. 11. that called for a committee wi th seven mem bers . one of "''hich is to be a student. St ud l•nt Pr es id ent J i m ll:umltun ~ud lh;tl he did not tht.' f:•cul ty proposal r!•pn·:.t•ntl'tl :1 true sharing of po"' ''r Student ~o ,·e rnment whod (X·t H to han• a JOIO I co nwu tt cc.• ma k e u p a proposal Thl' c.·omm !Ht."t.' , co-<:ha1red b\ Tom Manms and DoMa s'• m cn)on s ubm1tted a proposal to student go\·crn· 111 (.'111 Oct 2 1 bc!Ll' \'(' The only ma jor differ ence bet ween th e s tude nt and (acuity proposals , was that the s tude nt go v e rnm e nt proposal proposed a com . nu ll ce w1 th II m embers . five of "''hom a re students . 1l1e proposa l, passed by s t ude n t gove rnment th at mght . was sent to the chan · l'ellor for consideration . UW Print ing Has Complaints Mt\ DISON ··Thc Legislati ve Aud•t Uurcnu has supported 1 11 pa r t Urn ve r s ity of WJ sc o n ~u• complamts about pr. n t 1n g cos t s a nd regulatiOns The UW has contended 11 hl's lx'<'ll hnbblt-d by O\'erly light rules and regulations . In o preliminary review of sta te printing , the bureau said n lcgisla live attempt to cont rol free d istribution or sta te publica tions has not ,.·or ked . Graduate Programs Hearing Scheduled November 13 :; Students Asked To Starve Each year , in conjunction w1 th t h e WWSP FM -90 O.ristm as Tele thon. there is the a nnual Sta r ve Nigh t. Sta r ve N1 g ht serv es the purpose of raising donations for the Olristmas Telethon . Last yea r Star ve Night r aised nearly $800.00 for lbe 1972 TeJethon which eventually ra 1sed nearly $6800.00 for the needy a nd me ntally retarded of the Steve ns Point com · munity S tarv e N Ig ht wa s es ta blis he d 2 years ago . Each s tudent who uses the food service is asked to gi \'e up one evening meal . this year on Nov . 8th . The money that Saga F'oods does not spend on that student for that meal is given to the Otrist· mas Telethon . Sign up night for StMve Night will be Wed. Oct. 31st and Thurs . Nov . lSt. WWSP staff members will be a t the entrances of De Bot and Allen Centers with sign up sheets . The goal for th is y e ars Telethon is $7000.00. GENETI CS SYMPOSIUM : The UWSP Biology Depart · ment and Extended Services are pre:se:n tlng '1'be Genetic Man1 pu l at ion o f Ma n " Sym posi um on November 8, tm . from 9 a .m to 10 p .m . in the Qua ndt Gym . Some of the highlights are : Sc •e ntif ic Possi b ilities for Ge ne tic Ma ni pulat ion of Man . Genetic CoUilSeling and Hum a n Va lues : Uses o f Human Ge:neUcs in O inical Pedia tr ics ; Legal Aspect of Genetic Manipulation ; The Femini s t Perspecti ve of Man ipulation o f Woman : Mo rality of Genetic and Reproductive Engineerina : Co nflict Betwe e n Scientiric and Humanls tic Views of Ge neti c Engineering ; a nd more . Faculty and students will be admitted to the Sym· s:miwn free of charge by presenting their s tudent lD's . .............................. ..~c:·ia55Tfiea~··a·a~. : JobS ON SIHPS! No u · • p«ience required. Excdleat : pa y . Wor ld wide travel. : Perfect summer Job or • carre.r . Send 13.00 for ln· : formation . SEAFAX, Dept. = ~:t:l=~~wa-::in 1 : .;.ort Wt\ .,'TED : P~ople who ar( lnt.ern Led In Amerkan 1a• dian crafts and lore , to worS: with myulf and children : Coi1La c t F.d Nle.pocblanl 344A 7757. : 1 : Ad Deadline • Friday Noon : TFor Sale ! :: ~~a::.r:t~ LOST tinted du r P1use NEAit HOSPITAl ..: blfoul e y e&lassrs ! frame , diver bows.: ull Mary l.n zoe. :MIA Ita. 1 !!c~~:,, ~:~,. ~:. eati. ! at! : Perfect staape. stored 3 yean loud , call Rkk at l41 ·$5.8'7. : : l4 ... miles : Z$ mp& MaNy not lmporl.anl , but: ::::.~:~:.:~:;:'••••••••=•':.e:w,J.~·~s••••••' by Shlrlry Spittlemtis ter A regent hea ring to discuss the UWSP gra duate program is scheduled for Novem ber 13 at the Miche lson Rec ital Ha ll. a c co rdin g to t he gradunte program task force. The hearing was discussed t!Xlensi vely at the task force meeting held on October Zl. 1be ta5k force said that at the hearing s tudents will be 111 "'' ril in g their br iefs . Facult y me mbers w1 1l also be a\•a tl abl c to g1 ve assist.lnce . Bnefs a rc duc "''hen the m eet tng •s h e ld , but preferably should be handed m a wl'Ck or tO days before the 13l h so they can be re,••ewed . Peopl e who speak at the hearmR must nlso hand in a brid ~~~o~;:r~t ~ei;ff~~:-t?e;~~~~~!~l~~~::~~~~~ ~ by p ro p ose d g r ad u ate program cu lS . The task force stressedthat none of UWSP 's graduate programs a re rea lly safe . 1lle a udit which raled our gr aduate programs "'"as only p re l i m i n a r y an d th ese progra ms could be rated differently in the nex t audit Fo r e xample. th e com · mun ic at ive di so rd e r s progr a m , wh ic h w a s scheduled for contlnuat ion on the fi rst audit . could be reclassified as probationary on the next one . Therefore . the task force ur ge d s tu de n ts i n a ll programs to become im·olved in lhe .r egent hearing. Durin g t h e t hr ee ·h our m ee ti n g peo pl e wi ll be a ll owe d to a ddr ess th e reg e nt s co nce rning th e graduate progra ms . Those who do not spea k but sti ll want to participate are asked to hand 111 a brief to the regents The bnef should mclude mforma hon for the regents on how a graduate program cut woul d a ff ect the s tud ent direc tly, .school·w•de afred s course oflermg changes thai could occur . and affects on th e ge n e r a I leve l o f education. It should be well thought out . organized , and have rational arguments that are cons istent Stud en ts who pl a n on presenting a brief to the regents m05t contact the c h ance ll o r ' s o r Mr Vickers ta tr's office, so they know how many people plan to participa te and what areas of st udy will be ~ e:sented . The wri ti ng lab will assist thole student& who want help and rad1o The task force "''an ted peopl e who m ay cons •d e r gJ \' Ing o r a l presentations to know this so they ca n come "' ell prepared Aft er 1•ach presenta tion. t h e r cgc nt s will as k questions On the mom1 ng of No\'cmbtor tJ, Jun lta milton w111 rc v•cw the Os hk os h r e g e nt 's hea rin g of No,•t.•m bc r 12. s o th a t speakc rs wJ JI ~ famll i a r with some or the {M)inls that the regl'nts may stress . People who want to speak a t the hearing shou!d contact Mr . Vickerstaffs office . He will set up a schedule for speaking times. A commitlet'. will be set up to ana lyze the ora l presen · la tions prior to the hearing dat e . The hearing time has not lx.-cn scheduled yet and some dc ta1 ls are s UII not finalized Th1 s Information will be released at a la ter date . If you ha\•e a ny questions P'ease contac t m embers of th e ta s k fo r c e : Fa yd en F'u lley love , 344 ·9463 ; Tom Krueger . 346-32ZJ; or Ka y Ruhnke, 3-'l-oo.JO. Also. the c han c el lor 's o ff ice , Mr Vickerstaff's orricc or thP s t udent governmen t olri t. ha s i nformation on th e hea ring. Residence Centers Plan Halloween Festivities b ) T un) ('ha rl ~s ' Thc r t.'31dc lll'C centers ha \•e pl a!l fl l' d feS t i YII ICS tO ccll·bralt• lla llowc •n , Wed · lll'Sday , (k·t .U f)(' But ('l'lllcr w111 sponsor a C~IUIIl l' Cllllt l'SI durmg the dmner hour The top two ~11111(' r s r t.'C<'IV l' a SIO g.ift t·crli fiC:t lt• from the Hohday Inn Tht· .,.·mg '* llh the best pa rl lt.'lpa twn and costum es en rn.a~<' r("('e•vrs a ha lf ~ rrcl of lx't.'r ,.,II A window painting contest wlll also be run . Each wing can paint one window of Oe Bot with a Hallowee n scene . Paint will be supplied , bu t those interested must register two days before with the st udent manager . 11X' pa inting can begin the af· ter noon before Ha.Uov.'Cen. A fr e e d i nner at a local resta urant will be awarded to the wi ng with the bes t pa inting . magician appears ~!~t':,,wi,'l,. ~.~'!:;. ': Vincent Price double feature tuesday night of " IIOU&eofWu " and ' 'The ln g m 11 r Be rgm a n's film ~~:~~!~dte~~la~~·~e~llla~~ Thr Maglt'lan wi ll be on ca mpus: Tues ., Oct. 300t In th1s 1957 film . a wan· dcnng magicia n co me s bearm~ a bag of tn ck.s that tum him fr om magician into ~v•or , then to con-man , and • n a lly to a rt is t ex · traordma1~e . Max vonSydow, ~e doubtma knight ot Tile JW.v~ath Sui , stars in a brt!hant. attack on modem rationality and cynicism . doughnuts wUI be served between lllms according to Gwen Nelaon, residence hall program dJrector. Allen Center wJU ahow the same movies at alterna te Umes:n~ytoo'areplaMinga cos tume contest during dinner . 1be Friday following Halloween may feature a dance. Pat Koepke dit«tor or Roach Hill, ~ld plans were not Onallled . May Be Deactivated Thursday, October 25, 1973 Organizations Fail To File Papers byGarySI:hmldtke are no longer active . t:\•ery fall, tach s tudent Org_ani:uUons_ that turned In ., • • !(i:,ir~~~~~~:: ~\dJ:;; ~~~~~v~t:!te~~~ t ~~; tu~~ 1 Winters . stucltnt body vice'''" · • One of the purposes for prnident. These papers v•eredue Oc t. tm. ~ of October 17, 33 ·""organ.•zallons _had not !umed m lhe1 r mau•nal. he scud. " A r'!aSOfl some or these groups did not get the1~papers_ inwas that ne ..• offn:ers dtd not Chc:ck their boxes in the U~tversity Center :· Winters sa1d that some of the groups 1. app~o~•mate l y is domg. An important purpose is to provide a currentlistofoflicen forthe organiutionaldirectory. The li s t is provided to all organizationstohelp getin contactwithoHicenof other ~~~"f e ~~~;:j n':pe'!, ~ 51 c 1 ~ organizations. organiutions are no tonaer Winters sa id that active,saldWinters. Another orgaf'izations which do not purpose is to ob tai n a fil ethesc.opapers losetheuse financial statement. Some of u niversity faci lit ies. TifE POINTER PageS Applications being token for semester abroad Applicatioosru-e now being acce pled for ne:~t Th e objectives of the semester 's programs, as oullined by programs abroad in Britain Mi sa Isaacson, \jo'Quld include and the Far East, accwding exposing students to other ~~~r~:~ P~rul~c~~~~- ~~:~~· .!~~~:~~~in:"':~d Misslsaacsonsaidthat the focus of the overs eas programs is on the in tellectual and academic, with groups in lhe past ha \·e represenlationintheStudent indivi d ual co un se l for disbanded \li th no procedure Assembly and a lloca tions students. Flexibilityinco~rse forhaodhngthei r attO\Dlts . A from UN! student ROvernment . ....urk, experimentation a nd statementofpurposemi.IStbe Organizalionswhichhaven't a d apta t io n to indi vi du a l •ncluded . to make sure tl'lt filtdyetshouldgetthepapers student needs are also group is doing what It says it inassoonaspossible. strt$Std. Miss Isaacson sa ld st~t.s who are interested in becoming a member of ei ther program should call 346-3~7 or come to Ill Main Building for information and the application form . The semester in Britain will ha\"e ~ 0 students,and th_esemesterin the fo".lr East wLIJ have '2:0. emphasizing the unity of manki nd . Another aim of the programs is ~e m richment of the S?Ci~l. mtellec:tual a nd human1s11c sec tors of a student 's d~velopmt'llt, both In the period of overseas studyandlater. In addition to the Bl"itain and Far Easl programs, Miss Isaacson stated th at plans are being developed lor the In· tt-rim and summer sessions: Brazil. Ou-ist mas Interim ; Germa n y I Na tur a l Resour«S) and Scandinavia ! Environmental Studies), next sum mer; and one or two ot hers. Th e costs aN! IM!ing kt'pl to a minimum . Loans Have $25 Lim it Any student who needs repaying loans . some type of financial help proc<'ssmoney is c:~nqua lify foranemergency in eircul :~t lon. lo:~n . The Emergency Loan I n or d e r to Prog ram . a ssoc i:~ted with emtrgcncy loa n , By thi s constantly ge t an a s tudent ~;~e~ia~~i~p ~: at~eex~:~~ ~~\~~~~~c~~;\~~f!~{:~ •·enience and assistance of students in need. Until recently there was no delinitellmittotheamountol to repay the money he ha s borrowed. Rea!IOns involved with applying fora loan va ry from moncyi\Ctdedlnbuyl ng ~ ~:~~er!:y ::!n~~t ::~ ~ 5C hool books to medical fees. :; Bob/itch Gives Fee Waiver To UWSP Student State Senator Wi lli am Babhtch tD·Ste-.·ens Point l l'las helped break a tra dition m the manner lf'gisla tive !K"hola rsh•psare alloca~for out-of -s tat e ru idents in INe ste d I n attending W•scons•n "s publicly suppoc-tedunl\·ersi ti es lnthepasleach senator ar:drepr~ntativehadbeen supplied monies from the 5tatetog•veoneannualoutof-state tu1tion waiver grant to a student attending UWMad•son. Bablitch s.aid that in most cases recipients have btenathletes Bablitch helped p u sh through a new law recently wh1chmakesallcampusesin the UW Syste m e ligible for the froe·wai\•er program . 8abli tch has made his scholarsh ip. which amounts to SI SOO,avai l able f o r distr ibution at UWSP. Thewinner , Susan Muffl er is majoring in resou r ce maollgtm ent at UWS P . She waschosenpa rtl ybeeauseof Bablitch's inte res t in having the ~cholarship go to a person punu.ung a career in ~me tieldofnatura l r('!;OUrCCS. Senator Bcblilch and recipient of his first aul-of-slale tuition waiver gran!. '"O.·er the years. these scholantups have been us.ed e•therforpoliticalpatronage ar lor athletiu at Madi!IOn. andmyintention for acha nge ~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~ cut-bac kre;ultedlromschool s tarting a lew weeks sooner thanusua l . ....·henfinancialaid money was unavailable. Students receiving financial aid had to be given the eme r gency loan money leaving a shor tage of funds Chi /sen won't give up MADISON--senator Wal te r John Chil fien I R· Wau sa ul sa idhe.,i llnotgive uptrying to c u t legislative and ~~~i~;-st~~ ::k::v~tth~~ ~~n':.e .~!:'e~~- ~~f:f {;: ~=:~:;~: s;;~~ ,~re:::;:. th.al N!a lm .• l would like-a natural r esourcesstu!kn t a t ~f;·~~a~ to~:~~ f~ m:~~wn financialaidshavecomein. 50 111-itttin a month the S2S :::~:,ar....~:~~ii:S~:b'~ subject is 50 impor tant to me, and I :~ m pleased that a qua lified woman can be a r«ip1ent because we need to open thi s .,•h ole fiel d to mem_bers of . both sexes."' Babl•tch explatned. on loans ....;u bt The Unh·ersi ty Foundation has provided the Financial Aids Office ""ith a gift of $20,000 to be used for loans. The money is si multaneously given. out for students who applied fo r loans. and returned by students the Join t F inance Committee the day before. The other proposals were eac h de feated by an &-fl vote of Joint F"irn~nce . All Democrats on the commi tt ee oppoHd the cut and a ll Re pu blica ns s upported 11 . LaFollette States Power Plant Opposition STEVENS POINT · State Sen Douglas Lafollette I D· Kenosha ls.aidh e may at tend a Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers luncheon in November . whether or not he is welcome there. He plans to a ttend the meeting Nov. I in ~Ulwaukroe because the ma in s peaker 111ill be James Wright , a nu c l ea r e ng i neer f o r Westin gh o use, a company which manufactures nuclear power plants. Lafolle tte . a n opponent of theplants . li rst le arnedofthe luncheon aod the speaker when he came here Monday tomakea5pteeh as part of the Sengstock Ene rgy Crisis Series at UWSP troversialbuclge tbiii . Chllsen mtroduced his OINTI bill to '""'0 Women's Week At UWSP The UWSP Panhellenic With today's rise in crime, Council will bt sponsoring a knowledgeofself.defenseis Women 's Week October 28 neces s ar y amo ng both through 31. Speakers and women and men . Da vid moviesonvari~ aspec lllof Wright . who teaches selfwomen in SOCiety will be de fe nse in the Physical featu red in th e Wr ight Ed uca tio n Depa rtm en t. will Lounge of the University be the spea ke r on Tuesday. Center s ta r ting at 7 p.m . each October 30. Demonstrations night. of both judo a nd karate will Women's Wee k begins be given by his stude nts. Sunday, October 28. with a le<:ture by Dr. Hettle r of the on the final night . Wed H~alth Center . T he VD nesday Oc tobe r 3 1, Jan e ep1demic and ll•e U5(' of Clark o f th e P lacement contraceptives will b e Cen ter will s peak on ca reer& discussed foll owed by a avai lable towomen. a ndhow movie on c hildbi r th . to get these jobs. There wi ll w:~!n ~irs~n~e ~~f:: ~~~ ~.~~!v': aF~i~eos!~r. e~t~t1Jcl! politics. These will bt the features a pr011 ti tute a nd a the mes of the lectur es given gigolo. by Captain Linda Bu rch 1ROTC I and Hel en Sigmund All wome n are Invited to on Monda y. October 29. attend any or all nllhta. Page 6 Thursda y, October 25, THE POINTER Tbe 0 1973 campus cal endar Ernor~ Room thursday, october 25 CIIR ISTI ,\ :--1 SC I E :-I CE COL LEG~: OllGA NIZATIO N .\ I EET II'i G : 6: 15 p .m .. UC~l Ce nt er I corn er Coll ege and Fre mon t 1. All vis itors ttre war mly welcomed . SUHllAY NIGHT STEAK B01lA ti ZA~ $3 . 50 per pe rson FREE BEER WITH Ul liNER PIIILOSOPll\' CLUB MEETI NG : 8 p.m .. Home of Pa t a nd Pe ter Wenz, 17 15 Lincoln Av e . AJ Jenkins will gi \'e a paper c nti lled "On i\fnr x on Ali ena tion " wh1 ch v.i ll then be in · fo r mally disc us sed by th ose present . everyone is invited to a u end . Free coffe-e and popcor n will be ser ved . Crisp Tossed Sa l ad Homemade Loaf of Bread & Bu tter U.S. Choi ce Jui cy Top Sir lo1 Potatoes CI NEl\1:\ TH EATRE : Bp .m .. \liisconsw Hoom . Uni \'er sit y Center . " Wild Bunch ." friday, october 26 * * * ** • * * * Plus Lively Entertainment i n the GALLEON LOUNGE! *oeAdla'\ ~ i - Of St evens Poi nt Di nner Reservat i ons CII UHCII OF TII E- INTEIICESS!u :owJIIU• I<:t ll., , OlUrch . SWlday m asses a t 9a .m a F I!A,\ I E PH ES ilYTERIA N Ctll 'Hl'll : Sunday ser vices at 9: 15 and 1 0 : 4 ~ :1rn ST . I' ,\ UI.: S UNITED MET II OUI STt'll l' Blvd . Service a t 10 a .m . LJN ITE U CIIURCII OF Cltii iST : ser vice at JO a .m . monday, o CINEM,\ TII EATH E : 8 p .m .. All en Cenler . Upper . " Wild BWl ch ." COFFE EII OUS E : 8:30 to 10:30 p .m . Mike Sulli van , UWSP's re pr ese ntat ive for U1e 1973 Nati ona l Enter ta inment Conference , will be fea lured in a coffeehouse in the Gri dir on . \\'OMEN 'S INTRAMURALS : 6-IUp m . fa c ahttes for a ll women in ' ' """'"~- •~ wt n m 1 racquetball cour ts , and Qua nd t. Br ing own AHTS AND LECTUHES SERI ES: 8 p .m .. Michelsen Hall, Fi ne Ar ls Bui lding . New Hungari an Siring Quarte t. CINEMA THEATRE : 8p .m .. Ai l<•n the Wi lderness ." 341- 1340 -~ 1 7 LUTII E II AN STUDE NT CO M~l l' :>; · Ce nte r . Ma ri a Dri ve a nd Vincent Sl Sund a y . 10 :30 a .m . This weekend ~ree," a special ce lebration bast·d 011 !X-'rience . A lot of music . some lit urgi cal da nc ing will be specia l ft·at from sla very to freedom is bas il: to the ;md cele bra te th a t m ove men t wst h us saturday, october 27 tuesday, octo WISCONS IN SOCIOLOG ICA L ASSOCIA TIOI'i ME ETING : 8:30a .m . to 5:30 p .m ., Univ ers ity Center . Open lo a nyone . E NVIRO N MENTAL E D UC AT I O N TEA C II E H WORKSHOP : 8:30 to 3:30 p .m .. Audi torium . Ma in Building . The "Teacher Workshop in E nvironm enta l Ed uc ation " sponsored by th e UWSP Environm ent a l Council , will fea ture spea kers from UWSP and environm ental education leaders throughout the sta te . ../I 4~uss PAOUETT£ ~ ~! sunday, october 28 HALLOW E E N PARTY : 2-4 p .m .. Basement , Roach Ha ll . Alph a Phi Sororily-Sigma Tau Gamm a Fra ternity Halloween Party for handica pped chil dr en of the St evens Poi nt area . SPEC.IA.\.- ~F Be. A1 REPRE5EKiA1\VE MAR:-/ Q\.IM-n v4 \L..L.. En\to\~t.~:s t=Rit>AY Au.E'i t(AT Oci . 2b1:b ,19l3 fom 6- 9P. "-'. eARLISS 'IN \1.-L ~ I)E»..I\'2>HAill\~ 1\-\l: ~~ FASI·H~ rKJ:S Or MA.'K\ So ~ \ 'A.\~T C-0SM£.1l Q toMe. o~ ,tJ A.No SEE '1-lAAiS ~ ANO C.'t-.t\\1~ ~\)4lqlAS£. SUZUKI TA LENT E DUCAT IOI'i CO!'iCERT : Miche lse n Hall , Fine Arts Building . Ul'i i VERSITY FILM SOC IETY : ; and 9: lt UDY 'S. Phi Beta Lambda mee ti ng Anyone in terested in joining th e orga · WALDEN QUINTET PERFOIUIS : Ha ll . F ine Arts Building. F ac ult y ' E NCOUNTE R WIT H J ONAII : 8·9 ·30 Cenl er . in downs tai r s coffeehouse . stud y-<liscussion class of 4 weeks <whi ch b<gan TRANSCEN DENTAL ISM MED J T ,\TI O ~' : Lounge , Uni versity Center . An '"'•"""",.;a ., ...... Tra nscendenta l Meditation as ta ug ht by Yog i will be given . 3 p .m .. PLANETARI UM SER IES: 3 p .m .. Science Building . " Tha t Lucky 01' Sun, " na rra ted by Ma r k Treuden . " INVEST IGATION" STUDY GIW L! P: 9 Room , University Center . The second ves tigalion will focus on The Middl e East: lntl~n l i n ui n ~ Crisis . Everyone is welcom e . news CINEMA THEAT RE : 8 p .m ., Wisconsi n Room , Uni versit y Center . " Man in the Wilderness." F IRST BAPTIST t11URCII I AMER ICAN 1: tM8 L'h urch St. Sunda y ser vices at 10 :45 a .m . an d 7 :15 p .m . ser vice 11 a. m . NEWMAN UNIVERS ITY PAR ISll cCATIIOL!Cl : Newm a n <lla~l !Basement of St. Stan 's): Cloister Chapel 1300 . Ma r. a Dr1ve . Wee kend masses - Saturday 4 and 6' Newman Cha pel : SWlday , 10 a .m .. Newm~n <lla pef':::.ct II :30 a .m . and 6 p .m ., Cloister Cha pel. Wee kda y ma sses Tuesday through Friday , ! ! :45a.m . and 4:45 p .m ., Newma~ <lla pel. Confess1ons . Wednesday , 4 p .m ., Newm an Cha pel. CLOSE-OUT TAIANS PAINTS - ACRYLIC & DESIGNER LINDEN - BRUSHES MANY OTHER ITEMS All 20c each 10% OFF All r------------, i :I I EARN TOP MONEY! Part Time, promoUng s t udent travel ! Call or write : (Include YOUr telep hone number) Art Materials In Stock OCT. 29- 'N'OV . . 2 VAGABOND UNIY. STORE - UN IV. CTR. BOX 549 EVANSTON.' ILL. TOURS -~--~~!..~:!'2.~.! I' OINT E R R IF downstairs lobb Building . Traini and Pi stol Cl ub DELTA 01\t i C~ Fine Arls Build thursdc FILM FORUM: Film Forum for th e a r ea . I. UTII ERAN ST Center . Practic AltTS AN D LEI Fieldhouse. Lon MADISON -- Bill s wh1eh would slash the 58 perrenl sa lary increases Wisconsin le gis l ators rec e ntl y voted themselves sent senators to c losed door ca ucuses-. The caucuses were c;~ /icd quickly after Sen . Walt er Hollan der l R -Rose nd a le l moved t h at t wo sa la r y reduction measures be taken from the J oint Fin ance Committee and be deb;~t cd on the Senate floor . Gov . Patrick J . Luc ey last summer signed a new stale budget which would boos! the legislato r s' $9,900 a yea r salary to $15,681 aft er the !974 elections. F IRST CHURCH OF CHRI ST SCIENTI ST : Corner Min nesota a nd Ma in. Sunday school 9:30 a .m . and church r-------------------------------------------------~ wedne MAYNARD MAY~ -Ia FERGUSON TUES., HOY. 6 I PM, I ERG GYM VW&> It Noa.fillodenla StM 'l'ICIU!:T8 AT: w......- 00 8~~ Deok =-· 7- t, GAME IS l Thia Ia • fu ln won.l, wlt Do .... '"" Ike, tou _ .... COME JOI ~ at Vlo.JI ( Thursday, October 25, 1973 Page 7 TilE POINTER CAMPUS CINEMA 1601 6TH AVE. STEVENS POINT, WISC. ~ SPECIAL ·MIDNIGHT SHOW! FR IDAY AN D SATURDAY! • and now the film .. . A NORMAN JEWlSON Ftlm ~JFSUS CHRIST SUPERSIAR" 30 p,,. ,.wednesday, ~clconie. 1 )hchclson october 31 I'O INTER lobby RIFLE ANDGeorge PISTOL p.m ..) ll_ _ _ _,__ _.a_ _ downstairs o! the SteinCLUB: <Campus6:30 Security Building . Training wi ll take place at theSIPvens Point Rifle and Pistol Club in Whiting. DELTA OMICRON RECITAL: Fine Arts Building. ~==========~~=====~ DON'T MISS THEM!! 8 p.m .. Michelsen Hall , thursday, november 1 "SUN BLIND LI·O N" FILM FORUM : 6p .m ., 01annel6, Cable Television . Walch Film Forum lor news and reviews o! frlm on campus and in th e area. October 25 - LUTHERAN STUDENT CHOIR: 7 p.m .. Peace Campus Center . Practice lor next week 's celebration . DeBot AI\TS AND LECTURES SERIES : 8 p.m .. Quandt Gym , Fieldhouse. London Bach Society . guilty to the August, 1!170 bombing or the U.S. Army Mathematics Research Center at the University o! Wisconsin 's Madison cam pus. A physics researcher working in the building at the time or the blast was killed. The research center became the institution around which antiwar protests in Madison crystallized, Tom Simon, 24, testified. Simon said he had participated in demonstrations since February , 1967 , and that the demonstrations evolved !rom nonviolent to violent. Blue 8 :30-1'2:30 pm Room Spon10red by: Debot Progra111 Boord 4>································································~ Reserve a Place Today at ! THE VIlLAGE . for Second • Semester! bedroom, 2 both ** 2Completely furnish ed & carpeted ** All utilities paid by the. owner Dishwasher, disposal, air-conditioner * Heated pool (for those spring months) * Eve ryone has their own desk ** Laundry Ping Pong tables focilities on premises * Close to Campus GAMES CHAIRMAN POSITION IS IDll OPEN ON UABI We Still Have sG'me Spaces Available for Individual This Semester •• •• • CALL or COME OVER THE VILLAGE . ·• : :• i 301 Michiaan Ave. 341-2120 i ~····················~···········································~ Page 8 Th ursday , October 25, t973 THE POINTER Letters to the editor New student Let~s have a mall UWSP Student urges impeachment of Nixon puchtncnt ol Presadent Nixon. I realiu lh.lt lm peactvnent will UWSP S.lidnta : In light cl recrnt n ·mts lll Washington ~oncernln& President Nixon a n~ com- not n«'fSNnly me.n f'ftnOYal ol lhe PresiMn t from his office. lmptachmmt In a legal sense means that the House ol mlttH has ~ formed on campus called , .. UWSP Comm111ee ror the lm· ~achmcnt ol the President." Joseph Sicnkiewic.z Is lhe R~tatives Chai rman and Richud Christofferson 11 tbe Co- our pannold presidnlt. U you ~~~;ould liflt to stan the petition or join the co mmittee o ur will be Ia the chairman P~itions are circulating around campus whidl ..,.,u be mailed to Congrewn1n Obey ~~tatives or lobby lht CLuuoom Center. Sbt« rdJ. JOM'pb SleU~ wia 1bepd.Jl.lonsrud as foUO'I''S : I s upport mo,·es in the House ol R~resen~taves for the wiU ~rm.ioe if evidence warrants smdi.ng the case to the Senate for tria l. U is, pur oonte.nUon that tbr C'CIUntry would survive wll.boul im- BLOCKBUSTE <8 ~·a ,')' organization To t.br UWSI• ShtduU : There is a new student organiulion on campus. Various studmiJI intursted in history have formed lhis club. The name of this organization is the lf illorica l Olacoune Sode ty, fonnnly known as the IUatory Club. The purpote of t.his or-ganiuUonla to encourage the study and diKus&ion of history, fol klore, and rd.tttd lDpiel ot ..all sorts In the past we have pruenttd programs on the Philosophy ol History and on the AsN.Uhloltion ol Presidtnt Kmnedy. We plan to continue w1th programs of lhat JCN1, and ..,ouJd l1ke very mudl to future 1Uudent 's ..,·orlt. Membenh ip 1n this organ iza tion is open to anyone so long as they have an inltttsl in history. student and non· studrnt tqually. II you are in· trrested In jcuning the soctety, contact fkrt Oleson. 2111 Pray llall, tele-phoot l46-31H If you have a p8Pft' you would hke to presftlt, or have any 1~.1 tor future program.s. cont.act 81'1.1Ce Bnm<~n . 141 7 Mam Street . 1ekpbone l44.r.&.S. ttrrt oan-. nalrpc-,.._ llruc-r n . llf'aman. J•rogr-am Olrf'<'IOf" on Gold Cypriots Not Bulgarians T• tk MIW ud Lo UWSP ..a..snu : The Na lural Resources building and the addl tiOfl to the sci ence bulldlna are near c:om~dion. A problem we as scudents now have to race Is the dcocision lhe c:ily council make!ll on tha t sec:llon of Fr1nklin Street between Isadore St. and lteservt! St. We could make the area a campus mall and increase the beauty or the campus ronslderabJy. Anyone knows tha t hWKireds of s tudma walk that strM beiWftn da.~~a and traffic: on that ~ woould be an inconvenience u the s tudents ...-ouJd sJow down the lrarflc and VIC'e-V~ . While I made UJto mista ke of lhlnking that lht m<111l was all but c:onstructtd, some townapeople have d i~t td Do y01.1 want to ha\·e ~ aeslhtolic:ally attractn·e cam· pus" Some com~a1nts h.ne ~ heolrd about the tra rtlc: on f'ourth S t . s lowing down students on ~ r way to dasses. Do you want another sllftt full of cars to s~- y01.1 do-..-n a second timt'" Townspeoplt- can look at the Situation this way · One of the SHIPPY SHOES MAIN AT WATER r--------------, :1 FANTASTIC II :1 I I "Cover Girl" : PANTY HOSE I I I New Miracle Multifilament I I REG. S' to 5'8", 100-150 lbs. . I I I 1 I ' I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 "'-' ~' ........ NUDE TO WAIST: S' to 5'8", 100-150 lbs. 6 pr. for s-uo ( J'<C. SU9 <L) QUEEN SIZE: 150-250 lbs. s pr. for $6.50 (roc- s1..911 -.> -·~>........ ()()LOBS FO& AlL s STYLr.:8 - raa~ ~ ~~:;: ~;.~te. SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDEII TO: PANTY HOSE OFFER ' · o. Box 4t2, Do pt. , _, 025 Stnotford, W io. 54484 SPECIFY !rPYLE A.>ro 001.011 . r.rieal,, OneKC!ppft'W4, BIM.,- Major mlll« ,.~ ~"'· my huniiQI limf' is 1n the afternoon. The Armory IS not open then and Lfl wtsh to UW: my gun I rind 11 neceuary lo c:hedr. it out t.!fore my classes in the morn.ing and keep 11 1n the trunk ol my car This ia a very great inconvenience and ts ttrtainly a S«"Uri ly nsk , which semu to me to make the !W'CUr ity value ol the armory rut. Se-condly. when I r~um my guns 1n the evenil'll and wish to dea n them , I find the lighting e:xeftdingly poor, which ma kes a good c:~nlng job lmpot.S~ble 'Tlurdly, 1n a place where 01b and flammable solvents are ~ lo clean ~t'<11pons, It Sftms com pletel y unufe to have •ooden c: h;urs and tables ptled 1n a dusty heap not more: lhan IS feet from !he: tables provided for cleaning Since all the guns are locked In, 1f fi re: did break out, the)· could not be removed a nd "'· ould c:e rt a 1nly be ::r:~~~ i~:~~~~~t!! 3 s tate fire marshal. I do no1 ftd thai the move Of guns fr om lockrd staltons In eeeh d<wm , u last yea r , to the new armory wa.s n«eu.ary. Tht' unfortunate shoocing on campus last yea r did not in-,·oh·e a s tudent's cun taken from a dorm. nor do I recall any Incidents tha t have ahown Imma turity on the part ol dorm studrnts thai req uired such a radical and C"'Oltly chaflle ol policy Ho.,.·ever since lhls move ~med necessary to the housing otnce, I lhou&hl I hould gh·e you some ol my e gripes. Slnc:r r~y . Paul Pettnr• lll ll a~Uea DIAMOND RINGS BY ORANGE BLOSSOM KEEPSAKE COLUMBrA BELOVED COSMIC KAYNAR 1 pluaC ~ .ue.~a:~: I 1 I 6 pr. for S1ro ( roc- Sl.%9 .... ) ~onthe~u.er I Gun Rule Complaints Mr. I.HfJrf'tl ; As a studtnt LIVIng 1n a resident h.:all, I .am required to ktt-p my guns a t the Armory in the prot«tlon and secunty b.ulding ~· ttal problems t\ave Ottt.IIT"ftt and I lhouJht they should be brought to you r ;~ttention Dn r Sir: In the: World Senn article by Burb, Wievel and Sullivan, your rrstwht~ trio d. writers resorted to the c-ommon form d. rxiaJ sJurrinC. If I may quote, they s.aid, "P~se don' t watdl some Bulptian rduaee at· tempt field 101ls." I will not ai l bad: and let them sJur the Bu.lgarian natJon. 1be-e IS not a single pLayer in pro baU from Bulcana MCJI.I ol the: foreign aocc:er - a tyle placekicken a re rdugers !rom Cyprus. I hope you s t.and rt'a.sons high school at~ls do not choose lhls uninrslty Is Its lull: of ph)'Cic'al attractiveness. It you, partlc:ulu/y If )'O U are a man in busines-s. voould like to 1ncrease your income, ...-ouldn't you like to see more studtnta around town" lmprovtna the beaut y of the c:a mpw Is bound lo attract mo re s tudt nll and keep thoee we a l~ady have. A PUbUc hurirur. on 1M is.sue 1s ~oet for December 17 That Is late for the .slude:nt c.-ommunily considerin g th e flc:t that Ktadwtion is Otctmber II I "'' Ill try to rontact lhre Mayor and change that date but as of the time of my ...TitJng, I have not yet contaeted him My underst<~ndl ng ol the publ~e: hear1ng IS that one does not hue to be on the agmdA to .Spt"ak . Anyone or everyone: can say ... hat they want on the iuue 1 Wllllrt t'Vti')'OI'Ie know 1! there Is a changt' of date for the hea ring. I am C"Onetrned abou t the mall. My committee IS t·oncemtd. You too sh01.1ld be COMrnf'd It is )'OUr umpus a nd mine nm Scanlon C'hal rman .. C'o'tnmunlt ) ltrl allon~~ C'om - 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I L -~":'~.::~_:~__ J. 'DIAMONDS OUR SPECIALTY/ COME IN AND SEE OUR DIAMONDS IN COLOR GREEN - CANARY - BURNT ORANGE DIAMOND IMPORTERS CHECK OUR PRICES GRUBBA JEWELERS HI MAJN STAIIT STIYlNS I'OtNT, WIS. 54411 PIIONI 17151 J44.7122 • Thursday, October 25, 1973 Students knock activity fee T<1 tilt' •:ctluw: ., ~- no\IOJU)IpOri~D\'ti\"Otlf'lo~) U51)Ur~e"·uasmaU mu1ortl)' of .cudmta on th11 ,·~mpuli that lbo':l&lll that they =~ ,::::t.o::-t:::! ::: bl,lr#auc:nty ruuld. This year t b:otmonontyha.l&ro•-n~ tuUn•tlWbudcl'l anal)-.! 11 uwSJ•.t..mStppt'l,uplaln ..·hy thl"oludl'ntaNivltyfeehutobl" nla!llbtory. Attord.in& l.o the I'~"" 1rt>c:le in the Oc1 . ~ . - . ''the 5tudalt Kllvlty ferli tNndal«y bra liM athletk:l. hnlth "ter•lnf;, and student 3cll\'lheliart'~~jlll ~sp«tl of a ft udent 's rduc:at- .'' and, " tithe fee "tre not mandatory m1ny >tudenta • ·ouldPOtP'oy." Obw>waly, U indeed l " ac1i\1hft ' " vital. 1M fee ,.ouJ.dnothawetobtmandatory lx'CauJeattudmteo~~ldl"'ear ly ~"halldiwilift >O'tn!wltalto hosmteresuandhe ""OUklpl) lor lht'm l._,.tr,lollldKthe athlt•un.lht•l:llack Studcmt l'oallloon . Gordon l.t&htfool. pr.-&nancych«kl··,. tlll\"t' nothin& :IIOIR$1 )1':\ , JUII aom..bodyluvollla&ood timPil ouru~tbtArU ind Ltcturt' Stnes tMn IM} aft' not •·ual to 11111 P'orllnil~r st udcnt andama,lorttywllt.,b} th" Jtudent H nate "'"not ma&Jully makp thltm ''11.11 ta 'mIf the Student ActiV IIII!J Hoard•u a bolotJied,.·eeouJd ~ompltlt'ly rid ourwlve~~ of thlt cOt'l'l"ion. llo..-tver.reahri"' lhatthl.lrffon,.·ouldbtfulile. "e~~~Ue~~tthatlhtmand.atory f1!quil"''m'lftlat~utbtohfted If 111m a U\lllent pt.-f\'1"1 to O'OI"rl _ . ... hft (Wt'f' '!let! hil ti'IPIItnat~•pPrO•·I!diOI:Uilhfe bt- il not hampered by the :oenatetakm&a ...·ayaporUonof hiJ~forthrbmefltof o!Mn Con•·enety. if al-tudmt olall'orlinilarJtl>dmt..-oN~rt •ntn-e~t~thrstuo:ltntha>'httle dlcloteuto•·htth«orDOt he •unllo to WppOrt tbtm Len Sippel and the ltudmt WIWite u ytotheltiMStn1thatthryare loo km& afl..- his,.·et!are . aince tlw 1ludl'tlt wilhes 1101 to buy ~leader's uniforms M daN _ kno,.•"hatls•·•llltohil •n t<"T'ftb , he i1 i&norant Of C'1loUDt lht unifonns lrt' vo\.111, ul:lltt'<'"oH LhHe,.ouJd not bta mand:IIOf)' fee II it •un't mancblOfy,thilstudn-!t,OIItol' ~~noniiC'e, rnt&ht not hdp buy tlw wufornu and he woo.ald 1101 ::ppottirw.amettuna"'LII\0 Y. efeorltllatll'l•smsnd.atory •ludomlacUvityfeellnothin& n......-tun a Jts.aliud form of ~nh"' MOMylsllkenlrorn - lfOUPollludentatoll&lppor1 li'IPspeclaltnterestaolanothtr gr011pof t tl&dmts We ltel ll'lat no mailer how many poU1 1M >~ U<Imtttnateukes. thria­ d" ·'dual ttuOtnl krlows how 10 ~pmd hll m_, bttter than lht •l ~lol'tllltltdotl tmd lhatlra Jludtnt Wttoro· c::hooH$ odr~l . thoJtGmi)I"QtniHmlghtat lent b.. 3 p~~r1111 ,.,~lol)' on-,r tholt' p~ople ,.-ho re&ard tht'mwl•·e~~ 1.1 exptrUIIIIht affalf'lfiiD\htr IJl'OPlt' u oppoo.l!d to tbotoe people "ho ft'&ltd tht-mSI!h·e~~ u uperu 11\"t.'rtheirow.·n•ffatr-. . J ohn ll . l..t"•l••• i Slt"••CKart.-h Erica Corle Again! TI Uif~itor ; Sinn!Dr. MnhshaJIIHdmy Mmemac:omrnWiicationt.otb!. Votlatu, I will use his. lit in- prewnt mancbtory feelyl-lem . buyong ne"' cheerleader's un1form1. or IUpportln& In athlt!K" event o:ompltuly un· llt"C~ry-nocvttalto hit " "lk-s tu&u tuone of tlkStudt•nt Al"tmt~ Board lunt'· hOIU, bt-('OIIIdpa)IJitofullpr!Cit and ha.-t' Ilk- WIUifKtiOII a( lr.nQ"OOIIIClhati'IPdidnotatU] • from J;Omt-body ebt for tht' pwpoo.eolhosenJO}"nlent Altholl&h not mftll"' the Migrants ,;trdt:ncaCsrleto~kan thetampo,as, then bthttl.ed her need help l 'V. Sl' St ucl~n lo : Ooy011 know "hat II is to hve " "lthlOPft'Pif'lnatundo-oont •, c:arprllt'lbouttheslll'ofl ehldlencoupforau ..· ~ntn-• A m~Jrant ramoly 11 land ,.-,th this s•tuation unleu )'OU \'In .nut 1 htlle o( ) "OW' time and pflon forlifteenminute~~infrontola largearoupolatlldmllbt!ore ~tthnc ._ ~pru u illndted mll'ai.'VIooa of. after that, •tudrntl At0111·ed rutnint and broadmi~. Mypur]1051t onwti\I"Cthilll'ltrr is tou.ist on too~ney 10 • II of_. I P'I'Ikt'n. J.omeltlinc Erlea Carle didn 't get WUIIa noll . ~muto lH r ~tla r of lu t l tu llu• tt ... nrch ancl!itudift l THE POINTE R Page 9 ~ tten to the editor tn~as l be signed , typew rluea a nd doublespaced. The POINTER .,.,.ill withhold names from publication upon request. Letters should be limited tu no more than 300 words In length. The f"d itor relit r n s the right lo edit a ll lette rs. The dead line is Monday noon. Opposes Mil itary Th inking lJur ltndtn : A ll'Uer,.rllten by Lt JoM Sc hien -USANG .-ntltltd, " Vrolsnit)' not app«oetated" a-ared mthe Oc1obtr ~th. lf7ledtu.onollhtl'elnu r In hit letter he compl•lncd \'l'llrnocntlyaboutalleged miiCOIIduct ofastudmt at lht uwsr .-.. Y.bit..-.·ater football came Prol•nity,.·u uJedsnd lftmedto be accepted by the ti"'"'dii«''O"dingtat.t . Schleu. !be lollowiucl• • quote from hi• leiter ; "M1ny pe-ople complained about 1M atrocities '"Vietnam. I ..-u fortWIIte ft10111htonevubeauodated with~y for 111 my mind tbe conduc:tolt.hisstudtntu,.·eiJ uthe"'aet>onol'theft'O'II·dt.o his c:onduc:t is 1M 1rtatest atrocuyofall... lt makr.one ..-ondtrllll'lilc:ountryi• "'ally ,.·orthM'fYln&,rnuchleudying fnr " SiiiC'ethrKOpeol'atrori~ M'tmiiObtbt')'ondlt Schicu" baUi,.·kk l,.·ould like to pbC"t' t hem in t heir pr ope r per· 'peo;:tio·p. Any r•tlona l btinllof awen&e lnlelll&e nu must ruliulhataf-~ttrwordill -r:Uiteat..-hlchcaninllkt theuavtl!dama&eequ.t.ltolhat of a B·S2 or napalm . One needs onlyto loolr:atach lldl ftt'f'an Amerleannapalmholoca usl . The l.oeutcn•nt r.hould take ltme tu study his value~~. for IIOitlevoMrealon&the llnethey mllJUtdtd !be miliwy "'t'f'lt l'ltftaonlydlaftmancethit~Pto oot'smind! llilmyop•nlon lhat tf ti'IP molitary Htabll&hmtnt " 'oshel to joullf>· •troritie~~, theitmodU$0fll'Undi hadbtUt'f' doffff from lt StMisa'. F'w-thermort'ltlsl,andlllMl'l likt' m>"lldf, not 1.1 Schdu. •·llo 0ilu.ld qt~t~IIOII ,.·hy people •IIC'h 11M are M"rYin& !.his COWl!~ . One can readily understand l ht' over whe lminl contempt It'll tow~rd the milita.-yesllblilhment Wl'ly not quation why " Law andOrdtr"ptoplelikeJohn ~hlchell, tritky Dirk and Spiro are all In hot >O'Itn-• Don't lor'letourbtlovedMelvlnLalnl "hDfllllfled,attMPrltlldmt"a requtlt Penta1on repo r ts pertalninl tv bomblnc In Cambodia. lt 'l too bad that no ra~allooc hairt lllwe bHn a(allol'dlntbt Witff11te\'ase, lor now }"OU ,..ill have to fabricate an UCUII!. If thil lt!lt'f'lppe:lrttobt..-ritteroby Mmrone who deplorn the pbilosophies of tha John •~rblic:hmanaollheworld.thtn itac:hievedlllpurl)OH. M• tnraaiNI. Slnkle• k• J~ ph 1'11enart_,..,f'~ltlrom " POint '" • ·hoiLintned to help them build 1 d«ent home-- IIUT TII~Y N~ED CaU U C ~ \ 'OU R ll~l.J> 1Unued t.'nltun ~~";:"~m~~- ;6t":: c·oroun11 10 the} ...an rnakl' arran&rm.-nll for vductes Pkaw bronc a hammer of you llavelllf'but•tleastbnnayour bod)' t uptonenct' not M<'lltN~ I this SatW"tla)' We art' mf'ftonft at UCM lt :I:S ~·rpm ont St Iacross from StudtntServie~t~ 1 7:tOam and retunun& ~round ll&lpptr tomt' Y_n .. WIUM-ri>M4. t ;ar) V. lau no OPEN TILL 1:00 AM 2:00 AM WEEKENDS DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER Twin Super O.ltcious 2 potties, HCh topped with o totttJ dice of chedder cheeM. Booby Traps Trump Trumps 6.00 a set 7.00 a set 5 5 £rainqer~ Alley Kat Shop Page 10 THE POINTER Thursday, October 25. 1973 Pointers Sting Superior Yellowiackets, 34-19 by Jerry LoaJ Tbe Strvm.s Point Pointers, lftt by seruor quarterback Mark Olejn•cuk, staged a come from behind r:~lly in the serond warier 01nd wmt on to roU over the Superior Yellowjackets , :W-19. las t -.·cek a t Superior . In doing so. the Aerial Cirt"WI ruin e d th e Jackets' llom«oming festi ,i ties. Thr YdiOWJ3t'ket.s had bo~ to gh-e P o1nter head coach Monte Cha r les a d.Jffrrt" nt sort ol '' homt"COmul@ " Charl.:s was the YtiiOIA)3Ck t't S' C03ch In 19i0 :md 1971 OleJmcz.ak added m yards to tus c:trfft'" toul of 3256 y:trds That tobl t5 a school rf'C'tlrd OleJn•nak w11l doubtlessly add more before the ~ason 15 O\~ r l.a st ...,eek . Olejniczak completed 'Z7 of :r. attem pts vnth no ml<' r ct.•pl lo ns fo r a nearl y nawless a fternoon . Leading the p.'lradc or rccei,·ers for the l)omten wa s tight-end Doug Kr\K'ger w1th f1ve r~tions for 100 )'ards Joe P1\ecky. Ben Brtae and Jdf GOQ also cauaht fl\·e passes for 60 ya rds. 33 yards, .and .J7 yards rt~pt'(tl \'ely Don Sager added four ~ a t ches for 61 vards .,..hile t..arry Sawka netted lhrff for 80 yards a nd ,.,..o touchdowns. Plledy and Krueger accounted for two of the other" thr~ 1'0s OleJnicza k helped his own cau:w. addi ng the flfth touch· down early m the fourth qua rter Pllec.ky completed the halfback option pus for an II yard gam In addition to the option pa ss. whkhseems to be a Plle c k y s p ecia lt y, the d im inutive fre shman from Antigo sha red I'U5hing honors .,.·ith Bm Breese gaining 16 )'a rds m four a rries. Breese ran se,·e n limes for his yardage. The Po.nt offense ran up an 1mp r enl\'e 418 net ya rds agamst the Yellowjad.d.l for this se.ason's single game tigh. Su ti sllca lly , the Super ior Yellowjackets should have won ~rr..::n~ ~a:e':.:n'ii~ 19 Superior gained 259 yards on the ground while the Pointers tO(I:ether onJy 14 net ya rds on the turf. Adding 179 aerial ya rdl, the Yellowjac.lld.l fini shed the afternoon with 428 ne"loffe nsive ya rds. Leading the ~e raped Superior ground game was ~hke Rukovlch who ran 2ZI t1 mes for 141 yards. Jerry S Uc h y til wa s the Jackets ' leading receiver w ith nine ca tches fo r 101 ya rds. Qua r· te rbnck F rank ~did a ll of the Yt>llowjac ke t pnsslng , throwing 2 1 times with II completions and one" interttptlon. The Yellowjackeu. t>molionally high (Qr their homecom ing , threatened to break the game wide open in the first quarter Lee marched his te-am S7 ya rds m nine plays for the first Superior TD. Schilling ran the final one yard for the touchdown. The utra point allempt was no good and .,.;th 7 04togoln ~ nrstquarter the Yellowjackets led , 6-0. ~ J ackets then forced 1M Pointt"rS into a punting si tuation with fou rth a nd five . l>eMy E.skritl's punt was returned 6 1 ya rds by Gary Ot'Ckmnn of Superior- to the Pointer nine ya rd line. On third and goal to go. Ras ko\·ich ran an endaround swrep for the Jackets' 12.0 lud. nw exira point attmlpt failed. The Pointers apitaliud on the first of two cruciaJ Yellow· acket errors to s tunt the Superior momentum with nine mu'IUles ldt in the hall. Odem.ive tackle John Nevins fell on a Superior fumble at the J.ackets' 17 ya rd lint. Moving the ba ll to the four yard lint, OlejniCULII. completed a pass to Jue Pil~ky for the fin;t of the Pointers' rive TOs. Pat Robbins ' extra point attempt put the Pointers on the board, 12-7 . ~Pointers' go-ahead score came with ItA than two mira.~tes to go In the half. On nrst down and J9 yards to go, ()lejniaak threw a pass to Krueger through heavy traffic. Kroege-r broke a tad.Je and raced to the end z.one fer a 6t ya rd ro play. Robbins' extra point a ttempt waa good a nd the Pointers took the lead. 1~12. The- second brulr. for the Polntrrs ame jult as the hall ended Superior llad marched to the Pointers' eight yard line with a first and goal to go. Ra.lkovich managed to run the ba ll to the two ya rd line before the clock ran out. The Pointer defrnse held the Yellow}l!clr.ets, 0 Tbe -'Ernot~ Room FRIDAY lHGHT FISH FRY! Sl. 75 per person Golden· Deep Fri ed Fish Crispy Fre nc h Fr ies Creamy Col e Slaw Homemade Loaf of Bread & Butter ......... Plus Spar kling ,., sical Comedy Entertainment High tly in the GAl LEON LOUNGE Of St evens Poi nt Gary Starzi ns ki was Wlable to hang on to the football in this pile-up. John Nevins recovered the Superior fumble at the Yellowjacket's 17 yard line. and took a 14--1.2 lead 1nt0 the locker room. The third qua rter ...·as played, for the most part , ;a t mid-field with neither team threatening the other. Just before the end or the quarter, Olejniczak took the Pointers to the seven yard line with fourth .:m d a hnlf ya rd to go. A pass to Pileclty and a holding pen.ally on Superior brought the ba ll to the Jackets' one yard line. Barely into th«! last quarter , Olejniczak took the ball on a keeper through the m iddle for the touchdown Robbins lllclted the PAT and Point held a 21-12 lead. The next two Point touc h· down s we r e sna pp y, no· nonsense affairs that riveted lhe game to the Poi nters' column . The- nrst of Lht:se covered S$ ya rdl in three plays andwasapped by a 43 ya rd TO pau to Larry Sowka. The otra point attempt !ailed, but the Pointers had added to their score, 27· 12. The final scoring play for the Poi nters was a :W yard pau pl:ay again toSowlta for the TD. In this dri ve, the Point trawled n yards in only lour plays. With Robbins'extra point, the Aeria l Circus went to a 3+12 lead. The Yellowj.ackets garnered one final touchdown 1n a fut ile attempt to regain the lead. Lre and Raskovich combined on a S7 ya rd pass far the touchdown. ll owever , the game ended with the Point comfortably ahead. 34-19. Joe Pe-plinski was named ~ns~:b~~;erc:~~~~~dwe~e defensive honors for the wed. . The NAlA ranklngs for sma ll colleges ...·ere made available In class ' B' Ialit Monday. competition (which includes all WSUC te.snu t Stevens Point 's Mark Olejnku.lt lS ranked third tn the nation for individ!a l passing off ense: he is fourth In the country for total 1ndiviclta l offense. In addition , ~ Pointu team passing ortens.e Is ranked M!COnd in the country. The P oi nters will take that passi ng offense to Pla tteville lhis weekend to cha llenge the Pioneers. cooference- ieading Peplinski Given Scholarship Joe Peplinslti, a mm1ber of the UWSP footb a ll t eam. beca.me the first rtcipient of the Eddie Kotal Scholanhlp Awa.rd dur i ng the home<oming festiVIties Saturday, October 13. UWSP honored Kot.al last ye. r for his guidance as an athletic director and catch at the ICOOol between 1931 and t942. " The Builder of Champions" was Inducted into the Pointers' llall of Fame and the mllre 1972 Homecoming was dedicated to him . Kola! d ied unnpected ly January :za. fo'or thb reaaon , this year ' s li r st annual pr~tation was uniaue. It was made possible by the players. frimds and fans who celebrated Kotal's efforts and who con· lributed to the fund at last yea r 's homecomi ng activities. Peplinski received SI OO fr om interest genera ted during the past yea r !rom the 12000 fund . Th e 1973 r eci p ient meets s tandard s which Kot a l' s players were known for, that is, character and promise. Water Beds modern Interiors • Inc. 1316 Chardl St. Steveu Point u....,. A~t-. O PEN MOft.&t. t.l F11.. Nltft 'UI t Harrier-s Win Dual Meet by John Fritsch The UWSP cr oss ·country Icam had a good day at Superior on Sa turda y wilh a dunl meet w1 th Superior and Stout. The U WSI~ harriers defea ted both learns by topping Stout J t to 28 Superior forfeited thei r pa rt ol the meet Jun McFadden of Stotll was fi rs t .,..llh a time of 2S ::J7, and Don Trubiatowsti ol Point was ~ond. ooly a few Hronds behind Gerhart of Stout was 1h1rd and Sandstrom also from Stout was fourth . The nnt 10 runnrrs .,.·erefro m Point · J oe Young, a freshman, was tilth in the meet and the :~ttond tllace runner for Point. Joe was ;t\so the Pointer runner of the .,..«k beocaUH of his outstanding run n1ng in the- previous meets. In Ib is meet he was ooly 13 K"Con<b out of first. l\lck7.aborslti was sixth tn the: meet and the: third Pointer runner AI Elger was the seventh runner in the meet and fourth from Point . Dowell was the eighth on ~ finish line and fi lth for the! Pointer squad. Gammoth and Hopeaberger were s ix and seve n man respt'(tlvely for the Pointer learn . The top four runners from the Pointer squa d were onl y thirty s~ondJ apa rt. This Saturday, the Pointer runners will beup agai111t a vrry tough tl!am from the South • Whitewater. Coach Amiot fee ls lhat everyone must have a good race. Wllhout a good race thls wHk the: team won't be ready for the confer ence meet in No\·embt'r. ~ team must prove themselves In the not few mttt.s as a team with drive and a good a ttitude. They must be able to nm In the top ten runMrs and place at least five of seven runners at the away rneeta, said Amiot. When the team It a t home, they ahould have the! entire team place In lhe meet. Thursday, Octobe r 25, 1973 Page II THE POINTER Superpickers barely miss perfect week ii>} J KK•rb. TimSalll•·• •..,ol Mlkt llst..rrnsn I• su~t':.~ .'::; !~ \' dunes snd Ro~ms, %: ue ~rr;o~~~:,~ke~ lut U... j.ackpot in Week' by correcUyforecuUnglOof thtLl &•mesplsyedlutSundly. ~ rtmlulin& &ame. Osklsnd •c••NI Drnver, was • Monday N1&ht t06IUp and rouldn't be Immediately compute4. Tht only ,,..o Superp~c ker loala involvfd not 10 tw&h tum• hom Lhe over -nteil ln>linnld by WaShlfliiOII and a eentral division thtou&hly mansged to loll\lllly m1ld· Superpjckera 1M Superpc:kHS were wllhnator0f1,1 .... 0ortrolt 101' n1aulrd by Oalb1 Now that thdr bl&&lftl rroulollhe"-a}', they 5hould be ablr to do u.&. Ollft pel""« . 1nf~o~rlat~ the msnn ~red Wher~u lbtlrloulylautotht~iallt,.·o ,..ftU sgo. 1M Uons tut'lled aroundanclmude footsoutofus aga,nbylollnatothelo,.·Ly Colta . wr·~elo&tallpat~ ,.-,111 Uw UoN. 10 ,..r will be M'llllln&Pe'teltoulira letter r~tllll!tilalheiJii pttw ,.-hole damn Detroit tum 10 the Canacbol-'ll.allueiOtholejerU c.lnfinlllyrandiOrntbodyllult thryc.lnbe•t. We'vehadit ,.,lll thoH boy.! V.llilelhel.Jona;.lrellat,lhe)' ml&ht u ,.-rllt.ake tht Besn .llonjl ..-illlthmlirllhf!bi&blac:k and biiM' Cs nldi.ln miCT.Ition Cb~a&o's non-e,.istm& -olfense IIIIOWibt&JOkt&I"'W''dtht ~a&ue When Bobby Dougl.IU ""''· som-11ets nsll~ for • boldine pmo~lty V.'hfn Carl Garntt nans. Mmebod)' bumP' 111\ohimandhrf~o~mbles When 11arn1011 nu~S,Iw bum~ 1nto Oolol&lau and fs lll down . No~tUMIUy. the taOs play U~ll' htllepmetoo. Tbey&etmada t Dou&lllu for not pu.sin& snd therefo r .. II• him by not bloc kln& anyone When l:lou&loiMDOt:Sthow, lhe)'drop h,.pn~t~,wl!ld! 11$1oWUyo~re ........... • ../ ~=:~~~·c::n~ it .. passes throu&h a culv~r Part or a yea r tong s urvey o( thrl"C maJor northern WaS('onsin River systems. the infon mation being coliKted ""llleadto publ icbearing to consider measures toreduao eJUSllngsour«Sofpollution •[)ep<lrtment or NatUTal Resources photo! sports shorts Ch!n&o Bun' supenur lu>l'baChr, Dk t Blol\11\a, Wild lluthrms)· c•llitq~o~l ta.lf~ th lli ..-.lton Bu\IIUihusutrued from a kMe tnjury fer m•t ol ~ su.- nw •U·pro middle hnrhad!er s.~y. tN tlw Jllil f:l n't perlcrm the WIY he '""'' Bill Peterson was rtred as head co.ch of the winless llouston Oi lers. Sid Gilman was named to take over the re1nsa t Houston. • Tr~ple C r ow n winner Secretariat wi ll make hb last start a t the C. nadi an In· ternational Ol a mpionships lhts Sundo~y. Ocl. 21 . SU.blemate Riva Ridae will also be making his last s tart at the $1 00,000 added Jockey UubCold Cup at Aqueduct on Saturday, Oct. rt. Tralner Lucien Laurin said bot h hot"su would lhes! be retired to s tud Oakland A'a manager Dick Willlanu announced before the xventh game of the World Serit:~ thllt l'le would resign reta rdl ns o f t h e outcome of the Series. In rtant day. tbue bad been frict ion between William• and the Oakland player~. about two a pme If they're ~u 1liU nuos. they try to chp 10meont. No "onder the i'alriotl be.ll Cllka&O I!'SaWIIItoftimeto open •nd Depar l meat ar Nallara l Ruourc:u e n vi r on m e nt a l engineoet' J trry Nels com putn the now of the North Bnnch The Oa kland Athletics ...-on !hear second atraight b.ue ball World C ham p1onshi p 1n l.heseventhgame of the World Series. The A·· retained the championship (;1 ,\ STSOV t:III'AIIOI .... IIIli ~GianUisr~mllltiranriWil ~ treat , ha vi n& been iostng "bla<kolndblue" dlviStOn~ wa tdo~,.·fd.lyA.brGibron SMw. lilloCt bt shoQ""' 111M p me filmsO¥erandover ll rre an• our Hl~tl ons for Wet>k1 tomrlhlnll•&al~>~tU...C.rcb s ..... York byl 0 A K I. AS U 0 \ ' t: H IIALTI~IOHE · Qu.snerbo~cllllll II the key iHIM' Tht R.llden ar t to ~hoou be t,.·rcn t..amonk:s , Stsblrr. sndBLanda. The Col\.11 have Jonn and Domrn Who ,.·ould )'Oil c" -' Bubba steen O.lkl• nd toa l• polnt,.·in 1\ ,\S S,\ S t' IT\' 0 \' t: ll MU t ' t ' ALO · WM!Mr SimJ~Mr~ u in)W'~ornot , ,.·e ' llllilll.lkf' theOilefsOurold.U'I.Ioyalty lllllleall$tov.-a rd Oakland and K.>.nsas City. snd ,.·r'll be darned If 10meone hke Buffalo li gonn11M.ak in llll'n aid mess th•n&• up for lhe Cbltf1 Sorry , Btlll, but don't II')' II ,.·hileStrarn 'l lllllsround. Ctllefsbyto They 'resboutd~,~etortally&lwe somrbody the Wit. 10 II mi&hl ....~UbeCillt'inatti . l'inabut&)l by tO. ('OWKO\'S tl\'Eit t:AG t.t:S · Tht Eagles sre • va.u ly impn~•·IHI team . and outaide of lhelrone,.·in; lheyanbarrly l01ilngroch,.eekbyonly a fr>O' poln\.11. No re.1110r1 to t top lhr trendnow0..llasby1 ut:svt:tt o \' t:tt Jt:n - One rul~ In Super· pickln& ittoMvrr brtacalnst Den•·erlna&.lmelhatrould&o to\Mrway . Thltonecsn't&O t'llller"'l)' , b«.lustUaeJetsare • UILIIIlroublestqua rterbaO"k Oroncoliby t, of the ms)or ~ M I AMI 0\'Eit s •:w t:SGI.ASD · The fo~ns ml&ht IS •·r tt stlyforth eopenln&coin nipsndllml_lohome. b«susc lila &.lme II OVH befon! it mrts.. Dolphlnsby20. GH t: t: S II A\' 0\'Eit I>ETHOIT • F'rom ,.·hat we II"' on the tube, Buchan.an Is out, llimetlllj\lndakMt. and Tom Brookshier noticl!'d Brockill(ltondeflnltt'lyilnotiOD pernnt hutth ..·iM )"tt , All or thiSandllilllhequarterback pt'Oblmt So what • The ' " o~reinjur~too.andweh.appen tolllinktlle remsinin&IM!.IIthy Pac k ~ pl ayen ar ebtlterthan lhrremainiql.lonl,heallhyor noc . T!wPo~d!willwlrl , andbya ltAMS 0\'t:M \' IK \SGS · One oftheunbu!ensllu tof.I LI !tow doyou~brl ,.·em Pag ... Olun . T a rk e nt on -Hadl . Galti am -Jackson . Fortlftan· ~tte.en•t;asy Vout.ooll for J.c:k Sftowtobrat P~ul Krau.te onc:t" for the &smr winner 1tam1 by 1, all.bou&h Carroll Oo~lt n~llht &et looM .1 few tunestogiwe t"rledCoxachance to maU the pme: elolft". STt:t: !. E llS 0\' Ell tu :st;,\ LS . TheSiet>tenhne brfn s.hogllhlatcly. sndl.uy pl sy simply ain't their 11yle. touchdown no leu. l'IILCAGO o n ;tt II IIUSTOS · Uurh! f-'01' t,.·o cenll we'd just as-pkkl.he8esrstolole thtraloflhtir&smts lor,.·h" theydidtol&lastw«k,butwe un 'tdo ot b«aliH w•slready s.~idtheS.inUi are llnishedfor the Huon Otic:IIO will win by ? ... l.he~an-atrickplay kllll""llllS!hef-ardpau C t. t: \' t!LA/Io' D 0 \' t: tt ('IIAHGt: HS • Th e rea1on Ctevet.and never aeta 1)1.1-1 the division chllm~ionlhlp cr wild uro btnl'll 11 becallH the Brovcnsonly &tttotheplsyoffs b}' be:.llin& tellllll likt San Dte&o U""'llllb}'.,asthty br rur th r ough an cssy schedule KEUSKISS 0 \' t;M S t: w UltLt.:A."iS · Wby ~Iller team bother~ prseticlll(l for lhit gamrlsbfyondus. Wslhl ngton byti t'AI.COSS AGA. t.o,;ST ltt: MS · Tllt,.-eekJytoKsup. S..Wun loe11Withllle t'al~,b«IUK they 've been dntroylnJ people l.ILelysndlhouldn't ltopftOVo· ll sbrr man taku t' r i1ro. 1lthou&h Gent WaJhln&IOII il outwithabroktnl"'l, llec.lliH the 4kn 1110 looked &ood in thei r o!OpOlnt win last""ftk . Thi• ,.·••• dan&~I'OIIIwtdt to pr~i~t . b1JI we know when youbeUtr&owith : ·rehot... aflerdefeati ngthe~York Met5, ~2.a t Oakl and . Star Greom Bay Packer Willie Buc:N. n.1n sutrered a b rok en let in Sunda y's aam~ apinst the Los Angele s R.1m1 Buchanan will be out for the rest of th e season . ~ornerback World c h .l mp ion ra ce driver Jackie ~wart N.s retired from 1u to rac1ng. Stewart. who N.s won more Gran Pr'ix races than any other person. uid his mO\·e was made for penooa1 re:~ . In the l~t nine years, naneof Stewa rt s dG~eJtpetsonal friendshave been kiUed in ciden t& . racing ac- / \ TilE POINTER Page 12 Thursday, October 25. 1973 IN INTRAMURAL AGION Ruffed Grouse Kill Down STG Knocks Off Vets by OunbCo::~ Wisco nsin's ruff ed grouse K'lson, now about to e.nter its f1fth week. hal confirmed by now ,.•hat many authorities ~ Pf't(tictina - that birds woukf not be nurly a1 plentiful this set~scn as they have in re«nt years. Though con~ina this, the DNR points to the fact tba( thls Is a dec:llne from record populaUon peaks so that cunparaUnly this season .!-! l. =t::~~~~~~~~~:~~ on the tr.ees to mu k their ~~~~~~;trneC:allt~~ ~ ~::.ea ~v~'t:!~~OC:~~ :; by J i n~llabKII lgma Tau Gamma , sometimes known u STG, should probably change It• name to Si mply Too Good ! In playofr action among the top ~ms . STC finished oil the htg.hly respectt'd Vets, 24-1 Soon altrr. lhetr famed ddmk stymied thor 1~ ­ dents 22-o STG broke ~ the Vets game In the S«ond half. but cont rolled the e nt ir e Independents con teSI . J 1 ke llefner crusht'd o pposition ,..,th del~ l touchdovons In the gamn , v.·h•le teammate tb r r y fbbcod; scored 14 potnts TM ln~n<knt5 had eamed the ngh t to meet STG through shutting oot ~ WHt Smith 1"·0. Ch r is OlHI)' a nd Uob Strinhorst ca pitalized on 4 West de fensive l.apsf'S by each ~nng a touc:hdo• ·n Wat.son 's 2 E.ut scored I 1n both hah·es , but allowed llanse11 's I East to ~xnnts Imitate them only once, producing a Il-l win. They then foiiC\IOed Up with I tidy 224 cl ean -up of 4 Eas t Pray. Balan ced sc oring distinguished the vlc:tory as Warnn Popp. Dave ••Crazy '' G r ys k•ewJtz, and Gary Bushong each ~ to pace the second 1\Jilf suree. t Soulh Bald~~>' U'I received ll bye m lhe rlrs t round, tMn discovered a tougher opponent In the 8-6 triwnph or 4 South S1ms. 4 Soulh, in a previous m:~ t ch·up. sh pped by Hyer's 2 West. 14..0 4 East Pny captured the:1r m1tial contest wtlh a 14· 12 conquest of the Crunch Bunth Knutun 's representative was overrun by the SS Squad 22.0. SS Jatf'r made 16 first half points uand up ,..hen they-defeated thf!o Uh A\'en~ Express IU. 1be Express had gamed a be:rth among lhf' top ei&flt teams by steam rolling over a bduddJed 2 North Burroughs 26-6. may not be as rwm~ in these a reas , the Increased visibility shoukleive the b~mter moreola chanc:etoplac:e his shot pattern when It will do the most good, as it SC'flned lut Friday when this reporter managed to bring a pair ol birds down in a ::~~ta~.:U~~~n to The second part ol W'tSCODIin's split o.d hunting season ope ned last Sa turday , preliminary reports lndlc:ating that hunter suttnS has only bten fair to date. Despite this. many ONR ptrson!M'I remain f'f\lhuslasUc about what they fHI the split season has accomplish«t T nste~~d ol the local <kicks becoming '" bum't ol('" beca use o f Inten sive a nd 1usta ined hunting pri!Ssur e. the • nve da y closed period has had when lhe"skybuslers'' are gone and huAii~ pressure Is down !hat the best shooUng can be had_ Later. as the northern Righll st.a rt to show up. the shooting should be even btUer. The s tate' s deer hunt1n1 season. though still over a month away, is already being antid po1ted now as a marked improvement over last yea r 's. A mi ld winter and lack ol substantial snow cove r Is cited by the DNR as a key factor in the lncrea5t. If the state ca n provide one or two more such winters the population peaks ol the la te sixties should be easily equalled, despite a lou ol habitat_ Women's Net Team Defeats Lawrence normal feed!~ pattl"r'na -""' Saito:~nd Kobishop "'Inning !.-7. M ud Public ll unting 6- 3, 6-0 . thenumbf.rt•·ot~amof Grounds remains an exc:dlent Sut' Anderson of NHnah and spot fOI" thne local ducks ltuth Ittner of Steve-ns P01nt thoug.hi t isonlydum \g the,.·eek '-'aJI a 6-7. 6-3. 6-': v1ctor ~ Mgh«A a.c fit.ldhou.u. . •:oo • 4 : 00. ll . II.C . AU St4ll VoUeybaU lt>.41!1 dut.Utngu 4IW o.chtlt ttM co a OUH , a.c lt :OO. ~ Tt.U Md!fJU! Cof\.luC, I'/ a.•. · 4:00 P·•· ITII.Dph.it..s Ho.t..U.~Iu)t Co ,.-Cut, J : OO P·•· bdu.lld HljtA HaLl fPu:u. J lJ.ta.l ~ U: Dt.bot. SuJt 5() ld. f11.u d!u.At and CJla.cktlt& • ~clay: "'<Mt.M. "Tht. Pou..c"' a -oYH , 7: 00 aN1 9 : 00, s.tc...~ ~OM - Dt.bo t. BUIIOHS ON 50CU fOil B¢ FJWQ HAll Pil£SJO£N1S 1J10 OEWT, ALLEN AARAGUS ~r;I ·in~~tvelh:!~:~~~~~ health . Specifically included are : self help. abortions, tubal ligalion, natural child birth , m e nopause , rad i ca l mas tectomy , and a woman 's sexuali ty . U you have any questions , please refer them to Marga ret Tschudy , Z30 Niaga ra , Apt . 6, Eau Caire , Wi . ~101. Phone : 834-0093 . grid scores wsuc LaCrosse 14. Eau Claire 7 Platteville SS, Stout IS Stenns Poi nt l4, Superior It Whitewater 14. Rh·er Falls 14 Sl. Norberl 17, Oshkosh 10 The UWSP Women "s Tennis Team scored s-o 1n ma tches played a t Appleton on ~ay The number one. singles com· ~t 1ti on was won by Natalie 1\ ndrews of Wausau. 6-l, 6-4. K1m 1'1c-tcMr of Stevms Point ~~oon the numbeT two lineles' ma tch S..7. 7-6, 7-6, and Cindy :1-hxdorf defeated her opponent ~~~ t~hr~ ,nu~~r 6t·~~~ ~~~~~~~ :e ~f~~~ of~:WI;:CSth~:!~X: ) .. ~~:t!: t~;o~~ 0 ~ou0~d ~b\~ .f: 30 - 6:00 p . m. Pwnpll.Ot Pu £a.ting Con.tu t, , .. JO ll.H . C.-B .S.C. Oa.nu: A.UUI Ct.n.UA , , :JOp -111, BUJt Cltuggu~ ConW l dwt..v.g Oa.net. , [Ca6t. o6 PoW Bt.tA. .to SEU' II ELP CUNIC AT UW· I:::AU CLAIRE: On October 29, 1973, a Self Help Clinic from Ca lifornia is coming to the University of WisconsinEau Oal re . They wiU be on campus fr om 4 p .m . until 10 BIG 10 Michigan 35, Wisconsin 6 Ohio Sta te 37, Indiana 7 Illinois 6, Michigan State 3 Purdue :u. Northwestern 10 Mimesota 30. Iowa ZJ SATIONAI. Alabnmn 42. Tennesst"e 21 Notre Onme 62, Army J USC J l , Oregon 10 Nf'b raslta tO. Kansu 9 L:CL.A 24. Washington State 13 Pmn State 49. S)TacUR 6 Oklahoma l4. Colorado 7 Navy 42. A1r For« 6 Slanford 23, Washington 14