Document 11824461

Henricks, Bay
Reign As
WC Royalty
Barbara Htnrlcb, a l~ytar­
old £nallsh m a jor from A.ntJ.
wu cro•nlftl Swxla)' nl1ht
a1 the l tlll winte r umlval
q o.ieen. -J.
By C.UWL LOtta Y
na "tlo !'lalon ln W.tory. Hr
hatpla)"C"don thrfootbllland
wrHtllnJ" tnms.
~~.n~~a!~~ J=\0~
Mlu Hcn.rlcka rMelvrd a
ot a mus le rt.
... ld that United Council donn't
do anythlna or pi lllt)'Where,
a nd the Srnatr kf'rpa apendlnll:
monl" ' t,.,.tllylt. She
a1IO uld UC mli:llt ~ a~
l olmpro\"e,
butS! f\~Polnt
Sheand herrKOMrl'pr~ nl·
QUt:t:N B..u&B IIENRICKS and King Dan Bay, reprt'llf:n llng Neale Hall, are reigning over the 1970 edition
of Win ter Camlvi.l.
'Master Builder'
In Production
" l1\f Mutrrlkllldu,"a(lu.
1!o playabouti"'O abnorm a l
I"'plr. ...m ~:~r pl"ftttntro t 'rb.
1:$ and 211 by dnma 1\udtnb.
~!don ••aullu~er. dlalr·
~ drama dt'~rtmtnt ,
man of
• iU dllftt the
production hy
SOI"'I'&)''I n..xl Jomous pl&) '•
,.ficht, IIMrlk Ibsen.
Orlclnally. the Unh..-nlty
lnttnded 10 prea e n t
·· ~klniHrra t ," but uf
a chan&t In dlrKIIn& Ul~ll·
Pl&)'t n
'1be Mutn Uulldrr" fn·
llr" lta\va rd Solneu, tho! tltla
riw'acttr. A mlddlf'o&l:f'd mJ.I'I
•itlla mortold lruott!Mo com·
pttltlon o1 youth, he worlu • • a
n!l!l«a. Itt hu .....w~ •IIC«U
tM liard w~. onatchlna: ron-
rlhltt of hll eno tt. But
,_,, racine old acr, he tun
t~at )'OUil~r m.-n will thnlsl
him UI\W, 11 he oou ahouldel"fd h ll union out ol hll
A )"OUMK Cirladml,.,.r.repN.,ntinl an Kho from Ule """'
J'l'riU;adff. Solnf&l he II ltlll
•uptrlorlnhlJ ileldandwlll
r~maln u lone u he ILII• t!KI'CJUI"ace to hold hll po;>tlllon. llorttoprovehiiC"OUT·
a re. he Ialii to 1111 doom.
~drama. a lon~t wlth I ~
aen·a oo.~ MOIIH ol portl")', prom·
Jars Ule audl~nce .n rw-nln.ii:
o f rxclllnj thea trl', Dr. F a ulk·
~ r uld.
'"Many crlUu 111\"e eomllko~
~"Tile Muter Bullckr' 10 be
an aut~bJoa ... phlca l play,"
JayaDr .
ahooldllay out untllthen.
I'd Ne ale ..,.~&~e ha ll ln the
Unit~ ())undl 11 the oraa nl·
-· 1atlon ol the s tudtnt aovem·
klnc.quren compellt klll.
mtnll ol the WSU IYIIC'm . lt
Na ml'd fln t r~~n up ...... ,...
Pl trlda ~Lan&e, ootnlor prl ·
auppoHd. toprovldeptq~rlllll
for the 1\Uik'nll" btnttlt.
mary t"d<><~llon ma jor, Suou th
DcvGeof11e, ,.·hoa tte ndeda
MllwaukH. and John WlelJ.
ct.oooo·akl. u n lor bloJoo" m ajor.
n!CHII m f'r tln& .. ld that HY.
eral reform• ,..,.,... 111"ftd on
South wn ...· tlwy rl'~
oentC"d Slama Ta u GwmmR Ira·
theO"I'."Tlle&e,."OU idbeach&"'le
tr mlty.
In committee 1lructure, aettlna
1111 a aecrell rl l l ayatrm
tbe .....,.,.,.;~ rUnll('ro up were
achooll to lind out UC
Ia tlol"'l , the Vh:e.. Preak1ent vii·
11.rt major, GrHn 8&)'. and
1111111 J(hoolo, d.rlt'IIIH lftld·,
U.vld Mankr, junior biolou
Ina: O"l'portJ. a nd a dek1J:a~
major, f"rf'rpoo-t, 111.
oralnlna pr<Jiram .
LoenSippel .rl'pll~ tothll by
Wlntu carnival will eontlnur
atalln1 that theae rl'formJ ,..,.,...
thf"OUJ(h Sunday , f"rb. 1~ . lllld
a ll prtsentedbefore andre-be cllmul'd In a eonc:r rt by
"~ Lo.-U ermrn : ·
Faculty Disagree
dcflnlne paral~l1 beiWrt•n l bHn"l llftand thellfro! ll ll·
vatd Solneu .
'nlelnten~e drn·
Over Pay Increases
rna o f the play pontayo the!
of ..n a t l ~n d ...
scrlbf"da.o"thell'ltciiiGr lhe
Ideal "."
""illeplay loaatroniCIIII·
lcn~~:e to a CII"eW-1'1 llnd uf roune
the actor p;>MnylnKSolneio. "
u.r dlrMtor &ddl'd .
• Dr. t-.ulknfor llu '"''~r ~
fore dlrHIN an lt.m play. and
the uperience of dolna o n e
wrltttn by a man dHcrtbfd a1
}' acuity mtmbtn a t Ste~
Point StMtl' Unl \"<!"nlty ajt!"H
that too IItle mlltlfy 1111 bHn
a pproprtatC"dlorthrlr lffO ..l·
a l")' lncreiHI. but a re In diJo
~ord o" how to dl~kloe the um·
pu."l lhare.
"Tlle luur wu one ot the
m a in Items on the! a1•nda fllr
lutnlchl"a laeultymf'rtln&.but
the approxima tely liO prot ...aon
attendlqfalled to reach acon-
~_.:• fathofroltnrmoodemlMa·
The RKrultment. Appoint•
m HII, Promotion. THiurt! a nd
Salary Ad vltol")'
UtAPTSI recommt'nded t1iln
on fl it clolln amount., varytna
aceordln& to nnk, rxpe rlenc:e
wnaequr~ ..
nckrll for the play will be
on .. Je a t the unlvtnlty b:lx
offl~t beglnninr }'rb. 16.
andk••e l ot~uu oion .
Enrollment At 7,240
F.:nrollmrnt for aeeond armtJo
trrllabout 7 ,24oO. ~Illtra r Gll·
br1t }'aull
The fl&;ure Ia a bout 00 lr ..
th.o.n ~durlnattoeflrs l
nmtoln,."hkh be1.n lui tall.
llo;ro.·f\·tr.f"aust .. ldthedrop
lo ttldltlonalln m.ldyrar berause tomr atudrnll 1radua tr.
~na1e.uapendl!d f(lf fa ll·
Jncto malntaln ~""(~per acadtm·
k: l!andards a nd Olhef"l qult
lor& \'lrlttyofri'&IOI>I .
abo-ut i .OOO oo.·rr the1968til·
"""' and ntcHiltated fllllna
rrsl~nte ha Ul "beyond upa ·
r«tor f"n>d LUfJrl'n.
The midyea r drop IIIII e&Kd
tlla t oltuaUon.anclthehalllare
now Opt'ri UnC wlth "normal""
numbers ot occupanll. he atk1·
rd. llutthaldoeln' t mu nLn l·
ven 11 nuw without probltml.
P rojlr<UOnJ ca ll lor the r nrol)..
ml'nttolncrl'alf'toabou t9.000
~xt falldelplte llhelita~buUd­
lnc comml11lon'• ~Won
to conatrud more r"kknca
ha Ul. Subleq~nU)'.L.UIIrl'nil
busysee klna:l"•·h ·a teMvrloptnl
to begin CONII'I.I~t lon of apat1·
men\ houHI llnd local l"ftldtn\1
~ena~':. !Mlrhomes to atu6en t
A report from the admlaolon
olllceluueda boul lwf'rk i CO
d..,..· ~ that a pplica tions ,..• ,...
running a lmo61 lhne ttmH
hlcher tha n a t the ume Urn•
In 1.969. Some be!Hve It hou.J.
lna: ..ooldbe avallabletoevtl")'
applicant. the enrollment could
llut On·lllt Rice. who rl'pre·
....,IISteveruPolnt ontheuf"o
(;Utl•·e bo~~td ot the·Auoclallon
o1 Wl~con&tn Sta le Uni~nlty
f"acultiH. propoHd that e>"fl"l'·
onefrwnlnltructor to fullprofn.sor r«<!"h·e a fla t ~'rio per
cMieoltotllvLna:adjustment .
Hll motion paued .12 to 24
andwtllbeH nltotheprl'lldtnt
and the Boe.rd of Rf>IHIII u
the faculty'l reeommendatlon .
will 10 to the plftldent u
RAP:rS"reqUH\ .
J a m .. N"""'an. reportlnc for
RAPTS: ukl the unt•·rnlty
,.-ouJdproblblybe a pproprtated.
abou t J286,000 from the 1tete
for raises. llt1 committee hopH
to 1avr IJO.QXI from that
amount to m a ke adjultmtnta
or eam advanced dec..,.. durlnc the ~ar. 1lM rl'malnder
A' achel:llole hiiJroup MviMd
-ldaJ•·eMi prot....on:SII!O
morenextyear :OUIOC'Ia t e~
ff"&IOll bC'IWHn S£,00 l ncl $700
dependlnconthrlr o:ode: ...
alatant pi'Ofnton ~_, $dO
~nd $610: &nd l111tructon ~
8 PAG£5
t"'"Hn S.UO and StSO. (Thole fla·
"'"OUtd Cri'I IC' b..e .. JarlH
ot St 2,800Jor full proiHIOI"I,
SIO.b for auodate proleuon.
forua l•tantvrot~
a nd$7.4..0 1CN"I,..trueton.)
Some of the dlalott lht nl1ht :
Rlce - 1lM percentile rallf
...-outddealmal.nly withthe-t
ol llvlna: &1\d trell ewryone
equally - e vH! thou&h th e
5\0per «ntlaallttlebelow
the ra te ot Inflation &ll ODm•
puled by the ledrra l pem·
mtnt . Hea~• tedtherectnll
curblntreUI!llrnrollnvnll and
IUbftqUC'ntly cklay maulve hlrlnll otteachen untU the atatt
u n a lford to atlequa tely con>·
J.ltnll le the la~ultlel.
IWaxe~ ol faculty me mben
In the Wllconsl n State Unlver111)" Syllr m a re below averaa:e
lnc.ompartaonwttll otherlyJo
tems lntheMid ..·rat . l
Elwin S!1mund-The RAPTS
propooa l would brine up the
bi.Je P"Y of )ower rankl f&lll~r
tha n thepereen111eraJ,r.
Monica Bainter - AI of
thelona:er tenured proiHIOI"I
Mre. •he 111d he r r aise would
. ~h~rlf lhei'C'Celvedaflat
pe~ntege . Sheaupport.-.1 the
othe r propooallor the n nandal
relief lt wouldolfe r tncherl
tn the lower ranD .
Actlna PrHidtnt Gordon Ha t·
f"rbecker - "n>e people aupport·
1n1: the pen:enta1e
p lan
wouldn' l "cetaii)'Whfre" becaUH the ri'IC'n\1 ha ve HI&~
dlfft.....,tla ltreatmenta«<O'dlna
to nnlt a nd (!(Ide.
c:urrltutumllnd -0"1' told that
a ff))Otl by the a d hoc com·
mltte.r plannlna: a depan mrnt
?(,_peaoe 11udlrs would probably
be ih·~n at next month"• mHt·
Audrey Owens ll"f'Hd wtth
SipPel andNid that lhedonn't
uc 11atn. She allo Jta trd that
for In UC a re l&;nored and lhe
doHn 'tiHthel)llrl"))e lniiiY•
Mar11: Dalll aclded that ltav.
Ina UC donn' t mean not wortl·
lnl with other unlvenlty 1ya.
tr ma . llr fHio that Ste~"ftll'
Point o.houldn' t W&llte Jtuclenl
monry for an oraanlzatlon ·· ~~·do,.,.,
..-~ u out o1. u
Point State Unlvtn tiY
~IIIHIIJf""Ua t­
dmt Lee Shennan Dnyt.,. who
eonftl'rl'd with PrHidc"nt Thleu
ln SalconearllerlhiiWHku
part ot an eQ...utlon mlulon
to Southeut Al1a lor the u.s.
, . A&-encY f.,.. lntrm.Uonal o.ev ...
I lopmrnL
Prl'otdent Thie\1 undorntancla
tlw nt<ftiiiY•• torn.vtnca-n.
dewloped l)'llml ol hllhtr etb
atter the mlllta l")' war II won,
aid ~ylw.
"l thtnkhetrul)' ..... ll &ll
the war for mm'a m1nc11 In
t1w comtna" battle In the~
Soo.lth V\etnam Ia the plaet
P&l81DENT DB.ZYFUS prae:nt.ed a conunem.oraUve
ltuueh ttl qmc)'. ~
plaque of the flnt American~ Jandlnc on the moon to
Point Sllltot Unlw nll)', c an
~t Npyen Van 'I1deu of South Vietnam lut
mab cantrlbu:\0. 1o wo rld
week prior to t:Ddlnr a three-wet::k education llliuion
ol.theUnlted.Sta\nand$anto South Vietnam. Dreyfull .W return ~ Feb. 19.
klndln a:rnrra l,"heaclded.
Dreyf\oo II the fourth m.n
from hiJ campw to ro on a
million to South Ellt Alia. He
wltlbe blc.ka thlldelk f"eb.
11 a rtr r atOpOWn In Banclroll,
Rome, A\hefw and Landon. tn
£nclancl, he w!U vlltt 31 Ste\"entPolntatud.rnt.lnvolvtdln
fusnplalnfd therearenvtunJ.
ven ltln tn South Vlrlnam one Roman Cllhollc, Buddhllt,and thrMpubllt.'"7hrM
a .. Ute only ...u~nlty I"'HCIUI"'
flrtHnmllllon ~have.Thla
~~... ~~; . but
~ ..ldPreildtntThleu
undtntanda that South VIetnam
ahouldi'Oicreatean.lklnaladvllory .... at1minlltnt1Ye ooundl ol education by admlnlstn·
live decrM- nthrr 117 law
"I hava btetl meetln& with
the headl ol the e-ducation com·
mi!IH ol both the Jenate and
o1. auch a -.-it, and the
~nc:ft..qpaol. unl'lffll~
aide UC than outalde.
Aoublequrnt mottoawualto
=:hls~: ::'.'to~~:;! ~~
dnr,,.·a l a nd atatethe 0"1'1101\1
for "ltlnpenon..
MOttl ot the meetlnl wu
1pent YOtJnc on propon iJ to the
new con~tltutlon . Some ot the
additioN a r e ,approval or
amrndmtnll. usem bly meetlna
Senators. fonnatlori ot Welfa re
and Audemlc Affaln oommlt·
tHo, and the lonna llon ol •
cantrollfr "ho would take over
tome ot the dutln now held
by the Senate Tri'Uunr.
Alto, a Senato.r would ILavt
to m alntaln a 2.a tumuJallve
gradepolntavera a:enrbeex·
pelledby theSenate . A part
ol the OCWIItitUIJon W&l~ltl~
whlchateted ,"an olllee r otlhe
Student Se111tr ma y IIIK serve
Pre11de nt Wally Thiel dl•·
a1reed with the niO\"e bK1use
he thlnkl UC urriea rnor e
welahtlhanjust SttvenaPolnt
with the RrtrentJ . Thie l alto
..ld that UC 11 1lck and that
nmntna: a..-ay from the oraanl·
1111on will do noJOC)d. He feel•
St"·"'• Point ca n do more In-
:r,jac~~:: !'; ~...~~=
durlnJ the tenn or hlJ otllce ."
Ga17 W...rwood p,.....nted hll
M ft nse othll teacher evalua·
lion JhHt which wu rrjlr<ted
bylheStnate lnfavor ol,.Uoc
lut y e&r'l eva luation. He ..ld
that the m a in reuon In f1vor
ofhllllleet 'llthatltllshort.
He uld It an1wen the qUHtlona atud.rnt. want to know
about 1 clUJ, ouch u what
klndolte~lllhereare . ltwould
alto tell the 1\udent whether
a teache r llanyiO')d,aeconllnltoW...rwood.
He lUlled lhll the main re a·
_, lui ynr'l IJn"t I I IO')d
Ia that lt h" too much depth
a nd 11 tomet!mH lrrele~nl.
Alto a t the mHUrc T om
Sowden. new Se111tor from lnter-f"ra temlty Council ,...pjadnc
Mike Ourltln, wu •worn ln .
Case Of Missing Eggs
- orwho flewtheeoop-wu
ool'li'd Thunday at SteW>ru
Point State Unl~ntl)" a fte r
k ee plna mt'mben of th e
Sr.hoc,"c k famUy pu:Wed
ne~ rly a half century.
Themyate rydevtlopedlntm
wlvn Aucuat k~beck . a n
OrontoOiutuytiJUdttmiJt a nd
l>~rt • time ~untCN" ol
th e
MJM·aukee COunty MUHUm .
c•~ a rare coiiKtlon o1 mount·
rdblrdoandbltd t'll"llothe
Sll tu1of St. J OitpblnStevtru
died and hlldtlcmdan\1 foraot
On Wt!dnrlday. the mustum
of na tural hlltory 11 St e wn~
Point State formally •ccepted
the blrdl and ra:p ! rom th e
alllen, ,..ho had decldtd to
oharl' the p0«~11 1pec:imtN
wlththepublk: ••
And on Tl>utsday. JamH
Lombardo, a Stevr111 Potnt
aenlortrom llurley hap))tnoedby
the m~ae<~m W\IWif"l of wldeIJII'<!ad,.......cover&letheprevlous day about the 1chool'1
accrpt&nte of theunwual cllt.
He uw the name khocnebKk
ona•lln aOOvttheea:co . Yo'heeJ,
Jtutrd tumina: ln hll mlncl .
" """It from the collretlon of
1ny c rea t vanclf&ther. Auawt.""
the youth uk~ mustum cura ·
tor. O.Ulr-1 Lona.
khocntbeck Wlllled
cw todlano for hl1 ll)H lnl<'nt,
oo hil l'rlrnd. the late Maar.
JuUw Ol)'liNkl, chaplaln of the
St. J01tph"1 prov'..nce houle
herl'. h'eOmmended the Sil~n .
After a ff"W yun, the donor
Lettermen Cbncert
''"Thoe Lfll<'fm"'," a trlo ol
voc:alllta wbo have cut 22 at.
bum1 llnH they ora;111tzed. ln
1961 , wUl bepr....ntedln_.
Hrl Sunday nlt1llt , f"eb. t.S. a t
Sti'Wna Point Sta te Unlvnslty.
'MM-Ir appearanceatlp.m . ln
tM Sera: Gymnulum ot the
fle lo.lhouse will dlmu the um~
us·annulllwlnterca rnlval.'nck·
etaareonlale 11 theUnlvr n1ty
Omte r lnlnrma tlon Msk and
witlbeava llableatthedoor.
l..oell rnnHI"
Tony Butala, a nail~ of Pe"""
1y1 vanla • ..-too bec•n •ln.ii:ln.ii: on
)olnc!dthefa ml!dMltchetiBoy•
Ololr: Jlm P ike of M~rl.
who a llrndtd Briaham Unl~""
Ill)': and Gary Plkt, an Idahobon\ m,.ldan who all~ El'lt.
Durln& thO' pu t nine ~an.
the trio 1111 appean>d 11 more
II)"OAIUCh TV. II"IOwlhoolt~by
Ed Sulliva n. Danny Kayr, ~•n
M.1'"ln· Red. Skelton, Sa mmy
Davia. Bob N,....hart , Mike
l:loui lll llnd J ohnny' Car-..
ln addltlontothelr collt'leclr-
""ibtrelae~,.,. lncllcatlonthat
they ll"e eont:emed
o/. a ooordtna tlna com·
mlttee. which li to fa miliar to
INtltutlons and to the prople
ot Wilconlln. 1 made It clear
to the Prftldrnt that "~ are
not here to lmPQH an .Amrric.anJ)'Iteno , but ntbn"torevlew the problema they ha•~.
..ddleclwtthalhlrtY·fOI"fJi yea r
old French 1)'1\rm," Drey!Ut
Dreytuapredk:li"Uitentun,...., ln South VIetnam unleu
'"ln"flevant education pollciH
wblch al.klw J!Wenta to enroll.
nor pnor-eqllilltH. nor rKOtd
kHptna ol ..... del:.
n.e 1tudent tal<H an examt.
ntotlonlnonl,ytwool.thelubjectl ol hll total curriculum fill"
theyear. lthefalls,hek)oe.
:!t ~":!.7 ar:; ~r~ ,.....,..
ThliiJ ".U..Oor too-IO&ad
Dre)'fUI m....S.
~ t .OOOqp and .CO mounted bll'da ln tha r• htblt
Wll OACC' descrtbed U \lw thJrd
complete c:oi.IH\lon ot 111
cult . ''"Jbe l..oelll'tmm" 1t1
booked ri'JUilrly In LaJ Vt j!:u,
Llke Tihoe,Reno. OII(IJ"O, Ulil
An&eltJ, Mia mi and Ne.. York.
""'lbe Ltn tnnen" travel 10o
1ether Ina Hlf· eontelned
moblle traller, repletewtlhbedl
to theyc.anrellwlllleonthe
road . tl>rlron-the-road home 11
l lto lullyequlpped. wlthcabbwta
fQII"thelrne<:eu& I")'WI~
andallerro totheyeancrltlque
tapea ot prevloul oonc:eru. 11111
!See CONCE RT Pill' ll
l4 1·12SI
bt. ll~
acaMmy ""hlch rall\1 here tn
Sal&;onlaa vel")' entrenched
and po..~rfUI la cull)"-eontrol.led
.Point B lank
than1 ,200oo1Jea:ellnd unl~nll)'
1\of. ' 1hr Way You Look Ton.J.aht."' hal sold more 111111 a
million oopln. and thelr Hoand
and third., "'Whm I f"all ln
Lo~" and ''Cbme Back Silly
Glrl." qultkly followN the pa t·
ttrn . ~ellln& almost 2.000,000
oop1e1. Their first u>, "A Sonc
f.,.. Younc ~ ... wu a nwn·
ber-brsl·ootUer,rl'm a lnln&
~ m yl le i")'WIJ IIOIII'fd.and
before the rnorn1na wu ovtl"
J a mn hid eontacted hll creatu.ncle, Wa lter Se~""bHk. In
Surlna, llnd l""'l t .. unt , MR.
Edna Chrlatenton tn Oconto
f"1lll . Another call went to hll
mothe r, Mn. F'reda Lombar·
do a t ~ su~r S!tftt, Hurle-y.
All ho\IJ"tl the collft.tlon wu
oneeap))r&llrdatSU ,DOO tor ln•urance IJUrpoilel, Lone del·
crlbed It .. belnl beyond motl•
value. Did the family of
AU&UJI Se'-""btck Willi It
bac k! "No. we limply Wlllted
to aee lllo:.e l'ICI," Lombardo
on the mualc trade . ch.aru for
~ 1\rallhiWHko.
G«q:e BurN who called them
tothealte ntlonot JackBenny
who ln turn •l&nrd them fCN"hll
TV 1110w. Slnee then ''"Jbe Let·
tr nnm " appeared with '""1\lllf·
ta mi)IIIC'Ilntheoounlr)'.
'South Viets Know Role,' Says LSD
P l"ftldrnl N111)'en Van Tltleu
of South VIetnam hal a clear
nodon of the rule cove mmrnt
mwt pll y ln brlnalnti: about
hlJher ~uutlon rl'fonn& In the
NO. 17
Senate Withdraws From
WSU United Council
n. Studmt Sen1te voted to
withdraw their membership ln
Unlted Cbuncll a t Jut Thundll)l'l mHtlnil . 11le vote W&ll
ll )'t'J, 4no,withl abltrntlona.
lift" klna II Daniel Bay, a
22-~a r-oldltnlorfromKaultao.~­
How "1M¥ Point
a , B E : :'SI!'o'G
t you
llolaak q
make \lpf ra&..
l mayhaveso:ra ped. . thebottomoft
butl ne..-erhad tomak.e upqu..tlona.
qu...tao.f Tom HUck.
So l wouldn't have to Hrlpe the bot tom of the t.n-el.. Quatlon fo r Tom Hauc.k - Why II the q uutton bo:o; In a dnr.wer behlntlthedeak!
Whn I nlled tbe ta.mpua Jwlldo......,_, It 1-* U
&n) -
UIIW'ered. ~ phoM. Wby 010
tbenrtldoboanlt AfaoN!tymember.
WM' a la
"The reuon It aom..tlmea takn 10 loq t or o:alb to 10 thro\lch
Ia beaUH o r the tara:• amount of o:alll whkh are handled by 011
unlvef"tlty operaton,M replied Adolf Torzewald af General S.rv·
kn. 1bere are two "!'omen handline a Jo b whkh fou.r women
ahould bl!doinr, a'erordlnc to a lrkphone company survey. No
lmprovrme nt an be made tJec.uae only a tw~man board Ia avail·
whkh will be January
o l not yn r and In the dornuo a year trom thla •ummrr. the oprra tora wtll have t o continue to handle u many u 7·l!i o:alb NCh
at o"" time. f"o r thole who ean plan phone ealb ahead of tUM,
the leut bul)' time. are from S9 ln the momln1 and durlnc noon
time. "1111! ....ttchboard equipment II owned by the talephone oom.
•pany and Ut run by the admlnlltrstlon. Bemke f"'redock Ut the
•upervtOIOr. worklna under AdoU Toruwald who, In tum, report.
~~· ~
adlooJa a.e....UO..,.. ...........,
• .v-.&.J
Yn.. aecordlq to thoN worldnc on the ~
member~ of Nu .Alpha n.u, Youq Democnta, Youq ~b- •
lleanaandZP.G. Ratlwrthanhavtncltonl)'onApr. 22,thl')'
hopetoJtartthlnpollonApr. 2ltolhat moreaub}Ktla..nbe
covered and more peoploe a..n pa.rtldpat~ One oonunlttH member
totthe teach·ln.-.Jd."Wehopetheteach·lnwtllbemw't~ l.
one or two day a.ltalr. Durlq the tflldl·tn. wa want to make the
po.ablk aware of the envlrorommtal problomll tadnl ,. today. T1le
awar.nua. we hope. Will be followed by action...· llealda aupport
J"iven 117 faculty memben., ~ faetoey repreamtatlve.
andotherstnvolvedlnthedebat.N,at\ldentpartldpatlonll..,. for the teach-In to be a IIIC.'IO!&I and for tha action •hldo
.... '
February 12, 1970
Lett~rs To The Editor
Ed· R ·
ttor e.ngns,
Gives Reasons
Fuchs On Bruske
O,u "'""'·
lnb~ntlnOiarll'l llrulke'l
mo.. ' """" .. . ....... '""
~~~EUI~E~}~~: =:;t~;FL~;:~~~elhf
~~~!tE~i"tit~FJt~::: ~~==to·~::~:~~~
ro!a:e~. ~'!~:n::~ ~~~~ t:S~tieO:ec~fo:U~~rc~r ~~: ~:~~1a~~~r~:afl ::Er:~:~!':::d,;:i~~!
1~;~ editorial, I will t ry to explain m y reuon~ for rellgn· ;;.~ ~~~~~~;~~~:;! :~d:~:~r~:~l~~~
Foremoet b: the faet my personal life u
well u
and anll-admLnlstrallon
b 1,. 1
to reeoenlze the lmrllcatlom,
::~:=~~::;~a~v:!u~oe~te~da;.~~!~f~~:~it:~ =:;_~~~1~:\,~~J~ ~E: :!.i~~t~:r:~: ~~
erJhlp tluln 1Ulnd on their ,...n
eommand thll
of oi!Jt'cllvc
There are more luues Involved, however, than men!:ly
!:~..!~~ 7'w:::~~k.!'ron'::7.;, ~mrnhtorul•·~~~ FUats
field of h!Jt ory.
my personal and academic life. One perennial P':Oblem
n-Iute him,
to wake
Depe. of OJmmunkatkln
~-= ::.::~ea:a:r~~:~:~ :a~:u~;e :~~~i.:::e~ ~~~ a::E~~a~~~~~n~::~~
la.expected to rover the activitlee and eventa of 1 reading
admln!.tnollon rc'Latlon1.
a udience numbering nearly 9,000. Fifteen o n a atatr In
!>lr. Bn.Jtke altncked 11M:
the early 1960s was the right amount of persona, but that . Pn-tldent lor hll "ndntlnlstra·
is not the case today. This campus h aa grown tremendous·
tor anlti!IW'' In ~crlb41& •tu·
ly in the jut few yelll1l and with this growth the stall' Ia
~=:Ionasp.1·;;1111~~~·J.fn...,: t!
expected to cover e\·erything. That i.H juat not possible
tlc. 'I'M av~rnlle 11\lde;;\ls here
nor practicable with a amall atatr.
The refore, I urge anyone who Ia at all lntereated In
~~ )~~:, :''~~.!-:"'~~~~
ionK~r. 'J'l>(>
n•·eraKc . t~·ncher
:~k~~u~~~~~e0~e;::~~na~~d~=tt1t,t~:~.t~;:.a~~r~:~:v~;~ ~i.~~~:.:~k~~!~cJ't~2
the Pointer office on 11 Monday or Tueaday. e vening.
A related proble m to atatl'lng Ia the fact this univeraity
h u few Jou rnalism COUI"'t'l aa s uc h and doea not offer
llsh 11 car<:<"r. Sool~ teaclwro.
tranJlMtt, hut 10 ...·llut T l)o;M•s
::~:~~:~~;t~;;:~ ~nt~~; ~::~r~t~:::e~l!e::~~ ~~~i~::,t.~:::,~:~;:~~TM'~
by working for D 11 l'olnter. Right now, no credit b: earned
llf a "~mmodlty, a dLKitul unit
~~;~:~:~t 0:t~;:n:afo. ~~r~ ~~u~~l:nP::eu:dro~a~!: ~~a~·:~::.~;~~:,;2:~:,~i
demlc credit, then p art of ou r staff problema could be
Another problem which Is related to the atalf Is
the fact that a ll members of the editorial board of the
paper are not compenaated adequ a tely for the amount of
effort and time they put in.
My job as editor, for example, takCI:I from twenty to
forty hOUI"II per week. That Ia the equivalent oC about
fL"': a Ll focully "fll rommo<li·
tl<>s to be ··used " and "ronsurned"br the lludl'rtii. S<> Let't
nut 1,1ay with ...'<Wd•. the realL)'
Lmtoortant lhlnJo:• In ILic ~rc not
;:,';:1':~~:f,.:·~~~-d ~,.';~~
aroond, but "'"'' )'01.1 do with
)"OUr nrc umlWt Uoc thufnLIIIC.
Mr. llrulke crLtLdu• l're'l·
~:~~:~e:~~a1::~~~ ~~:~t~~;:o:~t1o:~~~~: 1::u.;:c~ =~;~~~:~~;;!~:,2
U.Lt• ..·nh re1ard to lcnu,... tt•n·
I n t h e eue of the paper, we atart on Sunday evening and
;:r ~~=-: :~:~~; :a~er \~e:~!!!~e e~~n~O::k ;;~~E;~!rl~~~~~~~:a~~~~::
t:::"~~~d~;:.~~~~ =:e:~r:~y~:~~~~;fet:;7~:~
by W edneaday evening. U that ean be done, then you can
unde!"lltand the problems o f putting out a ntwllpaper.
Another problem, though not directly related to our
:~;: !~:~~~:'~~· ;::er~~h:!k:;~:ed~~~~~~o~
rfl<l to lhla t>rocnl Ln hLI t""l·
~~.,r~:~y ~ "'i~:~~r c'::~~
not ~llow the students to 1oaru.
published more tha n once a week. This would be poaaible
under Ideal conditions but it Ia not feasible at the present
In c ranllni: tffiurc, mak••• u
dl'Cblon to HlcraHy "Hv~" ...; th
time .
l n summary, the job of editor Is physically t&Xing on
:, r:u~~.-.~t~~c t~ ~~
dentt fllayln~t far a ~hort..r
~~ :~:~~~~e::'!: ~:~e,rt:e~:n~.. and it Ia a
Dreyfus Has Clarity
On Vwmam Situation
As moat of us are aware, Prealdent Dreyfua b: preSent·
~~ ~k~~~~~u:e~~ ~;~~n~~~~ :~:!~U~ ~~~::u~
try u well u the political leadef'lh lp .
D reyfus In aome tape-recorded meuaget from Vietnam,
h u aald atatement.s that we regard u one of a non-expert
on that part of t he world.
Thill aeems str.Rre that h e h u aald these atateme'nta
be<:auae when vieWed In the context of h is October I S
Moratorium Day apeech h e Is quoted u saying h e bad'
many confllllons about Vietnam. But that must h ave
cha nged, Iince now the pret.ldent can uy statements
which lndlcate 'an expertJIC on the aubject .
H e said that "If the Cong do not erupt the feaUvtUes
...-elshl, WI(', anddl'CIIIoo to
tltf! !lK'Ple ...·holt"'·UL•flecl
mo11! \'u, .orne I(Kid teach~n
may hJ•·e to leave, u ••:eU a'
a.omebold.butln a lfnuredeclslon'youean not deny !he
facully the rli:lllto CONL<kr \he
lluman elei!X'nl, the ooclal relo\lorulllpl bo!""'~fn lhorlliClveo
.. lrlffids androlleas~. Lel
me draw tome p~~rtlleLI: fra·
temlU~ t-eJeet (do 1101 tenur'l
ltt Ul IIIJ'I u-. 1tr.tdents they
don'l"'·anltnllveor auoclate
wLlh; If lntol~rable you dump
your roommate ... lt Jll)lalbl~
. .. orllyouun't,youonly
l iMp In your room while you
DeRr Editor,
Wdl once 11111ln coneralula·
•elentlouland llluatrloul Tef>.
ureFIIcultyMtmbers. Foranee
lli:lln theytuovebehtld.rdan-
other)'QW11r ~yeari'dmlllle
hr.cultr membl!r here at WSU
S\t'\'e"' Polnl. I am 1~Hina:
sptotllleallyof lheirrcc:enL•'Oie
1101 to aeoeJ1( ~lr. BIU Olek aJ
a facul\y mcmbo!r het-e
'lllllnkl tor the lu t thre e
yeor'l 8111, b\lt we the mutk
Tenure )'•culty Mem~n hat"t
come to \h.o -.cl111lon that you
llundardi,IOioolr: lor another
Munyofyou lin.>bablydonot
know the proe«<ure follo\\'ed In
the t t le<:llonof wholt \0...,...
Viewpointll)' D ARIJ\' L Gt:IUtAlS
'nlHe awards hlvr he-en In·
~~::::'~.'o:, nc,:ua1~ r:,!u.U:.';::
"''orthy llt'Oflle and lettmr nts of
ourJC~Cicly. Sincil tltf!tlcldof
l>orlllbL<•~ltdmii ,.'U JO]UrKe
lhlspllll)'ear,lllad am!llt
•lluteult lime c~lnK.
1Malk• forllh'e me If I ml11td
otw of )'our tlrd~renel'l .
'n!C' Mun of the Ytlr a ...·ard
lnt Pmou~ehlnne­
o( alloea110111, Rkhlrd MlL·
houJ; Nixon, "''10 fin.olly rnaol~
Ltto the l're.Ldcnr:yaflery...,.,..
of angultll. Thl1 mnn decided
II will time 111 en~r an era
of""l·.'otlatklnand 4cat't'U~eru
of t<llltron!Mlon behind us, AI·
.tlloua;h llr•trtrie arm! llmlla·
lion lAlka "''tAr bfoJIUil, !>lr. Nix·
•r-tem, hu not bllnntd 1hLpo
mt•ntaof weaponJ: IGll.l'llrL, nor
huo he put MU end to the Vll!l•
num confLict,
Altllougti lle made • pledi:e
not tn employ rhemlc~l or Woo
lottlcal w~rfa~ M any Ume,
the ulr of nap.'llm In VLf tnam
~ontllllltl. Allhough he ma(ic It
t><•rfrc:lly clt'Pr 111M Itt! It for
a \'Oiunlnry army, he 1ettl"'
fvr amtrechanp In !he! nlt'lhnds nflnvoluntary Hrvitudcl.
An i with thr unforlunmt~
lot.-sslnll:• of many AmtrkanJ,
h;, liM dccl<l~l tn "''1\hdr~w
from VINnam •loto·fr. even If
thl1 mean• the de~tlts or d....
fonnl'd Mnd cdJ11llo:d bodlcl of
" n rtiLmMcd 10.000 n10re men.
Our ~meterll'l and war hoolpl·
talllhlluldbcdi'dlcatMio !li'Oo
pte like Rkll..d Nlxoo, whn
lhrou~:h tht!asr~ ,.,... IW'I"<'U·
N hll frnme of n•Lnd.
Tile Peace award 11:06 to 1J'WI
roc:klnz ellalr H I of loyal, pil·
t~ic a nd fcarlcAI Amerlcant
who now feel tha l li ""Nfll can
aomchow be!ul'l'o(!tllntoa riKhl.
l rtd lhat ltan)"<NKlcanachLe•·e
thLI, Nlxoo II the One.
And onc:eat~aln, lhe Ewt nl
ofth.c \'nr •"'"lrd ~lo the
f nllre Vletnnm thea~ - all
tho blood-curdllns,hllllorlcm...
.acrl'l, theheroLe dcathland
~mlodratha, tltf! !MdalJ, th e
lho tlow re-Vletnamtu.tlon, the
prltonerJofwJr. thebreaklns
up of famllles. the nae-. ntl·
tklnaLintnHt andt~ lhllllr!l
.,..~ are told at-e nteeH~I'J' for
the prHervatlon of frftdom and
llumon dLi:nll)'. What a ...·ay to
~:o aboo.u 11.
Spt<:lal toilet awardi&Q OUI
to PGJ~ Paul VI for his ~
uL~llon Cl<Jlk*lon. to Spiro T.
All:new for hll franknello In
•'Oldn~~: hit utter Jtupidlly, 10
John MltclltlL lor his ability to
MPI1.13ek Ill<' Attlli'My.C:eneral't
otflu 11 COUJ~e of emlurlet Ln
ft m~l~r of a few mvr•thl, to
fo'tderol Judtte Ju1Lu1 Uo.ffman
for malntoLnLntt: thtlypo: ofrepo
utallon the dty of Odcaro al·
reAdy hu • nd to PTHidenl
Drt~fut Und llhl faculty cohortl
"'·h<l play cat andiTIOUII! t~amto
wlth thtlludtntbodyllntht
end, you know who u tual ly
Oh )'tl, a very lpt<:lal toilet
a ...·anl.,:>el tolhe lloardof
Rq;;cntl. ...·ltllbellevevlsllatloo
houn are not eoncluelve
henlthy M'X h•blu: wife old
mt n of America, protect our
bodll.'l! Peloce,
Germain? Inane!
The aubjl'Ct maner of )'OUr
Inane " ltrm paper" !MantER
SUPERIOR) Is not even "''OMhy
of eo<nmenl. J "''OUld pi'C'fu
that )'011 loo.and more •utt.tancLat
8'lttunents for )'OUr current dis·
\\'bcon.ln. people,
I"Wiaeolllltn 'll lout:,.-eatht~"l
and !hat )'l)llleam toorsanLre
and direct yoor mlnd'J trl\'tR.
While your ambliUOUI IIatt·
mentaartrp!.lrc'ly tubjecllveand
lllt~hb' penon1l, the purpoae of
)'0111' eolumn rematn. vque. N
Lt Lo neither entfMIInlna; nor
dldac\le, tltf! only reaaon fnl'
ltlaurvlvat mUJt bttnpromo~e
controvt ny,l.e.,"tomakepeo.
ple thlnk." lt l<tch!.lht cue.
l am IJ'IIteful lO>"ex~un:to
""rlten who are 1n1e lhLnlrerJ
\'our ltatemen\J rt'mlnd me
ol a blln<l-foldKI man In an
empey boxln¥ rlnJ'- only he
doetn'l know hi II
one In the rtna.
0~tlnue to
the only
3 U he II voted · down he
mu~l leave tltf! IIIIIIL!utlon at
lheclateol the achool year.
'n'oe l('nure mfmbert who
have !he po...~r to lllle any
mud<: faculty member at the
~rlodaN E. Mclnlt, K. Smith,
~~:la~;·, ~:;:,ani>. RRu~
In the apPrOach tiled~ the
1 U'flure faculty membe111 or
11um. Jll!rtOnDI drh'e, and the
ICIUIII lnlelment 011 Ul<! £011.1
10 Improve Uoltlwl been Jiven
1o !he dePflrlmffll by !he new
proba!lonaryfaculty otthe lu t
Thrre'• nothln~t we e11n do the LOSS ot Mr. Dick
iorl..,llualreadybeen l'f'Oo
(flHd! My n<!XI cOncern
V.'ho'lni'XI IoJII>! I do hove
The Pointer
and examination periodl. 111 Slevent Point. Wllconsln.
by tl'le 1tudtnu of WJ.scoontln ,Stale 'UniYttllt)'. Sub-
1.&>fiN'eMr. Dick,.,.11lllf<l
did you \h.o "'-"cue~vt
him the o:ontlderallon of dlffk.
out -
tnrwllhiOITie Oraroy~o~ hil•tudl'flts t.a-~1
they lhoo.l&ht of hlm u an 11..
atruc:torT Or did~~ ~;,1 t"<o
orthrte('()me tou, ~blcco
2.Canlhl>re bea,.11)'L'o>t faculcy mfmbera flAt.,.
reevaluall'd ]X'riodie~Urotolo
they rftaln a life ~mben.t.~
bc>cauae at one lime lht)l .,..,..
sJvr nlhenod!
For The
()( 111(' DePflrlmcnt?~
Jn eonclusloni,."OUidhkotQ
lilY~~ I ruUy donlolft
how lmpot"lant you ~ ,..,.,
or hcftv ...·ell you 111~)' lhoo !.laeoo
~:.; ~ ~~~-:;t ~":'~
fkop;~rlmfnt just bec1uw )Oif•l
~here Xnumbcrt~lyl'in
AreyoueheaUn~: l~~
ment thai you have ""LJlO'dto
build by dro..nLnJo: )'OIItsdrtt
Lnyourpond ollm ure!C..
out <'ll thatt;ond andbthont.1
!11\Qt thla dtpC. lmtrrii\'Lft;tW.
alw who ltUi)' be hoLdlfll ~
It jus! mlght «itll{' wt ~
Or. Johnson's Prescription Rejected
Dear EdL!or,
Dr. J ohnJOil. In his flnt "To
\'our Jlulth" article, broulfhl
oot at~o·eral mble•dlnll: pOLnu.
FLrJI, he de1<:rlbtd !he alomle
JIO"'erplan\laalheanJwer to
oor paJLutlon probLem•. 'lbHe
plan\J dump_mlltU..ofcallonl
ofhot wa\erlntoourl&kl'l&nd
olrtaml, lncrenlna: our major
110Uullon J.lf'Obltm, Thermal PnL·
·Second,hed('l(rlbes thern·
dloilctlve diSC:hii'Jie from thnle
planiJ aJ harmL~I . 'l'he Lntlal
an theoveralLelfl'Cialnthe
fOOd chalnT Are the later e f·
fl'Cts In the ume line • • DOT!
1llermal PollutiOn II our num·
IM'r one pollu!lan probLem today,atact ...·lllchla ·rtalluod
by few Jl('Ople ootslde of th!He
lntheeonservallon fleld. lnthe
~ue of Ute atomic JIO"''er pLonll
Ute Pf'(lbltm II 11:re~ter !han 11
rvtr IIU !Mlcn btlON! lor the
· tlmplt re110n tllat they ute
more water lor the coollna: pro.
cl'lll'l than any otlttr m1nu.
faclurlna; prO<:e... 1llerm1l pOl·
lutlon ean nnd dots hlw
ndra:iiLetffcct onlhe plnntJ
on, rOOd txampLr lithe llle
cycle Ollhe ulmon. 1lle ulmon
la)'l It'• ens ln the Lat~ JaiL
and under normol condLtU..
the ra:r• are kepi from hatchIna: untiL nrly Jprlllf ~!he
cokl water. It the lt mperatUrt'
ol \h.o water L1 r alo<td even
•Uchuy, \hecw ...1Hhatehln
thelaUand lhfi)'OUn8wllldle
dr.orJneU..,wlnter. ThS. I,,.·hat
the atomic power plantl '"'OULd
dolo the n lmonot LakeMlchL·
IIIII, ln II few )'tllr'l \he Coho
SalrnonofLake Michlc~o~~"''Otlld
be a lhtn1 of \he put.·
'nle lntlal r adloaeUvLty rmll·
Wisconsin State University
and U Dr. Johnlon ttatKI, II
On this week's front page Is a nothe r ~~erie~ of h la alate-menta which t o us mak e tit tle aenac.
W e uk President Dreyfua why he make~ tUi'~ st;ate·
menta which would Indicate a clear view of the Vietnam
situation In light o f the f act that a f ew montha: ago, h e
uld he h ad some confu1lons on the subject of Vietnam 1
Paul Jut)•
lolr. Dan HoWthan, lnformoUon Se~. Ext. 239
l(r, Jobzl AQdenm. lntOtrnatiorl Servka, £xL 4S'J
ln~lltullont partlcullr depart•
ment vote \o dec:ldt! It IIW' ln-
the dt'-
Dreyfus believes that the Cong are loalng control
and that the people are look ing now to Saigon for leaderahlp Instead of H anoi. Agaln, what basis II} fact d oes the
pre.ident have for m aking that atatement 1 How can h e
claim that, whe n he h u o nly been in the country f or leu
tha n amonth1
liDII'OalAL 110.\&D
Editor- Paul J an1y, 601 Fourtl't Ave., 341·2339
r:ru:'!':!. .'! =~·~
tcrmlnlni: tacklrt In tlll l
Cf'O'Wih! llasilbeen achanae
dent have for making that atatement 1 b b e privy to
aome sour« which the N l:t:on admlniatraUon bu not con·
pelltod to ..k -
A new IIIIILI\ICtoC' It "'"c"'
on 'atnree)'Carprobiii!Qnary
period upan hb arrivaL at !his
2. Ne1r U~ end <'ll lhe thrft
IUF~ ~a:..l a~~tl~: ::~·:~
nte POINTER Ia puhllahoed weeki)'
tlley soun.llll~lreo:ttoni.
·.!.t.~~k t~ndh~~~~n J::.
eation, What h.. bcm
~~~·:renel';.l:;-~on~l~et~~t ;:~d d:re:::t p!~
IICI'lptlon pr1ce- SS.OO per y~ar. Cll'<'tllatlon 9,500.
Seocm<klau poltq:e pa1d a t Steven• Point. ·
The POlNTER offke Ia located ln the Unlvfl'llty
Center. Telephone 341-12:11. Ex!. 235.
11 ftw qUHI~ lhilt evl'rl ~
'Tenure Members Strike Again'
Is hllrmlfu. But ,.·hal happmo
when lhf1 ndloac!lvily 11:\ro.
troducedlntollle fbadollairl'
A 1hort lime ·~o ..... hod 1
very i ood eumplt (){ IOC\1""'
fa llout from bombt tHitd Ill
the a \mo~pherr frll..,\.'11
North Amerlcon continent, t!w
lntlal doae'"''"''trytmall.llti
\'~ry thortly milk In Ol'ltl.lo
a~u waa foond to lot nd.,.
ac!lve loahl~~:henou,hdtcrt<
to h1ve tile milk b:onntd!rot=
!lie market.
"nlLI eontamlnatlon "II 1¥'1
out lhat ff ll On 11\to de.· ~
thai fell Into a Jl;lll d m~
II "''ali callltod b)' tilt ~Ot'll:nl;
th·e effl'CI brou~:ht aboYt Ln lbl
food eha ln,
1llefallou!"'·a• urritdMitbt
ground by rain. l'•r'lci!L<
leavr. of plan\1. ~nd p.~U ot
lt ...·ncarrLedlntotlttf<llln·
aeLJ, Tile plant Jbo.lrb:i thf ,.,
dloaellve malt rialfromlllt>Jil
akln11: wl!h !he 10Ll nutrltna
Some of !he falloul tr.ll.:~l
Into the water IIIJ>pl) ~r>d lbl
water waldrWlkb)•lh. C'C"
and a t the 1nmc tim~ til< f\>l
wa1 eatlns the plan11 "~""
C'OIIIain radloactLt·e rr.ltmol
llle cow acc\IJTiulJt~• radwc·
live material from all tfw
aourcu, \hut mu!llpl)'ir.£ t'>t
radloacllvl!yo( lts..,
manr tim~ O\'tr and in Crt
procen,luzeamnunu crn!ii>
I C!Ivlty Is Lntrod\IC'td llliQL~
Thete are just t"v poU:1
"''hlch wen,..,.,. mLJI•d.:t
ctptdatly because IJI'OIII• • J
lake lheH atatenH"nlf 3t f•::
btca111e the a\altii'U'nll ""
made by a Mrdlu l D.J<W
Stalementa t uch as !hr..- (I~
a m\lllllllde ol pi'Oblfml ~,ret
eonaervallonltts tryln1 •~ ~t·
plain the true faf u or 1ho t~·
.... 3
Montagu Gives Brief Review Of History
thmle ol my talk IIIII evt:n\ni
DR. ASHLEY IIONTAGU, the noted anthropologin,
1poke on Monday evening to a capacity crowd in the
Main Auditorium. The subject of b.b was that
are naturally auperlor to men.
ski Photo)
lory wtllch appund oome
yean •co 1n N- York OIY
when II the Ntw York Bronx
Zoo a much·Yalt!N ehlmpanue
tllc:aped, 11\d &ftef I Hirth
lqtLna: aome four day~ he wu
found In the IOWU-InOit atuQ
of the New Yorll Public Ubnory.ln hilldthand llewu
hoklllli: aeopyoltheBiblc,
and In hll rta:ht hand he wu
holdLna: • cop)' ot O.rwln'l
0rtcta .r 8pedeoo. Whtn ubd
an uplans tlon ot the m u nlnr
of thb, he meekb' repllotd,
"Well. 1 wu simply trylnc to
dll-r whether I'm m,y broth·
er', kHper or my kHper's
b~r." Thill Mean
ei\CI!' In the Main AlldltorliiPlTtleewnt ..·aapartoltheArtl
and i..edllfft St~l, dl r«trd
by J ack Cohan.
Glvlncabr1<'1 H-Vl"""ofthe
hlltory of mon. Dr. Montap
:~~'oo~~~~ ::,~r=
problems. man Mume
Madison Kickoff
For Carnival
The a nnua l Wlntrr Camlv.1l
~ ~ Stc.·eN Point State Unh.._.r--otty wu klekrd off mor-t t111n
100 mUn from campUII on Sat·
urd1y nllllll . •·rb. l.
Govemor W........, Knowle1 HI
• tan:h ~~ 1 :45 p.m. which w11
u.r!Wd In a n all-nJaht maJ'I·
thi,ln tunfl'GnlthtlttpoiO!the
upllol bulldlnclnMIIdLIOIII.>
tile front door of Old M ai n
BuLLdliiJ I I the unLYenHy.
llud#ntora:anL&a tlonllltema lo-d
r•IT)' inalhe ton:halona; Hy.
~1. accord lnc 10 e~mlvl l cha irmi n Da•·ld SICVo·ert ot Stevelll
l'rlor tolnYinliiMadliOII, L'>.!
!llllllrn ..-ertholted• t •~~
lion btaLnnLJII at I p.m. In lhe
l'trk Motor lnn, After they a r-rh~onca nlpl!SIIlp.m . Sun·
dfoy, 1M torch ...., handed oo.·er
to Prole110r Em~rllu1 Derlhn
Glennon, ..-ho 111.-d It lo L~tnhe
Uoe name ln a llll'lll:e. cn•fl'<l
bu.rrwr that wiLl be •ILGW fQI'
tile cn111lnlil..-ffk .
Mlu Gl~nnon, In whou honor
the carnival II dedicated, Jol~
cd lhfl nm~rs a t a nolhtr o·c-eeptlon In the Unlyenli:r Ct>nler a t about l :JO p.l'll. Th e
event w .. planno-d lorttlldcnll.
laeu.l tyandlhcpubllc
Qlronatlon of the u rnlva l
kLJII and queen wu Sl.lnday
nlllhl dllrlnC an lntcrmlulon of
a concert by the Unlventty
Symphonte Wind Elwlmble and
O::loct-rt Band.
11M cllmu.lntt l'f"OITam. will
fea tlll""taeDncertby \he nM•
tloNtly-kn<>Y.-n n\UIIclil r OUjJ,
•-n.e Lettermen.'" at I p.m.
5Widay, •'cb.l5. 1nthelltl'lll:
GymnuL11m of the ll'"ldhoul.:.
Enter The Young
" B,I' OOM!'IA f'RO:'oll!:
Amid a U the a ttention lOCUli·
lndltudcntunrntlheae dayl,
lt' ttai)'IO<Wtr lookthcbene-flrlll&elil-"!llet: 1nd cornm unlt:r
Hr>·lee projecu atlldmta p.u1lril>l' te ln.
The men o1 Pr ay.Sinll Hall
ll;t \'t in\1111~ IUCh I pt"Ojecl
entitled Enter the Youna-.
Tltrouchlhlsl<!rvlce acllvll)l
r-eoldenta of Pr•:r-Sl""' >-ohm--teer•frwhoul"lonSaturd•:rtodo oddjobl lorelderlyc\11·
Enter the Youn11
lntOc:tohtras a cari")'O\'er
h-om a 1prlnt; clean up """'k·
endheldbyStciiK'I" II a li. Sinee
thtnthemenof Pray-SL""' hllvc
betnlpendL"'Ihelr Saturdoy•
palntlnr;,ra klnaiUvfl,lho\'tl·
in&lnDW, mo•-1111 fumiNre and
doifll other odd ,labs lhl t ~ldcr--1)' r-nldcn~ would o th,.rv.-loe
ha•·e tohlredont.
The Hl"\-lee 11 cnttnd~ to
•ny pe..-.on In !he eommunlt:r
ll "ho
.--.eedlhelpandl o
d~e-ct thf"OIIIh the Ste•-c111 Point
Journal. WSPT and chuKh bul·
De1n F1o~~o-e n. 1tlldcnt eo--or·
• •• t ••
d lna lorot the po-oJ«t ll•lrs
tha t u o f now then •re abotJI
filly m e n lnYolv~. ''There hll
a l,.•ay• OOen mou&h atlldent
day to oompltte all the .lobi
- Ullllily by about 1 :00 p.m ."
1'tle tit le or the pro,lect I•
llltlf rathe r unique . Afttr day•
ot aeareh\ni lor a name th ut
~··e~ a lillie more cheer
a nd enthllllasm tha n Htlp the
Elderly. lhe men ume up ..-Ill!
the soog title '"Ent~r I h f
YOUIIJl." Thlo lop by the Auoclatkin tteml to fit the toall
ot !he pro)Kt remarkably well.
Comm11nl ty enthUILum for
Ente r thl' Youllj: lo I"'I!Wa nllne·
ly hl1h . Aller just two -..·Hkl
o f openti::Jn, niiPlti'OUI ca l)l
" "ere rectl\"rd at the Stt >"fl\ll
1-'olnl sherlfl'l de partm ent eon"l•
:rlt~':.tlnlillhel tudtnts on thl'lr
The 11Lr ll are 1etttnc lnvolv·
Pdtoo. Sta rll"'theweek follow·
lng Winter C1mlva1 the women
of Dtlu\1 Hal l ...-t\1 M poollna:
!~~et1 ~~~c:!l~~ne/::.
About JO ..-omen from Delull
ha.-etndLcatcdlhfiL r wll\lnaneU
to hl! lp .
"Man hal befll on this urth
for over tWomiiUonyunand
11"1 only t..~lvetl"lol.lsand :run
ago that aar1culture..,.. dll·
C"O\"tnd."' For the tint time
msn eould t:row hll own lood
and d!UI !Mre&H In niiPlbtr,
formlnr larre \mpPrsona\ dtJe.o. Monta111 u.ed the HopllndiUllandtlleEaktmolu"IQOd
'"nmpl<'l of lhl»l" who have
bo:fn wodllt\lrlled by that blllll:hl
\ - the white Iovin( OuiatJan.
two U.. t rem1\n 1tlll
a sdcntlat, Monta111 1-1\d "I' m
serve u e:ump~ or a
not a membe r or IllY chW"dl
warm kiYinl hum.n Mini could
or any rellclon. I oontlder all
_d!BI poppyooc:k lorthe1imple
01!-cr:rlna " m ao'• ln-n J>ONI·
reaaon U..t I beUen the mean..
bly proUfentlnt: hl1 kind,"
lnl or a word 11 the action
Monl&lilllpointrdoutthat "de-ltprvd~;lhat wha t youbemocnc:r pa:r- hllilh dividendi .
Uew 11 not what you uy, but
what you do. By ttuot meuure
You un ld a way with m11r-de r In a democracy. You can
there haw bHn mlllloM or
Ou1111a N but wry ~ followbe u lrrt•J>ONLble u
like." 1be IOdololl•t tied the
en of JesUI and there haw
f111l~ 1.1 f democracy to
bHn mill~ 1.1 f democn~ but
faulll of ed11ca tlon " • very few Am~rlcan11."
• you learn ro M a hy(INCritc In
''TheY havto only lmowled.Ke
thecluaroom. lnouriiO-CI Ilotd
NUC!Itlon of 1ludtn~, whkh
munlna ot the lcnowltdp nor
hu nothln& wt"lltJoe~r ro do
do they lll!odtntand what the
knowledge II for. Knowle<\j:e ll
with an ~ueatlon, but they're
INUtutlonl f o r
not enourh. You m111t under·
tnlnln11 In the technlqiiH and
lllnd ..-nat your knowledp 11
okllll of the lhn-e R'1 and Ulcn
for. Knowl~&e II for, alwa)ll.
collere to IH.m
love. It can't be for 111)'thlnl;
the hlilher lhn-e R"o: remedial
Montagullnkedbreut iH'dln&
re•dlnlr, remNial wr1Unl, and
wid! a bab:r'• need for love.
remtodlal arithmetic."' He crttl·
cbed ptftffll o-dlle&llon m cth·
' "llla t IICW4Iom baby, at the
oda ot mem orlutlon and e:u·
moment he 11 born, 11 equipped
mlnatlona and quoted 1 play·
thoi"OIIIhlY to CO ahead and
wrl&ht u uylnr: "V.'btre an
lm·e, and he wanll 10 &rVw
ld~a iJ wanllnt;, a word c1n
and dc-o·elop. U YOtJ 6epr1YC him
alway~ be found to take lb
II all ot hll ........:! for love,
plaee." Montlt;U btllt-vn ~uhe will ~crippled for the
eatlon 11 the~~ impor1ant
fftt ol hll me 11 • h11man
hwnan pmccu bec&IIM '"~lie&•
htlni lnd 10 the e!d.ent ol hll
tlon lithe proceu or tumlnt;
belni f1LlN In thil........:! for
klve, totha.texlcnthe will bee&pacltltl Into abLLIUn."
~~~~~~~~~~..:~~ ~ ~~:
t~rcncc betwten what dill ere•·
tun wu capable of ~mini
and wt"llt he 11 tn fact belnt:
forced to bemme. What It
me~~n~ to beoomc 1 human belnalltoreallze• nd futfutooe'•
unlq~~tneues and D!M''I pole ~
Ua lltln lor Uvinl 11 II IQ ll•·e
and kl,-. ..~re one."
Str-eutna that he 1poke u
011~r1::~Pdc!~~:· maklna
•nother human betna: , lo the
rn.c:.t lmp011ant job In the
"'wld.ThJ.s)lwhy l uH I1that
no any lonlltr hu the rf&ht
to marT)' 11nleu they can dcm·
on1trate their abLllty to enter
lntoa ndma lntalnJuchanlm·
portant relatklnlhlp wid! a noth-tr h11n1a n MLIIi:. I wouldn't
rnnt anyone 1 mUT1111e II-
no..- -a nd~ntyyunfrom
ln 1 IC~fn<:to. new n-c--
now: ·
nun of 1tud)l are'oontlnually
openln1- Dr. Thlelfeld u.ed the
uamplel of anlmal behavior
Wlnrwl'l ot Winter Carn\vll"l
llalrdo,L.eg1J 1ndKntft c:on--!~~- iondayhavcbcen
Rrcelvln& ifint place In \he
h•lrltll ~top' wu Delta strm•
Phi. se.coM place wu taken
hy ,-.u Kappa E111Uon an d
third pl oce Wll ta ken by Bald·
win \lull.
1lle tlntptacewinner lotthe
le11t halrlt~t lep wu Delta
Stama Phi . Second place wu
earned by Si111:m• fiu Gamma
with Ta u Kappa E111Lion taklnt:
lh~wir!krof lhelcne-elc:o<>­
trot was Alpha Slim& A.lph1.
RtcelvlnK uc:ond place wao
Ncalo: Hall a nd Dclull Hall loOk
t n the !Wrdo contest , for the
beat Moon-do, Roach Ha ll tool!
tlntpl ace.,..kinf~and
lhLrdplacewen NealeHalland
A.lpha Phi, respectlvely.
Tbe wlnntr ot the t.)itery
i!alrdoHCtlon Wll Roach Hal\.
HilL a nd [)e,Jt• Zeta came In
third .
Euh tint pia« reec\Y~ 25
~~a?~? ~~= r~
cn1turt., namely, this baby
""ho they're 1otn& to tum Into
ahwn.~nbelna:. "
" Amer1earuo
bee n
brouahtup tobeltC\·ed!atquant iiY .... val~~e," and Dr. Montaru relot~ dill totheUJ"II:enl
popc~latll.ln pt"Obltm. " QIIantlt:r
II ol no vel~~e whltJoeYer. It
II quality that ll Im portant.
W~'Ye departed from under·
1t.andln1 the meanlnc of what
human belnp a rt on .this etorth
f1.1r and lhll 11 why ..~·w a llow·
:!,,::!::elhlnlnJI:the 10W!;"': h~
1be WOI'Ihip of IUCCIU WaJ
dull with 11 Monta~t~~at•t~ :
h~~m&J~. bi>IJIIand
:",!· m.!=.-~ ;;:~~~ ~~
youna- people today for fta lb·
lnll and Amfl"ican
IU«eU 1-"l l ~o whl ch r-Hull ln
=~ ~sed by hll .-..
" ll llmy•iewthtlteducatlon
lhould he the l rt and Ide~~«
o1 human relatioN. That li the
only worthy tuk for an Nu-
About tOO at11denll
cully memhtn wilt be
ton Fe b. 17 to a ttend
by Dr. PI UI Ehrlich.
~~~lu: ~~eto111~~~~";.~y~
while too lui chanae mn:r !"-'•
lUL l In the lou O!lood eounu.
New eoui'ICI li re eonl\antty
bi!Lillil formulllrdandold eoul'l ·
es retir-ed . A depanment II c•·
pa bte or offttL"' 11 Limit~ numMr of COUI'ICI, and a atlldrnl
can take just oo many. eou,....,.
liTe aometlmn formrd beeaus.e
tlley W'OUid mak~ a good e iPC·
live w beeiUH lhtre I• 1 r a p
ln a dcpa nment"o o.wernae of
a cenatn area In 1 tleld. Occ• ·
llona U:r one l«<lon ol a n n t1b-lllhedcotltWIIOIICre a t lnte r-etl
Or. Ehr1Lcll, who Uf"lel 1tabl·
lt:u<tlon o~hum• n J>Opu\atlon by
means 10 dud!•
.-qual blrthl In the Un.ltcd
St~te• by 1!180 a nd In the world
by 1990, 11 dl r~tor ot ~~:rllluat~
1H>dles ln blolon" 111 Stanford
Unh·l-'f"lll)' .
l'l'f"ION lnterroted In lttendlnglhe EhrLich prop-am at the
MAdiiOII Stock PavUion may ll'cure lnformJtlon &nd arra na:e
transportation by calll111 Dr.
Georxe Btcktr. Dr. Kent lla U
w Dr. ftobtrt Rouda, a ll wd·
certain number of
"1th cou,...., uleoc:tlon
tiii"(M)ch advlumcnt .
Madison Speech
By Ehrlich Draws
SP ZPG Chapter .
1nd fa·
In Mad• ·
a 1peech
na tiona l
Popu lation
becom« a atJ>•·c~y !';~i::"'~ he lle•dl
Counea are freqllenll:r drop.
wu started lu t year a nd hBI
ped for lack or Jllld~nt enroll-been ll'OWinll at a n un,.111LL:r
m<ml, btcausc the laeull:r conlui pace - from 2.000 memlldcr-1 them to be D<ltdated or
ben In Octobl!r to aboo.ll 4.000
lrrelev1nt ,orbectuot th ey
overla p another eoune. SomeDr. l11LJ, .,.1">0 advllcs thfo
!Lmt~ the o~ facully member · Zero PopULation G.---th ehap.
q111 Wird tO lfltll I COUI'IC
ter on ca mpul, llld his 11"011(>
lea.·n. forcln~~: the deportment
Ln•-otv~ only a '"handful" of
to drop aiOQd course.
tx'OPlt lu t fa ll a nd,_ ha~
. How are LllltruciGI'I for ad~bout 120 memMn.
vanccd COUI'IH chof;cn! MOll
Some pr-OfeiiOI"I hive call~
departmrnll try to match the
It one ot the rno.t actl\'e or--ldvaneed. trachlnt: \Old to the
ga nlutlOn.l on ca mpus - lt wll
lnltnM:tot 'l area of ln!Cresl ,
!he lint chapler ol I~ klnd
In Wllconlln.
with the ITl-ll\)'4tellonM. otrvIce eo\ll'le tuchtn~~ done by the
BrlldCI beln11 a n 1dvller, Dr.
rntlre department. ln flcuit,l'
Ha ll a\so~trvfl on the national
r"t<"rultment, 1 teacher I• IOUihl
board of dlr~on of ZPG .
ment. N Dr. Thlealrld explainUoe lx>lrd.
ed, !he drpartment trle1 "..:ot
to li mit ltlldcnll for lack ol
II \.1 \'fl'}' _atklom dial ~ new
coutiC 11 lo rm~ limply beA posltl3n 11 open on Unlver-~~~ ~!~~ty 11~e m her would
111)1 AciiYLIIel Board for Winter CamtYal ch1trman o! 1911.
O>rol'l'ltlrtqlllr-e<\lor a major
If anyonewllhelto 1pply,
oi' mtnor are <Stcldcd 11pon a t
the)' m ay pick up 1ppUcatlona
!he department level, but~
In the Unl•-enlty Actlv\tln
lhf-oulh lhfl Ou-rlculum ComBoardOfflec. T'hclt appllcamitte-e. The 4t'panmcn t Ulually
hiii iWOOptlorw :tortQIIIrtlpttlonl m111t be turned In by Feb.
24 to the 1ame place
cUico;-OUI'Iflorlo reqlllrconly
rrou111. "1be Lettermen". a ll
have the A rne n n1e and lnterch• nte thelrparll, •ln1Lnc
the melody line, top or bOI!Qm.
E tch dot1 10lo wort. which
m akn fw a more dL•·enlfL~
let ln\'Oivlnlloomedy. VOCI I Im ·
preulonland Instrumenta L routlnn.
County Sheriff
Will Speak On
l egislation
1be Younr R-tpubLLctN wilt
hold a mectln& tonlllhl at 8
p.m. In the Tl.lmer Room
Couniy SherUf Nlek O>rck
wltlbctheJ IIHI I peaker . ll ll
topic ..-m be the new mul,lua·
na leglllaUOn wid! a qiiHtlon
llnd &lllWtrlelllonto lollow.
Ever:rone I• e neou r1r;ed toattcnd. AII...-Ihe sl)llal<e r a busl·
ne~ meetln& will be held
~~1.:;~Jef~=~ ~~~em't:
compoo.ttlon: A lemale hu a
XX c:ornblnatlon and a mile
has a XY eomb\n.lltlon. The .Y
ll a crippled X. Monta111 Aid
''Tbe functlonofalilood-•n
\olomalntalnthecrlpplotdcr-eatur-elnan \llllllonollllptrlor·
•·olk>w1111 hll hoor--l:>ne addren, Or. Monta1111 a n~wer ~
q uellloN, .,..hlch for the m-o-t
plrtd u ttwllhthepop<~latlon
Stlldtnlllnter-nttdln IIIPl•
mer jobf In Private Ollldrm"l
c&m!lllhll 1ummer an being
helped to lol:ate a pproprllll!
Jot.. hy the Mldw<l'lt AUoc:La·
tlon or Pr1 nte Cam111.
An employme nt HrYice )I bf-.
1111 operat~ by th\1 ora:anlutlon to help eollere atlldentl.
men and women, loc:ate jobl
a1 Iliff memhel'l In aey of
over fillY top.notch mldwnl
111n1mer camLJI. Thll urvlce I•
a va ltl bleto a ppllnntl forthe
fce ol SUM!.
Studtnll lnlrreat~ In 1um·
mer jobt 11 camp eounsek>rl
1hould have 1 mtnlmllnl of two
yunolcollele•ndbel9yn n
Ln oneor mor-etndltlonalump
att\'111\H. Thl.lle Inter-HI~ In
1""t1LIIfr1n!lwlththeaervlc e
lhould write to : Counle!.ar
Placement Service, Mld-...atAa·
aocl"lon of Pr1Ya te Campo~.
2$83 Hickory Lane. Dte tii~Ld.
111\noll 6001l. A re1111ratkln
form and lnltrvc:tlonswLLI bt
unt Lmmo-dlately
mudic . ..
mu:jic Boxed ...
Just . in time for your
ll)ficcs- S8.25
• Loros
to S25.00)
• _Edelweiss
• I Could Hove Danced
All Night, elc .
t- Cobore t
&li the IUPJ)OrU . IUIIinenctl,
and IILPIILIUuw for \he requ)...,.
ment ot lhetr development or
belnr thl! kind or hwnn betna
that yOU are bcln&to them,
who communlcat« to thcm lh•t
yoo will newr commit the ""'
·pnome tnuon ot letttnc him
down when he moot 1\lnob In
IUitillftiCH which he rtqull"ft .
II you ean communicate dial
to another. )"'U can be 1lld
l3kl'le. That"llo\-e."'
n.e anlhropoloa:llt r•veaome
ane ntlon tothetopleofl emalt
I IIPfriGril)lu he ci-edttect wome n 11 bclnt: the "mothel'l ol
mudic .. .
Year-End Sale
•lon, and develop their lncrtue
In oompluily, who com municalli to the other !Not !hey
Camp Job Openjngs
tConUnU('d from lNIIile 1)
a loneiiVHthemapprwdmttely
cltor tollndtrtakeandtheonly
worthy mnnln1 of edueatlon.
A w1rm lo'lln& hwn.111 betnc
II one who liable to comm"nlcatetotheotherhtapr-olound
fa re, who eomm\IIICI\11 to the
thoolll: htt o whathu~nllld ."'
$9).000 In motel bllllannua lly.
a nd cell b\oll.l&y. ,..,... In which
new resnrch "la belli& done .
Dr. JohnJOn uplalne<l that
the empha1l1 ntao chanlilti In
mathemMILCI . Nlotlonal Of"llanl·
utloN have 1tud l~ clementory
and teoc:ondary uhonL currlcttlum and h1Ye reoommended
challlle& which haw rlHn to
theunl•·enlty Lc•·e i. Tt-a dtt lon
and ·,.·hatolhflrullo:x>U IN!
dol"'"lllo&l"'l!takenlnto oon•lderallon In curriculum plan·
nlnlil .
Dr. Ctoltfeelsthatthe"eur--rl~:Uium ouaht at~~o·ayo be
namlc, eonatantly In ch&na:e."
Th ll ll a dellcat~ bl la nce, fw
IOQIIowchange mu nothecur---
o f Zero
have to pua a In! In order
to cltmcutrate their ability to
Student Interest Areas
Affect Curriculum Offerings
By t:U..U: l't::TEII.SON
Did you ever ..-onder how
each de partment declde•wh.Jch
&d\"&nCrd COUI'IH IOof!erT "111<1
l'obolltrt lllked wlth Dtpanmmt
Chalfmen Vtra:\1 Tl!LH!eld CBioJo&y). Albert Crolt ' tCommunl·
ca lion), and O\arle1 Johnson
IMMhematiCI) to find OIIL
Stlld~nt lntere5l c\otl plly I
role tncurr1c11L11mdedllons . N
Or. J ohn1011 uld, .. ..._.~ look fw
a marrla1e btt..·een ..-ha l we
think and •tlldrntlntel"ft t. lf
Y.'hen asked to what extent
ltudtn\1 ohould partlclpo.ll! In
plaMinl, Dr. Croft...,.
t1.1. 1be tacllitylhoold be m eaAurin& 1111<\enls 1111 \IWI thei r
currleul11n1 and maklnl; .-d~
chanlilft-" He also fHII tha t
ltudrnts must protut It their
fiCII!Iyc\otln" tfulfL\Ith\.lobll·
a a tlon.
Another OC>Nideratlon lllnno-vatlonl In the fttld Lt.Hif. Each
depanment attem p\1 to offer
munln1ful <:Oill'lfl , Dr. Thlea·
o.lfere-d and the major \1 plan·
lol"' " loprt'p&nltudcnll'"for
cenaean:rklnl:e r. Atrn.c:.t, l
wwkl 1nnt them a leamer'l
permit. 1ben they c:ould come
bac:k and demonllflte by pau-il!lthe&deq\lltl l<'lll,andlhen
we -.ld a llow Mlmt ot them
to marT)' ~rhaPJ. But tlwn
And U iht,l' COIIId have chlldren,theyoouldhaveonlytwo
* OPEN 10 TO 5
Hame of Big Entertainment
Another . · D
1st -
Wing Party Special
Coli for h1f-or-tiM -
OF swnzEm-AND
Prices on Beer
Still in EHect
Celebrate Valentine's Day
With the Action Crowd
Come Prepared far Fun!
12, 1970
TIDING UP A BIT, you might uy1 Peter Day, •pedal event. ehalnnan; Dave Siewert, general Winter Camlv&l
chalnnan and Klrk Weber, entertainment chalnnan work here to pile the Ice for one rroup. tTom Kujaw.kl Photo)
To Your Health
Sevrral lnd.Jvlduala hi ve rc·
q UH\ed In/ormat ion ~gardln~
donaUne: br.dh.•s to ..~iemC
~ closHt .. lck'rKc" to Ul Ia
~lt~r Marquttte School ol M<'dklnt In MllwaLik~. or the Unl·
vrnlty of Wbconsln MMical
vt'rtl!y, AIIUI!>I~ bod~• u-e
not a ccepted. f'ormJ ar e availab~ al the Student llnlth Ser-
vice.Until H'«ntly a m ljor draw-
Oro. ll'C'I"''OUidbl'ur*r llOOO
(compared to $1000 lor IIH oC
many currtnt unlul. It can be
~p.1l =~e~t ~·anpa.:k:!t.:
Sd >Ool In Madlll)n, Appropria te
formK mult be IUkd out and
bock In tiM! ho<nc 1.11e nf a n
a r1lflclr!l kidney ha1 ~~~ 11>11
10 ~rl~ It ,.·lth the aulatan.ce of anotl•rr family n'lflnbC'r . A maJor f&ctor In I h e
1lgntt1 by "'' hncou n . A f'unotra l
may be held prior to releulnc
the body. lbt< traNportatlon
«»I from an)"'o·~re IlL Wb:wn-
\'t'" rllty of Ma l'}'l&nd School of
MMlcln<'. 1lle ballc unit ph,••
the no-e._..u ry rxtru cO&I at:.x>t
pum ps. 11 hu alrtady bHn
,.M for 10,000 treatmrnta ..,Jth
nQ m ajor prol.olr ml.
sin will br paid by th<' Unl·
~=~~~"::.:~~'"!,~ ~~~~ U~~-
~~~..~~~bnD~~~::/ bl:.:
An lnlrr<'atlna drfltlltlofl of
l ;u'Mfp:m• :=~~::::~~~~::.:;
_,..~~~!!! ~~·:,.'~U::~~)I~.
Cllnp to Duhboard. Refrll·
ran al110be llLIM to most any
4 •..•
Two 1~ Inch diometer
Two 1Ys inch djometer
Send Sl Co,h-No C.O.D.'s
Studenu• Jle.6quartrn
l•r•n'• BarWr Shop
Three Barben
You may be next
Phone: 344-4!D6
Next to Sport Shop
HERE THBEE art profeuo~ from Eau Claire State view artwork exhibited by ttu·
denta from tbil unlveralty. Ldt to right are Steve Katrotill, Ttlt Raid and Chu itt
Vietnam Native
Talks Of Culture-
Dr. NI\IYl'n Dlnh Hoa, ln a
F rb. 9lecture on VIetnam, ala·
IN that there la lllllty amkbt
dlv.,..lty In the v~etable d v·
lllutlon which permtatn the
UII Aila,
D&.RNo....ltyCo. :
lo• 3144
Dr. lla. . ...11ob:Aaaoc:la trDIr«toroflheCente rforVletnamese Stud!" 1ncl PfocTams
and ProfeiJOI" ot U n"'lttln
and Enalllh at Southt<n U!lnols Unlv•nlty , pn"'rnttd e.t
flrllln a aerlu of k ctllffl GI'·
the F ar Ent.
Dr. Ito. add"' IIIII 1.l>f ~
pleaolthla orlenlllri«tolturehllve fou&hl lhro.J.JII e.t
«ntwir a for lhr rlj:hl WtP I
ln a land popul1tcd bymU!iolll
btlng t i>t moln l!)o)(lJto:!
~SoutheutAila, b.Jih J\It!a:/11
a ncldesttoyall!e. Th<- >ltJ.U.i:
more rke c~ onl)" lnlietl
F or the JTUI~r p.lrl d ~..
extst~nc:e. Vietnam Juj bc'tftll
ORDINATION is w~t qu•lltion and for lif•. LEGAL in all 50 thths 'o~d most for.
•itn countri... P•rform lttal morriat•s, ordinations, and fun•rals. R.C•i-t·~·· discounh on
som• fo,.s. Ov•r 265,000 mlnlmrs hav• al,.ady IM•n ordoin•d. Minilhr's crtd•ntlals
and lic•nM Mnt; on ordalnm•nt c•rtific~te for framing and an I~ card for your bill.
fold. W• n4!•d your h•lp to co.,.r ma~~•ng, handling, and odminllh'atioft com. Your
g•~ttrous contribution is oppNCioted. EN~LOSE A FREE WILL OFFERING.
Writ• to:
BOX 8071
Stevens Point
~n:!:: O::..~::U-,.?'= ';
yeanofronata ntwbl'llion. tii:'JIC'ftllonandlntermlnMlt ~
~~~~~ :,:;~..,ol.i;.=
dUIWion of Ol~Msc' tltn>tl'5
Into the Vletnllt'lefl' ~ ul t Yif
~:"":,u:::.'r .:;,~ut:S ":~
~l«UIIIU&nd pllbbrtil­
mlnlltrttlon poll<IM:
Thlsrra~ta\'e rb:et.JIDI'~'"'
ofF'n!ndlruleo.-rr \'1(11Lll11
rnJnt Frenchtoclall:otiDn • »
family Ues and brc'fd"''~
In ad4ltlon totbr t-lll11<01
:-; :"ti~tn~: ,~;~~
every ,YOUth ol Vlrl"-'m 1
:0 ~Uw: ':t:C"'~/'"~
pe:.·~~:~': ~ ~
Vli:tnllll•"*' l
;;:: ==-i~~::'~·
only prgaped 101"
pk:b.lre .. aklomY·"
February 12, 1970
admlnlatrat\on, K'Onamles and natural raources t or IJa.les
(Only) oppoMu.nltlel In t he o:hemk&l tteld.
F... Sl, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Federal Drpoal~r'a INurance
Corporalton (FDIC) WIU 1peak Wltll all l'f&dllllf!tl who have
ALl tt"nlon 1re1udteq of draft t1ah11l are ur1tc1 to take
ad•·anta1e of theN P~ment lnt~ew.. Febtu.~ry IUid Mard\
are the heavy lntervlewlnl ptrlocb and thoM ttudenta who
"ill find then'IMh'H without opportlll'lllle-t ln June. Moet of
the romJ)I.nlr- lUted below wtll be here only 01'1~. therefore
lt 11 •·el')' tmportanl to Interview early IUid often. J u.t follow
thH<' almp~ altpa;
Refbttr at the Plac:wnent Crnter tOM Ma.inl
tOne form - thb take. 20 mlnut~o~ to nu outl
Interview wtth Dr. Gotham {edue.tlon) or Mr. Tierney
tall nol'lftucaUOn people). Placement p~uhe. ue
dii('UIIf!d u -u •a opportiii'IIUet tor ta.tdn1 State
and Fede""l CIVil Service e:UINI, Our new com·
putrrtzed CRAD syatem It &lao avaU..ble.
oppcM'Iunlllet with the 10vemmtnl. Auditors art In charre of
lndJYWIIII bank l"f!!On\land artlllredby!M facleraliQYf!rn•
I'M. II - Manltowoe PubUc ~hooll, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Xdan...Cr. 6; Jr. H. Gen. Sd.: Jr. H. Math.; Jr. H. En111Ah:
Jr. H. Spantlh; Jr. H. Art; Jr. H. Home Ec.; Sr. H. AM;
Sr. H. French; Sr. H. En11:ll111; S r. H. Math.: ST. H. Bllllnr.a
EdiiC.; S r. H. Ctrla• Phy Ed.; Elem. Voml. Millie; Elem. Art;
Elem. Pl\yllca.J Education.
West Allla Publle Sc:hool.a. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. . llementary Art:
Xdan.·Cr. 6: Dem. Phy. Ed.; Dem. Voml. MIIJ!c; Dem.
lnltnunental Ml.llk; Elem. Art; Jr. H. Art: Jr. H. EnJIIah;
Jr. H. French: Jr. H. Phy. Ed.; Jr. H. Soc. Studlea;
Jr. H. Spanish; Jr. H. Millie; ST. H. BIO!oll:)'; Sr. H. El'lll:llah;
Slrn up tor lntervlewa - the. eoYff 20 to 30 mlnulet
and may pro\'1! to be the 11'1011 atantncanl haU·hou"'
of your col!e1e cal'ftr.
Sr. H. Home Ec.; Sr. H . Mltll.; Sr. H . Soc:. Studln; ST. H.
Spanlah; Sr. IL Mualc; Speech The ... pla~.
Appleton Public Schooll. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
6; S r . HIJh- AU aubJec:t areu; J r . HIJh -
All IUbJec:t areu:
Phyalca.l Education : AM ;; Speech Therspy.
nounday, Feb. U, 9 a.m. to 4. p.m., The Milwaukee Journal
ComJN.ny WIU apeak wtlh all En.1ll•h. radio and T.V. ttom·
muntcatlon l, Joumallam, bu.ln.u, I'COnomlca, liberal ana
pt"Oplr con~m1n1 l:ll'ftf opportui'IIIIH In radio- T.V. u -u
u neWIP'optr work.
o.t\koah Public Schoolt, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. J<lnderJIMen·Cr.
6: Jr. H. Art; Jr. H. Mualc; Jr. H. Ceneral Sdent'f!; Jr. H.
En~t:lllh/Soctal Studlea; Jr. H11h Enalllh; Jr. H. Home Ee.;
. H. Boya Phy. Ed.; Jr. H.
Ed: Sr. H. Boy1 Phy Ed.; Sr.
; ST. H. Cennan: S r. H .
Education; Sr. H. Geo~rt~phy:
: Spedal Eduatlon.
Thunday, Feb. l.t, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Camp U·Nah·U·Ya (Crftn
~y Y!IICAJ wiU lpeak With 111 huhmen to tenlors co~m·
1n1 aummcr camp C'OI.Inselor openln11. Both men snd women
are urred to lnten·le-w.
nou,.....ay, Feb. U, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .. The Del Monte CorporsUon
" 'Ill apeak With all aenlors con~mtne cr.rt.'f!r opportunltlet
In tile Plo•·er Plant u well as planta 1n lUJnola. Thla 11 an
ut'f!llrnt opportunity for natural reaour~ m.Jon to apply
t,..lrbllckrroulllblnthe foodproductlonlnduJtry,
l londay, 1-' eb.. 1.. 9 a.m. to 4, Woolwortll'a Will VUII n~mpua
ami 1puk with a U bl.lllneu admlnlst ...tlon. eamomtca and all
~rnlou lnteretted In retail atore mana~~:ement opportunltlet
"1~h tlltt nation Yrttde retail chain.
Feb. 11 - Edaerton Public Sc:hooll, 10 un. to 4 p.m. Primary
and Jntermedl1te C""dH; Elemrntll')' Art ; Elementary Voc:tJ
Millie;. Speech Con'K'I\on; Sr. H. Enal\lh; Sr. H. Math.:
~·y.Hf:.d~ence: S r . H. Inatn~(w Mulac: Sr. H. ctr~t
Kaukluna Public Sc:hoola. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Xlnt\ergarten ·
Cr. 6; All SKondary aubJKt areu..
MUwaukn Public Schoola. 9 a .m . to 3 p.m. Elementary Cradel
and moet~ndaryJub}ec:t areu. Crove, Mlnneaota, 9 a.m. fO 4 p.m.
6: SpHCh Therapy; Vocal Mualc.
1'lleldly, f'~ ll · W~, Feb. 11, 9 a.m. to 4 P.m., WI'-Dn
and Com!l'-nY wUI 1peak with all matllematlcs. bualnru 1d·
mlnl•tr•llon, e-conomic. and all seniors lnlerf!IIN In cateer
opporlulnltH wltll one of the natlon'a Jar1eet meat p1cken.
~~~~~ ~~~~c:!!/:
Carpenteravtlle, Ullnota. 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Xlnder~t:arten throu1h Cr. !I; Elem. Pllyalcal EduCIO·
lion; llem. Vocal Muale.
WNn-..y, t•ett. II. 9 un. to 4 p.m., Soda.l security Admlnlt·
tration. Wlaeonaln Raplda, wut lptak with all bllllneU admln·
!stratton, e-conomJa. political ldence. IOdolo(y, ·p,ycl'loloJy,
ape«h, ft'tOUl"(f! maiement,llfld aUotherendultet con·
··~~ !'~~~~:~::c~~r:·r:ePll~:~~~":'h~ ~~~~~~-,.v·~.~~.:~'~i
t~~~~!, ~~ ~:~:~\1:~~ran~e~
Crafton Public Sc:hool1. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vuandea to be
posted In tile Unl•·eralty Plar.ment Cent~r.
W~,Feb. 11,9a.m.to4p.m.,F1reuoneT1reandRubber
Wtaconaln Rapid• Public Schools. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . V•cande•
to be poated In the Unlveralty Ptac:ement .Center.
~~:r~n~t~ ~~~;t:~~!!:1~n:~r::~;nl~~re~l:j
Feb. tl - J<tel Public Sc:hooll, Xlel, Wla~ 10 a .m. 10 3 p.m.
Vac&ndtll to be polled ln the University Pla~ment Center.
11ore mana~~:ement opportunltlet Wltll Flrt~tone. TKhnlal
ma}on fo:llemllll')', ph)'llea and mathematical 111ould have
Interviewed tint semet~ter. however oppoMUI'Iitlet may be avail·
ablt l or future lntt rvlewa 1111 thla time.
&:loll Public Schooll, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .
Spanlah; Jr. H. Hlatory/Geoll:fllphy; J r . H . Matllematlcll; Jr.
H. Sden~: J r. H. Ctr1•1 Phyakal Ed.; Jr. 11. Home Etonomlat;
Jr. If. Mu•lc tlNtnuncmtal and Voc:all; Jr. H. Art; Sr. 11.
l>lalhemaUes. Sr. H. Sdence; Sr. Hl1h Eniltah; Sr. II. Spc'Kh;
Sr. II. BuL Ed.; Sr. If. ))'tnch; Sr. H. Sp.anlsh: Sr. H. Cfrman:
Sr. H. Soc. Studln; S r. II. Clrll Plly. Ed.; Sr. II. !lome ~.;
Arency wlllapeakwl!h an seniors In bllllneu adrnlnlllrstlon,
economies· and tlnant'f! and lndu.trlal relatlona coooemii!J:
t r.rt.'f!r oppoMunltlrl In the Feelers! (Ovemrnent. The Federa.l
CMI Strvln: &nltantt &urn may be taken via arranremenu
litre as well.
11oll.r'llday, Feb. 11,9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Penney's 11lnternted In
bllllneu admln\ltratlon, ao:a~untlnll:, mathem.Ua ma!grs for
~ltlona In en~~:tne.rrln11: and data prO<:eMlnJin their catalo11:
Eau Clllre Public Schools. 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m . l::lementlry
Millie; KlnderaaMen 111rou11:11 Cr. 6; Jr. H . Englllh; S r. H .
Math and Pllyalca; Sr. H. En~t:lllh tnd ~rman; Sr. H. F'rent'h;
Sr. II. AM lnd Drivers EdUCIItlon; Sr. II. HI1IOI')'.
Feb. tt - Lake MUla Public Schools, 8;30 a.m. ' 0 3 p.m.
lllatory; En~t:lllh; Jr. and Sanlor Mathemattca: Primary; ln~er·
1-'eb.. u. 9 am.. to 4 p.m .. State of Wl11:0naln. Bvrnu
ol PefiOIUiel, Madlson. wUI 1pe1k with all bualneu admlnillrl·
llon, ('hem.lltry.datapi'OC'fSI!nl'o'«<nomla,nnan~:crocraPhY.
~~~~~~~f ~f.~~o~K{y~~ln~~.:ro~:;:rt~~~~n~l~
~~~May. Feb. U·Tileaclay. Feb. U· Weobleaday, 1-'eb.. 15. 9,a.m.
to 4 p.m., tile U.S. Marine Cor~ wlll1peak wttll all seniors
rtllrdln& Mll"lnt Corpe opportun!Uee.
T'Uftd&y, Feb. u, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Wlaconlln Public Strvlt'f! wm·
tntrrvle-w all bu11nr.a admlnlatrat\on. e-conomics and public
u~lllty ma}Orslnterelltd In cateer opportunltlfll with the Wla·
eonlln Public Strvl~. Milwaukee, Wllamaln.
~r~~ !'n~rs::'·H.~~~~~~~~:n!fi.~; ~r~'~{ ~~~Wa~:~·~:
Soda! StudleJ; Sr. H. Mathematla.
Feb. tt - Moreno Valley Unllled School Olatrlct. Sunnymead.
Ca.Ufomll. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. V1eandet to be poettd In tile
University Plaorment Center.
lletn Public Schooll, tulnoll. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vaellltitl
~~~m:~o;!rt~t-;:,:ed In a whole hoet o ! h~Jtllt.'l! (no
::,;;:~ :u~~: :::tyM~=:e:19
Mlnneapol\1 Public Schoola, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Xlndertllrouall Cr. 6: Art; Bl.lllneu Education: Enii:IIAh: Home
Economlca; Lantlllleea; Mathematic.; M1.11lc; Pll)'llca.l Edun~·
l ion .'Ctrl•: Pllyllca.l Edun~tlon · Bo)'l: Sdmt'f!; Soda! Sden~.
Feb. U Jrartrn
Mar. S li~Un
Shebo)'l'an Public Sdlooll. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Klnderthrouah Cr. 6: Elem. Art; Jr. H. Home Etonomlell/
Soc1al Studlr•: Sr. H. Horne Etonomlca; Sr. lllah Clrla'
Ph)'lica.l EdU<:"ation.
Oak Creek Public Schools. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Vacandet fO be
poeted ln the University Plat'f!ment Center ·
For Sale
1 led,_, In bcellent CCHidltiot!
Wfth Hew G.s Fur~te~ce •nd Weter H"ter
rollmtn, 1 cou.n\1 aU studrnll
wlletiler tile)' 11ke a lull aca.
=~~~d or only OfM! or
1llf FTE Mrollmtnt 11 ar·
rived at by dl\•ldln& the semHter credlll can1td by under·
li:""duate atudentt by IS, the
~redlta unied by matten candldat"' or equl•·aiMI 1r1dua~t
::re£i ~~~~x=:~
Ed.; Jr. H. Millie.
Many Student Citizens
Make Friendly
1124 1114 St.
purpo~u, on the bt1l1 of lull·
time equlnlfont t i'TE) enroll·
c::rlo 2:30 pJn. ,
XlndtrJaMtn throuah Cr. 6; Demtntal')' Mu•lc; Dem. Phy.
head.count en.rollmrnt for
Thllnd&¥, Feb. u, 9 a .m. to 4 p.m .. Chavron Chernleal Company
....u.t •1alt n~mpu. to speak With all matllemallca bualnf!lll
J04t O~erch -
To be
Etmbrook Public Schoob, Brookfield, Wla.. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Van~ndea to be polled In the Unl\'erslty Pblt'f!ment Center.
M.arahlleld Public Sc:hoola, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Crade I ; Crade 3:
::tl~~ua~=r:l.t.~~~;:tl~~· ~r!k:kan';''!'tll~ ~~
u11;ka!""'-AC~~~.~~J.Y Sclloola, California, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Oxnard Public Schoola, California, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
po;tted ln the University P\lt'f!ment Center.
1-\'ednead.,, Feb. U. 9 a.m. fO 4 p.m., Northw~atem National
421 Dn-W.. -
Weal Bend Public Sclloola, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kinder·
~~:aMen ·Cr. !I; Elfomental')'; Voc:al Mualc; Elem. Plly. Ed.; Jr.
H. Enallah; Jr. H. Math.; Jr. H. Sdence; 6th Cr.; Jr. Jl. Vocal
Mualc; Jr. H. Art: See. Bv1. Ed.; Sr. H. En~t:l'-11: Sr. Matll.
Wfdne.d&¥, Ff!tl.. U, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Anaconda American Brau
Company, Xenoeha wtll 1peak with 1.11 bu.lneu admlniltratlon,
tconomlca. marice!lne and ao:a~unUnJ en-duatet lntereJted In
cateer opportunities with tllla maJor manutacturtn1 tompany.
Increase Expected In
Full-Time Enrollments
t\iu.ume rqul~Dient ~nmll·
ment1 Bl Wlaconaln'l public unl·
.-eniUet art exl)e('ted to Incrl!ase almoot 38 per c~nt by
19111l !ollm••~ by a 1raduat dedine until 111 !call 1~. accord·
lnll: to enrollment projt!ctlonl
appro•·eo:J by 1~ Wlacomln C...
onlln1tln1 Council for Hl~~;ller
In adoptlni the enrollment
Feb. U -
~~:raduattne tenlon {January, J~>ne and AUIUIII are Invited to
tnten1ew. Appl.l('lll" lor soda! work do not nl!'f!d to partld·
Information ton~rnlnJ State IOdal work.
10% Discount on Cash &
Carry Dry Cleaning
~e~p:hr~. ~·b:.';!':· J~n~. ~~:vJ~·~,. ~~~c;h,s~i~
• Tllllrl'd&¥, ot'eb. It, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Fedt!rsl DetenH Supply
Xlnder~t:arten ·Cr.
ROBERT f1EilWEO (left), a biology and chemistry major, and Dr. Charie1 Long,
Crlgbt) curator of the unlvtnlty'a Museum of Natural Hl1tory, look at the egg
o:ollectlon that wu donated to the muaeu m by the Sisten of St. Joaeph. Report·
edly, the coUecUon 11 the third beat collection In the United State•. (Tom Kujaw·
1kl Photo)
For More lnformotion
Coli 341·2683
122 Fairvi•w Villag•
~a.:'rc~·~i!:, %~ iO..!::" ,:~"~"::!
--:!~"'. --r..:"!&.~-:, ·.,'Si&,.!'!
!:::t..::· ~:.~he~li. !~rtl:C.:.-•
lOX 6575
I• -
Coonllnatlna Coun~ll
&tudy fo~CIIIJ IIIII combl~
~TE enrollmenll lor tile Unt.
•·enily ot Wlscon~ln and \\'lsconlln State Unh·enlty tYIIf!ma
wlll lncretli by mQ1'11 lhon
44.giJO by 1980. brln,~~lna lOIII
orKt mput FTE o.:)llfllale enrollmenll to over 161,000 In
atudenb 11 upec:\ed to
montllan18.200 -anlncre~~e
nf about7,!60 over this
T II e
Total Unl•·enlty of WlKOflaln
Mrollmenta are fnlldpattd to
climb from 1111 fall'a le•·el ot
57,147&tudl"nllloMarly 19.000
byl9!1D.'rbe lorecattfor tllr
Wtto:onaln S~"e Unlvenlllu ln.
dlcttntllat thenumberof i'TE
11\ldtnll mty ITVW from tile
CU!Tt'n\ If!\~) Of 59,976 to OVH
l'l,:J00byl980. .
IIIII tile JreiiCII proportlona!G
ll!<'l't'ate In statt"''lde enroll·
menll h.. been •monll: ITidualt lludtnu. Crsdulle enroll·
mrnta In the 11ate tripled durin&' the pas! decade. Sy 1980,
the number of I'TE rradua!r
This ,."OUid mean tll•u tiM:
propor1bnof t"TE cradlllte IIU·
dentJcouldbr u lll&h aJ3l
per c:ent on thr Mad\1101'1 cam·
put,l6percentonthe!olii" 'IU·
kH ttmpul, and 1bout U per
•Ctntat theWit<"'nnlnS\altUnl·
Sy lt&O. tile publle unl\'enlty
FTE undtT'I'nduatn are ex·
pe~te<l lo number tbout 141.400
11 ..1111 105,l70 1111s
p111 fall. Enrollmenta In law
nnd medicine thould Increase
from I ,OS8 tllla PJoS~ fall IO o•~r
l.~ lnlt&O.
The COOntJnatlnJ Coundl lUI·
td that a number of tacton,
CIInlnJblrth taii!OI'an lncre&l•
lng number of adtllll retumln1
to tile umptlf for refresller
eounes, could aHer enrol\menl
tl'flMII In !he future. The pn>
by the Counc:ll for use in lonK·
range 111&"'-'r eduullonal plan.
Professo'r Campaigns
Against Exi.sti~~
Contracept,ave taws
ln a penonat
11atnst exlllll'l& conlraeepth·e
laws In Wlleontln, a blolocY
llr'OI<"UOr here brllevtl "IIi~
about time we 110p wltc]'o.llunt·
ln&and lrellotii'Citbf!rutllk<!
lluman bein(11."
Dr. Cf!ora:e B«ker, "i>o In
1961 ...-the 1500 award for
"many ~IJ.Intrntloned people
belleveour ~traeepllvel•,...
1"-'bllc unh:enlty ~ampusH In
thefall ofl969wiii27,H1wlllle
I~ FTE l"nrollment w.. 111,123.
people. Actually, thrle mo:rata
are loll In d l nJI!I"'lll n-perio
He claimed the ulllin& IIWI
·lntrlnceon• therillllfotfree
acceq to euenlbl lnformaUon
-and ore In direct vlolaUon
or the nn1 amendment..
Dr. Beck~• commenta tonM!
ln~,...keofo:ourt action
q alnsl William Bllrd, fOIJIIdeT
ot the Parenta Aid Society cf
New York, who wu al'f'Hte<l
onacllaf1'eOfd\splaylnaconII'ICep(ilft'ldu.rlnJal«lure to
In a llf'llp&red atatemenl, Df.
Beckerllld: "ln rellltylhe
of limes In r«enl yean: Ju:.
eordlnl: to • .urvey made l.,.
a Mllw1llllee III!W'Iplpet', 0"1'1•
manic'd. I IWI'll&athemarried.
Olnll'acep(ive ltc'ml are In full
dlaplay In many dNa Jtorel.
Ml&ul.nel ad•·ertlle eontn.cep-
Uvea for WtSCOMiio re&dcra ~•
"~II 11 tor u-e In alltea ..·lth
~ '!';:'J!"!~t~1~~e ~~
sexandaboM1on.ltls lmpOIII·
qllatelywlthoutJOlnJinto adla·
thm) wlllth rnvrnt ~I"
'The profeator c:ontlnutd; "J
recall that l,.·en\. thi"'\\,ill 1
lt!Uwaukee hlJII achool wlllrll
failed to recognlie•. llle repn>
ducth'f! aya~m. J learned about
retplrallon,clrculatlon,locomotlon and diJeetlon, but the reproductive Of1'ana were ~urlous·
ly at.enl. I rec.all tllat my
"'-ledre of "x and reproduction " 'U a eonatomeratlon ol
mlllnlormar::. whlcll I picked
up from my ua1ly mlalntormedelauma .
<:Oillln communltiH In tell ed~
cation. The moveml'nt Ia 11"0\to'•
nvmbe" of P'Ortnla who are
bei;IMlns to realbe they are
educ;aUonoltllelr · ,ouna•ten.
Dr.~ Shipman of 011r unJ.
\'fflllt)'foundthal " onlySper
eentoflheboyaand14 per
lhq conslde:red to be adequ..te
ax tratnlnc from one or botll
u1101l frequently to ¥i•~ Uolkl
eollegedormltoriu. tlla•'f!lll•··
eORJin and oullkk lhe alate.
/1. lllndnrd p~M 0\1 the dlacu...
alon revollft'l about c:ontn~,..
t!Yf!l, thrlr Ill<! and UM!Ir elfi!C·
Uvenns. Younr men and WOr.l·
en are lnltrelted- they want
to \<noll.', Jndl'ed, !My mu.Jt
know about lheee m• tten If
thry are 10 be responsible dtl·
Jlll\'e l'rrqUf!nUy ter'\'edon
panela with mlnlll~l'l and
prln\1. We llave diJCII.IIed
UM!If! probltml openly and I
havt)"ettohearthat otll'r....
mariti ..~re In any " 'ay "lnd~~
He concluded that I good doctor will alwa)'l practice rood
Joey and embl'yoloJy I muat
be true to my prolu•ton.. My
atudenll m111t team the lr'lllll'
and be lntormed. Olontraeepllvc
Information will prevent IJMOI'ance about stx. curUU the horrible toad 0\ltomr S.JOO lllrll:itJ.
rruote children born yearly In
WlloOfllln alone, and tend to
abuse and emotlonai!Sarruoa:e
auoc:lated with unwanted chll·
dren wl!hln or outside 0\1 wed·
February 12, 1970
Woods And Wa
8 7 DAVIE <*IEtfOU
W!Yt Ia -rvatlan! A eynkal ~llnltlon CCI" like lhla :
"Ctlnlervatlan II what ~er·
vatlonllts do." Unl011111111tl,r,
thlot oftfl. Lndudn llle lhlnP
tNt eoNfi'VIIiOn laU 1ft tokt
10 do b.r polltld&l'll.
Thus we otlf:n - 1 va..Wty
oflhlnp m.-Qo.>eradln&: u «J~~.
urvatlan : la.,...IIVIni. Pifl)'
n~h ottwr, e~tlonHrlnl, H'f>.
tlmt ntallty.
A load eq.m ple of lhla 1011
ot lhln1 can be SHn In the
North Atlantic w.te raon Newfoundland. Th\t: ~n•ll-ol
thebo'ftd.Lnc(I:I"'Wlddofth e
H&lPM&I, 1 bl1, eokMfu1 manmal ttuot ra~ &loll& Collldl'l
0011handnorthrU I -ll.
'JlMo Hl lP oral b va\1,111blr to
man bKausa \u hide can be
ma~ Into a fine IH.IMr. n....
alUM of ,_,.born Harp ~al
pUll' II putlcular!y deslra~.
ThUithehu.nlln&oiHflfPIU b
1\Q, pown \n!O I ll lndullr)', In
,.'hlch both Can.adlaru end Nor,.·tal&l'llarelnvolved.
· Lut year, a «on~ldel'lbk fll,p
.s.veioptod over the ted>nlqun
ttuo\ the ~al hUIIUI'II \IH. PkNrftolbloby stlllbf:lnlclubbed to \Hath eppeand In 10me
M'o'o'lpo&pen, snd the I Ub,ltct
wu dlscuutd on ttltvlllon.
M01t of the crillchom w . . dlre<:tedatthepracllceofUIInl
clubs to kUL the nab. It w11
\Hmand«< ttuot "101nnhlnl be
WeU,.ortMthl/ll"'u don e.
Whoettler<>t'IIOI Uwu thr riJ:hl
lhllll can bnt be dfockkd a fte r
we takea lookll thrllle hlstory olthe lla rpseal.
Harp sca\1 J f'OW to a mnl·
mum lm&t/1 o1 1lx leet a nd
can ..-rtlhup to400powllll.
'JlM'y li•·e to be thirty ~an
old,and-undlve JOO I&Ihoml
UOD feetl \npUnultol lllhand
other&qUJt lc lood. l n 1116S,the
North Ame ric... pOp\lllllon ol
Jlarp seals ,.,._, ~tlma Ud Ql
three million.
DuTinl the winte r, the stn\1
tha t live alone tlw- North AI·
l.,.tlccout ofLibrador m\.
V Ile lOUth to theGrandB&nlu.
With the of 1prl~~~:.
they revrne o:oune and head
north until the-y mt'O't the ado
vanctnc: frontot pack\~ from
the o.,·la Strait. II bon thla
• jumblr ol ftoatln1 Ice tha t the
)'OUlli still I re born, Ulul ll)•
: :. to a ltmlle, O<:<:lllonall,r
tlmelhatlhrsealhuntcn pu~h
theSNIII• •erlltyone, and
llla usyiOat-e,.·hya public
outcry l&l lnlt II dl\•tloptd
when the dol!talls ot sea l huntIna wtre pUblk.
So the Canadian IQVt l'llml'fll
ruc\c'd. A law hu I>Hn ~td
whkh doi!~'l the nat hunt a
month oc- .o. a nd lptelllft ttuot
thec)ut..muat btrepla«'d wlth
llrearnu. Thla law II 1uppox~
and 11 alao touttd u
'nit policy 1\W al l • even
thou&b the Pb.D• .qutt• 15 on
acrou the oounlr)l - lor wltn.
0111 the doctorate, !hey often
tlm<"t i i U belllndlnpn)lnCitkn
H&lerbeclter bellevH prteii-
f<'llllllc eq.m pltl ln the i r
luive l&r&t b-bttn OUI.IfVWnbY
,..1\lllnd-rvatlonllt c&Utd
llnt-hlnd, htfellth&tclubblnc
the stall wu quite humane,
Iince It &!moat &lw&)'l rHultecl
In a quick, pelnlft.o duth - •
&Omtthln&v;hlch could not be
lit abo polnUd out that 1lnce
until they l r-t five yu n old,
they ar-t worth In more to
thewellar-t ollhrlptoc:itlltuon
I ff! the )'00.1.1\1. many ol whom
dk' or ... tural c a uan bf:oiU~e.r rta~h m aturity.
Uthentw lllw~~ lnthe
taklnK of more adult& ¥d lew·
er)'O\I.Ili, lteanonlyhavea
Aons:·nm detrimenuol • fleet Ofl
the1peclet u 1 whole. ln
lhorl, he e1Utd the new IC'II
va~':t:!Ch the,r ar~.'Dut the Cana·
dian kQVerT>mffil b off the
hook. No one w1nts to bOll on
111\ldloul_»·lll nolhaveblood,r
bllbysea liOfltheir«<nndt ncu
u the,r ail down to • plat~
or veal cuUe\J. 1lle law1 have
&ervM~Ir purp<.lltbotlore the
Jealhunlln& hUivl'nbttun.
Olnserv•tlun II what c:on.ervat lonlatJ do. Sometlmts. c:on..
ser-.·lllon b • Ill<> wNt th~ pot\.
u~tan& u.r It ll. ln )'<!11'1 to
come, the ! Uorp u a \1 will know
:!ot~ polllldt r\IW('rt rljtht . or
Students Preview SPSU
A "'ca m~pN!vii'W d&y" 1<1
pl'\llpe<;tlv" ltudenll
• nd their p&nmt• with the curric ula, faculty 11\1'1 l adlltl<'1 II
uhtdllltd lor Saturday, t"tb. l4.
n.e Hlllon ...m bf:aln a t '
&.on. with rer llln.Uon In the
UnL,·enltyC<'nttr. lol~b,r
uplanatlonl ol ~114m« Mil
llYinl. financia l 1kl1 Pro&l'lml
and how otude nu become accuatom td to the new environment of eampu&11v!nr.
Admlulonl Dlrtetot" John
Llrsonllld theyoutntwould
dllcull lhelr area•ot lnltl'f:lt
with proletoorl, 10 on 1 cam·
~'!::~~. 1nd ...,_.., lunch In
No a dva nce f1'1111rlllon wi11
berequlrtd. 'JlM' prev\ewd&y
llthethlrdot louraehtdultd
thb yur and II txpecttd 10
drawaboutlOO hllh&ehool ~,..
Did you krlow that the averoge taxpayer' s alter· tax
dollar is now worth only 73 cents?
Raod the informative new wries "Are You Toxed ·
Fairly?" In Tile Chrilltton Sc!.Me Monitor twice a
week beginning MOrch 16. You' ll learn now your
tax money 1$ being spent and wkether or not you're
being tax•d fairly.
New Northwoods Cdmpus
A,rll Kela, l 1111. 242
Hell, WSU, Stntnt Point
Tll• "'
Pleose enter my subscription now to
O.rhtNn ScNMe MOftkor. Enclosed is my check
0 $13.00 for one full year
0 $6.50 for six months
I om
a full lime 1tudent
HABBY WILKE. one of three eo-eapt.alna tar the university hockey team, wu voted the moet valuable
player af the hockey toumam~nt held lut weekend.
(Tom KujaWISkl Photo)
Hockey Team Wins
Own Tournament
Ste••j>no l'olut SIHtr Unlverllly'l , hoo<:kt y tum Ilea l Stout
3---2 to " 'In IU. .,....., h>urnPmtnt .
llarry Wilke ICO~d 1"'0 unualalf:'ll goola ,.-lth 1"'0 m lnutt'l
ldt In tilt aame to ~:h·c tht
Po\ntel'l the wln.
11~e Polntrr1 had JC>Orl'd lin t
,.·"'-'nD.anBaltzhllaj,-ool onl)·
1:01 Into tho. l~nM'. Ste\'ell$
Point hdd the one &OQI lead
un\lllhc DIIICdcvL!.countcrcd
""ilh Mike Ry~n ICOrifll( HI
IO:!H 9t. tht lint ~rlod. TI>Is
I• tl>r Wll)' the '"'""'' t'n<IL'fl
lour mJgutet la ter.
noe IC'<'Ond period ...~~
rd JC:On:~ll u ntil Stout'a J im
Cint\1~ brokto IIWIIY from l h t'l'ointt l'l delenoe pnd hit the
UP\>tr rl&ht Wl't>l•r ol ltlf' Stl'' '<'IIIPolntrool wlthontiKond
Ml In the jl<'rlod ' " ~~:h·., tho.•
llliH'd.:o•·U• a2·1l<.'adilOinglnt<J
th,•IIMI ]>o.>rlud.
Stoulll'l>l:lrl'dto ha•·econ-
Hubbels In Grid
Starting Monday
Tllf' llubbel•. ) la ry Ann Uroull and Uob llubbt-1 wl\1 be
performlns: In a cull~ hoult
prottnm here ~'<'b. 16 to 21,
aponiOl"'d by UAJl
11\f! duo d:lo'l 1 combination
ot pop and contemporary mu·
l it. Rob wrltel lyrics and mu·
Jlc, Jl11g$&nd t>layl lhelult.r,
,.·hue M1ry ·Ann 1lnp.
Audlo-Fldtllt,r ~OI'nt lya lgntd
the Hubi:lell u n:cordlng art·
latl, llld thtlr 111'11 album IOor
the' company w\U be r.!ltostd
th\1 summer. 'JlM')' ha,·e ma\H
-r&lttle,·lllona t>peJranctt~
andhavea ff!cord. " lllpii)'DIPpy f'\mlcy Monkt y Double BubbltSitnMI!n"out.
Lilt •umrner the llublx-11
tourtd with the Wlllt nbertr
Choir throughout Sooth · Ame rica. perlonnlnr In O>lumbJD.
l:cuador.Od k', Art[tntlna,Perv.
U..-woy and In Ptx:rtoRica. Bob
W&l mldlcal dlre<:tor lor the
"'hoolt,..nny" section ol thr
Choir's IX'OCrl m. The 1 1"0\JP'I
tour thf'OUlllhout the E ..trm
Sub:lard Statts tenn1nlltd a t
T.,.., Hall In New York Oty.
1101 of the f[l!mt thi'OUihoul the
finaL 11C"rlod unut Wilke broke
IIWIIY •nd btlltl\e SIOUII:OftiJC
,. Jth t :U ielt In the &arne. Only
-10 •ecnnd-1 Mer the Point~,..
cruhtd lheUiutdevllplwlth
~~~~!" ~~:y~Ln~ll~t ~t..·o;!~~
Mnd tilt toumarnent. D<In 5eldoel
tiki ... rx~ellent Job f<>t' Uw
:,~';!~n In the coal with :H
s t..wns Polnthad )in:vloully
benttn St . Norbefr1 1-& and
l' luttevllle 114 to Ktt to Uw
llnaii . Stout hldlllodtlu tfd
St. Norber1'1~ and P la tttvlll<'
14·1. St. Norber1'1 botat Pl•ttc\'111~ S.O fUt" third plaee.
Eau Claire Game
Tickets Available
nck•·t• lor the Ul>eomlng
StewnJ Pulnt Sialt.EauOMire
bnlkNbnll game will be midi!
on Mondny. )'tb. 16
• .m. a t t he Unh-enltyCcont•·tand" theSponShopln
do""'-nl<,..'n SI~Ytl\1 Point.
l'rovklln&bothStt••ens Polnt
nndt:au Oulrrwln lhelrgames
\{'ndt~ up 1<1 the lhowdown on
1'Uclduy. •-.. b. 2~. tit{' .:an~e will
lorobablyOO.,klc lhe ,.•\nnc'rot
tiK' Wlit<>l'llln Stult UnJ ,~rl l ty
Conl..rence. 11\e Polntcn nn:
eurl'\•ntly In acrond pia.,.., jlld
QfM-'-ohu\1 &omc bothlnd the B\uKOldl.
Unlvtnlty 11udrnt1 ...m be
r«~ulrtdto llww th<'lrl.D. canl
nl t he Unl..-enlty Center to obtllln tiK'Ir lrte tlck~t. Faculty
m em henwlth ... actlvhycanl
"''lll be requlttdtoshow thclr
nnl at the Unl\'erslty Ccntrr
., ......n.
A 10111 oC 2.000 llcktU have
bten H I &llde forotudl'fllo l nd
IIICUlty ' m tmbotn with the IC<
Uvlt,r card. In addition both
ltudent• and faculty wtll bot
able to pur<:hlllll addl tlonalt l~k·
t tsat $1.50.
n ckrtl for thcocenerJi pUbllc
wLU be prl«'d a tU.50,wllh no
OOtr,..tlon bttv.wn adult and
chlidttn Ucketa. 'nltff! wlll be
150 lltktU IVIILibi<' for \he
pubLic and 1.50wlll b e -t to
t:au Oalff!. This wtll make a
t , .'d otUOO.
None ollht tlekttt are reu rvtd. All are Juat.,. a4ml•
lion to the s:ame. l t 11 anttcl·
paled the' llm&WIU bot loldout
wtll before aame time.
Tau Kappa Epsilon
P.S. Slngl• copiet of TN Ckrilltio• Sc5. .c• MMitot
can f"ff''t be purchased dally (ot the newsstand· prk•
of ,., cenll eoch) at EMMONS UNIVERSITY STORE.
Tou Kappa Epaiton 11 looking for
oggreuive college men interested in , ••
leff!deachyear k>rii'SIJ.Sit.
vena PQint 1tudtnts. C&mp$u.
un lnLin&ladeo:ountynokltc.
11 adtqu1tt lor the s~....,.
Point 1wnmer -........
WII<>ORIIn,"ukiElllene R. Mo.
Pt~M, M &diiOn, WSU
t )'ltem
uecutlve dlre<:tor. "Weaff!&ettlnl wlthout cNreea s i t e,
bulldlnp a nd equipment that
cwt mor. than 1 mlllkln dof.
IPI'I. It wlll <"nabl<' the l,rtlem
to broadol!n lnd lmprov• our
I Ummerlld...eatloonal prOSr&ml."
Addition o1 the l~ld llatlon
to the WSU &)'llttn hal bttn
l[ents or SUite UnJnnllkl. n....
aylte m now Optratn nine unl..-enltk's, IOur branchUmpul"'l
a nd thePl&eon lAktt'ltld Statlon nea r Drummond.
Tht Oll~·a Lake Field St&·
lion It betWfl-11 Cllddm a nd
Cable. a bout flye mlltl north·
"''f:" o1 the unlneorpOnttd oomm....,lty ol C\am Lake.
DuUdiii&J include low domlltorin. a dlnlnr hall, d 111room
bulldtna. recff!atton
wtthbllk<'tb&Uwuri, Oin«and
d ltprnllrybulldlnl. t>o-oahop
bulldlniJI, I,.'O&IOr&aebul\d lnstl.
m• lnttnonce bulldln& and laundrybulldlni. Thll lltldlla tlon
un house~ than20011u­
d~nll. Sta ll hoolln& 15 provldtd
THE HOCKEY TEAM from Platteville won the lpoftl.
man• hip trophy and here a team member accept• the
trophy being pre.tent cd by Dr. William Stlelttra. !Tom
Kujaw•kl Photo)
In ll mobile homtt.
n.e camp will be operllt<l
by • 1tttrlns: eommlttt"t - . .
olstlnr o1 one me m ber from
rach State Unl•·•nll,r a nd
New Organiza tion
Clean Water
AAUW Offers 1
$400 Scholarship
A ntW ortranlznt lon. t h t
"'Save Lake Supl'rbr Al-oc:lallon - Ste•·•111 Point." b now
botln1 fOnntd Ofl ump111,
'JlMo purposeofthe o rw;nnlu·
lion Ia, "to promote the lnt•r·
nu.otthelentrat ..·•lfar..·. the
tduc&tlonotthe)IUblleao to
theurw;entneedtopff!\'tnt lht
dls.R,mlnatlllf[ all ptMinent 1,..
fonnatlon Ofl lilt &ubject of
water pollution and " '1\tr """'
1l>t 1-m...p 1 \10 will " Vtk ,"
The Racine Brlln<:h ol th e
thl tlppllcatlona.-arebeln&
a ccepttdlorthe$400aeholarl hlp which AAUW a wards a,..
n1,111Liy to 1 Racine County rtrL.
The •ehol&l'lhlp a ward. ,.'hlch
II bllltd Ofl le&.S.m lc achievem ent Ind. llnandal ne-td. ll
aw1rdtd t a ch year to a Racine
County&lrl beilnnJniherjun.
loryear a tany a«:rrdlttd,dtl l'ff-IT&ntlna eolltaeorunlv<'r·
1\ty the 1&11 a lter the IIWII
Is a warded.
Dtadllne lot" ntln& appi!CI•
\Ions liAPI'. 1. The ICholan~lp
will be&w&rdtd a tMUW' ta,..
n u1l banquet In May.
t 111ntd from Ml'l. Dorothy C.
M~lvln. 20\l N. Gl'l!fll
I;)Und.,.tl·pollutloncontroJprolr&ml ,\oenrouns:r the <'nactmtnt ol a dequate Wltt r poilu·
tlonconti'OIIfld,.,._ter quallty
l l...dard•bylocal. llatt ....d
federal f[OYemmen1.&."
Thc!&TOOp ,.•l\lallo,"'dt ••rk>p
-rvlllon practlcn .
and to ))erfonn any a nd all
acts not \lrohlbhtd by law
~hlch Iff! nc<:euary and lneJ-
Rolod, Riclne.Wll. ~,the
committee chair-
Far Information Stevens Potnt
lludenll m ay contact Mlu
canytna: out our
ThC! CO.! ol mt mbtn.hlp \1
Pfr )'t'a r, whldl will lndude
a monthly nt-"A'Iletter.
•-or more lnlonn1tlon •' act
He~n Godlre,r. USOtlate dol!.,.
ol l!udenU.
Appllnt Lon bl1nb ll'iould be
returned to Ml'l. Mt Mn alone
with lltlnleriptot lhrltudcont'l ~rtdlts lor her lll'lt three
semutel'l or four quar1tra ot
Tim Altaehwager, room
281 ;
~:,~·.281 : or Gordon M.rn.h
The Platwood Club
Thurs., Fri: ;& Sat.
f•b. 25, 1970, 6 :)0
Pohtt lowl
"A Good Group ta
Feb. 19, 1970, 6:30 P·"'·
Writtht Lou~t~~~ U. 5.
tJetSylltm wiU berlnoPtl'ltlnl
a new northwood& campus next
JUmmtr, the sy&ttm oltlcr In
Ma dilonl't'porta.
A n ve-year aareement tumln1 the lormn- federal Oam
Lake Job 0:11·s- Center over
1D the WSU USitm b to be
slptd F e b. l2 by &Ute and
u .s. F cn11t S..rvlc:e olficl1b.
1be ltD acr. &Itt Ofl Ollppewa
Lake to Blyfltld County wW
became the WSU Ollppewl
Lake.-,ek! SIItlon.
" It b Quite a blrtraln lot"
Swimmers Spli!
In Michigan
St~Wnl Point Stet~ UN<'tf· •
1lty'1 1"'\mmln& !tam tra•·tlt.J
In Michigan last "''l't'kmd 1rd
came back ...~th a 53-40 •'~<torr
over Mlchlg~n Tech and • b-'
to Nu.-thtrn Mlchlg~n ~-C
In tOO ,.lctory ~Tiday AMff·
10n, Mrillenbeck, MO)·~r. 1'111u llk. ~fnu. Sch...·rnttl. t.rn
and th<' N'IRy tum rt'('l)l~
lln tJ for th<' Polnttn. In t!lt
l.olsSaturday Mehltnb«kn ~
to tab t ...v
linll. lbt
400 Fr{'of: R• lay 1r1m and Ttl"
Stt,·ens Point 63. !<lkhlc••
Trch -10
400 rel1y -
~ :06.3.
1000 - 1. Andenon \SPI. l
t;,·r n \ SP\, 3. Sprult. T.ll :lU
200 - L Me hltnbl'<k 151'1.
2. TtoppcrtSPI. l . t:nJ:I""'TiJIII
IMTI T-1 :56.$
50 .,.- 1. Bwhe,r I)!TI, ~. )olrNcer ISP\, 3. llnxlh1gen tSPI
- 1. MO)·tT \SPI, :.
Rkt IMTI. 3. nncrllni; t)ITI
T-2:24.0 ·
Dh·ina -
I . Ku1111hk tSI'I,
2. P{'nlck (SPI. 3. Ftrrin:'""
200 butttrfly -
)I a•' '
ISP). 2. /lllll<'rson tSI'l. l
Ltannont. T·2:l2.1
too - L t:nc.,...·ri~h• tloln.
'l. Bushey !MTI, 3. Ttwc:r tSPI
a teocher
N - - - - - Address - - -
Ql&l,..;,&n K•nrwth E. Lindner
olthe IYII<'m ollie<' 11111.
Already ldledull!d for the
'lbeWIJoeon&ln SII\tUnl~l·
n.. Chritt£e;a
ScN~tC:e Monitor, an International doily
l'le-W$p0per, is only half-price fOr college students and
teachers - S 13 a year or $6.50 fOf si~ months o reol bargoin a t less than five cen~ o day. You' ll
enjoy reoding this Pulitztr-prlze· winning paper ot
this very special price. . Subscribe now by filling out
the coupon below and sending it to your compus
Circulo~lon Representative:
lt'& Hpttlllll,rthe cutlnlhe
doi!p&rtmrnu ot economics and
F<>t'enmple, llu&hNit..IIIIW'I
dlr-tetorol theWII.ronlln R.a·
pids ra dio 111tlon. and Roy
Menal, ~mbtr of tht Mrn-
theopenJncollhe<kl&ytdhuntlnJituOn, thehunle nwtll bt
temptfd to like ITMln! &dull
sealllor thelr la r&t r&kll'll.
tn a recent esc r-eport. an
whitt coau.. Durina
tiMir ' lhl\liUI&r&ltheycan
Into the (lltk Ice, disembark
lntothe ti'O'I'o'li«i ll'alhen.ll\up
to XIOO seals per &quare mile),
a ndbtlln to take thtyoung
b)'. ltrlklnelhrm on thr htad
,.ith a metal-1\pptd pOle.
Atttrward, the Hab are •kinned and lht Clf<:UHI rendered 1n10 on. Undoo.lbtedly, the
numbtr olwco.Lnekd,.ouna Mall
could malu! lt toanopen "'INd"
In the lee. die In the watH',
llnd bt l.olttothe hunten.Whllt
11 " Wit, since the va luable
,.'hilt ('Oo!IIJ or !he youna: will
1lle YOUIII &rrh·e with pure
the lint
month ot thdr Uwa, lhry are
un&b~ to IW!m. II Ia II thll
111111tnll lor earern:. Or. Gordon Haft rtlfcket", acUnc pretJMnt and vice preddrol t o r
acadtm lc a llaln,bellevnJOmt
teachel'lnttdto behlrtdon
lhe' baalloC!helrtXptri<''*
tnate&d ot the numbotr of debthlnd their
• eonHrvatlon meu urt.
11 II! Atur a month, the
. whitt coat or the )'OUflC stall
bqlnl to taka on the rnotu.d
appear&ncf!ol lheadultJiarp
Mi l. By lhll time, the sMl
puJ» 1re a ble to -tm.· and
Into the w• tn- wtltn punued
by the hunten. F011:et for 1
moment the &pecllde of twenty
or thirty ~Mn. armtd wtth n.
rlta. chlllne seal& aero.. • ~·
~~ rl5!-d ol no.Una !«.
Thlnli about lhll : seat., ..twn
Mad, will 1\nll. The pOf.&LbWty
Go-Go Girl - Thurs.
200 bllcbtrob - 1. k""'YII'
ael ISPI, 2. Wallen 1)\': '1, J.
Broclharm ISP) T-2:16
IS~, 'i ~~~ ~~~;:,:·:.:~~
200 b...ulltrolce - 1• .-1n.,..
llnl IMT), 2. Wa pr ()IT!.
4001ftt:styltnl'il)' - l . )iidlla .... Tech. T44l1
A Blld In The
Hand Is Wo~h
Two by the
· Busch.
llR. WILLIAM. S'nELSTBA, vice pruident for 1tudent aft'alr1, here prnen~ the
Cil'!lt. plaee ~pby to the univenlty hockey team lri-c.aptalu. They are from left
to nght: Mtke Welling, deferusemM; Harry WUke, center -and .¥ike Hafner,'man. (Tom Kujaw.kl Pboto)
Ritzenthaler Name
In Sportslight
tiM \all nine
)f'.. ,..a l>d·forsr•·l'n«thl' lut
r•~hl s<·~tonS Bob l<nM.·~r hu
t.."<·n b<ukl'lba ll roaeh a t Ste••h<l>ulnt,s.xm-..·lll'n!onlhe
""'~r lht're tuo.. bct'11the name
\\.,<~l,~r ~&an Ills if:OI·
""-"· ..,~fhh111: u rec.or bllc:k In
Is.!_ Dirk wu a sophomore
t tobc>eornc! llwtfh·ll
• 1 ''"'· or poulbly lhme rut-
~ rnthalera,
to earn AJI-Wt.Jcon.
lin Stall' Unl•·l'ralty Conkreroc:e
to I» I<NC~tr'a only aeason
" ltllout 1 Rl urnthalCT . O!ilck
pla yed on the 196-1, I~ and
1!161 te ama and Dick !'<'jolnrd
the Polnlf'n the la tte r year .
Thol'n In 196'111>11' pr~unt Rlt•nthalotnbl'<:alno!lnlmportanl
t>~~rtol thePolnt frbailketba \1
Ken R. Named
Player Of Week
"''" mtunthllkr , "''hohelpeod
,. uk ~tevrm Point to three
lk'•'l\1:'1 In alx d aya, Ia !he
Wo•cql<in State Unl~r"lty Oln~';.;-;;"~"bukelbiiUplllyc rolthe
K•·n unk two frH tluvoo"'
£1111•ff<lnd•ltltlnthe o•-erp;'rlod as lilt Polnll'n
ohl&>d Stout, 75-14, a nd c:ontr~
l'lllffitbothls lta m'allpolnr.
ln tllt rxtn Hulon.
Tho! &-1 .,.nkn' w.o:aplaln from
19 1o:.dnl~ a~~:ahwl Stout alter
l(tlrhiC 11 pOtnr. In a vktory
•••trlaCro$&1', U \nlheHeond Mil . 1\rn al10 aeond 11
In l 'nlnt's ll' t hrounc:ln~
A\~ nom\ntotfd
this WHk
,."'" Stou1'1 C. \ (;lover of
IU ., EIU 0.\re'l
Sfhade ot
11-lml'IOIO.TI Pla ttevllla liar Jlm
La" lllitr. La o-t.M'a Dave
,\ll•r of Tomah, DshlcD$l'l'a Jl'ff
Stal\l of Omro, a nd Whlte.,-. t,·r·~ •'ta nk BllchOflel Ha m, Ohio.
pichil'l'- Tom,.... a n Lneornln.t:
fl'l"'hman and Kt n lnmfl'r....,j
lrom Whlltwlk'r.
AI 1 tre-hman In 1967, Tllm
{'II)'~ In 19 ol thr Polnten·
~~e- .'~: ~,:l :.:; \n,~r~
po~r. whlfh wouLd e•·e ntua lly
make him IlK' hil!'hl'll IC'Orlllll:
the IOU!' Rltztntllah...- brOCbtrlandwl\h l llproba.bllL!ythol
a ii·Ume KO<"IIIII: ~ldtr 11 Stenns Polnt.
lkt:IUJt ol hll trand~rrln~o:
o•·e r from \1-'blt~·atrr, Ken.,.-al
oe-q ull'l'd loaltout\h.eflnlpatl
o(!htHU<ln, lnllltlftOild
half he aPJWIHd In trn 11m~
o.nd 1(01'~ 1~ polntl .•. thlt
10'11 \llbt-lheOilly)'fll r he
ouu(l)f'('d Tom . Itt the p me
tuM he set a WSUC I'I'I'OI'd
IIH' flflld p \ ac(\lfl f)'W\\hl
III'Wai!Oretalnth!st\!Lt lhe
untap .
Laat yur Tom and 1\m man-
lltlpeod tulde 1M
io 1;;·~~,!. ~~f~1~e !~
lht II'IOIIWIIII evtrrteorded
by 1 Pointer !tam .
For hll roht In the pnllptf'o
oua )"e&r lllePolnl~tnjoy~
ta ll ataaon, TGm waa nam~
tg 1M AII·WSUC team •.. the
a member of the hockey team, ll
bue on a
The puck bi In the left foreground. (Mike Domlnowald Photo)
ll'fllnd Rl! ..-ntha l<'l" lg rnjuy
I I>Ch h<Jnor. lie ala<o awr<!d 3110
l'ulnta, tM llflh hiKhHI In I
• l~~~tk- aruun b)' anh"'l••ldt .. l,
to kad tho Pointt•rs In thlo
u lf'lo.-y. Thll r• •·r,htm a t"-o)'l'n lOCa l of m .. , ,.·lth a
~":;"~"OO:o t~~'·':.~r!: oct•~'C:.
II<Vrint; l!Jtooonlnluthe t969
Dkk f\ niii!N hlo ca rt'tr ,.·tth
M3 puln\1 tu ra nk <'if'vtnlh un
theiiJI, Inll><' l'ulntr r'JIC•'tnth
KllnM!of the II'UOI'I, Tum JOOUr•
.-d In 22 1.>01n11 to mo-.·e ahot~d
o! Dick In thr KOI'!nr ra~r.
M \he pr..s..-nt tim-e Tom II
ln dl!IJI Ste•·tn~ Point In tcOr·
lncwl1hatota l otll)tpolnt•
a nd a n a•·l'rageol20.2.
lleonl)' nl~snhW.pulntsto
pulhlm !nluttnlh pia« ahf~d
uf 8111 1\'ai!IM:r, !tt'l-$l, a nd 2~
to put him Into el.t:hth 1~-"fC
1hn d of lorrnt'l' teammAte
Mike ll~hel ...·ll<> huS-12. and
1lob Bootllo l, ,..11<> has 145. Tom
11 1 d""h to c<-1 thut many
Polnll'rl play ~~ fll•·fr Falil
Tom II not lhr only Rlt.wn.
thaleraboot\U IIIO''I: UIIIhe
UTI'«I<:OI'\.ni laddn. 1\en to-
a nd that wa1 whtn I \hoUt:hl
my)Unlorynr.llwuonlybeUUH ol the many o-eal fiole
lrltndllhldon lut)'e&r'llf'am
!hall de-c:ldl'd to come out."
II wa1 hll aoophomort
A former llandout at OrtO'n
· lnd Jo,lnlor years tMt he played
Uay Wet!, We atpha l hiiiiMllly. behind llu&hel. who II the
rotten lhrr Oi4'0f'lunlly to bru k
Polntl'rl' all-tlme ll'adlnJ rrlntu lho!llar1!Alt Poln~r llnl'up.
boundl'r lnd holdt the Hl>ool
Tblt roml'f. aftt>r playln11: In 1M
r-ecord fw poln'- In 1 tlnrle Ita·
1h:odow of Mike lluahH !he
IOI\-4U In hll junior year and
~~~ t10-o ataiOI\1 and 1n hh
WHipha l'aiOphomoreyear.
"I reallud Mike 1 bel·
hit fl'fthma n )'ear bl'ln1 fon:.-d
lntuanew poalllon .
ll'r«nler than I wu," llll.ed
" l &utN )'OU could ea lllt pa·
Wutphll, who 11 one of the
11..-n«," I'I'INirkf'd Weatphal, a
Polntf'l'l' co-c1ptallll thll HI•
'-' ..-ntor. " But 1 ~I'IOflllty
101\, " J,.·aa hoplnl thltlwould
•••wld u ltllanythlnlbulpll·
Pl ~ofanOpp)tt\lnltytn
liell('l'. llv.·ata dlfllful tthrN
playatforw•rd. butltdldn't
)'11'11'1 and lthoul hl 1bout qull·
work 01.1 1 IIIII wa y."
tln11 un 111'\'f'rlll a«a•lons and
Lilt year lit ala rttd.IM a.-a·
jw:t abou t did alter my aoph101\ a l a forwl rdlpOtwhrn Ken
Rlla-nthalt>rwalhur1,but&• •·.,
unoOn!)'u r, Theonlythln&lhlt
krpt liM!""' ,.-aa knowlnl that I
,.-ay Ill Rllll'lllhlltr and Wl l
wf'ltlldhe able tu t~nyln my lt'n·
&wltdltd. Dll ln \0 the blld<UP
lo.- )·rar ,"
Delplte 1M most lmprt'Ulvt ot
of Uw! Pointers' 24 &lmH, Ill
Krueatr llltd 1 lineup of elt;nt
hlrh lt'hool errdcntl~ lt, WH I·
JohNI ta ll"' tu Ste vens Point 11
pla ytn who uw al~t ~u~ l
thewror.e tloM . IIe w Nanltll·
action .
20 J>Jint o 1 l lrnl' In h11 lt'fllor
tilt btnc.h," eomment.-d Kruotyear. "Bob Klon IWI'IIIpha l''
ltr. " II h.tl1 betn dUIItull f..,.
h lj;hiChQQ!fOIIchlcallNihlon
lln<'OithrflnHt a thlell'llhe e•~r
a neacrllentatllt*· HI' hal II
h ndU"' OI'fiOl'lunltyturo&fh,"
l lt'Onllntrr-e&tlnlhetea!Jiancl
Po l nttr
II always looktn, for a way 10
Cultch Uub Krut1tr.
lltlp out ."
'"T'hty had 1,.-o llne c:enttrl In
And he \1 htlpln&lht Polnttn
my ll'l'lhman )'ear;· 111d Wl'll·
In 1 bl& way, u tllty a.-. m
route to another au«entul Hapha l. "but I IIIII 101 a (han«
lo pl1y qulte 1 bit . '1lltn In my
aop~~o...,.., )"tar I pll)'.-d IH t
Now that Wqt phl.l hal h\1 bla;
IIYI'Ihlm au~rtola l o1 616
ca~r al
t ho!ti""N<Ihbe • t
KOrtr In the o.chool'a hiJ.tory.
\\'bile Dick eamt'd ali<Onlerrncer«<J;nl tlon\n 1962 end
Tom Ja at )'l'lt, thl• honor hu
10 fJr r luded Ke n. But thiJ.
may no1 be tM alluatlon th\1
.eaaon.i'ornllfw-rently k-ldlnathaconlrrenc:e lnseorln1
and ahould be 1 repra t m ~m­
ber of tht nlecttn m. but hi'
Ken. II thll wn-e to happen
It ,.wid be the 111'11 time In
\hec:onltten«'l hiJ.tOI')' that
brolhl'n m ade.> the aii<Onfef'o
and Tom will fln!Jh hit Clrtl'f
nut .eaaonand ahould e ndot
u the a ll-!lm l' Slevi'RJ Point
. - With 1M dtflolr11U"e of
Torn ~XI y'ear , Sln'ena I'olnt
bllskortblllwlll not be !he ume
for the lan1 or tor OHI~h Bob
2 MIIH Nortft
- Hwy, 51
.eviUe team.
·. ', · •
bouncb In c:ollt&~ belore," •~loll
Weatphll, "and IJ>tOblbly aot
Uutt .m any In hlll:h .chool only
cllanee, he II nwkln1 tile ITIOtt
otlt. Atttrlllowltarthell
•~adll)' plfltlnr up 1te1m and
hu ~ lrnproYement In eafh
ot the laOII 1\x or II'Wft 11mt1.
" Eve-rytlmt I have 1 &Ot'ld
J•me lately," temlrl<ed \fHt.
phai,"IIMmlllbedolni:IOII'ICIthinl: bettn- than the lut lime.
aleft..Nndedhook,owr a l£\111
Oaltw II Wll the OU!IIde lhootlnaandbeinl:lbletoworkoneon-.- and lhm jull \he other
nlahtltwu my tlpplnr tnd reboundlnl aaalnat Whlltwalfr,"
Polnlnl dtftated, lt&-11, WHI•
pha\ ICOC'ed U potnuon stvM
lrN Ulrowl. He allo hauled
down U m.ounda. AU thla comlnt dHplte playlna only Mit of
of the llmt. He wa1 In lou\
troublflln!M nntha\landmld·
atartlnaUne , upaavewaytolhe
restrvHwhenlhePoll\lfi'I OSifrledupa35-po\ntlud.
"I never had that many re-
Kntil'rh'conflitredwlth l'o'H t·
phal lnthatbe !OO i eltthllwu
oneofhllbetterramn. "Reo
ault," o-ema rktd Kn!l'rtr, "11thoiiah hll tu m play Is very
lmpo111nt. lleh.. a i'Nllp been
acomplrtttum player and he
'!'e hm
WHip/1.11 fredlP hll playlna;
ft'l\llarty tor \he lll'lt lime ••
themalnre.-torlhelmproyementlnhllplay, "l'mjultatartln&to&ttthefeelln~~:ufplayln&
I played ftnter In hl&h 1ehool
~~~~.the \ut time I had
Weotphl.l (Un-e-ntly lead • lhC!"
boundl tor anavenaeot bet·
lf'rlhlnl'liJhla lame. llellallo
ICOtin& a l a near 10- pglnt d ip ,
UheconllnUI'Ilo acorelt\111
he could I<!On!
~polnU thla.w aoon tlln n he
dldlnhll ' llnllhrft!)'tarl ll
Polnt He hu aceot~~~ted tor 1611
pOinu thil year u to 269 prrv\oully.
P laylnll: ttl"l•rly u n ma.kea
bettn- ball pl• yh' out of most
athleleland Robby WI'Uphal ll-...,..
no cllff•rent, II wu a lontt
th,..,....year Wi ll, but maybe II
WNIOI'Or\l'l\1 ,
Judy Schulu
Sports News ·
Allc_eln Dllryland
The Polntera recorded two mor. Important wllll on thl r-o.d
lh\1 -kend, brtnalnr t ill marie number to tlve, the w\111 nMd·
ed to cUnch at Jeut a tie for the d'lamploMhlp, Tha '"-In ceu
1 dttei'Ytd re-st thll week and donn't play unW next Wednel-ilaya&aln-.1 PlatttvU\e.
Ke~ru~n~:~·~e~~~~ :0"': ~=~~·:rr~'"1l!.'~:~:;.•::
Quinn Vanden lleuvel and Tom Ritzenthaler t:ame bad!. to IHd
the club Sltutday. Center Robbie Westphal played two very
ltMdylamH• 1lt
n.e Marquette Warrlon took a to111h on1 on the chin Slt\lf'o
day. With the Warrior-a ah.Md of Notr. Dame by two poinU In
the tint Pl'er11me and thei r ball 011t or boundl With n.,. MCOndl
on the dock, the Jrllb took the ball away and tied 1M ICOta.
Not.-. Dame thtn went on to Win !he rarne In the MU~nd over·
tlme !l&!a
Ttle lou wa1 only · t he Wa!Tior'• !hlnl thll -.on and tht)t
1t1U have a Coocl ~1\ance to maka the NCAA 10\lmt)'. With DKn
"the Dn«m" how can lbe-)' 10 wronJ.
th~~u~~~~:~~ b;'7c!rf~~n~U:~~':n~~
. . .
Sunday qa\1111 Baltlmol'l bill I'm IVN they'll
o fltandtlnlahln2ndpl.ace.
For thote or )'011 who didn't KCt any of the hocklly l&mel
thll weekend, you rMil)' m\.aMd a trMt. With 1 new rlnk north
of the tltldho\IM and the flu of the Saturdl.y and Sunday
cro~lt lookaUketheaportllrallyellchl~on.Conaratu·
Numerous opportunitle; u tmlive trn1l ; uciting chllltn·
1111: new .nd lnterBting P~C~Pit : All ol thtM exper ; and
many 11101'1 -all the Wisoontin girl who becomes tht nail' a
23rcl Allee in Oairyland.
Entering the ContHI
is •sv. No spo- is llftdfd. Do not
(\ _
"':::~=~~=1 ~';;:h0~:::;;':::,~-,!!~·h::
Min marrl«<and mull bta rnidentofWitcOIIiln lor•tteast
01'11 y-lmmediltlly prior IO M1rch 1, 1970.
• Appllunt willobl jud\lld on tlw ~ ol 1ppuranu, pttWn·
ality, poise. training, txPif~. $PUking abilit'(. htl lth 1nd
The winner mun b. abla to d.,.o,. full time tow,..,. with
theW'ISOOni!n O~mtntol Agrico.lllure lor lpproxim.alll'( 01'11
latlonltotbtteamlorthe&I'KtwlnoverStoutandthe tOIIrnammt champlon.thlp.
TheWif,eon,;n Otp~rttn~nt ol Agrico.llturt resttvOK !he rili!t
tomakelinetdeeiWons in•lltontOKtm.l lltl'l.
A most rewarj:ling experience awaits you!! II
invite all interested callege
men to their formal
rusher at the Sigma Pi
House, 1700 College Ave.,
7:30 P.M.,Mon. Feb. 16th
U51 home lddoes( ol ~rents to nt1blhh distrkt conies!
assignment. .
No. _ _
Cltv- - - S t . t a - -- - C - 8\rth O.ta(Mo.J - --
"She's 1n ordin~ry girt
with an exMOrdirilry job,"
tal.-d 4l7 J-.Mnl~lnhll fll'lttWCJ
~a-'01'11 and adlil lo that lOII I
19ll p>lnt• thll ld!l<ln. ThiJ.
. or)Utt :Sl JJOinll ll!ortofbrotMr
Dlfk's lola! of 653. l<l'n too Ill•
1 &OOd d11""e ul &ellln& thl&
m a nypOintaln Iller ncarruture
and \Mf'f'lon!lllouklllnlah h\1
.::o~f abot aplnlt ' e t-..
1\Jo More B~nch For
Patient Rob Westphal .
lthubcen a nythlfllbu t a
~N~III'nt walt for Robb Wqtphal
11t Stovro~ Point . Fo,-thrre lona
)"e•rsheha•brenlooklncfor,... rdwlthmllfhanxlouane~~llld
:>ty for this bl•ket_biiiiiU·
For Eight · Years
f'vr dll:ill ol:
(0~)---(V• .J -
Appllclnt'.sSlgnlt ure _ _ _ _ __ __
. ... 8
Take Two, Stay
Toast La Crosse, 106-79
venlty'l ~sketball tum bombf,rd~ LaCI'oue 1Q6.79'fue&daynl&hl~>:llh 1 devut&llfll
SS.2tadvanta~ lnt~linttuolf.
~ •·kloey movtd the Polnten
to within% came or Idle Eau
1llfr 111n<'Of)CMd&lowly ...1\h
UM lndl&nl b'lnl the b&lll&lnll
atW ..·llh 15 minutes n!mam.
ln&. ~Polntentwkc:omplrte
ly built a 25-14 Jud on Bob
lltMlnr'•fl••elootjllmpe r mldway throuch the hall. Stevms
Pl>lnttook dvantace of. many
tobulldttwluduntLIL t nac~
ttl peU U-'11 on a tip-In by
Jim Oben one S«<nd bdore
the h&U tnckd.
St~'tl'll Point hit on 24 of
41 -.hots lor5illft"«nt,.·hlle
\he lowly lndlam hit II or 33
lor Sl pn cmt. nw Polnteu
""d tiM! ad•·• on the
bovd.J llaulina lloc1ol11 21 to the
' lt~ellaN
U , IA
in \he llal l to tiM!
Tom Rltunthalu kd I he
Polnt.-n " 'lth 16 polnll, on 8
of U lhcles. Quinn Vandm lfeu.
n l addf<l l3 and Rlt:amthalrr 11. HtMII\I chipped in
9. Leroy Ywn1 hlt 9 pointl
~ U<:Ofld hooU
th e
-POint~r ru~r"'iH pi&)' 11 mu.d•
to t/IC' victory. La Cr01ue play-
wllh. Sttvtm Point 1M
St~vena Point hit Sl per «nt
from t~ noor on 4l of 84 ahoU
wllllalaCrosae hltS9perNnt
Tom Rl~ntllalt.r lilt • ~uoo
I!Ji:h 32 pOint• lor 1M Poi nters,
tokHp hltholdon thclconlu~
leadership. Vandm
llf'll\"f l came back to form hittlna20polnl:l,followtdbyllcn·
nlng and Ken Rlllenll'lalfr <&lth
ll ·~- Robbie Westptul l
$«<nd llalf, to take came honors ..-1111 11. Younc ltd 1M I n-
.Crush Falcons, 81-64('
B)' tUH'
St:UE~"&a i "" ASOr:K
ronawtreboundedthe Polnten
IKM'e>'<'r2l·l81ed byD;weZlm·
merman ,.·ilh. ll!v~n. River
f'allo turned the ball over '""
tlmeoto tile Polntero nllll',
SttnN Point State
tlty"a bubtbotli team remah>td only one aame out olllrst
place ,.·Uh an 81-&lthru l'll"'l
of Rl•·~ )'alia Fl'lday on the
f'al('Onltour1 . ThcPolntcral"''maln one came bmlnd Eau
Cliolreon anl-2 ""-'Ord·
)'OUJII: F ali'ON tlarltd
Klllll' '~I')' ..-ell kct'plnl 100
bluer Pointers I t blay Willi
mkl ..·ay t h~hth!-h~lfwh<>n
Kenltlt:e.-nthlcrand lleMina
ledS_!!vt'lliPolnt ,.ilh.14And
11. re-pccllv" ly. Rlbt'nthal~r
hltalx.ol n lnt>Jholtand llennlna •lx.o!t•I Kht.ltobbleWut'""'' lut.ulcd down ll'Ytn rebounds In the llall . Freshmun
Wdtl••lnal a )'Upsol~llen­
Jk>\o• ly
mounti'CI a 31-24 halftime leud.
llmnlna llotc the ball on nri01,. O«Uiom a nti w•ln tile loot
race to the balk~! lor live layup.~ In 1M llal,l.
Ste•·cn~ Point took only 3-1
llhot1in u,. ha ll but hlt 1'
for • 47 Pl'• c~nt Jhootina pcrcen"r~ while fth'f'r )'ana 1'01
olf 43 1hoU but only hit ll
for 26 prr cent The
Defeated By Stout
S t a te
Unlvcrll ly'5
" 'rellllnJC t ~am handed 1 h ~
Polntena 2!>- 11 delta ! In 81'1'1[
Gym S~turday . ,_. lllu~•·ib
nven ot the ten dh·ltklnl
In tOO victory ,
In Hli! I~ r&nd dlvll lon ft.c>.
~~r Suhr t>ll'llli!d J e rry O>lllnl
Pill Tim&-· Work
bm $50 • $60 Wk.
liB - CTu& IS) bea t Sortn•
10n, l 4-2, '
1:16 - f:YIII\1 IS/ bea t Campbo>ll,4-1.
134 - Dn-ltunt!Sibeatllodklt'IO<icz. s-3.
142 - Dtimuman lSI pinned Thurow, ~:10.
~ OpPf:rman ISPI beat
lS8- Suh r ISPI pinned Q)J.
K<•n RII2C'nlha lcr hit 29 poinlt
(or ·scorlna: honorl while llcnnlntchijlptdln20for tl\ewln01'111 , Tom Rlll~ntha ler added
14 a ndll'eotpha ll2, Schultthlt
23 for River )"aUJ and J oe
A<>Oito added 12.
Va nd~n
T . Rltunthatcr
K , Rlll,....thalrr
ll tMin..:
11>7 IT7 -
r>.t .
}.:S.:h~nbauc h
Come out
NOW thru TUES. e .
s ..'flt.a lla
Sch ullz
Pa rk~r
Point Whips Superior
8y MO\' Nt:UENICKWA.."Dt:R
"'rH tllnK tum
lla:ht m1 tt h lut Wtdntt·
day over Platt~~llle 19·t1. Pl attevUie lorftltedinthell.8p>und
Ste\' ~N
th~ !l•·e poinU
Point the victory.
Ji m Noltllld plnnrd hl1 Of>j!Ofll'nt ln theiTidlvltlonin
the J'olnltn only pin.
ftonC.mpbtll, O.lelfodktlwltz
and Rore r Suhr ...:>n decltlona.
3 : ~ f~
Ill -
7·14 81
U! - l lodklt"'1a tSPl bell
Erickson, t-2.
IU -, E ltln I PI bnt n.u·
~ ~1 ~
'"' '
'"' ''
M~ Mahon,
~ Dl~man tPl
Opfl('rman, 3 :10.
1!>8 - Suhr ISP) beat Toft~.
171- Noutad ISPI pinned
Dlaon, 3 :~.
190- Nori<Jlc IPJ beat Zlt-
29 6-IC} 51
8 Tr::VE'NS POL-n'
JT ........ I
II ...........C
HWT - eo..·an ' ( P I bta t S....
bod.-..kl, S-4
157 - Klulii:btll tPI
b ea t
J S249
PM ol 9:05 PM
.Finest in Live Entertainment
wbtrt the beadl ef all aatioDJ
1\ucn RISTAl1IWIT"
COlOR byDtluot ,.,...
Plwt Short " OLD W EST TlAIL''
forltil .
126- C:Bmpbell
\\\e BRAL- '4~q
:w 29
'"' '
be 1 t
Sotatad ISPI b eat
190 - Johnlon. 1St
Z..llll'rt , S :l7.
liWT - Neville lS I
N iehtly 7
Peterson (Sl
Grapplers Edge
lllll,2: 46. ·
A GRAB FOR Pointer Jerry Malion'a ball cot~t LaC'rolle a foul. Other ldentUiable playel'll from left are Pointers
Terry Amon.on, leading conference ICOrer Tom Ritzenthaler, LaCroue' Kerry Spees, and Pointer J im Ollfn. The
Polntel'll won t he game 106-79, (Domln~kl Photo)
l'oint42-3l ,
ln2:46 1orStc\'i"IIIPolnt . Erlc
Ot>[l(!ronmn Mill Jim Nolltad rt'conleddcelsklnsfurthf: l'olnt•
, Randy Schultt ltd F'al(!(ln ICOI'•
Ina wllh. ei~~:ht .
Once 111ln Rlvt r F a lla remalntd even with the Polnten
until midway thl'ou.lh the lla lf
until once •Mftln ltd by Ken
RltZII'Oih.aler hi t 1 flv., t oot
Jumper IO rtve the Polnten
ltli!i r bluest lead 81~ wllh.
2 :GI Ielt .
Stf'YrraPolnthl t SlPf:r ctnt
on :!7·10 from the floor whllt'
tt>e F alcona """"'f' 29-19 for 36
l><'r Ct'flt, 1bc 1maller River
~-a li a
quinte t OUI!'11boundi'CI
/. Pour Haus
The Fabulous Bowery Btys
The Riot Squad
ON of tiM Tep Gr-,. Owt of Mich. .•
Adm, All Three Nighh - 75c
. 0,.. F.U.r ... 2:00 P.M•
SotvNey & Su_.J 11t 1:00 P.M.
Good Luck Whnr CarniYal
St~Vl'lll Point State Uni>'l'r·
ally'• bill kctballt u m ..-hipped
Superlcr State 90-n at SuP"rlor Sgturday niKhl. The wi ll
ln\'U the Potn tt n wllh. • 9-2
reconl,kl!tplnaltli!mClflt'c•m e
behind leaaue le1dl"11 Eau
Cilln!. SUPf:rlordroPJ,>tdto).!.
withou t
!lank So!omon who IUitlinotd 1
hlp Injury one minute Into lhfo
rame a nd Windy MeGrllf be- .
~:a'::: ~~.:.~•:, e~~
Brltndt a l)dheklll'lla lml llitad
until mld"'l)' throul!h the Pf:rl·
od. At thlt point QulM Vanden
Ut U\'t l and Tom Rltuntllale r
Jhot the Pointen Into the lead
!lull bulltilowlytol&-26 at
h1Ut1m e.
l'oint with 25 maritfn, followed by Vand~n llcu~el and Oob
lltnnlni[ " 'lth 16 apiKe , Ktft
Rl~nthaltr ldt\tdll, a ll com·
tna: In the 1t«>nd half. Robbie
WeJtphllchlpped lnlwhlleo!t·
tlng out much of the ltCOfld
half with 3 foo.~ls. Brandt !I'd
the Y~llowj.acktta wllh. 21. ~~~­
tine auppor1 from Grell: Amy•
" 'llhl4 andJimMcCorllonwlth
13, 11 comin1 In the 1-..1
hl lf ,
Hanging Tough
PO IS TilK.Iil tHI
GoNwtn. r
Oormon. I
Nlllon, 1
J;:o~~enl>n < n.
lt ~w ttt , r
Solomon. r
E2?~- ·
n· I~
: t
t l;
I f.
Stevtfta Point hlt16of31
Ycilowj.aekcu I!Jt lt of l2 for
Come and get
Your Valentine
3-IPf:r«ni, ThePointf'rloutre~SuPf:rlorl2-18wlth
Tom Rltzenthalu llaullnl dcwo·n
ftltzenii'IIIH' hlt6of•
to lead the Pointers wllh. 13
(IOinll. Vondcn lltu\'t'l hitS of
for 12, The YellowJa< ktlt
..~ r t ltd by llnndt with !1,
Sle\' ...... Point pullfd I WI)'
from SUPf:rlor In tilt HCOnd
h• lf bulldin11: a ~1-31 1ta4 on
Bob II~Mina't thre>e point play
"ith 12 minutes to play. f'rom
here on the Polni~n dominated
to maintain al9polnt advan-.
It's Gift Wrapped
The Polnten hit more than
half thfir lhot.o a~~:a ln for Sl
per cent . ..·hlll'Superlorhl t 31·
74forC!fl('rcenl; 'nlePolnttrt <>Omple triy domina te-d the
Papa Joes
boards U-30 but allo tumtd
the ball onr 11 times to the
Tom Rltuntllat~ ltd Stevi'!B
We only serve
No Brag Just Fact