.I IJ1 IIW 72 gea~1 ofurriu to I SERIES VIII, VOL. X 1966 NO. l Homecoming Spirit Reigns, Oct. 10-15 . "" " . . '· A ' .. . ' Oc tober 6 , 196& THE POIHTil "Anything looked ot significontly1 becomes significant." - T. S. Eliot ~ THE PODIUM !Are You·Missing ~:.~~ ~~~)~~: UW Hatory If You Ask Me ~ Compiled by BILL He.U IU.EN and BOB t"'U:IIWEG '"• ··-•• "'''""• w'•' rtment h .. commen ted thai a thrta temn g eltm tnt the universi ty u p&na~on w the development of a gldly attuetu rtd community in t.h rte leveW At the Ill the "modem profeuor" who taikl to the ltU• n t noth wtth them, and who Ill pre-<~CCUpled, not with ~e unive rsity where he t eac.hN, but with hill profs- -··"· "· -···~ · '"· Pal ~tc<: h-~. 20. j 1.1 nl01", 2001 Clark. from WaU5al.l, majorIna In blolol)l t v~pru. of Slama Phi Epsilon/. Yn. the reai dfm t haiR .tl01.1ld df:tlnl t~ly ru n nondldlt'"l ftll' P a rtly for thlll rn .oa, Tay lor •tate~. a middle clau il added - the teaching auiftant.. Their job II to act :.~0:.':: !!o~ ~:v=m~';!. ~~:nln~:~~~..~~pr'rt~f ~~': fest!VIUn. Ind ividua l and VOUP pa.r11dp;,uion mak~t ho~ romlnr wllat It 1.1 and allould bt. U orran!utlon. run qUHn candidates In rompetlllon. a Mtolatar\dllrd niiN .rarequlml n wllk'hallu.kloraanlu· tlont lln e to meet and romply with. u omeoeom lnr rulea In the pu t and at pt"tltnt requ ire a t10111 trom ucll orran iullon. !:ilnce rHident ha liJ are oraanJ. zatlons ti'lf'y muu comply wtt h tile standard fN ot ru!H. I am re lerrinr to the ha Ul wantln& IOPI.I t up hall derorat lor• lnstead olf\OII ts. lfetl that ltthe halltnonnotPI.It llpiiOI \ll theyahou.lddroptrom tha ru nntna. ~· in termediu in be twee n large e nrollment c:our.e. ~~ t~;e:':~:;h~eo;!:;~b~ :h:~ ::~~!.~0: h~ob~ ;;~:;..!:: ~an lr II be wrl lten by th tm and At the bottom are the ltudenta, who ha ve fleet ing auocla tion with the people who t each a nd who d on 't rnlly know each oth er. ·~·· ·~~ Whot " """'"'"' , , ,, tha block I ~al teachmg and the exch ange of 1deu ia In mtroduc· I fio n of m1ny more occuion. in which • tudenU: a nd f•culty can . talk. IDd argue in aomethin g leu than a claaaroom ~J~tuatioa. 1 It ia not un uaual in many achool1 tor faculty mem· ben to invite gTOu pc~ of atu dent.a into the ir homta for an evening dacUI3ion. • A coffee-h ouse, open to evetj•one, hu been "• tarted ~n ou r c:.ampua thia fill. Only one raculty membe r o f all oMin~t the ret>ident hall!! to ru n a ndlyou 1 ppro,·e of th e way i he ~~ hll\"e lll'l'n are IIO IIlt! n!OOI!lmendationli y ou lllljtht h1w e w n. Encounter 'd p rOVI es An ·~· ited it. How m 1ny membe n o f th e faculty a nd l o n ventu re into atuden t ban., vil.it the · · jpin 1tuden ta In conversation in th e Gridiron! StudeDla. h ow often d o y ou wande r in to ! j at ructor'• office to tal k to th em, or, are you II would be eon•idered " b rown -nosin g !" How many of you wu te tim e Union · - ···· ": .••::-cc••o. J~~~)~:!~;~~o:-n)':u~::. ~~t _,;:; .::c,_ ••• 1: e; : to anyone o ther than you r la b pa rtner ! If thil lack o f Informal intellectu al exc hang e «><>· 1-· ••c:...;::····--·-· tlnu u betwttrt 1dminiltntion, fa culty a n d • tudent ,.,.,_ , - · · " ·;.;;:.; culture~, WSU-SP will attain the rtalm of wa univenity g etting aowhere." Upon rrad ua tion, will emerge f rom their coc.coona to dbcove r t hey art ::;g:~hf::t=.•::ut!:~~~:.•ve milaed the •• ' ·An Equal Voice Needed' Srou Schutte. 20, .aphomore, 109 &ld"•ln Uall, lrorn Appleton. majortnr ln hl.ltory (aetl.-e ln BII Jd.,..i n Qu~n nompalrn!. I am ln favor, under the pre~~tn t I)"S t~m. ot au6-tna 1111 residence haill partld pa don In au facet& ot homeromtn~:. In the put. lraditlon ha1 yielded tile rn ponslblllty of horneromin& to a minority oJ 111.1 den11 on eampua. By al!owint more 111.1den11 to panld pate, homecwnlna hn a chance t~ arow larrer and r rca tu . lt la my ft~!:llnahoWW\""'',thatseriol.ls ("OIIside"ratlon tllould ba rt•·en to m~~klnr the queen {'f)f!t~t lmpar1lal. Elich YfAt there ll a ln'mtndoua amount of lime and money spent to ele-ct a q1.1een. Alona wltll lt rornea the 1.1nethleal tac!Lct and hlttenwq of a hard fou&ht ca mpatan. U the q11een wn •·o~ In fmm Impart ially .eit<1ed eA~ dld.at es, more effort ro1.1\d be put forth to creatf beu~r tloa ll. 1\all cleroral iolll. and t\-ery ot her pan ot homerom ln~:. J think that aometlmN we tall 10 real!~ tll at 11omeromln1 II primarily for ou r Al1.1mnl and not lor o1.1r ow n ltllt•~ lnterelta. '"'- ~~~• ··~~...''o l •~!~--':'!:'0. .~~~ -·~ !:!:.~\ 11 1 P , awaken· <~~m.;;._ ;:....;_:._"-'_ · :_..:..-';::._.:._"_-..:_·::.'.~------ r ""'""' Student Employee Information 'nle followln rllepsmuat bl!mmple ~ by aUttudtnt ~·ees to bl! placedon theactl va"udentpayroU and 111-rntn t. 1r de~t a work autrnmf!nt form lmm the Otflc:a Plnandal Aklt. Room 256, Main B1.11ldlnr. Se<-u~ Ol~tc!'~'oot~l•aio~~a~ui:=~;. 11~-;."'~:n!,~e or'~ numbtr. :::c;:;·;;..,--.:;·:.. ::·:::.:..... -••-c:oc. 3. Rfpol"l to the autrned 111lPlO)'IH", 11«'\lre the nqu lred ... d•l"l" lncl l.ldt1: fromAthe o depa employer rtment on Bl the paywork ra tt au Cl trnme }ob description nt form. n 0 il) ll&Ra ture of employmen t II.IP"J"Vbor. 4 Ret 11m tile work &Mirnmen t form to tile Olllee of Stu· ~ ~i:!e~ Aldl and u ellanre It for thl ~student Htl p Is Too Great' tfr~~~~t~!~~·'t~;r~!.~?.!:~~·~:~~:~•:?.t 7~:::.~~ ~-=·.o-: c: •.;,;,· :; ;.:··-- - . 5. Keep a na«"Ur"e~rd o f ' llounworktd by da)'llof tl\1: mM th on the ~stl.ldent Hel p Time Shett.'" tlndk:ate time workedt nquarterandllal t hou r lntervala.t 8. At thoendoft henole-ndl rmonth,retumoneropy !white orte inah of the ~student llt lp T1me Shett.. to the Office of t>t!lden t F"lnand• l Ald1 and u dtanae It lor the nut mon thly t l me ~rdahet t. 7. Pl~k li P )"OU r lt~nt check II tl\e O:athlet'l wtndow j! Rilorn OCI5• on the bottom floor of Old Main appm;~lmately "'""'kt lollowtnr the dOH of the month. A• a 1t1.1Mnt emplo)"fle In the Untvenl ty pror ram. I I"C Upedtd to: 1. Accommodl ta )'OUnelf to the dern.andl of the 2. Keoep YOI.I r employtr I1.11Jy ln!OTII\td &I to )'OI.Ir o:~ln&e of plan., ete. 3. Keep an an:urate dally record or lime worked on f"$ t1.1dent llel p T1ma Sheet.'" ! Report In Ql.llr1ff and ~ "'"P r~.r :-.-:~it';p:~) Olllee of S! udent F"lna ndal Aida wllen plllll termina te a job. 5. A~pt yourjob .. apald~lt lon, not a -' udent 6. Promptly m mplete and tile all needed A1 a 1t11dent em ployee, you m~~y : 1. Oe•·elop a work pmaram that fill! )'OU r elau 2. Rt-quett special .chedullnr when )'Our IJOiltlon 3. Rrq ue•t s ptda l houudu rtn~: perlodaol heavy r1t -~~Olliee ~~~~·our en ntnc of f'lnandal Aldl. f i!COrd .,.iJUt the t1me •liNt ml·==-=::!....:======== = JJI.e I The Poem Specks ~ IIONH U'! at..\Xt:Y Tell ll\l ol happlnua. n en 11\ow m. your aorrowt; M1.1dt to d'-daln o r my tornotT(IWa. $ow me no feu, Then ~ettam 01.1t 1n frlahi. What ha ve we now The clark or the nJ.rht1 Make me from duat · To renclf:r me aahel ; J WIU ""P Uma wll b the Jloundultd.uha. BrHk down the willa Ot Mln't emp{J' Jtnlctura B1.1t leave me a brtek To hurl to the fut ure. stnrto thelu iura Lauch at the pall. l have~ttorut':tl'htrblut. btat me, bl~ l ow, brat . • Wtll , lahouldhav. knolo-. WlLl.JA.W K. OLIOH ~ 'nta ,..,• • ... ol e&!Md,..J,. bulldln~: blc•ll ln lha12thot,.. Don'tpua me by k a iiH l hava kllt : ll'iYiadvlolot ntt r:rc•tAibatrou. turyandlur- IOOyean h ... lllld the rouncied ardl. Thil pre. Gothk at¥11 Ia Mlllll Rom&. 80l'fJII(I&ai...AUT ~. Oct~r 6, 1966 ~razilian Senorita Page 3 Soundproof Rooms Charms W.S.U. Audience , ,' .. ~ .. ! Oclober 6. 1966 Pogo .. , .... , THE BANK /~ii]'\. •. t .• last year there were mare than 6 million menta.lly retarded in the United States. Things could be worse. . II you just wait a few years: Mo)obeyiMidot!'I-Mio_;!. Moyb.yov"'OIIII'Oii9 -lhlngobo.lt-lt.to<dcnioft. I>Ow~·~hoppefto;.. yo<~r!omily. WSU STUDENTS Ancl ......' lbe1o0wteii <OII'I. fo_.yt'iftonillul•o od.ilo:l .. bom...._.n>irwl_'tg<crw.-.gh. .... ,oo..-..'tho... oooilbyotldi'>Of»i!-'thol'fi"'IO )'OII. YNtOIIdo_,.lhingobo<,I ~.YNaolfh.lp lo..<l a fl...... YOIICOIIllonioyofOd;,g Oboot<lellhottt/hyOII"'hol JIM LAABS MUSIC -~rolte..,•do'*-h..,.,......,l itio!IOI.'t'NtOIIIoOI'n .,_ ..... boot<ltthow-nloloeiO!dolioncOIIbep••- d . """"....,.... _.oii<;.IIC. hoo...ocJ. ""'"''*it """t.o... .... o-cied<o"behe~lo l;.e....+..l!i.... A...l1"""'"leoo"ko"'7011uonhelp For Special Student Prices Guiton 100 In ttock. folk 1uito" from $SO.OO. CITY WIDE MOONLIGHT SALETHURSDAY NIGHT 7 to 10 P. M . . BRUSHED DENIM JEANS r•ol'l4 Homo - Lodiu' $3 .8 8 .......,,. Jwsu SWEATSHIRTS !A"''''" " ·" ..orted Colon I ~DIES' Y""'<~dowho!flftdt~la< "'-·-·"" 't'N-itOa,-..U, ,......to.llyon4 o.,e, $2 00 &. Siau • Lorte looollttP~Gw. Addo•tOJ ~electiOfl. C~r.•on froM $S9.6S. MotnoollleM•dorion. W~ton.D.C. Tope Recorders V-M ud ""enr other fine 1uolity Meltu. LATt:ST Hlt r.r.T ) IUSIO IU'.NTAIJ§ ON ALL J.....S THU)Lt:NTH Bf'.,GISNEit GUITAJI. U:.SSON8 ,._,. JIM LAABS MUSIC 344-SIIS DRAWING! OCTOBER 15th $10 M•rchandiN C•rtifica.. SLACKS ~ ·:~:::',," ~~.~ ~ yOIIf <~la Of!IIU<IoM Portable Stereos $3.8 8 ''-'• J44.17tl 1129 MAIN ST. St..,eftt Polllt, Wit. - - 1 327 STR ONGS AVEN U E STEVENS pOINT, WISCONSIN : WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT F.OR YOU October 6, 1966 Seniors Should · Plan Ahead For Education Exams &el\lon P«ll&rinl to Colltti;<! r:a~ ;=e~~~~:::.N! tr or the four difle~nt tnt t~:~~t~r;:: ~rc:r~~ t i!Oil"''fil, ediiCatioml cwranltlon " 'hlchpreparnandadonl11<'n thi1 tn tln11: lli'Oirl'&m. eJ ~';l,.~~>'f lortea~n '"~~~ '"" · !1, '-! A~. 18, July 1, and O.· t1, 1961.The tutJ willbe .d•·~n M nurly ~ loo:ationl U,,.....,,hout the Un!tf'd Statn, ~TS uld. I ' !. .. " ~Beaut)' EGG SHAMPOO 18-ol.. HAIR SPRAY Trani Sl~ r.b.e 98c LEVI'S.STA-PRESf • • , . $1 .49 3 '" '1 00 CANDY SUPER SPECIAl t.:l11~ten ~~o:.~ n~:::: llrldrt a.;. HAIR SPRAY ~- 6h e-ch H.f(. SI.1G J•eanut Whit• .\11.1: 39c bo• 3 boaet 5100 98c REX ALL Tim• d Action COLD CAPSULE! 1 Caplo4lleGI•·e. V PTo U HWI't ~~ $~~J; sse Hamburgers ... 15' Never Needs Ironing I French Fries ... 15' Milk Shakes ... 25' Thto~h washing. dryin11- weating- LEVI'S STA-PREST Slad:.s kup their nul press. their sh11p cruse. their likt·naw lookl Yu. millions at SltislitdcustommwillteHrou-the origin1/no-iron lflckl live up to their monty:blck guar1ntet. Sn them nowln llle flltstsportswtatsly!uWldshadn l .. A ' bclu•i••l1 At WESTENBERGER'S ~Robbyi Rexall Prescription Pharmacy 311 DIVISION ST. SHIPPY CLOTHING 944 M•ln St. .. ~ ; I "' 9. 4\h and R~r-. 1(1. ~biUP. orangt', ll'ffn. and )'t'IICM• Worth & PQin\ll: "hilt', 4, ~··~ n ~- thln:l &. Ford I. InstrucUonal Mat~rlalsCtn­ trr tin U.. librnry but-mrnt) t .steotlandglass Ill. t"th<' TRY OUR IIADIO DISPATCHED DELIVERY SERVICE BEEF - SAUSAGE - MEATBALL SANDWICHES SPAGHffil- RAVIOLI PIZZAS SHOP PHONE 344-9557 Just Arrived! :::::. 1 ·-·. . ·- I Ot,IJff(ltfe's •~aiwnua I .I YOU"RE INVITED to comelntosee · our PMOC FASHIONS.