Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Wisconsin State
Stevens Point
8 PAGES, N0: 14
Hyer Hall
Takes First
In Displays
Flu '«ill Not Close
University Early
1 \y~r III II took rll'$t place in
t11e R csid~nce llllll Cou ncil 's
Clui$tmu lkcon tlon ronteJt.
The tlw:mc: which won the
~~'·S~~e~r~f:J: :.~n ··~~c!b:
clasxs will be held u no rmal
t hrouah Friday,aspokumanfor
the Student A(fain office has
reported :
and Company."
This yur dcvcn ~lidcncc
h a ll s pu tic\pucd in the
Chri$lmas displ~ys. Knutun 11111
finhhcd lfcond i n t h e
Th e repon iQUdchc:s rumors
tha t wcrcdrc utat inat hatclaSRs
thc llonsKolllflu cpldcmlc tha t
li sprcadlna acrou the United
Stll tcsartd whlchi.Jupected to
rucb its l'uk dwina the
Ctu:i;ltnlasholl~ys .
would be ailed
Dreyfus Says
He Won't Run
For .Office
I'T u!Ucnt Lrc S. llr~ y fus h~)
said he will no t be- a ca ndid~ • ~
for t he 1 th Congrrs:;.io.ul •
llis lrict Kat bein& uc.:~t~d b~·
R ep , Me lvin R. laird .
Llird U ste ppir~~ dow n from
his sut in the llo utt of
R ~ptcsc ntativr s to ~c,t pl th<'
positiOn o f Kcn·t ar~· o f .1.-ftntt
1n Pr csi drnt · tlf" Ni.\on's
nbintt .
l)rr~· fu l
d tc ulrd a~tain)\
runnin 1 '" be cau se l h~·-~
m)" com pl~t~
co mmit me nt to th is instilution
tndiufut urc."'
li e had b~en mcntioll("d ua
c1 ndid a tr af t er La ird 's
appointment. lt r r ~portr.tl~· h~d
bctn nkr d to run b)" both tilt
Repub lican and ll rmo~a l k
palliu .
On ly last Thuud~~~. hr had
sa id hU indinll ion wu no t to
run but he did n't doK the door
com pktelyto th~tld ra .
·· r thoroUJh ly rf\.10~·
m~· JOb .
coUcillun. my inlth ut ion
and my commu ni!)' and I hnr
no further pbns other thln
stayinB herr un!Lithedayofmf
retirement ." heupllinc-d1n lus
decillion not to tun .
In T his Issue
Pa ge 2-Scon Schvne reviews
B1!1 Sonds.
Pog1 3-Wsu·, rank high in
not ion·, e nrollmenh.
Pag e 5-Thi s w~ e k"s coed o f
the week.
Poge t--Fu ll poge of p ictur es
on the monster g rinder e-aling
Po g e 8 Batkerbalt te~ m
con tinues winnin; ond sw•m·
meuwinconferencere lay s.
llowever. Dr. Lco ntrd Gibb,
uso dat e d nndf~tude nt s, not cd
abscntedsm hu not ruched
hiAh enoo&h proport iO ns to
warrant suspcm;lon of cluxa.
TheU nivenity li u ltti Servlee
has ind ica ted thtl t is tll'ltin&
more.cascs of CJOkls 1nd t he Ou
than it did mt t he umc time lut
h also reponed that it has
sen t son1t ~oampks of 1 flu
ST EINER HALL tran sformed ill ltont Into Santo's
Wor~•hap as par t o f the Res•dence Holl Covnc.!-tponso•ed hall d•tploy conte st. Ste.ner won the top p•i ze
B)· Jim ll o fu
Studut Stnltt lllillhold :o
~t~cc:~ c~~~a~i~~i! ~~:~i!'! t~~
lU I boo k r ent~ I S~"i!Crll and tht
tut bookpurch;!trsy!otc rn
Th is Universl ty pr e!il: ntl y utts
th~ renb l S)"stf.ln•. The Srn.:~ tc
f~~~ t~0 t~•;•k1c:d;~~"'(~eun:c~i
which is pr<!>fnll~· revic win~ the
rcnt•l oont <pl .
St udeut s arc n kcd to ~ ~~~nd
t on~ht "1 n~etlillJlat 6 : 30 in the
Frank L.loyd Wrif!ht lou111< of
theUn i•erl-i tynn ter.
Two Senate committ ees.
Welfare and A.:ademit Arfaiu.
have joined to 10tudy, compare
and pol-'ibly re con•mend one of
the two sy!>tcms. rrntal or
purcha!iC . Thill joint committet
will make its tepon to the
Sena te tonight .
The Senile mect ln& o n
Th unday Dec. 1.1 passed four
rcwlutiQns initslonaellttssion
o fthe tt n•csttr.
On e re solution ca lls for
Senate meetln(tl to be hckl in
Po£nt Blank
b t. 235
Student Senate Will Discuss
Rental-Purchase Textbooks
,---- - -- - - -- - - --,
34 1-1251
lou yeor but th •t yeofs a 111 1rd wen! to Hv er Hotl for
it!> dt:eoration entttled
Claus ond Company."
(Pharo by Dennos Bu!oh)
by EdMar kJ and Mikc En
On Extended
rr u deocc halls and u udcnt
n nter buildincs. Mark Dahl ,
Senate public lfla tion c hairman
said the Studcnt Senate would
mee t in wa rious rel-i dence h~ Us
!ot Utin&sccond sc mu ur .
of a UniHr suy-co mmunit y
R c bt 1ons co mmi ttee. TIW
oommillce ....;u forme d on the
prcmlsn t hat "'Both th~
Uninrsity and the comm unity
(Sttvens Po int) co uld profit by
thc\7~~~~' ;;:!~';: foar~i~~ · ~~~~·:.;.~!''~f..~~~~~~~C d~~~
On Dissent
ll yA nitl Matte r
Ad isc:u.sion of thr ll illtoryof
War lliucnt from t he American
Revolution to the Vietnam War
wu held in the Frank Uoyd
Wr i£hl loun&e Monday nilht.
Thediscussion.,.·usponw redby
Ph.i Alpha T~ta , the n1tiona l
honorary, hinory JSSOtiation on
a mpus.
Ro nald llo&el•nd 1cted u
moderator. Steve Haines. the
first of three pa.nd membr.rs to
~::!t =~~i ~!~~~~
tnced its rok in Ame rican
history from the time of the
Americln Revolution tllrou&h
the much debated Mexican War.
li e emph1sizcd the role of
ll c n ry D•vld T horeau in
es\.iblishin& the bosistor civil
Rob-crt Zicaer then tllkcd
about the four basic t y~so f
protest cxptricnced reprdin&
America's en tn nce into World
War l. He cla rified t he position
oft hewc\.l lisui n rcp rdt o th e
capitllisticnaturcofthcn r.
lie olso illustn ted thcU ron&
coo:nion tnd opposi tion m~t by
both alir:: ns tnd conscien tious
Miss Corol MariOn discut:M"d
curren t disscn t tnd the ways it
to innc:oli ·~ood-will between
thrcijya riLi thccarn ru s."
A third resolution scu
guidelinu for the U)e o f Old
Main l!wn u a icerntional arn
a ndas lo.:a tion o fice -sculpturing
dlll"inJ~Winte t Ci rnlval .
Next Pointer
Will Appear
January. 30
Thi1 will be the Ju t lu ue of
~oi ntcrun t il h n .lO. the
di sc uss firs t sr nust e r ~ ' da yo fscrond
commcn cc mtnt .
Membtrs of Stu.l<-nt-Foculty
All copy must be submitt ed
committees reported to th~ b)' 8 p.n1. Sunday. hn . 26, to
the Pointeroffl ~on th~:scrond
8 un ny Ho ef t o f t h~ Ooor of University Center in
Co n v o t 3 I i o n
and ord~r to be publi5hnl in that
Commcn~u1cn t oo mlttilltc told
iuuc .
tht Senate a first K IIIU!Cr
Th•· l'ointer is unable to be
com men ce ment would be mlmost pu~weekofhn . S
impoaiblc to ho ld this year but becauM:"ofunivrrsity re1ub tions
that it Is D poSSibilit y fo r nt ~t rcSi fic tinl!studentactiwiticsin
t he.,.·eck prior to finalcxams.
Mia llocft n•cn tionc<.l a
banl{utt t hi$ year tha t could
cul ture down t o ' ~bdiiOn but it
hunot rcuivedaL:Ibrcporton
t he sampllna. ltons KonJfluan
o nlybcdctcctedbylaboratory
lnt hecityo!S teve ns Point ,
f~'!,, h:~h , :ftfi~~~~eD';;,c~c"~~
reported cases of the 110111 Ko na
:~~~ li~:lc0 fn~ 1 ~~:;~e ~~~a:l~~~
here for the Ilona Kor11 virus if
tn epidemic did br n k out
shor tl y.
ll e didsay thathcu.pcctcd
the Ou Wll«rttin iOIITiVthCIC
soonero r ll tcrandukedpc:ople
who daaet thc Outo"ao tabed
1nd restaml trynattofif;ht it.
Drink plenty o f fru it juice and
try to m1intalna hil h humldi ty
ln livJn&q uan crs."
schools llavc been
reportina hi&her •bttn teelsm in
t he las t week , 110metimcs
runninatwicc as hilh as nornul.
Schools have rr m1ined open,
The state o f Wisronsin h:n
had)evera l outbrnklofth eflu
and some Milwaukee schoo ls
h1ve t la§ed a "'uk ur i~· for ·
Chri5tmas vacation. Many
hospita ls haveputru tri" iOMon
viii t in!l ho"un t o t~kc
prcnul 1on1 111o1inst patknts
lettinK theviru s.
The Poi nt er hiS alw k:uncd
th a( ru mou c:onccrninJ early
Christmas re~~s at t he o the r
state universitiU bf a uscofth<:
Ou epidemif are false. T~State
lloa rd of Rqrnu office in
Mad iwn lfJ!Ortcd that • II nate
universiti~• will
be1in th eir
Christmas rrce ~s as $c hnlultd .
Many schools an.t collti!CS in
other Slates throua hout tht
nation"havea lrt"a dy recr!-Ktlfor
Christmas vacation IJ.eo::~ui<l of
hla ha bsenterillm due TO the fl u.
Hatchet-Man Rumors
Prove To Be False
The hatchet-man murder
rumor th1t has bern circ utlli na
o n campus the last few ..-reks.
hn been proved. to bcfal~e
cheeked with !he thr ee m~,or
nct ...·o rks 1nd fo und rhat Miu
Dixo n had not apptared on any
of the m in the b st fc"'" months
!~~!i~r~!e~:~:~e:o::~; llix~~nth:h~~~~~ lc;r~~d ~~:,
Mu . J e~n Dixon had made a sh., h.ad ~Ndc no prediction and
prdktionsayin&fouruni~ni t y if 1hr had II IS her po l ic~ to
eoo:dsfro m Stevens Poi nt "'-ould · inform the loeo~ l polke of •n y
~~yi~~e so"~~::c ~~ t~c ~~~~~ ~~~~~ions sht mak<s of 1h1'
of November and Deeemhtr.
The prtdiet i o n wu
suppoiedl)' n~dr on a lat e-nil!ht
talk show.
The loal $hrriff'1 offkr
Check alw rcpoi! C"d that h~
found o ut that t hill t)pe of
ru mor has been cu ~u llt ln& in
university to ... ns throu~ho ul the
Unit ed State ~ for the lm ~c1r.
~:~¥.~~~~2iai~: Students Share Responsibility
Senate Wants Opinions I F.
• I A.d p
Of Students On Textbooks n 1nanc1a I S roposa S
ll w illl!il$thtec ·hourme eli"'thc Senate twitl' went into
co mmi ttee o f the whole , first to
discuSI text book dis tribution
systcn•s. and thcscco ndtime to
ln a n cfforl todis.oovn lhc
best form o f telL'.! book
distr i butio n - lu i rent1 l u
oppolled to tu t-purchasc --tonil-ht"l St uden t Senile mcctiltl
wil l conslu Of 1 deba te o n thr
fi nd incsofthcScnatehearinl
hek1Dec. l7.
T he drbate on the hcarin1 ..
whkh included test imo ny from
the pro-rcnlll factio n of the
faculty, hea ded hy Dr. Morriso n
o f the ll istory deparme nt, and
from the pro-purchase fact ion,
huded by Dr. Lehma n of the
E n&lls h depa rl niCn t . will ~ held
at 6:)0 p.m. in the
'69 Carnival
Button Design
Lo u r~~cofthe Universl tyCr nt er.
Students arc encoura&ed to
alt e nd the meetiJ\1. and 111:
upc:clcd tovoiee their opinoinJ
onfh ematt er. llisprobablc that
the Sena te will vo te in fnorof
oneof theproposcdPiansaftcr
thedeba t e . tndt n yindir::~ t ion
o f prdere ntl'bythelludents
will serve u an inflocntinll
factor o n the Se nate'1 decillion.
· If it islmpOUibk forstudenll
to attend toni&hl'l n~ectinJ.
opin ions may M upreurd by
cont actln& the Student Scna t~
office( Ext . 7l9)or anyScnat or.
T he namc11nd phone numbers
'ofaUSeni\Otl(;llnbr fou nd in
the rcside nceh.alU.
llyOon 81u rn1nn
A financia l aid propol'll ill in
eucnce a two-...·ay propol-ition.
The school aid offiCI' mull
process and allacate the aid
while the "st ude nt mustacree to
usc the money h~ rtceivcs for
the ri&htpu rpotcs.
J o the de1rc:e that this
rebtionship can bt fostered is
t h~ dcarce to which the financia l
aidprovamwiUremai n asound
0 '';-h~U~~:n~~:h~J:~frj! wlll
be extremely buJ)'betwecn MII.
I and May 1. 1969. 'fhisis thc
critiC:Il spa n of time In which
financi:l l aidapplieationsfor the
financia l aid q r~ment .
The recipie nt l&ftCS to u!iC
the mo ney for educat ional
purposes only, he IUtif'trs that
The 1969 Winter C11niwa l
~;!~~~~ ~:~~h of~~cou:urr:~
disscn t isslronKIYPICif'sstiein Committee under the direction
naturc.q ucstionin& not only the o f aenen l chairnun, Paul
leaality of this war , bu t the ,Pit: kan, hu chosen tho ~heme
and button desi& n for th.isycar"s
Curr ent disse nt is often festivities. The winnina theme,
expreued th ro u&h d raft DIAMON D lCE-T IVITIES. wa s
rcsi stcn ce. Ano ther notable s ubru itt cd by . S i&ma T• u
fact or is thll diSJC nt hu now Gamnu. The winnln& butt on
a tt ai n ed so me po liti cal dcliJn( picturc:d ) wusubmittcd
rcspcct•bility 11 wcU u bclnJ bySi&ma Pifn tcmlt y.
The 1969 Win ter CimivaJ.,.i ll
la!Je lysupportcdbyacadernlc
eommcnce Friday, Feb. 7 with
pta pk .
She m1intained tha t d vil the wotiJ\1 on campus for the
d isabedien oe docs notjudifyan kinJ and q ueen. It wi ll ron
illep l tct just to show disK nt. thto111 h Sunday, Feb. 16 and
Many of the prob k ms reaa«fin& end wilh 1 PIOJnm fet turin&
co ntempor1ry diucnt 1tem1 "Gary Pu ckett 11111 the Union
from the. fad th.lt the war Gap."
Eu nt1 durin& the week
dissen t iloft en 1 put o f t much
la!Jtr protcst movement.
inclodc the Io rch liJ hl in& in
It is 1lso invo lnd with 1 Mldison and tun here , to rch
li &htin J 1 nd d td iutio n
f~:,: ~~~n~ 1th~hebctt1f~~~ cere mon y in Stncn1 Paint , the
o ur currc:n t paUclcs canootbc
l ll crcdwithoutareatly challlln&
the IOci&lsiNdute from whldl apple elder chuuina contra tnd
the tndit lonal outdoo r pmes.
lt evolvcd , -1-heoonduded.
Gcnenl d ~n foUowcd
ReJistntio n blankl ror
io ns cntef"inlpmcsltc
~~==nt!t~l t"t\ embe r 1' orpnillt
due Dec.l9 inthe U. A.B.offl cc.
:~::t~ar.:.c;uk! p~~~~ n~
1-•ntcr majorityofpanicipalinJ.
studc n\1 will be enluatcd and
Soon affcr May I . written aid
propoP.Is will be se nt to the
nudcnll II their cam pus
T he student is upc:ctrd to
read and fuUy com prchrnd the
t~rms of his indivldu.:!l propoP-1.
Doincthis, he m1y sian it if he
finds the pro(ttamfa~ortbk ,a nd
return the doeument to the
financial aid office .
In o nier for the f"lnancU I aid ~
pro&nm to nm1in dfecti~c.
st ude nts PIUS! fulfiU the mo ra l
and ltwful obliptions a1n:td
upon w hen they 1cceptcd
fi n a n ci1l tn istantl'.· Th us.
balicaUy fulfllliflltheirpntofa
::!~':~~i~n t~: ~st~r::~
knowlcd&c. and he promises to
inform the fimncill1id1 office
of any un forseen circumstances
th.at..,·oulddfect the amount of
aid he needs.
Wh en chqn occur after a
propoSI I hu bee n 1111dc the
stude nt is uptctc d 10 report
the m to the aids offiee. All
propoP.ls trc 110mewhlt flexible
to enable a re-ewafUt io n to be
entered in them.
Some types of aid,elpC d aUy
loansca n acrue toasurprisinJ iy
la!Jc debt foral!ude ntbtforc:
he &nd uatcsor lcavo:s schoo l. II
~ttms t hat the easier it is to
borro w,t he han1eritil torcpay.
A scrjo ull ll itudeconccrnin&
THIS IS A DRAWING o f the new Winter Ca rnival
b utton for 1969. The slogan, ""Dlomand ICI!·tivl ty,'"
· was suggested by Sigmo Tou Gamma w hile !he button d esign wcu turned in by Sig':"o Pi.
well u v~r11 t 10 nt in the ~mount
due on tht rtpa)'ment sc hedule.
A bo rro ...·r r nllf:hl ha.-c to
pay a minunum tOcac h o(thre e
o r four diff e r ~ nt lending
a~tnciCs plu s ind••·idua l int~ rcst.
Aklllll wi th tu n and Olhrr
li~ing c~pc:m;n, hLI fu tur e pa~·
checksn•aybc!il:rio uslraffectrd
"An att~mrt js be1ng made . ro
do a better JOb of infor nun~
borro ,.·ers 1bout the impact of
repayme nt o n thc11 fu1ure lives.
th~t m~ht anse.
.All st ud e n ts who arc
withdla"'·inB or graduatin& and
h.;ave borrowtd money sho ul,J
confcr with the financial aids
o ffkr conce rning their loa n. At
this lime lru truct lons about
con ta c t inc th e re payment
aJefi.Ciel "'"illiJ.e rcvic"'·cd.
GradWLtin& scniou who have
borr owed money lfe uwally
contactedand•nvitc.l toa(tfo up
sctsionof this type. lndiwidual
appointmen ts n•ay be !lUIIe at
thispoin tifqu cstionsarisc.
Anot hc1 vblip tion of aid
lttipien ts is to rcnecta ccuntcly
to other ll udenu thei r
expe rien ces wi th the various
finan c~l a id pro&nms, 10 they
might also benefit from them .
~~~!~~r . m::,' ,': ~~~cf':~
t hem.
It is thtoua h the student u
wr llt hatparrntsaren11deaware
of tht awai11b le aid proirams.
Althou&hnolatwlyJpossi blc, ln
1pplicant"s r _arcnts arc very
.,.·clcome to d1scuu theirehikl's
thcrcpaymen tohloanm u P.~
aid pros.nm with the financial
ttkcnby thc Jtudent.lfheis aiddrpartmc nt inpcuon.
in"c sponaiblc with rep1yment
The fi111nc~ l o ld prov.am is
poUcies, the lcndl11,1 IJCncy an u tremdy ~nc fidal scrvk:e
a nnot bcupcr:t edtoeontinuc open to allstude ntJw ho showa
offerin.&funds to thislnlli tution. neid, but can o nly con tin ue 11
t h ereby drp ri¥ina; upe:omln& lona u the a\'ll(lab ~fu nds hokl
aude ntsw it hthebcnc fitJof this out. The more honcJt y there Is
tid .
onthe studcntspart. the(lttbe:r
Reptymc nt mt y be
co mplielled by in'l"olve me nt in
mote th.ln one JJIOIBm. Etch com ple t e t he ir c o ll eae
loa n hlsKpante intcrcstntCJII edutl tion.
~~~:1m!~~u;~el~ ~~:~~
December 19 1968
.... 2
A Review-
"No rule ·i• so general, IDhich admits not some excep tion."
--Rober.t Burton
Sands Brings Beliefs
of _God and Hard Work
told o f his baptism to pri$on
J yScottSchulle
It isstillbupoaibkformcto
be lieve t ha t I ltl<>tOLl&hly
• njoyed U,tenln&to Bill Sands. I
ut ln the tudieneeandlilte:led
to whtt, by a differentspeaktr,
mi&ht hiYe been the type of
~IJ~ •.;d11 ~~.J~~~':~ 1 ~e_;l~~
br:,h: pr~~~'bu~f" enfo rced
holflOICIUII acts, electric wlru
~~~~~u.7uc~':~~·~~y~h~! !~ :~~~e:~o ~~~ee?te~~~.· ~r %~:
a human being. lie became a
l hroU&hln hi&h school.
Stnds hit us with the n.lucs
of hard work., 1 !Kiief in God,
and th e mos t pe n u u:ive
dineHt llon on the values o f
p06ilive l hink.1fll since Norman
Vincent Pule opened his mout h.
Anyone that hu read
reviews by thilrcviewermu51
lhinkin& that one ofhisndl I.
ult rali!Kral blasts Is ODmin&.Not
The t tudcnU of this university have something to be
t hankful for wit h the announcement that Dr. Dontld
J ohnson will begin working Jan. 20 as a full· t ime health
lel''ice physician. D r. Johnson wilt be coming he~ after
t ludent questioning and administrali\·e action 'Drought
about improvements in the henlth service.
The student.s did not riot to !l'l.t the doctor. Adminiltrative offkes were not broken into. There was instead
intcnsi\'C open discussion 11uch as the Student Senate'•
forum on the heoth sel'•ke and art idet in The Poinltr.
Students raised the question and it was heard by the alministrat ion.
Our ftdministrntion did not :~rt like other administrations around the 11\'stem htwe acted. Wit h t he intensified
questioninl£ going ~n. :1ction Wos taken and the improving
of the health ~~ervirc nnd the securing of a full·timedoctor
111·ere plaf'ed a t the top of the priority lis t.
Throu~Eh the efforts of the Student Affairs office. Dr.
J ohnson';;: .< el''ii''C':' were acquired. Now WSU-S tevent
Point is the only sta te unh·crsity to have a full-t ime physi·
n:r1:l:~iracJr. was tile farno!'s
Warden Duffy of San Q ucntm
who waiJ(ed unguarded tluou&h
the prison and acted na human
beina to his priso~rs. T he
f u rless a n d unprecedented
actions of Duffy led Sands to
cover tlue<: con~cutivc life
se:ntcnces in se:ven yursand42
yucsprobu ioninth.ree.Today
he is a fearless erusadcr a nd
ao.ll it .hlfdto !Kiievetl'latany
onemanODuki liven colorful a
lifeu B\U Sands has. Hi.s ledure
wna historyof to rture,IOnow,
pu ent.altbusc, a mincle, succ:nt
and muckrakin&. On sta&e Hood
1 man wbo had lived half a
«ntury ol adion P\dted life,
retalnln& a body of broken
b ones an d the phys ica l
joyous humin hein, whn is
. fishtln&forhls fellowmt n in t he
bestof a ltruistic uaditlons.
Mr. Sands pour and~·half
lecture ooncelllra!etl o n tl\c
condition! !ltat u bt in Amrrica
today . lie named namn and
poln!cd o ul brutality and
t~norance tlta.t cxis1 in every
prUonsystcmmthecountry. llc
There are many
that a rc
as&oci.aled with count ries and
re&ions, but none hu the
romance and cxcitcn•ent of
fbmenco which shouls "Spain"
to even the moSl uninformed
The Pointer Visits -
Gift of Prophecy
Will Never Die Out
Gf'ne Kemmeter
By C. Bru~okc
Are tcr mpo>!ltu•nllrintls ru llyM<'C'J.Sit y?
Gwet Giju
o/ Sp~4 ·4 fltl.lf
wealt hy man.
Mr . Sands' kct~rc w~~
impre$SlvebeCIU!IIthcdid not .hll
t he audience with 1 han! hnc
pitch for any typcof sup~t.for
his Seventh Step OtgJniUtton.
tic ble nded a subtle humor wi!h
the ruc:inll lnl JIOfY of his life
while alkifll for no sympathy,
no o y er t help , just
undenllndinJ. When he hit
relllion,l involunllrUy.voand,
b u t his prucntatton ...,,
man'clouJly pra&matic and he
ncversto ppcdtopruc:h.
J as.ked M.r.Sandsabout l lte
recent political emphasis on
"law and order" and "alrnc in
the SlfCCU" IS I ll effect on
future pr iso n reform. Jlr
a nswercd l hlt he felt that its
effect wo uld 1M harmful. "I
hope." he said,"thll pcoplrwill
place more c mphasis on ,.·orkinJ
to cure people, rather 1h11n
ca&inJ; thcm."
Puertas Proves
Flamenco Is Art
~tr.erna~e~~ ~:~!'!Y:~:~r:;~;:
<:r:~rc convict, which he
differentlatcl from an inmate,
u d ~n was classified as
lnco rriJ a ble; beyond a ll
Sw denfl' :11 WSU-Stevens Point ~hould be thankful the
ndminiM rntion dncs. li~ten to the studenls' voice and will
take :wtion to irnpM\·e this university. But. abo\•e all,
the ~tude•u;;: ;;:houM be commended for the action taken to
bring this oil about.
TH E POINTER'S (hu~tJnos g•ll ro th~ ~tvden< body
vnlortvno•ely 1S only another Poinl••· 8v1 Wl' no t•ce
we ~•·H hove one holdout reod•ng the old 1111 Any·
woy the Pomte r s1olf w>she~ eve• yon~ o Mt.m y Christ·
mos o"d Hoppy New •Vecn Hom ICutowsll Photo)
lblencr. lt isdbtinctive but a lJ.O
huntin&IY beaut iful and suhll~
uan u.crlknl ui!Oncnt.Adoms
Pucuu. proved t>cc. 4 In th~
lateSI prctenlation of the At h
a nd l.ecl uresScriu .
l'ucrt~S per formed hii o"·n
works and mO<lun piccrs by
such composcu u Sor. Ta11c~~
AlbeniL, de Sanlucar , Villllol>o~
a nd Es.cudero. ills w!.·chon)
provided a &ood sunplc ~·f
tu dl t io nal. e tu~iul an d
contc rnporarynyks offlanl<' n•·•,
guitar a11d all were embelli~ht·J
by l'u~n~s· own dht in~ll'f
The famo us "ll.om~ncc df
Amor", an anon)•mous cln"'
that you may remcmbtr as thr
t ltk' of !he movie ''l'orbKhl,·n
Gamu" . was o ne of 1lw
arran&cmen t s t hat l'u~rl~)
perfo r med we l l. Ano l h•·•
selection t hat I enjoyed wa th<
hunt in& "Za p at cado" b)
Escudero. On the $\lffa<:l'. ~II of
tht musicwudistinclivebu!th~
flcxibili!yoflhe slyieandt hc
melodic po"'ibilitics werr \ 'U I
doub!thl l ht abililyofth~
youlli Spanl:ud w~~ qunli<Jn.:.t
by anyo11e in the largeaudknc<·
Adonis l'ut rtas had flct'l aml
nimble rin&ers thai Wei<" w
sensitive t hatla nJsurc t hatt..·
couldrpio:k 1 upSidcch.:.nt;c l>)
li h in& wa llets Ql oren•~
combinatton loch. •fhc ha.l!ht
lnd ination.
I musl repOn. ho\O·cvu.th.oll
am most h:i ppy wil h t h•
vocational pur5uil thll Itt• h~·
chosen. The IYI'<' o f fin~•·fln~
!hal wn l<'quirctl from rt11•
Adon is o f the guit.or ,
Spcctat•ular.aqullil)' "hi<;h h.o'
undoub!cd ly led 1n rh,·
populuily o f n~m~nco
A Senator Speaks ·--
speed ,..11h 111~ u:;.: <•I
Fa nta~tl(' I
only t,.·o han.ls.
~r;~~~r:r·~:rE:.~~~·:.:~:.·~ ~~~
Player's "Antigone"
Reviewer Praises
a n ,..c, !he audi~nce. left !he
:~,i~y;,:",-,:~.;.~,':,' 1 ~~~r 15- ,a·,, ,l.i,',",c
flntt!S. Two ~ctiOn>ufrhyt lnn
ani! o nr o f mdo.Jy ,.,.,.. h~ 1 J
cn o ~ll h .
hut on ~nn~ L
occn:uons. he~"nch,·ll tol" ''''~
m~lody and om· <>f r hyt hm.
All t he color amlfbsh of th•
fla111rnro "''~r~ l'" '!'t'nt a\ rh,·
~<111CCII ,
but the alliS! ~~"'
provided a ,cnerous ~o;uupk ,,,
all !hr rocu..~iblil k-s thai a ,. 0 o.ln>
box n d s1c~l s1rinJ;S c;~n off,·• 1
hof'C t h~l l'ucllas '"'ill b.· •'II
A Point W ell Ta k:rn~us~pininth•·nnr fmu"·
Choppin' Charlotte
Terrorizes Campus
B yBill ~kMiUcn
·wsu 's Ow Rank High
Penal System
Fails :Sands
In University Enrollments
th~n an)' ot Mr uninnity or
syllcm ucept t he California or
New York 1y~tems and t he
T he Wi scon1in State Univtnity of Minnc10ta . The
Universities 'Ysttm this yur · Wisconsin State Univnr:itirs
nnb No. S in t he nations in system ranks cl&ht h in total
full.(imc enrollment, up from enrollment.
sixt h placc b •t ynr.
The nat ion's '"lop 10" in
T he Universit y of Wlleonsin full·timt: enrolhmnt wert listed·
is sbt h b rttnt in t he nUion in by Dr . Parku u : Sttte
I o ii i cmo llment , the same Un i versity of New York,
position it held last year.
IS9 , 1S3 : C~liforn ia "Slate
The enro llment fi&uru fo r C.blk'gcJ. 143.043; Univo:nity of
c ol leJ U and universit ies Cal ifornia. 92.090; Cit y
thro~hout t he United States
Univnsiry of New Yor~ .1 1 ,828 :
'"re a nno unced by Or. Garland Wjg o n <in Srarc pnjytnjl jc•
" G. Pa rker of the Universit y of .lX.lWll 51,619. Univerr:ity of
Cincinnati in hiS 1968uuveyfor Mlnnesot a, 47.S34:Univtrs.ity of
th e c d u nt lon a l maga~int , Te~u s ys t em. 47,0 6 1;
Wiscons.ln'l public unlvcuity
sy$1tms arc anoonc t he llrJUIIn
8y BiUMelllnn
Bill S3 mb. n ..convio:1 . a ul hor
and ~nal rdor nt advocate ,
spoh of how ow ~ nal syste m
faib 10 do Its job ~nuSC' if
d~humVtius mc'n inSicad o f
r c f orminJ the m . I n h is
prucntation on \\lcdnc~hy,
D.~c. II , l'lf tokl t he aud~ncc
how ''Our ~sit: PfiSOn systcms
· thc Mtlon. •su~yrcvnb.
i~ San Quentin prison, ami o f
what he Pow ano.l txptr~nttd
lie uplaitu:<J how he
bccJn~e ' 'duviJ as inoorri,;iblc"
b y t he priJon ~u.ff, and how he
was''in aml out o f iOliU.t>' likea
yo )'o:' llc to ld the au.licnccof
how he was vcrysevcrdy~;~.tcn
andtorh u td for 19 daysby l hc
t hen:.
pr ison s uards for 1 m¢rejolci n&
S:.ondS.Ji\'illl a d>·112omic and
ta lk to a II Ili<'
"' cU~d,.·crcd
cro,.·n in t tl\' Main auditoriunt,
lwKan b)' !cUin, about his
bad.:Ji ro u nd In crime. lie
ns•b illl'.J ho11o he started o ut u
~ " t hdll Nnd lt" a n empt lng to
pin rc.::~ition,and thcn ltter
procrc- d toarnro:-dro bbcry, for
whoch he .,.~s >C"nte nced to life
imprisonment in s~n Quentin
Prison .
lie Upl:lin~d t ile f~cl that
nuny rcn:~ linstitutionspnctico::
"'behavior t heu py''- -t he
technique <)f !cachiRI ~ man to
I U\"1 in a ccn ain manner. "The
problem is," 13id Samb. " t hat
they arc nottUJning destructive
n~n Into consuucti•·e men." lie
went on to u pl1in t h.u soc~ty
wH"\·cryUo...· tobelie•·c tht a
bali noan can evcr be good
T hen he praisnl Clinto n T .
Duffy for hi$ rdorms in the
pri$on ua ,.'arden . Sands also
c~tp hin c d
h ow h e wu
re habilitated by Duffy 10 he
co u i.J eve n t u a lly 1 r1 his
freedo m.
"s~~~ ::1~~~i":~y·\t11 den, s
desaibc:d by Dr. Par~cr as "the
g r o u p co m m'a ndi n& firu
considcnt lon in academic ,
phyriial and fila! pl1nning,"
t he n i n e Wisconllin State
Unlvcnitics and !Mil" bn nch
campuxs are toppedonlyby t he
C1 h fo r n ia and New York
After Sn ds obtained his
h ec <Jo m , he f ounded the
Sne nt h St e p
to hd p prncnt
crime in adults u '""til u
juvenilu . lle to"-! of his diffkult
r011.i to 5uoxeu and acco::ptancc
an<J how lie
forced to.,.·rite
a book My Shadow Ra n Fast
bcauschc ...·uNnkrupt.
The autobio,raphy wu a 11<11
sdkr, an<J so he ...·rote T he
Scvtnt h Step. lltexpb inedhow
he now is .Jcdkatcd to mal.:in1
~J:ain ."
· speeches all over the count ry in
S.mds to ld of oo ...· thc prisons order to k t pcopk lenn from
of Amcrii.'a fail to do !/ldr jobs his txl'<'riotnccs. He to"-! th~
o f •thabilitatin, criminals. lie audien ce t hat tMy shou"-1
~x11bined to th<' audirnCt", for
'"bcconiC" invoh""Cd and ~o to
example, tlut accordiR£ to work" in order to anain their
Presid en t J oh n son's aim<' goo ls.
lie ~lso cmph.n ited that lo1·e
cornmiuion , 80 pcrc~nt o f the
300.000 malcs ""ho will be wu au important fa,·tur in a n)"
rcl.!asedfrommu imum •·cur lt y rdationshit• IX't wn'n I""Opk'.
~~lis woll r,•t urn to crime . T hus,
" l ove '""it hout ...·or~ is as uxl~s,;
rontinu~.i Sand,, '"Eight men
or~ ...·it hout kwr," !Oiid
our of t•·n ~om,· out "·or~ t han S;.no.li.
""hcnt hey "·~n t in."
ltc rondudcd his ' l"'fth by
The Jl)t3~<'f t hen dt<'d nll n)' romm~nting on the yout h of
shockin1 cumpln of ho w r h~ today a n.! t hr IC<'RNatlon g~p.
''N ~tiona l
Found~t ion"
Debate Team Completes
First Semester Competition
Polnt<·r debate t nm
made its final tr ip n f the f iat
b st w«l.:c n<l .,. h ~ n
ti1 h t st ud~nts tr.1vekd to
WSU - Whilcwatn wit h !lick
Ro~rll.l>irtctor ofl'orrnsics.
Tnrru compete..! in both
vault y anl.l novice llivisions
apinst ~o~:hool!i from throushout
t hc mid·" "tsl. Some schools wert
d~blltd with more t han o ne
time as t he dr11.,.. placC\1 t ht'" m
a.:aln5t .i iff~n:nt St ncns l'o inl
turns. The total rerord o f t he
squad wu II win~ ~nd I J los:~ou.
The IX'~ r.-rord of the
weekend ...·c n t t o n ovk c
d~batcn. M•r~ lbebll; and J im
l>uuo u the)" ddeatcd Not1hcrn
Illinois Uni ..cnit y, Thornto n Jr .
ColkJ:c, WSU - l~t'row:, ~nd
Wino~~;~ St ~tc Collqe. They lo~t
to WSU Whitewate r and Qo lvin
CollcJe. T his -1·1 record placed
them t wdfth our o f -10 teams.
K'ocen pniKd their oHr~ll
n:co1 d to d.ltr,.,·hoch is nowl\"n
...-in~ . fi•""C losc!i ~nd announced
~;~t~~:~·~c; ~~ft~nf~i~~~lti~~:
Thr tnm of Cherie C houdo iJ
...·cre ranked in
~;r~~i··~~\\~:~~~~r5of 0t hc ~~~
COIIIP<'tit0\5. The)' postrd ~ 3·J
rt"<.'Oi d in a !lo:rir~ of close
d 1·b~t CJ.
They lor.~ to Cc nt r.ol M ich~~~~
Univen-1\ y with <'IJU~I poont
r~nkifll$. In debate, l k !'Oint
KOrCS I TCd\-.:idtd infa•OIOfthe
ncJ!al ivc; in thil; c~:o;c Ccntr.ol
Mich[&a n. Thcy dd,·atcd tea ms
fro m l:.ureka Colkl". Wa ~ nc
State Uni•·cn it)", an<J Malone
Collrac. T he ot her two lohes
...·e rr to Albion Culle&c ami
Eastem MichiganiJni•·crr:it y.
Th e o th er t wo t ea ou $
re pre5e nting WSU - SP were
Shcrri Ray • ud Mark Dill n~n ill
Christmos •odiorhon in the Gridiron on Sundoy to
roise rnone r for cho<ily. The rodio ~lot oon btoodcost·
ed d irect from the G ridiron, ploying r«ords ond o l·
Foreign Language Department
Sponsors European Party
Christ n~s foods. sontts ami
from uu ny fu·~ ...·~~·
13~~<ls ...-erc prevk ...·ell ~I • tmblic
d in""' part y Wrdn~Way n~ht
und~r t h~ sponsonhit• uf t h•·
ha yu i•ch u
1r d C3bN~tel . (IC"ti\5
poiJ. a La l'rane~ix (butlercd
Wit h onions). c n~l:tda d<'
&n Nnws (chick era $J1~ ).
fordl!n !Jn,ua~tc <J,·p:oo t nl<'nt .
ula<Jc n icolse (weset:obk~.
l'crw ns :otc such thu...:s as •·in~itfrellc) , 1 1101 •'OR polio
kartoffdsal~t (Gcrn"'n pouto ' (S~nisl1
~hkhn with
1o1lldl, w:otdo~d ~ ko.110bushk1 mi:oso piJOt: (Kussi:m meat p\o:).
d ant'C"s
dirl .
{ll~vari.:r n
!.~t:i~" ~~~~~: ~;:~~~:st~.~~~~:?. ~o~~-~~~~~~s~:,:~e~~~;:,fcnlm~:~~:
(I'H' neh e:orol).
Allan Ch1ilaiansooJ wu ou~st..•r
o f ~~r~monics for thc party
,.•hkh bctJn at 6: 30p.m. in !In·
l'r.onk lloyd Wright lounge of
the UnivcrsityCr ntn .
Oth~r liish~s on t he onenu
wcr,•: t•~in fr-.n.'Ois ( l' rc nch
b read) , ),: u111 mcJ rybrotch,·n
( c;~r.IWJ)' rye brc~d). b>N:kS
hrpk strudel), pask hl (holid~y
c h c~St:
c:il.:cl. pct il n onilln
f~uiltes ( Fn·nch p:oll!ics) ani!
cmpa:oda~ de Can>Ott ($Weet
pot:otopa.strics) .
Caroling. folk d:ondng a n<J 1
Pi na ta were f~~turfli after
dinner . The Uni.-crsity l'o li1
lhnccrs . und•·r the •luc<"tion of
l' rofrnor li n d a ll:o t eh.
~~~.c~:~.t~ .~.\~~:~ J~~~so~~: ~~:t~Les)~·rru~.i!si!:t~·~~~O$~~(~~ ~~c~~t).d s~~~'i~r~ on~u!:.:crr~~3
the no v1cc d1vr51on. Both te:o m!
Got•ak .
( R u~~l3n
so:o;i~ Univerr:ity,
~:r;e;:;~ Hall
franklin Talks under
nch Choh Chorus.
t he llile\1ion o f l'r~ncis
Io wa
:N~i H~:~~~l~ ~f
Tens sy5tcm, 58,6 1 6; ~
~~ ~4 2;u "/:J ~~~! cbnr~~~~~.
; Univcrr:it y of Illinois,
emphuil.cd t hat adult• and
you n J
p c op le la c k
conununkatMm andhonnt)".
S;.nd',spttehwuapa~ t of
Univculty of Wil;oonsln hiS
mu rc sruUcnt s o n ill campuso:s
1nc:l~de~0-~~~~ ~~~~:~~'nt:,h;~~
~~i~:!t~fi~~:~;.~~·td;"~:~~:~~ ~~~~lo;:p"~k."se.J o~"·:ifc 0ar, ~~~
the WSU- Stevens !'oint Ans
andlt'"ct urcSrrics.
ei&hth in ful!.(imcenrollmtnt.
3'!/!~~i': h!'rht~is'!~:~~on;;,~~~
*' ...
fu hion. II~ told of the physkll
pu nlshmrnt ~ nd to rture inOictcd
. b y t he J 'fiT\h and of t he poor
livl nJ <:.:Jnditions of many
Nu.t. Sln<J,tol.iofhisyun
Hru:~~~l~ ~riur..:~? :~:n~:
Ohio Sute Univcnit y, 4 l .~ ~S.
The ''1op 10" in total
<'nrollmcnt arc: California Slate
Coii<'ICS, 266,396; Sll te
Un iversity o f New York ,
259,5.J8 : Cit)' Univtrr:it y o f Ne"'
York, 157,326: Urtlvcu i ty o f
C~lifornl~ . 97.046; Universit y of
G>n Coasts
~~i~~\;fjt~c~~~~:·::~~!~ c:~~~~
announces .•.
Ne\f Store Hours.
BOBilY: Orums -
Vo,al1 -
l,L_~· ...,__ _
Now Open at 10 a.tn.
\\~ ~
~~~~~;~·:~. F~s·u~i.~c~~~ ~;,:~~:::~ ~;d::t:~:r~"i;:~~~~~ ~c·:'"b:l~o:·~~~~:·;:"2~~r~:·~t:ht~·~,:~~~~~::·~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U=~~~·~·~··~··~.,~·~·~·;~··~=~:===J
~~~~!O~~:n~ta~~dUni~~.,1~: week ~~ camp user; on Ol'l"""'tc
Universit y.
Rotte rs is still S~cekinJ!pcrwn~
~~~e~~c~~~~~J d::~!~~:~~~~ ~c~i;;~~~:~ a o~011~::::~~~~~ h~~
dt N tc toric conccr /lttl t he
ro:-du~t ion of uccutive po...·cr
over United St~tn forcljl.n
llrcsr: nteU "Still•· N~cbt '". '"L.d s.:
P hone 31H 31ft f{ll" Dinner
~~i~'ay~r the •"'-•unuy t>y t~st
On that diy t,., spoke-llt th<'
school teachers un ..·r u chin&
and Trc:or mcnt of t he Nt~o in
Americ~n llistory.'"
The t'r itl~y bdurc he was at
the Univcr~ity of Tu kdo, O hio.
to JiVe a conference k ct UJc o n
" The Uii<'~ of llistory an.J t he
B L:oc~ Kc•olution ."
skiing is easy
Ill know the wav. home
with mv eves closed:
TtoenrouJ<nowtnew~loo wett
Whe~·=r.~~~:.~;t:"~:~~:~!db rea~
al\dt•l(eh•o No0o~ACuonAI!I$"TIIev"1111tlpy<)U
dr<~~ellome wotnrourevesopefl.
No00l AellonAki$. Nocarii>Oold ~wili>Ou1'f'-m· ~~
_0 . .
.Siasefis Win UMOC
Third Year In Row
Accepted For
Sit•• P~l lpslloto
Ena•a~mcn111nnounoed t his
wed: were: Carol Ru be of Delta
Zet~ to Terry Kulich of Steve ns
Point and Pete Ocmldaen, Si&ma
T au Gamma. a nd Syl via
Ritterbusth were cnpaed Dec.
12 .
Thepc ndlnanu.niquoft,.,o
members o f Phi Sil!ma" Epsilon
have ll$0 bee n annou noed . ~en
~~.::~h2nl w~~dmn~Ji.r.~:"...i~
wed Connie Muchc l on Jan .
Alpha Phi's initiated
nineteen pk dtes Dec. 13. The
new actives 1ft : Bo nnie
Buboric h, Gayle Cumodf,
Sand y Denlan, Ann DouJ]ass,
Sue Forst t h, Kan:nK oss. ~m
lciJh,Gcna Meyer , linda Millet ,
l'"au i J oPctcrs, Eil«nPo tcx:nik.,
Kare n ll.c ns, Janet Rinstr , Su~
Sc~dcr. Jil Shambkt: , Pat
Slech ta, Cindy Va n Es. Sue
Wu t ph.> l ano.IR oseU hnn .
New o rficcrs wcre tlccted o n
Dec. 17. J udy IVI~in , preiident
wu tM.nked fo r hn "'"ork as
The Alpha Phi's held •
Ch.ristmu Puty at t he m«t ina
December 17. It is the last
medi:li for .:niors G inny Sma U
and lois Wooo.l. Other tcniors
an: Judy Polzin. l inda Hill,
Sister Sandy VaeU<"n was
awarded the "Best to Wear
Bordeaux'" honor and Na ncy
Chon ,..,
&inn the "~l ost
Acti~c ,\ ctr.·c'' award .
Delta Slg•a
Four men were initiated into
tk lta Sf&ma Ph.i f1111ternity on
TUesday, Dec. 10. The new
actiws are J ohn M ~)"U, Tom
Vande Zande, hny Romano
a ndDennis Drnncrlcln.
The Della SiA carodi.S. tu
dtoten for Winter Ca miva.l th is
yur are la nce Lewandowsk i
and~ ris l'et roff.
T o ni a h t h
th e
The brothers o r Sia;rN PILl
J ordon of Alpha Siama Alpha
an dDanLelderwi Urcp«scnt
~~;!f k!:~~nqu!~: :n~:S't~
The aftemoonorDec.. 14war
'pent lfllina Christmas tten,
door to door, in Stevens Point
and Pa rk IUdcc,Ashley Buwas
abo decorated on Stt. for t he
semi·formal Ch.riltrnas party,
Th e part y hi&h\.i&b tl wu~
sinaina,dancUIJ,dri nk.l"'~ 1
visi t from San taCbus, 1111talian
Sa n"yet!
Entertainment at lti~ partr,
wu provided by the ''Outcas"'
of WaiWIU. Ooc:tor a nd Mill.
Goldstein -re tbcclllperones.
Sunday mom[n& round the
brothers In t he Stev~ns Point
f~L Ja~~~~,:ilr~~:"f!~ h:h!
with S\ 6.88: K oac h --Th u~
with $ 16 .36; Th eta Ph1
Alpha's-- Fourth with S\0.4S,
DeltaSi&'• --SS.Ol ;
0 ' s - - S4 . 5 I . P ho
I a ' s - - S4. 3S; it y cr
H al i - - $3 .9 0 ; 'll' lhon
H a li - - Sl . 68 ; Alph~
o f Arc::~~n~v:~t~:e ~:!:ti!1
Chtl r man arc n ow bclnl
accepted by th~ Univcuity
To qllllli'y \forthe position,
the applicant mustbeafuU-timco
stude nt and have 1 l .OOG.P.A.
U.A .B. o ffice on the sccond
Ooor of the Univenily Center
and must be tumcd in to Sandy
Vac ne n or the office by
Tucsd.a y, hn . 28.
lbU--Sl .OS ; Sra Pt s --S.'JO
Alph a
~~: :~ew~lwco:mb~~~~~
Coeds Win
Two Dietetic
On Dec. 9,• Monster Grinder
u tinl contest was held at tM
· Eternal ll unt of the Sun Cone~
Uowe. AU c:ampus orp.niut ions
wore invited to pattldpuc. Boris
Tru tcnko won t he contest by
elfin& onr thrH and one·h.tlf
Jbs. of Monster Grinden in an
hour. 1\is priz~ wu a travclinl:
trophy and 1 tilt and one·half
foot bun ny by tM name o f
De c. 14. 1 Ch.r istmaa date
p.uty wu held 11 Stand ina Rock
Lodac. The Amc day, the
bro thersa teChrlstmuo.linnerll
th e Wh itina ll ote l.
Five brothers wercchostnu
kinl c111dida tu for Wlnttt
Carni VI L Th ey are: Mike
W~yenbe ra, was chotcn for t he
Phi SI&J, Brll(c Taylorfor Alpha
Phi, Jim{O tto) ltantcnforll ycr
Ha lt , Robby West phal for
Wauon lla U, and JeffZabe f for
Sm lthllall.
Scr!~:~~ ~~ov~l..~asof~hei~~~.
dub .
In ln t ramunls the Phi Si&s
took rirst place in the Free
Throw Cont est . Tho.: brothe rs
inv olved we re Bo b (llorw)
r;,~f·~:'f~o. J~'i:e <rp~~J
La nr plishli!IJ ,..ttk
~ u rt
wit h tM tndlt io nal 'llclp" W~ yc nbcr a ·40 /SO,
an d Jim
ni&ht Fr iday, Dec. 13. The Ludk e • ·40 /S O,
ckven new acl ivcs arc: Pat Sctur ·4 1/S O.
Fu le y , Seymo ur : G inn y
Gerlic h , Ap plet o n : Ellen
Goddard.. Beaver : Ann llartwia; ,
~aukau na ; Ka th ie
lu na .
Milwaukee: t...urie Leatherbury,
~ aukau n a;
Diane Muhak ,
Stevens P o int ; Diann e
Ninnema n,G ret n \..Ike ; Karen
R a l ci1 h . Ver o na ; Car o le
Sampso n , Sheb oypn; and
Nan~y h qcr. Wisconsin RapidJ.
Sunday111initialionwu he\d
II \ be Sk)" Club. The plt'd&c
sUtcrhood award was iJwn by
t he pkdae c!Hs to Diane
Mu hak. The best plcd&e a wa rd
liven by th~activcswas reccived
byNan cy h caer.
Gaaa,.~nla,.·ere&ivenout to
STUDENT JAMU Pe ters d isp1oys o ceromic woll
hong ing which w.t l be pori of his 01 1 e•hobiroon Oc t.
14·20 o t W isconsin Slole Un iYenily·Stevens Po inT .
Tired- of the Same Old
Iri ng Yo ur Dcrt• or
Drin king Com panion o nd
!~ee Ol~c:,f~:!~ 1 T~~d~i~n~~
Ch.rlst mu cuds ,.·ere nt han&ed
Th e Delta Zeta Winter
Carnlvllcand id~tn forld!IJand
quctn are: ~arcn Ralei& h and
Mik e Eve.
Tao Kappa lpslloo
\..1 51 Saturday , Dec. 14, the
~i!:~~~ ~~~trntr~J'o~~w:;
a JI'O I1 Y aiKen Kk:men's housc .
On Wed., Dec. 18, Tckcslr..ad
a Ch.r istmu party with th~ P'NP
(parenll wit ho ut pa rt ners)
orga nWt ionlnStevcnsiVint .
Berla nd Meyer and Kuc n
RISIJTOUHn are the Tau Ka ppa
!~~~~~cs foirnrrus ~:r·s ~u~~r~
In Chicago
The Unive rsity Brus Choir,
directed by RoM-rt Van Nuys.
and the Madriaal Sinacrs. under
thedircctionofKen ya nl Smit h,
will tour ! he Kl\lthcastcrn part
About 45 WSU..StevensPoint
stlldc nu made tiM trek to
Ch.icqo to ~oe~ t he Dada and
Surrealist showondilplayatthe
l nstitut e onDec. S-9.
b~::~;:,n~i!'f :~::.mcster
This wiD be the first tour in
Three Faculty ' nu!::t•:;d::~:':~ .!.nW:.~
Tlvcc r"ulty members from
WSU..Stcnns Point were amona
collq~ and unlwc ni.ty phylia
teadtcn from athree•llte area
atterxllna 1 reoent Nlllonsl
Science Foundation scmlnar on
Attrndlna the propam for
which Beloit Co Ucacstm:das
host inUitut ion were Monica
Baihter. ADe n Blocher and
objects wu k>lt due to th~
atmospbcre of the mu.:um and
di&htly better 1-iiK'f t heir ainu
conlonn more to the ae«ptcd
tradit io nolart.
W:t:•c:~ J'e=~~ N_::~ t beTh~n:O.U:S .!:f~:'!
:!i,c~we~~~~d~'!.t 11o0f:heins~t~~
tolohoc:k tbc
w awanneu.
thisidc.a are
c:olllaes made
Writer Contest ~":c ·•rituU:iicor w'!c :::;:~
~~io~~: ;:~ ;:~
The En&IWI Department lw
announc:al th~ winncn of th~
Brass Olo ir already o:o mplcted
one l our nrliu in Oeoember
esscnceof the move~ntfroma
l nordcrtoundtrsllndthis:,
one must first rutize the Idea.
behind t he movements.. The
Dadists were $ellcllina for
co m plete, freedom. Freedom
from a state' of mind, from th e
convcntionsl,thehistoric:al and
~~~re~:'loh~~hi~~r~ !~~
o!:eld :a~c::~:~
"Battle Rod:."
:'i~:v~~~: ~rr~=a~'. , The lhock effect of such
tclectcd by 1 Pf-Rel o f . world of dreams.. They llad
fiwejud&au t bewinDUs..
many areal works on dit:play.
Tbey will rnd from the~ Amon& the most impreaiYe was
wo r ks on t h e E n alish Salvador·Dali's "Rainy TuL" It
Oeputmcnt Boobhclf propam parallels many of the. tb~
broadcast on WSUS.FN 11 1 bei n a done tod a y wath
p.m1 Thunday, Dec. 19.
The Phyai ca l Eduo;ation
buildina opened l11e in the
aummer ofl 960.
lnclude din t helan uarytou r
will be the achools o r Portaac,
Wauna\tu, Mar$hali, Elk hom,
Kcnotha(Tremptr ll i&hSchool),
Milwaukee (Don Bo KO ll i&h
Sc hoo l) a nd lonrira. The
conlbineden!Oenrb\u, lculn.lo n
Jan . 20,willbcova-ni&ht inthc
citiuofWa unakcc,Eikhornand
Milwaukorc , and will return to
th e camp us on Thursday
cvcnina, hn.2l. A totalo f aom~
32 muslcia!U wiD be in cluded in
t his tour.
wa:~::!r:: b:o::!io.:'o 1~ ~--------------,
Rcpnu for Stt~ns Point on
Aqust 14,t9S8.
Sherman Sword,editorofthe
Stevens Point Daily Journal was
~; 4(i!!~or of the Pointer ;,.; the
the administration o(
Governor"' Vernon Tho mson
Stnen• Point wu selected u tru;
cmerccncy c:apital ln a~~e of a
nuclc11 .attack . The library
conta.J.ns manyol the important
lllte doco.r.mclltsand l bohou~~es
thecivilddtnK'&CIIC")' .
Tbc nrat araduate COUISCI:
offered It this l.rutltul,ion were
durin&tbe 1960aummerJeS:Sion
with 111 lltendlnce ot 47
Home Cooking
Pies and
At l .. ulor
Open Do ily
5:30 A.M. · 2:30 A.M.
CIOH~t ~~-~lghts
And All Day Sunday 1
Pri~ h
•ry OCJY of th• Yeo rl
PrefH~;IyD~I::::,: Pr•n.d
AcrMa hom North Po int Shopp i"O '-,1• •
home of the
7 to 8 oz. of Tanta1izing Beef Served
on Hot Italian Bread
Oecembef" 19, 1968
By JudyBrocklrlj
The rc.ults of the Dec. IS
ABC m.llehu are as follows:
Netic: over BurroUIIui J H-220
Baklwin onr Roach J 20-130.
~~~~:no~~;,.;~~~ l~::~:
llln5tn over Steincri90-J60
SmilhoverDclzd\1 90'·95.
II 1 p.m. o n Feb. 2. T he
Hheduh II W111on 11
f,~~~~cc~~· ~~~~. ats!:i~hwi~i
Nule, Roach at Pray.Sims
BIUTOU&hltt llyer and Knutzc~
has the bye.
SEJrves wico!:::;::~~
t h the Junio r Youth
As Pastor
~~~ho~~t ~!~/·~p s~;~!~~
Point, a voup of ei&hth
In Milladore
he~e!ps~u~lileJC nudent
reprnentative for theWisronliin
place in the ~mpus BowlinJ
Lea,ue. The tu m is compot£d
o f T im laKh, Dan Teples.k i, AI
Neale haa IWO new student
uslsllnll for the xcond
Kmestcr. T hey trc Carol Schu\u
who will be on Third East and
Kilby Abele, Serond East. The
The ABC team has a 3-0
:~~ ~~:·p~:e~n N~ak'i~it~:i
placeinaticwlthSmith llall.
The fint Neale lla\1 form.:~\
Th e men o f Bald win
ptrllclptted In the winK fr~'m ~~~2 ~~tt:i[;ue ~':om1
decontion contu t Jut week. the DeBot Center. The theme
Third South won · the
compc:tition for the Krond ~~~~~-c :i~;:c~~:J: ~·~~':cJ~j ~
alnlaht year. Thitd Eut wu t he Ro" KonikoffQulntet. Jena
very clo~tMhind. Mr. andMrt. Tierney was the Je n cral
SealiK judted the compttition cht irnun.
Pt m Sanden hu b«n
seledcd IS the Winter Carnival
The moYie, "The Thin Bhae chairman for Neale lla\1. Pam is
Une" wu shown o n Thursdty 1 muhema!lc:s major from
and Friday cvenlnp in the hall. Merrill.
T hil week the moorie "Johyhem
on 1 Sunday Afternoon" will be
ahown. Dave Flahivelschairmln
o f the film committee.
The Baldwin Hall bowlii\B
!cam Ia CU~Ttntly tied for f'lut
Ken Kin&, a 5enlor major!"'
in bulinus and economics, hu
been 5erYin& as a minUter Jt the
Milladore Mctbodi$t Chwch for
the past5emuter.
This is 1 small church with a
membenhip of 28 - mostly
okler pcopk. lt Is about 20 miles
west of Stevens Point. Ken is
Conference of t he Methodist
Church, Ken Krwa on the
Committee for Reconc[lj) tion.
He a bo is a member on the
Met hodis t's board of the
Ministry for Higher Educatio n
a nd wu former presidenl of the
U.C.C.F., !he Uninrsit yC) mrnas
Cluistian Fellowlihip,
He also isinrolvcd in chwch
acti•iliu suchasthelr t ll..church,.
ClubtmiS parly.
llis Krmons have covered
upc:riencc, Ken planstoso into
b usineu sa les work aftca
1J11dl.ll!ionin J une.
~:!:~~:Y,~f ~vd'· .r.~ttien~f ~~~
mltacluof CiuUtmu.
Ken's hometown is Coloma
and he is a rMmber of the
United Methodist church there.
Ken is the praent president of
the United Christian Movement
on eampus, whieh i51heiaJJell
inlcr4enominal ionl l reiJaious
&roup on Qmpus.
He feels thtt he cxpn:IW:S
tra ditional th eolo&y with
minA~:~ue, ~'iv!:'l~i:r:~~!::~
The B rat Barn
"Wh•r• Som1lhinga
.Aiwcrya Ccro~ing"
No Bond , just 11..r ond
yo.., moko yo11r own fun!
Laat Saturday, !he Vc11Ciub
lnd its mt n1bcrs'datu auended
the t nnual Christmas ~rty a!
the Ski Top Lods e in S«nic,
p\ ne -c ru t ed Pn~ RidJC,
Rcfreshmenl a were pc:r10na\ly
sek c:ud t nd served hy the
executive o fficers, Mu5ic was
provided by AlltcobliOnlnd his
Tonl&ht is the \au m«lilll
t his Kmelltt, It will litlrt at
7: 1S p.m. at Ann Lyons.
Whit• St09 M•n't Ski
Jodt•tt ....... .. $27-$35
Alao Men't ond Wom•n'l
Ski Pcrnh ... $19.95 ~up
KAlLA PfEiffU has the honor of being the leal
col'd of the Week far the firU seme liler of the 1968·
69 5ehoal year. Karla is o sophomore residir'lg In
Rood'! Holt !Photo by Jim PierliOfl)
1036 Mol"
Avoilobl• oltha following 8iu1bird 01011, 1,
Molle Jewelry ManiiO'II'ot
Beaver Dam James W. Schultz Mani!O'II'ot
Dodgeville O.F. NelsonJev;elry Menomonie
Rummeles, lnc. Sauk City
l iemh & Be<ker
Williamson's ShJ'II'Jno
Thimke le'll'elers
Chnlanle'll'elm South Mil'll'aukee Rades.lnc
~!~::~r c•~~~ t~~l~ ~~~~~
~·. ~~~:i~~~ ::~~~:vn J.~~·~::~~t~~7.
'w~~:!rK~~~::~ ~o;·~rus
i~~~:, !:::1~ ~~;~!on Bay ~~:b~e~~~;~~
Goltlredsen&Nicoll Princeton
R. [ .Hartm•n Whilewaler
E.W. Perker, lnc. Richli!ld Ctnttr
Speidel5 Wis.~pds. J.E. Dalylt'll'tlryCo
~r· g;:q::;;:gg:_.a;g:
from the
See You Next Year
Register for a
V-Neck, Crew 'Neck & Turtle Neck
Long Sleeve & Sleeveless Vests
Until Ou-istmas ·
Value to $20.00
NOW $3.88
Assorted Colors
Weekly Winner's Name Posted on lUonday in
in the Store. Entry Blanks Available at the Store
or Jrom The Pointer. Deposit entries at · the
Store. ·
Open Nightly to 9:00, Sat. to 5:00 Until Christ~as
December 19, 1968
Words And Pictures
By Mike Dominowski
A monster uin<J u is a Trut rnko of Phi Si&ma Epsilon
undwich the sin of yo ur •a nd Tom "Tube" Shipe o f ttue
forn rm. As ~e rved at the Etern al Si.a~ fit. A third . ent ry flocn
Hunt of the Sun coUcc shop, it Stcinc rila llnncr showcdup.
b 1 mus of ~a u ~c. spices ami
The Se ru had the chcerin&
a ssortcdaoodiesa Ucn ea~~edln a
huaecnvclop offrc nch brud . scdio n, but 1 ~ Phi Sial lud
· For a per10n to co mpletdy Boris. who won byo ut u tinathc
..Tube" three an d two -thirds
C:OI'IS\I<M eve n o ne '"lrindcr" is
10mcthin& of a herculean t u k. arindc n to three and o ne-third
The object of a oon tu t held 1rindcr5. Upo n beinJ d rcbred
11 the ll unt , Mumby, Dee. 9, !he w iMer. Boris r~rtd " Lei's
wu to de termine who cou ld goloadin&!"
the L'II'JCII numbtr of
monstu arindc rs in an hour's
The contu t was ope n to any
univcrsi tyotJa niution. Enu;c,s,
ho"'U ff , induded onl)'
Wil h
t h ll,
~on ti na e nl
t he
w ho le
muth u
cva~ u at c d
buildin& wi l hout
wUrtt in& the prize, 1 tift·si(c
paper m•chcSiatucca lled Mo iJy.
Shcwucbimtdthenc ~t dly.
" TUBE" SHIPE, the Siosefi contestonl, loosens u p
forrhe eve nt.
The co nreu started slow ly wilh Boris !left) en d
"Tube' " munch ing steadily aw ay or the hug e send ·
wiche s
AI the 1 1/ 1 grinder mo dt.t " Tube" fec it !he
need ro relieve some inne r 1treues . much ro tho
o mu semenrofhoslro oner, Tim Mer tcfiJ.
l ime cur wh ile The lwo conres ronrs re-cycle thei r
Uomo chs
THE SIASEF I cht"ering UIC·
tio n watches ten sely In !ho
closingsec0<1d s.
The srroin ofucite men tbeg instorellon thecrowd.
PHI SIG, Boris Truten ko
w ith vid d ry end tho fina l
/rolf-pound of monste r g rind·
er in h is Jews. Upon be ing
d eclared lho winner Boris deelated, "Le r"1 g o ou t loading "
o nd roced ou r !flo door leov·
lng Molly, !he traveling tro ·
phy !right) slonding alone.
Dtc:ember 19, 1968
Page 7
I .ofaJch ~ Spo,.[J :JfaJheJ I WRA Sponsors Competition
l'n~ swr tllr Pointnl 101 a mut iiTOUillcT bll!okct bal1 pmc a&ainu
Suptr iO! tllan I Itty llad TTtkont'd f01. 1·11~ YdlowjackeUITT a )"OUil,g
t.·~m wn h tlu« ftnhmu lllllh"l¥ ami "'ill pull off a frw ~utp1iscs
Cagers Have
Busy Schedule
In Athletics Every Monday
t hi~YUI.
,\ft~l anot llc• ookl ~pdl ag:aUnt Supt1ior. t he l'ointc•s •.-pincd
t hd1 composwe ~ nol took Ol"tl in tile uoond half. Alain it wu t hat
fm,· tcan1 b.JI.Jncc an.J spirit that mad~ tile diffctncr. As uvnal
n•fmbcn of the team Kl apt])' put it.·..wc •n;~y not llaveanyoftllr
kaJtiiJI scocers or aU-ronfer~n~ ~llolccs tllis yeu. but ,..c'.J ~ llappy
"llll tllcchampioru.llip."'
1\'itll as.noany .Jc~ndabk men to choo~~~: from asC03tii.Kr uccer
Ius. opposm; ClNchcs tll nno t Tt50rt to keyiflA on any o ne Of '""O
playcn and upcct to beat tile Pointc11. Just take a look at t he
:~~~~~r~r tile fiut sucn p u ues--1 t hink you' ll Ond t hem 1 bit
•\notller bil;
By Cindy Mltle1tnd
Renee Wnuirukl
Vo lleyb-a ll and t:Tie b.JU
tournament~ ,tuo11111t Women"s
R ecreation al \ A ssociation
activities fo r this Kmtstcr to a
peak. The final contest of tile
volleyball touuumcnt was lldd
tl~:::l!~ ~~~nc~u'dc~etche2 ~~ ~~~\
•~a o~ impro •·cment in this yur"s team hu ~en 1~ tou~~!~~~~Y /t.lullcn,advOOr for
~-:~;o~~~ :~~~· t1~;c.;.~~~:. h:~c ~~~:u;~~~~e~0:n:~~.n:,~:~~~
weekend m the t\Oo·o wins. tile Pointen unk 39 o f 54 au cmpu, an
ucdlcnl .120 mart.:. Co ntn.sc t his wich bst ynr's .620 marl; fron1
t hr .:hull y stripr aiMi the diffcrrnoe is wide
Poin~r Scoring Averages- First Seven Gomes •
paddle b.JU contests. apparatus
aiMi tumblinJ;: cnmpolinc and
swimmint. She stTT.sstli the
importanco:of r;el\iiiJIUmany as
possible ovn to the Pllysital
Education Building o n Monday
~ E::::~~:Fit~rti;~t\~:1\~;~
12 S
l«"ts.S to the pool fro m 6:30-8
7 .4
5 .4
ever y
Vooden Hevvol
K. Rillenlho!er
!:~c~· c~tll1~~~:i,'!~·~~~c1 f;
Conf;,"'"e, ,
6:30 ·9 n ery
M o nda ~·-
If cnouah
intcreS!Is raised, Dr. ll:uold of
! he Phy Ed Depart ment willlle1p
d ivin.altiMi endurance from 8·9.
A1 50, individual liorm• and
Ofllni.rations will be invited to
l'lavc priv:ate pool parti~ in the
Scronli ~~emuter will brin&
1\llny mon: toutnaments and
contests with the completion of
the annu to !he l'hy Ed
buiklin1. Baskctbtll will be the
mos t st imulati!lll o f t hese.
O thers sclledulcil arc table
le nni$, badminton and 1rchcry.
llcr<' IT<" t"'· o n c~rpt ~ from
a•tick·sinlt182t•li itiunsuftht
olol Lomain.Ohlo, ·rim••s Herald:
.....Total Poln!a
It "fUCtrtli,nty IIOtt kJUStit~ tllmt t llc l'acktrs whip the Rnrsin
rh~U" !IL'Iton finale. T he b1~1ks have JOnr a&dnst thc Pack aU )'tal
andhdklappcartllrBursmiiht)"t tpuU lt out . lt sur<'"'oukl l'lll"r
been 1 shame for )"Ou"' Oon llorn. l'layina "'"it II o nl)' h•·o .U~·s·
; praclice, he picknl apart t he "treat" Beu ddr nu lil:t Hut Stan
llisl""o pla)·...attion r a$j("shat1 tobetM btst caUsaUiiay. Th•·
Bun were busy pickin,jj up thd r slKWs as Grabo"·Jki an.J Dowler
~asuaU)' c:roacd the 8UI I~].
If llorn Uo't na mN pla)"n or thr wctk on off~nK. I ..-~nt to
t, \'u, Bur , Vikllll aiMi Lion fani. th~ C •ccn and Gold ate $1il11hr
• best In the 11mr. T hr Lions won only one~ in !heir b~t nlnr games
and the Vikings backN into t~c ~ill~ . ,
in t h~townamcnt .
Any swimmer1 or divcn
intcresltd In compctinJ in 1
swim meet at Rll"t'r l'allson Fcb.
I S, shoukl rontact MiA Mullen
WR.A sprinl! sports include
aoH. track and field, anli
so f!ball. Abo, lh~ bowling
tournament with otller schools
llknpi.Jcein March. Watch The
By DIYe Cnliorc
""n...- puty of hunt~•~ of
whkll n~ention w~s m~lic in our
lrn 1nuc as twina ovrr.J ue.
rctu!n<:d abu nt 6 o'd o.:k lrst
\lo'cd!l<"sda~· c\"enln~ . Their cruise
on lhr paint au ]O,]te mard ><"l
....u ~ Y(T)' suc~csd"ul one. l h•·
t"'·dvchauim; l i 8 Juchin oM
day . G~ m.• was nut verr
plrntiful l ht• flnt w•·••k, but
to ..·:u.J the l:iM t h.·y lull rknt y
Tht·y were .Jd,~·e.J by
CUlllr~r)' win.Js an~ \OoCIC Yll:lhk
to k~··e tht· marsh.-s bt:fur<· th.·
\lay th•·y srart.·.J. TII•·y t•a-cTSo.'o.l
the dTilan~c frum J'uinl au l'•·k-.:
to lo.Hain viJ Saoulu:rok ~· . at>out
115 nnlt·s in ~u . in 10 ho u11. m
the ~~cht o "' nr.t h)" T ruman
kno,.·1, no! 1 ]1 of us hke It
But, u ld-t in!tU. if you
owo•ded ot !he re<enr Awords bonq(let in the Pinery
Room. Don Heuel Ueh} WO$ noiTI('d !he most lm·
pro~cd runner, Tt"Y Amonson wos chosen ooptoin,
ond Poul Hou s [light} wo s sele-cted oi the most volvoble runner. [Photo by Bob Okrosinski)
Neale Hellions Win
~~kM~~~~ ~~~~~it;"~a!IH:I~~!~i"!
l'knurt u an)" we"'ht of liucts
~::r":o~,n~,;:,:~~- and t iiTOwn
I ~k~ to thlnk t llat TrumD.n
~~f~~-~~ ~by ~~~:~ary"~:ml;.at;~:
~'b~~r.:'ff 1 ";:;~:n~o"'"~n~~~eri,n:~
( h.Jmpionrohiptilt.
In S<'"CO!Id t•b «· were Karanotl
~c:a~:::io~:~· ~:~~. n~: !::~~
a n even n10re successful tu1n
~~·y~11~!_..: 0:,~~;~~,'s s:~~ ~~
baskctbtll, ta ble tcnnio ,
badminton 1nd othen.
The Ron Konikoff
'"'='"' ''''"· •"' '"""'"
'''"''owo· """'"
abou1 .:oor«rs 1n !he
nt;tn;~temcnt . ~ronomin
oth~r &r~d uatu
]•~per indU~IY.
Sf1v1n11 Point .
~ ~bdlwn
:::~!';!~~~~\n~·i!,~::c;;~t~ ~~~·:~a::·:i.;~t~rr~~.ec~s.ln
''S11 hn1arinc.. Sa udwich
T hurJday Feb 6 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Connutjcnt ~l utu~l I ofe
will 1pcak with all majon intertU<d in 10\unn•t
Ftidn l'cb. 1 9 a.m. to
p.m., T he S S Kw;cc C"nrnc.uu:.. Mt
MftJ •I ~toT•"
Friday Fch. 1 9 a .m. to 4 p.m.. Siwcr Stcd C"~s11ng ('., .
MilwJukcc . .,..ill U lk wilh hul'incn ~d nunistr3tlon. cho.·uu~lr) and
Olhcr Jr.rliuatninlercS!cliin aFo undry type tnd nllr) .
J.fondu Feb 10 - Tucghy feb 11 .9~.m to 4p n• .. 1...!!£..1!....
~o::!;rc:~b~·i~~ al~~~~~-~~~:t4N;:;:1..c~~;~~~~r~~;:.u~~::;an~•·
)~ 1 :gr.:r::~~~·1~:f~i.i.·~~ir;,;,:;;:·~;~.;~·~;~;.;
sto re m~na&e menl. Oed11 nunagcmcnt . I<'II"Cad pro.luct>On,
rnana&emrntln.lcOiltrOlmanagcmcntposittOnS"' IIh fitcstnnt·.
Milwaukee Arc'a
lnsl~~~:~/~~~n~:on: ll~:is ~~~ ~nl~,'~'i.; \\~~~~~::~; ;~';;:;~,~~
in :~~I.Jritd "'lu po~lions as group fid.J reptc~ nt~hvcs. llo !h n•,·n
and women 11e cnooungcli to 1nt~rvo~w.
Tuesday Fch. I I 9 a.m. ro4 p.m.. Thc'ol. ilcnn'!n l'uhh.:S•·I' icr
" "Ill rrcruit all Sludcnts int~rnt•·•l in Wi>conroon ullltii•"S anU puhhc
service work .
Tue11hy Feb. I I . Wclint-,.la)'. l'~b. I ~ . 'J ~.m. to ..~· ,. m • .!.!!£.
111M Corp. Gtrcn 8~). " 'II rc~ruit all husmo:~~ •d minolll~l~on.
phy~o. chemistry. n1;1t h au.t otht•r st uJcnt< s.:t~ in~ 111\1 Ul•"<'r
Plan to
£he 6£h Annual Mih.t.IIUdu:c
'ol."e.!ncs.Jay Frh. 12 9 3 m. IO ~I' m .lh••l'•·.l~TJI Son.1l Sfi;UI I!l
A.! minlstn tion, wilt sp.·a k "' ''"all ~r;~liuar.·s con,~rntn~"l'cd•·r•l
l.mplo)"mcnt oppot!Unll>n. 1 "'" l'··d,·~at Cl\ 11 s~O\ I<;t ··unl ma)" l>o.·
b ken ~•a~nanttmcnllllfr.'
WC"Iin<sday Frh. 12 'Ia n1. ro ~ ·,•.m.. IICJ•>hn l'huu•• ..·utic-•ls
Glfen Ray . .,.-,]1 lntfl\"k"' ~~~ Oll:lJ!>" loT s:!l•·• p<J>IIIUM In t he
phutnaccutle>linliustry .
Thursday l'eb. 13 9 ~-"'· t u 4 l'.m . Th~ lJ S 1-m~" sr,..iw
Rhinelander area .,..ill ontcT\"kw ~ 11 IC>UUrcc "'•"~'"'"M•·nt and
foTCSIIY m~,ors ~bout cmplo)mfnl opportunilin
~ 9 a. m. to 4t>.m .. ~!··
•t.m Gro•·e.
Illinois .,.·ill intc1Vocw all ~ra.tu:.tcs intrrr~tcd iu • · • ,,., T~l•o'lrth,
proliuction, pro.lucts lievdopmcnt. ulcs an.J pur.:h•••n~ """l ions.
~9a.m.w 4 p.m. . B!y£ 1 ""~ ' nsur;nrr
Milwallkcc. "'"ills(>l'~k wu h all!!ra\lu3lfSal>our ca•c•·fi tn the rt>edit~l
9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
::K:~~r~r:li~J o:%:e1)!~3~ :::~ 1,.~ -~a~~~( ':ili:.!~f;..,·:.~
~ ~~;·::; ~;i ::~:::: ::::·~,:~::·~::~.::.::::~~:.:
Un~!;nd;rp!f~ct.!;O:. CQ,;;s.~~;l r;~k swi?ll 1a'tt,~:d:~~;':·~~
~will 5rrak wilh 111 nujon inter~11ed in !he tn~ur:;on•~
While bu!.ineu and industry rn"Tuitin1 has been trrmin~teli un1il
after t he llcccmber Holidays and J anUll ry t;um•nltion l'rriod.
Krond K mtster's rrcruitin1 scllrdule will btr,in on Monday. l'eb. 3
with 1 whole hosl or new and rclurnana comr~ nits. l n til<" mcantirll<".
•":.;;',!~;~):~'b'"i'';',~,~·;;':':::'~.~j~~;·u,,,., """' '•'r
El<•o·na l Hoonl of
Sun 1...1'D
Short course
in lifelonQ
economics for
colleQe seniors!
p1 me t Opportunities
ace n
r~w rcnl.illninj! 1?6'.1 Colk~c 1' 13crmcn t Ann ual~ lh" fo ll0111ing
9 :00P.M.
Tllr Pointru h~ve an carlltr
d ate bd ot~ t he lldoit
Cf1113JienTent lhJS S~ tU!day Wllf n
they will tra•·cl 10 western
Minncsol~ 10 meet Lt:T ColltJC
of Albert l.ra". Minnesota. Little
is known about Lc:'s S<JUad ali
this is tllc first limeut rthattlle
l'ointen will meet t htm. Th<'Y
have m~t one{"l)mmono,lpoll<"nt
this ynr, hO\Oo"CW
ff. Bo t h ICJ nlli
los! t o t hr t ou r ln;
C.echo~klY:Ikt;tn NUtonat , . ......
Lea by~ 95-15 KOre and lh~
0 11113U wit h a n OYCTal! record - - - - - - - -- - - - - - of 1 anli I . ThUd place was
taken by the Ra&do\11 with 6
!~~.;~" :L:' . ~:"'I~.~·:~
!::,~~~:~~~~~~f~!?:.~~VF£~~ ~======1"
I~ :;g g::&Q32Q ......,__.if.2£ib.. __. . . _. 1/ ~~e ri~i~."~:.u:~:~,:~~pi;u~~~~i~~~~~~:.:':n~t ~~~t~;; ~~:::~~~
TJ1111,sday, Dec. 19 ~ eoncerns will bcteauitln~inearlyl'ebruary:
1"hc Uniwr>it)" o f l'o'iscon.-in hili ono.· o f the finest hockc)" l nms in
"tbc nation'this 1·eu Lu t FriJ~y ~nd S:rtuulay, they t nod;cd off
profuno.lll)" ~ml pknty of n~turc
Nort h D:~tot~. r~nk.-.1 Number I in th~ nation ' "'"icc. If )"OU ew• a~t
1 ch~nce to 1<""': a cam~ lio"' n m Malh !iOn , .Jon'! min it.
Mumc.,\lt ~cthntlwtl lpwasa
The 81d1n ca~ttn lt.·rre no! ,•uctly owr!IO"'·ering apin,;t Yt1)'!'1ca!Ointon••"'
No rther n lllinots.but t hi:)'Shoukl impro•·~oonsiderablyin tinJC". They
..in tu•·e their hands full t his "'"etkr nd ~~ainstl'lori.U . T hc.-Gators'
1 he so.·{"l)nd clipt>ing •~ fron• a
6-10 ,·entcT. Neal Walk will nu»t •'frtamly 1x ont of the first ~Oti<'Jf icltCIIO i h<"C.JitOI\Oo"Tittcnby
plr)"tn tn ,om t he pro \!raft next S!•rin&. There is mo•c th~n an n en Stephen A. Moor.·:
chanct t hat the ~hlwaukcc Ruck~ 111~1· 1 a~c him tf th~y don't JCt
••.. I am loc;u~li 11 nulu
Lc" Akmd01
FO UNU. ,, f'."lll of black
south ..·tst o f l la ~s Cit y, Kan"'s.
haw ~01 ](I() ICICS of rimr~d j;lrMo.'S and c:aroo: n.,;,or
l "he lluch ha•·cbtcnh"'linlllnthctcn·c•yiJ nW,but kni"-lhe ho11~SIC~ l~n.J and ~m lealiiiiJi a f'tay·S tms llaU. Owner may
contact Tom in 105 Sim5, ut.
m;Uont~· <)( thrm ,.. ,,., ooiJ spd lsor turnoHrs. I h.J•·c been ptcny
b~ronit's lift. !'or tiK benefit o f
well "'tisf..-.J t hu~ far t h t the)" uc .Joint u "'"til u could be Lorain duck huntcn- t110sc:who •oo.
t hink all the ducks ~•c at Crall(
(.'reckot l'oint au l'ck:c- l woulol
s;oy !hey a"" mistaken fo r ] ,.·cnl
It " t unc fm me to sti(k my ncc:k out o nce ~pin anli make •
CliP rin,g at IJ1tlc Jue'$ on
pTTdiction on ho...· !he WSUC baskctb.JII r~cc "'·in come out. Luckily, out th~ o ti!C'T day ~nd " &ot tl11tt No w. 26. With 1 1W stone. from
atl )•ourndcrs, ra ns,cncmks,cl t . " "ill forart tllisprclliction53nd l
G rafto n. 1961. Rewatd. Call
ma)' not tell )"OU how do~~: I actually rome out at the end or t tl<" ! llrfiru sho! .tl thcscoondJilll5 Kat hy. Ekt. 360, Room J l I .
tht• t hird . Thcy,..yit is thebnt
~~~~s~h'f't~~u "':,., re6~rdnc~~ , -- - - -- - - ,
Fcbru:11y .. ··
!"Sto ut
I! 4
3. 10auCUil\'
'J 1
Tr u man Moore was my
4. l'blteville
8 ll
~trrat -g ~ta t ·gra n dmo lller's
5 . 0rohko~!T
7 'J
6 . River Falls
6 10
6 10
6 . WIIilc"'·.-cr
6. l..iCto~
b 10
numbcn of ducks tht)" took
9S upcri:or
back \lltn were no! considered
unusually larao:.hnt"'·c•e mcrc1y
SrcUTil tllu;•sthf i.Jst W.ucof t heKmrstet. l supposr.ameofyou tmrc~.L~hofa snccessfulhunt in&
...,u ~· araliuatinl . quillm&and ka•·onJ for other obviouSJU!.OIIS. trip.\lo'e will n~'Vtr s..-.:
huntin& like
0~ b]tSSinlt OS t hat )"OU '""on't hi\l: IO ICI\1 a"hy Of 111)' IO"ip
that apin in this count ry, nor
anymore I supposr I bctterg1ve )"OU onc la~t baltel)'ofprcdktions should we. T il<" teal importance
~ftcr pk~u·~ all e!Jhl pmcs rll:ht lut week.
u f ! IIese okl t~ks lksnot in tlld r
,\ Jhcrt Lu ii3,Stc' -.:M I'oint 73
ac~ounl of thr hunting skfll o f
)(lme lon&-dcp~rt•'tl Trlat ivc's o f
Stc•·rn~ l'omt 110, Platt~•·ille 7 1. (l..i~t n~ht l
mine. but in thdr testi1'1ony to
Da lln ~S.Cie•·ci.Jnd 17.
thc<juanl itics. ofwiklhfc t hat
8~llunore"21. Minncsota 10 .
B~11nnor~·N , ])aU;u; 20(NFL ChampiOnship)
t he •·ct land~ of t he United
Sut ..s ~ nd Ca nada could
B<i11UnorrJ4 ,0akland J4 (Su(>l'rlko"' l)
rro liucc before they wue
St.·vrnsl'oint 82,Norlh t•Jrk 17 CI'ust round at Beloit.)
t1•aincli. r lowcd. polluted and
Stc•·ens !'oint 13, Beloit 66(Ch:wop~•nsh•p l
co ve rcli "'"ith concrctl: •rnl
Floti.Ja18, Wisconsin1 1.
And1nthc rca\ a uc:Ul battlcsoft hc "'("''k:
Trununand Stephen, l Alutc
8uthntton 1 1,Eikhorn 63.
you acrou t he yuu. Yours was
Nta,ara69, Wausau.ku66. (Upst't)
1 &ood time to be alive. \'o u
probably .,.. oukl not tike !he
Neillsville11,Loyal 60.
world o f today , and , Lord
Mo nttllo74, 1'rinco:lon 59.
II.Jd a rt{"l)fd of 1 win1
Winners • nd losers In ! he ·
Bc:loil, whkhoompctes in thc
Midwest Confctencc. ln~o~ ilo
Play-offs In Volleyball
latge and cntllu!.iasti~;
\tiOUpoflil" ls t umWout fOT t he
WRA ~o\lcyh:l\1 tournament t hili
Stcl"tnsl'uim "'·nn tan yur's
tourncyb)" ddcahnt Macakstcr.
79-70. ~n.J Carth:lge. '16~ 4 in
Tbe champion~hip may well
bt decided m t he firS! pmcof
!he tournamenl. North Park is
ntcd as a stron~ (OntC"n.J~r in
! he Collcae Confcrtnce of
Illin ois 1nd Wisconsin, 1
confere nce wllicll includes
Car th age Jnd (.'uroll of
Wbconiln and MiUikin, North
Cent ral, AUIUSIIna and Illinois
;~: ~h:IC~~~o~f :~~J ~~~~-~ ~:~r~~ ~~~~::~~c honuu "'·~nt to win~::.d y~!':~l~y hope to lui"C
r njoyed !hoM." ookl, I:I~Y ll•yl in
~~~ n~a~:~~ ;,he~~\·;. 1;f.,.ucct,oo:r
Yo u an.J 1 know r h~t t he kill
osn"t cverylhinJ, that thr &Oi"':.
but hn his 6·7 brother, Kit
Jones, back t his year. Guard
Pclc Chat ilovkz is !he only
othtr telurnln&startcranlitlle
Bucnn«rs ate not rated as a
conttndu ln t he ~lid ..·rst
Confcrcnco: thi$ year. Deloit woll
plry its fintp mcof the $<"awn
o n w.::aey~~~en:1;?~.~ed ~~~~~~
will mcel a roudl North !'ark
Colltre (Ill.) team ~nd tile ho~t
Bdoit -"luad ,..HI tantlt with St.
Mary'sof Winona. Minn"a tnnl
lhel'ointeuddutcd t..·o u,t•:ki
IJOit Wlnon~.
\'oku f rom l llt Put
•Top f'lgl'lt aooN"rs only
•·Sc-orlntt a'"f'rag.. ror eonr~rencf'pmuonly
•• •Scoring ••·f'raa-e for&U came.
C011:h llob K ru~&CI' $
WSU- Stcvens l'oinl bllsketball
squad willluvclirtletime to
relax over !he C hrist ntas
bo lid• ys as they win ~
defc nd.in1 tllr championship
they won I.J!.I ycat In the !Idol!
:~h:~ ~~~.!~~~~~.:~~
in~.L~rance fic:ld .
You may a lKO "ish to t~!.c p~!l in onr '-" more of !ho.- llo ll<la)"
Business and l ndustt)' llccruiHnfnl Con fcr.·n~n. I hts.:- ~onf,·rcnC<"$
noany area reprcKntatin·s amlllundrclis o f ,,u,knu ··•ch ) UT
for •cctuitilll purpose-~. Oftrn o ne nn sr>e~k "'"h ••·r•rwur:.t .. rs
from len 01 more comp~nk•s in~ sinJ:lc da), sonWIOmo.-, •~.:··•• mf! JUh
offcuon thcspot. l'uncnl1y u11Wulc-.Jconfcrcnn•,,...
"'•m&lnpu,_. cl "Opportunity O.y.. t. to uslotlm.... ukte
arM collqe atud.ont.lnacquailuincthomoelwowilh),tj]waukH
fl...,.an.dW opponunlliHev..U..blaforper.....,tnl employment
,u pon &raduation. NoteWn60NilwaukM arcafinru,npt"Uinl•
ltt1 ind111lrial, .-...mnc. lNunoroc., u(ilidu, oorvlmancl iOVIm•
ment atenrila.,jU bve reprneatUll'ftMbi.lldtob&Adt.Uuouoinll,..lewinafromi LIL \0 4 p.m..
Wau~u ·9:)() :a.no. to 2 30 p.m., Dec. -:.7. ll.'~u)o.lu Sen1111 ll~h.
Rockford. Ill.. • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Ute. :~ lllinoh: Nalional
'/"AiJ/UIItt..,J/JipoiUOtrdllyr,hJidr opolif.d
Jllil••drt Auoci• llo,. o/ Co.crt.mue.
G~;1d"t;~~·:·8~~~~~o;~h ;·~~~~~r~::~. ~1. Wisconsin Center. 702
Str~:t~,e~~~B~y~ ;,~~~~n~ p.m., nrc. 27. li S Sout,ll J dfmon
Chiaao ·9:30 a .n•. to 4:30 p.n1., Uec. 27 an11Dcc.18.Shtrm.an
U n&don SHeet (on U. W. Campus).
, Ut M. , ,....,.,.,, r.tll"w••a.. Wit. UHI
Atta.r.tr. Dnl<f W~Mtec•
I ~.!.~t~~.!;.': :.'i:i~~t~ ==•~r,:::
I, =
-::-.:;..~-~.~:::-:;:: . . . . ~,. . .. . .
-.....,._ .,,.............................................
I =~:~:~:;:::::::::::::~~::::::::::::~-:::::::::::
llousc. Con!1d Chia10 Association or Coinmc r« allll lnliu~ ry, JO
WcstMonrotoreallFR 27700.
A ppklon. 9 a.m. to 4 r .m. . llec. JO . Lou Cakk:r. Student Ctnter,
lns!ituteof Papc:r Chemistry. 10-13 E. Sout h KivtrStll."r t orconUC"t
Wi:soon~n Papc1 l ndusrry information scrvtc~ 104 N. Commercial
Streel . NH"nah (1~5· 1 SJ5).
Wuhin&ton, D. C. · 9 : 30 a.m. to 5 p.1n.. Dt "- "27 and Dec. 30,
Departmental Auditorium, Constllution Avenue between l l !h l nd
14th Strtets, N.. W. l'o'uhifllton, ]). C. All majotl· Fcdcnl Call."cr
Du Moines. Iowa · 9 1.m. to 4 p.m.. Dec. 27. rontact Grntl:r Des
Moines Chamber ofCommcrco:, 800 Hil!h Strut , Dn Moines, Iowa
S0301or phone(SIS)28J-2 161.
Milwau.kcc . 9 a.m. to 4 r .m., Dec. 26, Milwau.ku AuditOTium,
write Mr. David Whtekx:k. &28 Br03d""ll)', Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Stop in 11 t he Placement Center. 056 M&fl. for further
December 19, 1968
Basketba·ll Teani Sweeps Pair, Swimme(rs .Win:
Overpor.er Falcons
For 6th1.!!~' 86-52
WSU·Sievcns Pomt r>:lfl3innl
cu ntc~l
!Oil ~r
Tankers Easily Win
Conference Relays
By J ohn Breneman
~~a:c ~nt!::~,::~o~}~~~n~ ~~~ b!,~>~Wir;;::: ~~~;r. .~~~no;·crf~~
WSU-Itiwr l'aUl.ltb·5:.at ll.h·n
T IM: ,.;n •us u,.. l'oun•··~·
~cpt them in ~ first
" 'll h hu {'l,un•. ..·hoch
l'lan•••tllc ani}
Wh>lc""""'' Qn'l tlw ,.,.~).,·nd .
hrol•· out b<:t.,.«n 1wo athl~tl.
T h... 1',-,intcn llt cl chco.l t heir
c<ltt•• lo H poinl~ by t he' end of
the .vntcst t o po$1 !heir most
d~<'IS[\'(' win of the )'<.'U IO iiiiC.
Un~lfish. ~piritcd team play
" 'U ~~ain t he kc)' \0 f\Jint'S win,
u l h<•NI3nctdsc0liiii 1Utifin.
Ttu.• rc wtrc "only'' thnc
Tl1<• l'ooniCil 110"' >Und b·l
The !'Ikon~ ~U)'t.l "ith th~
l'lnntcrs forth~ first t••n minut<'i
of thr '~"'''· lmt St~.-.·n~ !'oint
th•·n too~ ~har~e ~n.llutn•·d tile
contest tnto ~ "'"'
A(r,·r th•·l'otntcr) JUmJ1".-..l off
to a Q, l h.·ain th~ ,·ul)' ~ot~.
Til~ src~t
~~~,~~~i~~~~::u(~~~~ ~~~'t~\~ ~~~~t~~in~~~ ~n'S~"~o~~'!ia~~
lti~cr F~lt. ~~~~~·· N~~ aml tuo~
drpth of the sq ~d
alkN·tJ Co;,~h Sob Kruttcr to
r.•st ~u o f hi$ pbyeu, and the
! ~elk ck:~rly ..-on do..m thr
undcrm~nncd Falcons.
Hu,Ms took pmc honors for
the l'ointcrs with 21 points and
snared 1-' rebounds in the
:~c 1~h~ ~t ~~j: l ";.~~ Dl:'~~;~~ r~~~c::~· ,.-i~hc ~S. ~~~~~~~~~nifi
~~~~:.:""bcf~rc.~~~ 1 ~~rccl'ol:::~~! :~tc~ 11 n1j s p~~t~ Odui~ n
t hr -~<.'U~<' at l b..:~ll "''h
10 .W left
The I~Hnt.•n. suprriur hcw,ht
rciK>ondtn~ I"'"''' >OUn
b•!J"II h> tdl Wilen th,• l'akons
h•'&<l" to ,vo,ll do"n on their
\'andcn llcunl, RoM lkFauw
an.! Tom Ritlcnth~ler n ell
ne ll <'d 9 points. Ckmcnlt
finished ,.·it II H.
Gro!llc VO$$, Falcon &~nl.
topped Ri•·tr Falls "'ith I I
uwaU) ~tk>..lnJ: Riwrl' allson lr
On•· ihot o n •·a~h uopdo"n the
pntc a~cragc, did not score a
fkkl ~;oal in thcxcond h.tlfand
10 poinu.
~;na·t:ss I'OI:O."T
1'1!t.n r
t T Tl'
~~~:~ •,t;.:!~.:,.,!t111~· ,!~~t~-~~ l:in:!·n~~~ 2ir~e~ ;911oroi~~e~~
~~~~f~~t~dn~)· :~~ :~:[~~ w~s hdd to
of ~ltl..t liu~h.· s. K•·n
KitHnthJit'f ~nd I'Jint~l
Clun~nu. ')~~dil)' incr,•JJi.•d
l h•~hu
~~/:~~~~~that ~a.·hfd ~1·!9 b)' ~~l~:;::~::
Rit 1tnth~kl
•nd t;,·n
l'o ont•••
in th~
,\ IJ..:onf,·n·n~.· Uill
" llh !!
po11111 ~•dt
:::~.:~·~=k~~~~~~~~~u· f11>t half
The 1\linh'll pkl..•··l UJ'Ii!:ht
...h,·lcth()" h•dl<"ftuffrn th••
S(,'On.l half,. A ttt:lll LOIU'
d••f(n.., fOI~•'<l lh•• Falconi to
5hoot (rom f•r u ut•idc •nJ tin·
Fakuns wfr•· " '')' •'\lid 111 tlr•·
~cond lr•lf
R i~cl Fall~
i.lid "''"c th(
~~·:,:~~~ ~!oJ~:c;cl~ttoh~~~-:~
at -'1·'-'. bnt thc l'oint•'UI'tllkd
awa)' b)' )>'QTIIll: t<'n .•Uaight
I'Oilll~ 3nd WUC IWHt !r,•a.l••d
Sr.·•·cn• l'owt lncn·a,;o.•d its
lnd 1u ~ ~ !'(tints. S7·J6. .,·ith
1050 Ldl, md th~ rnt of the
1\'~at r>h:\1
: H:
l'tot.•·~r Hll'Eit t'A.~-<; t'T
I ·~
The two Whitewoter ployers are Pot Wo lsh (41) ond
Bob Johnson !351 The Pointers beot the Worhowks,
8 1·62, ond O<e presently tied for rh~ conferenco leod
woth 0 4·0 mo•k (Photo by Mel Glodowski!
Defeat Yellowiackets After
Nightmare First Half
The WSU l'oint••r Nskctball
"jU~d suff~r.-.J thro\qlh ~not her
"'*hlmUiih o prnin1 h~lf but
rcrovered and !lien hdd off a
ra ll y t o ddut
WSU.Su~riOf in a confetenc~
cl.uJt last l'tid~y evrni!li at
Su!fh~01 ;...1:·';~s the Point••u'
third in as many outings In
conffrfnce action and fifth in
six surtsag;oinstall comt>flition.
The Yrllowjackets arc now 0-4
intheWSUC and l-4 ovrtall.
'69 Holds Promises
For Athletic Events
The l'oinku stan~d out
flirt)' ""dl, but an inSJtir~d
Su~rior sq~d JOOn bcpn to
domin at e pia )' wtth filll'
ihootilll aud ~wpri:iingly stront:
rtboundint: ag~in>t the t ~lk1
After Tom Ritunt h~ltr'l
t hrr~ point play put the t'olntrrs
infwnt.20·1!!,with7:JOicfl ,
Stevens Point bit a cokl mu~
mu c h lih t he one thry
u~riocncnl apin$1 Whit~water
l.ntTun d.ay.
T he Yrtk>wjukcts, on tbr
other hind,gothot arnllr<i by
the lon&·r.inge $hootint: of Qon
lh rtlu nd, ou t scored t he
Pointcn, l -'·l.in thcnutthree
minutu tok:ad,32·21 .
Tht Pointers addc.l to their
problems with m~ny costly
the (ud to 7S-68 with '"'0
mlnui<'S ldt , bu t Quinn
Va nd tn ll ,·uval conv.. rt ed
only 1 : ~0 ldt. Mike lluahn
scored the l'oint~n· lnt t"·o
points from th( ft~f t luow lin~
m tho fm:~l minute 1nd the
l'oint~TJ at l.:tst had 1 Aft lead
• ud posted t hril hud~a1ned
T(~'" plar wu apin cvidrnt
H S!tvcns Point had an
~sloni$hin& six pli)'fts in double
fjaur~s. Ludin& the 1>':t)' wrrr
the Kitu nthak:r brotlk:n, Ken
an<.! Tom, with ! S a nd IJpoints,
ltSPfCiivclr. Sophomore lU~ td
Vandcnlleuvtl contributed 12
mukers and another fine floor
pme as did Mike lluaMs. who
co llect e d t e n tallin and
rebounded "'e ll.
turnovcrsln t htookls~II.They
did m1n4e to rcsain thdr
com poiUrt somewhat hy
h is the opinion of the authors of !his article th:u The Pointer ha lftime and nano ..·cd the
docsnot livcadequsterovrraleofthe~t~~jorspott$cven~ Supcriorltadto37-32atthll
nation. Thcrdorc.thisartide ltubccn wriu cnforthesolcpurllOSC half.
llartlu nd oonnectnl on 7 of
ofa<Xju3inti!ll thelocalsports fanlwith thcmajor athlctkucntsfor I I u cmpu from the lloor in
l 96,and the way thcywillturnout.
the firu half and ~ddnl a free
So,hcrcb tltcyuroi l 969insrorh.
th w tototal i SilOints.
hn. 12 - NDC cuu o ff the nnal minute of the Super Bowl with
Tom Riuenthakt p~ecd the
inter llla~k with nine markers
Daltintorc ludiflll Kansas City by one !>Oint , 21·20. Thls is do ne in
in' thco~nlrtihatr.
otJcrto prcscnt "Theltctwn oflltidi",
. The Point<'!$ wert a different
Feb. 5- Bufblo Bills draft OJ. Simp~n on the fiut ptelr..
Feb. 1'}- WIIA huvywejaht champ J immy Ellis is accidently ballclub in tht second half,
kn<Kkcd out by llowanl Coscll durin& pOiit-fjaht itttuviews, Cowll lto"·cwcr,aJMiscoredthcfiutsix
poinu of the half. Bob
~llchercountcredwitha lons
Mar. 7- 0 J . SlmpJCln lians S·)'Ut contract with l os An&clcs jumpu to,ive thllYdlowjackcu
Whcdsof the Natiorul Ro Utr !Xrby Lcagu~.
I J9·)81nd,butitwasdntinnl
Apr. 1- The Viet rum War Ends!
to be the lastkadSupcrior hckl .
Apr. l - Cas.siusCiay cnli$tli in U.S. Army.
The Pointcu took over
Apr. 28- LA Lakcrs loll NIIA championship to the Dosto n Ccltlc:s oontrol of thcreboundinainthe
"'hen Wilt Chamberlain mi$$cs thne frte·thiOWii with o~ second left fina l tt.lf ond tht ovcnll
nrcricnecofthc tatmbt'&anto
and the Cells ahead byoncpoint.
June 6 Laktrs ll;ldr Chambttlain to the Atl;int~ ll~wks for 6 tcU. T he Yello\\jacbts on the
u5td b;nkctb<!Us. 8 pain o f Ulukcu and a lifc-si~fll plloto of Bill o lhtrhandhadltueefnsltmc:n
in thelrnart in&lineup andtheir
inupcricncc wucvldcnt in the
June 18 - 1'81 a1enl$ anc~t lkbbit Meyer for me lting down her sccond half when the Pointers
gold mtdals.
took control.
J uly 1- Ncw York Mcu planr crashes into f.mpire State lluildi111• . Stnens Point a ndually
Unfurtunatdy for ba$10b.Jllfans, nocasualtics u c reportcd.
maeurd itslead untililreachcd
7 1·S6 with ~nly 4:S2 left, but
July 10- Vincc lombardiupresus • duire to entc1 roliti<.:s.
Superior was not about toJ,ive
J uly 12-Gov. Wancn Knowlnisimpcachtd,
uplndputtosetherarally tltat
Aua. 28- Jo hn Co:~l!a predicts winnin& snson for Wisconsin
Aua. 29 - John ·coatta cntrrs Mendota Mental llospil~l for soevcral timucut the Pointerlead
to o nly sc~cn points.
The Yellowj~ckcu closcd to
Sept. 20 - Atl.anta Brave owners auurc JlfOpk of Atlanta they
have no intention of mo~inl the franchise to Muico City.
~~i~~n7l:lt~:l~~!:~r~~t ~:~
Sept. 2l- Brutus "Spike" t.lwphy, Jtar halfback onSI!IISina Superior bukcts with 1 bas.ket
~ootbaU tum, caps 1 a~at day by brcakiR& tltro uah a S«minaly and pair of frn: till'owa to
tmpn:IJiable wall of dtftn~ and lOti all the way .. .to !lrnil maintain the elcvt~~llOint lead.
Ptison offk:i.alscbtimMufJlhywasauiltyofillcpl proccdure.
' A baY:et by Hanlun~ nanowcd
Oct. 27- Lcw Akindor makes his lonaawaited dcbul in the N!IA
Betawe of his b ck of hriJhl he pbtys a~rd .
Oct. 29-AtlantaBD~ become the Mexico City Banditos.
Nov. 3- l'to footbaU pmcs IT\' R'~hcdukd o n Sunday, Now. 20
Now. 4 -Po~ Paul cancels Sunday mas.s for Now. 20.
Nov. 19 - W!Konsin beats Iowa 2..0, crnlifl& a 28 pme winku
liiR'ak, when conf~5ed Iowa lincbac.ktt intercepts Badgu put and
~;~::-:a::~:!~~~d~~d lOne where he b '-c.k led bl: 1
For tfst Penon Wha
Nov. JO- J ohn ~111 is voted Collece Football Coach o f the
Oc:c. 2- hnuary isaue of Playboy fntuT\'s Joe Narruoth in the
Dec. S- Gov. Vin.:e Lombardi declares hisd isbdld in Santa Cb.us
Oct . 6 - Wisconsin k ailbture abolilhcs Christ~t~~s.
Dec. 14- Popc Paul bshu out at Gov. Lombardi'• policies
Dec. IS- Cov. Lombardi ucommuniatlcs the Pope.
lkc. 22- RoUu Derby becomes Ameriat'l No. l s~clltOr lllOM
fin~~~~:~: :o~':::~!:~J~~:~:~·:e;,~:h~~~::~
~noth~r p3il oi cl13rit)' IOI$fS IO
r~stor~ the nine pOint tdlf with
ByTimSulli>'lnand Randy Wind
IUSS DEFAUW, storting
guord for ih~ Point~r$, gell
set to releose one of ~s 1om·
ous h igh·orching jump shots
during o recent gom~ in the
lieldhouse. DeFouw hos been
consistently oround double
ligures in scori'19 ond h is og Qieuive
· ogoinst White water helped
pove the woy to victory.
!Photo by Mel Glodowski)
Pointers In Action
BASKETBAI..l- Sa!urday at Albert Ln. Minn., Friday and
S•turd~ y. Oct. 27·28, Scloit lloiKI~ y Tou rnament at lleloit Collece.
(l' im Ro.und - Stc~cns !'oint u . Nort h l111rk and St. Ma ry'• vs
; ij :r
JERRY MALLON (221, sophomot~ 1eserve gvo•d ,
grobs o rebound ond storh down court on the gome
ogoinst Whitewoter o week ogo. Othe1 Pointers in
the pocture ore Robbie Wesrphol 13'1. Dennis Ca1·
betty !50·pootoolly hidden!. ond Don Blonc:hloeld !I OJ.
STE\ 'ESS l'OI:>."T
T. Rlt.zentha lrr
i;.,~~~ Htu~al
K. R!tunthalcr
l -1
:a £] ~~
! !:~ !
WcdnC$r..lty, Occ. ll , thf final
entries in the Foul Throw
contrst were complete-d. Results
will be posted tltis"·cek un the
lntramutal bulletin bo~td , ,
Finals in h•nd~ lt wtr~ ltekl
WRF.STUI"f;--Ncxt ""'et Saturdl)', h n. 2S, at l'o'inona, Minn.
GYMNASTICS--Nut meet Wrdnrs<.lay, hn. 8, I!ERI;,
MilwaukceTech"'""'ICoilcge,7: )0 p,m.
ht Nor t h . I n t he
1\nuh.cn Jrd South
bntl'ray4th l:ast andSims 1st
Nunh whlt>l'fd lhkl win h t
B~dminton lU&UC plar will
be compktcd btfo•c fin~ls. "'ith
~~~cr.l;~:off~ to 1x held nw
T~blc tennis playoff~ wiU al$0
b.- held .:conr.l ~muter and
baskttMIJ wjll start th.,. first
S-Ciub Elects
New Officers
The S- Club rlectcd new
officcn for xcond "'muter at
its llcecmbcroucctilll.
Tile new officcn include:
Mack Drodhas cn. tllc$illcnt . a
lcllcrnllln in J;wimrning from
Stucn' !'oint: John S~hicu,
•·iec·plcsidc nt . a lcttrrman in
~ymnastics.from Milwaukct.
Tom 'Ro1p, secretary. a
k:l!trman in s ..•immin& from
Milwau~ee: Ken Killcnthakr,
t reas ure! , a Jc tt er nun in
baY:ctb.JII(rom B~111boo.
Steve Ho•·d. so:rscant-at-arms,
~~e!~~~:~-'Ff~;t ~~~::~~~:~~
mcmbtr-at·l:trgc, ~ lcllctnlan in
Nut to SpOrt Shnp
Plt£S£NTS: The Finutln Live Enlt rlolnmenl
Wishes Yo u a·
Merry Xmas and A
Snappy New Year
Phil Harr·is C r·oup
FREE for a Ouistmas P··es('nt
s .. You atth• Pour Hous Thundor Nightl8-l 2 J
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fo r 20 h oun of wort<
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Stevens Point, Wis.
Hoi Evtrythlnt lot
Pizza Gift Certificate
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2 10 lsodore Strftl
appanntly touched o ff by Wick h ger'• ainllna of the Nation.al liiiiiliiliiii!liii!lliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii~
Anthem to the tune of "Jumpin' h ck Flash".
~~..t;~~u~,~r s~~~'hm',~M!~~-~~:
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Fouled Out: McCrtrt.
SWIMMI NG- Ilcc. 21·29, Collc&t Swim Forum in Ft. Laudtrdak,
Fb. Nut mut l'lill~y.hn. 24, at MleAlc5ttr Collq;e(Minn.)