Wisconsin State ·University Stevens Point j THE POINTER 8 PAGES NO. -22 Six Percent Of WSU Students Have Taken .Drug, Marijuana Po9e '2 Girl'• bel~t .. blllfold «~ntalnln~tlden tlllc:ao tlonand L.u<t - c .. nb . U IOU!lll , t>lfoue retuno to 230 Delull Hall o.. all 341-12:51, O'Ktmalon 2~7. ~ ..-ardoUered. ,UTt:R Dt:CIUING WIUOU was rightside up, thia member or the art faculty hangs one or the works now on disp lay In t he Robert LaFollette lounge in the University Center. (Torn Kujawski P hoto) THE POINTER M arch 14, 1968 Page 3 " Nixon oufshines the rest" Nomll ll ylw U. l!l. SuJihomor~. majortn1: In l'rl.'"law. ' rrom l lall. Urook/lcl!l.l\3&-hm~kle ~~~5;~~~~~ 01 :'~~~:;:~~\~~~:~l%~~!"~~~~;:~y:~~:: ~~:: Li might bl•. OJ th<• IOU!' c'1lndld,<1e$ mentioned Nixon out· "hlne~ the r~M, Is ~,:;l~~~~..!;:,'ll-j ~f~:~'";~~~~·~~~~,~~~~\~~~~~h~! ~e~~~% 1:;'~ hawk : what IJnm portant Is whether th!' m~n has the knowl· P<lgc, ~Hlmlnn ~·nd Jot•thude 10 handle n touchy sh uatlon like \' lc t nam. 1 believe :>;"l~on Is <J lla lllled In thl~ matter. as welt as othen. K"JII'rk'm•(\ dch'rmlna t lon. lcadenh lp abil ity t~;lonct•at pub,lc oplnlonpotb from las! "·eck l nnd per.wna l con•·letlon whkh can sulfl•r defeat and yet not almndon bl'ltcr. 1 r>:l.~on'5 aHribuiU hai'C been ha 5h00 O\'er by J:!'(!RI minds and sma ll: rn05t of the rondu5lon5 a re trlto. Ma n)' fnll to li or u to bellc•·e. tha t NIJCon holds $UbJtlmtlnl l~~~l.mo who 6 '111 be \'Otlng. no t In this w ho will kkp !he country ~aJI\'e" me to no..clect him. I supJIOrt Richard NIJCon Collegiate Notes Tryouts Listed For New Play ., L"" u•ro• TRUTHFULLY, MABEL '11l r«'Northl'mllllnoi'U nl•·erslty('Ol'ds had a lonll elent or waltl'~n tlywhHlthe~;i •·ls wcrelnan>Sidoenoohalleleva tor Tryouts for Flrthu~s. undol'r wh ich ~IOJlJM'tl between the se•·enth and eiJ.:hlh Jloora. Two the direction of Robc'rt &roch, ~~~.,::~"!,'~::e ~;~,t~rf:'rc~;.; ~~~~~~~~~~~n!! ;~Is~ comment ~ .. It wu a wUU! of time and \'l!ry dl5&:u..llnl:." Th11 Norttot m S tar N ol1hern nll not. Vnlv. • will bo! M id Wc<lnesday a nd Thursdoy, M1r. 13 and 14, 1n room 329 or lilt CIRUI'OO!\'I Ctft. ter. at 7:30 p.m. A frate rnity o n the W.S.V...S uperlor ca mpu1 11 hollilnl: a Alltho<le. lnt(!!'(!o ttd 1n tryln11 mini-skirt ~Dn<:'f', with 1dmlulon prl<:'f'l varying att<>rdinll 10 out IIUI)' obtain l<:ripiS from ~~f\,~,h!£~(.;~ ;~nJ.:. The l!lrl with the l horteat s kirt the dr'a ma department , Room Pep~bit W Main. No p!'(!pand rea~ w.s.u..Supertor ~ will be ~ulnd. " Don 'tyot~IOY& todopot 'Tha Vlllo1e'P TheM snockl oro d•llcl· ond tho otmOtJh&ro Is chormln1l" OUI Jlrsltnbtrgrr's . ' 61 atrYitOLn prlan .wrt Lower: thMt any other hill-alia models. l ook I I it. Chevtolel'l <4-door aedan Is room ier than any other Anarlean car eKcept one luKury sedan. Drive ll You telt ,by Its .mooth atMI 1llent ride that Chevrolet quality· runs deep. Buy 111 Get a Chev· role! lnslnd o1 e med ium-priced name and you can have, u y, power stiHirlng, powerbrakesanda radiobesi<Jest pnc.. .Urt lowar than any ott-.er ..W-alaamodala.Obvious l nolhlng's /WiiWMinmld·llteca,. Jhan · hevelle. Tl\oore'sfrnhltrllng, tl'lelon·llood. IJI'Iorl-deck look. There are tw1) lmble· IOOied wheelblllel now-bot on a wider, steadier tread. You ge bl~r power, blg-Qir ride In a q IC k·slte package. No wonde i' Cl\ooveile out5ells ...,..lylhlnglnl tslield. pric11 I U.rt lowa r any othar aconomy car 1 0 gana roualy alud. Novalsblgenoughlora lomityonva· callon, yotitslipsintoparklngspaces othera pass by. With Its new wide s tance and compu ter-tuned chassis, Nova ridesassilentandsteadyascars costing a lot more, and II come~ with the biggest stand ard VS In 115 lleld. Nova'sthenoHoo-smallcar. ~~UIS..•-•P•dallyaqvl,... 's,.orteoupo, 4-DoorSedonorStotionWoeon•l~ rips Ar~ AyaHable For The Poor People Tilt: 1' .\l!r\l'llt:XAUA of a 110t smoker. The round tub<' is a dist>ardcd ~nter of a I'OII ' of bathroom th;SU('. Paper CO\'I.'MJ one t'nd and a marijuana eigurl'tte iR inl!('rtrd in the top. The smoke ill then I drawn through .the open end. In the foreground is tbu' comparison betw!!tn a regular, non.liJter cigarette and the smaller marijuana "jOint." . History Of LSD ·centers ·On Debate Of Effects THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING .. ACCOUNT FOR YOU r BILL'S PIZZA SHOP 1319 WATER -GREEN BEER! 344-9557 AT DELIVERY! ! ! Papa Joe's ALL KIN DS OF PIZZAS COCKTAIL LOUNGE Made To Your Order Saturday & Sunday ALSO FEATURING SANDWICHES TRY OUR 15c HAM SANDWICHES SAUSAGf e BEEF e MEAT BALL Poge 6 I TH£ '<)INTER Menominee Indian -Tutoring Project BriAgs .Reduction rn F~lling .Grades SUMMER SHIRTS DRESS SPORT CASUAL KNIT Moren 1<4; 1968 Placement OP,portu nities SPECIAL PURCHASE FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS: MEN 'S LONG SLEEVED White Turtle Neck Shirts now $547 ON SALE AT: GI.<SN IS IIOL.\1. of Phi Beta Lambd•, .... '""~;, ..., '" " "' I· . --~'------------- BUILD'S HOMES AND INCOME ' UNITS . COMPETITIVE E5TIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION OR COST! COMPf ETE PLANNING AND DESIGN SERV ICE . 100% l FI NA NCI ~G ON YOUR LOT · OR WILL A5S IS~ YOU IN LOCATI NG A SU ITABLE SITE. Phone Or Wnte· """~ Payle~l~ Ch~~~~: Store GUARAN~EED ~~~1 ''::*ant~:u,~ll~ia~ ~i::~t:ir.j~~~~rdw~~~~~ J=~ ~e!~~ a~~h~au'~~i~l; Bembenek. (Bob Holdeu Photo} GUARANTEED HOMES I South 0" Sl , HOMES ~ J 4~~~~JJDIVISI~~E~~~~~~ 9s~~v!~ :~~~·N~ 1 \1~~~~.1M. ~ ~ ~-------------o l }..'""'--=---\...;.._ ________ ~=~ Morth 14, 1 9~8 THE POINTER Point Swimrners Finish S(:cond · In Conferertce Swimming Meet Sports 'n Shorts .. ~,\ S 1'11t: Cr\1\II'US raged ovC'r the "swcathog'"' controvcr~;y . .th<'sC' dainty maidens frolic k<'d in the first spring mud puddlr: their first chance after t hc, lottg WSU winter. {Vicki Neal Pho to) ENTERTAINMENT! TO FIND OUT THE REAL DIFFERENCE IN LIFE INSl,IRANCE CONTACT DAVE DEHLINGER Tht Mon Who Wt0r Tht "BLUE CHIP" AT p·ou~ COMING THIS THE HAUS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . .• The Grapes of Wrath THE BLUE CHIP IS A SYMBOLE OF " EXCELLENCE" AS IS Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance CALL DAVE DE.HLIHGER AT 344-8082 ANTHONY J. STRACKA, General Agent CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE Hortford, Coftn. St. Patrick's Day Party SUNDAY FREE BARREL OF GREEN BEER STARTING AT 7 P.M . Lorge Selection of Me n' s & .Wome n's Moca Prices Stort et $3.99 SHIPPY SHOES Corner Mo ln & Woter