Regents Approve Black Center Plan

Regents Approve
Black Center Plan
A bbct l l udtnl social and
culc.ual c.:nltr wu approvedfor
WSU·Whit~wattr at the ~nl of
RtiJtnu· meeti111 h.ekiTu~ay,
F~b. 18. in ~bo.liwn.
pruident William Carter and a
aroup of b lac:k students,
~mbrrs of !he So<::icl y of
Afro·Amerka ns. rc:questN that
such 1 center be u tablished.
Pr u idenl Caller told t he
DiS.'Ussion on the prOf'IOte<.i buainns committee of the
enrollment ~Uin,.s and llle Rraenu l t his facility would
rkction of omens abo ,.·ere not ududr non-bllck scudrnts
amon1 t he other topics acled but ntller everyone would be
ab1e to view bbek art and
upon by the Rt~~nu.
:~~~~e on display in the
In 1 policy m;.tina decision,
the ReJrnts t.Jid blld:
socialand eultur:al~ntrnroukl
be rstablish~ in stud~ntunlons
The Rracnts dlscuued !he
if !hell: c.:ntrn w~r~ open to aU
and were under the supervision proposed eruoUmcnt ceitinas
.of the unionaovernina .bo3ni whkh woukl be pbccd on the
andt heuni•·nlity presio.lent.
UW S>"st cm. For euntple.
A requtst for such a Ct"nter WSU.Qshtosh would have an
cai11C' from Whitc.,.·ater "'"here: enrollment ccitins of 15.000
Simon Will
Piano Recital On Tuesday
" The> man
1eh liORit of
tht best reviews in thc rountry"
will plly a c•i:.l•>O •~dtal Tuuo.hy
night , Mar. 4,asp.nt of theArts
ThJt's ho.,.· $Ciin director
Jack Coh.:ln idcntif~i Ab~y
Simo n. who will prrfocm the>
worts of Bct!hovcn. L.lsLI and
Ra1·d btJinnlnK ~~ 8 in the
Fitldho uw.
Tickets will~ o nt.Jleat the
door. sl\ldelll.l .,..jU be admitlcd
wich thcir"udtnt \D's.
Simon is a p10feuor of piano
11 the Unlvtrsity of Indiana in
f:' ~~~~~
B9rn in New Yol k Cicy. he
was ei&hl )"nrs okl .,..~n he
ceceiv~ a ll.'holarship from the
Curtb l ni!it ute of Music in
l'hiladclphia . By ~c nin~t~~n
he had won th~ oo•itled Water
Award and n11de his debut at
t ~ Town llaU of New York.
tic h~ tn1·cl~ around t he
world chc.oe tinw:s and civen
nurl)' !00 oon~rts on sh
ronl incnt s. Between 1\150 and
1960 II•• lrvN in G~ncva.
s ..·iueri;tnd . and wocl.:cdiOiely
Cohan 1nd Charles Goan of
tht WSU facull y h.Jvt sh>ditd
under Simon~~ Indiana ~n~ llis
r~tumto t hc; Unit<:dStatu.
Simon has rc:cdved much of
Ills publlcity fromthrNtw York
repoM~ :
"Som.:thinc of a cuh h.Jsbun
bWlt aroundhimby thosr inthc
know . Tile audicn~e (";I""'
tnowinc in ~dvancc thai Mr.
Simon would play impeco:~bl)'.
ll.'nsilivcly. :unoolhly, clq~ntl)'.
Evtryt hlng on the prDp"am
dcmou51rated pianismand sheri
cont rolofamicaculousorMr.
Wh1k based m Gencu he
bolstered th~ daims wllich were
to be made lfter his ret urn to
the United SIIICS. Simon won
t he Eliubcth SpraiJuc Coolidge
Medal and citat ion for beinttlle
oul ilandint Amerinn con«rt
:uti~t in Europe:.
Point Blank
341· 1251
b t. 235
studenl5 while here 11 Stevens
Poinl the ctilina: would be:
II ,OOOstudents.
The Resents fll'ntalistoften
questions to !he roordinatin&
council on hicher ~ucuion
(CC II E) co n cer ning t he
Some questions included o n
t he lis! is whc:thtr theadoplin&
ol the$C enrollment oeilinp
muns !~abandonment oft hc
state's Ions time fn:~om of
choice polity for nudcnu in
telectillJ I~ Khoolt hey wish to
attend . Anot her question Is
wllcchcr thesr proposed ~mits
• rcaademicallydcsirablcorwill
this limit !he dcvdopmcnt o f
hi&h qualit y~uacion 1nd will
!he 1doption o f t hesr proposed
limit1 chan&e dral!icaUy chc
admiuion policies aUowinc only
!he best students to enter t he
inslitutionof chcirchoicr.
Et~~cne W.
nect'SSilali"' !he elc~c ion of a
ne10· pccsidrnt. Regent W. ll.oy
lo:0\11'. l'lrUcvillc. wu dcctnl II>
su~Cffd Murc>hy as prcsi.h·nt.
With. Rr1tnt Kui>P SUCNtdinM
Mu rph)' as pccsid.:nt II~<·
vkt>·pn:sidcncy was \dt v~canc
and this wu fitkd b)' Mikun
NeshckofEik hurn.
Elcc ccd to rct>re~ nl the
Rcctnts on rhc CoorJinati"Counril on Jlighn t:du~.<~c ion
wu Nocman Christi:lnwn of
Roher!$ . Regen! Kopp u
prcWcntof t hcbo3TillppOinttd
D~vid II. Hennen of l'urtaKc as
chai r man o f !he buikllOJ
commiu cc. 1o hn J. l)!li.On of
Ap pleton as head uf chc:
eduutiun r:omnnth·eandSiinto
the bnlintM> connni ll~c.
lnochcraction,1hc Rcgents
approved In amcndm~nl to the
student o.lisciplinal)' guidelines
wh i r l! woukl Give to t ile
preUdcnr of t he universit y chc
po"'"e( IO~ptiDint a hnrin&~l:tRI
in t~KS lnvolvillJ disciplinuy
3t lkln t:d:tnacainststudents.
The Rcaents al110 IJiprovo.l ~
or plomotions for the
various universities. Twent y
ra~ul!y memben her~ wccc
amonc t ha tc rcctivinc
Also ccceivi~ tile Resents'
approval was thc•reeptanceofa
study IJOUp's rcf'IOn o n the
fuUbility o f c:slab lishlnJ a
schoolof vetcrirury medicine a!
WSU·Rh·cr Fa lls. 1 Rcceivi111 the
Rtt;ents' appronf." the rc:porl
nowcocs to theCCIIE for their
considention. If it is approved &roup,it will ~ chefirsc
colkcc o f
thestl tt .
~trrinary ~dkine
Dlaon Propou l
Jo hn Dixon, rqent from
App leton, propoted at the
THE 1968·1969 POINTER aASKETBAll SOUAO- [front row. l to R). Don
Bl(lnchfield . Jeuy Mallon, Run Defouw. Jtlf)' Siewert, Quinn Vanden
Hevvel. Bob Henning. Second row- Te11y Amonson, Tom Rrllentholcr,
· Bob Wcslphol, Co·captoin M•ke Hughes. Co·coptoin Palmer Clements,
Ken Ritlen!holer. Denni s Cor berry. and Coach Bob Krueger. Stevent Point
currencly has on 18 -4 season mork ond ployed o t Eou Claire lo st night
w ith o chance to tie Stout lor the WSUC champ ionship . De Fovw, Hughes,
ond Clements o•e the o nly scnian on thi• yeo1"s squod.{l;\et Glodowski
Student Senate Choses Electors
Of Teaching Excellence A~ard
The Stud•·nt Scnat.· has
ckcted twelve Sludrnu wllo ,.,.ill
sc:r~c ~5 dc~lun in choo>i ng the
recipknc of t he F.xcdkn.: c in
Tuclnng Award.
M~llnji: o n l'eb. 20 . .the
s~nalc aho nominared t1J1hl
instruclors who. al<llll with
nominees from each of !he
11 n i v.., r s i'l y ' s ~call c n1 i c
oJcpartnM'niS, will hcditiblc fa•
Arcordinl to a l~t of
rerommendalio nt o n maldng
this award t hat was prcpa•ed b>·
RAPTS. the cr iccria for iielectinc
the ou t sl a ndi nc in5t ructoc
shoukl be u follows: " Trachill&
ability. By !his is munc t he
suect'llof tile instructor bot llin
and ouc of the classroom, in
sc:cufinc interest, effort. and
progress on the pari of the
stu d ent. The primary
considerat ionlsthat &tudenturc:
scimulatcd to hid! standards of
scllobnhip, to active inceruc in
:~~:g~ 1;~;~~!~~~~.rffoll
The foUowinc is the list o f
student ek:cton chote n by th~
Senate: Linda AJecjord , r.aul
Bro wn. Mike Durkin. Audrey
J oh n son. Ervin ~czynski.
~~=n~~~~;1 ~~~~c:~~· ~1c:~
SchUlin&, Srott
((l:~:~i~ll~ iso::nSu:,:~~~~ ~~~·h~~=;y;~:~u:hh!~~t,-:~~ ~~~Ul~sdlc:m~;!:ecl r=~~\~ Wa¥~~icliwdve
Flip Will Determine
WSUC Playoff Site
l'rovidcd the l'ointen bul l:u Cbire Wedl'll.'sday, thl'y will meet
history ~n•l Alhcrt J . Croft . Wis,onsin Sh! c
Govcrnrncn ls ~ampus !elations Sco ul , co<hampion of the WSUC. in a pbyo ff &.>~'~'~~' to o.ltttl1n]ne
l'rn\OnS winnen of this director pnd junior ~~Cnator. whu will mer ! I he Independent ch~mpion of Wisconsin oollc&tl fm
award ~rc MicMd Fonune Wally Thiel. hasannouncN his tlletlgllccoaota che nacion~lmettin Kans:rsC•ty,.\llssouri.
( l \165). Gl'\lrgc Hrctcr (1\161) Stnen5 !'o int dclcg:acion to til~
The.- pbyoff same wich the Blu;.• !Xvils would bo: pbycd ~~ cicher
winter gcnccal alllicmbl)' of the
and O liver t\ndrcws (1 <,1611).
Scoulor herc,dependlngwho,.·ins l hccoinflip.
Mr . ltobcr l Powless. !he head
In !he independent playo ffs. St. Norbcrl me l Cutll~~c 11 Kenosha
of !'RillE . Program for
Tw en i )' · I WO s t udc 11 U and l>omini<.:an of R.a~inl' played at L:lktbnd , hoth on ~tonda>·
Rc cuc nit. i ng I nd i vidu a l rcp r cscn lin g a t
Octc rnti nati on throu&h LtCro~onFcb. ·28andMu. l evening. The winners then met at the Brown County Arena in Green
on Tuesday, with the winnr1 o f chat unc ulan~; on !he WSUC
f.du~Jii<>n. •poke to !he Senate .will beddending l heaward t hey
andappuk:d for support of hit lt'ct-ived for tllf ouutandint: champ.
If Stucns Point loS!~~ F..Du Cbire. Stout "''On !he crown ovtri£ht
dckcation at t hr Eau Cl~ire
I' Rmf., ccnlcred at chis cencral as5embly in NoHmbcr. l ndwill"""et theindcpendtnl ~hampiunonS:tturd,)'c•·eniflll.
c~mpus. lsa pilol project in the
state . II is a oombi.nation of t he
UpwacoJ Bound pr~m and the
tutor inaprosra mstllisunivcrsity
is curTCntly ronduclil\l in Wood
and Mtnomin« counliu.
Several reprc:.~~;ntatives o f
LUV . (Let Us Vote) an
OrJaniJ:in& national poup
111pporti141 t he idu ofsuffrasc
at the ace of 18, introduced
their o rpniu tion to theSenatc
and requested Senate suppOrt .
Am<:rian India Ill in nort llrrn "f.asc·l n." It ,.,.ill bo: an eight hil!h tchool o.liplama isKtnenlly
The Senate's public relations Wiscon>in will be the full to week summer oourse for 25 noc as well pccparcd ~~ the
Indian youths. soniC' o f whom non·lndian hJch Khoolgnduate.
:~t~'for r~p~:~~~~!~'1ro~ ~c:f!~'ui~Ysce~;~sl'oii~; s~~: ,.·ere in "Upwud Bound"' here Bur "'lrh rcducN oollqe ~ds
ca n•p us o rcaniutions. The pro1nm for t he: economically l u i summer. who seck and pr c ·co ndir ionin&. t he
mcctinc today is ! lie fir&t of a and culturally disadvantaGed , preparation for arollqc~Jrccr. minorit y Sludcnu nn alleviate:
The 18·)'eat-okls wifl take m~n)" of !heir deficiencies,"
President Lee Sherm~n Dceyfus
ccmedia\ daues • nd probably l'owlessupbmcd.
Commit!~ chairman, Ma rk
ann011nced today.
lkc~uiiC of a cuthact insutc
Dahl, said that !hesc: med inp
Pride will ~ emphasized as one three-credit univcnity 1....-rl
courte foe credit. Atthccnd of funds. liOmc "Prc~autionary"
~~~~i:~lan~ff!c~~:e th~::d:: :~~~~~~~:n~.reh:u~~ !~~o ~~~~ t he ri&ht weeks,coun:~Cion ..;n a uhunc.- h.: had planned ,
sovcrnmcnt will rc:sult ."
term wiU be Utl'd in idtntifyifill help Chern decide if they should inr~ndcd to assure the> >"Outh$'
ooncinue ac \\'SU in the fall or ooncinuacion in the uni~rrsity
l r )'?::l
tnroU in 1 voc:alional and level. wt rr dtOPI"'Il from th~
cechnialschooltolcarnatradc. pbns.
Those who continue at WSU
llc will \0"01~ "'"ilh a 530.000
stutlent orpnllallons wtU be
Roben l'owle1s. an Oneida will have tlucc: options:
non1lOI"trnment bud~et rovcrinc
rcprc$Cnled II at lead one o f Indian ori&inaUy from Green
11\is ~mnler'smcetinp. .
Bay who joined !he faculty i;!&t
che fall serne~cr and year at WSU.
an~ens•:n!~:asup~!;id':n~. Sr~~:\ &~;j~' tc: M t::ata, ·~~~~~ durin&
Powk:s.s is ronfidcnt funds
woct eiJht co ccn hours per
will be rellorcd so he tan
Sc:hillin&, wiU sprlk 1ttod1y's mrmbenofllisownrate . ..·illll'! "''«k;
2. To uke niM ~rediu and ex pand PRmF to hrlp 1 la~er
n you start work 10 ·;
segmen t o f Wisconsin's
reprcsc:ntativel and fll'IUIOrJ on prasrams like tllis, interested
J . Or to take six ctTdits and und c rpriviltgcd . Aflcr
various topics.
people 1nd groups w:ant you to
bc employNbctween l S and20 llcvclopinJI ,.· h:~l he call$ 1
wdl.ruundtd prDt;ram for 1M
T h e Uniled Council of be aU thin&s to aU men. A solid houn weekly.
l'owless uid rost for tuition. l ndi~M. his 11aff "''ill compile
croundwork mu$1 be byrd
room and board foe o ne yur 1$ dct~ikd pllns to bccin assist in&
Stevens Point To Expand Aid
For Area's Underprivileged
':~ '!~!b~~~ Sc~!f,:: :~~ ;~~~~~t ~~tc~~~~:~~~
~-=::~c:r'~n:;;~~~~ w~!e~~clti:: ~!;r~~~tativ~ w~~n~1~~11>t:: ~;~"'..i::aiti~:.n.s ~;~te~uU~~P:U ~~!;~!! l'.~~t~~~.ion."
"behina chc Auoe" ThuuGay, Friday and S•turday, some students
mlJhl wanc to belt the books. Pecn C. Meli:nrd
s tudents to riot, lil·in or strike
be dcdared sufficient pounds
~o; d~r,::-:,1. !.':~~r ~0 ~~
Fredri<;k Knmpk, ~n of Learnli'IJ Resources, uid that t he:
library staff is pru:nlly tllkina llatisli(:l o n the number of people suspension of a faculty ~mber
usincthc: library acdifferenttimc:s. Thc:statislicsukcnliOfar_donot ~k~=t~~~cir:st~e~i:r·~~f~
judif)' an u ttnsion of libnry hours.. Kremplc stat~ th.Jt •f more class.
scudcnts usrd !lie library on Sunday nighu, !he houn would be
Dixon tho asked f01 • faculty
code wllkh would ' include !he
T hc:addrdupensc:ofrx tenlkdhours, duc to t he oouofbuildlna non~ncourtsmcnt o f ttudenl
maintenance. SC:C\lfity men and monitors, would o nly be a minot politics by faculty mcmbcn,
problem; howi'Yn, t he added cost would still hue to be justified by
scudentattendancedurlnJ t~tehours.
redpii:nt of the award . There
willbealotal of 35tlectors.
The eiJh ! instructou s:;:!~.:i~~
Tho~s McCaiJ,cdutation;A ivin
loa~· r~~~;~~:'lro~\ rr~.Ja;~~:m~ ~~~~ m >"~~t~~l;n .:~~~"'fus~
~~m"a!'00(~· F'::~~i~~~ :::~:;~ ~f~~~j ~~~~~ b!~wec~ PR!!>AEsdircs!~·
J ose ph Wood h. po liti cal
$Cicn«: Mark Cates. political
sciuc:e; Robert II. ZkKtr,
..•.~,. , ,.,,.., 'RoyaI Hunt Of Th e Sun'
Gcnld Burlina. Pwch&sin.l A~ent, slalcd that ! he Slate of
Wisronsin pays the ad ministntive and academic telephone bill includifl& equipment rent1ls, mainlentnee, swilchOO.rd equipment
(doesnotindudcopc:ratorl'salu'y)and t hekmc d istancealb ofthe
admillistnrionand lat~~lty.
The residence htlls pay p&rt o f t heir own telephone bill lhrO!llh •
, ''tei!:Wutinina fund." Part or che lludents' room rca 10 towuds
thtfuM .
The phone bW for !he -419 lelephones on campwr nnaes from
S2800 to SJSOO per month, or about SJO,OOO per
Hew loq • the Jill -tmetobl S~t'f'tDI Pulnt If one falb to pi)" 1
O.e doUar !*kin& tlc:Rll A poorttudefll.
. The knath o! tbc }IU tenlen« Is delennlned by the indi.,idual
judae. Howeortr, t heaVCI'qeKntencowouldbeaboul fi>tedays..
:.:~::. -~~;::.~~·:.:'
n;;,s~~d ~5oo"~tc~c'h ,~~;~~~ ~~~~kan~~~~ r:~h~~"Ntt:~nt
"Weaboarcdelerrnln~ to l~kc rarnin&s
wiU be ~cdilcd to hb
There: arr abouc 10 Nl'gl'o
0 N t wednesday r::~~::,':~.~~':;~::::~~
1 pen ex
Cinema Arts sc:r!!'.~e;,~-t~YR~~!rit~nf:1 ::!illii':ci:,wr:~o~ld w~ld := ~~~~": ~:r~hil.:rkc~! ':n~~~
All o f Dillon's
Who P•Y• !he telephone bill for t he tnt~ Wlivalityf How much 1eferrN IO Rccenll o f(icestaff
Will Present
French FiIm
Cinema Art• presenu "List
r~ ~ ~ic~:;n!!'1!!o~
1D or1Scenlafornon•udenls..
A review by Grrhllde
BJornaon o f the Enalbh
dcpartmc:ntisonpqe t wo.
~':.:~ f~ow! t~1r~,:~~I111J
lle recommends In about a
t he Sun," will open on new, u dance, mime, mask ancl
Wednesday, Mar. S, and 11111 eloquence are used co relate t)~e
about live Y"tlln"IIU IJOUPS o f
Ncaroes. Tllit "one at 1 time"
Mn Popinis, Midr.u l tbrpcr
oonquuer Piu.rro; lbr~, I
Powlr• heads three uistin&
projects plus 1 new one to be
!he production which Is about
the expedicionsof thc Spanishin
!he lind or the l nc:~~s under
depllt111C'nt •nd director or Peter
Shiffer's play, sUd t he Ioiii
tb e &tfe
d escr ibes
lh il
chlcf who OP.PDII!II Piuf!O; 1nd
McGovern will play Martm R\flz
wbo is !be tl!llist,tbcnmllor
whotellllhllt the&dvenlurewu
• real part in t he c:onquut of
The mlin supponin& adon in
the play wW be lama Fisbcr u
WS U 11 ud e nt volunleen
tnnlin& weekly to Menominee
and Wood counties 10 t utor
summer .. Upwud Bound"
acth'ity beld on campus. All are
federa l ly funded. His new
procnm will be ~intdy
wpported uDder the lrtle of
~l~!!~~::·r~~!~i~ :~~~. p;:~~~~;·
n:ccive PRIDE
s:: r~~:~::; :ifi~~~:~i~~=
I:::i:C:heMk!t~'!'ol!·~r ::'':,':'r:/~,::;~·.;~~~ pulc~~~:~rtect~~~:~mitivolve
acrounts; mnt rib11tions from
private business wiU defray the
&nnll of SI.OOO from large
oorporations in t he: slate and
wme foundalio ns in scallered
pansaf t hcoountry.
All hoUJh panicipants in chis
studci!U hcu from metrOf'IOlitan
cities .,.·ho have made t heir own
frnancial am~ngcmrnn on an
indi1·idual basis. Pow lcn
emph.Jsizcd lhrte yo uths will be
wcko rne in his pra&nnn if they
desire to ta~r advantaJe of t he
t utor ial or counKiinJ assistance
and loans andcrants.
Powless plans to assian t ~m to
Iuton who will help them
di'Yelope ~If-discipline In sludy
habits and aid t bcm in course:
Bccaute 10 per cent of au·
ooUCJe and univerUty drOf'IOIIU
arererordcdal thccndof the
first a:mester ire school, Powless
says he will eaert rriuch of his
time rryifl& to keep thil hi&h
mortltity nle from his prOJl'lm.
"Our philosophy is: t he
minority poup Audc:nt with 1
a job. lit hOpelcstablisllment of
pn:~hool and cnlarcefTK'nt o f
lutorioll prasnms elemcncary
t hrough hili;h sc:hool·qed you! hi
in low income hoi11C's will m;.ke
the m swarc of chc:ir pat~nliab
andmolivate t hem tostrlvcfor•
beuerlifc t hrOUJhcducation
Po~k:ss ~~~ lhrec advisory
tomm1Uees will be Aimed lOOn
. to diScuss P~IDE &di?itiu.
They will m .,olve fac:u.lty
membe.n, lluden!'• 11111
oommunrl)' reprttenllltves.
lle cu~nlly isscek intbloct
:;;:::~~~. ~~:~~t~g~r ;;~ .~.~~ coaV~Wt h,! !~~n.~\1o~."!f
" The people who oeek
·A Review
coerce loyalty are the people who fe~dom. "
-- Carey McWillia,..
'last Year at Marienbad
.Co~centfates on Emotions
P1ndoxieally, Res•uis usc:,
the elaborate ~llins (the film
was shot in the Bavarian cut Its
of Nymphenbura. Schlciuhrim,
Am a licnbu r l) •nd th e
rompUca ted time 5equcncc in
o rder t o suaaut t he
spac:e lcssneuand timelessnc s.sof
intcnsccmotion~ l exptrien «.
Spa tia l rulil)' becomn a
Jtbytinth: the ume dootway
lives ICCI'SS 10 diffcrcnii OOmS,
the umc Sllluc re1ppean in
diHcrent sites of the park ,
nothinl it Albic and « rUin tn
thc5dlinJ. The division between
pHI and present iscomplttcly
blurr ed by constant fluhbatks
a nd almo st , but no t quite,
idtl'ltiealn:pctillons;infacl , t ht
rccoutru ct ion of 1 'rut'
chlono lo&Y beOOIMI 'irllull y
Thrilling Cities-
J ohn Di~ott , a stale un iversity regent from Appleton,
was aJII>O intcd a t the last regen t meetin g to head· the
regent's cdura ti 011 rommittce.
E.ntlicr in the day, Dixon. to the .same education rom·
mittf!i'. presented three proposals which he hoped might
be tllrned into action.
Dixon's three propos:~ls as repor1 ed in the Mi/wou kee
J ournol ro nce med new rules for facult y beha\•ior. He proposed thnt:
A fm·ulty membcr't acti\·itict which cn n clearly be in·
terJ>ro lcd as inciting J ttulcnhl to rio t, i trike or 11it-in be
dcclnred surril'icnt. ca uscfordismi88111.
Nonnttendnn ro at cla$SC!i by 11 fa ru lty men1ber for t ho
purpose or pnrticiJlllling in sit -ini or picke t linn be de-cl:art!d tu fficien~ renson fo r su5pcnsion.
Do\·oting clnss room time to di&e ussion of ca mpus unrest Md rn rn pus politics be declared inappropriate proce<lure.
These proJKl8Dis appea r to The Pointer as an incredible
infringement upon arndemic fre«l om. Jo'ort unately, M r.
Qixon's propollllls were t.nblcd nnd circumven ted , mainly
by the eUoris of S te\·ens Point'• Regent Mn ry William._
Dut t his ac tion wAs take n before Dixon was aJipointed
to head the educat ion oommittre.
We since rely hope, now that Regent Dixo n hns more
power. thnt he will not misuse that J>Owe r in puahing for
an On-Ame rica n dominntion of t he right of academic freedom 11nd free &pcech and ac tion.
The Editoriol Boord
GoufA!fM Sf4AJ.4,
---, "Jol£
Tiiuana ·Offers Astute Traveler
Blankets, PoHery, Booze and .••
BySrottSc:hu lle
ln lhenu l OOUj>ll'of w«ka.
The Poinln wiU futwe artldu
• ·riuen to.u h'e lhene..ho flhe
many J!llderUJ who ln~e 1M
llate evuy Euttr In sta rch of
romantic placfll lo rgmp. ru t
and frolk:. firJI hand aCCOW111
will W slnn about nt'W and
udtina: cities fo1 1hose who
arelookinllfor tomflhinll belln.
~~e~:t~r··;:~ra::~!t~.::t:~~~~r Black Student
Clarifies Role
chanctcr in order to record the
A cloud of du st i" uu the
~~~:, ~~~~ le t e!~~:~~!
~~.~~!~· :ru~~ ~·ur~~~-~~~tt~
~'!r~:~~ ~n~~~!~~:nfft :~::
the ouuklru of the wikl and
conuonuiol border !ow n of
Tijuan1. Mt•ko. All wo1ds have
describ«J the town,andn ot one
perton return iiiJ ca n remain
neutrat to the •·ividbsd nation
the tow n usts. lt has We n ea Unl
t he"Anci lyof t htwo rhl " and
''!he workl's moSI vi~tcd ciw:'
~~~~ statcmcnu m~y wdl he
and lime - tho..: of drums,
perhaps,orof-mory, thoseof
anyerfet1ivelife",accordin&I O
s.cript-w riter Abill RobbeG rillcL
In 1 11 enormous baroq ue
hotel with innumcnble rooms
de co rati o n s move s an
a nonymoul 'hl& h 10ciety ,'
OcCl.lpifd with dancing, ean:ls
and polit~ co nv~r s;a t ion .
Visilors must W fOfcwamcd
of x~en l l hinp; tb~ l will happen
to them in Tituana. l' irSI of aU.
! heJ rinaow ill bcu.uiltd by lhc
most awcso rm :os.scmb l tt.l~;e of
pc:ddkn that he has ew r
encoon tcrcd . From the srnallcSI
convince a woma n tha t they 111ft
!~;~~:~ ~~ ~~~e:'h~:gstlo 11~~:
they had aCJecd to ao away
Three fi&nres
The go\·ernor rame out of the interview sounding like
a pseudo Joo ~lcCo r th y.
The demonst rations, he !l3id, were caused by "some
insidious influences" who Wllnt to "o\·erthrow what they
\~:C~~;· ,'oo~~- fo~inl~':fzes 1 ';:!
'la stycarinMarie n ~d'andlha t
r~mc mbu : lhe other man (m),
pe rhlps her husband , seem1 to
res1raialle1 fromka vi r~~.
~~:!ug~o~~~~t~-ou~r:" ·~~~~·~!;~
bat..n rs and
thr oll!l h the
~hop s
nli lcs
sort ing
of junk
TH E POI NTER's onl y world.wide correspondenrondii:>IT'boyont mon oboo t town,
Sc:n11 Schutte, is shown obove doing •e•eorch wo1 k in Tijuono, Mex ico. Sc:oll did
no l report to us e xactly who! he wos borgoinir>g for with the locol busineu womon. However, he did <eport tho t Mar io wos mos1 helpful. [Mike Oominows·
~ i Photo!
~~: ~~~;::a:~,t!c d~~~~~~~~ o~:~:C~nti~:~: ~~=~nl:r~~ ~~~~1l~~~}af;!s !r\:~~~;(~
a "hard core of radicals" who "condone l'iolence" and will p1omp1 them to play 1 full
"110metimes it is almos t n conspiracy."
·number. Dog racinJ, coook fir,hu
flue~~~.~-~~ePt~ti~::~~i~e:s ~:hh~~:e ~~a:h:e ·~~~~~d~o:; ~f~~e~'~f:7!j'~:~~~~~Ef.
Nl&ht Life
Night and th e ci ty ~~
Tijuana. Neo n as lhe bars
ope n for business. Drinks ~~~
r~pr::nsive bnl the cnte rtai nmenl
is as wild :li s:.ilor woukl hope
for . At ten the prostitutes invade
and the b~rs brai n to filL Miles
and miluofthe JCw) \ninglpoh
offer a number of uncom mon
lravdina t ~co stands PfOVid~
~~t:ic~0\1.::~~ lahna~ [:':!~:'!Jt:~'i~
and danterou s to eat. The ail' is
ow nd by the dust in Tiwma
t~~~n;~·:~~~::~;<h~:~~~ i~~=~i:~ used to pride :~ ~~h.,c~:O:.r~ adic':."!e.:;:
' himself as being known as "The Education GoYemor."
Now he has fallen to the witch-huntin g techniques of
Cordon Roselei p.
_Kn o_wle~ nnd other reactionnries cannot ge t it out of
the1 r mmds that there might be liOme sort of international
ro nstlitncy afoot (and it might even be Com mun ist ! ) . They
also d~>·ell on the outsidl' inOuence. The governo r a nd
othenJ cn nnot bclie1·e thnt anyone rai!!Cd on whole fresh
Wisconsi n milk ca n be disrupth·e in nny way.
Unfortunately, while nil this may seem amusing in a
bla~k humor so rt of way, the actions the go\·emor and
legJS]atora can take concern ing the budget, faculty conduct codes, limitation of out-of·st.ate enrollment and so
fort h may ultimately be disastrous for education in Wisconsin.
Bill McMifll'n
- - - - --
- - --
Letter Policy ·
IhLfll..iD1u wtloomu lclle11to the editor on any •ub~ct. Letters
type-written, double-s~ccdand limited to 2$0
. Anonymou• lellenr w~ l not be pri nted, ho•·nn , namu will be
~~~~h;~ !'7t :t::::.~ndr;,'-' ~~~~~1 :~~:Jht:S':::"~~c r:'~c~:: :~:
leucr. thebe ller iuchancfllfor publicatlon.
== ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
The Pointer
W isconsin
State · University
The black studen ts at Whi tewa !cr who requested a social and cultural center received such a cente r by
a recent policy decision of t he Board of Re gents. Both
the black students and the Regen ts should be praised for
their ability to sit down and dik-ui!B each othe r's problema.
Tho black students might have engaged in destructive
acta thereby ll89uring themselves of not a;etting a black Pboto
Collqe Ave., 344 -oJ H
· center.
This however was not the ease. The black students Jat llu.atn-.~LoweUBt.n~ 1700Collqe.Avw.., S' '-<I!Slt
down a nd talked at Je'ngth about thei r problems to the
Kt. Dua Bcoullhan, lDiormatJon 8cnioM, l::r.L tiT
'The Regents, in tum, listened and made the right and
profl'M8ive decision by a11owi ng t he eatablistunent of the ~~~~~~~~ center. The regents have now finally committed
tbem8e!ves to a policy of !01terin1 understanding between
black atudeats and their fellow •tuden t.a.
Paul Jan ty
I OJ~ Ihet ' ft~rwaitina a yea r: the
wom~n (I) cilher d~ not
rern~mbcr or dbcJ not want to
Everythir~J c:anbtbarplnc d for
GO\._ Wnrren K nowles 1\'115 intcrYiewed in this wrek's
U.S. N f'u·t and World Report about whnt he fell the
cause h nd been of th e recen t campus demonstrnt ions in
!~::n,!~on&j 0 ':ttea:~: : I~
The olhe r fact to kno• · is th.;J t
nolhina for salr shoukl he
boug ht
and obuined at a lowrr oo!ol
than advcr! Ucd. Equip~d with
lhc$e hcts and di.Kri mi nal;nJI
tutc, the shopper c.:~n •-omc up
wi':::.'J:3 rr~c:~~c:ion is the
center of the t o wn ·~ nir.hl life.
DurinG the day it is crammed
on this type of individual whose purposes apparent ly in\•oil-a subversion, revolutionary tendencies and tactics."
. Therefore, the go\·emor suggest.s full -scale invnt iga·
!Hms ~ ho_uld I_~ ronducted by "the people in the military,
mo·~~~~~~~y In ~~~~~;!n~~~
co ncept of the film n 1
rynacstbelic experience ; it i1
addruKd "directly to the
R~'urrill& rmn.ical leit motifs
and the strum-of<OIU(:IO\ISllei.S
oommentarin spo ken by the
stranacr (x) ud the women (A)
undctlillelhe rhylhmicA ru t1ure
of the film u a n cording of a
oomplu emotional u~r ience
thl'o111h th~ simultaneous use of
lmaa~. music, and word . In thts
repect, Resntis oonsiden tho
fi lm to be a lcaitirna t ~ succr!&Qr
o f the opera - u a rt i~t k
ntfdlum which tbo " rivn fora
total sy nauthetlc d fcct.
As for t he r~~pt io n ill
Madbon. I think the poor
:.=r-o;!bli~~!t.4 ~r:~heeqt~~~t
and l hadnoldu that thepubtic
ornen Uniwersity officialsw~re
invited or cxpec:tcd to be there.
Alfor ruMin&the tOIChb~ck
10 St~~n.s Point bcin& a "bi&
joke." How can yo\1 judae
without luvilllt•kc n pm. Paul
Pit:kln. and n~ n John Griffith
(1om WSUS nn lhe Torch, whm
lhef dkln'l haw~ to. I am sure
But the stra nger insiAs. and
flom the woman's respo nses
which clunae from amu xmcn t
lo growina anxiety and ter ror
and fin a ll y c ulminate in
submilosion . In ttJ.c end the two
leave loacthcr through th e
~~de n , • hi&hly formal park
appears to be aco nlinuat io n of
the: ind oor J« ne and whic h
promises little chance for thot
lovcnr to ~scape a worhll ot3 Uy
cutofffr om1ralit y.
~r Editor.
If yo u rrad Thl' Poi nt er Jut
sliahtly m11ltd by so me of the
statements in the art ic le on lhr
black nudcnu here. It lsonl)'
fai r to Jti i C tlut the n udfnt
in t crvicw~d did nol speak for
the elllire bbck medi:r of thr
It shoukl be mtdc d~u t h ~t
the black studcnls of SttveM
Poi nt and Olhkosh area ctull)
no dlfferenl. Th ey c~n)·
ba,.jalJ y the ume burdens. an~
allxek acommo n JOal.
One of these p~ds istogr t .
1rue ~d ucat io n . But culling OY I
th~ black hislory in all colle.:c
curr iculum is not aeuing auur
cd ugrtJo n. Tha t is the re:uon
P~ sldcn t
Orcyfllt' met wit h
some of the black studt nll lln
ca mpus.
This was and is tol~ll•
voluntar y on the part of th;.
blac k $t Udenu . Pr uidf nt
Dreyfus fdtt hat he li houkl ~otC\
l he mos1 con ~ntra l cd bbcl
e l~ment on cam pus wh1 ch. Jr
th il tim~. is the bl3ck Und~nl l
Tbis is not a club . it h~i n"
mrmbcu hip and t he "' "~'·nt
~da t ionship with the pr csi~tnt l•
JUStthatandnothinr. cls.:.
11lrineJack wn
Febr~Nry 27,1969
Miss Marion
For rMiss' -..Title
Announces Peace
Department Study
Miss Caro l Marion of the
his tory
chairman of the facuh y has
announcW the mcmbcrtof the
speci:.l faculty committee to
study the po•ibleesublishment
~S~. department of peace -'
t welve
co n•mittce will consist of lix
members and · .U
stude nts. Their nnt mcctina wiU
be today In the Van !lise room
Faculty members to
P'lO'T"S , ...,,,...,, D '• •
Gcorac Di~on of the socioJot:Y
department. Stephen llaincs of
the history itcpartmcnt, Ancil
Leister of the militllry science
dcpartmcnt,Williim Lutz of the
English department and Oou&).u
Radtke . of the chemistry
depart ment.
freshm a n
mcmben include
Ji m
i~~~~~olibnDc8~~ ~~~~j!~~
Bair. andso:nion FrWC!I'IOcxhio
a nd BiU McMilkn.
The fint editions of the
_mostly literary
mapunuex!Un,poctry and
lhort 5torlu that 5\udcnu o f
Stnrns Point N01mal School
had wriUen. '
Strving from Fridoy Noon to M idnight
Holiday Inn
Stewc ns Point
"Where Something's Always Cooking"
"Yo"' never know
whotls morothon
do about
Somehow the more you try
to remember the more you seem
10 lort';;tan by re{Tiembering one thing.
Remember NoDoz'. And NoDoz \111111
help ~o:"h~~~ ~~~o:!;~st stimulant you
Cl\'1 buy wilhoula prescription. And
PNplo to ·..-port IMl Student ~ .....tintt, the>
Fawlty, S.mlnon, s,..ches.
• Circulation Manager
, . , _ to .-lntoln u .......... Ddlng ef ol P.W.
wbtcriben, lutow~. . of typing bonoRdol.
Thursday, February 271h
William Iloilo
• Famous Krystol Skis •
Car Top
Wednosdoy, Fob. 26
6 :30P.M.
20~o Off
11'sno1hab11 1ormlng.
coming on. lake a couple
Hunters' Corner
Y01- We Hove Schmidt ' " '
Moin I. T hird St.
February27, 1969
Doctor Needs Blood
For Re~earch Proiect
Applications Are Available
For Summer Orientation
Applications for polition1 u parents attwodayorirntaticm
fruhmcn Ofitntllion klodcn arc sessions which the (re$hmcn are
now nail&ble in the Su.dcnt rcqulredtoaltend.Cll'icntatlori
Afraln Office. There are ck:vcn leadcrswill~u pe<:tcdtoauide
opcnlnp fOf the job which lull the freshmen around Rmpus,
from JW1c 14 UuoU&h Aua. 9, Rmpus pOlities and
approkirrnotcly !he lcn&th of procedures, monitor fruhmcn
tcsts,lllkwitllp.arenu andhclp
11.1mmcr school.
Any curnnt atudcnt mty freshmendurina~&iJtration.
Approx imately ISO frtsllmcn
apply, howenr , no ~nduatinr
seniors will~ accepted. Also, and tlldr parcnuwillaUendthe
orientation !elders wiUnol ~ two dayKUions. There are two
able to t ake tour•s durina Jtssionsuchweek.
Any Inte rested s t udent
>urnn•cr kl'lool benu5t: thll
would conflit twithtiKirjob should pk:kupantpplic:at ion
responslbilititks. Otic:ntatlon bLtnk in the Student Affairs
leaders ·arepaidareaularnlary Office. Any questions rcprdina
the pOsitioncan~dlrccted to
plus roomilndboard.
The o rientat ion pOsition Mi$1 Eb.a, A.uittant Dean
involves medina s ro ups of
incomins freshn•rn tnd their ~~.d~ucd~\.}nh:C, •t,~ ~":~~;
1 a,nd whereu,in ftd, nOidUOll
l hyroid deficiency n b~s. From
t hul fu, Dr. Nikolai, has found
t!ut people who ue dfecttd
c.aniesorbindsthcma.iorpart o f
t hyroid hormone In the blood
stream. Doctor Nikolai Ius
found four families who have a
hereditary dcftdcncy o~ T BG.
lie is tryin& to estabhs~ the
~~~na a tar~ 11oup o f youna
WSU Will Host
T he people who ~re affected
with this abnormility hsvc Jow
thyroid blood tests and "c
hcop1cn t l y tre a r ed for
underatrivity of this t hyroid
Clergy Conclave
lb~e1bnd ~faders in business,
11rk ultun:
~~:~~ic1 E~~'!tio".:'~~~~~h~~
About 50 Cluistian and
attend morn~. afternoon and
cvenintt daSJ<:S between JuneS
to 12. accOfdins t o Oirtctor
John Wch. WSU's b<ad of
~udent tnchin&actAit ics.
Funds fromprintcenWipt~.
to the pn:$ident . Con10lidatcd
Papers. Inc., Wiscot~sin Rapiob:
John W. Schmitt. president o f
Wisconsin AFL.CIO, Milwaukee:
Wer~r Wilkh11, executive viee
president, Wisoonlin Consumer
Finan,..c Associ.>t ion, Mitwaukro:::
and Jo hn7...1ntllnaro,presidcnt ,
Milwau kee
Constru<:t lon Trades Council.
Wisconsin "·as t ho' l l r hstate
to host an ~oono1nie wo1kshop
fo r ~krumen; t oday rhisso:rvict
~~~t~~vidcd in more tlun 30
farm stoUJ>J a nd unions will
ddrayupcnsn. Stiptndswillb<
~"·udrd each p:utieipant. G~ch · Gach nid
repO!Ieda dri•,isundctwa)·!o diffe~nt phases of Amcrica·s
crono•nY•~b-dnaoontncttd to
financc t hce•,nt ,
Gach s;oid the ronferente spe~l; to t he n•inisurs, priesrs,
~ucuti•·c comminee this)'U I is and rabbis rep!eKntin&abour a
Gknn M. Andnson. mana~r o f dozen
the WiKon$in A$$0Ciltion of 1)1\)y.lnll " 'ill b< held in tile
Ddlot Center on the Stevens
~~peE'!';~~· ~!~~~s:;n~ Ro~k! !'oint campus.
p r csidont
!>hnuhct urcrs'
A~Lit ion.
Milwauk ee :
encut ive
president of Wisconsin State
Chambe r
t'onmK"rce ,
Madi10n . Jo hn Joanis, prcs>dent
of Sentry lnsuranccCo., Stc•·cns
!\lint .
Willi:un 1...1•·, prcslo.Jcnt o f
Cudahy Tannin& Con1pany,
(.'udahy ;
MIICUI, rC'I~:·~r1c':f 1!:'t,:nc~s ro,r~~!
relations of ~ncral Ekcu ic alumnitour,thesilln·up dndline
t'ompanr. Mllwaul;ee; h n•cs llubl'.rnuicnded om·month to
Mc l!ibergc r ,
pro,n•n Apr. I .
Rick Fredrticks;~idatotal of
dcpartltlent. Wisconsin Fa rm
Bmuu, MadOOn; Oanic:l r. 38Jit'r5Dns fron•allrarlloftiK'
Meyers, :tt.hnini$tn t lve lllliistant F~~nt~y ~r~k~ r~fi5~~6J. 10tc~~~
Alumni Tour
Y-Dems Plan
Slave Day
J uly 14 and AUI. 4 .
ronract inJ the alumni off1ce
BrfOlt retwninr. to campus,
shr will sel\'e ThurSI.lay and
Fridi)' U iheonlyconwltant at
Arizona State Univcnily in
Trmpe f or 1 scminu on
resK!encc hall prosr:ams and
development , A5SOCUted Womtn
Students or~nizatlon and a
Home Cooking
Pies and
Open Doily
5:30 A.M. • 2:30 A.M.
Cl~t ~.~ights
And All O..y~
da~ n:
Monday, Mar.) 6:30p.m.
Baldwin l bU
Burrouaht llall
Wcdnesdty, Mar.5 6 : 30p.m,
Pray.Sims l bll
Steinc.rlla ll
The "Chocolate Ripple"
FEB. 28th & MARCH lst-Frl. & Sot.
The Summit
~RCH 8th a nd 9 th--frldor & Sotu rday
on English 19<4 cion rh.e o ther doy, Jumped ln!o o s~l.
powed through rhe textbook, found he wo5 barking up the
Some Faculty, Students
Sponsor Peace Reading
Several mcmbrn o f t he
Enalish llepart me nt sponson:da
studcnt.faeultyl'uce Rcadin&•l
7: JO Feb. 26, at DI:Bot Center
Loul\le. The ptOJflnl was
mult i·medla presentat ion of
pOCityandpro~eapinstwll ,
ThiS prOMII"' Wll informll
arnl notacadcnliea Uyoricnted ,
There wu no discu$1lon of t he
wort s 1cad. TIK reltllinas from
t ile workl 's areal aut hors 1nd
Newcomers arc invited to che
settinll o f JICII workl o r 1 11
enhanced thercad ina,uwe ll as
J hort
conl empOrary new•pal'en..
for the nul rncctins from
7 :l0.f: l0p,m. Monday, MII,l,
Include : "A Position Paper on
r.Jd~~ :~~tor~~~~ ~":~~~~~ :~~;!n~1ni~!~~t~~~~~.vT~~~:$
fro;~ ~~~~~=:~fn'::~e"':~:,~~~~o:~~
co n tem porar ies
11 1the use of women opprns.lons.
CUmmin&S. l..cwcrtov a rnl Auden.
For further ' infor mat ion call
MushaTeck linai l41 ·2744.
This rcadina is the first in a
LUV Group
Will Meet
t hose who think t he
votinaascshould~lowcred to
I ll. be sure ro au end 1 meerlna
t o be held on T~t~:sday, t.lar. 4 ,
~ 1
8 :0 0 p . m . In th e
Nicolei·Mar~juctte Room of rhe
Universit y Cen ter,
LUV (l..ct Us Vote) is h<i111
RIIIJIUJ, andanyoncinrnuted
in thlsc.auseisinvlredtoattcnd
this meet ina. Pbns to brins
about the lowerina of the vol in&
.?1:oo si~n~~!
University Center , !lure for mer
srudenu of WSU~tevens Point
and 1 faeulty member will dis·
cu•why thcyare con.scic:ntiollS
objectors 1nd what they had to
10 t lvoUih toattain their CO
This pro&n.m will al., be
hiahly informa l. Fathcrllall o f
t he Canterbury Hou~e will
moderate the ptolflm t nd wlU
kpUy define what a CO is and
how onc RnattainCOstatus.
In !he fut ure a~erics'of
forumsilbcinJpbnncdin which
Pcaccwillb<discuS3edfrom t he
of view
the '
phlloiOpher. t hciOclolo&isl,thc
Miss Godfrey
In Seminar
111 y~~~~~~~c0;:Jn;i11.:d~~~~~
Univer$ity to ob1ain aboul one
ounce of Wood from t hoK who
vo lunteer on IlK followinr
~~ericsof PeaccproJnmipl.tnn•.'cl
~tuden u
call 344·9034 o n
Thunday lxot..·cen 9a.m. and S
T he Youna Dcms arc holdinl
this Sbvc Day in order to niw
1noney 10 ancnd !heir ~hie
~~~··c1n1t~2n1 a~d f;_cen Day o n
s~~:'fru:..::~~. a~~,~~~~~
Placement Opportunities
. Mar. J ·LaoRI Publk Schools . 1 p.m. to 4 p.m .. lliF.h School
phy$ics; math :polic lcal scicnce:Eieme nrary: an ; phys~ealeducatron
· ~bt. 4·Laona Public Schools · 9 1.m. to 12 Noon · Sallll' aJ abo• c.
Cudahy Public Schools. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. l'rimary: Jr. ll ighsradu ,
intermediate .
Mu. S·Minncapolis Public Schools · 9 a.m. to 4 I'·"'· Vacaneitl in
I ll areas, bot h secondary and ekment~ry, F.lain Public Schooli · 'J
a.m. to 4 p.m. Gradu klnderprlen rhrou1h p . 6; Jr. lli&h an ; Sr
llighart . Jr. lllah)'usineueducatlon: Sr. lli&hbusinesseducation.
Jr. lliah EnaiW.: Jr. 1\igh social studics/ Enalish; Jr. lllgh remedl)l
rudlna: Sr. liigh En&lish; French: Gorm~n. Spanbh; homt
economics: 1uid1nce: libr~rian: Jr. lliah muh: Sr. lll&h n1~1h.
n•uloic·inmurnental and•'Ocal: airls'phy.ed.;boys' phy.ed., Jr. II •Jh
sencral s.cicncc:J r. ll ish physlcal~oden .... : Sr. lli&h blolo&r: Sr. l ligh
phylies: S r. lligh chr mhlly ; Am llisrory; " ·orld history; SJIC~lll
rducation:spcech:ckm. mus!c':elcm. all : elcn•. phy. ed.
~'?s :~T; ~'"'~~r'. ~:~hh!:~~~~
ieso:areh on hC'r own eampu~ and
defieiu cy
6 '/t MlltaH.W. ofStevens Point oH Highwoy 10
~!!~?:~~":· 2
,\ sJ..vedayisb<in& llilniK'd
by the WSU.Stnens Poim
\'OUII!li)tmOCt:iU for Saturday,
Mar. I , TheYoulllllcmswill do
Min lielen Godfrey, ~~ela te
dun o f $tudtnh, was one of
eiJh t e.Jucaton from tile
Mid "' ut p.:nuciruinc In a
fedcra'ur spon!IOicd so:mlnar
Montb)' through Wednesday u
Sr. Louis, Mo.
ElpandinJ. conce pt s in
student personnel services and
! he communication mtdia were•cd.
Mi.u Go.Jfr~r "'"s picked lnl
SUml'l'\cr for a Nat ional Dd~n'IC
Edu c at ion Ac t ·sponso r rd
p r oaram for student affair
o fficilb, invol vi~ a fourw( ek
"ompletely nor!TIIII and kill
normal lives.
A priu of S1S will ~ P•cn
to the dormllory that h.n tbt
h~UI per~niiP: IL1111 0UI of
youns men. St:cond prlu~ will bo
S2S. The priJ:es (;;Ill be UKd in
~~~s).:::~~tical1 ~icntt~~
historian. w su.sicnns Point
faculty members will diKuss
Peace from the perKpctivc of
late$t rr!Utch and thirikin&
m t h<'irKSpedivedis.c;iplincs.
Guitarist and Sing er from Madison l on Is the leoder of lhe "Amoling Grac·e Jug
Friday, Feb. 28 and Saturday, Mar.l- Adm. 75c
Order Your Official
Graduation Announcements Now!
De~dline- March 8
~hr. 6'·Dloomin&ton l'ubllc Schools, Minnesota · 8 :JO to ! ·JO
p.m. Kinder1artcn throuah 111dc 6: e lem. music consuLtant.
secondary · aU subject a~u: librarian. 1udio·visual: sptc!al
education. Ho rtman Est11es Public Schools. Illinois. 9 a.rn to.;
~~ni: it~2~~~~~~~~:~:~~;'~~~~;~E-~~~~;;:l~~·:~~~~~~~~
Ftbr u.rv27 , 1969
If You Ask Me--
Collegiate ,Notes
By LynnYBrot
By~~Wold en
• ,
The rnt tucber ia lu•tion booklet publishe d at No r1hein Illinois
will be avaibble for fall registno tion. The booklet v.i U
per1ain loabo ut1 0 pe r ccntof lhcteachcnin theCoUcgeofl.lbcra l
Art1 aflll Seie ned', exeluding t he ma th Dept. whic h re fuR d to be
eva luated by stude nt s. Results were p thered from t wo different
st ud ent q uestio'nnaires.
U ni~l'lit y
In lhr put lhil rolu•nn hu Pfin led thr fedina• of ...mua
unlweuil y 111xlent1 on to pic.. of lntne st to Th e Poinlcr't acnelll l
aud len~ . Fot • sw l! eh , we re cd.-td intcrqtinJ nc..po!nt 1 from
IIIah so:hool 1!udenu In lhc Steven~ Poinl I!U In 1\'JpOna to
thcqu rttl lo n:
I ) I wirw oollce<" stude nt s u fed in&aupcriorl o hi& h school studc nts
and lhinking they arc buica Uy bette r than u5. I suppa!ll:
eoonomica ll y they are he lpful bc eau!IC o f the amo WIU of money
l hey brinJ in l o t he comm unit y. ! can't he lp but fee l superior to
them bc:cauSC" I \iYc here tnd they are o nl y ''\lid tin&" for ei8ht or
nine mon t hs of the yea r. As fa r 11 actions, t hey o ft en stom mo re
Kiddy t h;a nhi&h school stude nu.
Mim1Pcdt , I 8,Scnior , M~rill HJahSchoo l
Friday . Saturday only . ..
2) I ha.-coab rot heratt cnd ins W.S. U.SteYcns Point ,a nd j udsin& fro m
t he friends he Ns t N t l hawc mct, tbe y'rca pr ett y good aroup of
Pi'Ople. l'we b« n Ia baske tball p mcsand vuioUJo ther functio ns of
tht uniYtrsi ty and hawc ao u en a good J enera! Im pression o f its
st udenl s. l do not find b ult witht hemnma nyoc hcr proplcdoand
lt hinku•whole, thcy'rc a prctt y d eccn t group of pcople .
Man Danicbkl, IS, Frtshnta n, Pa«Ui tHah School
J) I fed t N t roUCEt st ude nt s tend to act more superior tow; tlu n
thcy rcallra o: . • khauah t hc fow- bQys liwinai n o ur OO use·arcqui tc
nice. I suppose t hey arc basica lly prett y good. and most o f t he m
wem to be fr ir nd\y. So me 1 m ve R cn tend to b~ u t ~Tme
and nt hc r wcirdin thdr ways. butt bey'rc lntcresting.
JudiZynda . IS.So phomore. MaN lll&hSchool
4) Co lkKc st udcnu7 I t oltr~ te !hem. It seems many of t h~m ue
soinK to roUeJc hec~u~ it i~N'ms to be: t he t hina to do- thc)•a rcn't
actua lly 5\'ekin&anedu~ t ion . Unfortu natdy, l hey n~k e l he to ...·n;
economica lly s~atintt Stew ns Poin t is nolh ina wil ho utt hcm.
Gtt-J Dowk a. 18, Sc nlo r. Pa cciU II II!h School
S) Gtn~n lly rolleJe studenuact "big" · I hey u1 tOo good to talk 10
h i&h sc hool m tdf tt ll. The 1-UYS arc 1ood look ing anti scrm to b~
hu st le!l lr )·lnc to acquire autldyin& li ue. Co llccc Slud cnu ten d to
look dOWQ on us lti(t h schoo l sludc nls · eve n my brot hr r docs it
Marti, 11. Senior, Marla Blah School
during the b•eo h berween clones as rhe dirt po rhs on both
sides of rhe road hove Turned in to muck. Alrhough !he
· unive rsi ty tried. bu t unsucCeufulty, Ia dose the road perm·
onenrly lou year, nothing apparently hos been done this
year To dose the roo d Temporaril y during the spring . Hom
Kujawski Photo!
6) I don't k now a lot of college students, bu t I fecll hrorn:s I do
k now and haYe •see n "tlllri3ht . When I secapcnon, l ca nusua lly
tell whet her he is 1 co l\qe stlldcn l orno t. They le nd tohave lo111er
hair an d d ress moo: fu hlona bl y tlun high il:hool stude nll. Son~<·
tt ad to act too superior an d n~ k c us be lieve t hey wouldn"l rea lly
.:a rc to associa te '"'it h us. We would ve ry much li ke to usocia tt with
t bem.butthercis rca ll ynooppottu nit y.
Ku cn Erlcluon, I7 ,Scn ior, P.J. Ja co bsHiah Sc hoo l
Featm·ing Seafood and Steaks
T he !OC Yiewpoin!s .~«m to show a gene ral tre<;ld of high sc hoo l
st udents' fec linp towa nh college st udenu that the colk~c st udent
may. but ln $0mocascs,doc• no t dcscrve·or docs be ?
Phone 344-4252
Dr. Ellery Appointed
To Acting Dean Post
Dr , J o hn IU.aiS\' Elle ry,
assistant totl!cprct.iden t , Fri d3y
""asappoin tcd ac tin(tdnnofthe
Colkgc: o f Applied Art s ~nd
Scien~ .
. Preside nt
She rman
~~~f:~~~~ !~~~~::i~~-
du liu
lie came to WSU l.uTsummer
Ba:~on:,ir i~:;~~e::Ja~l ~-:~t:n~ P;~·;r~~~~r ~;::t,:·.~:;!~ ~~~~;
:;~~~r.,~~ ~~;;,,;
lint medtfll Q f the sc:mcs tcr on
Tuctd ay, Feb 18 and d iSCUssed
plans to brtfl& rontrovcn.utl
spt- Ue n to am pus this spnna
Alpha Ga mmas pu rpose 11 to
promo te lnt crest m toc,.l sl ud le$
1nd bn na
mteud rq a nd
l ntdleet ual programs to ampus
while: enrou!lgina so:ho larship.
The fraternity, which Is
S« kinJ nc wmembc ra, il o pcnto
t hose majorin& o r minorin& in
s.oc il l sc\le nca•nd o wninJ I 2.S
ovtlllll 1nd a J .Oaverqcinlheir
major or minor f".eld of tocial
ahould ronla ct Stcvc Goct tch l t
cxt . 608.
W hilc in~t roi t .heona n ag,:d
by Brion AThorp ond Dea n
Doblow beqins March 3 ond
conTinues Two weeks a t Wis consin Stole UniversiTy. Stev·
Universit y of Wisronsin
"ens PoinT. AbouT 60 pieces
of oil art mediums will be on
Earn blra Cash!
l ns!:.enifr:~;:· M~iw:u:~"';.,l~~in~C:;;~':.; a~ 0:,~J:~~~r;;tc~~:n,•~
Dt . F. lkry holds an A. B.
decree from ll amil ton Colkgc.
(:~~~~~0 t~~:;• ~";h~i~!:,:yt~
home a rcc management and non-sales opporlunitks in t he
l k is t he au t hor of a
bio(trap h y of the En&li$h
philosophc rJohnSt uar tM ill.
Dining Room Across From
Debot Center.
~~~~~~:rl ~;~ !ui .'n·t~;..;~w• ~i~'·· b~~~n~~ s.a~:~;i1st~~~~~
psyc hology,s.ocloloJy,ed uea t lon ( noforcslryorru tur3\ r tso ur~s)
!;"~~:~~ '1~ iED LANTERN I
~~i~i:r:~:~. 1 0~?:: ai~~r~~e~ P~~··,f:a~~~~ ~~~c::~dn~~
~;;,'c,.twoll~sn7~~ ~·:~:'"~~~~~ ~.......-~.....-~....- - - Lh!.~c~:; c~:k~cd~~IOr0 fo~1:!: ~ ,
Ponders Plan
~u::~;:~~r &1:p~~ 9w~i:''in:~m~.!'·r~\i ~=.;~~ ~ju.!i:ts::.~~~~~
oounselinsud related
A ' Pi' ~i~list In tile fiel d o f
commu nications. l>r. l: lle ry has
publisllcd numerous art icles on
the subject of TV. ndio and tiM:
~eni;~rsi~ ~~ancar!f"~'u~d~~ !1j:~t~~i~.':J~Vr!~d~~~~~~ei~
\abon torin and professor of
conw rvation.
Or . Elle ry ,..ill re lai n his
int~~~~~.), ~~~n~-.9 c~~~~~c~.P;:-;h~1,~~::~~;:rgrh~!lo;a~i:!
in teustedincrnploy mcn t opportunl Tin.
econom rtJ . speec h, inalish, jour nalism ~nd ol her ~on int erested
insummnin terns.h.iplnnewspapc r.ndioortclcvislon "'·o rk. Scvc ral
fu ll-time opc ninpa l$0 cxiH for g.radual i~ senior $.
l ee
l)rey fussaidhisaidcwillrcpla~
l>r. PauiYambe rt.w hoislnYins
J une I, for Southern J\ij nois
Placement Opportunities
grads fo r n~nascnrcnt and job OOI'ps opporlunities in l he Forest
Wcd11esday Mar. S, I p.m. to 4 p.m.. Mttropolita n U fc l nsuran~
Comrany, Wa usau . wt\J speak wi th all grads mtcrestcd 1n ules (only)
Thursd aY M1r. 6. 9 a .m: to 4 p.m., No rt hwes tern Mul ua l life
Insurance Co. wi ll spc~k wtt ha U s raduatnintc rcs tcd in s:llcsonly
pasrtro ns.
6 ·Friday. Mar . 1 , 9 a .m. to 4 p.m ., The Puce
a ll s!udcn t 5 for Pca~cCorpsoppofl un i ~
10. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. The llcl Mo11 te Food
er, Wisconsin wi ll Interview all rnajon for
me m t rainee posi tionsinlhe ir loulpL:mt.
Bur~ -!~r:n~~~~! ~:r·::r~~;. ~~~;~~::;:!~
administ n. tio n,eronomics. and all o the r stude nts about state
goYc:r nrne nt employ ment opport unities (socia l "'·or k and all st1 te
posi tions).
Poi~td';i~ 1 rnt~~~~~ 2 a~t a;~~itn:~ P~~~i!~;.~:~~~':.'.u':';the~:,~~:,
economicsa ndother m~onin l crcstedininsuunceoppor1 uni t iu.
Scc~:,~;c~a~.~!~~;u~~· 9w~~~s:~
!.:i:::"w~nc s~~k~~~e:J
gnrd u11 es aOOut ff<.lcral Governmen t oppo!l un ities. The U.S. Civil
Scrvicceum m~ybctakenviaarrangcmcnuhnc.
~~:!~:~~~;~ r:~~~~~::~5~-~1r::r::i~:~~~:~=
1 3wr.l
e mploymc nl oppor1ull ities.
Frida y. Mar. 1•. 9 a.m. to 4 n.m .. Nort h...·cstcrn Mutual l ife
l nsun nce Co.. wrll speak wit h 111 g.r~ds ~bOut home o lfw:e 3nd l<lnS.
~~~at: '!.,ft·;'·;Jh:~a~:::! ~~~e~~td c:'~
Wis~.r id:~·j ~~ic~;c: ~~~- 1;a~!;~~- ~~ou~wi~~~~;,>'· (~ 0 ~':;
mc rchand isilll and Slorc ma n~ement . The Swis$ Colony Is a rc la il
chce:seandg ift fn nchiit inW is.consin.
~.9a.m. lo4p.m .. ~ Pcwa ukcc,w ill
spc~ncss. cconomia: and o t her majors abou t retail
manaJemc nt positions.
Tuesd ay, Mar. 18, 9 a.m. to • p.m .. The FBI will recruit all
freshmen , sophomores, juniors. 1-Cniors aiiifliid s for career
o ppor1u nities in the Burea u as special aJcnts and clerks in the
Washinaton D.C. area. Good oppor1u nit ics to cont in ue
so:hoolins on the undcrgr.aduate 1nd , radua tc level while dnwif!J full
u larics. Yn1 uqc majors an: 3bo needed for transb lor posit ions.
Wed ne sdaY Mar. 19 9a.m. to4p.m .• ~~Mad imn wiU
i11tervicw 1ll busincu, ecoroomlcs, mal hematics and ot he r ma,ion:
intcrcslcd in can:er oppor1unities-ln t he food 1nd mea l industry.
sc:hoots(onlyi .
Sto P In "the Pia c:e mtn! Centr r, IJS6 Mai n , todaya flll si&n upfot
I n interv iew.
Febttilry27, 1969
111111 •
lly Judyllr~kinll
~':t:::il~~ \:.~ur~~~:~te~m
rrw)ll of
Alp~l SJgaa Al,~l
the ABC
Ftb. 23,:~rt
Winter Carnival 11169 has
comeand &one. and Sdunreeklc
fi.;IIJ"'III ~JO. Sdun«ckk IS: llaU e ntered t hr 11m<1 and
Nrak ~~0. ~ouh H . l'ray-Sinu coml"'tition1 with her usual
I J0. 8uno~~t;h17S : llyrr SO, sririt. Schmeeckk's queen and
Watson JO. anJ Stdntr lOS. kinK nndid~tes, JW Billcsbuh
U.:lu USO.
and Palmer Clements, finished
Owr all MJn<lin~$ IOdatc art third in the competition. In
:as fotk> ..·s: Nnlt 74. 179S
0,~of Sund:~y,
6 ·1.
~}~~!s~~j_ ~~~~~11 sr!;~,
II IO: Schm•·tdk J-4,
Sch.Jnreckle aOO entered
f1: udt
race. t he
pancake n tina ronteu.
Vets Club Runs ~:r.'.'i?~o~;t:'r~~~ ~~~r~~~j
Beer, Torch
During Week
Th•· v,·u
Carm•·a l,.·ilh
1':111)'' ,
~ 111" )''"'
l'cb. I.S. U ..:• f.-stl\"ltirs
"'' *un at ru.w n .. •t h atotch
"n<l "'-""' N llk 1un fH>m t he
W1nt~r C~lni\Jl h!l ch 3t Okl
Main to t ho; lhat lbrn. liquo.J
H"fr~shm••nts • n.l ln t• u f !'<'<irk
""~"' l'l<'i<-'nl
Tho: lhml Ul<"<"httJ: u f tl11·
!A'mc~tn " Ill bo.· hdl.l "rhm~IJ)"
l'eb. H at 7 t•m atltu)•"• lb•
( •'"" L)·on"~l. nu,·~ ... m bC"
.-.<lllcct<-.1 an.! rd1n hmcnh ""ill
bt 3Vai1Jbk t\ IIP<'"UO!Il With >1~
ronS~:cuu•·c month• of ~c• i•·c
Kn"kC" 31C"cko med.
indndr a frw of the o l hcr
rno~ram) !hal !he Co uncil will
be sroru.oring durin~t tl1c
remalnd•·rof rhlli K"nr<"stcr.
Futh~• dctacls " "ill ix' outlined
by the or~~nll~t ioo at t he
M.ll.C. m••ctings. All intcre~ed
[>I"ISOIIS 31': Ufle<l 10 ~pj>l)' by
u ltilrs S~o11 Schull c . .,rcsident.
~07 llunmljlhS lbtl, l:J;t. S68or
l··••·ing wont at the lt.II.C.
Offic.· in IXDol Center or lhr
ma1lhox in !he Uniwncl~·
(."enter. No tlwviousex~rk'nC\"
r5 !cquircd .
Ttu· Co undl is looki111 for a
stnd•·nt with inu"n~tion who
wu uld hke to t ry nrw ronccpl$
lt csidcnce
Ha ll
Cnn,;tirurion rcq uirts tht any
have and
m~int31n a 2.00 1nde point
T he DZ"a placed Jrd in lee
::e~~·:·~h!~.!~b~~e ~b~~} ~~rty0sha~01~sh~:'"!rte~klth!
The Alpha Sia's are anxiously
aw~it ina
the I Prin& rush ,
adiYitles that will bc&in on Feb .
A p~rty was held with the
TKE"s o n Feb. 22 after the
Olhkolh pme at Ashley. A date
Draft Information
Service Organized
For Explanation
A draft mformation ...,.·kc
Wis consin
(lCIIOn11C I
Sta l•· Un.iver11ity
and <"<U11111 Unit )'
•~r•tk"nt31 ives.
leail~ < S
f1Uphui~r it
of I h•· &iou p
i$ nul promot in~
dnft tu ~ion . but lnit•·~d
U !>lains til<" l"OII1t>lu !ii:INiivc
K rvkt sy~t••m to intcrntcd
liuJing t he gro up'"' the
ltcv. Allx-11 Thom~s. the lt•·v.
lluri,;T. IIa ll, t h( MU . h lues ll.
Schnridl'c, r hcltichardStcffcn.
anil ltn. JoKphlt. Su llivln. all
Trippers Plan
Meeting On
Kentucky Trip
A mcetint; of a ll rh~
intC"W>IN in !he Trippcu'
Kt nluckysprinJ tripwill bthckl
Center. For S45 do llars the
Trippcn ,..ill h-e goin1 to
Mammoth Cave .
campus chlrbint ~t WSU: David ncn U t he l n!crnal ltennue
1'. Bbnk. 01. Melvin llloom. ,\ c t , o ften ro:quires U!'C'rt
St rpl11·n ,\ . lbinu. bcult y lnlcrpr~tat ion for t he individwl
menrhcrs lll WSU. Alcnndcr who 11111~ atTanBf his life in
~h i urkf,.• y o~
and Oa vi<l o rder lu comrly wit h Its
MeKin~old ,st lklc nuat WSU;and
rrq u iumcnu, whc t h~r he
Mrs. Joan <". Lea hy and Mrs. Intends to enter t ht Almo.-J
Mart ha Ttclllin, comm unit y Serviccsor con$ii.lersthc:various
rrpr.·S<"ulati•·n .
a ll ern3t ivcs. This tn.1y wrll
involve conscience a no.l decision
Y o ut hs ma>· s rc ur e makii\J at t he det!'C'St level of
inform a ti on or uu k c hisbl:infi. Therrforc, t hc:Stevcns
" """fi '' "'Cn" 10 hav e l'oint ll raftl nfotmat ion St-rvicc
apt>Omt m••nl$ wil h one of the is prtpant.l to me-et the
l"OIIIIIIill<"e 111CI11b<'U at tht qutstions and to assist wirh the
Universit y Christ ~n Movem(:nt rrobk'ms which affect t ho." lives
hcat.lttuartNS, I I ~S l' •cmo nt of t he young men in our
communit y .
PLins are bing made to hokl
draft scminars so.-ver-JI l imn
' "The S!ncns Point Olaft
l nfo 11na!ion Service has , ,..o
Fathu ll a lt. l: p il;coral independent funct ion$· one
ch3pl!in ,..ho has lx"en doma;. cducation , thcothc:r roonsdinfi.
<l n fl coun'lflinJ indc!'C'nd~ntty For education and infdrmal ion
forscver,.l ynrs. said thc gro up we ha•·e aU the TIIOII Rctnt
hu fiaint d awroval h om mat eria ls on tlo< Sek dive
COnlln u nity an<l university SctvkrSystr ncand Laws, aSW(:ll
offkUls to ui~t as an o ffici;ll as thc l'•o~cdurcs each youriJI
man must fo llow in rnpOnt.r 10
his t.lo t y .t o his country.
The Porta11<;: COoQty l>rafl s·ccond ly. the task of t he
Board pvC" its full endoncmcnt coonse lur is IO hdp the
to provide this liCrvkt ln t he counKke indcnl ify his own
rornrnunt)'. he "'Pik<l.
;~::~ a;~ic~0:: ~1 ~:1hi~dt~~~
Sl·asefl''s Exh1'b1't u~~~(:o ~!~a~l w'i:~d in~~:.e 't~: ~=· n~.'r;~:~~i t~ i:~c:~~
Beer Drinking ::-.:~~~:::-....·' ~~~" • ,,.,:,.;\:,~~·~:."" .·~..~';:
With Half-Barrel ::i:E~Jt;!F~'n s:!~~:f~
procedures and exemPt ions.
cnf o rmat ion abour draft
ob l iptions. <ldcn nrtnrs a nd
values upon the counKlet. A
,-ounselor's j ob is to li.sttn, to
rdkct . to intt rrrct, to hc:lr, to
impox hisownv~ws.
• Wedne5day's K hed ulW
uhlbihon by t he
Siasefi's occutTed before a
packed houx at Lilllc J<:<oe"s.
Twelve ·memben consumed the
half batTelin 19 minutes and I I
xconds wit h a half b;urcl
amountin1 to arproJ;irnately IS
The event was deKribo:d by
one onlooker u a ""t hin& of
beaut y."' ~lthouah it is doublful
that it witl evermakc t hehistory
boob. lt is the first of itskln<l
kno wn an<l a rNrlt: S~Kfi"s are
dullcn&ilr&othrn to shoot for.
THE l UTTON DESIGN lo r the o nnuo l I!.HC Week wos submitted
by l.•ndo Duller of Neole Ho ll. SeleC!ion o f the winning de·
s ign wo i mode by the Re sidence Holl Council o n Mondoy
eventng .
alsopveihe AlphtSia'•• f1rst
A supptr m«tina was held
place. The panc.ake cat illl · list Tuesday 'at 1901. Sprin&
c:ontcll provided t he blgt st r osh parties wcreplanned .
sur prise o f t he week u the
On Friday, t he chapter hili a
listen under the lcllirrship of fish fry wit h t he Alpha Phi's,
Chris Flood took another itnt. Delta Zeta'• si~ter soro rity for
Sisttr K.riu RuSKI! chu&&cd to • t he month o f February, at the
teoond place ln the 200 1 space Wisc:onsin RiYer Country Club.
odcssey hairdoc:ontcst .
Sat urday ni&ht Tekcs from
At the climu proaram siucn Point 1nd visiti1111 members from
TOM TRACY (1ight) WO$ -pre~enred w ith a scholarship {ecently by App!led Arts
and Sciepce Ocon. Paul Yombert. The schalonh lp was from Johnwn Wax ond
totaled Sl,SOO. f och ycor the company owords a scholarship to t he son or doughIer of on employeo.
lt,•.,Mn.;..· l bll Council is
k'><'~"'ll for a member of a
rnodcn•.., hall tOS<'tvcaspul}llc
G l nn y Bo r n and Lauue
Leathcrbury u Guardt..
ZctiChichaptcr allendedthe
memorial sc:rv\ce fiX their past
advisor. Mill Carolyn Sand.s.
Miss S.Uldl was very involved 1n
both campus and torority
~~~e. .g: ~Sic lr.~kinP.t~~ ~~~~":a~:t: '~P1;'.,C:d; :s~~\
S7S . II~·cr
Hall Council
Is looking
For PR Man
;o~:c.~. ,N:enper~~~:~~ew:~r at:
10rority o nt be.oouncU.
Also d eded were: Kathie
~ip~~en s~~~~nl~~:~ter!rJ :~~~!ion~o;:lil~=~~a~~:n ~~~
remember. Aftc:r three years of
narrowly mililillfi lhetopwinter
urniYaJ award , t he Alpha Si&'a
captured the OYcraU WoJIIC"n't
trophy durinj the•ciivitiu lhis
yen. They also won the
Women's Greek Games trophy.
The volleyhi U telm took nut
place in the wo men'• division.
;~h~~~!c~~~ te~~m f.:~~J a~
runner-up in the fuul "ITilllteh.
~hovd n~. the
J-S. t~H . W:ahon 2-S. S8S: al'l'k cider ch~~&&inc rontu t.
Buuo...,hl 1·6. 1200: lk lt.cll amlt heSad~ llawkins.
Schmet ckk llall Is very
1-6, 49S: :ano1 Rw•·hi-6. S90.
t>mud o f Dot llowlett who, o n
Nut w~k tilt- K hcduk i1 u
follows: Nc~k ar lltll.dl, ll >·cr Ftb. tl.e ntered t hc 27thAMwl
:at St di'K'r ,Watsonatlluuoughl, Green B:<ykeSkatina loln-t. and
Knulttn ~I Ro ach :a11<l Snuth a t raf;ft.l away with t he 2ht ano.l
Schmc.-d:k. B:lkt,.·in ha) ! he !~nt.l fiut place t ro phks. The
b)·t . 1\ll mat ch<"S willta~t pb~•· 12nd u ophy .,.u for spttd
$kati~ in which Dot ! ltd the:
at 7 p.m.
•ccord of 220 )'ards in 2S.6
A r;:~ nt.lle lil!ht « Rmony wn
hdd for Ma ry lbktc who
bccan11: rinncd on Ftb. 16 to
Tom Schun~:~chtr, a nk'mbtr of
Sianu PhiEp:silonfn tcrnit y.
On Vakntine"s l>ay, h n
ClcclwoLI bc-camt enpa:C"d to
J ohn lh· nry llrrnr•n from
Winter Carnival is ovc:r but It ·
ro~1;~ .~;~~:fep~a~~h! ac::.~:~
American mak bctwtc n 18 and
~6 (and cvrn IO lS). Many o f his
mo~ important decisions about
e du cati on. occupation and
m:n ri;lat nrusr be nude in
rr btion to his <ln ft status. Yet ,
for years. t hcrt hu been no
easil y avaibbk ~wee of
information about the polick1
and procedwuol theSekctive
Suv i c e Syurm o r t he
intcrp•ttation o f ' tht Sekdive
Service u it affeds the
rq ist nnt. Consequently 1 x nsc:
~~~~:~~:v~~--~!'C',:~i~ns h~r
'"Our draft iufo rmation 1no.1
edueat ion crnterlsarommunity
respon!it to the needs of yo u111
men who face conscription and
who arc in n«d o f information
and/or counKlifii. Wcfc.-l that
when <lnft counxlin& ..::rvicu
a re c ombi ne d wi th dnfl
c<lucationa i S<'rvicu,theStevtns
Point Draft t nformationScrvioe
wilt" become a n orpnW tion
si,nlfkant to t he whole Stevens
Point community. Althour;h we
will Jive infornution on the
Sckctive Service SyUem, t he
final dccision. u 10 the choke.
must rest u!timately wit h each
Pinninp annobncc<l arc Tonr
Schumacher, Sigma l'hi Epsilon,
~':'rki~ta~~ s~:~!cirt~! ~~~
Dcostcr. Pat Croft ,aboofSil,nla
Pi, is pinned to Mary Muaher.
Two enp1cmenu have been
announce<!; Karl Erickson o f
Tau Kapp~ l:psllon i1 cnpBed to
lolary Stro hfddr a member of
Delta. Ztta 50rorily and Ayn
ercaJed to Dick Lobindi:i, an
alurnnus of Stevtns Polntand
Alrha l'hiOmcp fraternlty.
The recent nutTi;l&c of
ltkhard Manual of Si&nra l'i to
SuAn Utlt t h a member o f IXI!a
Zeta sorority and list year's
Sigma Pi Sweethean has bc:tn
Follow in a t he tiaturday
t•rnn completel y Win ter
Carnival competition the Si&
Tao"s ~tlcbntC"d with a date
party at l'oint Bowl. Several
a lum niwcrc pre5tnt.
Bro ther Jo hn Norton, a
J anouy finduatc. hn been
x lectcd at the chapter's new
Ad visor for Ed ucation. !lis
contact with chapter
activitin· have oriented John
effectively for his new position.
Ad vi~r
l:lud Stci!IC"r was
accompanicdbybrothen Wayne
Nichotu. Rick Cook and Ron
Eberle Sunday on a 111p ro
WSU ·l'J a u ev ill(: to iMlliate
plc<ltitS at tht SUI Tau colony
t here.
Fotnl31 rush will be held
Wednesday. Feb. 26, follo,.·cd
by I nformal Rosh Toesday . Mar.
4,at l'oint8owl.
A p~rt y with Delta Zeta is
plannC"d for Mar. 8 ~t O ub 10 .
The thtmc hasbee nddtptcd to
lhe individuallcvtl.
January's V. II. award has
been awarded to Dick Neuville.
Broce Krcu was the '""inn<T in
Doha Zota
Sur Pooch wu ckcted u
De l ta Ze t a's Panhe llt nic
reprrKntative an<l wilt be the
nut president of Panhcllenic
Sckctive Srrvicc Act,
Tom Tracy
A frrshmanhubecnawar<led
a K hollrship from th~ JohTilion
~~i~·:r;: ::::!~ o~6~u i~i~~
buis t to<nut fourycan.
T qm T ra cy, a natural
~~J:~i n ~parnmc~'es~~~e:! ~=====::;;:=:::::::::=:::=:=:::==~
~.'S.~7:n~~ ~;;'is~::. :;:r~~g
"Fresh As A
rcce1ve that sum ann11.1Uy until
he "'t cives a blchdor'ade""".
yur's w«k.
A 1968 araduate of Willilm
!lorlick lli&h School, Racine, he
11 the son o f Mr. a nd lolu .
:t~~~ci~c.Trac:y, 701 Kin1$10n
nGHT OfFfNSE-Titon Bill Schwor!E 15-41 storts to moke h is move toword the
boiket under the wo !chful eye of the Pointen" Mike Hughes [-441. Coming oround
on Schwortz."s felt side to help oul Is Quinn VonderHevvol lUI. Othera shown
lndude Poinler Tom l!.>tzentholer o nd Oshkosh' s Steve Young 1501 ond J eff Stong
(20}. !Mike Dominowski Photo l
The sc ho larship is for
e hililrtn of J ohTilion Wu
employee s who s h ow
O U!Itln<l in1 ac1 d e mi c
!'C'rformance .u hJ&h school
spo r ts 11 t he"
uru•na ty and hopa to become
!P~:;"'-'r o~ t he aolf tum nut
in !n~ural
Every Mon.,
and: Wed.
HOURS: 7 A.M.-4 P.M. Doily Mon. thrv Sot.
20% DISCOUNT ON ANY OIDfl O F $5.00 01 MOlE
AJ l . .u lcw l'ric. h..,. Day of liMo Yeorf
l'ntfesd -lly OeoMd CUid
257 Divl1lon St....t
" - • from NMth l'olnt Sltoppl"'
Zeta Chi Chapler had seven
visitinfi DZ"s from lo t• Epsilon
Chapter, Oshkosh, u weekend
J UCSII I t 1901.
Sl1•• P~l fpslla1
The brot tiers o f Siam• Phi
Epsilon spe:nt the w«kend
e n!C"Itainina thirt y members o f
t he Oihlcosh Chapter. Activit~s
bt<pn at the Si.l Ep houlll l nd
endC"datLittle Joel.
Pbns for the2ndannua!Si&
Ep Canoe Race have be&un. II
will be hrld Apr. / 9.
Tao lappa fpsll01
TUelday. Feb. 18 t he Teku
held their fo rmal rushe r. On
Thonday, Feb. 27 •n infor mal
rulhcr will be held II 6 :30p.m.
in the Mitchell room.
Sat wday, Epsilon NuChap!er
hosted the Tekes from Oshkosh .
The <lay includct.l a get·lOKether
at Joe's in the afrcrnoon . the
prne tnd a party with t he DZ"s
and t he Alpha Sip II Ashley oil
Last weekend thechlpter was
askcdtobc the imtallinlchapttt
The Sill Pi's had • party with
the sistersof Alpha Si&ma Alpha
sc:vcral weeks lfiO at t he
WinterCarninlllarted w1th a
'"~uper wap~tuli'" pill)'. The
brot her~
held their ann ual
Winter Carnival dinner and
dance at t he Llwd Motor l ~n.
A buffet dinntrwuxrvcd ,wllh
a n infornul '"sweater dancs:."
fo~~n~ast Saturday. the Sig
l'i"s '"did theirthinl"" Kn"S L·
ti: !::k·th~
..andulionoftheevcnt .
Pt.ansarenowbcin& made for
t he annual sprin& for mal,
~~eh~ ~~-~'cr=h~~!n~~ ~
ApN'!;.. offl«ts of the dupter
were elcded last week. _They
arc: J im Krohbld, president;
Tom Sceborh , vice-president:
Lowell StevcniOn, treasurer;
Paul Penlhorn, xerctary: Mike
Dwkin, fint oounx lor, and
llans l'carson . hcrald .
LUV Organized
For Lowering
Voting Age
LUV, a vou p orpnlled for
t he purpOK of tryin& to lo,.·er
t he votinaaJe,is compri5Cd o f a
bi11111~n aroup o f Yo uns
De mocra ts
Republica ns.
The Initials stand for Let Us
Votc (LUV).
Preside nt Dreyfust.aid he felt
lowerinaof t hevotin&aaew•u
mattcrof aJeandcxpericnce . lle
abo t.aid by lowcriT~&Ihe volin&
atte thehl&hso:hool dvics coorK.
would become more muninafol
and would improve thes.c
A fiCnenl meetinB hil> been
scheduled for Mar. 2 for rhoK
students intflested in lowering
t he votinltJc. The m«t in& will
surt at 8 p .m. in t he
Nicokt·Marq uette room of t he
University Center.
lOc Bee•·
25c Shots
Daily 'Til 6:00 p.m.
Big Daddy's
~c- Saloon F~
Come Wod• Throwgh tl!. Peanut Shell•
.... ,
Clark Announces
Baseball Schedule
FtbrU¥'1127, 1969
S. Tbe water tempenture,
Wherever sportsmen aatber
:h:=!!~er.wltb a llrnm
fishln& trips. lt's iM¥itlble. And
no m1111n bow mucb you mi&bl
6. Cloud cover , mcasvnd ill
~~:a!r.. o f the t.lty coftm! by
7. Tile barometrk pressure.
it::sre.~~d.,!:, ':~tln.Jo~:j
r::ds~b:~wU: ~u~OO:n~u~~
dlre c:tio n
-~~r" ~~~~et~~~~ bf~ y~ <•'t~ox~~~- •elo c:ity. 1
:~~~ ~~~:o ~~~P ~~e~~~ ~~:r~n;-~~~ :~dS:rur~h~
~iei: ~~g~r~~~et~ w:~~
and the 11\Qu tic staa that you
wereat~;:.: totakc:.
I have a eoupilll of frirnds
cond itions u calm,
modente , and he.n y.
the Y~~rs, I've beard their
favorite u o rio:s any number of
timu. and I've no ticed t hat
n.a ny o f them tend to improve
wltb aae. like aood. wine and
Chcvrolcts. No doubt a Jot of
n1y epic taks have u ndUJone
any. R
11. Location • wblc:h lake,
strum o r 1:0\'er.
12. Results-Thlsin<:ludcsthe
number and 1pec:ie:s of rllh or
pme taken, and t he wti&ht
len.a;tb, airth, number of points'
etc:.,ifimpol1ant .
memory seems to accent uate the
cood thin&s and gadually cnse
!be unfortunate.
NoV>' an absolute realist mi&bt
consider all this to be 1 failin&,
or sun uwd.
\4. Lure-~d<ommcnts · In
this Joection 1 entcr cnryt hlnJ I
c::~n think o f that iJ po:ninent to
t he takin& o f the particula.r rash
Aftcrall. arcn'taUhunten n:aUy
hunti111 memories? Isn't the
fondrrcoliectlon ruUy t hemost
va\uabk IQM o f t he fishcrmtn's
atcb? Tbink.i111 bact o n our
happyd.aysafiei!J,.·il\hclp t up
us warm when arc UJ.tbcs up
with us an4 the fires burn down .
About :a )'tar aao, while
pn:parin& fcx another fWlin&.
sea$011. 1 found that witb nery
hoot 1 slwpo:IICd. and with
every knol l tied. I wuableto
rol\iure up:anotber memory . But
it suddenly occwnd to n~e t hat
I roukln't really
cno111h · that after tV>·clvc yean
of fairly serlclus huntin& and
fil-hin.a;. then: .,.·ere ru tty o nly a
few o uuundin& inchknll t hat I
touU ck'.uly rceall.
popper. fast retrie~." '"No. 14
cream Callill," or " I oz. No. 8"
Yo u nuy or nuy not want to
bother witb tll the weather data
l enter. l f!Jwethat aslon.a;as l
am doin& it , 1 mi&bt IS well do 1
. job of it. Yo u can I.IUWct a
number o( questions about
weather conditions and t hc:ir
d fett on bunting and fishin&if
you keep )'Oill record long
enouah. h fishina really better
with a risin.a; harometer?
Will bass feed in H dcvec:
water? Do you ft\lsh more
&rouse on calm days or windy
d•yi1 Thc II"Qrcyout hink aboul
it, the more intcrestina tbinp
your recOfd will ~how you.
Pnhaps t he bnt thin&aboul
of Minnesota and t he Univnsity
of Wisconsin.
Also, a new nrlin& this year
c a lls for a rou nd -rob in
conference schedule,. with t he
Pointers mectina each
c:onference membe r in a
doubkheader. The schedukilu
By Tim luch
Co• ch ·J im Clark recently
announced t his year's Pointer
bucbaU schedule. The Pointers
will not take aiOiit hc:rntripthis
foes as the Unin:nity
li&hl ,
:;::;: ,: t~~t~=~tf~\:!~ for 1~in~'f~~~~~~~~~
ATWinona (2)•
AT Lawrence(\)
St. Norbcn ,(2), I p.m. ••
AT Lewil Colkgc (Ill.), (2)
AT Lewis(!)
Olhltosh,(2), 1 p.m.
Whitcwater,(2),1 p.m.
AT l..a CroliC(2)
AT P1atteville(2)
~~l~w~m~hc: t~~~~'t'h!tti~h~ cnt~:·ti!~y~--~~ }~1 ~;'C:·~
~~~~0~ :nl.~
rl.·n~-:~ m:~ncd~n ~~:':~
lla~~:r;~ :~~c:k ~r ~~~W-~t!~ :~: /cccti~: ~::n:r~·~~o;~~~~~
resolv~ develo(>C'd into
outdoor record I kctp now.
PcrhJps lou wilt want to keep
one lib it.
My o utdoor rcrotd is just a
79 crnt bound rompolit ion
boot. It rontainubout 70 ~QIU
o f quan~r-inch ~quam! paper.
llrre's a list of t he dau l entrr
into it durin& and afte r each
bad thro111h it. Yo u know chat
in yean to rome, you' ll act ever
more pleasure o ut o f rt·livin&
each day's ad¥enturc outdoors.
To be sw e, your record won't be
j\151 a list of su~e~:w:s. My rrrord
a~ady conlliiU many fuhkn
and blrdltudays.
For example, hcre'sa warm.
sunny day bR October; In thr
arr numberrd Fl , 1-"2. etc.
lluntina trips are numbered with
an ll. •
2. The date .
). ThehouiSspent huntln&or
fishin1. 7-1 1 a.m., etc.
~ 4. The air ttm~nture ,
fired ." But undu "Commcnll,"
1 wrote , "Aspensyellowt" l l w•s
kaves were yellow IS they shook
apinst clie briaht blue sky.
Tlu!"s cno111h to as.k o f a day.
and oll10\llh to remember.
Your New York
Life Agent in
Stevens Point
is Adele Schein
Agent's Nome -
By Dl"c Burton
T he WSU-S tevrns Point
wreulina ~qu~ . in a rut since
t he Marqueue mect ,droppc:d its
SC"rond 1:0nfcrencemec1 ina row
u t hey were bombed by the
Pioneen of Pbmville. 27-1 , 11
The l'ointtnstarted out with
t wo uhibition victories but
b iled to srore in varsity action
until the hi&her wci1ht daSKs
when a 2-Z tiebyJimNotsl.ld at
161 and a pin by fre$hma nJ im
SObodMki at 117 finaUyliroke
the icerorSte>·ensl'oint., a st rona hvorite
for conf~rcncc honors, had tied
In bis bst two outings but
bounced back to pin Dennis
Oi.\On o r Pbtterille In t he
closina n.:~mcnU of the match.
Thr Pointenslipptd to a 2-11
dual rcrord for the SC'~IIOn and
WSUC at:tlcln in t he
conf~rencc tournan~ent Feb. 28
t hrouch~r. l atPbttcvilk.
I n · Jon lobrtin (PI But
1.11•- - · a-r......___...,
- ""----.-!Ott"'"""
Powder Buffs
Weekend Trip
Are Planning
The Powder Burrs Ski 0ubi5
planni"i ~ weekend ski trip,
Mar. 1 and 2. to Porcupine ~nd
lnd iotnhnd Mts. Anyoncwlshina
to 10 may Uill do to by
Point 7
II. Smith
youna Mutin, Edw~rd
-:-,-:-.,-,- ~~£ri~E~:ry~OF·~:,:~~~~
, .., , ..., , ••,.,••,.• •. ,. , ...,•.,,.,.
Do you "'-the
....., warning slpols
of cancer?
I. Unu1ual blo:edinaordis-
two priests int heu~ditionand
~chna-c.2.A iump orthitk·
Jo hn Gillcsby o f t he raculty as
t he kina's rcprc.:ntat lve~M i&l,te\
Estctc .
Other members or the ca$1
include Sluron AlllitllOn u Inti.
Bob Blakesley as Rodas. Gary
S.:.lin:as, Robert
Ibn bell 11 Manco, Ri<:hard
tnina in the breuc ordse·
wt:e~. ).AloOrr lhatdoes
nol heal. 4 . C banac in
bowel or bladder habitJ. S.
Hoarwn¢Uorcouah.6. 1n·
dijcstion o r d ifficulty in
) Wallowina. 7. Ch.anae in a
""·,~ ~r ~:~:i
1am lonrcr
lhan ' two ...-nob~ your
you Jove.
GIYe to the
s ide horse in the gymnostiCf meet held ot the fie ld houso
last fftdoy evening. The Pointers defcoted fau Clai•e ond
\Vh,te wa tcr ro even their conference duol reco•d ot 4 -4 .
1)0 ·CuUcnCarcy(P)Pinncd
Don Rod lweU(SP).
137 • Dwi&ht Allba111h ( I')
Beat Dennis Ricd~I (SP) 2-'l.
145 • J d t Napp (P), Be.u (j4n4t~J~:f or Bo~ynn ~::~~
( )4 1-1 163).
RuuBuc(SP) 8·2.
IS2 ·Bob Schara (P) Beat
The cosc o f the trip which
includes transponation, lod&.inc
160 · Jim Patt ( P) Beat Bob and two days lift tltkcts is
ltaydcn(SP) S·2.
SI 9.SO. For anyo ne intcrest~d.
167 · J im NoUtad (SP)Tied there is an inicr:Colkaiate ski
n ee schrduled for Sunday at
177 • J im Sobotlnlk.l (SP) I ndian head Mountain.
Pinned DcnnisDixon ( P).
li v e. Wayi\C Denaler {P)
Pinned Mci GJodowski(SP).
282S Collage Ave.
hu~t_in·U;~~~~~~ -t~~~ trips ~~~~'.' ~~·un~,h~s....r~!e, l~~~~
Pioneers Topple
Wrestlers, 27- 7
AT Univ.ofWisc. (2)
AT Stout
AT R\verfa,Us
N.A.l.A. District 14 lkst o f Tllru Playoff
at Ho me of WSUC Champ.
"lndic.atu thenumbcrofpmestobcpllyed
""All home IP~I to be played U Bukolt Puk
Pointer Gymnasts Defeat
Whitewater And Eau Claire
The ayrnrustic cum of
StcHnl Point Stale UI'Liversit y
swept to a double victory Friday
evenina at tht WSU f icldhouse
by &Ud UI Ji y outdistandna
Whitewater and Eau Clai«'
bchindashowofdept h.
The: Pointcn tot)\ed 101.64
points to Eau Cb ire's 81.46and
Whilewat~r·s 78.86
to come
,,.-a y with thedouble victory.
'"Thc tum as a whole wu nol
pkased with Its perfOfm~nce."
Poi nt er coach Bob Bowen
re l ated . " W e've had .
perforn>ances beltcr t h) n t his
one. We hild upectcd to but
both t hese tu rns by a hi&J\cr
G:arySchncidc randPauiDr
Chant led the Pointers, each
pickina up 2S poin ts while
compctin1 • in all sb; of tiM:
evenu. MibWtinsteinadded 14
points in t he t wo cwcnts he
par t icipllcd in and John
Schniushd 14.
Wdnstfin and Schiess were
the only /'oint winncu In l hc
meet. Weinstein winnina the
f"loor uerdse and Schks.s the
Thr t wo also took se1:0nds as
did Ruu Sriborski. Weinstein
was ~o~:cond in lon& hon e. Schicu
!~d:~::l. bars and Scibonki in
Tbirds ,.·cnt 10 Schneider In
side hone . floor ucrcise, lore
horse and hichbar and DeCha nt
in still rinp. and parallel ban .
De Cha nt in side horse and
LatTy Dc:Pons in hizh bu
finished with
Stcv~ Koester added the only
fifth in parallel bars.
Bowen had !'raise for hill
perfOfmcn. "Scltio:u d id beucr
toniaht and is slowly n:covcrina
from his early uason irtiury.
Schneider wu the 1:0mplcte
competitor apin and
on lidt borw had nrr rcw
:O~~f~s{'!:!,~o top ltis hi&h
'"Also, Weinstein, who has
been ham pered with ti\Jt
shoulder Injury. lhould be tblc
to compete in au ... round by nut
wcckend. llewiUbc pollsbinJup
his performance • ll nut week In
University Ford
~~-akeli;Jt~?7t!:. ~~!:
Koeni& as the llcad nun, J ames
Lud ..i& as Villac Umu, Ed
Lukaszcwi~z as VaJC~, Mark as Ch.:!Ucll(:binll,
Bill Nelson as a c:hid, Jim
Reidenbach u Dominao, Ali n
Stclbaum as Deelndia and
Clifford Vauxas Juan.
l>onru Ellen Nowak,ajurt\or
drama major, will be u:Astin& ·
13 19 Strongs Ave.
In a ny la na uaae. 8ur~trChtltntetreatsllste arut.
Ukltheaolden brown lrendllrinserved piplnahot.
Ortherith,thiell shakes served lrosty eold. And they're
just two of the wholesome 8uraer Cher lute treal5 all of which 110 served q uicldy. Stop by today. When it
Fashionable llfen's Clothing
Sprint and ~mm« Fallllona Atrivlnt Doily
JUST. ARRIVED: -A New Shipment o£
' *hlllonOfl'la
Edwordlon Sport Coota
*TroditlonoiD. I . IkP:ers
*ShortSkeveDress Shlrtt
lEACH WUI 14 Spring Voccrtlon)
1003 Mc>ln St.
300 Divhion
Many More To Choose From!
University Ford
OPEN: Mol'! · Wed. • Fri. 'Til 9
3-41- 1727
FebrU¥¥27, 1969
Pointers Sweep ·Pair From Platteville, Oshkosh
Crush T~ans, 99-74,
In Final Home Game
Set New Record
Against Pione~rs
By Tim Llo1eh
By Tim Lasch
Kru••cc r's with l :H.kft.
~:.s~~:;stc;·~;:~J'oi~1tp b!~:~:bhacl: am.'~;!·~~d;uo!~.·~! ':~~~~·
lnl f'O rl~nt . ~" t O r)'
Wc,Jn~~~). F~b. I 'J, d~fcatinc
WSU·l'Llll..,.llk 110·67 on the
l~u.,r's hon1e 'n oor. ~ rccmd
wmnc pcrfmm~n~c.
The " 'in ~llo,.·cd tho:
to pkk up half apmc o n idle
Stoul. ,.·ho pla)·e.J ,,..i,·c the
pf>'Vi®> "«kend while Jhc
Poont.·rs ..·ere !dlc. SteH ns Point
1n~rea$Cd 1U ronfercnc~ rc~rd
to I !·~ . .:H compared with
Stout'~ JJ.: nurk. T he Pointers
0\"crall mark t OS<' to 17-1 wnh
the .. m.
In pro~bl)" lh•• rougl1eSt
pmc t he l'mntcrs han been
m•-ot.·N in aUSC015Qn Jon&. the
WSU-Stevcns Point pulled
away from WS U·O shk osh
midway thtou&htM~teondhlf
the wrona c~i~ u he ~ank'l
pair of chanty I O$$eJ wath 4<1
5tCOndl left. Sccon<,h later, he
c~mc back with a three. point
play,anli then sank a free tlvow
on a technical foul IUt"UCd
apinst Pllttevillc. civinc the
l'oi nters an Insurmountable
711-6Sicadwith only23 scconds
l>c-Fauw added t he Poin ters
final basket on 1 l.tyup moments
latn , and the Pointers captured
Tom Riuent hlk r apin p1ced
the Po inter KQ~in& 11\ack. with
14 points despite sustainmaa
thi&hinjuryin thc lC("Ond half.
' andwent on towlr.ipthevlsitors.
99·7<1, in t he Jut home , ame of
the yur " for the Pointcn l.tst
Sa turda y evc ninc at th~
h e vi c tory r~d the
Po ters' ~~rd to 13·1 in the
W UC and 18-4 o~eull, while
the visitin& Titans dropped to
4 · 11 an d S- I S m arks ,
respec tively. lnJUC leadinl
Stout maukd Rivet Falls,
103· 73, ' to finish 14·2 in
teal'~~~~ o~~:~: o,~~':!~~~te.
holdlna ai 3·7Cdet=afterthe
r,,.., five minutesofplay, but
Osl\kosh13llic:dto tlethcscore
atl 7wi thii : J 31eft lnthc half.
Moments later, Ken VcrCowc
. cue the vi:sit on what was
oJrstined to be ~~~ir only lead of
t he rvcnina, 1~·11. with 1
baskt t .
The Polntrn n:pined the
lcad.for i')Od.24·23,with6:13
ldt , and steadily bepn to pull
away behind the hotshootincof
sophommu Tom Rittenthaler
and Quinn Vandcnlleuval. With
only Sl seconds left in the half.
t he Pointers led, 4<1-32, but a
basket and t wo free t hrows by
Mtkc Malone brought t he "Titans
within tight points. <l4·36, 1t
Tom Riuenthalcr hit well
from allaniJuanddistancctanli
!~:~~~~' !~l:~t ,If; ~~~~k0~c~;,~ }:~:>~!d ~~c!O~~~ I ~itat~e'~f'S
r~noJ .
hanl\l; )'ct to lOS<" on ~ny
Stc~cM !'oint 's shootins from
the floor .. uouutanlling. tos;~)"
t he lust. S1n~in~ JO of only .It>
aii<'MII'I~. thr l'ointcD bhstn"oJ
t ht• Mh at a .652 chp. eruing
t he old ~onffrcn« rnlrk of .6J4
tlk'y hN w t a~>o:nnst Falb
Ia.! •·ur.
ti "~$ fonun~tc th~ l'o intet>
frtt throws.
Scniorguafli OC"fauw haoJhis
IK'$t ovcntl pmc of thr ~~:non.
scorin&· a ptorwnal high o f 21
points-. 17 of which came in thr
lC~n<l h31f ,.·Mn the out~mc
of the contest "'~ ~rt)" much in
doubt. llr u nk 6 o f 7 floor
)hot~ ~nd 'J of I ~ free thro,.·
~nen1pls dcsp1tt ruissin~;his fit s1
'""0 Ukt . Vandcn llrU\"11 hit si ~
kl5t man) hlll.:;tuots.
r om Hi!lcnth~kr and Muss
lk Fnl'"' ,·~nieoJ thr ~CUIIng lo.:a.t
forthc l'ointru, but Co.('aptains
.\l i~r
ll uchn and l'almer
f.~~;~::t~~~~;.'_:h:n~t~n~ tb~~i~~:£·:7r~~, a:3·:i~t~~~~ tent h~kr t\0 0 of thrfr , ~n<l
M1ke 1/u.,hn t"O of only four
to helt> set Ilk' ~hooting
ll ullhrs had a finetrhounding
f,~~~~",!~ ,,•en~ ~::·"t!~sd OKi~~ ~!~~~;. "t~!'n~;~;~~
Hitun t luler 1U nm k key
•·ontnblllions tothr tumdfort
Th,· l'<)lnt~ri got o ff to • hot
start . romng to a ~1 ·10 lead m
tho.· fin\ trn nunutcs u Tom tcnthalrr $MIL four ba,~cts
~nd \'~ndrn lkunl and Clcrtll'nU
l'bll•·•·ilk o:Jnw b.I•·L bdund
the' )<.'Ofln~of J im l.~"' 'nge r and
a_U..:onftr>.•nce i)Ou~ J.:nurson to
l1r thr Kme a1 ~5 wnh J:~..!
k ft . but a threr·romt J•la)' b)".
Tom M.I!Hnthakr an~ ~ Jon~
JUmpt'r byCicn•rnu rn torrd th~
l'ointrr k~•l. ""h•t h rea•hrd nine
puintsb) halflll.,f.Jt>-!7.
Tom M.llttnt hak•r pl~td the
IJ •n the opt-nina
lulf, aided by ('kmrnt ~ ,. ith 8.
Knuhon led the host Pioneers
"'' h II m1rtcrs
btpn to prcL
a" a)" at t he l'oint~rs lrad, al\d
cut it to fh·c. 4S·..!O. "''h 14:12
ltft. ltdcoJ by numcrous l'ointcr
turnOHI), hut Oc Fau,.· unk 1
ion, j um pe r anli Tom
lltt lrnthllcraddtdabuLetand
a three point play t ~ !Pvc tht
l'o•nter> some hreath1n1 room.
s ~-~o
~lld,.J)' thruu&h t hr lCtond
t he- Man~s ~" 10e•·fnl bbck
,student~ ro.,.ht "ilh police and
~~~Utf~~\ hdJ Up for (ivc
1 h,• 1\llnt,·n hdd lud~ o f at
le:ut I~ poiOt~ Ullllttlll' 1~>1 1"0
mmute\ ""h•·n a J~oner r ally cut
Ill\' \ld1"'' to onl>• nllw.7l·65.
l~oncen held a
th~tllrpart ment.
l'l ~tt r~ille
,It! ~~;~;:
38·29 ell!;" in
was lrd by
Knutson. ,.·ho finished Wtth 2 1
poin'ts. but hr hit on only 9of
JO 111empu Dan Tmnon ""~s
the onl)" o thrr l'wnecr m do uble
fl,urcs. hitnn~ IOpoinu.
Thr hol! l'tonurs nllna~d
3!1 more shots thiln t he l'ointrrs.
but hit on only 26 of 84 . a
mr diO<:re .307.
Wnh the Jon. I'Lit te•·iiJe
dropp~d to rcooflis of 9·S in the
WSUC and 11-8 owrall.
STl:\'1!..'1::1 I~SrT
llughu ......- ...-.. 2 4·1
T . ltltunthaln ....10
\'anden lleu•·at .... e 2·3
.....- 11 11-12
KKit>:enlhaler .... 2 0·2
C1rment1 ..........__ 4 1·2
Ht nnlnl:" ......._ ..,_ o o-o
Wntpha l ....- ...-... 0 0·0
TOTALS ·--·.30 20·33
l'oint ·~
""!tilitling S<.~u.:td
Well. you ro•i&ht s.o ~ t here "J~ :a llttk "hanL )'·pank)·" gui'* on ~~
Pbncville lut W<"Ck. but in thr rod it ,.-~~ th•· l'ionc~n who got all
boo&eredoUp . And I 'm bJIOI ki,J,Iinj:~
The Pointers help<\! the f~ns
then whit<• hankt~'l by
o shoot ina the ryes o ut o f th•· b~skfl ~n<.l ""ll inJ ~ .,..,.. ~"Onfo~<·ncc
0 f.cldcoal tnark .
I think t he wor<lsof thf num Utget uf the ;t u nt (Whitt llankK"
Ni&htj prcll)' wdl ) Uillllle<l 111• Ill)" f~'i:lin!:S :abuul snch a pr:ank to be
PLA'M'E\'II. Lt:
ptintcd in a 5ehool nr,.·~paprr. Mike Hughu f("flufd it "chup." and
•"T TP
that"sjuSi whatit ,.u!
Ll.wlntf1" ·-·--· 2 ~ ·6
The l'ointcrs wenlfd to ha~~ re&ain~<.l th>t <"arly SCa!ilm for m, and
Ludka ..........- ........ 2
2· 2
Leone .....- ....- ...... 2 4·4
I if they kcrp pl~)'ing like th<>$0 b >t r,.,.. n•inutrs :a~inM Oshkosh, I
2 think thry may be forced to play~ r.·w ul("" ga!IW$ an-d rnal:e
K1UI ............_._... I 0..0
Knut--. .........._.._ 9 3-4 Zl
Sldf~n ................_ I
1· 1
3 anothert ripbefort t hcs.:nonisov,•l.
ll...,.,.·n ...........- ....... 1 0·0
Tinnon ..... - ..- .... ~ 0·0 10
N OOolf
.............. 3
Flynn Robinson h:u bern somcthln,: d 'it fm the Milwaukee
TOTALS ....- ...ZII l:l· l8 G7 Bucksuoflate.5eoring45 , 4 )and4 1 pointsinthl' biiitlhrcr~;amn.
St.•wn• Polnl ......_ 38 H - 10 Now the Milwau~cr t•~pel$ s.:cm IIIOif worric,Jthl t th~ llur;lr.$ " "ill
..-....... n 4~7 lose their ihot at l~w Alcin.dor than !ICing h~flfl)' with the liud<s'
Toll ! F"outa: P laUeville Z:l, rrcent succesxs.
Ste•·rna l'olntll.
II appcars thu l'urduch;ts t lll'llilt 'renhaloket ballcto""n in iUhip
pocket. Rick Mount has-,gd.e t hebnt o utsidcshotinall of collcgc
basketball. E~ny tum tries to ~top him. but he still tciS 30 poin ts a
pmc .
look for UC LA to take its thitoJ str~ight NCAA crown.
Good . luck to t h•· Pointrt athl~t.ic tnms ~ompding ;~ ronferencc
rnects thiSwerke nd .
o pponenl and Wll! pinned after
Try to hold back yow tursas)"Ou rcl<.lthi~- Eikhotnhad its first
li S Dick Sorenson (SP) beat Jolin& x aw n in hli~ctball in IS )'cars. but several othe r of )'Our
f1voritn wen: mo~ wccasful. lluricy won iU first pmc in four
Rick Ad<crman(MT). 4.0.
12} Ron Cllmpbc\1 (SP) beat yun (They're too busy with other lhing~ up there) J>rin~t on
finished their sc:rond ~tnilht prrfect oonrerr ncc: iliCason (0.14). and
Rick PuUman(MT),3·2.
130 Dan M.odzwdl (SP) lost it wu "hurd" thatth~ Stair Deaf Schoollmt their last aan.c.
to Greg llautct ( ~IT), 6.0.
look for the followi111 trams a ! !he State Med at MadOOn·
137Dennis Riedr l (SP)Iostto Bc:loit, Kirn~rly, 1-: au Cb ire Memorial. Lll CroSK Central, eithe;
t hey 4 ropped the season finale
to Michipn Tech N-17 at
llou" u o n, Mich. The l'ointcrs
e nded thrir dual m«l $USOn
with I ~- I I record .
p~paration for the conference
meet thi:s ""ttkend . ~ainrd five Nn1 Solt(~IT).3·2.
victories to take a 17-161cad
14S Russ Sue (SP) forfeited
btc in the meet. but Tech to Dnc B)Td (~IT).
l wuwronJon.
uUird. Victories,..•, ., scorli by
Dick Soteru.on at li S, M.o n Ma~i! ~·~r?f~r~~~sP> beat
C.mpbe\1 at 123, F.ri Opprrnun
at I 52, Jim Nohtad by a pin u byiA~!it~li.ttl~(SP) pinned
J67 and JimSobodn~iat 1 77.
167 J im No111ar.t (SP) pinned
Wa y n r
rommentnl t hat ''the turninc
pOint of the match O<:cun:d To m8ryak{MT) ,7·2.
when Arnie llart of the llu~ies
~~;~'tl~d;~~~!:t~J~1.a~~~~t.fe:_ ~~er~::•:,...~~~~~ f~~~~~':~
"·r;,c;:~'t:..!;..... ; ,,~,...
1':'rvJen°ntoS 1~~
llayden onl~tMse~nd pin in pinned by Due. Ttrbell (MT).
added that "Md pt"tformed well 11
hnvywcisht but forced to cive
1way 90 pounds to hii Tech
Three Records Fall
As Swimmers Wi'n
Hl'u11ol (portiolly hidden behin-d Oefouw) of the Poinle<l
ond f•l<.~ns" Ste11e Young (to Defouw·J left], Je.H Srong (201,
ond R.c~ Rehm (341 (M•ko Oominow~~i Photo)
T l'
Point Grappling Team
Loses Meet, 24-17
enlicdalo~ij; SC"uo nSatunlayas
soo~datotalofl6point sinthc
PA LMU CLEM~NTS {421, co·:optom ol the Po,ntcrs, leops
w oth tcomrnorc Run DeFouw lor lh ts rebound on ](lsi Sot·
urdoy·s gorne wirh Osh~osh Q rheu shown include Tom
Rolztn1holcr (S21, Mokc Hughes (441. 011d Ovmn Vondcn
By Jo hn l:treneman
freshman llill Schulten o f
Greenfield set two new Strnns
Point roolrcrorllsintudin& thr
to a ~ictorr in a
,,.·imming mrt t hrld at thr
Fieldhouse Fti~a )" e~rni111. Final
srore was St!'vens Point 83,
Whitewater 56 and M ichi~an
Sc tiutttn's record 10ettin~
prrfotman~s cimr in th~ 1000
yn<l fr~estylc wit h 1 time of
:.~~;~)t ':i~h ~nli~l~eolr/31~·ard
In addit ion, thr 400 yud
r...,cst yk rcl~y tu m ~l so broke
thr existing r r w rd. k od
Srhnufr1.1gd. Jack Sutliff, llob
Maass and Jd f l'agcls cclipii<'ll
tbr former "'coN o f 3:34.4 by
The l'ointcrs finished one-two
in three e~nu. Tom k ozp
finishedscoond toSchuttenin
the 1000. Sutliff ,.·on the 200
yard freestyle in I :S8.3 with
!'~eels ri&ht be hind him. AI
Koschrnann took the 200 yard
brcashtroke in 2:27.8 wlth
L:tri)' Edwaflis in second.
n : ,,,.
. _ ........ :l
Clementi .... - ...... I
Hennlng ................ 3
\\'eolt>h&J .. ....... _ o
MilliOn .......- ........ 0
St~""trt ...... ·--.... 0
Carberry .............. I
O t her first place
l""rfor manccs ,.·ere turned in by
Schnufna&d in the SO yard
fredtyle with 1 time of 23;~;
llob Muss in the ~00 yafli
individ UJI medley with a time
,------_,-T'T------ ,
O NE FifE 12-0Z.
Soft Drink
With the p~o~rcha•• of ONE
0· 0
......... 0
B lan~hf!rld ........_ 2
TOTALS ........ .38 23·37
A rnon110n
............. ~
Go\o•e ............ :.
~i~~~h~tdt .. ......
~~~~oti .... .:.::~::::..: .. f
\'oung ................... 4
n ..~e
u;~TALS ..:__ .. !!~
."T Tr
Tllis was t he f1111lhomc mee t
for Neuer, • 5tnior from
Rhinclander, and 8ulike.a$Cnior
from Kenosha .
·Portion and the Soul Lids
4 G~o~ys ond 2 Gals
STt:\ · t;:O.:S 1'"01:\' T
T . Rlto:enlhaler .. 1%
\'11.ndrn lleu•·nl .... 7
K. Hltz~nthaler .. -4
THURSDAY: Admission 75(
Dlrtct from Konsot City -
~:du~~·~[;,'csC:;~.' and Malone
In a prdiminu y pmc. Coach
Pete Kasson's l'ointer freshman
team lo~t to the OshkO'ih
ycat~nas. 85·75. They tf3iled by
13 poln ts int hriC'oond half.
52·39, but nmcoJ to ,.·,thin
three. 65-62. bt'forc Oihkosh
the l OOyanl fn:rstylr.
Co~ference Meet at Pbtte~llc, Frir.tay and Saturday. ~
Friday - The Corner_ Adm. SOc
Saturday- The Easy Street_ Awn. SOc
d~~is~veR~;~~t~!kr ad<.led 13
markers in t he 1ccond ~llf to
finish with 29,a lCUOnhrcJ! for
t he Pointers. lie Sl'!k 12 of 21
ancmpts and con~crtcd S o f 6
frer t hrows. Senior cuaroJ
DcFauw was thr nrxt o f fi~e
Pointers to finish in d o!-'bk
ficurn. nening· IS. pomts,
includin& 9 of 10 chnty to~ses
a nd contributed 1nothe-r ftne,
1tn dy noor J ame.
Va n d en ll eu~al ..,ded 14
points be fore fo ulinJOUI in t he
secood half. Ken Rit zenthakr
contribute d II l'olroto ~nd
ll111hes 10 . The 6-8 post man
ran:lys.hotinthe contel!lndsct
up his tnmmatu with fine
passin& and concentrated on
reboundin1. pullin1 down ll1o
lndt hc Pointe iii OI 4 S-29rd&t
on t h~ boards.
Suna led the visitors ..·uh
some fine ouuide shootin1 and
~veral steals, but rooltd off
somewh.l t lftct afast start in the
lCCondhalf.llr fimshedwit h 19
painu, one o f five l iuns to h it
double fiJutcs. Center 11~11
Schw~r!Z added 13, and 11111
Finishil!l fourth wr~ Netzrt
in the SO yard frttlilyk. Bulil:e
in tbr 200 yard individual
med ley, Joe Moyer in the 200
PouR HAus
B-49 .~ith i4 :S9kft .
Co.Ca ptain lluahn turned
thc tidr forthcPointers,aslt
tumeliout ...·itha hookshot.
Sob llennincadded a drivinll
la)·up to Jiw thcl'ointers a
6~·S<I edae. but moments bter,
ll~~&hes pkked up his fourt h
ptorsornl on a chatgincfoulwith
The 400 yard rncdlt)" reLI)" 12: 30 left. The- tnms pla)·ed
team. romposcd of Bob llulike . on c~rn terms for t he next si~
Dan Neuer. l "im Siebert and minutcsbdore t hc Pointers put
Mark Brodha1en finishrdsc,ond on a closin1 nurr)' that neat ly
to Whitewater.
blew thr•·isitorsriJhtoutofthe
rieldhoulC. T hter bukcts by
J.:cn Hitunthakr started the
Third places ,.·crc pkl:ed up sur,.. asthc Pointerseompletel)"
by Mike AIJ&eyer in di~in&,
MaUl in t he 200 yardbuttcrfl)", dominated thr n:st o f the
ll u like in the 200 yard
badmrokcand M.oz,a in theSOO
ya.rd frcest)"k .
of 2:16.3; Mark Kausalik in
divinc with 203.6 points and
llob Srhwen~l in the 200ya.rd
batkstroke; who wliiitlockedin
2: 18.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1
• t ers In Achon
SWIMMING · ConfCTence M«t at Suptrior. Fridl)' and Sat urday.
half to lead the l'olntcn. lle&ot
ttronJ s u pport from
\'andenlleuval wit h lO and M. un
DcF1uw " ·ithY.
MalonekdtMTiunswith 10
in theopenin1stanza.
Oshkosh Clime out in the
sc.;ond h1f as t houch t hey
nwant to tlle <."har&t o f the
game and soon took ,Jil•"llnhg•
of the Pointers' pn:cariOui
pusonal foul uation. Mike
ll uJhcs, \'andcn lleuval, and
l>cfau,.· all had tht\'C penonab
anli this hurt t he J>ointcrs
Tnnsfer student Jeff Stan1
lt d the Titans rally with four
fie ld &oals which cut t he
l\linter1 lead to only four,
contest, outscot;in&. t hc ·nrans
13-9 in thelut,.xmLOuttS.
Coach Krucacr tk.,e~ the
bench in tilt last t..·o mmu tes
a ndthe Pointerswentontopost
Margaret's Bridal