IAIIIIW ll Jlffl of urvit'e to 111/tlenlt, litlllf§, atlmilllilralion SERIES VIII, VOL. X Faculty, Senate and U.C. criticize Regents' stand IDean Eagon reports on second study to begin In tradeJ and ane mpt to lnll~n<:e ""-n&el ln val~~e~ and a llhudH toward the developmentor this tralntn.: which !1 eGe nUa l \(l tht! I'Conomk: "'-clfan::ofthe c:ountry. Rttommendatlons In the new tea m'• rlnt l't'poM deUVfi'M la1 1 wt'Ck in.c:lude a~ehedule lur de>'elopmcnt pro~tt In a aort of 1mwll I'IICkalte form whic h "'l>Uid b!' <:OOI"dln.o t~ "lUI •·ar iou5 oo\J<lde •l"""~Agrlc:ul!ura l lmJ>rove mcnl b an lmruedlalc .-1, Dr, Eagon uld, and · a dded tllat next 5hoold come ttw. education and establls.hmt'n t of Jufflclc nt num. ber1 of buslllf!SJimm and bul.irlt'lll a dmlnll ttl ton. South Vlclnlom'• newlr -dno lt· <X~nstltutk>n Rn empb to lmIK>tne~chHngeA : I ln certaln Fieldhouse. An Px:tlPr1~ment bad choiCe -·r-· formal for excellence A freedom is trampled Lut 'J.:hursday nlght'a faculty meeting produced variety of what 1 feel are excellent resolution.~. Included the faculty's stand for free apeech their condemnation over the At Jut Thursday nlght'a me-eting, the faculty erlti· ciud the Board or Regent& 1tand on the Studcnta a Democratic Society, bravely reaflinnlng their of a "traditional and lonptandlng commitment ·:.o:,".:·::: ·:-:-c· l demic freedom and :::~~::;, a;!\.~~~~x~~=;~~~~~~:::: ~~!~:~Inrigbta, l;~,!ii~;,~~'u'~! ;.,,!>'~• "'I~~i:~~e~at!:tl~h~=~~n~~~w~~~;:.::r~a w~~ they ha\'e trampled on another - the freedom of the preas. A "Pointer'' reporter wa. at the another atudent. Arter about 40 mlnut.H, apotted and uked to lea,-e. This has oeeurred to another "Pointer" repot·ter, who, upon refusal leave, wu told to go. There Ia an anti-secrecy Jaw in the state of Wlacontln stating that any meeting held in \,state buUd- motiona. But the faculty alao took one action that .eemed out o! kilter with their overall liberal and progreulve attitude. T hl.l action wu the delay of the propoaed firat steps in the development of an experimental college here a t Poinl The 71 to 61 vote returned the pro. paul to the Academic CouncU for further study. A favorable vote would have given the propou.l faculty u.ncUon ao that definite planning could begin. everyone but the officera muat leave the meeting. lt ia &J>Pilrent then that faculty meetings should be university for experimenting with new learning techniques. Ideally thia would be Incorporated into a rui- ~~~ ~~:~es~!:~~::~h!~~e=~ria~~!Y~ Stu- =~: ::~11:::o:~~w~~u~ :~udde~~l.r I':e~ lm~~ea~itn;,:~~~P~~cfee !' ;,=u~,;~;t~e 1::r:~ ''Spring is ill-timed around here'' :~~h';:~~ ~o~ru~t t:nt::e~~:~ u~:'o:~no=~c~ "IT'~ Tho tcrJ We suggest that lf the faculty Intends to continue to hold elOlled meetings, they ahould then move off the publlc'a property. fa~~~/!n~~~~~~:: :~• ~~:!~=~~::~;~ ~~~u=~ both could not help but benefit by auch inter-relationa. II% fish Housin:g rights ' Debbl~ \hlkH, 19. IIOPOO•~>OI'1!, ltl6 SUnri~~e 5"~•·en• Point, m•JorL~ In ~I:IIJh. """* 111e· 1~·t ~.., Tt~.:~:e= such u this would provide eloaer student-teacher re- 1 cc..::.o..:;". .'C:..;:: latlonahipa, Informal aemlnar situations, and so forth. Approximately fifty aehooll now have such a program bu: ~:~eo~~:~:n::-: :~~~~~c~~~:· ~~~n~:u:~ I':·:'~~coll~ge. Then: are obvioua problema of curriculum, money, and control; but only by a torw11nl, not back· w••'\J, 11tep ClUJ these be explored In the depth necesaary. It Is hoped here that personal prejudices or eon· flicta are not restraining a propou.J which could only add to our u niverelty'a developmenl WSU-SP a lready haa one of the leading resident hall ::::::.~.~ iC ;;.,c...- l programa In t he alate. From my experience with It, I ,'~·-· ·;- :: ~ -·:-- .the experimental college would appear to be a logical ;;:c·.o:.-o.cc··ccc·,.-..c· ,:,:,,· extension a nd goal. It would be a further atep In eo· """'""'<i oroii""'"< all aspects of univenslly lire toward the I of learning. ,.-· ..-,-~''. ~"·'" not found a painless way" Ko&er G....., 20, junior, 101 ll)'fr 1/all, Jrorn lk'l'\1-n. Ill -··· --• m•jorl~t~:lnc:on~er\'ltlon. lntt~ll In ~ common l>n::M'IIIIftl and • l1ek ol all (uaually ~ehool worll) any !ype of work at 1yn1ptoms of •rorin' f~r. llvwefoundlh•tridln&acyelconthcstrl'<'l<lrurnml). ling In ~ woods ts the but "'I)' to ellmln~tf 11\t' fin! l ym)llom, but thia method only eompllealtl the second OIW". 1lW' 1lWI'.' )"'I riM. thc fa rther )'OUl' mind wand('n from tilt lnM·itablc h'fl>. Sofar lhB\'tnol foundaPfllnless ""aY IO~Iimlnatc tht-~ 1ymptom. If •nyone doH: know • polnleu voay. plca!Mi lt ll ""'· lmmftllately. AN Hall fi'Qm Wau- owner. Deapite theae rlghtaofthe atudenta, tbosewbowere punished for violation or the houaing rulea apparenUy left the incriminating evidence In the open while the owner or the houae conducted members of the adm.lnlatralion on an inspection or the faelliUea. Students have their rights; but "'·hen they leave lnertmlnaUng evidence In t he open where their rights will not proteet thell}. t here are very rew admlniatrallve offlclall who will not take action to punlah the offenders. It Ia their job. DfarEdlUll', J "'OIJid Uke to th~nk 1M dentbody for t~lrnen turnout duriiiJ' t~ lion. I rrutly l iM wpport that IIM\'tll'ledurillj' il STI Tin 1 ,, Ea• S!l«'l•t thankiEQI 111'11:1'1 manaeen. •nd &b LaBrant. _,;_.,c.::;;~::.".::: ol N~Loon Hall Knotuilotc!\1 lor :.: ·:::..:,:·c..::• . ::-:.:ol t .,, =·1 .."'"' "" .."'"" ·~ .'"• •1 Wisconsin State University ::l.%~~~~~~7~:§l~~~~~::~;::: lOITOIIIA.I.IOAlD u ......._._.,.__L.t •·.o~o. Ook>t4 H ...... ..,,._ Ml), 101 v;,.- eo.. J.41- . c.- U - - (ort. Voo Ho<loo, N101t Iron, · 401, lbo. )ft ruro.. Utot - lld lloloN,ll.o. H1«Holl, l - - 7 . 1 bt. J.41 r-An•f- - <:.~1tto 'OI.,..,•ol•, O.IloltHoll. l.-lfl, [M. :"­ S...O• ld--Gnoo l i o - r, 11110 (ollrp A••~ IU-OOU -.,,.,..,. U..... - - lroldoo, """'' HoU, 1 - 101. Lt..!'A4•orb- llol•.,o•n - AJ -.....;olr,U01 Collo.,A... Rot..n)-._, 1_ColkatA.... Cl......" - loi'"' IJt' - Boll!o.io•.Mot•ti•U.I-Mit,lu.)IJ .... do " ~- \ AWS On"'CERS recently elceted are: lleft to right) Julie Hottman, vice president; Linda Hamm, pruident; and Ma ri Bertch, treasurer. THE DEADLINE FOR TEXT BOOK SALES IS MAY 19TH TEXT lOOK DISCOUNTS WILL BE IN EFFECT MAY 19th. UNIVERSITY STORE THE POUR HAUS JIM LAABS MUSIC CAN GIVE YOU FREE FLORIDA VACATION IT'S EASY!! ASK US FOR DETAILS JIM LAABS MUSIC 344-5185 Come on! Interest yourself Today In Zee Elegant Necessary Savings account at ~:J~hJNATIONAL ~UI.V(NSI'O!Nl,WIKONIIN BANK . "Hoist the Citizens um-brella of savings for a rainy day!" _ FRIDAY & SATURDAY 8 :30. 12:30 DIRECT FROM MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA THE NINETEENTH AMENDMENTS ADMISSION ONLY SOc try Camaro ..!'The Hugger". hue•• The Perfect Shoe for You Exclusively at I ? ~~~ Camoro rood do ... r, JtraightenJ a awve easier bet 111U1e lr's the wMkltltcon celpOI"Hie r a t its price. It's lower, heavier, too,.,big-car solid and s te ady. You 8ef aiMfter ride, more precise hondling for your money. Atk any Comaro owner, h•' ll t• ll you. Now, duMng the Camara Pac•••tt•r Sol.. tpedal ...vingJ on 1peclally equipped Jparrcoupu and convertlblu. Sov• on all thi111he 25Q-cu.-in. Six, whltwwall., wh•el cover., bumper guonh. wh..l op•ning moldings. body 11Tipin• -'•lUlU ••••ring wh••l, e x ITo brighlWork in1id•• And, at no e • tnl cotl during th• Sol•, • floor tllltt for th• 3i·tpeM tron•mlulon and the JPOrfy hood ttripel Co1111t0,. CoMOfO. See y - Ch...,.ol•t dealer now. you 0110 i •et ~ toct.ontpMielly..,.,._. fMbid•pickup.,Moclel cs~ CAMARO by Chevrolet ·-. Mat ewewewewewewewewewewew~ PSA hears Senator Nelson speak on US Job Corps :Jh.e (}ree/wine 11 , 1967 '· '· '- ( , German film w_ill finish !M'Mior Gaylord Nel1011 spoke fact that we have a mor.l obll- ::~;:;:h~::n~ 0~spr: ~ Col'fl$ "'"""he a~ • ban- q~t spoi\JOf'Pd by the Polltl~al Sde~ Auoelallon. !:Se::~~::.~ ::. tor Nelson 1~11. ·~ \hilt pee> pie who do not eoauibute 10 the American ,..,. of life are 11ledinnl'r wuheklln lhelnaetualltyathrnl tOii>eJya. )'nnk LIO)'d ll'rltht Room on tem ltult. Sunday, May 7. SHiator N<"loon Tao many t ime•. he con.,.,.,lntrodu«d by Actina P rell· tlnued, the failures of the Job dent, Cordon llafcr~ku, who CorPII are widely publldml , once ,.wkl'd on a tax study whrl't'u tu IIUC:<:H&H are hardtr a m wllh Ntlson durlnc his Jy made kntM"TIt~ u I:O''N'IIOI". S<>n.ator Nelson 11 pru.mtly Ap[>rUinullrly ninNy people ~poniOI'i n11: a bill In Con;l'fta htard lhe Senator ela borate on to purchase the Apo~tle lllands, "hat tie lrlt to be the \mPIIf"' and he uplaii'W'd lila Ideas on lantroleolthl'JobCotl'llnlhetopleandpolntedout that hrlplllf the- mor~ depri•·td this blU Mos tiM' t uJIPDI'T. memMn of our society. moat C'~ft'Y major nt\0-s pe.per .. We ha~ea ~lobtlaa tlon In the •ta te. A abort q~>tstlon period !oltn ~ri\·oe r.\"('ry t"'non u OPIIOI'" tWll\l'. lr)"UU don' t ac~pt tM~o<oo·f'dtheSC'naiOt"'IIIIH'th . of,._ GRADUATES!! WE WILL DELIVER A NEW OR USED CAR WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY IF YOU CAN VERIFY "PLEASE GO AWAY" b11t btfort yo11 do,1oto ., nt, I ll, TRAVEL SHOP Stt ••n• Point, Wisconsin Phone 344-3040 1314 Mo in Strut- Next to th e Post Office \s~e~:~~~P•A~E~h:~:,~dR and Sightseeing Btuu Airlines • Roilroods Dri•t· Ur -Sclf Cors - Tou" • Hotals & Resort• • ALL OVER THE WORL D They poy 111 for help ing you; YOU PAY ONLY THE REGULAR PRICE. w., l.•~u e ll •· ~ ~ ti<, T it ,\ \' t-:l . ~: n..<o nn:Q U t~'> lr&\'el ln~un u ff, hntt l HAVE OXFORDS THINK. TUNA FISH!! Are You Kiddin' Me? ... ten da)'lldtln the ~mes- • ·· P«taat County Normal another crop of ~n- ..... ~~:radu"" . . . • Sic Tau who in raur houn pa rlin " "ilh the Alpha Phi's. OZ'I, TtkH. and Delta ~nendrd Si~rs . FOR ONLY $2.99 Call Mom early on Mother's Day ... she'll bask in the glow of your call all day long! BILL'S SHOE STORE ERZINGER'S ' I' I ALLEY KAT SHOP HEADQUARTERS fOO WRANGLER A loser dt\'ict hu bftn doe. ' 'eloped that provJdft a method for llltlnc a three-dimensional pbotOfl;ra pl'l. without a lens. that may be vie-loW In ontlnary Hchl. STUDENTS!! H• re' s an opportunity to make EXTRA MONEY during school and vacation. Da it in your spore tim•. I like SWIPE is the SUN method. For details coli: 344-9526 otter 6 p.m. JEANS &CUTOFFS BILL'S PIZZA SHOP TII.Y OUR RA DIO DISPATCHED DELIVE RY ~ l il· ~· do Corduroy Cutoffs • • • • OLIVE BURG BEIGE GOLD SERVICE BEEF - SAUSAGE - MEATBALl SANDWICHES SPAGHETTI - RAVIOLI PIUAS PHONE 344-9557 SIZES 27 to 38 WAIST REG. $5.00 NOW $288 DAYTIME calls go through fastest Long Distance rates are lowest ALL DAY SUNDAY ••. dial direct to anywhere. ~ Wosconsin Telephone Company 'e~Ptrtlflllellll..... hiSW.. THE NfW POINTER Poge ~ ThePotntertplcktdupalnale Netters runslnlhellrst and lll\hlDnlngstor U>tJronlytuiUcaol thegnrm-. In the. first lnlllng llarr1aled off with a alngle and ~'111~tcra.Jd drewawalk.llclmtrlt~lllcd out advanelne llnrrh to third w~~ ~ K<N"\."d D11 llank!n"a Jldder'a d~<~kfl. lnthellfthll•rrlsaR"Inlrd off wi t h 1 alngle and nme home on a trll•lc nit the bat of Fltljlcl"llld. F"ltztl'l"ald waa Ill""""" out at tiM! pl~te w~n hetriC!"d foranlllllde-lhe-park holm" run. 11!e J>ulnte,. ll"f! nDW ~3 fnr the year. S.turdtoy. Mooy 13, IIM'Y"1Uentrrtuint~O.~ ~t l.l~r Tltal\5 tn a doublrho.•;otk!r koii Pilrk. Field hockey club plans activities lntoday'aeolurnn,thelut o!Lheac:hoolyi..r, ldon'\ :r~~~d~~~~~~~~~h~,)'~;.\-:~h::r:1~~~i~~~~~:n::e~r ALLEY KAT SHOP TENNIS RACKETS & BALLS HEADQUARTERS GOLF CLUBS AND BALLS DUNE DECK AT FOR THE SPORT SHOP The hour Ia Wl"onr for levity. Final eurna are loornlnr. Have you J"Ot il ehanee! l aay yut I a.ay Amerka did DOt become the world'• foremoat producer of 1to..-e bolt& andcotterpinabyrunnlng away fromlll&"ht! You tciUpau your tlnalt! How? By ttudylnr. Hnw! B:r )nrnlnr mnemonic.. Mnemonic., the ..:ience of memory tlda, wu, u we t.1 bow.lnvent.ed by the t Greek pllilot.opher Mnemoa In 526 B.C. (TIIJ~.Indd nta ly. wu only one of the ln•·en· tioneof thl1fert i!eAtheni . UetiiOin•·ented thehou111 ctt, the oppo&in&" tllumb, a , mon Important, the ttal~ eue. Before the ttalrc»'! pie "·ere forced willy·nill:r tollveouttheir li\"esontheg n 1\oor, andrnanyrre• c......_ aa beau. E~pedtUy Demo.thenet who wu electad Con111lof Athenssbc til"':\,e abutnt\"eraervedbectueeha wa~ unable to get up to ~otlke of the Commi1~ioner of Oathaon the third noor t ~...-orn in. But after Mnemon•a at.aircue. Dem011thenea t to the third floor nay u pia -to ALheM' 10rrow, u I turned out. Demo~thenea, hia temper1hortenedbyyear of contlnementtolherround floor,aoonembroiledlliac'ountrymenlnalft'rluof lft'nJeu w1n with the ~ledea, the Pcuians, 111d the to. .Angelu ltam1. Thi1later IHlcame koow11 u Ute Mi.aa~M6d Compromiee.) SWIMSUITS "BRAT PLUS TAP BEER" ••• SOc "2 STEAKS PLUS TAP BEER" $1.00 Ill FOR GRADUATION But I dlsrreu. We ,..ere diao;.quinr mnemonies. whlclt. are nothin&" more than 1ida to memory-little jlnrlea to help you rrmember namu. dntea. and plac:u. For example: OPEN: 4 P.M. MOMDAY THRU THURSDAY 2 P.M. FRIDAY ·SAIURDAY -SUNDAY Columb.,., •oiltdfltroctllllblllt h/ourlet~tlllloulrrdniul)'tlro. See ho.,.. •lmple! Make up )"Our own jinrlet. What, for lnu.anee. eame 1fter Columbu•'• di~~C~~•·ery of America! The Boaton Tha Party, of couree. Try thla: SDmllt/ Adom•jlang tlor l t a FRIDAY & SATURDAY /llfollrrbrinvzuvduZr<~. (!'OTt:: The ZuyderZee " "U loo:ated In Boston Harbor •ntll 1801 wllen Salmon P. Chue traded it to llolland far 1:30 -11:30 .AI~Ukaandtwolinebeckert.) r,u:.l~:::..~~~::~~i!~~;~,.~ m11emonfa. Like thi• : "The BEAU GENTRY" Ptri011114Biadu YOUR FAVORITE BUDWISER BEACH TOWELS ARE IN • $3.00 POSITIONS NOW OPEN FOR THE EDITORIAL STAFF OF THE e·~=~= .uesq_. ta \\'uWft i ~ ~· t "'""*' ... ...,. TRADEHOME SHOES IRIS FOit DETAILS, CALL Olt COME TO THE IRIS OFFICE: TUES. OR THURS. lfTWUN 7:00 AND 1 :00 P.M., 2 ND FLOOR IN UNIVERSITY CENTER, EXT. US. mo.l:~ •loa"Cillglorat•n. I mcnt iun Perwnna be<:auae tile makeMt of Penoonna Super Stainleu Steel Blade. are the apon10u of Lhla oolumn. lflmayretall ttle mi8tyinthil. thellnalooluma ~!r~~~!:1N)I~;iY.!y"1u;!:e~:.~·r~~a::: ;~r~~! Seniors, Would You Believe You con become o ~ol wn., yougroduut.insteodofbeing nfted end mode o privata? Would you beliav. o liiU!InCI'It-ond, inodcfition, 'tfteiPJOI'OIIIMOf~ choie.ofworii:C1'10witha~ and lin month tow of cl,ty? Well, If you knew obout the Anny's nft0ffic.c..dldotaSchool }'101' program, yald know yo~'d be ri~t. And if you'd like to find aut about it, COI!IItalk to sameooe wha knows - a mon 111M groduot.d frorncollege,entwedthisprogrcm, · onclwosrecently conwnis.aioned from OCS. YtN con believa h. on4 his teem will be an~ in the naxtfewdaya. rreater pleuure working for )IOU. the underg rad1 of .AmericaTYou•ve beenamOftutldactol")"audlenee and I'm aoin&" to min you thla aummer. In fact. I'd uk 10\1 a ll to come vi l it me ucept there Ia no J«e.\<1 to my room. The makenor Pet110nna. after I mi&Md IC\·eral deadlines. \\'&lied me in. I hll"enodoonorwindo"·•-onlya mall 1lot. I allp the co\umM out; they alip In Pellltlrtll&.8 and ~ucb fooduean aothrou&"h arnail alot. (t'or theputai:.: lllOnthal'•·ebetnli••htJ"onaherdinnermint.a.) l am on!)" havlnrlllf little joke. Thernakeraof Per10nna bave ~~ walled me m, for they are r ood a11d true and rlu.mmJ"&ndeonatanl - U!loodandtrueandgleamlnr a nd constant u the blades they make- and I ...-iah to ata~,../\ :~~~::~~~~~!.~ :~i~ai:,hb!~~~~~: ~~~~:~~eateer And 10, to dose the year. l gil"eyou ou lut mnemoalz Sllldr .\ardalldJGUMl"iiA AoiiOI"J, AM oliQO)II IAAIII wU.\ good PITrOII-1/ • • • • •'""·- l'er..,.,...,..,,.eri>OIOna'• .pariiOerln/...,.,.,.,.u.,,.,lnr, B..r,.•·SAor.e,,...,,.,..,..,,.,.-nlloo/,ltoreonjoyMbrln~t­ Uoi",...,.,,....Jo.,,. y"aro/ .lltu'•""uouorf!rlanrll"'lnloi&- THE NEW U.S. ACTION ARMY 1$~"?/""'"· ll'"• llo~ltJt you JorutpporuliiOlO"rl>'orltw'-f -oriollyoa&..:JtaayfHIT..,.. . . ,IOIIW. aUyow o~Jwr -w..,.,.u.... May 1 Scene '$. Track team places second in meet held at Goerke Field pE 1967 .,. . ,. . ' l iP 1nk . ....... Jlnt 11. G .m ' ... """ "'" "ro '""' •mbo 'll'e ri.-e lily. >Ia ~·· ·~· 12 11)' 11 J101ill MaN ntajo u. s. IIY It d<><:t~ ,.,.~-­ \ rilL"' . ,.. ,, )C.• ~ .... U'lhl ~~ ~I <IPU EmP: Ji\'\dl "" (just~ IU;!.]I J~ b~ ~111{1 u ) "0 lac~n l$. 5< :TIZI "" nl\'~r !Sine~ '"" 1"\'lldl AI.U M~l~ ''" , llion- .. ,mlll{ 01('!. : ~-c~ ENDLESS.RAVES FOR THE "ENDLESS SUMMER" Alii Ice I 1916, 'tONIINUOUS IXmEMENT "IIIOIWII... IFERFO:T ... HYPNOTIC BEAUTY .. : MOYIE. OlllOFSIGHT." BUDYAJITfUN." - ·-· "'"" Tho ~r': -YinctnfCIInb~, H. 'I'. Timn :om: "SOMITHlNG'iERYSPECIAt.• mlnl I mL -Aicl,.rw;,,,.,., H .Y. Po•t '"'' ~ All I· "EXTRAORDINARY ENTER· TAINMENT." 19671 - Windll Hille. H.'I'. DlltyH.wf . Ul lho "AKNOCKOUT OF AMOVll" : "'" - Willillm Wo/1. C~a Mlll.,illa 1\n Kic ., ' p. Ud\111 .. ft! . n~nd­ >hl"t , ilgl. - .,. A k "o r" n ., l~:ht. $95 sch . .. .. . 2 door, 6eyllnder,ttandard tranamlulon. -·u·· , . , ,. . :. f "''••l. ,,•" I .. .: THE BANK WITH A STUDENT CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR YOU '60 CORVAIR $395 4 door, fkoluxr, automatk t i"IIMm l$51on. '56 BUICK $ 1-'5 2doorhardtop,power t tftr· Inc and brakes, one owner. Good .-unner! SCAFFIDI BUICK BUICK e OPEL e GMC ~~:~Th~~~ ,...,., U33 'l11ird St. Hamburgers ... 18' French Fries ... 15' Milk Shakes ... 25' ~Robbyi J12 DIVISION ST. \ TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT THE UNIVERSITY INFORMATION DESK FOR THE SPRING FORMAL FEATURING STAN KENTON. SPKTATOR SINGU • $1.00 ADMISSION COUPLE $4.00 MAY 12 AT UNIVERSITY FIELD HOUSE 12,30 , ,30 .