THE NE)RM1\L 0INTER 1903·11. NOVBMBBR. CON T E NTS, Our Muaeum ..••... . .•.••........•... 17 Halloween at the Stenna Point Nonnal ...•••....••.. . .••.•..... 18 The llomance of a llottle •. . ...••. .. .. 19 Y. W. C• .&....••. .".... • ..•..•..••....• 20 Training Department .....••........• 2 1 The :Fair ..•... . ...••••.. . ..•.•..•••• 2 2 CeJUOr .. .••.•.••. •...••.•..•.•••.••. 23 Editorial. •••.••...••....•..•....•••.• 2' Local• ... . ..•••••. . .•..•.....•.••• 26·28 .&.t hletice .••.... --;-;-: •..•..•.••.•..•.... 27 loUr Columna ...•.•.•••..••.••• • •... 2 8 Exohangea ................ .. ....... ·.• 29 Vol. IX. No.2. + + ,, + + 1={T FRENCH CAMPBELL & GO. YOV li'LILL FIND All S(bool Supplies, Pine Stationer y, Books , Magazines & Newspapers, Jewelr y, Beads and Novelties, Home•made eandles, Box eonfectlons. Pictures ud Picture Framiltg a Specialty. Tei. 107J. 449 l'lale . E. cA. cARENSJJERG, < 1' THE LEADING JEWELER I .L ,."iM IVQ/dt R~piliring o S~l"f. ... 7 Mal• St... Opposlt• P. O, -l :neV1lN8 POINT. - WIS. .. - f ANDRAE &- SHAFFER C0: 11 The wide ~ake retailers, UEALERS l!'i j J. Sc}zmitt 1=- ITailor & Clothie'l- I I OJHra 1/ouu YJ/oc.k. llfa in Sl. I -=== I 1 I S ln.Ynl Point, IVis. WE I ~~ _, = -oOrq Geeds, Carpets, II J CLOTH~G. Hats and Fine Shces. lJ rt;;:" ~n~~~~ ---========:: : : TRY ME. *udlo: 1\Jaln Stroot. ~RE HE~DQU~RTGRS USE o•"" E.I. T0ZIER& CO. D:Fl.UG-8 o r ••yot tla•--•J' Illll4• • taoocb tiaat D,..abB car;r,. f"'K ANYTIUNO 1:-i' THE ~ ::IIJ[.6.~ ~ ::a:m.eor. 11 PnsulpUoa Compoaadlnt we ase tb almost we. P1o-..o P""'"'e "u... a o-.1.1- TIO STORRS : m' ~e!-:.';!•:.:~ liUPIIO!II:..!."'....... .:=~ Taylor Bros., ~p..- Citizens' Tonsorial Parlors, ~. BE"'{E:JI(S, ~p. BATH aOOMS IN CONNECTI ON, u• OIU.. l!alioul~SRmS POlliT, WIS. IF YeU W1lT Te SEE Til. alliT AI<O UII08S T "-""IIT>Ul iO OF PERFUMES OeJe IIEYEil DRUG CO. &:::l:..... P,...-.crlptlon• P llled at all hou,.... Cl-4 ELUS S'TIIEET. Groceries, Stationery and Confectionery. \\' o carry n Full Line of th e B e s t 1\l.l:eats. Two Blocks 80Utla anct west of the Normal . eUR~1lN ReUSE, II. OJ. 0 . CUIIIU.N.- LeadlniC llotel l n Ill$ Cl~1· Rate• r.!.OO per da7. Steam Rtated. Eleckle Uab... t:p-to·dace. Grand Ce ntral Hotel, '" · CASSIDY & BROS. .\ 11 )l<><l<·rn .\ct~IIIIIIOdat io•nd. Prit•('$ Rc:a.onuhi';Y fiS<.'OIU'ORATEO.) N I!W ULM, MINN • S TBVIIMS POarn . WIS. A o tlrtb10 A sto nh• c a n d o WO II W it h U M. II"U~Ht• u J. IVERSON. IJHY CLI!:ANI NA DONM ON" H l l0 1t'l' !'tO'riCt;. JOHN E. FABER, attd ltet.U De-ter Ia CJol4 atul Slh-e r "~at C:ht8. Clocks. J ewelry. SUvc-r a ad P lat ed w... c-. PlatUJ:~·. Ora:a as. Sewt• a Mac;hla" a•ci •II h. lad8 of Musica l M.orc'haad l&e. F irst Cta8S \\ a t c:h q,epelr· taaa Specialty. 41 :Mala Str«t, I ~ OEO. H. S PIE LM AI'I, St a t o Aae a t . Co r. ·" • h• • •d S t ro• p ave. Te l. 163. Corne r fi rst and C la rk S t r . w~· x:n..uro · ....v:lth Inter-State Accident ud Relief Auoclatloa. • ..• PROPRli:TOR 0 1' St c ven w P oint St oof't"\ D y o W o rks. c:tc•••,.. a -.d. Dye,. o f an of Wcat'laa AJ'Percl. •••b l'rullat .... oallaort J otlce. C o rrto ,. C l nrk 8t. n n d 8 t ron11• n von ... e. '• mado or Buy only •h·c<Th"""m•lerl3'd· or. ~hole· Bucking}?am & Engber:cp BENNETT'S 1.bread a .....·hln·:ml•·d and f...-e 6C>I:.f CWl' YC> t:J R §r.o....·on•amin•••on B nEAD ~ • . lumlxlu.c •Dd haod· FI~E INSURANCE. llnJ. •unl~ JL 1s n • S.Scco-.4 S t. Te l. 62-4. ~ . . . r~nP.,It•'"' fMitottJt•~•~r. TIIB COU SER CLARK ST. and STHOSOS AVE. I IIC1.JIIO.J. UNION CENTRAL LIFE COMPA':JI(Y. ~SU''I{A~CE A..-u O'fC!t twutf•ltt<e JDIUloo. Tile hlrh~·,tdldd~od paT' lai"Cvlll"D•lo A1D-ertetL Y.DCIV • ID~OIA at lite l'lll~"- GustaV W. H e in, s~~'::. Joba"'(!a' lli I"'UdJGW Oe.le r Ia P\iblte SQu•re. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. - - -OFFICIA.L. - - - F00T BALL SUPPLIES ARE MADE 11'1 ACCORDAI'ICE WITH OFFICIAL ltUU!S. l eUJ Fuollare aUodtrtillog Co. Spaldln~e'• handwmoly II· lustraled tataiOIIUe or Fall and \VInu~·r Sport~ c:ontain· et-- ----------- l:'a~1°!11N'~ne;ntN~• ~ ~0:.: Undertaking and Embalming. p,.,..,.... el. I~ ·2. address. Spaldln~e'• OfRclal t'OOI Ball Guide. containing th new r ules. Per copy, 1 100 to 101 Strong• A •·e.' cents. S. J1\eGBSE).N, Dealu in FRUITS, COIPECfiOIERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. Tel t •I·J Ma la S t reet. :O:ext door wettfrom Corner of Stronr• a\·e. Uow W PlaJ F oot UaiL Pu eoPJ, 10 cets\11. BJ W alter C•mp. l'lt• tdJdoo A. G. SPALDING 6t BROS. s............. Cblc . .o P11Jladdpbla l(...._.c-,, Bo.toa Ua:IUJDore UuUitiO Se• \"ork St. Loo.h )(tueapolllr. OtDYtr Loodoa. YAc1ud )lOD\rt&~.Cn. li;.'~~ PALACE BAKERY MISS M . KITOWSKI, LA:DIES' TA:ILOR. toranicelineor Fresh Chocolates and Bakery Goods. 4 t z + Mala S trc<lt, u pstairs. XO IU IAL E . A . JULI E R . TRADESOL I CIT ~O. Te lepllo• o 89. F. L. DILLE, INS~R!NCL ~oonts RUl (Sf!H. lOANS. 4 and 15, Atwell Bl.ock. JOHN NORTON, 11 1X. 3d l., GENERAL REPAIRING. lli<·ycles and Guns n pecinlty. J. S. PIPe. COR. ELLIS and CHURCH. CITY LIVERY AND TRANSFER LINE. Dr. F. A. WALTERS. R. OBERLATZ, TQercnal\t Tailor, 757Strougs m. Cor. Park st Stenus Point, Wts. mt~ 1~ m[ M~~~ l~l~m ijr Shoe Store. Stevens Point Shoe Co. C. 0. D. STORE. Always Reliable. ONE Caters to t he P~ICE ~ormtol ~o Trus t. TO ALL. Students' Wants. P . R0TH M:A:N . H ACK AI'CD BAGGAOE. Cor. ~ormal ave. and N. Third st. Tel. 58. STEVENS POINT, WIS. RETON BROS. & CO., Jewelers and ()ptidans . Eyes E)la.,laecl . Spec:tac:lcs F itted . .All liU..z>.c:L8 or JR.op~. WISCONSIN CENTRAL R~ILW~Y TO Manitowoc, Milwa ukee, Chicago, A!'ID ALL P OI NTS EAST & SOUTH. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Ashland, Duluth, AND POINTS NORTH"& WEST. T.. B. PE!\1\ELL, Agent. Ste,·~ns Point. ,J. C. POND, G . 1'. Agt., Milwaukee. STATE .NORMAL SCHOOL, s ·T EVENS POINT, WIS. ( NE~V B ILDIN G:- T I IOROUGHLY E Q l PPED. A LL MODERN AIDS: APPARATUS: LIBRARY : COMPLETE GYMNASIUM . UJJETTER PREPAR4 7JOJ}( FOW. BETTER < 'TE~CHING~ A Large Corps of Exper ienced Teachers fu llt~ abreast of t~e te')d3')Ce of e r'1est, adva11ced Students who are Actual Teachers. irY}eS. A large The new wing now complet ed, adds one-half to1he .capacit~ of the building. Thre~ -'dvaudce:f CDstrses, two \'ears for HIGH· compel nt stud· "~~~~.Post ~t·aduate stutlie~ in ~eiences . Languag s, ( 1 vacs anti gy . · S t'H OL G HAO An;s anti Ol'HEH Dlploma equinllt>nttoLl.FF; ·rA'l'E EH'l'I F'I A'l'E. . Elem~~tary Course, two .' ·ears, fot· t·ho. holt!· tn;.r C.!l'tth ·.~ t.M oa· JHssht•r entt·anc ~ examinations. Ele meutary Ce rtificate, quiva.lent tg LIM.· fo t• llv y 1\I'S, - l.l'l'r:D S'l' A'l'E 'ERTIFTC ATE, Comruou School Cours e , one ,v<-'at·, rot· s pecial h;•netlt of tho. e who mu. t teach soon. Prepa':ato!'y Cour"e, ten weeks onl~· ~iv ing Jll't'Jllll'llttnn tn ull the c·ommon bt·anehes. T he. e l'iass(ls 111:t> t~~;ught by t·t>gulnr No rmal teachet·s o 1• 1 lllllle t• l hf' ll'llll'eCt 0\'t'I'Sij.!ht. ., Selectloa of Stuclles pe rmitted to tea ·h 1·~ . untle t· fa.vor abl circum tance ' . . New Classes form d four times acll yt>ar i n nearly v ry suhj ct in tb. cour.·e of . tudy. xr pt LMin.German and om advanced . cience studies. Tb quarter begin l<'eb. 1, April 11. Board $2 ilO to $3 p r week a.ll . chool cho.l'J::'t'" about $1.2.5 p r quart r (10 we :,. ). No tutition t s In ormal clas. es for thos ex pecting t n t uch . Tu ition 65 cent p r wee k or le. s in pt'l'· pal'll.tor·y g rades. Write for circular. or BETTER : 'l'ILL, a sk tl ti· nite qu . tio.n · about any par t of th scho 1 wot·k. und g tan 1mm diatR p r onal repl_y. \tires. the Pt . id nt. .. 'THERON B. Pn Y, S tev n Point, '\'Vis . c THE N0RMAL 1?0INTER. Vol. IX. Stevens Point, Wis., November J(), 1903. No.2. ()UR MUSEUM. During the past summer, the scpeclmen.s which belong to. the se'•eral depnr&menu o f the school ha,·e been collected frotn the different s>arts of the building and placed in the old llb•·n•·y, number 2:U, which has been set. a~lde a~ a museum. Here ha,·e heen pro,·ided eases In which the specimens have been arranged jn 11 neat Oil(\ auracth·e roanner. The museum consl,ts or th~ dhl~lons, \'iz: Biological, Ceolo~ical. anU Historical. The majority of the Biolos.rieal Specimen.§ "'ere obt~incd from the Smith~nian Institute of \Vashington, and \Vood'!( Rail, )ta s~achusetts. The remainder are the result o f work on the IH!rt o r Prole•sor MeCasklll and Prolc<>or Tolbert. These tn-eser,•ed ~pecimenl' nrc kept in connection w:th the Biological Labor.u oty on the third floor, so as to be ea~Hy B<t"(.-essible to the students for study. Altl•ough the collection i~ not 1&11:('1 nearly all the di1Terent 1.ypes are rep~sented. Some or the specimen~ are quite rare and curious ; e . g .~ the Portugese man o f wnr, squid, sea nneruone, and su<..'torial fish. The entire collection ts In a fine state of preser\'&tion, Gnd is surely a credit to our school. The Natural History Specimens make up a laJ1Ze part of the museum. They Include about ISO mount~l birds and animal~ which have been both scientifically and artistic-ally arranGed. The Geological Department cootoins a collection of rocks from 1\onr.· ay: am1 a great. many fine specimen.s secured by Professor Cuher while on a United States Geologiealsur,•ey in theYeJJo•·s·tone Park. One o f the most interestlog featu~s o f the museum is the Iarre eollectiOn, In the Bl:swrlcal D.!pattment, of Indian relies, rare coins, and ClvU \Var documents. The lndlan relics include arro•· antl spearhends, ax e~, a Mexican hand mttl, n war club, plJ~~, and J}()ttery. Coins from t•·enty various oouotrles have \x.>oen dona~ to the mu11eum by members o f the fuculty~ oulSlders MOd alumni. Besides these, there Is the E. B. ~Ill es loan collection or one hundred and t'o\·entyafh·e rare coin .. of the United States, England, Canada, Japan, Chino, Spain . German~·, S•·eden, Austrla- Buna gary, Italy, Holland, Russia. ~Iexko, Colombln and Guatemala, trading c.hec.ks of • ·ar times, campaiJlll eoln!l o f Jackson's administration, anti fou rteen unlc.Jentlfted coins- two or •·hich are ()()Sa slbly ol ancien< Greek coinoge. The Ch~tt \Var docutnenu, most of which "'' ere presented by ~h·. F:. M., pro,·e of much interest. They Incl ude a One Thousand Do1Jo1· bond of the Confederate CovPrnment, a Confede.·.. ate1'~"enty Dollar bill, a United Stutes IO.cent shin-piaste r, a ·parole signed by an e xa(;onfedcratt" soldier. an amnesty oath, and a copy of a ne"'"• paper printed by hand in a Confederate prison. There are at~o a few mlsceiJaneous curiosltiefl; tor exarople, an old cal enda r J)rlnted In l::n~land i!JI819, a Dutch brick from the walls of the church in Sleepy Hollo"·~ a steel for striking a SJ)ark on Rint , etc. 'rhu museu1~lO be made one of the pet-nuwent educational feu tul"\!~ of the school : nntl n~ theN!' i~t no rund back of the mo,·ement, It Ss det>endent upon friends or the Institution. The Alumni :trc ~pccinll~·ln,•iled to either 1oun or ~ate eurloMhl~~ of general interest. ha,•ing such curios. or kno"•lng where they may tn obtained, by corres ponding with President. Pray or any membei- of the faculty, may be able to arrange for their lran.!lportation to Ste,·en~ Point. All such donation~, or l oan~, will be ''cry grnte· fully reooh·ed by the •chool. l t' TilE ~OI!~I AL POI NT ER. an unC'anny touch, and writhed and howl~ as t' ~1 pa ... t'd u• along to the ~ptlon room. What a reeling o l l't'llel wht'n 'l'C found OUI'.!ieh•f's once moro In a lightlod room! Uow •·e con,s.rru.tuluted those who came through,later,alon('! \\'f> were amu:o.~lng o u rsel ves, • ·hen tl•e s:host.!J in weird volct-< be~tan to ~•11 u• ono by one lrom the room. \\'hon my tlnlf' eame. 1 bade a s ad farewell to my friend•, and · -ent out. Amid demoniacal munnurings, I .ra .. taken In ~hol'jlo by two Jlhll~t•. W e started lor HAI.t.OWf.Bl'C AT T Hf. ST BVBI'CS POI I'IT the baoement. The hall wa• dark. M y guide, !'C ORM AI.. kept up their •pooklsb moaning&. Oo we wtnt, A r.., da)< belb~ Hallo.-l'fll, 1M JunloN till a spirit door-koepor uohered us s udd<nly Into found lnvltatlons in their c)e..,k, 10 a Sfnlor Party the p~.enoe o l tho devil. A gla,.... o l red and to be gh·en In 1 ~ gymna~~otu1n. more groan;c. Thf Invitation' w-er•f• bunlNI on a raggtd·(l'(lgcd The devil, canopied In red, Atood on a )Jl atlorm piece o f hea'' '' brown paper, mnd read follow•: belorc the awlul pit. Elcctrlo lights clra1Je<l In '"Cobllnc, whehf's. ~ J>Irlt• o f darkntoit~ will hold red clld their best to make one reel hi~ doom. high umlval at tbe ~onnal. Hallo.-een. 8<Clad In sk ln·tlght ga.-nt~ o l ft•ry hue with a l>restnt,C'&n rou "!.. .\ jack+lant~rn. inwattr-colors wa .. attt..,top: tbt ero" .... bont..·aod skull wf'ft mantle thrown ovt·r his shoulder, the de•ll flourIshed his •wo rd about while tragically tclllnlf u• bumed at the bottom. " re •·ondere<l much during tht' week as to "'hot our late.. Oe••ll number twenty was now detai led would hal•; and t'J~Ially ~ one of the to take u.s to the witches' room. StniOI"' • aid t.Takt Hfe fl"1: you won't bf tttl'\'! ~~~~ in a dim light, hand In band .,hb tbe for toxamlnlllOfh ~xt •f'f'k. •• •i"'t.e., I circled a bout tho boiling, bubbling pol. At t :30 on Saturday tvtnlnr lht Junlorc 1)f1ran while they meowed In many accents. Alter IH!arto gath("r on the campu~ , uml decidf'd h mluht t.r lng my lortun•, 1 wa• led away through the hall IU f{O " ' moSS<, to • room llghl<!d only by the moon·beum• lrom \\'• had but passed th". ouwr door< "'"•n th- a 'mall window. ln the farther comer we tank' ::ho"• .,hh hand, mulll<>d In tbeir ~ho• tlr ga,... upon tho •keleton guarded b )' more ghosts. lie"" rotat" grabbtd on to uc. moanf'd ,and ..hht'red you •hook hando whb " BrotlH'r Bones" a nd ktl>l and va8 ..f!d "" up to th~ ftr..t Iandin~ wheno In the on shaking till oome one turned o lf the eli'Ct rle darknts•, ~tlll, a host o f grn\·~·ya rd IK'OI)){' ft~ap­ current. plnJ! thflr a:nrm<'nt~ shrlekN and ~roanetl ... t &l'ttl ~ow. UJ) and UJ' •·e went, all eyes and ear-•, till ut u.s throuith great round rH·;t, rlawttl u.. •·ith we <aiD(' to the tOll story. II seemed a long wa): 19 T il E NOR )!.\ L 1'01:\TEl!. for "''' W(\llt Alo••ly, the hlltl!il v.·erc dlu·k, and I knew nut whnt moment would bo my last. fo~rom dark conv•rs here and there gobllnoc In black J,Cildtd out, clawing at Ui4 with ftery ftngt-rc. Sui· l)burou~ odonc added to our horrors when they canw too near. AI Ja,t, .... pau~ bolore the door Ol a >lOre room. A moment later, tre ,..trt g"a&lng upon ('l..,ro'• pallid leature3 draJ)<'<I rna bla~k •hroud a• he loy In hlo ~nln . Some ba~e him a mo.t atr(.-ctlonate f1u-e•·ell before they -.-ere allowed to leave. Acru"'~ the hull we ~sted; for the next room v.·as oce:uplf'\1 by some one saying. '"I won't do h! 1 ·•r I won't!" We had a long re•t whll~ .suaclon whblo went on:. but our tl~ n~ dim theper- (":&~. lljlht,thecluttered attic. and the •lien~. d...-t)('n('d the horror Ol tlrlo 1081 net. A bl ack robed tl$:ure ll~ated behind a u•ble wa" f>&ylng in de<'Jl ~rutteral tones: "Stl<k thy finger in thl• t>an or llle blood and ,Jgn away thy soul upon tbl• pap••·" Th• blood·trarked .heft wa• terrible 10 look upon . ~ly ftn~~tr is still d)ed red !rom huing had to dip It -e•·eral ti-•. Aftt-r thl!t, •e ..-ent down and do•·n till we eame to the ba"<"nloent ftoor: and at the "'mna,Jum, my guide~ lef&. m~. At la .. t, we •·(Ire all ,..,.,embled here: nntl tho gplrh;., with the exccrnlon o f the tle\·ll, \'IDlilih{"d. Aft~r a J>lta ... ant e,·eninsr wlth mu,.le and heartr refre•hmf'nb~ w-e were summoned lO the ba<'-k '"-amp..a,., where we as.semblfll under a lars:e tr'ft. and around a l(raTe. Thoy propooed to bring to lile the ba•k•t ball spirit or la•t ,.•••• The tlevtl prt.ilded o,·er the CC!re.monlt~. f1our. bhlng hli ltword on=r the man with the !oho,•el, he crl(ld out, ··Dig: Antonio, clls,c! dig faster: yet mot'(' fa !'It:·· At the sho,·el hlt tho lid o f a box. It "'tlrred, mo,·ed ~ "Antonio" "tooped to in,•e ..tlrcatt', •·hen to! a figure. ~hroud~ In •·hlte, ro!loe, and In an instant had dt,appeared In the clarkn ""'"· It thow w:1o ga'ft (:hi~ caught the aplrit, 'tl• .1alcl that oar ~a au •~ a.!t.sured ,u«H.J lor the yur. t 'LORA t;, Wooo. T H E qOMA I'ICE OF A. BOTTLP.. l twuo~ u wann, dreamy afternOOI\IUI-:t'.:Oh.' '""Ne .. t. ~luded re~;~ort ou the shore-1 or OJ"Cf'1l Ba~. Onttlonc ftguno, that uf a youn)t glrl ,..adi~. a,:aV"~ llf\" to t~ ha<ty land ..caJ.N about her. .\J>p.An.'nlly •t>ariNI ... tH." aro...e and halt aloutl munnured: .. Much i' fi<:licn arter all. 0: fnr" a ~mall littl• ol 11.., romantic in thl• .ordid old "orld or ouna .• , \\'hh hall clu~l book in her hand, 8ho iltrollcd down to • •hf•l'(' l hf' hazy wtn·e~ weN' U"('IUiy l apvlnJ: Rutldenly she J)tuaoced, then ~tootK."<l lU old bottlt> which hay 11lrt"Ctly before lK•r In hc>r path. The w-ave'i had at>t>areotly the .!ll~. exumln~ tl curlou~;~ played with it a•. toy, and tirlnj! or tb<ir -port. upon the ..and... h wa .. curfou s.ealed Wlth •ax. and eontalned a ~mall Kf'llJ> or 1•a~r. Here •a~ "'l"ter). II wa.!J but the work or a rnomtmt. to breuk the OOnJe UJ)()D the litoneot, 10 ()ra•· the paJl(•r from ho; re<:('J)IacJe. h reatl thul!i: to.._~ It ·•on Uonrd the Plea sure Yacht At.tCt:M. I)nP.w , June l Oth, 1841. I know not ••ho the tlnder ot the~ llne-c may be. They will •hortly be consil!'ned to lhc care or dear old Nt:-JJtUnt': and In my muotlng~. t e a n not hell> but wondtr whither he will carry them In ht"' aa~lf'-..oc. pllhlt-"'" ro'·lop. Itt .. unl) a )aung man's fao~r: )et may I hOI~ that the ftndtr. undeNtandlnjr and "YmJ)&thlzln¥ wllh tlw mot\<~ "hkh i~•pired th~-e lin~•. will write me of thtlr de,tlnat ion '! l0"Et_,.IX M . ORASOON. Oak Plut.-e~ Iowa." l"'ranc:l!il \ \'h(.'{'ler drew a t~harsl. quick hreath. Here ••~ ..ef'mloJ:lY an ao ..wer- 10 her halt ")JOken tbol8. Oared .he write? She. W"hO had beel\ brol up whhln the JMllngs of the ron,·tntlonal •orld, taught to honor and re.. pect iL• mo..t ~lrinl{f'nt laws:'! The ..ptrit or ad,·enture Wa'i ..troDK" UJ'Otl her. Sh~ t.e .. halftd: and1 •~ the old adake sroe ... waot lolllt, During tho fall ofthefollo•·lngytl'ar, a Notional Bib14Q School (..'On,•entlon was held not. far frum l!:a~rttc1 ~ Ne._t. During one o f the ~eot.!!;IOnt£, u yonn)l man chaol't"d to,l'"ha re hl_j book with a fair .-tranl{tr who e>«upled a seat al hi• •ide. f:Och wa• uomlndlul ol whn the other mi~ht be until a mJ,. c:bievou" upb)'r, atealing In at a ne-ar window, stirred the ltl\"f''i 1 b1ow-tng the fty ltaf and revtal- .. TIH~ 20 )iQR)I ,\L POI:\TEH. in,: rh~'l'>l\ worcl~. ·'Ft.•lix )l. Br:uuton, O:tk PIBce, town.'' The girl. blushing tuut confus~d. dit'eetetl one 50 tartled look of inquiry at her companion. She kne•· not wh:u to do. Here was the knight of her t·omnnce. T.., clw outwArd £l'_\'C, he w1u' nil het• fairest. dreams had pictured him to be. Surel~·, he •·a:; a t:ootl nuu1: or •·hy ..·a3 he here~ Shouht ~he re\·eal he•· identity? How'! Tho.o;c questions eJ'Owdec.l UJ>On he.· in quick sut."t..>esslon. Suddenly. as if by hlSJ)Iration, ~htl ~ized her pencil, and drawtfg the book from his hand, w~te beneath his name he•·own-FRASCES \\'1-JEJo.:LEH. .\Inn~· ~·tars htt\'(' J>thiO(I(I: and 'he i~ now Fran- Brandon. a dear old latl~· of sixty •·Inters. Often thnes in tlw twillg>ht hOUI"S, a ~ he•· eyes rest. em 1he o ld hyrnl\ book on the mantel shelt, then on tht" t>fnt fonn of him who owned it. her lips frame tho Mory of h('r girlhood da~·s . ('eS Rers wus sur('ly t\ ronunce, tho tt"uth o f which than fiction. "-' OS strun~e·· N. ~f. TH E I'IORM AI. FAI R . Did you go to the Nonnal Fair "! All the gh·l• and boys were tl>e>.-. Old you di"OJl a nickel in the po nd so wet, To see who~ "lnd of u sucker you wo uld act'! The Ho-ang-doodle, of lnteres~ to all, \\' a s a con,·enlent plnt.oe to comb locks small. The pcople got their drink• From a well with many brinks. Tho fottttne•teller was there •ro r-ead you r palm so fair. The Dutchman with hts ""enies ~·ed oil the little shenles. Tho J a ps:, o n bentled knee, Served cocoa to•· those who eumc to see. The girls, who sold the candy sweet, \\rere lhere, and o,·ery one did moot. Old you go to the Normal Fair? 'W hy! of course, we all were there. --- -- v . w. c . :A:. ·rhe Fiftet'nth Annual ('onvention of the Young \\'omen's Christian Association •·a~ held a~ the beautirul city o f Bea,·er Dam, October 16..19, 11}()3. Mls.s ~1a~·hew,of Madigon Un:,·er~lty, was elected pr('sident. of the cotwention. The 11rst st'S.slon ••as held 1-~rida~· e '·en ing . Octo· her 16. Aftt•· Scrivturc read ing , und pra~·e r, addresses o f we loom<" were gi,·en by fte\·erend D rew of tht ~lethodl~t <:hurch, fo r lhe pas~ and by )lts.s ~Jerrlam. of \Vayland Academy, for the a.!'lsocinlion To these, fltti n fl re~ponse •·a~ mutle in bel;alf or th~ con-rentlon, b~· )frs. f'. F... Brown, state c.hal~ man. Then the convention •·as led in spiritual· thot b~· ~ttss Franl-e.s Oridg~ ~aturdn~·moi"Ding, )fl!!i~Sara Kh·k. o f ~l ll•·aul<ee, ~a,·c an ext~dingJy heiJ)ful Bib1t' talk on the ;ubjf'Ct or "'Prayer... Thi-t •·as follo•·ed by rc· J.Ort.s from the local a~~oclution.s. which l\'erc \'en · t:nt'Ouragh\g In f"\·er.'' t'CSIK"Cl, and ~ihOl\'ed a gro:. ini: interest in this good work. There • ·ere Ins pi ring addresses by )J iss:Mury Dunn. National Secretary o r City Association work: by ~Jrs. Coleman, o f Chicago, State Secretary or Illinois; and by Or. Pauline Root, who lor year< has been a missionary physician in India. On Saturday evening, a receptJon was extended to the delegate• a~ Wayland Academy. Au he Gospel meeting conducted by Miss Bridge< Sunday arte'rnoon, a number e xpressed &he dcsll'f: to live fo r Chris t. The lurewell mooting was conducted by Ml~< ~loxc-ey. The delegotes and mcmbcN of associ•· lio.. lonned a circle. and as MI.. ~loxooy called the roll, a delegate from each •oclely rc~ponded ~·ith the tho~ that was to be Its watcbwoed lor the coming yea•·· One that ~·as, probably, dooply lm. pressed Ol\ all present. "'as " Remember Je~m.:i Chr ist. " The eon\'ention closed with s inging "Blesi be the Tie." And all went away resolved to lh·e better llnd nobler Jl\'CS ror the ~la:;ter. ;\.A. 0. TilE ~0 101.\L 1'01:\TEI!. 21 TRHININC DEPHRTMENT. F.\LL WO~K I N T H E K I N DE~G A~TEN. OUT 000 ~ WAlKS. OwtnJ,C to the wealth of color that n~ts. the eye nt e\'try tum In the fall, chl1drt'n ~tartlng to M:hOOI aL thl~ time of the y£-ar .!lOOn learn to &Jlpl't'<'lal• lhe b<!aulle< of nalu,.,. by laking oul· door walk.. Ia tbelr llrst walk, 11,.. chlld,..n ~ratllt'red ..lid thru th~ ta1Jint: ot the lt>a,~~" and ro,·rrln)l thf' tarth •• a J)r'Ok*Ctlon from cold. the .._NtJ,., tn.llft .... etc., ~ .. ltnJr, yet. always workinJt. The dtlldren learn to lo\"e the lea,·e~ anti rto"ea"" and oth\'1' thlnt:" In nature by bcln~ • •lth them. ·rhei'?Jift'"' wiiJ be fuller. richet·, and mol'(' com.. piN(• tK"<'au~~oe or tlwlr- power- to .u~ cht tM'autUul. woodrrful world a bout tbem. and thl-c loc r;ralnN by l)f>ln~ much with no.-eN, •• a ...te~. gol~n n:Ht. and dat ... t._.... , and on one walk only pansie5 w-f"r"e' J:&tlle~. nH.'~ .-ere 1>,.,.~ and moun~ by lhu chlld,.,.n. Then they found all the ~l'i that tht"y could, which were kevt for futuro u ..e. For 8eYe1·al days in suece~"'lon th('' ' obse1·\·ed the le&\'e~ of a particular mnple tree - the changin.~t c:olort from day to day, until the t ree Wa8 bare. Then lhcy ••l•lled a maJlle ohal had beaulllul '"rieL lt&\"t.fl: and other~ that •ere all yellow. When &he lea.-es b<!gao 10 fall, Ill!! chlldl"tn col· I~ them, linden..,, oak<i and mal)l(l'~. to u-..e In t he dt'&mall.,atlon of the poem "'Octobt•r''-' Party 10 : and aiOlO tor IU"esslng. \VI1en 1he oak leaves turoN~ bro•·n many ot them wero IH'C"setl to be u~'~ed tor room de<..-oraalon. On one or t•·o occasions, the chlltlrtn just. re,•ell~ among the leaves on ltu_• ground. 11le cl>lldren also oolleed the . .rlou• kind• or \*~tablt• In a ~rtain i"•r"llf'n, and •hat wa" b<!ln~t do~ '11'1\h lheln lor wlnltr. V~elable• and lrull ,..,.. brou11h1 lo1o 1he Kindergarten for use In lhe hand·..ork and trames. While oul o f doo,., Ihe children ob-ened lheftiJtht or bird•, Ihe calerpllta .... on<l Ihe chi rplnjf u l Ihe <.-rlc:keu In the gra~:o and \ln!Jer deud l~a,•es. One walk wa• &a ken simply lor lhe purJlOse of ~:a1berlng .Jouble acorns, which made u10e ot laltr. In lbe..., ..alk, the lillie peoJlle .,... 11"' way in • hlch the trarl')hion li mad€' trom &ummer to autumn, the preparation :\'ature make• tor winter •..-re T H E H A!'ID W O ~K 11'1 TH E K l i'IDI!~O, ~E I'I . Tht• hand work In the Klndergart('n l-QU\(.'<4 a"' an outa.rro•'lh or the t:hlhh-en·~,·atlon"' ttaHl CXJWrliinces In th ~ home and school. ·rhl• hund· "'0' k m· con"tructh·e wor-k, as h I ~ lx'ltt'r called. i~ ch~ c hlltlren'oc exrn•ession o f thtlr o••n hh•u."' ohtain("'tl from their obser,·ations. fo'tequent. out· door triJJ4 W'(.'l"(' made for the I)Ur"'fH)W or gatherlna: matfrla1• for the hand·work. Ttw rtr..t work "'' hfch was taken up thloa fall ...... lhellou,ehuld. "Each child represent<.'(( hi• lamll.' by mean"' of f'lliM!r dolls the sires or ••hlch {.,'01'· l"(holpOnded to tho~e o r the dift'erent member~ In llw famil y. ···hen thef4e representath•e ramll lt•"' ~·l' l"\' mountt•d b~· c.•ach child. ~rxt c.•am(.• lhelr homes. Hou~• W'(.'rt made of pa1l('r foldf'd -o &hal lhere ......, 1..0 doo..... ~:aeh child ,..•• allo...-..1 10 draw lhe wlodo.. < and door knob< In hi< hou .... During lhe moroln~tlalk lhe ~hlldl"tn ...,.. led to oam ~the dltfere.ot ''egetable.."'i which tfe~ belnt: J:Btherecl ftnd stored In their cellant. The11:e ''ett· e&ables, ~&u-.:h ac fJOlatoes, carrots, beet-o&, etc., ~·en.• outlined on (JII.J)Cr"' the color of ••lilch l-orreotpo~tc.lctl to tht> tolor"' or the di trerent. ,·ea,:etahl e~ . Th£'._._. · ·ere s:h'f'D to tl~ children to cut an(l mount. Then. wo, In •~•• morning 1alk. the chlldl"fn 1oltl of""' dllftl"fnl kloct. o f feu II and jellr I hal ..... btln~t pl"tJlared for wloler u<e In lhelr home•. A trl1• •a-c the n takt>n to the- Oorne ... tlt Scltl'll"\' TlfE ~ 01UfAL r·oom to wa.teh pr• pai'Utions of food for winter. The r· > th childr·en wa ·h •d th gir·l. make jelly fr·om the plums i\li s: Faddi. brought· and also . j lly made fr·om j,p·ap s. ThE'y . em d 1·ery rnter·· st.ed urrd ob: rving as \\'a s shown by th e dift'erntqu ·tions they a .-ked, and by tireir excfama.tion!'. . Th hand-wor·k rot· s 1'er·a.l after this Yi it was th making of pt~p r· ·up-board · and kettles. Th •upboanls contain <l two sheh·e on 11'hich th y r·epr s nted tumhlet•s of jelly which\\' r cut from co lo r·ed paper·. Anotht>r' day wh n tlw childrerr ' l'islt~d th e omestic cf nee Hoom th ~· watched the gir·l s make lemon pi s. It wa inter sting- to 1\"atch the fa· . of th children and hear them t II little expcr·ienc •s of thei r· own hom which th it· oh en·at ions ca,ll d to mind . i\ da~· or· two after· this wht"n som thing was .·aid about th eir· vi r;i t, Kar·l :.rave the following a ccount of how th e lemo n pit>s ,i· t'E' made, and sho·.re 1 how obs r· viLig h wa,s: "" i •' ,• P IXTEI(. mounted on uniform h t of paper with tb ~ name and date wl'itt n on each one, and fa tened' touether in book form, ·o that each child ha a specimen of hi d'aBy w<lrk in good form to ke PMAB'EL OLLEY. TH£ FAI~ . On October Che 2-Ith the girl gave a Farefor tl benefit of th Athletic- A ocia.tion. Th gym na ium was us d for- the purpo e, and it p _ sen ted an iot r ting . cen . All mann r of thing. wet for a! from th mere t toy to d licate pie· of n edl e wot·k and plea. ing pictures . • The booth. were o! pecial interest a one wa .· tak n back to drink at Rebecca W: II, or 1 • mind d o f Get·many wh n h was erved witl) "weiner ' and rye bread: whil the d lien cup. of cocoa . erved b,\' the Ja.pane girl plea · d all. The m~· . tel'ies of th fish pond, or th lucky pi , along with the knif t•ack , and bewi ldering orang s pr·ov d of intet~:t to tho e of a ,-entut·ou · pirit: · 'Fir·st, tht>y n atle a doul!h: th en th y r· lied it up · while the wonderful animal th "Ho-a ng-doodl " und putit in u.pan: and th en th ,1' pr·e. s d the of th • llabus Jokobus family pr·o,· d ad vourin<• mon ·tet· a he ' "took in" many peopl . :<ides o f the dough with th eir thumbs, and put it in .-\ visit to tho. e r gion of delight wa not comth ove~ in a tin , mpty. It I k d br·own : and then the)' put th eg)! stuiT in, and put all the plet witho_u t a call at th tent of th 'Gyps,v fr·o;;ting on top.' . u n ' who told &h pa t and propbe ·i d th future. Another· int rt•stfng phase of th e hand-work is the mountin:,r of pre;;. d lea,·es. and al. paper· A. a whol , th Fair wa, a. grand u nd l eave~ cut by th e children. Durinrr the arl~· part the depat·hn nt not only wisbe to extend It h arty of th fall . th e w•n·k was with bright color d thank: to the g-ir·ls for the financial aid, which auturwr lea\'e. : and sin(• th . e h!U' disappear d amount. to · lf>O.OO, but desir·es to ompliment th m the "·or·k ha · been with the bt·own oak· I a1·es. n th mark d ability bow d in planning and 'Vhu ,. r the chlldr n J,!Uthered on thei r· trips ex utina- th enterpr·i:-- . nut or door wa. tti>f'tl as mat l'il~l forth ir handwor·k. They pres!<ed n g-t···at many or tht> most WHAT A PITY. 1 uutiful lt>al'es which tht>,l' gath red: whil sev t•r·al da."S·s wet· spe nt in painting th most simple H studied II' II, his friend~ maintain, .'·ell ow I a 1·es in watt•r· colors . · Wor·ked hat-d th e many da~·s : On on of the out-d,..,·n· trips the chil<lrt?n went Th midnight oil was oft .1- but·;ed, r.wth e pur·post' of ::rathel'ing double acorns whi h Is said of him i~ praise. tht>y str·ung on bright color·ed yam. Anoth r· Now pale and worn, I hear him ay. int t'E'sting piece of wor·k wh ich th children en" Don't ask m any que tions · joyed wa s the making- of a hnskt>t out or burdock hur·s. ~ For all I know I've snded in. All the lr an<l-wor·k which c:Jirlll be mount tl was l '" ceas d rny recollection · . · - F. E.\~. 1"HE KQR)l.\L POl~TEU. CENSOR. 1:>:.-<SOR: We •·oultlal><>loglze lor being a month late, only that .-e c:ln not see •·hat the other {"ditors would ha,·c <lone for !ipn(.-e if ourCOtlY hall -come in. Tut! C&!iSOR Oeparunent hs new to many ... tudents, though it has existed before. so we •·i"'b to define it.s purpose: .;\s the word sug,~.te~~- this depa1'1m~ot. lfi gtn~n u5, quite largel~· to criticism. It is to \'Oice lhe criticism~ of the student I)(H),·. \\"'hat. urn· one may want., or not wa~t. If it Is ~latec.l to the ~hool In general should lw diseu~sed with the Censor. Perhaps this deJmrtment. may be nblc to hei1) things. \Yhatefer is aaid is meant to serl"e u hell>lul purpO;;,. \V AXT)o!D.-\Vbtgk ba"()()m-c fOI' the tOilet I'UOttH~,. a.nd one for the Sewin.: Dea,artment. Also a mail Qox for paekage.!". It ttill soon be C hri~tmas. f' ASTNERS.-Lrt us have tWO fas tnertli On the large shoots that aa-e hung on the bulletin board in the hall. Then the ~heets can*t curl, and "' ill k<-ep ne•· and fresh. OOX'T bor-ro"' plenty to ---- a Por~-r&R to oo hud roo· the of our athl~th:~. Tht" ~thool lnJ.! ~·ou, Oa ..kN hall pt~OJilt•. 1~ an:dou'il~~ wntch.. LAW!\.- \Vt> •·t ...h the janitor~ mi~ht h1t\"ehea1'\l the muny exclamation~ of t\('li~ht 0\'("1" thf' lx'oaut~ or the lawn, thil'l fall. u" hot~ thllt Suntu C'luu~ will the Domestic Scienl't" kitchen wlth l'tOinl" curtain" for tl~ door~. remt~nber LOST- AJlJUtrently. the hoot blucklnJr outfit in the boy's dreotilng room. NOT•~~. -The new quat·tea· (..;at hand. It ~·ou Al'l' eXJ'K"Cllng to teach the branche.~ ~·<tu are ~t\tdylnK. no"' he the time to build u 1> ~ome note books or "'·orth. Collect material while ~·ou ha,·e nn &bun .. dance ot hand. \VtLtch the method of presentation from da~· to day ln ~·out· cla~JCCJot. Your ti a•strahtf' In salary may der.end on lun•lng plen&.y of tool,. to w-ork ,rith the Orst. few day:oJ of school. read. There are ••king. TUY.RMOXETY.RS.- Thb Is the time of ~·ear •hen we commence to have Ores In our room.s. As too much heat 18 a~S bad a§ too little. let "" get ther· mo rneters at once and keep our heat regulated. It may eave a ''ftunk"or a doctor's bill. Se\•enay. t•·o degrees is wann enough. HEMEMBER.-You may never ha,·e the chance again o f hearing some of the distinguished men and women who will appear on the LectureCoui'Sf'. Deny yourself anything; but attend the leetures. It will pay. Ballllct Ball. Able·bodied, fteet of toot, aod keen o f eye, "'8" the basket ball SJ>iril that w&s res;urrectcd on Halloween. H it ~·a§ caught. by the young men :.nd young womNl who are no~· organhdng, our &ehool is a.s.sured great success in this department AOVSRTlSE.\I.E.STS.- \Vhe n you l"eUd 1'hePolntta· don*t forget- the advertising matter. It is Import'_ ant •hat w-e take an interest in what. these busine~~ people ha,·e to ,.ay. What you pny a~ a sub$crip-· tion 1•ricc for s our COJ)Y no where neur covers: tl•tcost. Some business man i-t paying the c.llfferenct-. It he doesn't get. results from patronidng our paper he may etQ.p: ami thil4 rna~· mean thl\t our p&J:I'er must s top. Go through the list, and then tell some bu~ioe:-.$ man tbas. you did. '\1hen )'Ou make a pureh1BP lilJleak about read In)( their lines: in The Pointer. 'fhen watch our Bnsioess llanage.r.s wear a con• tlnual ~ 'l'lle. Tba all•· 1-'or the many kind mes..;ages f1'0m teacher" and ..;chool-mates:, which did much for my SJlt't'd~· t"l"'CO\'t>ry, l e:ctend my Ju:ut·tlc~t thankot. ~"! .()ItA K W ()()t>. Til E :\OH MAL PO I:\TER. tl TQe M0RMAL POINTER .\ mvruhl) P,t"~"iodit·a1. t"t'JH<t·~·nlalht• of.!-"te Sixth :O:.Ia l«" ~unnal ..choal. ~a.·rt·n .. f'olnt, \\ L~n .. ln. l•ubll•l..-.1 b~ til<' •tUdffit•. •:ntN•Pcl at Joc31 po ..toMt~ ... 1hlrd t.•Ja .... •natt("r. T,•nn .. of :"ub~ripdon .;.o t."tnt.. lJ'tr ~tar in ad· l)ald bt-fu~an. 1. l!J04. '""'"· i:• '~"'"'if nol Sln~rlet-opy IO.>.. nt•. t:I)ITOIIIA J, STAI''t-', W. f:l•m:s>: SWtTR. ·ol .•.• .• .• .• .. f:UIIor-ln·Chlcf JOliN S . C~.ARA. ··~ ............ Literary foA:Iicor t:tt.,l'K \' Al'GHS. '04 ...... f::dltor Joll~· :~:;~;~~OR-::} Columns . .. . ... . . Local 1-:dhoN ,\.)UU:rT II. ~tn.t~ 't""(, ••••••••••• t\thlttie P.ditor 1-'t.OK.A \\'ooo. 'A.i •• •••••••• ••••••••••• • ('enooor Jo't.ORE..~C' .: S. \\" ARO. ::crhan,L.~ J::dhor ·o• ..... .. .\'I:< A Ot..<os. ·01 . . ....... Trolnlna 0.' p>Mill4'nt tt~~~~~ ~Ji,~~~~~~-...~~.::. n;a:'.~~~~~~~:~: I ,,,IMAM Zt:.ST.SER. '!!,; · or ~~~~Z~~~~~#~~~·~i.~~;: .011 ..--ou-:vuo:\"J·! ~lli--LEB. l':uwAHD D. '01 l 1 A'"''· J tlu"lnes~ ~~~·A PR&.'CS Al'4MO(.:J,\TI0S. ~t::l-~s. •tu.. ..... ...... Pre .. rdent WKSZ-J'.L PI\'~SET".t... '04 . ...... .. ..... Tfta,.-uN-r c:ouARD A .c:r..sKI..L. '{\) ........ •...Secre1ary Add"'' ail bu..~iDb .. ltttf'" to th" bv~ &llt"r. Ardd~ ..oJicited frot11 fOntWr ..tudtots and ft•ad~..... 'I(EADERS anti SUBSCRIBERS a~ ...,<ll<'ct· fully rt'qUt'"'tt'd to p:atroniU" our advertl*nr. or the regular branches: and from no one brandt can •·c N"('t R~ much benefit. J.'ur • •htl\ "-Ul.'t''C.Ss c•n any l(•••cher CXJ>CCL- to achhwe who has not 1111;~ ability co l'itaml hcfore nn uutlltnt-e and vre~~;ent a. subjt"<'t In an Intellig-ent mannrr? And where c 311 thl• po..-er ~ got better t(lan on the ro'tNm in Rh<>torlral•? .\II knowledge ....,.,h·ed by t<>ocheno •hould no• <-ome from t~xt be<>ks: but from actual life. and the happenlnjlC of the world. Thl• nl'<.~•lhy ha• been 1•rovlded for In the New• o f Ihe Wl'\'k, and a JCI"ent nmny or our number ftt'C Ncblng tho OJIJX>t'cunhy to become acquainted with thu currt"nt. to1•l•• ol the da!. ---- Your attention I• c:alle-J to th• tle<crlllllon of the :\Ju~um rh•tn on another Jl&ge or thl~ l .. 'iU"'. All .,... Invited to help make thl• featu..., of thP 'chool a suec..~"'· Member..- of the Alumni &1'\' l"pe<:lally requested to show their lntere•t In th<' HC.hool hy donating- or lonnlns: article-. of t..·tunmon lnwre"'t· Step• ore alrudy being taken to selt'<!t the school orator, and we look fnr••ard to nn Inter· e"tlng JH~Ihninary within th~ n~xt f~w W"f.'ekc. l.Jore than the ucual number an! lnl("re ...k'd in tbt matwr, and we~ no l"'fl~n wh1 St.eY't.n~Polnl shouM not carry off the ltonono of th" 8<'a<OO. We wl•h the •tudent body to feel that thl• I• rhelr par~~r, und In order thtu they mny fl"f1"1y vol<:·c their "~:tthuenLi and contribute rnut<!rh•l to the se\'eral c1er•artmenl~, ..-e ha\•e pla(..-e<l a box in thttrt'a•urer·~ window Into which allsuchmat.f'rial DRIAL. Wt• an.• t:hall 10 twtc· tht• h\t{'rt•..t m: ntrf•,tt'd In lthNo~lcal~. •nd :\'t'.-, Ht tt~· \\'f't'k, '\'hoot. '•> It~ •·ht.le t:... llt"l'lally I" thl, tnlr or tht' )HUO)[ Ia(] I(•" • ho ha ' '«' s:ot I he liJ)irh uf tht I au ·r t :• rei"", Mntl forth their •PI•""t'lathm h> a ..kl o~ <ue ... tlun-.. and jolniowin ttwo dl~ .... lfm,, TM• •ork i .. a-.tntl) a t.NU1 1 uf tlk! l"HUI""(~ a-. :an) may ~ 1>lated. Dan't forsttt to .. l..rn your nam.- 10 tach contri· butlon, ,.0 we will know that what we l"((r('(•ive (.. auth<>ntl~. Tire re•dero of THE Por:<Ttm ~,... dl•appolnt"'l on not ftn~lng the Alumni pa~re In the la•t l"'""llut fctr ~ome unkno••n real'lcm. thf' Alumni t~ltor •·a-c unable tu J:et in hi01 rnaterltil: and the reu ..m• "'t'f'm~ to be 'till holding gootl, tor we did nut,.... Cfh•t anythlnll fur thifC issue. \Vt art \tor~ ..orry to Jea\·e out tht> Alumni pa.: .... a ... h ..,r\t, •~ the eon~ Ins: link betwl•f•n 11,.. "<'hoot and lh graduate~, and hOJ)f, In uur " .. malnlng ''"Ur' to hrue &be Alumni rer)l'~~nted. T il E NO IOI AL PO I:\T ER. F I RST QUARTE R- 7 th Weok . )tl,.i Elhmbcth \\"'ysoekl, or Elli-o, \II'IU a \'ll'Ohor on ..~rlday. Edward Lang and lll.h Deleo Heln .. ere ,-i:!itO"" Wodn.,sday momlog. \\'alter ~turat has entered ,chool, ntter ,.fck for about t•·o month~ •·hh rheumacl ...m. beln~ The followln11 plctul"l'' have'-" ""It'<!~ from tho&c on exhlhhlon, aoll •dll remain •·hh us per• manently: Sir OallatuuJ~ Santa Barbara, VIe•· on th~ Tiber, and PJo•·inJC. A ocmallt r t."'IJectlon from the Pransc t-AlucatlonAI Company has been rec..oeh·ed, and are on exhibition in thf.'l urt anne1. n~ \\''-11•~: Club ha• 1,...-n re-<}f"I:Onllt'd. and i.; t~klng manys)lta.tant tiUit' trip-e to ... ui'T'Oundlng J>lat.'(IS ol iot.ere"'· Lt\sL Saturday, about. sixteen of the member .. took a ride on cht•lr •·beel..- 10 Lone Pine to "'It • the l"f' .. ulh. of thoft tornado. .\ plea,ant trip wa" reported by all. E ighth Weol< . ltl,, Ida Basward. of HanC()('_lc:, • ·•• a "i ... itor Friday. ~~~""Lois El1&"·orth, of ~1 u. r...bfteld. w&<oi a vhltor )lon~•Y· 0. t'.», who is principal at )JIIJodo,.. thl, year, wa.s in town Saturday and Sunday. Oeto1Jeo·2Jd. C. )1. Ap1oleonan and 0. K. E•·en<on got t~lr mu>tacb~• sbned orr. It 1, wbl.~rod that th•y donatod them to tl~ Fair to •tu!J .ofa pillows. 25 \Vllllam Smith \\'llliam~, maoa~r for f:me ...t Thomp.;on Seton, who will le.:turo here ~uvember Jth, wm~ a \'lsltor, ·ruesday. ln ...... Katberinf'Sc:hlegel wa" a ~JI:t~ ~chlegel visitor on t11-rlda y. Is teocherof Cerma n at the Superior Nornu•l. The Young \Vomenf1 Chrlctlan As.soelatlon hat eleetO'd the followlug om~ no: PN'&Ident, )fary Baflt'rD'' <': ,·lee president, (', T hrasher: seere· tary, ~1. Bradbury; treA~urer, J. \\Toodard. The fourLiterarySocletle• ent<ruloed the Ripon fool ball team. Jo'rtllay twenlnJ.t. A sh ort J)rog-rarn wa.s gh·en: was tollo•·ed by danclng and light n-fl"'f'.,hment,, The follo•·ing ohJ atudene~t earne he-ro to see tho Hipon footballga~ on Suturoay: W.W. Drown, t:ppa F. Davl•. John Wf'sockl. Ml<s Ruby t'arrell, and )llcloael Thoonu. of the \\·eek wa" read by )fl,~ Cton· and MI••RuthPorwr.lutTI•uniday. The dl"<:u••lon wa• I~ by E. D. W l<l~r. Th" New< o f the \\'eek ••Ill be gh·•n every noursday bert-a1'ttr. The ~rw, ~.-le.-~ ~llllor Juliu' (;. Carl-on'• old frl<·nd• will be glad to Jearn that he IH attending North· \Vestem t:nh•er· sity thlc ,·ear. Ue l'lared ~nter on tha& college·"' team In their gam<' agal11>t ('blca~o, whlelo ,... ult..:a In a seore of 0 to o. TilE XOIOI.\1, l!ti Tht' '"'-'ult' hs .. AJliH•inh"tl 11 number of ("Ommit- lt-.·"' au lvuk after \'Prlou .. tnh'l'\'"'" In the school. )loruh•y mm"fllng tht· ..ttulenr"' \\CI't' nllo"·cd w t•l•vo..,• thnt nw mhf>r of till' f1n·uh~ whom tlt('~' .. 110uld ,,..,.f,:r a..;; tlwir ath·l ..ur. •rtw llK'rnber whom they ..,t>f{'('ted dK>y .,floutd a)•·•) .. ft't'l frH to ron· .. uh at alltimf""· Tlw ~orth· \\'f'Stt'm Tt·ad•t-1' • .\....CX"Iation ...-a~ lwltlat :-;ht•bo) ~an. 0<.101 ('r :.'land :!t.IPf\3. ,\morg tl1e ... pt·akef' were Profe~ .. or ~~ -·'ful"t Jo"'('phlnt' Ftu:C('raltl. •n"" .. What May tl~ and 1-~f('~ .. or St"t"hri~t·s )fi .. , topic School Do ·ro 1-'Hnn RIJ,!ht llabltt In Spoken Et\J:H ..h." )11 .... FllzGe rnltl Utlkrd on HJ>rimary ltt•aulin~:. \\"ht'n '! and Elow )luth'(' ~u .... Secre..t attentlt"~l tht- :;,H1h·\\'t• .. temTeaeht·" · ,\ .. ~iatlon at Slk·ht))J:•n. 1bf. oontt-..l to choo-... tht Junior Debater:. ....... IK"ld SatunJay en~ninit at i:.lll. The followio,: t~r:o.on~ lOok part tn thtl t"<•ntc"'t : Alto She rman, lluth Wadlei~h. Llnnle Krau..-, ~:. 11 . ~Illes. John ('ulrn•, Uenr,· llah{'r-.on, Gt.•rhard Gesell, U. Oaker, snd Ed. )lathe. •rhf qut.• .. tlon debated ••" .. U(' ..oln"d, That on t.•Uucatlonalte ..t ~bould lilt' l"fqUJred Of fO~ij,.~l tUlhtranto~. •• TI~ jucJs.oe .. •crt Profe'\..or.. ('olli~ ... !'\plndh.·r. Uaron. sanford. and )!,... Dradfonl. Tho judlt<'• d<Cid<'<l in favor of ~~II. ~Ill<-•. Cffhanl GN.'II, and Grorg.- Bok-.. Thl" team •ill repl"("'*nt the Junior ('Ia .... in their Annual Debate againtt tht· O..hko... h JunioN. Muj(le •·a8 fumished by th{' Cit'(• (' lub,' and a l)lnno ~olo IJy Kath('l•ll\t.• Southwhk . •rht• Ur~t Uhetori<'AI .. uf tht• )t•ttr •·ere ~h·en at 2:1~. ~'rlday )1( .. ~ to "'f'if \\'lima Ct>-!'Jotll camt up from Grand Hapid .. the galnt', and takt- In thto 1-'a lr. I'CI•th Week. D. \\·, Brown. ~uptrlnt.-ndtnl of lhot• Xoxu~ lutJu,trlat S<:hool at ~la t·on, )t(.. ~l .... ippi, .-8 ., 11 vl"'ltor, Tuet~Jtlay. ' )118!1 f~Jora \\'ootJ ha" ''·tUI1l4.-.1tv 't'hovh afte r nn ith~<'noo o f th·e "'e<ok,o· Slw ruul t111 hJK·ratlon 1..-rfonn<'<l for &l>pendlohl<. ) )lar,· B. Clark h a" •hhth,. .. n from "<hooJ to aceepllhe pos,ilion or JJrtnrll~llt.\llt·n· ... cro,·t." In \\·atwo nh County. I'OI~TEH. 11 . 11. Soutluronh and A. P. llubbanl, of ( ' 1111"·· vl•ltl'<lthc Normal hht w~~k. They looked 0\'(11' tht.• P.:YSU.'Iu or hcat.ill1:" IH\t.) Vl'UllJutiUJ.!'; 'H thnt tht.•y woulc.l be lnform<'t.l n~ to th4.• tw .. t way t .• h•••t and •·cntilate the Claire UllCh Sehool annf•X • )lt'"' Kathtrlne Pray ga,•e a very lnt~n- .. tln~: talk. 'l'ot·•d•~ onomlng, on ~lal'hall t'i•ld'• bl~: D<>i>a1'1,..nt Store in Chicago. She dt..erlbtd 11Jt. ma<h•m l"'O\·(Inien~"' in the ~lor'(';: and .rave :a gn.•nl d'-"ul nf t.le-1lrablc Information l"'nce rnlnJt ~uch hu"lu(O .. oc h ouses. Jl(w, )1. P. )JL'(,'Jure rnllrnln.r. ¥~ 3S n vl'iltor )£oruJa,· Th(" 1-'rr .. ltnl(lon ga,·e a \'f'ry qull't. ••cnlng. clas~ t'(_l(_'(>Jllion •·~· ldar 1:. ~~ Glb•on. the State Ba1>tl•t Sund&) School a vl~ilor, Frhlay. )Jl .... lonar, .... , Tht' John .. on t-:lectrlc &rvll'(l ('ompany, of und retHtlrln~t )lil.-'auk~.l•ud an expert in~pcetlnJ,C the h£"ut. 1'\ls,ruloto r:oJ at the Noi'Titul . •rttursduy. Pl"('<olldent Prn,· attended the Norlh·\\'<''•'1l Tt aehl'rl'i' .~\ c ...oclatlc.m ul ChlpJX'"'" ..·.-u~. Friday and ~aturda,·. He mN about ~b:ty formt'r .. tud~nt.. and graduatt .. or the school then-. So man, .. tudentoi from thi.s sehool ala Ttacher~ • A.. ...oria· tlon ~howcc that the graduate..' oftl1e Ste''l'n..: Point ~onnal are • id~awake, and that they aptu·~latt" the value a nd importance of ..uch a meetlnjt. Pre\hlt.•lll l,l'(t.y lilaid that there wa~ no better wnr ln whh•h to l~th·el'ti&o one~cu n" n tt•acher limn attt.•ndlnJt one o f these mectlntt~ und taklnl! IJirt In tlw c.ll .."'ionli. h,· F inal E xam in a t ion Wook . ll i..~SLella t-:mmons. who ftnhiht-oi the t:tementar.' <"ou~ at thl .. time. read her ftnal t" .. ,,y, Tut"~·~ momlnJ:. ll~r --.ubj~t· was Bene.H~>:t Arnold. Profe'\'\01" Dantellil, or \Vi-K."'OMin Unlven~ll,\, s pt:-nt Frldu,· IIIOI'nlng vis iting P1"0 f~l!I"'OrCul\·e1·· .. tlt•t•RI"Inwnt. ) l r. Daniels Is tho chcml~t at. lht· Harroun lrlol no•· taking place. t:xamhuulonr.t conunenced Tue~tlay aft.ernot•n and ronllnut"t1 on thru the •·eek, .-lth tb~ eX«*I)tlon of fo""rld1~ afttmoon, when the u"ual Rbetorln Pl"ftttnm • a .. tci\'~o. T ill·: ?\01<:\IAJ. POI:\TEH. 2i TH,ETJC S At 1 p.m., Saturdtt~·, October l ith. the No1·rnul ti~t <'le\'{'n Hned up against the Hir.on College hoy$ at the Athletic JllU·k. ~~ ~,·ens Point won the to~s. and Rit.on kicked <•tt tO Power~. whu nrlntnc..-~1 se\·~n ~· u1·tl~. The home tc:uu m:-lde a ft.>w hall on 1\ fumble-. ~a ins: but tiiOOn lost the llipon 1\0\\' Jrd.ined .!Ol('at.llly. .and made a touch-tlo•·n nUnutes. at the end of se\'t"n !'tC'\·en~ Point no"' kicked off to St('wnrt, wlw mndl' n ~ood go ln. The bull c iHtng~d huml~ a ft•w timel'< : but was fhutlly ltuu.led behind the Normul J:Nllline Jx>fcwe time wa.;; calie<l. Score 10 to 0. .\t the he~inninJt of the M'<.'Onc.l half. the :\onnal~ took a bra<.~ :uul did ,.ome tioe pluyinJ.;'. The ball wn!il k('J}t. near tbe t'<'ntta· of the field for~ome time: hut WRS finaJJ~· flUSh~tl tO within tWO f~t Of ihl" Normzal'~ $!Oa1, when IUpon was held for do"'"~. 'l"hc home team now carr·ied the bull back to the C<'nte r or the field. hut IO'Il it on down... RiJ)()O nO\\" mnde $-:ttins. and carried thl" l)all o,·er for a third touch down just before tUue •·•• called. Score 16 to 0. Ahho the ~oruuall'l lo.-.t, they fe lt well sati'\flecl 1 a,. they put UJ) a good game, and lost on at-coun~ (•f the .;.uperior weia;:ht and e:<QCrience or tht-ir opponents. \\'"idmer did some fine work at tackle. hret1king tbru the line ao._d spiiHng the interrer\"nl-e •·hen it came hi"' •·a ~·; while Atkin~. the 118 pound end, s.;urpri~etl c,·en those who knew him tws\. by hi~ 0 fOxy" plu~·lng. The official~ we•~ Professor Olson, t;mpire: l't'Ote .. sor Spindler, Heferee: and Jackson, tim{'-k{'<'JX'rs. The line UJ) •·n"~ a~ folio"'·~ : Profes~;ors Bacon STJo!\'Y.S.S PoJsT. PoSITION. llu-.oos. Shirnek ........ .. .. .... (.' ........ Bu1·ns Nel .. on .... ..•. , ..... ,. H. G ..... Schv.·ohn Peterson. ,\uer ....... t_... li. .. , Scholes \\fhlmer ............... n. T ..... Lamb. C:Clptoln (;1s•·k ........ . . . ..... . . L. T ... . . P ick••·t fl(lnnett ................ H. 1+:. .... Kiddel' Atkin~; ................. J... K .•. ) lo•·se Pov.·!P'r:o • ••• , ••• • ••• , •• Q.. .. , •• Stewart :\lil e~ ...... .. . ......... U. If, ... :rhompson l:lal\'er'<~Oil .••.••.••••••--. 13 •.••. F·orfxl-~ )lallory, Cot>tain ...... L. U •.... Sonrord At 10 a.m .. Satut"<lay, October :!-h h , u uame v.·a~ played between the Normul Second t-::le\'cn onclthl' Grand ftr.J)Idot Hl~h ~chool. Grand Ha l'id:;o ktckOO off to Bt•nnett 1 who rnad(> a ~\'t'n yord ~a in. Ste,·cnot Point fumbled, ~•ntl the Havld-4 ~eeured the ball. They now m~td('l steady gulns. and soon lande-d the ball behind tht• gOiliJ){)St~. The Rapid:!~ nov.· kicked otT, and thi;;~ time tho NormBis gained steud i l~· until Sh·nde •· broke tht-u their tnckle and made a pretty thlrt~ yard run for a touch·dov.·n. !'core 6 lO ii. The 'iecoml half "'' 0" eharacterb.ed b~· stron}.! otren~h·e playinJl on t'uch shle: each t.eom mokluJ.:" a touch-down . ....SCOre 11 to 10. X ear the end of the game the referee mod{' two ,·ery ullJ>Opular decistono~ ~· hh:h undoubtedly won the game for the nal>ids teom . . The line up \iDs as follow-t: STE\'Y.SS PorsT. POSrTros. GnA~DHAPIIJ!". Smioh .• • .•..•.••..... (; •••••.•.. Hay•s fli~tlotd .•. ..•.•..•..• R. G ...... ~lcr•r1anll Zu1:une"k............... . L. C ...... Crotteau Bcnn•ot . . ...•.•..•.••. H. H ...... )1ulr Atkin .......... . ....... Q . ........ ~lc<.:a1'1h~· Powe •·~ ........ . .•.... L. H ..... Nutwlck ) l u•·latt ........... , . ... 1-·. ll .... Brennan StroOe1· ........ . ..... H. 1' .. . ... Mintz Brun-tad. Ca1>1alo .. 1,. T ..•.... Podawlltx G la .. ~po<>Jt' •••.....•.•• r.. . . f;...... )tcCurth.'' )ladden . . . ........•.. It.~: ..... .. Lillie SUIJ~. -Ste,·en.c Point. ('onant. Li,·lna . .ton. Grund Rapid~, Chal'>e, Palmer. TilE ::\ORM A I~ Mlot!i ...rk (hurnmlnJ,t n tune in SJX'Ch\l mu!CIC '''"'"') ··~lr. OJ- n. "'hat tune i .. that'!"' t". 0 ' n • l'ulumbu< til<; c•.;?or til<; ..• t: S I h ( N'adln~t o<er L. ••\\'hat ha,·t .)OU thtre ':'' ' H- n~k·. •honldtr)- 1- II. -·'Only a rh•torleal ·lip, . .,,.. Benedclal ltf"ouh"' or (."~cloftt'l'." •~ S . ··c...., I bot that'll bo a whlrl·•lnd :·• ll<ard In S.•ln~t <.1a-.- ··)l~· ! it• gettlnJC cold! 1'11 lx-t tht Ponti • •HI freeJ.R on•r IO·nlght.'' ••\\\•JI: If It dOP~, St·a· ·r ~·m ha,·e to ~~ a .. kat(' on, won't h(> '!" s. ·ll·l·r In Psychology- ' ·Thl• Ink bottle dt .. cnntly r'\?'lated to you, i11 it not, )tr. B·y...e'!" ;\h•, llO·C• ••Yes Mlr !" l'rol. to~ .\Jwa)" N'OM"mber 1hat the :!'tnes~ J, In )OU: not In th• lud~. ~lr. lll·n·, In Di<tory Cia• •~)tll .. hrll('n marry ~uaw .., and &!t "\\'hy didn't til<; •ell a.§ d .. Spanl"h ··~ch'f' Prof. S·nf·rd ••\"our qu~tion b rather per. ..,,nal, )lr. II f'n."' S·ll·t• I'· II·.,, .. ••a-1 l"'(.l(."enth· hfard to ,...Y'" that .. hr tlldn't • •l.. h to I~ calh_ l ti ••)Jiss .. anv. mvrf'. t 'ouhl It t~ po"~dhl" thru one so young. :-hou.hl uh'l'Jhly "'"'llll-c to the title of )lre•. , H. W- 1-y wa• looking al u ... llsl or glrlo "'"' their faculty advl•ors : Senior glrJ- •·What .,.,. 10u JookhiJC lor, ~lr. \\'.. J...rY" II. \V or my athisor. of WUI"e. '' .- ··1-.. One brilliant Senior boy made th~ lollo•ln.t brilliant l"f'mark-" \\"bat's .... Jtood ... yta .. 1 '! \\1ly, a ra%or ., - -- - Jo-.a,·orltt ...ongs of • ~ntor-S.ay. F'Alna. how far 1..: It to yourhomt~.. t;.n. S·h·l· ·ld-"Oh: It·, )Jill'•. '' Hev. Oram-'·ltl~!l P<>-l·r, you may l(i'rt- ..... principal l)art.. of the '"erb mu,t.., ll·t· P·r-e- _ .. Pre.._ooent. must: .,.,,, had to.''* A lucuhy d eOnltlon·• An l•laml Is • body ur ••ruer surrounded by land: - or-or ''hm ,•en-a .• , '"How to Spell." Th~ only "'UY to •pell c-nrrectly, And gel de-Ired 11'su h s dlreclly. I• to •pell oil right. ••lf you'll do this, 1 ' the P~'ldt"nt ~!ald. "And 1pell Yltb both ~·our hand and hood. You'll bo ALL RtOJJT... J. rl. fl. ' C. ( ' ' toJ.,, looking at a l,;nhf'd Statt> .. t.Hme " \\ 'hy: ean h bt thatthl .. dime W&$ made In l~y·• (f , \ ' .. w·h·n ''1bert's a bi~ murd~r trial arulnt: Hll It lht" t"'Urt hOU'oof'," B. S•Jl•Or '• \\'ho',. h nn't"" fa,·orit~ ""tudent~: Oe·h·r· C·a-e· - •· \\'hen the Jlarve"t. Day• art• Over, Jtii:!>le Dear.'' L. H·n·o·k - " \Vhen Johnny ("onK...rc )tarchln~: llome Al(aln." r_ M - r-h - ·~h ~ That \V'e Two \Vere )lue'n ~~~ W. P. B-un-t.-d- "The ~IIIler ol tho Ike." G.)l·l·o-y--·'Among 1he Hill• I Love toltoam:· t!. \\' ·d· ·r-:lfy Ca•..,l on the Hhlne.'' .\II the •·orld OWOJ(nlxes til<; Pll••lbllltles ul , .. r. tuln >nunll nwn. ThP follo••lng temark wa" ht urtl lu clat.J~:Jil.: \.... .. )Jr. 0 .. n. )'Ou an') the of the unhe~ nf MU"'f, '' PO!XTER. ( 'OSUSDRUM- \\rhere is the la11Je~t Incubator lu world! Al<l>WCR 11le 11'glon north ol the th@ )lountaln~. '· Jllmal a~• Til 1-: :'\QR)J.\ L 1'01 ~n:Jt EXCHANGE~• ..• "ill ~0 do.-n the chimnfy n..... t. If ~uu don't mintl. •• ~afd the polite c:himnt"~ .....-t¥Jl·. ··()lo: <t'rtainl~, """' you._u;· "'l'll•tl tot, t"'Q11HII> <.<t-urteou ... "'!Oi .. tant. Ha ...tla.. ••\\'hnt",. >OU St'UISX. doin'tlu....t•da~. :-truubQ'!" Samtio ''ht' on <K"Culii't In tt. hoh.• l. •• Hn .. tu .... You tloun mean it':' .. .Sumho "Ye .. , l cut P)' f , of tlw J>otatOf.... '' IS.LASD ("ITY STCOFST. Til& I (C)\'AI. Pt:RPu: ha ... a Ot!&t ffi\"('r df'.. iJ:o. ~otne' ()tf'wr t-xthan~.. n'ft'it""ed are l'OL.Lillt! OA\·~­ man~r. TII& 4f:lll"'', llloU SCUOOLSF.!\"Tl)IE..""'T, 'f lft:Li:\'J;R. Ttw JKK"m ••DidYouf:,·erl-'t"t"l Llk ... Thi .. ~·· "''u"-'' u ... that w-t ha,·e part~N In ml~ry. and Tur. ~OR.W.H.ORACLE. .\II lhfo pa(lt'" an·om· '''-' •·t"Jl. and fumi .. h profitable- rtadlns:. and l"'ntatos Tnt-: Ilion Scuoor. attracthe l"f'a0ins: )Jt.:~~•:su•:H contain .....omt• fllutleulnrty good deiiis;tn" ut the heat.l-4 1'11P. S('UIIIt: cunlalns an inl('f'tl"tln:: "lu.-.t "tor.', or d<.'pa1·t· School Boy or 1903. UH.•Il\<4, In the ciotern little Willi~ I'U<h<'<i hi< llttl" •l•t•r l.llllt. ··Tommy. ha ,... you f.we.n \'at"Clnalf<l '!'' ··yp .., •n•'arn.'' Pa1>a rouldn't Hnd hh tlau~:httr: ~ow ··llat'"f' 'ou - Bkm ;;cuooL )!~'t:."<GE>C. .\ >Ouor woman •·ho f, havln~ hPr troubJt, in '""~lnnln~t Latin •aid: "I don't~ anythin~lmJ~rft..~t about ''hf' IO\'f-(." ~ORlC.\1... J-\DVA.SCE.. Proof ot Problcta Ia Last huuee. :\othing f, bNttor than a J)retly Lrirl. .\1-o. a hool>ely JCirl is better 1hon nothing---- .·. • homely girl I• bott•r than a pMty girl. Q. t~ D. (ftt.\~~m ;;;;u;;,- had ·~our ,.t"nnltonn •t•ptnd lx ,..... mQ\~~~ .. we ""lf'ril iu tM ..-ater. Ex. 11K'rt It a Hule tn wltlch Ttn: SE.STlMP.S'T '•·•'*to tall thcatt<>nlion of ~one of It$ tubkrlbor*. \\"o• 1"\'ally hato to $Jl(!Rk of It: hut $<orne too,·• o,,.onlngly ullo ..ed it to *lip their mind,. To "' lloit It a very lmalOrtant !Uuo: In fact, It I$ n~'· ""1r~ In our bullne.!.-!. \\'to •<.m't 'ptak further on II• tub~. PerhapS ~ou han· alrt'ad.' gu~~l ··~ drftl or our ~markt. - RIUJI !"\(•Jf()OL SESTlX&."'T. "Yr ... n1a'am." "lla\· ~ ,ou 1 l"el11ftcate of iDOC\IIatlnn for tilt· croUJl. chlckt"n·pox. ""d mea ..J.... '!" ··Yp.c ~ 1nn'tun." "h .'our lunrh put In Or. Koch'~ pratt.•nl nl111· 't'ptlc dlnnl'r 1•all 't" .. , ..f'"' me 'am." "lla~{· ~ou ~our Own ...anhary 'l•h""r8Jt an•l dl-inft'<1~ drlnklnl! cup~ .. "Yf'.. ma'am." "Do ~ou wt>"ar a camphor hag aruuotl ,our throat'! a ooll~tp.clble life bfolt '! and in,ulah"tl ruh· bfol' ht'\.'f\t for cro.;,in,ll th(' tl"()ll('y lin~'!' ' •· Al l of\ th(l,e. " ",\ m1 1t life lrt'il)l'ance poll<'y a~r.ln,.t ltll tltt• t.•nN"Qaehrnt·rH"' of old a~€' ·r· "Y{•, ma'am.'' ··Tlu:n ~ou may hanu- your t'IJ-' •m 11~ ln,ula~"tl llf'it and pr"CJC'ffCC to leam a lon:.rth" ... anhar, Hoe~.·· f:S. 1 ThBMost GomoiBLB Job OttiGB Xe•}~'n ofT> pe. X ew :~~~~!~;.;ery. We invite yon to open an account with ns. S t yl e.• Ba,·ing the Do oot reel at aU baclitwant aboUt N:la.c for lDforc.UoD c.oaeerutoa our method or ,.. oeteolu aecouot.& our maooer or mald.aa loaOl.. our rate. o r to te~t. To ma.a1 tbe baa~lot S. HUTTER, IJ IOmetbb.r o r • J:»tabll~bcr,Geucn:\1 Book nnd Job I•rtutc r, We are al• ays alacl to e:rplata to our cut-tOtDf'f'll und fa:.te!I>L- presses, we can alford to Jlrint Jobs BETI'ER and CHEAPER tbon the vrinte"" .,..hb their ol~ style slow pn:ssts. \"\"e print e,· erythln~ prtntable. Gh•e us a trial order. oeh'IDC' depo!dta. our rule• fj')r or be~t ' 410 llala 81., B!ETUI PODI!, 1fll. •aJtblac 'ber do ovt clearts uDdenuaod. Buck, Barrows, & Co., First National Bank, Stenu Point, Wis. NEW GOODS. Latest Styles Itt Fine Milli ner y. ~a.i.n Street. C. G. MACNISH, At Ye Sign of Ye RED ·SHOE. Has a SHOES Geeo SHE)E Reputation. Try Him. t09 ONLY. S tro ngs A ve nue. ~~~­ FA. MI~HAL~KI, D. D. ~., I Dentist, f<UHb.'S BLOCK, SteVeQs Po) Qt. ·~~u~ - I IT WILL ~~r~ ~ ~~~;I ~I I~ ~ ~~~ veuR '? ~~ ~k I J1lUNDRY - ~ I~Jl Te us. ~ I! ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~·~.~ Fine W ork } Absolute eleanllness Prompt Service ; ~ ~I veu Tf) SEND ~r~,... ~· r41 V1\Y eur Motto. ._ ~~~ ~ . I !~ ~ I Give us a trial and be . ~onvin~ed. - II ~~trf: WIS~ONSIN'SBEST LAUNDRY. I 5 15 ehurch Street. Telephone 100. - Mrs. M. E. Phillips-Moore's 1'111 \"ATt: SCFJOOL OF ~~~CI~G, ~OliH lR~I~I~G, ~ VHYSie1\LeULTURE. ; Danc-Ing 1-. an art. Nothln~t'~ the =: lads or s."-'nlltman •~ much •~ good manners. po- Z. lltt·ne ..... and trutl graeefulne"'•· A•kwardness is 0 rno"t fl"'f'q_utnth e.aused by lncor~ hablu of po- I •It ion ancl motion. It I• tht'fl hl11hly Important Q. w fonn c:arft"Ct habiu or motion. •"" (!&rly •" pos· ~ .. lhlt. N'othln'C' h more e•·•-ont-ouoc than to suppose .l thlt th\• ~lmple }U'UCtlec Of tht• \' lli'IOus drmees Cl"& ~ att'.!i jlrtat't'lfulnto"'jl. Careful u•ulnlng- In the '' arlous t- 1novt1Df'UC-t of daneinJ.r Is ''~rv ('h<'nt1aJ. Pupl1-. ·hould be taul(ht what con.tltut~• true ~rracelul· M ... and edu<.. ted to an app...,latlon or the hh:h· , .... , txpn-.... lon~ of \nteiHKet:K"'t anti ~ulture that <;ao bt• vln·n by rDtantt of motion. Will ~nt r<>0m3 lor ""le« part I~• or club-. H D. McCULLOCH CO., Lt'd. Groceries, Books, Stationery and School Supplies. DRUGS & MEDICINES. C. KREMBS &BRO.I G~~s~ ~~!~· l,oal.. IJ:rtll l'l'"kleL u. & WeOUI c.,bltr. r.. J . J."fthf'r, VIce l, reNdeal.. R. u . Jf)bo._I6Qo. A...' l C• ..bler. t.:.. A Krcmt.. U.,.Uk k eeper. T . L. N . l"vt1.. .V~oaer. ARLINGTON HOU E, Capital $1 00,.000.00. JA!l, WELCH. Prop. SWe DI!*II«J. CoaDI} Del*fi«J. QlJ Deplis{I«J. IIGrml Sdlool Dqlosltory. Rl"tTB $1.00 PBR OlOtV. Telt J>hol\e 2.&. _ ltl Strong• A\"tnu.-. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. DIRI<CTOttS. ( •. A. llamaeker. E. J. Pnlfner. fl. A. Cook. l.oul• Brill. N. A. Week. John A. Murat. G. t:. McDill. w. w. ~Ji tchell. Steven s P o int, - W is. AT THE BOSTON FAI R, 3 15 Main St. I• tl~ ehea~t plaee ln the ehy to buy your dlnotr aoe-&,. fancy C'hioa wart. lfomonade sets. •lne .,...~, trotkf'ry, gla.sware. lamp•: al~ drJ' goods, .. ~. ~lothlor, hats.. t"as>~. notion~, tiowaf'f". J:ran1t.twart and toT!C. \\'e al40 ea"'" a ~oleteo lioe of millinery. l15 )Jain ,t. t:SUAf'TO:S. S tove•s Polet, Wis. I Dr. J. M. Bischoff, Dentist. Cro~ and Bridge Wo rk a. Sl'oolalt1· L•dy In at,.,nd•noo Cnr. Main a;. a Strong• ove. C. \\". t"ATt:. G. ~1. DAHl •. CATB & DAHL, 1\ ttor n e ys•at•La w. Olftce om Cftllus' lttloaal But. CHINESE LAUNDRY Guarantees First-Class Work AND CHEAP. E. H. Rf)GERS, M . 0 ., Ph'}!sician and Surgeon. 0111(."<! Uours: 1-3 and 6-8 p. on. Tel•1•hono 100. 001 Main otowt. STt~ Vt:NS POINT, W!SCONSIN. Goods called for and daiiYered. F . A. Sf)UTHWH2K, M . 0 ., u6 STRONGS AVE. Ph'}!sician and Surgeon. _ H. WING'j(_EE. Cl""""' Aocurately and !McntiO••all;. t'lucd. J. W. BIRO, M . 0., Eye, Ear, Nos e a nd Throat. )(poc_l.t n ...... IH S\.Udt•nw. Olftoo• .W~ Malo S• Srovoas Pol••· WI"· Dr. E. M. Rogers, Telephone 32. Steren• l'•lnt, &16 Chureh atre.;t. WlsronJlo. eARRIE A. FRf)ST. M. 0., Physician and Surgeon. Olllee Hours: 8-10 a. m., 1-1 p. m. Oftl<t' and rtlldenoe .;()3 Clark n. cor.Stron~;.. •••· Stovoas Pol at., WIACOasla. W. W , OREOORY, M . D ., DENTIST. Physician and Surgeon. L. ZBO~OWSKI, M. D. t!OROP£..\S PACUL.TY . lriiiTOR OF WR!RT AIDOR.VT·PRDOF liiDOJ. ~~ t• dW-.eaot • OIMf'. Onloo hours 1 and 1 p. m. 313 Main t~~treet, up stairs. Res. Curran Ruu~. Telepho~, li!.'i. Wl.seoasla . S toveas Pol at. 0 . . aM~ II"', &uoec-ue. O.StM!l~V~~t\01 r . • S TEVE!CS POl!CT, WIS. D . N. ALCORN. M . D •• .:, ,..,.. •r• aM U f" u_.• l• l .. urwr ... ,., Til• t\ 1(, Pt•~••• ......... ""'"''•IU": 01 .......... O"ntlea er t ~t Eye. Eor. Nose ond Throa t. C. F. MARTIN & CO., Leading Photographers, PHOTO STOCK OP ALL KIRDS• Mouldings und Ftamcs. 114 S. T hird t. 0~ l'f'O'IiLOd so order t.o eortfiC~ utJ(1natN, w~alc e..,.;: oeoe ore" Ta7kW Brol. d:ror 'flel. 111. tto. D. A. AONEW, Th6 southsla6 J6W616r '-- flae Watch Jtepar1nc a Specialty. AUOUST OOE~KE, M ERCHANT TAILOR. Flo• L1no of Sampleo of LadJ.,•o Dreu Coodo al· wayo oo band. 482 Mal• Street . Stov. . • Pol•t, Who. J1teess ReusE, S. FR1\NK'S !C. JACOBS, Prop. Leading Fruit Store. Leading Hotel in City. Pnlta, Y..tta\IM, C.aftcUoaery, Oyatara, C11ars. t ohcco, Etc.