. - ·. P oint .·:! ·, ~0rmal er • Stevens Point, Wis. . .. •; 1897. ·.. CC>N"TEN"TB. J.tT'EIL\RX. I.OCAI. From SL Paul t.o Wa basha on a Steamer .. Page A Gamping Experience.. .. Bee Hunting ... Tbe Old Swimming Hole ... How We Picked Blueberrics .. EDITQKl.A L . ,, .. .. . 111 General .. l'er!!O nal . . 20 21 -:Ai:fi!Ctic eolleglan-Write..~ tu Pa . . :n\~ Gr:1n(1 llaj1id.~ HOy11 W On . . 2l ~ - ~·· Sct r.:snrrc. The Home o f the Clay Colored Sparrow .. .. .... .. ... J•a~t~24 •• Ariu.~mc~ EXCII ASO I'.il., "" Mou ~: t, • SCu oor• ... 2&' "26·· .. 27 THE NORMAL POINTE-R Volume Il l. ST EVENS PO INT, WIS., D ECEMBER, 1897· FROM ST. PAUL TO WABASHA. O N A STEAMER. A JargP- part of thu pleasu re of :1 ri l'f'r \'Oyagc come!! in the d elay iu sta rti ng So I thuught. :tnyway. :1s I S:lt in the IJroeZy pilnt hOu!IC and watdu:1l the progrc;;;; of thing>~ below. On th e dnck~ Wl.!tC g roups of th"~·· w ho were going. nml of othe~ whn we~ s taying. all c h::t.tte rinJ[ and jabber ing. W:l\'i ng har1dkcn:hid!l ami sayi ng guod·h.)' e All sur't s of JKlople wenl comi ng up th e ga ng plank. Th en~ wc ru broad s ho ultlcrctl men ; ,, blue o\'ernlls, ret! tlnn nel shirt.s :1ml band ana ru~o·k · scarfs ...rouBlalm u ting .. their p:l.~sage d <~w n to th e Long co:,tetl lower ti\'ct sawmills or whe:n tielol. ministen would walk slowly behind h:IJlJIY· f:n.'t-'<1 Uoys and girl s with tCIIt~ anJ tis hing tackle : then some rich m:~.n' s wife wo u\J t·ome. followe•l hy :a puo r purtcr bendin g under a Saratoga big :1..i 11 s:aw mill. T here would be a g esticulating broker .. jct..t11J(' the eta p tuin on fre tgh t r.ates. a nd :~Jte r him a newly ma rried C'O up le perfectlJ:-_drcssed and muwallv :utcntin!, trying to look in nocl nt am i un conccrn co.l und e r th e s how er.-~ o f r ice and old s hOt'!s. I n ;~hort. a steady stream o f Jl'COple. all si1.es and agel!, all c lasses. all looks. On th e freight g angway, th e neg ro deck ha nds were buJJy l o:~.ding the boat. Down there o u t o f the breeze. a nd swelter ing in th e hot s un . the poor fellows were made to trot up t he p lank Jugging un reaso na Ule weights o f flour and pork. or be nd ing nnder great boxes of dry g001 ls. I do not lloliet·e t hey could h:at·e borne up at all ha• l it not been for o ne big. power ful black-lipped fellow who talkl'<i more, did more, anti s weat more t ha n any other man o n the fo r ce. \\' hc n et·er he grabbed a sack or set u nc d own he uttered in a !!hrill key a s ingle pierci ng .. y i ~.. At this, the sagging k noes would !lt raigbte n. thei r steps quid•en, and th e s hPrp t·oit-c o f the ot·cr;K!Cr wo u ld be fo r a m o me nt stil led . But at length there was no further exc use fo r d e l:ay . T he whistle ga t·e a s ingle warning IJI~t. The last late straggle r ran up th e s wayin,~t Jllank . The liue was s lip ped. The n the pilot pulled th e string. ami the s team began to h iss and cough in th e pipes; gr-r-um m. gr·r-mnm, (.'Oillpl:line-1 th e great shaft; t he broad patl· dies •of the wheel bep:an to ;!la p t he water. and th e l,iusburg, then t he fin est u p·river st.eamer of tbe "Diamond J o line," p ro udly s wung he r great le n ~th out intu the swi ll c ha nne l. There were mauy crazy little "ting- li ngs" of t he bells. follow()(! hy quick a n· s ~~o•ers o f the noisy engine. while the hig hoat did much Number l· prep:tratnry lo:wkiup- up :tu•l .'llr:aightc niug nut; but soon ;;:hu .-culetl du wn to t lw ~I cady h••at n f tht~ cyli n· det· a m i the t·apitl t·huggia~-t >!pl us h nf the wheel. Ahead uf US. l\ little IIHI ~I 'U\ar Ill).!' 1\':IS ha uling 1\ IP'cat lazy hulk of a barj.!c. uut of n ur wuy. \\1 ith 1\ clear chaunt·! we ~we)Jt by t hu lillie boat . n nd down lJ:tU !'nu t -bl:ackc ll!..'<l SIOn!s, ill-kept b:tck ya rcb. a nd Iii thy alleys T hen, n fter a w hite. we s aw 11 few gree n 11:\tchc.'l....·t\'!tic h grew larger anti l:uger. atitl limally hroatlcned int•• beaut iful stt·ct l'lte ~ of fttrm and paSt u re. Cattle tl ruws ily rai l!Ctl t hci 1· hc:tds. •·hewi ng le is u rely as till')' watched us. Fri~ky co l ~.~> pranC(.'-11 nbout. s nort~•d in m uc k fr ight :u u l iit·:ulq~rccl :twl\y- like s nmll Uuyi!l s howing olf. Fa•·meN ll't!l'e making the s wect.·SI'CIIted clol'cr luly . (;am pi ng par ties o n the hank. joked the cook a.~ we pil.'jSt:ld . Oh. the pleasures o f that J uno day. as we glidud through narrow c h :u1n cl~. J eop and b l:ack, whe ry~ thick foliagetl bMswond :ami St'raggly ht'eC b hung o ut m·cr th o water. or aJJ we carefu lly picked o ur way on.1 r s halln11;:r. )JI:lccs w he n.J J>and !JaN h1we s pread th o r i\'er out. i n to a witlc, s h inin~-t strea,111 . Early i n t ho• aftcr n{){}n we ca rn e t.u t>rcscott with it.i smoky :ilorcs .. nd tlecrcpit houses- t he o ldest tow n in th:at section of W i scn n ~in . Oppos ite it, in M inne~" t:t . i.~ th e young, hus tli ng city o f H B,ti ngs. I t:~ new fresh. huildin)(s. and lively ai r. m:ll.le a pleasing c"n t rast wit h t he old town we had just left. Helm\' th ese citie." t he blu!Ts been. me mo re uo t iceable, pilinJ.: thcmsch•cs up on each ba nk, iu low !~ Ianting rows. hc:ll'ily ',\'VOtictl with II H!o Jli C nn• l o:1k. Hut fqr the ne xt two h"urs t hey bct·uu1 e highcf:tnd 1110re nnd uuor·c i nt~·r<Mt ing. :u 1;1 their pieturc.'IIJU tl e ra~s o f limestone jutting u ut deli1an tly. with tho dn.rk c at•es beneath. nnakc th o scene ry wilt! :uul t'nrietl . Then we cam e tu the lw:antiful Minnc:tuta c ity u f lted Wing. resting upou :a rocky s helf. safe ly a bm•c the ri ve r and ba rk agai n ~t th e w:al l nf hill >~. W e were now at th e ht:ad o f lake Pupi n. From hero to the mouth o f t he (;hipJ)t!Wi- a di:tt:ulctl uf ot·t••·thirt.y mil e~ - th crc is no cu rre nt wh:ltllYCr. while th o rh•er wide ns 10 !lei'Cr:ll tim(!!! its usual h n·adth . Just tx•lu11· \{cd \\-'ing. th e Kt ro·am is •.lh·ided into many •lcc p na rrow dt:~.nnel:.~, by num ero u~ i~J ands . which. ll'c m ig h t s ay, hat·c ht.'e n d ro pJM.~.I there by the Falhcr u f Wa tcr!l. as he layi!l hi i!l burden down be fore laking h is long r~l. ln to o nll uf thc~~e narr ow. wo..d -hound inle!s' we went. The bil( l'it!Ahurg h:ul so·ar ;ely room e nough tu ~'< lge herself alo ng. 0\'erhangiug boughs I!C rnpt.~l her deck. Fro m the pilot house I l{){}kcd c loStJiy :1hcad. watching for something ne w a L C\'ery tu rn .. r the I'Ci!ll!Cl. fo r I lur.d an ink li ug ut what wa~ co m ing Aud I wa'! n! Wiu·ti ~,. J. TilE Just ~ N OR ~I.~L Wf' ro undt>i l n !<h., r t hl• tul l'io\'•·n., J with ~n·at leafy t n!'I!S- Witho ut th•• lt•:ht wnrninl[. tn-,•... ~hon••. 1\n<l the ('nulintn~~: blu iTi ~•·•· mcd tn .li~'' l ' l'''ar. :m• l broad and hlue, u n ,.,.,. ry ~ i• lc . with tltt• .. u utlwrn J,.,ri r.on IOllt In h ll7.e- ~' a'l l ~-..k\: I'CJ>in. Th•· .. wldt•n l~>·.outy of th e ttnfn ldin)C u f th11.1 ~C IH'. ' •''"' ,,.., o•r f·•r:.c•·t Soon wo wm·e ou t In llw lnkc. T ho• M ill wa.; olit·ct·tly ahead. and o n eu.dtshll!." tuilc :tnd a half awa\'. W:!." :t high. lt.'C I- • nx·ky ~ hurc The lij.tht hrc<·l':' m:l•h• thl• w:l.le r c ho pvy. :md nuw :uu l then :t whito• o·ajt ~ticn .. t l he mo nnto ny u f th e dn tk hllw l:lk t• T he huw ul the boat wn nl•lll'f) s p:lllkln'l" l utu tl• e t•r.·~t~ .. r t ill' wa•·•·•. splll.lfhinJ[ the water in !ihlnhtiC -" JI:l rkl•· ... 1lwu l:•t•·r. would "henvc it in gn•nl !iWo•lll'. th a t lor.uw l...ol ""t u u ei\eh sido anti traiJ,., J 1\lnu.u: he hinol ~~ ~ ,\..;tt·rn, tlw gn."St. wheel pomHk'tl aw:a,\' llt!tWuth a pt·r l•·l·t rniubow of powde ry roam Aud i n t'IIIIIJtl••t c h:1rmnny thcrt• vlbruted tln·ough I he whnlu !~niL t ht• t·y thml t• dutn).!. of tlu! t•yll ntlcr. ~~ 1lmt n1W cuultl f:uwy 11\1 hu hc:tnl anti 8fLW. blf'nllcll in :a snil•mn l' hO"I n f hentuHulmu,.io· But.thll ('O II S l:lllt ••htuljlillll o f till' t" lt•tt', fnrh:ul u ttllll"h of a ret•crl e. T hr ru ill :~t h•Jts t tlmt llifT•·n•Jwc ht•lll"l'l'll l.ake Pe pin and the '"'t':ln We ll<'t't· r kn e 11· wh:l.l tu e xpect. for the liCC_!l tl t~hif!o ~ l ll'ith C'nry rn• l ul :uh·an t.-.·. l.ookln~ nhel'l.ll, you !!all' IL bn11111 o•,;p:lnM" o f ••·:•t••r resting M!datcly hepvCtJn t 1t·n t.-.mvurJ,Cinl( l e t· ~·] lilw~. th e tOJ>5 o f the c-onfininK hlnlb. ~\ s idew:trtll(l:tnt·t·, and you looked 1u:roM tl.dll h1g wbill• t'R I~ tuwn.nJ nn e"ren, rocky kn obs and penk,c nlonJl the ~hurcs. Far away all wu fJniet anti ll'nL\'O. A ruunol ) ' Oil it W:t.'i uoiay a.nd rest leu. Ami all the time. ll» ynn :lllnu~t·ct l. the regnlar outllnt.'ll o f thu hlnffs. s lo wly ht.'t'ltmt• cut IIJI Into jagged ledge~J and d1trk d~p Cfkll('y.!l T hen, t here were e vcrl·hnngiog inchh•nt..;. :oo; o w 1u tt l then an airy aail · boat gilded around i u tho lt-e o f the shore. Somethue~~ a dl!!tant. .!I kilT wo uld mnk11 :t ol ut o n th e water miles t~wny . Orton Wtl jli\!!M'tiiJig rit·u t· st.eawcrs. the!,r whlstltl!l fnruu11ly grccLiuK Ill', whi le thu wi n d whlakOO th e ir hea\'y trails or hl:wk Smoke !\bout In <1 noor <:o n tortio us. Onco M we pa..-4~ l tl bo11t that wali'\pwi ng n b ig rrtft, a young Indy wantud t lu• ca pt ,.i n o f the Pi tt.!lb nrg to "hciJt that JWO r ,;hi (I that wa!J agr ound ." She thought the poo r !!hiJt h:u l rtm i'-'1 noSoj Into an isla nd . So, with m any hi\Jlll)' tl h·enio ns. tht• Jllt:a..~tutt :lflo·r· noon wore away. and all ttw• &ot.•n tho t·hn!l~~:ir•g s ighti of lake and ~ky and shore, were lust iu the •lnsk: uf tw ilight. Night came. but nut withnut it.; tll\•cr.;~iuns. With the coming of dllrkne~. the wind rn.ie. Swi'I!JI· lng down through the eooleyl!. it lOS~~ ~ the wate r about In l'fild hMJJ!I o f Wll\'efl: an41 o ur t•oyage. lrum l..ake City down to Hood". the little tabandu nt.'tl tow u at the foot o f the lake. wall t lark 1\nd rough. T he electric aeareh liJCb t would 11hoot a g leaming streak UJt into the da r k and awUtly nnwln~ ciOU4 11!. nml then would sweep &ei'OM t~ lake aho winll th e whi te crt!:!ltcd. \ll;o!..~· lng waveA In urlkl ng "•lie f. Once " ~ hall o f light rt\llt.ed for a mo me nt n n th e s trall{ht ;~lmrp 110i nt o r Maide n Rock. ItO Iamon~ for the lntl ian h: I(Nttl ~ of the girl who for her lon:r 's ~trik e lf':1pcd fro m it.!l dh:zy height into tho lake below . The white hrightnC.!I~ o f the rock. clear and In tense, •~ it Wtl.!l !' USJKllltlt.~l fu r :a moment high u p In th e rlensc lllrll'kllJI"" or the a t m o~· pbere. the d ltmal roar o f th o hruukt•rs, t·e 'winK from POINT E R. tlw h"ll u w ~luu~· . ma•lt- :a~o:lu"tlr t•tlt•t·t that lm11nts 11111 I • t l li~ •lay A~ lt"o• pa~ · l., J tlw tl:w!ofo'r"u" Jllli nt ~<" h ere 1111() yeaN l,..r.. n• till' !-ot•:a \\'in~: with he r huutlrlotl li l'c.!l had been J,~t. tlw win(l. ,;t run~o: ('ltotttgh \.oc furc, l.~ea me a furiou!l Jo:" tlo·. :uul we h:rn.l y sailoro w ho hao l I een l:utg: hing at tlu- ..,•a-,io-k Jl('<> p l•·· uu w tuok t o the l'ahin ou rsel\'cs. wlwr" 11 ,. h trtl tllt·ol an"l:lou.<~l)' u hHUt the wimlo ws and 1"-.•n•ol •>Ill int•1the •l nrkii C•:-l Tho 1\':t\"1..'3 tl!tiht.'l.l :111d .;wi~lwd :11 the IJ.uw. Oft('tt :s hi~o: unc II'UUltl rush IIJ> an •l lu·o·a k in 1111',\' u n th e tlt•ck . UnL th o l'iu.shnrg l ~:1tl IH.·t·n in t hc.!IC " turrn11 hcforc. and llhe rollet.l a lu ng )!:' oui·JHIIUN'tiJ)'. ShHking u lf ti lt' cJiugiuJ,C W!l.\'es. ~ o w :.u .• l th(' n ~he fel t he r w:ay with a s haft from tlw $1::t r.-l11ig: ht. w hit' It wnuhl gi•·c u:o~ nu glimpse:~ of the 1·lll:!).!•"" u f l'l'pln ur Stuckhnlm, o t· the e•·cr Jlreic nt hlufTs t vwe rin~o: :dJu 1·e n ;o~. But tlwrc ...-:uu c tl ti mo w hon wo missed th~ s lllp· pi n~ .. r the w:wc.!l and tlrt• 1'1..1 11 uf Lho l10at . El'e n · \\' hat hnd hnp· ti lt' noar of ti m wind oliet l ILW:ty. 1"'111'• 1"' We luuk t.'l l nn t 111 !1-l't!. The protecting .. h ,u·e~ had ... mwltuw m yllttlriou~ly do!<ut] in o n u s. \\"o· ll'l'rt' " Ill ur thu Juku On uur le fl. tlte Chi ppe· wa tluwcol .;J n~ot~ti s hl,\" i u At u nr ri]o:h L wns Hct.-.ls. W t• w••rc alrnu.t tn \\.talK' """ · A little muru of the •JIIh•l ltt huri n!{ uf thl.\ UnjCinc. sumo ~w o•e pinlt s hahs of li.: ht frmn the lamp. tw o lung hla .. ts rro llt the whistle ami twu .,hurt""''"'· mu<• h ringing o f be ll ;~ nml b.'lck· ing :1ru tu1d - :u u l a hllJIIl)" boy ;o pnu 1g fro m th o e ml u f tlw ~wi ngin Jl: pl:ink . jus t lli it tuuchc•l t he •luck ur Wnl,a«ha A CA M PtNC EXPER IEN CE. hntl l•• ft o ur t~nt.s n ne n ighL lor :t ft 'll' hour$ our return fuund th:ll an hl\' tL~itlll h:u l taken 1•l :u.~e with " nnllll thcr.: to h inde r." During tiur ab~enc:e th r ee cOli'" had w ruul c n.•tl Into o ne o f th o tCII!.i nud were ha \' illl( 11 glurloua ((':l..!IL on dry goottiK. O ne lnul o•\'ltlently llJl J .~C a.~t-.1 her ltnul(c r , lo r ~ ho IHullcft the btuutnct auo l wns rt.'l.llining ~~:mce full y on 11 cot. Altt•r ~11 1111' t· i~:uru u.:I J k:l'!l ll lt.1 t O n the nnwclconae \'iSiton:~ n•t rl'atcd. h •uvi u~: the !c u t 1.0 it!J ri g htfttiiiWil Cnl. Wt• III.JjC:I U imm+ 'l lint e ly to liml uut what hnd eSt,llJKltl the :IJIJII.Jiitt!:'! ul t hew •·unu·ittul! crcatii i'Ctl. A lirt~• hnd l ot~· u ~ tre tl'lwtl fro n• nne cml or t he te nt h>tht• utht• r to lmnst eluthin_u: 1111 nnd thili 11'/\ij o r t:OUrJJO t"lllll"c:niunt fur tlw cu ll'~ . Shirt waist!~ minus .!!lt'C\'IJ"' and yokt•ll were plt•ked up i n 1l>w- k t•u rrw r,.. wuule u olrc.<!M'",. with "CIJilln·work frout :o~ " an•l ··•·ru!!ltetl " Ct1 llnn~, and tlrciiSC>t wit h no fr .. ut .!l nr c:ullnu at a ll , were llrought to lighl. T ele~·u pt• >" llli.!lt:~ h :u ll.~eun Ollllll&l and their t.'Onte nu sam · pit... I. With till' \"anily clmr.r.t•tc r i ~ tle t.o h11r sex one in· .,uisitit•e animnl. ~ pyin~o: 1\ box o f l..a m~·he's face JIU~·,Ier hat l c•·ldl' ntly fou nd it muc h to htJ r taste. fo r nut Cten tl1o b!Jll wa.slc ft . Fmm :IJIJJoCnnm cell. o r r:lthc r tllr:~:r.ppearances, iL -,~·e m~ I th:1t one of tlt tl trio Wfl.il trying to pose u ~ hu~icry tlcp:lr t mcnt. . Man y ot he r ortit·ICll tlitlthose beas 111 devo ur, Much M ~lii'JJoCfll, h:ll.'l. linun collur.i ltnd mnckintus hes. H owc •·er. thoy still t'O ntlnue to ll•·e (thAt Ia, t he cowa. Tho •lc \'< lllrt:d nrtit•lt•11 w eru Ut! \'tJ r restored) a nd they Cl· c:t~~ lthc t ragict•nt lin g we Nl\'en~eo fu lly hoped would comcto' tlwm. M.aTtV.IJA lutY . Wt• aoul 11 11 THE NOR\1:\L POINTE R . BEE HU NT I NG. In 1hc li r.-;1 p hll'e, we ha1·c to gt•t :1 pit.occ o r frc~h houe.1', anti a l'i:l l tlf l'l'ent. 'l'hCI'C !ll'!.l :1 nnmhcr uf di!Te rcut kin.-ls nf i!I'CIII II-, hu t we use a n is o il. \\'e st:~.rt u n t somu plca~ant day in the fail. whe n C\'e ry thing i!O in A ht•:ulliful Stng:c of decay. W e louk :1round 1vr a litlle she llurL'(Inuuk whe re thu !lowe r.'! arc still ~rl·eu: we ..an lu.:;tr the hum nf a bee, but ~u n · nut l<CC h iou. P retty sunn ll'tl ~:ct o ur eye ,m him. :uu l tlw next rhi ng to dn i.'! to get him in u ur bux. The ti rsr :llte mpt prm·es :1. failur..·. hut we arc uu t discour.t.gt.'i.l : so tt·e lonk for anoth<'r. lind o ne, :uul g et him in the \J(•x t h is time. The n ext th i••..: is to lind alittle t·lt•ar pl:wc where we t·au lim! the lwe. After ll't•lmt·e fo nud :1 Jlhu.•o to s ui l. we open tht! box :l.nti TlS the hce is tii\C<I h e will t•mnc o ut of !l1cl:"'x. and Ucforc s tarting aw:1y h e will circlu :wei r o•·ci rdc ;u·ound thu bait. H e prnh· ably will be ).:"tmc te n Ol' tifu-en minutes ; then he c ruues b..·u·k. •·irdc~ aru u uol a whi"c. ami finally sett les t>n the ba it. lk-furu he i~ ti lh-d. anot her bee will cunw: :lud th<! n the bee;;; t'flllll! f;L~t••r tmd b l!tcr . Now we hat·e a g1>otl time d ••cilling wh;tt di rection t hey t:Lkl': this Wl' ('a] I li n i ng t he m. A h e r wu,ll.'ul :LI'ood line. lt' u shill some Uccs in the I~<>X ami take ~hem awa~· to uucsi. Je of this pl:we. and line !hem fro m o ur new po~itiun . This is <'a11crl t·ro~~ li ning: for where the li ne.'! cn •s~ e a c h other we a rc s l rc to lind thu bee t r ..'<'. T o tint! the tree. we ~'" tu wlwrt: we thiuk the lines cro;m e:~.d• other: her e ~l't: look :Lt cn.lry hol;uw tree t he ru is ; hut wo :~\way>~ lonk at the wrnnl' lrecs first. Fi nally we tint\ the l rt•e. Aut!. nnw. the next thing is to get the hunl'y without g e uin).:" stung . Snmc ~mother t he IJI'es wilh s u l phur : hn t this i~ not a g ootl t hing to d o. for then :111 the 1'!\C:l.nt t-ells i n thu t·omi.J will be full o f tlcad bees. W e :dways Uuiltl a little s mudge to takt: up our trcc<~. ror ''" ~~oonr• a;; a bee gut.;j a whitT of s m o ke he is ~o nqucre1l. :tntl t he o nly d:wg~r of getti ng stung is by pin~hing a IX.'C when you arc taki ng o ut t he comb. It tak~ a man with :>tro ng n un·c;~ to take up a tree. The :1i r is black wilh bees: you •·:m hardly brus h them oiT you r h:uuls. fo r they 11rc c rn7.y for the huney th:l.t is on you r luuulil. T he l:ls t tim1~ I tnok hone r from tL trcu I 1vll.!l no t stun-" one~. This. however, ·w~ not due to my !lkill. hut to the o t·e r·kindnosij of the bo::es. F. c. GII, )IAX . T H E OLD S WIM M IN G H O L E. Whe n I w:ts a boy I li i'Ctl about t wo mile s fro m :1. .'! mall stre:un. The l'ltrcam was not far fro m thll school housu and we boys wer e ,·cry we ll acq uainted w ith it. Thi! c r eek ran thro ugh a men.tlow w hich w:LS from a quarte r to a half mile in width anti bordered o n ea ch sid e by p ine o r tamamck t r ees. T he course o f the strc:~.m w;u; m:~. rkcd o u t by bunches o f willows whic h grew :1long the banks. W e dug a d eep hole in the broad b end :md this was our s wimming h ole. The c reek was about ilixteen feet wide at this place nnd we we re able to make a p la ce \:1rge enoug h fo r us t u s wim abou t :1 rod without turni ng to the right or left. Afcc r we had dug the bottom o f tbc c reek a bou t th ree fee t tlue per. we b ui lt a d am so t hat we co uld keep t he hole full uf wate r iu dr)' ti me>~ 'l ite hu lc. when we ll fi iJOtl. W:lS a bunt ti\·1· f••ct d eep. L:lS I Sllllllll t!l ' I lmppe uc•l '" hu in tlmt nuighborhood a nd ft·lt that I .~ houl•llike '" i'H!t' tho o ld SJ~t whero I II'Cnt :su often whuu :1 hoy. Thu puth whic h led from tlw ruad to the s winuninl{ hul" II' liS grown n\·c r so that it 11':\..'S t!illit-utt tu follow. Wl11~11 I reuc hL'(I the s pot whkh I tlu>ugh t. I nc1·ur cuu l•l,<>l')(t!l. I foim tl ' t h e i'O 1\';lS hardly an y tr:u:c lefc The ol:u u h at! bc(•n wn.slwd u ut. and gm:>.'l haol ~··own :I~T,.~.'! the t:reek so !hilt it . diolnnt luuk auy thing likt: it. Ucietl to . I took lt lltic k and mc:t,•u·cd the d e p th nf thu water aud fo und it tO he n nl,1· :lholll 1 wo feel. The furcst ~ h:~ol hceu t·~ •t away un each sitle of. thO.. stre:un. aud tho fl'aturc!O uu t o u ly nf o ur sw1m mi ng' hnlc, lu;t nf I he :-t111Tuu ml i ng t'UIIIII ry had hcen gn>atlY' t·lmnge•l. · F. ~:} McG.ISSI.j. HO W WE PICKED BLUEBERIIIES, Tim h luc hc rry scA.so n was ;~L its height. We gi r lw' mus t follow thu fash ion u.ntl go berr y· Wt• wen ! r e:lLly t·cry ·e:wlf S'a tnrday 10orning, agrct.~H11:1t II'C ing. ~\:l~\:;~1:o:,:::c~~ ~:.: :!~~ ~-~~~ o11~~~h~r~e~~;:~.:~~~~~:· pal't}' cunsistctl o f fi\·~ gi r ls f'arry iug ti\·e u mbrellaa: t hree lund• has kct.'4. two ten·quart pails 1\lld number· less pan;j, dippers a nd cup~. ~ A mile o r snmly r<mtl brought u~ tun. piece o f woods at the font o f t he hill,;. H uro we t urned oiT n.nd began slowly picking uur way t h rough tbu 1.1.\ngled ha1JOI brus h :uul tall grass. Wu had not gum~ far " 'hen: tb~. furcm•Jst Oil'' of the J!:lrtv c ried excitt.>dly. "Sna.kc8! Jeirl~. s nakes'!.. T o &~y th~t a p11nic foll~wod, would be puttil'tg . it too mildly. A\vay we nt, giri.i: umbry~!J~. bas kets. Jm ils a ud pa ns. No t hought was gil•on to th~ torn drcSi'H!i! and lost hats, but o n lo'' ll. II'UUt till· t wo·o f the Jlll rty fouud thc msch•cs !OL'Cll nlly fll.!IW~or.l _In ,a, barb wire f1•ncc. Uy t he time the girl.'! wcru extriCIIoted fro m the fence and tho \•ariou s artit•lcs o f ti nw'are col : lecte.l, the s un w;u;high . · T he n>mnincler o f tho wny waa s teep and rough, a nd we w ere a t ir<-'(1 set whe n we reache•l t he tnp o f thq hill. W u looklld ai.Jou t for ;oom c t ime. Q.ut"1:ould· tlod no berries sn We concluded that they had a ll boon p ick ed: After eating our mueh shaken lunch, we started how d but o ur mis fortunes were not ut an end. Whe n we c:lme o u t o n the. road, ""'e · encoun tered :a he rd o f c a llle, and .we r e o b ligOll to go.11.bou t a mile out of our wa y iJccause som e o f t he glrle wo u ld not pMII them. Whe n we J'cacbed home. we &at .d own to.re.!lt, u nd agree<! t hat g_oi ng Uerryiug wsS .not 80 mucli tuu. a.f· I..' A. R , ter a\1. " \\'iutcr is the m o narc h nf the year • \\' hen wild wi nds make t he ginnt pine!! their harp. And juy o ( C hristrua.'4 t id e is at the t!ood. Only w those who w iM a presence dear T he thorn~ of winter's bully c rown nrc s ha r p, Aud a ll iu he r ries gleam like drops o f blood." - Selected , THE NO R:O.lAI. PO I NTER. TI{Ec NORMAL POINTEcF( ----,--.... DECEMBER, t897 · lllld~~·:r::.a~::!·~:.~~~i.~trtl~~~tb~~:~~·: .~!.':,". wr.~·ru anu~~-tere-d a t tke i'INitolli e" at Term~~ Wt ~ • u b' rb e t econd cb u of Subscriptio n-00 een l.s per yt•a r in advance. IU.ul.l:lanR .. .. C. If, ftoUIII» ••..•••.• , Wru.u• !f11.4ti,..,&D ... LTOU.WII •• UK"& • ••••• , .• Ktl no r-l n-Chlef A ..OLD L . UanLL .• .. .lo•JIL•u . . ..... . . . !hL1.11111:. N&UOl'l . . H .O . li .U ill •. •••.•••.• :~&':-~~:0•.} --- Prel .... "'tl'len• 1'<11111, ~Bee .• -· .. · · . ,, l lt.,ra ry . ..• Sclcutll c , . Bnbln a:e . •... . •..•... •. l.oo;al •.... Atll letlc .•.•... ...•.•. li U<Ie i Sc bool Ktlh o r ll:d ltcnKdl to r Ed ito r Xdlt o r Kdttor ,, ,,,,.,,, .•. . ... ,,, B III IDCII MI II I I!C r . . ..••.. • •• An l ltNJtlluti DH~ lhnu:cu .• Eow t•O'BIIII:II •. •.•....•• . ...•. n . o . M.u u; • . , .. BIIITIIJIUIAC KKK .-\ddreu all bulnM• letr eu to the 8a•l~ t" lhua: er. COrTMpondence .ollcltfld rrom rormer na d e~ " · He&tlel'fl&lldutbtorlbenare t1!1puc tfa l17 reque•r ed to oDrach·e rl iHrl. ~.tarroDi n The managers and s taff of the Point e r e x lend me rry · Chri11tmu greetings to all lt.'! re:ule rs. I have recently beard one o f our teache rs make thill remark. "l wlah that s tude nts coming into my classes would read more novels. " · What does this mean to us ? Will our app reciation of Greek and Roman his tory be an y keener for having read · 'Quo :Vadls," "Rienzi.· · "The l.aat of the Tribune~~ " and " The Laat Days of Pom pey ! '' Shall 1vc feel rnore lnte~t in the Dark Agea anti uode rs uuul htltt.or the gloom which COI'e rcd thu world at that period, if we have reRd "Monk and Knight" and ··The Cloister and the Hearth ! " Are we going to have a more vital lnte refJI. in the French He 1·olutiou if we have followed that grand characte r. Jean Valjean. ~rough hi" remarkable life or hue s hudde rlngly pe· ruaed Dicke n's "Tale of Two Uitie~~!" Will England's downs and the bmes of bonny Sc~o~t· la.od be any more real to II"' afte r rt·ading George El· lot's novels. "Beside the Bonny Uriar Bus h" or Scott'il Waverlys? Are we goiog to know any more about the Revolution for having rea.rl "f\-•1ghten~ o) the Re1·oln · tlon," "'fbe Boy11 ' · ·-·· . . ent TreWion" and "Two SpiN! " Shal! .. e u.tve a g reater nppreciatio n for the ae"IOM paid too their l'Otmtry by the brave me n who fell In the Civil War. if w e have read " Uncle To m's Cabin," "Fool's Errand " or " Bricks Witho ut Straw ! " How will It aulatus in getting " t hi1 old hlalfl ry IC!I· aon," if we have ftlled e\·ery SJ>are mo me n t of o;;r time In devouri ng the 1toriea of African li fe. uf HuMian An· arcby. of lriah oppression or of Ge rman customs! Don't. you ltoow ! ('.an't you see! There Is not a pro. pie on this earth uninLerestlng to UR ·u human beings. J us t :u till' "Se1·uu l.iulc SistcN" ha \'c :t common muthe r. ~o lmvo wen eomtu nn origi u. Wt• can not feel m uc h in teres t in Cu ba or much sy m· JJRthy trw t ho peo ple in Greece :Inti Tmkey, if we do not ku n w su mething of t he ci rl'lllllSilUICCil s urrounding tho )l'Coplt: iu th e>:~e cou fl ,rics. If we have rend a sim· pie ta ltl of C ulmu life our uuderst:u1ding o f ~he cnviroumcrtt uf thi s peOple is going to giv u a fertil e soil for Cuban inte rcsu . Our imaginat ion need i!Cul til'nting . ••Jm aginatinu,·· I hent· yn u ~~ay . "why we onl y uso the memory and r~IIS< >II in tli,;tory and Pol itical Economy!" Perhaps yo u du an J tha t mny be the n! ry rt! nSO n why the teach· er of th u:sc su bject!! is forced to SJ&Y a t the e nd of your cl'lltrse. " \\'c. l, you ha1•e n s t:u u..l ing. but~well -pcr· ha pl! mnthcmn tic.s iii your fie ld .' ' Agni n, I sec the ey e ~ o f :llwthcr teache r looking rCJl roachfully upon me as h" Slly~ . " Didn't you h!H'Il fourth quar te r alge bm under m e~ How about the imaginary <IU Unlitics you s tmlietlthere ?" Thore iii no escape. turn where you will. imagination i ~ :t ot s u rely in dema nd as is mcmor,l'. You will be a bct11.1r !'ttttle nt in all yo ur ci:IS!Je5 if !lom e. o f yo ur s pare moments ha ,·c been Spt'nt in po ring m·er· ,;tory books. " All work and no play makes Jnck a dull boy.' ' Jus t >W a ll lltmly IUhl no reading fo r rt!crcatinn mnkes 1\ dullard of u mig ht- Jm.l'e·bcen Lright s tude nt. Thu t'e l)()rt of the librarian for the month o f Octo· bc r gh'Cilll drculntion of 2.3Gl books nml magazines, making R daily al'cragc of IJO \"olnmcs, an increase of 2 1 volumes o vur that of September. Fur Nu l·cm ber the num ber uf books ~~~ned Wl\8 2.5-11 . 1u~ a~·o mge da ily iu uc of 105 voltttUCI. Sei'Cml 1 n e w pertodt t·als ha l'e been add ed to our alrc;Wy wcll 11\lcd case and tables. na mely; The Liw rary Ne ws. Publishe r's Weekly and Library J ournal . Statistics tell the samP s tory In a Normal schoolli-· brary •us in that of a free publl<· llbrury - wo are a peo· pie fo nd of stories. In Septem ber we is.!ltretl 300 sto ries nnd 320 nf .I{Ongmphy and hi.!lto ry. n balance or 70 vol · umcs in f:w n r of liction. In Octo ber we rend fi2 1 s tories and 4M of geogra)Jhy and hlswrv which s hows !l gradual tnmd towurd more sober lite~Me. Hut to )KlUpl ~ whu aru de prl\•cd o f tra\·elaml u.N thus limited in th6i r s pberu of D.CIJU:t.intllncea. the ru l!t nothing that cs n tak ~ ! he phu.:e of the uo\·el. It !Jrlng;J us in touc h with ne w cxpc ri t: n l.~.S and ne w peO jJie. Alesi!andru anrt' lb.mona h$:ome as real to us liS o ur n c ;~~;t doo r neighboH. We follow the m iu thei r dail y duties. We can hcnr the s weet mu~ic of ,\'' 0 l'll:t.rlu.llontiog from the wlndowll of the various c h:~.ru beu to welcome the s unrise. We IIYmJJ&thizo with them in their ao rrowa and rejoice when they rejoice. Thus through fi ction we reconstitute our experience and thereby make it fu ller rwd richer : it fires the imn.ginntlon. quickens the pul11e. and gi ves us l'iews of men and things which Jilt us In to n higher atmosphe re: where we <.-an ec-ho 'he II oM of the JIOOt who sings: " Dreams, bunks: are each a. world ; a nd book& W u k now, Are a s ubstantial world. both pure and good. Round these. with wndrils s trong u fteah and blood, Our pastime and our happinC!IA. will grow." THE NOR.\l :\1. POINTER. TH E HOME OF THE C L AY COLORED S<"> ARROW. ll il\"C you t•\"Cr l' isitetl a p:ttl"h o f ec utr.tl \\'i>ii'O ns in pin u ha 1-rens in .hml' ~ If ,ruu t:l' t:r dtl, y nu 111:1~· ruJi it'i'. !l ining sh yly thro ugh t hu h u ~ hcs :tht'ad nf ~·o ur adI':IIH"ing st.c ps. a s ma ll. dull eo]olrL'tl bird. whnsc note:<, aetions. ami ge neral ap p<>ararwe will \·il'idl y reenll the curm uo n •·hippir.g s p:u·rnw T his i!! th e d:ty t·nlul'(.'tl s p:trrow . E xa min l" dn:<t·l.l' the s pot fn1111 which _I'Oll li rst s urpri se th e loiril . :Ill< I it i .~ ll "t irupro lo:thle that you will di~i'n\"t'l' tlwn• lwr wdl huilt home o f tlrit•t l g•~tSll a!l<l Wl'eol,<. lod;.:ctl i n .~to ru tl o·onn:nicnt bu~h . The four ti ny e).!'g~ whit-h t l ri~ t•ozy m •st •·uutain:> will n ot fail tn • :1 11 ~•· yo u t" t"•t· l:tim :11 thdr llt.': un.• :uu l reg ulari ty o f n u tli lll'. and tlwil· •·it.:hrws~ nf •·ol m·. ril':ll in).!' t he s ky it wlf in dt·pth You will nollltl allo)Wt:t l t o exam i ne lllllli;;tnrl n~ l t h is •tu ict humc nr its fr:tg ile ,-.,nt e n t..s, hnwe1·er. for rhc mo!lwr hinl will sonn r etu rn'" h wer a hnnt the s pot. and entlf'al·nr. hy an xious d1ir p.~ and ncrl'ous gesl lll't•s nf wi ng- and tail. tn ;·:w :<t• yn11 '" t:1.k c p il,l' llpfln her ho·lpk"'il co nd it ion. ami lea•·e lwr trc:~:mrc.~ in ~~·af·e. _,1-: n·n if yn u withdraw tn a co ns it! · Cr.Lble •listance. and :It tempt tn walt·h he r action~. yourself urwh~ern•d. ;ohe will nut be sati slit:<l. :l.ml t.;o to he r 11 e~ t. hut will cnntin u•: tto tly t'.'l:t'ited ly from bn~h to hu,;h. urg ing yo n cnn st autl.l'lu 1:1ke yo u r lc:ti'C. Her irlL'i''<>ian t cum plai u t will nol f:1il to attract t he :u tc ut io u of othe r Uin ls of the tlf'ig:hhu rhoud. :uul it will n ot be su1·pri~i n g if lilt' an xio u ~ uwtho:r's ~ puu~~· a dd• hi :< I'Oicc to hers. m1r if tor t\:: or two ~_.-mpa th e t.ic ne illh · hors jniu in Lhe :ll l:l!'k npnn th e t·umm nn enemy . It i.!l a h:u·ol he ar t whit-h looks unm m·cd upo n s uc h SCc Ueil ;LS th i.1. and t!OuiJtlt:S.!I )'011 II'OU]tl !!OUII :Ul{'ll\ ]ll to re!ie1·e thi:~ e1·ioh•n t fe<•li nl{ of te rro r by 11111kiug :1 S]K!eoly re t re a t. The mothe r wi ll rcturn to he r int c rrnpt t'( ] tas k o f int• u h:u ion. ami the fath e r. a l te r making ~nrc that hi~ mate is I'Ulllfort:lhl y tixet l. will nlunn t tn the top o f !!<'H Ue r:~ll bush n f:ar lw. a nJ lnzil.1· d rawl o nt. a sc ric.~ ool note~ . h:1l f spoken. half -> un g. whit•h seem s tu ·sll)'. --Ten o ' clock. and all' s well ." W . W . <.:. For ;fOme time pasl the Unitnl States Wt•athe r Un reau oflicials. :1nd nthc r» inl l! rcstctl in th e rnnttt-r. h:ll'e hecn c:\rryi ug on e:ocpcr imenl..i in ~l' i e nt i ti <: ki to tlying . T hey arc trying. by means of s.clf-rccordin_IC inst ru · ments sc nl 11)1 with l hc kiteil. to d~ter m ine tho: te mpe •·· aturc. pressure. and rel:uil·e humidity uf the :lt iUO lil· ph ure at diiTere u t d ist:ul<'e~ :li.IQ\'C the earth The must SIIL't.:P.!!Sf n l of thcStl e.'I: JWr imen ts was nmtlo on the !iltC<Iuth o f la,;t October at Ul ue If ill. 1\l:u;;:lf'llliSCIIS . The instr u me nts were rJ.i :>~..'< l to a he ight. o f 11 .i l6 feel ahul'e sea le1·el Four kites o f the Harg m1'C tJox pattern were used : two at t he top of the li ne, :Uld the two others at ditfe re n t d istances along it. The line u a.cd Wall a s ma ll steel 11·ire whic h was n:ele1 l in :uul o u t Uy a steam wiuJiass. All the n.-eo rds o htnincd at th is time we re enmpletc. Those fo r th e temperature :1.nd prc;;~~ ure 11how a j.!:radual d~o't:rease fro m th e time the iustrnmcuiJI left th e ground until t h e highest poi n t was reached, and th e n '3 a ,-.,r n•S J)<o uolingly gr:llln:o l ilwrc. ~~c d111"ing the tlest·ent . T he I'Ct'flr<l fo l' ro•latil·e lnuni•lity. hnw ere r. is not so rt'J.!'II I:u·. ami fo r that r..-a,;on is the m ure interesting. T hen· wa s a g:r:ul u:d i•u-•'t'ase IIJI tu t he heigh t n f t:1tl1J lllo·t•·r~. and then a s udd e n dt't.: l~ll$e . This was n ' JR':U•·• l at thu heigh t uf :!~mlu lt' lt·rs . The enusc fur thb wa s that. thu inst t'llllll'llt pa~ scd t h mugh the t• urnu ln,; and :lltn·c umn lu s .-loud lel'cls a t th ose tw" ht•ig:lot s. IJurillj.!' the p:t.it few yca t·s. ll"he u ttny g ru:t tt•lt..'CU'icnl clb•·u1·c ry. s u.-!1 as th e Hucntl,;•' ll H:L)'l!l. lm~ been nuule, man y peu p le h:ll'c :t.ikcd wh y Edi ~t m 's ruuu u tlitl nut :q1pc at' am n ug thu;;.e uf th u tli"•··n·c rcrs . lh1t wore th uy to .cu '" the littll' l'illagu of 1-:tlisou . New J e~y. l ht•y wmtld lind :111 :m,. Wcl' lU t.h ci r tjllt'Stioon . Th t! rc Eclisun h:1s he<·u wu r ki n ~~: fur th cln..sll'i).tht ,I'C:II'l'l un one uf th e grc:ue~t o·n.t.tiut:e rln).t problo•m s uf tlw time - th o proble m uf s uppl y i n~t th u c a.!l tcrn mi lls with iron tH-e llllit:lhle for th e prod twtio n of Be.;se me r stt..-cl ~~~:-~;~~r~~.::~·;~.::a:~g~~~ ·; "::~~:~t l:;=~,~~~~~~;.,~~·i~l?t~n;.~~ pn•·tatiun . m ill" ha1·e bee n huilt up in thu wc ~t. T]li.!l has t· :m.~•·• l the etl.ilcrn mills to s hut dnwu. nut! hns th 1·uw n a ).trt!Ul ma ny me n n ut uf Cll\])luymc u t. It hud bcc u kn o wn for ,-umu t ime tb:~t t here were amou nt s of irun bcari ug nwk in ~ow J orscy. but JX:I't•o u l of i1-ou II' a>~ .w lnw th:1t wit h th u Jlrocesses t llt'n iu u;;e it ll":lll nu t pt·acticable to i!.'l: tract it. This was the problmu whic h ettn front e•l Edisnn eight .1·c:t.r~ a).tt>. Since then he lms bct: n working .i:ltea(lily uutil IJVW h e has pe rfuc tut l a pru•·ess b.l' w hi t·h tho ore t':l n l.~e •·xt.t·a.:tL'll in s nd1 grc:u :un n nn l.!l tll'l tu makc it ~~: real tht~ ~:~·~;:~~~~.~~i "l:tne~~~:::~;; ::·~e~~~~~~.::t~ :·~ll=· 1 ~-~~~6 l;::t:~ •. speetlily r L'l luci n.l( tim g re:lL muunt:litl!l of rock n!Jo u t Ec l ist~l t intu litw snn• l. and lty l U c an ~ uf clcl"f ro· mag uet.ll i~ 1•it-king out th u ir•m . T he iron tlus t thus o btained i~ mi xt•tl with :1 hi ntli ng mate r inl :mol pn.~od in to hrieks. A fte r these bricks !ta\'C ])Ce ll b:tkt:d they !II'C wate r prouf, :w<l hen ce can iJt;l shi l>]!t.'<l to th e bl ast ' furuaces in upcn car.!!. :"/O':u·ly all u l th e mac h inery ftJI'th i ~ c n teq 1ri;!.C has l.~ecn tle!ligucc l by f:..lisnn h i m ~c U, und -!illl'h a ii CI( re~ uf po:rft·(·ti<lu h11s hccn·rcae hcd in h is lahtl r ·!l:ll' iug tle\·ices. that frnm begi nning to e nd - fro m th e blasting uf th u rn<· k ttl th e tina! s hippi11g uf the tini ~:~lu.oJ hri1·ks- no hum:tn h:tnd need s W tt>u t: h the prt~tlu ct. ----- The Biulug ical d e partme nt h a.>~ o •·dered :1 photo· m icrog-m phil' camera. whic h will be II!K."-1 i n co py ing c:m.s fur lanlo·rn s lid es, :uu l :tli«l in rn:1ki ng lan te rn sl i<k ; frum lll ie r usc i/]Jic sl id e~ . The l:tntHII s li1le • arP.. hci.nf;( pre pared for a !!Cr ies or le•·tures to be gi\·en b)"• ' '' •'.}fr.''•!!',kill, folluwi ng the o n e.~ now heing g~~)~M~~~~··cu . l · T he mc n)bers o f th e pos t-g ra duate phys il!!l cl!lS.ll arc tinishin).t UJJ their s tudy n r clt!ut r'i c ity which th ey ha •·c hccn pu rsuing fo •· th c past fift een weeks , and will take up t he s tudy o f light >~u m e time n e xt week. j11.~ 1 J'rof. (SC \"c m l da)'il after <•xplaiuing that th e hile d C>Itruyod pan o f t he bacte ria o f the sy ~tc m ) "What is Lhc fun ctinn o f t h o b il e,~" :; wd ent-" l ts m"ilt inq~~rtan t n sc is 1.•1 ki ll th e litlle inK<."t't:J that we hreathe in. " ,, THE NORMAL I'OINTER . [:: ~ :~?cA~~::::::::::: J CENERAL . The "Ehll' tatu r Bo.)''' t n ou pc, whk h cau ,l!d nu ~ m all lltuonnt o f cxcitcmunt. nn bt• 1111d nmhiliun. hns m:ulc 11 fnrmalun•l tn its "'hun existllnt:e. Our st:llUC:I uf \'t•tJH~aml \ 'ictur)' hn w• ht•cn tf'ml<'ro••l t hc honnr of Ol.ll' ll]J)"in~o: po,;i tiun >t un the s:amc platform with t he f:tt•ulty . l,re;_~id o•nt l~r.ty rrt·c nt ly rcct•iv<'tl a l<•ucr from Pl'\!3idcnt ~:1. \ i:oh ury uf the W hito:ll':ttcr Xo rrn:tl. cndus· injl :a cbHllt> IIJC I.! for a jniut tlel>lah: betwco•n the Lwu ~houls. Afte r tlw •!ne;o.tiuu Wtl..'l hrnu~o:ht ht•fure t he Urnwri <·:d A ~S<R·ia ti on. it wn:~ put intn tlw h aml~ nf th e Forum . The followinj{ ljltl'l!tion wail I'!Ub mittefl IJ)' tin• Whit e· water Nnrru:ll ; " H1•soh •ed. Thn t. I J llt!.~lion::~ nf f:n·t s ho uld he .-cnlctl hy j ud ~t'il rnther tha n hy :1 t•huseu jury .' ' The Furnm c ho~W tin' n Oi rma th•c ~ h i e nf the IJU C!Ition . 1\ IHI th e •h•lmll:lr!l lun·~,~ hcj.tUII wurk un th e !llllojt_'('l.. The.\ New ('o t illinn l'luh. )''hit.'h hold!!! dan ce;~ :II Forrester'!!! l-lall, e 1·ery two wee k!!. hn" a h•r~otc ntuniK•r of Normnlitcs n., memhcrs. The dances nrc re11ortcd lll be \'cry c njoyt•hlc. The Oc tober 11\IIIII.H!r o r ··The l'edagoj:icnl Semi mary'' publls hC!I 1111 a rt :clc c ntit.lt."(l : "Eye Ot• ft•c t .~ in Stmlt•nt!!l 1\llll C hildren," w riut•n by l~rof ~wifl . h l'ontnin" ilystc m atiz~ l :uul grndcd I'IUU is tics. the result of l:.i.s t ycn r ':t ini'C!!tigation by Mr. Swirt tmd Dr. Alcurn . in test.ing the eye~ n f tho s tudent...'! n nd motle l d c p:lrtmcnt pupi\8. It. h1 a l'nhi'ahle IU'tll'lc. z&s t~u c h llwrough nnd 8UCUC.S!tful hwestigatlon in thllt :IIJC•· in.i lim.l hni! m: vc r bt."tlu umlc r tnken Uefore. 'l'h new lilltiT of o m ~n elected fo r the A rena this lllllll'tcr. a ~c : Jnm c~ Wntc rhury. p reside nt : Ali••e l.enhy. ''it-o Jlr1lSid cnL: Emma L:urpenter. liCc l'c t:u .r: M:aud c Fox, treas urer : N . H . Uimund. maher : J au1cs W 11tcrbu r)'. ~clli e~clson 11nt.l Umcc Ogolcn conetit utc the c:cecutil'e commiueu. The Forum with it.!! Ul!u;•l \'ian, i ~ still pm~rC~~Sin jl. Tho o lllccn fo r thh• (jllnrt er aru B!l fullu w~t~: W. 1-1 . H a rrifiO n . preside nt : J ohn l .t.'tlll, ''it.-c prcsi•lc tlt : Hnlph Rounds . .secretary : W . lledhn c k . trea.surer : II. E. Bl'll.'!urc. &ea.l"f(ent. T he presitlent, F. J . Tho mpson. and 1:1 . J . Morteuscn fo rm tim ext>i!uth·e t·o mmiUt.oe. The college s pirit. pen•rulcs o11r Normal. We a nnounce with plcusur•• the orga nil'.ntion o f a real Groek letter f raternit)' .n mnng ou r ~< tudcnu. Mak u your bow u• the l'bi l ~tR. Psi. U you plca !ltl. Followin p: lA a Hat of t he l!lcmUen :uu l •lfliCI'l'!l : Willia m !-ledback. chief h i· l'si: Wm . !o;mi rh. l!l' ribhle· Frit1.: Frnnk Gil bert.. c hink -l'hl : \\'i11. ll o rc hk iss. Gru b-hi- He: Clyde Fruit, E. O'Brle u. Wm . Vlktnm. J ame!!l W:lterbury. and N'. Dimo nd . Thei r clnh-lwusc, :r.t JII'CSen t, !11 th e oommodlo ••s brick residcnl·e of 1-' B lt• ~t·k w e ll , 1004 Mai n Street. just one lolrwk from the ~nrnml. T he meals arc all !Mlf\'t-'<1 a t the l'l n b- houilt', rt.nd most of th1• me mbers bA.\'e thei r rooms then•. The meeti ngs of the fnlt .,rnlty are n rktl y >tet· rt•t: and. jud~ing hy th e n<~i.it' llc:tnl un tltTasinns uf initi:tting new m<> m l>e rs. thl' pt',H't't'bial j.!U:H lUliJ>I Uc in their miolst. Jl ull'tli'O f that tml~' ])(•, tho t·luh. with all it"' ])(I III Jl and onlcal, \\',• a n • ~ l ad tu :t nno uu ce tlw ru·o rgn uization of the :OOaim ( 'co·ilitt t'hll• which Wtl.!l ~nch :l liUC('(!SM h1..~t ye:u· uwl•·r the t\\T'(••· t iu u of Miss Li nton. T hi ii year: howcn·r, it l>t"A'in"' ea rlier. :111ol promise_;j to 00 c \·en a J.(rt•att•r "lit'•"•"•.~ · 'l'l1e nlC!Ilbcr.dtip is alrendy lnrge. lnu au,\' uthCI':I , whu ha\'C musit·al abilitic11 und nrc willi n,L! to ,ohuw them when ~alit:(\ upon. tii'C t:onlirt.11y iu \' itt•tl to jni n . The work uf thu .i ucicty will be u h o l{llthcr in tlw hauds of the mcmht•rs, wi t h Mhts Linto n a ~ nm$k:ll olirccto a·. T he o llicc rs ck'CII.'tl at t he bst u w~tin~t arc: Alkc (;rnss, p n:si1leut: (;lytlo Fr uit, l'it•c prc..:>idc!l t : Wiiliam Ho tc hkiss. ~cc retary; Amelia Uarr. tn•a.!lu rcr. Th t• f:wulty's r hctol'it•al s an• s till in progres!<l. and "Jtl• • :t~in,L! the muhittu\c.>;. " MillS Stuwnrtspokc on the suhjt•\'f "'old f:n.>ck nn•l Homan myths. and to lrl se1·e· nal a;o illu~tmt i on l!l nf the (liiTt:rt• ut t~'J>f:S . :::\im:e her talk , "('1,1'1\:" i;o 1111 mo re a ri tllllt·. l'a··• fc.;soot· 'l't•t•p l•: ~:an: a sh ~>rt 1:1lk nit the pmc ti cal n allh' uf Litcratun•. puimin~ 11111 the fa ct thnt the Jm'\'al••nt belief :ununJ!at·crtaiudass o f O('tl jiiC. that Lit ••mture a n•l l'uctry st•r\'C u u ly as urn:uuc nt. i!!l alto~-t••t her a wronJt u nc . :'I I i ~~ Tanner t:Llko:d un th l\ , u hjcct n f l i t·cek Art it~ dtarat· tct"illtit•·. a nd the my thJ< t•unnct•tcd with !rome of tlw famnui< productions. ~h e h~ili specia l St i'CSJI o n the ••x:u up lc;~ ,,f :;t:t tuai'Y we lnn't•. .'!O tlm t we might kwow tlmm !.tette r. Pz·• t fcs~ur :OOwift ~ l ll'l.: a s ho t'l tli!!CIIj~itJ n o n t he .'!Ubj~c t "'tho ltu·nlil"Jiliu u of cu nlrc.1 of !lt.msu in tlae br1~in. ­ :md un how the recent CX !Klri mcnt..'l by l' nlfC!I!Io r s .\l :u1k anol S.·hrn.tler pro,·ctl the f:& c t th:r.t. Phrenology ij fnunded u n a f:r.l~e ba.:!ij · l 'ro f~s!!or l.i dllifStune rend [U \ intcre!!ting pt~pcr wntt t•n in his usual Jl o win)( il tylc. He mus t hai'C i m · pres~e•l nn all th u rcsJlonsi hility of the sch•w l tcnchcr i n sh nJlin~ the live., ami tlcstinies of hi.a pupil.'!. M i~s Whitman Jt:n·c au iu tcrcllting talk cnncc rning lnoli:tu I.!'I!;C IIII .~. rcfc rri n~o~: l'ii!JC(:inlly tu l..ougfollow's !·l i:tw:tth:a. ano l iuc·tt n ncctlnn wit h t he olol Finn i11 h epic 1\alc\' llln :OOhc re nd par!.'!l n f t he ltu tcr. [Uu l .it was in t.1•rc~t in~ '" ~ ... e t he rc~ ern h hu• ~c hllt w c~ n it und H in ..·ntlm T'"ruft':<~lr ( 'uh•cr has. S<> f:r. r. gil'en three o f hhi .!Wr ics ''' genluJ! ical lct·turc'4. The .'! tthjl..'t.'IS we re •• Plains.'' " :\l nnutain s." nn d "Hil•erl!." The le<:lllreil Rre lllus trnh•t l to nd n UI I!tgt,: hy the .'! te rcu pticun. thn!! making them ,Juu \,Jy in ;~ t rncfh•c rt.nd e ntertniniug. A good proof ro f the inwre;u take n iii s hown hv the fnc t t bnt Tuc.~l:1.1' <.:n:ni ng alway:~ linds the ~miJiy Hoom welltillt'<l. \\ ~ lu csol:r.y. th e d a.y be fore o ur Thanksgiving recess, :1 S I }Cdrtl tJrtt~r:uu in hono r of the h oliday WM a.rmngcd fur m oruirr~ot c:<t•n·i8cs. The li!'ilt rtum bcr WM n ~ell rcndc rc~ l piauo duct hy M i~ses Corcoran a nd l>i rimplc, numbt•r 23 1 in our c ht~ru!l book WM t he n eun g by the schottl. This wa~ fn\lowt."(l b)' Ml'l.l. Bmd fo rtl rending two of Whillic r'il c hnractcris tic JKKl ms- Tbe Hus kers~ ntJt l The l'nmpki n. Tim rcn.rli ngs weru we ll received, THE NOJOI :\ 1. I'Ol!'\TEK . es]K!cinlly the one of T he Pumpkin w ith it ~ clim:wtk c lose. whh-h was d il ectl,\' pviutell n nt a~ app lyi ug tu th e fac ult,\·. ··O ld Frietuls and Old Tim e!l. ·· P~t·e•••l · ingly well s ung hy the ;;e lt'l'h..'( ] ehnrns ()( lirt ceu. was a lilting eln~c. for ()U tlw m orrow th e r e wcru many whu wcr;, "hack tu tim old homes. fnr away. f:u· :'"twa~·." The large. lcn·l tra•·t of ~:rouud behind ti m ~ o rm : tl is nnw ou t· u wn . Thl,;n' u se•l to he :1 la•·gc 1111111\..lcr ,.f trees nn i1. h ut whe re ~o. re thev nnw ~ An\'n nt• w:tlt·h· ihg we at•tidty of the p l:we. till' ~:llunl;ty nfte r the l' res ltlcnt made kn v wn th e f:wt that th e IJ<~:trll hatl not gin~ n ns ··,·lc:u·i u~:·· fund s. will tml he iu doubt. It see ms a:< if wlwu o111· ,.·huol u n i ~o •s to "make thinj!:S ~:u:· th('y go. A large 1111111her o f fnot· hllll team" :'Ire gone: sn is the kl·tlll"l' t•u n rso.• ( iL~ g••ll{' on the bnuk. :tnd noll' its IH•re ) : atHI th e tr('cs arc g••ne. The "measun:.l st rokt• an• I bluw" uf tlw a:~:••: th o shout uf the te:ttnst t! r : th e bllZZ o f t he ,.-aw : tlw tonlt! t'!4 of th e "bn"s ho.~s" Ha rrisun: t he hurn iu ~: uf the huge pil e~ o f b rus h ; th e s t ea min~: t•niTce IJ"t in the wo r ld n•· 1t1l::,:·:lct~h~~~e~~~.\' :::es~:~~:·,;~:·:.·;~~~~;i ::::, 1·1~s::~Jt~::~~:~ that the Goru l Old T inw" o1 m :lt t~ rial pr<l.'i']>erit .v had r•ome ag:tin . Tlw huy!J hustlctl th e s tUil!jJS - hut ju" t as nlll('h C('('di t is du e t.u th e ~irk al t h rou~:h their adtie \·c· me nt$ may not '"' as pt' n·cptihlt•. They rcmcm bcl't•d the l:tw ~·f su pply and ole m:uul. and furni ;o.!u..'<l th e 11 \..'"l.'eS~ ary motiv u pow e r wit h tlwir tl e li cions (•otTce :uul samlwic hes. E\·c r.rthin~ot went well. only th c t'C was a lac k of doughnuts. The gnod wi ll of thc f:u-ult y s uggestct l that th e !ltud e n ts miJ~:ht. feel r.llhcr lonesom e oluri ug th<l T hank ~ gi\'i ng Hl.'i 'CSS. a ud the gy mn asium was at·t•or•l· ingly g h· e n over to thei r use. The o ff•:r was. n f ('Ourse. eag erly a<·<·e ptcrl. The ne,,..c;o.:.ary S ll'p.~ were immetli · atcly take n fo r a reception . At a m eet iug he ld flu· the p u rpos<'. W l.><lnesday :tfternoo n. Will i:un Het.lbaek as pre!lidc nt. app oi nte d the u;:;ual ('omminee!l for armnge me nlS. Muc h c red it is due to them. for the reception was a s ncce!IS in :1ll resJMW \!1- C\"e n linnndally . The reccptirm took place Friday C \'e uin,:~: . Afte r e very o nu had Unwed his way through the doubl<l tile o f r.he huJ(e reception connnitt.ec. awl a fter the wm:ll greeting_, had been cxl'lutnged. i\lr. H arri ~tlll . as ma.i ter o f ccn •· mo nies. annnun&•ed that g:mtes we re in onle•·· It wa ~ uM lo ng before c ircle!! we r e fllrnh.'"l.i. the blind foldin~: taken p lace. :uul the winking going on in full blas t. \\'ell: cl'ide ntly. the e nte rtainme nt was designed lube uld falii hio nl!<l : for no soouer were the~w games o f yore Ol'er. tha u 1\ !IJH!lling m atch w~ d eclared . Soon the who fe fal'uiLy. resigrwd to th e ir momenwus fate. wen· line<! again~t the wall ready fur any word . Se\'t!ral attempt.il tO CScaJH! had heen mad e. but Jl i'O\'Cd UII SUt'· ceS~~fu l. for the doors we re guarded by powe rful bat· tallion~ W ith all these preca uti ons. on<' s pe ller (? 1 m o re fearfnl arul dc.'Cte ro n s than his <'Om pan ious. man· aged to lice as far a s the e ngine r oom in the hall : but his pu r!lners were too powerful in numbers and Swift· n ess, a nd he wa.~ brought. br•c k in e hains. He wa.!&lai r at the mercy nf c hid Harrison. wh() with excel."<liug g e nerosit.)' g'll\"C hi111 an easy wo rd ; b u t afte r all he mi s!!C<l.. Yet he was nut alo ne : there were other~ . '5 ···•x·hi.l&• :·· ·· rcl· n• ati ~>n ," "Wre•·k· ··,;:t r-<apari lb."" ·' AI't'l"-".·· ( Wo s lumld ~.til" (' mon• •·Xat up lc,;: l111t .t ho·y wou ld not he wunh y idt•al,; f,. r n·:ul m·.~ whu al'<' me mheril n f rh e ··o.,i•l•· wa,; rc·a·.'i'huu :·· ~~ ~~· lt ~~~:.~1: ,i,','~. '·~ :;;~ ~lit:::::~. »t,:~:::·••:. ~ ,',•,:;:,\ ~~:~.~a»y "l~l:~t ~:;~ ji :~~~;~~ nth: in •·a .~e.~ like thi ~ i ... - , T., the l"i•·tnt• hclong t he ;;. pui J~.. Hm J{I"C:It lli:IJ!II:!Uilllil,\" 11"11.'!1 >!hl)\1'11 in thi .~ I~ · ganl. fut· whuu tht• Jl"I'·''" I'U . pt•:lliii(S. and apples WI'N ~··rn•d. th e ,]t-f,·:uo·d "" ll'l·ll a ~ the \' ktnriuu;j were trc:lte •l with :11nplc l':uious After tilt' uld-fns hiun ctl rdr··~hnu•n! ~ Wt• r e ~c rn•d . 1lw ul.l·l:t:.hiuiU..'<I song;,t W• •re ~ IIIII.!' Tlw t• l•hiug ,;un~r was ·· ll urnc. S 11"e1!t ll t~u w." a rul :11·ctlnling 111 th e ,,],J. fns hi· >Jtl'd 11':1y u f doin~: &hiu~ot i th e uld fas hiuucd hint 11' :1 ~ takc u. aml nll we nt humc u tl1 c ,ultl · f:t~hiun••d ut:tutwr. hal'i ng en· ju,red a ~und old fas hiunt••l t ium The lt••· lltr'e t:t>lllllli\l('e i.;. maldn~ thing" lmnm . ,\ 1:11"1-tl' 1111111het· t •f •·••n 1.,.e t h- ko · t~ h:l \"t• IH.'C II ;j• •l• l : an<l th e •·: ;~ ;~~~-~:~;t, i~:;··~:~~-t~: ~~ :~u I~~ '.~::1\'~~m~,::;r~•;:~~ l:st~~~~~;~~~~~f th is mouth t.y i\1 . V . O'~hca. l'•·ofc!aor nf l't:1 1:igugy al t he :-;t:1tc L'uil'(' r~ ity. who ;o. pnkt: un ":::iuggcstiuu : The :-;ilt•nt An·hitt't""l in l'harnt·!l'r Bni),Jiug .. M r . O'Shea, :1s au intrudu<• tinn, di scu ssetl t.lw !IUIJjcct o f lkl 1·elop· n•e nt and IJ:1rwin's T heur,\' uf E\· u lutiun. making special applit-atio n of h is aq.;nmc nt,; tu t.he child who. liko c n·rythin)! c l,;e. i ~ tlc\'Ci u ]Jf>t.l at•t•u rtliug tn his t! lll"iro n· me ut . He l:tid i!lt r·ess •Ill the fat·t tl mt enl' i rumu on t is S111:1:es tive. pt·o,· iu~ all his point s Uy ap t 1\1111 iHtCres tin~: illn~tr.1tioms. T hroujlhuut the whultl lecture he matle olir;pt·L :rpplit-atiun of hi,c :u·)!: ll lllcnts w the br ing· iu~ up .,r •·hihln·u in hun m nnd st·huol... HtJ ccrlalnly . hy hi.!' .,lt·anws,.. impr&!S."Ctl the f:n· t o n all that Suggl!.i· ti on. un •·uusl'i uu s ly. is HH"Y p lt•ntif u l and e~ Cl.'e<lingly Jl•lll'l'l'ful. so that 11•c ~ lum],l he \·cry Cltrcful that our .'i'llg~··~tiu>t is unt i n tim wrontt llir~ctio n . hut in tho ri~:hr : all ,•,lu,·:uinu ,.rmul d he pmlirinJ n•lt negative. If a ll lire lt •&·lllrc.~ whi<'ll follow 1u ·e as guo11 as ~ lr . ()'S iwa·s II' C may olcpcml •on an cxce lle nl t'OIINIO. PERSONA L . P rof l.i,·i u![il \n n cnlt:rtaiucd th e '11reorj' t:las.i nt h i>~ tllll c \' euin~ nf Oct:. 4th . l .et~n anl and Anhur l.atto n were f ~l\·u rcd t ho lift l.>e nth .. r las t m rm tlr IJ)' :1 few days· vi~it fnuu th ei r >ti'ltcr of i\l erlford . IIHIIII'. :\lis,; F ln rn E. Swwart ~ J ll.' llt Th:mk.'!.l('h·ing fe\..-ess. :uu l :l few d:& ,\".~ pnn• iun ~ . i11 l'i iliting t he W c~ t Normal and the :\linne apoli!i l·li.lt'h Sc hool. Superior ,.,.,f F. u..:-;p:tu ltlill g. 1\'C hear. is llt JII"CSt.:ll t lllllollllgtJr nf the WesiN il hrauc h nf Fi ~ k c ',c T eac he rs· A .lt'e r~ey . :\l i.~s F:11ldis liJICIIl Th :tuk ~gi,· ing :11 he r hume in C h icagu . She re 1>0rt..i h:H"illg St'Cn a numh••r of old Normal fr ic nd 'l- :\l is.'! Warre n. l' rnf . F. B. S jJa u ltli n g, Mar)i;:& rt!L ,\ shruun, 1111tl J eli~c Bark&•r Alo:xandc r !.ugau. uf ~lt..'(lt<J~<l. vis itt•d with hi :~ sl ~ t e r. Vi&·turia. th t: tifteen th nf l:1>1t month. l' roft•sso•r C uh·er II' :'I ii cnlh•rl dm·ing the o~es.~ iun o f CIJIII"I. 1<1 l(il·c eX j)CI"t ;•1•irlt.-tu-c u n !he purity of some A~hland ll' lllcr·. whi&·h he nrmi_I' Z<•d THE NO RMAl. Pl ll r\TER. 26 .-:.to·•·•·n~ J',,Jnt '''"ll tlw rn,~ :1 nol 1'110~ th e wc~ t A'ual. l,,n. 1-.i.-J,,•d out or hound~ twi t·o•. Fullc•· did likewise. J.,n. kio·ko•d '" Lo.'I' S ••·lu• g:t iul!< l J.j y:tr.l-1 l.tcfo •·e he wa~ t:..-J..IL••I.· ("a~~,•l!< Wt• n t tln·ough th e liuo fur U \' ard~. tht'll !.""" ··a n it•d thL· Uall tu th o ··e n te r o r t he .tio·lol . ~to ·•·--n~ l'ui nt. lu~t the hal1 mi ·!!own s Bull ii1 att •·mpt•·d t• • ,.: uarmuul tl u• und . hut I.••Ci titrnwl•i m ~.::·;~,,::/~\'M:•If,l:;~~ltt• ~::~~~:·~~·,:~·:,.,~'·~~:IF::~l:~~~Li ~:~~ec~~:~~~{~ ATH L ETIC COLLEGIAN WR I TES TO PA . lk nrD:ul : I'm IIUI"C !h:tt yn u "II IH• p lt·:l~ o ·d To learn that I h:ll' t: wun The s ingle~ in lawu tc 1wi~ In the 10urnan w nt jus t dutw: l'mtryin_gfo•·rlll'fo"''IJ:•ll 11':\11 1. (h 'il jtfllnJt to I ~ a p i 11t'h :J H o nly I were lwa•·h·r I'm ~ ure :-o.·on•,/1 1"0 l't l h:11'c a dtwh . W~"~7~~~~:.~?<'~1~1~·-: ,:·,~•ll~~~~ll olay . lull~~tl;"b%'k~::':·.i:~~·j~:k :IJ:'' Y o u 11111-il ii 'L nut it·•· Stll'h rl'purl" For half tlw linlf' what'" .~ l ato·d lsprintt..'ltfur ciTo:d.)'"uknuw. My unse wnn't h:ull~· lonokt•n. "IXI~I~ ~~~.:~~:'::~~~~~,.:·,~~~~,;ha l t'l'o11 ok1•ol Doctur !lti)'S 'I will >~tmhthto'll h:ll' k ~ N~~~~~~~~:::; t';; /,~i~}l~:~l;.'".::~~:i y 1 An ti if I find t ·n~ j:OI R t·h:uwt·. I'll t ry to nmkc !ill' c n•w Yuu suy _)' uu fear :lth l••ti••.; M ay interfe re with C:N'1'k: Oh. n ot at nil : W e took Jo;:~:tml i nnti ou s all las t. week: I parse nut! scnn •tnilt! t•a.sil\' (The Iauer Rs y ou knnw. · b rea•l ing <.:ws:ar's o• IL'" :at ~i~th l. And purtll o f Cice ru.) lt':t time fur fou tl.tallt • ra e t k~·. So I will hn \'1' tn run : Ple118Cscml :tdu!f• k UI! Xt thm Yo u write. 1 :;;::,','.' ;::r~:~~i.~ ~:.'. t:a ';~.~.~~~;•.. k~~~· ~~~~~:a=:, '~'·;.'a~;l~~~~~ Ki;;s Ma : Yu ur:'o m : A.com bin atlun o f th e fir.~t :lllti !M'''"n'l •• lcn•n .. 1111'1 d L.. feat atGnaod ltapid l! :Oa tunl :a~·- :-iun·ml oc r 20. It wa, a hard fou g h t c~mt e.~t. t:nan.l lt 1 opitl~ playctl rrfast. 1nappy game. a nd tlll-'y hta,·e s tro nJJ: i nte rfl' t"Cill'C. Thc home team dl1 l not Jll uy togo•!llt'r Tht•,\' were s low :ot forming th ei r interfcrouec and t lwy •li I nut hreak up th e lnt.e rferent:e o f th e OJII'""i ng t<! am Tin.: l11 oys Wt" r c In training o n ly a wal k. whil- h ,.., duu l•t at'L'"II IIt... ror the poor playing the)'tlid T he Jt:um.l w:~.>~ L"a llt:d at a o'clock. The tenm<i lin ed u p a .. rull uw ;~ : ~i~ni J.ees..... . . . Pease .,... . I I :·~ --. : . : ri ~~:~~~ kle 1 1 .. ,;;)f'~~f;;' · . ..... left ••nd . . . ... . •J nan cr . J.,.,.,. Afro•t· to•n m in u! C!I i n te rm i~~io n Fulle r • kickOO to l.o l'<' who J.C .Iiw•d \0 .vn nl .. lwfo ru hu Wl\.!1 t a ek lt.>t l by ~t el"••n :~ l'niut fl<>t. the hall on •lowns· but Di:!ll!lt ol . T H E OR A ND RAPIDS BOYS WON. c!:;;i: .~"'· Fu ll•·r kh·k•••l t<• l~" '"'J 1\'hn was tloll' nc• l o n th e 10· ,\'at·. I !huo l." n· pu ttto•d to theil' •IU·y:1 n l litw. Lees ,,·,·nt a r., und rh · ('rtd f•tr :!;; ~· :tnlo~. <.:a~sr•h aud Ucach bili••l '" ).(:tin . Grand l!apitll! lnsc IU ynrds fo r olf· ~idt· 1'111." ( ·~~~~·· I~ wa,; pus hed o1·er tho li ne fo r a. t•uwh·• lo w n. Fu llo• r ki t·ked g-n:tl. Scot·c. l1 10 6. l.o1'<• kio-kt·t l t" Fullo•r w lu l j!:tiiH.'i l :!0 )':trtl i!. Uy lit~t· 'll~<t.•h••, ~ ~~·~·•· n ~ !'oint t•a rricd tht' hall to c•mtle r · .,f tio•lo l (;m ud ll : q •i•l ~ \l'"l tilt' hall on an o lbi tl e play I ht·•·W ( ·,u·o·or.on IJ:tt•k U y:ll'dii. Ste\·cns l'uint l-:"1 lht• h:tll '"' downs. Be:acl! ~ainL" I r. .)'lirJs :.nound thu t•nol. Full<•r 4 thro u~ h t he t"C III I' r. Gna ud llapiol~ ~o:ut tho· hall o111 a fm uhle. 'l'ltc.v gninct l \0 .•·:1r•l~ :lr•umd t h•· ••ru l a ru l :1 yar•l11 thro ugh th e line . T lwn t 'nt't'HI'an a ti ('lllptc d tn J(fl 11rnnml the !' nd . hu t l.o ·•·~ t•; tr ri•••l !Jim hat·k 10 y: u·, Js Stc\"C U ~ Poi n t gnt 1lw hall " " ,J.,wn,. .\linah:lfl ~eai u eo: l 7 ynnb thro ug h r:wklo· Tl wn l.o·t·~ t""k the hall twio:tl in J! UCCC!!ion fo r· Ill :u ttl :!0-y:trol j.!:!lill". Time ' wr. o·nllc< l for the ri r"'t lmlf wirh !J:all un tir:u ltl Hatlidi" \0-yard li ne . --.·o n·. II'" 6. G OOt.l hye : Tickle r .. U .vard"' thmn,.:h the line. Bmdfurd pullco l him tluw n. J) i!!IJIIII! th n·w l'•u··•'lr:tu IJ:H·k r, ,I'Urd " u_,. Iill O •tua ~l n ~:mol •·no\ pia_\" (i ra uol H:apld .i cal'ricd tl1 0 h:a ~ J to I he -l ·yanl li m• J,,,\'t' W:tl pll"'hco l <1\"l'l' the line o n th e Lnru ki1:kctl 'goal. t hinl duw n fu r a lt11Wh·do wu . ll :ah~;::',~/'(f~,~~~ . . . . . .. Bu llis \\'"' !,i~:f.(~i. . .. ( ',mpton . .. )lcl'arth.l" ::::~~~;.d:: ·:· . :::: j~:~ti:~w ,::::.·kk...... .... -~~~~:~~;:: fUll er ......... .. ... ... rult h...-k .. . . . . .. . l.onl Manz. Muune ll , Bre,uuwr!lul, .. ... ...... ( :n:<! n . 1' . l..cl\'c Referee. Prof. McCa5kill : nut pire. l' rof. Fu rd . "' th l' li w• , lira nd J{ npid« hy li ne p lay-'4 c arrie<! th e loall 1" tlu• 1·,\'a rol li nt•: l'nn·ornn Wtmt thrnu~h the liuo• fu1· a Tuudt ·< lvw u. l.<n·c kicked go:t.l Score, t-.:t .. u Fullo·r klt-kt•d tu , ,,.,.. ;·.:,•,•;·,~ \:::•; 1-ccs lnc kiL~I him OIL the 10 11 ~;.' •;·,~:,/'~',',~u:l ~~~~~~·i~~-tt•L 11 ~f g~~·;l \1; :a~!::,;e~1~ ;~;:.:~· ':i... ~~~:\y·::. \;.; ,:· r~\.~:~~ . "'1 .~.'/.~ ~~·-~~~~c,~::~~~~Ji~ 'a·,~ ti.~~ f·u· a t"m·h "'"' 'II h·:uc di1l nnt let )("of th e l.mll who•n Fnllo•r l.io·l;,.,j it."" ' tlmt he mi !lseo l~oto:.d . Scor e. l'!t,lU l.o l'o• ki .. k•·•l '" l.t••·~ w h ~o <·:arriP(J th e hall tn tlw 20ya nl lirw who·ro• h·· wa ~ rac kle11 h,V l. n\"t ~. Tic kfc r ll"o• nt thr·" n!!h lcu-k le for 10 yard ~ . C:ti ~C I'I we nt nrroum l tht· o·tul f,,. !i y ard~. I.e••" went throu~o: h the lin e fo r S \'ani .. :11111 tho·u :tr•HIIl•l till' end ft!r 20. Stoven!l Point ), <l tlwloall un a fu rn hlu. ,..._.,.., wa::~ f<•rl."tltl to tmnt. T it·kf•• t' J,J,.·ko•t l tlil.l kick und g o t. the IJall o n t he 25· {i,'.~;.' :.i,•.•,•;,,,,.~"'''l)i ;n~:~:: t~c~~~~:t·b ;!,~'~~·1t~r<j:t~tt"~f 1 11 l.o •1·~ t hrow C..:ol'f'n ran li:H:k U more. I~\'(! pun!•••l !hi• h:tll "Ill v f olnugc r. !:ile \'011!1 l'olnL was ~H·to•lil~· :a•h·:wdn~t lhc ball to w"NI.!I tho goal when !lho fu u• hlo•d :t}t:tin . Corl'fl n an 'l:aincd 7 y ards he forn he wa~ t:h·kl~··l h.'' llit!'rttl lll. Time wus called with ·t ho lo:\11 u u c: rau d l bJiid >~' M·yard line. Score , 12 to 10 In r:o\'(> r!lf ( ; r.oud ltn pids I.H\"C. t'r.t wfnttl. Grt."C!. n 1111d Uulli.s dlol t he ~t wo r k fur C:mnol Hapid.;, Dig u m n. T i1·krcr. Min nlutn, Pease 1uul l.t.'Cil tlid tho 1 1('~1 wurk fur t h(' home team. tlw lirw :ntol THE NOR:\IAL !: ::: :~~~~~~~~~~::::::] A ~ooclmotto fu r The cxehange page: to whom c re•lit is duo.:" l>o \"Ut: du i t~ •'{ih·e credit " \\' hile M osco~ 11":1~ not a college man and nC\"l"r played font IY.t.l\, in ru.;;hcs he wa:J ~>aitl to be the lirst •mC'nf them au.·· He stood on the brhl~ote at midnip:ht. Interrupting my SW{'Ct rCfKISt:. For he wa>: a tnll mu,quito Anti the bridge was the hridg•· un my nose.- Ex. ---- T he tC'achcr asketl. ··And what i:il space!"" The trcn1bling fres humn l!.ai.l. ··I cannot tell at pn.'SCDI. 11ir, But I ha,·c it in my hcati."- Ex. The rain it f:llls upon t..he jnsl. Ami too. upo n the unjus t fellows. The more upon the just Uet.·ansc The unjust. ha,·e the just's umbrellas. Another imj)()rlant Jaw uf physics has beeu disccw· ercd. It is as follows: ' "'l'he tleportmc nt n f n pupil \"11ries inversely s s the Stftmrc of his distance from the teacbcr"sdesk."--E."<. The teacher th:n talks the least gh·es the pupil'! the grP:lle.'lt op1>0rtunity 10 thin k. Tho school exisL'I for the pupils. Man)• te:1chers talk too much- tell too mu<·h. -\Vc.'ltcrn Tenchcr. "'Johnny," s aid the schooli>Oy'.~ mother. "do you like your arithmetic! " "'No'm. I think the intlueocc of that book is unwholesome and depressi.ng." " Why!" "Bc<'ausc it is full of horrid examples." Remember this during the tenth week of each qnnr· ter : For iok·sta.iued lingers, rub the afliictcd part.il with lemon. pumice stone or tho moiste ned e nd of a sulphur mnwh and the s pot.il will disappear. The e,;change column of mo.ny school papers are tilled only with c riticism of their exchanges. These a re interesting and he lpful, but to ttive a little varie ty. some good quotations from the various papers might be iosene<l here an_,,_,,_,._,._._ _ The following clipping fr •to !Ut exchange may offer some t:onsolation to those rhe toric stude nt.ll who hn\'e s uffered the ngony of ha,·ing their "theme'" reru.l and criticised in class: ··Never mind whether they praise or abuse your writings; attything is tolerable except oblivion." We don't want to buy your dry goods, We don't like you noy more, You'll be sorry when you see us Going to some other store. Yo u can't sell us any 11wea.ters. r"our·in-hand or o the r fad. We don't want to trade at your store, If you won't gi\'e us your "ad."-Ex. ,, I~O INTER Shu :<tndi"'" !lt·tu·ik l b~cn " In ~ult i \"IUC lwt· mimi." .-\ tul n::!ds Shu.kcSJ)C!I.I'I.\ :uul Urnwning through and :nul thruu~-eh; )h•anwhi!c "he kni ts her hrnws- it is the o nly kind Uf f:ult"y work this mudern mnitl t·:ul d o. - Voncurtlie nsis. The a ut hur nf the fnl luwing nth•lcc i8 not known, but 1hc tna.~tim:~ arc gond 111'\"t•r!hclt:!ill:: Drink less. lm.•ntht• murc: E:\1 h•ss. d1ew more: Bitlc less. wtllk mo re: '\'or ry le~.~- wurk tUo l'l.!: Was te ft,ss. gi\"t:mon:: '\' ril ulcss. rt•a d mnru; l'n:ndllcs!l. practiL'ij mun•. M_ATER 4NSER. "Vuno carmen ,;ix !Klllt"c. ,_ cu1·1Ji:J ple na rye. :\lnltas a\·as atrti.!J. pen·•x:tas in a Jlie. Uhi 11i<i :•pert us. tum l':tnit :1\"ittm grcx Nonnc su:1vi~ cilm>1. hm· lrlC:1ri ante rex~ Fui ~t rex in parlor, mnltn de nummo tenens ltegina iJ1 t•nfl.ma. bread t:t 1\lCI COIISIHIIC'IUI. An~illa was in horto. tlcJKlnlhms out her c lothes Cum vtmit pan-a corrix, dmnonm. est her nose. •· AN EXCHANCE WITH THE LOCAL EDITOR . Prof: "We will ba,·e daily t hwm..'fl about two o r . three times a ''ICCk t his (jll&rtc r. '' In rhetoric: ~ l n·ing is full of gond dt.'Seriptions. Mr. Fu-1 -~ : "'I' m Fullur." • The happiest mome nt. in a mortal life: When you fold your lonA: theme leugthwisc nod write your name ontsidl~- ln thenry: " if a man can learn to write in double t.lw time a c hild I"Ril, then he can learn fa.ster."- Q . K D . Prof : "'What is the law nf falling bodies?' ' Student: "They nil strike the earth." The tre nt! o f tho !01 h century toward that now form or socioty. t he new wnnuln. wail fo rcibly illustrznetl whe n the presitlma as.ked fur the baud.'! .Of •those who wertl able to k ni t a -pair of !ltook-ht~tll F.-cry senior girl w!UJ "'nit." Fre:thman's remnrk: " ( ·whlh thc.rt! W:l8 11 rcfrigcrnt· or in this IJuilt.liug. It makes mo so tired to climb these s tairs." T ea c her in gt'1ltotnnr: ··)fe ntion :l mild oath. " Student : "'Darn it."' A ne w axiom. discO\'Crt.~l in tlw geometry class: ·•Two things which are greater than the ;nunc th ing arc greater than themselves." Thosu 50·T·ent piece& whic h havo fo r some uuo.ccounu1blc reason bccotUe oHl ple ntifu l- perhaps thoy desire to go into the tren.t~ury o f the S o rmall'ointer for iiubscription pttrpo.l!l(l4. Quoat.ion in theory (d esignt:d to illuiilrste the law thnt Normal «tudent& know littlli. if anything): ·•With what h:111d do you button your <'ollu.r ~" Swd c nt: " Why- wit.h both." TI-lE '" NOR ~I AI. I)O INTI:. R. Teachers Wanted! UNION· TEAC ~ fRS ' AGENCIES OF AMERICA. REV . L. D . BASS , D . 0 ., MGA . Dca.r Mis.'l Fadtli.!l: I 1\' t'lll Ul'l'l' '" my auntll''s :ami we bad JliiiiiJikin pic 11no l turkct' fur dinucr I wt•nt OUt 11kating o n t htl sloo u~: h I iowwl·hyc. Wil lo lun•. ~utniA J ,\l; f: ll Dear Mill;! Faddh..: I weut d own'" gramlm:a·,. \r,. h!U.l turkoy nml pum pkin Jtit>. I went o l ••~"~'ll '"the 1lo ugb to $et! them "k:U•• with linch: Fn.. J ami ) Jr &~ton . I t ~nnWt.'fl here [)id it whPn• .\'"11 Wl'rt·~ \\ ith ltn·c. ASSA :\IA.'IOS . l.kar M l" F11.ddis: I h:ul a I'Cf:'' ~:uud Tlmnk ~gil·i ng and I IHuln hig turkt•y fot· ol in ncr. l.)' ll lrlll c·:u uc nn•r and wo played hnT'liC :u ultlmt we we re he1t rli W! Stl'tu: u Nv. t.sos. f'lUIA •~J.·, w,.,,,..,rr... D. C., S.• F~•u.clu•. ~lll't•tuhc r Cltl~..p.lll., We llad ovur8.000 U~ta d•• dllfiQI( lha PUIII'UOQ, UIU! Dili~~d f KIILIIU fo r pllciDI IUtbl'r• l11 .,,.~,,.part of the U. ~- 111d C1ud1. One fee rql11er1 111 11h" u11~t . ,\ddr• - Mil •l•l• lt ~• tlou• ao lll•lt•ber&, P• • The Fisk Teachers' A~ency. Nc tities reac hers of vacnncies and RECOMME N DS th em lor positiO II S. Senti for m ~ nn ~ l. HO I.AWIU!S C t; I~A H K . C•l, St t. • .,;,,.ti•· ·••Jih•rr~r.CH. 1' he•"••~•hnuumhof~l\IOn•t"beftllcd T III HUfitU tH:. 1 ST F.\'V.SS I'O IXT, \ \' ts. Oear MIS!! Fadd i.!l: I hthl" l'ery goud Th~tnbgi l· hoj.l'. W e had two LU r kcyg Thank !JjCh•i u.~e Mr. ~ l d.:lll!kilJ waa to our ho\18(! fnr I! IIJIJM.l r. I mn•lll :u t E.~(JIIim u ho use out o f snow. I went dkning with J ohu nio M I';, . r.~ul•. c ..... N ,.... Or/,..,u, 1.• .. Nn<~~ ,....,....,., N. Y., r.~·. ~- ~J:A~~~~so. ~ Mgrs. 378 Wabash Ail., EVERETT 0 . F'ISK 6. CO. CHICAGO . NORTH &. WEST TO ASHLAND. DULUTH, Webster's International Dictionary ST. PAUL cl MINNEAPOLIS. Tlut One~~~~~ ~~~~i~~1.~['.!~1,.utllorlty, •u•~ • ·· '· '"'~.::::;..,,., ... VIA ... 'Un a brldled.'' The 8tandant ol 1bc U ~:. GoY't Prlatin1 WISCONSIN Ofli«, the ti. Ji, Nil"~­ (. ....... all the: Stat• Su~rc•nc ~~boo~. ot CENTRAL ........,. ...... WarDJI;t> co n•n•cnd e d Coll~l" l'fwidoent_., Sutr LINES t.; Supor:rintendnno ol :,C"""I •, attd oil~• Edbat"" al-• •·hllou1 Dllmb... T HE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE. ltl•n•ytoffndtltcwordwut.ed. Ill• cuy lo uurtaln the pronundaUoft. Il l• easy t o t....:e l be. rowth of e woN . fi ll U.y IO lutn Willi a WMd lnfliRI , FAS T TlfAINS TO MILWAUKEE , CHICAGO AND AU...I"'INTS SOUTH &. EAST .lAS. 0. POND, Q , P . A .• MILWAIJK • •• ~~ ;~~:.~~?.i'!Z.!L::~:~11 ,:'n<llnJ.,.Ir =~- ..,. . . " " -. i ..-spuimm~.pplia..... IO " · •• C. " RHR<A" CO•• Pu b l/ohm, Sp r lniBe l tf, .ltn!!$.. f1.S. A . () :>O>OOOOO<l 000>0<>00>0 00 0 000000 00 ~0