APPLICATION DAMAGED OF REMOTE SENSING AND FOR RENEWABLE RESOURCES BY TYPHOON 'GAY' : CHUMPHON GIS PROVINCE Manu Omakupt Director of land Use Planning Division, Land Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand. ISPRS Commission VII. Abstract On the 4th of November in 1989, Thailand encountered the natural disaster caused by typhoon 'Gay' wi th it's velocity near the storm's center of about 120 kilometer/hour. It extremely damaged the people of Chumphon Province in the southern part of Thailand. Remotely sensed data was only one source of damage and to identify the areas. damaged were agricultural 38,002 information used to assess the degree of It was estimated that about 250,675 land with 446 deaths and 154 people injury. hectare of A number of houses were destroyed causing 153,472 people being homeless. Due to this natural disaster, the Thai government had to set the urgent policy, both short and long term development plans, in order to regain the normal life of the people who are living in this area. Land Use Planning Division, Land Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives was assigned to make proper land use plans to renew the damaged resources particularly agricultural areas. Recent advances in remote sensing technology and GIS has provided new and powerful tools for assisting resource planners and managers to use information effectively in making decisions on resource allocation and development. This paper will discuss how remote sensing and GIS can be applied to solve these problems rapidly and economically. Key Words Remote Sensing, GIS, Renewable Resources. 744 Background Thailand locates in the central part of Indochinese peninsular as well as the entire Southeast Asian region and covers an area of 550,000 km 2 approximately. It lies latitudinally between 5° 45' and 20° 30' North and longitudinally between 97° 30' 105° 45' frontiers East. with It Democratic on the has common laos People's North and Northeast; the with the Kampuchea on the East; and with the Burma on the North Peninsular Thailand is South The by Malaysia. and West. bounded on the population is about 56 millions with an annual rate of increase of about 1.3 %. Thailand has a climate dominated by the monsoon. Most of the country can be classified as tropical savannah with the exception of peninsular, the east where predominates. and southern tropical monsoon There are three main seasons namely: a rainy season from May to October; a cool-dry season from November to February and a hot-dry season from March to May. The eastern coast of the 1,000 2,000 mm of southern country and receive figure1- precipitation per year. The average temperature, 27° C, Map of Thailand tll'ld location of ChumpilOl'l Province . is relatively uniform and is influenced by the relative proximity to the sea and by the regularity and seasonal i ty of the rainfall. The average annual humidity is 75 % approximately. The Typhoon 'Gay' was developed from an Physiographically, active low Pressure cell, which Thailand can be originated on the outer part of the Gulf roughly divided into four regions, namely of Thailand on 31 October and moved NW - Central; Northern; Northeastern; ward almost parallel to the Eastern coast Southern Peninsular Regions. Chumphon Province locates in and Locally, of Southern Thailand into the mid-Gulf of Southern Thailand. It was reported that the height Peninsular region of Thailand (Figure 1). of sea waves were more than 10 m with wind velocity of more than 120 km/hr. It hit Pathiu District with the wind velocity of about 30 km/hr on 4 November 1989 745 (Figure 2). Figure 2 Objectives J Diatrom of Typhoon Gay moveTn&nl .,0 8.,. . ,AO_~ , To assess the degree of damaged by Typhoon 'Gay'. 4 NOVEMBER 1989 .,,,,-,,,,...0• 7.00 ~4.oo 05.00 Churnphon 06,00 ~3.~. To 2. 23.00 000 ident i fy the areas damaged by Typhoon 'Gay'. { 3 1900 18.00 17.00 1600 15 formulate potentially To appropriate land use plans. 3. NOV. 1989 the 140 1000'ld.03;JioOQ I'L/I: ¢'JrE~ Study Areas :TUN FIELD ERA'MiN FIELD Peninsular Thailand consists of 14 90 1.00 3 NOV. 1989 9,9.00 9 provinces covering an area of 2 70,715 km or 14% of the country 2 NOV. 1989 13.00 2 NOV. 19B9 About 40% of this mountainous land. experiences higher heavier rainfall area. hilly and peninsular The temperatures and frequentially than the during regions other Songkhla region is about the Northeast Monsoon. The areas damaged by Typhoon disaster were about This tremendous typhoon caused heavy flooding and several hundred landslide which lives, ha 250,675 'Gay' located within 3 Districts of Chumphon Province, claimed devastated namely Thasaej Pathiu District and the property and damaged large agricultural upper part of Muang District. areas. On the mountainous land, large areas of rubber plantation and trees were at uprooted and destroyed by landslides. On 19" longitudinally with adjacent to other plain the many below, 10° 30' to 00" 11° I~ l' located 53" N latitudinally and 9~ 53' 31" to 99° 31' areas as following : agricultural settlements were totally overwhelmed by sandy sediment paralyzed the acti vi ties in and mud. social the The and adjacent North flash flooding and were buried underneath Burma disaster areas. and the Republic Prachuap of Khirikhan Province. agricultural affected to The Muang District. South estimated cost of damage was about US$ East the Gulf of Thailand. 268 million. West having common boundary with Republic of Burma; and Ranong In order to regain the normal life of the people living in this area, Royal Thai Government Province. the Methodology immediately established a Central Committee for rapid rehabilitation of flood - affected areas. The Land Use Planning Division, The Development Department under Ministry of Agriculture Cooperatives, and methodology stereoscopic was interpretation photos, plans incorporation renew the damaged this resources of manipulation, computer commissioned to formulate proper land use to of study includes visual interpretation of Landsat by imagery followed SPOT TM and Land of aerial and g ro u nd t ru t hi n g information and socio - economic survey. particularly the agricultural areas. 746 Map Sheet No. 4830 I, II, III, IV Remotely sensed techniques have been used as an aid Thailand for land use survey since radiometric 1970s. and in According geometric Map Sheet No. 4831 II, III to Map Sheet No. 4730 I, II properties Map Sheet No. 4729 I, IV related to the physical; biological and Map Sheet No. 4829 IV land use parameters, an original image of this study was interpreted,considering 2. Topographic maps the spectral and spatial aspects of that image. Visual images was interpretation taken by important diagnostic including shape; texture; using tone and taken closely taken 4. A SPOT imagery acquired 5. Landsat TM scale of 1 the 1989 maps. They and were subsequently confirmed taken white October (Thematic Mapper) 250,000 at a taken in July 6. Aerial Photos at a scale of 1 : 15,000 Stereoscopic interpretation of black and in 1 : 50,000 during groundtruthing. aerial parallelly 'Gay' into interpreted details were transferred to Base typhoon 1989 at a scale of consideration during interpretation. The verified the The existing land use of Chumphon Province in were before disaster 1979 and the map of coconut plantation in 1986 1 3. Aerial Photos at a scale of 1 : 15,000 fcolor; pattern. scale of the most characteristics, size; contrast of the at a 250,000 prepared by RTSD using photos was after the typhoon done as 7. Land Use Map of Chumphon Province at a referenced maps. These were also verified scale of 1:100,000 in 1979 prepared by and The Division of Soil Classification, updated topographic immediately 'Gay' disaster during field maps survey. The incorporation of updated groundtruth data into socio economic possibly. The data damaged was areas Land Development Department done were 8. Suitability Map of Coconut Plantation identified and then estimated areas were in measured by using dot - grid counting. scale Geographically, the current damaged maps were manually overlaid with 1986 of of 1: Chumphon 50,000 Province prepared at by a The Division of Soil Classification, Land soil Development Department map; soil potential and suitability map; maps of water resource, forest resource, climatic factor; constrains to and socio formulate 9. Report economic the on economic potential Muang land use plans as maps. crops prepared Survey District by and Development The remotely sensed data and other maps used in groundtruthing alternative land and land use in use The affected Thasae for areas: District and Chumphon Province Division of Classification, Department Soil Land (Technical Paper no. 122 : December 1989) survey, formulating plans are Results and Discussion as following : The results of using remote sensing 1. Topographic maps 50,000 Suitability in District, Pathiu Data Used Soil prepared at a by scale of The Royal 1 techniques as an aid in the assessment of Thai natural disaster clearly showed the total Survey Department (RTSD) : devastated areas caused by Typhoon Gay. 747 The areas were about 250,675 ha by damaged covering disaster the in Figure 1. this devastation can be renewed by making rehabilitation categorized by the degree themselves improvement of zonation the The criteria used in this assessment be soils/lands the properties can of and 3 Districts of Chumphon Province as shown to be and implemented as described below of damage as follows : 1. Severely damaged area was assigned to 1. Severely damaged area was the areas of be more than 70 % devastation. needs zone' 'development a develop in which good plan the renewable 2. Moderately damaged area was the areas sustainably. More of 30 % - 70 % devastation. should be totally 3. Slightly damaged area was the areas of plans. to manage it and resources importantly, land reformed prior to implementing the appropriate land use less than 30 % devastation. 2. Moderately damaged area was assigned to be Within this criteria, the existing 'rehabilitated zone'. Some of the lands will be reclaimed to as it land use with can be identified as shown used in Table 1. remanaged and developed to regain its Land Use T;vpe to be while some will be normal effectively, Areas of Dalagedlhal Severel;v Ifoderatel;v Slightl;V Total 3. Slightly damaged area was assigned to Agricul ture-Ifonocrop Upland crop Coconut 17,271 Coffee 2,210 Oil palm 3,761 Para rubber 21,996 Orchard & Trees 136 Agricul ture-HiIed crops Mixed Orchards 10,780 Coconut & Coffee 2,860 Coconut & Trees/Orch. 450 Paddy field Forestland Peatland Villages & Buildings Unident if ied areas Improved pasture Wasteland Water resources 2,244 12,458 4,353 2,579 62 1,059 903 9,314 18,404 294 1,811 760 3,387 172 5 4,545 20,574 15,171 17,434 42,980 492 be 'improvement zone', This area will be managed to increase the productivity of land. 16,039 4,343 455 10,394 87,636 3,771 605 4. The rest of those identified areas can be developed and managed in terms of tourism, industrialization, animal husbandry and etc. 363 25,437 436 However, the urgent need is to develop the 250,615 Total easily agricultural land be to used productively and conservatively in order Table 1 : Land use type and devasted areas identification to regain their normal life as well as to From Table 1., there was only 10 % of total areas, unidentified 250,675 Socio - economic survey was to formulate the feasible land use plans. no-identified general the the the future. then incorporated with the physical plans having to prevent the possible natural disaster in the importance economically. There was about % due having less 34 areas ha, assessment degree of with damage. Conclusion Whereas there was about 47 % having the clear assessment of severely, moderately The combination of remotely sensed data and slightly damages in the percentage of with groundtruthing information provided 23.71, 9.70, and 13.43 of the total area most respectively. warned devastation caused by Typhoon Gay, then, planners to make decision on particular to identify the areas and to do mapping These figures of use of land and management carefully, on Consideringly, allows on the basis of land 748 the the best topographic quick and ways maps. good to assess This in sources the turn of information to be used in making the damaged agricultural areas renewably and productively. In addition, Decision makers will have the good and right information in time while they need it. Hence the reliable and sensible activities, decision budget schedule and etc. decision makers on development allocation, working could be made by the with high confidence. This will be the great benefit to people, The Royal Thai Government and the nation finally. References Land Development Department, 1989. Soil Suitability for economic crops in affected areas: Muang District, Thasae District and Pathiu District Chumphon Province. Division of Soil Survey and Classification, Land Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand. (Technical Paper no. 122) Land Use Planning Division, 1990. Land Use Planning : The natural Disaster Caused by Province. Typhoon 'Gay' in Land Use Planning Chumphon Division, Land Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand. pp 78. Meteorological Department, 1989. Monthly Department, Report. Meteorological Ministry of Transport and Communication. 749