PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS FOR VISUAllMPACT ANALYSIS IN ARCHITECTURE Peter Durisch Informatik im Ingenieurwesen, ETH-Hoenggerberg CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland e-mail: ISPRS Commission V ABSTRACT: The paper presents a method to produce realistic computer-generated color images which aids to the judgement of aesthetic properties of planned buildings. The planned buildings are embedded into the existing environment by photo montage. The planar universe of conventional photomontaging is extended to three dimensions. During an interactive preprocessing step, a three-dimensional description of the existing environment is created: Geometrical data, atmospheric parameters and illumination parameters are retrieved from digital site photographs. The final image, combining the planned building and the environment represented by the site photographs, is rendered by an extended ray-tracing algorithm. The algorithm operates in threedimensional object space and handles the interaction between the building and its environment with respect to hiding, shadowing and interreflection. For the simulation of illumination effects, material parameters are retrieved from the photographs at rendering time. KEY WORDS: Image Synthesis, Ray-tracing, Image Analysis, Feature Measurement, Visual Impact Analysis. 1. INTRODUCTION building is perspectively mapped onto the background photograph and an artist completes the drawing within the frame. Background objects hidden by the building are manually eliminated from the photograph. Then the corrected photograph is transparently overlaid onto the image of the building. Nakamae et al. (Nakamae, 1986) calculate the camera's position and orientation in object space and retrieve atmospheric parameters and illumination parameters trom the photograph. The image of the building is generated by considering the retrieved information and overlaid onto the background photograph. Finally, it is covered by the manually identified foreground. The approximation of the background scene by faces and polyhedra in object space a1lows to generate shadows and to simulate various atmospheric conditions. Object space coordinates are obtained trom topographical maps. Terzopoulos & Witkin (Terzopoulos, 1988) show an animation with deformable solid objects copied into a real background scene which was approximated by planar faces in object space. Among the tradition aI methods which support the delicate job of judging the visual impact of planned buildings on the landscape or cityscape are: images (plans, perspective drawings, photomontages) and three-dimensional hand-crafted models. Though there is a justification for all of these, observation reveals that they are either unable to show the subtle effects which make up the overall appearance of a building, inflexible for case studies, or expensive due to the invested manual and artistic work. Thus, finding new methods to provide accurate sources with which to judge the aesthetic properties of planned buildings seems to be a worthy goal. A fundamental requirement is that a building needs to be integrated into the existing environment (landscape, cityscape) (Leonhardt, 1984). The paper presents a method to produce realistic computer-generated color images which aids to the judgement of aesthetic properties of planned buildings. The planned buildings are embedded into the existing environment by photomontage. Photomontage is the combination of artificial objects (the planned building) with a particular environment represented by a number of digital site photographs. During an interactive preprocessing step, a three-dimensional description of the environment is retrieved trom the photographs. In a second step, the photographs, the information retrieved from the photographs and the CAD model of the building are used to generate the final images. These show the planned building embedded in the existing environment from the perspectives of the site photographs. See also Durisch (Durisch, 1992). Kaneda et al. (Kaneda, 1989) generate a three-dimensional terrain model trom cartographical data. The surface texture of the model is derived from aerial photographs. Artificial objects are merged with the terrain by a method of Nakamae et al. (Nakamae, 1989) tor the combination of a foreground and a background based on known depth information. Though the three-dimensional terrain model allows any observer position, the approach is of limited use whenever details of the environment, especially those visible in horizontal views, are required. Thirion (Thirion, 1992) generates images for the test of image processing algorithms. A three-dimensional model of an existing building is retrieved photogrammetrically trom aerial photographs. The surface texture of the model is derived trom the same photographs. The three-dimensional model allows any observer position if the geometry of the scene is known with sufficient precision and if photographs trom suitable perspectives are available. Changes in illumination are simulated by removing and adding shadows. For this purpose, illumination parameters and material parameters are retrieved from the given photographs. 2. PREVIOUS WORK Computer-generated objects overlaid on background photographs are shown by Uno & Matsuka (Uno, 1979), Feibush et al. (Feibush, 1980), (BDC, 1990), Takagi et al. (Takagi, 1990) and Doi et al. (Doi, 1991). Maver et al. (Maver, 1985) calculate the camera's position and orientation in three-dimensional object space. The wireframe model of the planned 434 3. MODELS Models serve to simplify the deseription of some aspeets of the physieal world. This seetion introduces important radiometrie quantities and models for the representation of light sourees, materials, geometrieal objeets and the ca me ra as weil as models for the simulation of atmospherie effeets and illumination effeets. 3.1 cosO dF dF ~:mr Radiometrie Quantities Fig. 1 Definition of radiometrie quantities. Irradiance E = dlP / dF [Wm- 2 ] at a point on a surfaee element is the radiant power dlP [W] incident on the surfaee element, divJded by the area dF [m -2] of the surfaee element. Radiance L = d 2lP / (cosO dF dw) [Wm- 2sr- 1] at a point on a surfaee element and in a given direetion is the radiant power dlP incident on the surfaee element or leaving divided by the the surfaee element in a eone eontaining solid angle dw [sr] of that eone and the projeeted area cos 0 dF = ;, . 1dF of the surfaee element. ;, is the unit surface normal (Fig. 1). The eorresponding speetral distribution funetions are given by EA. = dE / dA [Wm- 3 ] and LA. = dL / dA [Wm- 3sr- 1 ]. EA. and LA. denote relative speetra! distribution funetions (speetral distribution functions in an arbitrary unit) (Judd, 1975). From the above definitions: f Qs i 3.2 = L cosO dw = Ln' i dw . L, ii . d, Q,. (3) o i, d.E L" ii . i da) = k, The diffuse ambient light (Fig. 2) is a uniform illumination term. It is defined by the radianee LA. = k u LA. of the ineident light. k u is a weighting faetor. By (1). the irradianee EUA. of the ambient light ineident at a point p on a surfaee Fis (4) The diffuse skylight (Fig. 3) is sunlight scattered by the atmosphere. It is emitted by the sky hemisphere above the horizon. Beeause of its large radius, all objeets are approximately in the center of the sky hemisphere. The skylight is defined by the direetion h to the zenith whieh is the highest point of the sky hemisphere, the parameter m h > 0 (see below) and the radianee LA. = k h LA. of the ineident light. k h is a weighting faetor. By (1), the irradianee EIsA. of the skylight incident at a point p on a surfaee Fis (1 ) The Atmospherie Model Due to the scattering and absorption of light within the atmosphere, an objeet whieh moves away from the observer ehanges its color depending on the distanee from the observer, the eurrent weather eonditions and the pollution of the air. The atmospherie effeet is simulated by the atmospherie model (Schachter, 1983): d (2) (5) LoJ.. represents the true object color. This is the light whieh leaves the surfaee of an object towards the observer. LA. repQ !5 2.7r represents the part of the sky hemisphere with resents the apparent object color. This is the light wh ich reaehes the observer at a distanee d from the objeet. L co A. represents the horizon color whieh is LA. for d - 00. l'aA. is the speetral transmittanee of the atmosphere. This is the fraetion of light energy whieh is neither absorbed nor seattered away from the straight direetion of light propagation within the referenee distanee da. The atmosphere deseribed by (2) is homogeneous and isotropie. Note that the term color is used for simplicity though LoJ..' LA. and L A. are color stimuli in terms of speetral radianee. i d i ii . > 0 and s • > 0 whieh is visible from p. The solid angle 2.7r is subdivided into 4m~ sky faeets (m h faeets in polar direetion x 4mh faeets in azimuth direetion) of equal size Lfw = 2:n;/(4m~) and the integral is approximated by a sumo f; is the direetion to the center of the i-th sky faeet. The summation is done for alt faeets the centers of whieh are visible from p. 0; = 1 if the center of the i-th sky faeet is visible fram p, and 0; = 0 else. OD d The illumination geometry is defined by s • QSI 3.3 dh and mh' The Light Souree Model Kaneda et al. (Kaneda, 1991) model natural daylight as being eomposed of direet sunlight and diffuse, non-uniformly ineident skylight. The eontribution of the skylight is determined by integrating over the visible parts of the sky dome wh ich is subdivided into band sourees. Wavelength dependency as weil as absorption and scattering in a non-homogeneous atmosphere are taken into aeeount. The diseretization of distributed light sources is deseribed by Verbeck & Greenberg (Verbeck, 1984). Natural daylight is assumed to be eomposed of direet sunlight, diffuse ambient light and diffuse skylight. The direet sunlight (Fig. 2) is defined by the direetion ds to the light souree (the sun) and by the solid angle Qs ~ 2:n; and the radianee LsÄ. = k s LA. of the ineident light. k s is a weighting factor. By (1), the irradianee EsA. of the sunlight incident at a point p on a surfaee F is 435 Ag. 2 Sunlight (Ieft) and ambient light (right). 3.4 Fig. 3 Skylight. al library (Fig. 4). The Material Model and the Illumination Model The illumination model expresses the radiance LA. of the light which leaves a point on the interface between two materials in a given direction. LA. depends on the roughness of the material interface and the illumination· and the materials on both sides of the material interface. The full illumination model (a slight modification of the model by Hall & Greenberg (Hall, 1983) is used) will not be given in detail here. Instead, for an opaque, diffusely reflecting surface illuminated by natural daylight (section 3.3), the radiance LA. of the reflected light is uniformly distributed in all directions and the illumination model reduces to (6) fiectance) of the material. EsA.' EuA. and EIIA. are the irradiances due to the incident sunlight, ambient light and skylight according to (3), (4) and (5). In this section, a number of inversions are formulated. The term inversion stands for solving an equation or a system of equations given by one of the models (section 3) for one or more unknown model parameters. The Camera Model World coordinates define locations in three-dimensional object space, image coordinates define locations in the twodimensional image plane of a camera and bitmap coordinates define locations in the two-dimensional pixel raster of a digital image. 4.1 Inversion of the Camera Model Each of the digital color images which represent the natural environment is geometrically corrected to eliminate the effect of the radial image distortion. The geometrically corrected images are called the input images (Fig. 4). The camera model represents a calibrated camera in threedimensional object space. The interior orientation of the camera consists of the calibrated focal length, the image coordinates of a number of fidudal marks and the center and amount of the radial image distortion due to the non-ideal optics of the camera. The fiducial marks are not affected by the radial image distortion. Therefore, they define the image coordinate system in the image plane and allow to derive a linear mapping between the homogeneous image coordinates and the homogeneous bitmap coordinates of a digitized image. The exterior orientation of the camera consists of the three world coordinates of the camera position and the three angles of the camera orientation in object space. 3.6 The aim of this work is to produce realistic computer-generated color images which aid to the judgement of aesthetic properties of planned buildings. These artificial objacts are embedded into the existing environment by photomontage. The natural environment is represented by a number of digital site photographs. During an interactive preprocessing step wh ich is supported by the program PREPARE (Fig. 4), a three-dimensional description of the natural environment is created by retrieving geometrical and non-geometrical information from the site photographs. The models (section 3) are formulated in terms of the wavelength. Consequently, RGB triplets retrieved from input images have first to be converted to equivalent spectral distribution functions. A simple and efficient conversion method is detailed in appendix A. kd is the weight of the diffusely reflected component and (!dA. [sr-I] is the diffuse reflectance (directional hemispherical re- 3.5 4. INFORMATION FROM DIGITAL COLOR IMAGES For each input image, the six unknowns of the exterior orientation are determined separately from the known world coordinates and the manually identified image coordinates of at least three control points. More control points help to refine the result. This is the resection in space or first inversion of the camera model. Each control point adds two equations to a system of non-linear equations which is iteratively solved, starting from a user-specified estimation of the solution. The result of the resection in space is converted to a 4x4 matrix wh ich expresses the linear mapping from homogeneous world coordinates to homogeneous image coordinates. Since this mapping will be performed very often during rendering (section 6), its linearity is important for efficiency. The non-linearity introduced by the radial image distortion was previously eliminated by the geometrical correction. The Geometrical Object Model A geometrical object is either a planar convex or concave polygon, a polyhedron or a sphere. Each geometrical object has a material attribute which is a reference into the materi- The geometry of relevant parts of the natural environment is 436 system of equations (7) is iteratively solved for the unknowns which are the true object color Lo.1. and the spectral transmittance 'ra.1. of the atmosphere. Lo.1. is of no interest since it expresses no general property of the scene. The iteration is started with 'ra.1. = 1 and Lo.1. = Lj.1.' such that dj = min(dj ). approximated by planar polygons in objeet space. These define the scene geometry. Relevant parts of the natural environment are those interaeting with the planned building with respeet to hiding, shadowing and interrefleetion. The world coordinates of a polygon vertex are determined from its manually identified image coordinates in two or more input images with different exterior orientation. This is the interseetion in spaee or the second inversion of the camera model. The geometrieal properties of a polygon are defined by its eoplanar vertices, while the non-geometrieal properties of a polygon are given by an image attribute and a material attribute. The image attribute referenees one of the input images. The material attribute is a referenee into the material library (Fig. 4). The refereneed material deseription defines all material properties exeept for the diffuse refleetanee (!dÄ. whieh is retrieved at rendering time from one of the input images (sections 4.3 and 6). The default input image for retrieving edÄ. is indieated by the image attribute. A simplifying assumption is that the radiance Lo.1. of the light leaving the objects towards the observer is the same at all locations Pi. The radiance of the diffusely reflected light is uniformly distributed in alt directions but it depends on the illumination of the surface and the orientation of the surface relative to the light soumes. Nakamae et al. (Nakamae, 1986) use an equivalent method based on the same atmospheric model (2). Wavelength dependency is not considered and world coordinates are obtained from topographical maps. The second inversion of the atmospheric model involves solving the equation of the atmospheric model (2) for the true color Lo.1. of an object. This inversion will also be used during rendering (section 6). The illumination geometry (seetion 3.3) is determined as follows: The solid angle Q, of ineident sunlight is ealeulated from the distanee to the sun and the radius of the sun. The direetion d, to the sun is determined by a point on an objeet and the corresponding point on the objeet's shadow by intersection in spaee. The direetion h to the zenith is determined simiiarly, e.g. by two points on the same vertieal edge of a house. Sinee the world eoordinate system may be seleeted arbitrarily, the zenith direetion is not known apriori. m h > 0 is set arbitrarily. Given are the horizon color L DD.1.' the spectral transmittance of the atmosphere and the reference distance da = 1. L,.,.1. and 'ra.1. are known from the first inversion of the atmospheric model (see above). pis a known location in object space. The known apparent object color L.1. is the radiance of the light reaching the camera associated with one of the input images at the known distance d from p. L.1. is derived from the RGB triplet of the reconstructed image function at p' (appendix A). p' are the image coordinates of P in the selected input image. 'ra.1. d Details about resection and interseetion in spaee are not detailed here. These are basic proeedures in photogrammetry (Wolf, 1983) (Rüger, 1987). 4.2 Inserting into (2) and solving tor Lo.1. yields Inversion of the Atmospherie Model Lo.1. The first inversion of the atmospheric model involves solving the equation of the atmospherie model (2) for the spectral transmittanee 'ra.1. of the atmosphere. 4.3 = (L.1. - L"".1. ) 'ra.1. -d + L DD.1. • (8) Inversion of the Illumination Model The first inversion of the illumination model involves solving the equation of the illumination model (6) for the weights k" k" and k h of the three illumination components which make up natural daylight (section 3.3). Given are the horizon color L DD.1. and the reference distance da = 1. L CD.1. is derived from a suitable RGB triplet which is manually selected in one of the input images (appendix A). Pi (i = 1 .. n, n ;;:: 2) are known loeations in object space. They are situated on the surfaces of objects of the same opaque, diffusely reflecting material. The Pi are manually identified on previously determined polygons in object space (section 4.1). The known apparent object color Li.1. is the radiance of the light reaching the camera associated with one of the input images at the known distance d j trom Pi' La is derived from the RGB triplet of the reconstructed image function at p/ (appendix A). p/ are the image coordinates of Pi in the selected input image. Given are the scene geometry (section 4.1) and the illumination geometry ds , Q" dh and mh (sections 3.3 and 4.1). L.1. is the known relative spectral distribution function of the daylight components. Pi (i = 1 .. n, n ;;:: 3) are known locations in object space. They are situated on the surlaces of objects of the same opaque, diffusely reflecting material with material parameters k d = 1 and ed.1.' where (lä.1. is known up to a constant factor only. Each Pi receives a different amount of illumination by the natural daylight. The Pi are manually identified on previously determined polygons in object space (section 4.1). The known apparent object color Li.1. is the radiance of the light reaching the camera associated with one of the input images at the known distance d j trom Pi. La is derived from the RGB triplet of the reconstructed image funetion at p/ (appendix A). p/ are the image coordinates of Pi in the selected input image. The true object color L oa is determined from La by the second inversion of the atmospher- By inserting into (2), each sampie contributes one equation to a system of n non-linear equations which is redundant for n > 2. For each wavelength within the visible spectrum, the 437 ic model (the effect of the atmosphere is eliminated) (section 4.2). 0') c: .fi.i U) Q) o o By inserting into (6), €lach sampie contributes one equation 0.. Q) 0.. (9) input IInages to a system of n linear equations which is redundant for n > 3. E siA ' Eu.iA and E hil are the irradiances due to the incident sunlight, ambient light and skylight. Since the scene geometry and the illumination geometry are known, they can be calculated according to (3), (4) and (5). For €lach wavelength within the visible spectrum, the system of equations (9) is solved for the unknowns wh ich are the weights k s' ku. and k h of the daylight components. Finally, the weights are averaged within the visible spectrum. Since l?dl is known up to a constant factor only, k s • k u and k h are the relative weights of the daylight components. 0') I c: .~ Q) ~:'~:~~rs ~ '-------'--....... 1 RENDER r + I~I ~ I .;, ----------------t- --------------- Nakamae et aI. (Nakamae, 1986) and Thirion (Thirion, 1992) determine the ratio of illumination by direct sunlight and ambient light. Skylight. wavelength dependency and the effect of the atmosphere are not considered. .s a; lIBRARY '"0 o E The second inversion of the illumination model involves solving the equation of the illumination model (6) for the diffuse reflectance l?dl of a material. This inversion will be used during rendering (section 6). r-----, ~ ICAD I CONVERT ....... - - ~.....-, system I B Given are the scene geometry (section 4.1) and the illumination geometry ds • Qs' dh and m h (sections 3.3 and 4.1). The radiances k s Ll • ku. Ll • k h Ll of the daylight components are known from the first inversion of the illumination model (see above). p is a known location in object space. It is situated on the surface of an object of an opaque, diffusely reflecting material with material parameter k d > O. The known apparent object color L l is the radiance of the light reaching the camera associated with one of the input images at the known distance d from p. L l is derived from the RGB triplet of the reconstructed image function at p' (appendix A). p' are the image coordinates of p in the selected input image. The true object color L OA is determined from LA by the second inversion of the atmospheric model (the effect of the atmosphere is eliminated) (section 4.2). L ___ J Fig. 4 System overview. 5. ENVIRONMENT DESCRIPTIONS The natural environment description (Fig. 4) contains geometrical and non-geometrical data about the natural environment of the planned building: Atmo~pheric parameters ~L A' '(RA' da). illumination parameters (ds , Qs, k s• kll.' m",. dh • k h• LA) and polygons (vertices. material attribute. image attribute). Most of this information is retrieved from the input images during the interactive preprocessing step (section 4). Additionally, the natural environment description contains the interior and exterior orientation and the file name of €lach of the input images. 00 Inserting into (6) and solving for l?dA yields The artificial environment description (Fig. 4) contains the CAD model of the planned building with additional artificial light sources, if required. The program CONVERT (Fig. 4) converts data trom the widely used DXF format (Autodesk, 1988) to the required data format. (10) E d • EII.A and Eu are the irradiances due to the incident sunlight. ambient light and skylight. Since the scene geometry and the illumination geometry are known, they can be calculated according to (3), (4) and (5). Since the relative weights k s• ku. and k h were used, also l?dA is known up to a constant factor only. 6. RENDERING During the final rendering step (program RENDER) (Fig. 4), the input images and the natural and artificial environment description (section 5) are used to generate the output images. These show the planned building embedded in the existing environment from the perspectives of the input images. The rendering algorithm is an extension to conven- Thirion (Thirion, 1992) determines the reflectance of a material without considering skylight, wavelength dependency and the effect of the atmosphere. 438 is determined from LOA. by the second inversion of the illumination model (section 4.3). All other material properties, including k d • come from the member of the material library (Fig. 4) which is referenced through the polygon's material attribute. tional ray-tracing. Ray-tracing was introduced by Whitted (Whitted, 1980). It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the principle of recursive ray-tracing in object space. 6.1 Setup One of the input images is selected as the eurrent input image. The eurrent eamera is the camera associated with the current input image. It represents the observer in object space and remains unchanged during the generation of the current output image. 6.2 Three subcases of case D are identified: Case 01. The natural object is iIIuminated by an artificial light source: The illumination model (6) is evaluated at p under consideration of the iIIuminating artificial light souree and the result is added to the true object color LOA.. SubsequentIy, the atmospheric model (2) is evaluated based on the known distance d along the ray and the result LA. is returned. Independent Pixel Processing A natural object or natural light souree is part of the natural environment description (section 5). Each facet of the discretized sky hemisphere (section 3.3) is treated as an individual natural light source. An artifieial objeet or artifieial light souree is part of the artificial environment description (section 5). A primary ray originates at the center of projection of the current camera. A secondary ray is generated after reflection or refraction at a material interface. Ca se 02. The natural object is illuminated by a natural light source: The illumination model is not evaluated since the illumination effect at p is already represented by the true object color LOA.. The atmospheric model (2) is evaluated based on the known distance d along the ray and the result LA is returned. Case 03. The natural object is not illuminated by a natural light source due to an artificial object only. The irradiance EA. due to the natural light source is calculated at p as if there were no artificial objects in the scene. The illumination model (6) is evaluated at p with a negative irradiance -EA. and the result is added to the true object color LOA.. Subsequently, the atmospheric model (2) is evaluated based on the known distance d along the ray and the result LA. is returned. Several cases are identified: Case A. A primary ray does not hit any object: The intersection point p of the ray and the image plane of the current camera is mapped from world coordinates to image coordinates p' of the current input image. The RGB triplet of the reconstructed image function at p' is converted to a spectral distribution function LA. (appendix A) and returned. Depending on the object material, a reflected and I or a refracted ray may be recursively traced for each of the three subcases D1 - D3. Case B. A secondary ray does not hit any object: The horizon color L .. A. (sections 3.2 and 4.2) is returned if the ray direction is above the horizon. 6.3 Case C. Any ray hits an artificial object: The illumination model (6) is evaluated at the intersection point p of the ray and the artificial object under consideration of the illuminating natural and artificial light sourees. Subsequently, the atmospheric model (2) is evaluated based on the known distance d along the ray and the result LA. is returned. Depending on the object material, a reflected and I or a refracted ray may be recursively traced. All material properties come trom the member of the material library (Fig. 4) which is referenced through the object's material attribute. Change of Perspective Restarting at the setup step (section 6.1) with another current input image and the corresponding current camera allows to generate a different view of the scene without any changes in the natural or artificial environment description. 6.4 Output and Viewing The program VIEW (Fig. 4) displays the finished part of an image the computation of wh ich is still in progress. This allows to interrupt the calculation of not very promising images. VIEW may run on a local workstation while RENDER runs concurrently on a remote host. Image data is transmitted in ASCII format through a UNIX pipe. Case O. Any ray hits a natural object: The intersection point p of the ray and the natural object is mapped from world coordinates to image coordinates p' of one of the input images. This is the current input image if the ray is a primary ray; otherwise it is the input image referenced through the polygon's image attribute (section 4.1). The RGB triplet of the reconstructed image function at p' is converted to a spectral distribution function LA. (appendix A) which represents the apparent color of the natural object. The true color LOA. of the natural object is determined by the second inversion of the atmospheric model (section 4.2) based on the known distance d o between p and the camera associated with the selected input image (the effect of the atmosphere is eliminated). The diffuse reflectance edA. of the object material 7. EXAMPLES Three examples will be presented in this section. Additional information about the examples is given in Tab. 1. Example 1. Gallery: This is the test scene on the campus of ETH-Hoenggerberg, Zurich. Fig. 5, top left and bottom left, shows the natural environment on a sunny day. The gallery (supports, roof, floor), the horizontallawn plane and the main buildings in the background were approximated by planar polygons during preprocessing (section 4.1). The horizon 439 Fig. 5 Example 1. Gallery. color L oe..t was set equal to the sky color. Sampies on the lawn plane were used to determine the spectral transmittance t'a..t of the atmosphere by the first inversion of the atmospheric model (section 4.2). Sampies of various incident illumination were selected on the concrete walls of the background building on the left and used to determine the relative weights kSf k u• k h of the daylight components by the first inversion of the illumination model (section 4.3). Fig. 5, top right and boUom right, shows some primitive ,solids embedded in the natural environment. Note the shadow of the natural support cast onto the artificial torus, the geometrically correct interpenetration of the cone with the gallery and the shadow of the torus cast onto the ground. Both perspectives were rendered with no change in the natural or artificial environment description, simply by selecting different current input images with the corresponding current cameras. Example 2. Bridge: The example shows the planned wood- 440 en bridge at Bueren an der Aare, Kanton Bem, which is intended to replace the historical bridge recently destroyed by a fire. Fig. 6, top left, shows the natural environment on a sunny day. The house on the left (wall, balconies, roof) and the horizontal water plane were approximated by plan ar polygons during preprocessing (section 4.1). The horizon color Loe..t was set equal to the sky color. SampIes on the water plane were used to determine the spectral transmittance t'a..t of the atmosphere by the first inversion of the atmospheric model (section 4.2). SampIes of various incident illumination were selected on the house and used to determine the relative weights k s• kUI kh of the daylight components by the first inversion of the illumination model (section 4.3). The supports will be used for the new bridge. Fig 6, top right, bottom left and bottom right, shows the new bridge from two different perspectives. Note the shadow and the specular reflection on the water surface. In Fig. 6, top right and bottom right, the unnatural regularity of the reflection is distroyed by a sto- Fig. Ei Example 2. Bridge. chastic perturbation added to the local normal vector of the water surface. The perturbation was generated based on the method of Haruyama & Barsky (Haruyama, 1984) which was extended to three dimensions and used as asolid texture. Blinn (Blinn, 1978) introduced surface normal perturbation. Solid textures were introduced by Peachey (Peachey, 1985) and Perlin (Perlin, 1985). of the daylight components by the first inversion of the illumination model (section 4.3). Fig 7, top right, bottom left and bottom right, shows the planned building from various perspectives. Note the specular reflection of natural and artificial objects in the windows. There is a diffuse shadow below the arcades. The somewhat noisy appearance is mainly due to a coarse discretization 01 the sky hemisphere by 4 sky facets. Example 3. Courtyard: The example shows a project for the redesign of a court yard in the city of Zurich. Fig. 7, top left, shows the natural environment on a winter day with overcast sky. The illumination is completely diffuse and consists of ambient light and skylight only. Parts of the houses and the horizontal ground plane were approximated by planar polygons during preprocessing (section 4.1). The atmospheric effeet has not been taken into account. Sampies of various incident illumination were selected on the white house in the corner and used to determine the relative weights k s• k u• k h All example images were rendered with aresolution of 512 x 512 pixels using an antialiasing strategy based on adaptive stochastic sampling (Cook. 1984) (Cook, 1986). Based on the statistical variance of the returned color values, 4, 8, 12 or 16 rays per pixel were used, resulting in an average per image 01 between 4.0 and 4.5 rays per pixel. The relative spectral distribution function 65A. of the CIE standard iIIuminant D 65 (Judd, 1975) was used tor the relative speetral distribution function LA of the three daylight components. For the calculation of the relative weights k s, kill k h of the day- L 441 Fig. 7 Example 3. Courtyard. light components by the first inversion of the illumination model (section 4.3) (!dl == 1 was assumed for the material at all sampie points. This seems to be a reasonable choice since the material was always gray or white and (!dl has to be known up to a constant factor only. Subsequently, k s ' k u and k h were used as calculated. For the simulation, spectral curves were reduced to a total of 9 spectral sampies within the visible spectrum. After the simulation, spectral distribution functions were reconstructed from the spectral sampies and converted to the RGB color space of a specific output device (Hall, 1989). Image rendering was performed on a CONVEX-C2 computer with a poorly vectorizing code. 8. SUMMARY The paper presents a method to produce realistic computergenerated color images which aids to the judgement of aesthetic properties of planned buildings. The planned buildings 442 are embedded into the existing environment by photomontage. During an interactive preprocessing step, a three-dimensional description of the existing environment is retrieved from the site photographs (input images). In a second step, the input images, the information retrieved trom the input images (the natural environment description) and the CAD model of the planned building (the artificial environment description) are used to generate the final images. These show the artificial object (the planned building) embedded in the existing environment from the perspectives of the input images. Consistency with the models is maintained during preprocessing (section 4) and rendering (section 6). The models (section 3) are formulated in terms of the wavelength. Therefore, RGB triplets retrieved from input images are converted to equivalent spectral distribution functions (appendix A). Extensions to previous methods have been presented for retrieving atmospheric-, illumination- and material parameters from the input images (section 4). A drawback is the limited complexity of the scene geometry which can be handled by the interactive preprocessor. However, the preprocessing step has to be done only once for a given scene. Once the preprocessing step is completed, case studies can be investigated flexibly by simply changing the artificial environment description and rendering aseries of new images. Tab. 1 Example data. input images example 2 example 3 3 8 9 17 38 16 0.0004 0.0004 ks 4111 .65 4639.82 - kM 0.14 0.13 0.53 nat . polygons Qs [sr] m" Conventional ray-tracing is strictly additive, whereas the presented approach extends ray-tracing to an additive and subtractive process: sometimes illumination has to added, sometimes it has to be removed. The extension is straightforward and implied by the nature of the problem for which it was designed. No changes in the illumination model (6) are required. The key is to pass a negative irradiance to the illumination model in case 03. example 1 k" CPU emin] - 2 2 1 0.72 0.51 0.65 201 .. 239 225 .. 292 153 .. 221 10.REFERENCES Autodesk Inc., 1988. AutoCAD1 0 Reference Manual. Appendix C: Drawing Interchange and File Formats. BD&C, 1990. Computer Graphics Facilitate Approvals. Building Design & Construction, 31 (7) : 16. The presented approach allows to add an arbitrary number of artificial objects and artificial light sources to an existing scene. The rendering algorithm is based on ray-tracing which works entirely in three-dimensional object space and handles the interaction between the artificial object and the existing environment with respect to hiding, shadowing and interreflaction. Blinn, J. F., 1978. Simulation ofWrinkled Surfaces. Proceedings S IGG RAPH '78. Computer Graphics, 12 (3): 286-292. Cook, R. L., T. Porter and L. Carpenter, 1984. Distributed Ray Tracing. Proceedings SIGGRAPH '84. Computer Graphics, 18 (3) :137-145. Cook, R. L., 1986. Stochastic Sampling in Computer Graphics. ACMTransactionson Graphics, 5 (1 ):51-72. The system consists of the programs PREPARE, CONVERT, RENDER and VIEW (Fig. 4). Rendering parameters allow to trade off speed versus image quality. Al an early stage of the design process, quick looks can be generated, e.g. at a low resolution or by using simpler models. Tabulated physical data is used directly in an extendable library. This frees the user from inventing some fundamental material and light source properties, though some of the coefficients still have to be selected empirically. Doi, A., M. Aono, N. Urano and K. Sugimoto, 1991. Data visualization using a general-purpose renderer. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 35 (1/2) : 45-58. Durisch, P.1992. Ein Programmfürdie Visualisierung projektierter Bauwerke mittels Fotomontage. Ph.D. Dissertation No. 9599 ETH Zurich. vdf, Zurich. Feibush, E. A., M. Levoy and R. L. Cook, 1980. Synthetic Texturing Using Digital Filters. Proceedings SIGGRAPH '80. Computer Graphics, 14 (3) : 294-301 . The examples show some of the subtle effects which make up the overall appearance of a building: the three-dimensional shapes and their proportions, the surface textures and colors wh ich are determined by the selected materials, the proportions between light and shadow, the integration of the object into its environment and the effects which are determined by daytime, season, current weather conditions and by the selection of the observer position with respect to foreground and background (Leonhardt, 1984). Glassner, A. S., 1989. How to Derive a Spectrum from an RGB Triplet. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 9 (4) : 95-99. Hall, R. A. and D. P. Greenberg, 1983. A Testbed for ReaJistic Image Synthesis.IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 3 (8) : 10-20. Hall, R. A., 1989. Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery. Springer, New York. Haruyama, S. and B. A. Barsky, 1984. Using Stochastic MOOeling for Texture Generation. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications,4 (3) :7-19. 9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Prof. Dr. A. Gruen and Z. Parsic, Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry at the ETH Zurich, who enabled me to use the institute's photographic equipment, Dr. U. Walder tor the construction plans of the bridge in example 2 (project by Walder & Marchand AG, Guemligen, Moor & Hauser AG, Bem) and Dr. G. Scheibler, the architect of the courtyard project in example 3 (project by Architekturwerkstatt Ruetschistrasse, Zurich). Special thanks to Z. Despot for the measurement of control points and to L. Hurni and H. StoII, Institute of Cartography at the ETH Zurich, for the reproduction of the images. Judd, D. B. and G. Wyszecki, 1975. Color in Business, Science and Industry. Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Kaneda, K., F. Kato, E. Nakamae, T. Nishita, H. Tanaka andT. Noguchi, 1989. Three DimensionalTerrain F\IIodeling and Displayfor Environmental Assessment. Proceedings SIGGRAPH '89. 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The chromaticities of all colors which are realizable in the given RGB color space are contained within the triangle T, g, b (Fig. 8). The conversion from CIE XVZ color space to RGB color space is given by the 3 x 3 matrix M which is derived from T, g, band w (Judd, 1975) (Hall, 1989): 780 L,y,dJ.; Z = k zf of a color is given by The conversion from RGB color space to LA is decomposed into a conversion fram RGB color space to CIE XVZ color space and a conversion from CIE XYZ color space to LA (Fig.9). A. SPECTRAL DISTRIBUTIONS FROM RGB TRIPLETS X Y [x y Two color stimuli are metameric with respect to a given observer x).. J).t !). if their respective tristimulus values are the same but their spectral distribution functions are different. By (11). metameric color stimuli are mapped to the same tristimulus values. The inverse problem of finding a color stimulus with given tristimulus values has therefore (infinitely) many metameric solutions (Fig. 9). Whitted, T., 1980. An Improved Illumination Model for Shaded Display. Communications of the ACM, 23 (6) : 343-349. 780 x =X + Y+Z f = with x + y + z = 1. Equation (12) maps the tristimulus values F = [X Y Z]T onto the (X + Y + Z = l)-plane in CIE XYZ color space. The two-dimensional (x,y)-plot is the CIE chromaticity diagram (Fig. 8). The chromaticities of all physically realizable colors are contained within the area bounded by the spectrum locus and the straight purpie line. The spectrum lorus is given by the chromaticities of the pure spectral colors. Uno, S. and H. Matsuka, 1979. A General Purpose Graphic System for Computer Aided Design. Proceedings SIGGRAPH '79. Computer Graphics, 13 (2) : 25-32. . x Fig. 8 CIE chromaticity diagram. Perlin, K., 1985. An Image Synthesizer. Proceedings SIGGRAPH '85. Computer Graphics, 19 (3) : 287-296. 780 0.6 0.3 L,r,dJ. (11) 380 444 .... 00 subdivided into three domains: Ä,1 •• Ä,2> Ä,2 •• Ä,3 and Ä,3 •• Ä,4> M equation (11) x, such that 380 nm = Ä,1 Y, Z ........ ___ ... _ sis function Li), (i R, G, B < Ä,2 = 1 .. 3) < Ä,3 < Ä,4 = 780 nm. The ba- is expressed as a linear com- bination many solutions Fig. 9 Color conversions. (18) of piecewise constant functions Lki). (k = 1 .. 3) with (19) It is assumed that r, g. band ware known. In the examples (section 7), the definition values of the standard NTSC monitor (Hall, 1989) were used. Inserting (18) into (11), premultiplying by M and solving for Cl The problem of finding color stimuli L). for all RGB triplets in the given RGB color space is equivalent to the problem of finding color stimuli L). tor alt tristimulus values F the chromaticities fot which are contained within the triangle r, g, b: 2!: One or more metamerie solutions with being concentrated in a narrow wavelength band. (The linear ulus O. 380 f sitions between 0 and Sj. one at Ä,2 and the other at Ä,3' F/ 380 f ~ 0 exists (this can happen for chro- dates are considered for Li).' They are piecewise constant 780 L"ZldA .. C2 j. C3i with either value 0 or value Si ~ 0 and with exactly two tran- L 31Yl dA 380 780 f L). which is zero almost everywhere.) maticities near the spectrum locus): A different set of candi- 780 L"YldA .. 0 exist: combination of three Une spectra would result in a color stim- No solution cl i• 780 Cli. C2i. c 3i ~ The candidate with max (cu. C2i. C3i) = min is selected for Li).. This condition tries to prevent the energy of Li). from Inserting (14) into (11) f (see above) yields the basis function Li).' For a stimulus L). which is physically not meaningful. Therefore, (14) C2 • C3 C2j. C3i the weights Cl j. C2 io C3 i are calculated for each pair Ä,2 and Ä,3 within the visible spectrum and the best solution is selected: Given are three basis functions Lu. Lu, L H 2!: 0 with tristimulus values F 1 , F 2• F 3 and chromaticities 11' 12. 13' such that F 1 =/1 = b, F 2 =/2 = g, F 3 =/3 = r. A color stimulus L). 2!: 0 with given tristimulus values F = [X Y Z]T is expressed as a linear combination of the basis functions with the weights Cl' j. constant pair Ä,2 and Ä,3' some of the weights Cu C2io C3 i can be negative. This can result in a piecewise negative color z/f are the tristimulus values of the candiY/ = Y; candidate with 11 F/ - F i Ih = min is selected for = [X/ Y/ date. For each candidate, Si is calculated such that L 31 zl dA and the Li).' 380 (15) Lu. Lu, L3). and W- 1 have to be determined only once for premultiplying (15) by M a given RGB color space. Subsequently, finding a color stimulus (16) and solving (16) for Cl' C2 • C3 L). with given RGB color values consists of calculating Cl' C2' C3 by (17) and Iinearly combining Lu. Lu, L 3l by (14). This can be performed efficiently. yields The generated color stimuli are non-negative and piecewise constant with 6 transitions within the visible spectrum. They are generated by a linear combination of three piecewise (17) constant basis functions. each with 2 transitions within the visible spectrum. The basis functions depend on the given RGB color space. The problem which remains is how to generate basis functions Li). 2!: 0 (i = 1 .. 3) with given tristimulus values F j • A simple method is explained below: Glassner (Glassner, 1989) generates smooth but not always non-negative color stimuli by using trigonometrie basis func- The visible spectrum from Ä, = 380 nm to Ä, = 780 nm is tions which do not depend on the given RGB color space. 445