Joplin Independent, MO 08-11-06 Conservation not ethanol is answer

Joplin Independent, MO
Conservation not ethanol is answer
Despite support from President Bush, the alternative fuels many Americans have
turned to because of rising gas prices won’t be enough to reduce our
dependency on oil, experts say.
“Our lives are destined to change,” said Iowa State University director of
bioethics Clark Wolf, who spoke at a Missouri State University’s Public Affairs
“We grew up in an age of cheap energy,” he said. “No more. the party’s over. It’s
coming to an end.”
Ethanol, the fuel additive made from refined corn sugar, has recently received a
boost in popularity due to encouragement from the Bush administration.
Because it is made from quick-growing corn, ethanol is considered by many a
major renewable resource that is better for the environment than conventional
fossil fuels.
But ethanol is only a short-term solution, according to Wolf, who said that the
additive’s long-term impact on the environment and economy would outweigh its
current benefits.
“Alternatives to oil will not reduce our reliance on petroleum by one single drop,”
he said.
Ethanol-producing plants release such pollutants as carbon monoxide, methanol,
formaldehyde and cancer-causing acetic acid into the air. Over an extended
period of time, the negative effects of these chemicals could be overwhelming.
The additive is also expensive to produce and, according to the panel, inefficient
because of the amount of energy required to make it.
“More energy is used to produce ethanol than the energy that is actually made
from it,” said New York Times transportation writer Matthew Wald, who agreed
that ethanol is a risky investment for the nation.
“Oil is like any other commodity,” he said. “The price is going to crash soon, but
the average price will probably continue to increase over the years.”
While some economic factors like the recent war in Iraq can cause the price of
crude oil to fluctuate, Wolf believes we’ve only seen the beginning.
“The rate of discovery of oil is in decline while demand increases,” he said. “We
are reaping more than we can possibly sow.”
The panel stressed the importance of conservation above all other current
methods of fuel-efficiency.
Wald suggested that by doing a little every day, Americans can help drive down
the rising cost of energy. Simple acts like walking, taking public transportation,
and carpooling could help reduce the demand for gas.
“We forget the consequences of our every day actions,” said Jacek Grodzicki,
associate professor of economy at the University of Gdansk.
“There is more carbon dioxide in the air today than there has been in over
650,000 years,” he said. “We must be thoughtful. It makes no sense to separate
ourselves from nature.”
“We are each responsible for our predicament,” Wolf said. “Each of us is
entangled in the consumption process. Our desire for oil may overcome our
concern for the Earth.”