Des Moines Register 080-21-07 Rise up against the ethanol man An Aug. 8 article regarding an Iowa State University study basically said ethanol is a hazard to the environment ("Expert Warns of Ethanol Pollution"). Duh! Corn prices going up is good for the corn market, a few family farms, Archer Daniels Midland and other large agricultural interests, but not the average Iowan in terms of pollution, lost habitat or diminished air quality. And pristine water aquifers shouldn't be squandered to create industrial wastewater, either. Burning coal isn't the answer, and neither is using all the natural gas these plants can inhale. We're stuck with higher fuel prices and pollution so a few can get rich. Alternative fuels are the way to go, along with conservation and increased efficiency. What we are being sold now is a load of manure. Do I have any faith our elected leaders will do what is right for the majority? No. They shrug their shoulders and say they can't do anything under state law. That's because our elected officials don't care about the average Iowan - we don't have the money to hire a lobbyist. Get off your duff, and go to a county board of supervisors' meeting and oppose a confined animal feeding operation in your neighborhood. - Scott W. McIntire, Grinnell.