Impact of exchange flows on wetland flushing The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Andradottir, Hrund O., and Heidi M. Nepf. “Impact of exchange flows on wetland flushing.” Water Resources Research 37.12 (2001) ©2001 American Geophysical Union As Published Publisher American Geophysical Union Version Final published version Accessed Wed May 25 20:07:24 EDT 2016 Citable Link Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. 37, NO. 12, PAGES 3265-3273, DECEMBER 2001 Impact of exchange flows on wetland flushing Hrund(3.Andrad6ttir • andHeidiM. Ncpf Ralph M. ParsonsLaboratory,Department of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge,Massachusetts, USA Abstract. The flushingof littoral regionsis governedby barotropicriver flows,QR, and baroclinicexchangeflows,AQ. This note presentsfield observationsof two different flushingregimesin a shallowwetlandthat bordersa lake. In spring,when river flowsarc high, the wetland circulationis river- or jet-dominated,AQ/QR < 1, and the river shortcircuitsthroughthe wetland in a much shortertime than the nominal residencetime. During summerlow flows,however,the wetlandcirculationis dominatedby exchange flows,AQ/Q• > 1, that vary both on diurnal and synoptic(10-20 days)timescalesin responseto differentialheatingand coolingbetweenthe wetland and lake and to wind. These exchangeflowscan enhancewetlandflushingby a factor of 10 relativeto river flushing.A one-dimensionald½couplcd heat and flow model representsdiurnal exchange flowsin this systemwell and may be usedto assess the importanceof exchangeflowsin other systems. exchangeflowsbetweena shallowwetland and a lake, (2) characterizethe timescalesand magnitudesof the driving Littoral regionsplay an importantrole in lake water quality. forcesproducingthe exchangeflows, and (3) evaluatethe They receive,transform,and conductnutrientsand anthropo- relativeimportanceof exchangeflowsto river flowson wetland genicchemicals from terrestrialsystems to lakes.The transport flushingover the courseof a year. The site and studymethods of materialthroughtheseshallowregionsis governedby two are introduced in section 2. The field observations of the memajor mechanisms: barotropicriver flows and baroclinicex- teorologicalconditions,exchangeflows,and wetland circulachangeflows(Figure1). The exchange flowsare generatedby tion are summarizedin section3. Finally, section4 introduces differentialheating and coolingbetweenregionsof different a simpleanalyticaltool that maybe usedto assess the impordepth or opticalclarity and can thereforebe highlytemporal tanceof exchangeflowsin other shallowsidearmsystems. [Monismithet al., 1990].Wind can either surpressor promote theseflowsdependingupon the wind direction.For example, winds have been found to increasethe flushingof shallow 2. Methods estuariesby a factorof 3 [Geyer,1997]. 2.1. Site To date,freshwaterexchangeflowshavebeenmostlystudied TheUpperMysticLakeisa small(509,000 m2)dimictic lake in the lab or throughnumericalmodeling.The earlier studies focuson the steadybarocliniccirculationin sidearmsof cool- located at the base of a contaminated watershed in suburban (Figure2a). The AberjonaRiver deliving lakesand its role in improvingheat dissipation[e.g.,Bro- Boston,Massachusetts card and Harleman, 1980]. More recent work considersthe ers nutrientsand heavymetalssuchas arsenicand lead from exchangeflows in natural sidearmsand characterizestheir the watershedto the lake [Solo-Gabrieleand Perkins,1997]. temporalvariabilityand mixingproperties[Farrowand Patter- Beforeenteringthe lake, the river flowsthroughtwowetlands, son, 1993;Sturmanet al., 1996;Sturmanand Ivey, 1998]. De- first,the largerupperforebay(140,000m2) and then the are spite their variabilitytheseflowshave been found to signifi- smallerlowerforebay(51,600m2).The lakeandforebays cantlyenhancesidearmflushing[Sturmanet al., 1999;Horsch surroundedby treesand housesand a hill to the northwest.In and Stefan,1988] and to contributeto lake nutrient budgets this note, we investigatethe exchangeflow betweenthe lower [Jamesand Barko, 1991].Still onlyvery few field observations forebayand the lake that occursthrougha 60-m-widechannel are availableto describetheseflows,especiallyfor wide and whichwe call the inlet. The lower forebayhasa generallyflat shallow(<2 m deep)naturalsidearmssuchaswetlands.More bathymetry,exceptfor a 2- to 2.4-m-deepchannelthat runs importantly,to the authors'knowledge,no studyhascompared from the necktowardthe lake inlet (dashedline on Figure2b). the long-termimpactof exchangeflowson sidearmflushingto Owing to sailingactivitiesthe wetland is treated with herbithat of river flows.For example,there may be time periods cideseveryyear, leavingonly its borderand easternlobe denduringthe year when exchangeflowsare presentbut provide sily vegetatedwith water lilies and coontail in the summer no additionalflushingbecausethe ratio of exchangeflow to months.The mean water depth in the wetland rangesfrom river flow is much less than 1. --•1.5 m in late summerto 1.9 m in early spring.The Upper The goalsof thisnoteareto (1) providefieldobservations of Mystic Lake beginsto stratify in April and remainsstratified until it overturnsin November[Aurilioet al., 1994]. During peak summerstratificationthe 22ø-27øCsurfacewater is sep•Nowat Mars& Company, Greenwich, Connecticut, USA. arated from the 4ø-7øChypolimneticwater by a 5-m-thick Copyright2001 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. thermoclinetypicallystartingat 5-6 m depth.A 1- to 1.5-mthick diurnalsurfaceheatinglayer can developin the lake on Paper number 2001WR000257. 1. Introduction 0043-1397/01/2001WR000257509.00 warm, calm afternoons. 3265 3266 ANDRADOTTIR AND NEPF: TECHNICAL NOTE a) •i•(•)_Nec••.•.•.•'FoUrP• Aberjon River q>w I•" ./•'h'[,Lower Wetland/Sidearm rmoc, L Lake Figure 1. Sidearmflushingis governedby river flows,QR, andexchange flows,, AQ. The exchange flowsare generated becauseof differentialheatingand coolingbetweena sidearm andlake (Tw 4: Tz.) andare modifiedbywindshearstress,rw. • 2.2. /, ,metres,, Observations and Analysis Two 4-dayfield studieswereconductedin 1997,the firstone on April 14-17 duringhigh river flowsand the secondone at the end of Julyduringlow river flows.Water speedand direction were sampledat the inlet at 10- to 30-cmdepthintervals (5-7 pointsin the vertical) three to four times during each studyusinga Sontekacousticdopplervelocimeter(ADV) with a resolutionof 0.1 mm/s.The ADV wasdeployedfrom a boat anchoredon both endsin April and from a free-standingrod stuckinto the wetlandsediments in July.The water speedwas recordedat eachdepthfor 3-7 min at 12-15 Hz, a longenough recordto unambiguously removesurfacewaveor boat swaying motions.The mobile ADV systemwas also usedto measure the water speedsand directionsalongthe trajectoryfrom the neck to lake inlet (Figure 2b) on April 17 and July 30-31. Hourly Aberjona River flow was measuredby the U.S. GeologicalSurvey(USGS) approximately 800 m upstreamof the entranceto the upper forebay.A flow rate factor of 1.06 was applied to accountfor the additionaldrainagearea between the USGS station and the lower forebay.Two independent estimatesfor the exchangeflow rate, AQ • and AQ2, were derivedfrom eachvelocityprofileat the inletby calculatingthe flow rate in the upper and lower layers,Q • and Q2, and then subtractingthe river flow rate, QR, from the outflowinglayer (seeFigure 1). The cross-sectional areasof the two layers,A • andA 2, and the width of the interfacebetweenthe layers,w, were estimatedfrom a traverseof depthmeasurements made acrossthe inlet at 3- to 5-m intervals.The relativemagnitude of inertial and buoyantforceswas assessed by calculatingthe compositeinternal Froude number,G, // Neck tDy e ADV /•r. • ßCTDand { ' . O/.•X'X•'• Fvle;ø•t•t•t• r ,, ß• 100m Figure 2. (a) The Upper MysticLake systemfield site and monitoringprogram. Exchangeflows occur at the inlet betweenthe lower forebayand lake. Locationsof water temperatureprobesare denotedby T, anemometeris denotedby W, andthe weatherstationis denotedby S. (b) A close-upon the lowerforebay,with locationsof the acousticdopplervelocimeter (ADV) andconductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) vertical profiles(Julystudy). conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profilesweretakeninsidethe wetlandand the lake on April 16 (9:00-10:00A.M., 11:00A.M. to 1:00P.M.), April 17 (9:00-10:00A.M.), July30 (1:00-2:00 P.M., 3:00 P.M., and 6:00 P.M.), July 31 (11:30 G2= g 'A•/w -•g 'A2/w' (1) A.M. to 1:00 P.M., 5:30-6:30 P.M.) and August(4:00-5:00 P.M.). A map of typicalfluorometerand CTD measurement where u = Q/A is the meanwater velocityin eachlayer and locationsis portrayed on Figure 2b. A Differential Global g' = gig2- P•l/P is the reducedgravitybaseduponthe PositioningSystemprovided 3- to 5-m accuracyon spatial densityin the upperandlowerlayers,p• andP2[Dalziel,1992]. position. Tracer experimentswere also conducted,in which 25 g and In additionto the two field experiments,air temperature, 39 g of RhodamineWT dyewere releasedacrossthe width of relativehumidity,and solarradiationwere monitoredevery5 the neckover a 20-minintervalon April 17 (10:20A.M.) and min in the lower forebayfrom April throughNovember1997. on July 30 (12:35 P.M.), respectively.The dye leaving the Simultaneously, wind speed,W•o, and direction,0, were meawetlandwas monitoredover the first severalhoursfollowing sured10 m abovegroundat an unobstructedlocationat the the releaseby measuringverticalprofilesof dye and temper- southern end of the lake at 10-min intervals. The measured ature with vertical resolution of 2-5 cm at three different windrepresents well the conditions overthe lake.The inlet and locations across the lake inlet. In addition, fluorometer and wetland,however,may experiencesignificantwind sheltering ANDRADOTTIR AND NEPF: TECHNICAL NOTE relative to the lake becauseof a nearbyhill and surrounding houses and trees. The net heat fluxes over the lake were calculated from these measurements 3 /•,, and cloud cover monitored at the BostonLogan Airport (15 km east of the studysite) using establishedempirical relationships[e.g.,Fisher et al., 1979, p. 163]. Continuousrecordsof water temperaturewere alsotakenat 5-min intervalsduringthe fall of 1997in the lower forebayboth 10-20 cm belowthe surfaceand 10-20 cm above the bed usingOnsettemperatureloggerswith 0.2øCresolution and at 1-m intervalsin the shallowernorthern region of the lake usingthermistorchainswith 0.1øCresolution[Frickerand Nepf,2000](T on Figure2a). On the basisof verticaltemperature profilesin this systemthe depth-averaged wetlandtemperaturewas found to be best representedas the weighted averageof the continuoussurface(67%) and near-bed(33%) temperatures.Similarly,the water temperaturerecordedcontinuouslyat 1.8 m depthwas found to most closelyrepresent the depth-averagedwater temperaturein the lake epilimnion (top 5 m). The longitudinaldensitygradientfrom the wetland into the lake, Op/Ox,was calculatedbasedupon the depthaveragedtemperaturedifferencebetweenthe lake surfaceand wetland waters, Ap= a) 3267 -- 1997. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sep 15 Nov 1 b) 500 -500 I I I I I 260 270 280 290 300 c) • i , , , - plr•, andthelength scale forthe longitudinaltemperaturegradient,Ax. Detailed CTD profiling alongthe transectfrom the wetlandinto the lake indicatedthat 80-90% of the temperaturedrop occurredwithin 100 _+30 m of the inlet, so Ax was chosenas 100 m. The longitudinal gradientWedderburnnumber, I I I ,. I I 260 270 280 290 300 260 270 280 290 300 260 270 280 290 300 E 5 ap a /-/2max Weg= Tw , (2) •'• 0 o wasusedto estimatethe relativeimportanceof buoyancyand wind stressin generatingthe exchangeflowswithin the inlet channelwith maximumdepth,Hmax.The meanwind stress,*w, alongthe directionof the flow axis(wetlandto lake), Ox,was estimated as -5 e) 102 3'w-- parlOW•OcOS (0 -- Ox) , (3) wherePais the air density andCso= 10-3 is thewinddrag coefficient[Hickset al., 1974].Last,an opposingwindbalances the buoyantforcingand producesminimum steadyexchange flowswhenWea• - (7-9) [Andrad6ttir, 2000].On thisbasis the criterionfor whichthe wind dominatesbuoyancywastaken 100 Julian Days as Figure 3. Meteorological conditionsin the Upper Mystic Lake system.(a) AberjonaRiver flowrates.(b) Instantaneous [Wel 8. (4) (solidlines)and daily(circles)net surfaceheat fluxesper unit The signof the Wea wasusedto determine whetherthewind area. (c) Differencebetweenthe weightedaverageof surface and near-bedwater temperaturein the wetland, Tw, and the promoted (Wea > 0) or surpressed (Wea < 0) the density- temperatureat 1.8 m depth in the lake, T/•. (d) Mean wind driven circulation. speedsalonginlet axis(positivewind is into lake). (e) Wedderburnnumbers.For clarity,the recordshavebeen low-pass filtered using a second-orderButterworth filter with cutoff 3. Results frequencyof 0.1 cpd and 0.5 cph. 3.1. Meteorological Conditions As discussed in section1, the two major flushingmechanismsin lake sidearmsare river throughflowsand exchange flowsdrivenby differentialheatingand coolingand modified by winds.Figure 3 summarizesthe variationin the meteorologicalconditionscontrollingtheseflushingmechanisms in the Upper MysticLake wetlandsystem.First, considerthe 10-day averageAberjona River flow rate. Figure 3a showsthat the river flow changesdrasticallyoverthe courseof the year from meltto 0.1m3/sandlessduringthedrysummer. Thisstrong seasonalvariationin the AberjonaRiver flowis typicalof many riversin temperateregions. In contrastto the river flow, differentialheatingand cooling betweena wetlandand lake occurspredominantlyon shorter timescalesthan a year [Andrad6ttirand Nepf, 2000]. This is particularlythe casefor wetlandsthat exchangewith a lake approximately 2 m3/sduringspringsurface runoffandsnow- much faster than annually and thus mimic the lake annual ANDRADOTTIR 3268 AND NEPF: TECHNICAL NOTE b) April a) July H 4/15 AM -0.5 -0.5 I 4/14 PM 7/3O AM I----I 7/30 PM -1.5 -1.5 -2 Wetland -2.5 -6 Lake I I -4 -2 0 U (cm/s) -2 I I 2 4 6 -6 Lake Wetland I I -4 -2 I I 0 U (cm/s) Figure 4. Averagewater speedsbasedon 3- to 7-min recordsat the centerof the inlet betweenthe wetland andlake in (a) April and (b) July1997.The horizontalbarsrepresent1 standarddeviationaroundthe mean speed,after removingmotionsassociated with boat sway,and are mostlyan indicationof water turbulence levels. heatingcycle.The close-upin Figure 3b showsthe net surface speedsare fairly constantthroughoutthe year in this system, heat fluxesover the Upper MysticLake duringa typicallow windsare expectedto play an equallysignificantrole in modflowperiodin fall, whenQ/• < 0.4 m3/s.The surfaceheat ifyingthe barocliniccirculationduringotherseasons not shown fluxesvary considerablyover the courseof the day and from in Figure 3e. dayto day as shownby the net dailyheat fluxes(circles).This 3.2. Inlet Flow Characteristics producesboth diurnaland synoptic(10-20 days)differential heatingand cooling,where the wetlandwater oscillatesfrom As shownin Figure 3, river flows vary predominantlyon being 1ø-2øCwarmer to 1ø-2øCcolder than the lake surface seasonaltimescales,whereasfreshwaterexchangeflows are waters (Figure 3c). Notice that the synopticvariationscan largelyforcedon synopticand diurnaltimescales. This section exceedthe diurnalvariations,for example,duringJ.D. = 280- provideswater current observations that supportthesetime300. This strongsynopticcomponent,to the authors'knowl- scalesof variabilityand indicatehowimportantexchangeflows edge,has not been previouslyreported in sidearmliterature. canbe relativeto river flowsfor wetlandflushing. Last,windsoverthe Upper MysticLake blowpredominantly Figures4a and 4b illustratemorning(dashedlines) and from the south at 1.4-2 m/s in summer and from the north at afternoon(solidlines)water speedprofilesat the centerof the 1.8-3 m/s in springand fall. A close-upon a 1.5-monthfall inlet duringthe spring(highriverflow) andsummer(low river period(Figure3d) revealsthat the wind componentalongthe flow) studies,respectively.These centerlineflow speedsare inlet from the wetlandinto the lake typicallychangesdirection representativeof the flow acrossthe entire crosssectionbased every1-3 daysand canvary in speedanywherefrom 0-6 m/s on additionalprofilestaken to the left andrightof the centerover the course of one to several days. Therefore, as with line. In the April studythe wetland and lake water are both differentialheatingand cooling,windsvary mostlyon synoptic warming,and the wetlandis persistently1ø-1.7øC warmerthan and diurnal timescales.The influence of wind on density- the lake surface water. Consistent with this, a sustainedtwodriven flowscan be evaluatedwith a time seriesof the longilayeredflowis observedin the afternoonof April 14 (solidline tudinal Wedderburn number, Wea.Figure 3eillustrates IWeal on Figure4a), with the warmerwetlandwater movingtoward derivedfrom the wind and temperaturemeasurements in Figthe lake at the surfaceat 4 cm/s and bottom water entering ures3cand3d.Theelongated timeperiods forwhichIWeal< from the lake at 3 cm/s.Duringthe followingmorning(dashed 8 indicatethat the wind is an important mechanismin modiline on Figure4a) the sameflow patternis maintainedduring fying baroclinicexchangeflows in this system.During these slightlylesswindy conditions.Again 2 dayslater, this flow timeperiodsthe signof the Wea variesmostlyon 1- to 3-day pattern is observedboth at the westernand easternsideof the timescales, as a resultof changingwind directions(Figure3d) giventhe strongsynopticvariabilityin temperaturevariations inlet (not shownon Figure4a). In July,however,the flowalong (Figure3c).Accounting for thisvariability in thesignof Wea, the inlet variessignificantlyoverthe courseof the day.Specif(4) suggests that the wind suppresses the density-driven circu- ically,Figure 4b showsthat at 10:00A.M. in the morningon lation 10-25% of the time and promotesit 5-12% of the time July 30, when the wetland bottom water is 0.2øCcolder than during this fall period. These percentagerangeswere calcu- the lake surfacelayer, a weak (<1.5 cm/s) two-layeredflow lated by consideringthe uncertaintyin the Wedderburnnum- occurs,with bottom outflow from the wetland and a surface ber, originatingboth from the uncertaintyin estimatingthe intrusionfrom the lake. In the midafternoonof that sameday, densitygradients(33%) and the local wind stressalongthe by which time the wetland water has become0.8øCwarmer lake inlet into the wetland (20%). The latter uncertaintyis than the lake water, the flow has reversed direction and belargelyassociated with projectingthe wind from the southern comemuchstronger(>4 cm/s)sincethe morning.A similar end of the lake to the lake inlet. The formulation(3) doesnot afternoonvelocityprofile was observedat three differentloaccountfor wind sheltering,suchthat northerlywinds(short cationsacrossthe lake inlet the followingday (not shownon fetch)maybe overestimated. Last,sincemonthlyaveragewind Figure4b). The diurnalflow reversalin Julyandthe sustained ANDRAD(STTIR AND NEPF: TECHNICAL NOTE 3269 Table 1. ExchangeFlow Characteristics at Lake Inlet and Daily Wind During the 1997April and July Studiesa Time, AQ/ Date LT W•o, m/s April 14 April 15 April 17 July 25 July30 July30 July 31 2:00P.M. 10:00A.M. 1:30P.M. 12:40P.M. 10:20A.M. 3:40P.M. 2:20 P.M. 5.3 _+2.1 2.7 _+1.6 0.8 + 0.5 5.1 _+1.3 2.9 _+1.1 2.9 _+1.1 1.7 _+0.8 WindDirection Q•, m3/s Q2, m3/s AQ•, m3/s AQ2, m3/s QR, m3/s NW NW S NE N N NW 2.4 2.2 1.5 -0.2 -0.1 0.6 0.9 -0.4 -0.3 -0.1 0.3 0.2 -0.9 -0.8 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.8 2.2 1.8 1.5 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.06 Q,• G2 0.1-0.2 0.2 0.1 2 2 8-15 13 3 3 6 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.7 aThepositivesigncorresponds to the wetlandoutflowto the lake, and the negativesigncorresponds to the return flow from the lake into the wetland.The accuracyof the flow rate estimatesis 25%, whichincorporatesa 10% uncertaintyin cross-sectional area, a 10%-15% uncertainty in the meanof the verticalspeedprofile,and a 6-10% uncertaintyin the expansionof this profile acrossthe crosssection. April flowsreflect the diurnal and synoptictimescalesfor differential heatingand coolingdiscussed in section3.1. Let us now take a closerlook at the magnitudeof the two majorflushingmechanisms in the wetland.Table 1 summarizes both the measuredAberjona River flow rates, QR, and the estimatedexchangeflow rates,AQ•,2 (see section2.2), at varioustimesduringthe two studyperiods.Table 1 showsthat the exchangeflowsare of the sameorder of magnitudeduring both studies,consistentwith the observationthat the driving forces,buoyancyand wind, do not vary significantly with season(section3.1). The goodagreementbetweenthe two independentestimatesof the exchange flows,AQ • and AQ2, is an indication of measurementaccuracy.The Aberjona River flows,however,are -20 times larger during the springstudy thanthe summerstudy.This leadsto a shiftin wetlandflushing regime.In springthe river is the dominantflushingmechanism, /XQ/QR <0.2, whereasin summerthe exchangeflowsbecome the dominantflushingmechanism,/X Q/Q• = 2-15. Sections 3.3 and 3.4 consider how this shift affects wetland circulation and flushingtimescales. 3.3. Wetland Circulation A changein AQ/Q• impliesa shiftin wetlandcirculation.In spring,whenthe circulationis river-dominated,/XQ/Q•< 1, flow ratesseverelyconstrainor evenfully arrestthe exchange flow.In July,however,the wetlandsurfaceand bottomcurrent speedsincreasetowardthe inlet (Figure5d). Sincethe water depth is also increasing,this accelerationsuggeststhat the wetlandinflow and outfloware tunneledfrom a wide portion of the wetland through the narrow channel to the lake as schematically illustratedon Figure5b. At the inlet constriction the flow is subcritical, G2 < i (Table 1), suggesting that summerexchangeflows in the Upper Mystic Lake are submaximal.This is alsoconsistent with Dalziel's[1992]hydraulic control theory,which predictsmaximalflow rates of 0.6-1.2 m3/sthatgenerally exceedthe observed flowratesat the lake inlet (Q• and Q2 in Table 1). Figure 5d alsoshowsthat the exchangeflow extendsfrom the lake acrossthe wetland and evenup into the upper forebay,as displayedby the upstream bed velocitymeasurednear the neck.The surfacewater temperaturesare graduallycoolingfrom 27øCat the neck to 25øC at the lake inlet. This suggestsa continuousentrainment of colderwater from the lower layer, similar to the sidearmcirculationobservedbyAdamsand Wells[1984]and modeled,for example,by Jain [1980]. 3.4. Wetland Flushing In the previoussectionthe wetlandcirculationwasshownto change fromjet flowin spring(Figure5a) to pointsinkflowin the flowat the lakeinletis supercritical basedon G2 ) i in the summerand fall (Figure5b). This changealsoaffectsthe Table 1. The dominance of inertial forces causes the river to behavelike a jet, whichindependentof the wind and buoyancy flushingdynamicsof the wetland. To evaluate the flushing takes the shortestpath acrossthe wetland (Figure 5a). In timescalesand provide additionalsupportto the circulation summer, however, the wetland circulation is exchange- describedabove,a slugof dyewasreleasedat the neck,andthe were monitoredat the lake inlet. The redominated,/XQ/Q• • 1, with buoyancyandwind asthe main dye concentrations drivingforces.Sincethe buoyancyforcingresultsfrom differ- sultsare shownon Figures5e and 5f. In April a substantial portion(20%) of the dyemassexitsthe entialheat absorptionbetweenthe wetlandand lake, it actson wetland in only 2.5 +_ 0.3 hours (Figure 5e). This is much the whole wetland. Consequently,this forcingis expectedto shorter than the nominal residencetime of 18 hours, defined as producea point sink at the lake inlet, with water drawnfrom all directions,as illustratedon the schematicFigure 5b. In the caseof nonuniformlyvegetatedwetlandsthe flow will draw preferentiallyfrom sparsely vegetatedareasthat offer the least flow resistance. the ratio between the wetland volume and total flow AH tnøm = QR+ AQ' (5) This short circuitingis consistentwith a jet-dominatedcirculation (Figure5a). Furthermore,the observedshort-circuiting timescaleof 2.5 hourscorrespondscloselywith what shallow jet theorypredictsfor the Upper Mystic Lake site configuration [Chu and Baines,1989].Also note that duringthe shortcircuitingperiod,higherdye concentrations occurat the western sideof the inlet (circleson Figure 5e) than at the center and easternside (solid lines and crosses),consistentwith a wetland, consistent withW2 ) i (Table1),andDalziel's [1992] linearjet trajectorybetweenthe wetlandentranceand the lake hydrauliccontrol theory,which predictsthat the high spring (Figure5a). Water speedand temperaturemeasurements in the wetland supportthe differentcirculationpatternsdescribedabove.Figure 5c showsthat in April the currentspeedsslowlydecrease alongthe trajectoryfrom the neckto the lake inlet, consistent with a river jet entrainingwater while it crossesthe wetland. Towardthe neck(x < 100 m) the warm riverjet occupiesall of the water column,as seenby the unidirectionalflow. The cold return flow from the lake is arrested halfway into the 3270 ANDRADOTTIR a) AND NEPF: TECHNICAL NOTE b) APRILAQ/QR< ! Circulation Zone lOO m 100 m Inlet Neck c) o Neck d) Inlet o 11 øC -50 -lOO -lOO E •' -150 N N -200 •o -200 -300 -250 -3OO -400. 0 5O 100 150 250 2OO 50 100 x (m) e) 0.2 ! O 150 200 25O x (m) , t norn f) o.1 ! tnora •, 1 day • tR• 18hrs tR= 13days 0.08 0.15 0.06 o0.1 '"•0.04 x x 0.05 0.02 x ,x 0 0 1 2 3 : 4 t (hrs) • 2 0 0 4 x 6 t (hrs) Figure 5. Wetlandcirculationandflushingregimes.Schematic of the (a) jet-dominatedcirculationin spring and (b) point sink circulationin summer(and fall). Longitudinaltemperatureand speedtransectfrom the neck to the lake inlet (c) on April 16 (11:00A.M. to 1:00 P.M.) and April 17 (8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.), respectively, and (d) on July30 (noonto 1:00P.M.) and July31 (11:00A.M. to 4:00 P.M.), respectively. Maximumdyeconcentrations measured overdepthat thewest(circles),center(solidlines),andeast(crosses) sideof the inlet normalizedby the injectedmass,Mo, followingthe slugreleaseson (e) April 17 (10:20A.M. to 3:20 P.M.) and (f) July30 (12:30-8:30 P.M.). In July,however,Figure5f showsthat it takesapproximately 3 timesas long (8 hours)for a similarportion (30%) of the injecteddyemassto leavethe wetland.In addition,the highest dyeconcentrations occurpersistentlyat the centerand eastern side of the lake inlet. Both of these observations are consistent with the point sink circulationdepictedin Figure 5b. Unlike April, the nominalflushingtimescaleof the wetlandcannotbe estimatedfrom (5) becauseAQ varieswith time duringthe summerstudy,often reversingat night as discussed in section 3.2. During suchunsteadyflow conditionsthe nominalflushing timescale,t.... or the timescalefor net transportof material through the wetland to the lake, can be assessed from the ANDRADOTTIR AND NEPF: TECHNICAL NOTE 4. 1.2 3271 Discussion The observations in the Upper MysticLake systemdemonstratetwo differentcirculationand flushingregimes.In spring, when river flow rates are high, the circulation is river- or 0.8 jet-dominated,whereasin summerthe circulationis exchangedominated.Many wetland-lakesystemsfollow similarseasonal 0.6 trendsin atmosphericheating and river flow rates as the one 0.4 studiedin this note and couldgo througha similartransition. Thereforeit is usefulto derivean expression for the magnitude 0.2 of the exchangeflowsbasedon readily availableinformation suchas site geometryand meteorologicalconditions.This al0 lowsus to assess the potentialimportanceof exchangeflows 0 10 20 30 40 50 prior to undertakingfield experimentsand can help guide futurestudies.Buildingupontheworkof FarrowandPatterson Figure 6. Fraction of massretained in the wetland after the to find an July30 dyerelease,basedon dyeandflowmeasurements at the [1993],we will make severalsimplifyingassumptions analytical solution for the exchange flow rates and later discuss lake inlet (t < 8 hours),and dyeconcentration measurements the limitationsof thoseassumptions. Let us start by considerat 6-15 locationsin the wetland(t > 8 hours). ing the heat budget.The one-dimensional governingequation for the mean water temperature,T, can be written as OT decayof dyemassleft in the wetland,Mleft(t), relativeto the injected mass, Mo, f• mleft(t) d! ZmleftA! /nom = M0 • M0 ' (6) Figure 6 displaysthe massof dye left in the wetlandfollowing the July slugrelease,estimatedfrom cumulativeoutflow(for t < 8 hours)andfrom concentration measurements withinthe wetland(for t > 8 hrs).For thesemeasurements, (6) yieldsan effectivewetland flushingtimescaleof 1.0 _+0.1 days.Alternatively,assuminga stirred reactor and fitting the measure- mentson Figure6 to an exponential decaycurvegives7 = 1.2 +_0.1 days,whichcompareswithin the uncertaintyto the previousestimate.Equating(5) with the resultsof (6) indicates that the unsteadyexchangeflow producesflushingequivalent to aneffective steadyexchange flowrate,AQ, of 0.6m3/s.This valuecorresponds closelyto the maximumexchangeflow observedduring this study (Table 1), suggestingthat the exchangeflow contributesefficientlyto the net flushingof the wetland,with little massreturningwhen the flow reverses. The significance of the exchangeflowson wetlandflushingis shownby comparingthe observednominal flushingtimescale (6) to the nominalflushingtimescaledue to river flowsonly ((5) with AQ = 0 and QR from Table 1), that is, OT 0 0--•+u0x pCph' (7) where u(z) is the water speedassociated with the exchange flows, 0 is the net heat flux per surfacearea assumedto be uniformilydistributed overdepthh, and p and Cp are the densityand specificheat of water,respectively. Note that h is typicallylimitedby the water depthin shallowsidearmsand the light absorptiondepth (Secchidepth)in deeperlakes.To decouple the thermal and momentum equations,we start by settingasidethe advectiveheat flux term u 0T/Ox. Differentiatingthe simplifiedversionof (7) alongtheflowaxis,x, yields the followinggoverningequationfor the longitudinaltemperature gradient: O00W•o O0 OS)h020x' Oh OW•o Ox 1-•-•-• (8) The first term on the right-handside of (8) representsthe feedback ofthetempera. turegradient onSurface heating which is generallyneglected.The next two termscorrespondto wind shelteringandsunshading,bothof whichcanbe importantin smalllittoralwetlandssurrounded byobstructions suchashills, trees, and buildings.In practice,however,estimatingthese termsis difficultasit requiresdetailedspatialmeasurements of both wind speeds,W•o, and incomingsolarradiation,S. The tR= Q-•-= 0.06m3/s - 13_+1days. remainingterm describesdifferential heat absorptionand is typicallythe biggestcontributorto differential heating and That tnom<< tR demonstrates that exchangeflowscan signifcooling.Therefore it is the sole term that will be kept in the icantlyenhancewetlandflushing,specifically in this systemby following analysis.Assumingthat the net surface heat flux a factor of 10. With this dramaticallyenhancedflushingthe variessinusoidally with period,P, and amplitude,A0, capacityof the wetlandto removecontaminantsand thermally mediate the temperatureof the lake inflow is impaired. Con0 = AOei2=t/P, (9) sequently,wetlandsthat exchangewith lakesplay a very different role in lake water quality than wetlands that do not andplugging(9) into (8) givesan estimatefor the temperature exchangewith lakes.Specifically,insteadof being considered gradientamplitudeas as transformers,they need to be consideredas "communicators" in the sensethat they communicatepropertiesfrom the • :2 '•- ß shoreline(e.g., watershedrunoffs)to the lake interior. This communication capacitywill be reducedif theselittoral regions are verydenselyvegetated,becauseof the dragimposedon the Similarly,but not shown,assumingthat the flow is viscousflow by the plants. dominatedand at a quasisteadystatewith the pressuregra- AH 51,600 x 1.3 m3 OT AOPoh 3272 ANDRADOTTIR AND NEPF: TECHNICAL NOTE dient,the exchangeflow ratesassociated with differentialheating and coolingcan be derivedas AQ=5.4x 10-3 •-•l gal OTAH3 Imz, where# istheacceleration of gravity, a = (1-2)10-4/øC isthe thermal expansivity, Kmz is the vertical diffusivityof momentum, andA andH are the cross-sectional area and depthat the sidearm/wetland entrance,respectively [Andrad6ttir,2000].Replacinga OT/Oxwith Op/Ox,this solutioncorresponds to the widelyusedHansenandRattay[1965]andOfficer[1976,p. 118] model for estuarinebarocliniccirculation.Incorporating(10) into (11), the magnitudeof the exchangeflowscan be compared to the river flowsto determinewhether and when density-drivenexchangeflowscontributesignificantlyto sidearm flushing.Similarly,plugging(10) into the Wedderburnnumber (2) determinesthe potential effects of winds in modifying freshwaterexchangeflows. For validation this analysisis used to predict the diurnal temperaturegradient and exchangeflow rates in the Upper MysticLake system.During summerand fall, Figure3b shows daily (P = 1 day) heat flux variationswith amplitudeA4>= sitygradientassociated with synoptic(P = 10-20 days)heating/cooling.Therefore(10) and (11) are not representative for the synopticflow variabilityat that site, and to predictthose flows,the coupledthermal and flow equationsmustbe solved numerically.The modelalsoassumes that the flow is at quasi steadystateand is viscous-dominated. Both assumptions hold reasonably well in shallowsidearmswith a mild densitygradientsuchaswetlands(basedonFarrowandPatterson [1993]and Monismithet al. [1990]).Also note that the modelpresented here dependsstronglyon Kmz, which may vary duringthe day as the exchangeflow progresses and with variablewind conditions. To the authors'knowledge,no work has been done to parameterizeKmz in terms of the flow conditionsin shallow freshwatersystems,so Kmz may ultimately need to be measuredat eachsiteusing,for example,a microstructuretemperature profiler. Last, our model does not accountfor bed friction and thus will overestimateflows in denselyvegetated systems. To conclude,this note presentsfield observations in a wetland-lake systemthat highlight the importanceof exchange flows to wetland flushingand the seasonalvariation of their importance.Specifically,during high spring flows the river dominatesthe wetland flushing,whereasin the dry summer, exchangeflowscan enhancewetlandflushingby a factorof 10 300-400 W/m2. Recallfrom section2.2 that A(b canbe esti- relative to river flushing.A one-dimensionaldecoupledheat mated basedon solar radiation,wind speed,cloud cover, air and flow model is found to predict well the magnitude of temperature,relative humidity and water temperaturemea- diurnal exchangeflows in the Upper Mystic Lake sidearm surements,the majority of which are available from local system,indicatingthat it can be a valuabletool for first-order weatherservices. The heat absorption gradient,Ioh/oxl, is assessment of the importanceof exchangeflowsin other shal0.04 m/m basedon the bottom slopealongthe lake inlet with low freshwater sidearms. 60-70 m2 cross-sectional areaand2.5m maximum depth.The samegradientcanbe derivedfrom the differencebetweenthe Acknowledgments.This work wasfundedby the NationalInstitute meanwetlandwater depth(1.5 m) and lake epilimniondepth of EnvironmentalHealth Sciences,SuperfundBasic ResearchPro(5 m) over the inlet length (-100 m). With this input, (10) gram, grant P42-ES04675.The authorswould like to thank Rocky yieldsIoT/oxl • o.007øC/mwhichcompares within10-20% Geyer for hisvaluableinsight;David Senn,Harry Hemond, and Terry to our observedamplitude of diurnal temperaturevariations Donohue for their help in designingthe field studies;David Senn, (-IøC on Figure3c) overa lengthof 100 +_30 m. On the basis Wendy Pabich, Katja Knauer, Jenny Jay, Dan Brabander,Carolyn of microstructure temperaturemeasurements at thissite [Nepf Oldham, Kathryn Linge, ChrissyReilly, Marnie Bell, Shu-FenYun, and Oldham,1997],Kmz -- O(10-4 m2/s),for which(11) yieldsan exchangeflow rate of collection. 9.8 x 1.5 x 10-4X AQ • 5.4 x 10-3 andDaniel Feller for their fieldworkparticipation.Specialthanksgo to the Winchesterand Medford boat clubsfor facilitatingour field data 0.007 x 65 x 2.5 3 10-4 • 0.6 m3/s, References Adams, E. E., and S. A. Wells, Field measurements on side arms of Lake Anna, VA, J. 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