Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template Department Name: Date of Review: Reviewer/Compliance Officer: Department Head or Dean completing review: QUESTIONS Section A: UAPS, RULES, AND PROCEDURES 1. Are all applicable UAP’s and Rules current? System Policy 01.01.01, System Policy 01.01, UAP 01.01.99.P0.01 NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Obtain a list of all UAP’s and/or Rules from the Compliance Office that is applicable to the department being reviewed and determine if current. 2. Does the department have a current SOP Manual or Departmental Procedures Manual? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Methodology: Obtain a copy of the SOP Manual or Departmental Procedures for the department being reviewed. 3. Do all employees have a copy of the SOP Manual or Departmental Procedures Manual and/or is a Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS copy of the SOP or Departmental Procedures Manual accessible for all employees? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Consult with the department to determine if the SOP Manual or Departmental Procedures Manual has been provided electronically or manually to all employees in the department being reviewed. 4. Have all employees been trained on the SOP Manual or Departmental Procedures Manual? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Methodology: Obtain documentation evidencing that training has been provided to all employees in the department being reviewed. If no documentation exists to evidence that employees have been trained on the SOP Manual or Departmental Procedures Manual, select a judgmental sample of employees and ask each if training has been provided. Section B: TRAINING & COMMUNICATION 5. Is all employees required training current? System Policy 33.05, System Regulation 33.05.01, System Regulation 33.05.02, Texas Government Code, Chapter 656, Subchapters C and D, Texas Labor Code, Section 21.010 Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS Methodology: Obtain a copy of the employees’ TrainTraq training records from the Office of Human Resources for the department being reviewed and determine if the required trainings have been completed. 6. Has professional development training opportunities been provided to the department? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Consult with the department and obtain a copy of development training records completed in the last year. 7. Does the department have regular staff meetings? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Methodology: Consult with the department and obtain a copy of recent agenda or minutes prepared. 8. Does department management update the staff after updates are received from executive management or other meetings? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS Methodology: Review the prior agenda/minutes obtained in #7 to determine what was communicated to staff. NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Section C: HUMAN RESOURCES 9. Does the department receive prior approval from the appropriate personnel for all employees working additional duties? System Regulation 31.01.01, UAP 31.01.01.P0.01 Methodology: Consult with the department and determine if any employees have been assigned additional working duties. For each employee that was given additional duties, obtain a copy of the approvals submitted to Payroll Services to process adjustments. 10. Have all employees performance evaluations been completed and submitted by the required due date? System Policy 33.99.03, SVPBA Memo FY14-43 Methodology: Consult with the department and/or Office of Human Resources to determine if performance evaluations have been completed and submitted by the required due date. Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS 11. Are all Position Description Questionnaires (PDQs) current and/or up to date to reflect the employees’ current job duties? NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Consult with the department and/or Office of Human Resources to determine if PDQs are current and up to date to reflect the employee’s current job duties. 12. Have goals and objectives been established within the department? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Methodology: Consult with department and select a sample of PDQ’s to determine if goals have been established and documented. Obtain departmental documentation to determine if the overall goals have been documented and tie to the employees PDQ goals. 13. Does the department have a high turnover rate? Methodology: Obtain an Employee Adloc report from the Office of Human Resources to identify those who were separated from the department being reviewed over the last year. Obtain an organizational chart from the department and compare to Adloc report to determine if the department has a high turnover. For this question, if 50% or more of the department’s population has separated from the Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS university in the last year, it will be deemed “high”. If department has a high turnover rate, additional analysis will also be conducted to determine other factors related to high turnover rates such as the age of the employees within the department, desire of employees to advance in other areas of the University, etc. 14. If the department has employees working alternate work schedules, did the department receive prior written approval from the department head or VP? UAP 33.06.01.P0.01, System Regulation 33.06.01 NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Obtain a copy of all approved or rescinded work schedules from the Office of Human Resources and/or the Payroll Office for the department being reviewed. Consult with the department to determine which employees currently work alternate schedules. Compare the information received from the department, Office of Human Resources, and/or the Payroll Office to determine if prior approvals were received as required. 15. Has all employees completed their Faculty Consulting and External Professional Employment Form for this fiscal year? System Policy 31.05.01 Faculty Consulting and External Professional Employment, VPBA Memo FY 15-02 ” External Employment”, System Policy 07.03 Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Obtain a sample of employees External Employment Form for the fiscal year reviewed and determine if the forms have been completed. 16. Has the department received any violations in regards to the Organizational Accountability UAP? UAP 33.99.99.P02, Organizational Accountability Methodology: Consult with the department, the Office of Human Resources, and the EEO Office to determine if the department has received any violations related to this UAP. 17. Has corrective action been taken to resolve violations mentioned above, if any? Methodology: Consult with the department, Office of Human Resources, and the EEO Office to determine if corrective actions have been taken. Section D: REVIEWS, AUDITS & INVESTIGATIONS 18. Has the department been audited internally and externally? System Policy 10.01, Texas Internal Auditing Act – Gov’t Code Chapter 2102 Methodology: Obtain a copy of the audit tracking reports from the Compliance Office and/or consult with Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS department being reviewed. 19. Were there any audit findings? NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Obtain a copy of the audit findings from the Compliance Office and consult with department being reviewed regarding any additional external audits. 20. Have all audit findings been cleared? Methodology: Consult with the Compliance Office to determine if audit findings have been cleared. 21. Has the department been involved in any complaints (Formal, EEO, and EthicsPoint Reports) over the last year? Methodology: Review EthicsPoint reports in the Compliance Office. Consult with the Office of Human Resources and the EEO Office to determine if the department being reviewed has been involved in any reports over the last year. 22. Were the EthicsPoint complaints mentioned in question #16 substantiated, if any? Methodology: Review EthicsPoint reports to determine if any complaints were substantiated. 23. Was the recommendations implemented and/or corrective action taken in response to substantiated EthicsPoint Complaints, if any? Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Review EthicsPoint reports in the Compliance Office and consult with the department being reviewed to determine if recommendations were implemented and/or if corrective action was taken. 24. Does the department perform periodic reviews or self-assessments to ensure goals are achieved and to ensure compliance with state, federal, and system requirements? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Methodology: Consult with the department to determine if selfassessments have been conducted. 25. Does the department receive or submit external reports? If so, list the reports. Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Methodology: Select a sample of external reports submissions, determine time requirements, and review for timely submissions to appropriate agencies. For critical high risk areas, expand review to determine if previously implemented corrective Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS actions are continually being conducted as intended. Section E: FISCAL AFFAIRS 26. Does the department collect cash or checks? UAP 21.01.02.P0.03, UAP 21.01.04.P0.02, UAP 21.05.01.P0.01,System Regulation 21.01.02, System Regulation 21.01.07, System Regulation 21.01.11, Texas Education Code Section 51.003, Texas Education Code Section 51.008, VPBA Memo FY 15-08 “Collection of Funds/Cash Handling” NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Consult with the department being reviewed to determine if the department collects cash or checks and determine which employees have these responsibilities. 27. Have all employees that handle cash received Cash Handling Training? Methodology: Obtain Cash Handling Training documentation from Treasury Services to identify all employees that have completed the training in the department being reviewed. 28. Has the department developed their Cash Handling Procedures and have these procedures been approved by Treasury Services? Methodology: Obtain a copy of the Cash Handling Procedures Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS from the department and review to identify Treasury Services’ approval signature. May need to consult with Treasury Services. 29. Does the department have accounts in Canopy? NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Run a list of accounts for the department being reviewed in Canopy to determine if the department being reviewed has accounts. 30. Does the department perform Monthly Statement of Account (MSA) Reviews? System Regulation 21.01.01, VPBA Memo FY 15-03 “Monthly Statements of Account Reviews (Monthly Canopy Report Review)” Methodology: Select a judgmental sample of accounts from the list of accounts in Canopy and consult with the department to determine if MSA reviews have been performed in the last year. 31. Was the MSA review organized in accordance with SVPBA Memo FY 13-06? Methodology: Using the sample from the previous question # 30, pull the MSA Checklist and review the department MSA reviews to determine if each has been organized as required. 32. Was there visible or written evidence of a MSA review? Methodology: Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS Using the sample from the previous question # 30, look for visible or written evidence of the MSA reviews. 33. Did the initial reviewer sign the MSA review by the 20th of each month? NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Using the sample from the question # 30, look for the initial reviewer’s signature on the MSA reviews and the date signed. 34. Did the account holder or designee sign the MSA review by the end of the month? Methodology: Using the sample from the question # 30, look for the account holder or designee’s signature on the MSA reviews and the date signed. 35. Are the MSA reviews current? Methodology: Using the sample from the question #30, determine if the MSA reviews are current. Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS 36. Has the Account Holder and Reconciler attended the MSA Training? NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Obtain MSA training completion certificates from UCO and/or Financial Services to determine if the Account Holder’s and Reconciler’s have attended the MSA training. Note: The Compliance Office began facilitating the MSA training in 2012. Prior to that time, trainings were facilitated by Ms. Theresa Augustin in Financial Services. She would have the training documents for individuals who completed training before 2012. 37. Are the department’s ProCard Accounts or Expense Reports reconciled and submitted to Accounts Payable by the 10th of each month? PVAMU PROCUREMENT CARD GUIDE Methodology: Consult with Accounts Payable to determine if the ProCard Accounts or Expense Reports for the department being interviewed were reconciled and submitted by the 10th of each month for the last year. 38. Does the department monitor their budget and/or is the budget reconciled monthly? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Methodology: Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS Consult with the individual responsible for monitoring the budget and review Excel spreadsheets and any other documentation that may be available to evidence any monitoring that has been conducted? Section F: TRAVEL 39. Are the department’s travel vouchers submitted within 15 working/business days after an employee returns to campus? Travel Guide NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Consult with the Travel Coordinator to determine if vouchers were submitted within 15 working/business days for the department being reviewed over the last year? Section G: ASSETS 40. Are you aware of the responsibilities for ensuring accountability of physical possession and control of assets within your department? VPBA FY 15-09 “Accountable Property Officer Responsibilities”, VPBA Memo FY 15-10 “Fixed Asset-Statement of Liability” Methodology: Consult with department head to determine if they are of their responsibilities. Obtain the Statement of Liability Form for the fiscal year reviewed. Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS 41. Has an annual inventory been conducted for the department? UAP 21.99.05.P0.01 NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Consult with department being reviewed and/or Asset Management to determine if an annual inventory has been conducted for the department. Obtained departments’ signed copy of the Certification of Physical Inventory form from Asset Management. 42. Did the department have any missing inventory upon completion of the annual inventory? Methodology: Consult with department being reviewed and/or Asset Management to determine if there was any missing inventory upon completion of the annual inventory. 43. Has corrective action been implemented or has follow-up taken place? Best practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Methodology: Consult with department being reviewed and/or Asset Management to determine what corrective action has been taken in response to the missing inventory. Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS Section H: RECORDS RETENTION 44. Have all old and/or outdated documents been destroyed based on the Records Retention Schedule? System Regulation 61.99.01, UAP 61.99.01.P0.01 NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Obtain a copy of the Records Retention Schedule and a copy of the department’s Records Destruction Form from Business Affairs to determine if all old and/or outdated documents have been destroyed accordingly. 45. Have completed Records Retentions forms been submitted to the Office of Business Affairs? Methodology: Obtain a copy of the Records Retention Forms from Business Affairs (or University Compliance) to determine if they are complete. Section I: INFORMATION SECURITY & SYSTEMS 46. Are emails that contain confidential or sensitive data encrypted as required by policy? UAP 29.01.03.P0.22 Methodology: Consult with the department being reviewed to determine if employees’ emails that contain confidential or sensitive data are sent encrypted. May need to contact the Information Security Office to determine if employees in the department being reviewed have the ability to encrypt to emails and/or has taken measures to Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS allow them to encrypt emails. NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS 47. Does the department use automated systems to collect data? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Methodology: Consult with the department being reviewed to determine if automated systems are used. If automated systems are used, inquire what automated systems are used and list those systems. 48. How has the department implemented internal processes to ensure data in the automated systems are accurate? Best Practice and Standards For The Professional Practice of Internal Auditing Methodology: Review department procedures to determine if there is separation of duties. There person reviewing the data for accuracy should not be the same person that inputs the data initially. Section J: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & SAFETY 49. Has the department received any Environmental Health and Safety Reviews or Lab Inspections? Revised September 2014 Prairie View A&M University University Compliance Office Compliance Administrative Review Template QUESTIONS UAP 24.01.01.P0.02 NOT APPLICABLE YES NO COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Methodology: Consult with the department and/or EHS to determine if EHS Safety reviews or Lab Reviews have been conducted in accordance with the UAP over the last year. Revised September 2014