Email from BU Jewish Cultural Endowment indicating acceptance of second grant proposal for Wagner In Context, in the amount of $4000. Friday, September 27, 2013 1:28 PM Dear Deborah and Jill, Again, congratulations! This $4000 grant is separate from any money you received in the past. You will need to submit all receipts from your program in order to receive reimbursement up to $4000. Please also see the guidelines below and make sure to fill out the evaluation form attached. Best, Diane TERMS OF JCE GRANT ACCEPTANCE The grantee must abide by the following guidelines: In regards to publicity: 1. A publicity plan of action must be submitted a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the event for approval from the board. 2. The publicity must be implemented at least 4 weeks prior to the event 3. Publicity should include flyers to departments, online advertising and, if appropriate, printed ads. 4. All publicity material must be emailed (NO HARD COPIES) to JCE staff administrator at the time they are sent out. Files may be sent as Word, PDF, or JPEG format. 5. All publicity material must include JCE sponsorship information/credit. If these guidelines are not met by the grantee, JCE will not be able to provide financial support for any part of the program. In regards to receipts: Receipts must be submitted no later than 30 days of the completion of the event being funded in order to receive monies granted. Original receipts are required. In regards to cut-off time for event/use of grant money: Approved grants must be used within 18 months. If they are not, applicant must reapply for funding. Diane Bensel Administrator Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies Boston University phone: (617) 353-8096 Email from the BU Jewish Cultural Endowment indicating acceptance of grant proposal for Wagner in Context. On 6/3/13 11:24 AM, JCE Endowment wrote: > Dear Deborah, > > I am writing to follow up with you about the grant proposal you submitted to the Jewish Cultural Endowment steering committee. At this time, the committee is very happy to approve funding in the total amount of $750. As you will note, this is the amount of money requested in order to fund the showing of Wagner's Jews, included in the addendum to your proposal. The committee strongly feels that this is a great event, and is providing funding for it on the condition that a the film be followed by a discussion or panel. > > The committee is very open to providing additional funds for your program, but would only be interested in funding explicitly Jewish content. Therefore, they have some questions for you. Can you please elaborate on what aspects of "Wagner in Context" will explicitly relate to Judaism, and in what way? Is the question of how Jewish people should interact with Wagner's music a central question of the event? If so, please explain. > > I will be happy to forward your responses to the committee. If you would not like to seek additional funding beyond $750, which has already been approved, let me know and we'll get you set up to receive those funds. > > Best, > > Lindsay