Oshkosh Northwestern, WI 03-15-07 Appleton workshop looks at fuel alternatives

Oshkosh Northwestern, WI
Appleton workshop looks at fuel alternatives
An alternative to high fuel prices is the subject of a one-day workshop cosponsored by Fox Valley Technical College and the University of WisconsinExtension from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on March 27 in the Agriculture Center at
FVTC's Appleton Campus.
Rudy Pruszko, Center for Industrial Research and Service from Iowa State
University, will present the basics of biodiesel production. Ken Walz of Madison
Area Technical College will discuss the chemical side of production, and Paul
Morschauser will demonstrate the biodiesel process and provide performance
In the afternoon, Chuck Linskens from CRL Engineering will discuss how his
farm is pressing soybeans and powering a generator to provide electricity for
milking cows. Kevin Jarek, UW-Extension crops and soils agent, will explain
growing of canola to press for oil. FVTC instructor Kevin Rauchholz will deliver
the topic feeding of co-products from the pressing process.
For information, contact Zen Miller at the UW-Extension at (920) 832-5119, or
visit www.co.outagamie.wi.us, go to agriculture and view the brochure.