PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 Multiparameter entangled-state engineering using adaptive optics 1 Cristian Bonato,1,2 David Simon,1 Paolo Villoresi,2 and Alexander V. Sergienko1,3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA 2 Department of Information Engineering, CNR-INFM LUXOR, University of Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy 3 Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 共Received 5 April 2009; published 5 June 2009兲 We investigate how quantum coincidence interferometry is affected by a controllable manipulation of transverse wave vectors in type-II parametric down-conversion using adaptive optics techniques. In particular, we discuss the possibility of spatial walk-off compensation in quantum interferometry and an effect of even-order spatial aberration cancellation. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.062304 PACS number共s兲: 03.67.Bg, 42.50.St, 42.50.Dv, 42.30.Kq I. INTRODUCTION Quantum entanglement 关1兴 is a valuable resource in many areas of quantum optics and quantum information processing. One of the most widespread techniques for generating entangled optical states is spontaneous parametric downconversion 共SPDC兲 关2–5兴. SPDC is a second-order nonlinear optical process in which a pump photon is split into a pair of new photons with conservation of energy and momentum. The phase-matching relation establishes conditions to have efficient energy conversion between the pump and the downconverted waves, called signal and idler. This condition also sets a specific relation between the frequency and the emission angle of down-converted radiation. In other words, the quantum state emitted in the SPDC process cannot be factorized into separate frequency and wave-vector components. This leads to several interesting effects where the manipulation of a spatial variable affects the shape of the polarizationtemporal interference pattern. For example, the dependence of polarization-temporal interference on the selection of collected wave vectors was studied in detail in 关6兴. Here we engineer the quantum state in the space of transverse momentum and we study how this spatial modulation is transferred to the polarization-spectral domain by means of quantum interferometry. We will focus on type-II SPDC using birefringent phase matching since the correlations between wave vectors and spectrum are stronger than those employing other phase-matching conditions. Our aim is twofold. From one point of view, we study the effect of spatial modulations on temporal quantum interference. This could be useful, for example, in quantum optical coherence tomography 共QOCT兲 关7,8兴. When focusing light on a sample with nonplanar surface, the photons will acquire a spatial phase distribution in the far field, which may perturb the shape of the interference dip. Our results will provide a tool to understand this effect. From a second point of view, we would like to study and characterize spatial modulation as a tool for quantum state engineering. This may find application in the field of quantum information processing, where it is important to gain a high degree of control over the production of quantum entangled states entangled in one or more degrees of freedom 共hyperentanglement兲. We start by introducing a theoretical model of a type-II quantum interferometer, comprising the polarization, spec1050-2947/2009/79共6兲/062304共11兲 tral, and spatial degrees of freedom 共Sec. II兲. A modulation in the wave-vector space is provided by an adaptive optical setup and equations for the polarization-temporal interference pattern in the coincidence rate are derived. In Sec. III, we introduce a numerical approach for practical evaluation of the results of the theoretical model, discussing a few examples for general spatial aberrations. In Sec. IV we will highlight and discuss theoretically two interesting special cases. The first one is the possibility of restoring high visibility in type-II quantum interference with large collection apertures. In some situations, to collect a higher photon flux or a broader photon bandwidth, it can be useful to enlarge the collection apertures of the optical system. But when dealing with type-II SPDC in birefringent crystals, for large collection apertures the effect of spatial walkoff introduces distinguishability between the photons, leading to a reduced visibility of temporal and polarization quantum interference. We will show that high visibility can be restored with a linear phase shift along the vertical axis. The second effect is the spatial counterpart of spectral dispersion cancellation 关9,10兴. In the limit of large detection apertures, the correlations between the photons’ momenta will cancel out the effects of even-order aberrations, exactly as in the limit of slow detectors the frequency correlations cancel out the even-order terms of spectral dispersion. The experimental demonstration of this effect has been reported recently 关11兴. As we proceed from the general case of Secs. II and III into the specific examples of Sec. IV, we will gradually see that optical aberration is a subject with two very different faces. On one hand, aberrations in optical components are normally seen as undesirable, since they lead to distortions in imaging. We will see that these unwanted spatial modulations may to some extent be canceled. On the other hand, we will find that such spatial modulations may also be turned into a useful tool: by deliberately introducing spatial modulations 共in effect, purposely adding aberrations in a controlled manner兲, we can produce useful effects such as the restoration of visibility mentioned above. The examples we provide in Sec. IV will illustrate these two aspects and will show that both can benefit from more detailed study of the interplay between spatial modulations and spectral correlations. 062304-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 BONATO et al. In paraxial approximation 兩q兩2 Ⰶ k2共⍀兲, so that 共q,⍀兲 ⬇ k共⍀兲 − 兩q兩2 . 2k共⍀兲 共5兲 For a quasimonochromatic wave packet centered around the frequency ⍀0, one can write ⍀ = ⍀0 + , with Ⰶ ⍀0. This expression can be approximated by FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Scheme of the proposed setup. Horizontally polarized photons from type-II SPDC are assigned a phase dependent on the photon transverse momentum o共qo兲, while the vertically polarized ones are assigned a phase e共qe兲. The modulated photons enter a type-II quantum interferometer, which records the coincidence count rate as a function of the delay between the photons given by an appropriate delay line. 共q,⍀兲 ⬇ k0 + 兩q兩2 − , u0 2k0 共6兲 −1 is the group velocity where k0 = k共⍀0兲 and u0 = 共兩 dk共⍀兲 d⍀ 兩⍀=⍀0兲 for the propagation of the wave packet through the material. B. State generation II. THEORETICAL MODEL Consider the scheme in Fig. 1. A laser beam pumps a 共2兲 nonlinear material phase matched for type-II parametric down-conversion, creating a pair of entangled photons. Each of the generated photons passes through a Fourier-transform system, and then enters a modulation system which transforms transverse wave vectors for the horizontally 共H兲 polarized photon according to the transfer function G1共q1兲 and for the vertically 共V兲 polarized photon according to G2共q2兲. After being modulated in q space, the photons enter a type-II interferometer. A nonpolarizing beam splitter 共BS兲 creates polarization entanglement from the polarization-correlated pair emitted by the source. The beams at the output ports of the beam splitter are directed toward two single-photon detectors. Two polarizers at 45° before the BS restore indistinguishability in the polarization degree of freedom. An adjustable delay line is scanned and the coincidence rate R共兲 between the detection events of the two detectors is recorded. An aperture is placed before the beam splitter to select an appropriate collection angle. Using first-order time-dependent perturbation theory, the two-photon state at the output of the nonlinear crystal can be calculated as 兩典 ⬃ − k = 关q, 共q;⍀兲兴. HI共t兲 = n共⍀兲⍀ . k共⍀兲 = c 共2兲 The longitudinal component of the wave vector is 共q,⍀兲 = 冑k2共⍀兲 − 兩q兩2 . 共3兲 Therefore the electric field at the position r and time t can be written as E共r;t兲 = where = 共x , y兲. 冕 冕 dq d⍀Ẽ共q,⍀兲e−iq·e−i共q;⍀兲zei⍀t , dtHI共t兲兩0典, 共7兲 1 V 冕 共−兲 共−兲 dr共2兲共r兲E共+兲 p 共r,t兲Es 共r,t兲Ei 共r,t兲. 共8兲 The strong, undepleted pump beam can be treated classically. Assuming a monochromatic plane wave propagating along the z direction, E p共r,t兲 = E pei共kpz−pt兲 . 共9兲 The signal and idler photons are described by the following quantum field operators: Ê共−兲 j 共r,t兲 = 冕 冕 dq j d jei关共q j, j兲z+q j·− jt兴â共q j, j兲, 共10兲 where j = e , o. The biphoton quantum state at the output plane of the nonlinear crystal is 关12兴 兩典 = 共1兲 The wave number is 冕 where the interaction Hamiltonian is A. Notation Consider a monochromatic plane wave of complex amplitude E共r兲 = E0e−ik·r, with r = 共x , y , z兲. For a given wavelength , corresponding to a frequency ⍀, the wave vector can be split into a transverse component q = 共qx , qy兲 and a longitudinal component 共q ; ⍀兲: i ប 冕 冕 dq d⌽̃共q, 兲â†o共q,⍀0 + 兲â†e 共− q,⍀0 − 兲兩0典. 共11兲 Two photons are emitted from the nonlinear crystal, one horizontally polarized 共ordinary photon兲 and the other vertically polarized 共extraordinary photon兲, with anticorrelated frequencies and emission directions. In the case of a single bulk crystal of thickness L and constant nonlinearity o, the probability amplitude for having the signal photon in the mode 共q , ⍀0 + 兲 and the idler in the mode 共−q , ⍀0 − 兲 is 冋 ⌽̃共q, 兲 = sinc 共4兲 册 L⌬共q, 兲 i关⌬共q,兲L/2兴 e . 2 共12兲 For type-II collinear degenerate phase matching, the phasemismatch function ⌬共q , 兲 can be approximated to be 062304-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 MULTIPARAMETER ENTANGLED-STATE ENGINEERING… ⌬共q, 兲 = − D + Mê2 · q + 2兩q兩2 , kp 共13兲 where D is the difference between the inverse of the group velocities of the ordinary and extraordinary photons inside the birefringent crystal and the quadratic term in q is due to diffraction in paraxial approximation. The remaining term is the first-order approximation for the spatial walkoff. 1. State engineering section In the state engineering section, each of the two branches consists of a pair of achromatic Fourier-transform systems coupled by a spatial light modulator or a deformable mirror. Each Fourier-transform system consists of a single lens of focal length f, separated from the optical elements before and after it by a distance f. The first Fourier system maps each incident transverse wave vector q on the plane ⌸in to a point x共q兲 on the Fourier plane ⌸F: C. Propagation Consider a photon described by the operator â j共q , ⍀兲 共polarization j = e , o, frequency ⍀, and transverse momentum q兲. Its propagation through an optical system to a point xk on the output plane is described by the optical transfer function H j共xk , q ; ⍀兲. In our setup, the field at the detector will be a superposition of contributions from the ordinary and extraordinary photons. The quantized electric fields at the detector planes are ÊA共+兲共xA,tA兲 = 冕 冕 dq deitA关He共xA,q; 兲âe共q, 兲 + Ho共xA,q; 兲âo共q, 兲兴, ÊB共+兲共xB,tB兲 = 冕 冕 dq x共q兲 = h1共x1,x3兲 = 共14兲 A共xA,xB ;tA,tB兲 = 冕 dqodqedode⌽共qo,qe ; o, e兲 ⫻关He共xA,qe ; e兲Ho共xB,qo ; o兲e−i共etA+otB兲 + Ho共xA,qo ; o兲He共xB,qe ; e兲e−i共otA+etB兲兴. 共17兲 dxG共x兲e−i共k0/f兲x·共x1+x3兲 . 共18兲 冋 册 f q1 ␦共q1 − q3兲. k0 共19兲 2. Interferometer After the plane ⌸out the two photons enter a type-II quantum interferometer. Each propagates in free space to a birefringent delay line and a detection aperture p共x兲 to be finally focused to the detection planes by means of lenses of focal length f 0. Following the derivation in 关6兴 the transfer function is 共16兲 This probability amplitude represents the superposition of two possible events leading to a coincidence count in the detectors: 共1兲 the V polarized photon with momentum qe and frequency e going through the lower branch to arrive at position xA in detector A, while the H polarized photon with momentum qo and frequency o goes through the upper branch to arrive at position xB in detector B; and 共2兲 the V polarized photon with momentum qe and frequency e going through the lower branch to arrive at position xB in detector B, while the H polarized photon with momentum qo and frequency o goes through the upper branch to arrive at position xA in detector A. Since the superposition is coherent, there are quantuminterference effects between the two probability amplitudes. 冕 H1共q1,q3兲 = G 共15兲 For the biphoton probability amplitude we get ⍀0 , c The corresponding momentum-transfer function is The probability amplitude for detecting a photon pair at the detector planes, with space-time coordinates 共xA , tA兲 and 共xB , tB兲, is A共xA,xB ;tA,tB兲 = 具0兩ÊA共+兲共xA,tA兲ÊB共+兲共xB,tB兲兩典. k0 = where f is the focal length of the Fourier-transform system. Since we assume that the system is achromatic for a certain bandwidth around a central frequency ⍀0, the position x共q兲 depends only on q and not on . The spatial modulator assigns a different amplitude and phase to the light incident on each point, as described by the function G共x兲 = t共x兲ei共x兲. Each point is then mapped back to a wave vector on the plane ⌸out by the second achromatic Fourier-transform system. Using the formalism of Fourier optics 关13兴, the transfer function between the planes ⌸in and ⌸out can be calculated to be deitB关He共xB,q; 兲âe共q, 兲 + Ho共xB,q; 兲âo共q, 兲兴. f q, k0 H2共xi,q; 兲 = 冕 h共x1,xi ; 兲eiq·x1dx1 冋 = ei共/c兲共d1+d2+f 0兲 exp − i 2 ⫻e−i共cd1/2兲兩q兩 P̃ 冉 冉 冊册 兩xi兩2 d2 −1 2cf 0 f 0 冊 xi − q , cf 0 共20兲 where P̃共q兲 is the Fourier transform of 兩p共x兲兩2. A combination of the two different stages is described by the transfer function H␣共xj,q␣ ; ␣兲 = G␣ 冋 册 f q␣ H2共xj,q␣ ; 兲, k0 共21兲 where the two functions G1共q兲 and G2共q兲 are the momentum-transfer functions which describe the modulation 062304-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 BONATO et al. imparted, respectively, on the ordinary and the extraordinary photons. D. Detection Since the single-photon detectors used in quantum optics experiments are slow with respect to the temporal coherence of the photons and their area is larger than the spot onto which the photons are focused by the collection lens, we integrate over the spatial and temporal coordinates. Therefore the coincidence count rate expressed in terms of the biphoton probability amplitude is R共兲 = 冕 冕 冕 冕 dxA dxB dtA dtB兩A共xA,xB ;tA,tB兲兩2 . 共22兲 Following the derivation described in Appendix A, one gets 冋 冉 冊 册 R共兲 = R0 1 − ⌳ 1 − 2 W M 共兲 , DL where ⌳共x兲 is the triangular function ⌳共x兲 = 再 1 − 兩x兩, 兩x兩 ⱕ 1 兩x兩 ⬎ 1. 0, 冎 共23兲 共24兲 Therefore, the coincidence count rate R共兲 is given by the summation of a background level R0 and an interference pat2 tern given by the triangular dip ⌳共1 − DL 兲 that one gets when working with narrow apertures, modulated by the function W M 共兲 which depends on the details of the adaptive optical system. The expressions for R0 and W M 共兲 are R0 = 冕 冕 dq⬘ sinc关MLê2 · 共q − q⬘兲兴 dq ⫻Gⴱ1 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 f f f q G1 q⬘ Gⴱ2 − q k0 k0 k0 ⫻G2 − f 2 2 q⬘ e−i共ML/2兲ê2·共q−q⬘兲ei共2d1/kp兲关兩q兩 −兩q⬘兩 兴 k0 ⫻P̃A共q − q⬘兲P̃B共− q + q⬘兲 共25兲 and W M 共兲 = 1 R0 冕 冕 冉 dq 冋 III. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS FOR A GENERAL PHASE SHIFT Numerically solving for the quantities in Eqs. 共25兲 and 共26兲 in the case of a general aberration may be computationally demanding. Here, we propose an approximation, valid in the case where the function G共x兲 changes smoothly over the mirror surface, as it is the case in experimentally relevant situations. This model is also interesting from the practical point of view, since in many cases adaptive optical systems are implemented using spatial light modulators or segmented deformable mirrors, where the modulation surface is partitioned into small pixels. Suppose we partition the Fourier plane ⌸F into small squares 共pixels兲 of side d 共Fig. 2兲. Let us define the rectangular function dq⬘ sinc MLê2 · 共q + q⬘兲⌳ 冊册 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 2 ⫻ 1− DL FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Example of the numerical approach adopted to evaluate Eqs. 共25兲 and 共26兲. The spatial modulation surface is discretized in sufficiently small squares over which the phase is averaged. Gⴱ1 ⌸共x兲 = f f f q G1 q⬘ Gⴱ2 − q k0 k0 k0 0 if 兩x兩 ⬎ 1 if 兩x兩 ⬍ 1 2 1 2. 冎 共27兲 The pixel 共l , m兲 is identified by f 2 2 ⫻G2 − q⬘ e−i共M/D兲ê2·共q−q⬘兲ei共2d1/kp兲关兩q兩 −兩q⬘兩 兴 k0 ⫻P̃A关q + q⬘兴P̃B关− 共q + q⬘兲兴. 再 l,m共x,y兲 = ⌸ 共26兲 冋 册冋 册 x y +l ⌸ +m , d d selecting the area In the following we will assume there is spatial modulation only on one of the photons; therefore we set G2共q兲 ⬅ 1. 062304-4 共l − 21 兲d ⬍ x ⬍ 共l + 21 兲d, 共28兲 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 MULTIPARAMETER ENTANGLED-STATE ENGINEERING… 共m − 21 兲d ⬍ y ⬍ 共m + 21 兲d. 共29兲 e i 兺 l,m We approximate the value of the phase in each square by the mean value of the actual phase within the square: 1 lm = 2 d 冕 冋 册冋 册 x y +l ⌸ +m . dxdy 共x,y兲⌸ d d l,m⌸关共x/d兲+l兴⌸关共y/d兲+m兴 l,m R共兲 ⬇ 兺 兺 e−ilm−,␣lIm共兲, 共31兲 l,m , l,m In this case 共see Appendix B for a justification兲 冕 冕 冋 dQx⌸ dqx and Im,共兲 = 册冋 dQy⌸ 冋 册冋 冉 冊册 P关qy + Qy兴P关− 共qy + Qy兲兴. 册 再 冋 2 fx − 共m + 兲 sinc MLx⌳ 1 − kd DL dxP̃共x兲⌳ I m共 兲 = 冕 dxP̃共x兲⌳ 再 冉 ⫻sinc 2 DL 2dd1 fx fx − 共l + 兲 sinc x⌳ − 共l + 兲 kd f kd 冕 共34兲 册 冋 ␣l = and 册 2 2 f f qy − m ⌸ Qy − e j共2d1/kp兲共qy −Qy 兲e−j共M/D兲共qy−Qy兲 kd kd ⫻Sinc ML共qy + Qy兲⌳ 1 − Performing the integrations one gets 共33兲 where 2 2 f f qx − l ⌸ Qx − e j共2d1/kp兲共qx −Qx 兲P关qx+Qx兴P关−共qx+Qx兲兴 kd kd 冕 冕 冋 dqy x y +l ⌸ +m . d d Substituting this expression into Eq. 共23兲 and collecting the integrations, one finds That is, ␣l = 冋 册冋 册 共32兲 共30兲 ei共x,y兲 ⬇ 兺 eil,m⌸关共x/d兲+l兴⌸关共y/d兲+m兴 . = 兺 eil,m⌸ 冋 册冎 ei共dd1/f兲共l−兲x 册 再 冋 册冎 冊冋 册冎 2kd 2d1 fx M − 共m + 兲 x− ⌳ f kp D kd ei共kd/f兲关共2d1/kp兲x−共M/D兲兴共m−兲 . 共35兲 共36兲 共37兲 A similar expression can be found for the background coincidence rate: 共x兲 共y兲 R0 ⬇ 兺 兺 e−i共lm−,兲Rl R m , 共38兲 l,m , where 共x兲 Rl = 冕 and 共y兲 Rm = 冕 dxP̃共x兲⌳ 冋 dxP̃共x兲⌳ 冋 册 再 冋 2dd1 fx fx − 共l − 兲 sinc x⌳ − 共l − 兲 kd f kd 再 冋 册 册冎 2dd1 fx fx − 共m − 兲 sinc共MLx兲sinc x⌳ − 共m − 兲 kd f kd The advantage of our numerical approach is that one can 共y兲 共x兲 , Rm calculate and tabulate the functions Rl , ␣l, and Im共兲 for a given configuration, determined by the focal length f, the shape of the detection apertures, the width of the deformable optics, and the distance between the crystal and the ei共dd1/f兲共l+兲x 册冎 ei关共dd1/f兲共m+兲−ML/2兴x . 共39兲 共40兲 detectors. Then, to calculate the shape of the interference pattern for a certain phase distribution on the adaptive optics, one just needs to change the coefficient of a linear combination of the tabulated functions. This can be a helpful tool for studying the effect of specific aberrations on the temporal 062304-5 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 BONATO et al. R0 = P̃A共0兲P̃B共0兲 and 冋 WG共兲 = Sinc ⫻ 冋 冉 2 M 2Lk p ⌳ 1 − 2d1D DL 册冋 共41兲 冊册 P̃A 册 Mk p Mk p ê2 P̃B − ê2 . 2d1D 2d1D 共42兲 The shape of the interference pattern is essentially given by the product of the triangular function by the Fourier transform of the aperture function, centered at = 0. For physically relevant parameters the sinc function is almost flat in the region where the triangular function is not zero. To get an analytic result one may assume Gaussian detection apertures of radius RG centered along the system’s optical axis: p共x兲 = e−兩x兩 2/2R2 G . 共43兲 In this case the solution is quite simple: 冋 冉 冊 册 R共兲 = R0 1 − ⌳ 1 − FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Examples of the shape of the polarization quantum-interference dip with two different spatial phase modulations 共in black the unperturbed dip, in red the modulated one兲. In the upper figure the effect of a small amount of coma along the vertical axis is shown. In the lower figure a more complicated superposition of aberrations affects dramatically the shape of the dip. interference or to engineer the shape of the Hong-Ou-Mandel 共HOM兲 dip. Some examples of how the temporal quantuminterference dip is modulated by a generic spatial phase shift are reported in Fig. 3, for coma 共upper plot兲 and a superposition of several different aberrations 共lower plot兲. The interference visibility clearly degrades in presence of wave-front aberrations. IV. PARTICULAR CASES In this section we will discuss the quantum-interference pattern, described by Eq. 共23兲, for a few simple cases. First we will consider the case when no spatial modulation is assigned to the photons and Eq. 共23兲 will reduce to the results already described in the literature for quantum interferometry with multiparametric entangled states from type-II downconversion 关6兴. Then we will examine the effect of a linear phase, describing its implications for the compensation of the spatial walkoff between the two photons. Finally we will describe what happens in the approximation of sufficiently large detection apertures, introducing the effect of even-order aberration cancellation. A. No phase modulation Applying no phase modulation, our equations reduce to the ones derived in 关6兴. Particularly we find 2 −2/22 1 , e DL 共44兲 with 1 = 2d1D . k pMRG 共45兲 Typically, sharp circular apertures are used in experiments. In this case, the function P̃关q兴 is described in terms of the Bessel function J1共x兲. For a circular aperture of radius R, P̃关q兴 = J1共2R兩q兩兲 . R兩q兩 共46兲 However the Gaussian approximation is still a good one if the width RG of the Gaussian is taken to roughly fit the Bessel function 共of width R兲: in our case we take RG = R / 共2冑2兲. Therefore Eq. 共44兲 is still approximately valid in the case of sharp circular apertures, just taking 1 = 4冑2d1D . k pMRB 共47兲 Mathematically, in Eq. 共44兲 the interference pattern is given by the multiplication of a triangular function centered at = DL / 2 by a Gaussian function centered at = 0. The width of the Gaussian function 1 decreases with increasing radius of the aperture RB. Therefore, in the small-aperture approximation, the width of the Gaussian is so large that it is approximately constant between = 0 and = DL / 2, giving the typical triangular dip found in quantum-interference experiments. On the other hand, increasing the aperture size, the width of the Gaussian function decreases, reducing the dip visibility 共see Fig. 4兲. Physically, this can be explained by the fact that by increasing the aperture size we let more wave vectors into the system, and so the spatial walkoff in type-II interferometry introduces distinguishability, reducing 062304-6 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 1 1 0.8 0.8 V (τ) V (τ) MULTIPARAMETER ENTANGLED-STATE ENGINEERING… 0.6 0.4 0.4 1 mm 3 mm 5 mm 10 mm 0.2 0 0 0.6 1 mm 3 mm 5 mm 10 mm 0.2 100 τ (fs) 200 0 300 FIG. 4. On the right side we can see the interference patterns with three different detector aperture sizes: the corresponding aperture functions are shown on the left side. the interference visibility. Enlarging the aperture sizes is often useful in practice, for example, to get a higher photon flux. Moreover, since in the SPDC process different frequency bands are emitted at different angles, it may be necessary to open the detection aperture in applications where a broader bandwidth is needed. This is clearly a problem when using type-II phase matching in birefringent crystals, since the visibility of temporal and polarization interference gets drastically reduced. 0 100 τ (fs) FIG. 5. Quantum-interference pattern for different detector aperture sizes, introducing a linear modulation of the deformable mirror, in order to restore the indistinguishability between the photons, decreased by the spatial walkoff in the generation process. s1y = 共x兲 = s1 · x, 冋 ⫻ 冋 冉 2 M 2Lk p ⌳ 1 − 2d1D DL 册冋 共48兲 冊册 tan = 册 共54兲 共55兲 C. Large-aperture approximation 共50兲 To get the highest possible visibility, the center of the modulation function must be matched to the center of the triangular dip, DL , 2 ML . 4f = 0.14 mrad. If we compare Eq. 共49兲 with Eq. 共44兲 we can see that the structure is the same. We again have a triangular function centered at = DL / 2, along with two aperture functions. But this time, instead of being centered at = 0, the aperture functions can be shifted at will along the axis. Suppose we now apply a tilt along the y axis 共s1x = 0兲. The modulation function is then shifted to center = 共53兲 In the case of a 1.5 mm crystal, with M = 0.0723 共pump at 405 nm, SPDC at 810 nm兲 and lenses with focal length of 20 cm in the 4f system, we get P̃A 共49兲 fD s1y . k0 M 共52兲 共x兲 = 2k0 tan y = s1y y. Mk p Mk p ê2 + 2fs1 P̃B − ê2 − 2fs1 . 2d1D 2d1D center = k0ML . 2f In the case of a reflective system, in which the phase modulation is implemented by means of a deformable mirror 共Fig. 5兲, tilted by an angle , Suppose now we introduce a linear phase function with the spatial light modulator, along the direction s1, W M 共兲 = Sinc 300 Therefore, the amount of tilt necessary to restore high visibility is B. Linear phase shift we get 200 共51兲 If the detection apertures are large enough for the P̃i function to be successfully approximated by a delta function, we get W M 共兲 = 冕 冉 冊 冉 冊 dqGⴱ1 f f q G1 − q e−i共2M/D兲ê2·q . 共56兲 k0 k0 Suppose that the spatial modulator is a circular aperture with radius r, with unit transmission and phase modulation described by the function 共x兲, G1共x兲 = 再 0 e i共x兲 if 兩x兩 ⬎ r if 兩x兩 ⬍ r. 冎 共57兲 In this case the function 共x兲 can be expanded on a set of polynomials which are orthogonal on the unit circle, such as the Zernicke polynomials: so that 共q兲 = 兺 兺 nmRmn 共兲cos共m兲, n 062304-7 m PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 BONATO et al. FIG. 6. Plot of the values of 兩␣l,兩2, for l , = −100, . . . , +100. The radius of the detection apertures is R = 5 mm, the distance between the exit plane of the modulation section and the detection apertures is d − 1 = 1 m, and the size of the modulation pixels is d = 25 m. Clearly only the diagonal elements are nonzero, i.e., the ones for which = −l. In this situation the effect of even-order aberration cancellation is present. m = − n,− n + 2,− n + 4, . . . ,n, 共58兲 where q = 共 cos , sin 兲. To calculate 共−q兲 we note that −q = 关 cos共 + 兲 , sin共 + 兲兴, so 共− q兲 = 兺 兺 Rmn 共兲cos关m共 + 兲兴. n 共59兲 m If m is even then cos关m共 + 兲兴 = cos共m兲; otherwise if m is odd cos关m共 + 兲兴 = 共−cos m兲. Therefore 共q兲 − 共− q兲 = 2 兺 兺 nmRmn 共兲cos共m兲. 共60兲 n m odd So, only the Zernicke polynomials with m odd contribute to the shape of the interference pattern. This effect is the spatial counterpart of the dispersion cancellation effect, in which only the odd-order terms in the Taylor expansion of the spectral phase survive. The experimental demonstration of this effect was recently reported in 关11兴. An interesting question is how large the detection apertures should effectively be, in order to obtain the even-order aberration cancellation effect. According to the numerical approach proposed in Sec. IV, the even-order aberration cancellation effect manifests itself in the limit where P̃共x兲 ⬇ ␦共x兲, so that ␣l, → ␦共l + 兲. 共61兲 In Fig. 6, a plot of the value for ␣l, is shown for typical values of the relevant experimental parameters 共detection aperture radius R = 5 mm, detection distance d1 = 1 m, and size d = 0.1 mm of each pixel in the Fourier plane of the adaptive optical system兲. Clearly, only the diagonal elements 共the ones for which l = −兲 are significant, suggesting that the effect of even-order aberration cancellation may be observable for most typical experimental parameters. To get an idea of what happens for different experimental conditions, we can compute the ratio between the intensities FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 Plot of the ratio 0 between the intensities of the nondiagonal coefficient ␣01 and the diagonal coefficient ␣00 as a function of the radius of Gaussian detection apertures, R, for different values of the distance between the exit plane of the modulation section and the detection apertures 共d1 = 1 , 10, 100 cm兲. On the upper plot the size of the modulation pixel d is d = 0.5 mm, while in the second case it is d = 0.25 mm. Clearly, for experimentally interesting cases, the off-diagonal coefficient is at least 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the diagonal one, leading to evenorder aberration cancellation. of the nondiagonal coefficient ␣01 and the diagonal coefficient ␣00: 兩␣01兩2 0 = . 共62兲 兩␣00兩2 The lower the value for 0 is, the less significant the coefficients for ⫽ −l are: the even-order aberration cancellation effect will therefore manifest itself more clearly. Values for 0 are shown in Fig. 7 for two different cases. In both pictures, the value of 0 is shown as a function of the Gaussian detection aperture radius R, for three different values of the distance between the plane ⌸3 and the detection lenses d1. In the upper panel, the size of each small square in which the spatial phase is assumed to be constant is d = 0.5 mm, while in the second case it is d = 0.25 mm. In both cases 0 is significantly smaller than 1, and it becomes smaller and smaller, increasing the value of the detection aperture radius. However, 0 is smaller for larger values of d, implying that the spatial variability of the modulation phase plays a role in the degree of even-order cancellation of the modulation itself. It turns out that for the aberration cancellation effect to appear, it is in fact only necessary for one aperture to be large and for one detector to be integrated over. This is sufficient to produce the transverse-momentum delta functions that lead to even-order cancellation. To demonstrate this, we 062304-8 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 MULTIPARAMETER ENTANGLED-STATE ENGINEERING… can, for example, consider the case where the aperture at B is large, and the detector at B is integrated over, while the aperture at A is taken to be finite, with detector A treated as pointlike. The location of the pointlike detector will hence- W共0兲共x,q,q⬘, 兲 = e−共icd/⍀0兲共q W共x,q,q⬘, 兲 = e−共icd/⍀0兲共q 2−q 2兲 ⬘ 2−q 2兲 ⬘ 再冉 冊 冉 Q̃ q + 冊 再冉 冊 冉 Q̃ q + 冊 2/k 兲关共2/D兲+L兴 p 冉 冊冋 冉 冊 冉 冉 冊 冉 冊册 2q2L kp + Q̃ − q + Q̃ q + ⍀ 0x ⴱ ⍀ 0x Q̃ − q − cf 0 cf 0 ⍀ 0x ⴱ ⍀ 0x Q̃ q − cf 0 cf 0 冊 冎 冉 冊 冉 冊 共63兲 冎 共64兲 共65兲 dqei关共q兲−共−q兲兴e共2iM /D兲e2·qe共2iq ⫻Sinc 冊 冉 ⍀ 0x ⍀ 0x ⍀ 0x ⍀ 0x Q̃⬘ − q⬘ + P̃B共− q⬘ − q兲 + Q̃ − q + Q̃⬘ + q⬘ + P̃B共q − q⬘兲 . cf 0 cf 0 cf 0 cf 0 R M 共x, 兲 = R共x, 兲 − R0共x兲 冕 冉 ⍀ 0x ⍀ 0x ⍀ 0x ⍀ 0x Q̃⬘ − q⬘ − P̃B共q⬘ − q兲 + Q̃ − q + Q̃⬘ q⬘ − P̃B共q − q⬘兲 , cf 0 cf 0 cf 0 cf 0 We have defined Q̃ and Q̃⬘ to be the Fourier transforms, respectively, of pA and pAⴱ . P̃B is, as before, the Fourier transform of 兩pB兩2. We now let aperture B become large, so that the function P̃B goes over to a delta function. For G1共x兲 = ei共x兲 and G2共x兲 = 1, we can substitute these results into the coincidence rate 共which will now be a function of both and the position x of detector A兲, and carry out the q⬘ and integrals. For the modulation term, we find = forth simply be denoted as x, and we continue to work within the quasimonochromatic approximation. If we integrate only over xB, leaving x unintegrated, then it is straightforward to show that the analogs of Eqs. 共A3兲 and 共A4兲 are . 冊 共66兲 Here, we have used the fact that the Fourier transform of pAⴱ 共x兲 equals the complex conjugate of the Fourier transform of pA共−x兲, in order to write Q̃⬘ in terms of Q̃. We see from the presence of the factor ei关共q兲−共−q兲兴 that even-order aberration cancellation occurs even though one aperture is finite and the corresponding detector is pointlike. This point may be of importance in future attempts to produce aberrationcanceled imaging. V. CONCLUSIONS Summarizing, in this paper we have carried out a theoretical study of the relation between the wave-front modulation of the entangled SPDC photons and the shape of the resulting temporal quantum-interference pattern. Due to the multiparametric nature of the generated entangled states, the modulation on the spatial degree of freedom can affect the shape of the polarization-temporal interference pattern in the coincidence rate. Our aim is twofold: from one side we want to study the effect of wave-front aberration on quantum interferometry, and from the other we want to discuss a way to engineer multiparametrically entangled states. We have introduced a theoretical model for calculation of the shape of the polarization-temporal interference pattern given a certain general phase modulation in the crystal far field, assuming as a free parameter the shape and the dimension of the collection apertures. Using a numerical method to study the resulting equation has shown that for typical experimental cases the hypothesis of large apertures can be assumed to be valid. In such an approximation, only the odd part of the assigned phase modulation affects the shape of the interference pattern. This effect has recently been demonstrated experimentally 关11兴. Moreover, it is often useful in experiments to enlarge the collection aperture in order to collect a higher photon flux and larger optical bandwidth. But when working with type-II birefringently phase-matched down-conversion, spatial walkoff between the emitted photons introduces distinguishability between the two possible events that can lead to coincidence detection, reducing the visibility of quantum interference. Such walkoff can be compensated for with a linear phase shift in the vertical direction, restoring high visibility. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by a U.S. Army Research Office 共USARO兲 Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative 共MURI兲 grant; by the Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems 共CenSSIS兲, an NSF Engineering Research Center; by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity 共IARPA兲 and USARO through Grant No. W911NF-07-1-0629; and by the strategic project QUINTET of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova. C.B. also acknowledges financial support from Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo. 062304-9 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 BONATO et al. APPENDIX A: SKETCH OF DERIVATION OF EQ. (23) In this appendix we sketch the major steps for the derivation of Eq. 共23兲. Substituting Eq. 共21兲 into Eq. 共16兲 and the result into Eq. 共22兲, one finds the following expressions for R0 and WG共兲: R0 = 冕 W M 共兲 = dqdq⬘d⌽ⴱ共q, 兲⌽共q⬘, 兲Gⴱ1 1 R0 冕 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 f f f f q G1 q⬘ Gⴱ2 − q G2 − q⬘ W共0兲共q,q⬘, 兲, k k k k dqdq⬘d⌽ⴱ共q, 兲⌽共q⬘,− 兲Gⴱ1 f f f f q G1 q⬘ Gⴱ2 − q G2 − q⬘ W共q,q⬘, 兲, k k k k 共A1兲 共A2兲 where W共0兲共q,q⬘, 兲 = 冕 dxAdxBHⴱ共xA,q, 兲Hⴱ共xB,− q,− 兲H共xA,q⬘, 兲H共xB,− q⬘,− 兲 + Hⴱ共xA,− q,− 兲Hⴱ共xB,q, 兲H共xA,− q⬘,− 兲H共xB,q⬘, 兲 共A3兲 and W共q,q⬘, 兲 = 冕 dxAdxBHⴱ共xA,q, 兲Hⴱ共xB,− q,− 兲H共xA,− q⬘, 兲H共xB,q⬘,− 兲 + Hⴱ共xA,− q,− 兲Hⴱ共xB,q, 兲H共xA,q⬘,− 兲H共xB,− q⬘, 兲. 共A4兲 The angular and spectral emission function ⌽共q , 兲 is given by ⌽共q, 兲 = 冕 冋 册 dz⌸ z 1 −i⌬共q,兲z + e . L 2 共A5兲 Performing the integrals over the spatial coordinates dxA and xB, one gets W共0兲共q,q⬘, 兲 = ei共2d1/kp兲关兩q兩 2−兩q 兩2兴 ⬘ 兵P̃A关共q − q⬘兲兴P̃B关− 共q − q⬘兲兴 + P̃A关− 共q − q⬘兲兴P̃B关共q − q⬘兲兴其 共A6兲 兵P̃A关共q + q⬘兲兴P̃B关− 共q + q⬘兲兴 + P̃A关− 共q + q⬘兲兴P̃B关共q + q⬘兲兴其. 共A7兲 and W共q,q⬘, 兲 = ei共2d1/kp兲关兩q兩 2−兩q 兩2兴 ⬘ Finally, use of the integral representation for the sinc function 关Eq. 共A5兲兴 allows the integration to be carried out, but at the expense of introducing two integrations over a pair of new parameters 共say, z and z⬘兲. Note the following relation, which can easily be verified by sketching the functions on the left-hand side: 冦 1 if − 1 ⱕ ␣ ⱕ 0, − 21 ⱕ x ⱕ 21 + ␣ ⌸关x兴⌸关x − ␣兴 = 1 if 0 ⱕ ␣ ⱕ 1, − 21 + ␣ ⱕ x ⱕ 0 otherwise. 1 2 冧 共A8兲 APPENDIX B: JUSTIFICATION OF EQ. (32) Suppose we have a set A, which can be partitioned into a collection of disjoint subsets Ak, with k = 1 , 2 , . . .: 艛 Ak = A, k ⌸关x兴⌸关x − ␣兴dx = ⌳共␣兲, k共x兲 = 再 1, x 苸 Ak 0, x 苸 Ak , 冎 共B2兲 k共x兲l共x兲 = ␦klk共x兲, 共B3兲 where A is the characteristic function for the full set, A共x兲 = where ⌳共␣兲 is the triangle function. These facts allow us to carry out the two z integrations that arise from the sinc function, leading to the result shown in Eq. 共23兲. 共B1兲 such that 兺k k共x兲 = A共x兲, 共A9兲 if k ⫽ l. To each set we can associate a characteristic function, From this, it follows that 冕 Ak 艚 Al = 再 1, x 苸 A 0, x 苸 A. 冎 共B4兲 The term eikk共x兲 assumes the value of eik for k共x兲 = 1 and the value of 1 for k共x兲 = 0 关1 − k共x兲 = 1兴, so 062304-10 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062304 共2009兲 MULTIPARAMETER ENTANGLED-STATE ENGINEERING… 冋 册 exp i 兺 kk共x兲 = 兿 eikk共x兲 = 兿 兵1关1 − k共x兲兴 + eikk共x兲其 = 兿 关1 + 共eik − 1兲k兴. k k k 共B5兲 k If we express the first few terms we get 兿k 关1 + 共ei k − 1兲k兴 = 关1 + 共ei1 − 1兲1兴关1 + 共ei2 − 1兲2兴 ¯ = 1 + 共ei1 − 1兲1 + 共ei2 − 1兲2 + ¯ + 共ei1 − 1兲共ei2 − 1兲12 + 共ei1 − 1兲共ei3 − 1兲13 + ¯ + 共ei1 − 1兲共ei1 − 1兲共ei1 − 1兲123 + 共ei1 − 1兲共ei2 − 1兲共ei4 − 1兲124 + ¯ . So that in the end 冋 册 exp i 兺 kk共x兲 = 1 + 兺 关共eik − 1兲k兴 = 1 + 兺 eikk − 兺 k = 兺 eikk . k k k k 共B6兲 共B7兲 k Since the square sets we have used in Sec. IV satisfy Eq. 共B1兲, then the result expressed in Eq. 共B5兲 is valid for our case. 关1兴 E. Schrödinger, Naturwiss. 23, 807 共1935兲. 关2兴 D. N. Klyshko, JETP Lett. 6, 23 共1967兲. 关3兴 S. 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