Carbon-Carbon Bond Forming Reactions Starting with benzene and/or molecules having chains of 4 or fewer carbons make the following molecules in one step. Show as many ways as you can. The number over the arrow indicates the number of possible ways based on reactions covered last term and so far this term. O O + - + Cl Cu Li + Br + - + Cu Li AlCl3 + Cl + Cl Br + + AlCl3 AlCl3 - Li Cu O Br + 2) H3O+ Br Mg OH O O + OH + MgBr BrMg + + O 2) H3O+ - 2) H3O Br Mg 2) H3O+ O + I + Na + + +- Na + + MgBr I O 2) H2SO4 Working with the same limitations indicated above, use as many steps as necessary to write a synthesis for each of the following molecules . O + + O BrMg OH PBr3 CrO3, H+ + 2) H3O Br Mg 2) H3O+ 2) H3O+ O OH + MgBr + O POCl3 2) H3O+ Br Mg OH Br OH