Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change The linear regression model: functional form and structural breaks Ragnar Nymoen Department of Economics, UiO 16 January 2009 ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change Overview A little bit more about dynamics Extending inference to parameters of interest that are non-linear functions of regression coe¢ cients Modelling and testing of structural breaks. Main reference is Greene Ch 6.1-6.4. See course page syllabus for overlapping reference to Biørn and Kennedy ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change Models with short and long-run derivative coe¢ cients We ended the lecture 1 slide set with a note on the dynamic model: = β2 yt 1 + εt , t = 1, . . . T . yt εt N (0, 1), which we found can be estimated consistently by OLS despite the correlation between yt and past disturbances. As, noted this suggest that OLS can be used to estimate dynamic models that contain both exogenous regressors and a lagged regressor. The autoregressive distributed lag model, ADL, is yt = β1 + β2 yt 1 + β3 xt + β4 xt 1 + εt , εt N (0, σ2 ), (1) ADLs have obvious relevance in economics (eq ECON 34310/4410): Impact, dynamic and long-run multipliers. ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change Greene has numerous references to regression models that are ADLs, cf Example 4.7 on p 69 . In ADLs, one parameter of interest is the long-run multiplier: B2 = β3 + β4 1 β2 B2 is a non-linear function of the parameters of the regression modeI, so can we test an hypothesis about this parameter of interest, i.e. H0 : B2 = B2o ? The answer is: based on an asymptotically valid computation of the variance of B̂2 = b13 +bb24 we can. We use “ ^” to denote the estimator of the long-run multiplier here. Greene makes reference to the “delta method” on page 68, but we state directly a results due to Bårdsen (1989): ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change First, re-write the ADL as ∆yt = β1 + ( β2 = β1 + αyt + β3 ∆xt + ( β3 + β4 )xt 1 + β3 ∆xt + γt 1 xt 1 + εt 1)yt 1 1 + εt (2) where ∆ is the di¤erence operator, so ∆yt = yt yt 1 and α = ( β2 1) and γ = ( β3 + β4 ). (1) and (2) gives identical SSE s, so statistically they are the same models. (Although R 2 very di¤erent) (2) easier to use since b3 + b4 γ̂ , B̂1 = 1 b2 α̂ and Var [B̂1 ] can be obtained as \ Var [B̂1 ] 1 α̂ +2 2 \ Var (γ̂) + 1 α̂ γ̂ ( α̂)2 γ̂ ( α̂)2 2 \ Var (α̂) (3) \ Cov (γ̂, α̂). ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change This method applies to models with K 1 exogenous regressors, and with higher order lags in both the dependent variable and in the xs. Estimates of long-run derivative coe¢ cients and their variances are part of the output of PC Give. But Bårdsen’s formula is convenient if you use other software, since only need the covariance matrix of the estimates. ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change Example: Table 4.7, p 69 in Greene Consider long-run elasticity of gasoline demand with respect to income. Income is variable number 3 in the model, so B̂3 = Var\ [B̂3 ] = 0.164097 = 0.97047 0.169090291 1 0.169090291 0.164097 (0.169090291)2 1 +2 0.169090291 = 0.026349 + 2 (0.0030279) 2 0.0020943 0.164097 (0.169090291)2 ( 0.0021881) which comes close to the estimate of the from the delta method reported by Greene on page 70. ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change Linearity in parameters and “intrinsic linearity” Have already made the point that linearity in parameters, not linearity in parameters, is the de…ning trait of the linear regression model. Can extend the relevance of the model to the case where our parameters of interest are one-one functions of the coe¢ cients of the regression model. Greene p 119 call this “intrinsic linearity”. The long-run multiplier is an example! Many other in econometrics CES production function Green p 119, and Ch 16.64 The natural rate of unemployment,ie π t = β1 + β2 ut + εt where ut is the rate of unemployment and π t is in‡ation. The β Phillips curve natural rate is u phil = β1 2 ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change If we have a hypothesis about when a structural break occurs we can test that hypothesis Let T1 denote the last period with the “old” regime and let T1 + 1 denote the …rst period of the “new”; yt = β1 + β2 X2t + εt , t = 1, 2, . . . , T1 and yt = γ1 + γ2 X2t + ei , i = T1 + 1, 2, . . . , T . then H0 : β1 = γ1 , β2 = γ2 vs H1 : β1 6= γ1 , β2 6= γ2 . In the multivariate case: H0 : β 1 = γ 1 , β 2 = γ 2 , β 3 = γ 3 , . . . , β K = γ K There are two well known statistics for these cases, both due to Chow (1960) and referred to as Chow tests. ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change 2-sample Chow-test SSE1 is for the …rst sample (t = 1, 2, .., T1 ) SSE2 is for the second. SSEU = SSE1 + SSE2 . SSER is the SSE when the whole sample is used, i.e under H0 FChow 2 = (T SSER SSEU SSEU 4) 2 F (2, T 4). In general FChow 2 = SSER SSEU SSEU T 2K ) K F (K , T ECON 4610: Lecture 2 2K )). Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change Predictive Chow-test Consider T T1 < K . Same SSER (full sample) but SSEU is only on the basis of the …rst T1 observations. This predictive Chow-test is given as FChowP = SSER SSEU SSEU T1 K T T1 F (T T1 , T1 K) If we have no clear idea about the dating of a regime shift, graphs with the whole sequence of predictive Chow tests are useful. Chow tests rely on constant and equal variances of the disturbances. Hence, good practice to plot the sequence of s 2 as a function of t. ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change Testing by dummies Dummy variables are ‡exible tools for modelling and testing parameter changes in both cross-section and time series data, Greene ch. 6.2. Consider temporary change in period T1 in β1 : H0 : β1 = γ1 , vs H1 : β1 6= γ1 , for t = T1 Test H0 with t-statistic of λ1 = 0 in yi = β1 + λ1 Dt + β2 xt + εt , t = 1, 2, . . . , T where Dt = 1 when t = T1 and 0 elsewhere. ECON 4610: Lecture 2 Dynamic models Non-linearities and structural change If the break also a¤ects the slope, use Yi = β1 + λ1 Dt + β2 Xt + λ2 Xt Dt + εt , t = 1, 2, . . . , T1 to test H0 : λ1 = λ2 = 0 vs H1 : λ1 6= 0, or λ2 6= 0. The F statistic is distributed F (2, T 3 regressors and an intercept. 4) , since SSEU is based on ECON 4610: Lecture 2