Neurophysiology Exam Outline (read the chapter…again!)

Neurophysiology Exam Outline (read the chapter…again!)
a. What is the function of a neuron?
b. How are neurons classified?
c. What are the types of neurons in the nervous system?
d. What is Neurophysiology?
e. What is the significance of the Na/K pump in the nervous system?
f. Describe the phase of an action potential? What occurs at each phase?
g. Describe Electrical activity in body.
h. What are NT?
i. How do Neurotransmitters work? (Be able to put the steps in order of how
NTs are released in chemical synapses)
j. What are the actions of Norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins,
k. What is significance of removing NTs from synapse?
l. Describe the Disorders associated with NT imbalances: SIDS,
Schizophrenia, insomnia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and
m. What are the 2 classes of Drugs that alter NT action?
n. How do drugs cause addiction?
o. What are the Methods for how drugs work? (4 methods)
p. Describe at least 3 drugs and how they specifically alter
neurotransmission. (especially cocaine)