King 1 October 2014 CURRICULUM VITAE Department of Psychology, Drexel University

King 1
October 2014
Christopher Michael King
Department of Psychology, Drexel University
3141 Chestnut St, Stratton Ste 119
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(239) 565-3377
PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
July 2016 (anticipated)
MS, Clinical Psychology
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
September 2014
JD, cum laude
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
May 2014
Bachelor of Science, Psychology, cum laude
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
December 2008
Passed Pennsylvania bar examination
*Pennsylvania Supreme Court in process of issuing law license
October 2014
Delaware Psychiatric Center
New Castle, DE
August 2014–Present
Supervisor: Brian M. Simon, PsyD
Responsibilities: Conduct psychosocial assessments (including clinical interview, administration
of symptom, personality, and cognitive measures, and report writing) with state hospital
inpatients with severe mental illness who are at risk for harming themselves or others; use
cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing interventions with individual therapy
clients; co-lead group therapy sessions on social skills and social problem solving; and work as
part of an interdisciplinary team with psychiatrists, physicians, nurses, social workers, dieticians,
and peer support specialists, which includes a daily treatment team meeting with each of these
Hours: Approximately 16 hours per week.
Forensic Assessment Clinic
July 2013–July 2014
King 2
October 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Supervisor: Kirk Heilbrun, PhD, ABPP
Responsibilities: Co-interviewed forensic examinees; conducted collateral interviews;
administered, scored, and interpreted psychological, cognitive, personality, and specialized
forensic assessment measures; drafted collateral sources sections of some reports (N = 3); and
drafted entire forensic mental health reports (N = 12) addressing a variety of psycho-legal issues
(i.e., Miranda rights comprehension, juvenile decertification, mental state at the time of the
offense, competency to be sentenced, federal sentencing, capital sentencing mitigation, fitness
for police duty, risk for fire setting, benefits eligibility, pain and suffering due to sexual abuse).
Hours: Approximately 10 hours per week.
Center for Evidence-Based Assessment
and Treatment
Philadelphia, PA
May 2012–July 2013
Supervisor: Christine Maguth Nezu, PhD, ABPP
Responsibilities: Co-led intake interviews; administered symptom, personality, and other
psychological assessment measures; used biofeedback (heart rate variability monitoring),
cognitive behavioral therapy, and integrative schema-focused interventions in individual
outpatient therapy (therapy cases: N = 5, intake only: N = 1, comprehensive evaluation of
psycho-medical fitness for college: N = 1) with adult male and female clients with varying
behavioral (e.g., self-injury), interpersonal (e.g., relationship discord), personality (e.g.,
problematic personality traits), and developmental difficulties (e.g., intellectual disabilities);
conducted clinical research for a capital sentencing case; performed legal research for a civil
injury case; and handled administrative responsibilities for the site.
Hours: Approximately 16 hours per week.
Albert M. “Bo” Robinson Assessment &
Treatment Center
Trenton, NJ
July 2011–May 2012
Supervisor: Ralph Fretz, PhD
Responsibilities: Provided assessment services for incarcerated male clients (N = 20), which
included record review, structured interviews, administration of psychological, personality,
cognitive, and specialized forensic tests, and report writing; developed and delivered a
therapeutic assessment feedback program (N = 67); conducted structured interviews for the
scoring of a forensic instrument as part of a research study; and performed research to inform
new service development (e.g., sex offender risk assessment tool selection).
Hours: Approximately 16 hours per week.
North Florida Evaluation and Treatment
Gainesville, FL
August–December 2007
Supervisor: Victor Buehler, Counseling and
Social Services Supervisor
Responsibilities: Recorded relevant information during admissions interviews; conduct mental
status examinations; appraised patients’ legal competence; shadowed supervisor during intake
evaluations, mental status examinations, competency training sessions, and treatment team
King 3
October 2014
meetings; and reviewed supervisor’s contributions to forensic reports, which he co-authored with
a psychiatrist.
Hours: Approximately 8 hours per week.
Pennsylvania 4th Annual Veterans Conference 2014, Jail
Diversion and Trauma Recovery for Veterans
Harrisburg, PA
May 2014
Pennsylvania 3rd Annual Veterans Conference 2013, Jail
Diversion and Trauma Recovery for Veterans
Harrisburg, PA
April 2013
ABPP Summer Workshop Series: Overview of Cognitive
Processing Therapy Workshop
Philadelphia, PA
July 2012
Presenter: Patricia A. Resick,
Specialized Clinical & Criminal Justice
Unit, PMHCC, Philadelphia Department
of Behavioral Health & Intellectual
disAbility Services
Philadelphia, PA
June 2012–June 2013
Supervisors: Patricia Griffin, PhD; Christina
Finello, JD, PhD
Position: Forensic Specialist Intern
Responsibilities: Conducted psychological and legal research to inform program development for
the diversion of justice-involved individuals with mental health needs into the public behavioral
health system; performed data analysis and developed presentation media for monthly meetings
with the agency Commissioner, Dr. Arthur C. Evans, Jr.; co-led monthly training sessions on
hearing voices that are distressing during monthly Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training for
police officers; developed CIT-type refresher course for police officers that focused on deescalating Veterans experiencing a behavioral health crisis, which was implemented citywide;
wrote sections of two grant applications: a $750,000 grant application (SAMHSA TI-12-005) for
expanding services offered by a Veterans treatment court, which was awarded, and a $250,000
grant application (BJA-2013-3493) for planning and implementing evidenced-based and traumainformed correctional assessment and rehabilitation services for male and female offenders with
co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, which was also awarded.
Hours: Approximately 20 hours per week.
Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity
Criminal Record Expungement Project
Philadelphia, PA
September 2013–Present
Supervisor: Michael Lee, Esq
King 4
October 2014
Responsibilities: Instruct low-income Philadelphia residents about Pennsylvania laws regarding
criminal record expungement and pardons; interview prospective clients about their income, their
criminal histories, the collateral consequences that they have experienced as a result of having a
criminal record (e.g., employment discrimination), and their interest in participating in relevant
advocacy and lobbying efforts; review prospective clients’ criminal records to determine charges
eligible for expungement; draft and file expungement petitions for represented clients; and
coordinate client communication.
Pennsylvania Mental Health and Justice
Center of Excellence
Philadelphia, PA
August 2013
Supervisor: Patricia Griffin, PhD
Responsibilities: Assisted (e.g., took notes, created visuals) with follow-up Cross-Systems
Mapping (i.e., a status review of an earlier mapping of the local intersection points between the
criminal justice and behavioral health systems) of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, and CrossSystems Mapping (i.e., a mapping of the local intersection points between the criminal justice
and behavioral health systems) and Action Planning (a list of strategies for improving the local
criminal justice and behavioral health systems interface to better facilitate diversion) of
Lawrence County, Pennsylvania.
Association for Psychological Science
Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology
American Board of Professional Psychology (Early Entry Applicant for
Specialty Certification)
International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology
American Bar Association
Section of Science & Technology, Behavioral and Neuroscience Law
American Psychological Association
Society for Military Psychology (APA Division 19)
Psychologists in Public Service (APA Division 18), Criminal Justice Section
Campus Representative
American Psychology-Law Society (APA Division 41)
(Invited) Committee Member, Communications Initiative Ad Hoc
Past-Chair, Student Committee
Chair, Student Committee (*name changed in March 2014)
Chair-Elect, Student Section Committee
King 5
October 2014
Law Liaison, Student Section Committee
American Psychological Association of Graduate Students Division Student
Representative Network (APAGS-DSRN) Outstanding Division Award
(chaired APA Division 41 Student Committee and authored award
June 2014
Drexel University School of Law Award for Best Student Performance in
Law of Medical Malpractice and Special Education Law
June 2014
Drexel University Office of Graduate Studies Travel Subsidy Program Award
July 2013
American Psychology-Law Society Student Travel Award ($500)
March 2013
Drexel University School of Law Award for Best Student Performance in
Advanced Problems in Mental Health Law
Spring 2012
Drexel University Office of Graduate Studies Travel Subsidy Program Award
March 2012
American Psychology-Law Society Student Section Committee Outstanding
Student Poster Award ($150)
March 2011
Drexel University School of Law Award for Best Student Performance in
Legal Methods II
Spring 2010
Member, Dean’s List, University of Florida
Mid-Continent Group Scholarship
Florida Medallion Scholars Award
Psi Chi Psychology Academic Honor Society
General Psychology
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Spring 2011
Instructor: Jennifer Gallo, PhD
Responsibilities: Delivered guest lectures on intelligence and psychopathology, graded exams,
and assisted students during office hours.
Forensic Psychology
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Winter 2011
Instructor: Kirk Heilbrun, PhD
Responsibilities: Delivered guest lecture on risk assessment and graded exams.
Experimental Psychology
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Fall 2010
Instructor: Marlin Killen, PsyD
King 6
October 2014
Responsibilities: Delivered guest lecture on APA Style and assisted students with developing
research studies during class time.
Sensations and Perceptions
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Fall 2010
Instructor: J. Michael Williams, PhD
Responsibilities: Assisted with implementation of electronic instructional technology and held
class in the professor’s absence.
Forensic Psychology
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Fall 2010
Instructor: Terrance J. Kukor, PhD
Position: Course Design Assistant (i.e., online Teaching Assistant)
Responsibilities: Developed extra credit assignment and answered student questions via e-mail.
Sensations and Perceptions
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Summer 2010
Instructor: J. Michael Williams, PhD
Position: Course Design Assistant (i.e., online Teaching Assistant)
Responsibilities: Transported course to a new online platform and answered student questions via
Invited panelist, Graduate Student Panel event sponsored by
Drexel University Chapter of Psi Chi
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Invited to co-deliver Hearing Voices curriculum,
Psychopathology (graduate course)
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Spring 2013
Winter 2013
Instructor: Pamela Geller, PhD
Invited guest lecture on forensic mental health assessment,
Forensic Psychology
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Winter 2013
Instructor: Michael Keesler,
Co-delivered Hearing Voices curriculum once a month, Crisis
Intervention Team training
Philadelphia Police Department, Philadelphia, PA
June 2012–June 2013
Invited ad hoc reviewer (× 1), Evaluation and Program Planning
Invited ad hoc reviewer (× 1), Child Psychiatry & Human Development
Ad hoc reviewer (completed training but × 0 to date), Translational Issues in
King 7
October 2014
Psychological Science
Student writer (3 articles for 1 issue), Alliance for International Risk
Research Executive Bulletin
February 2014
Volunteer reviewer, Annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Division 41 program (American Psychology-Law Society)
(119th through 122nd)
Volunteer reviewer, Annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law
Society (2012 and 2013)
Invited special issue ad hoc reviewer (× 1), Criminal Justice and Behavior
Drexel Law Review
Managing editor
Staff member
Ad hoc reviewer (× 10 plus 2 revision reviews), Law and Human Behavior
Supervisor: Robert Morgan, PhD
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Responsibilities: Co-designed a meta-analytic investigation of telemental health services in
correctional settings; coded primary studies; conducted meta-analyses; co-wrote presentation and
manuscript for publication.
Supervisor and Dissertation Chair: Kirk Heilbrun, PhD
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Responsibilities: I have been involved in all aspects of research over the course of numerous
research and consultation projects (see, e.g., publications and presentation during this time
period), including developing programs, designing studies, and developing program evaluations;
applying for grant funding; managing IRB protocols and audits; recruiting, consenting, and
collecting data from participants; coordinating and supervising undergraduate and graduate lab
members; analyzing data; writing manuscripts; and coordinating presentation and publication
submissions. My thesis and dissertation pertain to offender self-perceptions of risk for criminal
recidivism, treatment needs to reduce that risk, the predictive utility of such perceptions, and the
impact of therapeutic assessment feedback on self-perceptions and readiness for correctional
treatment. My stipend has also been partially funded via a contract my mentor has with a private
corrections company, which was provided in exchange for my assistance with designing
outcome evaluations and analyzing very large data sets.
Dissertation: The prediction of criminal recidivism using self- and evaluator-appraised risk and
needs (date collection to be completed in March 2015).
King 8
October 2014
Thesis: RNR-based assessment feedback: Reception by offenders and impact on self-perceived
risk and needs, motivation for change, and treatment readiness. See:
Supervisor: Eve Brank, JD, PhD
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Responsibilities: Interviewed elder caregivers and developed a poster presentation based on a
subset of collected data. See also: Wylie, L. E., & Brank, E. M. (2009). Assuming elder
caregiver responsibility: Am I a caregiver? Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 6, 899–924.
Supervisor: Lora Levett, PhD
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Responsibilities: Consented, ran, and debriefed participants in an eyewitness study involving
deception, and entered data for another project about mock juror decision making and television
program viewing habits. See: Levett, L. M. (2009, March). Co-witness information influences
whether a person is likely to choose from a lineup. Paper presented at the meeting of the
American Psychology-Law Society, San Antonio, TX; Hayes-Smith, R. M., & Levett, L. M.
(2011). Jury's still out: How television and crime show viewing influences jurors' evaluations of
evidence. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 7(1), 29–46.
Supervisor: Michelle Bishop, PhD
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Responsibilities: Transcribed audiotaped interviews with bone marrow transplant survivors and
their spouses, and trained other students on the transcription procedures. See: Bishop, M. M.,
Curbow, B. A., Springer, S. H., Lee, J. A., & Wingard, J. R. (2011). Comparison of lasting life
changes after cancer and BMT: Perspectives of long-term survivors and spouses. PsychoOncology, 20, 926–934.
American Academy of Forensic Psychology Dissertation Grant in Applied
Law/Psychology ($1000)
American Psychology-Law Society Student Grants-in-Aid ($750)
April 2013
Fall 2012
Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program, BJA-2013-3493
Grants to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity In Adult and Family
Drug Courts (Short Title: SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts), SAMHSA TI12-005 ($750,000)
King 9
October 2014
1. Heilbrun, K., DeMatteo, D., King, C., & Filone, S. (in progress). Evaluating juvenile transfer
and disposition.
1. King, C. (in press). Routes for obtaining graduate training in two related fields of study. Eye
on Psi Chi.
2. Filone, S., & King, C. (in press). The emerging standard of competence in immigration
removal proceedings: A review for forensic mental health professionals. Psychology, Public
Policy, and Law.
3. King, C., Wylie, L. E., Brank, E. M., & Heilbrun, K. (2014). Disputed paraphilia diagnoses
and legal decisionmaking: A case law survey of Paraphilia NOS, Nonconsent. Psychology,
Public Policy, and Law, 20, 294–308. doi:10.1037/law0000018
4. Brooks Holliday, S., King, C., & Heilbrun, K. (2013). Offenders’ perceptions of risk factors
for self and others: Theoretical importance and some empirical data. Criminal Justice and
Behavior, 40, 1044–1061. doi:10.1177/0093854813482308
5. Heilbrun, K., DeMatteo, D., Yasuhara, K., Brooks-Holliday, S., Shah, S., King, C., . . .
Hamilton, D. (2012). Community-based alternatives for justice-involved individuals with
severe mental illness: Review of the relevant research. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 39,
351–419. doi:10.1177/0093854811432421
6. King, C. (2011). Sex offender registration and notification laws at home and abroad: Is an
International Megan’s Law good policy? City University of New York Law Review, 15, 117–
1. Osher, F. C., & King, C. (in press). Reentry: Intercept 4. In P. Griffin, K. Heilbrun, E.
Mulvey, D. DeMatteo, & C. Schubert (Eds.), Criminal justice and mental illness: Promoting
community alternatives using the Sequential Intercept Model. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.
2. Zilmer, E. A., & King, C. (2013). Neuropsychological assessment in the forensic setting. In
R. P. Archer (Ed.), Forensic uses of clinical assessment instruments (pp. 291–310). New
York, NY: Routledge.
3. Heilbrun, K., Brooks-Holliday, S., & King, C. (2013). Evaluation of violence risk in adults.
In R. Roesch & P. Zapf (Eds.), Forensic assessments in criminal and civil law: A handbook
for lawyers. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
1. Heilbrun, K., NeMoyer, A., King, C., & Galloway, M. (in press). Using third party
information in forensic mental health assessment: A critical review. Court Review.
King 10
October 2014
2. King, C., LaDuke, C., Kline, S., Gonzales, L., Weill, J., Haney-Caron, E., . . . & Fountain, E.
(2014, Summer). Student section. AP-LS News. Retrieved from
3. King, C., LaDuke, C., Weill, J., Kline, S., Gonzales, L., Fountain, E., . . . & Colbourn, S.
(2014, Winter). Student section. AP-LS News. Retrieved from
4. King, C., LaDuke, C., Gonzales, L., Weill, J., Kline, S., Colbourn, S., . . . & Haney-Caron, E.
(2013, Fall). Student section. AP-LS News. Retrieved from
5. Cook, A. N., & King, C. M. (2013, Summer). Student section. AP-LS News. Retrieved from
6. Cook, A. N., & King, C. M. (2013, Winter). Student section. AP-LS News. Retrieved from
7. Cook, A. N., & King, C. M. (2012, Fall). Student section. AP-LS News. Retrieved from
8. Brooks-Holliday, S., Yasuhara, K., Shah, S., Bingham, A., King, C., Hamilton, D., . . .
Heilbrun, K. The application of risk-need-responsivity to risk assessment and interventionplanning: Opportunities, limitations, and relevant research needs. (2011, Summer). AP-LS
News. Retrieved from
Reprint: Brooks-Holliday, S., Yasuhara, K., Shah, S., Bingham, A., King, C., Hamilton,
D., . . . Heilbrun, K. (2011, December). The application of risk-need-responsivity to risk
assessment and intervention-planning: Opportunities, limitations, and relevant research
needs. Ohio Forensic Newsletter. 6–8.
9. Heilbrun, K., DeMatteo, D., Brooks, S., Yasuhara, K., Shah, S., Anumba, N., King, C., &
Pich, M. (2011). Risk-needs assessment: Bridging disciplinary and regional boundaries
[Editorial]. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 21, 1–7.
1. Griffin, P., Davis, J., King, C., & Finello, C. (2013, August). Developments in diversionary
efforts for justice-involved veterans with mental health problems. In A. Cook, C. King, & N.
Gross (Chairs), Trauma and the law: A panel sponsored by the student representatives of
divisions 41 and 18. Panel session conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Honolulu, HI.
2. King, C., Brooks Holliday, S., & Heilbrun, K. (2013, August). Absent crime: Risk-NeedResponsivity (RNR) as a tenable meta-model for non-justice-related behavioral health service
delivery. In D. DeMatteo (Chair), Criminal justice and behavioral health: Strategies for
improving the interface. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Honolulu, HI.
King 11
October 2014
3. Brooks, S., Shah, S., King, C., Pich, M., Yasuhara, K., Ogloff, J., . . . Heilbrun, K. (March,
2011). Gender and diversity in law-psychology: Perceptions and satisfaction of those in the
field. In K. Heilbrun (Chair), Law-psychology 2010: An international survey. Symposium
conducted at the meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society/Fourth International
Congress of Psychology and Law, Miami, FL.
4. King, C., Pich, M., Yasuhara, K., Brooks, S., Shah, S., Cooke, D., . . . Heilbrun, K. (March,
2011). Comparing geographic domains in law-psychology: North America, Europe, and
Australia/New Zealand. In K. Heilbrun (Chair), Law-psychology 2010: An international
survey. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychology-Law
Society/Fourth International Congress of Psychology and Law, Miami, FL.
5. Yasuhara, K., Brooks, S., Shah, S., King, C., Pich, M., Cooke, D., . . . Heilbrun, K. (March,
2011). Entering the field of law-psychology: Consideration by seniority-defined cohorts. In K.
Heilbrun (Chair), Law-psychology 2010: An international survey. Symposium conducted at
the meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society/Fourth International Congress of
Psychology and Law, Miami, FL.
1. King, C. [also Chair], Brooks Holliday, S., McWilliams, K., Kim, N. Y., Heilbrun, K.,
DeMatteo, D., & Fretz, R. (2014, August). Offender motivation, readiness, and risk/needperceptions measures: Psychometric characteristics. Paper presented at the meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
2. Batastini, A. B., King, C. M., McDaniel, B., MacLean, N., Van Horn, S., & Morgan, R. D.
(2014, March). Effectiveness of telepsychology in correctional and forensic practice: A
research synthesis and meta-analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of the American
Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
3. Brooks Holliday, S., Heilbrun, K., DeMatteo, D., Fretz, R., & King, C. (2014, March). Selfreported and LS/CMI measured risk factors: Relation to RNR adherence and criminal
recidivism. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, New
Orleans, LA.
4. King, C., Brooks Holliday, S., Heilbrun, K., DeMatteo, D., & Fretz, R. (2014, March).
Offender self-perceptions and correctional assessment results: An examination of
associations among risk level, risk factors, motivation for change, and treatment readiness.
Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
5. King, C., DeMatteo, D., & Heilbrun, K. (2013, March). Constitutional arguments for an
offender-held right to rehabilitation: A twenty-first century update. Paper presented at the
meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
6. Brooks Holliday, S., King, C., Danylyuk, A., Dinh, J., Yasuhara, K., Shah, S., . . . Heilbrun,
K. (2012, March). How accurately do offenders perceive risk factors? Self-reported and
LS/CMI-measured concordance. Paper presented at the meeting of the American PsychologyLaw Society, San Juan, PR.
King 12
October 2014
7. King, C., Wylie, L. E., Brank, E., & Heilbrun, K. (2012, March). Forensic usage of the
Paraphilia NOS, Nonconsent, diagnosis: A case law survey. Paper presented at the meeting of
the American Psychology-Law Society, San Juan, PR.
1. King, C., Heilbrun, K., DeMatteo, D., Fretz, R., & Brooks Holliday, S. (2014, March) RNRbased assessment feedback: Reception by criminal offenders and impact on risk factor selfawareness, motivation for change, and treatment readiness. Poster presented at the meeting of
the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
2. Wylie, L. E., Brank, E., & King, C. (2012, March). Incompetent and dangerous? The
Stereotype Content Model and involuntary outpatient commitment. Poster presented at the
meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, San Juan, PR.
3. King, C. (2011, March). Sex offender laws at home and abroad: Is an International Megan’s
Law good policy? Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychology-Law
Society/Fourth International Congress of Psychology and Law, Miami, FL.
4. King, C., Wylie, L., & Brank, E. (2009, August). Please talk to me: Benefits of elders and
caregivers discussing their living situations. Poster presented at the meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
1. C. King, & J. Barry (Chairs), Forensic psychology and the military: A panel sponsored by the
student reps of divisions 41 and 19 (2014, August). Panel session conducted at the meeting of
the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
2. C. King, & J. Barry (Chairs), Forensic psychology and the military (2014, August). Talk and
question-and-answer session conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Washington, DC [APA Division 19 hospitality suite programming].
3. J. Barry, & C. King (Chairs), Diversion of justice-involved military personnel and veterans
with behavioral health needs (2014, August). Panel session conducted at the meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC [APA Division 19 hospitality suite
4. C. King, & C. LaDuke (Chairs), Advice on early career success from successful early career
professionals (2014, March). Panel session conducted at the meeting of the American
Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
5. A. N. Cook, C. M. King, & N. Gross (Chairs), Trauma and the law: A panel sponsored by the
student representatives of divisions 41 and 18 (2013, August). Panel session conducted at the
meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
6. A. N. Cook, & C. M. King (Chairs), “Ask the editors”: Publishing in eminent North
American and international psychology-law journals and legal periodicals (2013, March).
Panel session conducted at the meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland,
King 13
October 2014
Momjian Anderer LLC
Philadelphia, PA
September–October 2013
Supervisor: Stephen Anderer, JD, PhD
Position: Legal Intern
Responsibilities: Conducted legal and psychological research (researched Pennsylvania civil
commitment standards and drafted an exhaustive annotated bibliography on the topic of parental
child abduction) and legal drafting (memorandum of law and petition for review of involuntary
commitment) for a boutique family law firm.
Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas,
Philadelphia County
Philadelphia, PA
March, June–September 2010
The Honorable Benjamin Lerner
Position: Legal Intern
Responsibilities: Conducted legal research and wrote legal memorandums on issues before a
state trial judge who presided primarily over juvenile decertification hearings, non-homicide
criminal hearings and trials, and pre-trial hearings involving homicide defendants (one case
involved the sufficiency of evidence offered in support of having a juvenile defendant classified
as a sexually violent predator, another raised the question of the propriety of using video
conferencing technology in post-conviction collateral proceedings, and three involved capital
defendants who each raised numerous post-conviction claims); and conducted legal research for
a presentation on state and federal expert testimony law that the judge delivered at the 28th
Annual Symposium of the American College of Forensic Psychiatry in San Francisco,
Hours: Approximately 24 hours per week.
*Additional references available upon request
Kirk Heilbrun, PhD, ABPP
Professor and Interim Head, Department of
Psychology, Drexel University
(215) 553-7109
Doctoral mentor, dissertation chair, and
practicum supervisor
David DeMatteo, JD, PhD, ABPP
Director, JD/PhD Program in Law &
Psychology; Associate Professor, Department
of Psychology and School of Law, Drexel
(215) 553-7107 (psychology department) and
(215) 571-4707 (law school)
Law & Psychology Program advisor and
dissertation committee member
Christine Maguth Nezu, PhD, ABPP
Professor, Department of Psychology and
College of Medicine, Drexel University
(215) 837-6624 (clinical practice)
Patricia Griffin, PhD
Consultant based in Wyndmoor, PA
(215) 836-0570
King 14
October 2014
Practicum supervisor and dissertation
committee member
Policy employment supervisor
Ralph Fretz, PhD
Director of Assessment and Research,
Commuity Education Centers, Inc.
(973) 226-2900
Practicum supervisor and dissertation
committee member
Donald Bersoff, PhD, JD
Emeritus Professor, School of Law;
Department of Psychology, Drexel University
(215) 571-4819
Prior Law & Psychology Program advisor