Doubt: A Parable Purpose of Assignment: You and your group will read a short passage of information as background for the literature we are going to be studying over the next few days. Not all groups are reading the same passage. It is your job to read the passage closely, so you can teach the other groups what you have learned. A list of questions about your passage will be provided to you to help you be sure that you cover the needed info for the rest of your class. After reading, use your prepared notes to determine how you will present the information to the rest of the class. IMPORTANT: Do NOT just answer the questions in your presentation. Think about what would make it interesting to you, if you were listening to it and trying to learn. JIGSAW Roles Reader: This student reads the assignment aloud for the first time as others listen in preparation for discussion. Facilitator/Encourager: This student gets discussion moving after the reading and keeps it moving, often by asking the other group members questions, sometimes about what they've just been saying. Secretary/ Summarizer: This person takes notes over discussion and keeps track of group answers/data/sources/etc. This person distributes these notes to the rest of the group highlighting sections relevant for their parts of the project. Spokesperson: This person would be responsible for the technical details of the final product and would be ready to summarize the group's progress and findings to the instructor and to other groups. JIGSAW Directions 1. Select member’s roles from the list above. If you do not have four members, divide up the roles so that each of them is covered. This may mean that one person may have more than one role. 2. The reader will read the assignment aloud to the group. Everyone should listen for understanding. 3. Use the list of questions provided to re-read, and answer the questions. Discuss as you go. Facilitator guide discussion and keep everyone on track. Secretary record answers, and make notes for the spokesperson to use during the presentation to the class. 4. Discuss as a group the best way to present the info to the class so they get all the answers to the questions, plus anything else you think is important or interesting. RememberYOU are the only way they will know what they need to know. 5. Present info to the class. Spokesperson present with the help of others in the group. Secretary or other member, type notes on the overhead for the rest of the class. Group #__________ KMH- RCSHS-ENG II B