Composicisión 100 points Me llamo ________________________________
Write a composition in Spanish about “Cinco amigas,” the movie that we have seen in class this week. You are in charge of this composition. Your composition should be between 100 – 200 words. You may use your notes or a dictionary, but NO PHONES. Your composition should be in complete Spanish sentences. Your composition will be graded based on the scoreguide below.
You can choose one or two of the following topics or come up with your own idea.
1. Write a synopsis of what happened in the movie.
2. Choose a character and talk about that character: personality, appearance, family, etc.
3. Talk about the different styles of music in the movie.
4. Talk about the different ways that the characters interacted with their families.
5. Point out some similarities and differences between this movie and similar American made movies that you have seen.
(sentence structure)
(variety and command of previously learned vocabulary)
(correct information about source— the movie)
Composition and length
(development of topic)
Very good command of grammar. Demonstrates ability to use stuctures and rules learned in class to communicate effectively in Spanish. May include some errors in attempt to express complex ideas not covered in previous lessons.
Composed of rich and varied vocabulary.
Utilizes vocabulary learned throughout the length of Spanish study.
Information given or cited is accurate and opinions are meaningful and thoughtful.
Wrote 100-200 words in complete sentences with topics organized into paragraphs. 3.5 composition with introduction and conclusion.
Gave reasons or examples to support opinions.
Can be understood by Spanishspeaking people even though it includes grammatical errors that the writer should have learned by this point.
Understands and uses vocabulary provided and also uses previously learned material. Some errors in meaning and usage with occasional misunderstanding or misuse of words from book or dictionary.
Information is mostly accurate with occasional errors reflecting misunderstanding of the source.
Wrote 100-200 words in complete sentences. Addressed the topic but did not organize the composition into welldeveloped paragraphs. May not include introduction or conclusion.
Frequent grammatical errors that hinder understanding. Errors include basic structures that should be mastered by student at this level.
Uses vocabulary provided but does not incorporate previously learned words. Frequent errors in meaning and/or misuse of words looked up in dictionary.
Occasional negative transfer from
Assignment completed but with frequent errors reflecting a lack of understanding or attention to the source.
Wrote 50-100 words…or did not fully develop the composition.
May show some lack of structure.
Composed of sentence fragments or lists with little or no awareness of Spanish sentence stucture.
Limited vocabulary with some use of English or words that are madeup.
Not clear that the writer is familiar with the source.
Reflects misunderstanding of the source.
Composed of random sentences that relate in some way to the assignment.
fight finally form (to form) friendship girlfriend gothic grocery store group guitar harmony home homeless idiot job lie (to lie) lie (noun) mean meet (someone) melody microphone move (residence) movie / film adopt alone apartment ballet band bandana bar boarding house adoptar solo / sola apartamento, piso el ballet la banda bandana el bar la pensión boyfriend chance el novio la suerte cheater (womanizer) mujeriego choreograph el coreógrafo competition la competición /el concurso concert confidence el concierto la confidencia contract crazy heads crowd dance (noun) el contrato de la cabeza la muchedumbre el baile dance (verb) dancer deadline bailar bailador bailadora la fecha / el límite determined (to be de..) estar decidido /a disapprove disgrace dog estar en contra desaprobar la vergüenza dreadlocks dream dream (to dream) drive (a car) el perro las rastas el sueño soñar drum egocentric / selfish conducir el tambor egoísta pelear por fin formar hacer la amistad la novia gótico / a la tienda de comestibles el grupo / el conjunto la guitarra en armonía la casa sin techo / sin hogar imbécil el trabajo mentir (e-ie) la mentira antipático /a conocer a la melodía micrófono mudarse la película nickname perform pet store piercing (noun) player (womanizer,
cheater) poor puddle rap music rebellious record (noun/ CD) record (the verb) rent (noun) rent (to rent) rich rich / wealthy rock (music) rules run away salir (g) apodo cantar / bailar/ actuar tienda de mascotas el agujero mujeriego pobre la charca música de rap / rebelde el disco grabar el alquiler alquilar rico / a rico música de rok las reglas escaparse de casa to leave same shout shy singer situación mismo / misma gritar tímido /a cantante situation la canción la salpicadura song splash splash (verb) stage steal / rob stolen street strict salpicar el tablado / el plataforma el escenario (theater) robar robado / robada la calle estricto / a struggle (to struggle) la lucha (luchar) subway el metro support tattoo tattoo artist apoyar el tatuaje tattoo shop thief to get together trouble el artista de tatuaje la sala de tatuaje ladrón juntarse / unirse (with se) truck (semi-truck) trust (noun) el problema/el conflicto camión (camión articulada) la confianza trust (verb) unemployed/jobless unexpected united veterinarian violence vulnerable waitress was / were went confiar sin trabajo inesperado / a unido / unida (os/as) el veterinario /a la violencia vulnerable la camarera fue / fueron fui fuiste fue fuimos……