Using Agile Mind Services and Tools in Pre-service Education Programs

Using Agile Mind
Services and Tools in
Education Programs
Della Bell
Professor of Mathematics
Texas Southern University
I. Background Information
II. Acknowledgements
III. Implementation
IV. Demonstration of a particular concept or
topic using Agile Mind
a. Assessment and Advice for Instruction
V. Successes and Challenges
VI. Summary of Student Comments
VII. Future Plans
A Pre-service, Practicum, Induction and Practice
Program for Pre-service Mathematics Teachers at
Texas Southern University
Initial Meeting that was held:
• January 14, 2008 – M.C. Williams School, Houston, Texas;
– A planning meeting was held with the objective of
discussing details of the project and the possibility of
TSU participating in the Pilot Project. The objectives of
the proposed project were discussed. Outcomes
regarding increasing the quality and number of highly
skilled teachers of mathematics were also discussed. A
demonstration of Agile Mind was given. Texas
Southern University representatives indicated an
interest in participating in this program at this time. A
draft of a proposal was written and submitted by Texas
Southern University.
A Pre-service, Practicum, Induction and
Practice Program for African Americans
and Hispanic Teachers
The Proposal seeks to:
• Contribute in a timely, cost-effective,
evidence-based way to the pre-service
education, induction, and practice of
secondary educators who serve all students;
• Focus on educators who are themselves
Hispanic and African American, and
• Use technology to enhance quality, lower cost,
and to support continuous feedback and
improvement in the services
A Pre-service, Practicum, Induction and
Practice Program for African Americans
and Hispanic Teachers
• To quadruple the quantity of educators in the
pipeline in these areas;
• To improve dramatically the quality of teacher
preparation in mathematics and science; and
• To improve the professional support programs
for new and experienced teachers in the
districts served disproportionately by these
higher-ed institutions.
• • • • Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Charles A. Dana Center
Agile Mind Tools and Services
The University of Texas Mathematics
• Texas Southern University faculty and
students involved in this program.
• All individuals affiliated with these
organizations whose names I’ve mentioned
Other Important Dates
• April 15, 2008 – Initial Announcement of Sub
– Award of $85,000.00 for TSU Pilot Project
• April 25, 2008 – 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.
Organization meeting for TSU Pilot Project
was held at TSU in the Science Building,
Room 144. TSU Mathematics faculty
participants were provided exercises in the
computer lab using Agile Mind.
Other Important Dates
• April 28, 2008 – Meeting of Mrs. Lois
Moseley with Dr. Della Bell and Mrs. Tong Wu
of the TSU Mathematics Department to discuss
alignment of topics with the syllabus for
various courses.
• May 13, 2008 – Meeting of representatives
from the Charles A. Dana Center. During this
meeting the faculty met in one computer
laboratory, the students met in another, and
representatives from the Dana Center and
Agile Mind provided hands-on experiences.
• May 14, 2008 – User ID’s and Passwords
were given to teacher participants
• Summer I – Use of Agile Mind Tools and
Services with Math 236 class - Dr. Bell
• Summer II – Use of Agile Mind Tools and
Services with Math 437 class – Dr. Bell
• Fall, 2008 – Use of Agile Mind with Math
236 and Math 335.
Courses in which Agile
Mind has been used
• Mathematics 236 –
(Summer, 2008 and Fall, 2008)
• Mathematics 437 –
(Summer, 2008)
• Mathematics 335 –
(Fall, 2008)
Course Descriptions
Mathematics 236 – Foundations of
Geometry, Statistics, Probability
Basic concepts and methods of probability,
statistics, and geometry, data analysis and
statistics, introductory geometry, concepts
of measurements and transformations.
Course Descriptions
Mathematics 335 - Foundations of Geometry
Logic and postulates relating to various
geometries are emphasized. Modern Plane
Geometry as developed from Euclidean
geometry, measurement, and metric system is
covered. Properties of geometric figures,
congruence, theory of parallel lines, and NonEuclidian geometry are included in the course.
Course Descriptions
Mathematics 437 – A Survey of Mathematical
Designed to review major mathematics topics taught
in secondary school and supplement the technical
material of other mathematics courses required for
teacher preparation and certification. The use of
Technology is included along with national and
state mathematics standards and (EXCET)-TEXES
The Method used primarily was to first discuss some of
the components of Agile Mind including:
I. Courses
II. Course Topics
a. Overview
b. Explorations
c. Summary
III. Course Descriptions
Implementation (continued)
IV. Forms of Assessments
a. Assessment
b. Self test
c. Multiple Choice Items
d. Constructive Response
V. Animation Index
a. 153 Animations Available in MS Math 3)
b. (139 Animations available in Algebra I)
c. (189 Animations available in Geometry)
d. (133 Animations available in AB Calculus)
Implementation (continued)
VI. Alignment to Standards
VII. Alignment to Textbooks
VIII. Scope and Sequence (Dana Center)
IX. Additional Course Support
Demonstration of a Particular Topic or
Concept Using Agile Mind
Probability from MS Math 2
Goals and Objectives:
1. Students will determine outcomes of simple and composite events.
2. Students will create sample spaces for experiments.
3. Students will conduct experiments and record the probability of each
4. Students will use proper notation for probability in ratios and percents.
5. Students will analyze experimental probability and compare it to
theoretical probability.
6. Students will make predications based on results from experiments.
7. Students will find theoretical probability and make predictions based
on results.
1. Students were exposed to a technology medium which
could be used to enhance content knowledge, teaching
methodology, and data analysis; moreover, this
material was new to most of the students.
2. Students really felt positive about the use of animation
and indicated how helpful this would be particularly
with visual learners.
3. Students were provided information on the Texas
Essential Knowledge and Skills and shown how Agile
Mind materials were aligned to the Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills, the National Standards, and
selected textbooks.
4. Students were provided with the opportunity to work
problems dealing with various methods of assessment
used at different stages of learning.
1. Not having enough computers in the lab for a
large class to have experiences with Agile
Mind during the same class period;
2. Students wanting to know about issues related
to access. For example, did all schools have
Agile Mind?
3. Students wanting to know how long they
would have access to the Agile Mind service
after the class had ended.
4. Getting the equipment projectors and laptops
for teachers who were interested in using the
program for classroom demonstrations;
Challenges cont’d:
5. Interaction of pre-service teachers with inservice teachers who are using Agile Mind;
6. The time period and experience factor
didn’t allow utilization of the class
management component during the Summer
Period. Hopefully, this will be improved
7. Moving the program in a timely manner;
8. Increasing the number of qualified
Mathematics and Science Teachers in the
Students’ Comments
• “I believe that Agile Mind is a helpful program that
should be used in the classroom.”
• “Since all learners are different, this visual aide will
allow the teacher an opportunity to give students
another access point to this information.”
• “I recommend that any teacher use Agile Mind. The
program gives students the opportunity to use
hands-on materials, be interactive at home and
school. I recommend that Agile Mind materials be
developed for more subjects.”
Students’ Comments
• “This program is an all around helpful tool
because it helps students and also the
• “The animation used in this program is a
strength. The fact that there is no voice in
the program forces the student to read.”
• “I like the idea that one has to drag certain
images in order to work the problem.”
Students’ Comments
• “I would like to see a program in Spanish on Agile
Mind, since I will be a Spanish teacher in the
• “The strength of the program is that it will benefit
both visual and kinesthetic learners.”
• “The assessments are helpful because they can be
used to enforce learning before one moves on.”
• “Multiple methods of teaching a topic is essential if
a student is to gain skills in higher order thinking.”
Students’ Comments
• “Agile Mind was very helpful to me in
understanding Trigonometry and Probability.
Both of these areas were my weak points. The
animation is just outstanding.”
• “I found Agile Mind to be a very helpful tool
in Math 437. I was able to refer to this
software and refresh or strengthen areas that I
found myself to be weak in. I honestly feel
that all students should have a tool such as this
as a reference.”