EDINBORO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS Bachelor of Science Major: Business Administration Marketing Concentration (0492) Student: ID# @ I. GENERAL EDUCATION A. (42 SH) SH Grade Date (12 SH) Skills ENGL 101 College Writing Skills 3 ENGL 102 Writ/Research 3 MATH150 Math for Business 3 CSCI 104 Essentials Computing I Or Discipline-specific computer competency course ______________________________ 3 B. Core (21 SH) Term: II. BUSINESS FOUNDATION COURSES (18 SH) SH Grade Date ACCT215 ACCT220 BUAD000 BUAD160 BUAD260 ECON220 ECON225 QUAN340 Principles of Accounting I Principles of Accounting II Business Primer Business in Society Business Law I Prin. of Microeconomics Prin. of Macroeconomics Statistics for Business and Economics 3 3 0 3 3 31 3 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 3 ____ ___ III. MARKETING² ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (42 SH) SH Grade Date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Artistic Expression _______________________ (3 SH) ___ ____ ___ World Civilizations _______________________ (3 SH) ___ ____ ___ American Civilizations _______________________ (3 SH) ___ ____ ___ Human Behavior _______________________ (3 SH) ___ ____ Cultural Diversity & Social Pluralism _______________________ (3 SH) ___ ____ ___ Ethics PHIL240 Intro/Moral Issues (3 SH) ___ ____ ___ Natural Science _______________________ (3 SH) ___ ____ ___ ___ C. Distribution (9 SH) 1. Humanities & Fine Arts (3 SH) ENGL370 Bus. English ___ ____ ___ 2. Social & Behavioral Sciences (3 SH) Fulfilled by the required Business Foundation Course ECON220 Microeconomics 3. Science & Math (3 SH) MATH260 Elements of Stats 3 ____ ___ ¹Semester hours counted in Distribution 2 ²See requirements for admission to Concentration ³Required for graduation THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD (Revised: March 2013; Approved: June 2013) (Effective: Fall 2013) A. Business Requisites BUAD001 Career Prep Seminar BUAD320 Info Resource Mgmt BUAD475 Business Decision Making FIN300 Principles of Finance MGMT300 Principles of Management MKTG300 Principles of Marketing 0³ 3 3 3 3 3 (15 SH) ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ B. Required Courses MKTG320 Advertising & Promotion MKTG340 Consumer Behavior MKTG410 Marketing Research MKTG475 Mktg. Analysis & Planning 3 3 3 3 (12 SH) ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ C. Elective Courses (6 SH) Any two (2) marketing (MKTG) courses at the 310 or higher level not elsewhere required. ______________________________ 3 ____ ___ ______________________________ 3 ____ ___ D. Required Related Courses (9 SH) Any combination of courses at the 310 or higher level not elsewhere required with the following prefixes: ACCT, BUAD, ECON, FIN, MGMT, MKTG. No more than one course may be MKTG. ______________________________ ___ ____ ___ ______________________________ ___ ____ ___ ______________________________ ___ ____ ___ IV. FREE ELECTIVES (18 SH) Free elective semester hours may be used for internship credits. SH Grade Date ______________________________ ___ ____ ___ ______________________________ ___ ____ ___ ______________________________ ___ ____ ___ ______________________________ ___ ____ ___ ______________________________ ___ ____ ___ ______________________________ ___ ____ ___ TOTAL (120 SH)