Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Department: Business & Economics Academic Year: 2014-15 Program: AS-Business Program Objective Assessed Direct Measure Direct Indirect Indirect Proposed Proposed Action Measure Measure Measure Action Items for Program Results Results Items for Assessment Tool AS LO1: Students Business will correctly analyze and interpret quantitative data as a basis for business decisionmaking. Assessed in LO not ACCT220 met. LO2: Students will apply the concept of elasticity of demand. Assessed in LO not ECON220 met. through three multiple choice questions. Action Items Objective to Implemented be Assessed This Year Next Year None None None Faculty should assign Measure was additional in-class implemented exercises/discussions through a emphasizing the take-home ratios used in exam evaluating credit and emphasizing investment risk, how ratio those ratios are calculation calculated, and how and the ratios are used in interpretation. evaluating credit and investment risk. None None None Additional classNone time and class provided by assignments must be faculty devoted to the interpretation of demand elasticity. Paper and rubric See description below for more information. The intent is to assess this objective in the coming year. However, plan is to revamp LO’s in the coming year, which may result in modifications to what is assessed. The intent is to assess this objective in the coming year. However, plan is to revamp LO’s in the coming year, which may result in modifications LO3: Students will apply the supply/demand models for the analysis of economic events. Assessed in LO not ECON220 & met. ECON225 None None None ECON220 - Integrate discussion of externalities throughout the semester in several related topics to help retention and comprehension without devoting too much additional classtime to the subject. ECON225 – Have more in-class discussions on externalities. Include more questions about externalities in the homework assignments. Assessed in LO met. None ACCT220. See description below for more information about assessment method. None None As performance None continues to meet provided by targets with less than faculty. 10% of students not performing at an acceptable level during the three most recent assessment periods, no further action is required in ACCT220. Accounting faculty recommend future ECON220: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. ECON225: Assessed through a word problem. LO5: Students will interpret the meaning of the four basic financial reports, which include the income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, and the statement ECON220 – None provided by faculty ECON225 – None provided by faculty to what is assessed. The intent is to assess this objective in the coming year. However, plan is to revamp LO’s in the coming year, which may result in modifications to what is assessed. The intent is to assess this objective in the coming year. However, plan is to revamp LO’s in the coming year, which may result in modifications to what is assessed. assessments in ACCT220 focus on a managerial accounting topic. of stockholders’ equity. LO6: Students Assessed in will describe the MGMT300. Class was concept of organizational taught by adjunct who structure, teamwork and has not yet submitted communication. report. Report will be modified once professor submits assessment report. LO8: Students Assessed in LO met. None BUAD260 will produce through an reports and essay business correspondence assignment of professional using an evaluation quality. rubric. The intent is to assess this objective in the coming year. However, plan is to revamp LO’s in the coming year, which may result in modifications to what is assessed. None None I believe the essay None provided should continue to in faculty be used as part of an report. exam rather than as an in-class assignment. This helps to ensure that the students will undertake a reasonable effort when answering the essay question. Also, I do not believe the course outline and content coverage needs to be changed in order to improve The intent is to assess this objective in the coming year. However, plan is to revamp LO’s in the coming year, which may result in modifications to what is assessed. student learning of pertinent concepts. A review of the data reveals that the overwhelming majority of students in the class met or exceeded expectations. LO10: Students will identify the difference between legal and ethical decisionmaking. Assessed in LO met. None BUAD260 through three multiple choice questions. None None I believe the None reported multiple-questions by faculty. should continue to be used as part of an exam rather than as an in-class assignment. This helps to ensure that the students will undertake a reasonable effort when preparing to answer the questions. Also, I do not believe the course outline and content coverage needs to be changed in order to improve student learning of pertinent concepts. A review of the data reveals that the overwhelming majority of students in the two sections The intent is to assess this objective in the coming year. However, plan is to revamp LO’s in the coming year, which may result in modifications to what is assessed. met or exceeded expectations. Note: LO 7 (Students will describe each element of the marketing mix: product, price, promotion and place) and LO 9 (Students will demonstrate competence in the use of productivity software) were not assessed last year. The department’s outcomes assessment committee will need to work with the faculty to review these items and identify means to assess these LO’s. Table 1: Direct Measure Assessment Methods for ACCT220 LO1: Students will correctly analyze and interpret quantitative data as a basis for business decisionmaking. ACCT220: Students were required to use condensed financial statement data (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, Cash Flow Statement) and selected beginning of year data, to compute several financial ratios and to analyze selected financial ratios in the context of investing and lending decision-making (see ACCT220 Assessment Question below). Accordingly, this assignment required students to use/develop the following decision-making skills: Analytic: Analytic skills were developed by having them (1) determine the appropriate data from the financial statements to use in computing financial ratios, and (2) apply basic financial statement analysis in determining the appropriate ratio(s) to use in making investing and lending decisions in a business context. Critical Thinking: Students’ critical thinking skills were developed by having them use the analysis results in determining which entity represented a better potential investment and which entity represented a lessor credit risk. Students’ papers were assessed using a grading rubric (see ACCT220 Assessment Question Rubric below). Program: BS-Business Program Objective Assessed Direct Measure Direct Measure Results Indirect Indirect Proposed Proposed Action Items Objective to Measure Measure Action Action Items Implemented be Assessed Results Items for for Program This Year Next Year Assessment Tool BS LO1: Analytical Business and Collaborative ProblemSolving Skills: Various as LO is assessed in the following classes: Mixed Results None LO Met In: FIN300 None None Since LO was Since we are met in several coming off a classes, many self-study year report no and many of change to our faculty are The intent is to assess this objective in the coming year. Each student can determine and apply appropriate quantitative and analytical skills to solve practical business problems. Each student can function effectively as a team member for collaborative business decisionmaking. FIN300 QUAN340 MGMT300 MKTG300 BUAD475 ECON225 ACCT220 QUAN340 MGMT300 MKTG300 ECON225 current teaching methods. Proposed changes mainly suggest that more class time needs to be spent develop skills or knowledge and/or incorporating addition exercises and assignments. new, several However, did not report plan is to any revamp LO’s implemented in the coming action items. year, which Those who did may result in report actions, modifications suggest that to what is many made assessed. modifications to devote more time to the learning objective or incorporating activities and lectures specifically designed to See Table 2 develop the below for necessary action items knowledge identified for and skills. each class where measured See Table 2 below for action items identified for each class where measured LO Partially Met In: BUAD475 Measures Used: Case Study LO Not T/F Met In: Questions ACCT220 Papers Exam Essays Simulation Team Project Homework See Table 1 Below LO2: Discipline Various as Competence: LO is Each student can assessed in Mixed Results None None None MTK300 &QUAN340 professor Since we are The intent is coming off a to assess this self-study year objective in demonstrate competence in the application of economic, financial, managerial, and marketing knowledge in the analysis of business problems in a global business environment. the following classes: ECON220 MKTG300 ECON225 QUAN340 FIN300 ACCT220 BUAD475 ETS-MFT Exam MGMT300 See Table 1 Below Measures Used: Mult. Choice Word Problem Exam Essays Papers Simulation LO is also supposed to be assessed in MGMT300. This class was taught by adjunct who did not submit report. Assessment report will be LO Met In: QUAN340 FIN300 MKTG300 LO Partially Met In: ECON220 ECON225 ACCT220 LO Not Met In: BUAD475 The ETSMFT average scores were 154 for fall 2014 and 149 for spring 2015. These scores are consistent with past results. indicate no change since LO was met. Proposed changes in other classes mainly suggest that more class time needs to be spent develop skills or knowledge and/or incorporating addition exercises and assignments. Some suggest that they need to discuss LO results with other faculty. Since BUAD475 is capstone course professor suggests that results should be discussed with faculty. See Table 2 below for and many of the coming our faculty are year. new, several However, did not report plan is to any revamp LO’s implemented in the coming action items. year, which Those who did may result in report actions, modifications suggest that to what is many made assessed. modifications to devote more time to the learning objective or incorporating activities and lectures specifically designed to develop the necessary knowledge and skills. See Table 2 below for action items identified for each class where measured revised if submitted. LO3: Various as LO Met in: None Communication LO is BUAD320 Skills. Each assessed in BUAD475 student can the following FIN300 effectively classes: MKTG300 communicate a FIN300 BUAD260 complicated BUAD320 business issue in MKTG300 both written and BUAD475 oral form using BUAD260 appropriate See Table 1 presentation Below technology. Measures Used: Essay Mult. Choice Indiv. & Group Presentations Case Study LO is also supposed to be assessed in BUAD160 and BUAD001. This class was taught by adjunct who action items identified for each class where measured None None Since LO was met, either minor modifications suggested or no change. Since we are The intent is coming off a to assess this self-study year objective in and many of the coming our faculty are year. new, several However, did not report plan is to See Table 2 any revamp LO’s below for implemented in the coming action items action items. year, which identified for Those who did may result in each class report actions, modifications where suggest that to what is measured many made assessed. modifications to devote more time to the learning objective or incorporating activities and lectures specifically designed to develop the necessary knowledge and skills. did not submit report. Assessment report will be revised if submitted. LO4 Competence in the Application of Technology: Each student can demonstrate knowledge of information technology and competence in technology applications for making business decisions. Various as LO is assessed in the following classes: BUAD320 QUAN340 BUAD475 Measures Used: Essay Homework Exams In-Class Assign. Group Proj. Presentation See Table 1 Below See Table 2 below for action items identified for each class where measured LO Met In: None BUAD320 QUAN340 BUAD475 None None Since LO was met, either minor modifications suggested or no change. Since we are The intent is coming off a to assess this self-study year objective in and many of the coming our faculty are year. new, several However, did not report plan is to See Table 2 any revamp LO’s below for implemented in the coming action items action items. year, which identified for Those who did may result in each class report actions, modifications where suggest that to what is measured many made assessed. modifications to devote more time to the learning objective or incorporating activities and lectures specifically designed to develop the necessary knowledge and skills. See Table 2 below for action items identified for each class where measured LO5 - Ethical Decisionmaking. Each student can identify and evaluate ethical dilemmas and corporate responsibility in business situations and effectively communicate defensible solutions. Various as LO is assessed in the following classes: FIN300 MKTG300 BUAD260 Measures Used: Mult. Choice See Table 1 Below LO Met In: None FIN300 MKTG300 BUAD260 None None Since LO was met, either minor modifications suggested or no change. BUAD1609 prof. did suggest that the textbook used should be reevaluated and modification of the questions. Since we are The intent is coming off a to assess this self-study year objective in and many of the coming our faculty are year. new, several However, did not report plan is to any revamp LO’s implemented in the coming action items. year, which Those who did may result in report actions, modifications suggest that to what is many made assessed. modifications to devote more time to the learning See Table 2 objective or below for incorporating action items activities and identified for lectures each class specifically where designed to measured develop the necessary knowledge and skills. See Table 2 below for action items identified for each class where measured Table 1: Direct Measure Assessment Methods Sub LO Course Embedded Courses for Measurement & Description of Direct Measure Used Learning Objective (LO) Program LO1: Analytical and Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills. Each student can determine and apply appropriate quantitative and analytical skills to solve practical business problems. Each student can function effectively as a team member for collaborative business decision-making. LO 1.a Students will correctly FIN300: Case study assignment (used a homework assignment, in-class assignment, or as identify and apply part of an examination); Part I of the case study assignment assesses LO1.a and Part II will appropriate quantitative be used to assess LO 3.c. methods for solving QUAN340: One True or False question and two multiple choice questions serve the business problems. “identify” portion of LO 1a. A simple linear case study problem will serve the “apply” portion of LO 1a. LO 1.b Students will correctly ACCT220: Students were required to use condensed financial statement data (Balance analyze and interpret Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, Cash Flow Statement) and quantitative data as a selected beginning of year data, to compute several financial ratios and to analyze selected basis for business financial ratios in the context of investing and lending decision-making (see ACCT220 decision-making. Assessment Question below). Accordingly, this assignment required students to use/develop the following decision-making skills: Analytic: Analytic skills were developed by having them (1) determine the appropriate data from the financial statements to use in computing financial ratios, and (2) apply basic financial statement analysis in determining the appropriate ratio(s) to use in making investing and lending decisions in a business context. Critical Thinking: Students’ critical thinking skills were developed by having them use the analysis results in determining which entity represented a better potential investment and which entity represented a lessor credit risk. Students’ papers were assessed using a grading rubric (see ACCT220 Assessment Question Rubric below). QUAN340: Students are required to analyze statistical data in a case study and then answer related questions. Assessment is based on points earned for the five questions. 1.c Students will correctly determine causes of business problems and contrast the results of alternative decisions. BUAD475: Students were required to complete Capsim’s CompXM exam as part of the class’ requirements. Part of this exam evaluates each student’s decision making and critical thinking skills. The learning objective relevant to the parts that measure these skills is as follows: Demonstrating proficiency in areas such as complex problem solving, logical reasoning, and idea generation for making business related decisions (this LO was copied from the CompXM assurance of learning guide). The CompXM exam measures this learning outcome in two ways: (1) total balanced scorecard score and (2) students’ responses to multiple choice questions specifically related to this learning objective. MGMT300: A team project composing a business plan as well as exam questions were used to assess LO. Business Plan was assessed through use of a rubric. MKTG300: Assessed through one essay question. 1.d Students will recognize and demonstrate effective teamwork. BUAD475: The Capsim Capstone simulation required students to work in teams to run a company in a simulated sensor industry. Team performance was evaluated on two dimensions: performance in the simulation as measured by their balanced scorecard recap score percentile ranking and a team measurement instrument. Please note that the balanced scorecard recap score captures each team’s overall performance on the simulation as compared to the performance of student teams at other universities or educational institutions. The team measurement instrument (Capsim’s TeamMate evaluation instrument) requires students to evaluate their team along the dimensions of confidence, cooperation, coordination and cohesion. MGMT300: A team project composing a business plan as well as exam questions were used to assess LO. Business Plan was assessed through use of a rubric. 1.e Students will demonstrate an understanding of cultural diversity, economic and commercial trends that affect global business. BUAD475: Students were required to complete Capsim’s CompXM exam as part of the class’ requirements. Part of this exam evaluates each student’s analytical and computational skills. The learning objective relevant to the parts of the CompXM exam that measure these skills is as follows: Demonstrating proficiency in areas such as statistical and other mathematical techniques, data analysis, and quantitative modeling of business related information. (this LO was copied from the CompXM assurance of learning guide). The CompXM exam measures this learning outcome in two ways: (1) student scores on the Financial, Internal Process, & Customer Quadrants of their balanced scorecard score and (2) students’ responses to multiple choice questions specifically related to this learning objective. ECON225: Assessed through a homework assignment that required students to analyze two case studies and then answer related questions. MKTG300: Assessed through four essay questions; questions are either applied on an exam or used for a homework assignment; multiple essays are used since they capture different aspects of this multifaceted LO and require relatively short answers; essays are scored using 3-point holistic rubric. LO2: Discipline Competence: Each student can demonstrate competence in the application of economic, financial, managerial, and marketing knowledge in the analysis of business problems in a global business environment. 2.a.i Students will apply the ECON220: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. concept of elasticity of demand. MKTG300: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. 2.a.ii 2.a.iii 2.a.iv Students will apply the supply/demand models for the analysis of economic events. Student will analyze the concept of externalities in macro and micro applications. Students will interpret exchange rates and ECON220: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. ECON225: Assessed through a word problem. ECON220: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. ECON225: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. ECON225: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. 2.b.i 2.b.ii 2.b.iii describe their impact on global trade. QUAN340: Assessed through four multiple choice questions that pertain to a case/situation. Students will apply the concept of time value of money and explain the concept of present value to business applications. Students will interpret the meaning of the four basic financial reports, which include the income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, and the statement of stockholders’ equity. Students will calculate financial ratios applicable to business firms and interpret those ratios for the purpose of business decisionmaking. FIN300: Assessed through word problem/essay exam questions. ACCT220: Students were required to analyze condensed financial statement data (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, Cash Flow Statement) of two companies to answer questions related to the financial statements and identify which statements can be used to answer those questions (see ACCT220 Assessment Question below). Students’ abilities were assessed using a rubric (see ACCT220 Assessment Question Rubric below). FIN300: Assessed through four multiple choice questions. ACCT220: Students were required to use condensed financial statement data (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, Cash Flow Statement) and selected beginning of year data, to compute several financial ratios and to analyze selected financial ratios in the context of investing and lending decision-making (see ACCT220 Assessment Question below). Accordingly, this assignment required students to use/develop the following decision-making skills: Analytic: Analytic skills were developed by having them (1) determine the appropriate data from the financial statements to use in computing financial ratios, and (2) apply basic financial statement analysis in determining the appropriate ratio(s) to use in making investing and lending decisions in a business context. Critical Thinking: Students’ critical thinking skills were developed by having them use the analysis results in determining which entity represented a better potential investment and which entity represented a lessor credit risk. Students’ papers were assessed using a grading rubric (see ACCT220 Assessment Question Rubric below). FIN300: Assessed through word problem/essay question. 2.b.iv 2.c.i 2.c.ii 2.c.iii 2.d.i 2.d.ii Students will explain the nature and functions of international financial markets including the determination of interest rates. Students will describe the concept of organizational structure, teamwork and communication. Students will identify the methods and practices utilized to lead and motivate people within the organization. Students will describe the major activities related to the strategic planning process. Students will examine how each of the 4 Ps (Product, Price, Promotion and Place), collectively and individually, is used to meet marketing's goals. Students will describe the uncontrollable environments (economic, competitive, social, cultural, technological, governmental/legal), and explain how current and anticipated FIN300: Assessed through word problem/essay question. MGMT300: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. MGMT300: Assessed through three essay questions. MGMT300: Assessed through an exam essay question using a scoring rubric. MKTG300: Assessed through three essay questions. MKTG300: Assessed through five multiple choice questions. 2.d.iii 2.d.iv 2.e conditions in these environments influence marketing planning. Student will describe and apply the concept of market segmentation and positioning. Students will explain the distinction between standardization and customization when companies craft global marketing programs. Students will integrate knowledge across functional areas of business in solving a business problem in a global business environment. MKTG300: Assessed through five multiple choice questions. MKTG300: Assessed through three multiple choice essay questions. BUAD475: Students were required to complete Capsim’s CompXM exam as part of the class’ requirements. Part of this exam evaluates each student’s ability to integrate knowledge across functional areas of business in solving business problems. The learning objective relevant to the parts that measure these skills is as follows: Demonstrating proficiency in areas such as complex problem solving, logical reasoning, and idea generation for making business related decisions (this LO was copied from the CompXM assurance of learning guide). The CompXM exam measures this learning outcome in two ways: (1) total balanced scorecard score and (2) students’ responses to multiple choice questions specifically related to this learning objective ETS-MFT: Test administered each semester in BUAD475. LO3: Communication Skills. Each student can effectively communicate a complicated business issue in both written and oral form using appropriate presentation technology. Program LO Courses for Measurement 3.a Students will effectively BUAD260: Assessed through an essay assignment using an evaluation rubric. and concisely communicate ideas and MKTG300: May be applied on an exam or used for a homework assignment; a single essay opinions related to a is used to assess effective communication of ideas/opinion, as this LO is also measured in complex business issue. other courses. 3.b 3.c 3.d Students will create and deliver professional presentations using appropriate business presentation technology. BUAD320: Group presentation assessed with rubric. Students will produce reports and business correspondence of professional quality. BUAD260: Assessed through an essay assignment using an evaluation rubric. Students will demonstrate active listening skills. BUAD475: Students’ presentation abilities were assessed using a presentation rubric. FIN300: Case study assignment (used a homework assignment, in-class assignment, or as part of an examination); Part I of the cased study assignment assesses LO1.a and Part II will be used to assess LO 3.c. BUAD001 BUAD160 LO4 - Competence in the Application of Technology: Each student can demonstrate knowledge of information technology and competence in technology applications for making business decisions. 4.a Students will effectively BUAD320: One assignment of integrating Microsoft Excel and Access and one midterm employ spreadsheets for exam questions were used to assess LO 4.a. statistical, relational, and graphical analyses of QUAN340: Three labs were held by faculty in computer lab, and each student had access to business data. the Microsoft Excel. Faulty created the online videos to give the further instruction on Excel implementation in business case analysis. Students were required to finish homework related to the lab lecture. At the end of the semester, students took the computer software test. Students also used Excel to finish the group project. 4.b 4.c Students will demonstrate knowledge of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system functions in support of business decisions. Students will demonstrate competence in the integration of BUAD320: A total of 9 hands-on in class SAP ERP exercises were used to assess students’ knowledge in ERP system (LO 4.b). Students needs to complete 9 exercises in a live (real) SAP ERP system, which covers procurement process, fulfillment process, production process, inventory process, material planning process, and process integration. BUAD320: One assignment of integrating Microsoft Excel, Word, and Access was used to assess LO 4.c. software functions for the professional and effective electronic communication of ideas. 4.d Students will identify appropriate technology for support of business analysis and decisions. QUAN340: Students were separated into different project groups, and required to finish two group projects. Students were allowed to pick up a project topic/study question. Students were required to answer their research questions using simple linear and multiple regression model. The Excel, proper interpretation for statistics and two well-written reports (including 4 parts, namely, abstract, introduction, analysis and conclusion) are required. BUAD320: A team project of conducting an online survey was used to assess LO 4.d. Students need to use appropriate technology to collaborate with others to solve a business problem. In short, students need to formulate a business problem, use online survey to collect data, analyze the data, and turn in a report with solutions to the problem. Students need to use various technologies (Google drive, Google doc, Google spreadsheet, Google form, etc.). BUAD475: As part of the presentation, each student was evaluated – using a rubric - as to how well they used Microsoft PowerPoint. LO5 - Ethical Decision-making. Each student can identify and evaluate ethical dilemmas and corporate responsibility in business situations and effectively communicate defensible solutions. 5.a Students will identify an BUAD160: Assessed through five multiple choice questions. ethical dilemma in a business case, and propose and defend alternative courses of action. 5.b Students will BUAD260: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. demonstrate an understanding of the FIN300: Assessed through four multiple choice questions. legal environment of business. 5.c Students will identify the BUAD260: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. difference between legal and ethical decisionMKTG300: Assessed through three multiple choice questions. making. Table 2: Action items Course Proposed Action Items Action Items Implemented Last Year Program LO1: Analytical and Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills. Each student can determine and apply appropriate quantitative and analytical skills to solve practical business problems. Each student can function effectively as a team member for collaborative business decision-making FIN300 More class time on professional document More class time was devoted to: 1) identify strengths and LO1.a development and identifying company strengths weaknesses and 2) professional document development. LO 3.c and weaknesses. Videos were also posted on D2L for reinforcement associated with identifying strengths and weaknesses within a company. QUAN340 LO 1.a LO 1.b For LO 1.a. The faculty should keep achieving the high standard and satisfaction rate. For LO 1.b. Faculty suggested that students good at math need to put effort on developing business intuition, and students good at business intuition need to put effort on building up math skill. The faculty adopted four-phase to achieve this learning objective. 1. In the orientation phase, students were assigned the reading assignment and motivated to learn the topic and retrieve the statistics concepts learnt from elementary statistics class. 2. In the restructuring phase, the faculty and students (study groups) clarified and exchanged views through in-class discussion or activities. The faculty stressed the differences, advantages and disadvantages of different statistical methods. The Multiple Choices and True/False questions in weekly homework and quizzes were assigned to consolidate their knowledge. 3. In the application phase, the faculty introduced the real business/economics cases, and raised the decision-making related questions. Students were required to join in the inclass discussion to choose and apply the appropriate quantitative methods to solve the problem. The faculty also required students to evaluate the quantitative methods other students applied. The faculty emphasized the interpretation, and calculation using Excel. The analysis questions in weekly homework, exams and peer review reports were used to evaluate students’ understanding. 4. The review phase, the faculty posted practice questions, made the review notes and held review sessions prior to most exams or quizzes. ACCT220 LO 1.b Faculty should assign additional in-class exercises/discussions emphasizing the ratios used in evaluating credit and investment risk, how those ratios are calculated, and how the ratios are used in evaluating credit and investment risk. MKTG300 LO 1.c No change. ECON225 LO 1.e Recommendations: Essay questions are better tested in paper format to receive better responses. Measure was implemented through a take-home exam emphasizing ratio calculation and interpretation. Multiple choice Question 1: How to avoid products from failing? --I assigned student to read the case studies on "Chobani Greek Yogurt" which outlined an example of a new product success story. --Participative lecture (Chapter 1) Multiple choice Question 2: Meaning of Demographic? -- I assigned students to find out advertisements that are related to specific age group --Participative lecture (Chapter 3, 5, and 9) Multiple choice Question 3: Examples of why product fail? -- I assigned students to do online research on why product can fail and bring examples to class. --Participative lecture (Chapter 10) Essay 5: Meaning and example of customer centricity -- I assigned students to conduct library research on articles related to customer centricity and document its advantages and disadvantages and submit it back to me. --Participative lecture (Chapter 5) --Take home essay None reported by faculty. MKTG300 LO 1.e Include more class discussions that involve reading and interpretation of tables and numbers. Give students more guidance as to good business writing No change. Essays 1 to 4: Meanings of (i) Symbols, (ii) Cultural values, (iii) Globalization trends, and (iv) Economic trade blocks. --Participative lecture (Chapter 7) --Take home essay --YouTube brief videos on symbol and meaning of culture. MGMT300 None provided in faculty report. LO 1.c LO 1.d None provided in faculty report. BUAD475 LO 1.c LO 1.d LO 1.e LO 3.b LO 4.d The following were changes that I planned to make in the coming semester: o Provide Example: Provide students with an example that illustrates proper analysis and effective argumentation. o Teaching Analysis and Critical Thinking: Devote more class time towards teaching students how to analyze a case and craft an effective argument. o Presentation Skills: Devote more class time towards teaching students how to develop/produce an effective presentation. Since I switched from the Harvard Business Review case study format to the simulation, the first two bullet points were items that I did not implement in my classes. However, I did take steps to implement strategies to address the issues I observed with students’ presentation skills, given the results my efforts seem to have produced positive results. All items were above the threshold except for LO 1.c, which demonstrated mixed results as the multiple choice measurement item the threshold. Upon examining LO 1.e, which also used a multiple choice evaluation methodology, was within the threshold but only by a slim margin. At this time, the results do not offer any indication that action items should be taken. Instead, I recommend that we see what the results are for the next cycle. That said, I have two minor observations: Based on my observation above, I need to review how we assess LO 4.d to see if I can come up with a more valid measure. I am still moving down a learning curve with respect to the individual presentations. In the Spring 2015 semester I continued to refine this assignment, which will hopefully reveal new insights come Fall 2015. LO2: Discipline Competence: Each student can demonstrate competence in the application of economic, financial, managerial, and marketing knowledge in the analysis of business problems in a global business environment. ECON220 ECON220 - Additional class-time and class ECON220 – None provided by faculty MKTG300 assignments must be devoted to the interpretation MKTG300 - --Defined the concept of Elasticity of Demand LO 2.a.i of demand elasticity. & demonstrated the mathematical calculations (Lecture on MKTG300 - No Change Chapter 13)--Discussed the types of products which their demands are prone to be more or less elastic as a result of changes in: their own price, consumer income, and availability of substitutes, and taste. In addition to the above, the reasoning behind their elasticity patterns was also explained (Lecture on Chapter 13) ECON220 ECON225 LO 2.a.ii ECON220 - Additional class-time and class assignments must be devoted to the interpretation of demand elasticity. ECON225 - More class exercise of graph question with multiple shifts. Add a homework on basic graphing to prepare the online students for doing graph questions online. ECON220 – None provided by faculty ECON225 – None provided by faculty ECON220 ECON225 LO 2.a.iii ECON220 - Integrate discussion of externalities throughout the semester in several related topics to help retention and comprehension without devoting too much additional class-time to the subject. ECON225 – Have more in-class discussions on externalities. Include more questions about externalities in the homework assignments. ECON220 – None provided by faculty ECON225 – None provided by faculty ECON220 QUAN340 LO 2.a.iv ECON225 – Have more in-class discussions on impact of currency appreciation/depreciation. Include more questions about international finance in the homework assignments. QUAN340 - The faculty should keep achieving the high standard and satisfaction rate. ECON225 – None provided by faculty QUAN340 - The faculty adopted three-phase to achieve this learning objective. 1. The orientation phase. For online class, students were assigned the discussion assignment to discuss how U.S. government applied weighted-mean to construct the tradeweighted exchange rate; for face-to-face class, the faculty instructed students to calculate the trade-weighted exchange rate. Faculty used the example to motivate students connect statistics to the international trade. 2. The restructuring and application phase. Due to no statistics textbook cover the exchange rate, the faculty prepared the special lecture for students. Students were given handout and slides. The purpose for this special lecture is to help students understand how to read exchange rate, how to convert products priced in U.S dollar to the foreign currency, how to measure the currency appreciation/depreciation and understand the impact of exchange rates changes on international trade. Students separated into study groups were required to participate into in-class discussion and practice. The representative of each group wrote down answer on the board, and the faculty discussed answer key in class. 3. The review phase. The faculty posted practice questions online for online class, made the practice question handout for face-to-face class prior to the final exam. FIN300 LO 2.b.i FIN300 ACCT220 LO 2.b.ii Discuss best practices with Finance and Accounting Faculty (especially Instructor for ACCT 220.) Given high expectations associated with “apply” and “explain”, case studies or other in class/ homework might be good options. (Students did not meet expectation in Spring 2013 – 60% of Spring 2013 Students scored “Acceptable or Higher”,i.e., 10% less than 70% benchmark.) FIN300 – Continue prior methods and consider increasing benchmark, i.e., include homework assignment near the beginning of the semester to review the topic from ACCT 220. (Spring 2013 students exceeded 70% expectation. 80% of students performed at or above acceptable level in Spring 2013.) FIN300: Numerous in-class exercises, out of class assignments, quizzes, and videos were used to improve performance with: time value of money, financial statement analysis, and international financial markets. Reinforcement of the legal environment of business was primarily accomplished through quizzes. Videos were also posted on D2L for reinforcement associated with identifying strengths Numerous in-class exercises, out of class assignments, quizzes, and videos were used to improve performance with: time value of money, financial statement analysis, and international financial markets. Reinforcement of the legal environment of business was primarily accomplished through quizzes. Videos were also posted on D2L for reinforcement associated with identifying strengths and weaknesses within a company, i.e., financial statement analysis. ACCT220 – As performance continues to meet targets with less than 10% of students not performing at an acceptable level during the three most recent assessment periods, no further action is required in ACCT220. Accounting faculty recommend future assessments in ACCT220 focus on a managerial accounting topic. and weaknesses within a company, i.e., financial statement analysis. FIN300 ACCT220 LO 2.b.iii FIN300 – Finance 300 students should be reinforced the ratios that are discussed in ACCT 220. (Spring 2013 students met expectation, i.e., 80% at or above acceptable level.) ACCT220 – Faculty should assign additional in-class exercises/discussions emphasizing the ratios used in evaluating credit risk. FIN300: Numerous in-class exercises, out of class assignments, quizzes, and videos were used to improve performance with: time value of money, financial statement analysis, and international financial markets. Reinforcement of the legal environment of business was primarily accomplished through quizzes. Videos were also posted on D2L for reinforcement associated with identifying strengths and weaknesses within a company, i.e., financial statement analysis. FIN300 LO Finance 300 faculty should discuss best practices for presenting international financial markets and testing the same. Case studies or other in-class and homework assignments might be good options. (Spring 2013 students failed to meet expectations of 70% at or above acceptable level of performance. Roughly 55% of Spring 2013 students performed at or above acceptable level.). Add more discussion on global markets, interest rate parity, and modifying rubric for first assessment question to allow for broader range of acceptable answers. MKTG300 LO 2.d.i No change. ACCT220 – None provided by faculty ACCT220 – None provided by faculty FIN300: Numerous in-class exercises, out of class assignments, quizzes, and videos were used to improve performance with: time value of money, financial statement analysis, and international financial markets. Reinforcement of the legal environment of business was primarily accomplished through quizzes. Videos were also posted on D2L for reinforcement associated with identifying strengths and weaknesses within a company, i.e., financial statement analysis. Defined marketing Mix: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion (Lecture on Chapter 1&2). Explained the importance of marketing mix elements for 3M Company when they MKTG300 LO 2.d.ii No change. MKTG300 LO 2.d.iii No change. MKTG300 LO 2.d.iv No change. BUAD475 2.e Given that the simulation was a key focus of the semester, the students’ low balanced scorecard scores is somewhat puzzling. Also, when compared to the fall semester, the results are substantially lower. As for the multiple choice questions, the low scores and not meeting threshold levels is consistent with fall 2014 results. Since much of the class relies on what students have learned in other classes, a natural action item would be to discuss developed the new Flag Highlighter and Pen ®? (Lecture on Chapter 1 & 2). Explained how the environmental forces: Social, Economy, Technological, Competitive, and Regulatory, can influence the 4 P's (Product; Price, Place, and Promotion) (Lecture on Chapter 2 &3). Assigned print advertisement to students and asked them to highlight and discuss the underlying environmental force(s) that was (were) depicted in the advertisement (Mini presentation during lecture on Chapter 3) Explained and discussed the definition of market segmentation and product positioning concepts and described their applications (Lecture on Chapter 9). Discussed the two types of positioning and demonstrated their application using YouTube video clips on Samsung's and Apple's smart phone advertisements. Asked students to select a print advertisement and map the segmentation variables depicted in the advertisement i.e., Demographic, Geographic, Psychographic and Behavioral variables (Mini presentation during lecture on Chapter 9). Explained and discussed the different strategy types of going global and described their applications (Lecture on Chapter 7). Discussed the importance of standardization and adaptation strategy (Lecture on Chapter 7). Discussed different product/business types that are prone to fall between the continuum of standardization and adaptation strategy (Lecture on Chapter 7). The following were changes that I planned to make in the coming semester: o Provide Examples: Continue to provide students with examples that illustrates proper analysis and effective argumentation. o Teaching Analysis and Critical Thinking: While I devoted more class time towards teaching critical thinking and analysis, I do believe I can devote more time towards with the faculty these results to see how we can teaching these skills or I can try or develop new pedagogical improve. In past assessment reports I have techniques designed to improve these outcomes. suggested that the faculty need to construct how o Presentation Skills: Continue to devote class time towards skills and knowledge are developed over the course teaching students how to develop/produce an effective of a student’s academic career. As for my class I presentation. In addition, I could try or develop new need to delve further into the questions to see where pedagogical techniques designed to improve these students are struggling. Also, I could spend more outcomes. calss time devoted to business integration and However, I switched from Harvard Business case study to a decision-making. simulation format. Given the these adjustments were designed to help improve students’ performance on these assignments and that I no longer require such assignments, all of these objectives were not applied. However, I did spend extra time to devote more class time to analysis and critical thinking as well as developing these skills through the homework assignments and weekly team meetings. LO3: Communication Skills. Each student can effectively communicate a complicated business issue in both written and oral form using appropriate presentation technology. MKTG300 Lo 3.a --In fall 2015, I will highlight and discuss more extensively on the difference between "Subculture" and "National Culture." No Change BUAD260 LO 3.a LO 3.c I believe the essay should continue to be used as part of an exam rather than as an in-class assignment. This helps to ensure that the students will undertake a reasonable effort when answering the essay question. Also, I do not believe the course outline and content coverage needs to be changed in order to improve student learning of pertinent Essay 6: Meaning of Subculture and its effects on consumption. -- I assigned students to conduct library research on articles related to subculture and how it affects consumption pattern and present their findings to the class. --Take home essay --Participative lecture (Chapter 5 and 7) None provided in faculty report. concepts. A review of the data reveals that the overwhelming majority of students in the class met or exceeded expectations. BUAD320 LO 3.b None provided in faculty report. None provided in faculty report. BUAD475 LO 1.c LO 1.d LO 1.e LO 3.b LO 4.d All items were above the threshold except for LO 1.c, which demonstrated mixed results as the multiple choice measurement item the threshold. Upon examining LO 1.e, which also used a multiple choice evaluation methodology, was within the threshold but only by a slim margin. At this time, the results do not offer any indication that action items should be taken. Instead, I recommend that we see what the results are for the next cycle. That said, I have two minor observations: Based on my observation above, I need to review how we assess LO 4.d to see if I can come up with a more valid measure. I am still moving down a learning curve with respect to the individual presentations. In the Spring 2015 semester I continued to refine this assignment, which will hopefully reveal new insights come Fall 2015. The following were changes that I planned to make in the coming semester: o Provide Example: Provide students with an example that illustrates proper analysis and effective argumentation. o Teaching Analysis and Critical Thinking: Devote more class time towards teaching students how to analyze a case and craft an effective argument. o Presentation Skills: Devote more class time towards teaching students how to develop/produce an effective presentation. Since I switched from the Harvard Business Review case study format to the simulation, the first two bullet points were items that I did not implement in my classes. However, I did take steps to implement strategies to address the issues I observed with students’ presentation skills, given the results my efforts seem to have produced positive results. FIN300 LO1.a LO 3.c More class time on professional document development and identifying company strengths and weaknesses. More class time was devoted to: 1) identify strengths and weaknesses and 2) professional document development. Videos were also posted on D2L for reinforcement associated with identifying strengths and weaknesses within a company. LO4 - Competence in the Application of Technology: Each student can demonstrate knowledge of information technology and competence in technology applications for making business decisions. QUAN340 More individual homework assignments are needed None reported. LO 4.a to consolidate the knowledge learnt in the lab. BUAD320 LO 4.a None provided in faculty report. More in class Excel exercises will be suggested for the future. That enables students to get familiar with the software and get the feedback immediately when they have questions. BUAD320 LO 4.b None provided in faculty report. Students need to complete the exercises in class and they have the opportunities to ask questions when they ran into problems, which lead to a large number of students who exceeds expectations. QUAN340 LO 4.c None reported. BUAD320 LO 4.c LO 4.d None provided in faculty report. The faculty suggested that more reading assignments related to professional business statistics reports should be included into class. None provided in faculty report. BUAD475 LO 1.c LO 1.d LO 1.e LO 3.b LO 4.d All items were above the threshold except for LO 1.c, which demonstrated mixed results as the multiple choice measurement item the threshold. Upon examining LO 1.e, which also used a multiple choice evaluation methodology, was within the threshold but only by a slim margin. At this time, the results do not offer any indication that action items should be taken. Instead, I recommend that we see what the results are for the next cycle. That said, I have two minor observations: Based on my observation above, I need to review how we assess LO 4.d to see if I can come up with a more valid measure. I am still moving down a learning curve with respect to the individual presentations. In the Spring 2015 semester I continued to refine this assignment, which will hopefully reveal new insights come Fall 2015. The following were changes that I planned to make in the coming semester: o Provide Example: Provide students with an example that illustrates proper analysis and effective argumentation. o Teaching Analysis and Critical Thinking: Devote more class time towards teaching students how to analyze a case and craft an effective argument. o Presentation Skills: Devote more class time towards teaching students how to develop/produce an effective presentation. Since I switched from the Harvard Business Review case study format to the simulation, the first two bullet points were items that I did not implement in my classes. However, I did take steps to implement strategies to address the issues I observed with students’ presentation skills, given the results my efforts seem to have produced positive results. LO5 - Ethical Decision-making. Each student can identify and evaluate ethical dilemmas and corporate responsibility in business situations and effectively communicate defensible solutions. BUAD160 This outcome assessment was conducted as part of None provided in faculty report. LO 5.a the student’s exam process at the end of the semester. We had taken time to review similar like questions in regards to the assessment. These assessment questions are not built around any specific textbook that has been utilized in the course and can often times be a stretch from the material being covered. The disparity in how business ethics are presented both by textbook selected and instructor of the course can cause some disconnect between how the topics are discussed to what these assessment questions are asking. A recommendation for future assessments would be to review the business ethics texts that are being used and modifying questions to reflect how that content is being presented. FIN300 LO 5.b BUAD260 LO 5.b LO 5.c Numerous in-class exercises, out of class assignments, quizzes, and videos were used to improve performance with: time value of money, financial statement analysis, and international financial markets. Reinforcement of the legal environment of business was primarily accomplished through quizzes. Videos were also posted on D2L for reinforcement associated with identifying strengths and weaknesses within a company, i.e., financial statement analysis. The department should work with faculty to ensure assessments are properly given each year of assessment cycle. Ensure coverage in lecture and in text book in FIN 300. Introduce and review legal environment of business. Also additional homework and/or assignments pertaining to legal environment of business may be used for reinforcement of material. Spring 2013 students exceeded the 70% threshold, i.e., 90% of Spring 2013 students scored at or above an acceptable level. I believe the multiple-questions should continue to None reported by faculty. be used as part of an exam rather than as an in-class assignment. This helps to ensure that the students will undertake a reasonable effort when preparing to answer the questions. Also, I do not believe the course outline and content coverage needs to be changed in order to improve student learning of pertinent concepts. A review of the data reveals that the overwhelming majority of students in the two sections met or exceeded expectations. MKTG300 LO 5.c Defined and discussed the concept of ethics and business ethics and their applications (Lecture on Chapter 4). Discussed the different scenarios ranging from: ethical and legal, unethical but legal, ethical but illegal, to unethical and illegal, that could lead businesses to experience ethical decision making dilemma (Lecture on Chapter 4). Asked students to provide example of each of the above four ethical and legal scenario/framework (Lecture on Chapter 4). No change. Program: BS-Economics Program Objective Assessed LO 1.Students will demonstrate understanding of fundamental economic concepts. Direct Measure Direct Measure Results ECON 220 (Prin. of Microeconomics ) and ECON 225 (Prin. of Macroeconomic s Most students demonstrated good understanding of the concepts. In general, the results are slightly better than the results from last year. Indirect Indirect Proposed Proposed Action Items Measure Measure Action Items for Program Results for Assessment Tool None More practice problems/homework may be implemented to increase the level of students’ understanding for topics such as externalities and elasticities. Action Items Objective Implemented to be This Year Assessed Next Year More practice problems/ homework were implemented. LO 1 ECON 420 Students did LO 2. Students (Econometrics) not meet the will effectively acceptable communicate performance economic ideas target. The in writing. combined 2 and 3 on 1-3 scale (where 3 is the highest) accounts for 50%. LO 3.Students will demonstrate an understanding of core economic theories. ECON 320 (Intermediate Microeconomics ) and ECON 319 (Intermediate Macroeconomic s LO 4.Students ECON 420 will evaluate an (Econometrics) economic problem using quantitative methods. None Students should be required to submit a rough draft of their paper to the instructor, the writing center and to class-mates for review. LO 2 Students met the acceptable performance target in both ECON 320 and ECON 319 assessments. None Enhance student calculation skills through in-class and after-class exercises. LO 3 Students met the acceptable performance target. None More energy/class time/assignments should be devoted to identifying the correct quantitative method for the economic problem. This could be accomplished through greater use of published papers and peer review of class projects. LO 4 LO 5.Students will display critical and analytical thinking skills by applying economic models to real world and hypothetical situations. ECON 420 Students met (Econometrics) the acceptable performance target. None Greater emphasis will be placed on understanding the difference between application of economic models and data-mining within econometrics. LO 5