EDINBORO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS Bachelor of Arts Major: Theatre Arts (0315) Student: Term: ID# @ I. GENERAL EDUCATION (45 SH) SH A. Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGL101 College Writing Skills 3 ENGL102 Writ/Research 3 MATH104 Finite Mathematics 3 CSCI104, higher CSCI, or 3 discipline specific computer-based course II. REQUIRED DRAMA COURSES Grade Date (12 SH) B. Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (21 SH) 1. Artistic Expression (3 SH) (36 SH) SH Grade Date A. Required Theatre Courses (30 SH) THEA202 Play Analysis* 3 THEA203 Fundamentals of Acting 3 THEA211 Theatre Practicum I** 1-3 THEA311 Stagecraft I 3 THEA318 History of the Theatre to 1642 3 THEA319 History of Theatre: 1660 to Present 3 2. World Civilizations (3 SH) THEA405 Directing 3 3. American Civilizations (3 SH) THEA411 Theater Practicum II 1-8 THEA313 4. Human Behavior PSY101 General Psychology (3 SH) Costume and Makeup OR Stage Lighting 3 5. Cultural Diversity & Social Pluralism (3 SH) Voice and Movement OR Theatre Stage Mgment 3 THEA314 THEA201 THEA300 6. Ethics (3 SH) 7. Natural Science (3 SH) *May be counted in Core 1 adding 3 SH to free electives **Theatre Practicum I and II must collectively total 6 credits B. Theatre Electives C. Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12 SH) 1. Humanities & Fine Arts (3 - 6 SH) 2. Social & Behavioral Sciences (3 - 6 SH) 3. Science & Math (3 - 6 SH) Six (6) semester hours with the same prefix in one area of distribution and three (3) semester hours in each of the other two areas of distribution Applied Dance 1 Voice and Movement 3 Intro to Theatre 3 Hist. Dance 2 Theatre Stg. Mgment 3 Children’s Theatre 3 Creative Drama 3 Costume and Makeup 3 Stage Lighting 3 Scene Design 3 Playwrighting 3 Studies in Drama 3-12 Advanced Acting 3 High School Play 3 Theatre Practicum 1-3 (9 SH limit) THEA490 Independent Study 3 THEA495 Theatre Internship 3-15 (Up to 3 credits of Internship can count as THEA electives) III. FREE ELECTIVES THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD (Revised: February 2008; Approved: April 2008) (Effective: Summer 2008; Printed June 2012) (6 SH) THEA200 THEA201 THEA218 THEA250 THEA300 THEA309 THEA310 THEA313 THEA314 THEA315 THEA351 THEA397 THEA403 THEA409 THEA411 TOTAL# (42 SH) SH Grade Date (120 SH) #Note: At least 42 semester hours must consist of advanced coursework