MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2007 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, November 15, 2007, at the Cosand Center, 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Mr. Robert Nelson, President, called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Mr. Robert Nelson, President; Ms. Denise Chachere, Vice President; Dr. Dolores Gunn, Trustee; Ms. Margo McNeil, Trustee and Dr. Joann Ordinachev, Trustee. Mr. Michael Rohrbacker, Trustee, was absent. Also present were Dr. Zelema Harris, Chancellor; Ms. Susan Lore, Assistant General Counsel; and Rebecca Garrison, Administrative Associate to the Board. Mr. Nelson expressed condolences to the family of Michael Rohrbacker on the passing of his Grandmother. Mr. Nelson then announced that the Board of Trustees had appointed Dr. Zelema Harris as the eighth Chancellor of St. Louis Community College. He further stated that the Board recognized, very quickly, that Dr. Harris had all of the qualities, expertise and vision needed at St. Louis Community College. Dr. Harris received a warm welcome from those in attendance. 2. None. Welcome to Guests 3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items None. 4. Audit Report: Clifton-Gunderson Mike Hillary with Clifton Gunderson, LLP, presented a report on the 2007 external audit of St. Louis Community College. 5. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised after Ms. Garrison made a correction, changing the word “lodged” to the word “approved” under agenda item 13. 6. Acceptance of October 25, 2007 Minutes There being no corrections noted to the October 25, 2007 minutes, they were accepted as written. 7. Approval of Resolution Re December 20, 2007 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll call vote, with Mr. Rohrbacker being absent, the resolution scheduling an executive session on December 20, 2007, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 8. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Crystal Wilson, Coordinator of Internal Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. 9. North Central Accreditation Report Dr. Donna Dare, Director of Vocational and Technical Education, presented the Board with the NCA Self-Study document and made a presentation to the Board. 2 10. Appointment of Board-Designated Witnesses for Election Lottery On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously appointed Sherri Timmerman and Pat Matreci as designated witnesses to the December 18, 2007 election lottery. 11. Authorization of Trustee Travel On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved Ms. Chachere, Dr. Gunn and Dr. Ordinachev’s travel to the ACCT Legislative Summit. 12. Authorization of Chancellor Travel On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved Dr. Harris’ travel to the ACCT National Legislative Summit. 13. Discussion Regarding Revised Board Polices/Procedures – Division A Governance Process Following discussion regarding the revisions to Division A of Board Policy, on motion by Ms. Chachere, the Board, on a roll-call vote, by a vote of 4 to 1, with Trustee Ordinachev voting “Yes,” and Trustees McNeil, Gunn, Chachere and Nelson voting “No” and Mr. Rohrbacker being absent, the Board decided not to approve revisions to Division A of Board Policy. Following further discussion, the Board decided by consensus to add discussion regarding the policies in Division A to its January 5, 2008 Board Retreat Agenda. 14. Ratification of Trustee Expenditure Reports On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously ratified expense reports for Trustees Chachere and Ordinachev from the ACCT Conference and Trustees Nelson and Ordinachev from the MCCA Conference. 3 15. Appointment of Commissioner to Tax Increment Financing Commission On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Randy Haymon as Commissioner to the City of Pagedale Tax Increment Finance Commission. 16. Appointment of Commissioner to Tax Increment Financing Commission On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Joyce Prage as Commissioner to the City of Sunset Hills Tax Increment Finance Commission. 17. Approval for Scheduling of Board Retreat On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved scheduling a Board Retreat Session on Saturday, January 5, 2008. II. INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES 18. No items. III. HUMAN RESOURCES 19. Human Resource Recommendations On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved the following Resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. 4 IV. BID AWARDS 20. Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit C; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. V. BUSINESS & FINANCE 21. Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of October, 2007, were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, budget status report general operating fund through October 31, 2007, budget status reports – auxiliary, rental of facilities and agency: July 1, 2007 – October 31, 2007, student financial aid fund, July 1, 2007 – October 31, 2007, Center for Business Industry and Labor budget status report: July 1, 2007 – October 31, 2007, and restricted general fund budget status report: July 1, 2007 – October 31, 2007. B. Warrant Check Register – October 31, 2007 On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending October 31, 2007. 5 C. Ratification of Investments The Board ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of October, 2007, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. VI. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 22. Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance on renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. VII. EXTERNAL FUNDS 23. Acceptance of External Funds On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set out in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and 6 FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for workstudy programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. VIII. INSURANCE RECOMMENDATION 24. No items. IX. GENERAL FUNCTIONS, CONTD. 25. Chancellor’s Report Dr. Harris thanked the Board for their confidence in her leadership. She also thanked members of her leadership team, telling them that their talent played a major role in her accepting the position as Chancellor at SLCC. She said she is willing and ready to work hard with the Board and the College community. She added that her decision to accept this appointment was based on the solid foundation left by Dr. Henry Shannon. 26. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Topics Ms. Sarah Gray, a graduate student at the University of Illinois, asked the Board of Trustees to terminate the employment of the music director at the Meramec campus, alleging abuse nine years ago when she was a high school student in California and he was her teacher. Mr. David Clohessy, national director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), urged the Board to terminate or suspend the professor immediately. X. NEW BUSINESS None. 7 ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on a motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board voted to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Becky Garrison Board Secretary 8 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Zelema Harris DATE: November 15, 2007 SUBJECT: Board Agenda Modifications Tab Page No. Revision F 1 3.1 Appointments/Full-Time Administrative/Professional Staff Add: Friend, Joanie; new employee; CC; Director, Enrollment Management; range A 16; $75,983; effective 01/14/08-06/30/08. This is a new position; salary is in accordance with Board Policy E1.2, Salary Range Conditions. 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/Change of Assignment/Classified Staff Add: Kearney, Mary, CC; from Legal Administrative Secretary, range 6, $1,502.61 bi-wk; to Administrative Assistant II, range 8, $1,652.87 bi-wk, effective 11/16/07. This is a replacement position; salary increase is in accordance with Board Policy F5 Position Changes. I 1 6.1.4 J 8 7.3 Contract Agreement Between St. Louis Community College and People’s Choice TV of St. Louis (“Sprint Nextel”) (Attached) Non-Cash Donations (Attached) 6.1.4 Contract Agreement Between St. Louis Community College and People’s Choice TV of St. Louis (“Sprint Nextel”) It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a contract agreement between St. Louis Community College and PEOPLE’S CHOICE TV of ST. LOUIS, INC. (“SPRINT NEXTEL”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Sprint Nextel Corporation, for the lease of the excess capacity on four EBS channels licensed to the College by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This contract agreement is based on the terms approved by the Board of Trustees at its September 19, 2006 meeting. The initial term of the agreement is ten (10) years with automatic renewals of up to two (2) additional terms of ten (10) years each at the sole discretion of Sprint Nextel. The revenue to the College includes a $1,500,000 signing fee payable upon receipt of FCC consent, a $55,750 monthly lease fee and a $250 monthly account credit. A 3 % annual adjustment is applicable to both the lease fee and the account credit beginning in year six (6) of the agreement. The projected revenue to the College over a ten year period and a thirty year period is the same as that approved by the Board of Trustees at its September 19, 2006 meeting. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONTRACT AGREEMENTS At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College, duly called in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, held on November 15, 2007 at which meeting a quorum was present and voted on the Resolution, the Board was requested to approve the acceptance and/or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. On motion by ________, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: 6.1.5 RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit E, including but not limited to the Contract Agreement between St. Louis Community College and People’s Choice TV of St. Louis (“Sprint Nextel”), attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the appropriate contract in each instance. ________________________ President of the Board of Trustees I, Rebecca Garrison, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District St. Louis - St. Louis County Missouri, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Resolution adopted at the meeting of said Board of Trustees, duly called in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, held on November 15, 2007 at which meeting a quorum was present and voting on the Resolution. (Seal) ATTEST: _____________________ Secretary 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR Pfizer Global Research & Development DESCRIPTION Pfizer Global Research and Development is donating the following to St. Louis Community College to be used by students for educational purposes in science labs at all four campuses: miscellaneous laboratory glassware and non-toxic disposable lab supplies. The donor’s estimated value is $7,000. CONDITION OF GIFT The condition of the equipment is new. The estimated cost of accepting donation is $500 in transportation expenses. RESTRICTIONS There are no restrictions placed on the donation. #7 Resolution Re December 20, 2007 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on December 20, 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at the Cosand Center, 300 S. Broadway., St. Louis, MO 63102, in the Executive Board Room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [9]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [13]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. November 15, 2007 Board Agenda #10 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Two College Employees to Witness December 18, 2007 Election Lottery In accordance with Board Policy A 3.3 Placement on Ballot, which was approved at the November 15, 1999 Board of Trustees meeting, it is recommended that the Board approve Pat Matreci and Sherri Timmerman as designated witnesses to the December 18, 2007 election lottery. DIVISION A #13 GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES Recommended Lodging of Revised Board Policies/Procedures - Division A – Governance Process Board/College Mission (8/04) ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE EXPANDS MINDS AND CHANGES LIVES EVERY DAY. WE CREATE ACCESSIBLE, DYNAMIC LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS FOCUSED ON THE NEEDS OF OUR DIVERSE COMMUNITIES. A.1 Responsibilities and Authority (R 3/06) A.1.1 Statutory Responsibilities The statutory responsibilities of the Board of Trustees include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Approve the appointment, retention and dismissal of employees of the College, define and assign their powers and duties and fix their compensation. 2. Levy such taxes as are required for the operation of the College. 3. Establish fees for students in the amount necessary to maintain College courses. 4. Provide instructional programs and services and physical facilities. 5. Approve all contracts. 6. Formulate and oversee disciplinary policy regarding students. 7. Comply with all applicable federal, state and local mandates. A.1.2 Responsibilities and Authority (R 4/03) Incidental to implementing these and other responsibilities are the following specific responsibilities enunciated by the Board. 1. Function as the policy-making body exercising overview of administrative functions delegated to the chancellor. 2. Select, appoint, and evaluate the chancellor of the College. 3. Provide ways and means for obtaining adequate financial support. 4. May elect to hear appeals of employees as outlined in applicable grievance procedures. 5. Will hear members of the public, staff and students at regular Board meetings. 6. Approve the annual budget. 7. Approve the expenditure of all funds. 8. Direct the administration to prepare new reports, prepare a written legal opinion, or gather new information only upon Board approval of an appropriate motion or upon written request by any two trustees or the Board 1 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES president. (A copy of the request and response will be sent to all other trustees.) • Authorize the chancellor's out-of-state travel requests and approve related expense reports. • Authorize all travel requests by Board members and ratify related expense reports. A.2 Governance Style A.2.1 Governance in General THE BOARD WILL BE ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN THE GOVERNANCE OF THE COLLEGE BY: 1. BEING MORE PROACTIVE IN SUPPORTING THE CHANCELLOR AND THE COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM. 2. STAYING ADEQUATELY INFORMED ON RELEVANT ISSUES. 3. APPROACHING ITS TASKS WITH A STYLE THAT EMPHASIZES a. OUTWARD VISION RATHER THAN A PREOCCUPATION WITH MANAGEMENT ISSUES. b. RESPECTFUL CONSIDERATION OF ALL VIEWPOINTS. c. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP MORE THAN ADMINISTRATIVE DETAIL, BY EXERCISING OVERVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS DELEGATED TO THE CHANCELLOR. d. COLLECTIVE RATHER THAN INDIVIDUAL DECISIONS. A.2.2 Governance Specifically MORE SPECIFICALLY, THE BOARD WILL: 1. OPERATE ALWAYS MINDFUL OF ITS CIVIC TRUSTEESHIP OBLIGATION TO THE CITIZENS OF THE COLLEGE DISTRICT. 2. KEEP ADEQUATELY INFORMED ABOUT RELEVANT LOCAL, REGIONAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ISSUES POTENTIALLY IMPACTING THE COLLEGE. 3. LEAD AND INSPIRE THE COLLEGE THROUGH THE CAREFUL ESTABLISHMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS AND PERSPECTIVES THROUGH WRITTEN POLICIES. 4. FOCUS ON THE INTENDED LONG-TERM IMPACT OF THE COLLEGE’S GOALS AND NOT ON THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEANS OF RESPONDING TO THAT IMPACT. 5. INITIATE POLICY FORMATION AND BE ACTIVE IN STRATEGIC PLANNING AND BUDGETING. 6. MONITOR AND REGULARLY DISCUSS THE BOARD'S OWN PROCESS AND PERFORMANCE. INSURE THE CONTINUITY OF ITS GOVERNANCE CAPABILITIES BY CONTINUAL TRUSTEE EDUCATION. 2 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES a. SELF-MONITORING WILL INCLUDE AN ANNUAL COMPARISON OF BOARD ACTIVITIES AND DISCIPLINE RELATIVE TO ITS GOVERNANCE PROCESS POLICIES. b. CONTINUAL REDEVELOPMENT WILL INCLUDE ORIENTATION OF NEW MEMBERS IN THE BOARD'S ADOPTED GOVERNANCE PROCESS AND REGULAR BOARD DISCUSSION OF PROCESS IMPROVEMENT. 7. DEMONSTRATE COMMITMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC BY COMPETENT, CONSCIENTIOUS AND EFFECTIVE DECISION-MAKING; AND ALLOWING NO INDIVIDUAL BOARD MEMBER OR BOARD COMMITTEE TO UNDERMINE THIS COMMITMENT. 8. WELCOME INPUT FROM VARIOUS SOURCES, INCLUDING STAFF, STUDENTS, ALUMNI, EMPLOYERS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS, ON THE FORMATION OF BOARD GOALS AND ACTIONS. 9. ENGAGE IN PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF GOVERNANCE ISSUES. A.3 Membership (R 2/94) The Board of Trustees consists of six members elected for six-year terms from the four subdistricts of St. Louis Community College. A.3.1 Board Member Service (R 4/03) No member of the Board will directly or indirectly receive any compensation or remuneration nor derive any profit or gain from membership on the Board or from services rendered to the College. Each member of the Board will disclose to the Board any personal interest which he/she may have in any matter pending before the Board. That member will not participate in any discussion or decision on such matter(s) and will abstain from voting. No Board member of St. Louis Community College will use any College equipment, supplies, or personnel for any purpose other than the College's business. A.3.2 Board Job Description THE JOB OF THE BOARD IS TO REPRESENT THE PUBLIC IN DETERMINING AND REQUIRING APPROPRIATE ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE. THE BOARD WILL FOCUS ITS EFFORTS ON THE FOLLOWING RESPONSIBILITIES WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF ITS STATUTORY DUTIES: 1. SELECT, APPOINT AND EVALUATE THE CHANCELLOR’S PERFORMANCE. 3 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES 2. ENGAGE IN FUDICIARY, STRATEGIC AND GENERATIVE GOVERNANCE TO MONITOR INSTITUTIONAL PERFORMANCE. 3. PROVIDE WAYS AND MEANS FOR OBTAINING ADEQUATE FINANCIAL SUPPORT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: a. GIVING INPUT TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET PRIORITES. b. APPROVING THE ANNUAL BUDGET AND EXPENDITURES OF ALL FUNDS. 4. MAINTAIN A LINK BETWEEN THE COLLEGE AND THE COMMUNITY BY: a. CREATING A POSITIVE IMAGE FOR THE COLLEGE IN REPRESENTING THE COLLEGE TO THE COMMUNITY. b. KEEPING FELLOW BOARD MEMBERS AND THE CHANCELLOR INFORMED OF CONCERNS AND QUESTIONS THAT ARE HEARD AND SEEN WHEN IN THE COMMUNITY. A.4 Election of Members A six-member board representing the four subdistricts of the college service area governs St. Louis Community College and shall be elected in accordance with statutory requirements outlined in BOARD PROCEDURES, SECTION A.4. A.5 Officers – Election AND Term of Office, Duties (R 2/94) The officers of the Board of Trustees will be a president CHAIR and a vice president CHAIR who will be members of the Board, and a secretary and a treasurer who may be elected from the administrative or professional staff. A.5.1 Election and Term of Office (R 3/06) 1. Officers of the Board will be elected at the first regular meeting of the Board after June 1 of each year. Vacancies will be filled as soon as practicable by electing a successor to the unexpired term of office. 2. Each officer of the Board will be elected for a term of one year, will assume office immediately upon election, and will hold office until a successor is elected and qualified. a. TERMS OF OFFICE FOR CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR OFFICER POSITIONS WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE CONSECUTIVE FULL-YEAR TERMS. b. TERMS OF OFFICE FOR SECRETARY AND TREASURER POSITIONS, IF ELECTED FROM THE ADMINISTRATIVE OR PROFESSIONAL STAFF, WILL HAVE NO TERM LIMIT. 3. In the event of the absence of both the president CHAIR and vice president CHAIR at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Trustees, those 4 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES Board members present will select by majority vote one of their members to preside. A 5.2 Officers’ Duties A.6 ROLE OF OFFICERS THE PRIMARY ROLE OF EACH BOARD MEMBER IS TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE BOARD'S PROCESSES AND TO WORK IN CONCERT WITH OTHER BOARD MEMBERS TO PROMOTE THE BOARD’S FIDUCIARY, STRATEGIC AND GENERATIVE GOVERNANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. A.5.3 BOARD COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS The Board of Trustees is committed to action by the Board as a whole; however, ad hoc committees may be appointed for specific purposes. The Board chair will ensure the entire Board is apprised of Board member appointment to district-wide committee assignments. A.6.1 BOARD CHAIR 1. THE BOARD CHAIR PROMOTES CONSISTENCY BY THE BOARD IN ITS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. SPECIFICALLY, THE BOARD CHAIR: a. The Board president CHAIR Presides at all meetings of the Board of Trustees; preserves order AND enforces rules. b. ESTABLISHES, TOGETHER WITH THE VICE CHAIR OR THEIR DESIGNEE(S), THE DRAFT MEETING AGENDAS IN COLLABORATION WITH THE CHANCELLOR. c. The president Appoints, subject to approval by the Board, all committees which THAT the Board may deem necessary. d. HE/SHE Signs all bonds evidencing the bonded indebtedness of the College, and all letters, agreements, contracts, deeds, leases and other documents and papers ordered to be executed by the Board of Trustees. 2. The Board president CHAIR approves the chancellor's attendance and expense reports. The Chancellor’s quarterly local expense reports are submitted to the Board for ratification. a. THE BOARD CHAIR HAS NO AUTHORITY TO INDIVIDUALLY SUPERVISE OR DIRECT THE CHANCELLOR. 3. THE BOARD CHAIR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BOARD COMMUNICATIONS. a. THE BOARD CHAIR WILL BE THE DESIGNATED SPOKESPERSON WHO WILL WORK CLOSELY WITH THE CHANCELLOR AND MAY SERVE AS THE PRIMARY PUBLIC CONTACT FOR BOARD INQUIRIES, MEDIA COVERAGE AND SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS. 5 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES 1. ALL COMMUNICATIONS MADE ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD ARE TO BE APPROVED BY THE BOARD. 2. THE BOARD CHAIR, IN COLLABORATION WITH THE CHANCELLOR AND THE COLLEGE PUBLIC RELATIONS STAFF, MAY FACILITATE SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS FOR BOARD MEMBERS. b. THE CHAIR SHALL ENSURE THAT OTHER BOARD MEMBERS ARE INFORMED OF CURRENT AND PENDING BOARD ISSUES AND PROCESSES. 3. THE BOARD CHAIR MAY CALL SPECIAL MEETINGS AS REQUIRED. 4. THE BOARD CHAIR SHALL PLAN AN ANNUAL RETREAT DURING THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE YEAR. A.6.2 Vice President CHAIR In case of the resignation, absence, or other disability of the president, CHAIR the vice president CHAIR will perform all of the duties of the president CHAIR. The vice chair also performs other duties assigned by the president CHAIR of the Board of Trustees or the Board of Trustees. THE VICE CHAIR WILL ASSIST IN AGENDA SETTING AND RETREAT PLANNING. A. 6.3 Secretary The secretary (NORMALLY THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE TO THE BOARD) will be the official custodian of the records of the College and will perform all duties required by the Board of Trustees and all duties provided in these policies. The secretary records the proceedings of the Board. The secretary will make public notification of Board member elections, attest to all public acts of the College, affix thereto, when necessary, the seal of St. Louis Community College, and prepare and serve on the members in due time notice of all regular and special meetings of the Board. The secretary will be the custodian of the official seal of the College. THE BOARD SECRETARY WILL SERVE AS THE DESIGNATED ELECTION OFFICAL REPRESENTING THE COLLEGE TO THE APPROPRIATE BOARDS OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS. A. 6.4 Treasurer The treasurer (NORMALLY THE VICE CHANCELLOR FOR BUSINESS AND FINANCE) will comply with all applicable state laws, keep complete records of the financial transactions of the College, sign all checks, and report from time to time concerning the financial status of the College. In lieu of actually signing checks, the treasurer may use a facsimile signature. The 6 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES facsimile signature will be applied on checks in a manner approved by the Board and accepted by the Board's demand depository. At regular Board meetings, the treasurer will present budget reports, detailing actual income and expenditures in relation to the approved budget. The treasurer also will make a complete report on the financial condition of the College at the end of each fiscal year. A.7 BOARD MEMBERS' CODE OF CONDUCT THE BOARD EXPECTS ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT OF ITSELF AND ITS MEMBERS. THIS COMMITMENT INCLUDES PROPER USE OF AUTHORITY AND APPROPRIATE DECORUM BOTH IN GROUP AND INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR WHEN ACTING AS BOARD MEMBERS. 1. BOARD MEMBERS MUST REPRESENT IMPARTIAL LOYALTY IN FULFILLING THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE COLLEGE. THIS ACCOUNTABILITY SUPERSEDES ANY CONFLICTING LOYALTY SUCH AS THAT TO ADVOCACY OR INTEREST GROUPS AND MEMBERSHIPS ON OTHER BOARDS OR STAFFS. 2. IN ADDITION TO THEIR EXISTING OBLIGATIONS UNDER MISSOURI STATE STATUTES AND THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE MISSOURI ETHICS COMMISSION, BOARD MEMBERS MUST AVOID ANY CONFLICT OF INTEREST WITH RESPECT TO THEIR FIDUCIARY DUTIES TO THE COLLEGE. a. BOARD MEMBERS MUST NOT USE THEIR POSITIONS TO OBTAIN OR INFLUENCE EMPLOYMENT IN THE COLLEGE FOR THEMSELVES, FAMILY MEMBERS OR CLOSE ASSOCIATES. b. IF A BOARD MEMBER WERE CONSIDERED FOR EMPLOYMENT BY THE COLLEGE, SHE/HE MUST RESIGN AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD. 3. BOARD MEMBERS MAY NOT ATTEMPT TO EXERCISE INDIVIDUAL AUTHORITY OVER THE COLLEGE EXCEPT AS EXPLICITLY SET FORTH IN BOARD POLICIES. a. BOARD MEMBERS' INTERACTION WITH THE CHANCELLOR OR WITH STAFF MUST RECOGNIZE THE LACK OF AUTHORITY OF ANY INDIVIDUAL BOARD MEMBER OR GROUP OF BOARD MEMBERS EXCEPT AS NOTED ABOVE. b. BOARD MEMBERS' INTERACTION WITH THE NEWS MEDIA MUST RECOGNIZE THAT THEY CANNOT SPEAK FOR THE BOARD EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED BY THE BOARD. 7 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES 4. BOARD MEMBERS SHALL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING STATE, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL MEETINGS, TO ENHANCE THEIR ABILITY TO SERVE EFFECTIVELY AS BOARD MEMBERS. 5. BOARD MEMBERS WILL NOT PERMIT THEMSELVES TO BE USED TO CIRCUMVENT ESTABLISHED LINES OF COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY OR INTERFERE IN THE NORMAL PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTS OR GRIEVANCES. 6. BOARD MEMBERS WILL NOT WAIVE BOARD RIGHTS TO CONFIDENTIALITY, INCLUDING DISCUSSIONS THAT OCCUR AT LEGALLY HELD CLOSED MEETINGS OF THE BOARD, AND OTHER PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS, SUCH AS ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS. 7. BOARD MEMBERS WILL ENFORCE UPON THEMSELVES WHATEVER DISCIPLINE IS NEEDED TO GOVERN WITH EXCELLENCE, INCLUDING A RESOLUTION OF CENSURE. 8. BOARD MEMBERS SHALL ACT IN A NON-PARTISAN MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE NATURE OF PUBLIC EDUCATION. A.7 Meetings of the Board of Trustees (R 2/94) A.8 BOARD OPERATIONS A. 8.1 Board Operations Definitions 1. REGULAR MEETINGS. THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES WILL BE HELD ON A MONTHLY BASIS AND ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF THE REGULAR MEETING MAY BE CHANGED IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BOARD. 2. FUNCTION AS THE POLICY MAKING BODY EXERCISING OVERVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS DELEGATED TO THE CHANCELLOR. 2. All regular and special meetings of the Board will be open to the public. Approved minutes are available to the public. 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Board president CHAIR and will be called by the secretary upon written request of three or more members of the Board of Trustees. In all cases of special meetings, not less than 24 hours written notice stating the time and place of the meeting and the business to be considered will be given to each member and to the public. No business will be transacted at special meetings other than that stated in the notice. 4. Executive Sessions. Executive sessions of the Board may be called in accordance with state law. 8 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES 5. MAY ELECT TO HEAR APPEALS OF EMPLOYEES AS OUTLINE IN APPLICABLE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES. 6. DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE NEW REPORTS, PREPARE A WRITTEN LEGAL OPINION, OR GATHER NEW INFORMATION ONLY UPON BOARD APPROVAL OF AN APPROPRIATE MOTION OR UPON WRITTEN REQUEST BY ANY TWO TRUSTEES OR THE BOARD PRESIDENT. (A COPY OF THE REQUEST AND RESPONSE WILL BE SENT TO ALL OTHER TRUSTEES.) A. 8.2 Board Operations THE BOARD WILL OPERATE IN A CONSISTENT MANNER, FOLLOWING THE POLICIES DETAILED HEREIN, AND, WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED, ADHERE TO ESTABLISHED OPERATIONAL PROCEEDINGS: 1. THE BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE WILL BE ADOPTED PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 1 EACH YEAR. THE BOARD WILL OPERATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MISSOURI STATE STATUTE AND OTHER APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL STATUTES. 2. AT THE ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING, TO BE HELD AS PART OF THE JUNE BOARD MEETING, THE BOARD SHALL ELECT BOARD OFFICERS. TERMS OF OFFICE WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE CONSECUTIVE TERMS. 3. THE BOARD CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR SHALL SET THE BOARD MEETING AGENDA IN CONSULTATION WITH THE CHANCELLOR. THE AGENDA SETTING IS OPEN TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS WITH 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE TO THE BOARD SECRETARY. 4. IN THE EVENT OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS NOT COVERED BY SPECIFIC POLICIES, THE CHANCELLOR, WITH THE ADVICE AND CONSENT OF THE BOARD CHAIR, IF PRACTICABLE, SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO TAKE ANY APPROPRIATE ACTION REQUIRED BY SUCH EMERGENCY. ACTION TAKEN AND THE REASON THEREFORE SHALL BE COMMUNICATED TO THE BOARD AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE. 5. THE BOARD SHALL ESTABLISH AN ANNUAL BOARD DEVELOPMENT BUDGET TO ALLOW THE TRUSTEES TO REPRESENT THE COLLEGE AT APPROPRIATE MEETINGS AND FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES. THE ENTIRE BOARD SHALL APPROVE ALL EXPENDITURES FROM THIS BUDGET. 9 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES 6. ALL MEETINGS OF THE BOARD SHALL BE OPEN AND PUBLIC MEETINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPIRIT AND LETTER OF THE MISSOURI STATE STATUTE. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS MAY BE HELD ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW. ONLY BOARD MEMBERS AND THOSE MEMBERS SPECIFICALLY INVITED BY THE CHAIR SHALL ATTEND EXECUTIVE SESSIONS. ALL DISCUSSIONS CONDUCTED IN EXECUTIVE SESSIONS AND THE MINUTES SHALL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. A.8.3 QUORUM (R 3/06) At all meetings of the Board of Trustees a majority of the entire membership of the Board will constitute a quorum to do business, but a number less than a quorum may adjourn from day to day or on a specific date. A.8.4 Order of Business (R 6/06) The president BOARD CHAIR will call the members to order on the appearance of a quorum. The order of business, unless modified by the Board, will be as follows: IS OUTLINED IN THE BOARD PROCEDURES, SECTION A.8.2. A.8.5 Rules of Order (R 2/94) In all matters not covered by the rules of the Board, parliamentary procedures will be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, REVISED, INCLUDING PROCEDURES FOR SMALL BOARDS. A.8.6 Agenda and Agenda Revisions (R 2/94) All items THAT REQUIRE ACTION to be considered at public meetings of the Board must be submitted in writing to the Board and made available to the public prior to the meeting. This policy may be waived by majority vote of members present. A.8.7 Recognition (R 2/94) Generally, no person other than a member of the Board of Trustees will be recognized to speak at any meeting of the Board except upon recognition of the chair. However, the chancellor or other staff members designated by the chancellor may speak at any time upon recognition by the chair or upon questioning by a member of the Board. THE BOARD WILL GIVE CITIZENS THE OPPORTUNITY TO ADDRESS THE BOARD, BUT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT THE TIME ALLOTTED FOR REMARKS. 10 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES A.8.8 Member Voting (R 2/94) No member of the Board may vote by proxy. Every member present will vote on all questions, unless excused by the Board or if a member abstains because of a conflict of interest. A.8.9 Recording the Vote (R 2/94) Actions taken by the Board will be decided upon by a majority vote of those present or such other greater vote of the Board as may be required by law. The vote will be recorded on all questions. Upon request, members may request a roll call vote and/or have the reasons for their votes recorded in the minutes. A.8.10 Late Vote (R 2/94) No member will be allowed to give or change a vote on any question after the result has been announced by the chair, unless by unanimous consent of the members of the Board. A.3.9.1Removal/Resignation A.8.11 BOARD REMOVAL/RESIGNATION 1. Any Board member who changes his/her domicile or residency from the subdistrict from which said Board member was elected will be deemed to have vacated or resigned as a trustee of the College effective at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting following the change of domicile or residency. At the beginning of said meeting, the Board will announce the vacancy and publicly invite interested, legally-qualified citizens to apply in accordance with Board policy. 2. Any Board member failing to attend Board meetings for three consecutive regular meetings, unless excused by the Board for reasons satisfactory to the Board, will be deemed to have vacated his/her seat on the Board. At the third consecutive regular meeting missed, the Board will announce the vacancy and publicly invite interested, legally-qualified citizens to apply. AFTER FAILING TO ATTEND THREE CONSECUTIVE REGULAR MEETINGS, THE REASON FOR ABSENCE WILL BE ANNOUNCED TO THE PUBLIC. a. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL BOARD MEMBER TO SUBMIT RESIGNATION FROM THE BOARD. b. RECOGNIZING THE DIFFICULTY IN CONDUCTING COLLEGE BUSINESS WITH THE ABSENCE OF THREE BOARD MEMBERS, THE BOARD MAY NEED TO DECLARE A BOARD VACANCY AND FILL THAT VACANCY IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE STATUTES AND BOARD POLICY. 11 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS A.9 Amendment of Board Policy BOARD POLICIES (R 5/97) Policies in this manual will constitute ARE the GOVERNMENTAL rules of the government of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College. These policies may be amended, repealed or added to by four affirmative votes of the Board. A request for policy revision must be made in writing and may be presented at any regularly scheduled Board meeting. Upon a Board member's action to lodge for public review, the policy revision will be acted upon at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Lodging may be waived by a unanimous vote of the Board. Board policies resulting from meet and confer activities may be adopted by an affirmative vote of four Board members without the necessity of lodging. A.10 Board of Trustees Travel (R 4/03) Trustees will abide by administrative procedures regarding travel REIMBURSEMENT on College business. TRUSTEES WILL PUBLICLY AUTHORIZE BOARD MEMBER TRAVEL AND, UPON RETURN, WILL HAVE THEIR EXPENSES APPROVED BY ANOTHER BOARD MEMBER AND RATIFIED BY THE FULL BOARD. Two Board members will review and approve all Board members' travel expense reimbursement requests prior to submission to the Board for ratification. A.11 Release of Information to the Public (R 3/06) Records of the College are open to the public unless closed in accordance with state or federal law. For purposes of release of information to the public, the Board secretary serves as the College's custodian of records. Members of the public may request the custodian of records to provide access to public records. After receipt of the request, the custodian will provide access within three business days or sooner if possible or explain in writing the reason for denial of access or for delay. Members of the public may request copies of public records. A reasonable charge may be made to cover the actual cost of copies and for the cost of staff time required to perform document search or provide copies of public records. A.12 Board Member Role in COLLEGE Campaign Activities (9/06) Board members must acknowledge their roles and responsibilities IN COLLEGE CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES and recognize that the public will not distinguish 12 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES between campaign-related actions BOARD MEMBER ACTIONS WILL RELFECT UPON THE CAMPAIGN, the Board and the College. Board members will support COLLEGE campaign activities, and at least one member, selected by the vote of the Board, will serve as liaison to the COLLEGE campaign organization. That Board member (or members) will make the COLLEGE campaign organization’s leadership aware of appropriate governance and accountability standards. Board members will not be active decision makers in the COLLEGE campaign. Prominent persons lending their names to the COLLEGE campaign leadership will be kept informed of major developments and participate in major decisions. The COLLEGE campaign organization will incorporate as a not-for-profit corporation under Chapter 355 of the Missouri Statutes. A COLLEGE Campaign Organization Leadership Committee should exist and have DEFINE its role. defined. It will participate in major decisions, such as the selection of COLLEGE campaign advisors, legal advisors and other major vendors. The Committee and the Chancellor will be kept informed of expenditures and other COLLEGE campaign issues. The Committee will adopt conflict of interest and nepotism policies in accordance with St. Louis Community College Board Policy C.5 Conflict of Interest, and the Board will insure, to the extent possible, compliance with these policies. A.12.1 COLLEGE Campaign Finance Policies (9/06) 1. Selection of principal advisors and major vendors by the COLLEGE campaign organization will be based on the following: a. be selected by a request for proposal process. b. be within the College district. c. be selected based on their qualifications. d. have terms of engagement documented in writing. 2. All COLLEGE Campaign expenses will be fully documented in a manner not unlike that required by the College. 3. Debit cards will be prohibited for Committee and campaign expenses. 4. Neither the Committee Treasurer, nor any deputy, will have the sole authority to initiate, authorize or make major expenditures. 13 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICIES 5. Income and expense reports must be developed and provided to Committee members on a timely basis. 6. Appropriate internal controls will exist. A.13 Board Committees THE BOARD MAY ESTABLISH COMMITTEES TO HELP CARRY OUT ITS RESPONSIBILITIES. COMMITTEES WILL BE USED IN SUCH MANNER AS TO SUPPORT THE WORK OF THE BOARD. 1. BOARD COMMITTEES MAY NOT SPEAK OR ACT FOR THE BOARD EXCEPT WHEN FORMALLY GIVEN SUCH AUTHORITY FOR SPECIFIC AND TIME-LIMITED PURPOSES. EXPECTATIONS AND AUTHORITY WILL BE CAREFULLY STATED IN ORDER NOT TO CONFLICT WITH AUTHORITY DELEGATED TO THE CHANCELLOR. 2. BOARD COMMITTEES ARE TO HELP THE BOARD DO ITS JOB, NOT TO HELP OR ADVISE THE STAFF DO ITS JOBS. COMMITTEES ORDINARILY WILL ASSIST THE BOARD BY PREPARING POLICY ALTERNATIVES FOR BOARD DELIBERATION. 3. BOARD COMMITTEES ARE TO AVOID OVER-IDENTIFICATION WITH ORGANIZATIONAL PARTS RATHER THAN THE WHOLE. THEREFORE, A BOARD COMMITTEE THAT HAS HELPED THE BOARD CREATE POLICY ON SOME TOPIC WILL NOT BE USED TO MONITOR ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE ON THAT SAME SUBJECT. 4. BOARD COMMITTEES CANNOT EXERCISE AUTHORITY OVER STAFF. IN KEEPING WITH THE BOARD'S BROADER FOCUS, BOARD COMMITTEES WILL NORMALLY NOT HAVE DIRECT DEALINGS WITH CURRENT STAFF OPERATIONS. 5. THIS POLICY APPLIES TO ONLY COMMITTEES FORMED BY BOARD ACTION, WHETHER OR NOT THE COMMITTEES INCLUDE NON-BOARD MEMBERS. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO COMMITTEES FORMED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE CHANCELLOR. A.13.1 Committee Structure A COMMITTEE IS A BOARD COMMITTEE ONLY IF ITS EXISTENCE AND CHARGE COME FROM THE BOARD, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER BOARD MEMBERS SIT ON THE COMMITTEE. THE BOARD, IN ESTABLISHING COMMITTEES, WILL DETERMINE COMMITTEE GOALS AND LIMITS OF COMMITTEE AUTHORITY. 14 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD PROCEDURES A.4 Election of Members A 4.1 Notice of Election (R 11/06) BY STATUTE, before the 16th Tuesday prior to any election for the office of Trustee, the secretary of the Board of Trustees, or the designee of the Board, will notify the general public of the opening filing date, the office or offices to be filled, the proper place for filing and the closing filing date of the election by publication of legal notice in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the St. Louis Community College District. A.4.2 Declaration of Candidacy and Petition (R 11/06) BY STATUTE, all candidates for the office of trustee will file their Declaration of Candidacy in person in the Board secretary’s office at the Cosand Center at 300 South Broadway with the secretary of the Board of Trustees, or the designee of the Board, on the forms to be provided by St. Louis Community College, between 8 a.m. on the 16th Tuesday and 5 p.m. on the 11th Tuesday prior to the date on which the election of said trustee will be held. A.4.3 Declaration of Candidacy Form (R 2/94) BY STATUTE, the Declaration of Candidacy forms will include the following information: a. The full name, residence address, and date of birth of the candidate. The candidate must be at least 21 years of age. b. The length of time said candidate has resided in the district and subdistrict. c. A statement that the candidate has been a resident voter of his/her election district for at least one year next preceding the election for which the candidate is filing. d. A statement that applicant is a citizen of the United States, together with a designation of the birthplace of the candidate if born in the United States, or the date on which and the place at which the candidate became a naturalized citizen, whichever is applicable. A.4.4 Placement on Ballot (R 11/99) The placement of candidates' names on the ballot shall be determined according to the order of filings by such candidates; except that, in the case of candidates who file a declaration of candidacy with the secretary of the Board of Trustees or the designee of the Board prior to 5:00 p.m. on the first day for filing for election, the order shall be determined by lottery. All candidates will be notified of the lottery and all other requirements for filing for office at the time the candidate receives the filing forms. 1 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD PROCEDURES The lottery will be conducted by the Board secretary or a designee of the Board who is not a candidate for that election. The lottery will be held at the place designated for the filing of the declaration of candidacy as set forth in Board Policy PROCEDURE A.4.4 herein. The lottery for order of placement on the ballot for candidates for the Board of Trustees will be accomplished by use of a wire lottery basket. The lottery procedure will be witnessed by two college employees designated by the Board of Trustees. Specifically, the lottery procedures are as follows: a. The Board secretary, or designee of the Board of Trustees who is not a candidate for that election shall deposit into a wire lottery basket, balls of identical size and weight numbered one (1) through twenty-five (25) as close to 8:00 a.m. as practicable on the first day for filing for election and prior to acceptance of the first declaration of candidacy from any candidate. b. After all of the numbered balls have been placed into the wire lottery basket the Board secretary, or Board designee, who is not a candidate for that election, shall spin the lottery basket ten times. c. Thereafter, each candidate shall draw a numbered ball at random at the time of filing his/her declaration of candidacy by executing a single reverse turn of the wire lottery basket, at the direction of the Board secretary, or Board designee, who is not a candidate for that election. d. The Board secretary or Board designee who is not a candidate for that election shall spin the wire lottery basket five times between the drawing of each numbered ball, except that spinning the wire lottery basket ten times after initially depositing all of the numbered balls into the wire lottery basket as set forth in Board Policy A3.3 (b) above, shall be sufficient for the drawing of the first numbered ball by the first candidate to file his/her Declaration of Candidacy. A spin of the lottery basket consists of one 360 degree turn of the basket handle. e. The Board secretary or a designee of the Board of Trustees who is not a candidate for that election shall record the number drawn with the candidate’s Declaration of Candidacy. Thereafter, the numbered ball shall be set aside and not returned to the wire basket. The names of candidates filing on the first day of filing for election shall be listed for each office on each ballot in ascending order of the numbers so drawn. For example: Michael Smith, Kathy Jones, James Carter and George Brown each file their 2 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD PROCEDURES declaration of candidacy on the first day of filing for election and draw a numbered ball. Michael Smith files first and draws ball number 10, Kathy Jones files second and draws ball number ball number 22, James Carter files third and draws ball number 5, and George Brown files fourth and draws ball number 17. The order in which the four candidates will appear on the official ballot will be as follows: James Carter Michael Smith George Brown Kathy Jones (Ball 5) (Ball 10) (Ball 17) (Ball 22) A.4.5 Elections, How Conducted (R 2/94) All elections will be conducted in accordance with state law. A.4.6 Certificate of Notice (R 1/01) Not later than 5 p.m. on the 10th Tuesday prior to the election, the Board's designated election official, or in the absence of such designation, the chancellor will cause to be certified to the appropriate Board(s) of Election Commissioners: (a) those candidates filing Declarations of Candidacy who meet the requirements of a candidate for the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College and/or (b) the text of all questions to be voted upon. The Board's designated election official also will deliver to the Board(s) of Election Commissioners a certified copy of the legal notice of election published pursuant to Missouri statute. A.4.7 Certification of Results (R 2/94) Within seven business days after receipt of the official election returns from the appropriate Board(s) of Election Commissioners, at least a majority of the thenqualified members of the Board of Trustees will tabulate the results so received and declare and certify the candidate or candidates receiving the greatest number of votes and the result of balloting upon any question. Said certification will be authorized by the Board, signed by the secretary, affixed with the official seal, and lodged in the official records of the College. The secretary will, upon such certification, issue certificates of election on forms to be approved by the Board of Trustees. A.4.8 Oath (R 2/94) All members of the Board of Trustees will be required to take and subscribe to an oath of office in the following form: 3 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD PROCEDURES I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Missouri, and that I will faithfully demean (or conduct) myself in the office of trustee of St. Louis Community College. A.4.9 Assuming Office (R 9/95) Election results, if received from the relevant election commissioners, will be certified, as the first agenda item at the first regular meeting of the Board of Trustees after the election of a member or members of the Board of Trustees. Then said member(s) should present themselves for the purpose of being seated. If election results have not been received prior to the first regular Board meeting, then election results will be certified at the next Board meeting and the member(s) should present themselves for the purpose of being seated. If the oath of office has not already been taken, the newly elected member or members will then swear or affirm the prescribed oath. A new member will file the oath with the secretary of the Board. The president of the Board of Trustees will thereupon recognize him/her as a member of the Board of Trustees. Thereafter, the newly-elected trustee will be entitled and qualified to perform the duties of the office of a member of the Board of Trustees. A.4.10 Vacancy, How Filled (R 2/94) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Board of Trustees for any reason, the Board will announce the vacancy at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Thereupon the Board will publicly invite interested, legally-qualified citizens to apply in writing to fill the vacancy until the next election of trustees. The application will include the Declaration of Candidacy form as specified in Board policy, a statement of reasons for seeking the appointment and any other information, including a résumé, which the applicant believes may be helpful to the Board. Applications must be submitted to the Chancellor's office at least five days before the Board meeting at which applicants are to be interviewed. If no suitable applicant is found after the Board has conducted interviews, the Board will again publicly invite interested, legally-qualified citizens to apply in writing to fill the vacancy. The process of accepting applications and conducting interviews will continue until the Board, by majority vote of the remaining trustees, appoints an applicant to hold office until the next election held by St. Louis Community College when a trustee will be elected for the unexpired term. The newly-appointed trustee will take the oath of office and be seated at the next regular meeting of the Board. 4 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD PROCEDURES A.8.2 Order of Business (R 6/06) The president BOARD CHAIR will call the members to order on the appearance of a quorum. The order of business, unless modified by the Board, will be as follows: I. General Functions 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Welcome to Guests 3. Approval ACCEPTANCE of Minutes 4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda 5. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items* 6. Communications CHANCELLOR’S REPORT 7. Recognition of Student and Staff Accomplishments 8. Board of Trustees Business/DISCUSSION OF STRATEGIC ISSUES II. Instruction and Student Services III. Human Resources IV. Bid Awards V. Finance VI. Contracts and/or Agreements VII. Acceptance of External Funds VIII. Insurance Recommendations IX. New Business 9. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Topics X. Adjournment *Persons who wish to speak to the Board should register in advance of the meeting. The amount of time allotted to persons to speak will normally be limited to two minutes. Exceptions may be granted at the board's discretion. During the meeting, the Board president, with unanimous consent of the Board, may recognize unregistered persons who wish to speak to the Board. 5 #15 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to the City of Pagedale Tax Increment Financing Commission It is recommended that the Board of Trustees: Approve the appointment of Randy Hayman, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, as a Commissioner to the City of Pagedale Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF). Mr. Hayman will represent the College and the interests of the other affected public taxing entities: Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District, St. Louis County Library District, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, Productive Living Board of St. Louis County, and St. Louis Metro Fire District Alliance. #16 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to the City of Sunset Hills Tax Increment Finance Commission It is recommended that the Board of Trustees: Approve the appointment of Ms. Joyce Prage, Productive Living Board of St. Louis County, as Commissioner to the City of Sunset Hills Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF). Ms. Prage will represent the College and the interests of the other affected public taxing entities: Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, St. Louis County Library District, and St. Louis Metro Fire District Alliance. 11/15/07 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Cummings, Paula N FP Athletic Trainer, 36-weeks P8 $27,901* 11/16/07-06/30/08 Anderson, Monica N CC Serials Coordinator P7 33,814* 01/02/08-06/30/08 NAME -1* Minimum salary for the range Both are replacement positions. TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE 11/15/07 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL-TIME FACULTY CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Duchinsky, Jason C M Instructor II/Counselor IV-A $46,797* 11/16/07-05/12/08 Schirmer, Patricia N FP Assistant Professor/Information Technology V-F 56,198** 01/07/08-05/12/08 Carter, Brian C FP Instructor II/Mathematics IV-H 51,463** 01/07/08-05/12/08 Harden, Lisa N M Instructor II/Mathematics IV-A 46,797* 01/07/08-05/12/08 NAME TITLE -2* Minimum salary for the range ** Salary is in accordance with Board Policy D1, Faculty/Initial Placement. Duchinsky, Carter & Harden: Replacement positions Schirmer: New, temporary, externally-funded position RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE 11/15/07 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Jeffries, Jerome C FP Administrative Clerk I, Part-time, Continuing 3 $10.80/hr* 11/16/07 Schmidt, Patricia C W Information & Enrollment Assistant, Part-time, Continuing 5 13.44/hr* 11/16/07 Fleming, Janet C M Administrative Clerk I, Part-time, Continuing 3 11.95/hr** 11/16/07 Newsom, Wilma C FV Student Admissions/Registration Assistant II 4 1,006.77 bi-wk* 11/26/07 Cunningham, Keith C FV Housekeeper - 11.07/hr* 11/20/07 Walker, Phillip C FV Housekeeper - 11.07/hr* 11/19/07 Matson, Kristopher C FV Educational Assistant II 6 1,156.08 bi-wk* 11/16/07 NAME TITLE -3- * Minimum salary for the range ** Rate in current, part-time, temporary position. All are replacements except for Schmidt which is a new position. RANGE PAY RATE EFFECTIVE DATE 11/15/07 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION Roth, Nancy M TITLE PAY RATE RANGE From: Student Admissions/Registration Assistant II To: Student Admissions/Registration Assistant III 4 5 $1,366.27 1,485.77* EFFECTIVE DATE 11/16/07 * Salary increase is in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office and Technical Bargaining Unit, Article VIII, Section 2. Replacement position 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE FROM PROBATIONARY TO NON-PROBATIONARY STATUS -4NAME LOCATION TITLE RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Musanovic, Alma W Housekeeper From: $11.07/hr To: 13.70/hr* 10/29/07 Wehling, Robert W Housekeeper From: 11.07/hr To: 13.70/hr* 10/29/07 * Rate is as prescribed in Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Physical Plant Employees. 11/15/07 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Logan, Crystal FV Housekeeper 10/24/07-11/30/07 Tyson, Margery CC Computer Operator II 10/10/07-01/31/08 Mitchell, Priscilla FV Administrative Clerk II 10/23/07-01/07/08 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE -5- Savoca, Diane FV Coordinator Student Orientation/Transition 12/20/07 LeGrand, Rodrick FP Educational Assistant III 10/31/07 Savoca: Retirement; 11 years of service LeGrand: Resignation 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RETIREMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Stevenson, Glen 25 years of service LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE M General Maintenance Mechanic 09/28/07 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. TITLE: MANAGER, ACADEMIC LEARNING CENTER CLASSIFICATION: Professional REPORTS TO: Vice-President of Academic Affairs – Flo Valley SUPERVISION GIVEN: Supervisor, Campus Writing Center; Supervisor, Math Lab; Coordinator, Academic Support; Educational Assistants, Secretary POSITION SUMMARY: Performs duties necessary to manage fiscal and human resources and administer the Academic Learning Center services. Collaborates with academic faculty and staff to develop appropriate educational programs; facilitates, advocates, and provides leadership for the learning center services on campus to contribute to student success and the college mission. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Manages and administers the Learning Center services provided to students. EF Collaborates with academic faculty and staff to develop and supply appropriate educational programs. EF Coordinates lab center staffing to meet the needs of students. EF Develops, recommends, presents, implements, and manages significant departmental capital and operating budgets. EF Leads development of Academic Learning Center operating procedures, policies, goals and reports. EF Sets goals and develops strategic plans to ensure staffing for service areas and facility operated on a 72+ hours per week basis. EF Identifies and coordinates professional development opportunities for learning center staff related to academic learning center and job specific competencies as well as more general leadership, teamwork, and career development areas. EF Performs normal supervisory functions. EF Coordinates and assists in overseeing large scale facility maintenance and improvement projects as directed or required; initiates Engineering Service Requests (ESRs), develops capital proposals, monitors and coordinates activities with facilities operations, and facilitates timely completion of projects. Date Issued: 10/07 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. Performs other job related duties as assigned. JOB SPECIFICATIONS: (1)KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: Knowledge of academic development principles, methods, and techniques. Program planning and implementation skills. Skill in examining and re-engineering operations and procedures, formulating policy, and developing and implementing new strategies and procedures. Organizational planning, structuring, and staffing skills. Skill in budget preparation and fiscal management. Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community. Employee development and performance management skills. (2)QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE: Master’s Degree and over five (5) years of relevant full time experience. Date Issued: 10/07 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 2 of 2 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 11/15/07 Board approval is requested for the renewal and/or addition of the three (3) contracts listed below: A. Contract B0002126 with BURKLUND DISTRIBUTORS, INC., INTERSTATE BRANDS CORPORATION, US CANDY & TOBACCO DBA LIBERTY CANDY & TOBACCO, N.A., BUFFEN CO., INC., INTERSTATE BRANDS CORPORATION, OLD VIENNA LLC., JONES VEND & OFFICE COFFEE SERVICES (OCS) DISTRIBUTING and AMCON DISTRIBUTING, for assorted food products for resale by the College bookstores was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on July 27, 2006, Agenda Item 4.1.4, in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin August 15, 2006, with no guaranteed amount to any one vendor. The current contract balance is $128,517.00 and the average monthly expenditure for the past 14 months has been $8,677.00. Based upon current usage, the following action is requested: Current approved award amount: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Current contract expiration date: $250,000.00 $ 70,000.00 ($8,677.00/mo. X 36 mos. = $312,372.00) $320,000.00 August 14, 2009 (no change) 1 B. State of Missouri Contract C104390004/C104390006 with WISE EL SANTO CO., INC. and GRAINGER INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, for the routine purchase of safety supply items, was originally approved for award, by the Board of Trustees on March 31, 2005, Agenda Item 4.1.1, in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00, for a period of twenty (20) months, to begin April 1, 2005, with an option to renew for two (2) subsequent one year periods. Additional funds of $15,000.00 were approved for award on March 23, 2006, Agenda Item 4.1.1-a. and on November 16, 2006, Agenda Item 4.1.1-b. an additional $10,000.00 was awarded along with a one year renewal. The State of Missouri has renewed this contract for its final year and the College wishes to continue use of the contract for the extended contract period. During the first thirty months of the contract, the monthly expenditures rate has averaged $1,760/month. Based upon current usage, the following action is requested: Requested contract renewal: Requested revised contract period: Current approved award amount: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Current contract expiration date: Revised contract expiration date: + 1 year 44 months $60,000.00 + $20,000.00 $80,000.00 ($1,760 x 44 mos. = $77,440) November 30, 2007 November 30, 2008 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing (cont.) Board Meeting 11/15/07 C. State of Missouri Contract C104390001/C104390006 with ARCHWAY LIGHTING SUPPLY, INC. and GRAINGER INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY., for the routine purchase of lamps, was originally approved for award, by the Board of Trustees on March 23, 2006, Agenda Item 4.1.4, in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00, for a period of eight (8) months, to begin April 1, 2006, with an option to renew for two (2) subsequent one year periods. Additional funds of $58,000.00 were awarded along with a one year renewal, on October 19, 2006, Agenda Item 4.1.1-A. The State of Missouri has renewed this contract for its final year and the College wishes to continue use of the contract for the extended contract period. During the first nineteen months of the contract, the monthly expenditures rate has averaged $3,295/month. Based upon current usage, the following action is requested: Requested contract renewal: Requested revised contract period: Current approved award amount: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Current contract expiration date: Revised contract expiration date: + 1 year 32 months $83,000.00 + $25,000.00 $108,000.00 ($3,295 x 32 mos. = $105,440) November 30, 2007 November 30, 2008 2 Funding Expenditures against these contracts will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements for A and B were run in the St. Louis American, the Metro-Sentinel, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. (B) and (C) The State of Missouri Office of Administration, Division of Purchasing, is custodian of all records related to the bids issued for these contracts and awards, and was responsible for all advertisements. 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 11/15/07 Board approval is requested to use the STATE OF MISSOURI VEHICLE CONTRACT C108031002, to purchase two (2) new Chevrolet Impala Police Patrol Cars, from DON BROWN CHEVROLET, St. Louis, MO, in the amount of $36,764.00. Description The new patrol cars will be used by the Florissant Valley and Forest Park campus police. Both units will replace units that are no longer suitable for patrol work but are otherwise still usable. The displaced units will be recycled into the district-wide general use vehicle pool. Thereafter, the two (2) units in the worst condition/highest mileage in the general use pool will be surplused. The College normally acquires vehicles through the State of Missouri contracts in order to take advantage of the manufacturer’s deeply discounted pricing generally made available only to large public agencies. Funding These vehicles will be purchased from current capital budgets: FY 2007-2008 (Capital Budget; Tab A, Section 5, Vehicle Replacement – Page 8). 3 Advertisements The State of Missouri Office of Administration, Division of Purchasing, is custodian of all records related to this bid issued for this contract and award, and was responsible for all advertisements. 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 11/15/07 Board approval is requested for permission to conduct a competitive bid on behalf of the College’s International Education Office for study abroad programs potentially to these three destinations and subsequent dates: China , May 18, 2008 through May 31, 2008; India, March 6, 2008 through March 15, 2008; and Vietnam/Cambodia, May 20, 2008 through June 3, 2008. Awards will be made to travel agents offering the best price meeting all specifications and thereafter purchases will be presented for ratification to the Board of Trustees at the December 20, 2007 agenda meeting. The prices will include round trip air fare, accommodations and tour services. The time required by the host country to build a program with prices for the College’s review precludes obtaining prior board approval given the target travel dates. Therefore, awards and ratifications will not be presented if satisfactory plans fail to be developed. Funding Travel expenditures will be paid by participants. Some participants may use Article XXXII Staff Development funds as approved. Advertisements 4 The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities onits WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 11/15/07 Board approval is requested for the sole source purchase of Comprehensive Rigging & Carry Deck Basics Training Programs to, INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INTERNATIONAL, INC., in the amount of $91,800.00. These training classes will be funded though a federal grant provided by the Department of Labor (DOL) which will be managed and coordinated by the Center for Business Industry and Labor (CBIL). The grant award amount will cover training for General Motors, Chrysler North and Chrysler South employees. The Comprehensive Rigging Program which is designed to increase knowledge of rigging gear inspection, proper rigging procedures and load control using typical rigging techniques will have a maximum of twenty-four (24) participants. The Carry Deck Basics Program which is designed to increase knowledge, skills and proficiency in the operation of mobile cranes and components, calculating load weights, quadrants of operation, daily inspections and etc., will have a maximum of eight (8) participants enrolled. The recommended vendor, who is preferred by the Chrysler Corporation, has been approved as an authorized provider by the International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET). Funding This purchase will be funded by a federal grant from the Department of Labor with Industrial Training International, Inc. as the preferred and authorized vendor. 5 Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 11/15/07 Board approval is requested for the sole source purchase of six (6) Basic Biopac Student Lab Systems, to include required scientific supply items, from BIOPAC SYSTEMS, INC., in the amount of $20,942.00. Description Purchase of the Biopac Lab Systems will allow students at the Wildwood campus to conduct a widely studied collection of response experiments in the life sciences areas of human and animal physiology. The systems come complete with Windows operating software, curriculum lessons guide and hardware. Biopac Systems, Inc., is the manufacturer and sole source distributor for these lab systems, precluding a competitive bid. Biopac Lab Systems neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise. Pricing 6 Item Description BSLBSC-W BSL Basic Student Lab Sysatem and related scientific accessories Quantity 6 Cost $20,942.00 Funding This purchase will be funded from the capital budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board of Trustee Policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. Board Meeting 11/15/07 4.2.1 Request for Ratification/Purchasing There are no requests for ratification from the Purchasing Department this month. 7 4.3.1. Board Meeting 11/15/07 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 502, REPLACE THEATER FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to the low bidder, HABCO PARTNERSHIP, INC., for $64,450.00. Qualified Bids HABCO PARTNERSHIP, INC. Crown Electric Contracting Briner Electric Company St. Louis Burglary & Fire, Inc. $ Base Bid 64,450.00 71,000.00 89,480.00 105,800.00 Description: The theater’s existing fire alarm system was installed in 1966 and needs to be replaced to provide adequate fire protection. The new system will include a main system panel, a secondary panel, new horns and strobes. Plans and specifications were prepared by KAI and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2005/06, Tab J Page 1, Item 8. 8 Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Metro Sentinel, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: One known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.2. Board Meeting 11/15/07 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 08 401, REPLACE THEATER LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEM, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to the low bidder, HABCO PARTNERSHIP, INC., for $124,777.00. Qualified Bids HABCO PARTNERSHIP, INC. Crown Electric Contracting Briner Electric Company Benson Electric Company Base Bid $ 124,777.00 138,000.00 145,900.00 295,832.00 Description: The existing system is antiquated and replacement parts are no longer available. Being replaced is the lighting control system, auxiliary equipment and wiring. Plans and specifications were prepared by KAI and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2005/06, Tab J Page 1, Item 8. 9 Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Metro Sentinel, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, and Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: One known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 4.3.3. Board Meeting 11/15/07 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for the approval of CONSULTING AGREEMENT A6-0197, KBG #01, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR HARRISON EDUCATION CENTER, to the firm of KWAME BUILDING GROUP, in the amount of $98,616.00. General Selection Process: This consultant was originally approved by the Board of Trustees as part of the Open End Agreement. At that time, KWAME Building Group was one of three firms to provide construction management services, selected by a committee of staff and faculty based on qualifications and cost. A separate committee of staff selected KWAME Building Group as the most qualified firm of the open end consultants to provide Construction Management Services for this specific project, based on their specific expertise and work with St. Louis Community College on the Wildwood campus. The firm submitted a fee proposal in accordance with their open end agreement. Scope of Services: Programming: 10 Budget analysis, cost estimating, constructability review, scope review, value engineering, and other preconstruction services will be provided by KWAME Building Group. Bid packaging, bidding, and evaluation services are included in this agreement. Funding: The programming phase shall be funded by the Physical Facilities Contingency Account. 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 138 247 247 247 247 247 1-00052 1-00052 1-00052 1-00052 1-00052 1-00052 1-00053 1-00053 1-00053 1-00053 1-00053 1-00053 1-00053 1-00054 1-00054 1-00054 1-00054 1-00054 1-00054 1-00054 1-00054 1-00390 1-00390 1-00390 1-00390 1-00390 1-00390 1-00611 1-00851 1-00950 1-00952 1-00952 1-00952 1-00952 1-00952 1-00952 1-00953 1-00953 1-00953 1-00953 1-00953 1-00967 1-00967 1-00967 A B C D E A B C D E F A B C D E F G A B C D E F G H A B C D E F A B C D E F A B C D E A B C QTY 1 4 20 1 1 2 1 7 1 1 24 3 1 4 29 4 1 8 6 9 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 11 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 P/N NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 012886 012728 009484 107808 006249 006745 NONE 107397 NONE NONE NONE 012838 012844 012846 012995 003471 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 006807 005673 DESCRIPTION X-RAY OVERVIEW ASSORTED X-RAY CASSETTES ASSORTED X-RAY GRIDS HP DESKJET 670C PRINTER 4 SHELF METAL STORAGE DESKS KONICA COPIER CHAIRS TABLE SPOOL OF WIRE MISC METAL SHELVES MISC WOOD SHELVES MONITORS PRINTERS TYPEWRITER CPU'S KEYBOARDS SWITCHES UPS MONITORS CPUs PRINTERS RIP UPS KEYBOARDS SWITCH LAPTOP Dell GX240 Dell GX110 Dell GX110 Sony PCG 719 Laptop IBM Thinkpad Laptop 2640 Gateway SOLO 2200 Laptop Xerox Phaser 7300 Brother EM-630 Typewriter Dell Computers NEC Mpnitors Telex 191 Monitor Dell GX240 Computer Dell GX240 Computer Dell GX240 Computer Dell GX260 Computers Katy Computer Dell 1704 Monitor NEC Monitor Dell GX270 Computers Dell GX260 Computers 3CCM 24 Port Hub Toshiba Sattelite Pro Laptop Apple Powerbook 500 Laptop Board Meeting 11/15/07 11 LOC FP FP FP FP FP FP CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 1-00967 1-00967 1-00968 1-00968 1-10018 1-10019 1-10020 1-10021 1-10022 1-10022 1-10027 1-10028 1-10107 1-10107 1-10108 1-10109 1-10110 1-10110 1-10110 1-10110 1-10111 1-10183 1-10216 1-10217 1-10217 1-10217 1-10217 1-10217 1-10217 1-10217 1-10217 1-10218 1-10218 1-10218 1-10218 1-10218 1-10218 1-10219 1-10219 1-10219 1-10219 1-10220 1-10220 1-10220 1-10220 1-10220 1-10224 1-10225 1-10225 1-10225 D E A B A B A B A B C D A B C D E F G H A B C D E F A B C D A B C D E A B C QTY 1 1 1 1 1 66 92 132 104 67 87 1 4 5 3 1 1 1 1 13 1 20 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 4 5 4 1 2 8 3 1 1 1 1 20 2 2 DESCRIPTION Toshiba Sattelite Laptop Dell Latitude Laptop HP Laser Jet 4 Printer Hp Laser Jet 1260 NEC Monitor Boxes surplus books Boxes surplus books, slides & elec resources Boxes surplus books Boxes surplus books Gray office chair w/arms Boxes surplus books Boxes Surplus bks & sound recordings Sony 19" CRT Monitor NEC Monitors NEC Monitors NEC Monitors HP Laser Jet Printer HP Inkjet Printer Sony 19" Color Monitor Dell PC Dell Computers Dell Optiplex GX260 Dell GX 270 PC’s Dell monitors Deskjet 990c Epson stylus c840 Wacom Tablet Nikon color scanner Autoscan spectrophotometer Venus 3d camera FujiFilm Pictography 4000 Dell Optiplex computers Printers UPS Epson Scanner Optical tape drive Flat Panel monitors VGA monitors Dell Optiplex computer Printers Flat Panel monitors Epson 1650 scanners Epson 1670 scanners Powermac 9600/300 Apc backup pro Box of misc cables HP Designjet 800 LCD Monitors Laptops Network Cabinets Board Meeting 11/15/07 12 P/N 007542 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 11544 2332 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 2363 NONE NONE 014206 NONE NONE NONE LOC CC CC CC CC HPIR HPIR HPIR HPIR HPIR HPIR HPIR HPIR CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC HPIR TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 1-10226 1-10226 1-10226 1-10226 1-10227 1-10227 1-10227 1-10227 1-10227 1-10227 1-10227 1-10227 1-10227 1-10228 1-10228 1-10228 1-10228 1-10228 1-10228 1-10228 1-10228 1-10228 1-10228 1-10229 1-10230 1-10231 1-10231 1-10232 1-10232 1-10232 1-10232 1-10232 1-10232 1-10233 1-10234 1-10234 1-10234 1-10234 1-10234 1-10234 1-10234 1-10234 1-10235 1-10236 1-10237 1-10237 1-10237 1-10244 1-10244 1-10244 A B C D A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I J A B A B C D E F A B C D E F G H A B C A B C QTY 2 5 6 12 12 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 19 16 18 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 25 25 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 32 33 11 2 1 2 4 2 P/N NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 011772 NONE NONE NONE NONE 003205 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE DESCRIPTION Mac Computers VGA CRTs printers Boxes Network cards Dell Computers Printers Box keyboards Box Mice Box speakers Printers Flat Panel monitors Epson Printer HP Printer HP4050N HP Deskjet 8420 HP Deskjet 400 Zenith MK III IBM 300 Gl Acer 500 pc Panasaonic KX-P2174 Acer 900 PC 17" Monitor 17" flat panel monitor 17" monitors 17" Monitors Dell PCs HP Laserjet 1200 Power PC 7600/132 GX1P 15" Monitors Latitude C600 Box misc keyboards Monitor 17" Monitors 17" Monitors 17" flat panel monitor boxes misc power cords & keyboards IBM 8088 PC IBM printer IBM Color display HP Scanjet HP Laserjet 6mp Dell PCs Dell Optiplex computers Dell Computers CRTS HP in Kjet 2600 Printer Gateway NS-3000 Dell PC's Dell 6450 Servers Board Meeting 11/15/07 13 LOC TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 1-10244 1-10244 1-10245 1-10245 1-10245 1-10246 1-10251 1-10251 1-10251 1-10252 1-10252 1-10252 1-10252 1-10252 1-10252 1-10252 1-10252 1-10327 1-10327 1-10327 1-10327 1-10327 1-10328 1-10328 1-10332 1-10333 1-10333 1-10368 1-10370 1-10370 1-10370 1-10370 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 D E A B C A B C A B C D E F G H A B C D E A B A B A B C D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O QTY 2 1 7 3 1 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 120 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 14 3 DESCRIPTION Dell 6650 Servers Dell PowerEdge 2500 Dell PC's HP Deskjet Box Misc keyboards 17" Monitors 2003 Ford Crown Victoria 2FAFP71W53X115206 2001 Dodge Truck 3B7KF26Z61M281311 2005 Chevrolet Impala 2G1WF52K849339257 Breaker & Interface Panel Nortel FD 565 Terminal Shelf Nortel DS-3 Patch Panel ADC Patch Panel Liberty Batteries IKEGAMI B&W Monitors Shintron Video/Audio routine switches 23" Relay rack Metrix computors Dell GX200 Dell GX270 Computers NEC Monitor Zenith Laptop Backpack Various Demagnetized Hard Drives Signature Z6 c d/dvd printer NEC Monitors Sony Vaio Laptop Dell GX240 IBM Selectric Typwriter HP Design Jet 430 Plotter Wood Frame chair Steel Frame Chair Drafting Chair 5 rollers 3COM 3C39036 Switch 3900 ALR keyboard APC SmartUPS SU1400NET Dell Keyboard, Beige Dell OptiPlex GX110 Dell OptiPlex GX110 Dell UltraScan P780 Dell UltraScan P991 Fiery RIPStation 5000 HP DeskJet 2000C HP DeskJet 2500C HP DeskJet 2500CM HP DeskJet 855Cxi HP LaserJet 4M Plus HP LaserJet 5M Board Meeting 11/15/07 14 P/N NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 006245 12843 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 12746 NONE NONE NONE 10602 10647 NONE NONE 7661 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE LOC TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS TESS DW DW DW CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC TESS CC CC CC CC CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10372 1-10420 1-10420 1-10420 1-10420 1-10420 1-10420 1-10420 1-10421 1-10421 1-10421 1-10421 1-10421 1-10421 1-10421 1-10421 1-10422 1-10422 1-10423 1-10424 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10425 1-10426 1-10426 1-10426 1-10426 1-10426 1-10426 QTY P Q R S T U V W X Y A B C D E F G A B C D E F G H A B A B C D E F G H I J K L M A B C D E F 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 15 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 7 7 14 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION HP LaserJet 5P Micron Keyboard, Beige Micron Rebuild P3600 CPU NEC MultiSync E700 NEC MultiSync XP15+ NEC MultiSync XV17+ Sony PCG‐838 Toshiba 4080XCDT Xerox Phaser 1235 Xerox Phaser 1235 HP Laser Jet 2100TN HP Laser Jet 4050TN HP Desk Jet HP Desk Jet HP Scan Jet CRT Monitors Box Misc. Computer parts CRT Monitors Boxes Misc. Speakers Box Misc. Power Cords Boxes Keyboards Printer Laser Jet C39821 Printer Laser Jet USFSC210477 Printer Laser Jet USGW078896 Printer HP Desk Jets Gateway Computer Keyboards Computer Speakers Gateway Processor E4100 Computer HP LaserJet 4Plus Printer HP Fax-700 DeskJet 600 ScanJet 3970 DeskJet890C DeskJet890C DeskJet890C Computer Monitors CRT Computer Monitors Flat Screen LCD Boxes Floppy Disks Boxes Misc. Cables Boxes Keyboards Boxes Computer Speakers Unitec Systems Pentium II Systems Pentium II Systems Pentium II Systems Pentium II Systems Pentium II Systems Board Meeting 11/15/07 15 P/N NONE NONE 6501 NONE NONE NONE 7477 7575 10718 12701 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 219780 219785 219789 219792 219778 219776 LOC CONDITION CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL CBIL FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 1-10426 1-10426 1-10426 1-10426 1-10426 1-10426 1-10427 1-10428 1-10428 1-10489 1-10489 1-10489 1-10489 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 G H I J K L A B A B C D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AKJ QTY 1 1 1 8 8 9 22 21 2 67 50 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N Pentium II Systems 219782 Pentium II Systems 219783 Unitec Systems 219777 NEC 15 inch Monitors NONE Altec Computer Speakers NONE Keyboards NONE Gateway Computer NONE 15 inch CRT Monitors NONE Boxes Computer Speakers,keyboards,extra cab NONE Cell Phones NONE Chargers NONE Pouches NONE Car Chargers NONE HOBART STOVE 003569 CLEVELAND ?? 003057 HOBART DEEP FRYER 003072 FRY KING DONUT FRYER NONE WELLS DEEP FRYER 003059 MARKET FORGE STEAMER 000456 CLEVELAND KETTLE COOKER 003069 DAHLEN INTERNATIONAL OVEN 006134 STEAM CHEF PRESSURE COOKER 003067 MONTAGUE OVEN 003064 KOCH REFRIGERATOR 003066 SINK UNIT W/STOVE TOP 003598 VULCAN DEEP FRYER 003083 NEC TELEVISION 003613 NEC TELEVISION 003599 FRYMASTER DEEP FRYER 006559 VICTORY FREEZER 003065 VICTORY REFRIGERATOR 003063 WATERLINE SINK UNIT 003600 VULCAN STOVE 003077 SINK UNIT 003602 THOMAS COFFEE COFFEE MAKER NONE BUNNOMATIC COFFEE MAKER NONE AMANA CONVECTION OVEN NONE LANG HEATER OVEN NONE VULCAN WARMER NONE VULCAN FYER 003570 STAINLESS STEEL TABLE 2-04208 LINCOLN STEAM OVEN 006112 MONTAGUE VECTAIRE OVEN 006133 VULCAN DISHWASHER W/ASSEMBLY 003604 VULCAN OVEN/GRILL 003058 SHELLEYMATIC DISH CART 3-04728 GROEN KETTLE COOKER 005598 STAINLESS STEEL TABLE WITH VARIOUS HO NONE VICTORY REFRIGERATOR 003053 SOUTHERN EQUIPMENT SINK UNIT 003584 Board Meeting 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 16 LOC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC CC CC CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 1-10492 2-00936 2-00937 2-00950 2-00950 2-00950 2-00950 2-00950 2-00951 2-00951 2-00951 2-00951 2-00951 2-00951 2-00951 2-00951 2-00967 3-00561 3-00561 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00648 3-00656 3-00668 3-00857 AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR A B C D E A B C D E F G H A B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V A QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 5 13 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 3 1 3 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 9 2 1 5 1 1 7 5 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION VULCAN FOOD WARMER TOASTMASTER PORTABLE STOVE TOP VULCAN PORTABLE STOVE TOP MERCO BUFFET WARMER HATCO BUFFET WARMER PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER POWER SLICER MACHINE SHARP CALCULATOR (EL 640) EPSON 3590 PHOTO SCANNER LAERDAL AED TRAINER LAERDAL HEARTSTART 1000 AED LAERDAL HEARTSTART 1000 AED LAERDAL HEARTSTART 1000 AED LAERDAL SUCTION UNIT ZOLL SMART BATTERY LIFEPAK 5 BATTERY LAERDAL COMPACT SUCTION UNIT ZOLL BATTERY SUPPORT SYSTEM ZOLL BATTERY SUPPORT SYSTEM LAERDAL SUCTION UNIT OB MANIKIN BLACK CASE OB MANIKIN BLACK CASE OFFICE CHAIR WITH WHEELS TYPERWRITER NITTY GRITTY RECORD CLEANER NEC ACCUSYNC 75F MONITOR CARTONS HP TONER 92295A BOX MICE NEC FE750 MONITOR AUIDEK MONITOR NOKIA 21" MONITOR NEC 75F MONITOR HK195 SPEAKERS NEC FE7915B NEC FE7915B NEC FE7915B NEC FE7915B NEC 750 MONITOR NEC E500 MONITOR NEC MONITOR DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER UTC COMPUTER GX110 DELL TOWER BOX KEYBOARDS MANUALS BOX PHASER INK NEC MONITOR DESKJET 600C PRINTER TYPEWRITER Board Meeting 11/15/07 17 P/N 006110 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 50492 501122 50493 50476 NONE NONE NONE 219032 219034 NONE 50669 50668 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 352868 321544 NONE NONE 321516 320939 321244 NONE NONE NONE NONE 009611 NONE 000734 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE LOC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 3-00857 3-00859 3-00859 3-00859 3-00859 3-00859 3-00859 3-00859 3-00859 3-00913 3-00913 3-00914 3-00914 3-00914 3-00914 3-00914 3-00916 4-00104 4-00104 4-00104 4-00104 4-00147 4-00147 4-00147 4-00147 4-00147 4-00154 4-00154 4-00154 4-00154 4-00154 4-00154 4-00154 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00167 4-00168 4-00168 B A B C D E F G H A B A B C D E A B C D A B C D E A B C D E F G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O A B QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 2 7 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION COMPUTER KEYBOARD DRAWER APPLE LAPTOP COMPUTER HP PRINTER APPLE IIC MONITOR APPLE SCANNER BELL & HOWELL LANG. MASTER PANASONIC COLOR VIDEO MONITOR KEYBOARD LASER-DISC NEC MONITOR NEC MONITOR APPLE IMAGE WRITER II MICE SPEAKER SETS MICROPHONES KEYBOARDS DELL GX260 COMPUTER Large Book Cabinet Thermo - Fax Machine Old Office Chairs Typewriter & Stand Dell Optiplex 1 Computer Dell Optiplex 1p Computer S/N: 008425 Dell Optiplex 1p Computer S/N: 008734 Dell Optiplex 1p Computer S/N: 008740 Unitec Computer S/N: 004034 Monitors Keyboards Mice HP Printer Dell PC PC Mustek Scanner GX1 S/N: 0YY3C GX1 S/N: 0FQSV GX1 S/N: 0FQVH GX110 S/N: B2S700B GX1 S/N: 0FQVR GX1 S/N: SVPM3 GX1 S/N: 2UPM2 GX1 S/N: 0YYM4 GX1 S/N: CMR700B GX1 S/N: HB03K GX110 S/N: 9NR700B UNITEC S/N: UT777880413 MAC S/N: XB72306YAGS MAC S/N: XB7482K7AD9 Server S/N: 236978 GX1P Computer Serial #0YYR0 GX1P Computer Serial #11413 Board Meeting 11/15/07 18 P/N NONE 320844 NONE 353615 320098 NONE NONE NONE NONE 000510 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE UNK 4-04807 NONE NONE 4-22098 NONE NONE NONE 4-20246 NONE NONE NONE NONE 8421 2418 NONE 8210 8165 8169 10010 8168 8789 8791 8194 10014 4737 10016 420301 420402 653 4129 8181 8297 LOC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00168 4-00168 4-00168 4-00168 4-00168 4-00168 4-00168 4-00168 4-00168 4-00168 4-00168 4-00168 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00169 4-00170 4-00170 4-00170 4-00170 4-00170 4-00170 4-00170 4-00170 4-00170 4-00170 4-00170 4-00170 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 C D E F G H I J K L M N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O A B C D E F G H I J K L A B C D E F G I J K L QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N GX1P Computer Serial #113T4 8337 GX1P Computer Serial #113X9 8307 GX1P Computer Serial #3NPKZ 8357 GX1P Computer Serial #3NPLU 8347 GX1P Computer Serial #2CTX00B 10049 GX1P Computer Serial #181MU 8065 GX1P Computer Serial #8PR700B 10013 GX1P Computer Serial #D58N7 8638 GX1P Computer Serial #GXR13 4013 GX1P Computer Serial #113TE 8338 GX1P Computer Serial #GXR0N 4107 GX1P Computer Serial #6T5G701 11365 Memorex Telex 191 Serial #119508 416646 Memorex Telex 1191B Serial #1005184837 417720 Memorex Telex Serial #144104 417180 Powermac 9600/300 Serial #XB7371EQACQ 420709 Syquest EZ 135 SCSI Serial #11123018 NONE Apple IIGS Serial #E147WJFA001211/A 419977 Toshiba T2000EXE Laptop Serial #11123018 NONE Dell GX1 Serial #FX95Y 421071 Powermac 7200/90 Serial #FC5433JD55F 418758 Powermac 7600/132 Serial #XB6381VT8LY 420007 NEC Multisync XV15 Serial #7603969HA NONE NEC Multisync XV15 Serial #7315989EA NONE Kurta 12X 7 Serial #92084410 NONE Applevision 20" Monitor Serial #WR73510E93T 420727 Powermac 9600/200MP Serial #XB72308CA6S 420397 IRMA Print Serial #AM001D2P 418304 IMRA Print Serial #EB00032F NONE IMRA Print Serial #MAP57016 NONE IMRA Print Serial #AMU003439 NONE IMRA Print Serial #AM00UB0 NONE Ranslel Braile Interface Serial #201268 NONE Pioneer DRM-624X Serial #PD8504927 NONE Buffalo Box Serial #61061031011039 NONE DPI Netprint Serial #2822339 NONE DPI Netprint Serial #4459999 NONE Power PC 8500/120 Serial #XB6030DB3F2 1892 12 MB HD MPS 120 Serial #23132 NONE Dell GXn S/N: FSF0F 0-00987 Dell GXn S/N: FSF1T` 0-00984 Dell GXn S/N: FSDYJ 0-00993 Dell GXn S/N: FSDYF 0-00994 Dell GXn S/N: FSF3J 0-00983 Dell GXn S/N: FSDYZ 0-00986 Dell GXn S/N: FSF3B 0-00992 Dell GXn S/N: FSDY7 0-00989 Dell GXn S/N: FSF2M 0-00991 Dell GXn S/N: FSF3M 0-00996 Dell GXn S/N: FSDYY 0-00995 Board Meeting 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 19 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00174 4-00175 4-00175 4-00175 4-00175 4-00175 4-00175 4-00175 4-00175 4-00178 4-00188 4-00188 4-00188 4-00189 4-00189 4-00189 4-00189 4-00189 4-00189 4-00189 4-00190 4-00190 4-00190 4-00202 4-00202 4-00202 4-00202 4-00202 4-00202 4-00209 4-00209 4-00209 4-00209 4-00210 4-00210 4-00210 4-00210 4-00210 4-00228 4-00228 4-00228 4-00228 4-00228 M N O P Q R S T A B C D E F G H A A B C A B C D E F E A B C A B C D E F A B C D A B C D E A B C D E QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 14 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 21 63 3 1 6 15 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 13 16 3 4 DESCRIPTION Dell GXn S/N: FSF2V Dell GXn S/N: FSF36 Dell GXn S/N: FSDZ9 Dell GXn S/N: FSDYQ Dell Gxn S/N: FSDZL Dell GXn S/N: FSDZG Dell GXn S/N: FSF31 Dell GXn S/N: FSDY0 Dell Model GXn Serial #FSF14 Dell Model GXn Serial #FSDZZ Dell Model GXn Serial #FSF3D Dell Model GCn Serial #FSDZQ Dell Model GXn Serial #FSF3H Dell Model GXn Serial #FSDYL Dell Model GXn Serial #FSF2R Dell Model GXn Serial #FSF0S 5-Drawer File Cabinet 30 x 71 computer Desks Desk Chairs - Gray Upholstery 30 x 36 Computer Desks Laser Writer Printer Laser Writer Printer Power PC CPU Power PC CPU Apple Vision Monitors Apple Vision Monitors Keyboards & Mice Apple Colorsnnc 19'' Monitor APPLE COLORSYNC 19'' MONITOR APPLE COLORSNYNC 19" MONITOR CRT Monitors Apple G3 keyboards IBM keyboards Epson 740 Inkjet Printer Roller Ball Mice Apple mice IBM 3174 3R IBM 3274 41C Astrocom Controller Squeeziplexer Mainframe Moduar/Demodular Telex Terminal with Keyboard Telex Terminal with Keyboard Telex Terminal with Keyboard Telex Terminal with Keyboard Telex Terminal with Keyboard Physical Education Organic Chemistry Music For Millions Love Songs 40's & 50's Music Theory & Practice Board Meeting 11/15/07 20 P/N NONE 0-00990 0-00625 0-00997 0-00636 0-00627 0-00626 0-00629 UNK 634 635 633 632 630 631 985 4-12922 NONE NONE NONE 4-20777 4-20667 4-20693 4-20810 4-20721 4-20811 NONE 422057 422057 422057 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-18309 4-15423 NONE NONE 417721 417719 419224 416536 107292 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00228 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00229 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00230 4-00233 4-00233 4-00233 4-00233 4-00233 4-00233 4-00233 4-00233 4-00233 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F QTY 3 9 2 2 4 17 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 4 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N Beneath The Music NONE Textbooks: Physical Ed. for Elementary School C NONE Rhythm & Movement Activities for Early Childho NONE New Words Old Tunes NONE Mel Bay's Complete Folk Guitar Book NONE The Finale Primer NONE Database Access w/Visual Basic 6 NONE Video Basics NONE Classic Jazz Guitar Styles NONE Basic Adult Piano Course NONE Big Time Piano "More Popular" NONE Big Time Piano "Classics" NONE Building Walking Bass Lines NONE A. Modern Method for Guitar NONE Alfred's Basic Adult Theory Piano Book NONE Orange Chair 4-05430 Orange Chair 4-05139 Orange Chair 4-12093 Wood Bench with Cushions 4-06699 Wood Bench with Cushions 4-06703 29 Desk Chairs NONE Orange Chair 408965 Orange Chair with Wheels 4-07393 Chrome Chairs with Orange Vinyl Seats NONE Metal Frame on Wheels NONE Wood Table 4-03507 Wood Table NONE Brown Chair with Wheels 416124 Brown Chair with Wheels 417226 Wood Table 4-06042 Wood Table 4-06045 Wood Bench 4-06738 Wood Bench with Cushions 4-06708 Wood Bench with Cushions 4-06705 Cannon PC Printer NONE Structured Cobol Programming NONE International Financial Management NONE Essential Concepts for Healthy Living NONE Out of Many Vol. 1 to 1877 NONE Personal Computer Fundamentals for Tech. Stu NONE After Effects in Products NONE Pericles of Athens & The Birth of Democracy NONE The Realities of Aging NONE American History & Survey NONE Leybold AC Voltammeter 4-05266 Leybold AC Voltammeter 4-05267 Leybold AC Voltammeter 4-05265 Simpson Microammeter BC Analog 4-05956 Simpson Microammeter BC Analog 4-05958 Welch DC Analog Milliammeter 4-07082 Board Meeting 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 21 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00253 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00254 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00255 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 G H I J K L M A B C A B C A A A B C D E A B A A A A A B A B A A A B A A B C D E F A A B C D E A A A QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Cenco DC Analog Milliammeter Hickock Null Amplifier Hickock Null Amplifier Hickock Null Amplifier Hickock Null Amplifier Hickock Null Amplifier Hickock Null Amplifier KV Meter KV Meter KV Meter Weston Wattmeter Weston Wattmeter Weston Wattmeter Weston Voltmeter AC Analog Welch Wattmeter Cenco Ammeter AC Analog Cenco Ammeter AC Analog Cenco Ammeter AC Analog Cenco Ammeter AC Analog Cenco Ammeter AC Analog Cenco Voltmeter AC Analog Cenco Voltmeter AC Analog General Radio Amplifier & Null Detector Hickock Transitor Tester Heath Kit Regulated Power Supply HP Test Oscillator Heath Kit Regulated L.V. Power Supply Heath Kit Regulated L.V. Power Supply Leybold Scaler Leybold Scaler Plugin Multivibrator Plugin Ratemeter Pareset Timer Pareset Timer Panax Scaler Heath Digital Training Module Heath Digital Training Module Heath Digital Training Module Heath Digital Training Module Heath Digital Training Module Heath Digital Training Module Wavetek Model 30 Function Generator Weston Milliammeter DC Analog Weston Milliammeter DC Analog Weston Milliammeter DC Analog Weston Milliammeter DC Analog Weston Milliammeter DC Analog Weston Microammeter DC Analog Leybold Analog Multimeter Heath VTUM EUW-24 Board Meeting 11/15/07 22 P/N 4-01303 4-04287 4-04285 4-04288 4-04284 4-04283 4-04286 4-03859 4-04057 4-09859 4-01315 4-05945 4-05946 4-01262 4-01347 4-01269 4-01271 4-01266 4-01267 4-01768 4-01264 4-01265 4-02217 4-04238 4-02029 4-02205 4-02026 4-07135 4-07204 4-03865 4-07223 4-08607 4-04215 4-04216 4-07639 4-08149 4-08151 4-08147 4-08150 4-08146 4-08148 4-08148 4-04018 4-04017 4-04374 4-04375 4-04373 4-01666 4-03863 4-07201 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 4-00256 4-00257 4-00257 4-00257 4-00257 4-00257 4-00257 4-00257 4-00257 4-00257 4-00257 4-00268 4-00269 4-00270 4-00271 4-00271 4-00271 4-00272 4-00272 4-00272 4-00273 4-00274 4-00275 4-00276 4-00277 4-00277 4-00277 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 A B A B C D E A B A A A A A A A A A A A A B C A B C A A A A A B C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Cenco Infinite Resistance Voltmeter 82490 Cenco Infinite Resistance Voltmeter 82490 Weston Voltmeter AC Analog Weston Voltmeter AC Analog Weston Voltmeter AC Analog Weston Voltmeter AC Analog Weston Voltmeter AC Analog Wavetek Mdl 30 Function Generator Wavetek Mdl 30 Function Generator Component Shield Cenco Galvanometer L&N Galvanometer Cathetometer Acme Visible Card File Desk with credenza Motors Typewriter EBM Selectric Epson Stylus Printer 4-Drawer File Cabinet Mita DC152Z Photocopier Black & Decker Cordless Drill Makita Cordless Drill Bosch Hammer Drill Office Chairs Printer Conference Table IBM Wheelwriter 70 Series II Small Table Office Chair Vitaire Ozone Hepa Air Purifer Computer Keyboard Set of Cables HP670 Deskjet Printer Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY13908LJUS Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY13908SJUS Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY139095JU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1390A9JU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY139092JU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1390A2JU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1370Q4JU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY13708TJU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY13908NJU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY139093JU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1370SHJU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY23814JJU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY13908QJU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1390A3JU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1390AAJU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY13909ZJU8 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1390A5JU8 Board Meeting 11/15/07 23 P/N 4-03644 4-03645 4-01767 4-05951 4-05943 4-01885 4-05952 4-11420 4-11419 4-02227 4-06012 4-02229 NONE 4-08123 4-08659 NONE 4-11061 NONE 4-05730 4-15781 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 0-11992 0-11996 0-11987 0-12012 0-11988 UNK 0-11990 0-11999 0-11988 0-11986 0-11989 UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00278 4-00279 4-00279 4-00279 4-00279 4-00279 4-00279 4-00279 4-00279 4-00279 4-00279 4-00279 4-00279 4-00280 4-00281 4-00281 4-00282 4-00282 4-00283 4-00283 4-00283 4-00284 4-00284 4-00284 4-00284 4-00284 4-00284 4-00330 4-00553 4-00563 4-00563 4-00563 4-00563 4-00563 4-00563 4-00563 4-00563 4-00563 4-00563 4-00563 4-00580 4-00584 R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L A B A B A B C A B C D E F A B C D E F G H I J K A QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1390A7JU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY13908WJU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1390A6JU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY13908XJU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY139094JU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY139096JU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY13908UJU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY139091JU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1370PZJU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Computer S/N: XB13923TKSD 0-12039 Power Mac G4's Computer S/N: XB13923XKSD 6-000724 Power Mac G4's Computer S/N: XB13923LKSD 0-12040 Power Mac G4's Computer S/N: XB13924JKSD 0-12050 Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY13908YJU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1390A4JU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY1390A1JU8 UNK Power Mac G4's Monitor S/N: CY342087LFA UNK Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1280DHLK4 UNK UNK Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1280MXLK4 Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1280NQKK4 UNK Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY0460J98K4V UNK DRAWING TABLE CHAIRS UNK ETCHING PRESS UNK SCREEN DRYER UNK Mita DC152Z Photocopier 4-15781 Book Truck 4-11919 HP Scanjet 4400c S/N: CN1BXBB15Y UNK Apple Cinema Screen S/N: CY004061G5W UNK Wacom Tablet S/N: 8HJP00877 UNK TEAC MV-390 VCR 4-17980 Kenwood CD/Cass/AM/FM 4-18484 AIWA CD/Cass/AM/FM 4-20584 AV Electronics DC Power Supply UNK Kodak AF-1 Slide Proj UNK Sharp Proj. Carrying Case UNK MICROSCOPE CABINETS UNK Typewriter Model ML100 UNK HP DESKJET 695C UNK LASERJET 5 BLACK CARTRIDGE, C3105A UNK INKJET REMAUNUF CARTRIDGE, HP51626A UNK HP SCANJET XPA SCANNER, C9861A UNK WHITE SHARP CAROUSEL MICROWAVE UNK ORANGE GUEST CHAIR, SLCC PROPERTY 4 UNK BOX SELF-ADHESIVE FILE FOLDER LABELS UNK SET MAROON ROLODEX DIVIDERS UNK SET MAROON ROLODEX DIVIDERS UNK LARGE PLASTIC DISKETTE/CD HOLDER UNK DISKETTE STORAGE BOX W/KEY UNK Dictation/Transcription Device UNK Cassette Tape Deck UNK Board Meeting 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 24 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00587 4-00587 4-00587 4-00587 4-00587 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13924DKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB139242KSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13924FKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB15203KKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB15203QKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13924MKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB139245KSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB139247KSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13924KKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB15203RKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13924EKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13923VKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13923ZKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13923QKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13923RKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13924BKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13924AKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13923YKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB139240KSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13923MKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13923WKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13923PKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB13923SKSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB139244KSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB139248KSD Power G4's Computer S/N: XB139249KSD AGFA DUO Scan Flat Screen Display S/N: CY125093JU8 Flat Screen Display S/N: CY139090JU8 G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB0372A3JNX G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB0372AFJNX Epson 3000 Stylus Color Printer S/N: AEY0035 Epson 3000 Stylus Color Printer S/N: AEY0007 Epson 3000 Stylus Color Printer S/N: AEY0012 Epson 3000 Stylus Color Printer S/N: AEY0012 Apple G4 450mhz S/N: XB0020VQHLA Apple G4 450mhz S/N: XB0020WCHLA Apple G4 450mhz S/N: XB0020Y5HLA Apple G4 450mhz S/N: XB0020VVHLA Apple G4 450mhz S/N: XB00202LGHU Apple G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB0372AGJNX Apple G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB03729BJNX Apple G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB0372AMJNX Apple G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB0372AVJNX Apple G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB037286JNX Apple G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB03729BJNX Apple G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB037284JNX Apple G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB03729TJNX Apple G4 Dual 450mhz S/N: XB0372APJNX Compaq Prof Worksta AP550 S/N: 6050DTLZA Board Meeting 11/15/07 25 P/N 6-000741 6-000742 6-000743 0-12227 0-12226 6-000746 6-000747 6-000748 0-12094 0-12224 6-000751 0-12051 0-12047 0-12049 0-12052 0-12037 0-12045 0-12091 0-12090 0-12038 0-12035 0-12036 0-12048 0-12034 0-12033 0-12041 4-0046 UNK UNK UNK UNK 0-02174 0-02189 0-02086 6-002180 0-08563 0-08572 0-08567 0-08553 0-08636 0-10247 0-10221 0-10240 0-10246 0-10236 0-10221 0-10242 0-10233 0-10235 0-11516 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00588 4-00612 4-00612 4-00612 4-00612 4-00612 4-00612 4-00612 4-00612 4-00613 4-00613 4-00613 4-00613 4-00613 4-00613 4-00614 4-00614 4-00614 4-00614 4-00614 4-00616 4-00619 4-00619 4-00623 4-00624 4-00625 4-00626 4-00626 4-00626 4-00626 4-00626 4-00626 4-00626 4-00626 4-00626 4-00626 4-00627 4-00627 4-00627 4-00627 4-00627 4-00627 4-00628 4-00628 T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H A B C D E F A B C D A E E A A A A B C D E F G H I J A B C D E F A B QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 1` 2 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 DESCRIPTION Compaq Prof Worksta AP550 S/N: 6050DTLZA Compaq Prof Worksta AP550 S/N: 6050DTLZA Compaq Prof Worksta AP550 S/N: 6050DTLZA Polaroid Sprint Scan 35 S/N: H702020G Polaroid Sprint Scan 35 Plus S/N: D802686D Polaroid Sprint Scan 35 Plus S/N: D802688D Epson Perfection 1650 Phot S/N: EBVW006405 Quickset Video Camera Pedestal Hitachi KP-C550 CCD TV Camera Sharp 3500 LCD Projector Samsung SDP-950 Presenter Sharp 1200 Lamp Sharp 3500 Lamp Sharp 1100 Lamp Sharp 850 Lamp 5" BLACK BOSTITCH STAPLER GRAY UPHOLSTERED CHAIR GRAY UPHOLSTERED CHAIR BEIGE FORMICA TOP WORK TABLE 50"x23" BEIGE FORMICA TOP WORK TABLE 71"x29" BEIGE & BLACK DESK 5 DR. 30"x60" Kadachrome Slide Storage Cabinet 5 DRAWER FILE CABINET FILE TRAY ARM CHAIR TICKET METER GRAY ROLLING CHAIRS FICHE READER MICRFICHE/FILM READER GREEN LAB TABLE METAL SHELVING 30" x 18"x16 formica-topped table MICROWAVE 6 DRAWER METAL CABINET WOOD TABLE YELLLOW CALL BOXES WITH BATTERIES BATTERIES WOODEN/METAL CART ORANGE CALL BOX METAL TWO DRAWER FILE VACCUM MISC ON TOP OF CART CHAIRS 2 DRAWER FILE 2DRAWER FILE DESKS TABLES OFFICE CHAIRS GRAY CHAIRS SMALL SIDE TABLE Board Meeting 11/15/07 26 P/N 0-11508 0-11512 0-11514 4-20783 4-22093 NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-22200 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 1-3704 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00628 4-00628 4-00629 4-00632 4-00632 4-00633 4-00633 4-00633 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00642 4-00643 4-00643 4-00643 4-00643 4-00643 4-00643 4-00644 4-00645 4-00645 4-00646 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 4-00648 C D A A B A B C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P A B C D E F A A B C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O A QTY 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N STEP STOOL NONE WHITE BOARD NONE CARDIO BIKES 419667,419668,419669,419670 NONE LRG DESK 36" x 58" NONE COMPUTER STAND 30" x 36 NONE 5 DRAWER GRAY LATERAL FILE CABINET NONE DESKTOP SHELF NONE PLASTIC DESK NONE JVC DVD/VCR HR-XVC26U 4-23157 DALITE 6' WALL SCREEN 4-15612 SHARPE LCD , PROJ NV-2 4-22484 FOLDING TABLE TOP LECTERN NONE 3M 9075 OVERHEAD PROJ. 4-22634 3M 9075 OVERHEAD PROJ. 4-20629 SHARPE LCD PROJ. XG-P10 012115 SHARPE LCD PROJ. XG-P10 012117 SHARPE LCD PROJ. XG-P10 012114 SHARPE LCD PROJ. XG-P10 012125 TELE EQUIPMENT "0" SCOPE D67 4-10574 PRESENTER DUST COVERS NONE 32" JVC AV-32820 TV 4-20573 32" JVC AV-32820 TV 4-20574 32" JVC AV-32820 TV 4-22547 32" JVC AV-32820 TV 4-22550 27" JVC TV av27920 4-22517 27" JVC TV av278M4 4-18364 27" JVC TV av27920 4-22511 27" JVC TV av 278M4 4-18362 TELEX CASSETTE RELORDER 5-0248 27" TV WALL MOUNTS NONE OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT FOR FILM STUDIES NONE PRINTER 6002624 CHAIRS NONE TYPEWRITER 415023 2 Drawer Work Desk 4-10025 5 Drawer Work Desk 4-08237 5 Drawer Work Desk 4-08429 Computer Desk, Brown NONE Shelf Brackets, Box NONE Visioner Scanners NONE Victor Adding Machine NONE ACCO 3 Hole Punch NONE Typewriter Table 4-08559 Transparency Maker 4-19979 4 ft Shelf NONE Orange Chair 4-08314 Orange Chair 4-10673 Salmon Chair 4-08314 Salmon Chair 4-08319 HEWLETT-PACKARD LASERJET 4V 6002195 Board Meeting 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 27 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00648 4-00649 4-00650 4-00651 4-00651 4-00651 4-00651 4-00651 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00652 4-00653 4-00653 4-00653 4-00653 4-00653 4-00653 4-00653 4-00653 4-00653 4-00653 4-00653 4-00653 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 4-00654 B B E A B C D E A B C D E F G H I J K L N O P A B C D E F G H I J K L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O QTY 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION DESK Brother Intellifax ser# K87308067 YELLOW FILE CABINET 2-Drawer File Cabinet Desk Folding Table Wood Desk Office Chair Panasonic Camcorder AG-188 Panasonic Camcorder AG-188 Panasonic Camcorder AG-188 Panasonic Camcorder AG-188 Panasonic Camcorder AG-186 Panasonic Camcorder AG-186 V-Tel SmartCam Jerrold Ant. Amp. 4400 Scando Pro II Pana Video Switcher WJ-220R Pana Video Switcher WJ-225R Surplus Projection Lamps 6' Wall Screen 6' Wall Screen 6' Wall Screen PANASONIC VCR AG 1300 PANASONIC CAMCORDER AG-188 CONTROL CONSOLE FROM LI-214 TALL TV CARTS COMPUTER KEYBOARD SHELF BOX of PICTURE FRAME EDGES STUDENT DESK CLASSROOM ROLLING SECRETARY CHAIR NEC MULTI SYNC COMPUTER MONITOR TV/VCR COMBO PANA AG-513 STACK OF METAL SHELVES RECORD PLAYER SPEAKER Husky Cmera Tripod Quickset Camera Tripod Dage Camera Tripod Tripod Wheels Quickset Tripod Bogan Tripod Bogan Tripod Bogan Tripod Velbon Tripod Quickset Tripod Quickset Tripod Suntar Tripod Suntar Tripod Portable Drill Press Hermes Edger Board Meeting 11/15/07 28 P/N 413411 1550 mc NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-20542 4-22295 4-18436 4-20544 4-19739 4-19738 NONE 4-12311 NONE 4-19432 4-15585 NONE 4-22581 4-20562 4-19721 4-18978 422492 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-17965 NONE NONE 4-07904 4-14109 4-10911 4-14090 4-10612 4-19767 4-19969 4-19007 NONE 4-05198 4-12841 4-11715 NONE NONE 4-13502 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00657 4-00658 4-00658 4-00659 4-00660 4-00660 4-00660 4-00662 4-00662 4-00662 4-00663 4-00663 4-00663 4-00664 4-00664 4-00664 4-00664 4-00664 4-00665 4-00665 4-00667 4-00668 4-00668 4-00670 4-00670 4-00680 4-00680 4-00680 4-00680 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00681 4-00682 4-00682 4-00682 4-00682 4-00682 4-00682 4-00682 4-00682 F A B A B C A B C A B C A B C D E A B A A B A B K K K K K K K K K K K K K A B C D E F G H QTY 24 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 21 1 1 76 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION STOOLS @ PHYSICS LAB Double 7' Storage Cabinet Single Storage Cabinet Brother EM250 Typewriter Cash Register and Power Source Computer Tower CRT SMALL BROWN DESK LIGHT GRAY METAL DESK BROWN CARD TABLE 4X4 TAN FILE CAB 2 DRAWER BLACK FILE CAB. 2 DRAWER TAN FILE CAB. DESK (BA123F) WOOD SHELVES (BA123F) GRAY FILE CABINET 2 DRAWER TAN FILE CABINET 2 DRAWER (BA123HH) SMALL COMPUTER TABLE (BA123J) Purple 3 cushion Bench Blue 3 cushion Bench Whiteboard on Wheels HUMAN SEXUALITY HD BACKS HUMAN SEXUALITY SOFT BACKS UNIDEN PHONE WOODEN DOOR & FRAME Tablet Chairs Air compressor High pressure sprayer Buffer PANASONIC AUDIA MIXER WR 450 PANASONIC AUDIA MIXER WR 450 PANASONIC AUDIA MIXER WR 450 PANASONIC AUDIA MIXER WR 450 VENTURER BBOMBOX RECORDEX CASS REC. 2820 GYRO COMPUTER MOUSE SAMSON WIRELESS MIC SAMSON WIRELESS MIC SAMSON WIRELESS MIC SAMSON WIRELESS MIC SAMSON WIRELESS MIC SONY ECM-44 LAPEL MIC Sharp Microwave Oven King flex Super 8 Movie Camera King flex Super 8 Movie Camera K8APU 1X8C2 Movie Camera K8APU 1X8C2 Movie Camera K8APU 1X8C2 Movie Camera K8APU 1X8C2 Movie Camera K8APU 1X8C2 Movie Camera Board Meeting 11/15/07 29 P/N NONE NONE NONE 415097 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-06125 4-12108 4-08172 4-11197 415329 NONE 400183 400256 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-16749 4-17915 4-17951 4-19531 NONE NONE NONE 4-17914 4-17952 4-17816 4-16738 NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-22504 4-22215 4-22346 4-22506 4-18384 4-22216 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00682 4-00682 4-00682 4-00682 4-00682 4-00682 4-00683 4-00683 4-00683 4-00685 4-00685 4-00685 4-00685 4-00685 4-00688 4-00688 4-00688 4-00688 4-00688 4-00688 4-00688 4-00700 4-00700 4-00700 4-00700 4-00700 4-00700 4-00702 4-00702 4-00702 4-00702 4-00702 4-00702 4-00702 4-00702 4-00702 4-00702 4-00702 4-00702 4-00704 4-00704 4-00704 4-00704 4-00704 4-00704 4-00705 4-00705 4-00705 4-00705 4-00705 I J K L M N A B C A B C D E A B C D E F G A B C D E F A B C D E F G H I J K L A B C D E F A B C D E QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N Magnavox Cass. Recorder NONE Compaq Portable Keyboard NONE Radio Shack FM Wireless Mic NONE Luma Pro Lightmeter 4-04805 Dell Laptop Power Supplies NONE Laser Pointer 4-17365 Beige Metal Table NONE Woodtop Steel Table NONE Typewriter UNK IBM Controller 3174 3R 3-20540 IBM Controller 3274 41C 4-15018 IBM Controller 3274 21C 4-14620 Mainframe Modulars NONE Telex 191 Mainframe Terminal 4-16647 MICROSCOPE 4-40108B BALANCE SCALE 4-40108C MICROSCOPE 2-10915 4-40392A MICRSCOPE 2-10904 4-40392B MICROSCOPE 218028 4-40392C MICROSCOPE 2-18029 4-40392D MISC. SLIDES & BULBS FOR MICROSCOPE NONE Panasonic KX-P2124 4-19987 Viewsonic 4e Monitor 4-19602 386 Computer 4-17770 Sony VGA Monitor 4-19307 DFI 386 Computer 4-18538 15 in NEC Monitor NONE Kenwood CD Player DP-M6630 4-17967 Harris Video TBC 4-14239 QRK Record Turntable 4-10400 JVC VHS VCR BR-7700U 4-19588 TEAC-X-7MK II R/R Tape Recorder 4-13695 EICO Electronic Tester 4-10581 Heath Kit Freq Generator 4-11135 RCA Color Bar Generator 4-11304 IKEGAMI TV Camera Cases NONE Sony TV Camera Case NONE Sharp 1100 Proj Case NONE Sharp 850 Proj with Cass 4-18476 Opa-Scope Opque Proj 4-04357 Vu-Lite II Opque Proj 4-10644 42" Wood Avcart NONE 5' Wall Screen 4-01407 Tripod Proj. Screen 4-14220 Maniya C330 Photo Camera 4-10596 Sony Video Proj VAH-1030Q1 5-01763 Panasonic AG-1150 VCR 4-16746 Panasonic AG-1310 VCR 4-20059 TEAC MV-525 VCR 4-19546 NEC TV/MON CT-27505 4-19428 Board Meeting 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 30 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00705 4-00705 4-00705 4-00707 4-00707 4-00707 4-00707 4-00707 4-00707 4-00707 4-00707 4-00708 4-00708 4-00708 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00709 4-00710 4-00710 4-00713 4-00713 4-00713 4-00713 4-00713 4-00713 4-00713 4-00715 4-00715 4-00715 4-00715 4-00715 4-00715 4-00715 4-00715 4-00715 4-00717 4-00717 4-00717 4-00717 4-00717 F G H A B C D E F G H A B C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A B C D E F G A B C D E F G H I A B C D E QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 14 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION JVC TV/MON AV-27BM4 42" Wood AV Cart Dalite 6' Wall Screen JVC 19 inch Viedo Monitor TM2084 Barco 3200 LCD Proj w/Mount Hitachi Z31 Studio TB Camera CCU-OP-Z31 for Hitachi Camera Studio Camera Cables IKEGAM: HC-200 Studio TV Camera Panasonic VCR AG-1320 Sharp VCR VC-503 Refrigerator Cabinet, 2 Door 7' x 4' x 2' Analytical Balance, Sartorins HP Scanner MAC Powerbook 3400C MAC Powerbook 180C MAC Powerbook 180C MAC Powerbook 180C MAC Powerbook 180C MAC Powerbook 1400 MAC Powerbook 1400 MAC Powerbook 1400 MAC Powerbook 1400 MAC Powerbook 1400 Notebook Computer IBM Notebook Computer IBM Mainframe Modular/Demodular Telex 1374-81R Mainframe Controller IRMA Print Converter Black Box Multi-Port Spooler Epson LQ-2500 Mainframe Printer Telex 299 Multiplexes Mainframe Hub Memorex Telex 1199 Mainframe Hub IBM 3299 Mainframe Hub 3266 Mainframe Printer Computers Monitors Dell GX110 Dell GX110 Dell GX1P Dell GX1P Dell GX1P Dell GX1P Dell GX1P Telex 191 Terminal Telex 1471 Terminal Black Box Expandable Print Server Eazy Line Sharer Eazy Line Sharer Board Meeting 11/15/07 31 P/N 4-18369 NONE 4-14063 4-14081 4-22483 4-15516 3370 NONE 4-19412 4-20139 4-19707 4-19162 NONE 414362 NONE 4-20370 4-19932 4-19934 4-19931 4-19933 4-20316 4-20317 4-20318 4-20319 4-20320 4-18169 4-18166 NONE NONE NONE 4-17151 4-17043 NONE NONE NONE 4-4798 NONE NONE NONE 008775 008442 008007 008318 008142 008203 4-16282 4-19228 4-16666 4-19028 4-19027 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00719 4-00719 4-00719 4-00719 4-00719 4-00719 4-00719 4-00721 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00725 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00727 4-00728 4-00729 4-00729 4-00731 4-00731 4-00731 A B C D E F G A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O A B C D J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B A B C QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 P/N SGI Graphics Workstation 008339 Matrix P200MHz PC 4-20886 Matrix P200MHz PC 4-20830 Macintosh Quadra 660 AV 001891 Matrix 004715 Matrix 002415 Dell Optiplex 008331 ALR Revolution Q-SMP Server 004258 Dell PC S/N: 600524 0-10278 Dell PC S/N: 600513 0-10284 Dell PC S/N: 600525 0-10277 Dell PC S/N: 600526 0-10282 Dell PC S/N: 600520 0-10281 Dell PC S/N: 600519 0-10283 Dell PC S/N: 600517 0-10226 Dell PC S/N: 600512 0-10279 Dell PC S/N: 600515 0-10285 Dell PC S/N: 600518 4-22141 Dell PC S/N: 600516 0-02443 Dell PC S/N: 600522 0-02085 Dell PC S/N: 600514 4-22142 Dell PC S/N: 600511 4-22143 Dell PC S/N: 600521 4-22139 Computer Table NONE Wood Shelving for Desk top NONE Chair NONE 2-Drawer lateral File Cabinet NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY0470TWQK NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY0470U0SK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1250F9KK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY0460JBSK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1280MQKK NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1280MXSK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1280MZ1K4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY12908AJK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY12815UDK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY036060JXW NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1280MYZK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1250F5XK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1250F41K4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: AP05002XCK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1250F9NK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: AP045027CK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY1290846K4V NONE HP Fax, Model C2890A NONE Printer NONE Stacking Chairs NONE Applevision 850 AV Display 4-20721 Applevision 850 AV Display 4-20811 Power Macintosh 9600/300 w/keyboard & Powe 4-20693 Board Meeting 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 32 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00731 4-00731 4-00731 4-00731 4-00732 4-00732 4-00732 4-00732 4-00732 4-00732 4-00732 4-00732 4-00732 4-00737 4-00737 4-00737 4-00737 4-00737 4-00737 4-00737 4-00737 4-00738 4-00743 4-00743 4-00743 4-00743 4-00743 4-00744 4-00744 4-00744 4-00745 4-00746 4-00747 4-00747 4-00747 4-00747 4-00747 4-00747 4-00747 4-00747 4-00747 4-00750 4-00750 4-00751 4-00751 4-00752 4-00752 4-00752 4-00753 4-00754 D E F G A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H A A B C D E A B C A B C D E F G H I A B A B A B C A QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 7 1 1 6 1 2 5 2 P/N Power Macintosh 9600/300 w/keyboard & Powe 4-20810 Apple Laser Writer 16/600 PS 4-20667 Apple Laser Writer 12/640 PS 4-20777 Epson Yellow Ink Cartridge for Stylus Color 300 NONE Dell GX1P S/N: 1I3XM 0-08325 Dell GX110 S/N: 2Q37701 0-11416 Dell GX110 S/N: 5MR700B 0-10011 Dell GX1 S/N: GXR0F 4-22068 Deskjet 670C S/N: CN83M111Q5 6-00267 Metrix 20877-6 S/N: 6-001247 4-21796 Metrix S/N: UT777643400 0-03286 Modem 336 NONE Versa M/75 Cap to P 4-10493 Navy Blue Arm Chair 4-08340 Navy Blue Arm Chair 4-08341 Green Chair 4-08391 Green Chair 4-08395 Green Chair 4-08396 Green Chair 4-08397 Light Blue Chair 4-02618 Light Blue Chair NONE 20" Monitor NONE File Cabinet, 5 Drawer 1-1333 File Cabinet, 5 Drawer 1-3727 Table on Rollers NONE Storage Stand NONE Printer Table NONE Portable Metal Computer Desks NONE Typewriter, Brother 4-17022 Computer Desk 4-17022 2 Drawer Lateral File NONE Printer 4-18579 Power Mac G4's Keyboards S/N: KY0470U3DK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboards S/N: KY04602FAK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboards S/N: KY04602EUK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboards S/N: KY0460JBPK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboards S/N: KY224003UM NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboards S/N: KY0470T6RK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboards S/N: KY04609JEK4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboards S/N: KY04602F5K4 NONE Power Mac G4's Keyboard S/N: KY0460JC0K4 NONE Drawing Horses NONE Taborets NONE MAC Computer NONE Printer NONE Student Desks NONE Computer Desk NONE Steel Bookcases NONE Oak Tables NONE Slide Out Keyboard Trays NONE Board Meeting 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 33 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00754 4-00754 4-00755 4-00755 4-00755 4-00755 4-00755 4-00755 4-00755 4-00755 4-00755 4-00756 4-00756 4-00756 4-00756 4-00756 4-00756 4-00756 4-00756 4-00758 4-00758 4-00758 4-00758 4-00759 4-00760 4-00760 4-00760 4-00760 4-00760 4-00760 4-00762 4-00762 4-00762 4-00762 4-00762 4-00762 4-00762 4-00764 4-00764 4-00764 4-00764 4-00765 4-00765 4-00765 4-00765 4-00765 4-00765 4-00765 4-00765 4-00765 B C A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H A B C D A B C D E F A B C D E F G A B C D A B C D E F G H I QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 71 2 14 12 1 2 7 29 24 21 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Chair, Orange Chair, Gold HP Laser Jet 11P HP Laser Jet 5P Apple Scanner Sony Monitor Multiscan G400 HP Laser Jet 4L Laser Jet Companion Dell Keyboards Apple 6800/300 Apple 6800/300 Dell GX1P Dell GX1P HP Vectra VL 6/400 IBM Docking Station Canon L0P4+ Printer HP Desk Jet 67OC NCC Manixa NCC 15 in Monitors Computer Desk 2 Drawer File Cabinet 2 Drawer File Cabinet Typewriter Stand Cannon BJC 600 Color Printer Language Lab cass. Dks. Revox D-88 BUHL Overhead Proj. 3M Overhead Proj. 9080 3M Overhead Proj. 9075 3M Overhead Proj. 9050 3M Willensak Cass. Monitors File Cabinets CPU Keyboards Printer Stand Drawers CPU Cases Optiplex GX1P Optiplex GX1P Optiplex GX1P Optiplex GX1P Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001834 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001846 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001845 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001841 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001838 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001842 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001835 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001844 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001836 Board Meeting 11/15/07 34 P/N NONE NONE 6002525 025252 4-17683 NONE 246736 002815 NONE 4-20742 4-20659 008369 004104 NONE NONE 4-18060 83K111RZ NONE NONE 4-02834 4-10041 NONE NONE 6002478 NONE 4-18392 4-19592 4-20624 4-18453 4-11758 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 0-08233 0-08243 0-08240 0-08237 0-08241 0-08248 0-08244 0-08249 0-08220 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00765 4-00765 4-00765 4-00765 4-00766 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00767 4-00768 4-00768 4-00768 4-00768 4-00768 4-00768 4-00768 4-00768 4-00768 4-00768 4-00768 4-00847 4-00847 4-00847 4-00848 4-00850 4-00850 4-00850 4-00850 4-00852 4-00853 4-00854 4-00854 4-00855 4-00856 4-00856 J K L M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S A B C D E F G H I J K A B C A B C D A B A B QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 P/N Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001843 0-08219 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001837 0-08236 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001839 0-08226 Dell Optiplex GX1p Computer S/N: 6001840 0-08245 Computer Table & Shelves 4' long x 4 1/2" high NONE Peanuts - Yearn to Learn Software NONE Problem Solving with NIM Software NONE Math and Me Software NONE Kidpix Software NONE Stickybear Spellgrabber Software NONE Clue In On Phonic Software NONE Math House Software NONE Sunburst Software NONE Imagination Express Software NONE Talking First Mac Writer Software NONE Once Upon A Time Software NONE Reading Maze Software NONE Talking First Mac Writer Software NONE Money Challenge Software NONE Jack and the Bean Stalk Software NONE Patterns Software NONE Early Math Software NONE Printer NONE Fax Machine NONE Keyboard NONE Box (operational information) NONE Ether link Cards NONE Acer "tool box" (Cables) NONE Printer w/ribbons & manual NONE Power Cords NONE Servers (towers) AcerAltos 330 NONE Gateway Tower NONE Microline Line Printer NONE Acer CRT NONE Boxes NONE NEC COMPUTER MONITOR NONE IBM CASH REGISTAR NONE IBM BOOT DRIVE ( REGISTER ) NONE Card File Boxes NONE FAX MACHINE NONE TYPEWRITER NONE PRINTER NONE UPPER CABINET BLUE DOOR NONE TYPING TABLE NONE ELECTRIC PALLETT JACK/LIFT NONE TERMINAL (OLD CASH REG.) NONE CPU NONE DESK NONE WHITE BINDER NONE ROLL OF OVERHEAD TRANSPARENCIES NONE Board Meeting 11/15/07 DESCRIPTION 35 LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-00856 4-00857 4-00857 4-00857 4-00857 4-00857 4-00857 4-00859 4-00859 4-00860 4-00860 4-00903 4-00903 4-40214 4-40214 4-40214 4-40331 4-40331 4-40331 4-40331 4-40331 4-40331 4-40331 4-40331 4-40344 4-40344 4-40344 4-40344 4-40344 4-40344 4-40344 4-40344 4-40344 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40348 4-40351 C A B C D E F A B A B A B A B C A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 4-40353 A QTY 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 18 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 DESCRIPTION DISKETTE STORAGE BOX DESK DESK DESK CHAIRS TABLE TABLE 4 DRAWER DESK 6 DRAWER DESK SMALL WOODEN TABLES Slide Carousels Office Chair Office Partition HP LASER PRINTERS COMPUTER MONITORS IBM SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER VHS VIDEOCASSETTE REWINDER 2 WAY REWINDER BROADX VIDEO INTNL VHS KAMP TELEVISION JVC TAPE PLAYER CATALOG OF DISK REMOTE CONTROL PANASONIC TIMER 6 FT. PARTITIONS WITH WINDOW 7 FT. PARTITION WITH WINDOW CHEST X-RAY STAND X-RAY CASSETTES AND GRIDS SAFELITE LAMP X-RAY ILLUMINATOR SURGE PROTECTOR (CURTIS) IRRIGATION TRAYS FLORAL TOWER BOX OF KEYBOARDS SMITH CORONA TYPEWRITER QUANTUM SNAP SERVER ASANTE HUB HP LASTERJET 4 ML APPLE POWER MAC'S APPLE POWER MAC MONITORS ZIP DRIVE APPLE ACCESSORY KIT UMAX SCANNER APPLE IMAC COMPUTER APPLE STUDIO DISPLAY MONITOR APPLE 17" DISPLAY COMPUTER DESKS DOUBLE DECKER COMPUTER STATION Board Meeting 11/15/07 36 P/N NONE 4-02782 4-10777 NONE NONE NONE 4-09651 4-12314 4-02257 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-03362 2-09503 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE LOC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR NONE FP POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-40353 4-40373 4-40373 4-40373 4-40373 4-40373 4-40378 4-40378 4-40378 4-40381 4-40381 4-40381 4-40381 4-40382 4-40382 4-40382 4-40382 4-40382 4-40382 4-40382 4-40393 4-40393 4-40393 4-40393 4-40393 4-40394 4-40394 4-40394 QTY B A B C D E A B C A B C D A B C D E F G A B C D E A B C 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 4-40394 D 1 4-40394 E 1 4-40394 4-40394 4-40394 4-40394 4-40394 4-40394 4-40394 4-40394 4-40394 4-40394 4-40413 4-40414 4-40414 4-40414 4-40414 4-40414 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 9 1 1 F G H I J K L M N O A B C D E DESCRIPTION SMALL AND LARGER COMPUTER TABLE BOXES OF KEYBOARDS BOXES OF COMPUTER MICE BOXES HARD DRIVES UNITEC PC GATEWAY PC APPLE MONITOR MULTISYNC MONITOR GATEWAY 200 EV700 MONITOR APPLE MONITORS SONY MONITORS NEC MONITORS TEKTRONIX PRINTER NEC MONITOR NEC MULTISYNC FE750 MONITOR NEC MULTISYNC FE750 MONITOR APPLE COLOR SYNC MONITOR SONY MONITOR APPLEVISION 750 MONITOR NEC MULTIAYNX 3750 BROTHER EM-811 TYPEWRITER TYPEWRITER TABLE METAL CART DENTAL CARTS CHAIRSIDE DENTAL TRAYS DRI CLAVE STERILIZER INTERPROBE ZIP TAPE STOR INTERNAL STORAGE SYSTEM CD ROCKET EXTERNAL BX CD RECORDER BASE & SOFTWARE/ GYROTOOLS SOFTWARE FOR HP CD-WRITTEN ENSONIC AUDIO PCI MONITOR KEYBOARDS MICE COMPUTER SPEAKERS METAL SHELVES INSTRUMENT SHARPENER NUVA-LITE 36 INCH JVC TELEVISION HP L4 PRINTER DENTAL ELIPAR CURING LIGHTS EVA DENTAL HANDPIECES DENTAL SHORTY HANDPIECE DENTAL SHORTY HANDPIECE Board Meeting 11/15/07 37 P/N LOC CONDITION NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 215830 205768 NONE NONE NONE 216880 NONE NONE FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR NONE FP POOR NONE FP POOR NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 2-03043 2-10725 NONE NONE NONE NONE 2-13422 2-13415 FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-40414 4-40414 4-40414 4-40414 4-40418 4-40419 4-40419 4-40420 4-40420 4-40420 4-40420 4-40420 4-40420 4-40421 4-40421 4-40421 4-40421 4-40421 4-40421 4-40421 4-40421 4-40423 4-40424 4-40424 4-40424 4-40426 4-40426 4-40427 4-40427 4-40427 4-40427 4-40427 4-40427 4-40427 4-40427 4-40430 4-40430 4-40430 4-40430 4-40430 4-40431 4-40432 4-40433 4-40433 4-40438 4-40438 4-40438 4-40438 4-40438 4-40438 F G H I A B A B C D E F A B C D E F G H A B C A B A B C D E F G H A B C D E A B A B C D E F QTY 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 14 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION CHAIR, BLACK WITH WHEELS HANGING FILE FRAMES METAL CART STAT-M STERILIZING UNIT BLUE SWIVEL CHAIR-NO ARMS DESKJET 600 PRINTER COMPUTER HARE TRACTION SPLINT KED LAERDAL COMPACT SUCTION UNIT ZOLL AED PLUS TRAINER Heartstream Semi-Auto Defribulator HEARTSTREAM AED SOFT CASE HEARTSTREAM AED AIRWAY TRAINING HEAD SKELETON SKELETON STAND SKELETON ANATOMY BODY CHILD 15" COMPUTER MONITOR METAL DESKTOP FILE HOLDER METAL/CARDBOARD MAILBOX TENNANT TREND SCRUBBISHER 201 PACIFIC FLOOR MACHINE PACIFIC STEAMER MACHINE BROWN WOODEN DESK MULTISYNC XE15 NEC MONITOR HP LASERJET PRINTER PORTABLE DIGITAL NOTEPAD TTY IN BOX TTY TELEPHONE PORTABLE TAPE PLAYERS EASEL PAD RAISED DRAWING KIT HARD DRIVES KEYBOARDS MONITORS PRINTER SHREDDERS ANESTHESIA MACHINE FAX-700 PANASONIC MICROWAVE OVEN TOSHIBA MICROWAVE OVEN COMPUTER KEYBOARDS COMPUTER HARD DRIVE COMPUTER MONITORS DESK IN HALL FAX MACHINE TYPEWRITER OLYMPIA Board Meeting 11/15/07 38 P/N NONE NONE NONE 005243 4-40418 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 005449 NONE 50500 50621 NONE 2-11492 NONE NONE NONE 218639 217339 NONE NONE NONE L01371A NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 219192 NONE NONE NONE NONE LOC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 4-40443 4-40444 4-40446 4-40446 4-40451 4-40452 4-40453 4-40455 4-40455 4-40456 4-40456 4-40456 4-40456 4-40456 4-40463 4-40471 4-40471 4-40471 4-40471 4-40471 4-40471 4-40471 4-40471 4-40471 4-40471 4-40471 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 A B A B A B C D E A B C D E F G H I J K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION BROTHER EM-811 TYPEWRITER HP OFFICE JET 7310 BROTHER TYPEWRITER STAPLE REAMER MONARCH 9403 BAR CODE PRINTER BROTHER EM-630 TYPEWRITER WHEELCHAIR GRAY SHELVING UNITS WOODEN CABINETS MEDIA TRAYS MONITOR/MULTISYNC E500 SPEAKERS KEYBOARD RACKS TABLE TOP BROTHER INTELLIFAX 740M BOXLIGHT PROJECTOR BOXLIGHT PROJECTOR BOXLIGHT PROJECTOR BOXLIGHT PROJECTOR BOXLIGHT PROJECTOR PANASONIC VCR VH1-1402 PANASONIC VHS VH1-8988 PANASONIC VHS VH1-9460 PANASONIC VHS VH1-8167 PANASONIC VHS VH1-2740 PANASONIC VHS VH1-9139 CART GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS Board Meeting 11/15/07 39 P/N NONE NONE 217174 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 220372 220071 220364 220069 220065 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 009959 009947 009851 009971 009954 009963 009969 009956 009854 009844 009842 009843 009845 009840 009831 009849 009836 009848 009835 009899 009847 009917 009919 LOC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50009 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ BB BC A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P/N 009964 009838 009856 009855 009853 009834 009846 012420 012400 009949 009950 009952 009957 009961 012407 009945 009965 009944 009966 009967 009946 009953 009962 009850 009837 009837 009857 009839 009941 009864 009951 012410 012401 012418 012416 012413 012419 012409 009948 012406 012411 012403 009960 012415 009858 012405 012421 012422 012399 009832 DESCRIPTION GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS GX110 COMPUTERS DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER Board Meeting 11/15/07 40 LOC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50010 5-50018 5-50018 5-50018 5-50019 5-50034 5-50034 5-50034 5-50034 5-50034 5-50034 5-50034 5-50035 5-50035 5-50035 5-50035 5-50035 5-50035 5-50035 5-50035 5-50035 5-50036 5-50036 5-50036 5-50037 5-50037 5-50037 5-50037 5-50037 5-50037 5-50037 5-50071 5-50084 5-50084 5-50084 5-50084 5-50084 A B C D E F G A B C D E F G H I A B C A B C D E F G QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 15 14 8 32 5 6 1 1 1 19 1 1 2 8 1 8 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 99 15 26 7 1 A B C D E 1 1 1 1 1 U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH A B C DESCRIPTION DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DTK COMPUTER NEC MONITORS BOX KEYBOARDS BOX OF KEYBOARDS AND MICE BOX OF CABLES NEC MONITORS NEC MONITOR TRIPP-LITE UPS NETWORK PORTS LPT 6' PRINTER CABLES ASSORTED WIRE GUIDES DESKTOP PC (NO HARDDRIVE) DESKTOP PC (NO HARDDRIVE) DESKTOP PC (NO HARDDRIVE) NEC 19" MONITOR 6' LPT PRINTER CABLE HP SURESTORE TAPE 6000 HP SURESTORE DAT 24 ZOLTRIX 336 MODEM NORTHERN TELECOM MODEM SEAGATE HARDDRIVE SERIAL CABLES DIGI BOARD CABLE PRINTER STAND WHITE FLOPPY DRIVE HP SCAN 3C SCANNER HP 4SI LASERJET PRINTER NETPRINT 1000 PRINTSERVER NETPRINT 1000 PRINTSERVER MICE LPT PRINTER CABLES 6' IDE CD-ROMS WHITE IDE ZIP DRIVES 100MB ASANTE 10 MB HUB VAN DORN INJECTION MOLDING MACHINE DELL GX1P COMPUTER DELL GX1P COMPUTER DELL GX1P COMPUTER DELL GX1P COMPUTER DELL GX1P COMPUTER Board Meeting 11/15/07 41 P/N 009839 012417 012402 012389 012412 012414 009914 009915 008971 009916 NONE 001387 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 001597 320224 NONE NONE 321169 321691 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 320892 NONE 320790 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 008942 008930 008939 009087 008940 LOC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 37 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 3 1 1 6 1 1 DESCRIPTION DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER HP SCANJET 4C HP SCANJET 4C CASE MAC APPLE 17" MONITOR APPLE 15" MONITOR QUANTUM FIREBALL HARDDRIVES POWER MAC TOWER MAC G4 TOWERS MAC G4 TOWERS MAC G4 TOWERS MAC G4 TOWERS MAC G4 TOWERS HARDDRIVES MAXTOR 20GB SEAGATE HARDDRIVES 2GB APPLE HARDRIVES 1000MB BOX FLOPPYDRIVES AND PARTS BOX ZIPDRIVES AND CABLES BOX NETWORKING ADAPTERS & CABLES BOX APPLE DESKTOP MOUSE II BOX SCSI RIBBONS CABLES EXTERNAL ZIP DRIVES APPLE H DISK 205C POWER USER DIRECTDRIVE 50 POWER USER 540 EASY DRIVE 45MB IBOOK KEYBOARDS BOX AV IN-OUT CABLES CPU CARDS FUSER HP4050 PRINTER APPLE CD DRIVES 8X VIDEO INPUT 8600/250 MAC VIDEO CARD MEMORY STICKS 9500 MP APPLE ETHERNET CARD BOX MISC POWER MAC ITEMS Board Meeting 11/15/07 42 P/N 009692 009688 009684 009687 009646 009635 009669 009689 009691 009685 009686 009690 009674 009627 NONE 320893 NONE 320973 NONE NONE 001214 009369 009742 009242 009559 009294 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 351291 NONE 353821 NONE 352794 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE LOC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50086 5-50099 5-50140 5-50159 5-50159 5-50159 5-50159 5-50159 5-50159 5-50159 5-50159 5-50159 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50160 5-50162 AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ AA BA BB BC BD BE BF BG A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N A QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 28 4 6 1 6 8 1 1 2 10 59 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 1 2 1 13 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 DESCRIPTION BOX POWER CABLES APPLE MULTISCAN 15" MONITOR APPLE CD DRIVES 8X APPPLE CD DRIVE 12X BOX APPLE 8600/200 PARTS IOMEGA ZIP DRIVE BOX APPLE NETWORKING ADAPTERS BOX APPLE MANUALS DESKJET CARD HP-J2341A MAC VIDEO CARDS 8600/200 MEMORY STICKS UMAX ASTRO 2200 SCANNER APPLE KEYBOARDS IOMEGA ZIPDRIVE SOFTWARE MITSUBISHI FLOPPY DRIVES APPLE CINEMA DISPLAY POWER MAC TOWER MINOLTA COPIER AD-2 APPLE POWER SUPPLY ADAPTER APPLE RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES SLIDE TRAY DESKWRITER 600 PRINTER APPLEVISION MONITOR 1719AV NEC FE950 MONITOR BROTHER FAX/COPIER/SCANNER HP LASERJET 110 APC UPS 1400 APC UPS 3000 APC UPS 420 APC UPS PS450 SPEAKER SET DELL MICE SWITCH 3300 APC UPS 2200 APC 700 UPS NEC MONITOR FE79155 NEC MONITOR FE1250 MAC 8500/80 AND MONITOR MAC G4 MONITOR APPLESCAN MONITOR HP DESKJET 672C PRINTER CUSTOM BUILT COMPUTER MEMOREX SERVER HP KAYAK XM600 HP KAYAK XW DRAFTMASTER PRINTER BOXES OF METAL BRACKETS/PARTS HP NET STORAGE 6000 WATERS 717PLUS AUTOSAMPLER Board Meeting 11/15/07 43 P/N NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 000420 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 321874 NONE NONE NONE NONE 001676 009369 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 009346 002234 002287 NONE 012318 015303 LOC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 5-50162 5-50162 5-50162 5-50162 5-50165 5-50165 5-50165 5-50165 5-50165 5-50165 5-50173 5-50174 5-50181 5-50195 5-50195 5-50201 5-50205 5-50206 5-50206 5-50206 5-50206 5-50206 5-50206 5-50207 5-50207 5-50210 5-50210 5-50210 5-50210 5-50210 5-50210 5-50210 5-50210 5-50210 5-50210 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 5-50222 B C D E A B C D E F A B A B C D E F A B A B C D E F G H I J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 2 5 5 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION PHOTODIODE ARRAY DETECTOR WATERS 600 CONTROLLER INLINE DEGASSER CENTRIFUGE ROTOR CLARKE LEADER AUTO SCRUBBER TORNADO FLOOR KEEPER EZ24 TORNADO CLEAN AIR GLAZER TORNADO CLEAN AIR GLAZER COMMODORE CARPET EXTRACTOR ADVANCE WIDE AREA VACUUM PALLET MISC. LAMPS & BALLASTS FAX MACHINE HP LASERJET 1100 IBM ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER CANON ES3II TYPEWRITER HP MONITOR W/SPEAKERS & KEYBOARD NEC MONITORS GX110 COMPUTERS 3 COM 3300 SWITCHES KEYBOARDS DELL POWER CONNECT 3024 HP LASERJET 4550DN MONITOR NEC HP LASERJET 1100 PLASTIC FLOPPY BOX HP LASERJET 4P HP LASERJET 2200 HP LASERJET 4P HP LASERJET 4P HP LASERJET 4550N HP LASERJET 2100 HP LASERJET 4 LASERJET 4P LASERJET 5M LASERJET 5P 3 COM SWITCH 3 COM SWITCH 3 COM SWITCH 3 COM SWITCH 3 COM SWITCH 3 COM SWITCH 3 COM SWITCH 3 COM SWITCH HP SURESTORE HP SURESTORE HARDDRIVE ENCLOSURE BELKIN KVM HP LASERJET 4550DN GX110 GX110 Board Meeting 11/15/07 44 P/N NONE NONE NONE NONE 000888 009206 321834 321835 354034 315799 NONE 321111 NONE 354246 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 320871 NONE 320714 321308 NONE NONE 319718 321309 321503 321095 000794 321882 000802 007732 321378 321874 321242 NONE 009347 009349 000795 NONE 012451 009721 009776 LOC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM # 5-50241 5-50241 5-50241 5-50241 5-50241 5-50241 5-50241 5-50250 5-50250 5-50253 A B C D E F G A B QTY 110 5 20 10 2 3 6 16 1 1 P/N NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE DESCRIPTION SPEAKERS ZIP DISKS MICE INTERNAL CD ROM FLOPPY DRIVES PATCH PANELS DELL CABLE HARNESS BOXES OF BOOKS HP LASERJET 3200 BROTHER 1270 Board Meeting 11/15/07 45 LOC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CONDITION POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary – Financial Results through October 31, 2007 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through October 31, 2007 5.1.3 Budget Status Reports-Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency: July 1, 2007 – October 31, 2007 5.1.4 Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2007 – October 31, 2007 5.1.5 Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2007 – October 31, 2007 5.1.6 Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2007 – October 31, 2007 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register for October 2007 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of October 2007 Board Meeting 11/15/07 1 5.1.1 Executive Summary November 15, 2007 (Financial Results Through 10/31/2007) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $41.0 million or 26.4% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $38.6 million or 25.6% of the budget for the prior year. Increases in all four categories of revenue, with student fees being the most significant, is the reason that the FY 2008 total revenue amount is greater than the previous fiscal year. Expenditures Expenditures are $41.2 million or 29.6% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $40.0 million or 26.5% for the prior year. An increase in all three categories is the reason that FY 2008 total expenditures amount is greater than the amount for FY 2007. Transfers Transfers are at $13.2 million or 83.1% of the budgeted transfers for FY 2008. The dollar amount for FY 2008 is nearly identical to that of FY 2007 with the percentage of budget being less at 82.9% for FY 2007. Board Meeting 11/15/07 2 5.1.2 Board Meeting 11/15/07 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through October 31, 2007 Original Budget Revisions* Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date 3 Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 58,097,270 46,881,032 44,392,084 5,547,100 154,917,486 58,097,270 46,881,032 44,392,084 5,547,100 154,917,486 1,254,043 15,450,478 22,873,236 1,383,005 40,960,762 2.2% 33.0% 51.5% 24.9% 26.4% 1,187,526 14,502,280 21,638,161 1,313,021 38,640,988 2.1% 32.2% 47.3% 32.4% 25.6% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 90,010,277 21,460,933 27,538,374 139,009,584 90,010,277 21,460,933 27,538,374 139,009,584 27,107,273 6,871,031 7,216,015 41,194,319 30.1% 32.0% 26.2% 29.6% 26,677,129 6,753,992 6,588,367 40,019,488 30.7% 32.2% 24.2% 26.5% 8,680,000 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,356,111 15,907,902 8,680,000 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,356,111 15,907,902 8,680,000 1,092,853 2,593,230 845,634 13,211,717 100.0% 33.3% 100.0% 62.4% 83.1% 8,775,000 1,092,853 2,593,230 764,574 13,225,657.0 100.0% 33.3% 100.0% 58.6% 82.9% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Restricted Programs (State Aid) To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July, 2007 - October, 2007 Original Budget Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Copy Centers Food Service / Vending Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date $ 624,000 11,781,100 1,091,000 364,000 $ 624,000 11,781,100 1,091,000 364,000 $ 307,541 5,439,896 363,011 232,375 49.3% 46.2% 33.3% 63.8% $ 13,860,100 $ 13,860,100 $ 6,342,823 45.8% $ 1,851,309 368,253 2,644,801 7,968,514 $ 1,851,309 368,253 2,644,801 7,968,514 $ 583,273 105,795 780,608 4,439,018 31.5% 28.7% 29.5% 55.7% $ 12,832,877 $ 12,832,877 $ 5,908,693 46.0% $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Transfers $ 256,000 $ 256,000 $ 256,000 100.0% Total Expenditures & Transfers $ 13,088,877 $ 13,088,877 $ 6,164,693 47.1% Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Items for Resale Total Expenditures Transfers Transfer to Capital Transfer to Athletic Scholarships Transfer to Campus Presidents Board Meeting 11/15/07 4 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July, 2007 - October, 2007 Original Budget Total Revenues $ Prior Year's Funds Expenditures Total Expenditures 27,000 Adjusted Budget $ 27,000 $ 109,050 27,000 27,000 $ 27,000 $ 136,050 Actual To Date $ 9,298 % of Budget To Date 34.4% 12,145 $ 12,145 8.9% 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July, 2007 - October, 2007 Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Prior year's funds Total funds available 150,000 175,000 $ 150,000 175,000 181,391 $ 78,072 24,527 181,391 52.0% 14.0% 100.0% $ 325,000 $ 506,391 $ 283,989 56.1% 13,522 7.1% $ 13,522 7.1% $ 270,468 189,491 $ 189,491 189,491 $ 189,491 Funds in Excess of Expenditures Board Meeting 11/15/07 Actual To Date $ Expenditures Total Expenditures Adjusted Budget % of Budget To Date 5 5.1.4 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2007-October 2007 Funds available Federal Work Study - Federal Share Federal Work Study - Institutional Match $737,846 511,687 $737,846 511,687 $238,448 82,414 32.3% 16.1% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 561,954 140,489 561,954 140,489 249,896 59,285 44.5% 42.2% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 703,935 161,789 486,485 703,935 160,070 641,627 127,681 160,070 140,113 18.1% 100.0% 21.8% $ 3,457,608 $ 1,057,908 30.6% $1,249,533 702,443 864,005 641,627 $320,862 309,181 287,751 140,113 25.7% 44.0% 33.3% 21.8% $ 3,457,608 $ 1,057,908 30.6% Total funds available $ Revised Budget % of Revised Budget Original Budget * 3,304,185 * Actual Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Total expenditures $1,249,533 702,443 865,724 486,485 $ 3,304,185 * Federal Pell Grant Expenditures Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) *** $10,070,702 $21,625 * Does not include $452,109 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant *** Academic Competitiveness Grant-a new grant awarded to Pell recipients that have completed a rigorous secondary school program. Board Meeting 11/15/07 6 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry, and Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report July, 2007 - October, 2007 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Revenues / Resources Government Private Institutional Contribution Account Balances / Projects $ 3,510,000 3,094,000 886,000 1,000,000 $ 3,510,000 3,094,000 886,000 1,000,000 $ 251,288 872,264 886,000 1,000,000 7.2% 28.2% 100.0% 100.0% Total Revenue / Resources $ 8,490,000 $ 8,490,000 $ 3,009,552 35.4% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital $ 1,600,000 304,000 6,511,000 75,000 $ 1,600,000 304,000 6,511,000 75,000 $ 398,153 84,826 520,942 24.9% 27.9% 8.0% 0.0% Total Expense $ 8,490,000 $ 8,490,000 $ 1,003,922 11.8% Board Meeting 11/15/07 7 Actual To Date % of Budget To Date 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July, 2007 - October, 2007 Current Budget Actual * To Date % of Budget To Date Revenues / Resources External Sources Institutional Match Total Revenue / Resources * $15,501,697 645,284 $16,146,981 $4,848,693 645,284 $5,493,978 31.3% 100.0% 34.0% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense * $6,651,348 2,021,603 6,930,030 544,000 $16,146,981 $2,348,433 634,714 1,331,838 252,636 $4,567,620 35.3% 31.4% 19.2% 46.4% 28.3% * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. Board Meeting 11/15/07 8 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending October 31, 2007 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 20072008 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. Board Meeting 11/15/07 9 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of October 2007 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: Daily throughout month Maturity Date: Overnight Average Amount Invested: $ 8,990,920 Interest Earned: $ Average Rate Earned: 37,019 4.848% Range of Rates Earned: 4.820% ⎯ 5.220% Board Meeting 11/15/07 10 6. Contracts and/or Agreements 6.1.1 Agreement Between St. Louis Community College at Forest Park – Harrison Education Center and Grace Hill Settlement House It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve St. Louis Community College at Forest Park – Harrison Education Center, to enter into a subcontract agreement with Grace Hill Settlement House. Grace Hill Settlement House shall provide services relating to the Higher Education – Head Start Hispanic/Latino Service Institutions Partnership Grant that was awarded to the College by the US Department of Health and Human Services. The term of this agreement is from September 30, 2007 through September 29, 2008. Funding for these services will be provided through the grant for an amount not to exceed $64,342. 6.1.2 Agreement between St. Louis Business Journal and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement between the St. Louis Business Journal and St. Louis Community College for print advertising specifically targeted to the regional business community. The cost is $30,000. The term of the agreement is Dec. 1, 2007 through Nov. 30, 2008. 6.1.3 Agreement Between St. Louis Community College and Noel Levitz (Revised) It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a revised agreement between St. Louis Community College and Noel Levitz for the consulting services of Peter Bryant for the assessment of enrollment management services as they currently exist in the District. The term of the agreement is October 26, 2007 through February 29, 2008. The initial consulting fee is $22,500 plus travel reimbursement to assess and review current services and conduct a best practices workshop. Board Meeting 11/15/07 1 Office of Vice Chancellor for Education 6.2 CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS 6.2.1 Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Program/Campus Rehab Care Corporation Effective Date Occupational Therapy Assistant Meramec 9-18-07 Telegraph Road Physical Therapy Physical Therapist Assistant Meramec 10-15-07 Health Facilities Rehabilitation Physical Therapist Assistant Meramec 9-26-07 Clinical Lab Tech Phlebotomy Occupational Therapy Assistant Physical Therapist Assistant Emergency Medical Technology District wide 10-1-07 Phlebotomy District wide 10-5-07 St. Alexius Hospital St. Joseph Hospital West Board Meeting 11-15-07 2 Center for Business, Industry and Labor 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide service development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source AmerenUE Title of Program and/or Purpose To provide: Technical Writer & Safety Training Facilitator Campus Date Amount CBIL September 24, 2007 through June 30, 2008 $5,400 $4,000 (Total amount of both contracts $9,400) CBIL September 6, 2007 through June 30, 2008 $15,800 CBIL September 26, 2007 through December 31, 2007 $930 CBIL September 28, 2007 through June 30, 2007 $34,650 & $14,045 (Total amount of both contracts $48,695) Impact Outcome: Job Aid documentation to assist in the operation of new equipment for new employees , and to deliver the development of Fall Protection Training. Manager: Robert Serben Linn State Technical College To provide: Assessment service and PLC (Programmable Logic Control) training. Manager: Robert Serben Monsanto Company To provide: Training Instructor Impact Outcome: Deliver the development of Generational Diversity to 30 workforce employees. Manager: Robert Serben ICL Performance Products To provide: Instructional Designer & Assessment Service Impact Outcome: Instructional Designer to update the operator training manuals and develop leader’s guide; and job analysis assessment testing session. Manager: Robert Serben Board Meeting 11-15-07 3 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Department of Health and Human Services AMOUNT $ 149,886 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College to participate in the Head Start Hispanic/Latino Service Partnership Institutions Program. The project is a partnership between the Forest Park campus’ William J. Harrison Northside Education Center and Grace Hill Settlement House that manages the Head Start program for the eastern portion of the City of St. Louis. The College initiated this innovative professional development and training program for Head Start teachers to prepare them to enter the College’s associate’s degree program in early care and education, and continue in a bachelor’s program in early childhood education. This award represents continuation funding for Year Four. FUND Restricted Project Period: 9/30/07-9/29/08 Project Director: Michael Holmes Area Resources for Community & Human Services (ARCHS) $ 79,460 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley campus to provide technical assistance and support to early childhood care and education programs selected by ARCHS to participate in an Accreditation Facilitation Program. The purpose of the program is to improve children’s readiness for kindergarten. This is a new award. Project Period: 9/15/07-6/30/08 Project Director: Irene Kalmer/ Jeanne Edwards Board Meeting 11-15-07 1 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Kirkwood Community College AMOUNT $ 20,000 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College to participate in a National Mass Fatalities Training and Response Center grant received by Kirkwood Community College. These funds will be used by the Forest Park campus’ William J. Harrison Northside Education Center to pilot the credit Mass Fatalities course for mortuary science students. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 9/1/07-8/31/08 Project Director: Michael Holmes Missouri Department of Conservation $ 9,945 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Meramec campus to participate in the Tree Resource Improvement and Maintenance (TRIM) Program. The funds will be used to assist with tree planting, pruning and maintenance. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 9/1/07-6/1/08 Project Director: Paul Roberts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 11,464 Grant to St. Louis Community College to provide fee waivers for displaced homemakers on all campuses. This is a new award. Project Period: 7/1/07-6/1/08 Project Director: Donna Dare Board Meeting 11-15-07 2 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Department of Elementary and Secondary Education AMOUNT $ 323,661 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for a St. Louis Area Tech Prep Consortium. Funds will support the consortium in its efforts to build and maintain linkages between area secondary schools and the college to provide Tech Prep education career paths leading to a two-year associate’s degree. Funds will also support the Construction Training Tech Prep Consortium in its efforts to build and maintain links between high schools, community colleges, apprenticeship programs, the local private industry council and business and industry. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08 Project Director: Donna Dare Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 1,263,001 Restricted Grant to St. Louis Community College to participate in the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Program. Funds will be used to support administrative costs, program improvement and expansion, salaries and professional growth and development related to career and vocational education on the Florissant Valley, Forest Park and Meramec campuses. This is a new award. Project Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08 Project Director: Donna Dare Board Meeting 11-15-07 3 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.2 Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR AMOUNT Merlo Plumbing Co., Inc. $ Performance Management Group, Inc. FUND Donation to the Meramec women’s soccer team for scholarships. Student Aid $ 500.00 Donation to the Meramec Athletic department to purchase baseball equipment. Student Aid Shirley Buzzell Novella Carmichael Cheryl Ecker Cheryl Ecker Harriet Hertweck JoAnn Hejna Mary Kemp $ 30.00 $ 10.00 $ 30.00 $ 50.50 $ 60.50 $ 1,100.00 $ 20.00 Donations to the John Lair Scholarship Fund on the Florissant Valley & Meramec campuses. Student Aid Bolan James $ Donation to the Dr. William J. Harrison Book Scholarship Fund at the William J. Harrison Northside Education Center. Board Meeting 11-15-07 30.00 PURPOSE 100.00 4 Student Aid OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT RESTRICTIONS Jenna Bauer Jenna Bauer is donating the following to the Wildwood campus: Untitled artwork, a 12” x 18” x 4” ceramics & mixed media, plate with reeds, 2004. The donor’s estimated value is $350.00. The condition of donated item is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Shane Simmons Shane Simmons is donating the following to the Wildwood campus: Untitled artwork, a 12” x 18” x 4” ceramic & acrylic painted plate, 2004. The donor’s estimated value is $350.00. The condition of donated item is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Patrick Shuck Patrick Shuck is donating the following to the Wildwood campus: Untitled artwork, a 12” x 18” x 4” ceramic & acrylic painted plate. The donor’s estimated value is $350.00. The condition of donated items is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Board Meeting 11-15-07 5 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR Larry Sather DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT RESTRICTIONS Larry Sather is donating the following to Florissant Valley Library Services: One (1) Book titled Cardinal Nation. The estimated fair market value is $29.95. One (1) Book titled St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape. The estimated fair market value is $28.95. One (1) Book titled Fight for English. The estimated fair market value is 19.95. One (1) Book titled The N Word: Who Can Say It, Who Shouldn’t, & Why. The estimated fair market value is $26.00. One (1) Book titled The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature. The estimated fair market value is $29.95. One (1) Book titled Pieter Bruegel. The estimated fair market value is $49.95. One (1) CD set titled The Columbia Studio Recordings 1964-1970 by Simon & Garfunkel. The estimated fair market value is $49.98. One (1) Book CD combo titled Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20 in D Minor, K466, and Piano Concerto N0. 21 in C Major, K467. The estimated fair market value is $25.00. The condition of donated items is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Board Meeting 11-15-07 6 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT RESTRICTIONS Larry Sather Larry Sather is donating the following to Florissant Valley Library Services: One (1) CD titled Saturday Night Original New York Cast. The estimated fair market value is $12.97. Four (4) CD set titled The Complete 2000 Year Old Man by Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks. The estimated fair market value is $29.97. Five (5) CD set titled Radio’s Greatest Comedians. The estimated fair market value is $14.99. Two Hundred Eighty Six (286) CDs & Eleven (11) Videotapes with various titles. The donor’s estimated value is $4,645.00. The condition of donated items is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. David Hanlon David Hanlon is donating the following to the Wildwood campus: Artwork titled Package #14 – a 14” x 21” x 6” mixed media wall sculpture, 1991 by Louis Zoellar Bickett. The donor’s estimated value is $1,000.00. Artwork titled Steak #2 in Green – a 40” x 24” x 7” mixed media wall sculpture, 1991 by Louis Zoellar Bickett. The donor’s estimated value is $1,000.00. Artwork titled Pretoria Package – a 34” x 16” x 9” mixed media wall sculpture, 1988 by Louis Zoellar Bickett. The donor’s estimated value is $750.00. The condition of donated items is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Board Meeting 11-15-07 7 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR Laura Beard-Aeling DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT RESTRICTIONS Laura Beard-Aeling is donating the following to the Wildwood campus: Untitled artwork, a 18” x 24” x 5” ceramic & acrylic painted plate, 2004. The donor’s estimated value is $500.00. The condition of donated item is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Board Meeting 11-15-07 8