MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2007 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Monday, April 23, 2007 at the Florissant Valley Campus, 3400 Pershall Rd., Ferguson, MO, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Mr. Robert Nelson, President, called the meeting to order at 7:56 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Mr. Robert Nelson, President; Dr. Dolores Gunn, Trustee; Ms. Margo McNeil, Trustee; Dr. Joann Ordinachev, Trustee and Mr. Michael Rohrbacker, Trustee. Ms. Denise Chachere, Trustee, was absent. Also present were Dr. Henry Shannon, Chancellor; Ms. Tina Odo, General Counsel; and Becky Garrison, Administrative Associate to the Board of Trustees. 2. Certification of April 3, 2007 Election Results The Board was presented with the official April 3, 2007 election returns from Subdistrict 3. Whereupon, on motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved the resolution certifying the election results, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 3. Oath of Office – Joann L. Ordinachev Mr. Nelson administered the Oath of Office to Dr. Joann Ordinachev. Thereafter, Dr. Ordinachev assumed her seat as a member of the Board of Trustees. A copy of the signed Oath of Office is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 4. Welcome to Guests Mr. Nelson welcomed Dr. Shannon’s family, Kavita Kumar of the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Mr. Keith Terry and former Trustee Lisa Taylor. 5. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items Meramec Employee Mike Johns announced to the Board that he was part of the Certified Emergency Response Team in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security. He advised the Board that in light of the recent event at Virginia Tech that the College would benefit greatly from association with this organization. He gave contact information to the Board. Mr. Vito Maniaci, Uniserve Director, NEA, congratulated Dr. Ordinachev on her election and said he looked forward to working with her to benefit the College as a whole. Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, JCD NEA, congratulated Dr. Ordinachev on behalf of the faculty. 6. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised. 7. Acceptance of March 29, 2007 Minutes On motion by Ms. McNeil, and there being no corrections noted to the March 29, 2007 minutes, the minutes were unanimously accepted as written. 8. Approval of Resolution Re May 17, 2007 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll call vote, with Ms. Chachere being absent, the resolution scheduling an executive session on May 17, 2007, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 2 9. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Mr. Dan Herbst and Mr. Andrew Nelson made a presentation on DistrictWide Athletics. Following the presentation, Board President Nelson challenged the Florissant Valley and Forest Park campuses to host a basketball tournament in December similar to the one hosted by Meramec. Susan King Edmiston, Coordinator of Internal Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. 10. Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Financing Commission On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board approved the appointment of Mr. Bob Fant as the TIF Commissioner to serve on the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Financing Commission. 11. Ratification of Chancellor’s Quarterly Local Expense Report On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously ratified Dr. Shannon's local travel expenses from January 1, 2007 through March 31, 2007. 12. Authorization of Trustee Travel On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously approved the attendance of Trustees Chachere, McNeil, Ordinachev and Nelson at the May 24, 2007 MCCA Conference. 13. Tabling of Revised/New Board Policies – Division A Following discussion, on motion by Dr. Gunn, by a roll-call vote of 3-2, with Mr. Rohrbacker and Dr. Ordinachev voting “No” and Ms. Chachere being absent, the Board approved tabling revised/new Board Policies all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 3 14. Chancellor’s Report Dr. Shannon read a letter of retirement and thanked the Board and the College Community for his time at SLCC. Each Trustee expressed words of congratulations and appreciation to Dr. Shannon. 15. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Topics None II. INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES 16. Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board approved the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. III. HUMAN RESOURCES 17. Human Resource Recommendations On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved the following Resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. 4 IV. BID AWARDS 18. Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. V. BUSINESS & FINANCE 19. Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of March, 2007, were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, budget status report general operating fund through March 31, 2007, budget status reports – auxiliary, rental of facilities and agency: July 1, 2006 – March 31, 2007, student financial aid fund, July 1, 2006 – March 31, 2007, Center for Business Industry and Labor budget status report: July 1, 2006 – March 31, 2007, and restricted general fund budget status report: July 1, 2006 – March 31, 2007. B. Warrant Check Register – March 31, 2007 On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending March 31, 2007. 5 C. Ratification of Investments The Board ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of March, 2007, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. VI. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 20. Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance on renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate in each instance. VII. EXTERNAL FUNDS 21. Acceptance of External Funds On motion by Dr. Gunn, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set out in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor 6 be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for workstudy programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. VIII. INSURANCE RECOMMENDATION 22. No items. X. NEW BUSINESS Dr. Gunn thanked everyone for the cards, gifts and kind words following the birth of her son. She then congratulated Dr. Ordinachev on her re-election to the Subdistrict 3 seat. Mr. Rohrbacker congratulated Dr. Ordinachev on her re-election. Mr. Nelson encouraged the NEA and the Administration to come together and begin the negotiation process. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on motion by Mr. Rohrbacker, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Garrison Administrative Associate to the Board 7 #2 Certification of Election Results – April 3, 2007 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the following Resolution: A. Subdistrict #3 WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (St. Louis Community College) has received from the Board of Election Commissioners of the St. Louis County, Missouri, certification of the results of the election of Trustee from Subdistrict #3, said election having been held on Tuesday, April 3, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Board, on the basis of said certification, has jointly tabulated the results which are as follows: Candidates – Subdistrict #3 Vote Total Joann L. Ordinachev Daryl Hemenway 5,480 4,643 WHEREAS, it appears from the official certification and from the tabulation of results that Joann L. Ordinachev has received the greatest number of votes from Subdistrict #3; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby declare and certify that Joann L. Ordinachev has been duly elected from Subdistrict #3; said term of office is for six years and until her successor shall be elected and qualified. 4/23/07 Board Agenda 5 #3 Oath of Office: BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Missouri; and that I will faithfully demean (or conduct) myself in the Office of Trustee of St. Louis Community College. _____________________ Joann L. Ordinachev Attest: _____________________ 4/23/07 Board Agenda 6 #8 Resolution Re May 17, 2007 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on May 17, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., at the Forest Park Campus, 5600 Oakland Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110 in the President’s Conference Room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [9]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [13]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. April 23, 2007 Board Agenda 7 # 10 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Finance Commission It is recommended that the Board of Trustees: Approve the appointment of Mr. Bob Fant of the Missouri Family Support Division as the TIF Commissioner to serve on the City of St. Louis Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF) for the 1320 S. Broadway and Leather Trades Building tax increment financing district. Mr. Fant will represent the College and the interests of the other affected public taxing entities: Metropolitan Zoological Park & Museum District, St. Louis Office for Mentally Retarded Development Disabilities Resources (MRDD), St. Louis Public Library, and the City of St. Louis Mental Health Board of Trustees. 8 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY Board/College Mission (8/04) St. Louis Community College expands minds and changes lives every day. We create accessible, dynamic learning environments focused on the needs of our diverse communities. A.1 Responsibilities and Authority (R 3/06) A.1.1 Statutory Responsibilities The statutory responsibilities of the Board of Trustees include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Approve the appointment, retention and dismissal of employees of the College, define and assign their powers and duties and fix their compensation. 2. Levy such taxes as are required for the operation of the College. 3. Establish fees for students in the amount necessary to maintain College courses. 4. Provide instructional programs and services and physical facilities. 5. Approve all contracts. 6. Formulate and oversee disciplinary policy regarding students. 7. Comply with all applicable federal, state and local mandates. A.1.2 Responsibilities and Authority (R 4/03) Incidental to implementing these and other responsibilities are the following specific responsibilities enunciated by the Board. 1. Function as the policy-making body exercising overview of administrative functions delegated to the chancellor. 2. Select, appoint, and evaluate the chancellor of the College. 3. Provide ways and means for obtaining adequate financial support. 4. May elect to hear appeals of employees as outlined in applicable grievance procedures. 5. Will hear members of the public, staff and students at regular Board meetings. 6. Approve the annual budget. 7. Approve the expenditure of all funds. 8. Direct the administration to prepare new reports, prepare a written legal opinion, or gather new information only upon Board approval of an appropriate motion or upon written request by any two trustees or the Board president. (A copy of the request and response will be sent to all other trustees.) • Authorize the chancellor's out-of-state travel requests and approve related expense reports. 1 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY • Authorize all travel requests by Board members and ratify related expense reports. A.2 Governance Style (01/07) A.2.1 Governance in General THE BOARD WILL BE ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN THE GOVERNANCE OF THE COLLEGE BY: 1. BEING MORE PROACTIVE THAN REACTIVE. 2. STAYING ADEQUATELY INFORMED ON RELEVANT ISSUES. 3. APPROACHING ITS TASKS WITH A STYLE THAT EMPHASIZES a. OUTWARD VISION RATHER THAN A PREOCCUPATION WITH MANAGEMENT ISSUES. b. ENCOURAGEMENT OF DIVERSITY IN VIEWPOINTS. c. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP MORE THAN ADMINISTRATIVE DETAIL, WITH A CLEAR DISTINCTION OF BOARD AND STAFF ROLES, AND COLLECTIVE RATHER THAN INDIVIDUAL DECISIONS. A.2.2 Governance Specifically MORE SPECIFICALLY, THE BOARD WILL: 1. OPERATE ALWAYS MINDFUL OF ITS CIVIC TRUSTEESHIP OBLIGATION TO THE CITIZENS OF THE COLLEGE DISTRICT. 2. KEEP ADEQUATELY INFORMED ABOUT RELEVANT LOCAL, REGIONAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ISSUES POTENTIALLY IMPACTING THE COLLEGE. 3. LEAD AND INSPIRE THE COLLEGE THROUGH THE CAREFUL ESTABLISHMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS AND PERSPECTIVES THROUGH WRITTEN POLICIES. 4. FOCUS ON THE INTENDED LONG-TERM IMPACT OF THE COLLEGE’S GOALS AND NOT ON THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEANS OF RESPONDING TO THAT IMPACT. 5. INITIATE POLICY FORMATION AND BE ACTIVE IN STRATEGIC PLANNING AND BUDGETING. 6. USE THE EXPERTISE OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS TO ENHANCE THE ABILITY AND VALUES OF THE BOARD AS A BODY. 7. MONITOR AND REGULARLY DISCUSS THE BOARD'S OWN PROCESS AND PERFORMANCE. INSURE THE CONTINUITY OF ITS GOVERNANCE CAPABILITIES BY CONTINUAL TRUSTEE EDUCATION. a. SELF-MONITORING WILL INCLUDE AN ANNUAL COMPARISON OF BOARD ACTIVITIES AND DISCIPLINE RELATIVE TO ITS GOVERNANCE PROCESS POLICIES. 2 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY b. CONTINUAL REDEVELOPMENT WILL INCLUDE ORIENTATION OF NEW MEMBERS IN THE BOARD'S ADOPTED GOVERNANCE PROCESS AND REGULAR BOARD DISCUSSION OF PROCESS IMPROVEMENT. 8. DEMONSTRATE COMMITMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC BY COMPETENT, CONSCIENTIOUS AND EFFECTIVE DECISION-MAKING; AND ALLOWING NO INDIVIDUAL BOARD MEMBER OR BOARD COMMITTEE TO UNDERMINE THIS COMMITMENT. 9. WELCOME INPUT FROM VARIOUS SOURCES, INCLUDING STAFF, STUDENTS, ALUMNI, EMPLOYERS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS, ON THE FORMATION OF BOARD GOALS AND ACTIONS. 10. ENGAGE IN PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF GOVERNANCE ISSUES. A.3 Membership (R 2/94) The Board of Trustees consists of six members elected for six-year terms from the four subdistricts of St. Louis Community College. A.3.1 Board Member Service (R 4/03) No member of the Board will directly or indirectly receive any compensation or remuneration nor derive any profit or gain from membership on the Board or from services rendered to the College. Each member of the Board will disclose to the Board any personal interest which he/she may have in any matter pending before the Board. That member will not participate in any discussion or decision on such matter(s) and will abstain from voting. No Board member of St. Louis Community College will use any College equipment, supplies, or personnel for any purpose other than the College's business. A.3.2 Board Job Description THE JOB OF THE BOARD IS TO REPRESENT THE PUBLIC IN DETERMINING AND REQUIRING APPROPRIATE ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE. THE BOARD WILL FOCUS ITS EFFORTS ON THE FOLLOWING RESPONSIBILITIES WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF ITS STATUTORY DUTIES: 1. SELECT, APPOINT AND EVALUATE THE CHANCELLOR’S PERFORMANCE. 2. ENGAGE IN FUDICIARY, STRATEGIC AND COHESIVE GOVERNANCE TO MONITOR INSTITUTIONAL PERFORMANCE. 3. PROVIDE WAYS AND MEANS FOR OBTAINING ADEQUATE FINANCIAL SUPPORT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: 3 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY a. GIVING INPUT TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET PRIORITES. b. APPROVING THE ANNUAL BUDGET AND EXPENDITURES OF ALL FUNDS. 4. MAINTAIN A LINK BETWEEN THE COLLEGE AND THE COMMUNITY BY: a. CREATING A POSITIVE IMAGE FOR THE COLLEGE IN REPRESENTING THE COLLEGE TO THE COMMUNITY. b. KEEPING FELLOW BOARD MEMBERS AND THE CHANCELLOR INFORMED OF CONCERNS AND QUESTIONS THAT ARE HEARD AND SEEN WHEN IN THE COMMUNITY. A.4 Election of Members A six-member board representing the four subdistricts of the college service area governs St. Louis Community College and shall be elected in accordance with statutory requirements outlined in BOARD PROCEDURES, SECTION A.4. A.5 Officers – Election AND Term of Office, Duties (R 2/94) The officers of the Board of Trustees will be a president CHAIR and a vice president CHAIR who will be members of the Board, and a secretary and a treasurer who may be elected from the administrative or professional staff. A.5.1 Election and Term of Office (R 3/06) 1. Officers of the Board will be elected at the first regular meeting of the Board after June 1 of each year. Vacancies will be filled as soon as practicable by electing a successor to the unexpired term of office. 2. Each officer of the Board will be elected for a term of one year, will assume office immediately upon election, and will hold office until a successor is elected and qualified. a. TERMS OF OFFICE FOR CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR OFFICER POSITIONS WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE CONSECUTIVE FULL-YEAR TERMS. b. TERMS OF OFFICE FOR SECRETARY AND TREASURER POSITIONS, IF ELECTED FROM THE ADMINISTRATIVE OR PROFESSIONAL STAFF, WILL HAVE NO TERM LIMIT. 3. In the event of the absence of both the president CHAIR and vice president CHAIR at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Trustees, those Board members present will select by majority vote one of their members to preside. 4 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY A 5.2 Officers’ Duties A.6 Board Member Role (1/07) THE PRIMARY ROLE OF EACH BOARD MEMBER IS TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE BOARD'S PROCESSES AND TO WORK IN CONCERT WITH OTHER BOARD MEMBERS TO PROMOTE THE BOARD’S FIDUCIARY, STRATEGIC AND COHESIVE GOVERNANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. A.5.3 BOARD COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS The Board of Trustees is committed to action by the Board as a whole; however, ad hoc committees may be appointed for specific purposes. The Board chair will ensure the entire Board is apprised of Board member appointment to district-wide committee assignments. A.6.1 BOARD CHAIR 1. THE BOARD CHAIR PROMOTES CONSISTENCY BY THE BOARD IN ITS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. SPECIFICALLY, THE BOARD CHAIR: a. The Board president CHAIR Presides at all meetings of the Board of Trustees; preserves order AND enforces rules. b. ESTABLISHES, TOGETHER WITH THE VICE CHAIR OR THEIR DESIGNEE(S), THE MEETING AGENDAS. 1) THE CONTENT OF MEETING AGENDAS WILL BE ONLY THOSE ISSUES THAT, ACCORDING TO BOARD POLICY, CLEARLY BELONG TO THE BOARD TO DECIDE. 2) BOARD AGENDAS WILL BE SET IN COLLABORATION WITH THE CHANCELLOR. c. The president Appoints, subject to approval by the Board, all committees which THAT the Board may deem necessary. d. HE/SHE Signs all bonds evidencing the bonded indebtedness of the College, and all letters, agreements, contracts, deeds, leases and other documents and papers ordered to be executed by the Board of Trustees. 2. The Board president CHAIR approves the chancellor's attendance and expense reports. The Chancellor’s quarterly local expense reports are submitted to the Board for ratification. a. THE BOARD CHAIR HAS NO AUTHORITY TO INDIVIDUALLY SUPERVISE OR DIRECT THE CHANCELLOR. 3. THE BOARD CHAIR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BOARD COMMUNICATIONS. a. THE BOARD WILL HAVE A DESIGNATED SPOKESPERSON (GENERALLY THIS IS THE BOARD CHAIR) WHO WILL WORK CLOSELY WITH THE CHANCELLOR AND MAY SERVE AS THE 5 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY PRIMARY PUBLIC CONTACT FOR BOARD INQUIRIES, MEDIA COVERAGE AND SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS. a. ALL COMMUNICATIONS MADE ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD ARE TO BE APPROVED BY THE BOARD. b. ALL BOARD MEMBERS, HOWEVER, HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP THE COMMUNITY INFORMED OF NORMAL COLLEGE ISSUES AND ACTIVITIES, AS WELL AS TO BE THE EYES AND EARS OF THE COLLEGE WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. c. THE BOARD CHAIR, IN COLLABORATION WITH THE CHANCELLOR AND THE COLLEGE PUBLIC RELATIONS STAFF, SHOULD FACILITATE SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS FOR ALL BOARD MEMBERS. b. THE CHAIR SHALL ENSURE THAT OTHER BOARD MEMBERS ARE INFORMED OF CURRENT AND PENDING BOARD ISSUES AND PROCESSES. 4. THE BOARD CHAIR MAY CALL SPECIAL MEETINGS AS REQUIRED. 5. THE BOARD CHAIR SHALL PLAN AN ANNUAL RETREAT PRIOR TO THE START OF THE NEW FISCAL YEAR. A.6.2 Vice President CHAIR In case of the resignation, absence, or other disability of the president, CHAIR the vice president CHAIR will perform all of the duties of the president CHAIR. The vice chair also performs other duties assigned by the president CHAIR of the Board of Trustees or the Board of Trustees. THE VICE CHAIR WILL ASSIST IN AGENDA SETTING AND RETREAT PLANNING. A. 6.3 Secretary The secretary (NORMALLY THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE TO THE BOARD) will be the official custodian of the records of the College and will perform all duties required by the Board of Trustees and all duties provided in these policies. The secretary records the proceedings of the Board. The secretary will make public notification of Board member elections, attest to all public acts of the College, affix thereto, when necessary, the seal of St. Louis Community College, and prepare and serve on the members in due time notice of all regular and special meetings of the Board. The secretary will be the custodian of the official seal of the College. THE BOARD SECRETARY WILL SERVE AS THE DESIGNATED ELECTION OFFICAL REPRESENTING THE COLLEGE TO THE APPROPRIATE BOARDS OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS. A. 6.4 Treasurer 6 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY The treasurer (NORMALLY THE VICE CHANCELLOR FOR BUSINESS AND FINANCE) will comply with all applicable state laws, keep complete records of the financial transactions of the College, sign all checks, and report from time to time concerning the financial status of the College. In lieu of actually signing checks, the treasurer may use a facsimile signature. The facsimile signature will be applied on checks in a manner approved by the Board and accepted by the Board's demand depository. At regular Board meetings, the treasurer will present budget reports, detailing actual income and expenditures in relation to the approved budget. The treasurer also will make a complete report on the financial condition of the College at the end of each fiscal year. A.7 BOARD MEMBERS' CODE OF CONDUCT (1/07) THE BOARD EXPECTS ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT OF ITSELF AND ITS MEMBERS. THIS COMMITMENT INCLUDES PROPER USE OF AUTHORITY AND APPROPRIATE DECORUM BOTH IN GROUP AND INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR WHEN ACTING AS BOARD MEMBERS. 1. BOARD MEMBERS MUST REPRESENT IMPARTIAL LOYALTY IN FULFILLING THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE COLLEGE. THIS ACCOUNTABILITY SUPERSEDES ANY CONFLICTING LOYALTY SUCH AS THAT TO ADVOCACY OR INTEREST GROUPS AND MEMBERSHIPS ON OTHER BOARDS OR STAFFS. 2. IN ADDITION TO THEIR EXISTING OBLIGATIONS UNDER MISSOURI STATE STATUTES AND THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE MISSOURI ETHICS COMMISSION, BOARD MEMBERS MUST AVOID ANY CONFLICT OF INTEREST WITH RESPECT TO THEIR FIDUCIARY DUTIES TO THE COLLEGE. a. BOARD MEMBERS MUST NOT USE THEIR POSITIONS TO OBTAIN OR INFLUENCE EMPLOYMENT IN THE COLLEGE FOR THEMSELVES, FAMILY MEMBERS OR CLOSE ASSOCIATES. b. IF A BOARD MEMBER WERE CONSIDERED FOR EMPLOYMENT BY THE COLLEGE, SHE/HE MUST RESIGN AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD. 3. BOARD MEMBERS MAY NOT ATTEMPT TO EXERCISE INDIVIDUAL AUTHORITY OVER THE COLLEGE EXCEPT AS EXPLICITLY SET FORTH IN BOARD POLICIES. a. BOARD MEMBERS' INTERACTION WITH THE CHANCELLOR OR WITH STAFF MUST RECOGNIZE THE LACK OF AUTHORITY OF ANY INDIVIDUAL BOARD 7 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. BOARD POLICY MEMBER OR GROUP OF BOARD MEMBERS EXCEPT AS NOTED ABOVE. b. BOARD MEMBERS' INTERACTION WITH THE NEWS MEDIA MUST RECOGNIZE THAT THEY CANNOT SPEAK FOR THE BOARD EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED BY THE BOARD. BOARD MEMBERS SHALL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING STATE, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL MEETINGS, TO ENHANCE THEIR ABILITY TO SERVE EFFECTIVELY AS BOARD MEMBERS. BOARD MEMBERS WILL NOT PERMIT THEMSELVES TO BE USED TO CIRCUMVENT ESTABLISHED LINES OF COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY OR INTERFERE IN THE NORMAL PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTS OR GRIEVANCES. BOARD MEMBERS WILL NOT WAIVE BOARD RIGHTS TO CONFIDENTIALITY, INCLUDING DISCUSSIONS THAT OCCUR AT LEGALLY HELD CLOSED MEETINGS OF THE BOARD, AND OTHER PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS, SUCH AS ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS. BOARD MEMBERS WILL ENFORCE UPON THEMSELVES WHATEVER DISCIPLINE IS NEEDED TO GOVERN WITH EXCELLENCE, INCLUDING A RESOLUTION OF CENSURE. BOARD MEMBERS SHALL ACT IN A NON-PARTISAN MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE NATURE OF PUBLIC EDUCATION. A.7 Meetings of the Board of Trustees (R 2/94) A.8 BOARD OPERATIONS A. 8.1 Board Operations Definitions 1. REGULAR MEETINGS. THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES WILL BE HELD ON A MONTHLY BASIS AND ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF THE REGULAR MEETING MAY BE CHANGED IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BOARD. 2. All regular and special meetings of the Board will be open to the public. Approved minutes are available to the public. 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Board president CHAIR and will be called by the secretary upon written request of three or more members of the Board of Trustees. In all cases of special meetings, not less than 24 hours written notice stating the time and place of the meeting and the business to be considered will be given to each member and to the public. No business will be transacted at special meetings other than that stated in the notice. 8 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY 4. Executive Sessions. Executive sessions of the Board may be called in accordance with state law. A. 8.2 Board Operations THE BOARD WILL OPERATE IN A CONSISTENT MANNER, FOLLOWING THE POLICIES DETAILED HEREIN, AND, WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED, ADHERE TO ESTABLISHED OPERATIONAL PROCEEDINGS: 1. THE BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE WILL BE ADOPTED PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 1 EACH YEAR. THE BOARD WILL OPERATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MISSOURI STATE STATUTE AND OTHER APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL STATUTES. 2. AT THE ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING, TO BE HELD AS PART OF THE JUNE BOARD MEETING, THE BOARD SHALL ELECT BOARD OFFICERS. TERMS OF OFFICE WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE CONSECUTIVE TERMS. 3. THE BOARD CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR SHALL SET THE BOARD MEETING AGENDA IN CONSULTATION WITH THE CHANCELLOR. THE AGENDA SETTING IS OPEN TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS WITH 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE TO THE BOARD SECRETARY. 4. IN THE EVENT OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS NOT COVERED BY SPECIFIC POLICIES, THE CHANCELLOR, WITH THE ADVICE AND CONSENT OF THE BOARD CHAIR, IF PRACTICABLE, SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO TAKE ANY APPROPRIATE ACTION REQUIRED BY SUCH EMERGENCY. ACTION TAKEN AND THE REASON THEREFORE SHALL BE COMMUNICATED TO THE BOARD AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE. 5. THE BOARD SHALL ESTABLISH AN ANNUAL BOARD DEVELOPMENT BUDGET TO ALLOW THE TRUSTEES TO REPRESENT THE COLLEGE AT APPROPRIATE MEETINGS AND FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES. THE ENTIRE BOARD SHALL APPROVE ALL EXPENDITURES FROM THIS BUDGET. 6. ALL MEETINGS OF THE BOARD SHALL BE OPEN AND PUBLIC MEETINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPIRIT AND LETTER OF THE MISSOURI STATE STATUTE. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS MAY BE HELD ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW. ONLY BOARD MEMBERS AND THOSE MEMBERS SPECIFICALLY INVITED BY THE CHAIR SHALL ATTEND EXECUTIVE SESSIONS. ALL DISCUSSIONS CONDUCTED IN 9 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY EXECUTIVE SESSIONS AND THE MINUTES SHALL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. A.8.3 QUORUM (R 3/06) At all meetings of the Board of Trustees a majority of the entire membership of the Board will constitute a quorum to do business, but a number less than a quorum may adjourn from day to day or on a specific date. A.8.4 Order of Business (R 6/06) The president BOARD CHAIR will call the members to order on the appearance of a quorum. The order of business, unless modified by the Board, will be as follows: IS OUTLINED IN THE BOARD PROCEDURES, SECTION A.8.2. A.8.5 Rules of Order (R 2/94) In all matters not covered by the rules of the Board, parliamentary procedures will be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, REVISED, INCLUDING PROCEDURES FOR SMALL BOARDS. A.8.6 Agenda and Agenda Revisions (R 2/94) All items THAT REQUIRE ACTION to be considered at public meetings of the Board must be submitted in writing to the Board and made available to the public prior to the meeting. This policy may be waived by majority vote of members present. A.8.7 Recognition (R 2/94) Generally, no person other than a member of the Board of Trustees will be recognized to speak at any meeting of the Board except upon recognition of the chair. However, the chancellor or other staff members designated by the chancellor may speak at any time upon recognition by the chair or upon questioning by a member of the Board. THE BOARD WILL GIVE CITIZENS THE OPPORTUNITY TO ADDRESS THE BOARD, BUT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT THE TIME ALLOTTED FOR REMARKS. A.8.8 Member Voting (R 2/94) No member of the Board may vote by proxy. Every member present will vote on all questions, unless excused by the Board or if a member abstains because of a conflict of interest. A.8.9 Recording the Vote (R 2/94) Actions taken by the Board will be decided upon by a majority vote of those present or such other greater vote of the Board as may be required by law. The vote will be recorded on all questions. Upon request, members may request a roll call vote and/or have the reasons for their votes recorded in the minutes. 10 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY A.8.10 Late Vote (R 2/94) No member will be allowed to give or change a vote on any question after the result has been announced by the chair, unless by unanimous consent of the members of the Board. A.3.9.1Removal/Resignation A.8.11 BOARD REMOVAL/RESIGNATION 1. Any Board member who changes his/her domicile or residency from the subdistrict from which said Board member was elected will be deemed to have vacated or resigned as a trustee of the College effective at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting following the change of domicile or residency. At the beginning of said meeting, the Board will announce the vacancy and publicly invite interested, legally-qualified citizens to apply in accordance with Board policy. 2. Any Board member failing to attend Board meetings for three consecutive regular meetings, unless excused by the Board for reasons satisfactory to the Board, will be deemed to have vacated his/her seat on the Board. At the third consecutive regular meeting missed, the Board will announce the vacancy and publicly invite interested, legally-qualified citizens to apply. AFTER FAILING TO ATTEND THREE CONSECUTIVE REGULAR MEETINGS, THE REASON FOR ABSENCE WILL BE ANNOUNCED TO THE PUBLIC. a. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL BOARD MEMBER TO SUBMIT RESIGNATION FROM THE BOARD. b. RECOGNIZING THE DIFFICULTY IN CONDUCTING COLLEGE BUSINESS WITH THE ABSENCE OF THREE BOARD MEMBERS, THE BOARD MAY NEED TO DECLARE A BOARD VACANCY AND FILL THAT VACANCY IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE STATUTES AND BOARD POLICY. A.9 Amendment of Board Policy (R 5/97) Policies in this manual will constitute ARE the GOVERNMENTAL rules of the government of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College. These policies may be amended, repealed or added to by four affirmative votes of the Board. A request for policy revision must be made in writing and may be presented at any regularly scheduled Board meeting. Upon a Board member's action to lodge for public review, the policy revision will be acted upon at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Lodging may be waived by a unanimous vote of the Board. Board policies resulting from meet and confer activities may be 11 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY adopted by an affirmative vote of four Board members without the necessity of lodging. A.10 Board of Trustees Travel (R 4/03) Trustees will abide by administrative procedures regarding travel REIMBURSEMENT on College business. TRUSTEES WILL PUBLICLY AUTHORIZE BOARD MEMBER TRAVEL AND, UPON RETURN, WILL HAVE THEIR EXPENSES APPROVED BY ANOTHER BOARD MEMBER AND RATIFIED BY THE FULL BOARD. Two Board members will review and approve all Board members' travel expense reimbursement requests prior to submission to the Board for ratification. A.11 Release of Information to the Public (R 3/06) Records of the College are open to the public unless closed in accordance with state or federal law. For purposes of release of information to the public, the Board secretary serves as the College's custodian of records. Members of the public may request the custodian of records to provide access to public records. After receipt of the request, the custodian will provide access within three business days or sooner if possible or explain in writing the reason for denial of access or for delay. Members of the public may request copies of public records. A reasonable charge may be made to cover the actual cost of copies and for the cost of staff time required to perform document search or provide copies of public records. A.12 Board Member Role in COLLEGE Campaign Activities (9/06) Board members must acknowledge their roles and responsibilities IN COLLEGE CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES and recognize that the public will not distinguish between campaign-related actions BOARD MEMBER ACTIONS WILL RELFECT UPON THE CAMPAIGN, the Board and the College. Board members will support COLLEGE campaign activities, and at least one member, selected by the vote of the Board, will serve as liaison to the COLLEGE campaign organization. That Board member (or members) will make the COLLEGE campaign organization’s leadership aware of appropriate governance and accountability standards. Board members will not be active decision makers in the COLLEGE campaign. 12 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS BOARD POLICY Prominent persons lending their names to the COLLEGE campaign leadership will be kept informed of major developments and participate in major decisions. The COLLEGE campaign organization will incorporate as a not-for-profit corporation under Chapter 355 of the Missouri Statutes. A COLLEGE Campaign Organization Leadership Committee should exist and have DEFINE its role. defined. It will participate in major decisions, such as the selection of COLLEGE campaign advisors, legal advisors and other major vendors. The Committee and the Chancellor will be kept informed of expenditures and other COLLEGE campaign issues. The Committee will adopt conflict of interest and nepotism policies in accordance with St. Louis Community College Board Policy C.5 Conflict of Interest, and the Board will insure, to the extent possible, compliance with these policies. A.12.1 COLLEGE Campaign Finance Policies (9/06) 1. Selection of principal advisors and major vendors by the COLLEGE campaign organization will be based on the following: a. be selected by a request for proposal process. b. be within the College district. c. be selected based on their qualifications. d. have terms of engagement documented in writing. 2. All COLLEGE Campaign expenses will be fully documented in a manner not unlike that required by the College. 3. Debit cards will be prohibited for Committee and campaign expenses. 4. Neither the Committee Treasurer, nor any deputy, will have the sole authority to initiate, authorize or make major expenditures. 5. Income and expense reports must be developed and provided to Committee members on a timely basis. 6. Appropriate internal controls will exist. A.13 Board Committees THE BOARD MAY ESTABLISH COMMITTEES TO HELP CARRY OUT ITS RESPONSIBILITIES. COMMITTEES WILL BE USED IN SUCH MANNER AS TO SUPPORT THE WORK OF THE BOARD. 1. BOARD COMMITTEES MAY NOT SPEAK OR ACT FOR THE BOARD EXCEPT WHEN FORMALLY GIVEN SUCH AUTHORITY 13 DIVISION A GOVERNANCE PROCESS 2. 3. 4. 5. BOARD POLICY FOR SPECIFIC AND TIME-LIMITED PURPOSES. EXPECTATIONS AND AUTHORITY WILL BE CAREFULLY STATED IN ORDER NOT TO CONFLICT WITH AUTHORITY DELEGATED TO THE CHANCELLOR. BOARD COMMITTEES ARE TO HELP THE BOARD DO ITS JOB, NOT TO HELP OR ADVISE THE STAFF DO ITS JOBS. COMMITTEES ORDINARILY WILL ASSIST THE BOARD BY PREPARING POLICY ALTERNATIVES FOR BOARD DELIBERATION. BOARD COMMITTEES ARE TO AVOID OVER-IDENTIFICATION WITH ORGANIZATIONAL PARTS RATHER THAN THE WHOLE. THEREFORE, A BOARD COMMITTEE THAT HAS HELPED THE BOARD CREATE POLICY ON SOME TOPIC WILL NOT BE USED TO MONITOR ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE ON THAT SAME SUBJECT. BOARD COMMITTEES CANNOT EXERCISE AUTHORITY OVER STAFF. IN KEEPING WITH THE BOARD'S BROADER FOCUS, BOARD COMMITTEES WILL NORMALLY NOT HAVE DIRECT DEALINGS WITH CURRENT STAFF OPERATIONS. THIS POLICY APPLIES TO ONLY COMMITTEES FORMED BY BOARD ACTION, WHETHER OR NOT THE COMMITTEES INCLUDE NON-BOARD MEMBERS. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO COMMITTEES FORMED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE CHANCELLOR. A.13.1 Committee Structure A COMMITTEE IS A BOARD COMMITTEE ONLY IF ITS EXISTENCE AND CHARGE COME FROM THE BOARD, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER BOARD MEMBERS SIT ON THE COMMITTEE. THE BOARD, IN ESTABLISHING COMMITTEES, WILL DETERMINE COMMITTEE GOALS AND LIMITS OF COMMITTEE AUTHORITY. 14 II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board approve the revised Associate of Applied Science Hospitality Studies: Hotel and Restaurant Management approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Hospitality Studies: Hotel and Restaurant Management Associate in Applied Science Campus: FP Effective: Spring 2008 Impact Statement According to the St. Louis Convention & visitors Commission’s 2006 annual report, hospitality is the second largest industry in St. Louis with over $3.5 billion in annual sales. The hospitality industry employs more than 74,973 people in 15 business categories including: entertainment, transportation, lodging, food service, and convention and event management. With St. Louis entertaining over 20.3 million visitors each year, employment opportunities are available for those who are properly prepared. In response to the need for a prepared job candidate and the need to update the current program, the hospitality faculty at Forest Park assembled an extensive advisory committee to perform a thorough Tech Scan and DACUM. The committee consisted of hotel and restaurant professionals from both local and national chains and concluded that our program can and is a vital bridge between industry needs and individual career choice. The advisory committee determined that the program was essential in order to meet the employment needs of local and national industry. However, certain changes needed to be incorporated to meet the changes that have occurred in industry over the recent past. These changes were identified during the modified DACUM, verified by the advisory committee, and incorporated into the proposed programs. In conclusion, the “Occupational Outlook Handbook 2005-06” reinforces the need for prepared individuals in the lodging industry due to the anticipated 9-17 percent job growth for all occupations through 2014. Job opportunities were stated to be best for persons with college degrees in hotel or restaurant management. Board Meeting 4-23-07 1 Hospitality Studies: Hotel and Restaurant Management Associate in Applied Science Current Program Revised Program I. Career General Education ENG: 101 College Composition I COM: 101 Oral Communication I MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math PSI: 101 Physical Science Lecture PSY: 200 General Psychology XXX: xxx Missouri State Requirement 18 credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 I. Career General Education 18 credits ENG: 101 College Composition I 3 COM: 101 Oral Communication I 3 MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math 3 PSI: 101 Physical Science Lecture 3 PSY: 200 General Psychology 3 XXX: xxx Missouri State Requirement 3 II. Physical Education Activity 2 credits II. Physical Education Activity III. Area of Concentration 19 credits ACC: 100 Applied Accounting HRM: 135 Food Preparation Theory HRM: 116 Safety and Sanitation HRM: 134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management HRM: 202 Hospitality Law HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control III. 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 credits Area of Concentration 19 credits ACC: 100 Applied Accounting 3 CUL: 105 Food Preparation Theory 3 CUL: 101 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 3 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 202 Hospitality Law 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control Hotel and Restaurant Management Courses 28 credits HRM: 141 Workplace Learning I HRM: 221 Workplace Learning II HRM: 241 Workplace Learning III HRM: 214 Hospitality Human Resources Management HRM: 209 Hospitality Sales and Marketing HRM: 210 Guest Services Management HRM: 211 Hotel Facilities Management IS: 123 Introduction to Windows Hotel and Restaurant Management Courses 28 credits 1 HRM: 141 Workplace Learning I: 1 Hospitality Studies 1 1 HRM: 221 Workplace Learning II: Hospitality Studies 1 3 HRM: 241 Workplace Learning III: 3 Hospitality Studies 1 3 HRM: 214 Hospitality Human Resources 3 Management 3 1 HRM: 209 Hospitality Sales and Marketing 3 HRM: 210 Guest Services Management 3 Select at least 6 credits from HRM: 211 Hotel Facilities Management 3 HRM: 112 Purchasing 3 IS: 123 Introduction to Windows 1 HRM: 250 Foodservice Design and Layout 3 HRM: 212 Bar and Beverage Management 3 Select at least six credits from TUR: 201 Convention and Meeting Planning 3 HRM: 112 Purchasing 3 HRM: 250 Foodservice Design and Layout 3 Select at least 6 credits from HRM: 212 Bar and Beverage Management 3 HUM: 112 Creative Thinking 3 TUR: 201 Convention and Meeting Planning 3 COM: 107 Public Speaking 3 COM: 110 Organizational Communication 3 Select at least six credits from SOC: 103 Human Behavior At Work and in HUM: 112 Creative Thinking 3 Business 3 COM: 107 Public Speaking 3 IS: 151 Microcomputer Applications in Business 4 COM: 110 Organizational Communication 3 SOC: 103 Human Behavior At Work and in Program total 67 credits Business 3 IS: 151 Microcomputer Applications in Business 4 Program total 67 credits Board Meeting 4-23-07 2 II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board approve the revised Certificate of Proficiency Hospitality Studies: Restaurant Management approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Hospitality Studies: Restaurant Management Certificate of Proficiency Campus: FP Effective: Spring 2008 Impact Statement Hospitality is the second largest industry in St. Louis with over $2.5 billion in sales each year. It employs more than 46,000 people in 15 business categories including: transportation, lodging, food service, convention and event management. St. Louis entertains over 17 million visitors each year. The door is open to good jobs for those who are properly prepared. In response to the need for a prepared job candidate and the need to update the current program, the hospitality faculty at Forest Park assembled an extensive advisory committee to perform a thorough Tech Scan and DACUM. The committee consisted of hotel and restaurant professionals from both local and national chains and concluded that our program can and is a vital bridge between industry needs and individual career choice. The advisory committee determined that the program was essential in order to meet the employment needs of local and national industry. However, certain changes needed to be incorporated to meet the changes that have occurred in industry over the recent past. These changes were identified during the modified DACUM, verified by the advisory committee, and incorporated into the proposed programs. Also, as a response to our findings, it was recommended that along with offering an AAS degree, that we add a Certificate of Proficiency for both Hotel and Restaurant Management. These options would provide our students the ability to gain the knowledge necessary to improve their employability within the local industry even if a degree in not sought. Concluding, the “Occupational Outlook Handbook 2005-06” reinforces the need for prepared individuals in the lodging industry due to expected growth for all occupations through 2012. Job opportunities were stated to be best for persons with college degrees in hotel or restaurant management. Board Meeting 4-23-07 3 Hospitality Studies: Restaurant Management Certificate of Proficiency Current Program Revised Program General Education ENG: 101 College Composition I COM: 101 Oral Communication I MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math 9 credits 3 3 3 General Education ENG: 101 College Composition I COM: 101 Oral Communication I MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math Area of Concentration 30 credits ACC: 100 Applied Accounting 3 HRM: 135 Food Preparation Theory 3 HRM: 116 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 3 HRM: 141 Workplace Learning I 1 HRM: 221 Workplace Learning II 1 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 202 Hospitality Law 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control 3 HRM: 210 Guest Services Management 3 Select at least 6 credits from HRM: 214 Hospitality Human Resources Management HRM: 112 Purchasing HRM: 250 Foodservice Design and Layout HRM: 209 Hospitality Sales and Marketing HRM: 211 Hotel Facilities Management HRM: 212 Bar and Beverage Management TUR: 201 Convention and Meeting Planning IS: 123 Introduction to Windows IS: 151 Microcomputer Applications in Business Program total Area of Concentration 30 credits ACC: 100 Applied Accounting 3 CUL: 105 Food Preparation Theory 3 CUL: 101 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 3 HRM: 141 Workplace Learning I: Hospitality Studies 1 HRM: 221 Workplace Learning II Hospitality Studies 1 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 202 Hospitality Law 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control 3 HRM: 210 Guest Services Management 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 Select at least six credits from HRM: 214 Hospitality Human Resources Management HRM: 112 Purchasing HRM: 250 Foodservice Design and Layout HRM: 209 Hospitality Sales and Marketing HRM: 211 Hotel Facilities Management HRM: 212 Bar and Beverage Management TUR: 201 Convention and Meeting Planning IS: 123 Introduction to Windows IS: 151 Microcomputer Applications in Business 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 39 credits Program total Board Meeting 4-23-07 9 credits 3 3 3 4 39 credits II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board approve the revised Associate in Applied Science Hospitality Studies: Culinary Arts approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Hospitality Studies: Culinary Arts Associate in Applied Science Campus: FP Effective: Spring 2008 Impact Statement Hospitality is the second largest industry in St. Louis with over $2.5 billion in sales each year. It employs more than 46,000 people in 15 business categories including: transportation, lodging, food service, convention and event management. St. Louis entertains over 17 million visitors each year. The door is open to good jobs for those who are properly prepared. In response to the need for a prepared job candidate and the need to update the current program, the hospitality faculty at Forest Park assembled an extensive advisory committee to perform a thorough Tech Scan and DACUM. The committee consisted of culinary and restaurant professionals from both local and national chains and concluded that our program can and is a vital bridge between industry needs and individual career choice. The advisory committee determined that the program was essential in order to meet the employment needs of local and national industry. The Associate in Applied Science degree in Culinary Arts will undergo some essential changes to the existing offering. These changes reflect increased credit hour value for lab-based cooking courses needing additional class time to effectively teach production techniques. In addition, the prefix of all culinary-based courses will be designed as CUL. This will ease student advising, future transcript perusal by other academic institutions, and flow of the current degree offering. Finally, the courses in baking and pastry have been streamlined to allow culinary-focused students to receive pertinent information in this area much more effectively. The AAS in Culinary Arts is currently well regarded in the St. Louis area and beyond. It is the mission of the Hospitality Studies department to continue the success of this great program. By revamping the current program, we are ensuring our graduates’ success in the foodservice industry. The AAS in Culinary Arts is essential to the partnership of industry and education. St. Louis Community College is dedicated to meeting the needs of the community; this dynamic program will continue to create an accessible environment to develop the future leaders of the culinary trade. Board Meeting 4-23-07 5 Hospitality Studies: Culinary Studies Associate in Applied Science Current Program I. Career General Education ENG: 101 College Composition I COM: 101 Oral Communication I MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math PSI: 101 Physical Science Lecture PSY: 200 General Psychology XXX: xxx Missouri State Requirement II. Physical Education Activity Revised Program 18 credits I. Career General Education 3 3 3 3 3 3 ENG: 101 College Composition I COM: 101 Oral Communication I MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math PSI: 101 Physical Science Lecture PSY: 200 General Psychology XXX: xxx Missouri State Requirement 2 credits II. Physical Education Activity III. Area of Concentration 13 credits HRM: 135 Food Preparation Theory 3 HRM: 116 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 3 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control 3 Culinary Arts Courses HRM: 140 Food Preparation Practical I HRM: 145 Food Preparation Practical II HRM: 112 Purchasing HRM: 119 Garde Manger HRM: 122 Baking HRM: 123 Pastry HRM: 128 Nutrition HRM: 129 Global Cuisine HRM: 225 Nutritional Cooking HRM: 230 American Regional Cuisine HRM: 260 Restaurant Operations Select at least 4 credits from ACC: 100 Applied Accounting HRM: 250 Foodservice Design and Layout HRM: 202 Hospitality Law HRM: 245 Salon Competition HRM: 235 Ice Carving HRM: 141 Workplace Learning I HRM: 221 Workplace Learning II XXX: xxx Foreign Language Program total 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 credits III. Area of Concentration 19 credits HRM: 134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 3 CUL:101 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control 3 HRM: 112 Purchasing 3 HRM: 128 Nutrition 3 36 credits 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 6 Select at least three credits from ACC: 100 Applied Accounting HRM: 250 Foodservice Design and Layout HRM: 202 Hospitality Law CUL: 235 Culinary Competition Skills CUL: 230 Ice Carving HRM: 212 Bar and Beverage Management HRM: 141 Workplace Learning I: Hospitality Studies HRM: 221 Workplace Learning II: Hospitality Studies XXX: xxx Foreign Language 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 4 Culinary Arts Courses 30 credits CUL: 105 Food Preparation Theory 3 CUL: 110 Food Preparation Practical I 3 CUL: 115 Food Preparation Practical II 3 BAP: 150 Bakeshop Basics for Culinarians 3 CUL: 201 Garde Manger 3 CUL: 205 Global Cuisine 3 CUL: 210 Nutritional Cooking 3 CUL: 215 American Regional Cuisine 3 CUL: 250 Restaurant Operations 6 69 credits Program total Board Meeting 4-23-07 18 credits 6 69 credits II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board approve the revised Baking and Pastry Arts Certificate of Proficiency approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Baking and Pastry Arts Certificate of Proficiency Campus: FP Effective: Spring 2008 Impact Statement The Hospitality Industry is the second largest industry in St. Louis with over $2.5 Billion in sales annually. It employs more than 46,000 people in 15 business categories. One of the fastest growing categories in the foodservice sect is the Baking and Pastry category. As foodservice institutions, from local bakeries to huge casinos, look to increase profitability and quality, they are seeking the talents of Pastry Chefs. These employers are in search of professional staff members that possess the basic skills of producing a wide range of bread, dessert, and artistic creations. In response to the need for prepared job candidates and the needs of the current culinary program, the hospitality faculty at Forest Park assembled an extensive advisory committee to perform a thorough Tech Scan and DACUM. The committee consisted of baking, pastry, and foodservice professionals from both local and national companies and concluded that our program is a vital bridge between industry needs and individual career choice. The Certificate of Proficiency in Baking and Pastry Arts will prepare future Pastry Chefs to enter the workforce with greater support of the industry than a potential employee possessing no higher education by allowing students to gain the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to became a successful pastry professional. Concepts of baking theory and nutrition; breads, rolls, and bakeries; production of pastry techniques; and cake production and decoration will lay the foundation for essential pastry-related skills. Advanced classes in artisan and decorative bread; ice cream and frozen desserts; chocolates and pralines; contemporary plated desserts; and showpieces and confectionary art will allow specialized training in specific areas of concentration for the aspiring Pastry Chef. Board Meeting 4-23-07 7 Baking and Pastry Arts Certificate of Proficiency The final course, Dessert Buffet Presentation, will give students a real-world simulation of what to expect upon graduation. The Certificate of Proficiency in Baking and Pastry Arts will undergo some essential changes to the existing offering. These changes streamline the program alongside the Associate of Applied Science degree in Baking and Pastry Arts. The current lab-based production courses will be eliminated, and new courses dealing with much more specific concepts will be introduced. The Certificate courses will be identical to the AAS course of study, and the Graduation requirements will be similar, with the exception of general education and some lecture-based courses. The Certificate of Proficiency in Baking and Pastry Arts is essential to the partnership of industry and education. St. Louis Community College is dedicated to meeting the needs of the community; this dynamic program will continue to offer an accessible environment to develop the leaders of tomorrow’s pastry frontier. Current Program Revised Program Courses ENG: 101 MTH: 108 HRM: 135 HRM: 140 HRM: 145 HRM: 116 HRM: 122 HRM: 123 HRM: 128 HRM: 215 HRM: 216 HRM: 217 HRM: 218 HRM: 219 HRM: 220 Credits College Composition I Elementary Applied Math Food Preparation Theory Food Preparation Practical I Food Preparation Practical II Safety and Sanitation Baking Pastry Nutrition Chocolates and Confections Confectionary Art Nutritional Baking and Pastry Specialty Breads and Rolls Specialty Cakes Decorated and Wedding Cakes Program total General Education 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ENG: 101 MTH: 108 6 credits College Composition I Elementary Applied Math Area of Concentration 36 credits CUL: 101 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 128 Nutrition 3 ART: 107 Design I 2 BAP: 101 Introduction to Baking Theory and Nutrition 4 BAP: 105 Breads, Rolls and Bakeries 3 BAP: 110 Production Pastry Techniques 3 BAP: 115 Cake Production and Decoration 3 BAP: 201 Artisan and Decorative Bread 2 BAP: 205 Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts 2 BAP: 210 Chocolates and Pralines 2 BAP: 215 Contemporary Plated Desserts 2 BAP: 220 Showpieces and Confectionary Art 2 BAP: 250 Dessert Buffet Presentation 7 40 credits Program total Board Meeting 4-23-07 3 3 8 42 credits INSTRUCTION/STUDENT SERVICES It is recommended that the Board approve the following proposed Academic Calendars for 2008-2010 These proposed academic calendars have been approved by the College Academic Affairs and Institutional Affairs Councils and the Leadership Team. Academic Calendar 2008-2009 Fall Semester 2008 Service days Saturday classes begin Sunday classes begin Classes begin Labor Day (no classes) Late start classes begin Midterm Midterm grades due Service Day (Midterm break/no classes) Withdrawal deadline Thanksgiving (no classes) Last scheduled class Final exams Grades due Official degree conferral date Last day College open Tue-Fri Sat Sun Mon Sat-Mon Mon Fri Mon Tue Fri Thu-Sun Sun Mon-Sun Mon Tue Tue Aug 19-22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 25 Aug 30-Sep 1 Sep 15 Oct 17 Oct 20 Oct 21 Nov 14 Nov 27-30 Dec 14 Dec 15-21 Dec 22 Dec 23 Dec 23 Fri Mon-Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Mon Mon Fri Mon Mon-Sun Sat-Sun Fri Mon Tue-Mon Thu Fri Jan 2 Jan 12-16 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19 Jan 20 Feb 9 Feb 16 Mar 13 Mar 16 Mar 16-22* Apr 11-12 Apr 17 May 11 May 12-18 May 21 May 22 TBD Spring Semester 2009 College opens Service days Saturday classes begin Sunday classes begin Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (no classes) Classes begin Late start classes begin Presidents’ Day Holiday (no classes) Midterm Midterm grades due Spring break (no classes)* No classes Withdrawal deadline Last scheduled class day Final exams Grades due Official degree conferral date Commencement Saturday classes will not meet March 21 and April 11. Sunday classes will not meet March 22 and April 12. * Staff Development Day may be designated on one day during Spring Break. Board Meeting 4-23-07 9 Academic Calendar 2008-2009 (continued) Summer Session 2009 3 wk. & 11 wk. classes begin Memorial Day holiday (no classes) 6 wk. & 8 wk. classes begin Independence Day Holiday (no classes) Last scheduled class day Grades due Official degree conferral date Tue Mon Mon Fri-Sat Sun Mon Tue The full summer session will last 11 weeks. Board Meeting 4-23-07 10 May 19 May 25 June 8 July 3-4 Aug 2 Aug 3 Aug 4 Academic Calendar 2009-2010 Fall Semester 2009 Service days Saturday classes begin Sunday classes begin Classes begin Labor Day (no classes) Late start classes begin Midterm Midterm grades due Service Day (Midterm break/no classes) Withdrawal deadline Thanksgiving (no classes) Last scheduled class Final exams Grades due Official degree conferral date Last day College open Classes begin Tue-Fri Sat Sun Mon Sat-Mon Mon Fri Mon Tue Fri Thu-Sun Sun Mon-Sun Mon Tue Wed Mon Aug 18-21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Sep 5-7 Sep 14 Oct 16 Oct 19 Oct 20 Nov 13 Nov 26-29 Dec 13 Dec 14-20 Dec 21 Dec 22 Dec 23 Jan 19 Mon Mon-Fri Sat Sun Mon Mon Mon Mon Fri Mon Mon-Sun Sat-Sun Fri Mon Tue-Mon Thu Fri Jan 4 Jan 11-15 Jan 16 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19 Feb 8 Feb 15 Mar 12 Mar 15 Mar 15-21* Apr 3-4 Apr 16 May 10 May 11-17 May 20 May 21 TBD Spring Semester 2010 College opens Service days Saturday classes begin Sunday classes begin Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (no classes) Classes begin Late start classes begin Presidents’ Day Holiday (no classes) Midterm Midterm grades due Spring break (no classes)* No classes Withdrawal deadline Last scheduled class day Final exams Grades due Official degree conferral date Commencement Saturday classes will not meet March 20 and April 3. Sunday classes will not meet March 21 and April 4. • Staff Development Day may be designated on one day during Spring Break. Board Meeting 4-23-07 11 Academic Calendar 2009-2010 (continued) Summer Session 2008 3 wk. & 11 wk. classes begin Memorial Day holiday (no classes) 6 wk. & 8 wk. classes begin Independence Day Holiday (no classes) Last scheduled class day Grades due Official degree conferral date Tue Mon Mon Sun-Mon Sun Mon Tue The full summer session will last 11 weeks. Board Meeting 4-23-07 12 May 18 May 31 June 7 July 4-5 Aug 1 Aug 2 Aug 3 04/23/07 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Gough, Ellen C W Manager, Campus Auxiliary Services P 10 Sizemore, Amanda N CC Senior Project Associate II P 11 52,800** 05/08/07-06/30/07 Epps, Amy C CC Senior Project Associate II P 11 48,069* 04/24/07-06/30/07 Howell, Shayna C CC Senior Project Associate II P 11 48,069* 04/24/07-06/30/07 Zanitsch, Jeremy C FV Network Systems Analyst P 11 48,068* 04/24/07-06/30/07 Brouk, Judith C W Executive Assistant to the President P9 44,840** 05/10/07-06/30/07 NAME TITLE -1- * Minimum salary for the range. ** Salary is in accordance with Board Policy E1.2, Salary Range Conditions. Gough & Brouk: New positions Sizemore & Howell: Temporary, externally-funded, replacement positions Epps: New, temporary, externally-funded position Zanitsch: Result of classification review RANGE ANNUAL RATE $43,697* EFFECTIVE DATE 05/01/07-06/30/07 04/23/07 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL- TIME FACULTY CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Serns, Susan N FV Assistant Professor/Reading V-F $54,978* 08/14/07-05/12/08 Quintero, Michael N FV Assistant Professor/Art V-C 52,157* 08/14/07-05/12/08 NAME TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE * Salary is in accordance with Board Policy D1, Faculty/Initial Placement and may be adjusted in accordance with 2007-08 full-time faculty salary schedule. These are replacement positions. 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF -2- CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Owens, Orletha N FP Murrel, Ira C Haparimwi, Nancy C NAME * Minimum salary for the range These are replacement positions. RANGE PAY RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Administrative Secretary 5 $1,071.50 bi-wk* 04/24/07 FP Groundskeeper - 14.59/hr* 04/24/07 M Administrative Clerk, Part-time, Continuing 3 10.49/hr* 04/24/07 TITLE 04/23/07 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE FROM PROBATIONARY TO NON-PROBATIONARY STATUS NAME LOCATION TITLE FP Housekeeper Young, Sherry RATE EFFECTIVE DATE From: $10.64/hr To: 13.17/hr* 04/01/07 *Rate is as prescribed in Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Physical Plant Employees -33.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/DEPARTMENT CHAIRS AND PROGRAM DIRECTORS AT MERAMEC 2006-2007 Department Chair Information Office Systems Effective spring semester 2007 Gary Sibbitts 04/23/07 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION Ballot, Steven M TITLE RANGE From: Network Analyst To: Network Systems Analyst P 11 P 11 ANNUAL RATE $48,654.69 (no change) EFFECTIVE DATE 04/24/07-06/30/07 Result of classification review 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE -3a- Patterson, Shirley FV Administrative Clerk 3 From: $1,231.96 bi-wk To: 1,330.50 bi-wk* 02/12/07-06/30/07 McCoy, Matthew FP Computer Services Technician II 8 From: 1,300.00 bi-wk To: 1,404.00 bi-wk* 02/12/07-06/30/07 Bobbitt, Marilyn CC Accountant 7 From: 1,469.96 bi-wk To: 1,543.46 bi-wk* 11/13/06-06/30/07 * Salary increase is in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office & Technical Bargaining Unit Employees, Article XXI Additional Compensation. Patterson, McCoy & Bobbitt: For additional duties of another position; ending dates may be earlier than 06/30/07. 04/23/07 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Sherrell, Leon M Housekeeper 04/06/07-06/30/07 Steele, Norma FV Housekeeper 03/02/07-06/30/07 Morgan, Daniel FP Housekeeper 02/19/07-06/30/07 -4- 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 4/23/07 Board approval is requested for the renewal and/or addition of funds to the two (2) contracts listed below: A. CONTRACT B0001734 with DEAF INTER-LINK for interpreter services for the hearing impaired was initially approved for award on April 22, 2004, Agenda Item 4.1.5, in an amount not to exceed $700,000.00, with an option to renew for two additional years. Interpreter services are used in laboratory and classroom instruction, as well as at campus community events and various student activities. The contractor has performed well and the required services are still needed. The College now wishes to extend this contract for the optional period. The average rate of expenditure per month amounts to around $10,000 per month. The current contract balance available is $335,255. There is currently no need to add additional funds for this contract. Current contract award amount: Current contract expiration date: Revised contract expiration date: $700,000.00 June 30, 2007 June 30, 2009 1 B. CONTRACT B0002016 with FORD HOTEL SUPPLY, B&J RESTAURANTE SUPPLY and U.S. FOODSERVICE-ALLEN DIVISION was originally approved for award on December 15, 2005, Agenda Item 4.1.3, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, split between three (3) vendors, with no guaranteed amount to any one vendor, for a period of two full years, with no amount guaranteed to any one vendor. Because the original bid estimate of two year expenditures was only $50,000, no formal advertisements were run. The contract period will therefore have to be shortened and a re-bid of the work conducted The College now requests approval for an increase in award amount of $24,999.00. If approved, the revised contract balance will be $74,999.00. The requested award will provide the College with the funds to meet anticipated requirements during the rebid of a new contract. Current contract award amount: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised contract award amount: Current contract expiration date: Revised contract expiration date: $50,000.00 +$24,999.00 $74,999.00 December 31, 2008 December 31, 2007 (1 year reduction) Funding All expenditures against these contract will be funded from current operation budgets. 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing (cont.) Board Meeting 4/23/07 Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board Policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements were run in the Metro Sentinel, the St. Louis American and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for 4.1.1-A. 2 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 4/23/07 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for a one-time purchase of student dental hygiene lab kits for the 2007/2008 entering Dental Hygiene class at the Forest Park Campus to HU-FRIEDY MFG. CO., INC. and SMART PRACTICE, in a total amount not to exceed $28,411.00. Description This contract will provide up to thirty-two (32) incoming students enrolled in the 2007/2008 Dental Hygiene Program at Forest Park with required program laboratory instruments and supply items. Kit “A”, to be supplied by Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., Inc., will contain a complete set of required oral dental instruments. Kit “B”, to be supplied by Smart Practice, will contain an assortment of required dental supply items. Both kits will be used in clinical laboratory instruction over the entire two-year program period. College faculty will inspect these kits as students take delivery from the contractors, to insure that they are complete, meet all specifications and are free from defect prior to the students rendering payment. Any defective or malfunctioning products will be replaced by the contractors at no additional charge to the students over the two-year life of the study program. The recommendation for award is based upon the total best price for each kit. No known minority–owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002247 3 The evaluation of this bid, which opened March 27, 2007, is listed below: Bidders HU-FRIEDY MFG. CO., INC. SMART PRACTICE Dent Serve Kit A/Dental Instruments Unit Price/Kit Total/ 32 Kits $ 614.08 $19,650.56 752.50 24,080.00 no bid no bid Kit B/Dental Supply Items Unit Price/Kit Total/32 Kits no bid no bid $273.75 $ 8,760.00 344.53 11,024.96 Funding All financial transactions will take place directly between the student and the contractor vendors. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75.000.00. 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 4/23/07 Board of Trustee approval is requested for the renewal of an agreement with Annenberg Media, Governors State University, WHYY, Inc/College Anywhere Consortium, Seattle Community Colleges, Dallas TeleLearning, Coast Learning Systems, INTELECOM (Intelligent Communications), GPN (Great Plains National), NILRC (Network of Illinois Learning Resources in Community Colleges), and KETC/Channel 9, for license, duplication, streaming, broadcast rights and airtime for the Fall 2007, Spring 2008 and Summer 2008 Telecourse Learning Program. The cost estimate for St. Louis Community College’s shared portion for this service is $235,000.00. Description St. Louis Community College offers telecourse programs on a variety of topics as alternative distance learning and community outreach vehicles. The total cost of presenting this material is shared among the members of the regional Missouri-Illinois Telelearning Consortium (MITCO) cooperative. Annenberg Media, Governors State University, WHYY, Inc., Seattle Community Colleges, Dallas TeleLearning, Coast Learning Systems, INTELECOM, GPN and NILRC own the duplication, broadcast and streaming rights to these programs and KETC/Channel 9 owns the exclusive airtime distribution rights in the St. Louis Metro area. The College’s cost for its share of the license and broadcast fees is estimated at $200,000.00, which will be paid from current operating budgets. The balance of the related costs will be covered by course fees paid by students enrolled in the College’s telecourse programs. 4 Funding License and broadcast fees will be funded primarily from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 4/23/07 Board of Trustee approval is requested for the continued use of STATE OF MISSOURI COOPERATIVE CONTRACTS C306087001-/2-/3 with VEOLIA-ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, CLEAN HARBORS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. and HERITAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, LLC., for Hazardous Waste Disposal Services, for a period of eleven months, to begin August 1, 2007. Initial Board approval for the use of this contract was given on July 27, 2006, Agenda Item 4.1.5, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00. No additional funds are required at this time. Description The State of Missouri Contracts provides access for all political subdivisions to a comprehensive list of waste product management, testing and disposal services at advantageous pricing. While most work will be routine in nature, in an emergency, access to the State contractors would allow College staff to move quickly to obtain competent assistance in determining the magnitude and complexity of any problem and thereafter provide professional management of any related work required to contain or remove a problem – all at pre-approved bid pricing. Funding All services will be funded primarily from current operating budgets. 5 Advertisements The State of Missouri conducts its contract bids and handles all related notice publications. 4.1.5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 4/23/07 Board approval is requested to allow the College to use the Michigan Collegiate Telecommunications Association ( MiCTA) cellular phone contract with Sprint/NEXTEL to secure cellular phone service for a period of one (1) full year, with an option to renew for two (2) consecutive one (1) year periods, to begin approximately May 1, 2007, in an amount not to exceed $120,000.00. Description This contract will provide the College with cellular phone service at all College locations. MiCTA is a non-profit association of colleges, universities and K-12 school districts of which St. Louis Community College is a member. These services are competitively bid by MiCTA through an agreement with the Midwest Higher Education Compact (MHEC). Sprint/NEXTEL is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprises. An itemized summary of cost are listed below Business Essentials Add-On Plan 6 Monthly Rate $ 15. 20 30.40 45.60 60.80 76.00 114.00 Shared Minutes 0 400 1,000 1,400 2,000 4,000 Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements MiCTA managed all aspects of their bid process, including placement of all notices and advertisements. 4.1.6 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 4/23/07 Board approval is requested for the renewal of an annual maintenance agreement for Hyperion Intelligence report writer software with HYPERION SOLUTIONS, in an amount of $51,239.08, to begin May 1, 2007. Description The purchase of Hyperion Intelligence software as the report writer for SCT Banner® System was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on April 23, 2001, Agenda Item 4.1.21. Hyperion is the developer and sole source for this product and the sole source for product maintenance. This vendor is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise. An Itemized summary of costs is listed below: 7 Product name / Coverage Hyperion Brio Quickview v6 Designated Hyperion Brio Explorer/Insight Blended Seat Hyperion Brio Designer v6 Single User Hyperion Brio Intelligence Svr v6 w/10 Quickview UNIX SQR Builder License SQR License (Server Class 2) Viewer iServer Upgrade Quickview User Total Annual Cost Itemized Annual Cost $ 4,991.26 10,771.12 13,288.44 8,313.92 3,008.32 3,628.22 37.80 7,200.00 $51,239.08 Funding This purchase will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000. Advertisements are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.7 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 4/23/07 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for drug testing services to CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS, in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin June 1, 2007. Description This contract will be used by the Risk Management Department, the Campus Police Departments and the Center for Business Industry and Labor for drug and alcohol testing services which include the collection, supplies, reports and delivery of reports. Although the bid was sent to fourteen (14) potential bidders, only one (1) bid was received. The recommended bidder meets all the specifications of the bid. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002251 A summary of the sole bid received, which opened April 2, 2007, is listed below: Bidders CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS SERVICES OFFERED BREATH ALCOHOL TEST 9 PANEL URINE DRUG TEST FEE AMOUNT $ 20.00 40.00 8 SPLIT SPECIMEN TEST 180.00 Funding Services against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.8 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 4/23/07 Board approval is requested for the purchase of two (2) Trinocular Microscope/Digital Camera Systems from BOYCE SCIENTIFIC, INC., in the amount of $27,989.64. Description The microscope/ camera system will be used by students and faculty in the Clinical Laboratory Technology and Phlebotomy programs at the Forest Park Campus for the study of various types of cell abnormalities. Students and their clinical coordinators at multiple sites will be able to view the same specimen live and they will also be available for both real-time viewing and future inter-campus and on/line/distance learning classes. In addition, experts from national and international locations would have access to simultaneous viewing of the same specimen. For the reasons given above, this purchase will provide a significant upgrade to the current program instructional capability. The recommended Nikon system not only meets all requirements and specifications, it also provides greater visual clarity with 5.0 mega pixels - a significant enhancement that will improve student mastery of laboratory work. The alternative bid offered provides a lower visual clarity at 2.0 mega pixels and the equipment also fails to provide the required noise termination florescence filter set, fluorescent capabilities, and an IP address capability. For the reasons stated above, the recommended bidder offered the better bid and meets all specifications. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process Bid # B0002240 9 The evaluation of this bid, which opened March 15, 2007, is listed below: Bidders BOYCE SCIENTIFIC, INC. Hitschfel Instruments, Inc. #1 #2 System Offered Quantity Total system Price Nikon Eclipse E200 2 $27,989.64 Olympus CX-31/U-TR30 2 23,334.02 Olympus CX-31/UIT134EC 2 24,775.52 Funding This purchase will be funded from State of Missouri R-TEC targeted funds. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.2.1 Request for Ratification Board Meeting 4/23/07 There are no requests for ratification this month. 10 Board Meeting 4/23/07 4.3.1 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 07 611, NURSING LAB RENOVATION, SCIENCE WEST BUILDING, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, WACHTER, INC. for $99,099.00. Contractor WACHTER, INC. Muccigrosso Construction, Inc. Caldwell Contracting Company C. Rallo Contracting Company, Inc. Craftsmen Contracting, Inc. Vince Kelly Construction & Remodeling Company, Inc. H2K Construction, LLC Base Bid $ 99,099.00 100,725.00 101,590.00 108,000.00 109,696.00 110,899.00 158,000.00 11 Description: The Nursing Program classrooms need to be updating to meet current usage requirements. Existing ceilings, light fixtures, diffusers, counter space, and flooring will be removed and replaced in the Science West Building. The rooms will also be painted. Flooring abatement will be done in a separate contract. All new work will conform to ADA standards, seismic regulations and meet National Electric Code, and all other local and state codes. Plans and specifications were prepared by KAI, and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2006/07, Tab H, Page 1, Item # DW-8, and Tab I, Page 1, Item #DW-8. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority companies received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 4/23/07 4.3.2 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 07 613, CONCRETE REPLACEMENT, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, ABDF CONSTRUCTION COMPANY DBA AGR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, for $26,490.00. Contractor ABDF CONSTRUCTION COMPANY DBA AGR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY G. Reis Construction Company R.V. Wagner, Inc. K & D Moor, Inc., dba Southern Ditching & Excavating Company Gaehle Grading, LLC Aulbach Contracting, Inc. Oreo & Botta Concrete Company Wilson Concrete, LLC Concrete Design, Inc. $ Base Bid 26,490.00 28,000.00 28,456.00 28,532.50 29,282.50 31,000.00 35,675.00 36,800.00 43,449.00 12 Description: This project is to replace deteriorating concrete walk panels and steps in several areas throughout the campus. The scope of work includes replacing concrete walk panels and concrete steps. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2006/07, Tab J, Page 1, Item # 5. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority companies received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 4/23/07 4.3.3 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 07 614, ASPHALT REPAIRS 2007, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, FONTANTA CONTRACTING, INC., for $57,900.00. Contractor FONTANTA CONTRACTING, INC. County Asphalt Paving Company, Inc. Asphaltic Maintenance Ford Asphalt Company, Inc. Byrne & Jones Construction Dura Seal Paving Contractor, Inc. Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC Tramar Contracting, Inc. Leritz Contracting, Inc. $ Base Bid 57,900.00 58,047.00 58,773.00 59,100.00 59,670.00 60,253.00 60,721.00 61,000.00 64,150.00 13 Description: This is the annual project to repair badly deteriorated asphalt at several sites around the campus. The scope of work includes rotomilling Lot “D”, filling cracks and potholes, and sealcoating four other parking lots. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2006/07, Tab J, Page 1, Item # 2a. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority companies received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 4/23/07 4.3.4 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 07 612, HORTICULTURE LAB RENOVATION, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, WACHTER, INC., for $187,002.00. Contractor WACHTER, INC. Muccigrosso Construction, Inc. Craftsmen Contracting, Inc. H2K Construction, LLC Base Bid $ 187,002.00 205,385.00 207,355.00 218,400.00 Description: The existing Horticulture Lab needs to be updated to meet current usage requirements. Existing lab furniture, cabinets, counters, and plumbing will be replaced with modern furniture and equipment. A new ceiling, lighting and grills will be installed. Flooring is to be sealed concrete. Any abatement for the project will be covered in a separate contract. All new work will conform to ADA standards, seismic regulations and meet National Electric Code, and all other local and state codes. 14 Plans and specifications were prepared by Michael Roth & Associates, KJWW Engineering, and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from RTEC funds. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority companies received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 4/23/07 4.3.5 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of F 07 507, INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES CEILING RENOVATION, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to the low bidder, CRAFTSMEN CONTRACTING, INC., for $135,340.00, for the Base Bid plus Alternates #1, #2, and #3. Contractor Base Bid CRAFTSMEN CONTRACTING, INC. $ 118,992.00 H2K Construction, LLC 128,000.00 Caldwell Contracting Company 133,890.00 C Rallo Contracting Company, Inc. 162,542.00 Muccigrosso Construction, Inc. 165,925.00 Alternate #1 $ 10,498.00 13,231.00 14,000.00 9,940.00 16,100.00 Alternate #2 $ 3,960.00 4,954.00 5,200.00 4,902.00 7,100.00 Alternate #3 $ 1,890.00 $ 3,370.00 4,500.00 1,849.00 4,300.00 TOTAL 135,340.00 149,555.00 157,590.00 179,233.00 193,425.00 Description: The existing ceiling, lighting and grill covers are in need of replacement. A new ceiling, light fixtures and diffusers will be furnished and installed in the main library of 2nd floor of the IR. All new work will conform to seismic regulations and meet National Electric Code, and all other local and state codes. 15 Alternate #1 will furnish and install 8 new diffusers in IR212 Office, Conference IR220, Lounge IR217, Passage IR214 and Office IR216. Alternate #2 will furnish and install 3 new diffusers in Office IR211, Access IR210 and Video IR203. Alternate #3 will furnish and install 2 new diffusers in Archives IR209 and Office IR204. Plans and specifications were prepared by McClure Engineering Associates and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2006/07, Tab H, Page 1, Item # DW-9, and Tab I, Page 1, Item DW-9. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority companies received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 4/23/07 4.3.6 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 07 409, PHYSICAL EDUCATION BUILDING LOCKER ROOM, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to the second low bidder, CALDWELL CONTRACTING COMPANY, for $447,744.00. Due to the low bidder’s inability to demonstrate performance on renovation projects of this scope, it is recommended that the Board reject the low bid from this firm. Contractor J. Thomas & Company, Inc. CALDWELL CONTRACTING COMPANY Wachter, Inc. Hankins Construction Company H2K Construction, LLC Vince Kelly Construction & Remodeling Company, Inc. Craftsmen Contracting, Inc. Base Bid $ 426,828.00 447,744.00 449,100.00 476,900.00 480,000.00 503,999.00 523,647.00 16 Description: The existing men’s and women’s locker rooms are in need of renovation. The existing showers, lockers, and restrooms are to be removed and replaced. New ceilings, lighting and grill covers will be installed. All new work will conform to ADA standards, seismic regulations and meet National Electric Code, and all other local and state codes. Plans and specifications were prepared by Hoener Architects, McClure Engineering Associates and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2006/07, Tab H, Page 1, Item # DW-7, and Tab I, Page 1, Item DW-7. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority companies received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 4/23/07 4.4.1 Recommendation for Ratification/Physical Facilities: Board ratification is requested for EMERGENCY REPAIR CONTRACT, S6 5376, INSTALL FIRE DOORS AT GYM, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MERAMEC to TOTAL LOCK & SECURITY for $66,860.10 Contractor TOTAL LOCK & SECURITY Overhead Door Company of St. Louis Brady Construction, Inc. Total $ 66,860.10 69,346.00 79,443.00 Description: The present gymnasium doors are not fire rated. The Fire Marshall has required they be removed and replaced with doors that meet a 90-minute fire rating. Without this replacement, the Fire Marshall may revoke the occupancy permit for the building. To meet this new requirement, the existing doors, frames and associated hardware at the main gymnasium floor will be replaced. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. 17 Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2005/06, Tab J, Page 1, No. 9. 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 247 1-00389 1-00391 1-00391 1-00391 1-00391 1-00391 1-00392 1-00392 1-10011 1-10012 1-10013 1-10014 1-10014 1-10014 1-10014 1-10015 1-10016 1-10017 1-10054 1-10054 1-10054 1-10054 1-10103 1-10103 1-10103 1-10103 1-10103 1-10103 1-10103 1-10103 1-10132 1-10132 1-10132 1-10132 1-10142 1-10142 1-10142 1-10181 1-10181 1-10181 1-10188 1-10188 1-10188 1-10188 1-10188 1-10188 1-10202 QTY 1 1 A B C D E A B A B C D A B C D A B C D E F G H A B C D A B C A B C A B C D E F 1 1 1 2 5 2 118 1 58 2 2 1 27 77 48 25 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 16 1 1 1 1 45 190 12 2 1 1 20 DESCRIPTION VIEWBOX Dell Monitor 1704 FPV HP Netserve LH 3 HPNeterver 6H4R APC SU 3000 HP designet 755 CM plotter HP Rack system E330 HP Netserver LH3R HP Racksystem E330 Boxes surplus books RTI Pulsar Film Inspection Machine (16mm) Boxes surplus books & sound recordings NEC Jc-1539BMA Monitors Keyboards & Mice Dell GX240 Boxes surplus books & sound recordings Boxes Surplus Books & Sound Recordings Boxes of Surplus books Boxes Surplus Books & Sound Recordings APC 8 Port KVM Switch Multi Connect Module cabling Master Port KVM Switch Monitor Lenses Toshia TV/DVD/VCR combo Olympus digitalcamera Philips DVD Recorder Panasonic VCR Parkervision Cameraman Video conferencing Panasonic PTZ control panel - rack mount TOA Amplifier Sony Cameraview finder HP 4550 Color Laser Printer Sony Vaio PC Toshiba Sony Vaio PCG-F430 Gateway 2000 Gateway 2000 Monitors Gateway Keyboard 2004 Chevrolet Impala 1995 Dodge Van 2003 Crown Vic Nortel 2317 Telephones Nortel 2009 Telephones Nortel 2112 Telephones Nortel 3000 Telephones 500 Telephone Wall Phone 2554 Dell Latitude C840 Laptops Board Meeting 4/23/07 18 P/N LOC CONDITION 02-5974 NONE 007827 007744 NONE 004047 NONE NONE NONE NONE 005289 NONE NONE NONE 12986 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 010664 006245 007549 007816 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE FP CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC HPIR HPIR HPIR CC CC CC HPIR HPIR HPIR HPIR CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 1-10203 1-10203 1-10203 1-10203 1-10203 1-10204 1-10204 1-10204 1-10205 1-10205 1-10211 1-10211 1-10211 1-10211 1-10212 1-10212 1-10212 1-10212 1-10212 1-10213 1-10213 1-10213 1-10213 1-10213 1-10214 1-10214 1-10214 1-10215 1-10215 1-10310 1-10311 1-10311 1-10311 1-10311 1-10312 1-10312 1-10312 1-10313 1-10313 1-10313 1-10313 1-10313 1-10313 1-10313 1-10314 1-10314 1-10315 1-10315 1-10315 QTY A B C D E A B C A B A B C D A B C D E A B C D E A B C A B A B C D A B C A B C D E F G A B A B C 12 2 1 1 1 18 1 1 18 11 2 5 4 2 7 3 1 5 2 2 11 3 3 8 2 2 20 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 5 DESCRIPTION 15" monitors HP Scanjet ADF Business Jet 2200 Business Jet 2600 HP Laserjet 6P Dell GX240 Dell GX1P Dell Precisionn 410 17" VGA Monitors Box misc keyboards, cables, speakers VGA monitors 6x 110 Dells Boxes Misc Parts keyboards HP Inkjet 2230 printer Dell 240's Dell 110's UPS Boxes Misc Parts Apple Mac's PC's Plastic Boxes PelL LAPTOPS Boxes Misc Parts Sola 3000 UPS APC perted UPS Boxes assorter parts Dell C840 Box power supplies Sony HMD Monitors Dell Dimension Dell GX 240 Dell GX 280 Dell GX110 Dell GX 110 Dell GX 260 Tape Racks Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Box ASYM modems Box power supplies GX 270 Dell GX 260 Dell 5' desk, woodgrain 3' desk, woodgrain Keyboards Board Meeting 4/23/07 19 P/N LOC CONDITION NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 012931 NONE 007866 NONE NONE NONE 012977 012935 012841 012955 012882 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 1-10315 1-10316 1-10316 1-10316 1-10316 1-10316 1-10316 1-10316 1-10316 1-10316 1-10317 1-10317 1-10317 1-10317 1-10317 1-10317 1-10317 1-10317 1-10317 1-10318 1-10318 1-10318 1-10318 1-10318 1-10318 1-10325 1-10325 1-10325 1-10325 1-10325 1-10325 1-10326 1-10326 1-10326 1-10326 1-10326 1-10326 1-10326 1-10329 1-10329 1-10329 1-10329 1-10330 1-10330 1-10330 1-10330 1-10330 1-10330 1-10330 QTY D A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G F G A B C D E F A B C D E F A B C D E F G A B C D A B C D E F G DESCRIPTION 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 Mail organizer Phaser 8400 Printer Dell GX240 Dell GX240 Dell GX240 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KV switch Box mice Dell 17" Monitor NEC Monitor Sony Monitor Gateway E42000 External CD rom Box Keyboards & Mice HP Deskjet 1000C Powershred 380 Freedom machine w/monitor Mag 14" monitor DATACARD Image color printer IBM Personal printer Datacard PC Datacard camera Black Chair 5' desk, grey overhead desk bins 6' white table workstations APC UPS Smart UPS 2200 Monitor Chair NCC FF750 Monitor Dell Dell Dell Dell Laserjet 4si PC Tower HP Laser EK Disk Switch box APC NPS Management switches Inmac T-switch Backrack 48 Dell Monitor TOA Amplifier TOA Mixer Autovision 3" monochrome video monitor Littlite gooseneck lamp Articulating keyboard mount Panasonic VHS VCR JVC VHS VCR Board Meeting 4/23/07 20 P/N LOC CONDITION NONE NONE 012884 012887 013971 010346 NONE NONE NONE NONE 007760 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 007598 007422 007689 012870 107488 003492 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 1-10330 1-10330 1-10331 1-10331 1-10331 1-10335 1-10345 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00186 2-00230 2-00492 2-00492 2-00607 2-00695 2-00695 2-00695 2-00696 2-00696 2-00857 2-370 2-370 2-370 2-370 2-370 2-370 2-370 2-370 2-370 2-370 2-370 3-00558 3-00558 QTY H I A B C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S A B A B C A B A B C D E F G H I J K A B 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 10 1 1 5 40 40 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 17 1 1 1600 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 69 80 28 30 DESCRIPTION Videotek Video Distribuion amplifier TOA wireless microphone receiver NEC 9" color video monitors Panasonic PTZ camera controls Panasonic video switchers Adobe Photoshop books Brother Intellifax 2759 Fax Machine SYMPODIUM MONITOR NEC MONITOR GATEWAY E4200 PC MICE ZIP DRIVE LAKEWOOD FAN KEYBOARDS HARD DRIVE CRADLES CAT 5 CABLES POWER SUPPLIES GATEWAY PC GATEWAY PC GATEWAY PC GATEWAY PC GATEWAY PC GATEWAY PC GATEWAY PC IOE ZIP DRIVES EPSON SCANNER BALDOR POLISHING LATHES SUPPLY CABINETS BLACKBOARD ON EASEL XEROX 620 MEMORYWRITER DENTAL LATHE DENTAL BELT-DRIVEN ENGINE MANIKIN CHAIR MOUNTS DENTAL X-RAY UNIT DENTAL X-RAY UNIT ASSRTED GREETING CARDSw/ ENV PC E4200 PC E4600 LAPTOP SOLO PRO LAPTOP SOLO PRO 2200 LAPTOP SOLO PRO 9300 PC E4000 LAPTOP SOLO PRO 9300 LAPTOP SOLO PRO 9300 w/case ASSORTED JUNK HARD DRIVES (33, 36) HARD DRIVE CRATES WORKSTATION DESKS NEC 17" MONITOR Board Meeting 4/23/07 21 P/N LOC CONDITION NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 006432 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 013060 013040 013038 013089 013092 013069 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 215975 NONE NONE NONE 219060 219061 2-00857 010433 013050 010370 219714 010391 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE CC CC CC CC CC CC CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-00560 3-1635 4-00341 4-00341 4-00342 4-00394 4-00394 4-00394 4-00394 QTY A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO A B A B C E 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 48 1 18 16 14 1 1 2 2 DESCRIPTION MONITORS DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL PRECISION 340 COMPUTER DELL OPTIPLEX GX260 KEYBOARDS AND MOUSE SHARP UX-510A FAX MACHINE 17" VGA monitors Apple G4 computers VGA Monitors MICROFILM SCANNER/PRINTER METAL DESK CHAIR WITH ARMS (LIME GREEN) TACK BOARDS Board Meeting 4/23/07 22 P/N LOC CONDITION NONE 012694 013627 012683 012678 012684 012695 012692 012689 012700 012687 012690 012680 012682 013626 012691 012681 012685 012697 013629 012699 013624 013628 013623 012698 012677 012696 013621 013625 012686 012693 012679 013622 012688 013715 013709 013714 013712 013713 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-17623 NONE NONE NONE FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV MC MC MC MC MC MC MC POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 4-00394 4-00394 4-00394 4-00414 4-00414 4-00414 4-00444 4-00464 4-00464 4-00464 4-00464 4-00464 4-00465 4-00465 4-00465 4-00465 4-00465 4-00465 4-00465 4-00465 4-00466 4-00466 4-00466 4-00467 4-00467 4-00467 4-00505 4-00505 4-00505 4-00529 4-00529 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00530 4-00531 4-00531 4-00531 4-00531 QTY G H I B C D A B C D E F G H I J K L M A B C A B C A B C A B A B C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C D 1 1 1 1 2 20 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 10 2 DESCRIPTION OVERHEAD BOOKCASE COMPARTMENT 2-DRAWER FILE CABINET (GRAY) MISC BOOKSHELVES 19" MONITOR 21" monitor 17" VGA Monitor dell gx260 pc's Gateway Laptop VGA Monitors Dell Laptop Hp designjet 2500cp Hp Laserjet 5000N Hp Laserjet 5N Apple Cinema Display canon i9900 Hp Deskjet 400 Dell GX240 pc's Dell GX110 Dell GX1P Metrix pc GX260 PC's GX110 PC's Box misc keyboards & mice 11 GX240 PC's 4 GX 260 PC's 4 GX110 PC's 1 1 1 WHITE 3" BINDER BLACK 2-1/2" BINDER ROLL WAXED PAPER 1 VIDEO CAMERA 1 COMPUTER 1 27" JVC TV AV-2760SU 1 27" JVC TV AV-2760SU 1 27" JVC TV AV-2760SU 1 27" JVC TV AV-2761S 1 27" JVC TV AV-27790 1 27" JVC TV AV-27920 1 27" JVC TV AV-27920 1 27" JVC TV AV-2760SU 1 27" JVC TV AV-2760SU 1 27" JVC TV AV-2760SU 1 27" JVC TV AV-27615 1 27" JVC TV AV-27790 1 27" JVC TV AV-27920 1 27" JVC TV AV-27920 1 HEWLETT PACKARD 2500CP PRINTER 1 HAMILTON DIAL-A-LITE LIGHT TABLE 1 HEWLETT LASERJET 5000 PRINTER 1 HP 29X CARTRIDGE Board Meeting 4/23/07 23 P/N LOC CONDITION NONE 4-05535 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 011649 6002927 6002928 420178 008723 NONE 6002280 NONE 6000348 008741 420844 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 6-00270 4-19581 4-19576 4-19577 4-19526 4-20538 4-22594 4-22535 4-19581 4-19576 4-19577 4-19526 4-20538 4-22594 4-22535 4-22087 4-11864 NONE NONE MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 4-00531 4-00531 4-00531 4-00541 4-00542 4-00543 4-00547 4-00547 4-00547 4-00548 4-00548 4-00548 4-00548 4-00548 4-00548 4-00548 4-00549 4-00549 4-00549 4-00549 4-00549 4-00549 4-00549 4-00549 4-00549 4-00549 4-00549 4-00552 4-00554 4-00556 4-00556 4-00556 4-00556 4-00556 4-00556 4-00556 4-00557 4-00557 4-00557 4-00557 4-00560 4-00560 4-00560 4-00561 4-00562 4-00562 4-00564 4-00566 4-00566 QTY E F G A B C A B C D E F G A B C D E F G H I J K A B C D E F G A B C D A B C A B A B 1 35 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 DESCRIPTION CANNON 9900 PRINTER CANNON INK CARTRIDGES ROLL PRINTER PAPER FOR 2500 CP INDUSTRIAL MEAT GRINDER BAKER'S RACK CANNON FAX L770 5-DRAWER TALL CABINET DESK WITH SIDE 2-DRAWER CABINET 27" JVC TV AV27920 27" JVC TV TM-2760SU 27" JVC TM-2760SU RADIO SHACK CASS. RECORDER TABLE-TYPING W/ELECTRIC 10' PROJECTION SCREEN ON ROLLERS OFFICE CHAIR SONY PRESENTER VID-PII SONY PRESENTER VID-V110 ELMO PRESENTER EV-400 ELMO PRESENTER EV-400 ELMO PRESENTER EV-400 PANASONIC VCR 1300 PANASONIC VCR 1310 PANASONIC VCR 1310 PANASONIC VCR 1310 PANASONIC VCR 1320 PANASONIC VCR 1320 WHEELCHAIR BLUE CHAIR ON WHEELS CREDENZA TAN, METAL DESK, TAN METAL (SMALL) DESKTOP ORGANIZER/SORTER (LARGE) COMPUTER TABLE BLACK TASK CHAIR WITH ARMS SIDE CHAIR, TAN (LARGE) DESKTOP SORTER, BLACK METAL FAX MACHINE 2-DRAWER FILE CABINET 2-LATERAL FILE CABINENT 6-UNIT LATERAL FILE CABINET PANASONIC VHS CAMERA/CASE DELL HARD DRIVE CHILD WOODEN KITCHEN SET Sharp UX 8700 FELLOWES CROSS-CUT SHREDDER RUST COLORED OFFICE CHAIR OFFICE CHAIR 2-DRAWER BLACK FILE CABINET WOOD SHELF Board Meeting 4/23/07 24 P/N LOC CONDITION NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-22613 4-19578 4-19582 NONE 4-13867 NONE NONE 4-19549 0-12773 4-22198 4-22222 4-20959 4-18981 4-20053 4-20049 4-20058 4-20547 4-20142 NONE 4-10470 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 4-00566 4-00568 4-00568 4-00568 4-00568 4-00568 4-00568 4-00568 4-00568 4-00568 4-00568 4-00568 4-00568 4-00569 4-00569 4-00574 4-00574 4-00575 4-00576 4-00576 4-00576 4-00577 4-00577 4-00577 4-00577 4-00577 4-00577 4-00577 4-00577 4-00577 4-00577 4-00577 4-00577 4-00578 4-00578 4-00578 4-00578 4-00578 4-00578 4-00578 4-00578 4-00578 4-00578 4-00578 4-00578 4-00585 4-00585 4-00585 4-00585 QTY C A B C D E F G H I J K L A B A B A B C A B C D E F G H I J K L A B C D E F G H I L M N A B C D 1 1 1 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 1 1 1 5 7 10 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION SMALL DESK RADIO CASH DRAWER BOX OF COMPUTER BOOKS MICROWAVE BROTHER TYPEWRITER EM811 RUBBER STAMP HOLDER 19" MONITOR DELL PC IBM TYPEWRITER - BLUE FAX CARTRIDGE MONITOR METAL STAND AIR COMPRESSOR/UPRIGHT GREASE PUMP STACK CHAIR CHAIR W/ROLLERS EMPLOYEE LOCKER TYPEWRITER PAPER CUTTER FILE HOLDER FOR THE DESK 3M OVERHEAD PROJECTOR 9075 3M OVERHEAD PROJECTOR 9075 3M OVERHEAD PROJECTOR 9075 3M OVERHEAD PROJECTOR 9075 3M OVERHEAD PROJECTOR 9075 JVC 27" TV AV-27920 JVC 27" TV AV-276SU JVC 27" TV AV-27890 JVC 20" VIDEO MONITOR TM-2084 SHARP 1200 LCD PROJECTOR SHARP 1200 LCD PROJECTOR TV WALLMOUNT BRACKET JVC 27" TV AV-27920 JVC 27" TV AV-27920 JVC 27" TV AV-27920 SHARP LCD PROJ. XG-E1200 BOX COMPAG IPAQ PE JVC 19" MONITOR TM-208U SHARP XG-E1200 LCD PROJ. SHARP XA-705 VCR 27" TV WALLMOUNT SHARP LCD PROJ. XG-E1200 SHARP LCD PROJ. XG-E1200 SHARP CEILING MOUNT MICROWAVE FAX MACHINE DESK PRINTER SATELITE DISH Board Meeting 4/23/07 25 P/N LOC CONDITION NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4-20623 4-22630 4-22640 4-22210 4-20620 4-22537 4-19579 4-20535 4-14209 4-22555 4-22566 NONE NONE 4-22614 4-22521 4-22459 NONE 4-14085 4-20610 4-22664 NONE 4-20577 4-22553 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 4-00585 4-00585 4-00585 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00586 4-00587 4-00587 4-00587 4-00587 4-00589 4-40070 4-40108 4-40108 4-40108 4-40108 4-40108 4-40273 4-40273 4-40273 4-40283 4-40297 4-40306 4-40306 4-40306 4-40306 4-40306 4-40306 4-40309 4-40309 4-40309 4-40309 4-40309 4-40309 4-40309 4-40309 4-40339 4-40339 4-40339 4-40339 4-40339 4-40342 4-40342 4-40346 4-40346 E F G A B C D E F G A B C D A B C D E A B C A B C D E F A B C D E F G H A B C D E A B A B QTY DESCRIPTION P/N LOC CONDITION 1 1 8 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 9 1 13 1 26 2 1 1 1 1 2 15 11 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 7 1 COPY HOLDER BOX OF COMBINATION LOCKS MEETING ROOM CHAIR DISPLAY CABINET TYPEWRITER OFFICE LAMP FILE CABINET OFFICE CHAIR OFFICE DESK LATERAL FILE CABINET OFFICE CHAIR FOOD STORAGE CABINET MEETING ROOM CHAIR KEYBOARD MEETING ROOM CHAIR CALCULATORS TYPEWRITER MICROSCOPE BALANCE (SCALE) PRINTER DISK HOLDER 17" CRT MONITORS KVM (KEYBOARD, VIDEO, MOUSE) SWITCH COMPUTER SPEAKERS, KEYBDS AND MIC COMPUTER MONITOR ALUMINUM STORAGE RACK W/TRAYS GATEWAY CPU, E4200 GATEWAY CPU, E4201 GATEWAY CPU, E4202 GATEWAY CPU, E4203 GATEWAY CPU, E4204 COMPUTER KEYBOARD KEYBOARDS AND MICE GATEWAY CPU GATEWAY CPU GATEWAY CPU APPLE MONITOR APPLE CPU ENLARGER SAW HORSES SAMSUNG TV RCA TV AIWA RADIO KAMP TV PANASONIC TV/RADIO DESK WITH DRAWERS DRAFTING TABLE 15" CRT MONITORS COMPUTER SPEAKERS NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 0220350 NONE 010375 010373 010380 010377 010376 NONE NONE 010832 013004 006409 NONE 007367 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR Board Meeting 4/23/07 26 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 4-40346 4-40346 4-40346 4-40346 4-40362 4-40365 4-40365 4-40365 4-40365 4-40365 4-40365 4-40365 4-40366 4-40366 4-40366 4-40366 4-40366 4-40369 4-40371 4-40371 4-40371 4-40371 4-40371 4-40371 4-40371 4-40371 4-40372 4-40374 4-40375 4-40375 4-40377 QTY C D E F A B A 3 1 1 1 21 7 4 1 1 1 1 1 75 13 1 1 14 22 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 23 1 1 1 1 4-40377 B 2 4-40377 C 1 4-40377 D 2 4-40377 E 2 4-40377 4-40377 4-40377 4-40377 4-40377 1 1 1 1 1 A B C D E F G A B C D E A B C D E F G H F G H I J DESCRIPTION P/N HP JET DIRECT CARDS LASERJET 6P LASERJET 2100 TN DESKWRITER 600 CHAIRS, ARMLESS, NAVY BLUE VULCAN FRYERS FRYER BASKETS GROEN KETTLE GROEN KETTLE OVERHEAD BROILER (WOLF) STEAM GENERATOR RECYCLER OVEN NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 49848 49851 NONE NONE 006107 Gateway PC NONE 17" CRT Monitors NONE 19" CRT Monitor NONE HP Laserjet NONE BOXES MISC. COMPUTER CABLE/PARTS NONE GATEWAY E4100 PC'S, KEYBOARDS, MICE NONE GATEWAY PC-PIII 010496 SUN UNIX SYSTEMS AND KEYBOARD NONE SUN UNIX SYSTEMS AND KEYBOARD NONE NEC MULTISYNC 15" PC MONITORS NONE GATEWAY PC-PIII 010482 GATEWAY PC-PIII 010504 GATEWAY PC-PIII 010164 GATEWAY PC-PIII 010499 GATEWAY COMPUTER NONE NEC MONITOR NONE DOCUCOLOR 4 PRINTER NONE QMX PRINTER NONE TEKTRONIX PHASER 780 COLOR PRINTE 220486 TEKTRONIX PHASER 780 COLOR PRINT FUSER ROLL CARTridge NONE TEKTRONIX PHASER 780 COLOR PRINTER COLOR IMAGING UNIT NONE CYAN TONER CARTRIDGE FOR TEKTRONIX PHASER 780 COLOR PRINTER NONE YELLOW TONER CARTRIDGE FOR TEKTRONIX PHASER 780 COLOR PRINTER NONE MAGENTA TONER CARTRIDGE FOR TEKTRONIX PHASER 780 COLOR PRINTER NONE APPLE 15" MULTIPLE SCAN DISPLAY MONI NONE HEWLETT PACKARD TONER CARTRIDGE NONE APPLE POWER MAC G3 HARD DRIVE 003718 APPLE POWER MAC G4 HARD DRIVE 006319 Board Meeting 4/23/07 27 LOC CONDITION FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR FP POOR FP POOR FP POOR FP POOR FP FP FP FP FP POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 4-40377 K 4-40377 L 4-40377 M 4-40377 N 4-40386 4-40392 A 4-40392 B 4-40392 C 4-40392 D 4-40392 E 4-40392 F 4-40397 A 4-40397 B 4-40397 C 4-40397 D 4-40397 E 4-40397 F 4-40397 G 4-40397 H 4-40398 A 4-40398 B 4-40398 C 4-40398 D 4-40398 E 4-40398 F 4-40399 A 4-40399 B 4-40399 C 4-40400 4-40401 4-40402 4-40403 4-40404 4-40405 A 4-40405 B 4-40405 C 4-40406 4-40407 4-40408 4-40409 A 4-40409 B 4-40409 C 4-40409 D 4-40410 A 4-40410 B 4-40410 C 4-40410 D 4-40410 E 4-40410 F QTY 1 1 1 1 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 6 10 4 15 3 3 10 3 1 1 1 9 25 24 25 13 1 1 14 1 24 20 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION APPLE POWER MAC G4 HARD DRIVE APPLE POWER MAC G4 HARD DRIVE APPLE POWER MAC G4 HARD DRIVE GATEWAY E4600 HARD DRIVE SUN MONITORS MICROSCOPE MICROSCOPE MICROSCOPE MICROSCOPE MISC SLIDES & BULBS FOR MICROSC OXYGEN PULL CART (SZE TANK) L-SHAPED DESKS GRAY SHELF GRAY DESK 4-DRAWER FILE CABINET WOODEN COUNTER GRAY CABINET TABLES CHAIRS BLACK METAL TRASH CANS ARM DESKS DESKS TABLES CHAIRS RED EARTHWAY EV-N-SPRED KEYBOARD MOUSE CABLE DELL OPTIPLEX GX240 GATEWAY COMPUTER GATEWAY COMPUTER GATEWAY COMPUTER 17" CRT MONITORS 19" CRT MONITOR HP LASERJET 2100 TN BOXES MISC. PARTS EPSON STYLUS PHOT 1270 PRINTER GATEWAY PC'S GATEWAY COMPUTER MONITORS SPEAKERS SCANNER KEYBOARDS COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER PRINTER PRINTER Board Meeting 4/23/07 28 P/N LOC CONDITION 007366 006324 011059 013085 NONE 2-10915 2-10904 218028 218029 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4001082 4001006 4000528 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4000522 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 0101926 0103166 013384 013201 007072 NONE FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 4-40410 4-40410 4-40410 4-40410 4-40410 4-40411 4-40411 4-40412 4-40412 4-40412 4-40414 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 QTY G H I J K A B A B C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL 5 1 5 4 1 1 12 9 1 1 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION GATEWAY MONITORS SONY MONITOR COMPUTER KEYBOARDS MICE ROTUNDA VAT 60 HP SURESTORE DLT AUTO LOADER DLT TAPES 15" CRT MONITORS COMPUTER KVM/ SURGE PROECTORS HP LASERJET Dell GX110 DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER Board Meeting 4/23/07 29 P/N LOC CONDITION NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 009806 009808 009870 009912 009887 009905 009904 009895 009881 009867 009813 009804 009909 009897 009900 009871 009878 009891 009908 009898 009886 009892 009865 009883 009913 009890 009896 009889 009911 009888 009799 009817 009885 009822 009884 009876 009875 009801 FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50003 5-50005 5-50005 5-50005 5-50042 5-50071 5-50084 5-50084 5-50084 5-50084 5-50084 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 5-50085 QTY AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ BA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BK BL A B C A B C D E A B C D E F G H I J K L M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 1 69 1 1 4 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER MONITORS NEC 19" MONITORS NEC 19" MONITORS NEC 19" MONITORS NEC 17" MONITOR VAN DORN INJECTION MACHINE DELL GX1P COMPUTER DELL GX1P COMPUTER DELL GX1P COMPUTER DELL GX1P COMPUTER DELL GX1P COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER Board Meeting 4/23/07 30 P/N LOC CONDITION 009907 009893 009906 009910 009802 009815 009823 009805 009807 009868 009798 009811 009825 009814 009821 009820 009828 009824 009824 009872 009810 009809 NONE 009818 009899 NONE 321165 321154 NONE NONE NONE 008942 009830 008939 009087 008940 009692 009866 009684 009687 009646 009635 009669 009689 009691 009685 009686 009690 009674 FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 5-50085 5-50145 5-50147 5-50147 5-50147 5-50147 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 5-50167 QTY N A B C D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 DESCRIPTION DELL GX110 COMPUTER BIOQUEST BIOLOGICAL CABINET GAYLORD RECORD ALBUM RACK GAYLORD RECORD ALBUM RACK GAYLORD RECORD ALBUM RACK GAYLORD RECORD ALBUM RACK HP COLOR LASERJET 5M HP LASERJET 4SI HP C4082A HP LASERJET 5SI TELEX 299 MULTIPLEXER HP SCANJET ADF IOMEGA EXT. ZIP DRIVES BOXES MISC. COMPUTER CABLE/PARTS DELL OPTIPLEX GX110 DELL OPTIPLEX GX110 DELL OPTIPLEX GX110 HP SURESTORE AUTOLOADER HP NETSERVER LH3 HUBBLE CABINETS 4' HP PENTIUM II SERVER Board Meeting 4/23/07 31 P/N LOC CONDITION 009627 NONE 353650 353653 353645 NONE 000402 000751 009096 001957 318469 NONE NONE NONE 009782 009503 009788 NONE 000956 NONE NONE FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary – Financial Results through March 31, 2007 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through March 31, 2007. 5.1.3 Budget Status Reports-Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency: July 1, 2006 – March 31, 2007. 5.1.4 Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2006 – March 31, 2007. 5.1.5 Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2006 – March 31, 2007 5.1.6 Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2006 – March 31, 2007 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register for March 2007. 5.1.8 Investment Report 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of March 2007 Board Meeting 4/23/07 1 5.1.1 Executive Summary April 23, 2007 (Financial Results Through 03/31/2007) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $135.3 million or 89.6% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $131.6 million or 88.9% of the budget for the prior year. The primary reason for the increase is due to local taxes. Expenditures Expenditures are $97.0 million or 71.4% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $95.9 million or 72.9% for the prior year. The increase in expenditures is the net result of salaries and wages and staff benefits increasing while operating expenses have decreased. Transfers Transfers are at $14.8 million or 92.7% of the budgeted transfers as compared to $15.4 million or 92.3% of the budgeted transfers for the prior period. The decrease in the total transfers amount is due primarily to the reduction in planned transfers to capital. Board Meeting 4/23/07 2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through March 31, 2007 5.1.2 Board Meeting 4/23/07 Original Budget Revisions* Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date 3 Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 56,170,000 45,087,669 45,732,432 4,050,820 151,040,921 56,170,000 45,087,669 45,732,432 4,050,820 151,040,921 56,958,108 34,477,203 40,080,192 3,820,738 135,336,241 101.4% 76.5% 87.6% 94.3% 89.6% 54,340,561 33,297,506 40,938,420 3,012,284 131,588,771 100.1% 75.0% 87.9% 109.5% 88.9% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 86,969,328 20,942,729 27,175,033 135,087,090 86,969,328 20,942,729 27,845,950 135,758,007 64,418,559 15,896,622 16,673,421 96,988,602 74.1% 75.9% 59.9% 71.4% 62,575,434 14,797,098 18,549,313 95,921,845 74.0% 75.1% 67.8% 72.9% 8,775,000 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,307,040 15,953,831 8,775,000 2,458,921 2,593,230 955,444 14,782,595 100.0% 75.0% 100.0% 73.1% 92.7% 9,489,682 2,458,921 2,593,230 842,969 15,384,802 100.0% 75.0% 100.0% 64.5% 92.3% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Restricted Programs (State Aid) To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers 670,917 8,775,000 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,307,040 15,953,831 *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July, 2006 - March, 2007 Original Budget Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Copy Centers Food Service / Vending Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date $ 624,000 11,611,500 1,134,000 364,000 $ 624,000 11,611,500 1,134,000 364,000 $ 563,281 9,774,985 711,656 215,454 90.3% 84.2% 62.8% 59.2% $ 13,733,500 $ 13,733,500 $ 11,265,376 82.0% $ 1,831,690 371,286 2,107,821 8,370,230 $ 1,831,690 371,286 2,107,821 8,370,230 $ 1,260,619 247,296 1,377,083 7,110,539 68.8% 66.6% 65.3% 85.0% $ 12,681,027 $ 12,681,027 $ 9,995,537 78.8% $ 90,000 36,000 115,000 $ 90,000 36,000 115,000 $ 90,000 36,000 115,000 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Transfers $ 241,000 $ 241,000 $ 241,000 100.0% Total Expenditures & Transfers $ 12,922,027 $ 12,922,027 $ 10,236,537 79.2% Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Items for Resale Total Expenditures Transfers Transfer to Capital Transfer to Athletic Scholarships Transfer to Campus Presidents Board Meeting 4/23/07 4 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July, 2006 - March, 2007 Original Budget Total Revenues $ Prior Year's Funds Expenditures Total Expenditures 57,000 Adjusted Budget $ 57,000 $ 125,810 57,000 57,000 $ 57,000 $ 182,810 Actual To Date $ 22,525 % of Budget To Date 39.5% 24,483 $ 24,483 13.4% 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July, 2006 - March, 2007 Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Prior year's funds Total funds available 175,000 150,000 $ 175,000 150,000 149,646 $ 77,600 96,050 149,646 44.3% 64.0% 100.0% $ 325,000 $ 474,646 $ 323,296 68.1% 104,386 69.8% $ 104,386 69.8% $ 218,910 149,646 $ 149,646 149,646 $ 149,646 Funds in Excess of Expenditures Board Meeting 4/23/07 Actual To Date $ Expenditures Total Expenditures Adjusted Budget % of Budget To Date 5 5.1.4 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2006-March 2007 Original Budget * Funds available Federal Work Study - Federal Share Prior Year's Funds Federal Work Study - Institutional Match Actual % of Revised Budget $635,584 89,974 552,370 $414,718 89,974 174,435 65.2% 100.0% 31.6% 468,536 15,382 135,789 88.8% 100.0% 100.0% Revised Budget $635,584 529,876 Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Prior Year's Funds Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 527,775 131,944 527,775 15,382 135,789 Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 645,220 224,932 440,405 645,220 197,088 532,736 367,599 197,088 264,023 57.0% 100.0% 49.6% $ 3,331,918 $ 2,127,543 63.9% $1,277,928 678,946 842,308 532,736 $679,127 619,707 564,687 264,023 53.1% 91.3% 67.0% 49.6% $ 3,331,918 $ 2,127,543 63.9% Total funds available $ 3,135,736 * Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Total expenditures $1,165,460 659,719 870,152 440,405 $ 3,135,736 * Federal Pell Grant Expenditures Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) *** $17,407,211 $83,725 * Does not include $378,080 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant *** Academic Competitiveness Grant-a new grant given to Pell recipients that have completed a rigorous secondary school program. Board Meeting 4/23/07 6 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry, and Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report July, 2006 - March, 2007 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date Revenues / Resources Government Private Institutional Contribution Account Balances / Projects $ 3,250,000 2,864,000 886,000 1,000,000 $ 2,771,684 4,012,475 886,000 1,000,000 $ 1,314,144 3,074,473 886,000 1,000,000 47.4% 76.6% 100.0% 100.0% Total Revenue / Resources $ 8,000,000 $ 8,670,159 $ 6,274,617 72.4% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital $ 2,100,000 378,000 5,447,000 75,000 $ 2,100,000 378,000 6,117,159 75,000 $ 889,866 159,821 2,538,591 42.4% 42.3% 41.5% 0.0% Total Expense $ 8,000,000 $ 8,670,159 $ 3,588,277 41.4% Board Meeting 4/23/07 7 % of Budget To Date 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July, 2006 - March, 2007 Current Budget Actual * To Date % of Budget To Date Revenues / Resources External Sources Institutional Match Total Revenue / Resources * $19,273,495 2,147,447 $21,420,942 $9,863,486 1,776,343 $11,639,829 51.2% 82.7% 54.3% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense * $8,201,644 2,457,544 10,217,754 544,000 $21,420,942 $5,702,709 1,574,954 3,159,241 453,879 $10,890,784 69.5% 64.1% 30.9% 83.4% 50.8% * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. Board Meeting 4/23/07 8 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending March 31, 2007 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 2006-2007 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. Board Meeting 4/23/07 9 5.1.8 St. Louis Community College Investment Report as of March 31, 2007 Board Meeting 4/23/07 Investment Type Investment Description Purchase Date Maturity Date Par Value Principal Cost Book Value Market Value Market Gain/(Loss) Yield to Maturity % of Portfolio U.S. Treasury Securities U. S. Treasury Bills 12/14/06 06/14/07 800,000 781,072 792,304 791,959 U. S. Treasury Notes 06/20/06 11/15/08 3,000,000 2,882,695 2,919,263 2,937,891 U. S. Treasury Notes 05/06/05 04/30/07 2,000,000 1,998,750 1,999,948 U. S. Treasury Notes 11/20/06 10/31/07 2,500,000 2,483,984 U. S. Treasury Notes 11/20/06 11/30/07 2,500,000 U. S. Treasury Notes 11/29/06 12/31/07 U. S. Treasury Notes 12/18/06 U. S. Treasury Notes 4.860% 0.902% 18,628 5.124% 3.344% 1,997,656 (2,292) 3.658% 2.274% 2,490,078 2,489,160 (918) 4.952% 2.834% 2,482,422 2,488,553 2,487,891 (663) 4.961% 2.832% 1,000,000 995,508 996,881 995,469 (1,413) 4.805% 1.133% 12/31/07 5,000,000 4,973,633 4,980,803 4,977,344 (3,459) 4.904% 5.666% 01/08/07 10/31/07 2,500,000 2,486,133 2,490,005 2,489,160 (845) 4.958% 2.834% U. S. Treasury Notes 01/16/07 11/30/07 5,000,000 4,968,555 4,975,920 4,975,781 (138) 4.998% 5.664% U. S. Treasury Notes 01/19/07 10/31/07 6,000,000 5,964,375 5,973,340 5,973,984 644 5.037% 6.801% 30,300,000 30,017,127 30,107,096 30,116,295 9,199 4.891% 34.284% Total U.S. Treasury Securities (345) 10 U.S Agency Securities Federal Farm Credit Banks FCSB 06/15/04 06/15/07 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 996,575 (3,425) 3.580% 1.135% Federal Home Loan Banks FHLB 07/27/04 04/27/07 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,997,578 (2,422) 3.720% 2.274% Federal Home Loan Global FHLB 06/21/05 06/13/07 4,000,000 3,996,954 3,999,681 3,988,750 (10,931) 4.040% 4.541% Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp FMNT 09/30/05 08/22/08 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 996,172 (3,828) 4.625% 1.134% Federal Home Loan Banks FHLB 11/29/06 08/15/07 1,000,000 986,944 993,108 991,953 (1,155) 5.017% 1.129% Federal Natl Mortgage Assn FNNT 12/18/06 05/16/08 5,000,000 4,882,052 4,905,307 4,898,400 (6,907) 5.002% 5.576% Federal Home Loan Banks FHLB 01/16/07 01/16/09 2,500,000 2,498,125 2,498,312 2,497,901 (411) 5.190% 2.844% Federal Natl Mortgage Assn FNSM 01/08/07 02/22/08 2,500,000 2,467,022 2,473,646 2,472,406 (1,240) 5.084% 2.815% Federal Natl Mortgage Assn FNSM 01/08/07 10/03/08 2,500,000 2,496,597 2,497,032 2,496,360 (672) 5.208% 2.842% Federal Natl Mortgage Assn FNSM 01/16/07 03/24/08 2,500,000 2,475,000 2,479,274 2,482,324 3,050 5.077% 2.826% Total U.S. Agencies 24,000,000 23,802,694 23,846,360 23,818,419 (27,941) 4.720% 27.115% Total Investments before Repurchase Agreements 54,300,000 53,819,820 53,953,455 53,934,714 (18,742) 4.815% 61.399% 33,907,855 33,907,855 33,907,855 33,907,855 5.360% 38.601% 88,207,855 87,727,675 87,861,310 87,842,568 5.026% 100.000% Repurchase Agreements Total Investments 03/30/07 04/02/07 0 (18,742) 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of March 2007 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: Daily throughout month Maturity Date: Overnight Average Amount Invested: $ 39,410,221 Interest Earned: $ Average Rate Earned: 179,365 5.359% Range of Rates Earned: 5.35% ⎯ 5.38% Board Meeting 4/23/07 11 Office of Vice Chancellor for Education 6.2 CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS 6.2.1 Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Program/Campus Delmar Gardens North Physical Therapist Assistant Meramec 4-3-07 RN First Assistant Forest Park 3-15-07 Radiology & Ultrasound Technology Forest Park 4-1-07 St. Alexius Hospital Corporation #1 St. Mary’s Health Center Effective Date District-wide: Clinical Lab Tech Diagnostic Medical Sonography Dietetic Technology EMS/EMT Human Services Nursing (in- & out-patient) Occupational Therapy (in- & out-patient) Phlebotomy Physical Therapist Assistant Respiratory Therapy Surgical Technology St. Patrick Center Occupational Therapy Assistant Meramec 3-19-07 Dental Assistant Forest Park 3-19-07 Pallavi Sinha, DMD Board Meeting 4-23-07 1 CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS (continued) 6.2.2 CCbenefits, Inc. Board approval is requested to establish a contractual relationship between St. Louis Community College (SLCC) and the CCbenefits, Inc. of Moscow, Idaho for the provision of the of the Community College Planner (CCSP). The CCSP is a web-based software that provides regional economic data at the county and ZIP level, enabling users to project jobs by industry, jobs by occupation, and population demographics for any projection year up to the year 2017. It matches occupations to post-secondary programs, allowing users to quickly gauge the regional labor market outlook for specific programs. The CCSP also measures the ripple effect as industries move into or out of the local area. Access to the CCSP is provided with a payment of $16,000 for the first year’s subscription. This subscription includes the Economic Forecaster, Economic Impact, Career Pathways, and Educational Analyst modules. The contract period is for one year, April 2, 2007 through April 1, 2008, and includes guaranteed renewal pricing of $8,000 a year for two additional years following the initial year. SLCC has the option to purchase a Socioeconomic Impact (SEIM) study by June 2, 2007 for the discounted price of $6,000. Approval of the proposed contract will allow district-wide Perkins funds from the FY07 funding to be allocated to cover the cost for the first year of the subscription for CCSP. If after a year of use, it is determined that this resource is valuable and that the subscription should be continued, we can earmark district-wide Perkins funds for this purchase. This product aligns with the intention for the use of Perkins funds and fits well within the guidelines for allowable expenditures from that funding source. Board Meeting 4-23-07 2 Center for Business, Industry and Labor 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide service development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source St. Anthony’s Medical Center Title of Program and/or Purpose To provide training facilitation Impact Outcome: Leadership facilitation to help build skills in handling chronic performance and work habits. Manager: Robert Serben Erb Equipment Company To provide additional survey services Manager: Robert Serben Board Meeting 4-23-07 3 Campus CBIL Date March 12, 2007 through June 30, 2007 Amount $1,938 CBIL January 8, 2007 through June 30, 2007 $1,970 (total amount of contracts FY $8,379) OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Central Missouri State University AMOUNT $ 2,850.00 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for Florissant Valley campus to participate in the Early Childhood Child Care Technical Assistance Program. Technical assistance site visits will be made to several schools with early childhood education programs. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 1/31/07-6/30/07 Project Director: Jeanne Edwards Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Midwest Aviation Center (Company) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Restricted $ 24,725.00 (DWD) $ 21,500.00(Company) Midwest Aviation Center Customized Training Program designed with the following $ 46,225.00 (Total) components: Technical and Quality. This is a new award. Project Period: 7/1/06-6/30/07 Project Director: Robert Serben Board Meeting 4-23-07 1 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.2 Cash Donations DONOR AMOUNT PURPOSE FUND Beverly Wheeler $ 250.00 Donation to the Jim Wheeler Outstanding Psychology Student Award on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Donald & Judy Wood $ 20.00 Donation to the Meramec Baseball team. Student Aid Denise Kummer $ 100.00 Donation to the Gerry Welch Prize in Economics on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Denise Kummer $ 100.00 Donation to the Meramec Business Administration Achievement Scholarship. Student Aid Denise Kummer $ 50.00 Donation to the George Wang Recognition Fund on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Board Meeting 4-23-07 2 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT Justine Preston Justine Preston is donating the following to Florissant Valley Library Services: One (1) Book titled To Stretch Our Ears: A Documentary History of America’s Music. The donor’s estimated value is $42.90. The condition of the donated item is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Robert Gerhardt Robert Gerhardt is donating the following to Meramec Library Services: One (1) Audio CD titled Olivier Messiaen: Turangalîla Symphony. The estimated fair market value is $15.00. The condition of the donated item is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Edward Thias Edward Thias is donating the following to Wildwood Library Services: One (1) Book titled Thias’ Pencil Sketches of Florida. The estimated fair market value is $34.00. The condition of the donated item is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Phillip Baker Phillip Baker is donating the following to Florissant Valley Library Services: One (1) Book Set titled Employer Secrets. The donor’s estimated value is $33.80 The condition of the donated item is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Board Meeting 4-23-07 3 RESTRICTIONS OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT Larry Sather Larry Sather is donating the following to Florissant Valley Library Services: One (1) Book titled Cultural Amnesia. The donor’s estimated value is $35.00. One (1) Book titled The Friendship: Wordsworth & Coleridge. The donor’s estimated value is $27.95. One (1) Book titled Buried in the Bitter Waters. The donor’s estimated value is $26.95. One (1) Book titled George III: America’s Last King. The donor’s estimated value is $26.95. The condition of the donated items is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Jeanne Lamar Jeanne Lamar is donating the following to Meramec Library Services: One (1) Book titled Paralysis Resource Guide (Christopher & Dana Reeves Paralysis Resource Center). The estimated fair market value is $15.00. The condition of the donated item is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Board Meeting 4-23-07 4 RESTRICTIONS