- '' ! / • " ' ~ • ? -: "• " ' - f " '"• •.' ' • ' • ' ' : : : • . . - • • t I t- -. . ' " •' ' '. •'• ' • • • : • ' ! • ''' • ! . • ' *~"™ E" ; f ? ; ?_. '•••' • .-- "\-;. ' . ;. •'}'. ,' ' • ' . . • • • ' , . • ' • • ; . .. „ , t ••• • •_ ,,, .,.. ' . - • • . ; • . • < ; '!•'• • : p : \ ; ^ • \ ' r • • ; •'• '• / • . : : "... : ':i:/ : • • ' , ; ^ i -'. •••:•• • . h I I h i - . — • . • "! : ;j 1. : • ' : " " • - : ' ! l : • " • •' " : ' : P : ——~i:; " 1.1 |jj|:;;- • 1.2 ;? f ~ . ' i:'.-•'. : i Call to Order • 1! Ron can '•• » | : • J . r--" Of 8:10 P . M . The f o l l o w i n g members were present; 1 ' ,'. * ' "' M r s . Joseph C . Bastian Messrs. f " l " • * • • ' ' • -- •• . - '' . ." ; '' . ' . ' . ' • • , . . ' G u y S. Ruffin ' • .' H The President o f the Board, M r . G u y 5 . R u f f l r i , callet) the meeting to order ': •• • ' * GENERAL F U N C T I O N S — |- ""' I ;! -'"' •••'"' ^ :' A regular meeting o f the Board o f Trustees of The Junior College District o f Si . L o u i s , j 5 -• ! - Ambassador H o t e l , 108 N o r t h K i n g s h i g h w a y , S t . Louis, Missouri. \-' ,'• ' < . . I \i '^ •>-4 •'*•!! : ; : St. Louis C o u n t y , Missouri v/as held on M o n d a y , Noveml>er 25 , 1 9 6 8 , at 8-.00 P . M . at the l: • ••.; r. I; ! " ! ; i '•' • M ' ; ''. ••:•. ^! H " ; '. : '{?' ... p w » • • > • — » • — p — M » — • * • ! » — . ' • ' ; "• MINUTES OF THE REGULARlMEETING j . .•=' '•••"•.'•• O F THE ; J i ; : •''•••-.'• -?. BOARD O F TRUSTEES .; THE J U N I O R C O L L E G E DISTRICT O F : ST. L O U I S , ST. LOUIS C O U N T S ; MISSOURI ,;.-. M O N D A Y , NOVEMBER 2 5 , 1968 , ~ ; '-: • " • "x-% • I f" ; : l' ' !: ' i J o s e p h G , Stewart j G e r a I d V . Willlamson j' ! ' ' " ' ' ponald M. Witte • ; ' . _ , i! -•• |: ^ - i\ f Mrs. W. Mac Lean Johnson was out of town and unable to attend this jmeeting. :, ' _ -'c w ; : '.: ' . : ' ! \ ' jI .;'• •; Also present were D r . Joseph P. Cosand, Preside.nt of the District-; Dr. W i l l i a m ,^ Edward Snead, President FPCC and V i c e President o f the District; - M r . Richard S. W a l k e r , ,' i . i - it_ ' ' • " - _-_. ' ' _ " ' . ' ' " ' ' - ••;• ' rr ..• ''• ' • : ' ' • ' ' ' ' , ' •' \ ' I ] . • '' . ' • ' . • ' ' • • - - • ^ V • ' ' ' " % v the District; Mr. John C . Robertson, Administrative Vice President; Mrs, Mary Jane [Calais, f Coordinator of Finance and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Lawrence F O ' N e i l l , 's Coordinator of Physical Facilities; \ • i: Vice President of Hie District; Mr.Raymond J . Stith,: President FVGC and Vice President of _ ' ' - p ^ P 1" . V>. Mr. Robert H . Gdffner /Assistant Coordinator, Community Relations; Mr. Jack E. M i l l e r , Associate Professor, Hotel-Motel-Restauranr - ' , -' ' • : • Operation, FPCC; r - ' • • : \ ' ! ' '' . ; • ' • • ! ; • • ' . - . - ; • • ' ' ; Z Mr. Mendel E. Branom, Associate Professor, Counseling, MCC; j '• - . ' • • " ' \ i >•" ; ' '' ' " ; . . " : ! ' '. ' ~ ' " : ?! * Mr. Robert Drummond, Assistant Coordinators Printing and Publications, DO; ';- J . Laurent, Assistant Coordinator-Business, DO; Mr.;ThomasW. Taylor, Assistant Coordinator- ^ J" Business, DO; ';;! 5= .; Mr. Marvin jj Mr. George Trowbridge, Buyer-Purchasing D e p t . / D O ; " M r . John J . Yoey, Buyer-Purchasing Dept., DO; r « all of The Junior College District. Also present was Mr. Bruce E .Woodruff) of trie firm p(^k of Armstrong, Teasdale, Kramer and Vaughan, counsel for the District. J f" 5-~ ' ';• " • ' ,,: . >' V f;. ^ _ _ * i ' " < - ' - ' ; : : : . ' :'.-..- . : • : • • • ' • ' ! -- • i : ; ' •'•• • ' ' • . !.] . V ,,ii i| • ' " -7i : i ' • • :V^-^| ' > * . : Mrs. Juanita Novak, Administrative Assistant to Dr. Cosand; • I ' • • • ' " - • J _: - ' - s i - . - ' - . - - - ' - - . "' '-.• • J ti $.j ? •-.",- I".-.. / : ' ' . * [ P; ~ ' : - . .... . • • . : . . • • . . . . . : - . ' • . . • -"' ; ' " ir^Bfe 1.3 ,f ' '• ' • "' | .. - j • ; ] , . ': ! '• • .; ;. . Minutes. .^ I ] •',•.,:,;. \ > -j " ••::.' - ^ . S '.'.."•., % ' •. , _ !i |. .j ' ' •.? ; |: Board President Ruffih.dskecrfor approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting -; of October 2 8 , 1968. Mr. Stewart noted several corrections to be made. | :• I .' Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson/seconded by Mrs. Bast ianj,and 5 • ' - . _ _ . ' • ? - - - < • • ~ - • [ : r : •• - • : ' •'- • • - • ' • ' ! • ; *, i ; • - .: •• • I ; . ; wifh the aye vote of all members of the Board present/the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of ; October 2 8 , 1968 were approved as submitted. s ! Mr. Stewart requested Board approval to make a part of the Official 'Minutes ^ of October 28, 1968 , his letter of dissent to the adoption of Board Policy 5 . 9 . 3 , Agenda f Item 6 . 1 . : passed unanimously by those Board members present. : > Mr. Stev/art v/as unable to attend the meeting of October 28, and the motion was Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and J-- . {\ " . . ' ' • ! ' . . ' v/ith the aye vote of all members of the Board present!, Mr. Stewart's letter of dissent jwas incluc'ed as an official part of the Minutes of OctoU-r2P, 1968. iT ~~. ; ! * J . " • • • 1.4 i ' " " ' . • ' t i . ' i ". • ' : ' • ! ' . • H:. Welcome to Guests . • • . - , . • • • ; ' • \" Mr. Ruffin we .omed Mr. Gus Lumpe, newspaper reporter from the St. Louis ( Globe-Democrat, and Mr. Jerry Ventors, newspaper reporter from the St. Louis Post-; Dispatch. ; ^ ^ •.• = • ' ' T • : '• :" : : ; : • j : . • . I; ; : .--' •'-••.-. | !.4| ' 1.6 Communications ! £^. ~ fl^P^ Mrs. Rosemary Scharfenberger, recording secretary for the Board, read the following correspondence: "f r j 1.6.1 Letter to Mis, S. Rutlie Erickson, Assistant CoordinatorInstructional Resources, from Mr. Stephen Whitney ^Coordinator, Municipal Library: , Cooperative of St. Louis County, expressing appreciation to the Junior College District ; r-' f for the assistance rendered in the past year, Mr, Whitney noted the cooperation between - school and public libraries as evidenced by the interlibrary loan service and the recent j: inclusion of MLC periodical titles in the District book catalog on an experimental basis, '- ; f 1.6.2 - Letter to Mr. Raymond J . Stith, President, Florissant Valley Community College , and Vice President of the District, from Sister Anna Schlett, Vice President, Missouri Association of Collegiafe Registrars and Admissions Officers, : -^ V^B informing = Mr. Stith that the MACRAO had recently passed a resolution commending Mr. Stith and the Florissant Valley staff for their assistance and hospitality and for the use or Florissant. ' : ' I ' I: : Valley facilities at the annual MACRO meeting, November 4 - 5 , 1968. ;;Mr. Vincent 1 ? Freerr.an and his staff were t hanker! for '-their assistance in registration J / • ' • ' . £ ' 1.7 f ^ : i ; '' ' : ' . . ' - '• | ' Treasurer's Report ... ! ; I- , i . . .••..,• The Budget Expense and l^udgur Incoiiie Summary Reports for the month : ' fc; » . • - ! jT""^' ' |f. : ! .; V " ,•! I : ending October 31 , 1968 , were presented to the Board for approval. y -;->[ | ; 5i • " ! • • • - * i ' • : . . • . ' ' j; V ! ' • . . - . • 'jt Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastion; arid f - i'~ . ' • • • - : . . ' ; • • ; ; : . j ; -•••••.•• :'•••': with the eye vote of all members of the Board present; the Budget Expense and Budget] Income £ " f; IT - . I! ~ ; '• - "v : ; . " • ' ' : : "' -••' Summary Reports for the month ending October 31 . 1968, were approved as submitted j : ~ -• • • i ' Ji "-'-•' : . ; '1"! ;; . ' - ^ C ; ~ S ' " -'- " • • • fe- '• •' '-~ ' : •'••'• • • ' - • , '••:•» . .' - • • - "• . : ' - .-•• • • ' '• • . ' . - " . * - •• £: • ' : . . . - • • • ' ! , ' . '•• . I ' — : : • - - : " |f^^^ ' •—•—i - • : " - i I • i : " r. ; ' - - j : O i l l ; ' H i i •• ; :. ^ Ratification of Investments 1.8 jto-j'"4^—- • . • -1 - ?'• |j " i fe £r • • r- - ~ ''' j fi — — „ The Board was requested to ratify investments made by the Treasurer of the u . I" •'-• f - " . • • . •' • ' ' . . • . • - : - • ; . • • " - ; r ' ' •'; ! -•' •'•" " District for which bids had been received in accordance with Board policy. 'i • - . • h ' • ?„ ' • ' . . . . } . ; ; ' . | i . . . . ! ; j ' ' fl Whereupon, on motion by M r . Stewart;, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with F :; " " I : ••' i ", : -.. ' ' . ' I- • • . ' • ' • ' • !v the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was | f :C t l ' RESOLVED, That the folibwing investments made on behalf of The Junior College District by the Treasurer thereof, be and hereby a r e , r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of _ Trustees: - • J : - - • ' - - I •=• t - fc ' . i | f | '- . . •- . . . : -: ! • ^ . • • $100,000.00 C e r t i f i c a t e of Deposit, purchased November 7, 1968, from F i r s t Northwest B^nKi,. on a 6.25, compounded d a i l y , basis to mature July 3 1 , I969, for a t o t a l cost of $100,000:00. i. I — ., • ' "\ .- . ' ; . • ' 1 - - ' : • * : - " ^ - . ' : • " '. ' It. r- ' -•••: | - : : V • • . • . • _ -" . ; • • • • ' : ' . - t . i . ''' • ! ' . • • - . ' } :. . ; . .-f)| . I 'f-L i : i " I 'il 51 1 h = i fi ••,: 4 1: ' i. ' • ,|i -'"."•- : .-^ii It j ; : : -•' • • 'i '°'- fi I • '" •• ' i • ; . •'• • . j* f*. i i •; )\ ! • - A i\ | ! ' : I- - '-i 11 • -.""• • < '" . .! I ' '. \ ~ • * - r ' ' • ' . . . S300.000.00 (J.- S. T r e a s u r y B i l l s , purchased November M , 1968, from M e r r i 11 L y n c h , on a 5 . 0 6 b a s i s , p l u s a $3.00 w i r e charge, t o mature November 2 9 , 1968, f o r a t o t a l cost o f $299,370.5C. r t 5 . $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 U. S. T r e a s u r y B i l l s , purchased November 7, 1968, from F i r s t N a t i o n a l Bank, on a 5-00 b a s i s p l u s a $3.00 wi re! charge, t o mature December 5 , I 9 6 8 , f o r i a t o t a l cost of" $2^9 ,•030.78;.: - I I I ' . $100,000.00 C e r t i f i c a t e of Deposit; purchased November ]'k, 1968, from North County Bank^on a 6.25, compounded dai l y , basis to mature J u l y }), 19^97 f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . ! : __ i i : • : !: B u M d i n g Fund ! - . = '! f\ f" f" : , - I. i , \ j[ ' ' : I O H - ' . ' . Genera) Fund = : - ——————— |-, Jr^ft h^W"f?= ^ I ' • • * ?- : ' • !- it • • | • • " j ' ! ^ • ; i J t ' • . • C ' - - • • • - • • ! • . ' . "-": - • ; ' : . - ' - , -1 - i ' j 2. : • : ' 7 | f l * ' ! . • • • I I j : PERSONNEL r,\ I p^J -_ .— £_ 2.1. C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Full-Time Employment - Academic Year 19<SS-69 (Prorated);| I '" The Board was requested to approve employment of the following personnel for the " I ?: I . , - f. ' ; = ' r ; " • ; Ist. - • : - •' . ' • . ; ' . ' ' - i '•• -•' : : , RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be employed i n the c a p a c i t y and at the salary c l a r i f i c a t i o n hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: • Hoagland, Patricia Anne Instructional Asst. I FPCC 1-1 ^ Mathematics: Prorated - . ' • . ? : . 2.2 • " ' Instructor A Educational Lab : , • ; - " • . ^ : . . • '- ' : ~ .; lll-l Prorated : • !! \ j ? ; -1 'r' jj > i - -i ; 11/26/68 ___ J| ! | t s y . . • • • • : ' ; ~ '• ' • • '.. " • ' ~. I• ' • ' | y - > i i personnel ond to release Her from her present c o n t r a c t : : |I !• ! i '• Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastidn, seconded by M r . Williamsony and wifif £i tt " - \"i h: : - , The Board was requested to accept the resignation of the following cerriricated f i'i \ FPCC ] p I '' | : ! !: •-• .. ;'. r ' '• | | 11/26/68 C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel -Request for Release from Contract hs i " • FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President o f the Board be and hereby I i s , authorized to execute the appropriate'contract, previously adopted by the Board, w i t h each of the above employees, which said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the District. , -• ~ i ^ | P f?" ? ; I?, I . ""'' _ . T \ Sanders, Maureen Ann " . •• £ j ^ _ . . . ;'•:'-- - ' w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was t;' %_:>X--~,: I-' t ^ '-•. ¥' I ' I - " I: Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by M r . Williamson, and l-l ";';'.. ! ij balance o f the academic y e a r , 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 . £ • • . . - . - . s - •. - *• - \ ~ i ; • the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was ' \ • . j " • ; |j|f 1^1 & RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept-the resignation of the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel and does hereby release her from previously signed contract with The Junior College D i s t r i c t , as noted below: j ! -;i r'"' • 'a ; fc^l; Brew, C l a i r e N . | effective • f Instructor;A" FPCC 111-2 ' i . ' ' • '•""• :- I ffflA _ 2.2 ' !• . :; : • . : '••'! ! -| \ Certificated Personnel - Part-Time Employment - Fall & Spring Semester,1968-69 > ^ E I The Board was requested to approve the employment of the folio f -; * t ' . ' . • • : . • • % " ' • . • ' • ' • • , - . - • • - .••• • • • ' : . - • ' '•'] • - ; • •.-' / • ', ; : ! i • £. : - ' ' : ' . . : . : " ' ' tj ' - • • . • • " • ' • ' . . . -••' - ; . : : • ; • • : ; ; .".- i; personnel for part-time employment for the Fall and Spring Semester, 1968-69. It-. . • '• ' . | : i\ :£ ••• '. " ! : the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was I |-^ |" | I 1 |L | '*•.'!• '••..": : James, JohnT. / (V-5) FPCC Continuing Education E. „ |r. 2.4 fb<jj^ The Board was requested to approve employment of classified personnel. P" Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and - • ? : - ' • • " ' • ' , • " T" ; " " . : • ! . • ' . ' • . ' . • " \ with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was • " • ' : • ' ; • i i I % f- RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District in the position and at ihe salary classification hereinafter sel out, said salary classification haying |M been previously approved by the Board: f. Carey, Willis E. ff ~ • . Gunning, Gerakline C 1 Skaggs, Joyce / ; £r • ' • „ . , . il-'-i— ' ' • ••""• : . 3A |- 11/26/68 / MCC 2B | : : • ! • :V l " ; : • • ' ' fi ? > : '••'": • . ! . I «' 11/26/68^ • . • i : ,'' ; 11/26 sS !: ' • • iI - ; FPCC • ^ cr - Clerk-Typist II \ • - |: / S2.07/irp ': ? * • ,- - si .-.;••, ; • HVCC • ' ' :, ; - ' Heavy Custodian " t I .„ •'Duplicating Oper. I S ' ! , ,- - ' • .>• •"" I ~" j t _ f " ; i: . Classified Personnel - Full-Time Employment ~ -••,. .^ f / h 6cr.hrs.^> J; S243/cr.rjr. 11/27/68 ?':! I I» /; RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed ; for part-time employment for the Fall and Spring Semester, 1968-69]: in the capacity and at the salary classification and number of j credit hours hereinafter setout, saidfsalary classification having ! been previously approved by the Board: ! ~ >' ''•";•'•>} VVhereupon, oh motion by Mrs. Bdstldn, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with fe Sr :;: " i • it'\ '.• ; ': . . ; . . " , • •:• . ' . • : , ' v ' , . .-J -? S j. 2.5 3^^^ CLcjssIfied Personnel - Part-Time Continuing tmployment - The Board was requested to approve employment of part-time continuing personnel,*] • Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastiap, and with> s" the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was \ t ; -§; 2.6 r I Barnetf, Joy H . Clerk-Typist II FVCC 3A |r : I The Board was requested toapprove an annual increment for the following " Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastiani, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it wds " !.' RESOLVED, That theToMowjng classified personnel be granted an annual increment at the classification hereinafter set out: ft Brown, Geraldine j Secretary;! FPCC . t> i Custodial Chief '_ -- Kammerer, Constance - Adininistrdfive.Clerk ' - ' DO • . . : ' • . . . • ; . - f r v \ : •: FPCC 'I - | : I FROM: 6B> TO: Edwards, M e l v i n V . |" ?: -v, / '-.'{\ ' j : 11/26/58 Classified Personnel'- Annual Increments Ij |; I j. | ! | j; classified personnel. I'S-jj^ h w r RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed on a part-time continuing basis by The Junior College District in the position and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board; compensation to be paid on an hourly basis: ':' • "~ f - ij ' 6C .12/1 oS FROM: 12JC TO:..; 12|) 17/1/68 FROM: 5B! T 0 : 5 • -i : 12/1/68 i ,- • * C; ' . i; : J f ': ' ! ' • • . - . . \ ' 2:.7 '•' ' •••••. • |. v : t * - . • • ' • ' . The Board was requested to approve salary increase for classified personnel & oi ' • • ' . . ' ' - ; • " . : ' j ...>< • • • • ' haviny satisfactorily completed their first six-month probationary period with the District. ": *•"' ! ( • • ' • • • ; with the aye vote of all members of the Board present- it was t * *''• ''' " ' i :; Head, Virginia M . ' MCC | Jud,Theda Library Assistant MCC J ||-~^ '=KflrabflS, William 'Security Chiof FPCC - f'* | . M i l l e r , Sherlean D. "•p%• ' 5B ; "Administrative Clerk DO , 1/ - I FROM: TO: || . . : ; • I ' C " " ' . : • . . ' . {. • . . Patterson, Janice ; , " - • . . ' ; _ = ' • • • - 2,8 • . " . • • • • • - • • - - ' • ' • • . - • • . . • : • FROM: 14A TO: • 14&I; 12/1/68 ^ "i ii FROM; 5A ! TO: ••;. 5B I; 12/1/68 :' i i FVCC . 1 ! , : . ; . . - . . . . • . . » . . '• v = - & ' f" : - ' • • • " • ' .- * . ! 'f| '* j i • ' " , •-•;- i i •'" . _ !• " placerr,ent on a nev/ salary range to conform with the previously approved changes in ranges. |- 4! Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. BasfianL and ; . .---. • ' _ v/ith the a/e vote of all members of the Board present, it svas r & jc-1- :^ ^.: • ~'r: ': . : u i ; . ' l 'f! The Board was requested to qpprove the following classified employee^ for f f ! ; \r- * t V _ _ _ I Q change in salary range of six Classified Positions, effective December 1 , 1963, " *. . . • The Board , at its Regular Meeting ofi November 11 , l'?68 , had qpproyed " , ; • •• y • FROM; 3A ! T O ; ; 3B |: 12/1/68 Classified Personnel - Placerneht on New Salary Range I: | i: " / '; . . i (; • Clerk-Typist jl .-:= !• * 12/1/68 - . * . 12/1/68 6A i 6B | 1 . • r ' . ' . ; • f -»j j !j _ | . / I | i FROM: 5A i : TO: I .". I ! i • • Administrative Clerk , - u s :l RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel, having satisfactorily completed their first six-month probationary employment period with the District; be granted a salary increase at the classificrtrlon hereinafter set out: ~ > , :J > Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and ~, J- -- ; '•.'•'' v ?! Classified Personnel - Six-Month Increments §^_ t l: • f - : §||l^ - . . . . ' i . i = . ,ii ii , " j ~ ! " • _ ' " - r "• — , - . „ Ill I '• " ' . : • : I I ; ' s. • ! h . " I' ^' , ' • fc^^ ' • ' Carey, Owen scr^ " ~ f" |f- Data Processing Operator II '\ i. ' •. • - • Keypunch Operator -- ' h f Smith, Jerome B. P - . ' ' ' i"_ I ; - ' . Wright, Willie : - . ::^ 2.9 • i, '•"'••- I: ' ;; • • ' • - "' <• . • • >\i . . ! ' ' ' ;,; . ' • . ' ' ' , 12/1/68 • • ' FROM; 3B i TO: 4B' I 12/1/68 i FROM: 7A ! TO: 8A i 12/1/68 DO !•! 3A ! 4A - j : 12/1/68 • = '-I*! ! ' ' • •!: • . • • ' . •." .'I ; • ' ^ • • ; ; ' • i : • • I • • ' -:~ • . ' r employee, upon written recommendation from administrative personnel. j . Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastiar), and •• with the aye vote of all members of the;Board present, it was ^ • IT ?, r • i; RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be- granted a merit increase at the classification hereinafter set forth: i L -. Moxley, Dorothy A . : - C - ' ; - ' • " . ' ' k- y / / ' • ' . - - , : . ' . . . " ' " - •="" . !: ' • ^ i ; i n / t; i| • ! • ' - '!: ! . • . 2C !• .uj 12/1/68 - : r .'•, . FPCC FROM; . TO; .. ' : j : H" - ' . Activities Assistant I J • I '• : •" £ - - • . - . 2^v- II --^ f,| The Board was requested to approve jmerit increase foi the followingiclassiffed Ir'ij^-'.-' " ?'.- j - • : ~~ ;j ': . Classified Personnel - Merit Increase j:- " " ' . .''--• FROM.:* IOC: TO: 11B; DO i\ 8B | 9B j 12/1/68 : ' : . 4F I; 12/1/68 FROM: TO; DO Keypunch Operator ^ j . T Draftsman ' • ' • • TO: • ': Strawbridge, Shirley • 3F ! - DO Property/Inventory Specialist •_ K l_ ' • • . ; . ' £.;.;' I | : • ! r '• FROM: FROM: TO: DO _ James, Rosemary • -•• I DO r^:: Henderson, Harry L. ' . Deliveryman I S ; #-, I' ! - , ; " " \ i j : , " • • ' ' ' , ' ',[ ;V, '•'"•; '...r>\ \ f • * • • • • . • * . [ ; • • • " : - " f I ; . : - : 2.10 r • ii - \ '• . ' Classified Personnel - Reclassification r^^ i The Board was requested to approve reclassification of tlie follov/ing classified " IS ^ " ! : 5, personnel. " ~ f" — \_ C f • • ' ' . / / • • • i f* \ Grove, Carl B. \ ^ 2.11 /'•' Bastion/and Gen.; Maintenance Helper G e n . Maintenance Mechanic FPCC FROM: TO: --• ^ -~ i • . . _ " < | l j; I $2.60/hr.. S3.53Ar. I 11/26/68 Classified Personnel - Salary Schedule Revision - Lodging for Future Action ; The following proposal vas lodged with the Board for action at a future ?~tJP meeting; That all Classified positions in Board .Policy 3B.6 be revised upwards | - one step, effective January 1 , 1969. This would , in effect, eliminate the present Step A and cause the present Step B to become Step A , etc, The revision would amount to a 6% increase in salaries. This revision would not apply to those personnel represented by the Operating Engineers, Local Unit N o . 2 . j \ / t , 2.12 : ''••.' | • I: RESOLVED, That the classification of the following classified personnel be changed as follows: . •% ii ; • | f FROM: TO: ^ . - ; • I i i ' - | with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was : . ' fc ' IJi.\ i : Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. ti 'H\ • • . . ' • ' • ' . - ' Certificated Personnel - Sabbatical Leave - Lodging for Future Action The following proposal was lodged with the Board for action at a future •••; meeting: ; I ; \y ' Change the first sentence of Board Policy 3A.6.1 | from: Sabbatical leaves for study and research may be granted subject to avai/'able funds . . . . . . . . . . ; ; ' ; •. to: -'"-.• I -. :. ; ; < . j Sabbatical leaves for study and research are an integral!part n f tUn ntii InnnnKv nF Tti(» l n n i o r P n l l p n ^ nTch-irt- nnH fnnrlc ^. .. . ; I . r" • | ^ ^ 3 . '- ' CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION 3.1 \ , I Appointments to Advisory Committees |- Automotive Technology Advisory Committee " and Radiologic Technology Advisory Committee | • Dr.'Cosand requested Board approval of appointment of lay citizens to serve as members of The Junior College District's technical education advisory committees for the academic year 1968-69. I I ..••*• Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Witte, and |with the : aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was -" -*•• RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby appoint the following citizens to serve as members of The Junior College r District Advisory Committees through August 3 1 , 1969; T r. Automotive Technology Advisory Committee "': -' I . : <' ~^ft p/^T • •c_ Mr. C. Paul Sherck Director of Instruction, Vocational-Technical Education Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri 9820 Manchester Road Rock H i l l , Missouri 63119 : Radiologic Technology Advisory Committee • . - Mr. Arkady J . Smolin, R.T. Assistant Technical Administrator and Director of Education The Edward Mailinckrodt. Institute of Radiology - ' Washington University • 4. - • • ' • — 4.1 . ' _ ' \ ~ PHYSICAL FACILITIES • • ^= | i | 510 South Kingshighway St. Louis, Missouri, 63110 •> K r' | • _ - . - • i . . .., Status Report on Building Programs - ; Mr. Lawrence F. O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities, presented a •. p :; . : . •' •:• - • • - . . > : ' ^ ? ; '=: ': - H " ; '' | ' : ' : ''. l; : l ::\ i' ' •' I • I 5. | ^ ^ BUSINESS AND FINANCE = ' ' .. . '"' ~ I . .' II I; ' = ' * : |-^^ 5.1 College Work Study Agreement- - South County YMCA I The Board was requested to approve an agreement between The Juniori College I ii '^jj. District and the South County YMCA for cooperative participation in the federal College j - — ; ' ; • ' . ! •* : Work Study Ptogram. To comply for-participation in this federal program, it is necessary I for the agency to contribute on a matching funds basis, with the federal government paying f- 80%. This agreement would make it possible for the above agency to employ District ! t . . •_. : j\ j """ ]/ students and compensate students for work performed under this program at a rate of 20% \ plus Social Security Tax. i with tha aye vote of all members of the Board present ,i it was r • .. ' . '. ~ . : ; I ! . • ; •"-•- 1 I ! t • ' . • ' . . * i_ - • - j j; i! •• . . T j i I J ; i • • s ' ,' ' • I : • . " • ' ' ! - • ' t r . . • > l" ; i - FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the District, in the form approved by legal counsel for the District. l ~ k~ ; ! RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve entering into an agreement with the South County YMCA, 11431 Gravois, St. Louis, Missouri, to participate under the federal College Work Study Program at no cost to the District. • \ \ y - Whereupon/ on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mr. Stewart, arid [- ,' ; : ~i ^| i " j 'J' " ''. • .! ;,- - ! : ! • - *• ' § - - r • [-_ • • . • • - • . 5.2 ' ' •: • • • ' ' :. ! : ; -' '. |: ;. ; " i . I :• "' •_ ?• • • •* 'J . The f o l l o w i n g proposed new s e c t i o n ^ . 9 . 3 of the Board Policies M a n u a l , f V v • was lodged w i t h the Board for a c t i o n at a future meeting: r |: -- - 5.9.3 ; A p p l i c a t i o n Fee for J u n i o r X o l l e g e District Credit by Examination ; -. There shall be a S5.00 fee to accompany each a p p l i c a t i o n for Junior College District credit I: by examination. l~ ; £-- ' . • 5.3 • - - ' : • - = • !•' . Report of Board Committee on the Annual A u d i t t .' ; This fee w i l l not be refundable. [ '' ^ ' • . " • " ]-. 1 i , } | " Amendment to Board Policies M a n u a l - A d d i t i o n of new Section 5 , 9 ^ 3 Lodging w i t h Board for Future A c t i o n ; _ ; ! ' *£ •'•'• ' |ij^B £/£ r • j ^1 I ;i M r . Williamson reported that he and M r . W i t t e had attended a meeting with 4 - : : / ' : ; . ; ' . • • ' - - • : ' ' ; ; ! : ' V Staff members of Ernst and Ernst, the auditing f i r m , and went over the audit report and the \ management letter w h i c h was completed by Ernst and Ernst. ":^K^ report and f e l t that i t should be a c c e p t e d . " " ; ! ! 4: M r . Williamson discussed the li However, the Board Committe was not dismissed, ! because i t is f e l t that a further assignment should be to see how accounting and auditing work can be e x p e d i t e d . . The Committee w i l l return w i t h further recommendations. *. = _ . • . r 1 * - I . !• RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the audit prepared by the firrrj of Ernst and Ernst of The Junior College District finances for;the year 1967-68. * ^ \\ Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r , W i t t e j and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was , : t •': - . " • ' • ' / ' '•• ' :• " ' i ;: . . • ' - • • ' , ',>, ; t'i ' ;: : - " ! ! ; ;|| :' • . , ' - ' \..- r, ii - - -J; t - • • • • • . • • \ . ' !' : I ' ' I |D ; •-. ,:' i.A . • . . I ' . • • '" " I ; I. " -— ——— —r-T—— — ' '. --:: r Only one bid was received for laddersjand cross-over stiles in utility tunnels i at Florissant Valley Community College. i was considerably over the estimate, and to authorize the revision of specifications to keep The Board was requested to reject the bid, Which ~ t, '§- ' within the cost estimate. = - • f v- '•: |<cjuction ol Bid - Contract 68-50 - Ladder!. & Cross-Over Stile:; - Fs/CtC f^^.- f • = ' :: ' •'•• : ' j - " ' . " • • • . ' ' ' Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with _ . • ii ' : -. i ' the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was y •:.: ': RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees1 does hereby reject the bid received under Contract 68-50, Florissant Valley Community College , for ladders and cross-over stiles in utility tunnels. t- :• J I !_ f I I-| f i : ' ! : | - / \ FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees doeshereby authorize the review and revision of specifications for ladders and cross-ever stiles in utility tunnels under theaforementioned Contract Number to keep within the cost estimate. \ 5.5 i . 'Bid N o . u01052 - Printing 1969-70 JCD Bulletin - DO ! The Board was requested to accept the ibid, under Bid No. 001052, and : award an order for cold-type composition p i n t i n g , with alternate N o . 1 and alternate No. 2 , \ ^ of 25,050 copies of the 1969-70 Junior College District Bulletin, to Color-Art Printing and Stationery Company, in the amount of $9 797,50. - ' I I t | f j ; f f i g ^ i ! Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mis. Bastian, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was ~ "' RESOLVED, That the'Board of Trustees does hereby accept the b i d , under Bid N o . 001052, and award an order to Color-Art Printing and Stationery Company, for cold-type composition printing, with A l fernate N o . 1 and Alternate N o . 2 , of . 25,050 copies of the, 1969-70 Junior College District Bulletin, for the District office, all in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $9,797.50, said funds;to be paid from the General Fund of the District. ; • , . | j ^ "'" T^_ 5,6 Bid N o . 001041 - Typewriters - MCC 1:0 ! "" . ~~~ ~**~7~-—7^ I t The Board was requested to accept the b i d , under Bid No. 00104 and award an order for twenty-five Royal Model 662 typewriters for the business offices at Meramec Community College , to Royal Office Typewriters, in the amount of $5,462 .$0; and award an order for twenty IBM Model D Typewriters for the classrooms at Meramec Community Col lege, to International Business Machines in the amount of $7,500.00.; Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was > i • ; f . - ' " : - _ • # j - ~ • •• ' •"•'- ' i < ' ! RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bids, under Bid N o . 001041 , ;and awards an order to •-• . Royal Office Typewriters, for twenty-five Royal Model 662 typewriters for the business offices at Meramec Community Colleges/at a total cost of $5,462.50, said funds to be paid S2,840.50 from the Building Fund and $2,622.00 from the General Fund of the District; and awards an order to International Business Machines Corporation, for tvventy IBM Model D typewriters for Meramec Community College, at a total cost of $7,500.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District. • -~. ' '.'. - : -. j ^ ; !' i | • • . • • i I -^^^ 5.7 Bid N o . 000964 --.Gymnasium Equipment - FPCC The Board was requested to accept the bids, under Bid No. 000964, and awatd orders as follows for gymnasium equipment; for Forest Park Community College: Salsich Recreation , : Mat w/2T"6z7 canvas cover (T) : Transporters (2 pr.) ^ Twisting Belt (1) Side Horses (2) Short Horse (1) Balance Beam (1) S 75.00 110.00 175,00 790.00 290,00 360.00 r TOTAL L $1,800.00 R. A . Ravensberg H^mJIirRov/'Ing Machine (1) $_ Wall Chinning Bars (2) Stql! Bars, Incline Boards, Benches Rings (2) Climbing Rope , Hoist Jambannes,etc. ._ ^^k ^ ^ NisSen Corporation ReuVfeTBoarcir^r 202.80 93.50 719.85 260.50 314.40 TOTAL ; 51 ,591 ,d5 ' 144.00 TOTAL !• S •.144.00 S Hoover Brothers. Inc. RegEbarlslTJ „ 1 $ Abbey Rents CRalirSTanTl (4) ,, ! 96.00 TOTAL ; $ 96.0b ,, $ V ' % 66.00 TOTAL-|: • S 60.OO Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vole of all members of the Board present, il was : . , ' • . i I '. " &- • • : ""' ~4 B • I I ' . ; ; ! . I • ^ Salsich Recreation 6 items R. A . Ravensberg Nissen Corporation Abbey Rents Hoover Brothers, Inc. 5 items 1 item 1 item Litem - i' RESOLVED, That Hie Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bids, under Bid N o . 000964, for gymnasium equipment for Forest Park Community College and awards orders as follows: ~ n 5 ! - - - 1 ^ . '"'-'- : !' 1,800.00 1,591.05 144.00 96.00 66.00 ! a l l in accordance w i t h District specifications, at a total cost of $ 3 , 6 9 7 . 0 5 , said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the D i s t r i c t . 5.8 Acceptance of Donation - 5 2 5 0 . 0 0 - Dental Research Group The Board of Trustees was requested to approve the acceptance of -J a S250.00 donation from the St. Louis Dental Research Group to the Forest Park Community C&iifcgS : inSttUfiH&rifii Resources TV DepSrtfriefit's Restricted Fund. : ^ ^ Whereupon, on mot ion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Wilte,j and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept "j the $250,00 donation from the St. Louis Dental Research Group to the Forest Park CommuriityColIege Instructional Resources TV Department's Restricted Fund. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is authorized to express appreciation on behalf of the Board for this donation. i • - • tffe ~ - 5.9 • • ! " • Contract N o . 68-31 - Tree Care & Preservation - MCC ' " The Board was requested to accept the b i d , under Contract No. 68-31, - and award an order for care and preservation of existing trees at Merarnec Community _ College, to Teston Tree Treatment, in the amount of SI 1 ,218.00, contract to begin i December 4 , 1968 and to extend for sixty working days. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian /seconded by Mr. Wi I Manison, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present,' it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and awards Contract N o . 68-31, to Teston Tree Treatment, for care;and preservation of existing trees at Merarnec Community College, said contract to begin December 4 , 1968 and to extend for sixty working days, at a total cost of S l l ,218.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The junior College District. :." : -• ~ : K . ^ '-; ^ P , FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby'is authorized qnd directed to execute an appropriate contract for and on behalf of the ' District. 5.10 Consultant - Actuarial Study of Alternate Retirement Systems £ertificatecTPersonnel - AddiTional Authorization r ; On September 9, 1968, the Board of trustees authorized the employment of the firms of Powers, Carpenter and H a l l , Inc . , to provide consultant services to thi; r " , ;"- ^ Personnel O f f i c e , to the Retirement Committee of the District Council, and to the Board "'" concerning an actuarial study of alternative retirement systems for certificated faculty -> members. |-^ ir Mr. Mendel E, Branon, chairman of the Junior College District Council's . a d hoc committee to study retirement systems for certificated personnel, reported to the Board v f f$ "•••••• • 4 - z < • . .-' ;•• '. ; - - ;" 1 I- I • information is needed to bring a recommendation before the Junior College District Council. ~ to employ the firm of Powers, Carpenter and H a l l , Inc . to provide consultant services!. The firm is to be paid at the rate of S30.00 per hour, 'not to exceed a total expenditure * of $1,500.00.; Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witfe, V and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, if was 5 _ RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the fOrther | { £ t - ' • ' ' • ~; • ''.'-- employment of the firm of Powers, Carpenter and Hall, Inc., to continue to provide consulting and actuarial services to the Personnel .Office,;to the Retirement-Committee of the District Council, and to the Board of Trustees concerning an actuarial study of alternative retirement systems for certificated faculty members, at a cost of $30.00 per hour, not to exceed a total additional cost of \ $1,500.00, said funds to be paid from the General Fund of the District. : : - 5.11 i Contract for Program - Bach Society Christmas Concert - FVCC "~\ The Board was requested to approve and authorize a contract with - The Bach Society of St. Louis for a Christmas Concert to be presented at Florissant Valley Community College , on December 6, 1968, in the amount of $750.00. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, : ; and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, il was FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of ^^^ Triief<»*»< is ti*>(-Al->\/ m if tini'iv^H nr\A A\rt±rie>A In pyprul-o fi ; RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve and authorize a contract with The Bach Society of St. Louis for a Christmas Concert to be presented at Florissant Valley — Community College on December 6, 1968, at a total cost of S750.00, said funds to be paid from The Student Activity Fund of the District. 1 ,:, i- '" nn ; = jj . j j ! j ": 3 ? £ *""- * ~ ' s '• '} ' ' • " ' .- " * . . . , . • . • ' . . . • ' - . • • '•- • • • : • • • : i- ' • • ; : " • • • - ;•". • j r " . " ^ _ j ; • ; : . ic ( * I1B 6 fc= 7 " STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES ' - COMMUNITY RELATIONS Mr. Robert H. Gaffner, Assistant Coordinator, Community Relations, reported to .",_' the Board that there^had been two superior rotogravure-type pictorial displays of the District's educational and building programs — one in;the St- Louis Post-Dispatch Everyday Magazine, November 18, 1968, the other in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat,; ' September 15, 1968. f . . \ I Mr. Gaffner stated that on December 1 , 1968, he w i l l enter both pictorial supplements in a contest sponsored by the American College Public Relations Association. r Dr. Cosand noted that the District is grateful for the coverage given the ^ ^ District's programs by both newspapers. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District does hereby state hs gratitude to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the St. Louis Globe-Democrat for their excellent support of the programs of the District. :. i ': i| - f" r ': . • ; FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the District be authorized to express appreciation on behalf of the "" • Board. _ . : T k-- - 8. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Robertson requested that the Board consider the question of exercising the rights of the District in the protection afforded by the doctrine of governmental immunity in damage suits. A general discussion was held concerning contracting for insurance coverage for District liability and its effect on waiving the privilege of governmental immunity, the fact that a number of government entities in other jurisdictions have waived immunity primarily because a moral obligation WGS felt for injured persons/ and the fact that ;some States have legislatively or judicially abandoned the doctrine of governmental immunity. The Board also considered a memorandum prepared by Counsel which reviewed the ~ Missouri law with respect to governmental immunity. After considerable Board discussion, it was decided to postpone ;qny f ^ B firm decision until the Board had received recommendations from the staff and legal counsel. ' 9< ADJOURNMENT Board President Ruff in asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and upon motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Witte, ;- a n d w i h n tr >e a y e v ° t e of all members of the Board present, this meeting was odjourned at 9 : 45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ^ z- -, Frances Clausen Johnson (Mrs. W. Mac Lean Johnson) Secretary, Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis Counry, Missouri ijf: Jm J|\H lH7i / ZJ ;f A If I t f) / ' ^ S s . • • . .; \ aj:oop.*\aUo9 iifittm o{ pullta Ul<vi>U*i U\ui*t} MIM 180,000 ptopU in St, JltmU QotmUf LZ ^ — » - > ^ > UO E JEFFERSON ?• '/ KIRKWOOD. MISSOURI 63*122 F MUNICIPAL \ LIBRARY COOPERATIVE / 0/ Si. lotui GoMiLf October 15, 1968 Mrs. Rutiie Kricksen Coordinator Librarian for College Libraries Junior College District 7508 Forsyth Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63105 •^ > I ; 1" // '/ ' Dear Mrs. Ericksen: The Board oi; Trustees o£ the Municipal Library Cooperative of St, Louia County would like to extend their sincere appreciacion-to the Junior College" District for the assistance rendered in the pant year. - •' The Board recognizes the interlibrary loan service and the recent inclusion of our periodical titles in the JCD book catalog as experimental efforts in effecting cooperation between school and public libraries. v , On behalf of the Board, I again say thank you. - . " ' • • • ; 5 « ^ ' I: Sincerely, , Stephen Whitney Coordinator V Sw/bb X l f . jm* •- • : • ' ; ' I! [I - , , I i I ,_ I I , .1 L M I • ^ iH 'I November 8, 1968 i t I I ^ Mr. Raymond J. Stith, Vice-President of the District and Director of the College Florissant Valley Community College 3^00 Pershall Road Ferguson, Missouri 63135 -~ i I " .. i\ X i | | 1 | | I 1 | | i| Sincerely, II Sister Annn Sohlett Vico-ProQidont of MACRAO | f cc: Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President 3!he Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County ; \ Mr, Lyle Leisenring, President of MACRAO t • <| 11 J ,i I Dear Mr. Stith: The members of the Missouri Association of Collocate Registrars and Admissions Officers passed a resolution commending you and your staff at Florissant Vnlljy Community College for your assistance, hospitality, and for the use of your excellent facilities for our Annual: Meeting on November k and 5, 1968* I would, also, like to add a personal note of appreciation for the efficient help given by Vincent Freeman and hit. office staff in arranging for registration, and for tho many other necessary arrangements. I I I I s\ t . l • J |. 1 I - \\ 1+ "j I • I ,M; :i •" •• •• - ^ ; * ; . • • i' "•' The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri Current Operating Budget Analysis Revenue and Expenditure Comparison of Budget to Actual as of October 31, 1968 Original Budget 1968-69 Actual -'•' Actual- Over % Actual as of or Under to Rev. 10/31/68 ( ) Budget 'Budget Revised Budnet 1960-69 Revenue: ; ~ Tax Receipts: C i t y of St. Louis $1,813,000 S t . Louis County 2,385,000 Jefferson County 1,000 F r a n k l i n County 1,000 State or Missouri 3,500,000 Student Maintenance Fees 2,650,000 Federal Ai<l 100,000 Interest. Income 150,000 Other Income $1,813,000 2,385,000 1,000 1,000 3,500,000 2,650,000 100,000 150,000 $ $10,600,000 $10,600,000 $'I,908,8'I2 670,000 670,000 670,000 SI 1,279^00 $22,270,000 $5,578,8<i2 $(5,691,158) Salaries Operating Expense Capital Outlay $7,921,582 2 t 3'»7,709 280,709 $8,262,269 2.395,7»'i 280,065 $7,393,338 1,752,220 126,163 $ Total President 1 s Growth Fund $10,550,000 720,000 $10,938,118 331,882 $9,271,721 $(1,666,397) ; 8'i.8 ( 331.882) . ._._„ $11,270,000 $11 ,270,000 $9,271,721 M l , 998,279) Total Appropriations of p r i o r y e a r ' s fund TOTAL 63,789 55,779 7 3,'i97,120 1,195,7^5 91,661 ^,7^1. $ 0 ,7't9,211) (2,329,221) (993) (1,000) (2,880) (l -Mh,755) (100,000) (58,339) ; ',7*'1 : : $(5,691,158) 3.5 2.3 .7 .... 99.9 '(5.1 .... 61.1 \ '16.3 : 100.0 \ Jl9.5 Expendi t u r c s : TOTAL (868,931) (6'i3,56'») : (153,902) 89.5 73.1 h5A 82.3 r ~ - • ~ . • ; . • • \ • Schedule A THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI | Current Operating Budget Analysis Expenditure Comparison of Budget to Actual By Col lege As of October 31 , I968 ; Original Budget .j_968_-_6? Actual * as of 10/31/68 Revised Budget 1968-69 Actual'-'-'Over or Under (') Budget X ;Actual to Rev. Budget Florissant Valley Community College: Salaries Operatinq Expense Capital Outlay ~ Total $2,271,683 475,537 62,770 $2,370,003 '182,279 62,770 $2,2.41,014 373,731 21,750 $ (128,989). :94.5 (108,548) 77.5 " ( 41,020) 13*1.7 $-2,809,990 $ 2,915,052 $2,636,495 $ (278,557) 90.4 Forest Park Comriiunity College: : :: Salaries Operatinq Expense Capital Outlay $2,484,449 $ 2,558,521 f.$2,207,951 $ (350,570) 86.3 573,851 577,986 437,918 (140,068) 75.8 ,, 6,100 6,281 1,184 ( 5,097) H8.9 ---Total $ 3,064,'iQO " ""'•"-"•"•"|""- r ••"• $3,142,788 * »• • • " " • $2,647,053 • $ (495,735) • !84,2 ; Heramec Coromun ? ty Col lege: Salaries Operating ': L F $2,365,114 $2,A62,576 $27095,230 527,739 532,8'll 401,956 30.665 31,815 $ 2,923,518 $3,027,232 $ $ Expense Capital Outlay Tot.il L . District (367,346) 85J (130,88-5) 75-4 ( 22,393) 29.6 $2,506,608 .:$ ($20,624) 82.8 $ ; 9,422 $ : Office: Salaries Operatiivi iixp.msc Capital out lav Total 8OOJ36 770,582 181,174 -871,169 802,6/8 173,199 849,143 538,615 93,807 $ (22,026) (264,063) ( 85,39:0 97.5 c 67.1 52^3 $ 1,752,0-92 iJJE3t,046 $1,4 81,56 5 $ (371,481.) 79-9 President's Growth Fund $ $ $. $ (331,882) ;;.. GRAND TOTAL. $11,270,000 $9,271,721 $(1,998,279) 82.3 r. » Includes Encumbrances 720,000 331,882 $.11,270,000 --