I ' ' r ! : . ' ' . :: , : i ' ' • . . : • ' ; . : • • . : • • ' • • ' • - • • • • • ' - • • . : • . ; • - . . • . . - . , < / • , •• j • . . . ' . ; • ..; • • ( ! , | - • • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE "" BOARD OF TRUSTEES ' ~'\ THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ji ST.,LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, jMISSOUU MONDAY, JULY 2,9,1968 - 8:00 P.M. H I M i i ii i nii^ww i . . 1 *«rww*w^*>iii tL _ - >-.. • ' ..•:',; ; * * '"""• " ;~ 11 j vis '• J 55 } ! ' . L A f F !;; k r " ' is -' , ' •• i" i •i »-•••—•.-—-^— —•,•.,...,—.•,..-••. • • ' *" '• - —— — - > • - ' ' i i , • -..-... * .-. . . % i-r i i y> I " , , -* i " • i " v *• I : ^ -;* A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees o f f he Junior College District of St. Louis, i : : ;!: - = v 1 ?r , •.1968, .ito : :: i^ J *;jfJ.. !? F:I•rjr^ Jl5v ~"~ ^--^\ =<•;( "^ ^. Fi' - - - the due Office, J. FPCC 8:20 1 St. -, ~Stith, -District; -,:" Louis to.illness. GENERAL K 1.2 ^P.M. "'and :i~ lt• '7508 '~ )County President Vice The Call -Also Roll The "•Mrs. Forsyth The — FUNCTIONS -Mrs. -,President Vice-President CoM President to present'were following Missouri Mary FVCC Order -Joseph --'"'" Boulevard, -,—-. ~ -> -_ ,Jane^Calais, of and \of jwas the members G. the '* -Vice Mr~ ,.held .-—of Bastion District; St. Board, . the -" ~ -l John ,",President on -were Louis, .", Coordinator Messrs. Board, Mrs. Monday, was Mr. C. 'iDr. ' present: - out Missouri. W. Robertson, 'Guy of "Mr. Glynn ' of ,MacLean the •vJuly Josech'G Gerald Donl^MfeVitte S. town Donajd ofDistrict; -"" Clark, RuffilQyAs Finance .29, -~ *,"and Administrative "_,^-x V» Johnson '•'.M. ,..Stewart /unable ."President,,MCC VVilliomson Dr. v Wit're, and f, ^at /•unable -William Treasurer ^•8:00 .to'r{"called "< • be viVice >to P.M. ,oresent " Edward .attend > of the President; and J'at the •meeting Vice for the the Snead, Board •this District 'meeting President ,--•Mr. of meeting. .; ,''|i\IPresident, ij!i';:Trustees; order Raymond ! j'.-of ' at ' ;' . '--'ST--'«V :!.£^'-*'-^j'',*|;;|I:I!jiii :•> . - • l - • • > si •' • !> • . • ' : . ' • .•'•' '• •• J n ; , 1 I- - ; . - t * 1 C * ! '. ' - i H f ' . . ; ' : ' . • • , ! ; • . ' ' • . " : * M r . Lawrence F. O ' N e i J I , Coordinator o f Physical F a c i l i t i e s ; M r . Eric r ! ^ h n , Coordinator of fe t ;! -, _ _ - - . : • :-• ; •••• .-/Tv!-™~: ' '"V ••• •• , '• . ..'.-.'..•.•..•... " • • . ' . •..! : ; . , • • ? . - . , ; ! . ' « : . ' ' • , - . :••-: ; ..<•'. . . , : J • ' - -l ; • - ' • , , • - ^i : i... • '^- " , ? ! • • .•. • ? M Personnel; M r s . Juanita N o v a k , Administrative Assistant t o D r . Cosand; M r s . Lucinda Schulz, ^ • •V ~ ^ ' • ;! '' ! Community Relations Assistant; M r . Rolland C . Larson/ Assistant C o o r d i n a t o r , Equipment; ? D r , Robert Jones, Coordinator, Instructional Resources; Dr. C e c i l C . Baster, Dean o f - i n s t r u c t i o n , ! FPCC; - .»l o f the firm o f Armstrong, Teasdaltf, Kramer and Vaughan,' counsel for the D i s t r i c t . : ~ -' ' r -' t '" _ li3 > > • — " - . ;J: i h ! -Minutes ,i - - i - ' r ' - £ ! i\ *'V I ! f if f M r . Philip C a r l o c k , Asst. DeanU Instructional Resources, FPCC; M r . David P. Durham, , " "" instructor, A r t , M C C ; - a l l o f The Junior C o l l e g e D i s t r i c t : A k o present was M r . Bruce E,i Woodruff, <• £ ':> [i . - § ' !'< „ i -I \\ - <^" \ I '' * ft1 1 i i J • - 1 r Board Vice-President W i t t e asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting \ t 'l ; - l i | ) % of June 10, 1968. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Stewart /^seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with £ - ^ ~ 4- * i "•,. i' i . i the aye vote o f a l l members o f the Board present, the Minutes' of the Regular Meeting of June 1 0 , •1 .. L> 1968. were approved as submitted. - : ; • • • ; • : • " : • . • • • • . . • ' , • . • '<l :•••'• • . • • • • • - ; • . . . • ^ ;\, | -'* " f<i Board Vice-President Witte asked for approval |of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting 'v =• i ,S '' If, If • j ft \y -' '*l ' J ;| _ t\ ! • _ - " > < ( I o f June 2 4 , 1 9 6 8 . W h e r e u p o n , on motion by M r s , Johnson, seconded b y M r . Stewart, and with a. J '; the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting o f June 2 4 , ,| I I ? ^ .1968, were a p p r o v e d as submitted, , ' • V ==" Board Vice-rYesident W i t t e asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular,Meeting l 1 «i "' if 0 -- > ' \ "f[ of July 8 , 1968. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with I) ' i •' ff the aye vote of all members of the Board present, the Minutes of the Regufar Meeting of July 8, % I; V fi •; 1968, were approved as submitted. - If |H ^ i i ' • ' - . •• ' Board Vice-President W i t t e asked for approval of the Minuter; of the Special Meeting of July 17^1968. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, ;seconded by Mrs. Johnson, andjwith * -'- . I' {i " _fl j '" %\ - ?! I t ' 'i! *l : 4| oj\ ]:- ~ -' •r. t - i : „ • ^ • i-, • '^ §!• ^ p 1.4 ! . Welcome to Guests %. ' ' , ' - • . ! ~~,-' ' -"! V jr\ ;r lj , ' I tj ' • tx . -~ v, , |! M r . Witte welcomed Mr. Jerry Ventors, newspaper reporter from the St. Louis Post- ^ v £ --, ' "° ':: ~ |: Dispatch; Mr. Gus Lumpe, newspaper reporter from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat; Mr. EdgarL I t _ -C ' ' " • • \ Lusfig, Lustigand Associates, inc.; Mr. Donald N. Maxfield, Assistant Sales Manager, I . A '>\ - ~ \ i" ' , I Varftyper Corporation; Mr, Thomas Wiber, Sales Representative, Varityper Corporation; -vfj «;, M r . Charles Walsfon, International Business Machines Corporation; and Mr. Walter Van Winkle, -fyi | " "%" international Business Machines Corporation. 1.7 . '"^/Z Treasurer's Report \ - f f; - ' ij ; ,.| vj \j The Treasurer's Report for the montrTending June 3 0 , 1968, and The Budget Expense ^ and Budget Income Summary Reports for the month ending June 3 0 , 1968, were presented to the • ! •r'l ' * V; . . Board for approval. ; . . . . . . . 1 Whereupon , on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the . 'i ^., J • ' i aye vote of all members of the Board present, the Treasurer's Report for the month ending June 30, I 1968, and The Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports for the month ending June 30, J •• ? ' !968, were approved qs submitted, ^ ~ ' ! It i 4. •! \^~ i i ' j •'- -- IP. : - i " - i * ' • l 1:" v • • ••' " $~ 1.8 '• ' !*"• v : ; • ;: ; \ Ratification of Investments j|" ^ P The Board was requested to ratify investments made by the Treasurer of the District j: for which bids had been received in accordance with Board policy, i * J* - fr- * ' ' I \ .. m p. \ - tr ' j ~ "; aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following investments made on behalf of The Junior College District by the Treasurer thereof, be and hereby are, ratified, * approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: ; | i 5 Generai Fund -/ \: I $100,000.00 U. S. Treasury B i l l s , purchased J U I y \ l 8 . -19.68, f from F i r s t National Bank, on a $. )0 has i s , to mature September 5. 1368, f o r a t o t a l cost of $99,305-83- n l - • - • - • ' • : v i -, I ••, -\ -c . . ; - \ ;. | L . -' i I Construction Fund • . . " " . ' -"', j-~'-'"'"' J J j " , •: - . ' : - • , 4 '•/ ' 'i \\ -;i p • 5*00,000.00 Certificate of Pepos it, purchased July.J8, 1968, from State Bank of Wei Is ton, on a 6.2 $f compounded dally, bails, to mature April 17, 1969, for a total cost of $^00,000.00. - Student Union >und o - '• - ' : b fj • i\ $*00,000.00 C e r t i f i c a t e of Deposit, purchased July 18, I968, from State Bank of WeMston, on a 6.25, compounded d a i l y , b<isis, ; Co mature Aorl1 10, 1969, for a t o t a l x o s t of $Wo,000.00. • >! -}\ • - -. '; ' \, •- "" ' " - ~ : ' ^ " :$40Q,000.00. C e r t i f i c a t e of Deposit, purchased July l8," 1968, :" from State Bank of W e l j s t o n , , o n a 6.25, compounded d a i l y , basis, i tG mature A p r i l 2k, 1969, for a t o t a l cost of $^00,000.00. ; " *! <•- $100,000.00 Certificate of Deposit, purchased July II, I968, from South County Bank, on a 6.00, compounded daily, basis, to mature December 31, 1968,". for a total cost of $100,000.00. . -~ " . ,;i J *j k , ! !."..• ?; ".-' J . '' r\ . ' I ., 'i - $500,000.00 Certificate of'Deposit, purchased July 11, 1968, from South County Bank, on a 6.25, compounded daily, basis, to mature April 3, 1969, for a total cost of $500,000.00. F I I f- \ ' • f, n j - : i I " ' "'- v a — — :$500,000.00 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased July 18, 1968, from First National Bank, on a 5.10 basis, to mature July :-5. 1968, for a total cost of $^99,50*.17. •-'•.• • * '. . B u i l d i n g Fund r ^ j - : \\ r •-""' J ;; • Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr, Williamson, and with the \l | ~i T "' ' ' ' - • • ••' "• : ••' • «•>, • • •: -. T • i ^ ' '• • . j ' : ; ' l\ _ J: n , .i".•",' 11 •r . I; -.-! :'Fr^^^H ^^HH 2. PERSONNEL 2.1 1 H Certificated Personnel - Full-Time 'Employment1; -Academic Year 1968-69 -^H The Board was requested to approve employment of the following personnel for the academic year 1968-69, " ^! ^ H \ :J ^ H Whereupon ,\on mot ion by Mr. Williamson ,:secorided by Mr. Stewart / a n d with the aye vote of all'members of the Board present, it was i | -> ^ H i ^ H RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classificarjon-liaving been previousiy;iapproved by the Board: j Baldwin, Robert p . Sharp, John A \ ^ n % u c t o r B~ -Psychology ... .iFPGC '\ N-2 • ,rV " . Assjstant Professor". ! JFVCC Business Administration | V-51 r 9/3/68 • ^ H '"^Hj 9/3/68 ~ I ~J^ j::-^r Tt - FURTHER RESOLVED, Thaj;the President of the| Board be andilhereby is, authorized to exeeuteSthe appropriatecoptrqcf,; previously adopted by f heBoard, with each of The^ab^ve employes y which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District'. ! i || f The Board was also requested to approve employment of the following personnel1 gs ^ H ^ H ^ H ^ B ^ H l M flH ^ H ^ H ^ H a full-time employee for the academic year 1968-69 . This offerbof employment-to'be contingent ' ^ H | HB p upon her receipt of a Master's Degree prior to' September, (968. ML " ^ B r Whereupon,on motion by Mr. WiIIiamson, seconded by Mr. jStewart, end with the . : aye vote of all members of rhe Board present, it was ; I ^^fl RESOLVED, That the following .certificated personnel be employed •n the capacity'and at the salary\classiHcat!pn':;hereiriiqft>er sei; out, said salary classification having been"previously approved by the Board. Employment to be contingent upon receipt of a Master's ; Degree prior to September, 1968. I ; Urban, BarbarasJean [^tructor^B f Business Education ' 7 ; FPCC IV-l . | -'• : '^^| ^ ^ ^ | H H "^^H H H I ^ B 9/3/68 - ^ H HH : ;: • ' * " . - U - . , -c -f* - ; . * - ; - , - ; ' I; • . ' " ) j' ; ' . . - i !• FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Resident of the; Board be dndjfiereby is • • • - \ | ^ authorized to execute the appropriate contract j previously adopted by ,, • •; ,[ r 2-2 -, . i the Board, with the above employee / w h i c h said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. /«Vi " - j . jL n I ^ Certificated Personnel - Extended Time i "'' : The Board was requested to approve employment of thei following certificated ''-'• -- • : • : - • . , . • • ' . - " . ' , ' ' . . " "... '; . • ' . ' • ' "; : ""•-./?• i \:- •' w ; " • • • ' • ; • ; " ._ ~ ! • ' ! . . . •' i personnel during the summer, 1968 on Extended Tim& for Research and Development project; funds to come from the President's Growth Fund. "' . : • ; ., ; , . . , .. \ 7. <:••, | '•• • :: ^ \\V : ' <> ; o • ' • ; ' • , • O !' Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with ^, the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was I ' RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby;approve employment of the I; following District certificated personnel =on an ^Extended Time basis f at the h -; „ ; salary classification-and number of credit Hoursi hereinafter seffprth, funds to come from the President's Growth Fund: ! , ; '• :- - ' • ";~W =" . ' . ;• .-' Thomas, Ronald ; .' , •• ; •'" ; 2.3 i' / : , ,-"• • ' • n .. •• •;'•• :• • : . , . ; • • : - • Instructor B (IV-3) #<* '^V; ' * J/ •''•'•• . . 1 \-\ , | : ' • ' ' - . $ { MCC | 3 cr.hrs. @ .!$233/cr.hri i - " l I : . ' ' : '-• .. •; - ! - f ^ ;•; V / l / 6 8 • j Certificated Personnel'-..; Part-Time Employment.-- Soccer Season '' j ••'"/•' v , >v : • ' • j | ^ : . j ; ' ^ - fc '^'| 7 " "• ! •'•} The Board was requested to approve the employment on Gene F. Sorber for pa/tf-time employment for the Soccer Season. . Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the >> aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed for the Soccer Season, 1968, in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out , said salary classification having been previously approved by the BoarcL 7 ' ' . . ' ' ? ; V - " ' \ ^ f. Sorber, Gene F. :••- ' ; • I f _ i • ' . : .' - : ' ' -- u - Ill-l FVCC Physical Education '" . • • • ' . ' • " • ' • • . : ! : 8con.hrs.@ $98/con.hr. , • • • • : M " • • • I ' ^ij! " . 8/1/68 / - f}\ v, ; •? .1 \ ^ I : li'j • •• • " t 2.4 Certificated Personnel^ Part-time Employment - Summer 1968 and Academic Year 1968-69 fl; ^ ^ ^ ^ | . ^ H The Board wa$ requested to approve employment of the following certificated personnel H I - ^M :» for two credit hours summer employment, beginning August,20, 1968. v ^ H Whereupon/ on motion by-Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the" H H ave vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed foryt two credit hours, beginning August 2 0 , 1968, in the capacity and at the salary classification hsre.irwfter?et out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. 4 - Nichols, Patricia W . \^_ 'BH ^ > IV-3 o Student Personnel Services FPCC 2 cr.hrs. ,@; ; $233/cr.hr. f h e Board was requested to approve emj&Joymenr of the following.personnel ^ |;" 8/20/68 part-time assignment to be spent on the American Association of Junior Colleges Pornographic \- 4 f c Research Project: Miss Stuehrk is an employee of the St. Louis Public Schools System and will I participate for a six^week summer persod only, This project has been previously approved; by •'_- the Board and involves no expenditure of District funds: the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was ^ 3 " "..•';• ^ J o I H ; : •; ^H ~^H y --^^B •-• ^ . I^HI RESOLVED, THat the following cerlificated personnel be employed .":"'•. j I %_ ' I B I ^ H Wliereupon, .on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with I H H H H < > ' ^ | ^ ^M for a ?-•..' I H ^ ^ ^ to conduct a Oewwgraphic Study Research Project/in accordance with the terms cf an American Association of Junior Colleges grant funded for this purpose, said personnel to be reimbursed at the salary classificaHon hereinafter set out, said project to involve no expenditure:of District funds.'" i; 5 ?^B ' H i^^B i^^B "^^B ^ ^ H r "(. i s ".'' ' ? , , - - , - ' ; • * . ' ! ' :. v . ^ l: l f" ^ ^ 1 Pollard/Betty ~ ]' L ! \ Sfyehrk, Marguerite E. American AssociatlOn of ""- , Junior.College? ' - - - . Demographie Study ~" Research Project American Association of Junior Col leges __ Demographic Study Research Project FPCC H\ :r ', , "^ ••- - j - - • • . • • ) • • . . - j " • j . , • : ' '" ,- ;; • - ^ - . . . J •• : . . . . . ' • ; M C l a r i f i e d Salary Schedule - New Positions The Board wdi feSUeStiSd tfi approve addition of rhe following titles to the Board1 Policies Manual under Section 3 B . 6 . 1 , Alphabetized List of Position Titles, and 3 B ; 6 . 2 / ' - ^ 7/15/68 ' " -• ' - i y ;J ; 2,5 "« f __ 7/1V© 8 $207/per,:>weelc for 6 weeks FPCC I ? r / , • -. $500/month _ foi\9 months . t . t\ *:' ••.; ; " ; ,;: i •' • . z \ r •• • ' \ (• ]\ • •;• '* - ' ' ; '• \ Classifications, Ranges, Point Values, Salaries, effective as noted below. The present i <l " • \ • • • : • • ,• '•' >') - ' • ,.; • • • ' : ' • I- --• ' K ' , positions of Accountant'Wti Personnel / d i s t a n t w i l l be changed to Accountant I and Personnel ]<'-.-,/*-•" ^ A -- " " - ' . i Assistant i . , •;-;••• i u .'"M .-;. ; ••* • [/•']} '.'/V ' ''' * •-•;• ' * ' • - - ; / - J ; * . ; ; • ; : - - ; - : ^ aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was • *-" t" : " 'J. ' - !- F ' ' . .' n ', •-'' ' ' ' '._ ' , n ' j ; --- '^ _• .;, . • RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve >the change of position of Accountantlro Accountant I and Personnel Assistant to Personnel Assistant I and does also approve the addition of the titles "Accountant II - Range 14" ^effective August;jl , 1 9 6 8 ; and "Personnel Assistant;ll - Range 1 8 " , effective July 3 0 , 1 9 6 8 , a to l>e included Ln the Board Policies Manual, Section 3B.6.1 and if -• . :i. .' r 3Bv6.2f " - - ' • : ' ; " . • , ' ' • . . ' _ ' " • ' '. 2.6 - • O > ' " .• "•:;.;•:. __ ••:. I • • • •» • ; • • - .'• - - . : • \:(. : i ; . : . , ' . ''- • . • • • r '?'] ' •••;•: • • ^ . • '- ? ~ \ ' \ ' * r ^ Classified Salary Schedule - Change in Title and Range The Board was requestedI to approve a change in Title and Range of Gymnasium -Custodial Supervisor, Range 10 to Gymnasium Supervisor /Range 12, in the Board Policies Mahus I I ' Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by^Mr, Stewart, and with the \k ' . " ' ':' ; ':' i . \\-'' l+%": p : : V — H ' under Section 3B. 6.1 ,Alphabetized List of Position Titles j and 3B. 6 . 2 , Classifications, Ranges, - ) I .-, -j _ ? -.r: • ~^B ~ ',:•• •'t_. ^"' : . . ... ^ . . . . _^ .^ > a ........ • ..j • . Sf " ' - ]!• •• _ i Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by M r . Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, It was " ' -^ RESOLVED, That the Board of ^Trustees does hereby approve a change in Title and Range of Gymnasium Cvtfodig! Supervisor - Range 10, ro "Gymnasium Supervisor » Ranno 12",. affective August 1, 1968^ to bd :> : " ; -;! "" included in tiie Board Policies Manual, Section 3b.6.1 and 3 B . 6 . 2 . > r i -2.7 'i i Classified Personnel -fffolj-Time Employment c ; of classified personnel. •; was requested to\ •''' . .the ; •^:T? • aye vote -. The Whereupon, classification RESOLVED, by boon Aystole, B Groenda, H Curran, £ragg, Echols, Hogue Janes, JJordan, Langan, o e of an frThe frsBoard e all i-spreviously treosjunior ln S oEugene,C, Rosemary members lV Lee ,Ronald nW h Jane Kart i,irRobert Rebecca ri lglThat on Lloyd leiR. hereinafter ae yCollege L. m 0. motion approved IL. D, of the . A, G. the L. Sif. following by District . Board 'set by \..Mrs. -I!approve'employment out, the ••present, Macron Maintenance Se&HTity Keypunch Custodian C Accountant Cashier in Security classified Johnson, lBoard. esaid 'the r k - Tposition -salary iyit.pO Operator personnel iwas seconded sftf.1Mechanic i classification cI-eand I r , '.'""" I at be -by „ the employed Mr, ~ salary having MCC 1).0. Fl'CC FVCC MCC, D.O. FPCC' Williamson, ~ ' - 5U l3A 3B' 3A 5B 3B IA 11A 10A Il Aand . ij',.jr''!;':- with . 7/30/68 71/20/68 7/23/68 8/1/68 8/1/.68 7/3C,/68 7/30/68 7//330//0!//6688 ~";l -,1 J] ,;'\'i;i;itr ' ~ — - - "- g ' " * ' . . ' ' • • ;• • . . • —• 1 * § ' •;'.-'. - " * *- -^ - " ~ , J . holcher, Marcy S. Secrorary T Moll, Ted L. Accountant: T t T \ • ; • ; •• • ' " • • - . . " " ••• K • • • • ' . > Olson, Frances A. . Stenographer II Matron .\ FVCC ' "" Photographic' Lab _ Tichy, Martin W-.- ' Stationary"Engineer ' , ' • ' \ • V„ v - M\ " ; FPCC^ Sacrocary V~ Secretary'^ Clerk : 7/30/6&I :4U |i ;. 7/30/'68,rJ ;u -.'' " Secretary I 7/30/68 . jlB" D,0. Technician : - ;5A /. j;•- ' '•: M C C Schiller, AW>ie J,' S c h w a r t z , Pamelia E . < Steinbecker, Gloria J. 6A j; ^ FVCC o 6A j _.;•'• ';lfa>-.u 6A j| FFQC > * 1A MCC 7/3Q/S8;:j 8/1/68 ii j/23^68ll 11C : - . - ; =7/30/63J r ' ^ J/23/68; : v Classified Personnel - Reclassification - v;.: A The BoardTwos requested to approve reclassification of the following classified "' 'A : personnel.. - ' • .^0 r \ • : •'... ° •' .: ' " ' " " '"' ' ' i • , . >t> ••''>• : • . ., . ' i '-'*" ':i . _• • : ; '! ' V : " .. -Q • the aye vote of all members of the Board presenf, \\ w a s : : - ' v - '." ; lemmen, Richard M. ^ ,,• ^ : .^:- c, ; - = . r- -" : !L J " '-• - f FROMi Clerk -i TO: Receiving^^>hipping Clerk ;.. ° :. - ^'T'\:'\ -K" ' »• .". •: - ''' • - 5 I ~c • ' 1 -•,' .' : . ;°' •; RESOLVED, That the: classification of the following classified {! personnel be changed as follows: '"•••'' \ -|- . '~" ~ Whereupon, on motion £y Mrs. Johnson /seccftcled b y Mr. Williamson and with : i- ' 7/30/68' —. " ; 3A 2,8 . • ,,| FVCC , f. • ' 8/1/68, ^Groundsman :^ \ °i ' 44D J 7/J0/68 Neely, James T. Rlckcr, Chatlene L. •- 635'.'•-•: 7/23/68 - i . r . . ;3A , J .- '" . # • ' • • • 'V. '•••'' . T.-.FPCC Fichraan, Mark J. - ' ;i D.O. : P a y , Estella :.'••• , M . PBX Operator : ~ • .. j|' \ " ' ' Mueller, Andrea M. - :"-'•- • , ,: D.O. - | ; • '. , . '•;i!,,/ "! ,; ? ;T | H - ^ ; FVCC . FROM: IB Js i.' •fO.'.l ='• ! 6A rl ,; •':;'.." ' .••\zfi/(&f\ : " .: i - " ; : -- I ; - r . • •- '.-."^! 1 ' ' f f -. -. . ' ., . . . s -<_ " • > . 2.9 i 'I . ' , . . . " : . ,. .. i : , v. • ;,,:•: •• ; . . ; , ,,.- , ; .:.• • -ii ! • . ' . '"CI Classified Personnel - Six-Month Increments ?^ ^ A The Board was requested to approve salary increases for classified personnel having satisfactorily completed their first sixTmonth probationary;period with the District. - Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was p RESOLVED, That the following clarified personnel-, having $ati$factoriIy '*' : completed their first six~month probationary employment period with the District, be granted a salary increase at the classification hereinafter set out: - - Beckham, Carol J . Milner, Patricia - _'"-=V'~ Administrative Clerk ° !; .! o >" ^ 4fe ... .TO: 7B ] I P •'• _ s "Accounting Clerk '^"i >r '~-'[ Brooks, Lula Mae "'.Matron^ .. '" '^. .-' " ...•;;;.'.' Campbell, Gydrier ' ° ~ ' -. ; ''' .•„,., ""• Reeves, B r a z e l l E : : - '- - '<^, ' '• : • _ - . - • . - 0 :•• ;. TO: I P h • ^ s o Robinson, Tinnie ;! - _ ; Tuggles, Annie , :;; -- ; ; ' '0 ,., _ '- I i ' J . • ^ •? ••;•'•"" FPCC c Matron :*•:;;•;'" .. : r' .;; : Matron \ \ j / t . FVCC !• ''•••-. fi 8/1/68 J1| \ 4 i • •'''•:••-; 8/1/68 : • 'I . -. 3> :it,J 8/1/68 5 • • ' .! '" , . - . ! j i • , FPCC c FROM: 1A| • ,.';=-^ ^_ T O : IBJ; FPCC Wilson, Shirley Matron '- • • . /';:..'. ' .'ii "• / ; / : " ;) FROM: 3Aj: TO: 3Bi a - 8/1/68 FROM: 3A! TO: 3Bi , ; ! 8/1/68 f"ij ;-8/1/68 FPCC FROM: 3A h •'" " TO: 3BJ '.'•••- •; •| FROM: lAj ! : " : ' , . • . . " . . • FVCC :, • FROM: 3A !• TO: 3B j , FPCC Custodian 8/1/68 D.O. FR0M:7A !. " ; -.WTO:; 7B- j: Custodian ••"' - - ' • : Custodian " /v' '•'• ' '":-:! Coleman, Timothy -., . Szuba, Dorothy J . -; : - ,v- D.O. •''If; 5 ' " 0 i : -W\ r -8/1/6.8" " D.0~. FROM; 7A !:. S t r a w b r i d g e , S h i r l e y R. Keypunch Operatorf ^ " ' '-' " •'- • . : " - : .• : k " *?:, .. FPCC FROM: 5A ; '• TO: 5B | - Accounting Clerk J ' ^. S/I/68'^ FROM: 1A; ; TO: I B " -8/1/68 FROM: 1A ; /T0:^|i 8/1/68 V. :. ! " " " • - - : ' » * . ^ - ' • • : - 2.10 ^p , - Gardner, Edward^J. " , :( : --:•• -.. • r \ : - ™ ' ' ; : : ; - •• •••' ' • , - • • • o ' Burch, Lois F. / • ' *-., „ . , \ Grunz, Kathryn A. .',_ '•.- : ' - \ ..-.'*'•:•?.' . • Tipton, Marie \ ^ - : . - 5 .. , ' - . ' ~ _ ' -^ ' 2:11 f •/'''•-';, -. ; ' • - I 6 t ' % ' ••• ; = ' ! ; ^ . | , . ? ! %( ^ •.••[ \ . D.O, '''-J "' ' ° i : : ' :T0": 1 0 d ^ ^ ^ . 3 / 1 / 6 8 1 : ' .:••• " _•. :.: . -•' ,; ,v,..'••.''- " ....... : f -MCC : * •;""'••- '"• ' , ^ FROM: 5B '; -vT0:5C!. FROM: 3B v - -j V • 8/1/68,, '' 8/1/68 -i : ^ ^, c -- •*- ?l 8/l/b8 i ; r: The Board was requested to approve a change in status for the following classified ; The change in status is necessary because of a change in Title on the Classified y • ' . ' r^*?~ "^ ' L_ ~~' ' . ' • • • aye vote o f a l l members o f the Board present , | t | was ; =: ? " ' . . ' : . . . , " • ! ' • ; " .-• ; " | : _ Whereupon, oni motion^ by Mrs• Johnson, seconded by /v\r. Williamson, and with the. ~ , ' FROM:• 4B 1 0 (J Classified Personnel - Change in Status change in thesalary level.-.,. O •'•'. : 8/1/68 M Salaries Schedule, in the Board Policies Manual. This change in status does not represent any J- •• ^. TO: 3C MCC J ^ h D.O. > "Stenographer;! " > • . ' : , MCC FROM: 2D '<] ' , TO: 2E !: .; Clerk-Typist III "•'.•.:•' - •.. l\ , + FROM: 10B! -:':° :: r = 8/1/68 pj- I* , •;-•' .O ; FR0M:,:3Cj TO: 3D personnel. ^__ - - .-'- v- • • ! | •: MCC V I ! Stenographer,If r o. . ' " • ; " ' ' ' -X " ^ i? '-'---: ; .-•> V : : " ;'.'\ -" -. Duplicating Operator I — .-"" |- V e s t e r l i n g , June ; H i' "" V I Accountant -."•'•= //' y ' ; r Groundsman r "v.- V -, ; *r- * Alny, Marjorie R. ~\ \ *'»- -" • RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be granted an annual increment at the classification hisreinafter set forth: ; '{ , ' • . - • • .;.. ,.-?"' fi (I the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, It was ; ^ ^ U. i - Whereupon, on motion byMrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. ;Willlamsop, and .with ; .,- } ': - , ; ; " - . { ; " " . ' •'^-r, • , \ • ' personnel. - 'A ,'.••• The Board was requested to approve an annual increment for the following-clcssifleci _ =•,- • • ' Classified Personnel - Annual lncrerrr>>. ^ :: .- • • '•' ... • . ' • . - J '-- ' --;~ | : X\ -^•iJ \ ? i • - j(V 4I-'^-":'- '^, C r -"-" .->' - - - " -, I .- • ' | f/^B..~ $ ; I |; RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be granted a ^ change in status td conform with existing titles in the Classified Salary Schedule of the Board Policies Manual, at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification :: having been previously approved by the Board. >^ V- -. % f. - / MjLtchell, Richard F. L Sorber, Gene F, IS 3, CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION - r 4. PHYSICAL FACILITIES 4.1 1; ~ ^ F , i _ .• « f J. ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ H ^ ^ f l |^^H 8/1/68 ^ ^ R HHI FVCC FROM: I0D! TO: 1?,B B/l:'^ <,-, G ^ H § | H H | ^ ; H f l Status Report on Building Progjwns '^^1 Mr. Lawrence F. O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities, presented a compre- l^^l . hensiv« Status Report ofthe Budding Programs at the three; colleges, 4.2:' HIjlK FROM: 10E1 TO: i2C FROM: Gymnasium Cust. Sup. MCC TO: Gymnasium Supervisor"\ Gymnasium Supervisor I - Contract N o . 63-1 - West Wing & Plaza Areq - FPCC m^A | H Bids v/ere received for the construction of the West Wing at Forest Park Community ^^H College. Upon recommendation of the s t a f f / M r . Robertson recommended the Board accept the ^~^^| , low bidder for base bid plus three additive alternates/; Kloater Company, inc. , w!th the condition ' ^^^H \ that the general contractor enter into contracts:with the low bid subcontractors on Electrical, ^^M i Plumbing and Sprinkler, and Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. ^ H ? | Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was r ^ ^ | ^BM ?!~ * ; . • RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District does hereby accept the bids of the following low bidders which shall include the base bid plus all three additive alternates, for construction of the West Wing arid Plaza drea at Forest Park Community College, Under Contract N o . 6 8 - 1 , a l l in accordance with District plans and specifications, j~ ^ \l General Contractor KSoster Company, Tnc. 'r • - p- : '.''• I j "^ ^< ^ z I ^ ; 331,500,00 | I^BH I^^^H 263,118.60 | - ' - ^ H H H Heating,Ventilating,and Air Conditioning Subcontractor T^o^irHnTTyraar^cartTrporation ""~"":~ 8 f t ,000.00 j 5 ,} % ;B^H I ^ H --*• ^ ^ ^ 1 sl^^H FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President or Vice-Resident of the Board of Trustees is | ^ H hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Kloster l^^l Company, I n c . , for the construction of the WestWing and Plaza j ?i^H area at Forest Park Community College, for a total cost of ^_[ J'~-|^H $3,634,756.00, with the condition that the General Contractor ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ H enter iritoTontracts with the following subcontractors for the I ^ll^H amount indicated for electrical, plumbing and sprinkler; and j I ^ I^H| heating, ventilating, and air conditioning work to be done on the ' l ^ ^ l project, all in accordance with plans and specifications previ ously j V ^^^B submitted to said subcontractors and on file with the District, ^I^^H designated Contract. N o . 6 8 - 1 : h^^B John Lodbetter Electric Company - Electrical Subcontractor in the amount of$331,500.00 ' Edward Seitz Plumbing Company - Plumbing and Sprinkler Subcontractor in the amount of $263,118.00 -> L J ^ H ^ ^ ^ B "^^H ^ll^H $|^^B ^^fl _ The funds for this contract are to come from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. : „. $ 2^356,138.00 Plumbing and Sprinkler Subcontractor /RwarJ SeitzT^ul^ing^omf^y"^ * ! ! w^^H ^ ^ ^ 1 Electrical Subcontractor John Led»etteTEiectric~Company v. . • | ^^Hj | l | } \ \ fflfl ; ^ H Rock H i l l Mechanical Corporation - Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning SubcOntractor^^H in the amount of $684,000.00 I I I lir - - ' ' -; '; -. , f- - . . * ; c • • : • • . 5. • "- - - : '. . .! : : " . ' • • _ • • • : " - " ; ' ' ' .': ; : 5:1 i : -i "''-'^ - i : i ; . . • ~ •• ~ * ' :<i;i. - ^ i : Warrant Check Register ;V * - 1 ,a ^ r 5- ^ B . • BUSINESS AND FINANCE | . -•-- > —• i . , ;. ' ^ The Warrant Check Register for June, l?68^jwa*presented to the Board for approval. *- . J •:; , - , . . . • . : " - ' ' '. ~ Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson,~seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with,the aye i vote of all members of the Board present, all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant jj Check Register for the month of June, 1968, were ratified and approved by the Board.0 5,2 ^ ,y, Notification of Contract No. 1035-MC - Installation^ Benches - MCG ,y .. The Bbard'was requested to ratify'a contract I No i 1035-MC between the District ' ' • , - ' I ' - " ' ' : - ' : • • ' • • • * • : ' ' ' ' ^ and Midwest Engineering and Construction Company for the installation of sixty-five benches, furnished by others, at; Meramec Community College, injthe amount of !j>1,430.00; '"• < . ' ; : ~ "' ' ! - . : • - I ' ^ * r .'"• ' -• ; '. • : : • I! : " •' . RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby ratify and approve Contract No. \035-MC with Midwest Engineering and Construction Company for^the Installation only of sixty-five berwhes at Meramec Community College, ii|the amount of '•• $1,430.00, said funds to Be paid from tfte Building Fund of the District, ''=>'" ' l '. ''-••:••' . •: -j ' . j : ~ ' ' • . - •••• ' ' ' :>:• o-.'- - . • •-' '5'3' • • • " • . • . • • ; . .^ • • : - . • • ' • • • • - - • • ' "•' " - .,- • 5 - • • - •• ::' . . •'. •;^- •:•< • • ; ":-^ •• . .'•••:• • " • : ' . ; ' ; ! '•; • \'^:. ; - - - • • : - ; : i • ••-•: : ii • \:\"- • ! , . . ' . I : -• : ' : •:; ti o ; ; • / . ~ ? - •• < " 0 o n mnfinn hv KAr~ 'Staurnrt'J'cnrnnrlmH bv Mr: W!llinm«nn "-i ' ^ \\ \'' ]', • v v, The Board;was requested to..accept the bid, lunder Bid. NoC-000840, and qw|ard an ' WnArAiinnn - I Acceptance of 3Jd - Bid No, 000840 - Lourjge Furniture -|;MGC for Meramec Community College/in the amount of $3/598.25. J ! J ^ ; ;; .; i: _ • • • r '^ •- j ; ^ " : ;jj \ I j I i o- :• " : : ' • . : ; ^ - j! \ | order to Gojor Art^Printing dhd Stationery Company, for|twerity-six pieces of lounge furniture I -H\ Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, secbndedby Mr. Willfamsonj, and with ' -. r V : .' ': 1i ; ; " • j; the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was i ! ^ ."- ' i; nnH wifti f t i * V : f -*\ 3 * : - i : v T .- : ? ' • - • - : :-: - • - t o ' - - , • . -. - ' 5.4 > ' <; ,- ' * - ^ • - ; •:•.;,. !• - \ \ - • . -i • : . - . • •: _ , ••'••••••'.: :.. : . ;. - , , - . cS- . : . - • '? The. Board was requested to accept the b i d , under Bid - I ; " ~ \.- : ' :.-'-' '. •! - ,,|:"- : :-': • , : : :• N o . 000850, and ; award an ~t- • , - " ' - .- •• ' I fcr Meraroee Community College, in the amount of $4 ,242.00. ; } I: • '\ ' \ '•••: "..-]; aya vote of all members of the Board present, it was ^ bid, under Bid Nor 000850, and award an order to Gilbert A , i • .;--Jjk r-^ : i'-'-.. . 5.5 j ~:" ! ' 1! V , __^[ <i j : 1 Acceptance of Bid - Bid N o . PR 16-68 - Publication of Student Newspapers - ~ A l l Three Colleges ^ : Force Company for eighty-four wood frame chairs with foamfilled pad seat, for Meramec Community College, all in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $4,242.00. said? funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District, ! 4 j RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby-accept the -y-; ..-,- " j '•':'[' :_ Printing Company , for the publication of the student newspapers for all three colleges, h, vhrough June 30,. 1969,^t a total cost of $ 1 0 , 0 0 5 ^ 0 . July 1 > 1568 7 | ' Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williams'on, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the i- aye vote of all Board members present, it was - • ' ;^ i-f1 • ^ : ! i - ^ . - ' ' r > : J ' • " • • . • • ' / - " ^ "'''''" . i • •• • '% RESOLVED, That the Board of Tru^ees does heroby accept the b i d , under Bid Mo. PR 16-68, and award an order to Mid Town Printing Company, for the publication of the student newspapers for all three colleges for the fiscal year July 1 , 1968 through June 3 0 , 1969, at a total cost of $10,005.40, said funds to be paid from the Student A c t i v i t y Fund of the Dhtriiit. " ' ,--':' •• T ° - , ! •! ,;;j i ' • :l r The Board was requested to accept the bid , under Bid N o . PR 16-68, to Mid Town / ^ . i V/heroupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr, Williamson, and with the \ / ! order to Gilbert A . Force Company, for elghlv-four wood frame chairs with foam-filled pad seat, "r J w ; |; i i^ v£ US ^ ' C3'-;;-- " f ' •. = Acceptance of Bids - Bid N o . 000850 - Wood Frame Chairs - MCC ? ? .-' RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the b i d , under Bid N o . 000840 ,and award an order to Color Art Printing and Stationery Company, for twenty-^six pieces of lounge furniture, all in accordance with District specifications, Meramec Community Coiiege, at 0 total cost of $3,598,00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District. for B*"^ ~ . #. ^ . "~ ij ^ -, - ^ F le •%, I .•-'" I •: = ir „•.. ~- • - . -. : • • • '-['-•- i- ^ -'M %^l ; -I' ! .5.6 Ace ptonce of Bids - Bid N o . 000886 - Selectrlc Composer - Art Dept, - M C C '' H The Board was requested to accept the b i d , under Bid N o . 000886, and award an H ^ E H • order to International Business Machines Corporation;, for a Selectric Composer for the Art : ' Department at Meramec Community College, in the amount of $4 # 730.00. "-|^H The Board discussed the staff recommendations for purchase of a Selectric Composer.., --^^H Whereupon,-on motion by Mrs. Johnson; seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with , :f ^ ^ H the aye vote of all members of the Board present, this matter was tabled until the next Regular Board _.^H| meeting for further consideration and explanation,by the staff as to why the low bid is not'acceptable | ^ H to District personnel: 5.7f *; Accepte/ice of Bids - Bid. N o . 000842 - Lounge Furniture - MCC ij^^H j ' ^ H The Board was requested to accept the b i d , under Bid N o . 000842, and award an i| ^ ^ | ~^^H order to Educational ana* Institutional Cooperative Service, for twenty-four items of lounge ^^IH furniture for ,\Wamec Comfnunity Col lege,, Jo be delivered and installed, in the amount of ^ H $2,898.32. H I • Whereupon,,Mr. Williamson offered and "moved the adoption of the following! cp^ -- - resolution: ! |" |i i:J ""> RESOLVED,'That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid under Bid N o ; 000842, and award an order "to Educational and institutional Cooperative Service / for twenty-.four items of lounge furniture for 'Meramec Community College, to be delivered and installed, a l j j i n accordance with,District specifications, tjt'a total cost of $2,898.32^said funds to be paid from the Building Furili of the District. 0" r>^^. ~^^H < _" ^ ^ ^ ^ | ~ i I - = Mrs. Johnson seconded the motion to adopt [the foregoing resolution, and the question being put to a vote, the motion failed to pass, due,to a lack of a majority vote. f I H Mm. Johnson, Mr. Stewart, and Mr. Williamson voting " A Y E " , Mr. Witte voting " N O " . Whereupon, the Chairman announced that the resolution had failed to pass since ^ H v f l H H^^l '|^H ' ^ H ^ H H f l - H I J >-^H J H 'TH^I All 'P '"'- -. ,' ' . r* }i .• , , * • Ji_ - /> ' i; " - s"- ' ----- ~ ' J § * L - • , 'r - "ill •')[ _, * ? > - ' . " ~"~~- , Il-.^, ' O " •- • ' I , j\ ',' J - ( ' ^i Whereupon, on motion by M r . : . W i l l i o m s o n / s e c o n d e d by M r . W i t t e , and with the ^'\\ :! Sl-'W fff IE ' •|||y if:.. $ aye vote o f o i l members o f the Board present, i t was 3 . " ' ' ' RESOLVED, That the Board^ of Trustees does hereby authorize a reconsideration of Item 5 . 7 / B i d N o , 0008J42, Regular Agenda of July 2 9 , !968, at the next Regular'Meeting of the Board of Trustees. c ; »£. ll ~ ' • ;V~ - - , - ? . " -! ~ - - £ • •I .» lf:-r £: 5.8 > • • • , • = '<! <**! J • . - , • ! ^ - -• *! . • • . • J : " " |; S\ I -• ! I- $ *•' order for a n electronic m u s i c j a b o r a t o r y for Meramec Community C o l l e g e , t o Ludwig Music , * ' ~' " ' House, t h e sole b i d d e r , i n the amount of $ 7 , 7 3 0 . 0 0 . K II fj. " - , /-s-i. ! ,:#-" ' aye vote of a l l members o? the Board present, it was )? £ If I, V. ||" I| v .-"' :• ' ' I '• p : 5,9 h ' ' •• - • !v» - ll , " ^ '? ' ^ i -'* 5:9.1 1 I , $100.00 from the North County Sinawik for the Florissant \ V a l l e y Community College Emergency Student Loan Fund. [ , 5.9.3 ' ~. V.rl ; ' . • - •" , • • l i.-i r 'l j N $200.00 from the Lewis and Clark Women's C l u b , M . F . W . C , t o establish The Lewis and Clark Women's Club l o a n Fund, for'the Florissant Valley Community College Emergency ' Student Loan Fund." , _ ' , i ', . ! i ' . . ! , •; •'"" [J 5.9.2 |^ fr'i^. fl ,'? • • 4! ->j ' The Board was requested to approve the acceptance of donations and'grants as follows; (', ft* ?f ij f; , ;| [ I! " ?i : I i t v i I* |«- v 5 : : Acceptance o f Donations and Grants ' ^ , i y - IV -SI _ ,*j ,- ' *' • • - "f( |} • i, | ' ' ' 1' *! I RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the b i d , ur>der Bid N o . 000868, and award an order to Ludwig Music House, the sole b i d d e r , for an electronic music laboratory for Meramec ' Community College, a l l in accordance with Distr?ct ; $pecifications, at a total cost^of $7,730.00, said funds to be| paid from the Building Fund of'the District. ' % h Ij |! P . ,/' Whereupon,on motion by Mr. Stewart,seconded by Mr, Wi^iamson, and with the If ! • " Bid. N o : j)00868 - Electronic Music Laboratory - MCC . _>. . . : „ . The Board was requested to accept the b i d . under B i d . N o . 000868, and award an ~ IIf ?i v, \\ .J ,;, l\ ;i Acceptance of Bid - h • ' vif ] J ! ' i 'H |i ! ! , • <\ 2 0 | ''£ * ' .Increase i n tho T\{ p r a n t from Category l l o f rhe',Higher Education Act of 19l65, Tit le V I . A . bv $1 .028700. mdklna a i \ — !| & '4 a ! I ' ^^ I I 1. 5.9.4 Grant of $15^000.00 by the National,Endowment for the ' r | ? Humanities for a project directed by R-ofessor Molkom G . ; Jackoway of forest Park Community College. ' z }-' 5.9.5 Grantof$24j,|873!00 from the U.iS. Oepaitjrment of Health, | 'l * ^ Education, and Welfare for the support of library resources l )•_ ~ und materials I Florissant Valley Community College, $8,110.00; ,j : -v : Forest Park Community College]; $8,510,00; and Meramec , l " Community College, $ £ , 2 5 3 . ^ 6 ^ , ^ = : ' 5 . 9 . 6 Grant of $9,002.00 from tKe federal government for funding : ; of the Nursing Student Loan Program for fiscal year 1968-69. ;: • with the contingency that!he,Junior College District contribute i j -an additional[eneriiinth of the government grant, or $1,000.00, - ~ ?''Q v • to the NursliwStudent Loan Program; , ' J r yMijfc-" i% .& I|T f5 ;F i\\ £ ^g -!".t"-;'",' ^A _, . -.'.":;-' ' aye :- " vote- of -. • aWhereupon, 5.9.7 =;-' 5 'RESOLVED, donations Valley reestablish $200.00 student $100.00 for 5.9.8 lEducation .increase l_9members ,.the 9 ^~ " ~Community Ffbrissant Loan ~,Valley from from Jn 425.00 :'Warren at head Meramec $25.00 for Act Two of Tho That on the an Fund. the the the motion of phone telephone estimated TV Lewis the Community Lewis R. from Board North Valley Business 1965. College Grant Community Wagner Board "sets and by the K.and present, County Title Community Mrs. retail M switchboards, from^CategoTv from Clark Program Progressive of Emergency .Clark College, Memorial Trustees A VJohnson, College lSouthwestern Ivalue lSfnawik Women's .eitA Women's nat. was ,. College JForest bv Women's of does rStudent Student .Emergency two ;seconded forjrhe $300.00. JiIClub of l of her? Club, .028.00. Park power Ruston, Bell Emergency tha Loan Loop Club Lc^in £)? Florissant Comn.Unlty Telephone Higher M by accept Student plants, Fund. .Fund of Fund, Louisiana, F Mr. mnU™ . St WWilliamson, of .'Louis .and the Loqn CCompany FlorissantCollege, «, following twenty ^'( to to Fund, thft the and w?th ji;,! the /iI1" • I 'l ~'-M I jH II ; l ~~ I <| S ] • | f| , >-- 11 |jiM ].< ]m ji:'M ;jA H» 1 jI|lIl||l ! : ; - " 'l '. : ' : •• - • ,; j f - - . . j - ' = - _ < • . < • : / - " 1 • ' • ~ ' I . - " ' < ~ • I' • , I! ; '..7 • ''''' ? , : . • - - , J i- ' " '•" i- • - S ' , • r - __/.- . ^ t : ; M ,\\ ] - "-• - ci ° v • ; . | ! 1 - ;/' ! ' !• . • •'•''•: T =: • : - • " V - - „ i : ; ".-.;'" ^ | I ii . it ; I j; ; ,. ' i : : . . . • ' I ; ,;:' " : - ;••:: ! . ' :.;:•' ' ' .-, _ l . ' !•• -ii • *~.•••"' " l ; ^j ' " - j u ,_' >| v ' I" ; sl ' I V J r " * h ' '•-„ j,. j '!' • -^ : v - j , o-' : ;• '•' I ' :' . ! ;)] 1> : . , / I ;_" . , > \; . '•"••: •.,••• ' ^ $ "~ : '• T . • ^'j •:• \ ° ' ': * - FURTHER RESOLVED, That t h e Secretary o f the,Board be a n d hereby is | authorized to express appreciation on behalf of th« Board for these • 'donations.' ^ * ; ; !• • • <• . jj FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the contribution by the District of $1,000.00 to the Nursing Student/' Loan Program, as a contingency l o t h e federal government grant of $9,002.00. Funds to be paid from the General Fund of the District. 14 |f '• • , ' . • • : ; " • ' i • • : ; • : •< 2-'s~^ l fe. I ; k p- • - ." • ii ^ ' L; j \]~... \\ . ( ; ;| ••'•• ! - : - , < t i Two telephone switchboards, two power plants, oiyj twenty head phone sets from Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; for Hie Business Program ot Forest Park Community College] " at an estimated retail value of $300.00. ° f ; -' > , .' -!-'s : .;; ..' : ' ' { • • 525.00 from R. M . A l l e n , J r . , of Ruston, Louisiana, to the , j[ : Worren R. Wagner Memorial Student Loan Fund of lorissant 0 ! .Valley Community College. ...) *• 5 ; -^ ' ' . ' .-, \ i $25,00 from the Progressive Women's Club of St.Loui$% the Meramec Community College Emergency Student LoanlFund^ ', \. {-. *[ ! " " ^ f P '-.- _ • L •• ! • ' • : • • ' • • Grant of $9,002:00 from the federal government for funding /'• of the Nursing Student Loan Program for fiscal year 1968-69' / with the contingency thatthe Junior College District contribute on sa'ditiona! one-ninth of the government grant, or $ 1,000.00, to the Nursing Student Loan Program. " : ' ' Grant of $24,873.0) from the U. S. Deprnftntent of Hea!th y Edu^flttohi and Welfare for the support of librery resources and materials. Florissant Valley Community College, $8,110.00; Forest Park Community College, $8,510,,00; and Meramec Community College, $8,253.00. ![ n . • : . , • = I: ' • Granf of $15,000:00 by the Notionaf Endowment forth© Humanities for a project directed by Professor Meslkom G . Jackoway of Forest Park Community College. ^fc I I .'= • • " ' i} ! • ii » .. - ^ ' i ' • : . ~' .' . . • : - . : • -•:.. - ••»• . , u 1 ; • .= .. , '• :: ;J.. :,'.;.;..>';! t 5.10 I^^BI Acceptance of Bid -'Cringe Insurance - District l^fl On Item 5 . 9 of the Regular Agenda of June 24 , 196$, the Board rejected all bids for I H I general insurance and authorized advertisement for bids for insurance with riot coverage exclusion • h ^ ^ H " ' ^ | - deleted. HI l~>? The Board was requested to reconsider jfhe bid of Daniel and Henry Company for f; crime insurance coverage, since this bid did not specify riot coverage exclusion. for a fixed three-year premium of $1,918.00. | ^ H | This bid is '-^fli j| ^^M Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by/ Mr. Williamson, and with the I} aye vote of a l l members of the Board [present, the crime insurance coverage bid was approved 'f^*-.-. for reconsideration. VJf ^^H M|, ' '1HH Whereupon, on motion bj/- Mr. Stewart f seiconded by Mr, Williamson, and with the j: c :'-• Q/s vote of a l l members of the Board present," if' was ! r aii ||? |r '$?''"-•-. If flBfl ^ ** j ; ~ ••-••" ft • h W^M ' ^^H RESOLVED^ t h a t the Board ofJ r u s t e ^ d o e s hereby accept the bid and ,, award an order to ; & m i e f a n d Henry Company for crime Insurance coverage , in accordancei w i t h t h e specifications for^aid ir^yrance, for The Junior College District, for a fixed three-year pr^miurji:of $1,$18.00, effective August I , 1&>8, said funds to,be paid f r o m ' t f e ^ n e r a r F u n d of the District. 5.11 ' C o n t r a c t f o r t l u ? of-Clinical Facilities at j-iomer G . Phillips Hospital ., By RodiolpgicaI;Technology PVbgram > PPCC~ i " ] The Board was requested tb approve and authorize a contract with Homer G . Phillips ^ D ?, ^ ^ f l ^ H • r • ^ H • • ^ M ' • • j ^ S ^Hospital for use of clinical facilities fqr the Radiological Technology Program of Forest Park ^ H fl Community College for q Qne-yearpei'iod bfeglnnlng SelDtember 18, 1968, automatically renewable ! ^ f l ?t; for addirione) one-year periods, at no cost to the District.! fV / ^ H p j . Whereupon, on motion byJMr. Stewart, seconded by'Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye Um -•*-**r'-v, " "H--~ v f " . i w > H H ' . - •''.'-"••• Ri&tt-h* 4 1 - •*" - v i • *• ^ _'tf •-. , .- . '.^ i< / ' '» '•• V •>. • f ; ' I .! ; ' j ft, ' •' r ii • l i ? m ' 7 -Sj V i ! • i V ' .V,! : ' *l • / ? ft! It " I ff|| : A fl _~ I . ffI • ' - I; % 7 I -, §; 'V ' • 1 RESOLVED/ That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve and authorize a contract with,Homer G . Phillips Hospital for use of clinical facilities by the'Radiological Technology Program of " Forest Park Community College, at no cost to the District, for a one-year period beginning September 18,, 1968, automatically renewable for additional one-year periods. ,. , ' ' • ,i ' ISr - > ' ' FURTHER-RESOLVED. That the President or the Vice President of the Board of Trustees is hereby authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract for and on behalf of the District , in a form to be approved by legal counsel for the District. f| :| ,; »_- I, '-t U. | ; I 5.12 i: Awarding an Order - Moving Edex Responder Unit!- MCC The Board was requested to award an/order!to Electronics Specialties, I n c . , for I ~ t moving the Edex responder-unit from jlthe temporary buildings to the new Science Lecture hell V at Meramec Community College, at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00. Electronics Specialties, Incl / I j ^ is a sole source, since this is the confpany which madfli original installation of the Edex unit. ,1 ;_ \ --•: f "•', 'iA 'v ' \ . j / : • ;i ^ ! / - : " : }• ^ j - P ^P f " r Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Williamson, jandwith~v - - • - " • ••••-!"• ..•• : •: . " • ; ! •?' j •• I - ' - J . - " ! • $ ' : t - the aye vote of all members of the Board present^ it was & • - f: I || \ ••' • ••• i : : ••-•' - . , - , • • ' . ? RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby award an order to ElectronicSrSpecialties, Inc. ,'.for.mjySng fhe Edex Responder Unit from the temporary bulldjngs to the new Science Lecture Hall af Meramec Community College, at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00, said funds to be paid frorn>thejBuilding Fund^qf the District. I 5.13 !' I ! ' ' ' • • ' . . I I ! ! j! ! I ? Acceptanceof Bid - BidjlNo. 00Q862 - Hand Utensils - Student Center » All Thrae Colleges ; order for hand utensils for the Student Centers for all three colleges, to Peerless Hotel Supply, * ' - • ' • ' . ': ' j : •••• . • • ' • . . . . ' ' . : ' ' l ; • , ! , . ; ••'" i. the low bidder meeting fhe specifications, in the amount of $4,849M0. c I • ! ' • • j Whoroupon, on motion b^ Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr, Stewart, and with the ^ ^ - - ..-•.- > f The Board was kequestedjto accept the bid> under:Bid N o . (P00862, and award an i* * .r_ll i - r «.*. _ o - ^ - J i i L k L —-."1 *1 ...__ "- -J-" - -! : , • ! i i: u i . r : ! f . ':•.: •.'' . > : ; - ! • • • i i . • ... • ' . . • • : • : • ' ' • . • ' : ! • ' • • ' ' • / • . ' . : . ' . . ' •'-'. ; .:! ' ~ - ~ : - ; • - -> \ - : - ; c - ' •> • / . . ' • . " - : : ' ' . . X . * . . . : _ ' • • . . : ' . • . . ' • ; : • . . - in Accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of U $4,849.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the- f District. ' 5.14 • i [••'•]: " . : i: !;w | •"' •"' 1 . ' "• .' , i c (: ^ ^ j : ^ V . •'. i' .': \*-. " Acceptance of Bid - Bid N o . 000682 - Shelving ~:MCC S" : '-":' j. . ' I ' ' • \' ' " ~ • - • ^ . -•-• - ~ • . • • - . . ! : ' • \ : • - • • • • '•• • \ order for full space shelving for Merarrfec Community College, to Conner Universal Company f ; •• ? : i ' • " • in the amount of $2,955.00. 1 _ : ' :: • ,. •'- .;J:..<! ~ 1; . '; _ - The Board was requested t o accept the b i d ! under Bid N o . |O00882, and awardjan i- '"-rr. ,, c•• - . > I? - W h e r e u p o n , oft motion b y Mr... Stewart', seconded b y M r , W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h ; -' : - . ' f '.,•.• " .. ' . ;1 • i the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was \J= I; ;. | l !\^^ h ~ - •'. T " 5.15 -. •':_; ; " ' " " ; = . ; •i - ; . ' " • ' . . ';> ' ' . ! ' • I' -•'••• • :\ l ' • ! . iimiMiiiii • • ! i • • ! i i ^mm -"'r\ ,i I M H — — i n n m u m • > • - • V •••:•..• i I nil • ; • i u • • • • Wn • • • • > • « • • • • M ^ ,i< il»i .'• " ! X HwMMiliy I«I nil n M I • • I B — W m W I ' i ' ]'. '-v, !.• | ; Fy order for radio communications equipment for t h e Security p e p a r t m e n t o f Forest Park Community f C o l l e g e , t o M o t o r o l a Communications, the l o w bidder meeting the specificat?o?is, i n the amount of$5,387.00, \ ^ ^ .*1JtX«i«aMi • III • • l l i i a « l f f l I •MHWHIHI i ,..,,' The Board was requested to accept the b i d / u r ^ ^ j d , N o . 000878, and award:an - I c,i ^ f " 'i • !, | ' ' : '•' Acceptance of Bid - Bid N o , 000878 - Security^adio Communication Equipment - f P C C • — ii w n x m i . -. ; z ': • " RESOLVED/That,the Board of Trusses does hereby accept the bid, under Bid N o . 000882, and award an order|tojConner Universal Company, for full space shelving for Merarnec Community College, a l l in accordance with District specifications,; at a total cost of ' $2,955.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the ^ Disfrict. ":'- y K , |;_. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the | ) '^u ^ : ° ' T = ; * i • j : . I' f : ' 't, RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees doei hereby accept the bid, under Bid N o . 000862, and award an order to Peerless Hotel Supply, for hand utensils for the Student Centers at a l l three colleges, all 1 •:."'.. : ' ' I ^ ^ J- ^ ^ ' f' • ! - . ' \ - t I .. '' -- .. • ;• aye vote of all members of the Board ^G»cnt, It was RESOLVED, That the Board ofTTCTalees does hereby accept the laid, iUhdar Bid N o . 000878,"and award an order toj Motorola Gohnmunications, for radio communications equipmsnt for the Security Department of Forest Park Community College, at a total cost of $5,387.00, raid funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the*District, ] | ; ; : w .„ " ' " v- % - 5.16 ~^7 -• >^fc Acceptance of Bid - Bid No. 000847 - Office Furniture - MCC H The Board was requested to accept the bid, under Bid l>!o„ 000847, and award an ^ '" ^ | " ^ H - ^y ^H order for office furniture for Meramec Community College >cto Educational <ind Institutional Ti Cooperative Service „ in the amount of $37182.71: [ ^M ' I^H 'a'Hfl - f Whereupon, on motion by Mr.-Williamson, seconded by Mr, Stewart, and with I ! 'I' the aye VCte of g|| members of the Board present, \\ WAS determined ro table ltem~5 J 6 <>f the ?.__ Agenda of July 29, 1968, for re-subm'usion at the next Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees. ":'BB v I B ^^^E ; ^Hfl ^ H H 1 L 5.17 l . H Awarding an Order - Testing of Soils, Materials, Foundations - All Three Colleges • • The BoardI was requested1 to award orders ftxReitzland Jens for soil testing and engineering" ' | H forthe SocioLScience and.'Business jiuijding at Merdmec = Commuri?ty College, in the amount of _ ^ i^B $8,000.00; to Soil Testing Services,f Inc., to ircure adequate foundatibm for the West Wing at l ^ | Forest Park Community College and to insure that fou)Nation and caisson work is installed ~^| according to "specifications, in the amount of $6,000.OO/iandtoAncoTesting for njaterial; testing j i ^ | Hi for Forest Park West1 Wing and Auditorium, $9,000.00 - Meramec Administration and Engineering .«•; ; • • Buildings, $9,000.00.- Florissant Valley Science and Engineering-Business Buildings, $8J,000.00. a Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart /seconded by Mr J Williamson, and \??th the ^ 8 | ; aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby award orders to the following: Reitzand^ens.For soil testing and engineering forthe Social Science and Business Building at: Meramec Community College, at a total cost |of$8,000.00; a^ ;5oil Testing Services, Inc., forthe West Wing at Forest Park Community College; to insure ad<?auate fourvdations for these buildings and to insure ^ ^ B | ^ | ^M ^^1 ! ^ | : J H H ^^1 H % « I J IL^^ ? ^P -^ / c > • U ^-;,_.;: r u\[ "'"" ~~ i ••••"'.=•. b - - :."-•••> h .' • • Anco Testing / For material fersfing for the West Wing and Auditorium of Forest Park Community College, at a total costof $ 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 , \ \ J... for material testing for the Administration dndEngireering Buildings v i r of Meramcc Community College, at a total cost of $9,000.00, for material testing for trtieSc fence and Engineering-Business Buildings at Florissant Valle) ^Community College, a t a total ....... cost ofj$8,000.00. The total cost for Anco Testing nofto exceed $26,000V00. / •;„'-'V'.r -•: -'./: . b ]*"• ,' A f l of said funds to be paid from Hie Building Fund of The Juni'pr College District. . i/\ •: . • . - - • ' • ' • " " ' " 5.18 . iii •„ -' ' j ! • • ; • • ' • ' • ; ! > ! "Ir 4 (> ' ^ i^ ' j;' i; j: v ; Hv. :_ .: if . !' - '"J.'5 .: - • ; *| Acceptance" of Bids - Contract N o . 6 8 - 7 4 - Chalkboards and Tackboards- FVCC : -._. ' r . " ^ - _- ' ' . . i "•'!•'• '.,•••' ...,,. , : ; , ' i . . ' •' ": '-' ! ":- h ', ,:; T ! ' «'JI ::-' _, an order for chalkboards and tackboarcls for Florissant Valley Community College, to Goiterman I ? •' '„ i ;';; '; The Bc^rd was requested to accept the b i d , under Cdntroct N o . 68-74, and award I ': -••'". and Sabo, in the amount of $3,135,007 «•-_.- ^ i Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr r Will jamson, andwith -~ -' : the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was ; t "^^_ i -\ "^ ^ ; T I ";=: j - •'.-, RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees doe;, hereby accept the b i d , under Contract N o . 68-74, and award an order to Golterman ahd Sabo for chalkboards and^ackbodrds for FlorissantValley'. Community College, at a toralVosf of $3,135.00> saici funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District. b i .!"- •:•'5.19 \\ „ - I ! - i ^ ; - ; ° f c .; : v Acceptance of Bids - B i d N o . PR 17-6d>- Audio-Visual Equipment - MCC " " ' • . I H l • • - I . .... LI . _. I I .- I ... . IBI I U I I I I ] I I II II JIMIIPI •• II I H B M M ^ M f ^ ^ M J .• '"'• v ? - " j! <§* - , ? - ~ ' i * - ' -J. ;- .-. ..! The Board WAS"^qUoatod 16 dccopt the bids, under Bid N o . PR 17-68, and award orders j= for audio-visual equipment for Meramec Community College, to Eastman-Kodak , in the amount of t '$3>922.62; W. Schiller and Company, In thri amount of $1,707,45; Jefferson Camera, in the l_ I amount of $2,049.80; Deering Camera, • ill the amount of $196.37; and^Stanley Photo, in the • ' . ' " . ' l J .'.'".•• : • ||- ri>~"":" • ^ •[:•"•':" ,^y^i 7 ' ' .•. i; % amount of $1,697.64; a l l low bidders meeting the specifications for eachUudio-visual item. f^ _ Vfaareupon, on motion by Mr,| Williamson; seconded by |Mrs. Johnson, and wifh ,< - ' ' • ' - & ; ,'n•• % Cv . it- | u ^ 4 ^ T- • ^ ^ H RESOLVED, That the'Board of Trustees does Hereby accept the bids, under Bid N o , PR 17-68,]; and award an order!to: ; •;•; Eastman-K(|palc at a total tost\of $ 3 , 9 2 2 . 6 2 | , W . Schiller!&_Co. at a total Jost of $ 1 , 7 0 7 , 4 5 : '= Jefferson Camera at a total cost of>$ 2,Q49.|80 Deering Camera at a total cost of $ 196;37 c Stanley Pho|o at a total cost of $ 1,697.64',V for audio-visual equipment for Meramec Community College, all in accordance^wjth Districtjspecifications, saidifunds TO Be paiafrom the Building Itund of the|Disfrictv : " ;. H " : " :.'; ^ r • i; > C" £ ~x . ^ Xi^'-/ h • 5.20 ] | ^ H ^ ^ H ^ D ' ^ H DflH . G^fl H I \ ^ ^ l V "^^H H H \ ": \^::_ ' Acceptance of 3 i d s - BicfjNo. 000880- JanitorialService-5545 West; Park r The Board was requasted to accept the b i d , under!Bid N o . 000880/ahd award r J ^ B ...,=„.--i\>.- l | m an order for janitorial service for tne building at 5545 West Park, to Midwest Building Service, ; I • - • .' '*'t ' '• '^^H $2,750^00. j H j _: Whereupon, on motion by-Mr. Stewart, secondedby Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of a'l members of the Board present, it was r I t E,; - 5.21 |: ];.;.- Acceptance of Bids - BidJNo. Q0839 r. Rubbish Removal - District Locations L ~ <^^H ^ I^B " -^^B '^^H ^ ^ J ^ ^ H -^^H { \ .--y •-''•:/ . ^ ^ H : I .'.... '% The Board was requested toaccept the b i d ; under Bid. No ! . 00839, and awa'rdjorders for rubbish removal at various locations of The Junior ColIegeiDisrricf>: for the period of" j <! I p-I .,1 r •• ;• I''. I August 1,1968 through June 3 0 , J 969, to Hueffmeier Brothers, I n c . , in the amount of I .?'•••;:• r ••:':• fe""i-L. '$8 # 150.00/aiidWZyfccin Brothers^, life.'", in the arnoupt of!$2,354,,00,. ! WHereuDon. on motion bv!Mrs. Johnson, seconded bv Mr. Stewart, and With the H | "^^^| I i E^H | RESOLVED, That the Board oftrustees does hereby accept the b i d , under Bid No 1,000880, and award an order to' Midwest Building -i- Service, lnc.> for janitorial service for the building at 5545 West Park Avenue>,} forthe period of August 1,1968 through June 30, 1969,..all in accordancey/ifh District specifications, at a total cost o f $2,750.00, said funds to be paid fromithej General Fund :-' of the District. ; " i'^-: ^ • ^; __'" ~ I- ll^H I n c . , for the period of August 1 , 1968 through June 3 0 , 1969!, in the. amount of - |" ^ ^ - ; '^^B • v^^fl 1 j H H^l • J ~ J,-, p\-'::^ '-* ^ B ^ " r ^ '- 5,22 I , « . i - ; ] 'I "',} - - ' " ' - . . : • , r< ! "," ' : I I RESOLVED, That the BOiird of Trustees does hereby accept the bids, | III I I I under Bid N o . 00839, and award orders for rubbish removal as follows:; I ••••• Hueffmeier Brothers^ Inc. District Office 10 South'Hartley Item 1 ; ^ H Forest Park;" : Item 2 and 3 H Meramec j Item 4,0^6,7< and 8 ^ ^ f l X ^ y k a r i Brothers, I r l c ^ Item 9, and 9% • • 0 Florissant V^JJey for the period of-Augustljjj., 1968 through Jujr%3Q, "1969, a\\ in accordance ! H H with District specifications -/at a total cost^i?Huoffmeier Brothers, I n c : , ^ ^ H $8,150.00, and Zykanlfothers, I n c . , $2,354.00, said funds to be paid * H I from the General Funarofthe District. ; ' ^ H Acceptance of &|d - Bid N o , 000861 - Plates and: Mugs - Student Center - FVCC '— ., ;•-. V ^ . - • i"ii n w i i i i n i M l i W l l • iMTii. " : ——• ', — i ' ii I D I H W M I ' --• • = ' • The Boand was requestedJb accept the bid,/urider Bid N o . 000861, and award;an r "™ -_ | H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H | '^^H order for plates andmugs for the Student Center at Florissant Valley Community College, | J ^ H in the amount of $5,706.55, to Ford Hotel '^^fl Supply, the low bidder meeting the specifications, i Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. .Williamson, ard with ln I j , " the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was _^^| ' 1 ^ 1 RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept'the b i d , under Bid No< 000861, and award an order to Ford Hotel Supply ,. for plates and mugs for thej Student Center at Florissant Valley Community Col l e g e / a l l in accordance with" District specifications, at a total cost of $5,706.55, said funds to be paid from the' Building Fund of the District r j ^ H | ! ! ^^M '-I^H ^^m ' H ^ H U ••j i? ... rv ^ ^ ^ H VHBE k -mmM _ ,„*,„«,. ^ , - . - ~ . - - - « • - ' -,f:v'-' ; . " . : :; ••'*•" " - < - ' -3 '- I - ._ | i ' -- |v-*r->-~' - _ \ y *-<• ' ------ ,i, -nr i. - ' • - L - '; , • ' ; ' 5,23 | -.|..- • . ' • , • • • ! : • " ' • ' • • " ; . ' i . ' Contract N o . PR 7-68 - Food Service Operator - FVCC - — " ~ " • - • The Board was requested to accept the bid and award Contract {ViO-. PR 7-68 , for £•"•-' "• . _ . -_ . _ . . ' ' l^'..:• - - . _ - ''V' x -1 "i >— contract food service operation for Florissant Valley Community College Student Ce?*er, to I; ' ' ' _ "] \v ' r %z[ Catering M a n a g e m e n t , I n c . , high bidder of monthly commission p a y a b l e t o the District i n ihe £ , -- amount o f 6 % o f the gross soles, commissions t o be a p p l i e d t o the A u x i l i a r y Services-Student Union •/I Fund. Onfract is for a one-year period, September 2f 196$ through September 1 , 1969, ^C . f "' , r -11 I ! ; : " * ' , I Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by bhx. Stewart, and with the i aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was : l ~ = -•''•~'-' ~ I ~^p>' I i? . ~ - ' „ \ ' RESOLVED, That the Board o f Trustees does t h e r e b y a c c e p t the b i d j ;> and awards Contract N o , PR 7 - 6 8 r r b Catering Management> Inc.,. for food service operation for FlorissantValley Community College; S t u d e n t C e n t e r , for a o n e - y e a r contract period September 2 , 1968 through September..V, 1 9 6 9 , w i t h earlier terminationi o n c e r t a i n conditions o i l is more f u l l y provideenin the specifications | <H j | i ' - ; FURTHER RESOLVED Thai Catering M a n a g e m e n t ; I n c . / w i l l remit to the District's G e n e r a l Fund 6 % o f the gross sales i n accordance - w i t h the bid and^wfth the Specifications/said revenues to be placed >n the Auxiliary; Ser^es-StudenlUniorr Fund. I , | I j; Pr J '-| jl 'I I j i if ',, • "j FURTHER RESOLVED, T h a | the President or V i c e ; President of thej Board beand hereby is authorized " and directed to execute the appropriate ceitrqei, for and on behalf of the District in the form specified in ~ the bidding documents. '!( . • ^ ~ i ' =* ' | j " . ! -i : ; ^ v I •i 5.24 ^V' \ Acceptance of Bid - 5?d N o . 000886 - Forced Air Filters - FPCC * ^ H The Board was requested to accept the b i d , under Bid N o . 000888, and award an ^ ^ H order to Brauer Supply Company for approximately 3500 forced air-filters of various sizes and - ^ ^ H descriptions, for the mechanical air system at Forest Parle Community College, in the amount W^m of $7,453.90. BB ^ Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Stewdi-t, seconded by Mr r Williamson, and with' -~ , ^ ^ H Bl the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was wKk RESOLVED, That the Bc«jrd of Trustees does hereby accept the b i d , under Bid Ho\ 000888, and award cri order?to Brauer Supply Company for approximately 3500 forced air filters of various sizes and descriptions, tor the ^itTchanical air system at Forest Park Community College, all in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $7^453.90, said funds to be paid from the Genera! Fund of the District. •A :V ^;J 5.25 i~"^^ ' Accaptance of Bid - Contract No.. 68-25 - ( Painting Resident-type Buildings - T M C C gJ : -W^m •'. The Board was requested to accept J he bid Tender Contract N o , 68-25, and award an order for painting four resident type buildings at Meramec Community College, to Gus T. ^iandge Painting Company, in the amount of $4 f 976,00, ^ ^ ^ | i _ --'•''" Whereupon, on motion by,.Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the' ~"*V' lt h£f aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was ~ J RESOLVED, That I ho Board of Trusfoos does hereby a c c & l h l ^ I d , under Contract''No. 68-25, and award an orderfori the pamtiricKof four resident-type buildings at Merqmec Community College, t o / ^ GusT.Handge Painting Company) at a total cost of $4,976.00, said funds to be p/jjd from rhe General FunrJ ofjthe District. , - ,^^M D H ^ ^ H ^KM ' ^ H ^^M ;• J ^ H flH '-^H • B H | '^^H ^ H ^ H ^ ^ H ^ — * * ** -. p ~~ i ^ r ", j ' ' r _- ~ -0t '" '- < ' ' > ' i " r ^ . 5.26 L ' " , — Acceptance of Bid - Bid N o , 000904 - - Gym Weari Kits - MCC • , _, . . . . . . > . ; . . . . , : . . . , • . . I 1 ' I ) I J . , , h - V . : J " . l 'O ' ^c^--•'-" l ' I T ~ — ^ , , ' l ^ "4 -1 ,« / '(J J •- . i, ' i ' - - -, r"fi - " - ^ ^ : The Board was requested to accept the b i d ; under Bid N o . 000904, and award an * - ' |: • : •" . v ' . . • " • • • • • : • ; - : — order for 1,000 gym wear kits for Meramec CommunityCollege [Bookstore, for resale to students, -P. to Champion Knitwear Company, in ihe amount of $3,110.00. , Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with 3 ', ' '•• ' ' • • - - • ,'•'• - • • . • ' • • • • ,..'•>• '- ' • I - ; - . ; : : if '• , . . , ' " ' 1 1 , . • ••, •••>':0 <>. the aye vote of all members of the Board present, It was : RESOLVED, That Hi© Board of Trustees does hereby (accept the b i d , under Bid N o . 000904, and award an order to Champion Knitwear Company, for r,000 gym wear k i t s / a l l in accordance with! District specifications, fo/ resale at Meramec Community College Bobbtoce, ; " at a total cost of $3,110,00;, said funds to be paid from the Auxiliary Services Fund of the District. ? I ^ *» '- '-" i 5.27 i '-,: •'-" 'r •• • •-' " ' Acceptance of Bids- Bid N o , |ffl>885 - Trays ^m • ; <" ' '" :) ) -' ' ' ! ') r MCC and FPCC Cafeterias - The Board was requested to accept the b i d , under Bid N o . 000885, and award an j order for plastic display pans, fiberglass trays, and oval wqjter trays'for the" cafeterias at Forest Park Community College ctridrMeramec Community College, fo Spero Company, in 'the amount of $4,720.00, arid to PooVless.HotelfSypply, in the qmoun* of $1,499.28. -1 ., Whereupon,_,on motion"by Mr.\W{!Iidmson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of a l l members of tho/Board p^osont, it was " > -• :'.'•:-. ' "'."'/-•• / _ - . . . - l RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby-acct^>t the bids, under Bid Nor 000885, and^award orders for plastic!display pans, fiberglass trays, and oval waiter trays, for the cafeteria? of Forest -fbrk Community College djnd Meramec Community C o l l e g e / t o • Spero C o m p a n y , a t a t o t a l cost o f $ 4 ^ 7 2 0 . 0 0 , ] a n d ; f o Peerless \ Hotol S u p p l y , a t a t o t a l cos! o f $ | , 4 9 ^ , 2 8 , a)I j l n accordance Will) District speclficaHSnS/ saidI funds t o be paid from the BuIIdingFundof the District. ^ V 1 I ""''.. l - M | ; : " :•: = " •:.;:; "''H*:. - • !•" ""•"•• : - "f."-. -; -I;'- " ! ' . . ' ! , : • k ••••••"• ; . " ; / (! ' . ' x > - r > - u '- ' '" r - • " •- L 5.28 •i ^P v • .! - )! ' = rJ- C. , • , r Ii » r- r- r ~'-r'- ' <l » ii , i ! J •' - iL - • Acceptance of Bids - Bid N o . 000903 - Oym, Wear - MCC and FVCC I - ' "_ ' ll , The Board was requested t o accept the b i d , under Bid N o ; 000903, and award an ^ H order for 134 dozen pieces of gym Wear for: Meramec Community College and Florissant Valley B f l Community College Bookstores, for resale to students, to E, R. Moore Company, in the amount j ^ H ; of $4,821.79C c" | H -.- Whereupon/ on motion by Mr. W i l l iamson /Seconded by Mrs, Johnson, and with the ^ H aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was " - ^ H RESOLVED, That the Boardof Trustees does hereby accept! the b i d , ^ H under Bid No,.. 000903/and award an order t,?;E. R, Moore Company, for 134 dozen pieces ofgym wear, allTh accordance witfi District specifications, for resale at Meramec Community Col lege and Fi©r*ssqr>t Valley Community College Bookstores, at a,total cost of $4,821.79, said[fundsJo be paid from the Auxiliary Ser/ices Fund of the District. 1 4fe ; -'•'•' 5.29 r ^ H ^ H , -^H >^H W^M ^^| Accsptancg pf B|<j - Contract No • M-4 - Grounds Maintenance Service - FVCC ^ H The Board was requested to accept the b i d , ur^erCohtract N o . M - 4 , arid flWdrd an ^ H order for grounds maintenance ssrvice at Florissant Valley Community College, to Frisella ^ H Nursery, for tho period J u l y -15,1968 through October 3 1 , 1 9 6 8 , in the amount of ^ H : $7,945.00. ••••••}!.; B ;• 11 .Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the ', ! : c aye vote of aMmembers of tho Board present, it was RESOLVED, That, the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the. b i d , and awards Contract N o .•'M-4;, to FriseHa Nursery, for groundsmaintenance service at Florissant S^alley Community College, for the period July 15, 1968 through October 3 1 , 1968, at a total cost of $7,945.00, said funds toi be paid from the Building Fund of' the District. : - /FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President or Vice President of the Board be and hereby Is autjiorized and directed to execute the.appropriate contract , ''^H '"'Hi '', ^ H ,! ^ 9 ^ 9 I B H 'Ml H I ^ | '-\ '¥[ J • 4 - 5.30 Mgintenonce Type Contacts - AH Three Colleges ^ H The Board was requested, to approve maintenance type contracts for all fhree colleges, ^BM with various companies who furnished ths.original equipment- It is recommended that the original ^ H • manufacturer maintain the equipment during the first year, particularly if a warranty is involved. ilflH Whereupon, on motion'by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and w«th the ^ ^ H aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was ~~^^| RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize and approve maintenance tyjse contractsfor a one year period, beginning date listed: - r ~ „ Merdm6c Community College: Chillers Heating & Air Conditioning Controls for Boiler House, Classrooms, and Library Heating,Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Controls for Science Building . ~ ^ : ^P Trane Company Mmneapolis-rHoneyweJI i J Minneapolis-Honeywell Florissant Valley Community College; Heating, Ventilating, and Minneapolis-Honeywell Air Conditioning Controls •: for leJIer Heyse flRdr— o H Library Building Heating,Ventilating, and c ; Minneapolis-Honeywell Air Conditioning Controls for Classroom Building Heating, Ventilating, and Minneapolis-Honeywell Air Conditioning Controls -; - $4,875.00 7,896.00 9/1/68 10/1/68 948.00 10/1/68 , estimated $2,148.00 , 10/1/63 estimated 1,860.00 10/1/68 i estimated 1,080.00 10/1/68 estimated . for Gymnasium u ; . • " ' ' ," ->: . ! ; ^ < : ^ \r*k. Forest Ftark Community Col logo: Heating, VenfHating, a n d / A i r Conditioning Controls ^ for East Wing and library e Heating,.Ventilating;93nd Air Conditioning Controls for East Wing Extension Elevators Meramec Community College Three Elevators Forest Rark Community College Four Elevators V ^ H H H H I | H ^ B ^^M ^^M -^^H H B - ^ | '^^| H ' ^ H r^^l ^ H " ^ H -^M ^ H '^^M ^^M " ^ H *^^H Minneapolis-Honeywell, $ 3,144.00 Minneapolis-Honeywell j 900.00 ! , 9/1/68 9/1/68 /General Elevator $ 1,464.00 9/l/68 General'Elevator , / 3,228.00 9/1/68 - ^ H H j • ^^| - ^ H ' U flH ^ H ^ O ^ H H | '<H H I I — " • ' ' • . • ^ " ' * '"''»• • . " ' - Mm Jinn I ,1.1... ill , I , II , I I IL .., » U l k l , . . " " . A _ I ... ; " ! . . . -FURTHER RESOLVED,-That the President or Vice President of the Board of Trustees be~and hereby is"authorized and directedto execute the appropriate contracts for and on behalf of the District, in a form to be approved by legal , counsel for the District. "^ ^ ^ 5.3V Acceptance of Bids-Contract No .68-JL1-Corridor Painting-FPCC The Board was requested to accept the b i d , urider Contract N o . 68-11 , and award an order for corridor painting at Forest Park Community College, to Reinhold 5. Lichtenstein. in the amount of $2,925.00. '" ' Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson^seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the "*. w •": ^L , -i - ayevote an ays Plumbing order vote 5.32 " for of of Company, ealawn llFURTHER with Whereupon, Contract The Moramoc from RESOLVED, lTrustees Acceptance to Forest RESOLVED, FURTHER Contract l contract members members be hydrant Board the District paid In Park be Building N the^amount Community RESOLVED, N RESOLVED, for of was of o from oand Community and of .That on That /specifications, the the and 668^26 requested 8 Bids motion the hereby' drinking -Board-present, Board the Fund 1on the 1-Building ,for of College, behalf Board Contract Board That to That of by College, Is present $5,721.00installation to ReinhdidS. fountain authorized the Mr. the accept the of of at Fund District, Trustees Trustees the to Stewart, aN President President ititototal at Finch for of;the .was was District. the a68-26 of and Lichtenstein, Meramec total cost bid does lawn does Plumbing seconded or District; directed or,4 -of cost iVice L Vice hereby hydrant hereby under ao$5,721.00, wCommunity of n JVesident President by to Hydrant $2,925.00;. Contract Company, accept for accept :and execute Mrs. corridor drinking i rsaid Johnson, of the College, & ofltheBoard the Nan the Drinking all obid said funds bid .painting appropriate 68-26 BoSrd in fountain and and funds accordance and to Fountain awards award? of Finch beipaid of with at and Trustees j at | \Ijjaward |Ithe- MCC . ' _ t ~l -J I ' ':""; ' T _ J ;'••;" ' '•' ' • : - - - : •'->•• • '< ' • • T ' T"< "*, i i * - ~ p 5.33 H ^ ^ P i Acceptance of Bid r Contract N o . 68-27 - Service Road - MCC ' | , The Board of TrusteeSrWas requested to acceptthe bid • arid award a Contract! i •Pt"~''----~ _ N o r 68-27,ito N . 3. West Contracting Company, the sole bidder on the base bid plus alternate, I:;V-- for a service roqd at MeramecCom^ •^; ; •: B: • ; • I H - r ^ ..._ - ° Whereupon^ on m o t i o n ] ^ • ;..; H _ s • -• ; - - " . - •--- RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does 'hereby accept the bid and awards Contrdc! No , 6 8 - 2 7 to N • B.; West Contracting Company, forservice^rpad at MeramecCommunity Col lege, base bid plus alternatevafa total cost of $154,580.00, said funds to bs paid from the BuiIding Fund of the District. ^ |; } ? ; • . ;l " i (i1 ; | FURTHER RESOLVED,-^hot the fr«idenr or j h e ^ ^ - b e a n d hereby^j$ authorized and directed to execute an appropriate ^contract for and on belijerlf of the District? ; 5.34 Hr-"-. 5 % Authorisation to Hire Consuitontr; Survey,& Planning for Running Track - FVCC a The Board was rea;uesfed to approve employment of Roland Horton and Son Company • for consultant services in survey and planninguV/ork in connection with the running trackjat • t Florissant Valley Community Col lege. The marking and Istriping must be completed by trie B ; :i| "'•"-" r:0r- , the aye vote of all members of the (foard present, i t was | ;: • 7 - j :: , middle o f August, 1968 for the-U.'S, Youth G a r r o s / : Co?t to the Districf of $1,300.00.1: B - H H i ; ^B ^M ' ^B- _ ^M [H ^ ^Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by:Mrs. Johnson, andjwith ihe aye v o t e o f a l l members of the Board present, it was! ;: RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees doe-;: hereby, approve the. employment of Roland Horton and Son Companyfor consultant services in survey and planning work in connection with the i running track at Florissant Valley Community College , at a ' total cost of $1,300^00, saidTunds to be paid from the Building v Fund of the District. : - ••: l . ! ! i | ,. i|. \ » J ^ ? 1 • 5.35 : • • • . . • '- ( ; i " ' . ' • ' - : • : Ratification of Contract -Contract No. 104frFP - Dental Clinic E q y j p m e n ^ .j Aschinger E l e c t r i c ^ ^ t | CllnicU^or^ PqrkComrnunHytollege I so that studentPcqyld use these area* ;for S u r n ^ Jbis work wa^nece^ary < ! o ' *• Whereupon, on motion by Mr. W i l ^ aye vole of all members of the B«3rd present, it was " - "="" - I I " X , RESOLVED/Thatfhe Board of Trustees does hereby ratify and approve;, Contract No. I041-FP with Aschinger Electric Company for mstallation of twc^x-raWand dental clinic boxes in the pent^ Clinic at l-orest, IWkCommunHy C o l l e g e , ^ ^ total c S t d f |842.22, saidfun<kto> jxjid from the Building Fund of the District, r , /• I •._•"'• | ; , ! ., I ; .._ r ; ] / •• j ' - *• j i I • I 5 36 I Authorization to Hire Consultant - Interior|Cte^ * J The Board was requested to approve^ employment: of Dolores Miller an<|A^«ate S , .- Q I Ltd of Chicago, Illinois, as interior design consultants!for: the Administration Building bf' ^ • I Meramec Community College, to do the design work, selection of materials, a n ^ d e ! d "' I" furniture listing, in cooperation with the Meramec staff and District Office staff membejs, I- fa tins amount of $7,500.00. | I Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Wil iiamson ^ n d j With 1 • I • • • the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was • -ivRESOLVED That the Board of Trustees does herebyjjpprove the employf :. . roerrt of Dolores Miller and Associates, "Ltd., as interior design consultants s* . for the Administration Building at Meramec Community College, to do the ; design work, f l e c t i o n ofmaterials, and provide a fefture listmg, «n |; -' . - y ^ < ; * ;"-"_ 5.37 Acceptance of Bids - Bid N o . 000873 - Lounglj Furniture - MCC Student Center *"-:™ The Bouid was requested to accept the b i d , urder Bid No.000873, and award qn i* order for thirty-eight pieces of lounrje furniture for the Sriudant Center at Meramec Community u. College, to St. Louis Typewriter Company, in the amount .of $10,761.40. li' - H R '<, aye vote of a l ! members of the Board present, it was !j L; _ - > •!!_ = - " 5.38 - ;• ^ P RESOLVED, That the Board of Trusteed does hereby accept the b i d , under Bid N o . 000873, and award an order to St. Louis Typewriter Company, for thirty-eight pieces of lounge furniture for the Student Center at Meramec Community College, a l ! in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $10,761;40, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of the District / ^^fl fl^B ' B B ^^B -'^Hj ^ H j ' ^ H | ^ H J Acceptance of Bids - Bid N o . 000875 - Mobile Wardrobe Cabinets - MCC anci'FVCC '^M Tl'ie Board was requested to accept the b i d , under Bid N o . 000875, and award an '-fl^l order for forty-three mobile wardrobe cabinets for Meramec Community College and Florissant ^^^fl Valley Community College, to Holscher-Wernig, I n c . , in the amount of $15,873.45. - j ^ H Whereupon, on motion by. Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vore of all members of the Board present, it was ^^H J ,^^fl RESOLVED, That the Board okTrustees does hereby accept the b i d , under Bkl N o . 000875, and award an order to Holscher-Wernig, I n c . , for forty-three mobile wGrdrobo cdbincts for Meramec Community College and Florissant Valley Community College, all in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $15,873.45,_sai<J funds to be paid from *hs Building Fund of the District. .'f ~- J, """ 5.39 " Contract 1045-FP - Installation of X-Ray Developing Tank - Dental Clinic -jFPCC x**ray"developing tank at Forest Perk Community College, to Gartland Company, I n c , , in the ^^M ^^m ^ ^ ^ 1 ' ^ ^ | ^ ^ | ^^•j ^ ^ B The Board was requested fo awatd Cohlract 1045-FP, for installation of the dental 7 ' ^ H ^^^H " Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the f/ : ^ B H K , H H I ~ ^ j ^ ^~ ^ ^ &" \ j f P~ |l tf?' !_ Z_ rS ?:. ir°-- " J ^ H Whereupon, on motion by -;Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and with the (i^^B v^^H ^ l ^ | ^ ^ H : ^ H ~^H > ^ | '~*^H '''Ifl ^ ^ | ^ ^ H aye vote of ail members of the Board present, it was j RESOLVED , That-the Board of Trustees does hereby, accept the bid and 'awcrds Contract<1045-FP, to Gartland Company, I n c . , f?r . -installation of the dental ;?-ray developing tank at Forest Park .Community Col lege, at a total cost of $666.00, said funds to be f •»?d from the Building Fund of the District, i _ ._ " ' FURTHER.RESOLVED,, That, the President or Vice President of the Board be ' Q ^ nd hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract forandon.behalf of the District. i 5.40 . Acceptance of Bids,-.tContract 68-70 - Television System - FFCC 'p~ I !> ^ end The was requested tc award Contract 68-70, forthe . aye bidder Forest vote Psrk meeting of -.= Community afor C total Whereupon Qtid FURTHER RESOLVED, Fund $y5ter«5 lo l*lthe and members lhereby awardsCcntract eBoard cosfof of g specifications, eon the / alnc^ RESOLVED, lbehalf College, l,-on isDistrict. of $115,368.00 That in authorized , the for accorddnce motion of the Boara the 68-70 the to^j Board'of That in^tjie television by Service District. and present Mr. to said the V/Ith amount directed Service Trustees W President fundifto Master Ait District system iiliamson, -v/as of Master tod$115;368.00. Communication at obe execute specifications, or«ForestcPark Vice paid seconded hereby Communication from an President accept appropriate by rhV Community Systems, at Mr. Building of the qtelevision Stewart, the bid contract IBoard n c . ,system andIwifh the be -,--_ low • ]\> 'at !> the V ,/ ^ H •• ' ^'l'j!"J^-WM ^lH ^^^^HH fH H|Il| ,* , _ j - -«,-,.-. -,•••"" ,- .• ' ; ' - - ' . i-1 ,- ! - -*, -.: if 11- , ',' i • , ( •• v e • <•' "• • , If' .. d" ;|i ',,,J- 1 iB, , V ] ;" •• ^ fT^K t C^^H| 5.41 - f Change Order - Contract 66-21 - Resto-Crete Application to Buildings - MCC ^^^1 The Board was requested to approve a Change'Order to Contract 66-21 to provide ^ H B for Resto-Crete application to the Administration, Student Union, Gymnasium, Library, , j^Hfl Communications North, Communications South, Science I, Science I!, and Humanities , 1 buildings at Meramec Community Co!lege, said Resto-crete application to produce a i K 9 |; weather resistant surface coating fro'all exterior exposed concrete to eliminate unsightly i ' j ^ ^ H ^ staining caused by water cVainage. .This change order is for an amount not to exceed |". - " i l^BH j i^^H $15,000.00, one-third'of this cost to be borne by the contractor, C . Ratio Contracting , ' ^ • H j S Company, with the further proviso that no architect's fees be added. Resto-Crete application j ^ ^ l § to be made by the Western Waterproofing Company'. j ^ ^ l ___~7 ,^H ie\ I | |r i i: ¥ I | I f. 1 %? I „-> Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and With *he aye vote of ail members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trusteesi|does hereby approve and authorize a Change Order to Contract j66-21;, to provide for Resto-Crete application by Western Waterproofing Company to the Administration, Student Union, Gymnasium, Library, Communications North, Communications South, Science !, Science I I , and Humanities buildings at Meramec Community College, all in accordance,with District specifications^at a total cost oot to exceed $15,000.00 j| one-third of/j'sald co$r to be borr^ by.the g^ntrqetor, C,;,R«Ilo1 Contracting Comoeny, I n c . , with no architect's Was to be paid orNiccount o f ^ y of the Gost Incurred for said application, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of tif<l District. ^^^H ' , ' ' ' ~\ '' ^, -• i : ^ H | ' .'^|fl "V'^^B <^^H H I ! ^^D ^ ^ H -,'^^H ^^Bk ' ^ ^ | J ^ B ~^^H l^^l I ?: - - •• . :•• ° V - , " ',;:• ^ <• >, . -1 ' I - *' L Y. IrrL•J I-"' *:J'?;..|-•""-. '---";f ' II ^ - * ST^P^NT PERSONNEL SERVlcl'tC 7 - COMMUNITY RELATIONS . \ " -. NEW BUSINESS ttFJLl " ' "* * f. ' r >. ~ i <-' rd oF E df ftWT1re2fuoesnfs eofdfho eed s we o n A u ^-' II , - u 6 8. ; -• - r "Si ' I . ' ' ' ' ~ rl* ^ ' - ?| o f st Lw}s h e ^ , • ' *MC»^» ^ ', ' J ii•' 8 21 1 2 RhTnUm S deL V E DSEcWD arl fw e --ayo « "_aye AH Associate hfthool o;. ;ovote of vote l bond 'Mr, Session, ofofFVofessor a-Secunda's issue all of l^District, be rTWhereupon, lEndorsement ? he oWhereupon; ?members Certtficqted the fehmembers submittedI .A A„gust might ™\ which ^A b«B City s?of ^eM ^the nclassfjs ,'Chemist,,., attend ^cof /is !hof Iofjthe' e ^aho^!So Improvement for to f^the of °ho on St. Passed,WTII through qPersonnel ?rbe motion St. M voter w uIthe r,Board *«Louis ierBoard ^sl.!ls*Louis u W i National be Forest tbV *™> ^oapproval IAugust e 'm Ipresent, by and nIcovered. dpresent, *« -if'ta ^of Public tt3Mr. Request did im eendorse ^< °the M d °public approve j*lr*16, ' Science iS the oStewart, August the Board ait e-School Community it^m to,,iter.! twas common for nrvtwas education. '." oh a sou L»„ve of ao t«o Leave e 6, g Foupo'drfon ^> :School rseconded h n Trustees f/.oi1968, ^,August nrgoal Louis the iof C thereby the of seconded *'h^ oAbsence eA Notloncl Bond lyof and August lb of Public final *16, by sendorse Institute. the .The e authorize ,agrees Issue M nfor In by tBoard lweelcoHhe f*Schools 6 Junior oorder .Science ,the Mrs. r"Johr»on, the 1968 /that *>of .final aW that proposed College Johnson, Education $31,$00,000,00 Leave said primary i Foundation l l.week i and d mi• Jwith election. of and ^. Secundo, the !<'i,!th \:!'tInstitute. ; •fi c Summer •the -" '' , -' - -' 1i -r! :'"\"!'\^"ji!J(!ijIi| - ^ _ "' ' ' » » • • • ! . - • ,. .-•• • » . . . ,. . -, , • :•' H r I ; ; • <-• .. . ; . * . ; • . • . . . • • - ' ' . • • • - - ' • - ! • : - • • •'' " ' ' - ' H f « ' i* - - , v . , - " I i . , " , ; * '• __ il ~ 9, ADJOURNMENT J • ' ''**"* Vtce-ftwideirf Witte asked If there were any further business to com. W o r o the Board _ There was not, and upon motion by Mrj. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and vrith the aye vote of all members of the Bnjurd,' this^rrf ting was adjourned at 10:30 P. M ' . ! ^ A '• '. ••- .; t 1 ' jr • - " -JfA \W "• ^ [ • " ' - ' • , ' • J;' - : - - - _ ' • , r - " - " . - . _• • » | ; ; . RespectfuIly submitted, , Frances Clausen Johnson _, |i(Mrs : i W; Mac Lean Johnson) u Secretary, Board of Trustees i; The Junior College District of IJ!!'•;;i:'>u'Iii f .-. 1 .:. ••• ^ ' j - I 1!f IjtvL 1 * r! f I ' • .-I »| I' '< ' "i|l\'!if'l!,'iii .St. . • ' . ! Louis, .' . *St. ' Louis •' • '.• . County, •- ' " Missouri .• ! ': i: : ? •' '"" ' ••'• . !I 1' • ; : .. ' • . - • ' . • :I : --. . ". - : <•"' y : 1 :ji,; |' :"v. •':••-••• :; .-• , ? ' "" ' u-ii" ;1 J I I l,ii ,, ly.Ji.JhJj ,i ii.lilllliJllii l!„ ll Jj||J , | , ,|| , I I I ,! J j ~- -•• -. :• : - . j: :THE. JUNIOR clpLjlEGE pi STRiCT :. '=.•".; . ST. LOUIS - S T . LljiUiiS: • Cbb'NTY,! MJ s'sOURl" v--..- • .... -.-. ,-' 4>"^.: 7rW;' : • •^ -• - ' •'• • , -: r - - - i >••:-. - ": • •--., " j ' ' K ! :' "' ij. '-•'•" '! '•• = I • • ! ; < i ! R^PORTl \ :fc : vJiUNEjO, 196|3 •• %i:\ / • ; ' "; " J - ' f : 7 U L : $ ! *M > - - , " .Debt f'ifejrvicdL' -; \ j . o-'-•• /U.flF-Pt|E""*ii' .• - j P1 j n I Fund - '" .' Fund: I; ^ J : ' • - : " | : TRF^ASUJ^LR'S ; JI ante as of 6/1/68 "V: I r j'^'-yj g^p' " : — f ; . ;."• j f i . , J, $j{,Q67,flj}3.39: ; ..• ' - . J us"'Receipts: . , " . : . r "Tax Revenue ." - ' J . . .- interest .I nco;r-j- ... '. ^ •:• - S t u d e n t F-GS * - :- ;• : " ; -.-.;--•• Gifls"6 = Gr2;Vt5 ^ ^ ;. ' [ 1 •*. 'p : J1,075bgQ2.95: $20,30 F, 865-78 : - ' : " • / . • li : J : : - \ '•'•'.. : J - • . ' ~ -:-' =*i.xfi '['•'.. \f " ;ii, $ | 71,62 3.. 77. $..*.'.".; ' ; s ^ 31633-9J)1 : f!| ; jjj h^'Al.mW, 5 . M 7 ^ 50(?) ; . . : . L : . . . ' . . J ,; r '•'.''': i|:- '• 6 ' | ' 3 . 9 8 . ; ' - 1 . ; . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . ...:;i4 - -" ^ ]j 23, .'j jj'6.00 ; ,, 'l'»5j*767.00 . . . ...f ;: r ] . "Auxi l i a r y S o r v i o ; s : -'_.,-; ^ S ' \ , •" J f •: 1.5;., 5 47 ^0'*! , i ; . . . . . /.-. . '.. ~. ,, . , , l.\ r. . . J I 1 Due t o Debt S e r v i c e "• ".. •-''j ! | 7,23'6. i'-'i : .-• J. . . . . . . . . . . . -I...... ,:i =; Due t o s f r o m o t i H i r f u n d o , 4 li :|8l-,576.38 i •;,,.,,'••, =.....i: .4 ' : : £ : - N o t o s Recerivoftlc-;^..-: '. I . ' jj t 862.00 : I : ,,<........• •' . : . . . J . v . ^ . i V " ": r r Accounts R e c e i v a b l e " -| ji ' 3 5 , 8 3 j ^ i ) i " . . : . . j . . . , . .i -r : D e f e r r e d Income. ! |i 2 2 6 , 7 3 8 . 9 6 ! [" .[. . „ , . . , v . . . . . " " :.].:.,,".:.,I . - Miscellaneous.' , . i "; / „ ,1 . | S.0 ! ?0.06 j J_J___J+.502 J . 72_3 = . . . , - . ' j : . . . . . J - ! \ ^ |i : , .. ; T o t a l itcvenue '• X ^ $ jj ! /i61 -,089.82" ; $__5lL.3L|2 $_^ _ 2 i 6 3 3 . j 5 i : Jf : ^ ' •' "' • : . ess-Disbursements:' ; . . • • " ; ' ; f ' . - "' • T ' ' '" Stifdcnt Refunds, -liscolianeous •."..- " T o t a l 'Disbursements , •3 lance as 0 ^ 6 / 3 0 / 6 8 Less W r i t e o f f o f boJ checks • 'v - f i a n c e c!5 o f 6 / 3 0 / 6 8 «V«Uy Cosh Cash i n Bonks . inv^stnonts • " .- ="- " • - Jj k l ^ ' ^ k l •]! 170^093.05 ) ; jj 2 9 7 , 6 ^ ) 2 . 5 7 ; $ 11 ,036.73 |] = 1 6 9 . 7 ' * : ..-A... . lj - h,jhS:5G A :r, J , 319^.25 $T]j221 , 75 I • 53 •! * $• 1 , 5 9 9 ^ 0 0 3 " --$3 jJ3®7, ^ 3 1 . 6 8 $19,235,610.^3 : : ij (2,172 ; -96) .....J |3^,912.06i S 2 ' ^ ^ ] ^ . ^l:MhlA2.-J:£ : - ' ...',. .. .,..,,.... I- $'3">^3j?,<>.i6*./i|'; -.-.-.. yS'Kl^K 731 - 53 •;fe ^•'" ^ '$V.;...L-...:. ~m ' ' ; .79,|I36.SIO 14000,600.00 s'i^ojjji^.^o • ^ ' ^ • ' n i d l T o n o f WarrenJ Chock R e g i s t e r t o D i s b u r s e m e n t s : • .-= '- r ' Ij - ' " . "•• . ''•-. ;'" ; Wsrront Check • R e g i s t e r '..:•• \'_- /• ..$"1 j ? 2 9 , , 6 i 5 . 0 8 , \ $ 3,6>2,1%8.93 _$.... ,5-j....: L.C55 Invastiiient!:. • • " ' = - ' - ' , . "•:,'^ , , ,ji . ..'. . , : . , -.". \ ( I , . ' I ' I 8 ' , 9 / ) 5 . i}2) ; " . ^ . 1 . . j . . . . . .. Interfund Transfers : ,-, •- ' J (7,893-55) I , • -(58^,200.0^"" . . . . . . J...... Total Disbursr'ients ''' " '^U^J'iA^-.. . 1 ""•• I '$,; ' J - . ^ r j . - ••> 7 [• ' 615,402.18 - "••I^J^J^OS.J.I ^ . . : . . J . . . .'. . '" ;^ ,'..... .-.j. .:.• / . , . j $'.•...". . j . ' : " . . . / '•-'•; jf $1,079,^36.90I • • ' . . - ; 5 j "1,750.00 " .' ' : . . . , . ; . . . . . . " . ;' ' . . . . ' . J I . . . . . '..'""' -:r .^....... c "''•] |. $ . . .7 J ; . . . . . f \ . • •-V, J , . . ^ . . . . i 1,58^6^7.53 ... ?..... v . ' . . . . : , . J '-' ' !• ^ k ^ S I T ^ ^ ' ^: ^ j l j j i i i i i l : . M . ~~'"".'.. :- i ^ j K . ^ , 7 3 1 -06) s ;; ; ;."' Jnter-fuid t r a n s f e r .'iancc •>-. c,( 6 / 3 0 / ' ) 3 t o n, is 1 :> o f - , :f • - || ', $ jj 5JI3 , 8 9 7 . 1 '1 J . |j 1'93,1^1 ..00 ''. ' " : § ' P r i o r n.cnlbi, . lj r-1 .'. .'::- , , a p i l a l O u t l a y ../ T o i I V/i t l i h o l d i n g s t o o t h e r r- f u n d ? 0 . " ', . Salaries (noi) fceratinyExper.se-' '•"'•' anster ; • $ i ,599,003751 C .......... - - ^ I I J,'t ...J }j.\j. M<\i,\.ddm)lu,h f •;"-- I - ' I I " ' A I - , •^ ^ I O " THE JUNIOR (OLLEGh'n DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI •: |; ,;,,!_ i. ,,1,1, lil.JliJl.il^ _ :! •' ••„., '-" fl' :' ° J U N E b o , 1968 P/i,GL:'2; ; . | j j ! TREASURER'S; REPORT ; !" T " •; t If , ji •7 ./" .' j Student ! Student Student |r -. „ ! "id J 'Activity Un5'on" Ifal-ance.as o f 5 / ? / ^ ' ; > ~ ';_.. / '^ J ^ d ^ I ^ ' ' ; ? 6,TO.ii2 $11^39^ ? r l u s Receipts / ;- ] •..• ^ • j ; 01 : ; li Notes Receivable '. Sf I r I L I . 50 J $ . , , . . , . , ^ ."'. .$....;.,.... : |h" = - I n t e r e s t . Incoi in/ ' _ • " -: ' i .. . 3 1 . 8 V : ' 2,i68. Of: v . , . ' ; . ' . . , . . . ... : r ; ::;.r:' ':J . ..,,... / ; ;i ; . ./f. ' ; ; ?12. I ; A u x i l i a r y Services .Y ; . "\ ': . . : : . . ''.' 233, ' !Ilia R U_[^ |Vc [:f^ Saiance Balance'as [Less fIIf L;'. I;£A fH t:: ^ler.A i;lance -cn"'Student ..Due o^™ ^."o -Warrant Le-^s Tiisccl -t.Cash rInvestments a w Notes Operating -Salaries Miscellaneous n Student etuDisbursements: ptc*months •r -e •e if-lH rtas-or as iu tefrom a sInvestments.. oiins.tn lReceivable ianeout ij,"y to dGeneral-Fund Check Outlay Q.Vnkfi .n fA Union . on InterTuud "-Total T General 6/30/6 ':•• -6/30/63 cTotal T S E •ol rt•o ae xiStudent vtn p ra -v'.'arrcMit Keoister isct:liV F< .fcycDisbursements esDisbursements ei-"' es R r-er.f,Income e .;s i.• n"ct".r'Union e dai-Check np_ '". s't-sf••e /.•'Bond .•• :r'"'•• "Register •. -' •"•'• • ' Sale .. • '•• ; : . - •".; ' to :• -; : •". •*;. DishLJrseii^nl's: .*• 0 ',^].•-'- $ s•[.~|22,593-37 $$l[4~6,13!.06 •$$l[3_L *$ J ];j.jtff7oVt_.j2 .i|ji|, [j;j jli[jb I1ihl1 '.|V6,.I31.06 |.27, j.p.l8,9Ti3."5l 7,8'J3_;Sli:l/>, .]2,9'i3-2$ ,.'..--..7 ';..'L..-^]00^00_,..-:•..". :5'i8.00 .H'7-55 .8 186.$.9. .0 .i;••••• ,'l.9.]_Mi .,.3 ..~,.,7 .,J .^,.\, ,-.^.1 J •'! iIvi|I\;'"|= " ••': . $ •^$ $ZHZ?J5ilJ0^ $ $' ,S I.;:i$ $;..__ ....,.."/13'^3/.ifrtg^v...,^2TS7592*i-2 .,".:-13,^37^;/ ,.,T .12,323.87 !3. '|7 7,990.50 ,.-,.'L« ,3,V .,.lV -•.''.y ^9:.0 i25.36 ..•lI.f9:.4T ,}.^ .•e -,.0 3." .;T ^.l.0 ^..^H .T.19 )0•\.v^' .:.. :C ~ T ^,.^.'''\' ^ \^\^jj"^/' J) \ijJ r[2' ;:""...-. $211 3'•i$J211 $311 $23,366.37 •.... '•a ___jij±M_ ."117,9^0.79 6 •'2•.•.•86; i,'j•73 ..l5 6 ,3,d63-67 2.,07.6. .•;.-•,,Ti|/3.f>*1' .,'i|/3.53 .9,-U.6.14 .'•^.i.;.v;. J^.W 4)2.40 Q19. fv37,50 i2 "1]jL1 .ij;i!•z:;.J..2 :.f,'.-J.J..1I'/^ .-f,A6 T .t8 I.•l..5. „:; ; : ; (: ; : - ! : ; ! : , ; I ~ ; f .r .j" ^F ^' •<£ -,f s\ .If IP -. fri* fi \\ % [[ '/ l[ jj i.i ;|f •• ' : - ' j '• -' " • •~ ".-'••••. > " Pur- chase ; •-"'. ! \-\ . ;-"-.. ---Type of ~ From ~- u Rate ft.tpL_,—. j ~-:' , No Purchases Less Maturi t i e s - : 9/28/67 12 9/28/67 12 Total M a t u r i t i e s ; VaJ_ue ; i . . • - 1 • - '• - ' '••! : 2 '" i i ; 5.50 5.50 . : • ' ' • - .. 1 . r " ! • • • ' ' . " ! '•• ... • . I' Interest - • • •' ] ! . ' r • ' : $^..150^000^00,-- CONSTRUCTION FJJHD ! t " . ii / $_2J,9,:;9JL|«6i_5_:,iSp_ : i • ; l ! l l .'• jV : • J: - . ,. • i •, „', ; I . . . _ . _ ;•• <•;' Eornp;! , : -0- " -' ' _ --<M ^ ; ' . !| ,. ' ' — ^ •' C $ *3,9;,0,465.(.0 -•• • i __• _,....: f| --.•/. 1 : | . - | ' j | J; u ,.,!',: • Balance as of 6/1/68 # Balance as of 6/30/68 : ; ^ '' ••" Balance as o f 6 / 1 / ( 8 No Purchases Less M a t u r i t i e s 1/25/68 6 ' '""'" .J $__ J ~0- , t 2 ~ 5-50. ^Balance as o f 6/30/68 • J |f .. $ 100,000.00 || . ^_..___ I ^lt-,. — No M a t u r i t i e s of Purchases : ~ .| ' .-I?-". ."$: __ipj: M . 6 / 2 8 / 6 8 ^ - 5__JMJi3(30^00_ - $^_ \-. " 0 - ^ $ 1,000,OOcfoo' '•' $ • „ „ „ , :P~-' ; l; G ; J -V>v"!i •. • ^ 100,000.00 ^ $ $_„_ <1_J.&1 r -j--:.* - •;• 100,000.00 $ ; 2,368.05 ^ J^£ . $1,1:00,000.00 ? j . : r 0E^l^Fj;;m£_RHP_ : ' , -0- : ' .-, ^ _„"I^ STUOjf M-t-UNI0H FUND ; : ~ / .-Balance as of 6/1/68 $ ! • :Ji_.=__l_..==:i^ , .'•'."' / j 1 . - ~ — NcTflaturities, or^Purchases . ! -; 6 / 1 V 6 8 jl • $ 550,000.00 ~ - S $[.0,000.00 .$ 2!; ,331.25 6/28/68 i! 500,000.00V'0.000.00 •Jd'jOGfiJik '".. ^ - • " " i :':•$ ! ,05070.00"GG' $, 1,0^0,000.00 ^33.19". ' Dalance as o f 6 / 3 0 / 6 8 : • -i|,!i . . - - : Cost ; ! , . . . _ • ..' :: - " : "' ji • $ h,000,000.00 ! •' ' I ' -'GEyT.RAL FUND . ; ' , Balance as o f 6/1/6.'! • •. ",f -_•,•"'--_• I ?, ,r'•-, Maturity j Maturity Inv. • . ". 'TREASURER'S REPORT d ilCHEDULE.A : : INVESTMENT ACTIVITY ' F^ft THE |oNTH OF JUNE, 1968 ~ -. : THE JUNlOJptQUECC DI SI KI CI ST. LOUIS - Sr.-jjLOUIS COUNty, MISSOURI •- • Purchased, Date * • II . : ^ - A :; " ^ M ' "Q~.":" ' .,;; i .;.' - -- ' 1 -' J' i • 1 i * " '- " - . . , - THE j u n i o r coLurnr^niS~RIcr • S T . LOUIS -., SI . LOUIS BOUNTY. MISSOURI A TREASURER'S REPORT 'r^9 chased From , of jiv, ' i^il Salancc as o f 6 / iyT>8 ' "Mus'Purchases-. 6/6/6B . 6 1 - > 6/20/68 10 2- (0)6.25 .ess Maturi t i e s :/ 6/6/68 r3#3/68 •-'-•:• $/(-fi 2 - ' || ' in '. • Maturi ty ;; Value ___ 6/27/68 ' • $' 3/20/69 3/27/60 Interest Earned . $20,069,089.92 '550,000.'00 ; • iioo,ooq.:oo '"' 3/20/69/ . (a) 6.2.5. H • . COM, ^20^0o5_,000J0rh: 5.]8Mi 10 -2: (a) 6.25 - 6/27/38 12 Total Purchases Maturity' 9iL le * :'6/13/68.,- 250,000.00 ; -.^OipOOJ.'O .' S'iJl^Li^ ^ $ 0 ?' 6 1' 15.18 -.6/27/68 i: -J5..30 " 6/6/08 1 ""!'5..50"6/6/68 ?.. 2: 2 15.50 :5-50 -15.50 " 6/13/60 6/20/68 6/27/68 " Jalar.cc as o f 6/30/68 .':'__ I n t e r e s t compounded d a i l y 350,000,00 350.000/00 -290,000.00 '''.-.' 'M.^.k?. /100.000.00 s,. ; :250.ooo.oo | H =- 500,000.00 1,000,000.00 _J/I0,000,00 S "2,900700 0 - W $ 1 ^ 6 ' ^ / O 0)0/^0 J A . ^ H ! ViB,^.>i2 :3'w,V8l".f>!' * - 200,000.00 ^00,000.00 .. 1.000,000.00 ' _ _500, )00_.JX) $ J , 2 § F r ? j 7 ; 0 3*' '^fl H I1 '|H '__• ^50,000.00 ; §•' i?M~9h~5~J& ; •;. : ^ | ;;- <'^fl ' j; ''- : 8/&8 "• ' • - J O l/ltf/68. 6 '-1^/68 12 Fotal i l a t u r i t i e s [a) 'i - • h-IVr.S'lMEMT ACTIVITY '. • • F O R M i'OMTII OF JUNE, 1 9 6 8 " / chase \ Cate 1 - ; - - ~ t ' I'll 8."'JO" <ijQ63.83 ^ ^ H ) • Wm Wk ' llio65,27' 23*527.?7 22,1375^00 " SljlIJ^-ffiT -..' ^M ^ H f l H ^ | $1J0^'I,5S l | f l ^ ^ | { l y i g j l n l 3J_ ;BB I ill I I I — ~ '••.'•-'••"•.••• . I : 'SCH.iZOULL B .•ANALYSIS OF .F'ESTRIC-T'liD FUND DISBURSEMENTS ••.:". ' - • -. _ . J "' ' " - " " " •:; 'vb. Operating.; ^ J - l i r j e_S ~ ; Expense : -.-, ..Capital V - j! ^ ~ ntsources-FvCC ' : ~ Kellogg rounds', ion ^ , J v '" D a r . f o n h Founda! i o n AHE-Cannus Governanct —. ^mms' •-. - C27 7 . Outlay \5$Q2,% - ;'.: - 903. " 30^ _f _ - : ,-: Less A c c r u a l s o'" :• •Retirement :.-; I r '2,241.75- 50.3.')-i '... !,2^.G'i . . . \„ ........... ^ 1 ? ^07. i o 9,303.63 •••'-,.. . -,,;' I . . ' . . . . . . ' /' " 2 ' i 5 - 9 5 ; 3,'i03.73 $22,;!Jj53.85- $ 7 , 7 ^ - 3 9 ; .. : $ !£. , ^ 6 8 . / 1 1,897.30 , ; : ^ .r^^-^i,/ ,.t-'P H' •"" \ - . -~'J " .:\-.->.-\> " 5,106.08. ::. 8oiLs2 "'.1,557.6^ , 12,5711:33:' 3 ; 6 S ' i . 7 0 - ,/ .fiC.17a.-98. : ] :i 2,790.18 16,^12.29' 3,267.63. FICA-and - • .' ............ ' .,... 172.30 68. S3- .:. 1.2'^.C'l . 733 33 .'.'j; Vocational Education A c t Trddc £• T e c h n i c s ! E d u c a t i o n • . - 1967-68• . .-•••-:j 90S $ 1 ,**39-^3! 2,;'B64.33 • .. - i; 262.35: •• =-•""' | .j !, : 725.50 066 NDEA-Title I I . M 9 6 7 - C 8 • : ' ; ~ _^_^_ . ^ = I . . . ' ' 0*»8 f roc rain NOEA-Title V M ? 6 7 - 6 v ' 7 | ^ 2 J527-S3 065 ' $'}. j ""ilL'Ll ; i •-• S . . . . . . ; . . 07^ - 'Ficrisscnt.^Hey. ." "^\ , • ' :j " | . ESEO Foundation : = OI-S Ford Foup.dai.ioo -"' ~ .: 1 - '[ ";. ~ ' • ' . ' - ' : CURRENT RES~R!CTED FUNDS" O f f i c e o f E d u c a t i o n • ":"i I. e ! I - .Higher : e d u c a t i o n Act o' 3C[- i n s v r u c t io;",a I ^ I FOR | T H L HOMTH CF JUNE,; 1Q68 Fund _ Fund Na-cj ! f ,J''^V : " ' • " = • ' - - - ' : '- - " , , - - . " - . - • r ^ -'- : • •' ' • • ~ . | . , ~ . •-. 'j : ^ | " 5 ^ ^ •- .: ;. ;<= Fund 'iar.es ^_ : HO P r o j o c l . •" = . ;3-OJ20 . ; ; I : SCHEDULE $....:.... ? ' } ; ,,...-^ " • • ... 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