. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING % OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, JUNES, 1964 - 8:00 P.M. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, June 8, 1964, at the Central Office of the District at 4386 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. ' I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian % Messrs. Lester C. Geil Morris Glaser GuyS. Ruffin F. Wm. McCalpin Board Member Williamson was attending his son's college graduation, and asked to be excused. Also present were Dr. John E. Tirrell, Vice President; and Mr. James V.'. Hobson, Vice President - of the Junior College District staff. The President of the College, Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, was on vacation. Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer & ^ ^ Vcughan, Counsel for the District, was also present. ••if • - I - 1.3 Minutes Board President Bastion called For a reading of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of May 25, 1964. They were read and discussed* Board Member McCalpin called the secretary's attention to page 14 of the Minutes. Under point 3.2 - Recommendation for Future Course Offerings - Mr, McCalpin stated that it was his intent to have the resolution recommending the development of new programs come to the Board of Trustees/ accompanied by a cost estimate of the program, and a suggested amendment of the budget. As it now stands, this relates to technical education only. The Board Secretary, Mrs. Dolores B, Tygard, noted this change. The amended resolution would therefore read as follows: RESOLVED, That when recommendations for the development of new programs % were made to the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis St. Louis County, Missouri, that they be accompanied by a cost estimate of the program, and a suggested amendment of the budget - stating from where the funds were derived, and to where they would be allocated. FURTH ER RESOLVED, That this be considered a matter of policy of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and with Hie unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the regular meeting of May 25, 1964, were approved as amended. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastian introduced Dr. Ben Morton - Executive Secretary of the Missouri Commission on Higher Education; and Dr. R. Vvllllam Graham, who had just arrived in St. Louis. Dr. Graham is the newly appointed Campus Director of the City ^ 9 Campus of the Junior College District. Mrs. Bastian also welcomed Miss Doris WenHzol, 6/8/64 - - 2 i$9 Secretary to President Cosand. Mr. Stephen Darst, a reporter for the St. Louis Globe Democrat, was also present at the Board meeting* '•° Communications 1.6.1 The Board Secretary, Mrs. Dolores B. Tygard, read a letter from Mr; Kenneth E. Teasdale, Counsel for the District. Mr. Teasdale stated that on behalf of his firm, he was pleased to continue his employment and they considered it an bohor to represent the District. In his letter to Dr. Cosand, he said, "We marvel at what you and your associates have been able to do in the limited time since the District came into being. I, for one, have never seen its counterpart. Congratulations to you, the Board, and the staff." • 1.6.2 Mrs. Tygard also read a letter from Dr. Jones to Mr. Victor Crittenden,Associate Librarian of the University of New England, Armadale, New South Wales, Australia. Mr. Crittenden is planning to visit the St, Louis junior College District and library, and inspect the Instructional Resources setup. Dr. Jones told Mr. Crittenden that by the time he arrived in St, Louis, the District would have Master Plan drawings for the three instructional Resources buildings, which he felt would be of interest. 2. PERSONNEL 2,1 Certificated Personnel - Teaching Staff The Vice Prosident of the College, Dr. Tirrell, recommended the employment of the following certificated personnel: Tom Parish - As$t, Prof. - Art - 11-2 - Effective 8/24/64 '/>'_. Joseph F. Dunno - Instructor - English - 1-1 - Effective 8/24/64 &A/64 - 3 - | - Ruth Hensler - Asst. Prof. - Art - II-1 - Effective 0/24/64 Ernest B. Gourdfne - Counselor - 1-4 - Effective 0/24/64 Marian R. Algarda - Instructor - Dental Asst. - 1-1 - Effective 8/24/64 Eugene M , freeman - Asst. Prof. - Law Enforcement - 11-4 - Effective 8/24/64 Robert Wedgeworth - Librarian - 11-2 - Effective 8/24/64 Joan Nowicke - Asst. Prof. - Biology - 11-2 - Effective 0/24/64 Norman Bucher - Asst. Prof. - Bus. Administration - 11-4 - Effective 8/24/64 Anda E, Stager - Instructor - English - 1-1 - Effective 8/24/64 Patrick H. Witte - Instructor - Sociology - 1-4 - Effective 8/24/64 Elaine Simpson - Asst. Prof. Bus. Education - 11-4- Effective 8/24/64 A general discussion followed with respect to their academic backgrounds and ^ P general qualifications. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. RufBn, seconded by Mr. Geil, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the personnel recommended for employment by Dr. Tirrell, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity, and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Coord. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Ebard be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with each of the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract Is to be filed with the records of the District. 2,2 Certificated Personnel - Administrative Staff The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, recommended the employment of the following administrative personnel, as noted below: Raymond J , Stlth - Associate Own - Technical Education Step 5 - Eff. 7/1/64 ! • 6/6/64 VVV-t'-. - 4 - 1 •','' A general discussion followed with respect to his academic background and general qualifications. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Geil, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the administrative personnel recommended for employment by Dr. Tuvell, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract, is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.3 Certificated Personnel - Resignations The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the following resignation: <Br Jack E. Brookins (on May 11, 1964 agenda) A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffln, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the resignation of the foregoing certificated personnel be accepted by the Board of Trustees as recommended by the Vice President of the College. 2.4 Certificated Personnel - Summer Session 1964 The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, recommended the employment of the following certificated personnel for the 1964 Summer Session: 6/&/64 Georgia V . Mlhan Spanish 4 hrs. @ $170/cr,hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Malkom Jackoway English 3 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff, 6/29/64 - 5 - '" ' " ' m i . 111 i ..i—,.I.I».-,^, ii IIM . - n Trim i ,mi i, H „|, ,,,, ft ^ Marian Algarda Dental Assistant 10 hrs. © $135/cr.hr. EfF. 6/15/64 Remove: Shelly Moomran Spanish 4 hrs. @ $135/^. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 (Mrs* Mihan is taking this course assigned to Shelly Moorman on the May 25, 1964 agenda) A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of all members of the Coord who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the certificated personnel recommended for employment for the 1964 Summer Session, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity, and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with each of the above full-time certificated personnel, for the Summer Session of 1964, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.5 Policies and Procedures Manual - Rules of the Government of the Board of Trustees The Vice President of the College recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the recommended changes in the Policies and Procedures Manual as lodged at the May 11th Board meeting, in accordance with Section 1.8 of the Policies and Procedures Manual; By unanimous consent of all members of the Board who were present, this was tabled until a subsequent meeting of tho Board. 2.6 Policies end Procedures Manual The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirroll, recommended other policies and j ^ procedures for change, as indicated on the attachment to the May 25/ 1964 agenda. . 6/8/64 - 6 - I,,,,,,, By unanimous concent of ail members of the Board who woro present, this, too, was tabled until a future meeting of the Board. 2,7 Classified Personnel The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tlrrell, recommended the employment of the following classified personnel: Dennis J . Diel - Assistant Bookstore Manager at the Florissant Valley Community College Campus - Range 13 Step A - Effective 6/9/64 A general discussion followed involving ail Board members who were present. Whereupon, on motion by Mri McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who v/ere present, H was RESOLVED, That the classified personnel listed above be employed by the District in the classification and at the salary indicated, ^ . ^ * 3. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 3.1 Miss Doris Mosley attending Workshop at Columbia University The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirreil, reported that Miss Doris Mosley, Assistant Professor of Nursing, was attending a workshop on the Associate Degree Nursing Program held at Teachers' College, Columbia University on Juno 8 - 12. Dr. Mildred Montag of Teachers' College was the originator of the Associate Degree Nursing Program, and Dr. Tirreli stated that this conference was being held for new people in this area of nursing. They were coming from all parts of the country, and Miss Mosley planned to share her experience with other members of the Junior College District nursing staff. Dr. Tirreil added that more and more requests for Information were being-received about /^. this program from professional groups in the Midwest, and Miss Mosley planned to share .;•'•• ^ the most recent information with these groups as well. 6/3/64 - 7 - ^"^ 3.2 Committee on Engineering ond Industrially Related Programs The Vice President of the College, Dr. Unroll, reported that Dr. Libby and the Committee on Engineering and Industrially Related Programs were making Final programs for facilities and equipment to be included in the building under construction at the Florissant Valley Campus* Dr. Tirrell added that a large amount of the equipment would be placed under the National Defense Education Act, and the staff at present was clarifying the possibilities of assistance under the now Federal acts* 3.3 Florissant Valley Community College Library The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, stated that Mr. Robert Wedgeworth had been nominated as Librarian for the Meramec Community College Campus. This would permit Dr. Robert C* Jones, Director of Instructional Resources, to move his major j n attention to the establishment of the Florissant Valley library. He would work with Mr* Tyler in setting up this library. Mr. Tylor will join the staff on July 7th. Dr. Tirrell added that at a later date Dr. Jones will spend a considerable amount of his time building the collection for the City Car/ipus. It was his aim to plan well in advance for the move to the permanent buildings. 4. COLLEGE FACILITIES 4.1 Master Plans Completed on or before July ]f 1964 The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, reported that the administrative staff had continued to discuss Master Plans with the three architectural firms - Harry Wees© and Associates, Kenneth VYischmeyer ai.d Associates, and Smith and Entzeroth. # All three will have Master Plans completed on or boforo July 1, 1964* Dr. Tirrell stated that 6/B/64 - 8 - it h understood that these are for the Board's general approval, and minor modifications will come about as preliminary working drawings are undertaken. He added that all three architects will be prepared to make a presentation at the July 9th meeting at McDonnell. Aircraft Automation Center. Each architect will have rough model drawings and slide presentations for the visitors on the flying tour. 4.2 Florissant Valley Community College - Temporary Buildings The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, reported that the Tarlton Contracting Company had begun work almost immediately after their contract was signed* Within a few days they had moved thousands of yards of dirt and staked out the first two buildings at the Florissant Valley Campus site. Dr. Tirrell added that it was possible that they would have the shell of the first buildings up at the time of this Board meeting. Tarlton Contracting Company is still confident that they can complete the contract in seventy working days, thus having the buildings ready for classes on August 31st, 4»3« Meramec Community College - Temporary Buildings The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, reported that the Arrow Construd5on Company had laid the foundations for the two buildings at the Meramec site. Dr. Tirrell added that it would seem reasonable that these would be completed for the Fall Session, unless we have unusual weather during the summer months. 4,4 City Campus - Remodeling of Edmonds Restaurant The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, reported that the staff of the City Campus had worked diligently to prepare plans for the use of the former Edmonds Restaurant. ^ ^ Minor repairs, painting, and the like were now undorway, and Dr. Tirrell -stated,' tocythat It was planned for facilities and offUces to move on or about June 18, 1964* 6/8/64 - 9 - i & ^ ' • • ' : • ' ' . • ' ' ] ' ^ - . . . 5. ' ••':-.: ; ' . ' • ' . • ' • ' ' . . • ' • " • ' • ' • . - • • • • • • • • . ' • " . ' ' - • • • : BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Warrant-Check Register The Treasurer of the College, Mr. James VV, Hobson, presented the WarranfrCheck Register for the month of May, 1964. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, It was recommended by Board Member McCaipin that the ratification and approval of payment of all expenditures made in accordance with this Warrant-Check Register be deferred until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. 5.2 Approval of Lease between Weber Chevrolet of St. Louis and the Junior College District. The Vice President of the College, Mr. Hobson, requested approval of the lease between the Weber Chevrolet Company and the Junior College District. Mr. Hobson fiB reported that quotations on leasing costs fcr the two vehicles in question were as follows: Francis Chevrolet, 9191 St. Charles Rock Road $94.00 per month Executive Leasing Company, 111 South Hanley Road $92.25 per month Weber Chevrolet, 4530 Lindell $85.29 per month A general discussion followed involving all Board Members who were present. Whereupon, on motion by M r . McCaipin, seconded by Mr. Geil, and upon the ay vote of d J members of the Board who were present, It was RESOLVED, That the District enter into a lease agreement with Weber Chevrolet - Leasing Division - for the lease of two automobiles, on the terms and conditions, and at the rental provided by the contract attached as an addendum to these Minutes, and by reference incorporated herein. m V * • * ' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the District. 6/6/64 - 10 - . . . . • \ « ' • • " • 5,3 _ Agreement between Arena Corporation crjd Junior College District Forest Parle Highlands Swimming Pool, The Vice President of the College, Mr. Hobson, requested approval of an agreement between the Arena Corporation and the Junior College District for the operation of the Forest Park Highlands Swimming Pool. Mr. Hobson stated that the facilities of the poo! had been offered to the YMCA and to the Park Division of the City of St. Louis for operation. However, both had informed the District that it was not feasible for them to accept this offer. Therefore, the operation of the Forest Park Swimming Pool had been discussed with the previous owners, the Arena Corporation. The operators agreed to indemnify the District and to hold it harmless from any and all liability. They had also agreed to pay fifteen percent of the gross amount of proceeds received from the operation mm of the swimming pool and all concessions, or the sum of $5,000, whichever was great r. A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the District enter into a lease agreement with the St; Louis Arena Corporation for the operation of the Forest Park Highlands Swimming Pool for the 1964 summer season, on the terms and conditions and at the rental provided by the agreement attached as an addendum to those Minutes, and by reference incorporation herein. 1 ; FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President bo and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the District. ii \ | 5 I The Vice President of the College, Mr. Hobson, requested appropriation for the I I I _ »4 N . P . E . A . Student Loon Fund for 1964-65 Junior College District's contribution to the National Defense Education Act Student Loan Fund for the 1964-65 fiscal year, Mr. Hobson stated that the District's request for 6/B/64 - II - ^ ^ $82,630.00 hod been approved by the Department of Health, Education, and V.'elfar , in connection wJth our request for N . D . E . A . Student Loan funds. This request had been appro-fed pending final congressional appropriation. In accordance with normal procedures they had also notified the District of a definite advance commitment in the amount of $26,710.00. M r . Hobson added that it was necessary for the District to contribute one-ninth of the total allotment* Therefore it was requested that the District appropriate $9,181.00. This would take care of the entire year of 1964-65. Mr. Hobson added that it would b necessary to have a budget transfer approval for this money. A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present, V,hereupon, on motionn by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. G laser, and upon th aye ^QP' VO f e of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the District appropriate the sum of $9,181.00 to be taken from the President's Growth Fund to be used for the District's contribution to the National Defense Student Loan Fund; said sum being equal to oneninth (1/9) of any fund granted to the District by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for implementation and use of said Loon program. FURTHBt RESOLVED, That this appropriation be for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965; all in accordance with the resolution heretofore passed by the Board of Trustees on August 19, 1963. 5.5 Agreement for use of Missouri Pacific Hospital Facilities The Vice President of the College, Mr. Hobson, recommended the approval of an agreement between the St. Louis - Little Rock Hospitals I n c . , and the Junior J ^ College District, for the use of Missouri Pacific Hospital facilities for the Junior College 6/8/64 - 12 - District- nursing program. Mr. Hobson stated that this agreement would provide clinical facilities for the nursing students of the District; It would bo similar in nature to the contract now in existence with St. Joseph Hospital of Kirkwood, Missouri. A general discussion ensued. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District enter into an agreement with the St. Louis - Little Rock Hospitals, Inc. for the purpose of engaging in a clinical nursing program for the education of nursing students of the District, said agreement to be in the form attached as an addendum to these Minutes, and by reference incorporated herein. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement to be attested to by the Secretary of the District and affixed with the official seal of the District. A : ?d& 5.6 Lease Between the Junior College District and Gutman's, 7508 Forsyth Building Company The Vice President of the College, Mr. Hobson, requested the approval of a lease between the Junior College District and Gutman's 7508 Forsyth Building Company, for office space for the Central Office of the District. Mr. Hobson stated that the facilities now in use were inadequate in size and arrangement, and the staff had been searching for quite some time for a reasonably priced, well located, office building to house the Central Office on a leased basis. The building at 7508 Forsyth is a single story office building. It has 6200 square feet and can be leased for $3,483 per square foot per year. This lease price would include heat, air-conditioning, water, electricity, and janitorial services inside and outside. ^P The owner of the building, in consideration for a torfyear lease, would guarantee this 6/8/o4 - 13 - , , • ... ,11, urn Air;. HI n in..,,!.,. ill ii i l l ill • • ! • » » !•—MUM • nil HI -III IMllV II •lllllMfllll " flll'll lllll.lll III i ' • • ' • • • . fixed price for the period regardless of rising utilities or maintenance costs. Possession could be had by December 1 / or perhaps earlier In the event the present tenant vacates the building. A general discussion followed, and it was mutually agreed that Board Member Geil and Board Member Glaser would inspect this building, together with Mr. Hobson. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mr. Glaser, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the District enter into an option agreement whereby the District reserves the right to lease for its general administrative offices a building located at 7508 Forsyth; said option to be on the terms and conditions, and substantially in the same form, and at the rentals/jf the lease agreement attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. rah 5 , 7 Ratification of Investments The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, requested ratification of the investments made by the Treasurer of the Junior College District, Mr. James W. Hobson, Dr. Tirrell stated that one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) was available for investment. This sum was invested in U. S, Treasury Bills, due June 25, 1964, from th Mercantile Trust Company on a 3.00 basis, for a total cost of $99,766.67. Dr. Tirrell added that bids had been received from two other depositories, also at a 3.00 basis. A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present. Whereupon, on motion by Mr, Glaser, seconded by Mr. G e i l , and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, It was 6/8/64 -14- l| '"' I "'T I ^ ^ RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri ratify and approve the Investments mad by the Treasurer of the College, Mr. James W. Hobson, during the period May 25 through June 8, 19©4. 5.8 Lease Between Junior College District and Mr. and Mrs. Charles O . Warner The Vice President of the College, Mr. Hobson, informed the Board that it would be necessary for the contracting firm,which v/as erecting the temporary buildings at the Florissant Valley campus, to enter the premises at 3454 Pershall, Ferguson, St. Louis, Missouri, presently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles O . Warner. This property is owned by the District and will be vacated by the Warners on August 31, 1964, under the terms of a sales contract entered into between the District '•:t^ and the Warners. r ^ Mr. Hobson stated that representatives of the District had negotiated an arrangement whereby the District could enter the Warner property at a date prior to August 31st. A general discussion followed involving all Board members. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. G e i l , and upon the aye vote of J all members of the Board who were present, it v/as RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County Missouri enter Into an agreement with Mr. and Mrs. Charles O , Warner, on the terms and conditions of the agreement attached hereto and by referenc incorporated herein. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement, which is attached at an addendum to these Minutes, and that the Secretary be authorized to attest to the agreement and affix the official Sea! of the District. % 6/8/64 - 15 - 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 6.1 Special Testing Session Vice President Tirrell reported that a Special Testing Session had been given at all three campuses at 6:15 p.m. on Wednesday night, June 3rd, Approximately 180 people had shown up to take the placement and counseling tests* Dr. Tirrell added that another session would bo given at all three campuses on July 1st. 9. ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Bastion asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and Mr. McCalpin made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. ^•^ Glaser seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dolores B. Tygard, Secretary ' Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri s% . . . «xi «*fe «*Us»t» «hali himii ESST'ZS&S**1 *T ******* »k»H t* « « t H w S » S I |; v.- •. E ^ i t ^ t S P ^ ^ S ' -J %" t'1 '< ' t ^ »*««» «*ti}l»«4 PUUBSfi* to thisiu«/.»JL& Z ^ T ^ * ^ ' f*S«HWHim, IteUfttfattLaarf n»».*»i*L.ZV tfe • ^ S l ^ ^ . ¥H ; 1 l i f e 'BSiif^S^^ Hli^ , »** ^*%^iL'iiriai »2^»L!^!!5^^ - •••ill tew rKr^^^^K^^^^r «t*L_2^ U r " t t i * , ' w • « * unpaid foot tfc* rf**. - t * _ '" • K.!\' \ \ ~ A G R BE ME ^ NT • mi THIS AGREEMENT entered into this day of _, Jf ' 1964, by and between THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ,f ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, a body corporate and subdivision of the State of Missouri (hereinafter called "District") and ST. LOUIS ARENA CORPORATION, a corporation, (hereinafter called "Operator"): WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, District recently acquired from Operator, a parcel of real estate known as the Forest Park Highlands and on which is v^P located a swimming pool which Operator had previously operated and • ' i . • maintained, and; WHEREAS, District >as no personnel for and no knowledge concerning the operation of a swimming pool, and; v ; / WHEREAS, Operator desires to continue operating said swimming pool for the 1964 summer season. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sums hereinafter agreed to be paid and the mutual promises hereinafter contained, District •U hereby leases to Operator the swimming pool located on the property formerly known as the Forest Park Highlands, said pool being located at ;! approximately 5600 Oakland Avenue, together with all bath houses, M H filters, pumps, locker rooms and other equipment used in connection % . with said swimming pool and required for its operation. This lease, however, shall be subject to the following terms and conditions, 1. '; Rent - Operator agrees to pay fifteen per-cent (15%) of the gross amount of all proceeds received from the operation of the s**, - ' ^. greater. . *" - ,' - • It is intended that said sum of Fiv • • , r ' - , Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) shall be a guarantee to the District and payment ^ thereof shall be applied against the amounts due as computed on a gross receipts basis and confirmed by audit. The guarantee shall fe- be payable as follows - $2,000.00 on the execution of this Agreement, $2,000.00 on July 15V 1964,and $1,000.00 on August 15, 1964. Final rental payments, if any are due, shall be made by October 1, 1964. 2. Term - This lease shall run through the normal summer swimming season of 1964, Operator to close the pool hereby leased on the day following Labor Day, or September 8, 1964. Operator v|&[ shall have possession of the swimming pool as of the date of execution hereof* 3. Hold Harmless Agreement - Operator agrees to indemnify the District and to hold it harmless from any and all liability due to any loss or injury sustained by any employee of Operator, or by any customer of Operator, while said employee or customer is \ in or around tho swimming pool, bath house, or adjacent area, or by any other poroon in and about tho swimming pool or the swimming pool prominos during the term hereof. Operator also agrees to provide Diutrict with a certificate of insurance and to name the District as an insured thereon, insuring Operator against its liability. ;! 4fe 4. Repairs, Etc. - Operator accepts the swimming pool, bath house and all equipment thereunto pertaining in its present condition and assumes full responsibility for the maintenance and repair of said pool and equipment during the term of this lease. District in no way covenants t* make repairs, and all repairs which Operator Jv dooms nocoosary to tho premises to maintain th swimming pool shall - f WmL^ tP^i ' v*,* ^"tdt^v «c* o» G«J, vandalism, ntahtaweut taiieht*?, sweogfa* IfedriAi covered by nUft»-i*t if« . * « « • * AAliev. H ^ ' ? ''jjj In »h* «w«*vt frhft moot Of Oftv * f the **Mfo&eft? U89d W OWOtod I ft ' *>• jt$pW» W . r t » \ 0 i « N p M / & f fooolfc per^CO** <Uf%) o f theg«Mt M M n t ' M i f ^ e f M ^ v M f t o i jj ;.;, -> ^, ? | BBfeft*';' 'tbeWtoimlng P«o* operation and cor>c^»Wconmcr*d tter*wifh to the date/whan sold «wtesraln@ ,, ; •'/§ •pfe-"-!,. pool becom inoperable or o pro-rata portion of ttw $S,000#00 goorant** Which Operator hoi ogreed ' - ' 1 Hfe;' ' to* pay computed by determining the percantoge of day* the pool operafad When cornpa/ad to tho total , -l BjS;''[' opening **a*o«. In the *v«nf either District or Operator elects to *wfee repairs, Operator shall bo | • p f . entitled to o similar pro-rata reduction l« the $5,000.00 guarantee for the number of days the pool 1 IPlfF'''' ,; ' **' }n0P«r<*H# during W5^ repairs, H?t* SglS*''- 64 • , B j ; • ^ ' '' ' - - 1 Perking* District agrees to allow Operator to use the porktng faeilitios adjacent to the i in • Tr.. swimming pool # r * a . w * toid f*«» thai* he included in determining the grots proceeds received from the swimming pool j|p£.' o p e r a t i o n . Operator sHott n o t , howevor # be required t o charge o f e e . 7, (Ml I f , bowovor, O p e r a t o r charges o f e a for told porfc!ng, t h e t o t a l amount of mfiy- Bfer 1 ,i TJJ | ' "• '-: ^ ^ Employment, Service and Policies - District w i l l biro no employees for the swimming pool S S f § > ' • • .operation, nor become in ony w a y obligated t o hire ony employees. O p e r a t e * assumos f u l l rospowil* S & ' K^ ' b U i t y foe emptoyment of personnel, ond for o i l other aspects of the swimming p o o l operation 8 • Ki'l' « ^ 4*dit" A* t n t c ' o w ^ »wl»on^ Dittrlct shell hove the right to audit Operatorh boob With J 9. |^fe>" ; . 10. M UtUHiet * Operotor shall pay oil cost* of utilitios, Including, but not (United to, wafer, , electricity and gos» K f J''' •« otder to verifyfrheomo^nti due herevnder* MB^ , . '§ \ , "'^ Right of intry ond Inspection - Diiltkt shall fctv* the right t» enter upon the twhwnlng pool' '."B ';"''premUft:oi oil Wosonoblt times to Impact Ihe prmHm o«d to perform any plennif^, surveying or s w^mj1 *' etbff wwk ^ connection with Hi educational proaramj'provided, howtvtr, thot said planning, tur» Ki;;;; '• m .- re»«r<i to ?b« swimming pool operation^ and the concessions operated In connection therewith^ in ^p|fc ' H ^ M t ' "*)f^> etc* iholinet Intirfara with Hht swimming pool opera)Jon. 'M ' ^| ^ v <> i.3 •KV>, Kjf^ i" ^ ^HUi U C 4EtB • A M^ ^ > a^HB^^H^R^^BI^^^n^HH tA^hr**^ «BBBHHHBHBHH SBURT m i BHHH^HBHHBHv ' 'it v . * ^ ^ * * ^ * <-SSBSBSU •• -,- • - • . , . tfW-c'.s-i-W ) > - V | | : ; : r . ^ - , ; . . r v • , i : \ . . - • - ; • . ' . - • : • : • " " • • ' • ' . . •, . ••• • - •:_••.. . ' • ' " * • . . • A , » ' •' : ' ; y , . •• : - ••;••' • : ' • • • : • : : • ' • . . - ' • - • . - . . . , - • • . / • " ^ : ; > * - " • ' . . ' . - . . • - • . • . ' • . • . • • > : ' : , - : * ' - ^ ' ; ' - ; . ' • ' ' . : • . . ; ; .- - . • - , ' - • • , : AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and dated this day of June, 1964, by and between THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OP ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, a body corporate and subdivision of the State of Missouri (hereinafter called "Junior College" and ST. LOUIS - LITTLE ROCK HOSPITALS,INC., a corporation (hereinafter called "Hospital"), WITNESSETH WHEREAS, The Junior College and Hospital desire to cooperate for the purpose of engaging in a program for the education of Nursing Students. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Junior College Agrees: A. To assume full responsibility for planning and execution of an educational program in nursing, including programming, administration, curriculum content, faculty appointments, faculty administration and the requirements for matriculation, promotion and graduation. B. To provide qualified instructors for teaching and sup r- vision of students assigned to the Hospital for clinical experience. C. To be responsible for planning the schedule of student assignments and for making all individual assignments and to notify the Hospital in advance of its planned schedule of student assignments to clinical areas including the dates, number of students and instructors and type of experience. This schedule will require approval by the Hospital. n wn u< t-Virlr'au »n\/ sfnrffint-. from fchft clinical area when th ' « . or other reasonable causes. ?/' ?^ E. To keep all records and reports on students' clinical ' V^J * * * • * •'. • - ... ' . . . fi' experience. { F. To provide orientation to the educational program for S the Hospital staff. /, G. To assume responsibility for seeing to it that both -. " students and the instructors comply with all rules and regulations of the Hospital insofar as they may pertain to the activities of both while in the Hospital. H. To reimburse the Hospital for any loss, damage, or breakage to any equipment caused by students or instructors $ use of said equipment. II. Hospital agrees: A. To make available the clinical areas for student experience, including the necessary equipment and supplies for giving nursing care. B. To furnish the Junior College with a complete set of all rules and regulations in force in the Hospital, together with all amendments, deletions, and revisions thereof in order that this information can be diseminated to instructors and students. C. )£ To provide a room or other facilities for students and instructors to utilize for changing to hospital clothes and to allow the students and instructors, at their own expens , to use the cafeteria or other eating facilities while receiving clinical instruction at Hospital. D. To provide a conference room or rooms for use by th Junior College in conjunction with the laboratory and ' • • • " " •* ' -u ... \ ' III. Both parties agree: A. That under no circumstances is any student or instructor or faculty member to be considered an agent or employee of the Hospital, nor shall Hospital be liable for the activities of any such student or instructor upon or by virtue of the doctrine of Respondent Superior, but any such student or instructor . shall instead be considered as a visitor of licensee. Hospital shall have no liability or responsibility for any personal injuries received by a student or students of the Junior College while they are securing clinical experience at the Hospxtal. B. To instruct students and instructors on the importance of respecting the confidential nature of all information which may come to them with regard to patients and Hospital records while the program is being carried on in the Hospital. C. The term of this Agreement shall be for one year commencing August 15, 1964, and ending August 14, 1965. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OP ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI President, Board of Trustees ST. LOUXS - LITTLE ROCK HOSPITAIS INC wits* si« > • >§v 'V \ i' ^mwb* wvM ^ ; WITNESSETH, That the Mid pfttor.tor and In consideration of the rent*, a m . , aaaltf and esreen^nta hereinafter mentkeed and hereby agreed to tn» paid, kept and , {performed by said Leeee*, or Leeaeea, aticeeaeors and aeaignav hear leased and by these ., pnaentt does leu* to wkl teeiea the following deecribed premlsee, situated tattle City of Oftyfcm', m , S t a t e d MSeaouri, to-wltJ ; $£ft Mr: , jftafc , H P Fremiti ., TSta* carted* ams-atoyy, tolck e£a«* building located at and aaanberatf TSOt Fe?tty& Bowtevard. Osyfcm, fcttaaowrl, (la Block 1 & HaaldyV Ro-SaWivloicm, Pt, U. 8, ftrofy «*> comalMag 6,Z000 ttpuure feet of fiww epace, imelwdlQ« also thetottldttag»*«• and tfea bailding»e *eetf<4e$v fMurMng epace «*««• togother with tite right of litg*«e* to pail agraa* tbwro- «& # $ ; Croak. ' >''<", p r #$/ •\: , •r\: „ I/e* o/ Premise* \> * « ' '" '" ' "-' - J :. To have and to hold the same, subject to the conditions herein contained, end for 90 other purpose or business than that of fcMMt'ft g*na?ftl »4feni»i*t*MIe» ol&€«* r type) ftaettana ««d any ralotsn! b»eitMO«w " ' S'A "• .'^ 3 #*-! ' ' ' ' - " ' %£\ ; |; .:V'.' , » ' |-. p , -, §>: , j for«nddqrJcfthot«rrnof T e a (1©> y<MBr» , , k •! t»mvmkim 0» the » * • « d»y «f JEMMafewr ' ,' I S * * and ending on the 30tti d»y <rf Wfwwalwiy H>T4 at the yearly rente! of Tt»«wtyeaia TkouaanJ « M ! 8tX H»adred||21, A^poJiare, payable in advance in equal monthly inoUUrueata of J^glAMHa Hwwfarad £>oter» Ttrmand /f#«/al |:; ' (|I«K»)^(^Afft«|Ay^9lMib«^e^f^moi^4» feu M"l , ' lM' h sr • ' ' - 1 '' '' • f- ;/ . /. -;-^: ,4l ' 'l^' ' : ; ThoLweeticgrgtfHtob&4 Mid pmnke*te.gw^ ord w ft,n4 re)^^ ' 1 nuisance orfilthupon or adjacent thereto, and not to UWJ or pemlUKx us© of the Mine or . , ,: '- *«y part thereof,for any purpose forbidden by law oy ordinance now in tprce or hereafter '. enacted in respect to ta^ use or occupancy of aaid premises. TJi« UessS^o? k#al rapre-' ,/:•••' aentttfaea B*ay,4t nil resjoi^e houw^ tmter upon said p n j M t ^ ^ M m » M «f^ '; \{ «','-' *o*my Uaaw, <w>.rfaiwaijB4, Thg Leasee agree* to pay double pent for each day the I m t t ; . , or any one holding under the Lease*, shall retain the demiaed premises After the termination of this lease, whether by limitation or forfeiture. . „ Dumafsto .... Uswp^h^H w>t4)frliaMo to-ft^d'LcwCT og-any othw-penwm or corporation, includ*-* A TttttuUf ing employees, for any dainsge to their p«r»oa or property caused by water, rain, enow, rtapettu Croat, Are, storm and ascldanta, w by bmkafa, stoppage or leakage of water, saa, jtoat* W in* and sewer pipes or plumbing, upon, about or adjacent to said premise^ mAm* 9 \ The daitruction of aaid buildlnjr or prenabca by fire, or the elemente, or «H«h raaterial Injury thereto**torender attldprembwunqueetionably untonantablefor «§ day*, shall at the option of aaidLsaaor «*Lauee prc4uc« Md work a termination of thk leaao. IfthaLeworandLe^c^^ unquestionably untenantable for, fft days, the fact ahall be determined by arbitration; the Leasor and the Leasee abaSl each choose an arbitrator within Ave days after tfSter has notified the other In writing of oueh damage, the two so chosen, before enteriflff on the discharge of their dwtiea, shall alect a third, and the decision of any two of »»e3i arbitrators shaH be conclusive and binding upon tath parties hereto. .If it ia determined by arbitration or agreement between the Letaor and the U&m.\' that Mid building bnot umiuwtioi^lyunteQanUble for todays, then ealdLcaaor meet ' restore a»id building at Lessor'a own expense, with all reasonable speed arid promptneafl, and in such caae a Just and proportiouete part of tvaid rental Bhall be abated natii said premiwffl have l»en restored. , '.'- , ' ',,?/•''-' • , Failure on the part of the Lessee to pay any installment of rent ©M»ft«sft#»4a> < 4mmmM*mtA promptly ** ab^aet ewt, an and when the same become* duo and fray*:,'^ able, *r faljtti* of tb* J , e ^ p r ^ r awry eowniant, agreement and atipulatkmfc*r*inon the part of the Le&m t& m tEtjit ^ , ' .'. and performed, shall at the option of the I^swor cause the forfeiture of this lease.; Poaaeaalon of the within demjaed pramiaea and ail addition* and permanent fpDJrW* ", *• . fiaentf thereof ahallbe delivered to Ls**or upon km days'written notice that Uasw haa eocerdaed «aid option, and thereupon l^wr thaU l« entitled to aodrn^yt«ke lmra#dlate , ; poaseaaioh of the dtmJaed,premise** lay otbfc?»&tle§ or demand b^.hu^W^'^ Anyandallnotkcsta^aerVtdbyitoLW^ •, covensntofthisS^.orotten^iduU^^^ ' • ^;/ r . ^rf"^ ; -ftfttrtHfnmIW'fflTMftTmn^iT,girmr.Ttt' Hrtaftar Vn.rntiUby rrpnlr in omn>|ilirtftiii wiKih' « 4 -^ k " 1tl" t i r i T < * ^*MrTti">iTt"^f"fr*%ftrimr1tifritfftrtpriiifttiiiiwa^ ^ * \ V w < t ^ > « ^ y WBd«^t^tMLeat««,|MM^ Lewor- U»te«ch :-><. ' t >ferff|to»1ftnni!mi^or^ ;,,>i v\v,'" 'J •) tm&wjimvm 1 mmtimto««*bt#e^idue, andtowardthe fu]j?lim*«t «rf tfea ,;^,. - - ,v < , v. ahallfaag^dtflthet*aafl»;and iha t^iaaMfaimAy<M>v?»aftBiaM»<I aor#a« ^haf ff •fca f^Sw •' • • ' CbVlui§^ x *x ) 9******g***r*w«tt j ^ % * * ; •»* aw!**!** * • * ! ***•• iatttffiif light flam***, «l*«trS# •ttftltta a*d tviteaaa, ^ « s N « ^ « « ^ « S l a a » *«4 attot itam *»***&$»* t*9«««*a purpnaaa, all in ftco^tea«« with U M W ' S JIOOT gftfcia iu»d apaci&aai&oaa to to fotttttfcaa fy U i w i at it* oxpesM aad toJ&AMfrffft* by !*««** a« *«b*i a*. . *»**«*•# ^ ««* i«w ifcw ^aWHffiC 7f4c *%a «MMt«£v x « * < # * * wotfc to aseaaa af f^S&flhfta bef gal* by I«aaa* t« fe&gaar. All ft*iet*4celaf ttevk shall W s S i « « « w i pvoperty, wi&fcafc «lai» * By * * • * • # * LESSEE'S FORM ITEM (2)-c WORK *x . * > • > ^ , 'i • i « t*<a«* segy glart t» gatftarra or h w pagfogwd tea lagageiffla tSa«a , r L. eB »r M«» < ii« tt i 7 e» •*«» M j^taibUfeartJ«4 Uter ^ i i a ^ P Q i * t£tf W*4; ft*t i T ^ U l b r m ^ d by t i l f w , ail plant, . p w W c X a * , matartala, tfa® tntSUtog ewstoactoy wfea wift $a?form tfe* v*r& aad ' all t*|*ft*4m«tt«*ft l&a***** $»**** aaaU It* a p p r ^ 4 &«4h»a»ce p** «$M»a4t* *«*afft**teft by &**a*f,; T*» **»t «f fh* total f«*t*«4«a #§** _ »o V*ri*na*4 to a«g»*» og|fe»»ak ahatt ho aoraa by Laaaa*, #toal«A Uattjraoca ahaU a w l 4 » 6w ^ a^***t*o* «f b*& U e « w aad Le*«oa la prepertioa to thai? re«s*atlva iBftarastt, liSi 1 1 ^ **f*8f*» « MMMM a«4 a« y fer ranaiva to tb» )ta««is^ «*»vw<Mi**vn«pnaj «iwawF*v WM* pm|naiB|| aamyaaaMVf ayaaawpi' ana),AM irterlor r»pa4r« « x < ^ &o*« c w w ^ LESSEE *- ' ' i • ,; ; ^ ^ .. t » d p ^ » ^ » » « i i w a i » r ^ t ^ ^ ^ ? * ? f c ^ ^ ,- ' MNHR&Ma* Ha wtdl^i nata ttnt IrwriMi -t*"*fc* tuffrtiirtimhananlittntui *fc*ii: "r '' lit gWM| t» JUiMt*• ' t ,,;',''. W ^ j ^ » < ^ g ^ f e . ^ ' i ; ; a ^ " £ l i ? i S * * l i " g ! ? . . . ^ 1 . °- « W »?•»» C«mi«»y, (SUM) . v *>• V ' J ^ W * *»•«** T J 2 ^ S^^ffiSl^**?!!^^^ ' I ft-tS&SL *» J ^ ^ L ; * — * • T g H B ^ . < * I J > , f f ' « ptwiptt ftr mar sart ta^^f i£ w v rnqqw mil TWHT IrWraw IfflwWf MMT MtfttHlli ilniifli m« * " * " * * W W M t t f t t * 1 jtea>flM»j» 7 ^ Bf ' . \i r' *< , , J' . ^ W WPMU* "«» WWW • « f P f » ' ' « • ! —g»'•"•''•»•>— '^•^ TTTmrrTlir • ' " ' ^ ^ W W . P B ^ I I P fMRBPHMBfi V-' > ,;• "• ^ •-. '""""^'i'^lIT"^.*,! J«r J • J i J H « & ' • • ' ( .Vo Vvnutructh* Watvtr : WITHESSJ No waiver of any forfeiture, by acceptance of rent or otherwise, ehall waive any 1 subsequent cause of forfeiture, or breach of any condition of this lea**; nor ehall any consent by the Lessor to any assignment or subletting of aaid premS***, or any part thereof, be held to waive or release any aaaignee or eub-leaaee from any of the toregoing conditions or covenant* a» egainat him or them; but every each assignee and sublessee shall be expressly subject thereto. Whenever the word "Lessor" ic used herein it stall be construed to faded* tha heir** executory admlnlatrstore, imccessors, assigns or legal representative* of the U*wr, und the word "Leasee" shall include the helm, executor*, administrators, nuwewsow, a«algn* or legal representatives of the Lessee and the words Lessor and Leases shall include single and plural, Individual or corporation, subject always tft the restriction* herein contained, asWHEREOF, to subletting assignment ofMe thU leave, guinirINinstrument WITNESSor caused the name theoraaid to CWtMAW** bepartita executed aforesaid f MMI day have and VOftlTTH year duly first executed BUUUP8NQ shovethe written, fore-CO. j j :j j • , • , T3 [• ji|||^ tajmiatd s©t ray hand aed ftfflx*tf my offlclal «*i in , - j - •;- 1 IBB £i\ I'--/-' a Corporation of the State of , nfid that the 8«al affixed to the foregoing iriBtru«^ttotheeor|»rftte»^lof §jUd corporatioEw»^ti*t §^^toatruawntw u eiflacd «nd ««led In behalf : P ^ ?, \£ 'A !JB tBS^MONY WHBRBgS^'I hit* b*raifito «rt my ixaad *ad *ffixod my,o«HcI»l s«st in j H^^s^ff>te,'>4MM» v WSJ.-- v * i'," , 'A /p-i .'"• ' * ' '.' " ' Wotoiy labile. ' , " ' Thi8 B^';'',' '' ' %raaaa»t sad© *»d «at#r«& lato'.fti 'if .tfii 'JL^ day of , !, '/'J llfc'' /"tfuaa,' 19&*. by and botwoen Tha. Juaiar Gollag* SUtviftt-aff it. tenia,' < •.'"' >% B ^ Si. Souia County, Miaaouri, a body corpor©t« and a sutoAMaion or | Wf'::;t the State of Hiaaouri, duly organised aad listing uad*r the X«ws of '.;| Spr th Stat© of Mitaouri, haraiaaftar referred to as Th* District, «m& | ||^ Chariot 0. Haraar aad Blvara 8. Waraar, his wifa, lagal raaidaat* of ) g:\: St. Louis County, Miiaourl, haraiaaftar rafarrad to &» Tha tiaraara; ;; p _ WITNESSETH THAT: J M : ?C „ ||.'f . » ,, ' §>- JfV II ^ • • A . , - • ; ' ' -^ I'" fr I' fc '" A. To pay t o The Uproars herewith t o * CUB o f f i v e Hundred ' 1 Dollara (f500.00) oaeh. . . . ' ' • ' • B. To consent la writing to tha rolaaaa out of tcoron of tha ' »u» of Five Hundred Bo liar a ($500,09) f ro» an a so row tatingft account la tha nasi© of tit la Inauraaca Corporation depoaltad la ?iaaa Fa&arml S&vla&a and &oaa Aa&oolanon of Alt©a, H i - ,• • Inola, under aaorotr agraaaaat entered Into betKeea tha ' ' r 't -• . Partial hereto as of HoTeaber ?, 1963, aad t© tha payatest of ||V aald amount plus 'latarott earned th«r®upoa to Tha Waraara ft%:' withia fiva (5) days of tha data of *fcia'%y«*»*!it« jJK^'i' ' -* 1 j|V, fe^s" \ < ] .-A : " " ';'v: ft ||; i , Warnora herelnaftar aot forth, a«re© and ooveaaat to aVtha foil wlag, to.wit: • ' .• \ , , &"' ' ; ^he Patriot, for aad la oeasldaraUoa of the praaiaae .of tha ; jfP'* Is , . , Said escrow agraanaat ahAlX thus be taraaiaated; howorsr, ia Xiau tharaof, Tha Diatriot ahall b« ontitXad to the aua of^ift^,; .;• :> fe|:;. / * Oollara (l50400) par <U»y a« and for liquidatad Aanagaa fron K ; "' ^n« Waraara for aaoh a»d «v«ry d«y afttr »idni«ht, Aufuat" _ '.;] Ky ' ... '..- < 3 1 , , ! $ ^ , if a»y t that tha Marmara- shall ra«ain ia poaa' ti ^ J M:' tsaloa of tha ssr®ai»«B \m$m M aad auabarad 34^f PerihalX . , ; M «..*•*«*»» c^-ti- «* ,«..^^^;^;; V ;•• Life;- te-wlt* I « 1 ,' ' .' . * | i ^',^.fctt»i#tW«^'^^.^pVB ~**i aatat© imowa • • •»» ma»o»*^» <-* /7 '->-:-' ''^« ei , * *•***• ,,>v... , ~< . >.\ \^-'» '^k*..fr * «ft« tu» "^b»^^.'^ n r IP'' P:. * ' -*****&*>&* is *h» Ciwmit' &«***» *™-K<'? r i**% Of oo«A«««*U^ *?•***&*»«* » w , ; ; ^ - ^ :j,?. - •kr « *- ( u i m w Pi' .oX4 to »»» w»trt«» w » • * « * • ; P ' • Missouri* t » 19W» Im * *»**•** <* »».«* to «*•**» »• w w /'v ^ lttlU4 ' '*?* - *" .""^•^ 1 « « i . . w w ' J»iw «lt)iui th. « * in»l*M«. *»• T •»'•' Soh#4ul« f» ^ ^ » »», * ' y ™ •el' • «i, MAlMi ftX H u l l ^V lh.L M W««< w » , ,- i ; i . ii <•->^-ZjiWtfk ^;m '.,!,'. A >•- " I " * ' ! ' . W . l ^ w . M « « . '*»U *M %>trto* .M .llw**'^ i j ^ ^ I K«yA t o taw •*** «*, .*™f T"j i U-;L \ -'.,'. -\; '., ^ wfeU-K^?']-*'>iiF l I M» .V IMHTW !>•! '• •«• W , •<S"";':. -^twtfc and saad© - < i - \ . « ••tat* «M tmi«n .u •*^»» 4 i "^?7 "'-,•;;•; ••£><( H B T • ,•. /M '\:;;:y,::l •§;•. w f - • ££, ^ w .v^ *»-•^ ^2SL^^ 4 '^1 / "^wwrt. w» ? ^ , . .- t - t h g warn**** *$fc&h> , '< ;>' inttlbs*^ by red Xta#s o n Soh«4ul© A . This -work shall bo : 1 8 p f f' W B-'\ Mi ll'v pjfe ^ Jji^ Hf p' gradiTT^ and f t l l U ^ »atd ar«a by th*t A a t a / a m d ahfcU in ;' J, >' ''M no evont - and at oo ,> time ba permitted, to > Allow such equip*, * / acnt to go east of the north-south red line on Schedule A M appearing closest to the existing hoeae of "The Warners. ; H The Earners do consent to allow the District to' remain U on the said area inclosed by red lines on Schedule A bsyond ffl June 26, 19#*; for the purposes of Installing sewers e cul~ S verts, piping, footbridge, and asphalting of sotouchof the I walkways, roads, and parking areas AS shall bo within the I area inclosed by red; lines on Schedule A« It is understood 1 that no temporary building;a will b e constructed or erected 1 on said Area on or before »idntgh£* August 31, 19e^, or , 1 sooner should The Earners vacate the real estate before such 1 ft"" date, I This Agreement modifies in part the sale Contract entered into by the Partlee hereto on or about Ootober 27» 1°6>» respecting the sale of the real estate above mentioned |*y The tfemers to The District B whioh sale was evidenced by ^ 9 t of the real estate b y The Earners to The District on or about November ?» 1 9 0 # Ixoept a s herein »odified f %lL*,££Mj\j^~i Contract and teras of said **le remain in full foroe and effeotv tt This Agreement shall be binding on the Parties hereto, a n d their • heirs, nasigns, successors and legal representatives* * 'N v,/| This Agreement shall b e governed by the laws of the State of 1 " kinsouri h e r e i n ihis *gre«»e»t wat'isiide and <stitar«A^ iniftV • >?r,oi' ':*&A