





MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1963 - 8t00 P.M.


'•'•' A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of

St. Louis - St. Louts County, Missouri, was held on Monday, December 30, 1963, at the Central Office of the District at 4386 lindell Blvd., St, Louis, Missouri.

I. General Functions

1.2 Roll Call

The Board President, Mr. Gerald V. Williamson, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present:

Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian

^ p Messrs. Lester C. Geil

Morris G laser

F. William McCalpin

Guy 5. Ruffin

Gerald V. Williamson

Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President; Dr. John E. Tirrell,

'/ice President; and Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, Accountant, (representing Mr. James W,

Hobson) — all of the Junior College staff.

Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff, of the firm of Armstrong, Teosdale, Root. Kramer &

Vooghan, Counsel for the District, was also present.

0 1^0/63

A 1.3 Minute

Board President Williamson called for a reeding of the Minutes of the regular meeting of December 9 , 1963. They were read and discussed* Board Member

McCalpin asked the Board Secretary, Mrs. Dolores Tygard, to correct a statement n page 8 with respect to the amendment to the Policies and Procedures Manual.

Mr. McCalpin asked that the sentence read, "Copies were distributed among the

Board Members. ••, period". The rest of the sentence was extraneous. Mrs. Tygard noted the correction.

Whereupon, it was moved by Mr. Glaser, ieconded by Mr. Gel I., and passed with the unanimous aye vote of all Members that the Minutes of the regular meeting of December 9 , 1963/ be approved as amended.

1.4 Welcome to Guests

Board President Williamson introduced Mr. Timothy Hogan - a reporter for the St. Louis Globe Democrat - to the Board Members.

1.6 Communications

The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, read a letter from Mr. Aaron

Fischer. Mr. Fischer stated that he and Mrs* Fischer wished to contribute to the

St. Louis - St. Louis County Junior College Scholarship Fund. This was to celebrat the season of the year, and to honor some of their friends. They enclosed a check for


Dr. Cosand recalled that when Mrs, Fischer won the St. Louis Award last year she donated the $1,000 check to this same Scholarship Fund, and matched it with another $1,000.00.


A general discussion f (lowed.

Whereupon, it was moved by Mrs® Bastion, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and passed with the unanimous aye vote of ai I members of the Board, that this generous donation from Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fischer be accepted by the Board of Trustees, and that the Secretary of the Board be directed to express their deep appreciation.

Board Member Bastian asked if the Board Members had received a copy of a communication from the City Council of Ferguson. She felt that it should be read at this meeting. The letter in question was not produced. However, Mrs. Bastian talked to this point and said it was the feeling in Ferguson that the name, "Florissant Valley

Community College", was not appropriate for the north county site. They had submitted alternate suggestions, among them Roubidoux, and Confluence. However,

Mrs. Bastian said the principal point to be considered was that the college was not technically in the Florissant Valley, and secondly, It identified the campus with a community.

A general discussion followed.

Mr. Ruffin said that according to parliamentary procedure, the name was chosen by a majority vote of three to two, and unless one of the Board Members, who voted in the affirmative, chose to change their vote, the matter could not be opened for discussion, and would have to stand as previously considered. Mr. Ruffin also stated that he felt it was to the best interests of the College if the Board of Trustees did not become involved in disputes, no matter how small, among the various municipalities in St. Louis County.

It was agreed, informally, that Board President Williamson would answer the letter from th Ferguson City Council.

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^ ^ 2.1 Certificated Personnel - Professional Staff

• — — < — • — — ^ P I P H I M I H f N N M H M M M M P M M M W « M « M N > l i i l l M M ill

The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the following certificated personnel:

Evelyn G . Harvey - Librarian - II - 1 - Effective 1/6 - 5/26/64

Nelson L. Harvey - Assistant Professor - History - 11-2 - Effective 1/6-5/26/64

Annette Ruder - Instructor - English - 1-1 - Effective 1/6 - 5/26/64

Paul C. Gianini - Counselor - 1-2 - Effective 1/6 - 5/26/64

Leo J . Hertzel - Assistant Professor - English - 11-2 - Effective 1/6-5/26/64 and 9 hours at $170.00/hr. - 5/26-8/22/64

Michael Murphy - Assistant Professor - English - l l - l - Effective 1/6-5/26/64

Reinhold Albert Rasmussen - Instructor - Biology - 1-4 - Effective 1/6-5/26/64

Shirley McClure Coulson - Instructor - Microbiology - 1-2 - Eff. 1/6-5/26/64

Monica Gallagher - Instructor - Mathematics - 1-2 - Effective 1/6-5/26/64

John Joseph Farrelly, Jr. - Instructor - tnglish - 1-3 - Effective 1/6-5/26/64

Dr. Cosand also recommended the following changes In classification:

Edward Michael Ruddy - Associate Dean - ill - Effective l / l / 6 4

Billy A. Key - Assistant Dean - V - Effective 1/1/64

A general discussion followed with respect to their academic backgrounds and general qualifications.

Whereupon, on motion by Mrs, Bastion, seconded by Mr, Glaser, and upon the aye vote of all Members of the Board, it was


4 ' -


&$k RESOLVED, That the personnel recommended for employm nt by Dr, Cosand,

. ™ as set out in the foregoing list, be employed In the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board,

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the changes In classification hereinabove recommended for Instructors, who have been previously approved by the

Board, be approved.In the new classification.

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructors* Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with each of the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract Is to be filed with the records of the District.


3,1 Summer Session

The President of the College recommended that the regular Summer Session be scheduled for the Junior College District campuses at Roosevelt High School and

McCluer High School for the dates May 11 to August 28, 1964. Dr. Cosand also recommended that a special nine-week Summer Session be held on the Meramec campus from June 29 to August 28, 1964. Dr. Cosand explained that this special session would enable high school graduates, and college students who were home on vacation, to attend the Summer Session,

A general discussion followed.

Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Gel I, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board,. It was

RESOLVED, That a regular Summer Session be scheduled for the Junior

College District campuses at Roosevelt High School and McCluer High

School for the dates May 11 to August 28, 1964,

FURTHER RESOLVED, That a special 9-weeks Summer Session be held on the Meramec Campus from June 29 - August 28, 1964,

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4.1 Progress on Campuses

4.11 Temporary Buildings - Meramec Campus

The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, reported to the Board on the progress being made with respect to the final developments in the temporary buildings at Meramec campus. Board President Williamson stated that he had received many comments about the appearance of the library. Everyone seemed pleased that all equipment and furniture, etc. could be transferred to the permanent library facilities.

Dr. Cosand said the Board would undoubtedly like to know that the chemistry laboratory was completed equipped at this point.

4.12 Temporary Buildings - Florissant Valley Community College

The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, reported on plans for temporary buildings at Florissant Valley Community College - particularly with respect to the technical education buildings. Dr. Cosand told the Board that it was the aim of the administrative staff to see the Meramec campus in operation before final specifications were given to the architects for Florissant Valley Community College.

4.13 Master Planning - Three Permanent Campuses

The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, reported on the Master

Planning of the three permanent campuses. He told the Board that many meetings had

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been held - many discussions were going on at the present time with resp ct to room utilization* Dr. Cosand also indicated that every effort would be made to use the classrooms on a multi-purpose basis. For instance, If French were being taught during one period, it would not, of necessity, be considered a classroom for the exclusive use of Instructors in that subject. Other subjects, such as English and Mathematics, could of course be taught in that same classroom.

A general discussion followed, involving all Board Members.

4.2 The Vice President of the College, Dr. Tirrell, reported on a meeting which was held in Chicago recently. It had been sponsored by the Stanford Research

Institute and the Educational Facilities Laboratory of the Ford Foundation. Dr. Tirrell told the Board that St, Louis was one of three Junior College Districts which had been asked to participate. Chicago, St. Louis, and Los Angeles were represented. Representatives were also present from six architectural firms - representatives from the

Federal Government- and from urban renewal groups.

Dr. Tirrell stated that the entire meeting was stimulating and much was gained by all participants. However, the one prominent impression which he brought home was the great interest and enthusiasm which greeted the movement going on here in metropolitan St. Louis, so far as the Junior College District was concerned,


5,1 Treasurer's Report

The Board President, .Mr. Vllliamson, called upon Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, to read the Treasurer's Report. Mrs. Calais presented the Treasurer's Report for the period from November \, 1963 - November 30, 1963.

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4 & A general discussion followed.

Whereupon, It was moved by Mr* McCalpln, seconded by Mr. Ruffln, that the Treasurer's Report be approved as submitted. Upon the eye vote of all Board

Members present, the motion was approved unanimously.

The President of the Board, Mr. Williamson, commended Mrs. Calais, for the fine job she did in presenting the Treasurer's Report,ln the absence of Mr. Hobson.

5.2 Contract between Junior College District and St. Louis Board of


The President of the College recommended the approval of a contract between the Junior College District and the St, Louis Board of Education for the use of

Roosevelt High School for the period from Septem ber 8, 1963 to September 4, 1964.

A general discussion followed.

'Qr It was decided to defer the approval of this contract until a subsequent meeting of the Board of Trustees.

5.3 Acceptance of Quotation for Physics Equipment

The President of the College recommended the acceptance of the bid, and the awarding of an order, to the Central Scientific Company and the Welch Scientific

Company for physics equipment.

Dr. Cosand said that a request for quotation was sent to three suppliers. One did not bid duo to inadequate coverage of total requirements. Of the two remaining • bidders, one bid partially, and the other one complete requirements.

The quotations follow:

12/30/63 - 8 -

Group 1 Group 11

Central Scientific $ 3,981,60 $ 1,206.32

Welch Scientific Portia! 894.05

Alban Scientific No Bid No Bid

It was the recommendation that the District place an order with the Central

Scientific Company for physics equipment under Group 1 In the amount of $3,981,60, and place an order with the Welch Scientific Company for physics equipment under

Group 11 in the amount of $S94,05 - a total cost of $4,075.65 for physics equipment.

A general discussion followed.

Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. G e i l , and with the aye vote of the following Board Members: Mrs. Bastlan, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Glaser,

Mr. McCalpIn, Mr. G e i l , and Mr. Ruffin, it was

RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees accept the offer of the Central

Scientific Company for physics equipment in the amount of $3,981.60; and accept the offer of the Welch Scientific Company for physics equipment In the amount of $894.05 — a total cost of $4,875.65 for physics equipment, and that the President be authorized to purchase this equipment in accordance with the bid specifications.

5.4 Acceptance of quotation for Manual Typewriters

The President of the College recommended the acceptance of the bid, and the awarding of an order, to the Royal Mc Bee Corporation for manual typewriters.

Dr. Cosand told the Board that ten additional manual typewriters were needed to completely equip the typing classroom at Meramec Community College. Requests for bids on these ten typewriters were sent to four suppliers. Each one submitted a trial typewriter for examination, A test was made by a typing Instructor at Meramec

Community College and Mr, Slough, of the Purchasing Department, The bids are as follows:

- 9 -


A Fletcher Typewriter Co. Olympic $150.00 each $1,500.00


Remington Rand DIv. Remington $130.00 each $1,800.00

Royal McBee Corporation Royal $159.50 each $1,595.00

Underwood Corporation Underwood $129


75 each $1,297.50

A general discussion followed In which the test results were examined by the Board


Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mrs, Bastian, and with the aye votes of the following members of the Board: iv'irs. Bastian, Mr, Williamson,

Mr. Ruffin, Mr. McCalpIn, M r . G e i l , and Mr. Glaser, it was

RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees accept the offer of the Royal MeBee

Corporation to sell the District ten Royal manual typewriters at a cost of

$159.50 each, or a total of $1,595,00; and that the President be authorized to purchase such equipment in accordance with the bid specifications.

5.5 Acceptance of quotation for Biology supplies

The President of the College recommended the acceptance of the bid and the ;/ awarding of an order for biology supplies to the Central Scientific Company. Dr.

Cosand stated that a request was sent to three suppliers for bidding on biology equipment.

One supplier did not bid,due to inadequate coverage of a sufficient number of same,or of equal quality items. Cne supplier bid partially, and the other complete. The following is a breakdown of bids submitted.

Group 1 Group 11 Total

Aloe Scientific Company $ 969,58 No Bid $ 969.58

Central Scientific Company $ 952.05 $ 570.50 % 1,530.55

Matheson Scientific No Bid No Bid No Bid

(Chicago Apparatus)

A general discussion followed.

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4 f r Whereupon, on rn tion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mr. G laser, and with the aye votes of the following Board Members: Mrs, Bastion, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Ruffirv

Mr. McCalpin, Mr. Glaser, and Mr. Gell, It was

RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees accept the offer of the Central

Scientific Company to sell the District biology equipment and supplies for a total expenditure of $1,530.55; and that the President be authorized to purchase such equipment in accordance with the bid specifications.

5,6 Investments mo Je by Finance Committee

Mr. McCalpin gave a report regarding the investments made by the Financing

Committee, consisting of Mr, McCalpin and Mr. Glaser, and advised the Board that the funds were invested i'i accordance with tSe authority previously given to this

Finance Committee by the Board, Mr. McCalpin requested that the Board ratify and approve their action in so investing said funds.

Upon discussion and on motion made by Mr. Gell, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and with the aye vote of all Members of the Board, It was

RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees hereby ratify and approve the action of its Finance Committee, consisting of Board members Glaser and McCalpin, in autSiorizing the investment of the District's funds pursuant to advertisement for bids in the form of certificates of deposit in the following amounts with the following financial institutions for the following days,

DECEMBER 23, 1963

Security Trust Company - $500,000.00 - 360 days - 4%

Boatmen's National Bank - $500,000.00 - 360 days - 4%

Boatmen's Motional Bank - $500,000.00 - 270 days - 4%

Boatmen's National Bank - $300,000.00 « 90 days - 3.85%

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H i i • ' i - i , i h i i|D |, . . |,

5 . 7 Policies ond Procedures Monual

Board President Williamson informed the Board that in accordance with 1,8.2 of the Policies and Procedures Manual, the following addition should be voted on by the Board at this meeting. It was previously submitted to the Board at the December 9 meeting. If approved, it will become Item 6.17 of the Policies and Procedures Manual,

A general discussion followed.

Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and upon the aye vote of all Members of the Board, it was

RESOLVED, That the following proposed amendment to the Policies and

Procedures Manual, under Section 6 . 1 7 , pertaining to the Growth Development Fund, be approved by the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, and become a part of said Policies and Procedures Manual:

6.17 Any amount remaining unspent and unencumbered in the Growth

Development Fund may be transferred by the President of the College to any other budget account; provided, however, that the President shall report any such transfers to the Board at its next meeting, following such transfer. Transfer of any portion of the Growth Development Fund for a purpose or program not covered in the budget shall require prior approval of the Board.

5 . 8 Approval of Contract for Purchase of Real Estate

The President of the Board, Mr. Williamson, stated that he would like to submit a proposal before the District to purchase from J . A . Howard, for the sum of $35,000, a half acre tract of land in the Highlands Park Industrial area.

A general discussion followed.

Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and passed with the following aye votes of the Board Members: Mr, Williamson, Mr. Ruffln,

12/30/63 - 12 -

Mr» G I I , i\Ar. McCalpin, Mr. Glaser, and Mrs, Bastian, H was

RESOLVED, lltat the Junior College District purchase a parcel of land located

In the City of St. Louis adjacent to the property Heretofore purchased by the District from Joy Manufacturing Company and more particularly described as follows:

The Western 100 feet of a parcel of land in Blocks 5501 and 5504 of the

City of St. Louis, beginning at a point in the East line of Sublette Avenue at its intersection with the North line of West Parle Avenue, thence Eastwardly along said North line of West Park Avenue 227 feet 11 inches to a point in said North line of West Park Avenue, thence continuing along the

Northeast line of said West Park Avenue on a cwve to the Right, to the intersection of said Northeast line of West Pork Avenue with the Southwest line of the right-of-way or easement of the Missouri Pacific Railroad

Company at a point distant therein 137 feet Southeastwardly from the East prolongation of aforesaid North line of West Park Avenue, thence Northwestwardly along said line of said right-of-way on a curve to the Left, a distance of 560 feet 3-3/4 inches to its intersection with the East line of

Sublette Avenue, thence Southwardly along said East line 225 feet 3/8 inch to the point of beginning; together with alt improvements thereon for a total purchase price of $35,000.00 subject, however, to the conditions and promises contained in a sales contract executed by and between J . A . Howard and C. M . Corbett, a copy of said contract being attached as a part of Exhibit A to these minutes and by reference incorporated herein,

FURTHER RESOLvjED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby

Is authorized and directed to execute an assignment of contract for the purchase of real estate for and on behalf of the District in the form of the assignment of contract attached to these minutes and by reference incorporated herein.

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7.1 Special Junior College District Edition - Kirkwood-Webster Groves

Advertiser ______>______-___^___. _______________________

The President of the College reported that the Kirkwood - Webster Groves

Advertiser would Issue a special edition of their newspaper welcoming the Meramec

Community College to the South County, The edition will be distributed on January 9,

1964. Dr. Cosand said that the Editor had discussed this with him, and they felt it would run 12 or 16 pages with pictures, student activities, and the general philosophy of the Junior College District,


Board President Williamson asked If there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and Mr. McCalpin made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, Mr. Ruffin seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved at

10:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Tygard, Secretary^ ^

Secretary, Board of Trustees

The Junior College District of St. Louis -

St. Louis County, Missouri


- 14 w



NOVEMBER 30, 1963


Balance October 3 1 , 1963 $1,935/167.51


Taxes $294,722.63

Maintenance Fees 10,074.03

Interest Earned on Investments 61.06

Gifts & Grants 100.00

Auxiliary Services Bookstore (gross sales) 804.05

Other Receipts & Refunds 112.97 $305,874.74

Disbursements: (See Schedule. A)

Salaries Gross $83,350.38

Less Withholdings 18,757.36 $64,593.02

Operating Expenses 13,540.48

Capital Outlay 100,116.72

Auxiliary Services

(Cost of Sales) 424.73

Payroll Taxes & Withholdings 29,506.58

£ & Tuition Refunds 48.00

^ p Scholarship Expense 40.00

National Defense Student

Loan Fund 5,828.89 $214,098.42

Excess of Receipts over Disbursements $ 91,776.32

Balance November 30, 1963 $2,026,943.33

Balance November 30, 1963 consist* of:

Cash on hand (petty cash funds) $ 600.00

Cash in bank:

Mercantile Trust General Account $ 28,085.36

Mercantile Trust Payroll Account 500.00 28,585.36

Investments: (lee Schedule B)

Treasury Bills $ 797,758.47

Certificates of Deposit 1,200,000.00 $1,997,758.47




Warrant Check Register Total November 30, 1963 $433,830.69


Costs of Investments purchased during month 219,732*27


' y i ' »

-•I ...








Purchase Purchased Rate of Maturity Maturity November Intei

Date F_rom Type of- Investment Interest Value Cost Date Maturities Earn

2/4/63 Boatmen


* Bank Certificate of Deposit 3-1/2 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 12/5/63

2/4/63 " " " " " 4 200,000.00 200,000.00 2/5/64

2/4/63 Lindell Trust Co. "


" 3-1/2 200,000.00 200,000.00 12/5/63

2/4/63 " "


" " " 4 200,000.00 200,000.00 2/5/64

2/4/63 Southwest Bank "


" 3-1/2 200,000.00 200,000.00 12/5/63

2/4/63 " " " " " 4 200,000.00 200,000.00 2/5/64

10/31/63 First National Bank Treasury Bills 3.22 650,000.00 647,965.14 12/5/63

11/19/63 Mercantile Trust " "



1 5

70,000,00 69,938.94 11/29/63 $69,938.94 $61.

11/19/63 "


" " 3.10 .T50;000,00 149,793.33 12/5/63




-,y 0 JULY 1 , 1963 T O NOVEMBER 3 0 , 1963

Vx Revised fe Estimated

Receipts Receipts Income Budget

Account N o . Item For Month Year to Date 1963-1964

• i i i • . " * " " • i — — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


11-901 City of St. Louis:

101 Real Estate $66,401.88 $77,794.55 $1,166,000.00

102 Personal Property 10,931.69 12,363.72 185,000.00

103 Intangible - - 47,000.00

104 Manufacturers 11,985.00 84,027.20 105,000.00

105 Merchants 12,006.40 54,893.10 65,000.00

106 Railroads - - 58,000.00

108 St. Louis Housing Authority - - 5,700.00

$101,324.97 $229,078.57 $1,631,700.00

11-902 St. Louis County:

101 Real Estate $170,931.59 $224,925.10 $1,350,000.00

102 Personal Property 22,366.69 45,041.99 185,000.00

103 Intangible - 76.55 25,000.00

:,•"__. 104 Manufacturers & Merchants 47.81 210.38 50,000.00

9 m 106 Railroads - - 12,000.00

;•.':• 107 Utilities 51.57 51.57 80,000.00

$193,397.66 $270,305.59 $1,702,000.00

11-903 Jefferson County:

103 Intangible & Property $ - $ $ 400.00

106 Railroads - 'i - 1,100.00

$ * $ $ 1,500.00

TOTAL TAXES $294,722,63 $499,384.16 $3,335,200.00

11-908-110 State Aid Grant $ $600,000.00 $ 440,000.00

12-13-951 Maintenance Fees

120 Resident $ 10,074.03 $175,170.97 $

123 Vocational Rehabilitation - 1,600.00 -

$ l6,"674.03 $176,770.97 $ 400,000.00


| ; 11-971-198 ""Interest Earned $ 61.06 $ 18,966.16 $ 70,000.00

''__&__. Gifts And Grants

$ P | 0 11-871-170(7841 Women's Advertising Club $ - $ 500.00 $

11-871-170(785) Hotel & Restaurant

Scholarship Fund 100.00 100.00

11-971-170 Other - 10.00 -

$ WSM $ 670350" $ -

• M I I I . ' ' ' "


- 2 -



&k Receipts Receipts Income Budget

A c c o u n t

No. item For Month Year to Date 1963-1964

Auxiliary Services

Bookstore Gross Soles:

12-801-130 South Campus $ 584.05 $ 37,393.93$

13-801-130 North Campus 220,00 16,009.71

Vending Machine Commission:

12-802-140 South Compus - 638.21

13-802-140 North Campus - 19.46

12-801-199 Other Income - 4.94

$ 804.05 $ 54,066.25"$ 130,000.60

Other Receipts & Refunds

13-881-199 Student Activities $ 12.42 $ 12.42$

Other 100.55 1,276.14 -

$ 112.97 $ 1,283.56$

TOTAL RECEIPTS $305,874.74 $1,351,086.10 $4,375,200.00





NOVEMBER 30, 1963


Disbursements Disbursements Appropriation Unencum-

Account & Encumbrances & Encumbrances Budget bered

No. Item For Month Year to Date 1963-64 Balances

(300) Salaries (a)

321 Joseph Cosand, Pres. $ 1,750.00 $ 8,750.00 $ $

321 JohnTirrell, V.P.

Instruction 1,666.67 8,333.35

321 James Hobson, V.P.

Business 1,416.67 7,083.35

322 Administrative 1,949,66 8,480.34

341 Clerical 4,505.50 16,222.58

391 Other 1,859,03

TOTAL SALARIES $ 11,288.50 $ 50,728.65 $ 147,940.00 $ 97,211.35

(400) Operating Expenses

403 Auto Expense $ 317.05 $ 1,829.80 $ $

HSfflb 421 Contractual Services

^ ^ Legal 2,607.91

423 Contractual Services

Other 27.89

424 Other Services 618.08 1,179.36

429 Annuity 999.99

431 Employment Cost-Proc. 25.52 52.05

437 General Insurance 4,577.22

447 Meetings 731.88 J,594.31

448 Faculty Meetings &

Expenses Relating

Thereto 708.70

449 Memberships 14.95 180.50

451 Payroll Taxes -

Certificated 126.00 630.00

452 Payroll Taxes -

Non-Certificated 219.04 801.11

461 Postage & Freight 326.15 1,170.35

462 Data Processing 765.60 19,078.00

463 Printing 2,729.02 13,444.41

465 Public Information 189.00 281.63

466 Publications &

tffefe Subscriptions 461.15 733.11

^ P 467 Rent 1,868.22 4,430.55

469 Repairs & Maintenance 302,50 422.08

487 Station ry 268.85 913.69

492 Supplies-Office 3,583.91 6,414.70

494 Supplies-Other 436.25 1,677.11

- 2 -



NOVEMBER 30, 1963


Disbursements Disbursements Appropriation Unencum-

Accounr & Encumbrances & Encumbrances Budget bered

No. Item For Month Year to Date 1963-64 Balances

495 Delivery Services $ 10.20 $ 65.85 $ $

496 Telephone & Telegraph 329.58 1,579.50

497 Travel Expense 312.86 1,357.63

499 Miscellaneous 584.41 2,765.71


OPERATING EXPENSE $ 14,220.22 $ 69,523.16 $ 159,040.00 $ 89,516.84

(500) Capital Outlay

501 Sites $ 42,682.34 $ 992,945.25 $ $

502 Land Improvement 1,145.00 1,145.00

511 Temporary Buildings 53,761.43 174,244.54

513 Master Plan 5,221.02

521 Equipment 753.50 2,201.20

541 Furniture 1,734.71 2,508.78

^Ba>L 561 Instructional

^ P Apparatus 46.98

591 Other 930.89 3,095.22


CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 101,007.87 $1,181,407.99 $2,114,252.00 $ 932,844.01

TOTAL $ 126,516.59 $1,301,659.80 $2,421,232.00 $1,119,572.20

(a) Salaries are not encumbered.



NOVEMBER 30, 1963


Disbursements Disbursements Approrpiation Unencum-

Account & Encumbrances & Encumbrances Budget bered

No. It e m

For Month Year to Date 1963-64 Balances

(300) Salaries (a)

321 R.Jones, Director $ 1,041.67 $ 5,208.35 $ $

341 Clerical 542.00 2,710.00

391 Other 250.00 1,629.46

TOTAL SALARIES $ 1,833.67 $ 9,547.81 $ 25,210.00 $15,662.19


(400) Operating Expenses

403 Auto Expense $ 26.40 $ 119.05 $ $

449 Memberships

451 Payroll Taxes -

Certificated 42.00 210.00

452 Payroll Taxes-

Non-Certificated 28.71 157.31

461 Postage & Freight .29 29.60

466 Publications &

Subscriptions 12.00

467 Rent 1,977.85 2,546.70

469 Repairs & Maintenance 2.72

492 Supplies-Office 110.70 235.50

494 Supplies-Other 281.35 379.25

497 Travel 226.82 546.05

499 Other Expenses 421.75


OPERATING EXPENSES $ 2,694.12 $ 4,659.93 $ 7,640.00 $ 2,980.07

(500) Capital Outlay

521 Equipment $ 25.97 $ 336.68 $ $

541 Furniture 10,395.47 11,142.62

571 Books & Periodicals 66,375.40 78,946.11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _


CAPITAL OUTLAY $76,796.84 $90,425.41 $136,690.00 $46,264.59

TOTAL $81,324.63 $104,633.15 $169,540.00 $64,906.85


(a) Salarl s are not encumbered.




NOVEMBER 30, 1963


Disbursements Disbursements Appropriation Unencum-

Account & Encumbrances & Encumbrances Budget bered

No. Item For Month Year to Date 1963-64 Balances

(300) Salaries (a)

322 Administrative -

Non-Certificated $ 542.00 $ 2,697.00 $ $

341 Clerical 350.00 1,251,60

391 Other 24.75 1,107.99 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

TOTAL SALARIES $ 916.75 $ 5,056.59 $ 17,220.00 $12,163.41

(400) Operating Expenses

403 Auto Expenses $ $ 68.60 $ $

424 Other Services 70.40

452 Payroll Taxes -

Non-Certificated 18.35 156.63

461 Postage & Freight 7.08 740.27

:';••__ 492 Supplies-Office 7.58

; ; ' f l f t TOTAL

OPERATING EXPENSES $ 25.43 $ 1,043.48 $ 4,230.00 $ 3,186.52

(405) Books & Supplies

For Resale $ 424.73 $63,700.28 $142,660.00 $78,959.72

(500) Capital Outlay $ $ $ 4,880.00 $ 4,880.00

TOTAL $ 1,366.91 $69,800.35 $168,990.00 $99,189.65

(a) Salaries are not encumbered*




NOVEMBER 30, 1963


Disbursements Disbursements Appropriation Unencum-

Account & Encumbrances & Encumbrances Budget bered

N o . Item For Month Year to Dote 1963-64 Balances

(300) Salaries (a)

321 G . C l a r k , Director $ 1 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 6,250.00 $ $

321 Administrative -

Certificated 2,242.41 9,575.73

322 Administrative-

Non-Certificated 750.00 1,500.00

302 Counselors 1,824.71 6,922.59

303 Instructors 3 4 , 5 6 5 i l l 141,081.95

306 Librarians 611.11 1,833.33

331 Janitorial 261.00 735.52

341 Clerical 2,386.88 7,778.68

391 Other 916.28 3,007.15

TOTAL SALARIES $44,807.50 $178,684.95 $600,007.00 $421,322.05

^ Q P (400) Operating Expenses

403 Auto Expense $ 170.25 $ 317.50 $ $

424 Other Services (43.G0) 2,135.50

433 Water 8.49

434 Electricity 36,85 40.57

436 Gas 4.03 6.00

447 Meetings 1.14 27.83

448 Meetings-Faculty 119.25

449 Memberships (30,00)

451 Payroll Taxes -

Certificated 2,261.37 7,313.84

452 Payroll Taxes -

Non-Certificated 164.13 1,113.98

461 Postage & Freight 14.35 586.67

462 Data Processing Service 178.23

466 Publications &

Subscriptions 110.15 240.10

467 Rent 10,632.97

469 Repairs & Maintenance 816.39 849.89

482 Testing Services 100.70 362.41

487 Stationery 345.82 345.82

, 491 Supplies-instructional 6,446.93 12,277.83 tip 492 Supplies-Office 2,160.42 4,082.01

493 Supplies-Custodial 783.73 783.73

494 Supplies-Other 937.12 1,761.65

495 Delivery Services 2.60 ,

496 T I phon &Tel graph 321.64 725.99

- 2 -



NOVEMBER 30, 1963

Disbursements Disbursements Appropriation Unencum-

Account & Encumbrances & Encumbrances Budget bered

N o . Item For Month Year t« Pete 1963-64 Balances

497 Travel Expenses $ 267 J 9 $ 753*56 $ $

499 Miscellaneous 215.83 714.94


OPERATING EXPENSES $ 15,035.04 $ 45,381.36 $152,750.00 $107,368.64

(500) Capital Outlay

511 Temporary Buildings $ 3,583.00 $ 3,583.00 $ $

521 Equipment 36,694.11 41,073.50

541 Furniture 23,355.94 30,540.32

561 Instructional

Apparatus 34,381.52 37,816.19

591 Other Capital

Expenditures 3,403.50 5,963.50

596 Deposits 340.40 tffe TOTAL

^ P CAPITAL OUTLAY $101,418.07 $119,316.91 $165,212.00 $ 45,895.09

(881) Special Appropriation

Student Activities

424 Other Services $ $ 27.50 $ $

463 Printing 497.00

494 Supplies-Other 132.40 301.32

499 Miscellaneous 29.25 176.30


OPERATING EXPENSES $ 211.65 $ 1,002.12 $ 9,768.00 $ 8,765.88

TOTAL $161,522.26 $344,385.34 $927,737.00 $583,351.66

(a) Salaries are not encumbered.





NOVEMBER 30, 1963


Disbursements Disbursements Appropriation Unencum-

Account & Encumbrances & Encumbrances Budget bercd

No Item For Month Year to Date 1963-64 Balances

(300) Salaries (a)

321 Dr. Libby, Director $ 1 , 2 0 8 . 3 3 $ 6 , 0 4 1 . 6 5 $ $

321 Adrnin?strativo-Cert. 1,750.00 7,875.00

302 Counselors 1,755.55 7,719.15

303 Instructors 17,933.21 59,353.01

306 Librarians 611.11 1,263.43

341 Clerical 1,057.00 4,857.55

391 Other 188.76 856.60

TOTAL SALARIES $24,503.96 $87,966.39 $238,625.00 $150,658.61

(400) Operating Expenses

403 Auto Expense $ $ 37.40 $ $

424 Other Services 63.00 288.92

448 Meetings - Faculty 75.00 75.00

451 Payroll T a x e s - C e r t . 1,379.90 3,983.77

452 Payroll Taxes - Non.

Certificated 40.03 578.73

461 Postage & Freight 200.00 333.24

463 Printing 31.00

466 Publications &

Subscriptions 152.50 204.04

467 Rent 1,107.96 6,524.81

469 Repairs & Maintenance 15.00 15.00

487 Stationery 97.27 105.87

491 Supplies-Instructional 3,487.57 3,956.78

492 SupplJes-Office 1,076.38 2,146.40

493 Supplies-Custodial 10.00

494 Supplies-Other 105.69 195.84

495 Delivery Service 2.60

496 Telephone & Telegraph 162.85 710.64

497 Travel & Related Exp. 405.67

499 Miscellaneous 125,36 317.39

TOTAL OPERATING $ 8,088.51 $19,923.10 $ 48,535.00 $28,611.90

EXPENSES f s 9 (500) Capital Outlay

521 Equipment $ 2,640.90 $ 5,298.80 $ $

541 Furniture 4,027.90 8,433.00

561 InstrwcUon^l 1,577.33 1,577,33


« I I W U l U W I * N i | » | l | l l 1H t -

— M


M l

^ " ' ' ' • " I ' •


T l U l 1

, l 1 l l H | - | f « » ^ W * i > | -

W j l w l i i i ^ i W . i . « | l - 1 V I Lil II r • 1 • | - - - n . . • i . • • i n J , ... , „ . . , I . . . J . . J I . . U

- 2 -

£ f c NORTH CAMPUS (13)


NOVEMBER 30, 1963


Disbursements Disbursements Appropriation Unencurn-

Account & Encumbrances & Encumbrances Budget bered

N o . Item For Month Year to Date 1963-64 Balances

591 Other $ 45.50 $ 2,835.50 $ $

596 Deposits 1,000.00


CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 8;291,63 $19,144.63 $ 41,162.00 $22,017.37

(881) Special Appropriation

Student Activities

423 Contractual

Services-Other $ $ 105.00 $ $

424 Other Services 27.00 27.00

463 Printing 1,290.00 1,290.00

494 Supplies-Other 12.97 21.32

499 Miscellaneous 92.50 92.50


^ g g . OPERATING EXPENSES $ 1,422.47 $ 1,535.82 $ 4,800.00 $ 3,264.18

TOTAL $ 42,306.57 $128,569.94 $ 333,122.00 $204,552*06

(a) Salaries are not encumbered* w


; :

E X H I B I T ^ A * • '.'.•'•''''••




THIS AGREEMENT made and entered Into this day of Deo ember,

1963, by and between C. M. C0R3ETT (hereinafter oalled "Assignor"), and THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OP ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, "

MISSOURI (hereinafter oalled


Junior College Dlstrlot"), WITNESSETH:

WHEREAS, by a sales oontract dated December 6, 1963, J. A.

Howard agreed to sell and convey to C. M. Corbett, Assignor herein, the property desoribed in the sales contract attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, on the terras and conditions oontalned therein; and

WHEREAS, said sale has not been o-eftfranva-t&d-; I ^

9 NOW, THEREFORE, it is actually agreed: That Assignor la consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations to him paid by the Junior College Distriot, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby transfer, assign and set over unto the Junior College District the above desoribed agreement, and all right, title and interest of Assignor in and to the parcel of land therein described; to have and to hold the same unto the Junior

College Distriot, its successors and assigns forever; subject nevertheless to the terms, conditions and stipulations in the sales oontract attached to this Agreement.

Assignor hereby authorizes and empowers the Junior College

Dlstrlot upon its performance of conditions and stipulations in said sales oontraot to demand and receive of the said J. A. Howard the deed oovenanted to be given in said sales oontraot, in the same manner and to all intents and purposes as the said Assignor himself might or oould do were these presents not executed.

The Junior College Distriot hereby covenants and agrees with

Assignor that it will pay the said purohase prioe and will observe and perform all the terms, conditions and stipulations that said sales

1 •• • : • • • '

performed, and will save Assignor harmless and keep him indemnified from all claims, demands and aotions by reason of said Distriot's failure to observe and perform said Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto oaused this

Agreement to be exeouted the day and year first above mentioned.

0. MoCorbett, Assi grior





G. V. W i l l i a m s o n , P r e s i d e n t

Board of T r u s t e e s



• R „ T h e undi-t signed viler aguvs it) sell ;nui the undcisigned purchaser agrees lo purchase, property known a* a .

A pr.rcol of land In Hlook r>f>01 and S5:i4 of tho City of St.Loulo, borinning nt a point tn tho -'.not i.lno of Gublotto Avenue at th intorooctlon cith tho JJorth lino of Wont r\nrk Avonuo, thono© natwnrd o3on«* oald t.'orth lino of

,v ost .'ark Avonuo 100 foot to a oolnt, then %'orthwardly and parullol with f 10 ^ast Lino of wublofcto Avonuo lOG.OG foot to n point In tho South lino of tho

J.anouri ''oflfio .{allroad rinht of v?uy, thonco '-ostwurdly along acid South Lino of onld rinht of way 104-28 foot to tho Kaiat lino o» :.ublotto Avonuo, thon muthwardly nlonp: tho riant Lino of

Suhlatto Avonuo 2XS 225.03 foot f- tho placo of boginnlng. i

• together with (if an\) the improvements thereon and appurtenances, fixtures and equipment *,. i- > hr-longing

(which seller guatantei-s to own), including all lighting, iteaiing, cooling and plumbing c(juipnic«U and fixtmrs, attached linoleum, radator shields, shades, curtain and ilrapery fixtures, Venetian blinds, shutters, slornt sasli,

Ktcvns. awniugt, u n t i b t i n g and exhaust fans, water heaters, stokers, oil and gas burners, trees and shrubs, and all aiUiUs now pimiiUU lor tenant use, and a bo xour window a i r conditioners and one water oooler not inoludsd in sale price.




, (l^TX^

The total p, ice »

7 h i r t

V T h o u o a n d ( * * r * - » t f > 0 ) * n o / l O O ^ M f ^

Propvity is suhjetl lo <ae following deeds of trust and none other, J^/ALXZ^

Community Federal Savings & Loan Assn.; Balance of $17,114.44, as of August 29, 1963. Monthly payments at 3246.71 inolude i n t e r e s t , p r i n c i p a l , taxes, and insurance.

Balance i> p.nable as UK&$ <?*? Jf£#tft>~&7 t

l ^

Cash pasment oi 5 • ' ^\J • of which eamesl money is a part. \

Return deed of HUM for $ . > 1 J

Vhlo contract lo c o n t i n e n t upon purchaoor obtnlnlng a Twenty I

Thousand (*20,000.00) Dollar I'lrst :>aod of Trust on tho proporty I at a oatinfactory lntoront rato within fiftoon (15) dayo after I aoooptance of t h i s contraot by both pnrtleis.

- - - . - , by Doc. l'J, 1363-— /•

T h i s contract lo be biiuhiigjvhen audj^f signed bytlie other party within -.nr-*

lla y


• • ' i ' / / /

Sale is, o be closed at ««cc of ' o U u o

'«& ' < a U U u o i

January 15„-4QG4 av.3J,/9fc3j&/K on 19 . under the usual Sale Conditions and Closing Practices of the Real y j . /;

Estate Hoard of Metropolitan St. Louis, and subject lo any special agreements between seller and purchaser, all JZrfa v 3 u-t forth on the reverse side hereof ami hereby »ffr\<hniii*y " i ^ "



l o

P r o

P c r l y "

l 0


, a s s w h c n

{ tale is dosed. Possession is to be delivered on 19 . «

m Deed to be made to (h-jg? ,//* /f j

All adjustments referred lo on the reverse side hereof to be made as of j» U'o». ^*\W^f"^X^ K<J/*Sd j

O.inmission sluil be $

1 8 0

^ «


' J

> 0

Q ,# j^tfibby seller and to be a lieu UU the property. j

A 'VJ.- . . . v . . , . •-/* (/ 'A ( r ? r r t v

. . K>i*( I'JZX: f\ j

Date (>*-tJci) Z^-C- C , l U . S - > Date (purchaser) „. ' ~ 19 ]

~y ^ ^ ^ ^ " ' ^^;:^4£^«.--«orbott | t f . l x j * wir»'tl.u«l","unU) 1'urchuBor'. wiio tiiu.iiuiia") 1 k

j f 1 N W o f T c t t m l * } & I f r S * ^ r i S When Due | Date I^fld To J

| , . . . . . .. , ,

,. :j f


. ' i l


! r n \'- . • f

"**• I E

I I . i I I ;


At election ot' cither seller • r purchaser, ittiit nt such parly's expense, unlc may be closed in escrow department of |! t h e local el'licc nf nny reputable title f"m;viiiy, but !;'vms i>f contrnct shall not he affected. , \\

i Km-nestdopo- U in bo iitaitivil liy seller';* run nt, without interest, but agent shall not bo linblc for earnest deposit ' ' until actually in form of cash in hands o( ngt-nl; if *-si 1»* is closed, cnnicst deposit to apply on sale commission; if purchnscr

[, »h«H fnil to pay additional earnest deposit when due (if required by contract) or if sale be not closed by date fixed therefor owing to failure of performance by purchaser, earnest deposit shall be forfeited by purchaser, but purchaser shall never- "

Ifccloss bo bound to fidiiiiniont of contract if MO detennim-d by seller, but this shnll not entitle pure!..; • • '.<> enforce sale. ,,

Forfeited earnest deposit .shall go 'irst toward reimbursing expense!; of agent incurred in this tranr.'iclitin, and balance to

CO one-half to Feller am! one-half to agent in full of commission. it

Uents, general taxes bayed on latest available assessment and rate, subdivision upkeep assessments, interest, insur- j ^ oner premium*, water rntes, sewer service charge, g.-.s and electric bills, fuel supply and operating expenses fif any) to bo prorate I and adjusted u<« provided mi the h a i h ni' .'10 days to the month, seller to have last day; general tax year to . : run from January 1st; delinquent rent:-., over thirty days, if any, to be collected by seller and not adjusted. Purchaser to pay all recording fee*.

' _ Seller 5ha 11 furnish general warranty deed, r-ubject In deed restrictions, casements, rights-of-wny of record, and tor.ing recutations; nl.»o subject to le:>:.es r.iid to occupancy of tenants existing on the date contrnct is executed by pur- j p

• ch»*er; |:« jural tnve.s payable in riiriTnt year and thereafter, and special taxes assessed or becoming a lien nfter dato

\ contract is executed by mirclmser; i:iiil Kent ml ami special taxes to be assumed and paid by purchaser. All personal •; j _ property rind fixture* included in tliir. sale in gurncntcod by seller to be paid for in full. I i-

' 9 H Title yhall be merchantable, or purchaser will accept title insurance policy issued by qualified title inaurnnco company

Wjp in lieu of sti icily merchantable title. If title is merchantable, purchaser slinll pay for certificate of title; if title is found j ^

' •• : imperfect ai.d seller cannot perfect title or obtain title insurance policy ns nbove provided within CO dnys after dnto fixed ; \ for CIOMPC, earnest deposit shall lie returned tn purchaser and seller shall pny to agent the snle commission and other ; i costs including title charges. Seller shall pny for documentary stamps, _ ; i

If. after contrnct is executed, the premises be destroyed or damaged by fire, windstorm or otherwise, seller shall j I

• restore same within thirty days if possible nud ?.de closing dale shall be extended accordingly, but otherwise purchnscr

•halt have option of cancelling or enforcing contract; if enforced, purchaser shnll be entitled to insurance; if cancelled, i [_ e a r n e s t depo.-it s h a l l be r e t u r n e d to p u r c h a s e r . In c i t h e r e v e n t a g e n t shall receive full sale commission. Seller s h a l l a s s u m e ! t

\ risk of meh destruction or damage and shall have the obligation to obtain consent of insurance companies to snle contract. I f

If improvements or additions have been completed within six months prior to sale closing dntc, seller shall furnish ,

k reasonable Mdirity against tneeluniirs' liens or satisfactory evidence of ppymont of bills. . -

I'ropeity to be accepted in i u present condition unless otherwise stated in contract, Seller wnrrnnts thnt ho has j p? not received any written notification from any gnvernniontal ancncy requiring any repairs, replacements, or alterations to



»a:d prcmiseii which have net 1 n rntikfactorily in:i«!e. This is the cntiro contract and neither party shall bo bound by < representation a s to value or otherwise unless ?et forth in contract. ^ ]

The words purchnscr, seller, n^cnt and <loposil where uppcaring in this contract shall bo construed in tho plural, if moro thnn one.

This contrnct shnll bind the heirs, lcKftl representatives, successors nnd nssipns of the parties Ticrcto.

Contrnct assignable by purchaser, but not without consent of seller if purchase money deed of trust forms p a r t of u l e conride.-alion.

Sole Commission as provided under the rules of tho Heal Estate Bnnrd of Metropolitan St. Louis: 6% of tno total wiling or exchange price on impruved property it ml 10Vo en unimproved property; minimum charge 5&0.

Special Agrci-mcnln betwevn Seller and Purchaser forming part of Contract: i \


I "

« i

1 =

• j


1 , m

$ ' • ' .- i:

• H :



;• u !; • s r S i i i
