TB2013.66 Trust Board Meeting: Wednesday 8 May 2013 TB2013.66 Title Financial Performance for 2012/13 Status A paper for discussion History Regular report Committee Lead(s) Mr Mark Mansfield, Director of Finance and Procurement Key purpose Strategy TB2013.66 Financial Performance Assurance Policy Performance Page 1 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Summary 1 This report informs the Board about the Trust’s draft financial position for the financial year 2012/13. The financial position is subject to audit and therefore the final published figures for the year may differ from those presented in this report. 2 The key points to note are: 1. The Trust achieved its target surplus for the year and therefore met its financial duty to break even. (Page 3) 2. Other than savings from ward closures the Trust achieved the full level of planned savings for the year. (Page 9) 3. The Trust’s overall financial risk ratings, as it would have been assessed by Monitor were the Trust to be a Foundation Trust, ended the year with a score of “3”. The Trust met its other financial duties for the year. (Page 18) 3 The Trust Board is asked to receive and discuss the report on financial performance 2012/13 TB2013.66_Financial Performance M12 Page 2 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income & Expenditure Account) – Performance against the Break Even Duty Financial year 2012/13 Plan Actual Variance £000 £000 £000 645,820 672,334 26,514 Operating Incom e Commissioning Income PP, Overseas & RTA Income Other Income Total Incom e 13,558 12,028 (1,530) 129,359 137,343 7,984 788,737 821,705 32,968 Operating Expenditure Pay (443,684) (450,411) (6,727) Non-Pay (279,529) (302,477) (22,948) (723,213) (752,888) (29,675) 65,524 68,817 3,293 (61,922) (65,171) (3,249) 3,602 3,646 Total Expenditure EBITDA Non-EBITDA Items Break Even Surplus 44 • The Trust ended the year with a surplus of £3.647m as measured against the “break even” duty. This was £44,000 better than plan. • Commissioning income exceeded plan by £26.5m due, in particular, to over-performance on non-elective activity compared to the amounts contacted. Details of activity performance by type of activity are shown on Page 6 and by individual commissioner on Page 7. • Income from private and overseas patients, and from road traffic accidents (RTAs) continued to be below expected levels, as seen throughout 2012/13, and ended the year £1.5m below plan. • £3.6m of the over-achievement of “other” income relates to funding received for research & development (R&D) and is partly offset by variances on pay and non-pay expenditure. £2.3m of the balance has resulted from donations towards the Trust’s capital programme (see Pages 5 and 17). • The Trust over-performed on non-elective activity throughout 2012/13. Because this exceeds 2008/09 activity levels, a marginal rate of 30% was applied in accordance with national guidelines. It is estimated that the final income loss associated with this adjustment in the year was £12.1m. • Pay expenditure was £6.7m [1.5%] worse than plan. The main reason for the overspend was the Trust’s over-performance against contracted levels of activity. Bank & agency staff cost the Trust £24.6m in 2012/13 – £6.2m more than the previous financial year. • Non-pay expenditure was £23.0m, or 8.2%, above plan. The reasons for the overspend include: − Expenditure on “pass through” drugs and devices was £5.9m [ 9.4%] greater than plan in the year (Page 6). This increases the level of income recovered concomitantly. − The Trust’s level of activity over-performance as described above. Non-pay costs represent approximately one third of cost and are variable to a significant degree; the over-performance on elective, non-elective and out-patient activities would result in an estimated £9.0m additional non-pay spend on a proportionate basis. TB2013.66 Financial Performance Page 3 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income & Expenditure Account) – Retained Surplus Full Year Outturn £000 Break Even Surplus 3,646 Technical Adjustments IFRIC 12 Technical Deficit (PFI) Donated Asset Additions (1) 2,441 Donated Asset Depreciation (2,834) Impairments (4,568) Total: Technical Adjustm ents Retained Surplus/(Deficit) per SOCI (4,962) (1,316) The figure used to measure the Trust’s financial performance duty to “break even” is not the same as the “retained surplus/(deficit)” figure reported within its final audited accounts on the Statement of Comprehensive Income (SOCI). The “technical adjustments” which make up the difference between the two figures are that: (i) The impact on the Trust’s financial position resulting from its PFI buildings being re-classified from being “off balance sheet” to being “on balance sheet” that followed from the adoption of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) by the NHS are removed from the SOCI’s retained surplus when considering the “break even” duty. The accounting impact of this change was negligible in 2012/13. (ii) Any accounting impact relating to the Trust’s donated assets is also excluded from the SOCI retained surplus when assessing the Trust’s performance against its break even. This means that any “revenue” received from new donated asset additions, and the depreciation charged to the SOCI that relates to donated assets, are both excluded. (iii) Both impairments that have been charged against the retained surplus, and the reversal of any previous impairment charges made in earlier years to the SOCI, are disregarded when assessing the Trust’s performance against the break even duty. The District Valuer (DV) assessed that the value of some of the Trust’s buildings had fallen in the year to 31 March 2013. This resulted in an impairment in their value which has had to be charged to the SOCI and is greater than the reversal of those impairments that were charged to the SOCI in 2009/10. In particular, the main building at the John Radcliffe Hospital has been valued downwards. In that year the Trust had to impair its PFI buildings following a significant fall in their values. It should be noted that this “impairment” is an accounting adjustment only. There has been no impact in the year on the Trust’s ability to use its buildings to provide health care from them, and no impact on the quality of health care provided. Without taking these technical adjustments into consideration, the unaudited figure for the Statement of Comprehensive Income, as per the Trust’s final accounts, is a deficit of £1.316m. TB2013.66 Financial Performance Page 4 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Non-EBITDA Income & Expenditure The full year plan and outturn figures for the Trust’s non-EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxation, dividend and amortisation) items of income & expenditure are as below: Full Year Full Year Plan £000 Outturn Variance £000 £000 Incom e Donated Asset Additions 123 2,441 2,318 Im pact on EBITDA 123 2,441 2,318 (36,758) (2,758) (4,568) (4,568) Depreciation (34,000) Impairments/Reversal of Imp. Investment Revenue 132 Other Gains & Losses 189 57 (200) (17) 183 (20,680) (20,477) 203 (9,222) (8,502) 720 Sub-Total: Non-Op. Exps. (63,970) (70,133) (6,163) Im pact on Retained Surplus (63,847) (67,692) (3,845) Finance Costs PDC Dividend Payable Technical Adjustments IFRIC 12 Technical Deficit (PFI) 58 Impairments Donated Asset Additions (123) 1 • Depreciation for the year was higher than originally planned. As part of the requirement to comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) the Trust asks the District Valuer (DV) to value its estate at the end of each financial year. However the estimate for the following year’s depreciation has to be calculated before the DV’s figures are known. Following the valuation made at 31 March 2012 depreciation in 2012/13 was higher than anticipated when the current year’s financial plans were formed. • The impairment figure is a technical adjustment made to the accounts following the DV’s assessment of the value of the Trust’s land and buildings as at 31 March 2013 (see Page 4 above). • The Public Dividend Capital (PDC) Dividend charged to the SOCI is calculated from the value of the Trust’s assets at the start and end of the year. Because the DV assessed that the value of land & buildings had fallen during the year, and because the Trust held more in cash at the end of the year (see Pages 10 & 11), the value of the PDC Dividend payable was lower than planned. • Overall the impact of non-operating items of income and expenditure was an adverse variance of £0.9m against plan. Several of the non-EBITDA items are disregarded when assessing the Trust’s “break even” duty and a summary of the items than affected performance is shown below: (57) Full Year Full Year 4,568 4,568 Plan (2,441) (2,318) £000 Donated Asset Depreciation 2,113 2,834 721 Sub-Total: Technical 2,048 4,962 2,914 Depreciation - NHS & PFI Assets Investment Revenue Im pact on Break Even (61,799) (62,730) (931) Other Gains & Losses Finance Costs PDC Dividend Payable IFRIC 12 Technical Deficit (PFI) Im pact on Break Even Duty TB2013.66 Financial Performance (31,887) 132 Outturn Variance £000 £000 (33,924) 189 (2,037) 57 (200) (17) 183 (20,680) (20,477) 203 (9,222) (8,502) 720 58 (61,799) 1 (62,730) (57) (931) Page 5 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Analysis of Activity and Activity-Related Income Activity - Full Year Activity Elective (incl. day cases) YTD Plan 96,048 YTD Actual 93,857 YTD Diff. Incom e - Full Year YTD Diff. % Plan £000 Actual £000 Diff. £000 Diff. % (2,191) (2.3%) 146,428 143,362 (3,066) (2.1%) Non-Elective 68,515 80,646 12,131 17.7% 149,500 172,172 22,672 15.2% Out-Patients 783,380 795,004 11,624 1.5% 105,584 110,999 5,415 5.1% Critical Care 36,919 43,645 6,726 18.2% 48,001 53,711 5,710 11.9% Chemotherapy 22,939 25,038 2,099 9.2% 18,847 21,559 2,712 14.4% Excess Beds 34,653 41,732 7,079 20.4% Drugs & Devices (Pass Through) Other Activity Total before Adjustm ents 9,228 10,734 1,506 16.3% 62,885 68,806 5,921 9.4% 105,347 103,084 (2,263) (2.1%) 645,820 684,427 38,607 6.0% (12,093) (12,093) 672,334 26,514 Adj. for Thresholds & Denials Com m issioning Incom e 645,820 4.1% • Non-elective activity remained well above plan throughout the year and elective activity, including day case work, below plan. The Trust had to put arrangements in place for some elective activity to be carried out by third party providers (such as the Manor and Medinet) to meet waiting time targets. • Elective activity (excluding day cases) was 1,894 episodes below plan with average income of £3,780 per case. If the Trust had carried out less non-elective work, and was able instead to achieve its planned level of elective activity, it is estimated that the Trust would have generated an additional £4.9m in income. This figure does not take into account the additional costs paid to third parties for the elective activity they carried out on the Trust’s behalf. • The adjustment for thresholds and denials includes £12.1m where a marginal rate of 30% has been applied to the Trust’s overperformance on non-elective activity over and above 2008/09 activity levels. This marginal rate is required under national guidelines on tariffs. TB2013.66 Financial Performance Page 6 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Analysis of Income by Commissioner • Income from commissioners at the end of the year was £26.5m, or Full Year Full Year Full Year Plan Actual Variance Var. £000 £000 £000 % 327,204 344,252 17,048 5.2% 28,544 30,896 2,352 8.2% 115,789 119,069 3,280 2.8% Com m issioner NHS Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire: Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire South Central Specialised Comm. 4.1%, above plan. • The Trust’s activity against the Oxfordshire element (NHSO) of the contract with NHS Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire (NHSBO) was £17.0m higher than the sum agreed with the commissioners at the start of the year. This was in line with the agreement reached with commissioners towards the end of 2012. East Midlands Specialised Comm. 38,405 38,630 225 0.6% • Emergency activity exceeded the NHSO contract threshold and the South West Specialised Comm. 17,935 19,885 1,950 10.9% Northamptonshire PCT 18,644 18,606 National Commissioning Groups 12,481 12,406 (75) (0.6%) Berkshire West PCT 12,211 11,315 (896) (7.3%) nationally-mandated 30% marginal rate was applied to the overperformance. The impact of these adjustments is estimated to be £5.9m against the NHSO contract and £12.1m across all commissioner contracts. Milton Keynes PCT 8,198 8,072 (126) (1.5%) Sw indon PCT 6,676 6,886 210 3.1% Warw ickshire PCT 5,489 5,829 340 6.2% Bedfordshire PCT 5,294 5,329 35 0.7% Gloucestershire PCT 4,396 5,106 710 16.2% Berkshire East PCT 4,582 5,099 517 11.3% Wiltshire PCT 3,738 4,102 364 9.7% Hertfordshire PCT 2,932 3,859 927 31.6% West Midlands Specialised Comm. 2,803 3,235 432 15.4% Hampshire PCT 2,421 1,933 (488) (20.2%) 28,078 27,825 (253) (0.9%) 645,820 672,334 Others (incl. non-Contract Income) Total TB2013.66 Financial Performance (38) 26,514 (0.2%) • The Trust over-performed against its contracts with South East and South West Specialist Commissioning Groups, Hertfordshire and Gloucestershire, but under-performed against the contracts for Berkshire West and Hampshire. 4.1% Page 7 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Analysis of Income by Commissioner – Trends YTD Variances to Plan (last 6 Mths) NHSO Oct-12 Nov-12 6,508 9,804 SCSCG (2,438) (1,329) Others 6,147 10,217 All Commissioners Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 12,273 14,093 15,511 17,048 448 979 2,652 3,280 5,894 5,784 6,412 8,648 6,186 14,369 18,505 21,484 26,811 26,514 • The table and chart on the left show how the Trust’s performance against commissioning contracts varied against plan over the final six months of the year. This is shown for: (i) The Oxfordshire (NHSO) part of the contract agreed with NHS Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire; (ii) South Central Specialist Commissioning Group (SCSCG); (iii) Other commissioners; and (iv) All commissioner income. • As part of its risk sharing strategy the Trust agreed with NHSO that the commissioners would pay a fixed amount that was £17m higher than the amount contracted at the start of the year. The Trust ended the year in line with that cap. • The Trust’s performance against all contracts grew steadily stronger over the last 6 months of 2012/13. This factor will be considered in planning for 2013/14 and future years. TB2013.66 Financial Performance Page 8 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Analysis of the Savings Programme for 2012/13 FYE 2011/12 Schemes Divisional Efficiency Divisional Efficiency - High Risk Orig. Plan Actual Diff. £000 £000 £000 9,400 6,468 (2,932) 14,400 19,997 5,597 100 Consultant Job Plans 2,000 Medical Staff/On-Call Rotas 1,000 Research Fellow s (100) 1,030 (970) (1,000) 500 (500) High Cost Post Review 2,500 1,234 (1,266) Adult Ward Nursing 3,200 2,064 (1,136) Agency Bus. Process Ousourcing Non-Medical On Call 300 (300) 500 Reduction in Waiting Lists 2,300 Ward Closures 3,600 (500) 2,300 (3,600) Procurement Initiatives - Low Risk 2,800 Procurement Initiatives - High Risk 1,600 (1,600) Energy Management 1,200 (1,200) Medicines Management 3,100 Private Patient Joint Venture 1,000 Theatre/Endoscopy Efficiency R&D & Other Income Total TB2013.66 Financial Performance 49,500 4,051 1,845 • The Trust delivered £45.5m in savings in 2012/13. This represented 92.0% of the original plan for the year. • As previously reported the high level of bed occupancy within the Trust meant that the full level of planned savings from ward closures would not be realised in the current year. It was estimated that the Trust would not be able to generate about £4.3m in savings through these bed closures and other, related divisional efficiencies and that therefore the Trust’s overall target savings needed to be revised downwards to £45.2m to take this into account. • The Trust’s actual savings for the year therefore exceeded the revised target by £0.3m. 1,251 (1,255) (1,000) 297 297 6,233 6,233 45,520 (3,980) Page 9 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) Opening Balance Closing Balance 01-Apr-12 31-Mar-13 Movem ent NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, Plant & Equipment 696,398 681,746 Intangible Assets 7,301 7,745 (14,652) 444 Trade & Other Receivables 3,742 3,774 32 NON-CURRENT ASSETS 707,441 693,265 (14,176) Inventories 12,761 11,353 (1,408) Trade & Other Receivables 36,462 27,054 (9,408) Cash & Cash Equivalents 43,884 65,657 21,773 CURRENT ASSETS 93,107 104,064 10,957 (100,141) (109,203) (9,062) (17,356) (11,458) 5,898 (8,421) (2,902) 5,519 (125,918) (123,563) 2,355 (32,811) (19,499) 13,312 CURRENT LIABILITIES Borrow ings Current Provisions CURRENT LIABILITIES NET CURRENT ASSETS/(LIABILITIES) NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Borrow ings depreciation on the existing asset base exceeded capital additions made during the year, and partly because the District Valuer assessed that the value of the Trust’s land and buildings at 31 March 2013 had fallen during the course of the year. This resulted in a downwards revaluation of asset values recorded within the Statement of Financial Position. • The Trust reduced the amount owed to it by NHS organisations CURRENT ASSETS Trade & Other Payables • The value for Non-Current Assets reduced partly because (299,314) (289,162) 10,152 Trade & Other Payables (1,930) (11,616) (9,686) Non-Current Provisions (1,426) (1,602) (176) NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES (302,670) (302,380) 290 TOTAL ASSETS EMPLOYED 371,960 371,386 (574) 206,873 207,673 800 15,600 14,608 (992) 147,744 147,362 (382) 1,743 1,743 371,960 371,386 and other third parties by £9.4m at the end of the year. The Trust’s main commissioners were abolished at 31 March 2013 and, to assist with the closure of their accounts, the Trust reached agreement with some of them regarding settlement of amounts outstanding. • The increase in cash partly reflects an improvement in cash that is underlying the Trust’s operating surplus for the year, and partly reflects the movements in debtor and creditor levels. • The fall in borrowings (current and non-current) is the result of the regular repayments on the capital element of the contracts with the Trust’s PFI providers. These repayments are made through the monthly PFI unitary payments. • The Trust received £0.8m in additional public dividend capital in the final month of the year. FINANCED BY TAXPAYERS EQUITY Public Dividend Capital Retained Earnings Revaluation Reserve Other Reserve TOTAL TAXPAYERS EQUITY TB2013.66 Financial Performance (574) Page 10 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Statement of Cashflows Q1 2012/13 Q2 2012/13 Q3 2012/13 Q4 2012/13 Full Year £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 • The Trust held enough cash to cover over 32 working days of operating expenditure at 31 March 2013. Cash Flow s from Operating Activities Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 7,142 9,845 8,823 1,681 27,491 Depreciation & Amortisation 8,759 8,835 8,861 10,303 36,758 Impairments & Reversals Interest Paid 1 (4,895) Dividend Paid (Increase) in Trade & Other Receivables Increase in Trade & Other Payables Increase in Provisions Cash Flow from Operating Activities (4,872) (4,859) Receipt of Donated Assets (Increase) in Inventories (5,618) (401) (362) (706) 17 (505) (17,575) 4,402 13,325 2,422 (327) 5,723 (723) 13,921 4,567 4,568 (5,312) (20,697) (4,515) (9,374) (160) (923) 2,602 1,408 7,510 15,994 10,331 7,856 (4,745) 18,858 (1,507) (2,779) (5,336) 25,804 17,636 63,084 Cash Flow s from Investing Activities Interest Received (Payments) for Fixed Assets Cash Flow from Investing Activities 39 42 51 47 179 (8,032) (3,591) (4,524) (10,092) (26,239) (7,993) (3,549) (4,473) (10,045) (26,060) Cash Flow s from Financing Activities Public Dividend Capital Received 800 Capital Loans - Repayment of Principal (702) Working Capital Loans - Principal Repayment (702) (1,660) (3,326) (2,360) (2,374) (2,591) (3,996) (11,321) Cash Flow from Financing Activities (2,360) (4,742) (2,591) (5,558) (15,251) Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash (4,630) 5,630 18,740 2,033 21,773 Cash - Beginning of the Period 43,884 39,254 44,884 63,624 43,884 Cash - End of the Period 39,254 44,884 63,624 65,657 65,657 Capital Element of Finance Leases & PFI TB2013.66 Financial Performance (1,666) 800 (1,404) Page 11 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Financial Risk Rating Scores Financial Criteria Risk Rating February 2013 March 2013 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 Metric Score Metric Score Achievement of Plan EBITDA % achieved 10% 100% 85% 70% 50% <50% 105.0% 5 105.5% 5 Underlying Performance EBITDA margin 25% 11% 9% 5% 1% <1% 8.4% 3 8.5% 3 Net return after Financing 20% 3% 2% (0.5%) (5%) < (5%) 0.5% 3 0.5% 3 I & E Surplus Margin 20% 3% 2% 1% (2%) < (2%) 0.4% 2 0.5% 2 Liquid ratio (days) 25% 60 25 15 10 <10 13 2 17 3 Financial Efficiency Liquidity Weighted Average Overall Rating (see rules below ) 2.75 3.00 3 3 Monitor - Rules Used to Adjust the Financial Risk Rating Unplanned breach of Prudential Borrow ing Code (PBC) Previous year's annual rating w orse 2 No more than 2 points better than previous year Less than 1 year as an NHS Foundation Trust 4 Deficit forecast in year 2 or 3 3 Deficit forecast in both years 2 and 3 2 1 1.00 0 0.00 Overall FRR Mar-13 1 2.00 Feb-13 Tw o financial criteria at '1' 2 Jan-13 2 Dec-12 3 Tw o financial criteria scored at '2' 3.00 Nov-12 One financial criterion scored at '2' 3 Oct-12 2 4.00 Sep-12 One financial criterion scored at '1' 4 Aug-12 2 Jul-12 3 PDC dividend not paid in full 5.00 Jun-12 Plan not submitted complete and correct 5 Weighted Average Score 3 May-12 Maxim um Rating Overall Financial Risk Rating Situation Plan not submitted on time Weighted Average • The Trust’s weighted average score under Monitor’s risk ratings for providers was 3.00 at the end of the year. • The score for the I&E surplus margin remained at “2” for the year. This was in accordance with the Trust’s plans. The Board agreed to reduce the target surplus by £4m in response to the contract agreement reached with NHSO. This then meant that the revised target surplus was less than 1% of turnover. • Although the Trust’s cash holdings increased markedly during 2012/13 the score for the liquidity ratio fell in March as the result of the increase in current creditors in the month. TB2013.66 Financial Performance Page 12 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Calculation of the Trust’s Financial Risk Rating (FRR) • Monitor uses four criteria to assess the financial risks under which Trusts are operating: (i) Achievement of Plan – this criterion looks at how the Trust’s year-to-date income & expenditure operating performance compares with the plans it set itself at the start of the year. (ii) Underlying Performance – this assesses the operating surplus the Trust makes (EBITDA) as a percentage of turnover. (iii) Financial efficiency – this evaluates the Trust’s retained surplus as a percentage of turnover and assesses (i) as a return on its assets and (ii) as a percentage of turnover. (iv) Liquidity – this assesses whether the Trust has access to enough cash to support its day-to-day operations. • For each financial criterion a Trust’s performance is rated between 1 (high risk) and 5 (low risk) and compared to a grid of standard values. Once the score against each criterion has been found, it is then weighted to produce an overall aggregate score. Monitor’s current list of values and scores can be found on Page 12. • In order to produce the Trust’s final overall FRR score, a set of over-riding rules are then applied by Monitor. These rules are also set out on Page 12. • The scores for the Trust’s FRR for 2012/13 have been calculated as follows: Achievement of Plan Year to Date The Trust’s EBITDA is compared with its planned EBITDA. The final EBITDA of £68,817k for 2012/13 compares to a planned figure of £65,524k – i.e. it is 105.0% of plan. Scores Risk Rating Achievement of Plan EBITDA % achieved TB2013.66 Financial Performance Actual Diff. £000 £000 £000 788,737 821,705 Operating Expenditure (723,213) (752,888) EBITDA Against Monitor’s ratings this scores 5. Financial Criteria Operating Income Plan 65,524 68,817 32,968 (29,675) 3,293 March 2013 5 4 3 2 1 Metric Score 100% 85% 70% 50% <50% 105.0% 5 Page 13 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Underlying Performance Year to Date The Trust’s EBITDA is compared with its turnover. The final EBITDA of £68,817k is 8.4% of its turnover of £821,705k. Operating Income EBITDA Scores Risk Rating Underlying Performance EBITDA margin Actual Diff. £000 £000 £000 788,737 821,705 65,524 5 4 3 2 1 Metric Score 11% 9% 5% 1% <1% 8.4% 3 The Trust’s retained surplus for 2012/13 was a deficit of £1,316k. This is adjusted for any impairments or losses on asset disposals charged against the income & expenditure position and results in a revised surplus of £3,269k. The Statement of Financial Position (or Balance Sheet) is used to calculate the denominator for this rating. The starting point is the average of the total assets employed for (i) the beginning of the year, and (ii) at the end of the current period. Because these reduce the value of total assets employed any borrowings for loans, leases or PFI agreements are then added back. Operating Income Operating Expenditure EBITDA Non-Operating Exps. Retained Surplus Scores March 2013 5 4 3 2 1 Metric Score 3% 2% -1% -5% < (5%) 0.5% 3 Adjusted Surplus Diff. £000 £000 £000 788,737 821,705 32,968 (723,213) (752,888) (29,675) 65,524 68,817 3,293 (63,970) (70,133) (6,163) 1,554 (1,316) (2,870) 4,568 4,568 17 17 3,269 1,715 1,554 Statem ent of Fin. Position Opening Balance 1-Apr-12 Total Assets Employed 371,960 End Average Balance 31-Mar-13 371,386 371,673 Add back : Borrow ings (Current) Borrow ings (Non-Current) Assets Page 2 of 18 Actual Losses on Disposal Against Monitor’s ratings this scores 3. TB2013.66_Financial Performance M12 3,293 Plan Impairments The adjusted surplus figure is compared to the adjusted figure for net assets employed – i.e. the return is 0.5% (= [3,269 x 100] / 680,318). Financial Efficiency (1) Net return after Financing 68,817 Year to Date 1. The Trust’s retained surplus is assessed as a return on its assets after adjusting for financing arrangements. Risk Rating (29,675) March 2013 Financial Efficiency (1) Financial Criteria 32,968 Operating Expenditure (723,213) (752,888) Against Monitor’s ratings this scores 3. Financial Criteria Plan 17,356 11,458 14,407 299,314 289,162 294,238 688,630 672,006 680,318 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Financial Efficiency (2) Year to Date 2. The Trust’s retained surplus is assessed as a percentage of turnover. The Trust’s adjusted surplus of £3,269k is 0.4% of its turnover of £821,705k. Operating Income Operating Expenditure Against Monitor’s ratings this scores 2. EBITDA Scores Financial Criteria Risk Rating Financial Efficiency (1) I & E Surplus Margin March 2013 5 4 3 2 1 Metric Score 3% 2% 1% -2% < (2%) 0.4% 2 Non-Operating Exps. Retained Surplus Plan Actual Diff. £000 £000 £000 788,737 821,705 (723,213) (752,888) 32,968 (29,675) 65,524 68,817 3,293 (63,970) (70,133) (6,163) 1,554 (1,316) (2,870) Impairments 0 4,568 4,568 Losses on Disposal 0 17 17 1,554 3,269 1,715 Adjusted Surplus Financial Efficiency (3) 3. To assess whether Monitor’s over-riding rules apply, the overall score for “financial efficiency” is the average of the two separately calculated scores. In January the two separate scores for financial efficiency for the Trust were “3” and “2”. This gives an average of 2.5. For the purpose of assessing the Trust’s financial performance against Monitor’s over-riding rules, this means the score for financial efficiency is rounded up to 3. TB2013.66_Financial Performance M12 Page 2 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Liquidity Year to Date The Trust’s access to readily liquid resources is compared against its daily operating expenditure commitments. The Trust’s annual operating expenditure for 2012/13 was £752,888 and one day of operating expenditure is therefore £2,063k (= 752,888 / 365). From the Statement of Financial Position, the Trust’s current assets at 31 March 2013 were £104,064k but inventories are not regarded as being a liquid asset and therefore need to be excluded. Current liabilities were £123,563k. Operating Income Operating Expenditure EBITDA One Day's Expenditure Plan Actual Diff. £000 £000 £000 788,737 821,705 32,968 (723,213) (752,888) (29,675) 65,524 68,817 3,293 2,063 Financial Position 31-Mar-13 If the Trust were to become a Foundation Trust, it is believed it would have access to a working capital facililty of £57m. With this the Trust’s net liquid assets would be £26,148k. Based on these figures it means that the Trust held 13 days’ worth of operating expenditure as liquid assets at the end of the year (= 26,148 / 2,063). Current Assets 104,064 Less : Inventories (11,353) Against Monitor’s ratings this scores 2. Current Liabiliities (123,563) Scores Financial Criteria Liquidity March 2013 Risk Rating 5 4 3 2 1 Metric Score Liquid ratio (days) 60 25 15 10 <10 13 2 TB2013.66_Financial Performance M12 Page 2 of 18 Working Capital Facility 57,000 Net Liquid Assets 26,148 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Capital Programme OUH Capital Program m e 2012/13 Full Year Full Year Full Year Plan Spend Variance £000s £000s £000s Neonatal Intensive Care 1,942 2,328 Cardiac (Adult) Business Case 1,431 901 530 (386) Vascular Business Case - Equipment 1,431 996 435 Trauma Centre Business Case 807 607 200 Head & Neck Relocation 767 663 Other Non-Maintenance Expenditure 842 1,118 (276) IT/EPR 3,066 3,689 (623) NOC Theatres 2,351 2,190 161 Medical and Surgical Equipment 2,144 2,852 (708) 104 Maintenance Expenditure Estates Maintenance 2,908 2,190 718 Other Maintenance Schemes 2,782 2,914 (132) Donations - Medical Equipment 1,115 1,115 Donations - Kadoori Centre Expansion 1,326 1,326 22,912 22,889 Total Capital Program m e Spend Full Year Full Year Plan Spend Variance £000s £000s £000s 22,889 4,304 4,304 Charitable Funds - Medical Equipment (1,115) (1,115) Kadoori Centre Expansion (1,326) (1,326) Less: Book Value of Assets Disposed Capital Resource Lim it 2012/13 TB2013.66 Financial Performance • The Trust’s year-to-date position against its capital resource limit (CRL) is shown in the second table (below). This includes expenditure made by the Trust on PFI lifecycle costs and finance leases but excludes capital items funded via donations from third parties or asset disposals. • The Trust undershot its CRL by £40,000 and therefore has 23 Full Year 22,912 PFI lifecycle and Equipment Leasing (IFRIC 12) new neo-natal extension, medical & surgical equipment, the new theatres at the NOC and the implementation of the electronic patient record (EPR) project. met its financial duty not to overshoot the agreed limit. Projects funded from Donations Capital Resource Lim it 2012/13 programme in the year. • The largest areas of spend was on the construction of the Non-Maintenance Expenditure Total Capital Program m e Spend • The Trust has charged £22.9m against its capital (17) 24,775 24,735 23 17 40 Page 17 of 18 Oxford University Hospitals TB2013.66 Performance Indicators against Financial Duties External Financing Limit (EFL) • The Trust is given an external financing limit which, effectively, is a limit on the amount by which it can reduce its cash holdings. It is permitted to undershoot this limit, or hold more cash, than originally planned. • The Trust ended 2012/13 with significantly more cash than was anticipated when its financial plans were agreed. It therefore undershot its EFL target by £42.1m and met this financial duty. Capital Resource Limit (CRL) • The Trust is given a capital resource limit which is a limit on the amount it may spend on its capital programme. The Trust is not permitted to exceed this limit. • The Trust charged £24.7m against its CRL in 2012/13 and ended the year £40,000 below its limit and therefore also met this financial duty. (See also page 17 above.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trust’s performance against its financial duties for 2012/13 is summarised below: Financial Duty Plan (£000) Actual (£000) Better/ (Worse) (£000) 1. To achieve break even on Income & Expenditure 3,602 3,646 44 2. To manage w ithin the capital resource limit (CRL) 24,775 24,735 40 3. To operate w ithin an External Finance Limit (EFL) 5,094 (37,024) 42,118 Conclusion The Board is asked to note the content of this report. Mr Mark Mansfield, Director of Finance and Procurement Mr Kevin Davis, Senior Business Partner May 2013 TB2013.66 Financial Performance Page 18 of 18