September 2015: Issue 02 Newsle&er Editorʼs Letter It has now been twelve months since I last sat down to collect thoughts and ideas for the first Parent Group NewsleNer. The last twelve months have brought about a lot of change for the Group, we have been very busy. The first newsleNer was published to coincide with the BSPAR Annual Conference at Leeds Town Hall. We were delighted to be part of the Conference. It provided a unique opportunity to mix with others in the rheumatological community and to interact with so many of the chariWes present who provide support for those with rheumatological condiWons. As part of the Conference, we chaired a meeWng of all the chariWes present which was aimed at improving communicaWon of rheumatological condiWons within educaWon seXngs. This project has grown significantly over the last twelve months and is now referred to as the Joint EducaWon Project (JEP). There is more on this later in the newsleNer. We also met with representaWves of the pharmacy and dispensing community to discuss the standards of service. Since then, we have acWvely kept up this communicaWon and have offered feedback on drug informaWon leaflets which provide guidance for parents. Further to these acWviWes, we have also offered leNers of support for studies into rheumatological condiWons. We conWnue to be involved with the HQIP project and have had an input into the Capture JIA and Pennine MSK Triage projects. Parent Group membership has now reached 12 as we welcome two new members, one from West Yorkshire and one from Newcastle. Our Chairperson Sharon Douglas made the difficult decision to step down from her role as Chairperson earler this year and we welcomed Allan Smith into the role. Allan has been a member of the Parent Group since its creaWon and been acWve on a number of levels offering support and guidance to the members. Allan steps into the challenging role of moving the Parent Group on further and we wish him luck and support in this role. BSPAR Parent Group Email: Tel: 020 7356 0949 Chair’s Message My first task as the new Chair of the BSPAR Parent Group is to thank our previous Chair, Sharon Douglas for steering the Group through its formaWve years and shaping its development thus far. Sharon has done a fantasWc job and thankfully her wealth of experience and experWse will not be lost to us as she remains a fully acWve member of the Group. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the parent Group to new readers and remind those that already know of us what we are about. Allan Smith The Parent Group is made up of 12 members, all volunteers, from around the UK and Ireland, and we are all experts in our field. That field being, one not of our choosing, we have a child with a rheumatological condiWon. As a result, we have become experts at living with, and caring for, that child and thus have some experWse, from an end user point of view, in the NHS and the services it provides. This experWse was recognised by the professional community of BSPAR who felt it would be useful to harness this knowledge to help shape services and improve standards of care throughout the UK We are not a support group for parents, if we are contacted by parents we will signpost them to support groups and chariWes that can offer assistance much beNer than we can. One of our main roles is to "communicate not duplicate" work done by others, we are a link between BSPAR, chariWes, paWents, parents, and if necessary can provide a parent voice to members of the government in order to achieve our goal. We are currently involved with the HQIP project, Capture JIA, MSK Triage and have been asked to support a number of other potenWal future endeavours all aimed at improving standards and outcomes for paWents and their families. We regularly review literature produced for paWents/parents, and we were instrumental in seXng up with other chariWes a project aimed at improving the educaWonal experience of children and young people with rheumatological condiWons. This is an ambiWous project and sWll in its early stages. There is more on this later in the newsleNer Whilst we have done some useful work in the last two and half years, we as a Group want to do more. We recognise that we have not been acWve enough in promoWng ourselves and this is one thing we would like to address. Of course it is difficult as we are all volunteers with families, busy lives and funds are limited. However, in order to be a success we need your support. If you have a local event, please let us know and we will do what we can to publicise it through our social media. If you would like a BSPAR Parent Group member to aNend an event, with enough noWce we will do our best to aNend. In order to be a successful sign post we need to know what is happening in your areas and what local support you have, please keep us up to date. If you have a project that may benefit from parent group support, do not hesitate to contact us. Remember, we are your Parent Group, please use us, we look forward to conWnuing to work with you. Thank you. BSPAR Integra<on Announced Wish to Join Us? The BriWsh Society for Rheumatology (BSR) and BriWsh Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology (BSPAR) have formally announced their integraWon at BSR’s spring conference, Rheumatology 2015. We wish to invite parents, carers and paWents with direct experience of paediatric rheumatological inflammatory condiWons such as JIA or SLE to apply to become members of the BSPAR Parent Group to ensure that the voice of paWents and their families leads future developments in this field. This union of the organisaWons brings together the clinical voices for adult and children’s rheumatology in the UK and will further strengthen the society's ability to support its members and the services they provide to paWents. The intenWon iniWally, was to recruit 6-­‐8 parents/carers, in order represent the wider parent and paWent community, by seeking and collecWng other family views, to share with, and inform, professionals within The BriWsh Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology (BSPAR) and third sector organisaWons. However, such was the response, and quality of applicaWons, we recruited 12. BSR President, Professor Simon Bowman said: "This is an important step for Rheumatology and our Society as we can now provide leadership across the enWre age range of children and adults with rheumaWc and musculoskeletal disorders." BSPAR President, Dr Clarissa Pilkington said: "Bringing the two socieWes together will enable much greater influence at naWonal and local level parWcularly around the challenges for paWents moving from children to adult services." 2 We sWll would like to have representaWon in key areas such as Wales, Northern Ireland and S outh West England, and are looking to recruit suitable, enthusiasWc individuals to represent these areas. Contact us at for more informaWon BSPAR Parent Group Newsle&er Joint Educa<on Project (JEP) Possibly the most significant project the group is currently involved in is the Joint EducaWon Project (JEP). This project came out of a meeWng held at last year’s BSPAR conference. This meeWng was unique in some respects as it managed to bring together all the major rheumatology chariWes in one room to discuss a collaboraWve project aimed at the EducaWon environment. The goal of the JEP is to develop a number of tools that can be used in the EducaWonal seXng. These tools will be aimed at a number of different groups as this is a complex and varied environment. As an example the needs of the teaching community will be very different to the needs of the Children. Furthermore the needs in different seXngs from Nursery/Pre-­‐School, Primary and then Senior school and on to University are also very diverse. The level of peer group understanding can change between these seXngs. Helping the educaWon staff to understand a liNle more about rheumatological condiWons will offer them the best tools when dealing with Children who suffer from one of these condiWons. To achieve these outcomes there has been significant research carried out by the group specifically around packages which are already accessible within the EducaWon seXng. These may be packages that are relaWng to other condiWons as well as those specific to rheumatological condiWons. The collaWon of this data will allow the group to assess strategies and situaWons that don’t work and those that do work well for the Children and EducaWon professionals. The aims and objecWves of the project have been disWlled into the following: These resources should help teachers/professionals working in the educaWon sector to: • understand the rheumatological condiWon a child or young person in their care has and how it can be invisible • understand the limitaWons that the condiWon can someWmes have on a child or young person in their care • understand what they can do to help the young person in their care stay safe, happy and well when they are in their care • realise the importance of good communicaWon between the young person, their parents and the nursery, school or university they aNend • realise the importance of their role in ensuring that the young person is fully included in all aspects of nursery, school or university life • prevent misunderstanding of rheumatological condiWons • raise awareness that young people can be affected by a rheumatological condiWon • ensure that the young person’s condiWon is not a barrier to their success at school or enjoyment of their educaWon • ensure that children/young people with rheumatological condiWons have the same rights and opportuniWes as those without a rheumatological condiWon have. UK JIA Treatment Studies At last years BSPAR conference we had the pleasure of meeWng with Emily SuNon and Katy Mowbray from the University of Manchester. Emily is the BSPAR ETN Study Co-­‐ordinator and Katy is the BCRD study coordinator. Both the Biologics for Children with RheumaWc Disease (BCRD) and the BSPAR Etanercept Study (BSPAR ETN) are research studies about Juvenile Idopathic ArthriWs that are coordinated by the University of Manchester. It may be the case that you are involved in one or even both of these studies. If you are then the team have produced a short newsleNer called the Buzz which details some news and updates from both of the studies. Not only that it has some interesWng informaWon on dinosaurs who believe it or not had types of arthriWs too. More informaWon on the studies and the latest news on these can be found at hNp:// If you would like a copy of the newsleNer or to know more about the studies then Emily and Katy would love to hear from you. They can be contacted at: Issue 01, September 2014 3 A Campaign that has generated a lot of support in the past few months is that being co-­‐ordinated by the charity Olivia’s vision to have Humira and Infliximab made available again by NHS England to those diagnosed with Severe Refractory UveiWs. It was revealed in July that the intenWon of NHS England was to withdraw access to these treatments. This decision will have a direct impact upon a number of Children suffering from Juvenile Idiopathic ArthriWs. Children with JIA account for up to 80% of childhood anterior uveiWs cases. The Olivia’s Vision team has met with NHS England to address the issue and stress how detrimental this decision is to paWents. As a result NHS England have asked for further informaWon and clinical evidence. Olivia’s Vision aim to have the evidence ready for submission by the end of October to be reviewed in November. It is hoped that a decision can be reached within three months however no commitments have been made as to a Wme frame. If you like more informaWon or wish to help with the campaign more informaWon can be found at: hNp:// Rat Race 2015 By BSPAR Parent Group Member Vicky Green Rat Race Consists of Running 20 Miles….sounds easy, why not add some obstacles. I did this challenge on behalf of my daughter who suffers from JIA. I wanted to raise vital funds for the Joint EducaWon Project (JEP) that the BSPAR Parent Group are currently involved with and also for the Children’s Chronic ArthriWs AssociaWon (CCAA) charity. I am very passionate about doing what I can to raise awareness of JIA and chariWes that are involved with rheumatology condiWons to help support other families that are coming to terms with a new diagnosis. I was also lucky enough to be invited to the CCAA weekend in the Peak District and was able to signpost parents to the BSPAR Parent Group and make them aware they are not on their own. Contact Us: Your BSPAR Parent Group members are detailed below with our respecWve locaWons. We would love to hear from you in relaWon to your experiences and can be reached on via the following methods: Web: hNp:// E-­‐Mail: Facebook: hNps:// TwiNer: hNps:// Allan Smith -­‐ Oldham (North East Manchester) at weekends and Aldershot, Hampshire during the week Terry Cox -­‐ Bedfordshire Wendy Costello -­‐ Co Tipperary Ireland Anne Meredith -­‐ Wakefield, West Yorks Michael Kent -­‐ Glasgow Glenda Dalton -­‐ Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire Chaya Fekete -­‐ London Sharon douglas -­‐ Edinburgh Hayley Dale -­‐ Newcastle upon Tyne. Vicky Green -­‐ Barnsley, South Yorkshire Shane Kirrane -­‐ Chester David Parker -­‐ Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire 4 BSPAR Parent Group Newsle&er