May 24, 2011 SUBJECT: UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING OF January 27, 2011 and February 3, 2011 TO: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs College Deans Department Chairpersons FROM: Carole Wells Vice Provost The following course and program additions, changes and deletions have been approved by the Departmental Curriculum Committees; the College Curriculum Committees; the Graduate Council; the Council for Teacher Education, where appropriate; and the University Curriculum Committee at its January 27, 2011, meeting and signed by the President on February 21, 2011, and will be placed into the curriculum effective Fall 2011 semester (20123) unless otherwise indicated. The president did not approve curriculum proposals LAS 11054, 11055, 11056. GRADUATE STUDIES NEW COURSES: (Eff. Summer I 2011 – 20121) SPU 514 Effective Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings SPU 516 Literacy Development and Instruction in Core and Intervention Areas SPU 500 Cognitive Development of Diverse Learners in A Standards Aligned System [EDU 1111] 3 SH – 3 CH [EDU 1112] 3 SH – 3 CH [EDU 1113] 3 SH – 3 CH (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) Studio Thinking Learning in the Visual Arts: Childhood Learning in the Visual Arts: Adolescence [VPA 1051] [VPA 1059] [VPA 1060] 3 SH – 3 CH 4 SH – 4 CH 4 SH – 4 CH SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer II 2011 – 20122) EDU 565 Selected Topics: Building Grammar into the Writing Process ELU 566 Selected Topics: When Writing Workshop Isn’t Working [EDU 1192] [EDU 1193] 3 SH – 3 CH 3 SH – 3 CH SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Spring 2011 – 20116) ARU 570 Selected Topics: Differentiating Instruction through Art [VPA 1117] 3 SH – 3 CH NEW COURSES: ARU 430 ARU 401 ARU 420 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS COURSE PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) BUS 390 Internship in Business [BUS 1125] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisite credit requirement to take an internship reduced from 75 to 60 credits completed. Course objectives rewritten with AACSB requirements for assessment and high-order learning. PROGRAM DELETION: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) School Prog Conc Program 8 20 08 Certificate of Recognition in Attractions Management and Marketing [BUS 1136] Degree Certificate CIP 52.1001 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION NEW COURSES: PED 276 PED 265 PED 375 PED 325 (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) Statistics in Sport Governance and Organization in Sports Research Methods for Sport Management Sport Consumerism [EDU 1110] [EDU 1145] [EDU 1146] [EDU 1147] 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH – – – – 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer I 2011 – 20121) ELU 370 Early Childhood Play [EDU 1126] 3 SH – 3 CH SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer II 2011 – 20122) ELU 370 Montessori [EDU 1127] 3 SH – 3 CH COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES NEW COURSES: CHM 327 MAR 210 TVR 140 (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) Organometallic Chemistry Sophomore Seminar Video Lighting [LAS 11024] [LAS 11026] [LAS 11041] 3 SH – 3 CH 1 SH – 1 CH 3 SH – 3 CH PROGRAM DELETION: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) School Prog Conc Program 2 43 22 B.S. Marine Science/Chemistry [LAS 11027] Degree B.S. CIP 40.0607 PROGRAM DELETION: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) School Prog Conc Program 2 43 23 B.S. Marine Science/Geology [LAS 11028] Degree B.S. CIP 40.0607 PROGRAM DELETION: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) School Prog Conc Program 2 43 24 B.S. Marine Science/Physics [LAS 11029] Degree B.S. CIP 40.0607 PROGRAM REVISIONS: (Eff. Fall 2010 – 20123) [LAS 11030] School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 2 43 21 B.S. Marine Science/Biology B.S. 40.0607 Additional requirement MAR 210 Sophomore Seminar. Other changes to make the program less prescriptive to allow students to take advantage of courses offered at the Marine Science Consortium. COURSE PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) GEG 274 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems [LAS 11057] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: GEG 010 or GEG 020; or permission of the instructor. GEG 323 Global Warming and the Science of Climate Change [LAS 11058] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: GEG 010 or GEG 320/321, or GEG 322. GEG 333 Advanced Geographic Information Systems [LAS 11059] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: GEG 274 or permission of the instructor. GEG 380 Senior Seminar in Geography [LAS 11060] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: GEG 375 Research Methods in Geography and twenty-seven (27) or more credits in geography. PROGRAM REVISIONS: (Eff. Fall 2010 – 20123) [LAS 11061] School Prog Conc Program Degree 0 00 40 Minor in Marine Science Minor Change in requirement from MAR 237 Field Methods to Method-Intensive Field Course. CIP 40.0607 COURSE PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) CSC 135 Computer Science I [LAS 11076] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: MAT 105 or higher or permission of the instructor. CSC 241 Advanced Visual Basic Programming [LAS 11077] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: CSC 112 or CSC 135. CSC 310 Programming Languages [LAS 11078] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: CSC 237 AND completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher AND a GPA in the CSC courses of 2.25. CSC 311 Computer Networks [LAS 11079] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: CSC 237 or CSC 253 AND completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher AND a GPA in the CSC courses of 2.25. CSC 320 Intro to Game Programming [LAS 11080] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: CSC 237 AND CSC 243 AND completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher AND a GPA in the CSC courses of 2.25. CSC 341 Information Security [LAS 11081] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: CSC 237 or CSC 253 AND completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher AND a GPA in the CSC courses of 2.25. CSC 342 Web Technologies [LAS 11082] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: A C or better in CSC 242 AND completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher AND a GPA in the CSC courses of 2.25. CSC 343 Operating Systems [LAS 11083] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: CSC 237 or CSC 253 AND completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher AND a GPA in the CSC courses of 2.25. CSC 351 Digital Forensics [LAS 11084] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: CSC 341 AND completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher AND a GPA in the CSC courses of 2.25. CSC 352 UNIX: System Programming and Administration [LAS 11085] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: CSC 237 or CSC 253 AND completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher AND a GPA in the CSC courses of 2.25. CSC 361 Finite Automata and Formal Language [LAS 11086] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisites changed to: CSC 310 AND completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher AND a GPA in the CSC courses of 2.25. PROGRAM REVISIONS: (Eff. Fall 2010 – 20123) [LAS 11108] College of Liberal Arts and Sciences changes to General Education requirements and electives to align with the new General Education Program. The BS, BA, and BSW each have a set of requirements. ADD DISTANCE EDUCATION TO EXISTING COURSE: (Eff. Summer I 2011 – 20121) CRJ 101 Introduction to Policing [LAS 11110] COLLEGE OF VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS COURSE TITLE/DESCRIPTION/CLOCK HOUR/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) ARU 110 Teaching Art, Design, and Crafts: Grades PreK-4 [VPA 1107] Title change to: Teaching Art, Design, and Crafts: Grades PreK-4 4 SH – 4 CH COURSE TITLE/DESCRIPTION/CLOCK HOUR/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) ARU 210 Teaching Art, Design, and Crafts: Grades 5-8 [VPA 1108] Title change to: Teaching Art, Design, and Crafts: Grades 5-8 4 SH – 4 CH COURSE TITLE/DESCRIPTION/CLOCK HOUR/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) ARU 310 Teaching Art, Design, and Crafts: Grades 9-12 [VPA 1109] Title change to: Teaching Art, Design, and Crafts: Grades 9-12 4 SH – 4 CH NEW COURSE: (Eff. Spring 2011 – 20116) MUP/THE 296 Musical Theatre Workshop [VPA 1120] 1 SH – 1 CH NEW COURSES: ARU 330 ART 351 ART 352 ART 353 ART 354 ART 355 ART 320 ARC 241 ARH 340 bm cc: (Eff. Fall 2011 – 20123) Studio Thinking 3D Animation Studio I 3D Animation Studio II 3D Animation Studio III 3D Animation Studio IV 3D Animation Studio V Introduction to Material Culture Conservation Color: Perception, Properties, and Production Pompeii and Ravenna: Bookends of the Roman Empire [VPA 1114] [VPA 1121] [VPA 1121] [VPA 1121] [VPA 1121] [VPA 1121] [VPA 1122] [VPA 1123] [VPA 1124] 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH – – – – – – – – – 3 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 6 CH 3 CH 3 CH Mr. R. Bazylak, Prof. J. Forte, Ms. K. Gardi, Mr. G. Godshall, Ms. M. Hughes, Mr. B. McCree, Mr. L. McGhee, Mr. J. Mumbauer, Dr. P. Quinn, Mr. M. Santos, Dr. W. Stahler, Mrs. S. Youse, Secretaries of Academic Departments, and U.C.C. Members