Cardiomyopathy Familial Mutation Pre-referral form Please send 10mls of EDTA blood or DNA to: Molecular Genetics Laboratory, The Churchill Hospital, Headington, OXFORD, OX3 7LJ. Contact: Clinical: Dr Ed Blair 01865 226008 Laboratory: Kate Thomson 01865 225586 Referrals will only be accepted from the following: Referrer Please select Consultant Clinical Geneticist Minimum criteria required for testing: Criteria Please select Unaffected relative of proband with known pathogenic mutation (Predictive test) Affected relative of proband with known pathogenic mutation (Diagnostic test) Referrer Details: REFERRER DETAILS Name: Address for report: - Specialty: - (please circle) Genetics Cardiology Post code: Address for Invoice: Post code: Telephone: - Fax No: - E-mail: - Patient Details: PATIENT DETAILS Forename: D.O.B: Address: - Surname: NHS No.: Your Ref. No.: Post Code: - Additional Information: - Details of familial mutation: Family member in whom mutation was identified:Relationship to this patient:Gene:Mutation nomenclature:Additional info.:- In submitting this sample the clinician confirms that genetic counseling has been undertaken and consent for testing has been obtained. P:\Specialist Services\UKGTN\Gene Dossiers\GDs 2007-2008 comm cycle\testing criteria for 0708 comm cycle\Testing criteria - Oxford Cardiomyopathy Familial mutation test UKGTN Version.docPage 1 of 1