FAS MAKES CENTS From the Community

Volume 1, Issue 3
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Kutztown University
From the Community
Q: I’m new to Kutztown
2015-2016 year.
University, do I need to  Complete entrance
do anything to receive
counseling– Entrance
financial aid?
counseling is an interA: Yes. If you’re a first
active quiz that helps
time, first year
stustudents understand
dent or new transfer
their loans. If you are a
there are a few steps you
transfer student you
may need to complete
will need to take.
exit counseling for
 FAFSA– If you have not
your previous institudone so, add Kutztown
tion and cancel your
University’s school code
loans. Check with your
to your FAFSA. You
prior institution for
may still submit a
any outstanding
FAFSA for the
 Check NSLDS.ed.gov–
The National Student
Loan Data System allows students to check
their loan information
including their loan
servicer, total loan
amounts, and interest
Navigating the student
loan process can be challenging. Continue to pages
2 and 3 for helpful infographics from Federal
Student Aid available through
studentaid.ed.gov and http://
Remember, Financial Aid
Services is here to help.
Championing Students—What We Mean
“I believe it means keeping students our top priority. It involves helping a
student find available
resources on campus to
better support them
during their time here at
KU.” - Evan Weiler,
Assistant Director of
Financial Aid.
Mid Timeline of Financial Aid
Approximately 63,000 students
were enrolled at 250 institutions
of higher education in America.
James Bryant Conant became the President of Harvard and began a new scholarship program for academically gifted men. He delegated members of his
staff of find candidates who qualified for aid.
The first form of the
S.A.T. was invented to
select the brightest
scholarship applicants at
Harvard based upon the
students’ merits
The College
Board began offering the S.A.T. as a
standardized exam
for the purpose of
identifying the
brightest students
for scholarships.
Learn more about Evan in
t he Me et O u r Tea m
section on page 3.
Inside this issue:
Navigating the Student Loan
Federal Loan Repayment
Meet Our Team
Just Our 2 Cents Trivia Time
The S.A.T. was administered to all incoming Harvard
students as a requirement for admission.
Information derived from:
Navigating the
Student Loan Process
V OL UM E 1 , I SSU E 3
W ED N ES D A Y , J A N U A R Y 27 , 2016
Meet Our Team
Financial Aid Services
Stratton Administration Building
Room 209
Phone: 610-683-4077
Fax: 610-683-1380
E-mail: financialaid@kutztown.edu
Celebrating 150 Years
Evan Weiler is an Assistant
Director of Financial Aid. He
completed his Bachelors of
Arts in English Literature
from , York College of Pennsylvania. He financed his
education by working at the
campus café and Giant’s deli.
Evan launched his career at
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
(PHEAA) immediately after
college, working with student loan repayment, defaulted
loans, and loan forgiveness programs. He moved to Financial
Aid Services at KU and has been here for six years. Evan’s favorite part of his role is counseling students about loan repayment. “I let the student speak and listen to the whole story.
It’s important to understand each individual’s situation. After
work, Evan spends his time enjoying a good book.
Just Our 2 Cents Trivia Time answer
What is the oldest continuously functioning university in the world*?
*According to Guinness World Records
University of al-Qarawiyyin, founded in AD 859
Stay Tuned...
Please join us in the following editions where we will explain different types of financial aid, how to receive
them, and learn about the Financial Aid Services team members and what it means to each of us to
champion students.
What year was the U.S. Department of Education Founded? Find out next release!
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 4