Handout 5th Lecture ECON 4230/35 Kjell Arne Brekke I expect to cover the topics at least until the slutsky equation with endowment in class, but maybe not all of it. 1 The Slutsky Equation Di¤erentiate the identity hi (p; u) xi (p; e(p; u)) with respect to pi , using shepards lemma and denote m = e(p; u); and solve for @xi (p;m) @pj give the Slutsky equation @xi (p; m) @hi (p; u) = @pj @pj xj (p; m) @xi (p; m) @m Interpretation: When we change prices and move alond the indi¤ernce curve @hi (p;u) @pj we do two things: Change prices (p;m) sates income xj (p; m) @xi@m . 1.0.1 Classi…cation Necessary goods: @xi (p; m) m <1 @m xi Luxury good @xi (p; m) m >1 @m xi 1 @xi (p;m) @pj and compen- Inferior goods @xi (p; m) <0 @m Normal goods @xi (p; m) >0 @m Gi¤en good @xi (p; m) >0 @pi Problem 1 Use the Slutsky equation to explain why normal goods are not Gi¤en goods. 1.0.2 Implications of Shepards lemma and Slutsky Next note that @hi (p; y) @ 2 e(p; u) @ 2 e(p; u) @hj (p; y) = = = @pj @pj @pi @pi @pj @pi Two goods are complements if @hj (p;y) @pi @hj (p;y) @pi < 0 and substitutes if > 0. Note that this de…nition would not work with Marshalliand demand where it is conceivable that @xi (p; m) @xj (p; m) <0< @pj @pi 1.1 Properties of the demand function Symmetry and the negative diagonal elements @hi (p; y) @pi 2 0 2 Revealed preferences Problem 2 If we invoke the assumptions about preferences above (including monotonicity) and observe that the person choose x at prices p then x y for all y such that py < px Why do we know this? De…nition 3 If we observer xt and pt then for all x such that pt xt > p t x we say xt P D x that xt is strictly directly revealed preferred to x. While if pt xt pt x then xt RD x De…nition 4 If there is a sequence xt RD xs RD xa RD ::::RD x then xt Rx and we say that xt is weakly revealed preferred to x. For this to be preferences we cannot be able to generate cycles with at least one strict preference: Theorem 5 (GARP) xt Rxs implies NOT xs P D xt 2.1 Afriats teorem (is utility theory empty?) Is there any dataset that in principle would rejects consumer theory? There is: Theorem 6 (Afriat) Let (pt ; xt ) be a …nite set of observations. Then the following is equivalent. (1) There exist a locally nonsatiated utility function that rationalizes 3 data; (2) The data satis…es GARP (3) There exist numbers (ut ; us t ) such that ut + t t p (xs xt ) for all t and s. Problem 7 Assess the following claim: "It would be a good thing if no dataset could possibly reject economic consumer theory, since then we could be sure that the theory can help explain any consumer behavior we may observe". Do you agree? 3 Recoverability We have one observation x1 what can we for an arbitrary x say about the sets P = fy : y xg Problem 8 Make a diagram for the case of two commdities. Plot an x1 that is chosen at prices p1 , and pick a point x with x1 P D x . (x1 x by revealed preference.) Assume preferences are monotone and convex. (a) Mark in the …gure the largest possible area that you know must be contained in P (b) Mark in the …gure the larges possible area that you know are not intersecting with P . 4 Duality Suppose that you are given an expenditure function e(p; u), can we …gure out the underlying preferences? Let us …x a utility level u and try to …nd the set Pu = fx : u(x) 4 ug Pick any price vector p with all prices positive. Now, if for a bundle x0 px0 < e(p; u) we know that u(x0 ) < u otherwise, if u(x0 ) u we would reach the utility level at a lower cost than e(p; u). Problem 9 Illustrate the argument above in a …gure (two commodities) and show graphically how you could …nd the entire set Pu by varying prices, provided preferences are convex and monotone. Formally Pu = fx : px e(p; u) for all pricevectors p >>0g and for convex monotone preferences Pu = P u Thus we do not have to starte with the preferences at all, but we can starte with the expenditure function. The problem is: If we are given a candidate for an expenditure function, a function (p; u), how do we know that it is in fact an expenditure function and that there are some preferences behind to be recovered. This is the theorem in section 6.2 of the textbook. The candidate must be non-negative, hmogenous in degree one, non-decreasing and concave in prices. Problem 10 Why would be ever want to start with the expenditure function and not the preferences? Can you see any advantages? 5 5 Slutsky with Endowments Consider the problem max u(x) x subject to px = p! that is m = p! + m0 : Now @hj @xj = + (! i @pi @pi xi ) @xj @m Problem 11 A worker is choosing between consumption c at prices p and leasure L, and get an income wl from labour l, while the time budget is L + l = L. (a) Show that the consumers budget constraint can be written pc + wL = wL. (b) Use the Slutsky equation with endowment to analyze how the demand for leisure respond to changes in wages w: 5.1 Aggregation There is no such good as a jacket, or a car. There are thousands of models of jackets, and the condition of a used car is more like a continuum. Still to make analyses tractable we will consider things like the demand for cars or the demand for clothes, the demand for food etc. Does this make sense? Assume that p = tp0 and de…ne the commodity, e.g. food X = p0 x 6 while the price is P =t De…ne the indirect utility function V (P; q; m) = max u(x; z) x;z such that P p0 x + qz m Problem 12 V satisfy the conditions of an indirect utility function. How do we then proceed to get the utility function U (X; z) taking the aggregate commodity as an argument? 5.2 Aggregating across consumers Given the individual demand xi (p; mi ) we can de…ne an aggregate demand x(p; m) = I X xi (p; mi ) i=1 m = (m1 ; :::; mn ) It will inherit the structure from individual demand concerning prices. but does it satsify the general properties of individual demand. Does there exist a representative consumer? That is can we de…ne an income M such that x(p; m) = x(p; M )? Due to Walras law, the only candidate is (why?): M= X 7 mi Problem 13 Show that if x(p; m) = x(p; M ) then redistribution of income cannot have an impact on aggregate consumption and moreover that this imply @xkj @xki = for all i and j @mi @mj Do you think this is a reasonable assumption? 8